FALL 2022 ACTIVITIES BROCHURE www.wsprings.com/recreation

• Late Registrations: Programs will generally not be prorated if registering within the first 2 weeks of the program start date.
• The Recreation Department reserves the right to correct or modify program information due to errors, omissions or changes. Errors can happen in printing so please check our website for the most current information/corrections/changes before registration.
• Refunds can be credited to your Household account, back to the original credit card or a check will be issued. Refund checks will be issued approximately within thirty days after notification of cancellation.
• Programs that meet only 1 or 2 times require three business days notification to be eligible for a refund.
• No refunds will be issued after the 3rd week of the session or halfway through the class, whichever comes first.
• No refunds for missed classes. No refunds for unused punch cards.
• A paper registration form can be downloaded here. Drop off completed forms at the Recreation front desk or in the drop box located to the right of the Recreation Center’s main doors with a check (written to Western Springs Recreation) or cash.
• A prorated percent of the class fee plus a $5.00 cancellation fee and any direct program material costs will be refunded unless the program is cancelled by the Recreation Department or a physician’s excuse is presented.
• For programs using the Western Springs Park District facilities, a $10/youth or a $20/adult charge is included in the fee.
• Returned checks will be charged a fee per Village of WS policy.
• There will be a 10 day grace period from registration day to cancel a program without a charge. After that time period there will be no charge to transfer to a different program or cancel a program and put money back on your household account. However, there will be a $5.00 charge to refund the money to your credit card.
• Register on-line at https://wsprings.recdesk.com
• Fees listed in the brochure are for Western Springs’ residents and grade school students that attend any school in Western Springs or at La Grange Highlands School, and high school students that attend Lyons Township High School. Resident fees are noted as “R”. Nonresident fees are noted as “NR”.
Resident Registration Starts: Friday, August 19 at 8:30am Registration Starts: Friday, August 26 at 8:30am Register online at: https://wsprings.recdesk.com
For detailed information on how to register go to:
The following standards are set to ensure that all participants can have an enjoyable time while participating in the programs and activities listed in this book. It is unacceptable behavior to use profanity or other inappropriate language; to be disrespectful or show non-compliant behavior; to cause intentional damage or defacing of property; to cause continuous disruptive behavior to classes or programs; or to exhibit any aggressive act (hitting, kicking, biting, etc.) which is initiated or in retaliation. Temporary removal or permanent suspension from the program and/or facilities may result if behavior standards are not maintained.
• The Lodge at Katherine Legge Memorial Park-5901 S County Line Rd, Hinsdale, IL 60521
FEE ASSISTANCE: If you are aware of any children who are being denied the right to participate in recreation programs due to the fee structure, kindly inform the Rec Dept. Requests will be considered on an individual basis
FALL 2022 | wsprings.recdesk.com
• La Grange Recreation Center—536 East Ave, La Grange, IL 60525
• Sedgwick Park-48th St & 10th Ave, La Grange IL, 60525
The Western Springs Recreation Department coops with other park districts and recreation departments to offer additional activities. Western Springs residents receive resident rates from the other organizations. Below is a list of locations.
The Western Springs Recreation Department strives to offer programs for all residents. New programs are added to gauge interest and can become permanent programs if there are enough registrants.
• Robinhood Park-1121 E 31st St, La Grange Park, IL 60526
• Denning Park—4903 S. Gilbert, La Grange, IL 60525
To provide the Residents of WS and surrounding communities with healthy, creative and learning experiences whereby people can meet, share and unite in a community of common interests and ideas; and to provide aesthetically pleasing, safe and properly maintained facilities for programs and activities.
The Western Springs Park District is a separate government entity from the Village of Western Springs and its Recreation Department. The Park District owns and maintains the parks throughout the Village. Contact the Park District to reserve park facilities. The Village of Western Springs Recreation Department pays a per user fee to the Park District for use of their facilities. Currently, the Park District receives $10/youth participant and $20/adult participant per program, which is included in the program fee that the Recreation Department charges participants and is noted by the symbol above. Additionally the Village of Western Springs pays the Park District an additional yearly base fee of $29,000 for use of the facilities.
FOOTWORK FOLLIES 2019 – 35 Years! Our year-end performances are tentatively scheduled for June 14 & 15 (Tentative dress rehearsal dates are June 11 & 12). Note: The Studio makes best effort to put all family members in the same performance. However, due to the complexity of the lineups for the performances, family members may need to attend more than one performance. Costume measuring occurs and costume fees are due during Session II. For complete schedule information, scan the QR code or visit www.josfootworkstudio.com, or stop by the WS Recreation Center 1st floor, or our office (1500 Walker Street 2nd floor) to pick up a brochure, or email us at josfootwork@gmail.com
FALL 2022 | wsprings.recdesk.com OUR FACILITY PARTNERS Grand Avenue Preschool and Daycare https://grandavenuepreschool.com Jo’s Footwork Studio https://www.josfootworkstudio.com Kensington School of Western Springs https://kensingtonschool.com Mattix Music Studio https://mattixmusic.com Montessori School of Western Springs https://amshq.org Christopher Spartz Basketball https://www.spartzsportz.com dance AnD mUsiC www.josfootworkstudio.com 708-246-6878 JO’S FOOTWORK STUDIO is a technique-based dance studio, concentrating on dance methodology by providing 2 tracks of dance Foundation of dance and Performance based. styles of dance. Since 1984, and in its 35th dance year, Jo’s Footwork offers classes for preschoolers and tots through adult, from beginners to advanced levels with the right kind of Professional/Educated/Energetic instructors for our Twinkle Star program for 2 year old through Kindergarten, Ballet, Cecchetti Ballet, Pointe, Demi-Pointe, Tap, Tap Technique, Progressions in Tap, Leaps & Turns, Jazz, Lyrical, Contemporary, AllStar-Competive Pomdance, Poms Conditioning, Contemporary Modern, and Hip Hop. Our mis sion: Encouragement, Enthusiasm, and Creativity and to challenge dance creativity and enthusiasm to the next level whether simply to enjoy the art of dance or to pursue the professional arena. (708)246-9070 • www.wsprings.com/recreation ted reet, 2nd floor, with four dance studios between 1500 walker street and the Grand Avenue Center (4200 Grand Avenue) A Complete schedule of Classes with (2nd floor of the Rec Center) 3 At tHe westeRn spRinGs ReCReAtion CenteR oFFiCe 4. BY CALLinG tHe stUdio At (708) 246-6878 (you will be WE OFFER •Over 130 dance classes scheduled for Preschooler through Adult; Classes for Beginners through Advanced Levels •Specialized Pre-school and Kindergarten classes: Twinkle Stars, & Top Hats & Tails (just for boys) scheduled to accommodate Your schedule! •Classes are technique based not competition based. •Small Classes maximum 12 per class for ages 3 5 • Customer Service Desk staff are available during class times to provide assistance Qualified Instructors: instructors are either certified, degreed, or masters/professional, energetic, enthusiastic, and encouraging! • Choice of more than 1 teacher for each dance type to fit your dancer’s Personality Schedules and Registrations in person OR: On-Line at www.josfootworkstudio.com CALL NOW (708) 246-6878 REGISTER NOW! FOR YOUNGER DANCERS... Hats & Tails just for boys; HIPPITY HOP (boys & girls)! MUSICAL THEATER find POMS (Ages 5 & 6) FOR THE OLDER AND divisions in accordance to the UDA (Universal training in pom technique and the elements of Poms (ages 4-5), All Star MiniPoms (ages 6-9), + ), Plus the new Poms Conditioning. TAP UE - this is not the typical tap class – you’re working on the ankles, sounds, speed, mastering tap rudiments (basics) and putting them to use in the appropriate level; shading sounds loud to soft! And introducing IRISH DANCE for ages 3 through teen, with world champions Kevin & Jenny Murray of the Academy of Irish Dancing.

TABLE OF CONTENTS FALL 2022 A-2-Z 13 ACT Math Section Test Prep 19 American Red Cross Babysitter’s Training 19 Animal Enthusiasts 13 Back Again!! 19 Ballerz 23 Beginning Guitar 9 Blazers & Wildcats Travel Basketball Tryouts 23 Blue Moose Soccer Academy 27 Blue Moose Sports Camp 27 Body Works Plus 18 Building Bird Houses 14 By Gym Mini 11 Chair Yoga 18 Chess 6 Craft & Cooking Creations (CCC) 11 Crime Scene Investigation 8 Develup U (Basketball) 24 Dino Dig 14 Dog Obedience 20 Double the Fun Drawing with Young Rembrandts 8 Etiquette Refresher Class 10 Facility Rentals Information 20 Fall Fest Sweets & Treats 7 Family Archery 25 Fiesta Time - Make Your Own Mini Pinata 9 Fitness Workshop 17 Floor Hockey 22 Frosty The Snowman 14 Functionally Fit + 17 Future Engineers 8 GNO: Get Pampered Spa Divas 9 Go Girl Go! – Sports & Craft Camp 22 Gymnastics 101 30 Gymnastics 102 30 Halloween Hoopla 18 Holiday Etiquette 101 10 Holiday Slime Time 9 Holiday Time with Your American Girl 14 Imagination Station 12 Intro to Lacrosse - Coed 29 I Speak Spanish 15 Junior Volleykidz 25 Kid Rock III 15 Kids Yoga 16 Lacrosse Boys House League - Fall 29 Lego City Engineering & Architects Camp 10 Lego Engineering- Amusement Park Adventures 7 Lego Engineering - Gadgets & Gizmos 7 Lego Stem Workshop - Transportation Timeline 7 Let’s Mix It 12 Lil Hoopers 23 Lil Pint Soccer 22 Little Actors Club 15 Little Authors 13 Magic Class 6 Make It, Take It-3 On 3 League 24 Masterpieces for Munchkins 13 Meditation Workshop 20 Men’s Over 35 Basketball 20 Mom/Daughter Holiday Glamour Hair 7 My First Holiday Etiquette Class 10 National Recycles Day 14 Open Pickleball 33 Parent/Child Annual Holiday Gift Boutique 14 Parent/Child/Youth/Adult Karate 26 Parent/Tot Tumbling 16 Parent & Tot Pumpkin Carving 18 Parent and Me Yoga 16 Pee Wee Sports 21 Pee Wee Tennis 22 Pickleball Advanced Beginners Clinic - Indoors 32 Pickleball Advanced Beginners Clinic - Outdoors 32 Pickleball Beginner Clinics - Indoors 31 Pickleball Beginner Clinics - Outdoors 31 Pickleball Halloween Tournament - Indoors 33 Pickleball Intermediate Clinics - Indoors 32 Pickleball Intermediate Clinics - Outdoors 31 Pickleball Skills & Drills Int Clinic - Indoors 33 Pickleball Skills & Drills Inter Clinic - Outdoors 32 Pilates 17 Pom and Cheer 8 Rec League Basketball - 1st/2nd Grade B/G 24 Rec League Basketball - 3rd/8th Grade B/G 24 Safety Days 16 Santa’S Little Helper 15 SAT Math Section Test Prep 19 Smart Start Art 6 Soccer 22 Soccer & T-Ball Combo 21 Sports Galore I 21 Sports Galore II 21 Stage Stars 6 Super Slime & Gooey Chemistry 10 Sweetie and Me 11 Taekwondo 26 Tot Rock 15 Tumbling For Beginners (ages 2-3) 16 Tumbling for Beginners (ages 7-8) 30 Up, Up and Away - Building Flying Models 8 Vamonos Youth Spanish 9 Volleyball Camp 22 Volleykidz 25 Wee Gourmets 12 Western Springs Lacrosse Program 29 Yoga Level 1-2 17 Youth Archery 25 Youth Beginner Pickleball Clinic Indoors 28 Youth Beginner Pickleball Clinic Outdoors 28 Youth Pickleball Ladder League Clinic Indoors 28 Zombie Candy Hunt 18 Zoom Yin Yoga 17 FALL 2022 | wsprings.recdesk.com5
Children are guaranteed to have a great time as they learn a collection of fascinating and mesmerizing tricks! Amaze family and friends with tricks that involve cards, ropes, coins, “mind-reading” and more. While tricks may appear difficult, you’ll discover that they are quick to learn and easy to perform. All materials are provided and each child receives a magic kit to take home. Children are grouped by age and learn age appropriate tricks. Brand new tricks taught at each class.
AGE: 6-12 DAY: Monday DATE: 9/12-10/24 (no class 10/10) TIME: 4:30 PM-5:30 PM LOCATION: Rec - Rooms 224-226 INSTRUCTOR: Chess Wizards MIN/MAX: 5/7 REG DEADLINE: 9/10 FEES (R/NR): $125.00/$156.00 Village of Western Springs | Recreation Department
Every child is an artist” - Pablo Picasso. Explore your artistic side in this class. Discover your creativity and imagination as an artist, developing fine motor skills, style, and vision as we explore different artistic techniques through a variety of inspiring projects. Sketch and draw, shade and color, cut, glue, fold... create! See your imagination come to life! Learn about great artists from throughout history and the present day, through a weekly featured artist and fun, exciting games. Earn ArtBelts™ as you learn and progress. No experience necessary.
AGE: 5-8 DAY: Thursday DATE: 9/22-10/27 TIME: 4:30 PM-5:30 PM LOCATION: Rec - Rooms 224-226 INSTRUCTOR: After School Enrichment Solutions MIN/MAX: 3/5 REG DEADLINE: 9/20 FEES (R/NR): $100.00/$125.00
AGE: 5 – 10 DAY: Thursday DATE: 9/22-10/27 TIME: 4:30-5:30 pm LOCATION: Rec- Room 224-226 INSTRUCTOR: After School Enrichment Solutions MIN/MAX: 8/12 REG DEADLINE: 9/20 FEES (R/NR): $103.00/$129.00
“All the world’s a stage”- Shakespeare. Bring out your dramatic side, boost your confidence and overcome stage fright in a relaxed, fun environment while learning theatrical skills, improve basics and playing interactive drama games. This is an opportunity for participants to have fun, express themselves and interact with others within the context of theatre arts. Each week participants work on a different skill that is essential to performance, such as projection, diction, facial expressions, character movement, improvisation and stage directions. After beginning the class by defining and discussing the importance of these skills, the instructor leads the class in a wide variety of targeted games and exercises that are designed to strengthen and reinforce that skill!
AGE: 5-12 LOCATION: Rec - Rooms 224-226 INSTRUCTOR: Gary Kantor MIN/MAX: 3/12 FEES (R/NR): $22.00/$27.00 DAY: Thursday DATE: 9/15 TIME: 6:45 PM-7:40 PM REG DEADLINE: 9/13 FEES (R/NR): $22.00/$27.00 DAY: Monday DATE: 10/17 TIME: 5:00 PM-5:55 PM REG DEADLINE: 10/15 FEES (R/NR): $22.00/$27.00 DAY: Monday DATE: 12/5 TIME: 6:45 PM-7:40 PM REG DEADLINE: 12/3 FEES (R/NR): $22.00/$27.00 CHESS This class has an interactive, discovery-based curriculum inspiring children to think ahead, visualize their goals, treat others with respect and to learn from mistakes. Classes are geared to suit children of all skill levels; from castling to checkmate artist, participants will build upon their knowledge through lessons, tournaments, variation games and more!

