Washington Nurse - Fall 2013

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The Washington Nurse

Flu Vaccine Options

Details on This Year's Vaccines Volume 43, No 3

Fall 2013

Team WSNA!

Members from Around the State

WHO Hand Hygiene Study

Nurses More Compliant than Physicians

A Publication of the Washington State Nurses Association

Washington Health Benefit Exchange  This Year's Flu Vaccines  WHO Hand Hygiene Study

Coming In From the Cold

Volume 43, No 3  Fall 2013

630,000 Washington State Residents Are About to Gain New Access to Health Insurance.

What if we could get our legislators to listen to us?

Governor Jay Inslee, Keynote Speaker at 2012 and 2013 Nurse Legislative Days

WSNA members speak at a congressional hearing on Nurse Legislative Day

Representative Dawn Morrell talks to nurses and students about running for office at Nurse Legislative Day

Representative Brandon Vick with Clare Brooks, of Seattle Children's Hospital, at WSNA's Advocacy Camp

We can.

WSNA is actively creating opportunities for you to speak to your legislators—directly and in person—about the issues that concern nurses and your nursing practice.

2014 Advocacy Camp

2014 Nurse Legislative Day

January 23, 2014

February 24, 2014

Anthony's Homeport Olympia

Great Wolf Lodge, Centralia / Washington State Capitol, Olympia

• Learn the skills to be an effective advocate in Olympia

• Learn about critical nursing and health care legislation to be considered during the 2014 Legislative Session

• Hear the latest on WSNA legislative priorities for the 2014 Legislative Session • Special guest speakers include state legislators who are health care leaders in Olympia

• Obtain the skills needed to become a citizen lobbyist, and learn how to communicate effectively with your elected officials • Visit with your state representatives and let them know which issues are important to you • Unite with other nurses and educate lawmakers on nursing and health care issues


WSNA Board of Directors and Staff

President Susan E. Jacobson, RN, CCRN – Yakima

Chair, Cabinet on Economic & General Welfare Kathy Ormsby, RN, ARNP – Spokane

Vice President Jennifer Graves, MS, RN – Seattle

Chair, Professional Nursing & Health Care Council Jeaux Rinehart, RN – Seattle

Secretary / Treasurer Judith Turner, RN – Port Orchard

Chair, Legislative & Health Policy Council Ed Dolle, RN – Port Orchard


Directors-at-Large Susan K. Glass, MS, RN – Spokane Patricia Di Egido Tobis, MN, RN, CCM – Bellevue Evelyn Street, RN, CNOR – Olympia Ann Whitley, BSN, RN. CCRN – Yakima

Executive Director Judith A. Huntington, MN, RN Special Projects Manager & Assistant to the Executive Director Darlene Delgado, RN

The Washington Nurse (ISSN# 0734-5666) newsmagazine is published quarterly by the Washington State Nurses Association. It is distributed as a benefit of membership to all WSNA members. A member rate of $10 per year is included in WSNA membership dues. Institutional subscription rate is $30 per year (Canada/Mexico: US $36 per year; Foreign: US $49 per year).

Assistant Executive Director, Nursing Practice, Education & Research Sally Watkins, PhD, MS, RN Practice & Education Specialist Robin Fleming, PhD, RN

Bookkeeper Mary Reed

Education Specialist Hilke Faber, MN, RN, FAAN

Assistant Executive Director, Government Affairs & Operations Anne Tan Piazza

Occupational & Environmental Health Specialist Karen R. Bowman, MN, RN, COHN-S

Senior Governmental Affairs Advisor Sofia Aragon, JD, BSN, RN

Assistant Executive Director, Labor Relations Christine Himmelsbach, MN, RN

Political Action Coordinator Richard Burton

Assistant Director, Labor Relations Margaret Conley, RN, ARNP

Communications Specialist Lillie Cridland

General / Corporate Counsel Timothy Sears

Web & Communications Specialist Ben Tilden

General Counsel Laura Anderson Michael Sanderson

Contract Lobbyist Kate White Tudor Melissa Johnson

Paralegal Maria Pettit

Membership Coordinator Mary Peterson Membership Processors Brissy Combs Kelly King Patrick McGraw Shastie Steinshouer Administrative Assistant, Programs & Operations Hue Tran Administrative Assistant, E&GW LInda Garrett Communications Processor Kathryn MacLeod Receptionist / Mail Clerk Irene Mueller

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The information in this newsmagazine is for the benefit of WSNA members. WSNA is a multi-purpose, multi-faceted organization. The Washington Nurse provides a forum for members of all specialties and interests to express their opinions. Opinions expressed are the responsibilities of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the officers or membership of WSNA, unless so stated. Copyright 2013, WSNA. No part of this publication may be reproduced without permission.

ADVERTISING Information on advertising rates may be obtained on the WSNA website or by contacting the WSNA Business Agent at 206.575.7979.  Advertising deadlines are: March 1, June 1, September 1, and December 1. Advertising will be accepted on a first come, first served basis for preferred positions, pending space availability. WSNA reserves the right to reject advertising. Paid advertisements in The Washington Nurse do not necessarily reflect the endorsement of the WSNA Members, Staff or Organization.


Nurse Representatives Deborah Bessmer, BSN, RN Jayson Dick, RN Travis Elmore, BSN, RN, RN-BC Sara Frey, JD, BSN, RN Carmen Garrison BSN, RN Mara Kieval, BSN, RN Kathi Landon, RN Pat McClure, RN Kathryn Nixon, RN Michele Rose, BSN, RN Hanna Welander, BSN, RN Terri Williams, MS, RN Ed Zercher, BSN, RN

WSNA welcomes the submission of manuscripts and artwork. Please contact Lillie Cridland by email at lcridland@wsna.org with submissions, article ideas or further questions. It is not the policy of WSNA to pay for articles or artwork.

Nurse Representative & Organizer Jaclyn Perkins, BSN, RN


Nurse Organizer Barbara Friesen, BSN, RN Tara Goode, BA, BSN, RN Judy Marken, BSN, RN

The Washington Nurse

Washington State Nurses Association 575 Andover Park West, Suite 101, Seattle, WA 98188 206.575.7979 • 206.575.1908 fax • wsna@wsna.org

ARTICLE SUBMISSION DEADLINES Spring ............................................................................... February 15 Summer....................................................................................... May 15 Fall .......................................................................................... August 15 Winter............................................................................ November 15

Executive Editor ..................................... Judith A. Huntington Editor ............................................................................ Lillie Cridland Designer ............................................................................ Ben Tilden



The Washington State Health Benefit Exchange says “Welcome” in 175 languages Page 12

— Fall 2013 —




You Were Represented - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2

Photos 2013 Leadership Conference - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 20

Calendar - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 30

Upcoming Events - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2 President's Letter In Focus - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 5 NURSING NEWS

News Briefs Nurses Practice Best Hand Hygiene, Filling Gaps in Remote School Districts, and more... - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 7 ANA News - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 10 C OV E R STO RY

Washington State Health Benefit Exchange Coming in From the Cold - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 12

Local Unit Awards Honoring the Exceptional - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 22

Independent Study Options - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 30 Registration Form 2014 Nurse Legislative Day - - - - - - - - - - - - - 31

Photos: TEAM WSNA Local Unit Officers from Around the State - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 23



District News IENA & KCNA - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 32

Health Care Reform WSNA's Upcoming Educational Series - - - - - 25

Membership Update - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 33

Notes on Work in Progress Long-Term Care Roundtable & Retired RN License Rules - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 26

2014 Membership Dues - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 36

The New Members List - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 34

In Memoriam - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 38

Protect Yourself & Your Patients Details on This Year's Flu Vaccines - - - - - - - 27


Legislative Advocacy Camp January 23, 2014  /  Olympia, WA

Nurse Legislative Day February 24, 2014  /  Olympia, WA

Hall of Fame March 20, 2014  /  Seattle, WA

www.wsna.org  The Washington Nurse  FA L L 2 0 1 3


Upcoming Events

You Were Represented


NFN Board Meeting – Portland, OR


Nursing Commission Education & Continuing Competency Rules Workshop – Spokane, WA


Nursing Commission Education & Continuing Competency Rules Workshop – Kennewick, WA


March of Dimes Nurse of the Year event, Meydenbauer Center – Bellevue, WA


NSWS Board Meeting


Nursing Commission Education & Continuing Competency Rules Workshop – Tumwater, WA


Thanksgiving Holiday – Office Closed

• AFT-NFN Planning Retreat • AFT Heathcare Division Program and Policy Council Meeting • Alliance of Nurses for Health Environments (ANHE) Policy/Advocacy Committee • American Academy of Nurse Practitioners Region X • American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network • American Nurses Association (ANA) Board of Directors meeting • ANA Nursing Practice Network conference calls • ARNPs United of Washington State


• ARNP Coalition


Legislative and Health Policy Council Meeting


Nursing Commission Education & Continuing Competency Rules Workshop – North Seattle, WA

• Bellevue College Nursing Advisory Board • Children’s Alliance • Clark Community College Allied Advisory Board • Collaborative on Health and the Environment (CHE-WA)


WSNA Board of Directors Meeting

• Comprehensive Health Education Foundation


WSNA CE Webinar: Navigating Health Reform

• Council of Nurse Educators for Washington State (CNEWS)


Nursing Commission Education & Competency Rules Workshop – Vancouver, WA

• Department of Health (DOH) Healthcare Associated Infections Advisory Committee


WSNA Annual Staff Planning Retreat – Office Closed

• DOH Public Health Emergency Preparedness and Response Joint Advisory Committee


Winter Holidays – Office Closed


New Year’s Day Holiday – Office Closed


WSNA Legislative Advocacy Camp – Olympia, WA


Cabinet on Economic and General Welfare – Olympia, WA


NSWS Board Meeting


Martin Luther King Holiday – Office Closed

• Equity in Education Coalition • Federal Basic Health Option legislative advisory committee • Future of Health Care Conference Planning Committee • Healthcare Personnel Shortage Task Force • Health Care Access Coalition (to maintain access to medications) • Health Care Without Harm • Health Pact Forum


President’s Day – Office Closed


WSNA Finance and Executive Committee Meeting


WSNA Nurse Legislative Day – Great Wolf Lodge (Centralia, WA) & the Capitol (Olympia, WA)

• Healthy Schools Summit • Healthy Washington Coalition to Healthy Washington Steering Committee • Joint Task Force on Education Funding (Legislative Task Force) • March of Dimes Nurse of Year Selection Committee • National Academy for State Health Policy


• National Association of County & City Health Officials

NSWS Convention – Great Wolf Lodge, Centralia, WA


WSNA Board of Directors Meeting


WSNA Hall of Fame – Salty’s on Alki, Seattle, WA


WSNA CE Event for Nursing Educators – Spokane, WA

The Washington Nurse

• Department of Labor and Industries (L&I) rule-making on hazardous drug exposure

• Health Coalition for Children and Youth



• DOH Midwifery Advisory Committee

• L&I Safe Patient Handling Steering Committee



■  WSNA staff and elected and appointed leaders represent your interests in a wide variety of meetings, coalitions, conferences and work groups throughout the year, anticipating and responding to the issues the membership has identified as priorities. In addition to many meetings with legislators, regulators, policy makers, other health care and nursing organizations and unions, the following represents a partial listing of the many places and meetings where you were represented during the last three months...

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• National Federation of Nurses (NFN) National Executive Board meetings & National Advisory Board meetings • Nursing Care Quality Assurance Commission (NCQAC) ARNP Subcommittee • NCQAC Continuing Competency Subcommittee


• NCQAC Consistent Standards of Practice Subcommittee • North Seattle Community College Technical Advisory Board • Nursing Care Quality Assurance Commission Meetings (NCQAC) • Nursing Students of Washington State (NSWS) Board meetings • Prevention Alliance • Public Health Emergency Preparedness and Response Joint Advisory Committee • Public Health Roundtable • Puget Sound Health Alliance and Consumer Engagement Team meetings • Racial Equity Team • Rebuilding Our Economic Future Coalition • Region X US Dept. of Health and Human Services (HHS) • Renton Center of Health and Occupational Health Education Labor Advisory Board • Renton Technical College Allied Health Advisory Board • School Nurse Organization of Washington State • Shoreline Community College Nursing Advisory Committee • South Seattle Community College Technical Advisory Board • Toxic Free Legacy Coalition • United Labor Lobby • University of Washington Continuing Nursing Education Advisory Committee • Washington Alliance for Gun Responsibility • Washington Alliance for School Health Care • Washington Center for Nursing (WCN) Board Meetings • Washington Chapter of Physicians for Social Responsibility • Washington Health Care Association • Washington Health Care Authority • Washington Health Foundation Board Meeting • Washington Patient Safety Coalition Steering Committee • Washington Regional Action Coalition (WNAC) Steering Committee and Leadership Group • Washington State Board of Community and Technical Colleges • Washington State Labor Council (WSLC) Executive Board Meeting • WSLC Annual Convention • WSLC Legislative Labor Caucus • WSLC Political Committee • Washington State Medical Association • Washington State Public Health Association Board meeting • Washington Toxics Coalition


Remote Area Medical® – Seattle/King County Clinic

Dental Services at Coachella, CA 2013 © RAM-CA


Seattle/King County Clinic • October 23-26, 2014 Providing FREE Dental, Vision and Medical Care

Vision Services © Julia Colson

As featured on CBS 60 Minutes and ABC Nightline, RAM is a non-profit, volunteer, relief corps dedicated to providing FREE healthcare through clinics operated entirely on community involvement and support.

The Seattle/King County community is coming together to host the first Pacific Northwest Remote Area Medical® (RAM) clinic in October 2014.

