Station reopens
The Wainuiomata Police Station reopened yesterday (4 October) after being closed for more than a decade.
Hutt South MP Ginny Andersen, who has done a lot of work towards
getting the Police Station opened again, reopened the station at a ceremony beginning at 10am. The station then opened to the public at noon and will be open from now on for two days a week – Tuesdays and Wednesdays from noon to 4pm. Continued on page 2.
By Frank Neill
At the reopening of the Wainuiomata Police Station (from left) Inspector Dion Bennett, Hutt South MP Ginny Andersen, Ikaroa-Rāwhiti MP Meka Whaitiri and Hutt Mayor Campbell Barry.
Wednesday October 5, 2022 Phone: (04) 587 1660 YOUR LOCAL NEWS Today 2-14Thursday 4-8 Friday 5-11Saturday 10-13 See us online Authorised by Ginny Andersen MP, Parliament Buildings, Wellington Ginny Andersen MP for Hutt South Wainuiomata office 04 564 4988 /GinnyAndersenHuttSouth Photo: Frank Neill.
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Police Station reopening
Continued from page 1
“This is an auspicious occasion … one that I have been looking forward to for a long time,” Ms Andersen said when opening the station, standing in for Police Minister Chris Hipkins.
“I see the station opening today as a commitment to service to the community.
“I look forward to word spreading through the community that you can come here and get the support that you need.”
“It’s a big deal,” Ms Andersen says, noting that it is very important that members of the public can easily access the Police.
“I am really proud we have got it. It’s great to see the Police funded well enough to be able to reopen the Wainuiomata station.”
“This is a pretty special day,” Hutt City Mayor Campbell Barry told the opening.
“Being able to have a physical presence and have the doors open sends a very important message about access to the community.
“Having this presence is vitally important,” Mr Barry said.
“It’s been a long journey for us, longer than we wanted,” Te Awa Kairangi Hutt Valley Area Commander Inspector Dion Bennett said.
“Wainuiomata is a strong community. To support Wainuiomata
we need to get this place [the Police Station] open again.
“This is a place that belongs to everyone … a place of solutions, not problems,” Inspector Bennett said.
The team of six staff at the station is led by Community Sergeant Patrick (Pat) Tangipo and includes Community Constables Kenneth Simms and Ethan Bland, Youth Aid Officers Sue Bush and Ngataina Herewini, School Community Officer Tanya Leef and Station Support Officer Claire Taylor.
Sergeant Tangipo (Ng ti Kahungunu and Ng Rauru Iwi) has been a Police officer for nine years and has been stationed
in Wainuiomata since late January.
He has lived in Wainuiomata for the past 17 years, raising three children with his wife Tia. He is well known as a sports coach and a local rugby player.
“I love Wainui. We are a great community with a raft of talent,” Sergeant Tangipo says.
“I see the challenges Wainui faces and I am committed to overseeing and ensuring it is safe.
“However, this cannot be done alone and I am fortunate to be working alongside our partners and other community organisations such as the Community Patrol, M ori Wardens, K kiri Marae and Wainuiomata Marae.”
Book by Fred Ebb and Bob Fosse Music by John Kander Lyrics by Fred Ebb Based on the play Chicago by Maurine Dallas Watkins Script adaptation by David Thompson BY ARRANGEMENT WITH ORiGiN™ THEATRICAL ON BEHALF OF SAMUEL FRENCH LTD.,
The Wainuiomata Police team (from left) Constable Ethan Bland, Constable Kenneth Simms, Constable Tanya Leef, Station Support Officer Claire Taylor, Youth Aid Officer Sue Bush, Sergeant Pat Tangipo and Youth Aid Officer Ngataina Herewini.
Photo: Frank Neill.
2 Wednesday October 5, 2022 How to reach us Phone (04) 587 1660 Address 23 Broderick Rd, Johnsonville P.O. Box 38-776, WMC 5045 Fax (04) 587 1661 ONLINE: NATIONAL SALES Sam Barnes 021 109 4406 SALES Les Whiteside 021 360 008 REPORTER Frank Neill 027 490 3916 YOUR LOCAL NEWSPAPER CLASSIFIED SALES
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readers have their say... Find out the WORD on the Street.
Q: What is your favourite video game and why do you like it?