INSTRUCTOR: Bricks for Kidz MIN/MAX: 8/16 REG DEADLINE: 9/18 FEES (R/NR): $60.00/$75.00
AGE: 5-9 DAY: Tuesday DATE: 9/20-10/11 TIME: 4:30 PM-5:30 PM LOCATION: Rec - Rooms 224-226
This class is all about the fun of exploring and experimenting with what you’ve built. From a motorized optical illusion machine to a spin art model, kids will love playing with their creations! But don’t worry, we sneak in lots of learning, too – participants will also have a blast constructing a mini-figure launcher and learning about gear ratios with the paper crinkler model! Join us as we learn, build, and play with LEGO® bricks!!
AGE: 5-9 DAY: Tuesday DATE: 10/25-11/15 TIME: 4:30 PM-5:30 PM LOCATION: Rec - Rooms 224-226 INSTRUCTOR: Bricks for Kidz MIN/MAX: 8/16 REG DEADLINE: 10/23 FEES (R/NR): $60.00/$75.00
Delve into the history and mechanics of your favorite amusement park rides in this imaginative unit. Participants will use our proprietary LEGO® technic kits to construct a Ferris Wheel, Carousel Swing, Swing Boat Ride, and a Merry Go Round. Our one-of-a-kind kits incorporate beams, axles, gears, motors & battery packs to make our creations come to life! Lessons incorporate principles of physics, described in a way children can understand, such as “G-force” inertia and momentum, as well as math concepts. These engaging lessons will give students an understanding of the physical forces they experience every day.
AGE: 4-10 DAY: Monday DATE: 11/14 TIME: 6:30 PM-7:30 PM LOCATION: Rec - Rooms 224-226 INSTRUCTOR: Ultimate Classes & Parties MIN/MAX: 4/8 REG DEADLINE: 11/12 FEES (R/NR): $38.00/$48.00 FALL FEST SWEETS & TREATS
What better way to celebrate the fall, but with a class full of goodies!! Each child will receive a Fall-Fest tray that will be filled with cookies and brownies. We will use frosting and toppings to design a baker’s masterpiece to show off to our family and friends. This special class would not be complete without designing awesome trick-or-treat bags. The perfect class for all ages!
AGE: 5-10 DAY: Thursday DATE: 10/6 TIME: 6:30 PM-7:30 PM LOCATION: Rec - Rooms 224-226 INSTRUCTOR: Ultimate Classes & Parties MIN/MAX: 4/8 REG DEADLINE: 10/4 FEES (R/NR): $34.00/$42.00 DON’T BE DISAPPOINTED! REGISTER EARLY! Classes with low enrollment may be canceled a week or so before start date.
HAIR Moms, bring your daughters to this amazing class and learn the skills to create a variety of simple up do’s and braids. Forget going to the beauty shop every time she needs her hair done for dance, cheer, gymnastics, the school play or even the holidays. A variety of styles will be taught to accommodate different age groups. Each girl will choose from a sparkly collection of clips and glitters to polish off her new look. Goodie bags are included.
Participants will explore the history of transportation from horse and buggy and trains to the development of the automobile and flight. Each lesson introduces terminology related to each mode of transportation, like “lift and propulsion” for the airplane, as well as describes how each “vehicle” works. Lots of building fun ahead with motorized models of a car, dragster, helicopter, & airplane! These one-of-a-kind models incorporate gears, axles, motors & battery packs and have a step-by-step plan to create their vehicle, customize it to their own specifications and take their mini-figure for a ride!
AGE: 5-9 DAY: Tuesday DATE: 11/29-12/20 TIME: 4:30 PM-5:30 PM LOCATION: Rec - Rooms 224-226 INSTRUCTOR: Bricks for Kidz MIN/MAX: 8/16 REG DEADLINE: 11/27 FEES (R/NR): $60.00/$75.00

LOCATION: Rec - Rooms 224-226
INSTRUCTOR: Minds in Motion MIN/MAX: 3/5 REG DEADLINE: 11/1 FEES (R/NR): $117.00/$146.00 NEW FUTURE ENGINEERS Participants will build 8 working models such as cranes, windmills etc. and learn how the mechanics and science work. Participants will also work in groups on the 100 in 1 STEM lab kits and learn all about circuits.
AGE: 7-12 DAY: Saturday DATE: 11/5-12/17 (no class 11/26) TIME: 10:00 AM-11:00 AM
AGE: 5-11 DAY: Friday DATE: 9/16-10/14 TIME: 5:30 PM-6:15 PM LOCATION: Grand - Gym INSTRUCTOR: Ultimate Classes & Parties MIN/MAX: 8/18 REG DEADLINE: 9/14 FEES (R/NR): $65.00/$80.00 UP, UP AND AWAY - BUILDING FLYING MODELS
LOCATION: Rec - Rooms 224-226
INSTRUCTOR: MInds in Motion MIN/MAX: 3/5 REG DEADLINE: 11/3 FEES (R/NR): $117.00/$146.00 POM AND CHEER Kids will have a great time learning simple cheers, partner stunts and an awesome pom routine. No experience necessary. Bring your strong voice and enthusiastic spirit! If you have taken our class in the past rest assured that we will have a completely different program this time around. Each participant will need a set of poms by the second class. We will have inexpensive poms available for the purchase in class.
AGE: 7-12 DAY: Thursday DATE: 11/3-12/15 TIME: 4:30 PM-5:30 PM
LOCATION: Rec - Rooms 224-226
Join our Minds In Motion Crime Team! We will provide you with all the tools you need to become your very own crime scene investigator. Learn all about forensics, searching for evidence, gathering clues and bring home your very own detective kit! Working in groups, you will conduct many science experiments in our crime lab to solve the mysteries at hand. You will learn all about fingerprinting, how to classify them and get a fingerprint classification sheet as well as perform chemical analyses and observations working with powders, liquids, and much more! Be amazed at how much science plays a part in solving a crime. Come ready to solve the crime of the century and help save the Minds In Motion Laboratory!
INSTRUCTOR: Richard Magin MIN/MAX: 2/4 REG DEADLINE: 9/12 FEES (R/NR): $46.00/$58.00 DOUBLE THE FUN DRAWING WITH YOUNG REMBRANDTS Awaken your inner Artist! Participants will explore all the basics of visual arts, in a fun and confident setting that ensures success for every child. Basic drawing, portraits, action, and cartooning. Participants will complete several different projects and learn to draw whimsical characters, animals, everyday objects, and action scenes. Young Artists will gain so much confidence in their creative spirit and art skills. Each week lessons will be different so no repeats. Don’t miss out, sign up today! AGE: 5-12 DAY: Saturday TIME: 10:00 AM-12:00 PM
INSTRUCTOR: Young Rembrandts MIN/MAX: 3/6 FEES (R/NR): $87.00/$109.00 DATE: 9/10-9/24 REG DEADLINE: 9/8 DATE: 10/1-10/15 REG DEADLINE: 9/29 DATE: 11/5-11/19 REG DEADLINE: 11/3 DATE: 12/3-12/17 REG DEADLINE: 12/1
Learn to make a new rubber band powered flying model from balsa wood. Have fun building, flying and learning how to fix the modes if they break. Each week a new model will be assembled. All models will be tested and trimmed and then taken home. AGE: 8-12 DAY: Wednesday DATE: 9/14-10/19 TIME: 4:00 PM-5:00 PM LOCATION: Rec - Rooms 224-226

AGE: 6-12 DAY: Wednesday TIME: 4:30 PM-5:30 PM LOCATION: La Grange Recreation Center
LOCATION: Rec - Rooms 224-226 INSTRUCTOR: Glitzy Girlz MIN/MAX: 4/8 REG DEADLINE: 10/17 FEES (R/NR): $32.00/$40.00
This class will teach you how to play and jam with your peers. Emphasis is placed on having fun while learning! Along with guitar playing essentials, students will learn guitar skills through playing classic pop songs. Essential guitar skills and basic note-reading are taught in a fun, supportive setting that allows students to develop at their own pace. Note: instruments not provided.
VAMONOS YOUTH SPANISH Learning a second language can open a world of possibilities for your child. Participants will learn Spanish conversation, some grammar, reading and writing skills through fun, interactive and engaging activities.
AGE: 4-10 DAY: Wednesday DATE: 10/19 TIME: 6:00 PM-7:15 PM
Looking for something fun AND educational for your child to do? Participants will celebrate Fall by decorating their very own mini pinata while sining songs in Spanish, learning Spanish words and discovering Mexican culture. All materials are included.
Let’s create some holiday SLIME together! Each participant will go home with a bag of slime. AGE: 5-7 DAY: Thursday TIME: 6:00 PM-7:00 PM LOCATION: La Grange Recreation Center INSTRUCTOR: LG Staff MIN/MAX: 3/5 FEES (R/NR): $22.00/$28.00 DATE: 10/20 REG DEADLINE: 10/18 DATE: 11/17 REG DEADLINE: 11/15 DATE: 12/15 REG DEADLINE: 12/13 YOUTH = COOPERATIVE PROGRAM
AGE: 6-11 DAY: Wednesday DATE: 10/5-11/9 TIME: 5:30 PM-6:15 PM
INSTRUCTOR: American Music Institute MIN/MAX: 3/6 FEES (R/NR): $110.00/$143.00 DATE: 9/21-10/19 REG DEADLINE: 9/19 DATE: 10/26-11/30 REG DEADLINE: 10/24 9
AGE: 4-11 DAY: Wednesday DATE: 9/21 TIME: 5:00 PM-6:30 PM LOCATION: Rec - Rooms 224-226
LOCATION: Grand - WSCCA INSTRUCTOR: Language in Action, Inc. MIN/MAX: 2/4 REG DEADLINE: 10/3 FEES (R/NR): $77.00/$96.00 HOLIDAY SLIME TIME
Each participant is welcome to come in their PJs! Our staff will be pampering them with hairdo fun braids and sparkle. We will teach a mini pedicure and mani section along with polishing nails and toes with glitter, neon and pastel polishes. A foot nail brush, cuticle stick and buffer will be take home goodies along with a mini polish and jewelry glam bag. Our night ends with some music and fun dancing to some disco lights and props for pictures!
INSTRUCTOR: Language in Action, Inc MIN/MAX: 8/14 REG DEADLINE: 9/19 FEES (R/NR): $22.00/$27.00