Join us to help serve those in need! Become a partner organization, sponsor, volunteer or donor. Volunteer Healthcare Professionals: Oral Surgeons, Dentists, Hygienists, Dental Assistants, Dental X-Ray Techs, Denturists, Ophthalmologists, Optometrists, Opticians, Ophthalmic Techs, MDs, OB/GYNs, NDs, PAs, NPs/APRNs, RNs, LVNs/LPNs, EMTs, Acupuncturists, Chiropractors and more. Advanced, senior-level dental, vision and nursing students

with a licensed faculty supervisor may be considered for certain levels of care.

Non-Medical Support Volunteers: Interpreters, Patient Registration, Volunteer Check-in, Line Control, Runners, Food Service, Vision and Dental Support, Patient Escorts. Financial/In-Kind Donations for: Laboratory, Imaging and Pharmacy Services, Dentures, Follow-up Care, Volunteer and Patient Food, Water, Coffee and Tea, Lodging, Printing, Supply and Operational Costs.

Medical Services © RAM-CA

Learn about RAM, see 60 Minutes feature | ramusa.org Let us know you’re interested | surveymonkey.com/s/RAMSeattle Discover what is being planned | seattlecenter.org/RAM Contact | julia.colson@seattle.gov; 206.684.7377

While Washington is home to great healthcare services, there are still many people in need in our community. We need your help. Working together we can have a positive impact. It will be an experience you will never forget! Goals: • 4 clinic days (October 23-26, 2014) at Seattle Center • 1000+ patients per day • 300+ volunteer healthcare professionals per day • 75+ non-medical support volunteers per day as of 10/29/13

In Focus By Susan E Jacobson, RN WSNA President

With the changing seasons, from summer into fall, a time of transition has arrived in health care. The affordable health care act has been set into motion, and in October, millions of people across the United States of America began choosing a new form of health care insurance to buy for themselves and perhaps for their families. Transition is not always easy to navigate. There are pitfalls that can have devastating consequences. The choices are not always easy to make, and it can be a time of confusion and fear. As nurses, we are both leaders and teachers for the citizens of Washington State, and we must be prepared with a solid understanding of the affordable care act legislation language. And as nurses, our patients—as well as our neighbors, friends, and families—will be looking to us to provide a clear explanation of this legislation, and how it will directly affect them in accessing health care in Washington State. We have the opportunity to participate in shaping health care for the future. Together, let us embrace it with courage and hope. WSNA's annual Leadership Conference in Chelan was a wonderful platform to educate nursing leaders on the affordable care act and its global, national, state, and local impact on health care. With WSNA being a new member of AFT, it was wonderful to see the benefits of being a part of a strong national union including a visit from AFT President Randi Weingarten and a special presentation on health care reform from AFT research specialist, Amy Clary. There were many enlightening presentations made by state and national nursing leaders that will empower nurses to walk boldly and embrace change with courage and hope. We are all leaders and part of a great team within the Washington State Nurses Association. Each of us has an important part to play in providing quality patient care. All nurses have the right to a safe work environment, strong contracts, robust benefits, and a sustainable living wage. At Chelan, we get to enjoy the beautiful surroundings and gather together with nursing colleagues from around the state and the nation. Together, we are a strong voice. Feel the

power! If you missed this year’s conference, I encourage each of you to come and take part in this educational event next fall. Looking forward, now is the time to start planning to attend Nurse Legislative Day in Olympia on February 24, 2014. It’s a full day of education and advocating for nursing priorities. I look forward to seeing many of you there! As I have been walking through a time of transition myself recently, I have experienced moments of greatness. One such moment was the privilege to honor two extraordinary registered nurses in Boise, Idaho during the annual Idaho Nurses Association Convention. These two nurses have deeply touched the lives of my family and me, just as they have touched the lives of thousands of patients and families throughout their nursing careers. They are outstanding examples of what it means to be a registered nurse—encompassing the strength, knowledge, and wisdom of our profession with loving kindness and compassion. Their character traits of strong professionalism and integrity are evident every day at the bedside of their patients. Too often, we get caught up in the messy business of life—we don't take the time to celebrate our colleagues with ourselves or others, acknowledging the moments of

greatness that we as nurses are a part of every day. Today, let us celebrate! Today, take a moment to honor those registered nurses in your life for their extraordinary work in the profession of nursing (and don’t forget to recognize yourself and the great work that you do every day). Experience moments of greatness. n

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In Brief


The School Nurses of Washington Association has announced a recent decision to contract with WSNA for policy and lobbying services. As the statewide professional association for all registered nurses practicing in every setting in the state, WSNA offers significant capacity to develop and respond to legislative, policy, and regulatory issues through its in-house governmental affairs program (which includes contract lobbyists as well as full time member mobilization staff), and its nursing practice and education programs. WSNA is already active in issues vital to the school nurse community, including: • Educating lawmakers on how school nurses and school health services are necessary for students’ success in school. • Protecting the nursing scope of practice in the school setting. • Advocating for safe medication administration in schools through legislation or regulations developed by the Nursing Care Quality Assurance Commission. • Working with lawmakers to find opportunities within the Affordable Care Act to support health services in schools and increase the number of school nurses. • Advocating for increasing funding for health and human services in K-12 as the legislature fulfills the Washington State Supreme Court’s McCleary decision, requiring the state to adequately fund public schools. • Advocating for the health and safety of children in the school setting. We believe this partnership will be an exciting opportunity to elevate the influence of school nurses to lawmakers.

WHO Study: Nurses Practice Best Hand Hygiene A new study released by the World Health Organization (WHO) reveals that nurses have a higher compliance rate for hand hygiene than physicians.

The study, published in The Lancet Infectious Diseases, examined the effectiveness of an education initiative implemented as part of the WHO's Hand Hygiene Program. The study, which focused on 43 hospitals in five countries (Mali, Africa, Costa Rica, Italy, Pakistan and Saudi Arabia) reported that the program was successful across low-, mixed- and high-resourced health care settings, with hand hygiene improving by 16 percentage points—51 percent before implementation to 67 percent after—and knowledge about the importance of hand hygiene increasing by one-third. The researchers found that nurses had the highest compliance rates, with 71 percent across all pilot sites before the intervention.

Physicians scored the lowest at 60 percent compliance. Even after the intervention, compliance rates remained higher for nurses than doctors across all the test sites, except for Mali in Africa. WHO reports that poor hand hygiene causes millions of infections every year, leading to hundreds of thousands of deaths. In a two-year follow-up after the intervention, all sites reported ongoing handhygiene activities with sustained or further improvement. The report also found that that alcohol-based hand rubs played a key role in practice improvement.

❱❱ For more information on the World Health Organization's Hand Hygiene Program, visit hwww.who.int/gpsc

www.wsna.org  The Washington Nurse  FA L L 2 0 1 3



In Brief

2014 HALL OF FAME March 20 Salty’s on Alki Filling the Gaps in Remote School Districts


The School Nurse Corps (SNC) program was recently honored with the Warren Featherstone Reid Award for Excellence in Healthcare. The SNC is a statewide program funded by the Washington State Legislature, providing nursing services to small school districts with little or no nursing services. The program was created in response to a critical gap in student health care needs identified in a survey of school nurses in 1997. This practical, hands-on program works to get essential services to students where they are most needed. SNC nurses assess students and develop individualized care plans. They train staff to respond quickly and effectively to an emergency situation (particularly those that are lifethreatening) when the nurse is not present. Care plans outline instructions for school staff to provide daily maintenance care and accommodations for students with special health care needs. These services help students with complex needs to be able to be in school, and to be safe, learning, and on track to graduate. Nine nurse administrators

are funded by the program to serve the districts in their region by assessing and analyzing student health needs, allocating resources, consulting, mentoring, and building partnerships. The Warren Featherstone Reid Award was created in 1994 by the Washington State Legislature to recognize cost-effective and quality health care services, and is given annually to health care providers and facilities in Washington State who exhibit exceptional quality and value in the delivery of health services. When it created the award, the Legislature recognized the importance of ensuring that all Washington residents have access to affordable, quality health care.

PLU NURSING GRADUATE AUTHORS BOOK ON FLIGHT NURSE EXPERIENCE IN IRAQ On September 12th, the Pacific Lutheran University (PLU) bookstore hosted the launch of a new book, “Wounded: A Legacy of Operation Iraqi Freedom,” by Captain Ed Hrivnak, RN, a former Air Force Medic and flight nurse from Joint Base Lewis-McChord’s 446th Reserve Airlift Wing. A Puyallup native and PLU graduate, Hrivnak retired from the Air Force as a captain after twenty years of

service. He is a veteran of the first Gulf War and Operation Iraqi Freedom, and has participated in peacekeeping missions supporting Somalia, Rwanda, and the Balkans. During his military and civilian flying career, he has logged over four thousand flight hours on twenty different types of aircraft. Wounded is described as an eloquent, gritty account of the ordeal suffered

❱❱ To order a signed copy of the book through the PLU bookstore, visit http://bit.ly/1aEUS6E


The Washington Nurse

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by injured American soldiers during Operation Iraqi Freedom. As a flight nurse, Captain Hrivnak witnessed firsthand the trauma, heroism, and courage of our soldiers and the medevac personnel charged with helping the injured. The book offers a unique look at what it was like to evacuate wounded at the start of Operation Iraqi Freedom.


TWO NEW STUDIES WILL INVESTIGATE BARRIERS TO PRACTICE The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF) recently announced the recipients of two new grant awards totaling nearly $500,000 from its Future of Nursing National Research Agenda. The studies will examine the regulations, policies, and practices that affect nurses’ ability to practice to the full extent of their education and training. RWJF created the Future of Nursing National Research Agenda in 2011 to support research that would inform implementation of the recommendations in the Institute of Medicine’s (IOM) groundbreaking report The Future of Nursing: Leading Change, Advancing Health. The project is coordinated by RWJF’s Interdisciplinary Nursing Quality Research Initiative (INQRI) and these new grants bring the total number of projects funded through this initiative to seven. The newly funded studies are being conducted by researchers at the University of Florida and the University of California, San Francisco. A research team at the University of Florida will examine the impact of state regulations and other barriers on advanced practice registered nurses’ (APRNs) practice, particularly in rural and other underserved areas. The University of California, San Francisco research team will examine the structural, practice, and policy opportunities and barriers that affect psychiatric/mental health nurse practitioners’ ability to most effectively use their skills and expertise in public mental health settings.

In Brief

BOBBIE BERKOWITZ ELECTED AS PRESIDENT-ELECT OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY OF NURSING Five studies have previously been funded, addressing: • The impact of emerging models of primary care for future primary care workforce needs • The impact of the provision of the Prescription for Pennsylvania law that removed practice barriers for APRNs • The effect of state regulations on APRN and physician teamwork, collaboration, and patient outcomes • The impact of loosening state restrictions on scope of practice for nurse practitioners on cost, quality, access to care, and the size of the nurse practitioner workforce • The return on investment for nurse residency programs, and the entities to which returns accrue INQRI also supports interdisciplinary teams of nurse scholars and scholars from other disciplines in working together to address gaps in knowledge about the relationship between nursing and health care quality. It is working to advance the recommendations of the IOM report, which include fostering interprofessional collaboration and preparing and enabling nurses to lead change. By requiring research teams to include a nurse scholar and at least one scholar from another health care discipline, INQRI fosters interprofessional collaboration and ensures that diverse perspectives are brought to bear in research.

❱❱ To learn more, visit www.inqri.org

U NEW ONLINE COURSE: PREVENTING WORKPLACE VIOLENCE A new, free online course aims to train nurses in recognizing and preventing workplace violence. The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) partnered with a broad scope of health care stakeholders to develop a course which combines lesson text, video depicting workplace violence incidents, and testimonials from real nurses. Nurses can receive continuing education credits for completing the course, which is available on the NIOSH website at www.cdc.gov/niosh/topics/violence/training_nurses.html

Bobbie Berkowitz, PhD, RN, FAAN, currently dean of Columbia University School of Nursing and senior vice-president of the Columbia University Medical Center, was recently elected to a two-year term as the American Academy of Nursing’s president-elect. Her election was announced at the Academy’s annual policy conference in Washington, DC in late October. Berkowitz, a long-time member of WSNA and a member of the WSNA Hall of Fame, is also the Mary O’Neil Mundinger Professor of Nursing at Columbia University School of Nursing. Previously, she directed the NIH/NINR funded Center for the Advancement of Health Disparities Research and the National Program Office for the RWJF funded Turning Point initiative. She served as Deputy Secretary for the Washington State Department of Health and Chief of Nursing Services for the Seattle-King County Department of Public Health. Berkowitz has been a member of the Washington State Board of Health, the Washington Health Care Commission, the board of the American Academy of Nursing, and chaired the Board of Trustees of Group Health Cooperative. She is an elected member of the Institute of Medicine. She is also currently on the boards of the Visiting Nurse Service of New York and the Public Health Foundation. “It’s a tremendous honor to join the senior leadership team of the Academy and help support its mission of advancing health policy and practice,” said Dean Berkowitz. “Nurses possess the knowledge to help solve many of the problems confronting our nation’s health care system. The Academy’s more than 2,000 fellows are leading the way to improve the delivery of health care at the local, state, and national level.” n

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ANA Releases New & Updated Publications



ANA has released a second edition of Public Health Nursing: Scope & Standards of Practice, their guide to specialty standards for public health nurses. This concise guide to contemporary public health nursing practice contains up-to-date information for RNs practicing in public health and defines the level of nursing practice and professional performance for public health nurses at all practice levels and in all settings. Health care in the United States is in the throes of shifting its emphasis from an illness care system to one focused on health promotion and disease prevention. Converging economic, political, and social factors, including Healthy People 2020, the Obama Administration’s National Prevention Strategy, and the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA), are providing a road map for improving the health of the public. Public health nurses should be in the forefront, leading health care change in all sectors, from public to private and local to global. Since the late 1990s, ANA has partnered with other nursing organizations to establish a formal process for recognition of specialty areas of nursing practice. This includes criteria for approving the specialty itself and the scope statement and an acknowledgment by ANA of the standards of practice for that specialty. Because of the significant changes in the evolving nursing and health care environments, ANA’s approval of specialty nursing scope statements and its acknowledgment of specialty standards of practice remain valid for five years, starting from the publication date of the documents.

