By Frank Neill
Wainuiomata Footballer Brooke Neary will once again represent New Zealand in her chosen sport. The 16-year-old has been named in the New Zealand team that will compete in the Under 17 Football World Cup, which kicks off on 16 October in the Dominican Republic.
Continued on page 2.
Phone (04) 587 1660
Frank Neill
wainui@wsn.co.nz 027 490 3916
Continued from page 1
This will be Brooke’s second selection in a New Zealand team.
Last year she was a member of the national team that won the 2023 Oceania Under-16 Women’s Football Championship, held in Tahiti from 13 to 30 September 2023.
Despite already having played for New Zealand, Brooke says she was “pretty shocked” to be named in the New Zealand Under 17 team.
She was also “so excited to be selected,” she says.
“It’s a very exciting opportunity that’s coming up.
“I’m grateful for the opportunity it has given us too.”
in the team that won the Oceania Championship last year.
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The selection has come thanks to “a lot of hard work that’s been put in.
“I’ve been counting the hours in the gymn training.
“It’s awesome to see the hard work has paid off,” Brooke says.
Her main goal at the start of this year was “to push and work as hard as I can at training to get into the squad,” and this is an aim she has now achieved.
Brooke describes her experience of representing New Zealand last year as “the experience of a lifetime that you can never get back.
“To qualify for your country is such a good opportunity.
“Standing with your hand over the sliver fern is a feeling you can’t explain,” Brooke says.
Brooke played as a goal keeper
The team emerged victorious when they defeated Fiji 1-0 in the final, scoring the match’s sole goal in the 80th minute.
One thing Brooke was looking forward to when she spoke to the “Wainuiomata News” was being presented her New Zealand shirt when the team was announced on 4 October.
This year the players’ names are on the back of their shirts “which is an even more special feel,” she says.
Following the shirt presentation, the team left New Zealand on 5 October for the Dominican Republic.
Brooke began playing Football with the Wainuiomata Football Club when she was five years old.
After nine years playing for Wainuiomata, last season she
began playing for the Phoenix Academy in the Capital Development League and played for them again this season.
She also played Football for her primary school, Fernlea School, and then played for Hutt Valley High School.
As well as Football, Brooke played Cricket, including playing in Wellington representative teams, although she has now given that up so that she can focus on Football.
Residents of Wainuiomata are being called on to play an active role in shaping the future of their town and they have responded in their droves.
Over the past five weeks the Love Wainuiomata team and volunteers have been gathering ideas and feedback from the community, ideas which will guide future projects aimed at further transforming Wainuiomata into an even more vibrant and welcoming place to live, work and play.
“We have had hui, sausage sizzles, door knocked and more to get a diverse range of resident voices, and the people have responded,” says Love Wainuiomata’s Co-ordinator Chastity Card.
“Whether they have lived here a long time or moved recently, people care deeply for our community.”
The community’s input is vital in shaping the next three years of local development and residents are encouraged to fill out a short but important survey to have their say.
“In the first round of engagement seven years ago people wanted to highlight the heart of Wainuiomata,” says Wainuiomata Ward Councillor Keri Brown.
“Over the past three years, our efforts have centred on revitalising the town center into a vibrant and safe hub for events, social gatherings and relaxation.
“Another goal has been to restore business confidence, fostering an environment for new opportunities, so people can stay, shop and
play locally.
“This momentum is increasingly evident, with a growing interest from many new businesses in the area.
“A particularly exciting development is the recent opening of Mitre 10, which features a café and play area, further enhancing the town’s appeal, and there are new businesses to come,” Cr Brown says.
“In the past, there was declining high school roll and businesses leaving Wainuiomata,”
Chastity says.
“This has now turned around. Business confidence is high and they are returning, and the school roll is full, with students travelling from Lower Hutt to Wainuiomata High School,” Chastity says.
In addition to the online survey, the Love Wainuiomata team will be hosting a range of pop-up events throughout the community, including free sausage sizzles and casual drop-in sessions.
Residents will have the chance to chat directly with the team, share their ideas and help shape the projects that will enhance the beauty and livability of Wainuiomata.
“We want to hear from everyone,” says the Love Wainuiomata team.
“Whether it’s at one of our events, online or even when we knock on your door, your voice matters in shaping the future of our beautiful community.