AGE: 5-12 DAY: Wednesday DATE: 9/14-11/16 TIME: 4:00 PM-5:00 PM LOCATION: La Grange Recreation Center
AGE: 9-13 DAY: Tuesday DATE: 9/20 TIME: 4:30 PM-5:45 PM
LOCATION: Rec - Rooms 224-226 INSTRUCTOR: Lisa Geneser MIN/MAX: 3/3 REG DEADLINE: 9/18 FEES (R/NR): $68.00/$85.00 YOUTH
HOLIDAY ETIQUETTE 101 Have your child ready to enjoy the holidays with ease and confidence! By learning basic etiquette skills, your child will navigate in various social situations with ease and certainty. My focus is on teaching manners as a demonstration of kindness, consideration, and respect toward others. This class offers the “other voice” to convey the common courtesies that parents try to teach at home. A snack will be served to practice their new etiquette skills. Dress code: young ladies - dress/skirt and blouse, and young men - khakis and collared shirt (sport coat optional)
AGE: 9-13 DAY: Sunday DATE: 11/13 TIME: 2:00 PM-3:15 PM
CAMP Explore the structures and landscapes of a city: Campers will work to design and build the city of their dreams, using LEGO® bricks! The architects may plan a road, propose a monument, design a park or school, or imagine a skyscraper. Builders will put on their “safety hats” and assemble motorized models of construction equipment, vehicles, amusement parks and many other city related builds! Our specialized model plans incorporate beams, gears, axles, motors, battery packs and other technic LEGO® components. Learn what it takes to become a LEGO® City planner!
INSTRUCTOR: Bricks 4 Kidz MIN/MAX: 10/16 REG DEADLINE: 12/22 FEES (R/NR): $115.00/$144.00
LOCATION: Rec - Rooms 224-226 INSTRUCTOR: Lisa Geneser MIN/MAX: 3/4 REG DEADLINE: 11/11 FEES (R/NR): $63.00/$79.00 NEW ETIQUETTE REFRESHER CLASS
We’re gonna get messy in this super fun chemistry class! Kids will be making hypotheses, recording observations and testing their conclusions as they work through the scientific method! We’ll make several slimes and create different concoctions, some of which will even explode!
LOCATION: Rec - Rooms 224-226
INSTRUCTOR: The Whole Child MIN/MAX: 3/6 REG DEADLINE: 9/12 FEES (R/NR): $189.00/$245.00 10
Even if you have learned it before, a refresher etiquette course will help your child gain more confidence in various social settings. A review of dining etiquette, being a good host or guest, social media and cell phone etiquette, giving thanks, first impressions, and more… This class is designed to be a fun and engaging way to review manners and hone their etiquette skills. A snack will be served. Dress code suggestions: dress/skirt and blouse or khakis and collared shirt.
Have your child ready to enjoy the holidays with ease and confidence! By learning basic etiquette skills, your child will navigate in various social situations with ease and certainty. My focus is on teaching manners as a demonstration of kindness, consideration, and respect toward others. This class offers the “other voice” to convey the common courtesies that parents try to teach at home. A snack will be served to practice their new etiquette skills. Dress code: young ladies - dress/skirt and blouse, and young men - khakis and collared shirt (sport coat optional)
AGE: 5-8 DAY: Sunday DATE: 11/13 TIME: 12:30 PM-1:30 PM
AGE: 6-9 DAY: Tuesday DATE: 12/27-12/29 TIME: 1:00 PM-4:00 PM LOCATION: Rec - Rooms 224-226

AGE: 3.5-6 TIME: 9:00 AM-11:45 AM
DAY: Wednesday LOCATION: Grand - Gym INSTRUCTOR: Abby McEntee MIN/MAX: 5/15 FEES (R/NR): $55.00/$69.00 AGE: 18-24 Months TIME: 9:00 AM-10:00 AM AGE: 2-3 Years TIME: 10:00 AM-11:00 AM DATE: 9/14-10/26 REG DEADLINE: 9/12 DATE: 11/2-12/14 No Class 11/23 REG DEADLINE: 10/31 SWEETIE AND ME Caregivers and tots explore different play areas designed to allow interaction, sharing and creative exploration between parent and tot as well as peers. This may be a child’s first opportunity to discover their independence in a classroom setting. Finger-plays, singing, and game play during a short circle time helps promote socialization and coordination. A small snack (parent donation) will add a special treat to morning fun. Note: Babies in carriers welcome. Sorry, no older siblings.
LOCATION: Rec - Room 228 INSTRUCTOR: Kimi Briskey MIN/MAX: 9/12 DAY: Tuesday DATE: 9/13-10/25 REG DEADLINE: 9/11 FEES (R/NR): $145.00/$181.00 DAY: Tuesday DATE: 11/1-12/13 No Class 11/22 REG DEADLINE: 10/30 FEES (R/NR): $125.00/$155.00 DAY: Wednesday DATE: 9/14-10/26 REG DEADLINE: 9/12 FEES (R/NR): $145.00/$181.00 DAY: Wednesday DATE: 11/2-12/14 No Class 11/23 REG DEADLINE: 10/31 FEES (R/NR): $125.00/$155.00 11
INSTRUCTOR: Amanda Collins MIN/MAX: 10/17 DATE: 9/13-10/25 REG DEADLINE: 9/11 FEES (R/NR): $72.00/$90.00 DATE: 11/1-12/13 No Class 11/22 REG DEADLINE: 10/30 FEES (R/NR): $62.00/$78.00 CRAFT & COOKING CREATIONS (CCC)
AGE: 2-3 DAY: Tuesday TIME: 9:30 AM-11:00 AM LOCATION: Rec - Rooms 224-226
BIG FUN FOR YOU AND YOUR TODDLER! Mom, dads or caregivers can join in the fun! A low key structure play allows plenty of free time for exploration and adventure on the different climbers, slides and tunnels, mini-trampoline and bikes. A short circle time includes songs, finger plays, games, parachute play or hula hoops. An excellent class for improving large motor skills while using the equipment and developing social and group interaction during circle time. .
(Children must be potty trained) Join us for a full morning of fun! We will create an enjoyable craft and make a delicious recipe from our Wee Gourmets class. A new craft and recipe will be introduced each week of each session. You can take this class for three years and not repeat a craft or recipe. Children take turns bringing a nut free snack and drink to share with their classmates. Note: All recipes are nut free. However, some ingredients may contain allergens.

AGE: 3-5 DAY: Wednesday TIME: 1:00 PM-3:00 PM LOCATION: Rec - Rooms 224-226 INSTRUCTOR: Abby McEntee MIN/MAX: 8/12 DATE: 9/14-10/26 REG DEADLINE: 9/12 FEES (R/NR): $90.00/$113.00 DATE: 11/2-12/14 No Class 11/23 REG DEADLINE: 10/31 FEES (R/NR): $78.00/$97.00
INSTRUCTOR: Abby McEntee MIN/MAX: 7/9 (Mon) 7/12 (Tues) DAY: Monday TIME: 9:00 AM – 11:00 AM DATE: 9/12-10/24 *No class 10/10
AGE: 3-5 LOCATION: Rec - Room 224-226
DON’T BE DISAPPOINTED! REGISTER EARLY! Classes with low enrollment may be canceled a week or so before start date. 12
REG DEADLINE: 9/10 FEES (R/NR): $78.00/$97.00 DAY: Monday TIME: 9:00 AM – 11:00 AM DATE: 10/31-12/12 *No class 11/21 REG DEADLINE: 10/29 FEES (R/NR): $78.00/$97.00 DAY: Tuesday TIME: 9/13-10/25 DATE: 1:00 PM – 3:00 PM REG DEADLINE: 9/11 FEES (R/NR): $90.00/$113.00 DAY: Tuesday TIME: 1:00 PM – 3:00 PM DATE: 11/1-12/13 No Class 11/22 REG DEADLINE: 10/30 FEES (R/NR): $78.00/$97.00 WEE GOURMETS (Children must be potty trained) The cupboard is open for little chefs to learn what to do in the kitchen. Mixing, measuring, safety, and cleanup will be among the weekly topics of discussion. We’ll add a cup of this and a teaspoon of that while we prepare a tasty treat each week. Recipes are different each session. Note: All recipes are nut free. However, some ingredients may contain allergens. AGE: 3.5-6 TIME: 1:00 PM-3:00 PM LOCATION: Rec - Room 228 INSTRUCTOR: Abby McEntee/Kimi Briskey MIN/MAX: 8/12 DAY: Monday DATE: 10/31-12/12 No Class 11/21 REG DEADLINE: 10/29 FEES (R/NR): $81.00/$101.00 DAY: Wednesday DATE: 9/14-10/26 REG DEADLINE: 9/12 FEES (R/NR): $95.00/$119.00 DAY: Wednesday DATE: 11/2-12/14 REG DEADLINE: 10/31 FEES (R/NR): $95.00/$119.00 DAY: Thursday DATE: 9/15-10/28 REG DEADLINE: 9/13 FEES (R/NR): $95.00/$119.00 DAY: Thursday DATE: 11/3-12/15 No Class 11/24 REG DEADLINE: 11/1 FEES (R/NR): $95.00/$119.00 DAY: Friday DATE: 9/16-10/28 REG DEADLINE: 9/14 FEES (R/NR): $95.00/$119.00
IMAGINATION STATION (Children must be potty trained.) Come along and you will see just how fun your imagination can be! We will explore a variety of activities through songs, stories, and arts & crafts. This class will tap the creative energies that make everyone an individual. A small nut free snack (parent donation) will be served.
LET’S MIX IT (Children must be potty trained.)Messy can be lots of fun! Each week this interesting class will give your child the opportunity to use different methods, materials and gadgets to mix and create their own special project inspired by stories read aloud in class. Every process is sure to be enjoyable. Children will have snack time too! (parent’s donation) All snacks should be nut free.

AGE: 4-6 DAY: Monday TIME: 9:00 AM-11:00 AM LOCATION: Rec - Room 228 INSTRUCTOR: Kimi Briskey MIN/MAX: 8/12 FEES (R/NR): $78.00/$97.00 DATE: 9/12-10/24 No Class 10/10 REG DEADLINE: 9/10 DATE: 10/31-12/12 No Class 11/21 REG DEADLINE: 10/29
A-2-Z (Children must be potty trained.) Have fun learning letters and numbers. Each session will be different as we introduce and reinforce upper case letters, numbers and counting, sequencing, lower case letters, word families, and consonant and vowel sounds. Our day will include listening skills, sharing and socialization. The weekly take-home project will pertain to the day’s theme. Students take turns bringing a nut free snack and drink to share with their classmates.
AGE: 4-6 DAY: Thursday TIME: 9:00 AM-11:30 AM LOCATION: Rec - Room 228 INSTRUCTOR: Sharon Wherry MIN/MAX: 9/12 DATE: 9/15-10/27 REG DEADLINE: 9/13 FEES (R/NR): $122.00/$152.00 DATE: 11/3-12/15 No Class 11/24 REG DEADLINE: 11/1 FEES (R/NR): $105.00/$131.00
AGE: 3.5-6 DAY: Wednesday TIME: 9:00 AM-11:00 AM LOCATION: Rec - Rooms 224-226 INSTRUCTOR: Elizabeth Peterfeso, ECE certified MIN/MAX: 7/12 FEES (R/NR): $100.00/$125.00 DATE: 9/14-10/19 REG DEADLINE: 9/12 DATE: 11/2-12/14 No Class 11/23 REG DEADLINE: 10/31
ANIMAL ENTHUSIASTS Calling all zoo animal lovers! Join us for a full morning of fun as your child becomes more aware of animal behavior, care and conservation. Hands -on learning activities will include stories, songs, crafts and multi-sensory activities. Participants should bring a water bottle and a nut free snack. Children must be toilet -trained.
AGE: 3-6 LOCATION: Rec - Rooms 224-226 INSTRUCTOR: Kimi Briskey MIN/MAX: 8/12 DAY: Monday DATE: 9/12-10/24 No Class 10/10 TIME: 1:00 PM-3:00 PM REG DEADLINE: 9/9 FEES (R/NR): $78.00/$97.00 DAY: Monday DATE: 10/31-12/12 No Class 11/21 TIME: 1:00 PM-3:00 PM REG DEADLINE: 10/28 FEES (R/NR): $78.00/$97.00 DAY: Friday DATE: 9/16-10/28 TIME: 9:00 AM-11:00 AM REG DEADLINE: 9/14 FEES (R/NR): $90.00/$113.00 DAY: Friday DATE: 11/4-12/16 No Class 11/25 TIME: 9:00 AM-11:00 AM REG DEADLINE: 11/2 FEES (R/NR): $78.00/$97.00 EARLY
One childhood author and book topic will be studied each session. Using verbal skills, children “write” their books by dictating as the teacher writes down their words. Typed pages are illustrated by the children using colorful markers. Instructors work one on one with the children assisting them in getting their verbal thoughts into novel form. Family and friends are invited to join us at our “Reading” as we share our completed novels prior to taking them home. Children take turns bringing a nut-free snack & drink to share with classmates.
MASTERPIECES FOR MUNCHKINS (Children must be potty trained Learn about the great masters of art. We’ll dabble with the styles and techniques of artists through the ages. Some free playtime will allow small group instruction. Nut free snack will be served (parent donation).