Swing bridge being replaced
The old, narrow swing bridge on Gums Loop Track is being replaced by Greater Wellington Regional Council (GWRC).
Construction of the new bridge began on 26 September, and will continue until next month.
While the old bridge was too narrow for wheelchairs and most pushchairs, the new bridge will be wide enough to take them.
Replacing the 25-year-old bridge is part of GWRC’s plan to make the Gums Loop Track accessible to everybody.
The track will need to close at times during
construction of the new bridge, and the closures will be signposted.
The Gums Loop Track is a 3.1km loop trail, which is a very easy walk that takes around 40 minutes.
It is located in the Wainuiomata Regional Park and runs along each side of the Wainuiomata River, which the swing bridge crosses near the top of the trail.
Access is via the Hine Road car park, and the first half of the trail is through trees and bush, while the return half runs alongside Reservoir Road.
Celebrating NZ’s elders this International Day of Older Persons
Enliven is calling on New Zealanders, including the Government, to recognise the elders in their communities this month.
Saturday 1 October is International Day of Older Persons, which aims to challenge negative stereotypes and misconceptions about older persons and ageing, something Enliven aims to do every day.
Enliven Central operates rest homes and retirement villages across the lower North Island, including Lower Hutt’s Woburn Home.
General Manager Nicola Turner says Enliven’s mission is to create age friendly communities where older people thrive, regardless of their age or ability.
“We truly value age here. Older people have so much to give. They deserve to have a life full of life!”
She says there are many organisations, like Enliven, working hard to support older people through a variety of aged care services, yet the lack of Government support is leaving older people out in the cold.
“Our elders deserve so much more than
that!” says Nicola. “They have lived amazing lives and we need to care more about their needs.”
The spotlight has been on the aged care sector recently with many leaders describing the entire sector being on the verge of collapse.
“The lack of aged care funding is a real problem, as is the shortage of nurses. If the sector collapses, where do older people go?
“As a society we need to place more value on our older people. The Government needs to provide more support for older people and aged care,” says Nicola.
A range of events and activities are planned across New Zealand this week to celebrate International Day of Older Persons or Seniors Week.
Nicola hopes that people take the opportunity to recognise and value older people and the contributions they have made, and continue to make, to New Zealand society.
To find out more visit www.enlivencentral. or find Enliven on Facebook @EnlivenCentralNZ. PBA.
1 October is International Day of Older Persons, but at Enliven we celebrate older people every day!
You see, Enliven’s homes and retirement villages are a little bit
Enliven is a great place to live and work!
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Veda Patel
Minecraft. You can get creative and it’s not boring.
Ethan Neru NBA 2K23, because I’m good at it.
Shane Leo’oBritney Herlihy
Dragon Age, because the choices you make affect the game.
Nikita Uppalapapi
Ishika Patel
Minecraft. There’s lots of things to do. It keeps me entertained for hours.
Valorant. It’s really entertaining. It’s very strategic and you can play it with your friends and get to meet new people.
Call of Duty. It helps your eyesight get better.
Enliven's homes are full of life. Photo Supplied.
The old swing bridge on Gums Loop Track which is being replaced by Greater Wellington Regional Council. Photo: Supplied.
3Wednesday October 5, 2022
Croquet club celebrates
The Wainuiomata Croquet Club turned 29 years old this week and the club members went out to lunch to celebrate on 2 October.
Four current club members –Joyce Jones, Betty Nicholson, Margaret Englebretsen and Janice Harrington – were original members and are still active in the club today helping organise events and fundraising.
Club Patron, Ray Wallace ONZM says the club has always had a family feel to it and that's been its success.
To have four original members still working hard for the club speaks volumes of the high calibre members.
Mr Wallace acknowledged that along with all the club
fundraising, garage sales and cake stalls the club has had support from the Hutt City Council and Lottery Grants which had helped build a great facility.
The club recently hosted the regional croquet tournament, hosting clubs and players from all over the greater Wellington region.
The club opened its 2022-23 season on 1 October with a large number of club members and local dignitaries in attendance.
The club is looking for new members both young and old. They are having coaching days on Wednesday and Saturdays 11am to 12.30pm at Bryan Heath Annex in Heath Street.
Plant’s immunity : By Wally Richards
Plants, just like ourselves, have built in protection against diseases through their immunity systems.
We build up our immunity naturally over the years by surviving disease attacks and by having a healthy nutritionally rich diet.
