Spread Your Wings - Yoga by Zofia | WSSM Womens Surf Style Magazine

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LIFESTYLE . . . Daily Fitness Extended Triangle Pose Variation (Utthita Trikonasana) By Zofia Karubin Certified Yoga Instructor

Surfing and paddling develops the lats–latissimus dorsi muscles in the back, also known as “wings”.


Spread Your Wings

1) Spinal Twist: Ground yourself in standing pose, relax your arms out, roll your shoulders up and down, and turn your torso and head to the left and right, as your arms gently swing back and forth, while you breathe in and out. 2) Side Stretch: Inhale, gently reach up with your arms up over your head and hands together, then slowly stretch the arms and torso to the left and right, while breathing in and out. 3) Forward Bend: From a standing position, first inhale and stretch the arms up and over your head, then slowly breathe out and bend forward reaching the arms down, and relaxing down, keeping the knees slightly bent, head down, neck relaxed, feel the breath. When you’re ready, lift up and roll up slowly as you inhale and again ground yourself in standing pose.

REMEMBER:  Breathe deeply and stay relaxed.

 Be very gentle and loving with your body.

 Don’t force or strain in any way.

(Check with your health care provider before doing this or any exercise program)

 Stretches legs, hips, back, shoulders, arms, and lats aka “wings”

 Strengthens neck, spine, thighs,

knees, ankles, feet, and toes

 Massages abdominal and pelvic organs, and expands the lungs

The wings, as well as all the other beautiful muscles that get worked out when you are surfing, exercising, and having fun, need to be stretched out before and after exertion to improve circulation, prevent any issues, and to keep the whole body in good shape. Surfing and yoga are well known for keeping the body limber, strong, and balanced. Practicing yoga helps bring more peace and calm to the body and mind by going within, so we can become more in tune with our intuition, heart, and soul.

 WARM UP & COOL DOWN Always warm up gently by grounding yourself in standing pose.


 Improves circulation, equilibrium, and creates inner peace


Begin in an easy triangle, place the feet far apart with the surfboard in front of you, slide it into position on its side. Both feet pointing to the left, press the heels into the ground. Inhale, lift your right arm up over the head and gaze up at your right hand.


Next, exhale into a deeper stretch as you reach both arms over to the left. Keep the torso straight, bending from the hips, lengthen the spine while breathing deeply.


When you’re ready, gently lift the right arm straight up to the Malibu, California sky, as you go even deeper into the stretch while breathing in and out. Aligning yourself by gently bringing the hips forward and upper body back, elongate the torso, extending from the tailbone thru to the crown of your head, feel the stretch in your legs, while looking out at the horizon, and keep breathing deeply. Return slowly to standing position and repeat on the other side, each time going deeper and deeper into the stretch, without any force or strain, don’t go past the point of pleasurable pain. Relax into each pose and remain there for as long as comfortable, while breathing deeply. Namaste -- My inner light bows to your inner light.  Paradise Cove Malibu, ParadiseCalifornia Cove,

Zofia is a certified yoga instructor who resides in Los Angeles, CA where she’s been teaching yoga for over 15 years, and practicing yoga since childhood with her mother who is also a yoga teacher. Learn at your own pace how to incorporate yoga into your busy lifestyle through the online collage of Zofia’s yoga routines from previous issues of WSSM. Go to www.womenssurfstyle.com/zofia.html Outfit by Sweet Waterwear www.sweetwaterwear.com | Photos by: OnIt Pro LLC (OnItPro.com or facebook/onit.pro) 48 | womenssurfstyle.com | wSSm

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