AGE: 3-10 DAY: Friday DATE: 12/2 TIME: 6:30PM-7:30 PM LOCATION: Rec - Rooms 224-226
NEW BUILDING BIRD HOUSES Summer is over and our feathered friends need our help in building them homes for the winter.
INSTRUCTOR: Ultimate Classes & Parties MIN/MAX: 4/6 REG DEADLINE: 11/30 FEES (R/NR): $35.00/$44.00
AGE: 3-10 DAY: Wednesday DATE: 12/21 TIME: 6:00 PM-7:15 PM LOCATION: Rec - Rooms 224-226
FROSTY THE SNOWMAN Who doesn’t like Frosty? The most adorable snowman is waiting for you to create! Each participant will stuff his/her own snowman, add a star to make a wish, design a T-shirt, and provide a blanket for your new friend. A “birth certificate” will also be provided. Don’t miss this cute class! Note: 3-5 yrs must be accompanied by a parent.
National Recycles Day promotes and celebrates the proper ways to recycle and the importance of recycling. Join us as we learn about recycling while crafting using recycled items.
AGE: 3-5 DAY: Tuesday DATE: 10/4 TIME: 1:00 PM-2:00 PM LOCATION: La Grange Recreation Center
AGE: 3-5 DAY: Saturday DATE: 10/15 TIMES: 9:30 AM-10:30 AM 11:45 AM-12:45 PM LOCATION: La Grange Recreation Center
INSTRUCTOR: Glitzy Girlz MIN/MAX: 3/5 REG DEADLINE: 12/19 FEES (R/NR): Additional$34.00/$42.00ChildFee: $31.00
AGE: 3-5 DAY: Tuesday DATE: 11/15 TIME: 1:00 PM-2:00 PM LOCATION: La Grange Recreation Center INSTRUCTOR: LG Staff MIN/MAX: 3/5 REG DEADLINE: 11/13 FEES (R/NR): $18.00/$23.00 DINO DIG Dig up some fun as children discover dinosaurs! We may even discover dinosaur eggs! Don’t miss out on the games, crafts, and snack. All supplies included on this excavation.
BOUTIQUE Come for a memorable night with your sons/daughters and celebrate the Spirit of the Season making gifts! Staff will assist in this unique class with each couple designing/decorating and wrapping surprises. Each couple makes and takes home 3 adorable gifts of wood, ceramic and beading/jewelry with paints, embellishments, stickers and more. Perfect for any recipient this holiday. A station for making tags, wrapping paper and decorating gift bags is available to conceal gifts. This class will be a treasured memory of the 2022 holiday season!
INSTRUCTOR: LG Staff MIN/MAX: 3/5 REG DEADLINE: 10/13 FEES (R/NR): $29.00/$37.00
HOLIDAY TIME WITH YOUR AMERICAN GIRL Girls, bring your American Girl doll or any other similar sized doll to this awesome class. We will be designing adorable outfits to celebrate the holiday. This class will also include holiday themed jewelry making. Our program wouldn’t be complete without a trip to the beauty shop, where you will find a variety of hair clips and ribbons perfect for any holiday celebration. This has been a favorite, so sign up early. Children aged 3-5 years need to be accompanied by an adult.
AGE: 3-10 DAY: Monday DATE: 12/12 TIME: 6:30 PM-7:30 PM LOCATION: Rec - Rooms 224-226 INSTRUCTOR: Ultimate Classes & Parties MIN/MAX: 4/8 REG DEADLINE: 12/10 FEES (R/NR): $36.00/$45.00
INSTRUCTOR: LG Staff MIN/MAX: 3/5 REG DEADLINE: 10/2 FEES (R/NR): $19.00/$24.00

AGE: 3-6 DAY: Wednesday DATE: 10/5-11/9 TIME: 4:30 PM-5:15 PM
This holiday class is sure to help your child feel the Christmas spirit! During Santa’s Little Helper we will read holiday stories, play games and make a cool holiday craft! Each participant will create a special project to display at home during the holiday season!
This interactive class has everyone on their feet! We all learn together while engaging in active, creative, music-based activities, while using rhythm instruments and movement props. All class procedures are designed to keep staff and students safe. Activities are age appropriate by class and include songs and rhymes, rhythm and coordination, fine and gross motor, imagination and sensory, listening and following directions skills. Sing, dance, play, learn and imagine with us!
AGE: 1-2 DAY: Tuesday TIME: 9:45 AM-10:25 AM
LOCATION: Grand - WSCCA INSTRUCTOR: Language in Action, Inc. MIN/MAX: 2/4 REG DEADLINE: 10/3 FEES (R/NR): $77.00/$96.00
This interactive class has everyone on their feet! We all learn together while engaging in active, creative, music-based activities, while using rhythm instruments and movement props. All class procedures are designed to keep staff and students safe. Activities are age appropriate by class and include songs and rhymes, rhythm and coordination, fine and gross motor, imagination and sensory, listening and following directions skills. Sing, dance, play, learn and imagine with us!
I SPEAK SPANISH Expand your child’s world! Introduce your child to the Spanish language in this Spanish immersion class developed especially for very young learners. Children will be immersed in the Spanish language through fun and educational activities and music.
INSTRUCTOR: Rock 'N' Kids MIN/MAX: 2/6 FEES (R/NR): $68.00/$87.00 DATE: 9/13-10/18 REG DEADLINE: 9/11 DATE: 11/1-12/13 REG DEADLINE: 10/30 SANTA’S LITTLE HELPER
AGE: 3-5 DAY: Friday TIME: 3:45 PM-4:30 PM
AGE: 2-5 w/parent DAY: Tuesday TIME: 10:30 AM-11:10 AM
INSTRUCTOR: Rock 'N" Kids MIN/MAX: 2/6 FEES (R/NR): $68.00/$87.00 DATE: 9/13-10/18 REG DEADLINE: 9/11 DATE: 11/1-12/13 REG DEADLINE: 10/30 KID ROCK III
INSTRUCTOR: LG Staff MIN/MAX: 3/5 FEES (R/NR): $20.00/$25.00 DATE: 12/6 REG DEADLINE: 12/4 DATE: 12/13 REG DEADLINE: 12/11
INSTRUCTOR: Shinning Star Productions MIN/MAX: 4/6 FEES (R/NR): $67.00/$87.00 DATE: 9/16-10/21 REG DEADLINE: 9/14 DATE: 10/28-12/16 No Class 11/11 & 11/25 REG DEADLINE: 10/26 TOT ROCK
LOCATION: La Grange Recreation Center
LOCATION: La Grange Recreation Center
LOCATION: La Grange Recreation Center
LOCATION: La Grange Recreation Center
Children love this innovative drama class that develops their imagination and introduces them to the performing arts in a fun and creative atmosphere. Each week is a new and exciting adventure into the imagination with changing themes, music, and games. Participants learn theater terms and a new joke every week, enhance spontaneity, build self-esteem, and have plenty of fun in this delightful class. Most themes are not repeated for two years so “act” now and sign up for both sessions!
AGE: 3-5 DAY: Tuesday TIME: 2:00 PM-3:00 PM

AGE: 2-3 DAY: Monday TIME: 4:00 PM-4:45 PM LOCATION: Rec - Full Gym INSTRUCTOR: Chicago Loves Dance MIN/MAX: 5/15 FEES (R/NR): $100.00/$125.00 DATE: 9/12-10/24 No Class 10/10 REG DEADLINE: 9/10 DATE: 11/7-12/12 REG DEADLINE: 11/5 NEW TUMBLING FOR BEGINNERS Introduce your child to tumbling and gymnastics with this new class. Participants will move, stretch, jump, and tumble! Watch your active youngster progress from somersault to cartwheel in this fun class.
AGE: 4-6 DAY: Monday TIME: 5:00 PM-6:00 PM LOCATION: Rec - Full Gym INSTRUCTOR: Chicago Loves Dance MIN/MAX: 5/15 FEES (R/NR): $100.00/$125.00 DATE: 9/12-10/24 No Class 10/10 REG DEADLINE: 9/10 DATE: 11/7-12/12 REG DEADLINE: 11/5 NEW PARENT AND ME YOGA Enjoy this beginning yoga class geared towards both kids and parents working together to learn effective yoga techniques.
AGE: 4-5 DAY: Thursday TIME: 10:15 AM-11:15 AM LOCATION: Rec - Room 227 INSTRUCTOR: Chicago Loves Dance MIN/MAX: 5/15 FEES (R/NR): $100.00/$125.00 DATE: 9/15-10/20 REG DEADLINE: 9/13 DATE: 10/27-12/8 No Class 11/24 REG DEADLINE: 10/25 CHILDHOOD
Introduce your child to tumbling and gymnastics with this new class. Participants will move, stretch, jump, and tumble! Interact with your active youngster to help them progress from somersault to cartwheel in this fun class.
SAFETY DAYS Safety Village opens its gates to 4-year-old children during the Fall as they explore “the Village” and have fun learning important safety skills. The Fire Safety Day will focus on fire prevention and protection skills. The children will also learn more about the fire department and the work fire fighters do. The Police Safety day will focus on road, bike and walking safety-skills that can be practiced right inside Safety Village! All children will have a chance to ‘drive’ around the village in the safety cars as well as be visited by some of our favorite safety characters and robots. Mini Safety Days are sure to thrill your little one and prepare them for a safe future! A few parent volunteers will be necessary to assist with program.
In this class kids will learn beginning yoga movements, terms and yoga based games to make learning fun. Yoga in childhood is wonderful for improving listening skills, building self-esteem and supporting social and emotional learning.
AGE: 4 DAY: Monday TIME: 1:00 PM-2:30 PM LOCATION: Rec - Safety Village INSTRUCTOR: Abby McEntee MIN/MAX: 15/30 FEES (R/NR): $35.00/$44.00 DATE: 9/26 THEME: Police Theme REG DEADLINE: 9/24 DATE: 9/19 THEME: Fire Theme REG DEADLINE: 9/17 NEW PARENT/TOT TUMBLING
AGE: 2-4 DAY: Thursday TIME: 9:30 AM-10:15 AM LOCATION: Rec - Room 227 INSTRUCTOR: Chicago Loves Dance MIN/MAX: 5/15 FEES (R/NR): $100.00/$125.00 DATE: 9/15-10/20 REG DEADLINE: 9/13 DATE: 10/27-12/8 No Class 11/24 REG DEADLINE: 10/25 NEW KIDS YOGA

Beginners and experienced yoga practitioners will enjoy classic yoga practices that cultivate strength, flexibility, balance, agility and reduce stress. This class combines slow-flow vinyasa and static holding with alignment. Foster mindfulness and equanimity with breathing techniques. Classes run continuously with very few breaks so join at any time. Bring your own yoga mat.
Registration deadline: by 5 pm Friday night.
This class is a combination of strength training and basic daily movement patterns which will improve your daily function, balance, mobility and flexibility. The class is designed for those who prefer a challenging workout without added stress/impact to your joints. Cardio may be incorporated from time to time to improve cardiovascular strength and endurance. We will finish each class with a good stretch. Classes will include equipment such as dumbbells, bands and balls. This class is perfect for all fitness levels and no previous experience is required.
Yin yoga offers a complementary alternative to a typical Hatha or “yang” practice. The principles of relaxing into a pose and holding the pose for longer time will create a deep stress on the connective tissues of the body: the fascia, tendons, ligaments, joint capsules and bones. Our tissues become stronger, thicker and longer plus our range of motion increases. The longer holds are nourishing and stimulating to the organs. The quiet stillness of this practice offers an opportunity for introspection and body/mind awareness. Most of this class will be on the floor and you will need a yoga mat. To register for each class, send an email to billjoanbinder@sbcglobal.net by midnight the day before. Zoom link will be sent about 1 hr before the class starts.
LOCATION: ZOOM INSTRUCTOR: Joan Binder, RYT 250, Yin certified MIN/MAX: 6/18 REG DEADLINE: Midnight before each class FEES (R/NR): $90.00 for 10 class package or $11.00 per class
AGE: 18-150 DAY: Saturday DATE: 9/3-12/17 TIME: 7:45 AM-8:45 AM LOCATION: Grand - Gym INSTRUCTOR: Diane Pearse MIN/MAX: 5/15 REG DEADLINE: 5 PM Friday Night FEES (R/NR): $5.00 FUNCTIONALLY FIT +
AGE: 16-150 DAY: Monday TIME: 6:00 PM-7:00 PM LOCATION: Grand - Lower Level INSTRUCTOR: Stacy Kafkes, Pilates Mat Certified MIN/MAX: 4/11 FEES (R/NR): $100.00/$125.00 DATE: 9/12-10/24 No Class 10/10 REG DEADLINE: 9/10 FEES (R/NR): $60.00/$75.00 DATE: 11/7-12/12 REG DEADLINE: 11/5 FEES (R/NR): $50.00/$62.00
AGE: 18-150 DAY: Wednesday DATE: 9/7-12/21 TIME: 9:00 AM-10:00 AM LOCATION: Rec - Full Gym INSTRUCTOR: Jenny Morgan, ACE certified MIN/MAX: 8/25 REG DEADLINE: Start Time of Class FEES: Adults: Seniors:$10.00$8.00 YOGA LEVEL 1-2
AGE: 18-150 DAY: Friday DATE: 9/2-12/16 TIME: 9:15 AM-10:30 AM LOCATION: Grand - Studio III INSTRUCTOR: Joan Binder, RYT 250, Yin certified MIN/MAX: 4/18 REG DEADLINE: Start Time of Class FEES (R/NR): $90.00 for 10 class package or $11.00 per class
AGE: 18-150 DAY: Wednesday DATE: 9/7-12/28 TIME: 9:15 AM-10:30 AM
FITNESS WORKSHOP Don’t wait! Get in shape! Total body workouts are set to energizing music to shape every inch! Exercises target tummies, hips, waists, heart. Enjoy 55-minute health club workouts at a fraction of the cost. We use free weights to tone and maintain muscle. Bring your own or use provided ones. Classes are coed and open to all age groups. Exercise is the only true fountain of youth. It keeps both mind and body healthy. So now is the time to enjoy and really just do it!
FITNESS PILATES Come to a multilevel class to build core strength, increase flexibility, improve balance and posture. Bring two thick Pilates/Yoga mats to class.