That is not to say that we are immune to disease attacks but under normal situations we can fend off most health problems when we have very good health.
If we get into stress then our metabolism does not have the same stamina and we catch a cold or worse.
It is said the leading cause of heart disease and cancer is stress. I think its the stress that is the straw that breaks the camels back, after unhealthy living and insufficient nutrient rich food.
The same applies to plants, place them into stress and they will more likely catch a disease.
I have written a lot in the past on how to build the health of plants by building the health of the soil; having soil that is rich in humus, minerals, earth worms and soil life.
Even when we have the best soil on earth, plants can still catch a cold when they are placed into stress and our current spring weather is very stressful to our plants and to us keen gardeners.
Chilly winds, too wet, too dry, only the occasional nice day does not make for great gardening and our plants don’t do so well either.
We can however increase the immune systems of plants by a few monthly sprays of Perkfection Supa for roses and other plants.
The active ingredient of Perkfection is ‘Phosphite ion’ or Phosphonic Acid. (Potassium ions are also present).
Perkfection is very safe to handle and spray and when used on food crops there is no withholding period other than your normal washing of produce before eating.
Perkfection is used extensively by commercial growers of produce and fruit as its safe, effective, in prevention and control while not restrictive on exports of produce.
We have suggested Perkfection Supa for Roses and Other Plants as
an alternative to more toxic sprays, for the assistance in recovery from/ or prevention of, the following problems:
Black spot, Downy Mildew, Phytophthora Root rot, botrytis, Canker, heart rot, damping off, crown rot, leaf blight, silver leaf, late blight, collar rot, pink rot, brown rot, Armillaria, and gummy stem rot.
Now that’s a big list of common plant diseases which means that many of your disease related problems can be overcome with applications of this product.
Besides using Perkfection over your roses for the likes of Black spot and Downy mildew you can also use it as a spray over all your fruiting plants and trees including your strawberries.
It can be used also over your potatoes, tomatoes, lettuce, beans, cubits (cucumbers etc) lawns, onions, passion fruit, Cauliflowers, cybidium orchids and ornamental plants and vines.. In fact there is no where you cannot use Perkfection to advantage.
Being ‘Synthetic Organic Phosphates’ what you are doing, is placing this valuable material, onto the foliage of your plants, where it is very readily absorbed and transferred through the whole of the plant.
This fortifies the plant’s cells, increases the plant’s immune system and makes your plants less susceptible to invading pathogens.
There is however a down side, as with any good thing, you can use
too much and the recommendation is to use Perkfection at 4 ml per litre of spray once a month for about 6 times in a season.
(Note a season is the normal period of time for that crop or plant. Roses are from Spring till Autumn. Most annuals 5-6 months.)
The reason is that, you can over load your plant with organic phosphates causing a clogging of the cells and halting growth until the system clears.
If a plant has a problem spray the first month with Perkfection at 7 mls per litre.
For plants you wish to fortify use at 4ml per litre for 2 to 3 months.
Prevention is better than cure and by spraying your plants in the spring you give the greatest protection to leaves and fruit, autumn spray will give greatest protection to roots and tubers.
I have suggested that on the 1st of the month to spray your roses and other preferred plants with Perkfection, MBL (Magic Botanic Liquid) and Mycorrcin. Then 14 days later (15th) spray with Mycorrcin and MBL.
What we are doing is boosting the plant’s immune system, supplying a large range of minerals and elements, feeding the beneficial microbes to increase their populations which also work to eliminate diseases.
If insects problems occur then include Wallys Super Pyrethrum as it is a quick knock down control.
by Chris Bishop, Parliament Buildings,
At the Wainuiomata Croquet Club’s 29th birthday celebration this week (front row from left) foundation club members Joyce Jones, Betty Nicholson, Margaret Englebretsen and Janice Harrington; (back row from left) Ray Wallace, Bruce Manuge, Anne Pringle , Barbara Hartley, Vicky Manuge, Nancy McDonald, Marilyn Aislabie, Averil Fry, Maureen Heenan, Dave Mayoss and Chris Mayoss. Photo: Supplied.
