7 September Wainuiomata News

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Wednesday September 7, 2022 Phone: (04) 587 1660 YOUR LOCAL NEWS Today 5-12Thursday 5-13 Friday 7-14Saturday 7-14 See us www.wsn.co.nzonline Authorised by Ginny Andersen MP, Parliament Buildings, Wellington Ginny Andersen MP for Hutt South Wainuiomata office 04 564 /GinnyAndersenHuttSouth4988 By Frank Neill K inga Ora’s announcement on 5 August that it will build around 35 permanent homes in Wood Street has been welcomed by community leaders. Originally K inga Ora planned to deliver homes that could be relocated on the land, which it would lease. It now plans to purchase the land. Continued on page 2. The Wood Street property that is earmarked for around 35 new community houses. Photo: Lisa Bingley welcomedHousing FREE delivery within 25kms of yard DRY FIREWOOD DELIVERED OR PICKUP CHOPPS FIRE WOOD 3.6m3 9a Simmons Grove - Ph: 564 3803 -WWarrraantt ofof FitFneess -LLubbe & oiil chhaanngee -MMecchhanniccaal reepaairrs -VVehhicclee seeervviccinng -CCarravvann rerepaaiirs -MMTAA assuurredd JB Motors

2 Wednesday September 7, 2022 How to reach us Phone (04) 587 1660 Address 23 Broderick Rd, Johnsonville P.O. Box 38-776, WMC 5045 Fax (04) 587 1661 ONLINE: www.wsn.co.nz SALESNATIONAL Sam Barnes sam@wsn.co.nz 021 109 4406 SALES Les Whiteside les@wsn.co.nz 021 360 008 REPORTER Frank Neill wainui@wsn.co.nz 027 490 3916 YOUR LOCAL NEWSPAPER CLASSIFIED SALES classifieds@wsn.co.nz

Chris Bishop at the Wood Street property now earmarked for new community housing.

The Wainuiomata Community Patrol is offering people the opportunity to protect themselves from having their number plates stolen. It is running a “safer plates day” from 9am to 1pm on Saturday 10 September. The event will be held in the Wainuiomata Bowling Club car park in Moohan Street, opposite the Wainuiomata Rugby Club. Criminals steal number plates from vehicles mainly so they can attach them in front of their number plates, says Sergeant Patrick Tangipo, the officer in charge of Wainuiomata Community Policing.Thismakes it much harder for people to identify the offenders, as they will be giving Police the wrong plate number. It also makes it more difficult for Police to identify offenders, Sergeant Tangipo says. “We are having a lot of theft of number plates,” says the Wainuiomata Community Patrol coordinator Tracey Mansfield. At the “safer plates day”, community patrol members fit anti-theft screws on the number plates. This involves replacing two of the number plate screws with the anti-theft screws, which can only be removed using a special tool the community patrol has. People taking part in the programme are given a card so they can contact the community patrol should they need to remove the plates in future, Ms Mansfield says. The community patrol will fit the ant-theft screws for a koha.

42 Burden E:T:0800Wainuiomata,Avenue,Wellington428365045643792wellingtonoffice@havenfalls.co.nz Providing funeral services for ALL Cultures ALL Religions and to meet ALL specific individual requirements. 30 day invoice - no deposit required. Look for us on Facebook—Haven Falls Funeral Home Kia ora to the Community of Wainuiomata & Hutt Valley Funeral Home 2990.00+gstavailablePackagesFuneralfrom