INSTRUCTOR: LG Staff MIN/MAX: 10/25 REG DEADLINE: 9/30 FEES (R/NR): Starting$5.00 Oct 1st: $7 per participant HALLOWEEN HOOPLA Treat your kids to a spooktacular evening out!! Children will enjoy games of chance for one and all, flashlight Trick or Treating in Safety Village, a craft table and strolling entertainment by our very own magician and balloon artist, Gary Kantor. Pre-registration is required. Each family member MUST be signed up to attend this event. LOTS of VOLUNTEERS are NEEDED... to make this special event a success and to put a smile on our childrens’ faces. (Teens, adults, church groups, scout troops are welcome). If interested, please email rbartelt@wsprings.com.
CARVING Hey kids! Grab your pumpkin and your parent to create your own pumpkin creation for Halloween! We’ll provide the carving materials, decorations, as well as a Halloween snack. All you need to bring is a pumpkin along with your imagination! AGE:
CHAIR YOGA Practice yoga using your breath and body postures to improve balance, posture, strength, range of motion and mindfulness. All options will be presented for each individual’s level of comfort and stability. We will use chairs and the wall in this class. Classes run continuously with very few breaks so join at any time. Bring your own yoga mat. Zoom option available, please email billjoanbinder@ sbcglobal.net. Registration deadline: start time of class.
AGE: 2-10 Suggested DAY: Friday DATE: 10/28 TIME: 4:30 PM-6:30 PM LOCATION: Rec - Full Gym MAX: 300 REG DEADLINE: 10/26/2022 FEES (R/NR): FREE SPECIAL EVENTS
AGE: 18-150 DAYS: FridaysMondays DATE: 9/9-12/16 No Class 10/10, 11/25 TIME: 9:00 AM-10:00 AM LOCATION: Rec - Full Gym INSTRUCTOR: Mary Kay Ross, ACE group fitness certified instructor MIN/MAX: 8/25 REG DEADLINE: Start time of class FEES (R/NR): Adults: Seniors:$10.00$8.00 & TOT PUMPKIN 2-6 w/parent DAY: Wednesday DATE: 10/26 TIME: 6:00 PM-7:00 PM LOCATION: La Grange Recreation Center
AGE: 18-150 DAY: Tuesday DATE: 9/6-12/27 TIME: 10:00 AM-11:15 AM LOCATION: Grand - Studio III or ZOOM INSTRUCTOR: Joan Binder, RYT 250, Yin certified MIN/MAX: 4/18 REG DEADLINE: Start time of class FEES (R/NR): $90.00 for 10 class package or $11.00 per class BODY WORKS PLUS BACK AGAIN!! This class is a multi-level strength and conditioning class designed to incorporate functional training, increase muscular strength and endurance and improve core strength and well being.
INSTRUCTOR: LG Staff MIN/MAX: 3/5 REG DEADLINE: 10/24 FEES (R/NR): $18.00/$23.00 ZOMBIE CANDY HUNT Join us as we hunt for candy and sweet prizes! It’s a twist on an old tradition –wear a costume, bring your own flashlight and a container for all your goodies. Must be accompanied by a parent. Early bird registration fee of $5 ends on Friday, Sept. 30th. AGE: 6-14 DAY: Friday DATE: 10/7 TIME: 7:30 PM-8:00 PM LOCATION: Sedgwick Park, La Grange

Participants will learn about the types of math concepts and skills that are tested on the ACT. We will take a close look at how these concepts can show up in the test questions and learn to decipher which skills are needed to solve them. General test prep strategies will also be given. Parents/guardians and their child will sign up for a 15 minute pre-class meeting. During this time, we will discuss goals, areas of weakness and strengths, and other details.
AGE: 14-17 DAY: Saturday DATE: 10/1-11/19 No Class 10/15 TIME: 12:00 PM-1:00 PM
Babysitter’s Training gives youth caregivers the skills and confidence to safely and responsibly care for children and infants. Through hands-on activities, interactive video, and lively discussions, the course teaches young people how to: Care for children and infants, Be good leaders and role models, Make good decisions and solve problems, Keep the children they babysit and themselves safe, Handle emergencies such as injuries, illnesses and household accidents, Write resumes and interview for jobs.
LOCATION: Rec - Room 228
BACK AGAIN!! IS YOUR JOB REWARDING? At SEASPAR, staff make a difference in the lives of people with disabilities in Western Springs and 11 other communities in countless recreation based activities and programs. Their dedication is driven by a true love for what their job represents and for the people they serve. Let’s make a difference, together! Scan the code or visit SEASPAR.org to apply online. 4500 BELMONT ROAD DOWNERS GROVE, IL 60515 SEASPAR.ORG630.960.7600 Let’s make a difference. Rewarding Jobs. Competitive Pay. Your Community. 19
Participants will learn about the types of math concepts and skills that are tested on the SAT. We will take a close look at how these concepts can show up in the test questions and learn to decipher which skills are needed to solve them. General test prep strategies will also be given. Parents/guardians and their child will sign up for a 15 minute pre-class meeting. During this time, we will discuss goals, areas of weakness and strengths, and other details.
AGE: 11-15 DAY: Sunday DATE: 10/23 TIME: 9:00 AM-4:30 PM LOCATION: Rec - Rooms 224-226 INSTRUCTOR: American Red Cross Staff MIN/MAX: 10/15 REG DEADLINE: 10/14 FEES (R/NR): $130.00/$162.00
AGE: 14-17 DAY: Saturday DATE: 10/1-11/19 No class 10/15 TIME: 1:00 PM-2:00 PM
INSTRUCTOR: Math Plays LLC MIN/MAX: 1/2 REG DEADLINE: 9/29 FEES (R/NR): $750.00

BEGINNER CLASS: Dogs must be at least 4 months old. Handlers: Old enough to handle dog in a group setting. Is your dog becoming a monster and driving you crazy? If you are tired of being kept up all night from constant barking, if your home furnishings and personal belongings are being chewed up, or just want basic commands mastered, sign up for this class. For beginners only, the first class will be a two-hour MANDATORY orientation from 7:00 –9:00 pm, without your dog.
MEN’S OVER 35 BASKETBALL Players must be 35 or older. New teams are chosen weekly. Get a workout and meet your neighbors, too. Bring a light shirt and a dark shirt. AGE:
AGE: 18-150 DAY: Thursday DATE: 9/15-11/10 LOCATION: La Grange Park Recreation Center INSTRUCTOR: B. Clish MIN/MAX: 3/6 REG DEADLINE: 9/13 FEES (R/NR): $120.00/$130.00 LEVEL: Beginner TIME: 7:00 PM-8:00 PM LEVEL: Intermediate TIME: 8:00 PM-9:00PM
FEES (R/NR): ClassroomGym$85.00/$106.00rentals:$40-$120/hrrentals:$25-$65/hr Visit wsprings.com/rentals for more information or contact rharrison@wsprings.com FACILITY RENTALS WESTERN SPRINGS RECREATION DEPARTMENT 20
You are much more than your thoughts. Explore the practice of meditation. Learn how to prepare with movement, breathing practices, and imagery to relax the body and calm the mind. Turn your mind inward to a quiet and peaceful space that is always available to you. Use mantra or another inner focus to keep the mind still. Whether the benefits are physical (stress release, improved sleep, heart health, aids digestion), mental (less anxiety and depression, mindfulness, better focus, self-control), or spiritual (self-awareness, an interior life, presence, intuitive knowledge, joyful bliss). Wear warm, comfortable clothes and rubber soled shoes or socks.
AGE: 18-150 DAY: Thursday DATE: 9/22 TIME: 6:30 PM-7:30 PM LOCATION: Grand Ave Senior Center INSTRUCTOR: Joan Binder, RYT 250, Yin certified MIN/MAX: 8/12 REG DEADLINE: 9/20 FEES (R/NR): $15.00/$19.00 = COOPERATIVE PROGRAM 35-up DAY: Thursday DATE: 9/1-12/29 8:00 PM-10:00 PM - Gym MIN/MAX: 10/24 DEADLINE: 9/1
INTERMEDIATE CLASS: To qualify for the intermediate course, you must have completed the beginner course with our trainers Barb Clish/Mary Keeffe or elsewhere. Your dog will need to hold a solid sit stay, down stay and come on recall. Our trainers have the right to evaluate your dog, to ensure they are placed in the proper training class.
No Class 11/24 TIME:

AGE: 3-5 DAY: Tuesday TIME: 2:00 PM-3:00 PM
DAY: Saturday DATE: 10/29-12/10 No Class 11/26
INSTRUCTOR: Sports R Us LOCATION: Rec - South Gym MIN/MAX: 8/16 FEES (R/NR): $62.00/$78.00 DATE: 9/6-10/11 REG DEADLINE: 9/4 DATE: 11/1-12/6 REG DEADLINE: 10/30 SOCCER & T-BALL COMBO
We have found this exciting class to be just what parents need to give their children a positive first step into athletics. We play a different sport each week, including soccer, baseball, hockey, and nerf football. Participants will start developing socialization, teamwork, direction following, and key motor skills.
AGE: 4-5 DAY: Thursday TIME: 5:30 PM-6:20 PM INSTRUCTOR: Sports R Us LOCATION: Grand - Gym MIN/MAX: 8/16 FEES (R/NR): $62.00/$78.00 DATE: 9/8-10/13 REG DEADLINE: 9/6 DATE: 10/27-12/8 No Class 11/24 REG DEADLINE: 10/25 SPORTS GALORE II
We have found this exciting class to be just what parents need to give their children a positive first step into athletics. We play a different sport each week, including soccer, baseball, basketball, nerf football and more. Participants will start developing socialization, teamwork, direction following, and key motor skills. Fun games will be played at the end of each class.
AGE: 6-8 DAY: Thursday TIME: 6:30 PM-7:30 PM INSTRUCTOR: Sports R Us LOCATION: Grand - Gym MIN/MAX: 8/16 FEES (R/NR): $62.00/$78.00 DATE: 9/8-10/13 REG DEADLINE: 9/6 DATE: 10/27-12/8 No Class 11/24 REG DEADLINE: 10/25 21
This is a class that brings a little bit of every sport to every participant in the class. Take on a fun challenge with your friends in soccer, dodgeball, nerf football, kickball, and floor hockey during this noncompetitive program. Participants will be given instruction and basic skills in the various sports that we will be playing. A different sport will be played each week.
INSTRUCTOR: Sports R Us LOCATION: Grand - Gym MIN/MAX: 8/12 REG DEADLINE: 10/27 FEES (R/NR): $62.00/$78.00 AGE: 3-4 TIME: 9:30 AM-10:15 AM AGE: 5-6 TIME: 10:30 AM-11:20 AM
This class is perfect for kids who are full of energy and parents who are looking for an introduction to soccer and t-ball. Socialization, teamwork, following directions, key motor skills and having fun will be the focus in this noncompetitive environment. There will be a 3 week focus on soccer and a 3 week focus on t-ball.

INSTRUCTOR: Sports R Us LOCATION: Grand - Gym MIN/MAX: 6/12 FEES (R/NR): $62.00/$78.00 DATE: 9/10-10/15 REG DEADLINE: 9/8 DATE: 10/29-12/10 No Class 11/26 REG DEADLINE: 10/27 FLOOR HOCKEY Calling all you hot shots out there! All the action of hockey on a floor! This class is for both the experienced player and the beginner. This fast paced, low competition class will promote shooting, passing, teamwork, positions, and some game strategies. We provide the sticks and pucks; safety goggles and mouth guards are recommended but not necessary.
AGE: 5-7 DAY: Tuesday - Friday DATE: 12/27-12/30 TIME: 1:00 PM-2:30 PM INSTRUCTOR: Sports R Us LOCATION: Rec - Full Gym MIN/MAX: 8/20 REG DEADLINE: 12/23 FEES (R/NR): $83.00/$104.00 VOLLEYBALL CAMP
This camp will focus on teaching and developing volleyball skills. It will include serving, passing, setting and hitting, while having fun and learning the rules of the game players will be grouped by age and skill level. Please bring a water bottle.
AGE: 3-4 DAY: Saturday DATE: 9/10-10/8 TIMES: 8:30 AM-9:15 AM 9:30 AM-10:15 AM
LIL PINT SOCCER $ This is the perfect class for first timers! All the basic skills of dribbling, passing, shooting and goaltending will be taught in a non-competitive environment. Teamwork, participation and good sportsmanship is stressed. Both boys and girls are encouraged to join this class if they have an interest in soccer and plan to play in the future. Be just like a big brother or sister! A fun game will be played at the end of each class.
INSTRUCTOR: Sports R Us LOCATION: Laidlaw Park MIN/MAX: 8/16 REG DEADLINE: 9/8 FEES (R/NR): $72.00/$88.00 SOCCER $ Love the game of soccer? Do you play a lot, or do you play very little? Join us for a non-competitive, skill development program. We will go over the basic skills of dribbling, passing, shooting, goaltending, and positions. There will be weekly progress on the technical aspects of the game. At the end of each class a game will be played, different teams forming each week.
AGE: 8-11 DAY: Tuesday - Friday DATE: 12/27-12/30 TIME: 2:30 PM-4:00 PM INSTRUCTOR: Sports R Us LOCATION: Rec - Full Gym MIN/MAX: 8/20 REG DEADLINE: 12/23 FEES (R/NR): $83.00/$104.00 DISTRICT FEE$
AGE: 5-7 DAY: Saturday DATE: 10/29-12/10 No Class 11/26 TIME: 11:30 AM-12:20 PM
AGE: 5-7 DAY: Saturday DATE: 9/10-10/8 TIME: 10:30 AM-11:20 PM
INSTRUCTOR: Sports R Us LOCATION: Laidlaw Park MIN/MAX: 6/16 REG DEADLINE: 9/8 FEES (R/NR): $72.00/$88.00 PEE WEE TENNIS Tennis is a tough sport at any age, let alone when you are just beginning. We provide scaled down rackets, a mini net, and larger tennis balls to provide kids with the basic tennis abilities. We practice forehand, backhand, the volley, and serving. This is a non-competitive class that stresses participation for everyone. Come out to learn tennis and have fun! Parent participation is welcomed.
INSTRUCTOR: Sports R Us LOCATION: Grand - Gym MIN/MAX: 8/12 REG DEADLINE: 10/27 FEES (R/NR): $62.00/$78.00 GO GIRL GO! – SPORTS & CRAFT CAMP Life is tough, especially for girls trying to make it in the world of sports. This camp is a great way to introduce basketball, soccer, kickball, t-ball and much more in an all-girls environment. Basic skills in all sports are taught, and games are played at the end of each class. The girls will do sports for the first half of the camp and do a fun craft for the second half. The last class will be a fun sport of their choice and a fun tie-dye project.
AGE: 5-7 DAY: Saturday TIME: 12:20 PM-1:20 PM

