Ginny y Andersen sen Labour List ist MP based in Hutt South
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Petone 04 568 2949 Wainuiomata 04 564 4988 ginnyandersenmp
Authorised by Ginny Andersen, Parliament Buildings, Wellington.
Wednesday April 17, 2019
Today 8-15
Thursday 9-16
Friday 12-16
Saturday 12-17
Phone: (04) 587 1660
Jacinda comes to town By Megan Connolly
The Prime Minister of New Zealand, Jacinda Ardern, was given a warm welcome by the tamariki of Te Atiawa Nui Tonu Kohanga Reo last Thursday during her visit to Wainuiomata in the form of a spontaneous group hug. Jacinda was visiting the Te Atiawa Nui Tonu Kohanga Reo to check on the new housing development’s progress that has begun next door to the learning centre which will bring 83 new homes to Wainuiomata. Her motivation was simply put by Jacinda herself: to learn more about the Te Puna Wai housing project. Continued on page 2. A special moment for the the youngsters at Te Atiawa Nui Tonu Kōhanga Reo who got close and personal with Prime Minister, Jacinda Ardern, during her visit to Wainuiomata last Thursday. PHOTO: Rawhitiroa Photography
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