Great for people needing a home

By Frank Neill


Continued from page 1 “I stand alongside community leaders and warmly welcome community housing,” Hutt South MP Ginny Andersen told the Wainuiomata News. “It’s great to have 35 new homes for the Wainuiomata community. It will mean a lot forAtfamilies.”present,Ms Andersen said there were about 120 people from Wainuiomata in emergency housing. In fact, Wainuiomata has the highest number of people in the Hutt Valley who are in emergency housing. “I am very, very happy [about the announcement},” Teresea Olsen, the general manager of health and social services at K kiri Marae, said. “The fact that we will have permanent housing in Wainuiomata is something I will celebrate. “Hopefully the community around Wood Street will think that as “Permanentwell. housing is better than relocatable housing,” Ms OlsenWainuiomatasaid. Ward Councillor Keri Brown also welcomed the announcement.“Oncethepermanent social housing is in place, this will be a positive option for local families impacted by housing hardship as they will be able to remain living locally and children will be able to keep attending their local schools,” Cr Brown said. “I think it is great news,” well known Wainuiomata resident Ken Laban told the Wainuiomata News. Mr Laban is very well known for his involvement with rugby league, as a local body politician and as a community worker, among other things, but was commenting on the Wood Street announcement as a Wainuiomata resident. The decision to build permanent housing in Wood Street, he said, “will benefit large numbers of children and families who are homeless.“Itakegreat comfort from the decision.“Iamdelighted that finally a decision has been made that is in the best interests of people who need a home to live in,” Mr Laban said. The announcement has also been welcomed by Chris Bishop, who has been advocating for and working for the Wood Street residents’ group. “It is good news,” Mr Bishop said.“The community has always expressed a preference for permanent housing on the site. “The land is vacant and it has been for the last 20 years. “We have a desperate need for housing in Lower Hutt” and “I welcome the development,” Mr Bishop says. K inga Ora announced on 5 August that it is finalising the purchase of a vacant site in Wood Street “to deliver much needed permanent public housing for families in need of a place to call home”. “As we have worked through proposed plans, incorporating community feedback as well as the current housing need, we are now looking to deliver all permanent public housing on the Wood St site,” Greg Groufsky, K inga Ora’s Greater Wellington Regional Director, said. “We want these homes to work well for the families who will live here as well as the wider community.“Thechange from the original proposal of leasing the land to deliver homes which could be relocated, to delivering permanent public housing, has taken time to work“Thethrough.change meant purchasing the land, which is a more complex process. We have engaged with iwi and a number of government agencies to work through all potential treaty settlement matters on the land, and worked closely with Port Nicholson Block Settlement Trust to investigate how we might work together,” Mr Groufsky said. “We want to thank the community for their patience, as we acknowledge this has taken time.“Now we believe we have the foundations for a good housing solution that best meets the needs of the community, mana whenua and the many families who need a home. “It is still our intention to deliver around 35 homes, and we are reviewing our earlier plans to ensure these are still fit-for-purpose. We will keep the community informed and share updated plans ahead of lodging Resource Consent in early 2023,” Mr Groufsky said.

On Queen

Photo: Gerald Rillstone.


Simply spend $10 or more in any participating business, hospitality or retail store on Queen Street for your chance to win 1 of 3 $300 prize packs each week for the month of September 2022. Enter online or in store and be sure to keep or photograph your receipt in case you win. T’s and C’s apply - see our website for full details. Good Luck, and thank you for supporting our local businesses Promotion runs from 1 September – 30 September 2022 Supported by Hutt City Council Win 1 of 12 $300packs!prize & WIN ! Street 1st -30th September 2022

Stopping number plate

Clive’s Chemist, 20-21 Queen Street, Wainuiomata.

Why should you have to hide from the fresh scent of freshly mown grass and the pollen in the light of springtime air? Allergies are no joke when you’re under attack. Take the power back with these tips to help reduce your allergy

Parkway College 50th reunion

Spring brings us many things to smile about. Daffodils, sunnier days, baby animals and blossom trees should be things we enjoy, rather than avoid this season.

Ayisha Torrington

Composed by David Smith 2022

Aim to keep your windows closed at night to avoid pollen getting inside the Yourhouse.skin and hair will collect pollen during the day. Having more frequent showers will help to wash away any that has been trapped. It will also reduce skin irritations that can come from too much exposure to pollen

My hope is that humankind, Will live out its time in peace, That as long, as our hearts are functioning, Love will have a home, Hate will have nowhere to grow, And joy will know no bounds.

Former Parkway College students will come together for a 50th reunion during Labour weekend thisTheyear.weekend will begin with a “meet and greet” at the Wainuiomata Rugby Club at 7pm on Friday 21AOctober.golftournament will take place at the Wainuiomata Golf Club at 1pm the next day, followed by the 50th reunion dinner at the Wainuiomata Rugby Club. The dinner will begin at 6:30pm.

Bounce Back this Allergy Season

One of the third form (year 9) classes at Parkway College in 1972. Photo: Supplied.

A second way in is the major issue, because we have only one way in.