TRYOUTS *Nonrefundable tryout fee is $10 which will be applied to the program fee if the player makes the team. If you would like to tryout for the Blazers and Wildcats in the Fall (2022), you may be a resident of Western Springs and/ or resident of any neighboring community of Western Springs. You will have an equal opportunity to make the team along with all Western Springs residents if you decide to tryout in your child’s first two years of playing travel basketball with the Blazers (3rd-4th grade) & Wildcats (4th-5th grade). If it is your child’s first time trying out for the Blazers in 5th-8th grade or Wildcats in 6th-8th grade we would like to welcome you to do so, but make sure you are aware that if spots are available the priority will be made for and offered to Western Springs residents first. Grandfathered In: If you made the Blazers (in 3rd and or 4th grade) or Wildcats (in or 4th and or 5th grade) and are a non-resident, you will be viewed as a resident and a valued member of our in resident WS Blazers/Wildcats programs based on the contribution, hard work and commitment to the program from its earliest opportunity. You will however have to make the team through tryouts and evaluations every year as all residents are required to do.*If your son or daughter is offered a spot on the Blazers or Wildcats, please respond to the offer email within the 48-hr time period. If you do not respond within that window we will move on to the next selected player out of respect to all participants trying out.
BALLERZ The Ballerz workouts will be run by Christopher Spartz Basketball elite trainers to ensure that the experience for your developing basketball player is positive and fun. In these formative years, it is extremely imperative that your child receives the best teachers and learn the proper fundamentals in order to excel quicker. The sooner they see the gains, the more fun they have. Our points of emphasis will be Fundamentals 101; how to have fun playing the game; how to create great habits; sportsmanship and rules of the game.
LOCATION: Rec - Full Gym FEES (R/NR): $10 AGE: 3rd Blazers AGE: 4th Wildcats DATE: 8/22 DATE: 8/23 TIME: 5PM-6PM TIME: 5PM-6PM AGE: 4th Blazers AGE: 5th Wildcats DATE: 8/22 DATE: 8/23 TIME: 6:15PM-7:15PM TIME: 6:15PM-7:15PM AGE: 5th Blazers AGE: 6th Wildcats DATE: 8/24 DATE: 8/25 TIME: 5PM-6PM TIME: 6:15PM-7:15PM
AGE: 6th Blazers AGE: 7th Wildcats DATE: 8/23 DATE: 8/25 TIME: 7:30PM-8:30PM TIME: 5PM-6PM AGE: 7th Blazers AGE: 8th Wildcats DATE: 8/25 DATE: 8/25 TIME: 7:30PM-8:30PM TIME: 5PM-6PM AGE: 8th Blazers DATE: 8/24 TIME: 7:30PM-8:30PM
AGE: 6-9 DAY: Saturday TIME: 11:00 AM-12:00 PM INSTRUCTOR: Spartz Sportz LOCATION: Rec - South Gym MIN/MAX: 10/30 FEES (R/NR): $135.00/$160.00 DATE: 8/27-10/1 REG DEADLINE: 8/25 DATE: 10/8-11/12 REG DEADLINE: 10/6 DATE: 11/19-12/31 No Class 12/24 REG DEADLINE: 11/17 LIL HOOPERS Let the first time your son or daughter pick up a basketball be with Christopher Spartz Basketball’s Lil Hoopers! This is a great way to get acclimated with the premier basketball program of Western Springs at a young age. Designed for pre-school & kindergarten age children, these 45 minute classes will provide a comfortable and fun group environment as participants learn the fundamentals of basketball. Each session will be overseen and run by a certified Christopher Spartz trainer and focus on learning the game, skill development, and providing a structured, engaging environment to get the children excited about the game!
AGE: 3-5 DAYS: Saturday or Thursday INSTRUCTOR: Spartz Sportz LOCATION: Rec - South Gym MIN/MAX: 10/30 FEES (R/NR): $135.00/$160.00 DATE: 8/27-10/1 TIME: 10:00 AM-11:00 AM REG DEADLINE: 8/25 DATE: 9/8-10/13 TIME: 4:00 PM-5:00 PM REG DEADLINE: 9/6 DATE: 10/8-11/12 TIME: 10:00 AM-11:00 AM REG DEADLINE: 10/6 DATE: 11/19-12/31 No Class 12/24 TIME: 10:00 AM-11:00 AM REG DEADLINE: 11/17

Western Springs Rec Basketball League for boys and girls grades 3rd/4th, 5th, 6th/7th & 8th. Practices will start in December and Games will begin in January, each team will have 1 practice per week and will play an 8 game schedule plus playoffs. Coaches will contact the players with all information and schedules after the Coaches meeting. Practices are held during the week, with games on Saturday mornings or afternoons. Each team will have rosters of up to 10 players. Each participant is guaranteed to play half of the game. Kids will play against their peers and friends with coaches stressing fundamentals and sportsmanship. *Teams will be formed by the school (Laidlaw, Field Park, Forest Hills, McClure, St John of the Cross, La Grange Highlands, etc) at the coaches meeting
Truly the full basketball experience year round! Improvement, fun, competition! Develop and refine your skills through detailed instructions! Make every rep count! Learn the basics and gain confidence in your dribbling, passing, shooting, and basketball IQ with your friends, your competition and your favorite Christopher Spartz Basketball Skill Development Coach! We are thrilled to offer our brand new DevelopU program focused on developing the whole person and player! It’s hard to play with confidence if you struggle with the fundamentals of how and why! We address those opportunities for growth and connect each player with what they can do to improve their specific skill sets. With this newfound confidence, they can play free and fast and with purpose!
INSTRUCTOR: Spartz Sportz LOCATION: Rec - South Gym MIN/MAX: 10/30 REG DEADLINE: 9/16 FEES (R/NR): $200.00/$240.00 MAKE IT, TAKE IT-3 ON 3 LEAGUE (SEPTEMBER/FALL 2022) AGE: 2nd-8th Grade Boys and Girls DAY: Sunday DATES: 5:30 Spartz Sportz WS Rec - Full Gym (R/NR):
Western Springs Rec basketball league for boys & girls 1st & 2nd grade. The season will run from January to March on Saturdays only. Teams will practice for the first 20 minutes then play a game for the last 50 minutes. Coaches will contact the players with all information and schedules after the Coaches meeting. Each team will have a roster of up to 10 players. Each participant is guaranteed to play half of the game. Kids will play against their peers and friends with coaches stressing fundamentals and sportsmanship. Teams will be formed by school (Laidlaw, Field Park, Forest Hills, La Grange Highlands, St John of the Cross, etc) at the coaches meeting.
$200 per participant * Read Information below about practice format Game Overview Make It Take It Registration/Payment Includes: • Make It Take It Reversible Jersey • 4 Sundays (8 Games Minimum) Game Overview: • Games Start at 5:30pm • Last Games End at 8:15pm • 5 min warm up • 30 Min game • 2-15 min halves • 2 min halftime • Game every 40 minutes Team/Roster Information • You make your team (Make sure to have a team name when registering) • All rosters will be final by the end of the second week. • 5 players max per team • 3 players minimum to compete for a victory • If you only have 2 players available to play the day of a game on the roster, you will lose by forfeit, but you can still use the space to compete against the other team. • Find teammates that want to learn, grow and compete! Play to win the games 24
AGE: 6-11 DAYS: Tuesday/Thursday DATE: 9/6-9/29 TIME: 5:00 PM-6:00 PM
INSTRUCTOR: WS Rec Staff LOCATION: Rec - Full Gym MIN/MAX: 30/60 REG DEADLINE: 11/18 FEES (R/NR): $135.00/$169.00 AGES: 3rd-4th Girls/Boys 5th 8th6th-7thGirls/BoysGirls/BoysGirls/Boys
September 4, 11, 18, 15 TIME:

*Class will be outside at Sedgwick Park on 9/1 & 10/6 MIN/MAX: 4/10 FEES (R/NR): $100.00/$125.00 DATE: 9/1-9/22 REG DEADLINE: 8/30 DATE: 9/29-10/20 REG DEADLINE: 9/27 DATE: 10/27-11/17 REG DEADLINE: 10/25 DATE: 12/1-12/22 REG DEADLINE: 11/30 COOPERATIVE PROGRAM
INSTRUCTOR: SportsKids Inc.
INSTRUCTOR: SportsKids Inc. LOCATION: Denning Park MIN/MAX: 6/10 REG DEADLINE: 9/10 FEES (R/NR): $50.00/$63.00 VOLLEYKIDZ Improve your volleyball skills with 90 minutes of drills in setting, passing, overhand serving and spiking. You will learn to overhand serve and develop skill to play games. The lesson plan directs the use of self-mastery training and group drills that help each student reach a new level. Instructors organize games at the end of each class.
LOCATION: Denning Park MIN/MAX: 6/10 REG DEADLINE: 9/10 FEES (R/NR): $65.00/$82.00 FAMILY ARCHERY Bring the entire family each week for 45 minutes of archery fun! You and your family members will meet new friends while learning the parts of an arrow and recurve bow, the basics of using a recurve bow, a nationally recognized beginner’s 9-step to the 10 ring progression method, and fundamental shooting skills from an experienced instructor. Bows, arrows, and targets are furnished. Please bring a labeled water bottle. Fee is per participant.
AGE: 11-14 DAY: Thursday TIME: 6:00 PM-7:30 PM
LOCATION: La Grange Park District Recreation Center
YOUTH ARCHERY Learn the basics of a recurve bow in an extremely safe environment. A nationally recognized 9-step program is taught. Blunt tipped arrows, bows and targets are provided. Technique will be stressed. Games will be played during every class. Bring a labeled water bottle.
AGE: 6-up DAY: Monday DATE: 9/12-10/17 TIME: 5:45 PM-6:30 PM
AGE: 7-12 DAY: Monday DATE: 9/12-10/17 TIME: 5:00 PM-5:45 PM
AGE: 7-10 DAY: Thursday TIME: 4:30 PM-6:00 PM
INSTRUCTOR: EVP Volleyball LOCATION: La Grange Park District Recreation Center *Class will be outside at Sedgwick Park on 9/1 & 10/6 MIN/MAX: 4/10 FEES (R/NR): $100.00/$125.00 DATE: 9/1-9/22 REG DEADLINE: 8/30 DATE: 9/29-10/20 REG DEADLINE: 9/27 DATE: 10/27-11/17 REG DEADLINE: 10/25 DATE: 12/1-12/22 REG DEADLINE: 11/30 JUNIOR VOLLEYKIDZ Improve your volleyball skills with 90 minutes of drills in setting, passing, overhand serving and spiking. You will learn to overhand serve and develop skill to play games. The lesson plan directs the use of self-mastery training and group drills that help each student reach a new level. Instructors organize games at the end of each class.