ANA released its groundbreaking Safe Patient Handling and Mobility: Interprofessional National Standards last June to address a pressing need to improve health care worker safety. The national standards on safe patient handling and mobility (SPHM), developed by ANA’s Department for Health, Safety and Wellness and a team of national experts, establish a uniform, national foundation for SPHM to prevent injuries to health care workers and patients and outline the responsibilities of both the employer and health care workers and contains eight overarching standards organized in two parts for each group. The new Safe Patient Handling and Mobility: Interprofessional National Standards Implementation Guide complements the standards and is written for individuals who currently do not have a SPHM program in their work environment or who are in the early stages of developing a program. It offers these individuals a fast track path and is designed to work in conjunction with the SPHM National Standards. The guide contains the latest research, practical ideas and a historical context on which to build a deeper understanding of SPHM across units, disciplines and facilities.

❱❱ Learn more at www.nursingworld.org or visit http://bit.ly/1aGfc7A for more information or to purchase the handbook.


The Washington Nurse

FA L L 2013


❱❱ Visit http://bit.ly/16tAaKY for details or to purchase the guide.



NURSING ALLIANCE FOR QUALITY CARE MOVES TO AMERICAN NURSES ASSOCIATION NAQC, the leading nursing organization dedicated to advancing high-quality, patient-centered health care, will transition from its headquarters at The George Washington University School of Nursing. The American Nurses Association will oversee and manage day-to-day operations of the Nursing Alliance for Quality Care (NAQC). In conjunction with the transition, the Alliance unveiled a new website at www.naqc.org. The Alliance, which receives much of its funding from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and other grants, will continue its work to ensure the delivery of high-quality, patient-centered care at their new, permanent home at ANA. “This move ensures the long-term sustainability of the Alliance, and allows us to continue to serve as the collective voice for the nursing profession in the policy arena,” said Geraldine Bednash, PhD, RN, FAAN, chair of NAQC and chief executive officer of the American Association of Colleges of Nursing. “At ANA we have the synergy of resources and relationships to continue our important work to achieve quality and safety for all patients.”

The Alliance will maintain its membership structure and continue to accept additional member organizations. The GWU School of Nursing will remain an active member. In March, the Alliance unveiled its six-point plan aimed at encouraging the nursing field to increase patient engagement and dramatically improve care delivery. The plan, which emerged from a national conference funded by a grant from the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ), followed the Alliance’s 2012 release of Guiding Principles for Patient Engagement.


Nurse Job Satisfaction Linked to Patient Outcomes When nurses enjoy their jobs and intend to stay in their positions long term, it can translate to improved patient outcomes, according to findings from National Database of Nursing Quality Indicators (NDNQI™), a quality improvement program of ANA. “NDNQI™ data show that positive patient outcomes are strongly tied to nurse satisfaction,” says Marla J. Weston, PhD, RN, FAAN, ANA’s chief executive officer. “For example, during a two-year time span, our RN survey data revealed that a 25 percent increase in job enjoyment, and a 29 percent increase in intent to stay, was associated with an overall quality of care increase of 5-20 percent.” NDNQI™ data also showed that injury falls rates decreased by 17 percent in four years, hospital-acquired pressure ulcer

rates decreased by 24-59 percent in two years, and infection rates decreased by 87 percent in two years. (The ranges are reflective of the differences among nursing units and illustrate why reporting at the nursing unit level matters.) NDNQI™ tracks up to 18 nursing-sensitive quality measures, providing actionable insights based on structure, process, and outcome data. NDNQI™ is a quality improvement solution of the American Nurses Association. Used by 2,000 hospitals nationwide, it is the largest provider

of unit-level performance data to hospitals. NDNQI™’s measures reflect the structure, process and outcomes of nursing care, such as hospital-acquired pressure ulcers, patient falls and infections.

❱❱ For more information, visit www.ndnqi.org

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Coming In From the Cold With the Launch of Washington's Health Benefit Exchange, 630,000 Washington State Residents Are Expected to Gain New Access to Health Care Insurance By Sofia Aragon, JD, RN, WSNA Senior Governmental Affairs Advisor

As a result of the Affordable Care Act (ACA), many Americans who traditionally faced barriers to quality, affordable health insurance will now be eligible for Medicaid expansion and qualified health plans through the Washington Health Benefit Exchange, with coverage starting in 2014. Insurance exchanges are new, competitive marketplaces, where consumers and small businesses can shop for, compare, and purchase health insurance. Thanks to dedicated legislative efforts, the state of Washington has opted to implement Medicaid expansion and to establish the Washington Health Benefit Exchange. The Exchange’s web portal for enrollment, www.wahealthplanfinder.org, is the single portal where consumers can either sign up for a Medicaid Expansion plan or an affordable qualified health plan. (Some states have chosen to not create a state based exchange, and they will be participating in federally based exchanges. Visit www.health care.gov for information about other state exchanges.) 12

The Washington Nurse

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Besides the launch of the health benefit exchange, a number of other health insurance reforms have already been implemented as a result of the ACA: • Young people can now be covered under their parent’s insurance up to the age of 26. • Insurance companies can’t impose lifetime caps in coverage. Patients who needed expensive treatment like organ transplants or cancer treatment can no longer be denied continued coverage due to treatment costs. • The gap in pharmaceutical coverage for older Americans, commonly known as the ‘doughnut hole,’ is beginning to close and will close completely in 2020. • Preventative services are provided at no cost. The following additional reforms are scheduled to occur: • In 2014, most individuals in the United States will be required to have health insurance or face a penalty (with some excepContinued Î

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Washington State Insurance Exchange






Medicaid (Adult Coverage) Medicaid (Pregnancy Coverage) Apple Health for Kids (Medicaid/CHIP) * Premium Tax Credits & Cost-Sharing Reductions for Exchange Health Plans Exchange Health Plans

tions). This is commonly referred to as the ‘individual mandate.’ • In 2015, large employers (those defined as having 50 or more employees) will be required to provide health insurance for all full time employees or face a penalty. In 2011, the number of uninsured in Washington State was estimated by the Office of the Insurance Commissioner to have reached 1,000,000. The target population of the Health Benefit Exchange are those who have traditionally faced barriers to access to insurance including low income persons, the unemployed, and the underinsured. An estimated 85% of Washington’s uninsured adults under the age of 65 will have access to health insurance through the Exchange: • 253,000 adults will be newly eligible for Medicaid expansion based on their income • 222,000 adults will be able to purchase individual insurance plans offered in the Exchange and receive tax credits to lower the cost of purchase. • 82,000 people are expected to purchase health insurance through the Exchange, but have an income high enough that that they will not be eligible for subsidies. • 73,000 adults currently eligible but not enrolled in Medicaid are expected to be motivated to join Medicaid once available through the Exchange. Some will continue to be uninsured. An estimated 95,000 people will NOT be eligible to purchase health insurance in the Exchange. These are undocumented immigrants (not eligible for coverage), individuals exempt from the mandate because coverage is not affordable and choose to not enroll, individuals who are subject to the mandate but choose to not enroll and face a penalty, and individuals eligible for Medicaid who choose not to enroll.


Plan Pays

Plan Pays

60% 70% 80% 90% Plan Pays

Plan Pays

of Covered Costs Bronze


of Covered Costs

of Covered Costs


The Washington Nurse


FA L L 2013

of Covered Costs



How do people purchase insurance on the exchange? Consumers can purchase insurance on the exchange through the call center, online or in person. For all who enrollee through the Exchange, coverage will not start until January 1, 2014. The call center at 1-855-WAFINDER (1-855-923-4633) has been taking consumer inquiries since September of this year, providing assistance in 175 languages. The Exchange website launched on October 1st and was overwhelmed by demand. According to the Exchange, they had 170,487 page views on its first day. By the second day, customers had created 6,385 accounts on the site. And the call center says it received 6,199 calls on opening day, though the overall wait time that customers were on hold was only 1 minute and 13 seconds. Washington Health Benefit Exchange has also contracted with ten lead organizations around the state to build a network of people who can help individuals sign up for the Exchange in person. These organizations include community health clinics, hospitals, public health departments, non-profit organizations, and others. More information on in-person enrollment is available at www.wahbexchange.org/info-you/person-assisters. Consumers can shop on the exchange anonymously to determine what benefits or subsidies they may qualify for and are able to choose from a variety of plans from several providers with different levels of coverage before deciding to purchase.



































Whatcom Alliance for Health Advancement

Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department

Seattle-King County Public Health

CHOICE Regional Health Network

Kitsap Public Health District

Cowlitz Family Health Center

Yakima Neighborhood Health

Empire Health Foundation

Clark County Public Health

Benton Franklin Community Action Committee



Washington State Insurance Exchange

TEN ESSENTIAL HEALTH BENEFITS Qualified health plans in the Exchange must have the ten essential health benefits as defined by federal law and the Washington Office of the Insurance Commissioner. Starting Jan. 1, 2014, all individual and small employer health plans must include the following 10 categories of essential health benefits: • Ambulatory patient services • Emergency services • Hospitalization • Maternity and newborn care • Mental health and treatment of substance abuse disorders, including behavioral health treatment • Prescription drugs

Look for the official Health Benefit Exchange logo to ensure that you’re not on a copycat website Some insurance brokers have been using similar websites in an attempt to take advantage of consumers who get lost online.

• Rehabilitative and habilitative services and devices • Laboratory services • Preventive and wellness services and chronic disease management • Pediatric services, including oral and vision care

How do nurses benefit as health care consumers? Nurses who face barriers to finding affordable, quality health insurance coverage for themselves can benefit as consumers from the Exchange. Examples include: • Nursing students. While some can now be covered under their parents’ plan until the age of 26, older nursing students can shop on the Exchange for coverage. • Nurses without access to large employer-sponsored health plans, such as per diem, traveling nurses, or part-time nurses, can now shop in the Exchange. • Nurses who work for small businesses that don’t provide health insurance can shop in the Exchange. • Nurses ages 50-64 who are underemployed. There are many stories of aging nurses who, because of lay-offs or early retirement, must now find a way to maintain health insurance. The American Association of Retired Persons (AARP) is providing webinars and forums for this age group to provide education about obtaining insurance coverage pre-Medicare. • Nurses employed as part-time faculty and who do not have health insurance coverage through their employer.

What does this mean for existing health insurance coverage? Most people will continue to obtain health insurance outside of the Exchange, usually through their employer’s plan. During the health reform debate, some were concerned about being forced onto a different insurance plan or being deprived of their choice of provider. But the law maintains the employer-provided insurance system as the main route for health care coverage. Most people will continue to get coverage from their employer just as they did before the ACA. There is some speculation about whether existence of Exchanges

Note: Not all types of insurance will change as a result of the ACA. Plans known as “grandfathered” plans are those individual or group plans already in effect when the ACA was enacted in March 2010. They are exempt from ACA requirements, such as the requirement to offer free preventative services. In additional, small employers (those defined as having less than 50 employees) are not required to provide health insurance for their employees. Self-insured plans are also exempt. These exempt plans are in part the result of the concern during the health reform debate that individuals should not be forced out of their current health plan.

will result in a decrease in large employers providing health benefits in the future. This will be monitored as reform moves forward. Many nurses are employed by large employers who will continue to cover employees, and these employer-sponsored plans must now meet new requirements. Some of these are already in effect, including the extension of family coverage to adult children under age 26; restrictions on annual coverage limits; a prohibition of lifetime limits on the dollar value of coverage; and required coverage without cost-sharing of specified preventive services. The ACA incentivizes large employers to continue covering full-time employees with a quality health plan. If the health plan offered to employees does not meet certain standards, the employer must pay a $2,000 penalty for each person it employs. In a controversial move, this requirement was delayed by one year when large employers explained that they needed more time to get information systems up to speed to meet requirements. It is now scheduled to go into effect in 2015. Continued Î www.wsna.org  The Washington Nurse  FA L L 2 0 1 3


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Place your order by mail, phone or fax: Washington State Nurses Association • 575 Andover Park West, Suite 101 • Seattle, WA 98188 206.575.7979 phone • 206.575.1908 fax • wsna@wsna.org • www.wsna.org


Employees who already receive health insurance through a large employer will have the option to receive tax credits in the Exchange if his or her current insurance plan is deemed unaffordable. The ACA has an Affordability Test that is triggered if the premium contribution for an employer-sponsored plans is more than 9.5% of the employee’s household income for the year, or the plan does not meet the “minimum value standard” set by the ACA. (An employersponsored health plan fails to meet the “minimum value standard” if the plan covers less than 60% of the total allowed benefit costs.) When an employer’s plan fails the Affordability Test and the employee becomes eligible for tax credits in the Exchange, the employer is fined $3,000 for each tax credit eligible employee. Essentially, this is a penalty for not offering adequate or affordable insurance plans to their employees. Any individual who already receives health insurance through a large employer can shop on the Exchange. However, if the employer already meets the minimum value standard, then the employee will not be eligible for tax credits through the Exchange. It is also important to consider that workers may not find comparable coverage in the Exchange for the price their employer was paying for their group plan. For example, qualified health plans in the Exchange are only required to cover vision and dental services for children—not adults. This is one example of how an employersponsored insurance plan may be richer than a plan purchased on the Exchange.

What does this mean for nursing?

