WSSM | GIVE BACK ... Someone out there needs YOU

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someone out there needs you

Photo courtesy of Wahine Warriors

The most powerful thing each of us can do for someone suffering that costs us absolutely nothing, is to lift them up in prayer.

Pray for your sisters, brothers, your parents, friends and neighbors, and yes- even the leaders of our towns, cities and country. They need prayer, too. It’s something each of us can do DAILY that is incredibly powerful.


he past two years have brought with it insurmountable trials and hardships for so many around the globe. Here at home, you, or someone you know may have lost their job, their business, maybe you’ve lost a family member(s) to compromised health or suicide, or are dealing with insurmountable depression personally. Couple any of these struggles with a natural disaster and it can feel as though you simply won’t make it through. When we go through these times, it often feels like everything falls apart at once with no relief in sight. But that’s when God’s grace and providence often shines the brightest- through the hands and hearts of His children’s service. He uses each of us to work miracles in and bless the lives of others, and yes, he can use every single one of us, big and small. By giving of ourselves, whether it be our time or outreach in an area that is dearest to our individual hearts, or perhaps even just helping a struggling neighbor by mowing their lawn for them or offering to watch the kids so they can go for a much-needed date night. Helping others in small ways can seem insignificant to us, but may actually be that one ray of God’s light in someone else’s life, that was so desperately needed. Confirmation that someone out there cares about them. If each of us does something small (or big!) for someone else, making a habit of earnestly looking for more opportunities daily, then together, through the power of ONE, we can show God’s love to the world around us, and make it better. But why stop at home? Technology now allows us to extend our humanitarian reach far beyond our own homes, friends, neighbors and communities. There are numerous organizations that exist simply to help others, and thus, have attracted like-minded souls who’ve experienced healing and personal growth by supporting them with their time and donations. These remarkable organizations are making a difference in people’s lives, both here and in communities around the globe. Although there are many great causes that should be supported, we’ve compiled some of our absolute favorite organizations that are giving back, and we hope you will join us in supporting them also.

Sandra Olson, wssm 40 | | wSSm


someone out there needs you

Photo courtesy of Wahine Warriors

The most powerful thing each of us can do for someone suffering that costs us absolutely nothing, is to lift them up in prayer.

Pray for your sisters, brothers, your parents, friends and neighbors, and yes- even the leaders of our towns, cities and country. They need prayer, too. It’s something each of us can do DAILY that is incredibly powerful.


he past two years have brought with it insurmountable trials and hardships for so many around the globe. Here at home, you, or someone you know may have lost their job, their business, maybe you’ve lost a family member(s) to compromised health or suicide, or are dealing with insurmountable depression personally. Couple any of these struggles with a natural disaster and it can feel as though you simply won’t make it through. When we go through these times, it often feels like everything falls apart at once with no relief in sight. But that’s when God’s grace and providence often shines the brightest- through the hands and hearts of His children’s service. He uses each of us to work miracles in and bless the lives of others, and yes, he can use every single one of us, big and small. By giving of ourselves, whether it be our time or outreach in an area that is dearest to our individual hearts, or perhaps even just helping a struggling neighbor by mowing their lawn for them or offering to watch the kids so they can go for a much-needed date night. Helping others in small ways can seem insignificant to us, but may actually be that one ray of God’s light in someone else’s life, that was so desperately needed. Confirmation that someone out there cares about them. If each of us does something small (or big!) for someone else, making a habit of earnestly looking for more opportunities daily, then together, through the power of ONE, we can show God’s love to the world around us, and make it better. But why stop at home? Technology now allows us to extend our humanitarian reach far beyond our own homes, friends, neighbors and communities. There are numerous organizations that exist simply to help others, and thus, have attracted like-minded souls who’ve experienced healing and personal growth by supporting them with their time and donations. These remarkable organizations are making a difference in people’s lives, both here and in communities around the globe. Although there are many great causes that should be supported, we’ve compiled some of our absolute favorite organizations that are giving back, and we hope you will join us in supporting them also.