Roger Finlay

Avoidsymptoms:beingoutside on humid or windy days. Anytime between 5am and 10am is when the most pollen is being release, so take extra care during this time. Use you weather apps. They will tell you about the daily rankings for allergens. Try www. weather.com to track pollen in Wainuiomata.

The reunion will visit the school that was Parkway College, and is now Wainuiomata High School, at 11am on Sunday 23 October. The visit will include tree planting and a Parkwaybarbecue.Collegeopened in 1972 with at least three third form (year 9)Followingclasses. the 2001 school year, Parkway College and Wainuiomata College merged, opening as Wainuiomata High School in 2002.Tickets to the reunion cost $35, and people can both find out more information and register for the event at union-2022-tickets-336800157337.co.nz/e/parkway-college-50th-re-https://www.eventbrite.

By Frank Neill

Infrastructure – especially water, wastewater and sewerage – and crime.

Abandoned in favour of hope

If you want to make the most of this season and melt away those winter blues, here at Clive’s Chemist there is a wide variety of products to manage or eliminate allergies. Our specialist team can talk to you about a plan to that you can look forward to getting out and smelling the flowers.

The main issue would be another access. If you want another one it’s the water.

Ellie Salla Climate change. That’s the main issue Frans van der WesthuizenIan Williams I think the council need to sort itself out because it’s going haywire. Everybody has got enough to say but not much to do.

3Wednesday September 7, 2022 readers have their say... Find out the WORD on the Street. TOONADVERTISETHISPAGECONTACTSAMNOW Sam Barnes Sales M: 021 109 4406 E: sam@wsn.co.nz Love Shoplocal.local. Q: What is the biggest issue facing the Wellington region at present?

Molly Neill For me it’s potholes, especially down my street. We have four potholes and have been constantly complaining about that but they never get fixed.

Everything built to be abandoned, Except for Everythinghope.willdecay one day, Except for Everythinghope.willbe given up at some stage, Except for Everythinghope.willfail, eventually, Except hope.

The fallen foliage is left on the soil to be re-absorbed back into the soil. The latter may need a further treatment or two using the same method to finally finish them off. If the hoe is used when the weeds are very young, it will successfully kill both annual and perennial weeds which have grown from seed. The older and more established the perennials, the more treatments will be required to get rid of them.

To the Editor

Dear Editor, There are a lot of people with blocks of concrete in their footwear. Wonder why they get tickets all the time. Well you only have to look at what speed does on the Wainuiomata hill road. The markings still remain on the centreThere’sbarriers.good drivers and very bad ones. Not all young drivers are reckless. I have seen drivers in their 40s and 50s doing some rather dumb things on the roads. You are meant to be an example to the young ones, not teaching them bad habits.Most people going for their licence do things right, but once their learning is over they forget the road rules. The speed on the hill is 80km/h not 100 km/h. I remember when I was working on the Council in 1986 filling the center barrier with sand. We went for a tea break and then heard a crash. Yeah, the barrier that we filled had to be repaired. Some clown went too fast on ice. Yes it was a frost and we had cold fingers.

Ratio to use will depend on several factors you could start off say 100 mils of used cooking oil with 100mils of dish washing liquid into a litre of water.That may dehydrate some weeds and other weeds may need a stronger solution. Of course you can spray it undiluted for maximum effect. Plants are at their most vulnerable in sunlight on hot sunny days when moisture levels in the soil are low. It is then that the roots of the plants will be gathering moisture as fast as possible to send upwards to replace the moisture lost through leaf transpiration.Whenwater is being lost from the leaves faster than it can be replaced, plants will be seen to wilt or droop.

Peter Wells

Salt can also be applied dry on cobbles to kill weeds in joints or cracks. Another home product which is useful is white vinegar. It is made from ascetic acid which, in its undiluted state, can be quite dangerous to play with if you don’t know what you are doing.

You need only to experiment a little with various dilution rates to see what works best for you. Good old common table salt, purchased in bulk or in kilo bags, is probably the cheapest natural weedkiller available to everyone.