Washington State Insurance Exchange

The Washington State Nurses Association has been active in every step of health reform law development and implementation at the state and federal level. WSNA worked to pass Exchange legislation in Washington State and advocated for state funds to ensure reimbursement parity for ARNPs who will be providing care to individuals benefiting from Medicaid Expansion. While working to further the agenda for health reform, WSNA is also monitoring the behavior of employers who may inappropriately steer employees toward the Exchange by dropping benefits or changing the status of employees to part-time who were formerly full-time. WSNA has pledged to be a partner with the Exchange to provide publicity and outreach so that the Exchange has robust enrollment through the open enrollment period that began on October 1st. Full implementation of health reform continues to face obstacles. The requirement on large employers to provide health care for fulltime employees has been delayed for a year and won’t start until 2015. (The employer mandate also requires that an employer pay $2,000 per employee over the first 30 employees if health insurance is not provided. Small employers, those with less than 50 employees, do not have a requirement to provide insurance for employees.) WSNA is interested in questions that nurses may have about health reform. As implementation of the ACA moves forward, we want to provide you with the resources you need for yourself and your patients. Please contact Sofia Aragon, WSNA Senior Governmental Affairs Advisor, at saragon@wsna.org. n

Many more of our patients and clients will have access to health insurance and continuity of care. With an estimated 328,000 eligible for Medicaid expansion and an additional 460,000 eligible for the Exchange, there will be more pressure to address the persistent nursing shortage to provide quality care for these newly insured.

á Further Reading & Resources The following are resources available to the public to better understand health reform and the impact to insurance: Office of the Insurance Commissioner http://insurance.wa.gov/current-issues-reform/health-care-reform/documents/affordable-care-act.pdf Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Policy Brief: Employers and Health Reform www.healthaffairs.org/healthpolicybriefs/brief_pdfs/healthpolicybrief_42.pdf Keiser Family Foundation http://kff.org/health-reform/faq/health-reform-frequently-asked-questions http://kff.org/health-reform/state-profile/state-exchange-profiles-washington Coverage Is Here A website developed by the Governor’s office that provides tools for helping an individual shop on the Exchange. The website also links to the Health Benefit Exchange site: the Washington Healthplanfinder and to the Office of the Insurance Commissioner website. www.coverageishere.wa.gov AcademyHealth Brief: The Affordable Care Act and Employer-Sponsored Health Insurance for Working Americans www.academyhealth.org/files/nhpc/2011/AH_2011AffordableCareReportFINAL3.pdf

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2013 LEADERSHIP CONFERENCE September 29 - October 1, 2013 Chelan, Washington

WSNA’s annual labor training event at Campbell’s Resort in Chelan, Washington. Nurses from across the state convened to get an update on the national and state labor scenes, to learn how to be more effective leaders in our own workplaces, to celebrate successes, and strategize for what’s coming next. Photographs by Ben Tilden

1. Dian Davis and Andrea Griswold, of St. Joseph Medical Center in Tacoma 2. AFT President Randi Weingarten was a keynote speaker 3. Nurses from Southwest Washington Medical Center (clockwise from bottom) Christie Riley, Ann Neil and Danielle Coates, with WSNA Senior Nurse Representative Kathi Landon 4. E&GW Cabinet Chair Kathy Ormsby (of Spokane) with WSNA President Susan E. Jacobson (of Yakima) 5. Past WSNA President and recently retired WSNA Nurse Organizer Jan Bussert 6. Amy Clary, Research Association for AFT, presented on the Affordable Care Act and it's effect on collective bargaining 7. Christina Enriquez, of Seattle-King County Health Department


The Washington Nurse

FA L L 2013






03 05


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Local Unit Awards


Local Unit Award Winners








Karen is a long standing member and leader who selflessly gives her time and talent to her local unit. She is the first WSNA person to greet newly hired nurses and presents the best first impression of the positive influence the union has on everyday life at Evergreen. She is active in chairing or co-chairing numerous hospital committees and has been a vital part of the negotiation team during the last several contract cycles. Karen is well respected by both peers and management for her leadership skills and calm demeanor. She is always steady in the face of adversity and acts a true mentor to new members.

Nancy is always willing to help in any way she can to strengthen the membership visibility of WSNA, to help nurses understand how WSNA impacts them, and to tell nurses how they can get more involved in WSNA. She attends monthly new hire orientation and is constantly recruiting nurses as local unit reps. Nancy takes responsibility for many of the WSNA bulletin boards, keeping them neat and up to date. During challenging times, Nancy is a steady support for her coworkers, offering kindness, caring, and a positive attitude. Nancy serves on the Nurse Conference Committee and assists other officers with grievances when necessary, as well as participating actively on the negotiations team for several contract cycles.





1. Judi Lyons and Jennifer Crane, of Kittitas Valley Healthcare, received the Adversity Award 2. Gerrianne Nicholls and Clarise Mahler, of EvergreenHealth, with E&GW Cabinet Member Marty Avey, who presented them with the Outstanding Negotiating Team Award 3. Joni Hensley, of Whatcom County Health Department, winner of the Outstanding Grievance Officer Award 4. Nancy Wilder, from Seattle Children's Hospital, won the Membership Award


The Washington Nurse

FA L L 2013


Joni is not only a grievance officer—she is a true bargaining unit supporter and team builder. Joni knows how to make each member feel that she is in the fight alongside them, defending each and every person. She is always available to nurses who have a grievance and is ready to go to administration when there is a problem that needs her advocacy. During her many years in public health, Joni has worked in many specialty areas, and is admired for her compassion, professionalism, and competence. She is known in her Local Unit for being a leader who is vigilant in pursuing facts instead of accepting fiction and for maintaining a positive attitude in the face of negativity.


SUMMER KUNKEL S EATTLE C H I LD R E N’S H O S P ITAL Summer is an emerging leader in her local unit and in WSNA. She has served as an active member of the hospitals Nurse Practice Committee, and has just recently stepped down to assume the role of Co-Chair of the hospital wide Shared Governance Committee. Summer demonstrates her commitment to her local unit by assuming responsibility for the bulletin board in her unit which was described as welcoming and informative. Summer is respected by her peers and continues to show excellent leadership, communication, and organizational skills. As an emerging leader in WSNA and in nursing, she has a bright future ahead of her.





KITTITAS VALLEY HEALTHCARE LOCAL UNIT NEGOTIAION TEAM This Kittitas Valley Healthcare team started contract negotiations in November of 2010 and still do not have a contract. They have fought off tough takeaways including freezing wages and steps for all nurses, and cutting Home Health and Hospice wages by 18%. The hospital CEO and Board of Commissioners continue to show disrespect for the nurses and push alarming proposals like tying wage increases to hospital profits. In May, the hospital imposed it’s ‘Last, Best, and Final’ offer from Dec 2012, but this group of nurses keeps on fighting. Despite the situation, this brave and tremendously strong team continues to come to the table in the face of great frustration and aggravation.


EVERGREENHEALTH MEDICAL CENTER LOCAL UNIT NEGOTIATION TEAM Not only is this a very large negotiation team, they come from a diverse population within the hospital and outpatient community at Evergreen. Negotiations extended well beyond the anticipated length of time, and still everyone remained cohesive and determined, never swaying from their resolve to represent each nurse and each department to the best of their ability. Management was determined to take away vacation and sick time, and provide PTO/EIB as an alternative, which the bargaining unit saw as a huge problem. The team stood strong and would not be

swayed on this issue, walking away with a huge win for the bargaining unit. They were also successful in achieving a very strong wage package over the next three years for all the nurses in this bargaining unit. Each team member was so deeply committed to the long haul that they willingly sacrificed time, energy and their own money as this was all done on volunteer hours.

Team Photos

1. Leta M. Tarrell, Snohomish Health District 2. Frannie Bouck, St. Luke's 3. Linda Burbank, St. Joseph (Tacoma) 4. Jeremy King & Edna Cortez, Seattle Children's









5. Greg Wilhelm, Skagit Regional 6. Troy Phillips, Grays Harbor 7. Nicole Weiss, Pullman Regional 8. Gwen Parrick, Whidbey General 9. Gail Vance, VNA Home Health


HARRIET COLWELL KAD LE C R E G I O NAL M E D I CAL C E NTE R Harriet worked at Kadlec for many years prior to her retirement and has always been a loyal and involved member of WSNA. She held many offices in her Local Unit and served over 13 years as Chair or Co-Chair. As a respected and vocal leader, Harriet guided her unit through a number of successful contract negotiations, changing strategies as necessary to bring about the best outcome for the nurses at her facility. Harriet’s contributions over the years have been many and are truly valued by the nurses at Kadlec, especially those who have followed in her footsteps to become the current leaders and officers. Although Harriet has retired from the hospital, she has not retired from nursing. She remains a vital, active, instrumental nurse committed to being active in issues surrounding health care and nursing,

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12/18/12 1:20 PM


Speakers Bureau Sofia Aragon, JD, RN

Our speakers address a wide range of topics of critical importance to nurses throughout our state. The speakers listed will provide at least a 1.0 contact hour lecture on behalf of WSNA. • Advocating for a Healthy Lifestyle for Nurses

• Preventing Violence in the Workplace

• Compassion Fatigue

• Running on Empty: Fatigue and its Implications for Patient and Nurse Safety

• Continuing Competency Overview of new rules • Creating a Culture of Safety • Environmental Health and Healthy Populations • Health Reform and Implications for Nursing • How to Complete an Exposure Assessment of Your Patient: IPREPARE

• Safe Staffing Law and How to be an Effective Committee Member

Senior Governmental Affairs Specialist Washington State Nurses Association

Karen Bowman, MN, RN, COHN-S Occupational & Environmental Health Specialist Washington State Nurses Association

Annie Bruck, DNP, MN, RN, COHN-S Part-time lecturer University of Washington Schools of Nursing Bothell and Tacoma Campuses

Mary Dean, PhD, RN Consultant

• Social Media: Is Your Job in Peril Over Your Next Facebook Posting? • Stress Management in a Hurry • Toxic Chemicals in the Home: How to Do an Environmental Assessment of Your Home

• Leadership, Political Advocacy, and Your Professional Association

Robin Fleming, PhD, RN Nursing Practice & Education Specialist Washington State Nurses Association

Judy Huntington, MN, RN Executive Director Washington State Nurses Association

• Political Advocacy: A Necessary Role for Nurses These lectures are provided at no cost to WSNA Districts, Local Units, or Schools of Nursing. Other organizations pay $250 in addition to the speaker’s travel and lodging expenses. Payment should be made to the Washington State Nurses Foundation. Speaker’s fees will support scholarships and mini-grants provided by the Washington State Nurses Foundation.

Anne Tan Piazza, BA


Assistant Executive Director of Nursing Practice, Education, and Research Washington State Nurses Association

Assistant Executive Director of Governmental Affairs & Operations Washington State Nurses Association

Sally Watkins, PhD, RN For more information, contact Sally Watkins at swatkins@wsna.org.

Hanna Welander, BSN, RN Nurse Representative Washington State Nurses Association

Washington State Nurses Association 575 Andover Park West, Suite 101, Seattle WA 98188



ALSO IN THIS SECTION Long-Term Care Roundtable - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 26 Retired RN License Rules - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 26 Flu Vaccine - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 27

ONLINE CNE Health Reform: Fact vs. Fiction – Your Health, Your Practice, Your Paycheck Sofia Aragon, RN, JD, Senior Governmental Affairs Advisor, WSNA and Amy Clary, PhD, Senior Associate of Research and Strategic Initiatives, AFT S P R I N G 2 014 (DATE TBA) Navigating Health Reform – How In-Person Assisters Impact Patient Enrollment in Health Plans Patty Hayes, MN, RN, Director, Community Health Services, Public Health - Seattle/King County F E B R UA RY 2 014 (DATE TBA) Follow the Money: How Value-Based Care Reimbursements Affect Nursing Practice Ruth Hansten, PhD, RN M A R C H 12 , 2 014 Motivational Interviewing Judith Hibbard, founder of the Patient Activation Measure Co-presented with the Washington Patient Safety Coalition M AY 2 014 (DATE TBA) Vulnerable Populations and Health Reform Speaker TBA

WSNA Kicks off Health Reform Educational Series Health reform is officially out of the gate in Washington State, and right alongside it is WSNA’s new health reform educational series, designed to help nurses navigate the many changes that will affect their practices and their patients. WSNA is responding to frequently asked questions and concerns about the Patient Portability and Affordable Care Act by implementing a series of educational events that will demystify the law, help nurses to best advocate for their practices and their patients, and receive continuing nursing education contact hours. The series will include face-to-face events, webinars, podcasts, and online continuing education courses. In addition, WSNA will continue to provide cutting-edge education in the realms of nursing policy and practice. The first webinar, Health Reform: Fact vs. Fiction – Your Health, Your Practice, Your

Paycheck, co-presented by WSNA’s Senior Governmental Affairs Advisor, Sofia Aragon, and Amy Clary, Senior Associate of Research and Strategic Initiatives for the American Federation of Teachers, took place on October 23 and will soon be available as an online CNE course. In its first week of open enrollment, the Washington Healthplanfinder, Washington’s new insurance marketplace, fully enrolled 9,452 people; an additional 10,000 people completed applications for coverage from private health insurers through the Exchange, but haven’t yet paid for their plans. Richard Onizuka, CEO of the Wash-

ington Health Benefit Exchange, predicts that people will continue to shop and wait to purchase a health plan until closer to the effective start of coverage on January 1, 2014. WSNA is committed to providing nurses the highest caliber of education featuring leading experts in the respective fields of education. We look forward to supporting, advancing, and engaging Washington State nurses in all specialty groups to optimize safe and quality nursing practice that promotes the health of all Washingtonians. n ❱❱ For other WSNA Educational offerings, please visit www.wsna.org/cne

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Long-Term Care  •  Retired RN License Rules







Long-Term Care Roundtable Discussion Held During Convention On May 1st, the first day of the Washington State Nurses Convention, about 50 participants attended an informal dialogue session regarding issues faced in long-term care (LTC). Pam Pasquale, MN, RN, facilitated the discussion and Hilke Faber, MS, RN took notes. The participants offered these observations from their own experiences: • Concern about staffing for home health care given the population served is primarily elderly. • The acuity level is rising given more tube feedings, PICC lines, etc. • Are seeing an expansion of memory care settings • There is a need to focus on building more skills required in LTC settings, e.g.: critical thinking. • Need a ‘white paper’ on LTC as a Career Pathway to help nurse graduates see this as a viable career option. Identified concerns include: ‹‹ Need clinical rotations in LTC for advanced level nursing students ‹‹ Given rising acuity and workload, need to identify strategies to help increase recognition and valuing of LTC work experience by other practitioners including human resource departments ‹‹ Need to pursue development of certification programs for LTC nurses ‹‹ Should there be a new title for nurses working in LTC e.g. “Skilled LTC RN”? ‹‹ Need to promote ANCC Person-Centered Environments through Pathway to Excellence in LTC. • Identified the importance of palliative care in hospitals • Transitional Care should be recognized as a service within LTC • Need to clarify and better articulate the role of LTC in the Affordable Care Act. • Transition to practice/residency programs are needed in LTC • Encourage graduate nurse projects/thesis re: benefits of nursing clinical practice in LTC settings • LTC working conditions and salary need to be addressed • Provide CNE sessions targeting LTC nurses • There is a common bond in nursing practice—no matter what setting; need more conversation between acute care and LTC practitioners. Invite nurses to come together; we make a difference in people’s lives because we practice nursing. A sign-up sheet for a potential list serve was started with name, facility, and email address. Next steps will be convening a small group of nurses to discuss these findings and identify as well as prioritize recommended actions to be taken.