“So, keep the kettle ready. We might just pop by for a chat.”
The survey is still available online at https:// forms.gle/u75tiMgbfNjggsTA6, making it easy for everyone to participate.
“This is a unique opportunity for the residents of Wainuiomata to come together and make a real impact on the direction of the town’s development,” Love Wainuiomata says.
For more details and to stay updated on pop-up events and other information follow Love Wainuiomata and Cr Keri Brown on social media or contact the team directly on Lovewainuiomata@gmail.com.
Appeals against Hutt City Council’s decision on how the city will be represented from next year’s local body election close in three days.
The council’s representation review includes a decision to abolish the Wainuiomata Commmunity Board. Appeals must be received by 5pm on 12 October and be sent either by email to haveyoursay@huttcity.govt. nz or by post or physically handed in at Hutt City Council Administration Building, 30 Laings Road, Lower Hutt 5040.
Anyone who made a submission on the council’s representation review can lodge an appeal against the council’s final decision.
The council received 26 submissions that said the Wainuiomata Community Board should be retained and 125 submissions from people saying they wanted to retain all three of the city’s community boards – Wainuiomata, Eastbourne and Petone.
In addition, 61 submitters said that community boards should be extended to all wards.
Letters on issues of community interest are welcomed. Guidelines are that they should be no longer than 150 words. Email them to news@wsn.co.nz. Please note that your name must also be provided in e mails.
Dear Editor,
If people were to be nice to one another this world would be a better place to live in – no hate, no wars, just harmony.
Anger leads to hate and if not put right straight away can cause serious issues.
If your neighbour or friend does something to offend you, go to them and put things right and forgive them. Hate can lead to murder and murder can lead to years behind bars. No one
should have enemies.
It’s man’s selfish pride that gets him in trouble. Oh yes, women can be as bad as men. You can’t just say man’s downfall; women too have their downfalls.
I am talking on a worldwide issue not just New Zealand.
I won’t take part in any racist talk. I have a wide range of friends.
This is what I mean, “Love Thy Neighbours” no matter which part of the world they come from. Love wipes
By Frank Neill
The sixties music concert performed by local band Stargazer at the Wainuiomata Pioneer Church was an “outstanding success,” says Joyce Lockyer, who is a member of the Pioneer Church restoration committee.
“Tickets for the concert were
completely sold out and we had the largest audience we have had attending such an event at the church.”
Stargazer played mainly Elvis and Beatles music which the audience thoroughly enjoyed.
As always the evening concluded with a delicious supper.
“The church committee are most appreciative of the support given to
us by members of Stargazer,” Joyce says. Stargazer’s four musicians are Paki Maaka, Nigel Baxter, Chris Kirkland and Ian Gooch.
The concert marked the start of a busy end of the year for the Pioneer Church. It is holding an open day for Heritage Month on Sunday 17 November from 10:30am to 4pm.
The church will be open for visitors
out all evil.
If anyone wants to hate they will end up paying the price for hate – years behind prison bars.
There is a person who wants help you if you reach out. Remember – wars are caused by hate and revenge. There is always a war-monger out there ready to stir up the next war.
Does anyone know that song “ Don’t Worry, Be Happy”?
Peter Wells
interested in seeing the restoration of the 160-year-old historic building and hearing the history of the church and surrounding graveyard. There is no charge, although people can join other visitors for Pioneer Church’s well known Devonshire Tea at a small charge.
The Wainuiomata Museum will also be open for Heritage Month
celebrations. The church’s Christmas Carol Concert will take place on Saturday 5 December at 2pm.
The Hutt City Chorale will be singing all the well known Christmas carols and then some with audience participation to get everyone into the Christmas spirit.
Entry is free and there is a koha for afternoon tea.
A Wellington woman is encouraging people in the region to sign up as volunteers for Breast Cancer Foundation NZ’s Pink Ribbon Street Appeal this October.
Pauletta Wilson will be one of thousands of collectors hitting the streets all over New Zealand on 18 and 19 October to raise funds for breast cancer research, education and patient support programmes. The Foundation is still seeking more volunteers for the appeal.
Pauletta had a mammogram in February 2023 which gave her the all-clear. It wasn’t until a work friend was diagnosed with breast cancer and suggested she check her breasts that Pauletta discovered a large lump. “I just wasn’t checking. I guess I thought the mammogram was enough,” she says.