Sandra Olson, wssm 40 | | wSSm

Wahine Warriors

Helping Female Spirits With Surfing Wahine Warriors is a 501(C)(3) nonprofit based in Jupiter, Florida that was developed to help lift up foster kids and veterans in need. They use a “wellness surf program to awaken self confidence in females who have been through some salty things in life” because as we know, surfing can do big things for ones self confidence, feeling of belonging and overall happiness. Wahine Warriors was founded on using spiritual gifts like surfing and mindfulness practices, to bless those in need and what we’ve come to find out is that everyone is in need. We all have times that it feels like we’re being held under one heavy set after another, and what gets us above water and riding those waves is support from our surf sisters, connecting with the ocean, and leaning on God. “The ebb and flows of surfing translates so well to life. There will be times when it feels like the undertow is pulling us down (depression, anxiety, PTSD). Follow your leash back to your board (foundation, faith, family, friends) and stay afloat until the next wave.” - Kristina Cobia, Founder


Research has shown that many groups of individuals can benefit from surfing as a therapy. Wahine Warriors has a focus of foster girls and female Veterans. Military sexual trauma is sadly common amongst our female soldiers. They use surfing to help gain confidence and facilitate healing while taking back control in the waves, and foster girls that have participated in their surf program report feelings of joy and happiness after their sessions. While not a national organization boasting thousands of members, their passionate team has developed a small group surf program for women who have gone through any kind of traumaand they dive into self love using Mother Ocean and sisterhood as catalysts. As they say, “Talk therapy is great, but stepping out of your comfort zone and into God’s beautiful playground will awaken your God-given potential within, and foster an amazing transformation that you will carry with you for a lifetime”. Do you have a passion to surf or passion to serve? Wahine Warriors utilizes volunteers just like you in a variety of ways on and off the beach, and are always looking for talented and passionate people that can help in a variety of different ways. Join them today! Help share your warrior spirit with others. Learn more at

Share The Stoke

FOUNDATION Photo : Share The Stoke Foundation

Share The Stoke Foundation, Inc. is a charitable organization based in South Florida and is dedicated to donating surfboards to kids and teenagers in need, in an effort to keep them off the street and in the water. Around the world, coastal towns are filled with kids who yearn for the possibility to stand on a board in the water, but simply do not have the resources to make that happen. The Share The Stoke Foundation is committed to creating new possibilities for kids and teenagers globally, to support them in having their dreams of surfing come true. Founded in 2008 by Kelly Kingston, STSF realized there were many kids who wanted to surf around the globe, but didn’t have the means to make it happen. Kelly wanted to change that. By partnering with existing surf clubs, NGO’s, non-profits, surf schools and organizations that aim to make the lives of kids better in coastal towns and create leaders through the sport, her mission to create a positive way for kids to express themselves through surfing has become a reality.

Together they organize surf contests, beach cleanups, donate surfboards and equipment to the kids, and host surf clinics and BBQ’s to bring people together in the name of surfing. In some areas they have even started surf clubs so that kids will have a place to go and be a part of a group-learning environment, and in recent years STSF has been going far and wide, reaching some of those off-the-beaten path surf locations. “Surfing has the ability to give us so many gifts and that is why we do this work, so that all kids can experience it”, says Kelly Kingston. “With the help of our sponsors, Firewire Surfboards, FCS and Sticky Bumps, we have been able to impact kids in over 28 countries! Our sponsors have been unfaltering in their commitment to surfing and sharing that gift with kids and we love them for it. They are the backbone of Share The Stoke Foundation”. Want to help stoke out some kids? Learn how you can be a part of this movement. Send them an email to and tell them why you are the perfect match to help share the stoke or be an STSF ambassador. Learn how you can help them by visiting wSSm | | 41



While on a surfing trip to Nicaragua in 2009, the heart of (founder) Ryan Jasper was burdened by the sight of children rummaging through garbage dumps looking for food. Due to the extreme poverty that drove families to such desperation, these children were also walking through these dangerous conditions with bare feet. Ryan knew he had to do something. As a CEO of a retail company with 17 surf shops in Florida, Ryan began talking with distributors about donating unused or defective shoes to deliver to the villages in Nicaragua. On June 26, 2010, Ryan and a small group of volunteers placed shoes on the feet of 500 children in La Chureca, Nicaragua and with that small act of love, Beautiful Feet was born.