The Washington Nurse

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Retired Active Credential Status The Nursing Care Quality Assurance Commission held a final hearing on November 8th regarding establishing a new category for nurse licensure, “retired active” status. The following is a portion of the current draft of the proposed rules: 1. A registered or licensed practical nurse who holds a retired active credential may only practice in intermittent or emergent circumstances. a. Intermittent means the registered or licensed practical nurse will practice no more than ninety days a year. b. Emergent means the registered or licensed practical nurse will practice only in emergency circumstances such as earthquakes, floods, times of declared war, or other states of emergency. 2. To obtain a retired active credential a registered or a licensed practical nurse must: a. Pay the appropriate fee 3. To renew a retired active credential the registered nurse or licensed practical nurse must: a. Pay the appropriate fee b. Have completed forty-five hours of continuing education. Education may include CPR and first aid. c. Demonstrate they have practiced at least ninety-six hours every three years. Practice may be paid or volunteer, but must require nursing knowledge or a nursing license. d. Renew their retired active credential every year on their birthday. 4. To return to active status the registered or licensed practical nurse must: a. Pay the appropriate active renewal fee b. Meet the continuing competency requirements in WAC 246-840-205. The rules will go into effect 31 days after their filing with the Code Revisor’s Office. Implementation is expected to be the beginning of 2014. n


Protect Yourself, Protect Your Patients Get vaccinated

Flu Vaccine

The role that you and other health care workers play in helping prevent influenza-related illness and death—especially in high-risk patients—is invaluable. By setting a good example and spreading flu facts (rather than the flu itself) among your colleagues and patients, you have the opportunity to save even more lives. Did you know? • CDC and the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) recommend that all health care workers get an annual flu vaccine. • As a health care worker, by getting vaccinated, you can help protect your family at home as well as your patients at work from getting sick. • Influenza outbreaks in hospitals and long-term care facilities have been attributed to low vaccination rates among health care professionals. • Studies have shown that higher vaccination rates among health care workers can reduce influenza-like illness, and even deaths, in settings like nursing homes. • Health care workers play an important role in protecting public health, and your co-workers need you to be healthy and able to cover your shift. • Getting a yearly flu vaccine can help ensure your time off is spent doing what you want to do, not staying at home sick.

Health Care Workers Nurses & Influenza Vaccination áá Visit www.wsna.org/Topics/Flu/ for more information about the flu and WSNA’s position on vaccination. For more information about flu information, updates, and access to free materials to assist with educating staff and patients about the impact of influenza and the benefits of vaccination, visit www.cdc.gov/flu and www.flu.gov, or call the National Immunization Hotline at 800.232.2522 (English), 800.232.0233 (español), or 800.243.7889 (TTY).

As health care workers, nurses have a special role in the fight against influenza. • By getting vaccinated themselves, health care workers can protect their health, their families health and the health of their patients. • Encouraging vaccination of vulnerable patients can protect them from the flu. Continued on page 29 Î www.wsna.org  The Washington Nurse  FA L L 2 0 1 3




Continuing Competency

P E R F E C T LY ORGANIZED The WSNA Continuing Competency Record Keeper Kit helps you keep track of the documents verifying your compliance with NCQAC licensure renewal requirements. The kit is flexibly designed to allow you to create the solution that best fits your unique needs. Select the tab dividers that are pertinent to your practice / education, and use them with the folder to create a customized kit for storing all the important documents that verify your compliance with Washington State’s continuing competency requirements. Available for order by mail, telephone or fax.

575 Andover Park West, Suite 101 Seattle, WA 98188

206.575.7979 phone 206.575.1908 fax

Order Form Continuing Competency Record Keeper Kit __________ Record Keeper Kits



















Cardholder Name












x ($10.00 each) = __________ Total amount due

Cardholder Signature

________________________________________________________________ Card Number

________________________________________________________________ Card Expiration


(Continued from page 27) • High rates of vaccination among nurses and health care workers have been linked to improved patient outcomes, and reduced absenteeism and influenza infection among staff. Annual vaccination is important because influenza is unpredictable and flu viruses are constantly changing. Even if you have been vaccinated before, the flu vaccine from a previous season may not protect against current flu viruses. Health care workers who should be vaccinated include physicians, nurses, other workers in hospitals and outpatient-care settings, and medical emergency-response workers (e.g., paramedics and emergency medical technicians). It is also important for employees of nursing homes and longterm-care facilities who have contact with patients or residents, and students of these professions who will have contact with patients to all be vaccinated.

Which Vaccine Should You Get? There are several flu vaccine options for the 2013-2014 flu season. Traditional flu vaccines made to protect against three different flu viruses (called “trivalent” vaccines) are available. In addition, this season flu vaccines made to protect against four different flu viruses (called “quadrivalent” vaccines) also are available. The trivalent flu vaccine protects against two influenza A viruses and an influenza B virus. • A standard dose trivalent shots, manufactured using virus grown in eggs. There are different brands of this type of vaccine, and each is approved for different ages, including one that is approved for children as young as 6 months old and up. • A standard dose trivalent shot containing virus grown in cell culture, approved for people 18 and older. • A standard dose trivalent shot that is egg-free, approved for people 18 through 49 years of age.

Flu Vaccine

• A high-dose trivalent shot, approved for people 65 and older. • A standard dose intradermal trivalent shot, injected into the skin instead of the muscle, using a much smaller needle than the regular flu shot, and approved for people 18 through 64 years of age. The quadrivalent flu vaccine protects against two influenza A viruses and two influenza B viruses. These include: • A standard dose quadrivalent shot • A standard dose quadrivalent flu vaccine, given as a nasal spray, approved for healthy people 2 through 49 years of age CDC does not recommend one flu vaccine over the other. The important thing is to get a flu vaccine every year. Nearly all healthy, non-pregnant health care workers may receive nasal spray vaccine if eligible, including those who come in contact with newborn infants (e.g., persons working in the neonatal intensive care unit, or NICU), pregnant women, persons with a solid organ transplant, persons receiving chemotherapy, and persons with HIV/ AIDS. However, health care providers should not get the nasal spray vaccine if they are providing medical care for patients who

Flu Vaccine Facts Flu vaccines CANNOT cause the flu. The viruses in flu vaccines are either killed (the flu shot) or weakened (the nasal-spray vaccine). The flu vaccines work by priming your body's defenses in case you are exposed to an actual flu virus. Flu vaccines are safe. Serious problems from the flu vaccine are very rare. The most common side effect that a person is likely to experience is soreness where the injection was given. This is generally mild and usually goes away after a day or two.

Protect yourself, your family, and your patients by getting a flu vaccine.

require special environments in the hospital because they are profoundly immunocompromised; for example: nurses who work in bone marrow transplant units. (This is intended as an extra precaution and is not based on reports of vaccine virus transmission in those settings. The flu shot is preferred for vaccinating health care workers who are in close contact with severely immunocompromised patients who are being cared for in a protective environment. These health care workers may still get the nasal spray vaccine, but they must avoid contact with such patients for 7 days after getting vaccinated.) No special precautions (e.g., masks or gloves) are necessary for health care personnel who have been vaccinated with nasal spray vaccine and who do not work with patients undergoing bone marrow transplantation. n This article adapted from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention website ‘Influenza Vaccination Information for Health Care Workers’, www.cdc.gov/flu/HealthcareWorkers.htm

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Calendar & Independant Study Courses



D E C E M B E R 2 0 13

Dementia - Dementia in Older Adults; Contact Hours: 7.5; Fee: $195 C

A Holistic Approach to Western Medicine; Pacific Lutheran University; Friday, December 6, 2013 from 8:30am – 12:30pm; Fee: $79.00; Contact Hours: 3.8; Contact www.plu.edu/~ccnl/ or 253.535.7683.

J A N U A RY 2 0 14 Understanding Reiki in Nursing Practice; Soar With the Eagles (Victoria C. Leo); January 4; Federal Way Office of Soar with the Eagles: 28203 – 22nd Ave. S; Contact Hours: 2.0; Fee: $40; Contact: http://reikitrainingfornurses. com, Victoria.leo.reiki@gmail.com, 253.203.6676 Reiki I in Nursing Practice; Soar With the Eagles (Victoria C. Leo); January 4; Federal Way Office of Soar with the Eagles: 28203 – 22nd Ave. S; Contact Hours: 4.0; Fee: $90; Contact: http://reikitrainingfornurses.com, Victoria.leo.reiki@gmail.com, 253.203.6676 Reiki II in Nursing Practice; Soar With the Eagles (Victoria C. Leo); January 7; Federal Way Office of Soar with the Eagles: 28203 – 22nd Ave. S; Contact Hours: 5.5; Fee: $120; Contact: http://reikitrainingfornurses.com; Victoria.leo.reiki@gmail.com, 253.203.6676 Medication Management for Chronic Illness; Pacific Lutheran University; Friday, January 10, 2014 from 8:30am – 4:30pm; Fee: $149.00; Contact Hours: 6.25; Contact www.plu.edu/~ccnl/ or 253.535.7683. Chronic Illness: Mitigating the Impact; Pacific Lutheran University; Friday, January 17, 2014 from 8:30am – 4:30pm; Fee: $149.00; Contact Hours: 6.25; Contact www.plu.edu/~ccnl/ or 253.535.7683.

Join the Surgical Team Information Session; Pacific Lutheran University; Friday, February 21, 2014, 10:00am; Contact www.plu.edu/~ccnl/ or 253.535.7683. RN Refresher Course Information Session; Pacific Lutheran Universtiy; Friday, February 21, 2014, 1:00pm; Contact www.plu.edu/~ccnl/ or 253.535.7683.

M A R C H 2 0 14 Falls and the Older Adult: A Holistic Approach to Identifying and Managing Risks and Consequences; Pacific Lutheran University; Friday, March 7, 2014, 8:00am – 12:00pm; Fee: $79.00; Contact Hours: 3.8; Contact www.plu.edu/~ccnl/ or 253.535.7683. Multi-Drug Resistant Organisms: An Infectious Disease Update; Pacific Lutheran University; Friday, March 14, 2014, 8:30am – 4:30pm; Fee: $149.00; Contact Hours: 6.25; Contact www.plu.edu/~ccnl/ or 253.535.7683. PTSD: An Overview of Symptoms and Risk Factors; Pacific Lutheran University; Friday, March 28, 2014, 8:00am – 12:00pm; Fee: $79.00; Contact Hours: 3.8; Contact www.plu.edu/~ccnl/ or 253.535.7683. Reiki II in Nursing Practice; Soar With the Eagles (Victoria C. Leo); March 28; Federal Way Office of Soar with the Eagles: 28203 – 22nd Ave. S; Contact Hours: 5.5; Fee: $120; Contact: reikitrainingfornurses.com; Victoria.leo. reiki@gmail.com, 253.203.6676


Pharmacotherapeutics for ARNPs; Pacific Lutheran University; Friday, January 31, 2014 from 8:00am – 4:45pm; Fee: $169.00; Contact Hours: 7.5; Contact www.plu.edu/~ccnl/ or 253.535.7683.

F E B R U A RY 2 0 14 Health Care Resources Management; Pacific Lutheran University; Fridays, February 7-May 23, 2014, 1:00pm – 4:00pm; Fee: $679.00; Contact Hours: 37.5; Contact www.plu.edu/~ccnl/ or 253.535.7683. Documenting Continuing Competency with a Portfolio; Pacific Lutheran University; Friday, February 14, 2014, 8:00am – 12:00pm; Fee: $79.00; Contact Hours: 3.8; Contact www.plu.edu/~ccnl/ or 253.535.7683.


