WSSM Womens Surf Style Magazine - Summer/Fall '12

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$9.99 U.S. & CANADA



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Performance in the water begins with strength on land.

Brand Ambassadors Mariko Strickland & Jen Lee Two of Hawaii’s most talented Waterwomen.

no single piece of equipment defines us

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Allie Brown

... finding bliss in Hawaii photo: Sarah Lee |

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Filippa Ferrara Yukiko Whiteside ... there’s nothing like the North Shore

photo by:

Felippa Ferrara | Odina team rider | photo: Aaron Taylor

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Letter from the Publishers


Sandra & Dan Olson

EDITOR: Debbie L. Olson

CFO: John Dotson

GRAPHIC DESIGN: Renee Williams, Sandra Olson, Amanda Fernandez

Thanks for being the greatest “Bean Counter“& CFO!

Aloha and welcome to another fantastic issue of WSSM! As I sit here writing this, it’s a beautiful day here in Hawaii, sun shining, soft wind blowing… ahhh… it doesn’t get much better than this, unless you’re actually OUTSIDE enjoying it! While I’ve missed many, many days out in the surf due to putting this magazine together, I feel like what we’re doing at WSSM is extremely important, not only for womens surfing, but for women in general.

I recently thumbed through a couple “mainstream” beach/ Photo: Wayne surf magazines to see what everyone else was up to, and was horrified to find the same old thing… $3,000 pants, $2,500 shoes, itsy-bitsy leather miniskirts (only $970) draped over stick-thin models who look vitamin D deficient to say the least (get out in the sun, you poor things!). It’s the same old overall promotion of a lifestyle that consists of “what are you wearing? What kind of car are you driving? Is it new? Who are you hanging out with?” and “how to look like a Hollywood (harlet?) starlet, on a waitress’s income!” Is this really the state of our industry, our country and our mindset? Is this really what women and girls want to see when they pick up their favorite beach mags? It was a brutal reminder of WHY I started WSSM to begin with. I was over the materialistic, fake-body and beauty icons that have been perpetuated as “normal and desirable” that we’ve all been sold over the years, and I had hoped to change that. 9 years later, as we wrap up another issue of WSSM, I am proud to say that we STILL only use models that surf and lead active lifestyles in our magazine. We try our best to promote affordable products that are generally good for you and the environment, and we believe in producing content that leaves you yearning to give more of yourself to those around you, rather than focus on what we don’t have, or wish we had in our lives. Life is short, and I believe we were created to be a shining light to others, a helping hand to all in need (no, this is NOT the governments responsibility…it’s OURS), and a role model for the next generation. A generation that we hope will be better off than we are, and stronger individuals capable of shining even brighter, and helping even more as they grow older and wiser. That’s not to say that there’s no room in life for fun and fashion, but let’s get back to the basics, People, and focus on what will last, what will benefit us as individuals and citizens, and what won’t drain our bank accounts (for example, all the useless crap that won’t even be in style 3 years from now) when we know it needs to go to other, more important things. So as you read through WSSM, we hope you continue to enjoy our “non-traditional” approach to womens surfing, because we believe, that women these days deserve more exposure in a magazine than a single page featuring a “girl in just a shirt”, or “girlfriend of pro-so-and-so”, and definitely more than the multi-thousand dollar photoshoots with malnourished models and punk rockers, promoting products even the models can’t afford. If a more wholesome and happy approach to life and surfing is what you enjoy, then we encourage you to be an active part of WSSM, contributing your thoughts, ideas, stories, dreams, and goals, so that others can be inspired by them, and create their own magnificent futures. If this sounds like you, then welcome aboard ladies! We’ve made history by being the LONGEST running womens surf magazine in history… and it’s because we believe in you, the whole woman, regardless of age, race, shape, size, or income. We’re a magazine for REAL women!



WSSM STAFF PHOTOGRAPHERS: Dan Olson, Tia Calvo, Daniel Kawasaki- Daniel K. Fine Arts, John Olson, Dave Gregerson-, Dale Basye -, Gabriel Fernandez, Matt Olson, Jordan Klinger, Karissa Correa, Rachel Kathleen Stallings CONTRIBUTING PHOTOGRAPHERS:,, Teresa Hodge,,,, Shelsea Brown,, Jim Whitney, Aaron Nakamura, Gabriel Fernandez, Daniel Russo, Christina Frankel, Jay Haysey, Wilber Bergado, Charles Lanceplaine, Glenn Brumage, Michael Friedman - Big Surf Daddy Photography, Goyo Martin, Meghan Whitney, Kevin Seid, Cat Slatinsky, Richard Bradley, Alex Irvin, Darrell Wong, Justin Bastien FASHION COORDINATORS: Becca P., Trish Edwards SPECIAL EVENT COORDINATORS: Brandy & Rob Chang MODELS: Beccy Hailstones, Chrislaine Mendonca, Paul Mclaughlin, Emery McLaughlin, Ryan Hailstones I.T. DIRECTOR: Stan Olson I.T. MKG DIRECTOR: Joachim Hill-Grannec EDITORIAL & PHOTO SUBMISSION:

(regular mail)

WOMENS SURF STYLE MAGAZINE P.O. Box 22853 Honolulu, HI 96823 or ONLINE: Publisher reserves the right to edit all submissions for content/space purposes at their sole discretion. Upon receiving, all submitted materials become the property of WSSM with full reprint rights, and will not be returned. Please send copies of your originals. WSSM is published twice yearly. Distributor and advertising information can be obtained by visiting No portion of WSSM may be copied or reproduced in any way without written permission/consent of WSSM editor/publisher. Reproduction in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. All surf photos submitted to, and seen in WSSM, are for content purposes only and remain the sole property of the individual photographers. Reproduction in any way is strictly forbidden. Contact info for photographers may be obtained by visiting their websites. Copyright 2003, WSSM Women’s Surf Style Magazine All rights reserved. Printed in Hong Kong.

Dan Olson

WSSM Publishers/Editors

Left photo by:, middle/right: Sasha Leitner

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WRITERS: Sandra Olson, Dan Olson, Tia Calvo, Amanda Fernandez, Rachel Kathleen Stallings, Carolyn Palma, Renee Williams, Amanda Rigney, Shelsea Brown, Teresa Hodge, Deborah Irvin, Zofia Karubin, Bethany P., Christina DiMari, Claire Miyamoto, Holly Beck, Gina Abou-Sayf, Karissa Correa, Tracy Rubert, Roxy Saffaie, John Olson, Christina Frankel, Nichole Wagner, Jordan Klinger, Jenny Yoon, Morgon Hoesterey, Mary Osborne, Jenni Sells, Lindsay Schwarz, Joachim Hill-Grannec, Carolyn Mandelino

Congratulations to Ryan & Beccy Hailstones, on their recent marriage! Beccy has modeled for WSSM since 2006, and Ryan joined in on the fun in THIS issue’s fashion (pg. 132). Baby Hailee helped them celebrate on June 7th, 2012, where Beccy and her father SUP’d in to meet Ryan at Sunset Beach- Oahu, Hawaii.... May God bless your union!

Cover Photo: WSSM Surfer: Vanina Walsh

In This Issue

She Surfs




improve your surfing

Be Inspired 52

“Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you: For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened.” -- Matthew 7:7-8 (KJV)


BEAUTY BOX | ASK ROXY Makeup tips & product reviews for surfers, from celebrity makeup artist, Roxy

42 42 44 46 48 50 52 54

Coconut Water

54 56


Hydrate, Refresh, Naturally

Microbiology 101 Core Balance

Get Your Clean On!

Your surfing depends on it


Fly like an Eagle


Your Ocean Breath

Indo Board the key to perfecting your surfing Inspirational Quotes

Inspire, Achieve, Create

Book Nook & Movie Night Poser, Splinters, Taking the Drop

Tips & Tricks

Recipe Corner

Easy-Fruit Smoothies / After-Surf Chow

SURF STOKED... live, breathe, surf 26 36 38 58 60


Peru... Beautiful Desolation


Cloudbreak: Look Before You Leap


Nicaragua: Beautiful Sting

62 64

Reader Submitted surf photos

65 66 68 70

Ethan’s Spirit

Surfs On

Lights, Camera, Action!

Tips for getting great surf

shots with friends

Good Surf Karma

How an angel in a rashguard saved

my butt... Literally!

The Novice Give & Take

Cheryl’s Top 10 Novice Surf Tips in Thailand

Living in the Moment The Curse of the Bride’s Nighty




fly like an Eagle

74 76 77

Meet the Team

Calavera Swimwear team riders

Meet the Team

Odina team riders

Meet the Designer

Chick Sticks by Lola: surfboards

78 79 80 81 82

Meet the Designer

Violet Love Brands

Meet the Designer

Salty Sweet Clothing

made for girls!

Giving Back

The Smyrna Beach Surfari Club

Operation Surf

Making a Difference

Mountain Fountain Creations Discovering Pearls

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SHE SURFS ! Sarah Powers (84), Stephanie Ortiz (87), Lauren Larose (87), Brisa Hennessey (88), Casey & Jessica Kwiecinski (89), Rachel Presti (90), Amanda Cameron (91), Hilary Billings (92), Piper Austin (96), Sara Kohrogi (97), Daniela Mayorga (98), Sue Steinmetz (99)



108 110

Spotlight On

Cardiff Reef

Hot Products

For SUP’n

Gina Bradley (100), Susanne Lier (102), Mariko Strickland (104), Emmy Merrill (106)



Shannon McIntyre (112), Hana Harrison (114), Sarah K. Dean (115), Sheila Faye Donahue (116)




Girls Surf Team


140 146 154 158 160 162

Vanina Walsh


Where is Kula Barbieto

with the Billabong Girls Surf Team

Ornella Pellizzari Surf Travel Tips

Surfer, Skater, Ripper

from the Pros

Core Workouts with Courtney Conlogue Meet Up-And-Comer Natalie Perez... Sweetheart of Puerto Rico

other goodies 24 72 118

Inside the Industry

At the Surf Expo Tradeshow


Miguel Tudela Chiozza

BEACH FASHION 2012 Beach & Lifestyle Fashion

wssm essentials 18 20 22

168 170 171

This Issue... ONLINE Voice of the Surfers Industry News

industry and culture

WSSM website giveaways

Your voice being heard!

New and exciting news within the surf

Surf Shop Directory Surfer Resources Global Surf Camp Directory


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Meet this Roxy Team Rider

Hawaii Bound

173 Beatnik Trading Co. 57 Belly Dancers in Paradise 71 Body Coral 4 C4 Waterman 49, 180 Calavera Swimwear 173 Central Pacific Computer Services 41 Charming Shark Surf Jewelry 35 Chicama Surf Resort 2 Chick Sticks by Lola 57 Coffee Talk 23 Exceed Wetsuits 59 Fernandez Photo Art 55 GaryMsCreations 69 Gregerson Photography 6 Honeygirl 173 Indo Board 47 Kahuna Creations 109 Ken Pagliaro Photography 109 KM Boards 43 Las Olas Mancora

83 109 173 61 101 173 59 53 57 8 55 173 55 17 25 19 178 173 57 61 21 111

Mountain Fountain Creations Nukumoi Surf Co. Ocean Star Gifts OnIt Pro Pualani Hawaii RV’s Ocean Sports Salty Sweet Clothing Samana Chakra Second Wind Shaka Laka Siren Surf Stephen Slowey Computer Repair Surf-N-Sea Surf Expo Sweet Waterwear Swell Shell Taca Airlines Tasty Crust The Drops Violet Love Headbands Wave Riding Vehicles Wrinkled Teenager

register now

September 6-8, 2012 | OrlandO, FlOrida register by July 1 to receive your show badges in the mail. SURF


StAndUp pAddle









T O nline womenssurfstyle his Issue...