After searching a Wainuiomata property on 30 August, Police recovered stolen tools, car parts, diesel and other items – most of them stolen from building sites. Police arrested a 39-year-old man. He is facing nine burglary related charges and Police are continuing to inquire. The man is scheduled to reappear in the Hutt Valley District Court on 15 September. This spate of burglaries and thefts from residential building sites in Wainuiomata and Lower Hutt has been going on for a while, the officer in charge of Wainuiomata Community Policing, Sergeant Patrick Tangipo told the Wainuiomata News. “We have managed to make a couple of good arrests over the last couple of months.” In July Police arrested two men, both aged 39 years. One was charged with burglary and cultivating cannabis and the other with receiving stolen property and possessing cannabis for Sergeantsupply.Tangipo advises tradespeople to beef up building site security to minimise the chances of being victims of building site burglaries. Among the measures he recommendsremovingare: tools from the site when they are not engravingpresent; or placing some form of unique marking on material stored at building sites; lookingand at other security measures such as installing security cameras, or even using the services of security guards. Engraving or placing a unique marking on tools can assist Police identify products if they are stolen and may even prevent the items being stolen in the first place.

By Frank Neill

Likewise, salt applied directly to the soil in reasonable quantities will also give a long-term control, depending on the amount applied to an area. Simply apply the salt and leave it to get all those unwanted plants out of our cobbles or pathways - it’s a cheap and easy Sulphatesolution.ofammonia (which is another type of salt with nitrogen), was once another very popular weedkiller for spot control. It was also relatively inexpensive if purchased in 25kg bags from stock and station agents.Allthat’s required is about a tablespoon of sulphate of ammonia powder placed onto the crown or centre of a weed. Left alone, the dry salts will burn out the crown of the weed, killing it outright. As it is nitrogen, the control residue level lasts only for a short time. Some gardeners use this product on flat weeds in lawns - and indeed it can be a reasonably successful lawn weedkiller if mixed in with sand to get an even spread over the lawn.

So how long will it take before another driver gets taken out by their stupidity? Like a trip to the undertaker? I don’t care what happens to the idiots who deliberately speed and do crazy stuff, but don’t cause other people to die along with you. Why should the emergency services come to your aid when you are careless?

Only small amounts of ascetic acid, probably about 100ml to 1 litre of water, are needed to make a strong white vinegar. If I remember correctly, it becomes a good weedkiller if diluted to the rate of about 15-20% acid. Salt is certainly much safer to use, and can be purchased cheaply in bulk.

Many years ago, and probably still today in some places, many people did their own oil changes on their vehicles, primarily to save on the cost of having a garage do it. The old oil from the sump would then be poured over areas where gardeners didn’t want plants to grow - it was often applied to grassy areas of parks to mark out the lines for football fields and the like. The strip over which the oil was poured would be bare of grasses for a long period of time. Diesel, at about $2.50 plus a litre, (price varies) is a very good weed killer, used either as a spray to knock out weeds with a short-term residue growing in waste areas, or as a drench for longer term control.

Alternative weed controls :

By Wally Richards

Use it at the rate of 240 grams (about 12 heaped tablespoons) to a litre of warm or hot water to dissolve it, and then spray it on the foliage of the weeds, again in sunny dry conditions.

Arrest follows burglary spate

There are several common household products which can be used for non-selective weed killing, including any salad or cooking oils, vinegar and salt plus bleaches and acids. (I spoke to a old farmer recently who told me they used to use sulfuric acid to remove the potato crop foliage prior to harvesting the tubers. Said it worked very quickly but could not remember the strength of the solution)

4 Wednesday September 7, 2022 GARDENING THIS WEEK

Then stand back and watch the plants shrivel over time. Annuals will be seen going off quite fast, with perennials probably needing further salt treatments.

Speeders NEWS TIPS Send your tips wainui@wsn.co.nzto

If you are finding that you are not getting the kill coverage you want, then increase the amount of salt to about 500 grams to a litre of water.

This is most noticeable on hot sunny days, when leaves wilt during the day but come right as the sun goes down and the moisture level of the plant’s cells is Foliagereplaced.thatremains starved of moisture for too long will dry out and is unlikely to recover.

This is called Lawn Sand, and here’s how to make your own. Take 5kg of sharp sand (plasters sand preferably - don’t use river or beach sand as it can contain weeds of its own), together with 700 grams of sulphate of ammonia, and 300 grams of sulphate of iron.

The Fire and Ambulance and Police get abused by such reckless types. Even hospital staff get abused by drunks. I have seen what excessive speed does. If you want to stay alive, drive to the conditions of the road. Don’t become a statistic.