MIN/MAX: 4/8 FEES (R/NR): $86.00/$108.00 AGE: 3-7 DATES: 9/16-10/21 TIME: 4:00PM-5:00PM REG DEADLINE: 9/14 AGE: 5-18 DATES: 9/16-10/21 TIME: 5:05PM-6:05PM REG DEADLINE: 9/14 AGE: 3-7 DATES: 10/28-12/9 TIME: 4:00PM-5:00PM REG DEADLINE: 10/26 AGE: 5-18 DATES: 10/28-12/9 TIME: 5:05PM-6:05PM REG DEADLINE: 10/26 NO CLASS: 11/25
AGE: 7-up DAY: Monday DATE: 9/12-12/19 INSTRUCTOR: Shotokan Karate LOCATION: La Grange Park District Recreation Center MIN/MAX: 3/5 REG DEADLINE: 9/9 LEVEL: Beg-Novice (White-Yellow Belts) TIME: 6:25PM-7:25PM FEES (R/NR): $197.00/$247.00 LEVEL: Intermediate (Blue-Purple Belts) TIME: 7:30PM-8:30PM FEES (R/NR): $197.00/$247.00 LEVEL: Advanced (Brown-Black Belts) TIME: 7:30PM-9:00PM FEES (R/NR): $257.00/$322.00
TAEKWONDO Students will learn basic fundamentals of a Korean style art of Self-Defense including punches, blocks, kicks, and single combination defensive and offensive moves. Sweatpants and a T-shirt should be worn to class. Taekwondo apparel may be purchased from the instructor. Returning students may qualify for the next belt/rank.
Parent/Child classes are a great way to spend quality time with your child, while conditioning muscles, developing coordination and improving cardiovascular fitness. Please note that Youth, Parent/Child and Adult classes may train together. Beginner students will not be permitted to register into the current sessions after the second class has met. Registration for continuers through advanced students will be accepted after the start date, but the full class fee is required.
DAY: Friday INSTRUCTOR: Bill De Jesus LOCATION: La Grange Park District Recreation Center

LOCATION: Field Park DAY: Wednesday DATES: 10/19-11/23
AGE: K-1st TIME: 3:30 PM-5:00 PM
LOCATION: Field Park DAY: Wednesday DATES: 9/7-10/12
LOCATION: Laidlaw DAY: Thursday DATES: 9/8-10/6 (*5 weeks)
LOCATION: Laidlaw DAY: Thursday DATES: 9/8-10/6 (*No 11/24))
LOCATION: Forest Hills BLUE MOOSE SOCCER ACADEMY Blue Moose Soccer Academy - Building the Foundation to Greatness Focus on the fundamentals of soccer to develop the overall athlete. Our main goal is to teach the skills that each child will need to grow as an individual and a teammate. Soccer should be simple, we will educate our players to adapt to different playing styles and situations, while focusing on the fundamentals of soccer, dribbling, passing, shooting, and offensive and defensive strategy.
Blue Moose Extra Innings will be a high-energy camp designed to teach basic sports skills and help keep kids active. Extra innings will be a place where teamwork, respect and fun will be our priority. We will provide a safe environment for your children to develop the fundamental skills for success in team sports and cooperative activities. Blue Moose Sports Camp is dedicated to providing a safe fun atmosphere for each child to learn new games and meet new friends. Building a stronger community through sports. www. bluemoosesportscamp.com
INSTRUCTOR: Blue Moose MIN/MAX: 10/25 FEES (R/NR): $60.00/$75.00 DAY: Tuesday DATES: 9/6-10/11
Blue Moose Soccer Academy is partnered with Street Soccer USA - Chicago. Street Soccer USA - Chicago Mission - To fight poverty and empower underserved communities through soccer. To provide an alternative to the pay-to-play model of youth sports with a focus on social impact across the United States and beyond. SSUSA brings its programs to kids 6-18 years old, as well as homeless families. We focus our efforts on the 33% of youth who are living below the poverty line and have graduation rates between 55-65%. In our nearly 10 years of existence we have introduced our program and positively impacted the lives of over 15,000 youth and adults, and have grown to encompass 14 cities throughout the USA. SSUSA is also the official partner of the Homeless World Cup and the Street Child World Cup, which provides opportunities for valuable international experiences for our program participants.
AGE: 5-9 TIME: 4:00 PM-5:30 PM INSTRUCTOR: Blue Moose MIN/MAX: 12/24 FEES (R/NR): $120.00/$150.00 DAY: Monday & Wednesday DATES: 9/19-10/5 LOCATION: Field Park DAY: Monday & Wednesday DATES: 10/17-11/7 *No class 10/31
LOCATION: Forest Hills FEES (R/NR): $50.00/$63.00 DAY: Tuesday DATES: 10/18-11/22
LOCATION: Field Park

YOUTH BEGINNER PICKLEBALL CLINIC OUTDOORS Basic skills will include scoring, court position, serve & return of serve. Paddles and balls provided or bring your own paddle.
DAY: Saturday INSTRUCTOR: WS Staff LOCATION: Ridge Acres MIN/MAX: 4/10 FEES (R/NR): $40.00/$50.00 (3 weeks) AGE: 7-11 DATE: 9/10-9/24 TIME: 3:00 PM-4:00 PM REG DEADLINE: 9/8 AGE: 12-16 DATE: 10/8-10/22 TIME: 3:00 PM-4:00 PM REG DEADLINE: 10/6
DAY: Sunday INSTRUCTOR: WS Staff LOCATION: WS Recreation Center (South Gym) MIN/MAX: 4/10 FEES (R/NR): $75.00/$94.00 REG DEADLINE: 9/16 AGE: 7-11 DATE: 9/18-10/23 TIME: 1:00 PM-2:00 PM AGE: 12-16 DATE: 9/18-10/23 TIME: 2:00 PM-3:00 PM
Basic skills will include scoring, court position, serve & return of serve. Paddles and balls provided or bring your own paddle.
NEW 28
NEW PICKLEBALL YOUTH CLINICS Pickleball is a paddle sport that combines elements of tennis, badminton, and ping-pong using a paddle and plastic ball with holes. It is a game that is appropriate for players of all ages and skill levels. Rules for pickleball are simple, making it a great introductory sport.
DAY: Tuesday TIME: 3:45 PM-4:45 PM INSTRUCTOR: WS Staff LOCATION: WS Recreation Gym (Indoors) MIN/MAX: 4/10 FEES (R/NR): $50.00/$63.00 (4 weeks) AGE: 7-11 DATE: 9/6-9/27 REG DEADLINE: 9/1 AGE: 12-16 DATE: 10/4-10/25 REG DEADLINE: 9/29 YOUTH PICKLEBALL LADDER LEAGUE CLINIC INDOORS Skills, Drills and Games! The instructor will start each week with basic skills and some fun drills will be added each week. Games will start the 2nd week. Games are played with different partners each week. Total of 4 players in a game. Each week the instructor will post the pickleball ladder scores. Changes every week. Everyone has a chance to make it to the top of the pickleball ladder.

REQUIRED EQUIPMENT: Kindergarten-2nd grade will use a soft ball. Bring your own stick (see stick requirement below) or we have sticks available.
LOCATION: Spring Rock Park, LTHS REG DEADLINE: 9/9 AGE: 1st/2nd Boys, 3rd/4th Boys, 5th/6th Boys, 7th/8th Boys DATE: 11/6-12/11 No Class 11/27
Western Springs Lacrosse is now entering its 23rd year and one of the longest running club programs in Illinois. Our coaches show players and parents the basics of Lacrosse, along with ways to get involved with the fastest growing sport in America! Lacrosse continues to be a growing sport and the Recreation Department continues to provide children, both experienced and inexperienced, a place to develop and improve their lacrosse skills. We offer travel and non-travel (house) programs to children in Kindergarten through 8th grade. Last year, over 500 boys and girls participated in our various programs and leagues. The focus of our programs is to teach sound lacrosse fundamentals and practice good sportsmanship in an environment where everybody plays. Spring is our primary season, with summer, fall and indoor winter programs also available. 29
Beginners and experienced from 1st – 8th grade. Focus will be on learning lacrosse skills in offense, defense and game strategies. Emphasis in scrimmages will be on skill development, teamwork, and sportsmanship.
LOCATION: Westmont Yard REG DEADLINE: 11/4
REQUIRED EQUIPMENT: Lacrosse stick, mouthpiece, lacrosse or hockey helmet with face guard; shoulder pads, elbow pads, lacrosse gloves, and cup.
LOCATION: Westmont Yard REG DEADLINE: 11/4
LOCATION: Spring Rock Park, LTHS REG DEADLINE: 9/9 DATE: 11/6-12/11 No Class 11/27
INSTRUCTOR: WS Lacrosse Staff MIN/MAX: 10/40 FEES (R/NR): $160.00 AGE: 1st/2nd Boys, 3rd/4th Boys, 5th/6th Boys, 7th/8th Boys DATE: 9/11-10/16
INTRO TO LACROSSE - COED $ Interested in learning lacrosse? This is the perfect class for beginners. This stick and ball only class teaches the fundamentals in lacrosse in a fun, supportive environment. This is the best way to introduce your kids the skills necessary to begin a successful lacrosse career. (Under 6 yrs of age, parent must stay on field with child).
AGE: K-2nd DAY: Sunday TIME: 12:00 PM-1:00 PM INSTRUCTOR: WS Lacrosse Staff MIN/MAX: 10/40 FEES (R/NR): $115.00 DATE: 9/11-10/16
DAY: Sunday TIME: 1:30 PM-2:30 PM

LOCATION: LT South Campus INSTRUCTOR: Sports Kids Inc. MIN/MAX: 3/6 DATE: 9/15-10/20 REG DEADLINE: 9/13 FEES (R/NR): $88.00/$114.00 DATE: 10/27-12/15 No Class 11/24 REG DEADLINE: 10/25 FEES (R/NR): $102.00/$132.00
GYMNASTICS 101 Four events will be covered in this introductory class. Age appropriate tricks for bar, vault, floor and rings will be introduced. Students can learn the basic movements for each event in a well-supervised and safe environment. Please bring a labeled water bottle.
AGE: 7-8 DAY: Thursday TIME: 6:30 PM-7:30 PM
This class is an advancement from Jr Gymnastics I with more technique. Prerequisite for this class is to perform a successful cartwheel, swing and supports on the bars, and squat on the vault. Please bring a labeled water bottle. AGE: 5-7 LOCATION: LT South Campus INSTRUCTOR: Sports Kids Inc. MIN/MAX: 2/6 REG DEADLINE: 2 Days before each class SKIP DATES: 10/10, 11/21, 11/24 DAY: Monday DATE: 9/12-10/24 TIME: 6:30PM-7:30PM FEES (R/NR): $88.00/$114.00 DAY: Thursday DATE: 9/15-10/20 TIME: 6:30PM-7:30PM FEES (R/NR): $88.00/$114.00 DAY: Monday DATE: 10/31-12/19 TIME: 6:30PM-7:30PM FEES (R/NR): $102.00/$132.00 DAY: Thursday DATE: 10/27-12/15 TIME: 6:30PM-7:30PM FEES (R/NR): $102.00/$132.00 PROGRAM 30
Start out learning the proper way to perform rolls, handstand and cartwheels. This class is a great way to have an introduction to tumbling and to open the door to gymnastics possibilities. Please bring a labeled water bottle.
AGE: 4-6 LOCATION: LT South Campus INSTRUCTOR: Sports Kids Inc. MIN/MAX: 2/6 REG DEADLINE: 2 Days before each class SKIP DATES: 10/10, 11/21, 11/24 DAY: Monday DATE: 9/12-10/24 TIME: 6:30PM-7:30PM FEES (R/NR): $88.00/$114.00 DAY: Thursday DATE: 9/15-10/20 TIME: 6:30PM-7:30PM FEES (R/NR): $88.00/$114.00 DAY: Monday DATE: 10/31-12/19 TIME: 6:30PM-7:30PM FEES (R/NR): $102.00/$132.00 DAY: Thursday DATE: 10/27-12/15 TIME: 6:30PM-7:30PM FEES (R/NR): $102.00/$132.00 YOUTH SPORTS