The Washington Nurse

FA L L 2013



Intercollegiate College of Nursing Washington State University College of Nursing Professional Development 2917 W. Fort George Wright Dr. Spokane, WA 99224 509.324.7321 or 800.281.2589 www.icne.wsu.edu MedicalSpanish.com Ken Ryan PO Box 190913 Anchorage, AK 99519 keninalaska@gmail.com www.medicalspanish.com University of Washington School of Nursing Continuing Nursing Education Box 359440 Seattle, WA 98195 206.543.1047 CNE@UW.Edu www.uwcne.org


Depression - IMPACT: Online Training for Depression Care Management; Contact Hours: 17.5; Fee: $50 C Domestic Violence - Domestic Violence Recognizing and Responding to Victims; Contact Hours: 2.0; Fee: $20 C Ethics - Ethics as a Compass: A Model for Dealing with Complex Issues in Patient Care; Contact Hours: 7.7; Fees: $195 C Ethics Related to Nursing Practice; Contact Hours: 9; Fees: $200 A Foot Care for the Older Adult; Rainier Medical Education Programs; Contact Hours: 6.5; Contact: www.RainierMedEd.com Geriatric Health - Geriatric Health Promotion Lecture Series; Contact Hours: 78 Fee: $460; 1.5 Fee: $30 C

Medical Spanish for NPs, Physicians and PAs – Course A; Contact Hours: 25 B Medical Spanish for NPs, Physicians and PAs – Course B; Contact Hours: 25 B OTC Advisor: Advancing Patient Self-Care; Contact Hours: 17.0; Contact: www.nphealth carefoundation.org Pharmacology – Clinical Pharmacology Series; Contact Hours: 7 – 8.0; Fee: $195 / 175* C Pharmacology – Adult/Geriatric Drug Therapy: Contact Hours: 7 – 8.0; Fee: $195 / 175* C Pharmacology – Neuropsychotropic Drug Therapy; Contact Hours: 7 – 8.0; Fee: $195 / 175* C Pharmacology – Women’s Health Drug Therapy; Contact Hours: 7 – 8.0; Fee: $195 / 175* C

Health Assessment and Documentation; Contact Hours: 20: Fees: $150 A

Pharmacology – Prescribing Scheduled Drugs; Contact Hours: 10; Fee: $195 C

Hepatitis - Hepatitis Case Studies; Contact Hours:. 5 C

RN Refresher Course; Fees Theory: $500; Health Assessment and Skills Review: $500; Clinical Placement for Precept Clinical Experience: $400 A

High Cholesterol Pt. 1: Western Medicine; Contact Hours: 7; Fee: $50; Contact: www.healthcmi.com High Cholesterol Pt. 2: Chinese Medicine Theory; Contact Hours: 4; Fee: $50; Contact: www.healthcmi.com High Cholesterol Pt. 3: Chinese Medicine Dietetics; Fee: $50; Contact Hours: 12; Contact: www.healthcmi.com HIV - HIV/AIDS Education Implications for Nurses; Contact Hours: 7.0; Fee: $95 C HIV – Routine HIV Screening; Contact Hours: 1.5; Fee: Free C Managing Type 2 Diabetes; Contact Hours: 1.5; Contact: www.nphealth carefoundation.org Management of Persistent Pain; Contact Hours: 1.8; Fee: No Fee; Contact: www.nphealth carefoundation.org Medical Spanish for Hospital Nurses; Contact Hours: 25 B Medical Spanish for Office Nurses; Contact Hours: 25 B

The Pain Management Dilemma;  Contact Hours: 1.5; Contact: www.nphealth carefoundation.org Wound Academy – Course 1 (Wound Assessment & Preparation for Healing); Fee: $40; Contact Hours: 4.3 C Wound Academy – Course 2 (Lower Extremities and Pressure for Ulcers); Fee: $60; Contact Hours: 6.8 C Wound Academy – Course 3 (Dressing Selection & Infection); Tuition; Fee: $30; Contact Hours: 2.5 C Wound Academy – Course 4 (The Role of Collagen in Wound Healing); Tuition; Fee: $30; Contact Hours: 2.5 C Wound Assessment and Documentation; Fee: $60; Contact Hours: 2.0 C Wound & Ostomy; Fee: $60; Contact Hours: 2.0 C

Registration Form


Monday, February 24th, 2014 Join us at WSNA's Nurse Legislative Day and learn about the critical issues facing nurses, nursing and health in Washington this year, and most importantly, discover how you can make a difference in Olympia.

Morning Education Sessions at Great Wolf Lodge

Afternoon at the Capitol in Olympia

WSNA's Priorities for 2014 Discover which issues WSNA will work on in the next legislative session and how you can get involved

Meet with Your Legislators and Attend Hearings

Breakout Sessions Learn to be an effective advocate on the issues important to you

Be sure to call your legislators in advance to make an appointment to guarantee availability.

Visit www.leg.wa.gov to find out your legislative district and representatives or call the Legislative hotline at 1-800-562-6000.

Great Wolf Lodge is located at 20500 Old Highway 99 SW, Centralia, WA 98531 Free shuttles between Olympia and Great Wolf Lodge will be provided before and after education sessions Great Wolf Lodge Special Room Rate $139 Call 800.640.9653 (WOLF) for reservations. Use group code 1402WASH. Room accommodates up to 4 people. This rate is for Sunday night only, and good for a limited time.

www.wsna.org/legday #Detach here

2014 Nurse Legislative Day Registration Form

Separate form required for each registrant. (Photocopy this form as needed.)

________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Name


________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Street Address

________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ City




________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Legislative District

Membership # / Last 4 SSN

________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ School


oo $25 Pre-registered student oo $60 Pre-registered WSNA, ARNPs United, AAPPN, WANA, AORN, or SNOW member

Continuing nursing education contact hours will be awarded for this event Washington State Nurses Association CNEPP (OH-231, 9/1/2015) is an approved provider of continuing nursing education by the Ohio Nurses Association (OBN-001-91), an accredited approver by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation.

oo $65 Pre-registered non-member oo $35 Student who registers on-site oo $80 All others who register on-site $ _____________ Registration Fee (includes continental breakfast and box lunch)

Registration fees constitute contributions to WSNA-PAC. Registration fees are not deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes.

$ _____________ Additional PAC Contribution (suggested donation $25) $ ____________ Total Amount Enclosed oo Check Enclosed (Please make check payable to WSNA-PAC)

o Visa / MasterCard

____ ____ ____ ____ — ____ ____ ____ ____ — ____ ____ ____ ____ — ____ ____ ____ ____


Card Number

Exp Date

________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Print Cardholder Name

Cardholder Signature

Return this form to WSNA by mail at 575 Andover Park West, Suite 101, Seattle, WA 98188 or fax to 206-575-1908.

District News

King County Nurses Association

Inland Empire Nurses Association



King County Nurses Association has two upcoming educational events for nurses:

Fall Nursing Summit: Practical De-escalation Techniques for Nurses Saturday, November 23, 8:30 a.m. – 1 p.m. Shoreline Conference Center This session will provide an overview of mental health issues, psychiatric aspects and clinical treatment options. Nurses in all practice settings are seeing an increase in the number of clients with these issues. Keynote speaker Jan Adam, will be followed by a panel of representatives from local facilities discussing de-escalation procedures. The event is cosponsored by the KCNA Nursing Practice and Neighborhood Health special interest groups, and will afford 2.25 nursing education contact hours. The cost is $60/KCNA member, $75/nonmember, $35/ nursing student (includes CE credits, box dinner, handouts, free parking). Register at www.kcnurses.org (look for the event listed in the right-hand column of the webpage) by Monday, November 18. Keynote Address Jan Adam, RN-BC, Nurse Manager, Psychiatric ICU and Medical/Surgical, Harborview Medical Center, will present “Practical De-escalation Techniques for Nurses.” Working to calm patients and/or family members who may become hostile is a challenge for all nurses, whatever their practice setting. Non-psychiatric nurses feel they lack the knowledge, skills and support needed to effectively care for persons with mental health illnesses in a general hospital setting. This session will focus on deescalation techniques that every nurse can use in difficult situations. Panel Discussion Betsy Gilbert, PhD, RN, Professional Development Specialist, Clinical Practice and Professional Development, Virginia Mason Medical Center; Carol Lund, RN, MN, Psychosocial Clinical Nurse Special32

The Washington Nurse

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ist, Swedish Medical Center; Greg Bates, MSN, ARNP, Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner, UW Medicine/Northwest Hospital & Medical Center; and David Gerdon, BA, RN, MHP, CCPH, Nursing Unit Manager, UW Medicine/Northwest Hospital & Medical Center. The panel will be moderated by Anna Shanks, BSN, MN, ARNP, Professor of Nursing, Shoreline Community College. Taking Action for the Homeless Help pack 400 cold kits that will be distributed to the homeless by Real Change.

Keeping Your RN License Active When you Retire Wednesday, December 4, 10 – 11:30 a.m. Good Shepherd Center, Wallingford Are you interested in learning how to maintain your RN license after you retire? The Washington State Nursing Care Quality Assurance Commission is currently finalizing requirements for a new category of nurse licensure — “retired active” status. This program is FREE. RSVP at www.kcnurses.org (look for the event listed in the right-hand column of the webpage) by Monday, December 2. Speakers Sally Watkins, Ph.D., RN will discuss all the details and explain how to meet the requirements. Sally is Assistant Executive Director Nursing Practice, Education and Research at Washington State Nurses Association. Teresa Corrado, Nurse Licensing Manager, Washington State Nursing Care Quality Assurance Commission, will answer any questions about licensing requirements. Sue Vermeulen, Executive Director of King County Nurses Association, will discuss how retired RNs can be active with a variety of local community groups and on KCNA committees and special interest groups.

My fellow colleagues and IENA members, This is my final newsletter as IENA President. We have had a great summer, and a busy fall is upon us. Thank you to all who supported me during the past year as President. It was my pleasure to serve our professional organization.

IENA ELECTIONS RESULTS Bobbi Woodward assumes the role of President this November. Libby Zadra is the new President-elect. The IENA Board welcomes Rebecca Clark and Francesca Castillo who will both serve as Director-at-Large. Lisa Miklush was reelected as Education Director, and Peggy Slider as Community/Public Health Director. The positions below are currently open: • Board Secretary • Director-at-Large (1) • Independent Practice Rep (CRNA, ARNP, etc) • General Duty Rep • Nursing Management Rep (Administration) • Nominating Committee (1) Your professional experience remains invaluable in promoting the nursing profession no matter your area of practice. As nurses, we are highly respected by the public because of our professionalism. Remember, this is not the union but the professional organization part of your WSNA dues that goes toward your district (IENA) along with ANA. There are many benefits to serving on our Board. If you or anyone you know is interested in serving, contact IENA Administrative Secretary JoAnn Kaiser at iena@aimcomm.net or call the office at 509.328.8288 and leave a message if JoAnn is unable to answer. I know that you will support our new President coming in November, Bobbi Woodward. She is very passionate about nursing and particularly interested in how nurses can make a difference in the political process. We already have our event dates

Membership Update

Membership Update By Patrick McGraw

confirmed for the 2013-2014 year. Be sure to mark your calendars and plan to attend.

MARK YOUR CALENDARS: IENA 2014 EVENTS WSNA Nurse Legislative Day Monday, February 24, 2014 The Inland Empire Nurses Association invites you to participate in WSNA’s Annual Nurse Legislative Day on Monday, Monday, February 24, 2014. This is a great opportunity to learn how to advocate for your profession and all patients in Washington State. You will also have the opportunity to voice your concerns regarding nursing issues to state legislators. Don’t miss this opportunity to let your voice be heard in Olympia! Empowerment in the Work Place Monday, March 17, 2014 Lori Brown, RN-BC, PhD, CCRN, CNE, will speak on Empowerment in the Work Place at the Red Lion Hotel at the Park, Skyline Ballroom. Look for more information on our website at www.spokanenurses.org after the first of the year. Annual Spring Gala Thursday, May 8, 2014 Join us in honoring all nurses during National Nurses Week. This special event is FREE to all members and includes dinner, scholarship and award presentations, along with a keynote speaker who will offer 1 CE. If you would like to apply for a scholarship, criteria are posted on our website. Likewise, to nominate a colleague for an award, check the website.

and discuss how we can support nurses in our community. If you have concerns that IENA could address or continuing education ideas, please contact your Local Unit Chair or IENA to add your suggestions to the agenda. If you would like to be notified of upcoming IENA events, please contact us at iena@ aimcomm.net. Respectfully submitted, Vivian Hill RN, CNOR IENA President vivhill88@gmail.com

How are WSNA membership dues rates determined? The rates for Washington State Nurses Association (WSNA) membership dues are determined by three factors. The first factor is the district where the member is employed. A member may find out which district they are employed in by reviewing the WSNA membership application. The second factor is the total number of hours a member is scheduled to work per month (FTE). (Note: this is the total hours per month and not the total hours per pay period.) The final factor is whether or not the member is represented by WSNA for collective bargaining. The answer to who is covered in the bargaining unit at a facility can be found in the collective bargaining contract. The application as well as collective bargaining contracts for all WSNA Local Units can be found on the WSNA website. A change in FTE or in employment status in the collective bargaining unit may affect your WSNA membership dues. Consult the dues rate schedule on the application and be sure to let the membership department know of any change in FTE or employment status so that the dues rate (if necessary) may be adjusted accordingly. If you are not sure what your dues rate would be, please feel free to review the membership application, which is available on the WSNA website. Please contact the membership department with any questions you have related to dues amounts or dues payment. You can reach us by phone at 206.575.7979, by fax at 206.838.3099 or by email at membership@ wsna.org. n

“LUC Dinner on Us” Monday, June 2, 2014 IENA sponsors this event which provides an opportunity for the IENA Board of Directors to strengthen our connection with the Local Unit Chairs and Co-Chairs