If the plant is an annual, this will deprive the root system of energy, and it too will wither and die. If the plant is a perennial, it will have the ability to send up new foliage from it roots, tuber or bulb, and it may wellButsurvive.ifwekeep spraying new foliage as it appears, doing the work in ideal hot sunny conditions, the roots or the bulb will eventually run out of energy and fail completely, causing the plant to finally die. By adopting this method, we’re simply applying the basic principle that no plant can survive indefinitely without foliage as it loses its ability to gather energy from the sun. If we simply keep cutting the foliage at ground level (as soon after it appears as possible), the plant will eventually die. The well-known Dutch Hoe, with its sharp edges, was designed for just this purpose. Used against weed seedlings, the hoe would be placed just under the surface of the soil and then pushed forwards so that its sharp edges sliced off the weeds just under the surface, killing annual weeds and knocking back perennial weeds.

The iron aids in making the area more acidic, and helps to burn mosses. Mix this all well together, and apply at a rate of 30 grams per square metre. Do it ideally in dry weather conditions when rain is unlikely - if it does rain soon after application, the Lawn Sand will be less effective. Grasses which come into contact with the Lawn Sand will turn brown, but should bounce back after a week or two.Another compound called Ammonium sulphamate mixed at 200 grams per litre of water and sprayed over weeds is also a very effective way of getting rid of them as they quickly compostWatereddown.over the foliage of oxalis into the soil it will compost the bulbs and help you get rid of this pest weed. Sold as a Compost Accelerator or Super Stump Rotter and as Ammonium sulphamate in 2kg jars.

You will find that a little trial and error will indicate the level of salt needed to do the job well, without using too much. Applying extra amounts of salt over an extended period of time will eventually harm the soil. If you are spraying only the foliage, and at the above rates, there will be, little residual damage done to the soil. To make absolutely sure, give the area a good watering after the weeds have died. Adding Raingard to the salty water at a rate of 1ml per litre of water should also help the salt adhere to the surface of the foliage.

Letters on issues of community interest are welcomed. A maximum of 150 words please.Theymust be signed and a street address provided to show good faith, even when a nom de plume is provided for publication.Theeditor reserves the right to abridge letters or withhold letters from publication. Email them to news@wsn. co.nz or drop in to our office at 23 Broderick Road, Johnsonville.Please note that your name and street address MUST be provided with emails. Letters/Opinions not necessarily those of the Wainuiomata News management.

You might notice that only parts of a leaf will be affected, perhaps only the tip or the edges. When oil is applied to the foliage in these conditions, all the leaves and stems are likely to wither and die, effectively killing the plant’s foliage.

Chemical herbicides aren’t the only option available. There are a number of other products which are handy weedkillers but which don’t do as much damage as do the chemical herbicide products. Oils added to water and sprayed over the foliage of plants in certain conditions will dehydrate or bleach the foliage, destroying everything growing above the ground. Thus any cheap cooking oil mixed with water adding the same amount of dish washing liquid as oil then sprayed over weeds on a hot sunny day when the soil is on the dry side, the foliage of the sprayed plants will begin wilting very quickly - within minutes even. If it is applied in cooler weather, or when the soil is moist, the killing action will take longer, and might not even work at all.

5Wednesday September 7, 2022 Trades& SERVICES DIRECTORY ADVERTISING YOURHEREAD BRENDACONTACTNOW BRENDASales M: 021 640 152 E: brenda@wsn.co.nz LAWYER T 04 566 6777 F 04 569 3354 office@arl-lawyers.co.nzwww.arl-lawyers.co.nz Making it happen Jason Taylor For a lawyerWainuiomatacalltoday GLASS REPAIR Ph: 564 1112 Mob: 027 517 6197 Call AL’s GLASS Broken Windows? CHEMIST 20-21 Queen dispensary@clives.co.nzWainuiomata.Street,www.clives.co.nz(04)5648618 Call: 04 234 www.DreamDoors.co.nz8760 KITCHENS PAINTERSLAWN MOWERS Reads Mowers & Cycles Queen St, Wainuiomata Phone 564 9411 Get the very best out of your lawnmower, have it serviced regularly at Reads! “Won’t even cut the weeds” Need to go to Reads. Family owned and operated *also available to view via our website 442 Cuba Street, Alicetown Ph 04 589 3024 stockandforVisitwww.marsonflooring.co.nzourshowroomthelatestcarpetvinyltrendsandspecials* FLOORING Ray 027 226 4046 | Linda 027 26 99 605 Thinking Real Estate? Think Linda and Ray Wallace REAL ESTATE HARDWARE www.hammerhardware.co.nz 6a The WainuiomataStrand, 04-564 8760 Hours: Mon-Fri 8.30am-5.30pm, Sat 9am-4pm, Sun 10am-3pm RIGHT HERE SoPartWAINUIOMATAINoftheMitre10groupwehavecompetitivepricesWehavewoolandcraftsupplies HEALTH www.hchc.co.nz ph 04 576 2009 Open to enrolmentsnew Opening hours Mon - Fri 8.30 am to 5.00 pm Get Quote!Freea SHIPPING CONTAINERSADVERTISING YOURHEREAD BRENDACONTACTNOW BRENDASales M: 021 640 152 E: brenda@wsn.co.nz Authorised by Chris Bishop, Parliament Buildings, Wgtn. Phone 04 564 8707 or email me at Chris.bishopMP@parliament.govt.nz List MP based in Hutt South Chris Bishop You can always contact my Wainuiomata office for assistance.