Fighting poverty one step at a time through intentional physical, spiritual, educational, and economic transformation Jasper founded Beautiful Feet on the belief that God has given every human being a mandate, to love their neighbor as themselves and to remember the poor. When we do, we unlock a God-given purpose within. A purpose to serve and love others. At Beautiful Feet, they ”seek to be a breath of fresh air in every interaction, inspiring others towards action, as they imagine the possibilities, not looking at poverty today, but imagining a community changed tomorrow. Inside of every person on planet earth is an intuitive knowledge that they were made for more. Made with a purpose. Poverty tries to steal that away… But so does living life about oneself.”

Beautiful Feet exists to participate in bringing the Kingdom of God to earth in all its aspects, but especially through their particular calling to serve “THE LEAST OF THESE: the poor, the destitute, the lost, the broken and the forgotten.” Though Beautiful Feet began with meeting a basic physical need, since 2010, the rally cry to fight physical and spiritual poverty across the world has brought Beautiful Feet to where it is today. You can help support them, by donating, sponsoring a child in Nicaragua or Guatemala, or joining them on one of their special mission trips- a great way to experience your purpose in line with the heart of God, all while serving others with the love of Jesus. Beautiful Feet trips are life changing experiences not only for those serving, but as well as for the communities that are being served. Learn how you can support at

“Dear children, let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth“ 1 John 3:18

By Leah Johnson

The Range of Motion Project started in 2005 with the goal of reaching those without access to prosthetic and orthotic services. They believe that people with an amputation are not disabled by missing a limb but by missing a prosthesis, and that prosthetic limbs and orthotic braces are not simply medical devices but instruments of personal empowerment. Their mission is “to provide high quality prosthetic care in underserved populations, which enhance mobility and unlocks human potential.” Mobility is something easily taken for granted, but for someone who cannot afford a prosthesis they are often confined at home and held back. Only 2% of people who need prosthetics or orthopedic care have access to such. Having a disability creates vulnerability and can easily lead to poverty because of inability to work and/or expensive hospital treatments. ROMP operates in Guatemala, Ecuador, and the United States as well as helping people in other surrounding countries, and has reached almost 12,000 patients since first starting. They provide medical care based on medical need, not cost, and try to develop and distribute high-quality technologies at low cost. They train and employ local practitioners to provide services which helps to strengthen local health systems and stimulate economic development locally in underprivileged communities. By raising public awareness of the global lack of prosthetic and orthotic care, ROMP enables those with disabilities to redefine their human potential. This non-profit uses fun ways to raise money together as a team and has a wonderful website and movie detailing what they do and the people who’s lives have been changed. Learn how you can support at 42 | | wSSm


“Committed to taking action by standing, speaking, and acting with those in need when no one else will.” Mercury One is not an ordinary organization. They’re extraordinary! They assist our nation’s beloved veterans, provide caring and specialized aid to those in crisis, both at home here in the USA and internationally, in natural and humanitarian disasters. They also help rebuild and restore the lives of Christians and other persecuted religious minorities. They believe that when evil prevails, the best way to overcome it is with good. We love that!

Photo: The Nazarene Fund Tim Ballard | Founder of Operation Underground Railroad, TNF Board Member


To liberate the

captive, to free the

enslaved, and to rescue, rebuild and restore the lives of Christians and other persecuted religious and ethnic minorities whenever and wherever they are

in need.