By the time her breast cancer was diagnosed, the tumour was 8cm long and 4cm deep.
Following a year of treatment, Pauletta is now volunteering for the Pink Ribbon Street Appeal.
“Helping raise funds and awareness is the least I can do,” she says.
“I had so much support and kindness from Breast Cancer Foundation and the amazing team at Wellington Hospital.”
The funds raised through the Pink Ribbon
Street Appeal are vital to continue the charity’s work, Breast Cancer Foundation NZ’s chief executive, Ah-Leen Rayner, says.
“We don’t receive any government funding, so we rely entirely on the generosity of our incredible volunteers and donors to keep our life-saving programmes going.
“Breast cancer affects one in nine New Zealand women, but the good news is it can be successfully treated if detected early.
“The money raised through the Pink Ribbon Street Appeal will help to support patients going through treatment and make sure more women can get an earlier diagnosis.”
Around 360 women are diagnosed with breast cancer across the greater Wellington region every year. The survival rate for breast cancer if diagnosed early is 92%.
Breast Cancer Foundation NZ is urging all women to be “breast aware” to give themselves the best chance of surviving breast cancer.
That means getting to know the normal look and feel of their breasts, regularly touching and looking for any changes, and getting changes checked by a GP as soon as possible.
For women aged 45-69, free mammograms
are available through BreastScreen Aotearoa every two years.
To sign up for a two-hour collection shift for the Pink Ribbon Street Appeal, visit pinkribbonvolunteer.org.nz.
Wellington’s historic Wrights Hill Fortress in Karori will be open for public inspection again on Labour Day, Monday 28 October.
The World War Two coastal battery will be accessible between 10am and 4pm. People are invited to self-guide themselves through the tunnels and gun emplacements on Labour Day.
The walk usually takes about one hour and there will also be a number of guided tours during the day.
“Bring a torch with you for some fun,” the event organisers say. “Please wear stout footwear.”
Visitors will be able to explore the 620 metres of underground tunnels with a free map and history pamphlet.
They will see the engine room, shell stores, plotting rooms and the huge gun pit where Gun Number 1 used to stand, as well as a replica of the 10 metre-long gun barrel.
On show will be historic photos and some military weapons. A DVD of how a 9.2-inch gun operates will be showing as well. There will also be blank firing under strict supervision outside for a small charge.
Wrights Hill Fortress was built from 1942 to protect Wellington from Japanese bombardment.
In the early 1960s the guns were cut up for scrap and sold, ironically, to the Japanese.
limited car parking at the summit of the hill. Try walking from the base of the hill. There will be a barbecue sausage sizzle and soft drinks on sale.
Access is via Karori Road, Campbell Street and Wrights Hill Road. There is
All proceeds of the open day go to the continuing restoration of the fortress.
The “Wainuiomata News” is keen to ensure good coverage of summer sport for all teams based in the valley.
In order to do this, the paper’s reporter Frank Neill is keen to touch base with the appropriate contact people for each sport.
Frank is asking each sport to make contact with him, either by email at frank@ wsn.co.nz or by telephone at 027 490 3916, providing the up-to-date contact person and their contact details.
The ideal scenario is that every sporting code in Wainuiomata is able to make contact with the “Wainuiomata News” once a week, where there are weekly competitions, or where the competitions are less often than weekly whenever the competitions take place.
Some winter sports also run events during the spring and summer, and the paper is also interested in hearing about these events.
“We look forward to hearing from you,” Frank says.
“As the ‘Wainuiomata News’ has only one reporter, the paper is reliant on receiving information and photographs from the sports clubs and organisations.
“The ‘Wainuiomata News’ is also interested in providing readers information about the upcoming season for the various sports, and would welcome contact with information about this,” Frank says.
The Wainuiomata News requires deliverers in the following areas on a Wednesday each week:
AREA 1: Faulke Ave, Burden Ave, part of Wood St 270 papers
AREA 2: Hamstead, Enfield, part Wellington, Kendall 220 papers
Jan Preston’s Boogie Circus is coming to town.
Not only will Upper Hutt’s Mayfair Cafe be hosting Australasia’s Queen of Boogie Piano, but Australia’s virtuoso of acoustic roots and blues guitar Nick Charles will be on stage also.
Completing the lineup is Jan’s husband and swinging percussionist Mike Pullman.