Featured Tia Calvo

contributors, more digital content than ever before,

more giveaways and chances to win each and every month... It’s an exciting time to be a part of the WSSM family! Log on to to learn more about us, read previous issues, submit your stories and photos, and connect with the growing surfer girl community from around the world!

“Writing for WSSM is an adventure, with new stories, waves and people to discover – and this issue has been the most exciting yet. I was assigned the strenuous task of chasing down a Peruvian hottie for our male centerfold. Young Miguelito was the result and what a find! He has a great personality to match those good looks too, he was so lovely to work with. You can check out the full gallery of Miguel’s pics on our website. Last winter I had the pleasure of again visiting Hawaii’s beautiful North Shore to spend time with this issue’s cover girl, Vanina Walsh. It was really cool getting a personal look into her day-to-day life. From surf shoots to modeling and homeschooling, she has so much going on!

Photo: Alicia Fox While on the North Shore I also caught up with WSSM favorite Courtney Conlogue to scope out her favorite fitness routines. Courtney is an incredible athlete. Lets hope her motivation rubs off onto us in preparation for this winter’s surf season!

It has been an amazing year of work that just keeps getting better. We capped things off last month with a WSSM surf trip to Northern Peru, which included a visit to the world’s longest left Chicama. The wave is so long a boat picks you up at the end of your ride and drops you back at the lineup. We surfed until our arms were noodles and our legs gave out. I forgot to leave – I’m still in Peru, surfing! See you next time with new stories of waves, surfers and centerfold hotties!”

CLICK & WIN Guria...“Girl” in Brazilian slang, presents a collection of high quality swimwear boasting luxurious fabrics, silver & 14K gold plated hardware, and a bevy of styles- including several that can be changed and used in multiple ways. Order as separates and in sizes x-small to x-large!

Melissa Diamond

“Cocoa Beach, Florida, is where I call home. I find a spiritual connection with God in the ocean, and my life revolves around the surf report and tides. When it is flat, I work three jobs to save money to travel to surf waves I read about and see in surf videos. The journey, beautiful people, and diverse cultures inspire me to share my adventures. Featured in this current issue of WSSM are two of them; Nicaragua: Beautiful Sting and Cloudbreak: Look before you Leap! Be inspired to get out there and live your dream! For more stories visit




goodies every month! Logon to or

every month from July ‘12 - Dec. 2012 for your chance to win!

The WAX BUDDY incorporates a scraper, a comb, and cupped rail edge, and it’s trademark is the handle-that provides incredible leverage.

POSER Tallulah

commits the ultimate sin. She tells the most popular girl at school she can surf- when she can’t! Highschool now brings challenges already, but not like the challenge she’ll now face... to prove she CAN surf, and isn’t a poser. See page 54 for our full review.

Winners every month !! FREE Goodies !! Visit for all the details & information


Show your WSSM support by sporting our brand new signature single wrap bracelets! Hand crafted using glass beads- all are hand strung on waxed linen cord with our signature metal toggle clasp.


An amazing, dry body powder that, when applied to sandy skin, removes the sand and salt completely, leaving it soft and clean. Excellent for cleaning up after the sand box, playground or wherever one encounters sand. Complete with a bar of Almond, Coconut soap.

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Surfer girls can trust their Honey Girl bikinis in ANY surf conditions! Designed by a surfer, Honey Girl incorporates exotic Tahitian prints, durable fabrics, and styles to fit all sizes and shapes.


oice of the Surfers

Serving in

I’M A WINNER... THANKS! “Aloha WSSM!!!! I received my Honu hat today, woohoo!!! Thank you for having the best contests eva!!!! AND FOR BEING THE BEST SURFING MAG IN D UNIVERSE! ! ! Xoxoxoxoxoxoox”

Afghanistan Great MAG!! I am currently in Afghanistan supporting an all female mission. I read an article in your mag about a woman in Bali (Paula Edgar) who surfs, but also imbeds herself within the culture and people. She uses her professional skill to help the people. Sounds alot like my mission here. I thought very highly of her. I also surf, but there are no waves here, ha! I plan on contacting her for a trip to Bali not to only surf, but learn the culture and help the people. One of the things I love about the Army is traveling, meeting new people, and learning new cultures!!!! Great article!!! Leigh M. Bagram Airbase Afghanistan

Kitty W. | Huntington Beach, CA

WSSM: Stoked you won our monthly giveaway... Honu hooked you up! Be sure to enter again soon, we have them every month online! (See page 18 for the next 6 months of giveaways)

My friend bought me a copy of WSSM

“My friend bought me a copy of WSSM, and I saw the monthly giveaways in there. I went ahead and entered... and WON!! So stoked to win a Blu ray copy of Soul Surfer! What a great surprise! Just got done watching it and even though I’ve seen Bethany surf during the US Open in Huntington Beach, I have no idea how she can do it. That girl is amazing!... and what an inspiration! Thanks again for the Blu ray! Keep the issues coming, love every bit of it!” Teri R. | Huntington Beach, CA

Chick Sticks


“Thank You SO Much WSSM - Womens Surf Style Magazine!! Every time I put an Ad in your awesome mag for my Chick Sticks I sell some boards!! Every business should list with you!! xoxo” Lola Blake | California Owner of Chick Sticks

So cool to be in WSSM

”LOVE the new mag! So cool to see myself and show my family your mag and that I was in it :) Thanks!!! P.S. the whole mag is cool, not just me being in it... I have really enjoyed reading about other surfergirls as well! Keep up the great work!” Sandra Goodwin | Cocoa Beach, FL


“Hi Sandra, My bookings manager for ChicaBrava that you’ve been in touch with, sent me the article snippet below with interesting info on you and WSSM. Reading through it I was surprised to see we actually have a great deal in common. We both began achieving success at a very young age (I see you starting publishing at age 25; I became a lawyer by 24), we are both from large families (you from a family of 10; I come from a family of 8 children), we apparently both moved to amazing destinations to follow our passion for surfing (you to Hawaii, me to Nicaragua), we seem to be just about the same age, and most importantly and impressive - we both seem to have a similar outlook on the role and importance of creating realistic, inviting, and appropriate forums for women’s surfing. When I read this I almost felt like it was taken directly from my thoughts!

“Sandra Olson’s goal with Women’s Surf Style Magazine was to promote a positive and healthy body image (leaving out the stick-thin models that obviously didn’t surf), along with content that applied to women’s daily lives. Content such as health advice that didn’t promote products JUST because they were an advertiser, beauty tips for healthy and age-defying skin care, fitness routines that compliment an active lifestyle… all while stimulating the female mind with imagery of

women and girls of every shape, size and ethnicity… the “average, everyday woman” out enjoying the water. She felt this encouraged women of all ages to get active, and get out in the surf, no matter what their physical abilities were. Her goal was to provide women interested in an active lifestyle, a magazine that was published exclusively for them, with content that related to their daily lives.” While we’re obviously not publishing any sort of publications at ChicaBrava, the exact sentiments and energy are at the foundation of our surf camp. This info was so refreshing to read and I am really stoked and looking forward to meeting you.” Ashley Blaylock, Owner of ChicaBrava (Nicaragua)

WSSM: Ashley, so stoked to meet you also during our time at ChicaBrava! Your energy and synergy is equally refreshing... we love meeting women entrepreneurs that have pursued their dreams into reality. We look forward to visiting ChicaBrava again soon, as our stay was entirely too short. God bless you and all the girls that are lucky enough to spend time with you there. Keep up the GREAT work! (See page 38 for Melissa Diamonds experience at ChicaBrava, or the Wtr/Spr ‘12 issue of WSSM for our Nicaraguan surf trip recap, including our stay at ChicaBrava!

WSSM Shirt! “Wearing my new WSSM shirt at the Surf Ontario shop!” Robin P.M. Canada

SPEAK YOUR VOICE: Want to see your letter in WSSM? Log on to, and click on CONTACT! Become a FAN at Share your surf stories, favorite surf spots & brands, what surfing is like in your area, or perhaps recommend a friend for a WSSM feature. We’d love to hear from you!

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IN ews



Slick up the surface of your board, reduce friction, and thus increase your speed! Eelsnot is a revolutionary new product (not a wax) that gently coats your board surface, filling in the little hairline cracks and stress marks that take on water over time, causing yellowing, while reducing friction so your board slides easier and faster across the surface. Try it for yourself! You just might get a couple extra waves per session since you’re going be able to catch them easier, and will decrease the advantage bigger and stronger surfers have over you in the lineup.


Photo: Gregerson | Model: Kassandra Reina

SEEA Swimwear that brings retro and contemporary styles together, in today’s most luxurious fabrics and cuts. “The name Seea comes from my love for the sea,” explains Amanda Chinchelli, designer of Seea. “As an Italian, I pronounce the name ‘see-ah’. It’s a feminine word, with a musicality and beauty to it. We are women… We are the graceful sliders of the Seea.” Handcrafted locally in California, these suits showcase the uniqueness and diversity of the women that wear them. Designed for surfing, these feminine, fun, and comfortable suits celebrate the style, rythym and grace of womens surfing. With each style aptly named after famous surf breaks, Seea swimwear strikes the perfect balance between surf function, style, and fun!

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Surf shop owners and buyers! With action sports more popular than ever before, we were stoked to find a line of greeting cards made just for adrenalin junkies like your customers! Cards that capture the essence and style of surf, skate, bmx, moto, and artistic lifestyle, they’re sure to grab your customers attention and be that “impulse buy” for customers, that shop owners crave. Learn more about carrying this creative line of greeting cards in your shop by visiting

Surf traction pads that we hope will revolutionize the ones currently available on the market. Unlike its rough, gouging partners that tear holes in your knees, Moby Grip is super soft to the touch, almost rubbery, and was designed specifically for aerial surfing maneuvers, where wet traction (better than wax!) is extremely important. Thickness is that of 2 quarters stacked and available in both a rear and middle-of-thedeck pad, and in a variety of colors, Moby Grip is a welcome change for those that hate scratched knees, but want unsurpassed traction in the surf!


A new family run business out of Ontario, Canada, this locally made unique hair clip is different than anything you’ve ever seen before! Obviously conceptualized by a woman who understands the need to keep your hair in place, but doesn’t need the “knot” you feel everytime you lay your head back against anything! What makes this clip special is that the BOA Hair Clip is designed to lay flat, comfortably, making it


Mothers everywhere can appreciate this new-to-the-market product! Sand Gone is a dry body powder, that when applied to your sand covered skin, gently removes ALL the sand and salt! Great for beach days when you really don’t want the entire beach following you into the car or house, this handy 8oz jar with a microfiber applicator is easy to toss in your purse, ready for your next adventure. Non-toxic and talc-free, with just a hint of coconut fragrance, Sand Gone is like having a shower in a jar!


(Small Personal Item Belt) Heading on an exotic surf trip, and don’t want to advertise where most of your valuables are stashed? Try the SPIbelt, an awesome expandable belt that doesn’t bounce, and can hold an iPhone™, Droid™, keys, cash, passport, credit cards, identification and any other small personal items you can’t live without. Fits securely without shifting, and available in a multitude of really fun colors! We LOVE this belt for extra surf travel safety.

ideal for yoga, pilates, workouts (especially bench presses, crunches, etc.), and while driving! Made from strong, polymer plastic, it’s shatterproof and very durable.