Graphic human suffering.

Human slavery has existed since the beginning of time, and heartbreakingly, has known no race, age, or gender boundaries. Most of us have likely wondered how we would have acted when face to face with such human suffering. Here’s your opportunity to find out.

**Content Warning** While most of western civilization enjoys religious freedom or the freedom to not have any religion at all, there are those that because of their faith, are currently being crucified, tortured, burned alive or beheaded for their faith. Those not killed are sold into sexual slavery, others endure their organs harvested without anesthesia, for sale on the black market. I know that’s really hard to read. I’m sorry. But we must NOT look away, we must help them.

Facing these modern day horrors, The Nazarene Fund is committed to continuing to support these persecuted minorities by searching for and liberating the captive, all around the globe. They provide aid to those who are trying to maintain their lives and culture and work tirelessly evacuating and resettling those who cannot remain in their homelands, due to the threats of violence that they face. We love that 100% of donations to The Nazarene Fund go DIRECTLY to the missions. Not a penny is spent to keep the lights on or to pay salaries, so you can feel confident giving to them, knowing that 100% will go directly to helping those in desperate need. They’ve recently expanded their humanitarian operations to Africa, Asia and Haiti, and we ask you to please join them by donating today. Please help them as they assist Christians and other persecuted religious and ethnic minorities who are facing displacement, torture and death.

Mercury One is a 501(c)(3) charity that was founded in 2011 by Glenn Beck, and created to inspire the world in the same way the United States’ space program shaped America’s national destiny. By setting a goal and committing to reach it against all odds. They believe the only limitations to achievement are those we place on ourselves, and they fully believe in the goodness and power of the individual to overcome ANY obstacle.

Photo: Mercury One

Mercury One stands to restore the human spirit through programs that advance the skills, knowledge, and attitudes necessary for individuals and communities to help themselves, and they are committed to taking action through humanitarian aid and educational initiatives. Mercury One stands, speaks, and acts with those in need when no one else will. They believe that together, we can make a difference; it’s up to us to turn the tide. Join them on their journey at

Be a modern day Schlindler. Be The LIGHT. Take action. Donate today at wSSm | | 43



Harnessing the resources of the surfing community to impact the global community By Leah Johnson

AccesSurf was born in Hawaii of humble beginnings; a few pickup trucks, lots of duct tape and a determination to adapt in any way possible to get those with disabilities back in the water. ‘Ohana’ in Hawaiian means family, and AccesSurf embodies this to the fullest and has created an inclusive surfing community. This inclusive community empowers people with disabilities through accessible beach and water programs. A ‘Day at the Beach’ happens on the first Saturday of each month (when allowed by Hawaii State Covid 19 Restrictions) and is free to any and all people that have a disability and want to try surfing or swimming, or need help getting in or out of the water and surfing support. This was the non-profit’s first monthly program – providing access through beach mats to the ocean, beach chairs for transport over the sand, safety equipment and support in the water, and experienced surf instructors on large surfboards to take participants surfing. A monthly Wounded Warrior program was added, providing therapeutic surfing experiences to military personnel, and AccesSurf now

Photo courtesy of Jason Rose Photography 44 | | wSSm

has over 40 events each year providing 2,500 ocean experiences annually with a volunteer base of over 900 people. One of AccesSurf’s driving forces since their start has been to create opportunities for athletes with disabilities. AccesSurf held the first adaptive surfing competition at Duke’s Oceanfest, and now hosts its own yearly Hawaii Adaptive Surf Competition with competitors from around the world participating. AccesSurf also supports adaptive canoe paddling, long distance ocean paddling, swim clinics, and they helped created the first adaptive surf team in the state. AccesSurf just celebrated 15 years of following the spirit of Duke Kahanamoku, and continues to be a pioneer in the advancement of adaptive water sports, ocean recreation, and therapeutic instruction for people with disabilities throughout the state of Hawaii. Visit their website for interviews with participants, volunteers and adaptive athletes, and learn more about how to get involved. Join me in supporting this incredible organization. Get involved at