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New Members

Abbott, Angela Acuff, Amanda Albaugh, Sarah Alexander, Megan Aliment, Rebecca Allen, Sarah Anderson, Laura Andreasen, Brett Andry, Jessica Anglin, Kassidy Barnum, Elizabeth Belgram, Jamie Bennett, Amy Berger, Alyssa Bernstein, Holly Betts, Sarah Blazey, Meagan Blum, Jonathan Bodnar, Kimberly Boggs, Briley Boling, Emily Boone, Megan Borja, Vanessa Bouranova, Kathy Branham, Jacquelyn Brey, Rhiannon Britt, Jenny Broce, Lisa Brown, Amber Brown, Princess Buckley, Nobu-ann Burns, Brian Caldejon, Shelly Paula Callaghan, Kara Calsado, Erlinda Carballo, Heather Carney, Susanne Case, Andy Cerar, Joanna Chang, Kathy Chappelle, Jessica Cherkas, Paivi Cherry, Adam Christianson, Carley Chung, Elizabeth Clark, Jessica Clark, Stephanie Cochran, Tracy Coleman, Martina Connel, Felicia Cooke, Elizabeth Corkill, Brandi Corpron, Gary

Costello, Freddy Covey, Karen Cramer-Mitchell, Christine Crume, Jason Davis, Sara Deaton, Sarah Del Giudice, Tarame Denson, Kristin Dizon, Irene Dodd, Theodore Donaldson, Andrea Dow, Isabella Dufresne, Susan Dwyer, Meghan Eagen-Torkko, Meghan Eaton, Ann Marie Eilers, Katharine Erickson, Mark Eversole, Heather Eyer, Kelsey Fardig, Erika Ferrara, Marsha Fiano, Anthony Foley, Maureen Fox, Melissa Fritz, Emma Gallegos, Crystal Gamelin, Jennifer Gerhardt, Carrie Golfetto, Carine Gong, Danielle Grosch, Erika Guangorena, Marina Guerquin, Sarunya Gumiran, Damariz Gumiran, Damariz Haber, Carrie Haeberle, Jody Hagberg, Mikaela Haley, Martina Halldorson, Jonathan Hallen, Sally Handsaker, Anne Hanna, Alena Hart, Amy Hartmaier, Katy Hassel, Amy Hendrickson, Naoko Higley, Elena Hoien, Kandis Hojnacki, Laura Holcomb, Shayla Hulbert, Haley Hunziker, Tiffany Iorga, Elizabeth Jamolod, Aurora Jessen, Breata Johnson, Jessica Jones, Danielle Jones, Nicholas Juarez, Petra Kell, Shannon Kelleher, Jena Kett, Paula Kimble, Caitlin King, Jeremy Kirkpatrick, Erika Koenig, Ann Korensky, Carol Kornbluth, Sandra Kujawa, Stefan Kuwata, Katelyn

The Washington Nurse 

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WHATCOM COUNTY Christianson, Deborah Farabee, Lincoln Fisher, Brandyn Gray, Lorali Heintz, Kristina Jarrett, Venice Larsen, Grant Mattison, Elizabeth May, Rachel Rader, Kelsey Rogoz, Agnieszka Rupp, Glynnis Seger, Linda Steele, Staci Toor, Swarnjit Wing, Lesley




Lang, Carrie Lee, Jungyoon Lee, Karen Leisholmn, Willjort Leptich, Stacey Levin, Genevieve Levison, Debra Levitt, Anne Lewicki, Sarah Lim, Jinny Lindquist Nicholas, Lisa Livermore, Rose Lo, Larry Loebs, Kendra Lombardi, Eileen Lundgren, Richard Lytle, Katherine Maclaughlin, Caitlin Maggioli, Jeff Marnell, Scott Marshall, Susannah Martin Shorter, Deborah Martin, Carol Mathis, Timothy Maxwell, Nicole Mccuen, Alixandra Mcgovern, Jenna Mckinlay, Kristen Mclaughlin, Belinda Mclernon, Emily Mcrae, Sharon Meek, Lacie Meyering, Danielle Miles, Alana Mitschke, Michelle Mocan, Fineas Montanaro, Merrily Montgomery, Cecily Moore, Kortney Morgan, Amy Morse, Abigail Mosteller, Amy Moulton, Kennon Murphy, Cheri Nagatani, Eiko Ng, Kathleen Ngo, Huy Nichols, Joy Njengah, Miriam Njeri, Mary Nogatch, Anne Nolan, Megan O'Hollaren, Erin O'Leary, Colleen O'Neill-Wawkins, Ryan Obligacion, Maria Carla Jane Odoh, Victoria Ottesen, Eric Palanchuk, Alina Parker, Roselynne Parkes, Jordan Pasono, April Peretz, Michelle Peterson, Kelsey Petterson, Kelli Pilon, Gwen Racicot, Laurie Rasmussen, Lisa Richards, Barbara Richardson, Emanuel Ridenour, Myrna Rios, Jennifer

Robison, Mark Rodgers, Kerry Rodgers, Tiyanna Roe, Kathleen Rojas, Rebecca Romuar, Lauren Ross, Michelle Rowley, Kelsey Russell, John Salcido, Alice Sandelin, Korin Sangkhasuwarn, Passapong Sarabia, Yvonne Sarver, Clarissa Schleif, Kerri Schneider, Danielle Severson, Misha Sheets, Evelyn Sherman, Daniel Sidi, Karen Sieg, Susan Sigley, Karen Sima, Seblewengel Skiftenes, Stacy Snowberger, Erin Sobolik, Kimberly Soderquist, Tracy Sok, Jeffrey Sokolskiy, Mark Son, Jennifer Sovetova, Natalya Sparer, Carol Spencer, Kate Steelman, Katherine Steenkamp, Margaux Stigge, Carolyn Stillman, Margaret Stilwell, Lisa Stine, Kathleen Sugarbaker, Jennifer Taggart, Mary Tang, Hai-Yen Tarabochia, Katherine Teague, Allison Thompson, Amy Tryon, Kate Tubito, Janet Ulmer, Anne Valdez, Tayoh Van Deraa, Abigail

Vanderloo, Mollie Vetrovs, Jennifer Walls, Brenda Weatherford, Amanda Weisser, Jeffrey Wells, Katharina Wersom, Kristin Whalen, Nicole Whisman, William Whitlow, Kristen Whitson, Ashley Willet, Ariana Williams, Barbara Williams, Wendy Willis, Vera Withers, Kimerlynn Woodfin, Sophie Woolsey, Colleen Wright, Rachel Young, Meghan Zielinski, Sarah Zoladz, Betsy

PIERCE COUNTY Adcock, Kenneth Anderson, Kourtni Appleby, Gissela Babb, Daphne Bailey, Jessica Barnes, Shaila Bartolome, April Batacan, Camille Baylor, Jamie Becker, Danielle Benedetti, Kory Bevacqua, Daniel Bird, Lynnette Blasdell, Neva Bolton, Marian Boos, Melissa Botts, Sarah Mae Boughner, Sandra Bradbury, Jennifer Bridgers, Heather Burg, Carol Burke, Devi Burke, Moriah Busley, Anna Campbell, Alison Cantu, Vanessa

Carter, Stephanie Cerean, Bettina Chissus, Julie Cho, Diana Clark, Sara Cone, Lacey Coote, Cornelius Courtney, Mary Curtis, Raymond Davenport, Janette Davis, Brittney Davis, Christopher De La Pena, Danielle Desouza, Rachael Donnelly, Shayla Dyer, Kenneth Ebbs, Emily Erickson, Gayle Erickson, Teresa Esteb, Susan Fernandez, Christopher Fortkamp, Angela Fredette-Karpicus, Lynn Frost, Leslie Gardner, Kyrsten Gichuhi, Beatrice Gray, Courtney Griffin, Judith Gurney, Wendy Gurney, Wendy Hansen, Kristina Harden, Wendy Harris, Kamy Haynes, Yadira Heacox, Angela Heinz, Amy Heisley, Brooke Helms, Toni Hirata, Traci Hobson, Kelly Hunter, Jennifer Hunter, Kristin Jackson, Jamee Jaques, Melissa Jensen, Erika John, Mathew Johnson, Claire Johnson, Madeline Kammeyer, Ashley Kapeen, Moira Kasirye, Rehemah

NOTICE: MEMBERSHIP INFORMATION & EMPLOYMENT STATUS CHANGES It is the responsibility of each nurse to notify the Washington State Nurses Association of any change in work status which may include, but is not limited to: name, address, phone number, FTE increase or decrease, leave of absence, medical leave, maternity leave, leaving or joining a bargaining unit. This change must be done in writing either by using a Change of Information Card or sending an email to wsna@wsna.org The Cabinet on Economic and General Welfare (CE&GW) policy states: When a nurse is on an unpaid leave of absence, the dues are adjusted to the Reduced Membership Category during the unpaid Leave of Absence period. The accumulated dues payment is to begin within 90 days of return to work. The nurse will have up to twelve months to complete payment of these dues. It is the responsibility of the nurse to notify WSNA of this change in work status.

New Members Kellner, Leslie Kent, Anne Keptya, Pavel Kho, Terryvi Knowles, Nicole Knudson, Janice Koning, Hilda Koontz, Meridith Laky, Jessica Lane, Marcia Leandro, Alicia Leasak, Richard Lenning, Ashley Lewis, Courtney Ley, Crystal Lind, Wendy Littleraven, Janis Lorton, Ramona Luikart, Cara Lundell, Tara Luzon, Gabrielle Majourau, Michelle May, Sarah Maylor, Amber Mcgaughey, Yvonne Mcguire, Matthew Mcnabb, Janelle Merryman, Christina Mezengie, Faye Micelli, Julietta Miller, Jessica Miller, Melissa Moffitt, Jack Moran, Jennifer Morriss, Rachell Mountford, Jill Mundt, Cheryl Muzzey, Douglas Myers, Michael Nederhiser, Rachel Nguyen, Lynda Noble, Kellie Nolan, Audrea Novotney, Janice Olsen, Tori Payne, Brianna Peery, Tara Petersen, Daniel Pingle, Gene Pollard, Yvette Przybysz, Megan Reid, Sarah Reinsma, Karlie Rendell, Debbi Riles, Richard Rivera, Bessy Roos, Chelsey Ryan, Kelly Salinger, Robert Samano, Cherrilyn Samoh, Christiana Sasser, John Schooley, Nathanael Schubert, Beth Schut, Michelle Sherman, Jenni Sheshi, Grainne Smith, Lynelle Smith, Mary Smith, Polly Smith, Ronald Sorenson, Nathan Speicher, Priscilla

Stasi, Betty Stern, Travis Stokes, Patricia Stuart, Laurie Sumsky, Jessica Swift, Lana Tag, Alissa Tam, Charlene Tamayo, Baby Nellie Tan, Ruby Thompson, Andrea Tindall, Erica Tolley, Jaime Torres, Gina Twietmeyer, David Ulep, Reslyn Vieths, Tamara Vince Cruz, Kaelin Waddell, Robin Wade, Jennifer Walner, Nary Walsh, Julia Weston, Donyelle White, Glory Whitton, Kara Wightman, Stephen Williams, Jiann Williams, Maegon Wilton, Tracy Wolters, Annalee Wong, Renee Zicaro, Angela Zugelder, Meredith

SPOKANE / ADAMS / LINCOLN / PEND OREILLE COUNTIES Absalonson, Ashley Alberti, Elaine Aleksandrov, Inna Allred, Kristine Alshare-Soulek, Alia Anderson, Gail Andrus, Sarah Aspaas, Kory Ballou, Lia Bayne, Megan Beamer, Malissa Bolkovatz, Lauren Bopp, Samantha Christensen, Anne Clark, Erin Corn, Linda Croschere, Gracee Davenport, Colette Demmert, Anna Denison, Sarah Dennis, Philip Dicks, Melissa Fields, Jennifer Foreyt, Kari Funchess, Tiffany Garcia, Luis Gillette, Debra Greer, Deirdre Hanely, Jessica Hanson, Kelly Havel, Sheri Heffner, Jenifer Hirsch, Danielle Hohman, Shawna Huffman, Jamie

Hunter, Laura Johnson, Eugenia Jones, Amber Kennicutt, Sarah Knight, Jennifer Lazott, Melaune LoubardiasFassler, Sherry Mchenry, Ryan Minkler, Sidni Nuss, Debra Oliver, Martha Olivera, Jose Ormsby, Kathryn Pearson, Linda Perovich, Lauren Pettit, Jackie Powell, Leah Price, Dean Raney, Tiffany Reister, Paige Rieckers, Briena Roise, Monica Ruhe, Michelle Sackman, Christopher San Angelo, Erin Schaeffer, Chenin Shevchenko, Vladimir Sieckowski, Danielle Smith, Ashley Spurgetis, Kathryn Stark, Matthew Sullivan, Krista Tarbart, Stefanie Teeter, Vanessa Tommeraasen, Rachel Trimble, Janae Van Eerden, Caitlin Walker, Roxann Waters, Jonathan Wilde, Jennifer

YAKIMA CITY / NORTH YAKIMA Baker, Ellan Boisselle, Emily Campeau, Daniel Carney, Sheri Carter, Rebecca Delong, Bibiana Edwards-Hoff, Nicole Enslow, Julie Hedrick, Steven Kelly, Holly Lane, Rebekah Perry, Tanell Rimel, Pamela Stewart, Anna Torres, Lisandra

CHELAN / DOUGLAS / GRANT COUNTIES Aguigui, Annette Broset, Michelle Clabaugh, Crystal Fore, Crystal Garland, Stacey Greenland, Brenna Hosman, Eqarion Johnson, Cristina Kramar, Alicia Omlin, Joel

Piceno, Darla Plakos, Yanis Radach, Megan Reynolds Boyle, Hillary Sandine, Amber Trumbull, Kathryn Tschetter, Cari Wade, Beth Whaley, Charity Wilson, Geneva