We just LOVE new brands and fresh entrepreneurs, so we couldn’t keep BijaBody all to ourselves! A new line of anti-aging body care products and beauty tea blends that are beautiful enough for your face, especially formulated for your body. Boasting their signature HoneyOil base, these products are actually GOOD for your skin! With the perfect combination of parabenfree, skin regenerating properties, BijaBody

offers a daily body scrub, body serum (great for after-shaving or waxing to calm the skin), an impressive body treatment that regenerates way beyond what a lotion can (excellent for knees, hands and elbows that get a lot of wear and tear), as well as a bedside lip treatment that has been shown to increase moisture retention and plumpness of lips! Melissa Picolo (founder) has put so much into her special brand, we couldn’t ever get it all in here, so be sure to visit her website for more detailed information.


Stylish, durable and extremely sturdy, this collection of light weight neoprene (wetsuit material), made-in-theUSA handbags will make your surf-heart sing! Custom (strong) hardware and attention to detail is enhanced only by the myriad of exotic prints and colors you’ll find when looking for your next purse, beach bag, tote, traveler bag, computer sleeve or backpack. Go ahead… express your surf-self! (see pages 127 and 130 to

view two of our favorites!)


Surf TV just got better with the premiere of the new series, The Breaks, debuting summer 2012! Based out of California, The Breaks intimately follows the lives of 6 close-knit friends/surfers as they rise through the ranks of professional surfing. Experience the journey with them as they navigate the struggles of daily life, personal injuries and rival competition, and enjoy the breathtaking scenery and vivid surf action. The first season will consist of 8 episodes, and is the first surf-web series on KoldCast TV, while also offering revolutionary “Interactive Integration Technology” meaning you’ll be able to interact with brands you see in the show, in real time! See a bikini or boardshort that you just gotta have? A simple “mouseover” and you’ll be taken directly to the merchants website or promo page. Cool!

FIN-S (pronounced “fi-ness”)

A screw-less, tool-less board fin system that is new on the market, and creating quite a stir! Built by brothers and surfers, (WQS surfer)Scott and Chad, their patented SpringLock technology frees you from the hassle of fin keys, bolts and screws, leaving you with just you and your board. Nice! Strong enough for the pros, easy enough for beginners, team riders that trust the new fin system include Sunny Garcia, Sean Moody and Joel Centeio! Learn more at

GOT NEWS? Want to see your company featured in our Industry News? Logon to, and click on CONTACT. Send us your press releases, new product launches, team rider profiles... Whatever it is, we’d love to hear from you!


Orlando, Florida | Next Show: Sept. 6-8, 2012 | Photos: Gabriel Fernandez,

Freak Traction & Kechele Surfboards

Build your brand, network with industry leaders and up-and-comers, gain valuable feedback on your most popular items, write orders, and grow your business... all at the Surf Expo!

SURF EXPO FACTS: Since 1976 manufacturers and retailers in the surf, skate, water sports, swim/ resort industries have come together in a business-first buying and selling environment at Surf Expo. Surf Expo is produced in January and September in Orlando, Florida and draws buyers from specialty stores across the U.S., the Caribbean, Central and South America and around the world. Surf Expo features approximately 2,000 booths of apparel and hardgoods and a full line-up of special events, including fashion shows, annual awards ceremonies, and demos. Average buyer and exhibitor turnout exceeds 12,000 attendees including retailers, exhibitors and media per show.



Orion Surfboards

Crow Watches


C Spray

Pura Vida Bracelets

Crow Watches

Jams World


Shade Shack

Dicks Cottons

Natural Life (above/below)

KM Surfboards/(team rider Vanina Walsh)

Joshua Tree

Inis Perfume

Sun Bum

Bika Bikinis

El Salvador/Board of Tourism

RAILS & TALES . . . Peru


Photo: Pat Williams

1) Tia walked through the streets of Mancora one evening, and came across the cutest little kids playing soccer, who were excited to have their picture taken. 2) Walking to Mancora town via the street, from Samana Chakra, for a bite to each. It is very hot and dry here, and makes you crave the beach to cool off on. 3) The stunning view of Chicama, the world’s longest left, from the infinity pool at Chicama Boutique, Hotel & Spa. The break’s main peak is located at the base of the furthest away cliff you can see here. It’s about a mile walk, but with the tow-back service exclusive to their resort, they drop you off at the point in only minutes, ready for set, after set. Most waves can be ridden from the point, all the way past the resort where this photo was taken, if you connect the sections correctly. 4) Riding into the sunset, Mancora Point

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Story by Dan Olson | Photos by Tia Calvo

“Welcome to the desolate, beautiful land of Peru. WSSM publishers, Dan & Sandra Olson, Tia Calvo-WSSM photographer, Carolyn Palma- WSSM shipping manager, and Pat Williams- photographer/uncle, took our annual surf trip to this exotic location, to learn about the culture, meet the locals, and surf the world’s longest left. We flew Taca Airlines, our favorite airline for Central and South American travel, who treated us to free in-flight food and drinks! Thanks Taca! Upon our arrival, we stayed at four resorts, so we could get a better feeling for all that Peru had to offer. Kimbas Bungalows was our first stop in the northern town of Mancora. We then stayed at Samana Chakra, at the quiet end of Mancora town, and then Las Olas, situated within 40 feet of the best wave Mancora offers. After a week of perfectly peeling waves, we then headed further South to Chicama, to ride the world’s longest left. Here is our photo journal. Every surf trip leaves it’s mark. My new battle wound/tattoo, after getting wrapped up in my board at Romanzo

Log on to for even more photos and video from the trip!

Sunset at Popoyo Beach

3 4

Photos by Tia Calvo

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Rails & Salvador RAILS &Tales TALES. ....El. Peru 1) Cooling off in the infinity pool at Kimbas Bungalows. It’s nice and quiet here, and they’ve done a great job with the Indonesian inspired architecture and design. 2) Our group at Kimbas Bungalows. Love the hammocks on the lanai/balcony of each room! 3) Are you sure this fruit is ok to eat? Tia purchased this strange looking fruit at a local stand, and convinced the girls it was safe. Kinda sweet and furry. Interesting. 4) Gustavo, Las Olas Mancora owner/founder (he pretty much runs the town), drove us through the desert oil fields, scanning break after break, looking for the best swell. Our final destination was one of Peru’s best barrelling waves, Lobitos. On the way, he showed us the home where he grew up- in a small fishing village.

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5) Our photographer, Tia Calvo, showing us how it’s done at Mancora Point. This shot was captured via 35mm film, by Uncle Pat. 6) Dan picked up a side job, driving the mototaxi from Kimbas Bungalows, to Samana Chakra, our next destination, on the other side of town. It was about 1-2 miles away, and costs 2 soles... tourist prices. (2.6 soles = $1 at the time of this



7) Uncle Pat, wearing his retro “beavertail” rubber wetsuit top, and riding his favorite board that his brother, Tom, gave him over 25 years ago while on a surf trip to Mexico. He wanted to take a board he trusted, and even made his own board bag (strong canvas, carpet padding & hand sewn, complete with a fin pocket) for the journey! This shot was taken at sunset, and though the waves were small, it was a nice warm-up for the super fun barrel he was about to get the next day at Lobitos.


8) Dan and Sandra, in the dining room at Samana Chakra, enjoying some fresh fruit and coffee in the morning after their session. Here you can enjoy a gourmet breakfast and free wifi, while taking in the oceanfront view. 9) Carolyn taking advantage of the breathtakingly beautiful, yoga shala. The atmosphere is quiet and serene, with open air windows on one side, and the ocean and infinity pool on the other. 10) Colorful stacks of yoga mats and blankets at the fully stocked yoga shala. 11) The luxurious, yet simple amenities at Samana Chakra are welcoming after a day in the surf and sun. 12) Open-air showers are one of the BEST things about Samana Chakra. Surprisingly relaxing and refreshing to take a shower in the sunshine and fresh air, while feeling totally secluded. 13) Clean and spacious rooms at Samana Chakra. Look closely in the mirror and you’ll see the oceanfront view. Mosquito nets above the beds kept you bug-free, and were a must since you often slept with the chalet doors wide open, listening to the sounds of the ocean. Nice! 14) This oceanfront view of Mancora Beach was taken from our room at Las Olas Mancora, as Dan prepared to paddle out for an evening session.

Book your flight at

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Photo: Pat Williams


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Photo: Sandra Olson wSSm | | 29

RAILS & TALES . . . Peru

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1) Lobitos, one of Peru’s best barreling waves. You’ll find LONG lefts here (and its signature oil platform in the background), but also a lineup filled with highly skilled surfers that know this wave inside-and-out. Not a wave for beginners. 2) Inside the lush resort of Las Olas Mancora, where they offer rooms to fit different budgets and group needs. 3) Samana Chakra bungalows; a beautiful oasis in the desert of Peru.

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4) Carolyn Palma and the “Potato man”, a happy street vendor that became a daily tradition with our group. Only 2.5 soles our first night in (we weren’t locals yet), then 2 the next day... after a few nights, 1.5 soles (maybe he just couldn’t remember what he charged us before?) for a yummy potato chicken dish, topped with cabbage, picante and mayo. Delicious, and within our price range! 5) Carolyn surfing at the river mouth, just south of Mancora Point. A fast little wave that we pretty much had to ourselves. 6) Uncle Pat in front of Charlie Broun’s Surfer Bar. This was reminiscent of the many stories Sandra & Carolyn heard growing up, of yearly surf trips to Mexico with his brother, Tom, and their best friend, Charlie Brown. 7) Gustavo “the muscle” and our photographer, Tia Calvo, in front of a convenience store in a small fishing village, on the way to Lobitos. 8) Group shot on the beach in front of Las Olas Mancora and Mancora point, on our last night there. Left to right: Dan Olson, Gustavo, Carolyn Palma, Pat Williams, Sandra Olson, and Mayza, a beautiful local Peruvian surfer. 9) Dan, Sandra, Pat and Carolyn at Lobitos, unloading the boards. Carolyn contemplates her paddle out. 10) Samana Shakra’s infinity pool and oceanfront dining room where they offer gourmet dishes, including super fresh seafood, for about 1/3 of U.S. prices. Yum! 11) Sandra on her Chick Sticks “Checker Me Out Little Screamer”, at the river mouth in Mancora. This was her only session without a wetsuit, and of course, she chose her new Calavera bikini to surf in.

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12) Pirates docked in a bay, somewhere between Mancora and Lobitos. Flanked by oil fields as far as the eye can see, the authorities leave them alone because they’re so far from anywhere, so it’s here that they drop anchor, and sell their stolen goods. Gustavo pointed them out to us while on our way to Lobitos. 13) A surfer’s dream view of Mancora’s BEST wave, taken from our balcony at Las Olas Mancora. This break remains un-ridden and void of surfers for at least an hour after sunrise... Peruvians don’t dawn patrol. This oceanfront view of Mancora point allowed us to simply roll over in the morning to see what the waves were doing. EPIC location for surf-hungry travelers!

