someone out there needs you
Photo courtesy of Wahine Warriors
The most powerful thing each of us can do for someone suffering that costs us absolutely nothing, is to lift them up in prayer.
Pray for your sisters, brothers, your parents, friends and neighbors, and yes- even the leaders of our towns, cities and country. They need prayer, too. It’s something each of us can do DAILY that is incredibly powerful.
he past two years have brought with it insurmountable trials and hardships for so many around the globe. Here at home, you, or someone you know may have lost their job, their business, maybe you’ve lost a family member(s) to compromised health or suicide, or are dealing with insurmountable depression personally. Couple any of these struggles with a natural disaster and it can feel as though you simply won’t make it through. When we go through these times, it often feels like everything falls apart at once with no relief in sight. But that’s when God’s grace and providence often shines the brightest- through the hands and hearts of His children’s service. He uses each of us to work miracles in and bless the lives of others, and yes, he can use every single one of us, big and small. By giving of ourselves, whether it be our time or outreach in an area that is dearest to our individual hearts, or perhaps even just helping a struggling neighbor by mowing their lawn for them or offering to watch the kids so they can go for a much-needed date night. Helping others in small ways can seem insignificant to us, but may actually be that one ray of God’s light in someone else’s life, that was so desperately needed. Confirmation that someone out there cares about them. If each of us does something small (or big!) for someone else, making a habit of earnestly looking for more opportunities daily, then together, through the power of ONE, we can show God’s love to the world around us, and make it better. But why stop at home? Technology now allows us to extend our humanitarian reach far beyond our own homes, friends, neighbors and communities. There are numerous organizations that exist simply to help others, and thus, have attracted like-minded souls who’ve experienced healing and personal growth by supporting them with their time and donations. These remarkable organizations are making a difference in people’s lives, both here and in communities around the globe. Although there are many great causes that should be supported, we’ve compiled some of our absolute favorite organizations that are giving back, and we hope you will join us in supporting them also.
Sandra Olson, wssm 40 | | wSSm