The trio will be touring the North Island in October, performing more than 20 shows and promoting Jan’s latest release “Pianoland”.
At the concert people will hear the irrepressible Preston on her longstanding and sometimes bumpy road to piano stardom.
Jan will spin yarns from dives in Manhattan to the concert halls of Europe, from her early days in Wellington’s Red Mole Theatre Troupe to a pop hit with Auckland rock band Coup D’Etat, relocating to Sydney in the eighties, and her enduring 50 year career as a piano player, singer/songwriter and composer.
Alongside projected images, Jan’s trio will perform her original songs and compositions, providing a perfect counterpoint to her story.
Then there is Nick Charles.
With dazzling melodic fingerpicking on six and twelve string guitars, stinging bottleneck
slide and a lifetime’s stories and songs gathered or written on the world’s musical highways, it’s no surprise that he has been selected to represent Australia at the International Blues Challenge in Memphis. Nick will be performing on the iconic stages on Beale Street in January 2025.
These are two consummate artists who have put together something very special to celebrate their love of the music that has defined their stellar careers.
Pre sale tickets from the venue with a special three course meal buffet menu will be available from 5:30pm with the show starting at 7.30pm. Bookings are advised and can be made online with Eventfinda.
GUM 4m3 $740, 2m3 $430 DOUGLAS-FIR 4m3 $730, 2m3 $420
AREA 3: Hair St, Rowe Parade, Gibbs Cres, part of Main 280 papers
AREA 4: Dover Rd, Westminster Rd, part of Wellington Rd 385 papers
AREA 5: Naseby Gr, Bexley Gr, part of Wellington Rd - 285 papers
AREA 6: Meremere St, Manurewa Gr, Mataura Gr - 300 papers
AREA 7: Frederick St, Derwent St, Mackay St - 260 papers
MACROCARPA 4m3 $730, 2m3 $420
SPLIT PINE 4m3 $620, 2m3 $360
COMBOS (2m3 & 2m3 = 4m3)
GUM & FIR $760, GUM & MAC $760
GUM &S/PINE $700 D/FIR & MAC $750
D/FIR & S/PINE $690, MAC & S/PINE $690
Delivery & GST included, Winz Approved
52. In the middle of (5)
53. Augmentation(11) 54. Child-minders, baby (7)
Worked at (5)
Not one or the other (7)
Braid (5)
Listen in (9)
Halt temporarily (9)
Royal couple; & Camilla (7)
19. Write untidily (6)
23. Furore (6)
26. Leather pistol case (7)
29. Of the ear (4)
30. Slight blow (3)
32. Petrol(U.S) (3)
34. Flog (4)
35. Prompts (7)
36. Desire to drink (6)
39. Hebrew prophet(O.T.) (6)
40. Ate lavishly (7)
42. Care for (4)
46. Obstinate (3-6)
48. Unrehearsed (9)
50. Friend(Sp) (5) 51. Gratify (7)
1. Commodious (5) 2. Steals (7) 3. Sun-worshipping cult member (6) 4. Kingdom (8) 5. Captain (7) 6. Distinctive character of a culture(5) 7. Badger (6) 8. English novelist, D.H. (8) 9. Outstanding chess player (5,6)
Festival (7)
Slackened (5)
Tell apart (11)
By Vaegaau Isaac
Netball Hutt Valley held its annual Fast 5 tournament last Saturday 5 October.
Ulalei entered a star studded team in the mixed grade, Ulalei Maire. The team featured ANZ Premiership Southern Steel player of the year Renee Savai’inaea, Premier 1 champions Sina Tamaali’i, Oakley Baldwin and Alofa AberdeinTapu ’i, Senior 4 champion shooter Ni’i Mills and Wellington Mens representatives Tamati Milner and Tau Sa'u.
They won all their preliminary games convincingly.
Ulalei Maire continued their dominant form into the final, defeating Justice league 39-20 and taking out the Mixed Fast 5 title.
This is an excellent build up for Ulalei Maire as they prepare for the Netball in Paradise tournament in the Cook Islands at the end of the year.
Ulalei Wainuiomata are sending three Netball teams to this tournament in December as the club celebrates its 20th anniversary season. The
Wainuiomata Runners and Walkers (WRW) is inviting everyone to the club’s final event of the 2024 season.