Wainui access will be explored

Making communities such as Wainuiomata more resilient to extreme weather is a new focus for Hutt City Council. This will include looking at access to Wainuiomata, as well as other large suburbs. In the wake of last month’s heavy rainfalls, which saw a slip block part of the Wainuiomata hill road, the council has directed its officers to investigate ways to make communities more resilient in the face of extreme weather, Mayor Campbell Barry says. The government has allocated Hutt City Council $33,400,000 in “better off funding”, which the council plans to use to enhance$8,400,00resilience.ofthis money will be available from next year and the remaining $25,000,000 in 2024. “The recent slips and frequent storm events over the past 12 months are a direct result of our changing climate,” Mr Campbell says. “We need to do more now to build resilience within our communities that are more at risk in severe weather events. “We expect options to include improvements to current resilience measures, and an analysis of what new infrastructure projects are needed to improve resilience,” Mr Barry says. While options need to be explored, it’s expected the lion’s share of the total $33.4 million will go towards lifting resilience across the city. “We cannot have major disruptions … every time there’s a severe downpour. “We are a growing city, and it’s time to seriously invest in our future,” the Mayor says.Officers will report back later in the year to the new council (which will be elected at the upcoming local body elections) on options to increase the resilience of Hutt cityMetservicecommunities.datashows that 18 to 20 August was particularly wet in Wainuiomata. On 18 August 40.8mm of rain was recorded by Metservice, with 63.6mm on 19 August and 47.0mm on 20 August. That gave a total of 151.4mm for the three days, compared with an average August rainfall of 101.73mm.