Photo: Groundswell Aid

Roy Harley (International Director of Christian Surfers and founder of Groundswell Aid), as he toured the world, observed that surfers across the globe were getting involved in community development and social justice; both locally and as they traveled looking for waves. When his travels took him to Australia, he was blessed to meet Jeff Ryan, founder of Misfit Aid and together, they launched something new… Groundswell Aid! Groundswell Aid proudly partners with projects that incorporate surfing as a way to impact their community. Five incredible projects they’re currently involved in include the Hope House in Mauritius, La Red in El Salvador, Aleph Surf and South Beach Stoke in South Africa, Mercy Huts in Indonesia and Pura Vida in Chile. These unique and important Groundswell Aid projects are working to truly make a difference in the lives of those who need it most. They believe in “Asset based community development, and letting the local contacts for projects drive the way they are supported.” Their community support includes incredible service trips, donating surfing equipment, promoting locally made goods, and giving financial assistance for specific one-time costs. Incredibly, 80% of all donations go directly to the designated project, with 20% to operating costs associated with helping to support and serve all projects. So, if you have a heart for those less fortunate, or if you dream of sharing what you have with others who have none, then find out how you can help Groundswell Aid spread the love! Learn more at

South Africa

ALEPH SURF The heart of Aleph Surf is to give opportunities. These opportunities may come in the form of learning how to surf, receiving help with education and engaging with important life skills. The greatest off all these is the chance to hear about the Creator who made the waves as well as us, and the invitation to belong in His Kingdom.

South Africa

SOUTH BEACH STOKE Seeking to make a difference in the lives of the street kids and the lost in Durban, South Africa. Every Saturday morning you’ll find them meeting on South Beach, regardless of weather conditions. Before any activities, they share a Bible lesson and one of the leaders teaches about the impact of pollution on the environment and fun facts about sea life. As a way to put into action what they are learning, they regularly run beach clean-ups to help the anti-litter initiative.


Lifelong surfers, missionaries, and Pura Vida founders, Mitch and Juliette Anderson, work with their son, Nathan, in Chile. They established Pura Vida over 25 years ago, and it continues to grow to this day. Pura Vida’s goal is to use sports to minister to locals and create a sense of community. Their facility offers a number of different programs that include a coffee shop/restaurant, an indoor semi Olympic-size pool, a gym, and several multipurpose rooms used by different groups throughout the week. Their hope is to have a fully developed community center that serves the surrounding city through sports, fitness, surf, skate, counseling, drug and alcohol rehabilitation, special needs ministry, dance, aerobics, home school co-operative and a host of other services, within 5 years. These ministries are moving ahead, but still have much room for growth, improvement and support.


HOPE HOUSE Founded in early 2014, Hope House implements three main programs; teaching, training, and mentoring, empowering people in difficult circumstances to create a new future for themselves. SALT SURFERS A program that creates a safe environment and a positive community, to which children from disadvantaged areas can belong. CARPENTRY PROGRAM Providing an environment for men who left school early, can get a second chance to find a job or even build their own business.

El Salvador | LA RED

A long-standing, passion fueled grassroots project that has been instrumental in empowering and uplifting the local community of El Tunco in El Salvador. La Red or “The Net” is a non-profit organization run by the Castellanos family, and their motto is, “Love God and serve your neighbor.” They positively impact their community by improving infrastructure, and facilitating education in a transformative, and empowering way, eagerly seeking to elevate the local community’s quality of life by eradicating poverty, illness and social exclusion.

They’re taught the basic principles of carpentry and furniture design, and then their products are sold through different channels. Workers are paid hourly- ensuring them a steady income. Merchandise profits from sales are also shared with the young men, where they’re introduced to budgeting and personal finance skills.

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