Learn more about Las Olas Mancora at and Samana Chakra at and Kimbas Bungalows at wSSm | | 31

RAILS & TALES . . . Peru 1) Sandra, Dan, Pat, and Carolyn on the beach at Chicama, in our Exceed wetsuits. We didn’t really believe we’d need full suits while surfing in the desert, so far down in S. America. A big thanks to Exceed Wetsuits for saving our butts! Without your warm suits, we would have froze them right off, due to the Humboldt Current that flows counterclockwise from the Southern tip of Chile to the North of Peru. While we were at Chicama, the biggest moon of 2012 rose high in the sky, and brought with it a seriously intense jellyfish infestation! More jellyfish in one session than any of us had seen in our entire lifetimes- combined, there were jellyfish in reds, purples, yellows, blues, smoky white and clear. From tiny bubbles of jellyfish, to species that were 2-4 feet wide, with tentacles several feet long and inches thick! Back on shore, comments such as “that was like chicken noodle soup out there!” were heard. It was like surfing in a bowl of Lucky Charms; you could hear them thumping under your board as you rode for over a mile on the world’s longest left. Within 2 hours of sun-up, however, they would disappear to the depths below, only to resurface again at sunset. 2) Chicama Boutique, Hotel & Spa, located on the cliff side overlooking Chicama. From your balcony, you can see pictures #4, 5 & 6. This resort offers a luxurious experience, boasting hot tubs, saunas, steam rooms, a gym, an infinity pool overlooking the bay, and a full bar and restaurant. The staff is great, and the tow-back service (the current here in Chicama is UNREAL!) makes these accommodations a MUST for those wanting to catch as many rides as their legs can handle, and relax in epic accommodations afterwards. 3) Chicama, the worlds longest left, lines up for 2-3 football fields ahead of you, and you think to yourself “there’s no chance it won’t break in front of me further down the line!” But Chicama waits patiently for you to arrive at every section before continuing to break like clockwork.

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4) Dan getting one of the longest lefts of his life. Notice there’s no one else anywhere in sight? That’s Peru for you... Empty waves! 5) The walking path to the point zigzags along the waters edge, ALL the way to the furthest point seen here. Depending on Chicama Boutique, Hotel & Spa availability and capacity, this is the path most surfers must take to get out to the point, then they must paddle out between two rocky outcroppings, as they race the current before it sweeps them too far down the line. Imagine doing this over and over again without the tow-back service? 6) Chicama Boutique, Hotel & Spa’s board room, complete with wash-and-dry service for your wetsuits! 7) Ceviche! The best I’ve ever had anywhere in the world!

Learn more about Chicama Boutique, Hotel & Spa at

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Photo by Chicama Surf Resort


Photo by Gerry Giles

8) If you fall off a wave, just pick up the wave behind it and continue. It’s really that easy.



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RAILS & TALES . . . Peru “Chicama Boutique, Hotel & Spa believes in giving back to the community in which it resides. The town of Chicama’s main industry is fishing, which they then process and export for use in animal feed products, etc. This industry however, only fills about 4 months out of the year, and the remaining months the town simply rests. Since Chicama Boutique, Hotel & Spa’s inception in 2008, they’ve directly benefited approximately 30 local families through employment at the resort, and over 60 families in-directly, through supplies and production needs. For example, Percy, one of their very talented boat drivers, having worked at the resort for 2 years now, recently married, had their first child, bought property, and is in the process of building their first home, in the growing town of Chicama. What a great future for him and his family!

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We’d like to thank Chicama Boutique, Hotel & Spa for blessing the lives of those around them, and creating a profitable and stable future for their local employees!” 1) Chicama at night. Safe and secure from the harsh desert conditions. 2) Our first night’s dinner at the luxurious Chicama Boutique, Hotel & Spa restaurant. 3) Eww... Jellyfish!!! 4) Tia Calvo, in the moment, in Chicama, Peru. 5) Tia... “The jellyfish here are THIS big!”


6) Down the cliff, and across the beach, the world’s longest left awaits.

in Tia’s words


“My legs are in pain. Not just my legs, but every little bit of skin not protected by my spring suit. It was a war zone out there, like dodging landmines. I’m talking about a serious jellyfish infestation. At one point a giant one wrapped itself around my legs and got stuck in my leash. So why would I put myself in such an unpleasant situation? The answer is simple - the world’s longest left.

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Chicama is the stuff dreams are made of. There’s this huge bay. And these lines. These big lines just roll. They wrap. And the wave goes forever. Yesterday I had the longest wave of my life. It must have gone for miles. You take off outside a big rock. It’s like ok, a few turns, doing good. Then another, then a cut back. Now my legs are tired. I’ll just sit back on this wave and watch the people go past. Then it hits a section so I’ll start racing. Now I’m tired again. I’m flying past heads bobbing in the water. There goes another boat. I squeeze in a few more turns then kick out and watch as the wave races away from me. I’m too tired and too slow to keep up anymore. Now if that wasn’t already enough, staying here at the unbelievable Chicama Boutique, Hotel & Spa is the icing on the cake. They wash and dry your wetsuit, and the hot tub and sauna are patiently awaiting your return from the surf. And then they have the boat: after the longest ride of your life it picks you up and drops you right back at the peak. I haven’t been this happy in a long time, the kind of happiness that overwhelms you from the core of your being. Peru, I’m in love.”

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RAILS & TALES . . . Fiji

Look before you Leap Story & photos by Melissa Diamond

I was beyond anxious to get into the water. I arrived in Nadi, Fiji from the Gold Coast of Australia in time to see the sun set. I slept in Nadi that night because the Mololo Cat, the boat I had to take to the island of the Funky Fish, only ran twice a day. When I finally arrived, it was low tide, which meant I had to wait another day to surf because the reef breaks were too shallow then. Dave, an amber-skinned surfer who had been there for two weeks already, greeted me right away. We got straight into surf talk, and he drew a map of the various waves and described each one in detail. He pointed to the whitewater I saw on the horizon, and showed me each wave. When I pulled Piha, (named after my favorite beach in New Zealand and one of the first places I surfed on her) out of my board bag the next morning, I was devastated to find my baby with a broken nose. The offense was made obvious, because she was busted where the rocker was the most drastic. She was up-side down when a heavy suitcase was tossed on her nose. She was thinly glassed which made her a light and fragile 5‘7. The Funky Fish had two boards available for rent. I chose the yellow 6’1 pin tail and I tried to replace malicious thoughts about the airline with excitement of finally surfing in Fiji. “That looks like dribble,” Dave said as we passed a right hander called Wilke’s Pass. Our boat captain then took us to check Nomotu Left, the next wave. “That looks like dribble,” Dave said again. Both the waves looked pumping to me, but I had nothing to go by because it was my first time seeing them. Dave seemed pretty legit, so I took his word for it. We passed another right, Swimming Pools, and a left called Restaurants. We decided to continue further out to sea to check Cloudbreak. My mind began to race; I was going to surf Cloudbreak, the wave I had seen in countless surf videos and heard people rave about. A real, world class wave, and I was as ready as I would ever be to charge it. From the boat, I spied one wave reel in at Cloudbreak, and it looked way overhead and freight train fast. Dave said, “Oh, yah, it looks super mellow.”

I prayed that God would take me to heaven, because I believed I was going to die. Somehow I kept duck diving and eventually paddled out of that hell. I was choking on saltwater and catching my breath on the outside as I watched my friend, Anna, paddle for a giant. She disappeared with the wave. My eyes searched for her, but she did not appear. I started to worry, and every second was an eternity. One guy emerged from the inside, and I asked him if he saw a girl wearing a hot pink rash guard. When he said no, I paddled as fast as I could to our boat. When I reached the boat, I saw a pink blob paddling in the distance. When Anna got closer, I saw blood gushing from her face. She was thrown off the wave and took a hit from the nose of her board to the corner of her right eye. One millimeter more and her eye would have been gouged out. Super mellow. Even after that, Anna wanted to continue surfing and deal with the injury later. We surfed Wilke’s Pass and then Nomotu Left, and it was not ‘dribble,’ but good, clean, overhead fun. We were the only ones at Nomotu Left, and I got so many turns on each ride that my legs got tired. While we surfed, I realized the magic and beauty of the world I had thrust myself into. The water was clear and glassy, and I saw the coral reef and fluorescent blue fish while I flew down the line. Later on, Dave said the reason he surfed was to have fun, and that he didn’t even think Cloudbreak was that fun of a wave. It was fast, heavy, and hollow, but he would rather surf waves that he could shred, get speed, and do turns on. He thought about what drove us to surf certain waves. He said that when he surfed Pipeline, it wasn’t even fun. The whole time he was terrified, and he was actually relieved when he got out of the water. He was a good surfer as well, with twenty years of experience. I knew exactly what he meant. I just craved fun, and I wanted to get as many rides per session as possible. I didn’t really need to be scared and just catch one or two for the sake of impressing anyone. What did we have to prove anyways?

Without hesitation, I threw my board into the sea and dove off the boat. The tropical, warm water felt so good on my skin. There were only five other guys, and I couldn’t figure out why they were sitting so far from the peak. I paddled right past them and straight to the peak as a wave was building towards me. Not missing a beat, I turned, committed, and paddled parallel for the monster jacking up behind me.

After I learned about the guys who broke their boards and the one who was severely hurt at Cloudbreak that day, I knew God answered my prayers. It was a miracle that I came out unscathed with my board intact.

The moment of being thrown into a sick drop passed me by as the wave sped on and broke further ahead. I felt the force and energy of the wave and knew I was undergunned. My board was not long enough to paddle as quickly as I needed to catch the fast wave.

I realized God protected me by Piha being broken. Her thin glass would have easily gotten crushed, and I could have been injured with the jagged edges of a broken board. I remembered how I was under-gunned with the 6’1, so it would have been even worse with the 5‘7. His Word became real to me again, “And we know that God

Immediately, I looked back to see that I was in the worst position possible, right where the brunt of the lip would come thundering down. The set wave closed out on top of me, and I was pulled under and held down. I hugged my board and prayed that I would reach the surface soon, as my lungs begged for oxygen. When I did, I had just enough time to take a gulp of air before the next set wave came crashing, throwing me into three full somersaults. I got washed around and worked in the shallows, but somehow I kept barely missing the reef. I prayed and I remained calm knowing that if I lived or died, God was in control. That was the longest I was ever held under, and I grew weaker as each wave relentlessly pummeled me.

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“Don’t be afraid, for I am with you. Don’t be discouraged, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will hold you up with my victorious right hand.” Isaiah 41:10.

causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to His purpose for them,” Romans 8:28. Those events were not mere coincidence, but proof of God’s love and power.

Anna needed two stitches and sports a scar in the corner of her right eye that served as a reminder to never underestimate a wave. I learned many life lessons from surfing, and this was no different. I am grateful to God for sparing my life, my faith was strengthened, and I learned the importance of being patient and assessing any situation before dropping into it. F


t was an eighteen second period swell, and three guys severed their boards in half that day at Cloudbreak... one guy got slammed on the reef so hard he visited the hospital. The surf report was wrong; the swell arrived early. We didn’t learn this information until after the fact.