4 Wednesday October 5, 2022
Wgtn. Phone 04 564 8707 or email me at List MP based in Hutt South Chris Bishop You can always contact my Wainuiomata office for assistance. 42 Burden Avenue, Wainuiomata, Wellington 0800 428365 T: 04 5643792 E: Providing funeral services for ALL Cultures ALL Religions and to meet ALL specific individual requirements. 30 day invoice - no deposit required. Look for us on Facebook—Haven Falls Funeral Home Kia ora to the Community of Wainuiomata & Hutt Valley Funeral Home Funeral Packages available from 2990.00+gst
NEWS TIPS Send your tips to
HashTags seek vape controls
By Frank Neill
Wainuiomata’s HashTags have asked Parliament to restrict sales of vaping products to licensed R18 specialist retailers.
The HashTags presented their petition on vaping to Hutt South MP Ginny Andersen at Parliament on 28 September.
This is the second time the HashTags have sought a law change, having successfully lobbied to have smoking banned in cars carrying people aged under 18 years.
Based in Wainuiomata, the HashTags is a group of young people which was formed in 2010 in Wainuiomata. Since its inception, numbers have grown and it now includes rangatahi from “over the hill”, including from schools like Motueka High School.
Their petition asks “that the House of Representatives restrict the sale of vaping products to licensed R18 specialist vape retailers and develop and implement proximity and den-
sity limits to limit the number of vape retailers near schools, marae and other facilities used by youth”.
The petition was signed by 2552 people.
“We believe this will protect young people,” the HashTags say.
“Vaping products are widely available in New Zealand with 668 specialist vape retailers and approximately 5,000 generic retailers.
“Youth vaping has risen rapidly – 19.1% of 14-15 year old M ori report vaping daily and many young people who vape have never smoked.
“We believe that widespread product availability normalises vaping and makes experimentation easier.
“Many vape retailers are located in residential neighbourhoods and in close proximity to schools,” the HashTags say.
Ms Andersen has welcomed the petition.
“We need to do more to address the concerning number of youth who are vaping,” Ms Andersen
“Currently the settings are not right – particularly on vaping retailers’ proximity to schools and vaping devices that target young people.
“It really worries me how many young people are taking up vaping and the HashTags have my full support for taking up this challenge.
“They’ve driven change in the past by advocating to change the law on smoking in cars and I have no doubt they can do it again.”
It became illegal to smoke or vape in cars with anyone under the age of 18 years on 28 November 2021.
The HashTags were a major driving force behind the push to get this law change, becoming the first – and so far the only – youth group to successfully lobby for a law change.
They held a series of community information and pop-up events, and presented to a Parliamentary Select Committee on the proposal
to ban smoking and vaping in cars carrying people aged under 18 years.
In their presentations, the HashTags quoted a 2011 University
of Otago study which found that the frequency of people smoking in cars in Wainuiomata was 11 times higher than the average in the study.
HashTags Aayla Toman (left), Fanua Rimoni and Riana Le’afa-Paki presenting their petition on vaping to Hutt South MP Ginny Andersen. Photo: Supplied.
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Is it true that your hair grows back thicker if you shave?
No — shaving hair doesn’t change its thickness, color or rate of growth. Shaving facial or body hair gives the hair a blunt tip. The tip might feel coarse or “stubbly” for a time as it grows out. During this phase, the hair might be more noticeable and perhaps appear darker or thicker — but it’s not.
Time to vote, if you haven’t
Voting in this year’s local body elections closes at noon on Saturday 8 October.
People can either cast their vote, or drop off their completed voting papers, at the Wainuiomata Community Hub.
It is important to vote, if you have not done so already, as your vote helps to decide who is elected to make decisions both for Wainuiomata and for Hutt City as a whole.
The people voters elect will help shape the city and its suburbs in both the immediate future and the longer term.
Democracy works best when everybody’s voice is heard and represented at the decision-making tables – whether that is the Wainuiomata Community Board, Hutt City Council, Greater Wellington Regional Council or the Hutt Mana Charitable Trust.
A Mayor, who will lead Hutt City, will be elected and three people are standing for this role – the current Mayor Campbell Barry, Falgoon Patel and Tony Stallinger.
Two people are standing for the one Wainuiomata Ward seat – the current Ward Councillor Keri Brown and Phil Galley.
There are 23 candidates standing for the six City-wide Councillor seats.