The Robyn Small chocolate run and walk will take place on Saturday 12 October.
People taking part can meet at the WRW clubrooms, Richard Prouse Park, at 1pm. This event is not a race as such, but more a fun event where people estimate how long it will take them to walk or run a set distance.
Leaving their watches behind they try to
run or walk as close to their estimated time as possible. There’s chocolate at stake.
There will be three distances on offer ranging from 1km to 4km.
Entry is by a gold coin donation.
Anyone wanting more information on the Wainuiomata Running and Walking Club can contact Nikki on 021 0234 8292, or check out the WRW Facebook page, facebook.com/wainuirunnersandwalkers.
The club’s summer meeting days are:
By Frank Neill
Creating a “three-step escape plan” to survive a house fire is an important initiative for people to take, Wainuiomata’s Chief Fire Officer Peter Thompson says.
Fire and Emergency New Zealand (FENZ) is currently promoting the three-step plan.
“Did you know a house fire can kill you in less than three minutes?” FENZ asks.
“In a fire, you’ll probably be scared and disorientated.
“Toxic smoke might make it hard to breathe and see clearly.
“You will only have one or two minutes from the sounding of the smoke alarm to when your life is seriously threatened by fire or smoke.
“That’s why it’s essential to have an escape plan in place, to practise it regularly, and to know how to get to safety quickly.
“To build your escape plan, we will ask you to think about:
“Everyone who lives in the property needs to know the best ways out in the event of a fire.
“Make sure you all practise your escape plan every three to six months.”
More information is on the Fire and Emergency New Zealand website, https://fireandemergency.nz.
The Wainuiomata Volunteer Fire Brigade offers a free service where they check and provide smoke alarms for people.
People needing any help or with any ques-
A firefighter battling a blaze. People have only one or two minutes to escape a fire like this one.
tions about smoke alarms can contact the brigade by ringing 564 8340 and leaving a message “and we will get back to you,” CFO Thompson says.
and Sundays at 8am from different locations. People can contact WRW to join the Whatsapp group for updates.
No experience is necessary. WRW caters to all levels from absolute beginners to those wanting to improve in races or take their running to the next level. Not all club members race, but they do all enjoy their running and walking.
Seniors Pack:
Family Pack:
1 Bottle of meat juice
x6 Lamb shoulder chops
x6 Venison patties (award winning)
x6 Chicken kebabs - choice of flavour (seasoned in store).
3 pack sausages quantities of 6 choice of flavour (18 Sausages total)
By Frank Neill
1x Porterhouse Steak | 2x Beef Schnitzel | 3x Sausage (choice of flavour) | 2x Chicken Drumstick | 2x Pork Strip
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Wellington region: Every Wednesday (please ensure your order is made by Monday night)
Wairarapa: Every Friday (please ensure your order is made by Wednesday night)
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The Wellington Orcas, a team pack with players from Wainuiomata, are the Under 18 girls Rugby League champions.
Wth 14 of the 21 players from Wainuiomata, the Orcas defeated the South Island Scorpions 22-8 in the final.
In doing so they saw Wellington win the under 18 girls title for the first time since 2008.
Following the Orcas’ final victory Wainuiomata’s Luca-Bella Ngatuere-Ongley was named the match’s most valuable player. And Wainuiomata’s Ken Laban was named the New Zealand Rugby League under 18 coach of the year.
The team’s co-captains Fanua Rimoni and Riana Le’afa-Pake also played outstandingly. Both the co-captains are from Wainuiomata, with the suburb providing 12 team members who play for Ng Hau e
Wh o Wainuiomata Marae, with the other two playing for the Wainuiomata Rugby League Club.
A big challenge came for the Orcas when they met the tournment favourites Auckland in the semi-final, with the Wellington team chalking up a convincing 18-6 victory.
Five Wainuiomata players were selected in the New Zealand girls under 18 team following the tournament – Fanua Rimoni, Riana Le’afa-Paki, Serina Tautau, Maia Davis and Jayda Maniapoto.
Another four from the valley were selected in the New Zealand Schools League team – Billie Va’a, Courtney Tyrell, Te Raukura Leafe and Luca-Bella NgatuereOngley.
Playing in her last Rugby League tournament Maia Davis was outstanding. She will join the Black Ferns Sevens programme at the end of the year.