Cloudbreak Anna and I during the kava ceremony

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RAILS & TALES . . . Nicaragua

Evie Johnstone

Place of Birth: England | Hometown: Costa Rica Websites: | Sponsorships: Calavera Swimwear, Manual Surfboards “I moved from the UK to Costa Rica when I was 18 years old to follow my dream of being able to surf everyday. I had intentions to go and travel around South America, but the surf in Costa Rica never stopped and I ended up staying and staying, and that was over four years ago now! I have always loved surfing more than anything. It makes me so happy and I love the lifestyle that accompanies it. For this reason, I set up a surf camp and surf tour business out here in Costa Rica, named Rica Surf. With my British business partner, Nancy, we both strive to share our passion and love for surfing (and Costa Rica!) with everyone that we can, and we are continuing to build and grow our company everyday. As well as Rica Surf and teaching surfing to our clients, I am really focused on pursuing my dream to become a professional surfer. I train hard every single day and I am trying to do as many competitions as I can. With the help from my sponsors, I hope to start doing some of the WQS competitions around the world next year to start off my mission to get on the world tour, which is my goal! My favorite surf breaks are Backwash-Matapalo, KaramusIndo, and Playa Hermosa-Costa Rica.” My hobbies include surfing, eating, and road trips…with pizza, sushi, and cookies being my absolute favorites!”

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San Juan Del Sur

N icaragua Beautiful Sting Story by Melissa Diamond Photos by Marion Robin |


he rocky hillside carved by God resembled the sinking Titanic and an Indian’s profile featuring a large nose. I loved to stare at the jagged coastline and make believe, just as kids gazed up at the clouds to find dinosaurs or angels peeking back. I made up new formations in the rock-wall, as I took deep breaths and drug my fingers through the sea allowing the salty spray to hit my face. I was experiencing motion sickness for the first time. I kept repeating, “Almost to land, almost to land.”

It was the last day of a ChicaBrava surf camp, and we were on the boat ride returning to the bay after surfing at Hermosa Beach. ChicaBrava is an all-girls surf camp in San Juan del Sur, Nicaragua, where I worked as an instructor. Surfing Hermosa was my favorite part of the week for multiple reasons. One was that we took a boat to the wave instead of driving to the beach. There was something about arriving to a break by boat that made me feel important, like I was a pro-surfer. I felt so free launching my board off the boat and diving into the water after it. In those moments, I imagined myself in a surf video like Young Guns 2, and I heard the surf video music blaring in my head. We usually found the break empty, so we enjoyed surfing it alone. The place seemed so remote, complete with wild horses and cattle roaming the beach. Another reason I appreciated sessions at Hermosa was that we surfed it the last few days of camp. This meant the women I taught to surf all week were surfing more independently. Each time I saw one of the girls catch a wave, I felt the thrill of when I first caught a wave. I finally got to surf beside them after all the days of instruction. It was graduation. That day at Hermosa was typically ideal. Maite, the other teacher, and I coached the girls and also rotated the bigger rights, flying fast down the line. The long wave offered a fun walled up inside section that was perfect to shred. Soon the wind picked up, and we were all worn out, so we paddled back to the boat. The boat bobbed up and down, and all of a sudden I got dizzy. I was going to puke. I was the first one off the boat when we got to the bay. Maite handed me my board, and I walked toward the shore in knee-deep water. “Just a few more steps, just a few more steps,” was my mantra. I felt a poke under my right foot. My first thought was that I stepped on a sharp shell, but instead of the pain subsiding, it worsened. Fire pulsed through my veins, and I knew it was a sting from a sting ray. I hobbled to the sidewalk next to the bay. Nicaraguan life revolved around me as children played and a man selling ice cream next to me when I started puking. I collapsed on the hot concrete, with my right foot gushing blood and a pool of vomit on the other side. Not an ideal sight. Ashley, the camp owner, rescued me in her truck and drove me to the surf camp headquarters in town. I was literally a hot mess, sweating, dizzy, my head throbbed, my foot ached, and the venom fire was spreading up my ankle. During times like this I wanted my mom, who was the best comfort to me whether I was sick, had a broken heart, or anything bad happened. As soon as we got to the camp, the women all took charge. They carried me inside, propped me on a chair, fixed a cold cloth for my forehead, brought me a plastic bag to puke in, and got some water boiling. The hot water was to treat the sting, as it drew the poison from the veins. As these women cared for me, I realized that if motion sickness and getting stung by a sting ray had to happen, it happened at the best time possible, and I had wonderful women helping. “Don’t be afraid. I’ve redeemed you. I’ve

called you by name and you are mine. When you’re in over your head I’ll be there with you. When you’re in rough waters, you will not go down.” Isaiah 43:1-2. Sometimes God uses people to make good on His promises. From day to day, high tide to low tide, the ocean kept me on my toes. Mother nature was unpredictable and that is one thing that made surfing so addicting. Characteristic of humanity after a natural disaster, I was resilient. Later on, after a nap and dinner, I went into the town with the girls. It was their last night, and there was a street party that featured local musicians. We danced in the street, impressing each other with twists and twirls. The sting never made me miss a beat, because I was surfing with Ashley and Maite the next day. F

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LIFESTYLE . . . Living Beautiful

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BEAUTY Fashion and Celebrity Makeup Artist Roxy

hand selects some of her favorite makeup and skin products perfect on land or in the water. Email her your questions at: or on facebook at Photo: Ashley Barrett |

BENEFIT Hello Flawless Oxygen “This oil-free foundation holds to the truth of its name and then some. The coverage is buildable and erases any imperfections for a flawless finish that can hold up for hours. Its packed with Vitamins C + E, minerals, peptides and will boost your skin’s cellular respiration so under the flawless finish your skin will be hydrated brightened and protected from agingVery Impressive.”

TARTE Amazonian Clay 12-hour Blush

“Tarte definitely knows how to perfect a blush product and this one is just one more of them to add to their hype. Not only does it come in some of the best color ranges of blushes I’ve seen yet, but they are also solar-baked with Amazonian Clay in them to give your skin instant nutrients along with 12-hours color. I love the soft shimmer mixed into them that gives you a beautiful flushed glow!”

“Eyebrows play a huge role in achieving a polished look to your face and makeup so defining them with perfect precision is important; this brow pencil does exactly that. One end of the pencil has an ultra-fine tip to apply a universal color that will match your brow hairs while the other side has a mascara brush to comb the color through your brows. Perfect brows have never been so easy to achieve.”

BOBBI BROWN Treatment Lip Shine SPF 15 AU COURANT Instant Tanning Mousse

“This sexy streak-free tanning mousse will instantly give you a beautiful, natural (NOT ORANGE) sun-kissed tan. It dries fast, goes on smooth and is long lasting. I love that it’s a “greener” self tanner with ingredients in it that nourish your skin like Chamomile, Orange Peel and AHA’s. A safe, fast and easy way to give you the gorgeous tan of summer surf sessions.”

“Soft shine, gorgeous pigment, hydration and protection from UV rays; this treatment lip shine from Bobbi Brown gives you everything you need in one shot for luscious, healthy lips. With moisturizers in it like cocoa and shea butters your lips will be kept silky soft while the peptides and Vitamin C in it stimulates collagen production to help keep them full and youthful. Muti-tasking at it’s finest.”

GIORGIO ARMANI BEAUTY Eyes To Kill Intense “Innovative and insanely beautiful; this new technology eye shadow is not a powder or a cream but goes on our lids as if it was bred perfectly from both of those forms of eye shadows. Every shade is taken up a notch with a second pigment in it to give a multi-dimensional effect making it the perfect short cut to creating a sexy, shimmering smokey eye that lasts for hours. I love smart makeup.”

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DIORSHOW Brow Styler Ultra-fine Precision Brow Pencil

Ask Roxy

Q: What should I switch up in my beauty routine as Summer approaches? Is there anything I should add or stop using for the warm weather months? JOURNEY JUNEE FILKOSKY | Redondo Beach, CA

A: “Great question, Journey! Seasons do play a big role in effecting our skin and therefore also our makeup. Depending on your skin type, you may need to adjust some products to work better with the climate. If your skin is oily, you may want to hold off on creamy products and stick to ones that will have a longer lasting effect in warm weather and humidity. Using a primer under your foundation is usually a great idea, but when the heat kicks up it’s a must. I love LAURA MERCIER OIL-FREE FOUNDATION PRIMER because it’s light-weight, water-based and blends into your skin flawlessly, holding your makeup together for hours. In addition to that be sure to exfoliate well throughout the week. I love OLAY REGENERIST MICRODERMABRASION & PEEL SYSTEM because it’s just as effective as an actual microdermabrasion, but gentle enough to use every week. The results are immediate and really make a difference in the overall health of your complexion, so your makeup will wear more radiantly from it too. Just remember, in warmer weather it’s always better to think along the lines of sheer and fresh with your approach to makeup. You want your skin to breath and to be giving off a gorgeous glow!”



LIFESTYLE . . . Preventative Health

coconut Water Hydrate, Refresh... Naturally By Sandra Olson

Coconut water is the nutrient packed liquid found in young coconuts before they mature. You may have heard a recent buzz about it, and that stars such as Kelly Slater, Alex Rodriguez (ARod), and Rihanna endorse it. So what’s in it? And why do we love it? For starters, it’s fat-free, cholesterol-free, low in sodium, chock-full of antioxidants, and LOADED with potassium. Surfers love it especially for its hydrating effects and high electrolyte content, as we often need hydration after a good surf session, but not with the accompanying fake sugars or high natural sugar content that most sports drinks contain. Kelly says he loves it because it’s all-natural (Vita-Coco brand), and feels like he’s simply put a straw in a raw coconut- its so close to the real thing. The box just makes it easier than ever to enjoy daily.

Try using coconut water in

Best way to enjoy it? While

you can drink coconut water directly from a fresh coconut (and this would be your #1 choice more, to find your preferred way if healthy coconuts are readily of enjoying this natural hydrator. available), this obviously isn’t the most convenient way. You’ll find it available in a variety of packaging, including Vita Coco’s “tetra pak”- an eco and socially responsible form of packaging that is BPA-free. Looking closely at the labels, you’ll notice most manufacturing companies pasteurize it, some add pulp, others, like Vita-Coco, keep it as close to the natural product as possible, while offering additional flavors such as Peach & Mango, Pineapple, Acai & Pomegranate, and Tropical Fruit, alongside their 100% Pure offering. So depending on what you prefer, whether natural or flavored, there’s sure to be a coconut water to hydrate and refresh you!

smoothies, soups, baked goods, and

Vita Coco... Preferred by 11x World Champion

Kelly Slater Vita Coco has a long relationship with Kelly Slater, starting in 2007 when the young beverage company sent the surfing legend a few boxes of drinks to sample. Flash forward to 2012, with Vita Coco now the nation’s best-selling coconut water brand, recruiting Slater as the face for its West Coast advertising campaign. Surfing champion Slater has long epitomized the Vita Coco brand’s values – authenticity, simplicity and originality – and his golden visage appeared in and around Southern California’s beach communities last summer. Today, Vita Coco is the country’s most popular fresh coconut water brand, and offers seven different flavors of coconut water in three different sizes. WSSM LOVES Vita Coco! Vita Coco is available nationally at retailers including Whole Foods, Kroger, Publix, Safeway, Walgreens, CVS, Walmart and Costco, in addition to Amazon. F

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Microbiology 101

Get Your Clean On! By CJ Palma | May 8, 2012

Microbiology class this year focused on a topic we all are curious about… Hand washing. There are a plethora of soaps and hand sanitizers available these days. Hand sanitizer dispensers are at major grocery stores, as well as a dizzying array of options when it comes to towel vs. blow drying vs. air drying. With all these choices and methods available, we were excited to see if we were in fact, the bacteria carriers we’ve feared. The results we found were very interesting. Read on! TYPES OF WASHING Studied “As Is” Exactly as you walked in, whatever was on your hands ‘normally’. “Dirty” Literally had to rub fingers on floor for 5 seconds. (kind of testing the ‘5 second rule’)

“After Washing” Some variations: washing with water vs. soap, then air drying vs. paper towel drying. “After Sanitizer” Using antibacterial sanitizer instead of washing.