They are Mark Atkin, Josh Briggs, Brady Dyer, Simon Edwards, Mike Fisher, Peter Fraser, Simon Gibbs, Barbara Hay, Rachel Leamy, Kari Lloyd, Rob Macdonald, John Middleton, Karen Morgan, Chris Norton, Prabha Ravi, Daniel Reurich, Evelyn Joy Richter (née Crichton), Tony Stallinger, Phil Stratford, Gabriel Tupou, Rosanna von Keisenberg, Jodie Winterburn and Karen (Kaz) Yung.
Ten people are standing for the six seats on the Wainuiomata Community Board.
They are Elle Abel, Lesa Bingley, Daniel Chrisp, Leah Clark, Tamsyn Harker, Te Awa Puketapu, Aneterea (Andrew) Sa’u, Dallas Serj-Reilly, Gary Sue and Sisi Tuala-Le’afa.
Seven people are standing as Lower Hutt members of Greater Wellington Regional Council.
They are David Bassett, Tracey Buick, Quentin Duthie, Ken Laban, Peggy W Luke-Ngaheke, Michael Stevenson and Alex Voutratzis.
Hutt City electors will be using two different voting systems. For the Hutt Mayor, City Councillors, community Board members and the Hutt Mana Charitable Trust, the system is First Past the Post (FPP), while for Greater Wellington Regional Council the system is Single Transferable Vote (STV).
Under FPP electors vote by indicating their preferred candidates with a tick. Voters must not tick more than the number of places to be filled.
Under STV voters rank the candidates in order of preference, giving a “1” to their most preferred candidate, then a “2” and so on. Voters can rank as many or as few candidates as they wish.
Hutt votes have the opportunity to vote for their preferred voting system – either FPP or STV – in this year’s local authority elections.
Fewer than half the people eligible to vote actually cast a vote at the last local body elections, held in 2019.
Voter turnout was 43% in 2019, and that was the highest turnout in the last 10 years.
The official election result will be released on 13 October. Progress results will be available on 8 October from 2pm and preliminary results will be available either later in the evening of 8 October or on 9 October.
6 Wednesday October 5, 2022 CLASSIFIEDS Trades Graham’s Painters E: grahamspaintersnz W: Ph: (04) 564 9202 021 183 9492 Experienced tradesmen and large team Get your House Exterior and Interior painted! ~ Pensioner Discounts ~ ON...WHAT’S The Community Noticeboard is for non-profit organisations. For $15.00 you can publish up to 25 words. No AGMS, sporting notices or special meetings. Community Notices must be pre-paid. Call into our office, phone (04) 587 1660 or email Funeral Directors Generations of Honouring Legacy www (04) 528 2331 (04) 566 3103 (04) 237 5332 “ “ CASSIE MURPHY Funeral Director GAVIN MURPHY General Manager NEWS TIPS Send your tips to wainui@ View the Wainuiomata News online
WEDNESDAY FACT RWPuzzle OO CR S SD SOLUTION For April 9, 2003 SOLUTION For July 21, 2004 ACROSS 1. Enterprising (2-3-6) 7. Seer (7) 11. Custom (5) 12. Joy (7) 13. Topic (5) 14. Assigned for later action (cheque)(4-5) 15. Without haste (9) 16. Woman(Maori) (6) 18. Pirate (7) 21. Funeral fire (4) 23. Tent rope (3) 25. Sea bird (3) 27. Hires (4) 28. Retribution (7) 30. Accident (6) 32. Play on words (3) 33. Small demon (3) 34. Feverish (6) 35. Eye liner (7) 36. Employer (4) 37. However(poetic) (3) 39. Self (3) 41. Egyptian waterway; canal (4) 43. Ghost (7) 45. Glimpses (6) 48. Coffee shop (9) 49. Noticeable (9) 51. Possessed (5) 52. Sleeping robe(Fem) (7) 53. Remain (5) 54. Kenya’s capital (7) 55. Compensated (11) DOWN 1. Seize(power) wrongfully (5) 2. Painkiller (11) 3. Anticipating with horror (8) 4. Strangeness (6) 5. Lazed (5) 6. Titters (7) 7. N.Z Maori novelist; Grace (8) 8. Repugnant (6) 9. Socks,stockings etc (7) 10. Very small (5) 16. Renegs on wager (7) 17. Castrated males (7) 19. Musical drama (5) 20. Search through (7) 22. Breathes out (7) 24. Longing (3) 26. Lamb hide (3) 29. Bring on oneself (5) 31. Acts of warfare (11) 32. Stone(of friut) (3) 33. Rage (3) 38. Method; modus (8) 40. Kiss (8) 42. Title of respect(Turkish) (7) 44. Cavalry horse (7) 46. Atist’s room (6) 47. Rill (6) 48. Sing with low smooth voice (5) 49. Of the eye (5) 50. Correct (5) Solution Last Week: 28 September 2022 Newspaper Deliverers WANTED Deliverers required in the following areas: Contact Sandra Area 1: Hamstead, Enfield, part of Wellington Rd, Whitehall - 220 Papers Area 2: Parenga St, August Ave, Aporoa St area - 235 papers Situation Vacant Death Notices MURDOCH, Iain Murray: Oct 1, 2022
Where to now for Joseph Parker?