FACTWEDNESDAY School gymnastics festival

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6 Wednesday September 7, 2022 CLASSIFIEDS Trades Graham’sPainters E: grahamspaintersnz@gmail.com W: www.grahamspainters.nz Ph: (04) 564 9202 021 183 9492 Experienced tradesmen and large team Get your House Exterior andpainted!Interior ~ Pensioner Discounts ~ ON...WHAT’S The Community Noticeboard is for non-profit organisations. For $15.00 you can publish up to 25 words. No AGMS, sporting notices or special meetings. Community Notices must be Callpre-paid.intoour office, phone (04) 587 1660 or email classifieds@wsn.co.nz Funeral Directors Generations of Honouring Legacy www.geeandhickton.co.nz (04) 528 2331 (04) 566 3103 (04) 237 5332 “ “ CASSIE MURPHY Funeral Director GAVIN GeneralMURPHYManager Newspaper Deliverers WANTEDDeliverersrequiredinthefollowingareas: Contact Sandra Area 1: Burden Ave, Faulke Ave, Peel Place area - 255 papers Area 2: Hair St, Moores Valley Rd, Rowe Parade, part of Main Rd - 280 papers Area 3 Parenga St, August Ave, Aporoa St area - 235 papers Situation Vacant Love Local. Shop Local. NEWSTIPS Send wsn.co.nzwainui@tipsyourto RWPuzzle OO CR S SD ForSOLUTIONSOLUTIONForApril9,2003June23,2004 ACROSS 1. Be traitorous (6,5) 7. Alien (7) 11. Lowest point (5) 12. Italian wine (7) 13. Latin American dance (5) 14. FIll with delight (9) 15. Abode (9) 16. World’s largest river (6) 18. Mobile home (7) 21. Sinistral (4) 23. For every (3) 25. Jack (in cribbage) (3) 27. Neat (4) 28. Castrated horse (7) 30. Became bitter (6) 32. High mountain (3) 33. Evil spell (3) 34. Puzzle (6) 35. Large grey goose (7) 36. Cross between a grapefruit & a tangerine (4) 37. Deed (3) 39. Petrol(inf) (3) 41. College official (4) 43. Diplomatic (7) 45. Young people (6) 48. Advancement (9) 49. Crouching down (9) 51. Take in & feed(livestock) for payment (5) 52. Mythical creature (7) 53. Bony plated marine fish(Europe) (5) 54. Skilled workman (7) 55. Hell (6,5) DOWN 1. Stupid (5) 2. Deceitful (11) 3. Tip of graduates hood (8) 4. Desert plant (6) 5. Yellow-green colour (5) 6. Drink of red wine & fruit juice (7) 7. Cattle breed (8) 8. Cure (6) 9. Vast (7) 10. Loop (5) 16. Changed (7) 17. Overlook (7) 19. Snake (5) 20. Posy (7) 22. Hot spirit drinks (7) 24. Corded cloth (3) 26. Spar (3) 29. Brandy liqueur with almonds (5) 31. Conservative party member (5,6) 32. Wing (3) 33. Witch (3) 38. Habitually silent (8) 40. Left-handed person(inf) (8) 42. Writer of love (7) 44. Stress (7) 46. Adages (6) 47. Pear-shaped fruit (6) 48. Italian (Americas’syndicateCup) (5) 49. Sprout (5) 50. Gluttony (5) Solution Situation Vacant View the Wainuiomata News online www.wsn.co.nz TO ADVERTISE ON THIS PAGE CONTACT SAM NOW Sam Barnes Sales M: 021 109 4406 E: sam@wsn.co.nz Is everyone who has blue eyes related? If you have blue eyes, you may be related to every other blue-eyed person in the world. Researchers in Denmark have found that every person with blue eyes descends from just one “founder,” an ancestor whose genes mutated 6,000 to 10,000 years ago. Before then, everyone had brown eyes.

Photo: Lisa Preston Photography. 2023. In return For

More than 220 Wainuiomata primary school students took part in a gymnastics festival at Hutt Valley Gymnastics in Moera on 1 FomAugust.Arakura, Fernlea, Konini, Pukeatua and Wainuiomata Primary Schools, the students balanced, leapt and rolled their gymnastic way through the year 1-3 and year 4-6Eachprogrammes.schoolrotated around three gymnastic skills: vault, floor and beam, taking turns to practise their shapes before they performed to Hutt Valley Gymnastics judges. The emphasis of both festivals was on having fun and simply giving the sequences a go. For most of the students it was their first time being exposed to gymnastics outside of their school setting and the organisers hope this event inspired some students to carry this interest further with Hutt Valley Gymnastics.Inorderfor the two festivals to take place, the Primary Schools Sport Cluster accessed funding from Sport NZ for transport and entry costs and worked with Mel Sales at Hutt Valley Gymnastics in Moera. “It was fantastic to see so many supportive enthusiastic children participating and giving gymnastics a go,” Mel said. The Primary School Sport Cluster hopes that the gymnastics festival can become an annual event on the schools sport calendar.

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The Jubilee Cup tournament that kicks off the playing season has a focus on fun, catering for players of all abilities. It is a doubles competition, with the players in each pairing drawn out of a hat on the day of the Thiscompetition.willbethe 25th year that the Jubilee Cup has been contested. The cup was donated by a club member and, for much of its life, was competed for in an inter-club Thesetournament.days the tournament features only players from Wainuiomata.

The Wallabies and Pumas are both trending in the right direction but their expectations are far lower than that of the All Blacks and Springboks and neither of those two teams seems settled at the moment.