2 CATEGORIES OF BACTERIA Studied “Normal” all the common bacteria that are pretty much always a part of you & everyone else’s skin.

F “As Is” tests came out pretty much the same for everyone, with mostly only normal bacteria and very few environmental bacteria.

(Pretty cool! Indicates we’re probably not as germy as we think)

F “Dirty” hand-rubbing revelealed LOTS of variety of environmental bacteria mixed in with the normal ones. (So maybe only eat that food if it landed directly, without any sort of rubbing or moving afterwards)

F “After Washing” whether it was with or without soap showed very few environmental bacteria left. But everyone still had some normal bacteria on their hands that then came off only after the drying*. So basically, the washing takes off the foreign germs. The soap loosens bacteria off of the skin and the water physically washes it away -- but the soap itself doesn’t actually kill anything. Without soap, the normal bacteria were less affected by the washing. *the drying is what rubs off any remaining bacteria that the water didn’t have enough force to remove (because their hold was only partly loosened in the washing process). Some

“Environmental” a high quantity & variety of bacteria that are found everywhere else.

showed that air drying (without a blower) allowed the “normal” bacteria to re-settle onto the skin.

F Everyone who only used Hand Sanitizer had, in

comparison to washing, more environmental bacteria and less normal ones left on their hands. This is because the sanitizer is effective at killing bacteria, but it tends to be better at killing your normal ones and less effective on the environmental ones. (So don’t

bother using it if you are really dirty, only normal dirty, lol). IN SUMMARY... Most normal skin bacteria needs high oxygen (air) & lower temperatures, so once they enter your body (98*) they tend to die. They can also serve as a slightly protective layer against foreign ones. The foreign environmental bacteria are a much greater mystery variety.

Hand washing with water does a pretty good job on foreign germs, soap does better. Air drying doesn’t change anything without a blower. A paper towel does even better because of the rubbing. Hand sanitizer does some good, but is not super effective on the nasty germs. F

LIFESTYLE . . . Daily Fitness

Core Balance F The American College of Sports

Medicine recently added Neuromuscular/ Neuromotor exercise training to their weekly guidelines: They recommend 20-30 minutes, 2-3 days a week to improve your Balance, Agility and Coordination otherwise termed “Functional” or “Proprioceptive” training.

F All Exercises are to be done slow

and controlled to really challenge your balance. Start each exercise with 1-2 sets of 8-10 repetitions, work up to 2-3 sets of 10-15 reps. Hold for a 2 second count at the height of each movement. These exercises are to be done like moving repetitions--not to be “Held” as in many Yoga poses.

Lido Beach, New York Text/Photos: Carolyn Mandelino | Model: Taylor Mandell

F In many of these exercises you will feel your hips and outer thighs burn, baby burn--this is the good kind of burn! Included are some “Core” (Midbody) and Ankle (Foot, Calf and Shin) exercises since strength in these areas play a key role in Balance--especially in surfing.

(Check with your health care provider before doing this or any exercise program)


REMEMBER to do some before, Warm-Up-- and after,

Start: Stand up straight with arms to

Cool-Down stretches at each workout A) Stand with a good posture and Simulate doing the “Breast Stroke” with large, wide strokes. 15 times with forward strokes, then 15x in reverse direction. Repeat.

the side, feet about a foot apart. Finish: stand up on your tippy toes, hold for a 2 second count and go back down.

B) Sit down on the floor with legs spread wide apart, reach down toward your toes on one leg to stretch Hamstrings (top back of legs). Hold 15 seconds. Switch legs. Repeat.


C) Lay down on your side, reach behind you and grab one foot up. Slightly pull to stretch your Quadriceps (top front of legs). Hold 15 seconds. Switch legs. Repeat.

Roll the foot back slowly in the downward motion for full effectiveness.

2 1


Start: Stand with both arms to one side and one knee raised. Finish: Keep your head forward and Move both arms to other side and

rotate raised knee outward in opposite direction of arms. Technique: Like you are doing the Hula dance with a raised knee.


Start: With one arm

raised, shift your weight to one side. Finish: Raise one leg and

touch opposite knee at waist level and return. Technique:

Just tap the toe back down--do not rest moving foot on ground to better challenge your balance.

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Start: With hands and knees on

floor with head comfortably held high and back straight. Finish: Lift opposite leg and knee straight out and come back down.


Technique: Do not rest working foot and

hand on ground--just tap them down and continue repetitions.


Start: Lay flat on the ground with knees

bent up, arms and hands laying flat directly at your sides. Finish: Lift your hips up making a straight line with your body, and simultaniously lift up your toes when you raise your hips.


Technique: Just like you were doing a layback, or the “Drop the Wallet” surf move.


Start: With arms slightly raised to the sides,

lift one foot in front of you about 6 inches from ground. Finish: Make full circles with your foot in one direction, then switch sides and repeat only now circle in the opposite direction

Technique: Like you are making tiny whirlpools. F


SURF’S UP CHEER Start: With both arms

raised high, with legs about 6 inches apart, shift weight to one side..


Finish: Lift one leg and and meet both arms in the middle at waist level


The key is NOT to rest the working foot on the ground with each rep, but just tap toe and continue repetitions.

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LIFESTYLE . . . Daily Fitness



OGA Fly like an Eagle

Eagle Yoga Pose

Variation (Garudasana) By Zofia Karubin Certified Yoga Instructor

This yoga pose brings the energy of the eagle and its powerful focus into our bodies and minds.

Their graceful flight reminds us to fly high like the eagles and rise above all our worries and troubles. Getting a perspective from a high vantage point is important when making decisions and overcoming challenges. Yoga, just like surfing, gives us a chance to breathe, to become more aware of the present moment, and to connect to our inner wisdom. It’s great to do yoga before and after surfing, because it improves strength, flexibility, balance, and focus. Yoga enhances the surfing lifestyle by keeping us healthy, strong, and ready for the next surfing adventure. Be sure to do a little warm-up before attempting this pose, such as, the forward bend, gentle neck stretches, rolling the neck around slowly, rolling the shoulders up and back, twist your body to the left and right gently, and move with the breath. Before and after doing the eagle pose, do a forward bend to release any tension and relax the muscles. Inhale and reach the arms out to your sides, then exhale as you fold your body in half, and soften the knees. Bring the arms down and grab your ankles with your hands, relax the head and neck down, and keep breathing deeply for several breaths. When you’re ready, inhale and gently roll up to a standing position, and feel yourself grounded, centered, and at peace.

F Be very gentle and loving with your body, and don’t force or strain in any way.

F Breathe deeply and don’t hold the breath.

F Focus on one point in front of you whenever doing balancing poses.

F If you have knee injuries, press the big toe on the ground instead of wrapping your foot around the calf. Use your thighs to hold up the weight of your body.

BENEFITS: Helps to improve balance, focus, and concentration. Also strengthens arms, shoulders, and legs (thighs, calves, knees and ankles). This pose nourishes your nervous system, your hips and spine through gentle movement, and helps to enhance your mood. By opening and stretching the chest, it expands the lung capacity as you breathe deeply.


Stand with both feet on the ground, feel your center, feel your breath, and focus on one point in front of you. When you’re ready, inhale and lift one knee up, arms up, and keep breathing.

(Check with your health care provider before doing this or any exercise program)

Overlooking the Pacific Ocean from the Santa Monica Mountains of Southern California with the Channel Islands in the distance


Gently bend both knees, lift one leg up and cross your thighs, and then bring the hips down. Keep the arms out for balance and remain focused and connected to your breath.


Keep breathing, focusing on one point in front of you, and relaxing into the eagle pose...

calf, you may press the big toe on the ground, especially if you have knee issues. > Bring the hips down slowly and gently as you exhale. Keep the hips evenly balanced, straight, and the knees centered. > Stretch your arms up and out to each side, like the wings of an eagle. Bring the shoulders down and away from the ears, and squeeze the shoulder blades together. > The spine is stretching up gently as you breathe deeply. Allow the energy to nourish all the cells of your body as the breath flows in and out.

EAGLE POSE > Thighs are locked into one another and supporting the weight of the body. Allowing healing energy to flow up your spine as your thighs remain locked together. > Gently wrap your foot around the back of the calf. This helps to stretch the hips. Don’t force or strain. At first it’s good to practice this while sitting down or holding on to something. Instead of wrapping your foot around the

> Raise the palms up to the sky. You may bring the index finger and thumb together to make a circle, while the other fingers are pointing out. This is called a mudra, a hand position, which helps to connect to your wisdom, knowledge, and inner peace.


Release after a few breaths and repeat on the other side, followed by a forward bend to relax and unwind as noted above. F

Zofia Karubin is a certified yoga instructor who resides in Los Angeles, CA, where she loves to surf and do yoga on the beach. For over a decade she has been teaching yoga classes for adults, teens, and children. Zofia’s life-long passion for yoga has been passed down from her mother who is also a yoga teacher. Learn at your own pace, how to incorporate yoga into your busy lifestyle, through this online collage of yoga routines by Zofia from previous issues of the WSSM. ( Pants by Tahoe Made Attire. All their clothing is perfect for any workout, yoga practice, or hanging out on the beach ( Shirt by The SOUL Project. Great clothing with a grand purpose: $1 from every item purchased flows to local kids and environmental charities ( Photos by: OnIt Pro - High Performance Surf Products (

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LIFESTYLE . . . Daily Fitness

find... Your Ocean Breath

Story by Tanya Schroeder | Photo by Erica Ford Clothing by Creative Minds & Visions

Many define being physically alive by the act of our heart thumping in our chest. But while your heart may still

be beating, are you giving yourself the oxygen it needs to not only survive, but to thrive?

As a society we have almost forgotten how to breathe. The short shallow breaths that most people are accustomed to are more a habit then a rejuvenating fill. Last year, I was working a demanding job at a software company. Between helping grumpy clients, meeting deadlines, and rushing to teach an onsite yoga class, I felt thrown over the edge most of the time. My chest felt constricted on a daily basis, so I placed a sign on top of my monitor that read: “Don’t forget to breathe!” It is so easy in our whirlwind lives of working, sitting in traffic, exercising, even paddling out for a surf that we still forget one of life’s simplest forms of relaxation - our breath. When you constantly live in a rushed and stressed state of being, physically and mentally you begin to shut down. Whether on a surfboard or in a busy office, in less than 5 minutes you can nourish your body and brain with fresh oxygen, calm the nervous system, and rejuvenate yourself.

Tanya Schroeder, is a Certified Yoga Instructor who has taught hundreds of hours throughout So. Cali and the Bahamas. She has an awesome day job running an International Hostel, but her side business, BE.Local, keeps her busy teaching yoga and making artisan goods. You can find her out in the line-up or on the dance floor in San Diego, California. Stay connected on Facebook:

Below are a few steps to finding your ocean breath:

1 2 3

Close the eyes or gaze at something soothing, it will help focus your attention With the mouth closed, lips gently touching, relax your face and jaw

Begin by inhaling only through the nose. If you slightly constrict the back of the throat when you begin your inhale, it will sound like a wave rising and falling on the shoreline. Feel your breath move through the upper lungs,

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then lower lungs, moving it down to the abdomen; expanding the lower belly outward (I call this Big Buddha Belly!).