Joseph Parker is at a crossroads.
The Kiwi heavyweight boxer needs a rebrand after he was stopped for the first time in his career at the hands of Brit Joe Joyce.
Already on the outside looking in when it comes to world title fights, the nice guy of boxing has no clear path to getting back on top.
No one before had stopped
Parker, who has been the distance with Anthony Joshua and Dillian Whyte in the past.
Parker needs to find a way to connect with casual boxing fans.
The 30-year-old is still considered young by heavyweight standards so a second and third act in his career is still possible.
The loss drops Parker to 30-3 while Joyce moves to 15-0 with 14 KOs and wins the WBO in-
terim title to edge closer to a title shot against champion Oleksandr Usyk.
Parker’s bouts do not generate interest with casual boxing fans. I would never consider spending $40 to watch the Kiwi box, it’s not entertaining to me.
Granted, I’m no maestro when it comes to the sweet science but if Parker can’t entice me to get excited in his bouts, then I’m
sure he’s struggling to draw an audience in any meaningful way in New Zealand.
Having been stopped by Joyce, it feels like any aura Parker still had as a boxer is now gone.
Reinvention stops things from becoming stale but does Parker have the ability to ask hard questions of himself and his team and make the appropriate changes?
Parker can still make good
money but does he want to be a genuine contender?
He is good mates with heavyweight champion Tyson Fury which is a double-edged sword.
Clearly, Fury is not phased at the prospect of ever facing Parker in the ring but respects him as a man and father.
The age old saying is that the nice guy finishes last and currently that fits Parker like a glove.
Student cycling event ‘fabulous’
By Frank Neill
More than 90 students from four Wainuiomata primary schools rode around the community, visiting other schools en route, last week.
The exercise aimed at giving the students an opportunity to go on a ride, having recently learned to ride bicycles.
Encouraging people to cycle not only gets them more active, which is beneficial for their health and wellbeing, it also benefits the planet as
people moving from cars to cycling has a positive impact on reducing emissions that contribute to climate change.
On 27 September 28 Konini School students cycled to St Claudine Thevenet School, where they rode around their track. They then headed to Fernlea School where they played some games, had fruit kebabs and had the opportunity to win spot prizes.
The same day 20 St Claudine Thevenet School students cycled
to Fernlea School. After riding around their track they then headed to Konini School for afternoon tea and games.
On the morning of 28 September 19 Fernlea School students rode to St Claudine Thevenet School and cycled around their track. They then headed to Konini School for morning tea and games.
In the afternoon 24 Arakura School pupils cycled to Pukeatea School where they played games and had afternoon tea.
A local to watch out for
By Andy McGechan, BikesportNZ
There is perhaps no better launchpad for young Kiwi racers hoping to achieve motocross fame and fortune than the New Zealand Junior Motocross Championships and this weekend should be no exception.
Wainuiomata’s Ella Burns will be one of the top females to watch out for in the event.
It will be all about young racers stepping up to be counted when the 2022 edition of this annual event blasts off in Taranaki this weekend.
A traditional breeding ground for the sport, this year’s Aon-sponsored New Zealand Junior Motocross Championships on October 7-9 should again offer a few clues as to
where the senior champions of the future will come from.
If several notable past examples are taken into account, it could also hint at which individuals might even go on to become world champions in the years to come.
Former world class riders such as Taranaki brothers Darryll, Shayne and Damien King, Motueka’s Josh Coppins, Bay of Plenty’s Ben Townley and Otago’s Courtney Duncan, and current leading senior stars such as Mangakino’s Maximus Purvis, Mount Maunganui’s Josiah Natzke and Oparau’s James Scott can all trace the start of their winning careers back to their junior motocross days.
