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Karori’s Quiz Night coming up
The Rotary Club of Karori will kick off a busy 2023 with a Quiz Night at the One Fat Bird Café on Sunday 5 March starting at 7pm.

Open to everyone, the Quiz Night will raise funds for a Rotary District project “Lifting the Lid” on Youth Suicide, which was launched last year.
Youth suicide is becoming a vital issue for some schools, says Karori Rotary Past President and project convenor Allan Frazer. A funding commitment from Rotary to help school counsellors working with secondary students at risk is something Rotary wants to do.
“Increasingly we are hearing about issues facing students at our secondary schools and the pressures on counsellors to adequately assist schools with those most at risk,” Allan says.
“More funding is clearly needed for this work.”

Karori Rotary covers an area from Makara, Karori, Kelburn and Northland, and invites people to form quiz teams of six for the Quiz Night.
The cost is $25 a person. Payment and registration can be made by internet banking to the Rotary Club of Karori 03 1540 0014117 00. Include your name and Quiz night in the reference field.
Karori Rotary is also seeking applications from Makara, Karori, Kelburn and Northland community organisations for grants for worthy projects.

The club will provide up to $10,000 for each of the next three years for deserving projects.

The grant round closes on 10 March. Organisations that have a project they think may qualify can contact Allan Frazer on 027 450 3861, allan.frazer@gmail.com or David Watt on 027 246 6339, dwatt@xtra.co.nz. Expression of Interests forms will be sent and must be returned by 10 March to rotary. secretary@icloud.com.

To allow consideration of an application, community organisations need to provide financial information, including a balance sheet and recent income and expenditure, and the purpose and importance of the project for the community.
Karori Rotary is also working with the Karori Business Association in planning “Pride in Work” awards for people in business and community organisations. More information on this project will be available soon.

People wanting to know more about Karori Rotary, its projects and meetings, including business breakfasts with top speakers, can contact David Watt.