Now exhale by letting the air move the opposite direction. Release the lower abdomen, up through the lungs, out through the nose, while pushing the belly button towards your spine to release ALL the old air.


Do at least 3-5 breaths using this method. You can also count to 8 as you inhale, hold your breath for 3 counts, then exhale for 8 counts. This ‘measure of breath’ is used in many yoga classes to help balance the brain and produce a state of peace. By the time I open my eyes, I feel I could be anywhere in the world, but in a total relaxed awareness. When you start to feel like life is running by you, stop, and come up for air. F


LIFESTYLE . . . Daily Fitness

to improve your surfing

By Hunter Joslin, Indo Board Founder | Photos: | Model: Leah Dawson, member of the Hawaiian Pro Designs Surf Team

Surfing has always lacked a repetitive training method.

If you play tennis you hit the ball thousands of times, playing basketball requires shooting the ball at the basket over and over hoping to get it right. The Indo Board provides surfers with a functional repetitive training solution that improves balance, strengthens the core while increasing leg and upper body strength. Surfing is different from any other board sport because it involves controlled balancing of three independently moving objects: the board, the rider and the wave. Therefore balance training on an Indo Board, which closely duplicates this dynamic, logically and physically makes sense. If you’re trying to improve some aspect of your surfing while out in the water, you need the right swell, the right wind, the right tide, and the right section of the wave along with no crowds. An uncrowded ¼ mile long point break would be the ideal way to accomplish this in a perfect world. The Indo Board provides repetitive training for surfing, on dry land, where a coach or trainer can adjust any technical flaws in stance and posture while incorporating surfing movement pattern exercises to increase strength and coordination. This allows you to make changes in your surfing

that would take, sometimes, years to achieve out in the lineup. In surfing and in training, the two most important things to focus on are posture, and core, which are actually interlinked. Keeping the shoulders over the

hips is what we’re trying to accomplish in surfing, as well as not over-rotating. In surfing, the biggest flaw is usually postural, where the head and shoulders come out of alignment, the butt sticks out, and the arms flail, all of which alone or in combination takes away from our bodies ability to control the surfboard. Changing these bad habits are done by increasing muscle memory and strength. You want to keep the shoulders and hips in alignment and a low center to actually sink the surfboard in the water, which helps it to engage the wave face. This is how Larry Bertlemann changed the

face of progressive surfing in the early 70’s. Using an Indo Board, you can now do repetitive training with surfing specific exercises that greatly benefit surfing maneuvers because the movements are just like surfing. ie. pop-ups, tube squats, bottom turn compression squats, cross stepping, drop knee turns along with new age tricks like ollies, 180º reverses and rail grab airs. The Indo Board method is the key to having the ability to practice surfing specific movements in slow motion. You’re able to physically and mentally

focus on ensuring your posture and core engagement work together throughout the movement skill with each repetition (while doing sets of 8-10 reps/3 sets in a workout).

(Check with your health care provider before doing this or any exercise program)

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TIP: If you’re doing a set of 8- 10 reps, you’ll want the first one and the last one to be performed the same. Don’t lose proper form as your muscles fatigue. If this means starting with only 4-6 reps per set, that’s fine! Concentrate on making sure each one is performed slowly and correctly, then increasing the reps per set, as you grow stronger. Hundreds of incorrect movements aren’t going to get you any closer to your goal of improving your surfing; in fact, they’re going to deter you from it, so in the beginning, especially think QUALITY reps, instead of quantity.

LUNGE & TWIST BENEFITS: Strengthens quads, glutes and abs while strengthening the support structures of the ankles and knees.


Stand 2-3 feet away from the Indo Board, step forward with the right foot onto the center of the board, and bend the left knee so you are on the ball of the foot ready to lower into a lunge. Arms should be straight ahead- holding a pillow, medicine ball or Indo Board roller in front of you. Tighten your core, while aligning your spine and shoulders over your hips. Look straight ahead, and keep your chin up and shoulders back. BREATH!!


Lower into a lunge, bringing your knee to a 90 degree angle. Hold- then twist your arms out to your right side, hold, twist back to center, hold, and then raise your body back to the starting position. Do 3 reps on the same side, then switch legs, and repeat on your other side. Repeat 3x for each leg. Hold each position for a count of 5 as a progression.

Indo Board balance training is a fun and mentally stimulating key to perfecting moves you strive to complete while in the water, by working the stabilizing muscles that you actually use IN surfing, while watching TV in the privacy of your home or office.

BARREL RIDER BENEFITS: Greatly increases leg strength (quads and glutes). Excellent for ankle and knee stabilizers.


Stand upright in your regular surf stance on top of the Indo Board, just as you would normally stand on your surfboard. Knees should be slightly bent, hips supple and weight evenly distributed over your feet. Looking straight ahead over your front foot, imagine there’s a barrel/tube that’s waist to chest high in front of you… that you’re going to try to fit into and come out of. Coming out is the important part!


Upper body stays solid, head and shoulders up, as you slowly lower yourself down, making sure your butt drops at the same time you bend your knees. DO NOT BREAK at the WAIST! Controlling your body through your center core (keep your shoulder back!). Front hand stays near the front knee and relaxed, the back hand reaches out to feel the wave face, but you must keep the shoulder back.

> If you have difficulty with this, try spreading your feet a little wider and let your back knee fall slightly in behind the front knee by letting the back foot roll over on the side.

TIP: Though you’ll probably never actually switch stance in a barrel, working your weak side leads to a better balanced body, therefore minimizing injury. It will also make your natural stance feel even easier!

> You can hold onto a chair or pole if you have trouble stabilizing at first.


Once you’ve lowered to at least a 90 degree angle, hold, and then slowly raise yourself back up to the starting position. Start with 3 reps.

Switch stance by looking the opposite direction and angle your front foot in the direction you are going. As you progress, hold at the bottom position for a count of 5 and build up to 10 reps on each side.

EXTREME 12 POSITION PLANK BENEFITS: Core, hips, and shoulders.


Start with your hands on the Indo Board, directly under shoulders, arms straight- but not locked, in a push-up position. Shoulders should be in-line with your hips, legs straightened. Do not let your hips drop, don’t look up and don’t arch your back. You want your upper body to form a straight line, from head to tailbone, engaging your core for stability.


Lift your right foot up; point your toe straight back and pause.


Next, bring your foot out to the right side, at 45degrees, pause, then draw your knee up under your chest, and pause.


Now raise your knee out to the side with your foot still drawn in (imagine you are a dog relieving itself on a fire hydrant). Pause.


Keeping your core engaged, bend your arms into a half push-up with your right leg crossing under your body while you extend your foot out to your left side (you come off your toes and onto the side of your back foot for stability), Do not let your foot touch the ground. Pause, then draw your knee back under your body, and straighten your leg behind you, as your upper body returns to the top of the push-up position.


Keeping your toe pointed, try to finish with a one footed pushup, but only if you can do it while maintaining proper form. Repeat with your left leg for a complete set of 12 positions. Repeat 2 more times during your workout. F

TIP: Move slowly, and work up to holding each “pause” position for a count of 5. Remember, control throughout the entire move is key to successfully completing it without injury. wSSm | | 51

LIFESTYLE . . . Be Inspired F “Do not follow where the path may lead. Go, instead, where there is no path and leave a trail.”

F “The difficulties of life are intended to make us better, not bitter.” -- Unknown

F “Every morning is a fresh beginning. Every day is the world made new. Today is a new day.”

F “Life isn’t about finding yourself.

F “Troubles are often the tools by which God fashions us for better things.” -- Henry Ward Beecher

F “Unless a man undertakes more

-- Ralph Waldo Emerson

Life is about creating yourself.”

-- George Bernard Shaw

F “One reason so few of us

achieve what we truly want is that we never direct our focus; we never concentrate our power. Most people dabble their way through life, never deciding to master anything in particular.” -- Anthony Robbins

F “If you’ll not settle for anything

less than your best, you will be amazed at what you can accomplish in your lives.” -- Vince Lombardi

F “Action speaks louder than

words but not nearly as often.” -- Mark Twain

F “The price of discipline is always

less than the pain of regret.” -- Nido Qubein

F “A problem is a chance for you

to do your best.” -- Duke Ellington

F “Challenges are what make life interesting; overcoming them is what makes life meaningful.” -- Joshua J. Marine

F “If you can find a path with no obstacles, it probably doesn’t lead anywhere.”

F “For every minute you remain

angry, you give up sixty seconds of peace of mind.” -- Ralph Waldo Emerson

F “There are two things a person should never be angry at, what they can help, and what they cannot.” -- Plato F “On the walls of a cellar in Co-

logne, Germany, where a number of escaped prisoners of war hid out during WWII, there was found this inscription, “I believe in the sun, even when it is not shining. I believe in love, even when feeling it not. I believe in God, even when He is silent.” -- Rev. Paul S. Osumi

F “A lot of people seeking new beginnings have never finished with the past.” -- Byron Pulsifer

-- Dan Custer

than he possibly can do, he will never do all that he can.” -- Henry Drummond

F “Cherish your visions and your dreams as they are the children of your soul; the blueprints of your ultimate achievements.” -- Napoleon Hill

F “A new idea is first condemned as ridiculous and then dismissed as trivial, until finally, it becomes what everybody knows.” -- William James F “Nothing limits achievement like

small thinking; nothing expands possibilities like unleashed imagination.” -- William Arthur Ward

F “Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new.” -- Albert Einstein F “Live life fully while you’re here. Experience everything. Take care of yourself and your friends. Have fun, be crazy, be weird. Go out and screw up! You’re going to anyway, so you might as well enjoy the process. Take the opportunity to learn from your mistakes: find the cause of your problem and eliminate it. Don’t try to be perfect; just be an excellent example of being human.” -- Anthony Robbins

F “Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your eyes off your goals.” -- Anonymous F “The greater danger for most of us is not that our aim is too high and we miss it, but that it is too low and we hit it.” -- Michelangelo F “Absorb what is useful, Discard what is not, Add what is uniquely your own.” -- Bruce Lee F “Only as high as I reach can I grow, only as far as I seek can I go, only as deep as I look can I see, only as much as I dream can I be.” -- Karen Ravn

F “When one door closes, another opens; but we often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door that we do not see the one which has opened for us.” -- Alexander Graham Bell

F “Where you end up isn’t the most important thing. It’s the road you take to get there. The road you take is what you’ll look back on and call your life.” -- Tim Wiley F “Take Time to Play It is tragic that many people forget to play. A couple getting started with their home and family have to work hard. But the trouble is they forget to stop “getting started”. A young man works hard to get good things for his family, but in doing so often loses his family. Take time out from your busy hours. Play with your family.” -- Rev. Paul S. Osumi

-- Frank A. Clark

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Photo: WSSM | Surfer: Vanina Walsh

LIFESTYLE . . . Enjoying My Life

Book N ook & POSER (Book) Tallulah can’t surf, but not understanding the enormity of the statement- she tells the most popular girl at school, and known charger, that she can. After surviving a near death experience, she learns the hard knocks of surfing and how being a “poser” can make you the outcast of high school!