With all the football done for another year, it was that time for the club to come together to celebrate the season with the yearly prizeWithgiving.COVID impacting prizegiving in 2021, it was great to see the clubrooms full with players, club members and their families.AsCOVID prevented the Capital Football awards from taking place in 2021, the evening kick started with three awards from the event finally being presented. Leanne Smith won the Capital Football Administrator of the Year Award. Adam Smith claimed the Capital Football Volunteer of the Year Award and the Wainuiomata Football Club won the Social Media Account of the Year which was presented to Ryan Imray. For the fifth year in a row, Gemma Krebs was presented with the top goalscorer award for the Wildcats. It was the 10th time her name was engraved on the trophy. Mark Foster was presented with the Wainuiomata Coach of the Year award for his fi rst season back in the Green and Black. It was an opportunity for the club to say thank you to all the sponsors who played a huge role in allowing the club to have the season that they did, no more so than Des Smith of Ray White KemeysBecomingBrothers.amain sponsor of Read the Wainuiomata News online at www.wsn.co.nz

Des Smith was named Wainuiomata FC’s Supporter of the Year at their end of season awards over the weekend. Photo: Supplied. the club in 2022 and the main sponsor of the juniors which has allowed all 160 juniors to have a Wainuiomata branded hoodie, Des was rightfully awarded the Supporter of The Year award.

Springboks and All Blacks need each other

Somehow the All Blacks lead the Rugby Championship despite their historic struggles this season. It shows to me that the European and UK teams have been able to come out of the pandemic in far better shape. Is it possible to get South Africa back in Super Rugby? Logistically it may be challenging and financially even more However,difficult.theproduct on these shores would be greatly improved and it would be mutually beneficial to all four Rugby Championship nations.There will be three teams on the other side of the world licking their lips at the prospect of claiming their first Webb Ellis Trophy. Right now, they have nothing to fear in this part of the world.

Every recipient of an award was deserved however it was Callum Martin of the men’s first team who stole the show as he walked away with four awards – First team players player of the year, First team Most Consistent Player of the Year, Wainuiomata Football Club Bestest and Fairest and Wainuiomata Football Club Player of the Year. Playing every second of every game this season and scoring five goals, the whole room erupted and rightfully so as he claimed the final award of the evening.Abigthank you to our sponsors for their support this season: Des Smith – Kemeys Brothers, Dave Smith Motors, Clives Chemist, Q Limited, Wellington Earthworks & Drainage, MS Joinery, Seven Electrical, Creative Meats, Wainui Supersave, Ziggy’s, Christina Sole – Kemeys Brothers, Wainui Super Save and Finesigns.

Tennis season about to begin

Love Tennis is a nationwide event that aims to provide anyone with the chance to see what tennis is all about and at the same time have a chance to win one or more of hundreds of prizes. Open to anyone, Love Tennis will run from 11am to 4pm at the club, 141 Main Road, located down the driveway next to the Top Hat Skinny Orange Dairy. Prizes will be up for grabs in a variety of family friendly games, including hitting targets with a racquet and ball, battle the ball machine and softball tennis –something like softball played with a tennis racquet. As well as the prizes, there will also be giveaways, including vouchers from sponsors Rebel Sport. Everyone attending can enter the major prize draw for the ultimate trip for two to the ASB Classic in Auckland A lolly scramble for the kids and a sausage sizzle for a gold coin donation, with the money going to a local charity will also feature on the Tennisday.racquets will be available so people can participate in whatever action they wish to join. People will also be able to sign up to join the club on the day, should they wish.

I’d boldly claim France, Ireland and Wales all have a better chance of winning next year’s World Cup than any Southern Hemisphere team.

Tennis is about to get under way for the season in Wainuiomata. Following the annual Love Tennis day on 11 September, the Wainuiomata Tennis Club will hold its Jubilee Cup tournament on 23 September.

These Jekyll and Hyde All Blacks are baffling at best. The 53-3 romp over Argentina was the ideal response to the awful defeat to the Pumas seven days prior but why are there such wild swings inIt’sconsistency?likelyto have something to do with the state of Southern Hemisphere rugby which looks like it is a couple of steps behind the northern lot coming out of this global pandemic. This is not a vintage crop of All Blacks’ players, that much is clear but it seems both South Africa and New Zealand have been left in poorer states because they no longer play each other at Super Rugby level. The greatest rivalry in the sport has also been shown to be a rivalry ofBothneed.countries are better for being exposed to the other.

Wainuiomata FC celebrate their season

Callum Martin walked away with four honours from the Wainuiomata FC prize giving. Photo: Supplied.

7Wednesday September 7, 2022SPORT SPORTS TALK With Jacob Page

8 Wednesday September 7, 2022

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