The New Zealand Junior Moto-
cross Championships will be held at the Barrett Road track, on the outskirts of New Plymouth.
“I am looking forward to our first championship event since the COVID-19 pandemic,” Motorcycling New Zealand motocross commissioner Lindsey Heileson said.
“I am expecting some amazing, close, hard racing between some of the country’s top junior riders.
“The host Taranaki Motorcycle Club has done an amazing job with the planning of this event at fairly short notice, so it should turn out to be an exceptional event all around.”
The New Zealand Junior Motocross Championships are supported by Aon, Rockworkz, Yamaha NZ and Dent Contracting.
Wainuiomata School and Pukeatea School were scheduled to ride on 29 September, but this was postponed to the first week of term four.
“It was fabulous,” said Sherie Wright, the school travel planner for Wainuiomata.
“The feedback has been amazing.”
The Wainuiomata school rides event was a pilot project, and following its success “we hope to do it in other areas,” Ms Wright said. Among the other areas being considered were Stokes Valley, Taita
and Pomare.
“We have been teaching the kids how to ride a bike, and this gave the kids an opportunity to actually cycle.”
The students taking part discovered that they really could cycle some distance, and they really enjoyed going to other schools, Ms Wright added.
The event was part of the Wainuiomata Primary Schools Sports Cluster to get more students active – in this case by cycling.
St Claudine Thevenet students about to begin their cycle ride. Photo: Supplied.
Some of the Arakura School students cycling around the community. Photo: Supplied.
Expect close racing like this when the start gates drop in Taranaki this weekend. Photo: Andy McGechan,
7Wednesday October 5, 2022SPORT SPORTS TALK
Jacob Page
Grey Power meets the candidates
The members of Grey Power Wanuiomata hosted a “Meet the Candidates” event at their 28 September meeting at the Wainuiomata Bowling Club. It was a gathering of the Wainuiomata Community Board candidates, the Wainuiomata Ward candidates and the three Mayoral candidates.
“The turn out from the Grey Power membership was amazing,” says Helen Thomas, the Grey Power Wainuiomata President.
There was “standing room only and every person in attendance showed their appreciation of the candidates and their willingness to share their views.
“There is no doubt that every candidate would give their very best for our community and our city and no doubt that they are sincere in their efforts on our behalf.
“Grey Power members were inspired by the range in ages of the candidates, from the young and eager to the older and more experienced.
“It will be exciting to see the results and whoever succeeds will have the utmost support and respect of Grey Power Wainuiomata.
“It was lovely to have the chance to publicly thank Mayor Campbell Barry and Councillors Keri Brown and Josh Briggs for all their support and hard work on behalf of our members.
“They are regular visitors to our meetings, updating us on projects and generally keeping us informed. This has been much appreciated by the members.”
Anyone is interested in more information about Grey Power Wainuiomata can call Helen Thomas on 022 109 6722.
Pharmac may fund adrenaline injectors
By Frank Neill
Wainuiomata people at risk of anaphylaxis from severe allergies may soon be able to access adrenaline auto-injectors funded by Pharmac.
Pharmac announced on 28 September that it will consult on funding adrenaline auto-injectors for those who need them.
Pharmac’s proposal is that people at risk of anaphylaxis who meet the eligibility criteria would receive two Pharmac funded auto-injectors each year.
The announcement is “the best news for allergy sufferers in 25 years,” says Allergy New Zealand’s Chief Executive Mark Dixon.
“We have been battling for decades to hear this and have in the last two years upped the ante with
our Fundapen and Fundapen2 campaigns to raise awareness of the need for auto-injectors to be free for people at risk of anaphylaxis,” Mr Dixon says.
“Our first application for adrenaline auto-injectors in 1997 is referenced in Pharmac’s consultation material in which they say it is one of their longest held applications.
“We encourage as many people as possible to visit Pharmac’s website to support this.
“This will be life changing for many families who have not been able to keep an up-to-date adrenaline auto-injector in their homes because of the cost, which has ranged from $120 to $250 per year for one device.
“We look forward to working with Pharmac to ensure this vital medication reaches all those who need it,” Mr Dixon says.
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