GRAYS HARBOR COUNTY Adams, Angela Allen, Andrea Baldwin, Corey Carvo, Denise Chin, Amanda Cribbs, John Ferrier, Jess Gitchel, Jenny Hammer, Rachel Roehrich, Laura Rudloff, Jayme Thompson, Edgar Waterhouse, Ronald Wyatt, Laurie

SNOHOMISH COUNTY Kovalesky, Andrea

WAHKIAKUM / COWLITZ COUNTIES Brown, Jennifer Hallock, Len Schill, Evelyn Simmons, Karen Smith, April

CLARK / SKAMANIA COUNTIES Baker, Hayley Ball, Francis Baughan, Derick Beaty, Audrey Brasket, Tyler Bucur, John Byman, Pete Cazier, Mark Clarno, Adam Clawson, Juli Cockerham, Grace Cormier, Donna Davis, Rachel Dilling, Debbie Garrett, Larisa Gibson, Laraine Gladden, Whitaker Goldinov, Olga Hanna, Katherine Harrison, Betheny Heiser, Shannon Hood, Denise Jackson, Sarah Jones, Desirae Juarez, Brittany Karic, Mirela Karl, Shannon Kenning, Robin Keyt, Misty Konrady, Whitney Krenzler, Debra Lefebre, Nikkiel

Lopez, Deborah Mccoy, Marian Mcdonnell, Jennifer Newman, Teri Ocasio, Carol Paynter, Susan Pistole, Doris Pitts, Kathleen Price, Sharlene Recolizado, Merlina Reyes, Marisyl Reynolds, Alyssa Richards, Michelle Rodriguez, Martha Sappington, Steven Savochka, Marina Schoenkopf, Ashley Schram, Pamela Seaver, Shel Smith, Courtney Smith, Tyler Templet, Maryann Tollisen, Marylyn Toombs, Christine Webberley, Vivian

WHITMAN COUNTY Brewer, Stephanie

BENTON / FRANKLIN COUNTIES Armey, Ashley Baker, Stephanie Burlingame, Katelyn Cobb, Sandee Dolojan, Micaela Frank, Marissa Gardner, Caroline Goodrich, Pegi Henle, Robin Herrera, Carmen Hotelling, Carin Hughes, Brian Kilkenny, Katherine Kinney, Kate Krebs, Sarah Laibl, Caron Lyso, Jeralynn Mackay, Ashley Martinez, Amye Marvin, Natalie Mealer, Emma Mendoza, Maria Morgan, Meiske Nipper, Danielle Park, Kathryn Ponce, Josefina Pratt, Shawna Quick, Jennifer Roberts, Marylee Sonderland, Drew Sweeney, Kendall Werry, Bryan Wiles, Megan Young, Kirsten

Chmiel, Nicole Clancy, Shannon Clement, Shrene Dupree-Landsberger, Nancy Edwards, Charles Erskine, Christie Falkner, Brianne Fitzpatrick, Tamara Flanigan, Erin Hall, Sharon Hastings, Miranda Heller, Kathryn Hrovat, Lori Jensen, Marta Johnson, Kristie King, Lauren Ledeen, Michelle Macleod, Haley Marion-Wheeler, Christa Mcginnis, Joyce Miller, Amy Montoya, Trina Morse, Kirsten Moyer, Tiffani Nelson, Donna Nylander, Robyn O'Brien, Kathryn Pentecost, Chelsi Reid, Kristen Reyes, Maria Rhinevault, Patricia Rome, Camillia Seward, Jeremy Shimota, Danielle Shook, Clarisa Tapia, Rocio Walker, Angela

KITTITAS COUNTY Carey, Rachel Englund, David Lawson, Deborah Simonton, Jeannette Steele, Erin Windingstad, Bethany

ALL OTHER COUNTIES Chenoweth, Robin Cox, Rebecca Graf, Susan Milam, Maria Rojas, Marisol Soule, Cynthia Valdez, Catherine

SKAGIT / ISLAND / SAN JUAN COUNTIES Aubin, Margaret Barkhausen, Trina Buckner, Brian Burns, Joanna

www.wsna.org  The Washington Nurse  FA L L 2 0 1 3


Membership Dues

2014 WSNA Membership Dues The total annual amount of WSNA member dues includes WSNA, ANA and District dues and NFN and AFT dues where applicable. Members who work less than 80 hours per month, are retired or not represented for collective bargaining may qualify for one of the reduced dues categories. The updated WSNA dues rate schedule is effective January 1, 2014. WSNA dues for members are adjusted annually on January 1st each year based on a formula approved by the membership in 1991 and revised in 2003. For members represented for collective bargaining by WSNA, the formula is based on the statewide average of the 5th-step wage rate for RNs in WSNA represented bargaining units. This calculation is made from existing contracts in effect on July 1st each year. The average 5th step monthly salary is then multiplied by a dues adjustment factor of 1.00% and again by 12 to determine the amount for the annual WSNA portion of the dues and is applied in January the following year. The amount of the dues increase for 2014 for the WSNA portion of the dues will be 1.25% which is $0.70 per month ($8.40 for the year) for members in our highest dues-paying category. For 2014 the NFN dues remain the same. The 2014 AFT dues for members represented by WSNA for Collective Bargaining will be $1.31 per month ($15.72 annually).

If you are currently a member and have had a change in your employment situation… Please complete a Change of Information Form or email your changes to membership@wsna.org. The Change of Information Form is available on the WSNA website under “Membership,” or you can contact the WSNA Membership Department at 800.231.8482 or 206.575.7979 to request one. Please note: It is the member’s responsibility to notify WSNA in writing of any changes in address, employer, FTE status, layoff or leave of absence. Write to: Membership – Washington State Nurses Association, 575 Andover Park West, Suite 101, Seattle, WA, 98188.

ANA dues are adjusted every three years based on the Consumer Price Index (this increase is capped at a maximum of 2%). The last ANA dues increase was in 2011. The ANA dues increase that will take effect January 2014 will be $0.67 per month ($8.00 annually) and will be in effect through December 31, 2016. This increase is applied to both collectivebargaining and non-collective bargaining members. Please see the accompanying Dues Rate chart for your specific dues rate for 2014.

WSNA Dues The amount of dues you pay includes the ANA, WSNA and the District Nurses Association dues portions. This combined amount is based on the following information 1) the District you are employed in, 2) the total hours you are scheduled to work per month (FTE), and 3) whether you are represented by WSNA for collective bargaining or not. Eight percent (8%) of the WSNA portion of the dues of WSNA collective bargaining members are returned to the WSNA Cabinet on Economic and General Welfare (4%) and to the member’s local unit (4%) for their use.

Dues Categories A

In a WSNA represented bargaining unit and working an average of 80 or more hours per month

F Employed and not covered by a WSNA collective bargaining contract, or unemployed


The Washington Nurse

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In a WSNA represented bargaining unit and working an average of 40 hours or more and less than 80 hours per month

R New Graduate Nurse, employed and not covered by a WSNA collective bargaining contract (for 1st year of membership only)



In a WSNA represented bargaining unit and working an average of less than 40 hours per month

E 62 years of age and not employed or totally disabled.


New Graduate Nurse employed in a WSNA represented bargaining unit (for the 1st year of membership only)

Membership Dues

WSNA Districts 1 Whatcom

6 Yakima City / North Yakima

12 Clallam/Jefferson

18 Kittitas

2 King


13 Thurston

98 All others not listed

3 Pierce

8 Grays Harbor

14 Whitman

4 Spokane / Adams / Lincoln / Pend Oreille / Stevens

9 Snohomish

15 Benton / Franklin

10 Wahkiakum/Cowlitz

16 Skagit / Island / San Juan

5 Walla Walla / Columbia

11 Clark/Skamania

17 Kitsap

Chelan / Douglas / Grant

Dues Rates  Effective Jan 1, 2014 – Dec 31, 2014 Subject to change with proper notice









1, 6, 8, 17, 18

















5, 15


CATEGORY C / D Monthly













































9, 12










10, 13




















14, 98

































1, 6, 8, 17, 18








































5, 15




















9, 12










10, 13




















14, 98




















www.wsna.org  The Washington Nurse  FA L L 2 0 1 3


In Memoriam

In Memoriam Rheba de Tornyay 1926 - 2013 Dr. Rheba de Tornyay, RN, ED, FAAN, Dean Emeritus of the School of Nursing at the University of Washington, passed away on September 27, 2013. Dr. de Tornyay received her bachelor's degree in nursing from San Francisco State University in 1951, a master's in education from San Francisco State University in 1954, and a doctorate in education from Stanford University in l967. She is renowned for her leadership role as the dean of the University of Washington, for her early election to the Institute of Medicine, and for her role as the founding president of the American Academy of Nursing (1973). Under de Tornyay's leadership, the UW School of Nursing established a doctoral degree in nursing science in 1978. Among the many other highlights of de Tornyay's tenure as dean were the creation of a satellite nursing education program, the development of the first sleep lab in a school of nursing in the country and the establishment of Continuing Nursing Education as a separate division with the School. The annual Elizabeth Sterling Soule lecture series honoring the School's founding dean was initiated by de Tornyay and the School was reorganized into four academic departments. In 1984, in the first nationwide survey of schools of nursing, the UW School of Nursing was selected for the first time as the premier school of nursing in the country. The Nursing Alumni Association also launched the annual Friends of Nursing dinner and Distinguished Alumni Award during de Tornyay's deanship in 1999, Rheba de Tornyay was named to the Harborview Medical Center Board of Trustees. Dr. de Tornyay served on numerous boards and commissions throughout her career, including active membership in WSNA and a member of several special


The Washington Nurse

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committees. She also served on the Harbor- her legacy, and read thoughts from nursview Medical Center Board of Trustees and ing leaders and friends, visit http://nursing. most recently served on the Robert Wood uw.edu/remembering-rheba-detornyay. Johnson Foundation Board of Trustees. She was a member of the University House Retirement Community Advisory Commit- Andrew Lee Reiser tee and past president of the UW Retirement 1971 - 2013 Association. Andrew spent his childhood living on a Dr. de Tornyay, dedicated her life to pro- farm in Arkansas, and loved hiking, biking, moting research, training, and services for kayaking and camping. Fishing was another the healthy aging of adults while advanc- favorite pastime. In high school, he played ing the nursing profession. Working closely football and basketball, then upon graduatwith the University of Washington, Rheba ing went on to attend Arkansas State Uniopened The de Tornyay Center for Healthy versity, receiving his Bachelor of Science Aging, which serves as a catalyst for pro- in Nursing in 1995. In 2009 he graduated moting healthy aging through its support of from Graceland University with his Masters research and education in the field of geron- in Health Care Administration. Andrew’s tology. Under Dr. de Tornyay's leadership, nursing career began at St. Bernard’s Hosthe University of Washington established pital in Jonesboro, AR, then Providence and a doctoral degree in nursing science in 1978. Swedish Hospitals in Seattle. More recently, Dr. de Tornyay also brought established a Andrew has been a longtime employee of satellite nursing education program, the MultiCare Health System where he worked first sleep lab in a school of nursing in the in critical care, was voted Nurse of the Year country, and established Continuing Nurs- in 2005, and then was employed as a consuling Education as a separate division within tant in Operational Effectiveness. the school. Andrew was diagnosed with stomach Though she was dean for slightly more cancer almost two years ago and wrote than a decade, Rheba de Tornyay’s impact about his journey on Caringbridge. He and influence extended far beyond her time was an inspiration to all who knew him and as dean at the School of Nursing. Her legacy shared very personal viewpoints from the of excellence and achievements will con- patient perspective helping nurses continue tinue into a nursing future that she helped to to develop better empathy and professionalcreate and shape. Dr. de Tornyay’s accom- ism. He was passionate about nursing – and plishments would be exceptional in any era; passionate about making things better for they were extraordinary in the context of a patients. time and place when nursing was struggling Andrew is survived by his wife of 13 to be recognized as a profession. years, Carolyn Flower, their daughter AbiDr. de Tornyay 's landmark book, Strate- gail (Abby) Paige Reiser and Teddy the dog. gies for Teaching Nursing, became the unques- Those who were privileged enough to call tioned standard in the field and influenced him a friend know that heaven has, indeed, the way professionals were educated at gained another angel. n nursing schools nationally and internationally. Through three editions and several translations over a span of 30 years, it exemplified a more collaborative and reflective approach to the teaching and learning process at a time when students were seen as passive recipients of knowledge. To learn more about Dr. de Tornyay’s impact on nursing, view a video tribute to

Washington State Nurses Association Continuing Education

Anytime, Anywhere. Get Your Required Continuing Education contact hours online, when and where it suits you. C u R R E N T ly AvA I l A B l E C o u R s E s

• Continuing Competency • Grassroots Political and legislative Action • Guidelines for the Registered Nurse in Giving, Accepting, or Rejecting an Assignment • Nurse Practice Act and ARNPs • Protecting Nurses as a valuable Resource: Washington state’s safe Patient Handling law

• Quality of Care, Nurses’ Work schedules, and Fatigue



Take courses at a time and location convenient to you Start, stop, and re-start your reading where you left off if you cannot complete the course in one sitting Upon passing a course, print your CNE contact hour certificate immediately Keep an automatic record of the courses you have completed WSNA online CNE for up to seven years

• safe staffing • violence in the Workplace • Washington state Nurse Practice Act for RN’s • And more on the way!

ð www.wsna.org/cne The Washington State Nurses Association Continuing Education Provider Program (OH-231, 9-1-2012) is an approved provider of continuing nursing education by the Ohio Nurses Association (OBN-001-91), an accredited approver by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation.


Washington State Nurses Association 575 Andover Park West, Suite 101 Seattle, WA 98188


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