INSTRUCTOR: WS Staff FEES (R/NR): $49.00/$57.00
INSTRUCTOR: Cliff Florczak DAY: Thursday DATES: 12/1-12/15 TIME: 1:00PM-2:00PM
AGE: 25-up LOCATION: Rec Center - North Gym MIN/MAX: 4/10 REG DEADLINE: Two Days Before Class FEES (R/NR): $45.00/$57.00 DAY: Wednesday DATES: 11/2-11/16 TIME: 1:00PM-2:00PM INSTRUCTOR: Jose Sosa DAY: Wednesday DATES: 11/30-12/14 TIME: 1:00PM-2:00PM INSTRUCTOR: Jose Sosa DAY: Thursday DATES: 11/3-11/17 TIME: 1:00PM-2:00PM
PICKLEBALL BEGINNER CLINICSINDOORS Looking to learn how to play pickleball? It’s easy for beginners to learn this fast-paced, competitive game. It is played with a paddle and a plastic ball in the style of tennis with some ping pong and badminton mixed in. Great exercise and fun game! Basic skills to include Scoring, Court Positioning, Serve and Return of Serve, 2 bounce rule, Posture, Ready Position, Grip/Paddle angle, Comfort zone. Equipment provided or bring your own.
This is not a beginner class. Players must know how to keep score and already have taken a beginner class. Looking to keep improving your skills? Skills to be worked on: Posture, Ready Position, Grip/Paddle angle, Comfort zone, Dinks, Footwork for dinks, Push it Forward, Keep it Low, Scoring, 2 bounce rule, Forehand and backhand shots, 3rd shot drop, Lobs, Overheads, Court Positioning, Serve and Return of Serve. Instructor is a retired Physical Education Teacher, Pickleball Ambassador and has been teaching pickleball for over 15 years. AGE: 25-up DAY: Wednesday TIME: 12:00 PM-1:00 PM INSTRUCTOR: Jose Sosa LOCATION: Ridge Acres MIN/MAX: 4/10 FEES (R/NR): $65.00/$77.00 DATE: 9/7-9/28 REG DEADLINE: 9/5 DATE: 10/5-10/26 REG DEADLINE: 10/2 $ $ 31
OUTDOORS Looking to learn how to play pickleball? It’s easy for beginners to learn this fast-paced, competitive game. It is played with a paddle and a plastic ball in the style of tennis with some ping pong and badminton mixed in. Great exercise and fun game! Basic skills to include Scoring, Court Positioning, Serve and Return of Serve, 2 bounce rule, Posture, Ready Position, Grip/Paddle angle, Comfort zone. Equipment provided or bring your own.
INSTRUCTOR: Cliff Florczak DAY: Tuesday DATES: 10/4-10/25 TIME: 3:30PM-4:30PM
INSTRUCTOR: Cliff Florczak
AGE: 25-up LOCATION: Ridge Acres MIN/MAX: 4/10 REG DEADLINE: Two Days Before Class FEES (R/NR): $65.00/$77.00 DAY: Wednesday DATES: 9/7-9/28 TIME: 11:00AM-12:00PM
INSTRUCTOR: Jose Sosa DAY: Tuesday DATES: 9/6-9/27 TIME: 4:15PM-5:15PM
INSTRUCTOR: Jose Sosa DAY: Wednesday DATES: 10/5-10/26 TIME: 11:00AM-12:00PM
INSTRUCTOR: Cliff Florczak DAY: Saturday DATES: 9/10-9/24 TIME: 2:00PM-3:00PM
INSTRUCTOR: WS Staff FEES (R/NR): $49.00/$57.00 DAY: Saturday DATES: 10/8-10/22 TIME: 2:00PM-3:00PM

PICKLEBALL ADVANCED BEGINNERS CLINIC - INDOORS Finished a beginner class and looking to keep improving your skills or need a little more instruction? Instructor will advance your skills with strategies and positioning, working with 3rd shot drops, lobs, and slam drills. Equipment provided or bring your own.
AGE: 25-up DAY: Monday INSTRUCTOR: Jose Sosa LOCATION: Ridge Acres MIN/MAX: 4/10 DATE: 9/12-9/26 TIME: 11:00 AM-1:00 PM FEE (R/NR): $60.00/$70.00 REG DEADLINE: 9/10 DATE: 10/3-10/24 TIME: 11:00 AM-1:00 PM FEE (R/NR): $70.00/$83.00 REG DEADLINE: 10/1 $ $ 32
AGE: 25-up DAY: Thursday TIME: 2:00 PM-3:00 PM INSTRUCTOR: Cliff Florczak LOCATION: Rec - North Gym MIN/MAX: 4/10 FEES (R/NR): $45.00/$57.00 DATE: 11/3-11/17 REG DEADLINE: 10/31 DATE: 12/1-12/15 REG DEADLINE: 11/28
DON’T BE DISAPPOINTED! REGISTER EARLY! Classes with low enrollment may be canceled a week or so before start date.
PICKLEBALL INTERMEDIATE CLINICSINDOORS This is not a beginner class. Players must know how to keep score and already have taken a beginner class. Looking to keep improving your skills? Skills to be worked on: Posture, Ready Position, Grip/Paddle angle, Comfort zone, Dinks, Footwork for dinks, Push it Forward, Keep it Low, Scoring, 2 bounce rule, Forehand and backhand shots, 3rd shot drop, Lobs, Overheads, Court Positioning, Serve and Return of Serve. Instructor is a retired Physical Education Teacher, Pickleball Ambassador and has been teaching pickleball for over 15 years.
This is not a beginner class. Intermediate and up players. Players must know how to play, keep score and know the basics. This fun class is designed to take your skills to a new level through a variety of drills. Drills help a player improve a player’s awareness of their opponents. Practicing these techniques can only add to your playing skills. Each week sets a new challenge and will help your skills in dinking, 3rd shot drop, lobs, forehand, backhand and serving. Instructor Jose Sosa (PPR certified instructor/coach) has been teaching pickleball for over 15 years. Equipment provided or bring your own.
AGE: 25-up INSTRUCTOR: Cliff Florczak LOCATION: Ridge Acres MIN/MAX: 4/10 FEES (R/NR): $65.00/$77.00 DAY: Tuesday DATE: 9/6-9/27 TIME: 5:15 PM-6:15 PM REG DEADLINE: 9/4 DAY: Tuesday DATE: 10/4-10/25 TIME: 4:30 PM-5:30 PM REG DEADLINE: 10/2
AGE: 25-up DAY: Wednesday TIME: 2:00 PM-3:00 PM
PICKLEBALL ADVANCED BEGINNERS CLINIC - OUTDOORS Finished a beginner class and looking to keep improving your skills or need a little more instruction? Instructor will advance your skills with strategies and positioning, working with 3rd shot drops, lobs, and slam drills. Equipment provided or bring your own.
INSTRUCTOR: Jose Sosa LOCATION: Rec Center - North Gym MIN/MAX: 4/10 FEES (R/NR): $45.00/$57.00 DATE: 11/2-11/16 REG DEADLINE: 10/31 DATE: 11/30-12/14 REG DEADLINE: 11/28

AGE: 18-up DAY: Sunday DATE: 10/30 TIME: 8:00 AM-4:30 PM INSTRUCTOR: Jose Sosa LOCATION: Rec - Full Gym MIN/MAX: Beginner: Advanced:Intermediate:8/168/168/32 REG DEADLINE: 10/27 FEES (R/NR):
INSTRUCTOR: Jose Sosa LOCATION: Rec Center - North Gym MIN/MAX: 4/10 FEES (R/NR): $60.00/$75.00 DATE: 11/28-12/12 REG DEADLINE: 10/28 DATE: 11/28-12/12 REG DEADLINE: 11/25
$35.00 OPEN PICKLEBALL Open play mixed adult for beginner and intermediate players. Each player MUST register each day they plan to attend! Spots are limited. AGE: 18-up DATE: 11/7-12/30 No Class 11/24 TIME: 1:00 PM-3:00 PM INSTRUCTOR: WS STAFF LOCATION: Rec Center - North Gym MIN/MAX: *4/164/10 on Fridays FEES (R/NR): $5.00/$7.00 Per Day SKILL: Beginner - Advanced Beginner DAY: Mondays TIME: 1:00 PM-3:00 PM SKILL: Intermediate - Advanced DAY: Wednesdays TIME: 1:00 PM-3:00 PM SKILL: Beginner - Advanced Beginner DAY: Thursdays TIME: 1:00 PM-3:00 PM SKILL: Intermediate - Advanced DAY: Fridays* TIME: 1:00 PM-3:00 PM PICKLEBALL FOR YOUTH PICKLEBALL CLASSES SEE PAGE 29 33
AGE: 25-up DAY: Monday TIME: 1:00 PM-3:00 PM
INDOORS This is not a beginner class. Intermediate and up players. Players must know how to play, keep score and know the basics. This fun class is designed to take your skills to a new level through a variety of drills. Drills help a player improve a player’s awareness of their opponents. Practicing these techniques can only add to your playing skills. Each week sets a new challenge and will help your skills in dinking, 3rd shot drop, lobs, forehand, backhand and serving. Instructor Jose Sosa (PPR certified instructor/coach) has been teaching pickleball for over 15 years. Equipment provided or bring your own.
PICKLEBALL HALLOWEEN TOURNAMENTINDOORS Round Robin Format Guaranteed 7 games, max 8 people per bracket. Check in time 7:45am, Warm up 8am, Games start 8:30am for advanced tournament. Check in time for intermediate and beginner is 12:15pm, Warm up 12:30, Games start 1pm. Prizes for 1st/2nd/3rd place bracket winners. Registration deadline October 27. Wear your Halloween Costumes! We reserve the right to change tournament format. Josa Sosa - Tournament Director *NO REFUNDS AFTER October 23rd!

Located in the Grand Avenue Community Center 4211 Grand Ave, Western Springs, IL mcagney@wsprings.comhttps://wsprings.com/seniors708-246-3299
SENIORCISE and TAI CHI: Both exercise classes are always open to new attendees.
MAHJONGG: Friday (10am) Mahjongg is open to seasoned players.
BRIDGE: Monday (1pm) and Wednesday (1pm) Bridge are open to seasoned players.
Tai Chi: Monday 11:30am, Wednesday 1pm, Friday 11:30am
LIBRARY: Looking for a good book to read? Missed a popular movie? Love old movies? The Center has a lending library available to our members that houses over 2,500 book and movie titles including the most current books and movies. Large Print books available. Membership allows for unlimited borrowing of books and movies.
MEMBERSHIP: Membership, which is open to the public and supports the senior community, provides participation in our community of activities and events geared specifically to the interests of the older adult. Annual Membership of varying levels is required for ongoing attendance at our activities.
Available Monday through Friday for activities, meetings, events. As the Center is staffed for a half day (and that is dependent on the activities), to ensure you get the proper attention, please call or email ahead to make an appointment. Available Monday through Friday for activities, meetings, events. As the Center is staffed for a half day (hours depending on the activity schedule), make an appointment by phone or email to make sure the Center is open and staff is available to answer your questions.
Seniorcise: Tuesday 9:45, Thursday 9:45 GAME DAY: Wednesday (1pm) and Friday (1pm) Board games, card games on the schedule.
WESTERN SPRINGS SENIOR CENTER Join us for various other activities including monthly Movies, weekly TV Events, Classes, Knitting Circle, Canasta, Liverpool, impromptu get-togethers. 34
CLASSES AND ACTIVITIES: Classes and activities are ongoing. Always looking to grow our programs, we are interested in what you’d like to explore. Sign up for our mailing list to be invited to future activities. Although membership is required to attend an ongoing class or activity; you’re always welcome to “try” any of our offerings.
CLOSINGS: Labor Day (September 5th), Thanksgiving (November 24th through November 26th), Christmas (December 23rd and 26th). Closed for business December 17th through January 2nd (programs as usual).
LESLIE GODDARD PRESENTATIONS: Leslie will bring Julia Child to life on September 8th, she will explore the Chicago Department Stores on November 18th and she will take us on a tour of Iconic Chicago Foods on December 15th. These programs begin at 1pm and are by reservation only. Make sure you’re on our mailing list to be notified about Leslie’s programs.

RIDGEWOODPARKTIMBERPARKTRAILSSPRINGDALEPARK FORESTPARKHILLS SPRINGPARKROCK CLARKPARK RIDGEPARKACRES TOWER GREEN FIELD PARK LAIDLAWPARK SEREDAPARK NORTHEASTPARK MEMORIALVETERANSPARK HarveyClausenHowardFranklin Gilbert 3940thth41st42nd 43rd Clausen LindenOgdenEllingtonHowardFranklinJohnsonWolfLawnGrandWoodlandCentralGroveOakForest Ogden MapleHamptonRoseGardenWestern 39th HillgroveChestnut BurlingtonElm Walnut Willlow Central Lawn 45th46th 47th 48th 49th51st53rd 53rd 54th55th Birch Park CourtlandRugeley50th 48th LawnGrandWoodlandCentralFairElmsCommonwealth FranklinCarolineJohnson Ridgewood Grand Ernst DierksEllington Clausen Howard Harvey 54th IllinoisTollway IllinoisTollway ParkOak HickoryLindenPin SpruceOakBurrOak FlaggCreekMapleLongmeadow InformationRegistration Online Registration: For residents - Friday, August 19 at 8:30am For non-residentsFriday, August 26 at 8:30am Register online at: procedurescompleteSeewsprings.recdesk.compages2-3forregistrationandpolicies. Grand CommunityAveCenter4211GrandRecreation Center 1500 Walker Total91Area:ParkAcres Acreage Playground DiamondBall FieldSports CourtsTennis Shelter Basketball HockeyIn-Line VolleyballSand CourtsBallPickle Area(s)Picnic Clark HowardPark& 46th St. 1.0 1 1 Field HillgrovePark & Ellington 7.5 1 1 1 1 Forest Hills Park Central & 51st St. 7.0 1 3 1 3 Laidlaw HamptonPark&Maple 4.0 1 2 1 Northeast Park Clausen & 39th St. 2.0 1 4 Recreation Center 1500 Walker 1.0 Ridge Acres Park 4621 Harvey 2.0 1 1 1 1 1 Ridgewood Park 5530 Grand Ave. 4.0 1 1 1 1 Sereda HamptonPark& 39th 6.0 1 2 Spring Rock Park Burlington & Central 42.0 5 4 7 2 2 1 2 Springdale Park Caroline & 52nd 7.5 2 1 2 1 Timber Trails 5.0 1 1 1 Tower Green & HillgroveMuseum & Grand 1.0 Veterans Park 4204 Lawn 1.0 Western Springs Recreation Department 1500 Walker Street Western Springs, IL www.wsprings.com/recreation60558-1374708.246.9070office Contact the Western Springs Park District at www.wsparks.org or call 708-246-4225 for more information and park reservations. VILLAGERECREATIONOF 36