As Tallulah struggles to navigate the challenging road ahead of proving herself otherwise, she learns to tackle not only surfing, but also what it means to be true to yourself, while being an even truer friend. A refreshing read and witty journey through the troublesome, yet exciting times of young adulthood, with just enough surfing sprinkled throughout, to make you smile and help you really connect with the struggling surfer within Tallulah. or



SPLINTERS (Movie) Life in Papua New Guinea is about to change. Surfing landed on it’s shores, and after years of careful cultivation, it will host the first-ever National Surfing Championship! Strangled by gender bias, culture and lack of jobs and opportunities, this humble yet budding surf community will be forever changed as this contest affects the lives of those touched by the opportunity that a new life outside the islands presents. It brings to life old rivalries, new threats, while cultivating the undying spirit to do whatever it takes, to surf, and make a better life for themselves and their families. A captivating documentary, that will make you look at the luxuries of your daily life through new eyes, and appreciate them and all the opportunities you’ve been blessed with even more. SPLINTERS is a reality check that all can benefit from, while being uplifted at the connectedness and bond, that surfing can bring to those that embrace it.


TAKING THE DROP Life is for living, whatever your age (Book) Touching and intriguing, Taking the Drop brings to life the stories of four women, who took up surfing in their forties, created new daily routines for themselves and found freedom in the ocean and surfing, as they steered their lives in new directions. The “sisterhood” these women share makes you yearn for that kind of support and companionship in your surfing community, and you’ll fall in love with each one of them, as they broaden their horizons, learning new skills and how to survive in their changing worlds. They are women of impeccable grace, stature and responsibility. Journey with them as they find renewed peace surfing their way through life, proving not only to themselves, but to the world around them, that “Life is about living, no matter what the age!” A joy to read, and at 384 pages, it’s thick enough to offer many, many afternoons curled up on your couch.

Surfing can create a myriad of uncomfortable situations, all of which most of us- unless you grew up near the water as a child- are unfamiliar with. The roar of the waves, the unsteadiness of your only floatation device over the deep, dark depths, and the stress of trying not to look like a kook in a lineup of seasoned surfers. These are just a few obstacles that you’ll face as you venture beyond the shorebreak and out into the “real” lineup, but, we’ve all been there, so don’t be too hard on yourself in the beginning. Focus on some of these tips, and see if it helps you speed up the learning process!


PADDLING TO SUCCESS No matter how much heart you put into surfing, if you don’t have “paddle arms” you’re just not going to catch very many waves, or have all that much fun while trying. There are minimal ways to train these surf-specific muscles, except for actually paddling/surfing, so if you want to learn to surf, you’re going to have to put in the time paddling. ALL the time, because when it comes to surf muscles, consistency is key. So in the beginning, practice, practice, practice paddling! Paddle in rough water, paddle in liquid glass, paddle when you don’t feel like it, as you know you always feel like a million bucks when you return to shore! Now to keep things interesting, and to challenge your muscles in new ways, Incorporate sprints into your paddling routine. Paddle at a steady pace for 1 minute, and then incorporate a 20 second sprint in which you paddle as hard as you possibly can! Then slow paddle for 30sec., and repeat the sequence. After every 3 sprint sequences, sit up and relax for 30 seconds, taking in the beauty around you. TIP: A good way to see if you’re improving, is to time yourself paddling in flat water, between specific landmarks or buoys, at least a couple of times per week. Within 2-3 weeks, you’re going to be pleasantly surprised at the minutes you’ll

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shave from your time, and how much less effort it takes to get your board moving, and keep it moving. You’re now on your way to catching a LOT more waves!


BREATHE Sounds easy, right? Sure... until you’re looking into the jaws of an oncoming wave that stretches across the horizon and there’s no way out, except through it. This is when we often all do the same thing. We subconsciously hold our breath in fear, looking quickly for escape, anticipating the challenge we face ahead. The problem with this is that your brain needs a steady flow of oxygen in order to transmit signals and react quickly. If you’ve already held your breath in anticipation, your lungs are partially filled- but not with the fresh air that your brain needs. So when it’s time to take that last big breath, your chest is tight, yielding minimal room for the new air you should have. By the time the wave bears down on you and you escape the washing machine, you’re once again gasping for air on the surface, and simply put, wearing yourself out unnecessarily. This is stressful- and not good for you. Solution: Focus on your breathing when you find yourself getting nervous. Pay attention to the flow, and consciously blow out most of your air a good 10 seconds before you go under

the surface of an oncoming wave, so that your lungs are fully prepared for that one last breath that will see you through to the other side. Steady breathing will allow for steady surfing... so BREATHE.


ONE WAVE PER SESSION Your wave count in the beginning is going to be discouraging, but trying is what’s important, regardless of the outcome. It can still be frustrating though, and if you find yourself paddling back to shore, defeated and wave-less, here is a little tip to help you break through your mental barrier. Make a pact with yourself that every time you paddle out, you’re going to get just one wave. Just one. We often get so wrapped up in the hour-long challenge ahead, and tune into how scared we are at that precise moment when the wave is building behind us like a freight train, over and over again, that we lose focus on the one thing we should be doing... catching just one wave at a time. Once you get that first one, you can really relax and have fun with the rest of your session, since the pressure will be lowered. Because after all... your session is now a success! You got one wave! TIP: As you progress, you’ll start reaching your wave count goal consistently. When that happens, increase your wave count by 1 more wave per session. F


marks the spot!

urf (& SUP!) Join Siren S r a retreat that Adventures fo forget! you will never

Your Treasure Awaits.... Surfboards, SUPs, retreats, apparel, accessories and everything else you need for your next adventure.

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LIFESTYLE . . . An Organized Home

ecipe R


A Used Kitchen...

is a Happy Kitchen

by Sandra Olson

EASY FRUIT SMOOTHIES Serves 2 (12oz glasses) Preparation time: 5min


1/2 c. frozen fruit*, chopped in 3/4” pieces (strawberries*, peaches, mango, pineapple*, blueberries, raspberries, oranges*, or your favorite fruit) 1/2 frozen banana, cut in half 3/4 c. juice (apple, pineapple, orange) 2 tsp. yogurt, flavored or unflavored (optional) 1 scoop Mila (Chia seed/optional)


Place the frozen fruit in the blender, add liquids, and blend for 30 seconds on medium speed, then 1 minute on high speed, then another 20 seconds on medium speed. This variance in speed will help you get a smoother blend. If the mixture is too thick, add more juice or water, until desired consistency.

* Frozen fruit eliminates the need for ice in your smoothie, and allows for a smoother blend. ** These fruits add a nice tart and contrast to the sweeter fruits, thus making for a more balanced and satisfying smoothie. *** Adding Chia seed (preferably Mila) to your smoothie will give you the Omega 3’s & 6’s that your body needs to repair and reduce inflammation in the body. It will reenergize not only your body, but your brain as well after an intense session.

HEARTY CHEESY CHOW Serves 6 (1-1/2 cup portions) Preparation time: 1 hour Flavor: 10! Excellent for after surfing!


1/2 c. melted butter + 1 tbsp. 2 tbsp. onion powder (or ½ chopped onion) ¼ c. flour 2 cups half-and-half cream 2 cups chicken broth/stock 2 cups chopped, uncooked broccoli 1 cup uncooked potato, chopped in ¼” pieces 1/3 cup carrot, chopped in 1/8” pieces 1 cup ham, chopped in ¼” pieces 2 cups shredded cheddar cheese Dash of nutmeg Dash of black pepper

TIPS: Delicious when served with toasted bread! If your stew is too thick, add milk or water until reaching desired consistency.

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1) Sauté (fresh) onion in 1 tbsp. and set aside (do not burn). (If using onion powder, add it during step 3 below) 2) Melt remaining butter, then using a whisk, add the flour and cook over medium heat for 2-4 minutes or until browned and bubbly, but not burned. Stirring constantly, add the half and half. It will begin to thicken dramatically. 3) Add the chicken stock (and onion powder) and stir until smooth. Simmer for 15 minutes, stirring every 5 minutes. 4) Add broccoli, potatoes and carrots, cook over low heat for 20 minutes, stirring every 5 minutes. 5) Stirring gently, add ham, cheese, nutmeg, and pepper to taste. Simmer for 10 minutes. Serve.

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SURF STOKED . . . live, breathe, surf

Ethan'sSurfs Spirit On! by Carolyn Mandolino

board before the season ended and would’ve ridden it with a back brace for his parents, if I had to. Well, God seemed to be on my side with this one--and perhaps with a little coaxing from Ethan up above-- I healed up within a week. It just so happened that I also cracked my favorite 6’6 board along with my back that same voracious surf day. It actually worked out great-- just as I was dropping my current board off to be repaired--Ethan’s retro cruiser was ready to be picked up that very same day! Fate? Looks like it. The shop and their repair guy did a phenomenal job, showing that they cared as much as I did. Even the etching I asked them to do on the new middle fin came out awesome--It said on one side “Ethan’s Spirit Surfs On”--and on the other side--”So Let’s Share The Ride.” And that’s exactly what we did! His dad asked if he could take pictures of me riding his son’s board--I was like--of course! That following Saturday, his dad met me at my local surf break with his camera-- the very same break that Owen Wright edged out Kelly Slater in a wave duke-out @ The Quicksilver Pro in Long Beach, NY only a day before. Unfortunately, because of family obligations, I missed the whole surfing competition by a day. I was more than bummed about that. The next day with Ethan’s dad had definitely made up for it.

I inherited a new board this week, but this wasn’t just any board. It was a board given to me from this very nice couple I had just met.

They told me it was their son’s favorite surfboard who had passed away from a drug overdose a few years ago. They knew I was a surfer and asked if I’d like to have it--I said sure! Even though I own about 8 surfboards of every color and size--I wouldn’t have refused this one for anything. I just couldn’t. Just to see the excited look on their faces when I accepted it made it well worth it. They looked so happy--as if I was bringing a special piece of their son back. The dad carefully pulled it down from the top shelf in their garage and dusted it off. It was a groovy, vintage “Tom Eberly”, 7’4” extra-wide and thick egg-shaped design with enough 1980’s neon colors to light up a night session--but it was pretty beat-up to say the least. Yes, this boy RODE this board for sure. They said their son Ethan loved to surf more than anything and he traveled the world with it--I believed it! I actually never saw so many dings and repairs on a board before! It was missing a fin--with another hanging from a limb and there were a couple of good exposed crevices that needed some serious repairs to make it watertight again. But I didn’t care if it was split in half-- I was going to bring this baby back to life and ride it in honor of their son, no matter what the cost. When I first took the board home, I immediately connected with it. Even though I never met Ethan, I felt a certain kinship with him, aside from us both loving to surf--he was an amazing photographer--and I loved photography as well. I am a true believer in fate and that I was somehow meant to meet his parents and be the one to not only appreciate his board--but his beautiful and talented life. I told the cool guys at my local surf shop (Sundown Ski and Surf) the story and said they’d give me a really good price to repair it. I had only two requests-- that they keep his old wax on it, and to inscribe something I wrote for him on the new fin. After 4 weeks, and major plastic surgery-she was ready to go. I unfortunately wasn’t. I was on my 10th Advil and 2nd physical therapy massage to help a pulled muscle in my back. It was from over doing it (putting it mildly) surfing the picture-perfect waves of Hurricane Irene a few days before. But I was determined to ride Ethan’s

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The forecast called for thunderstorms and I was afraid our little meeting and photo session would get rained out. In a few days he was going away for a month, and with me being a busy mother of 3 yr. old twins, it was looking almost impossible for it to happen this summer. I was also hoping we’d get it in because the next day was the 10th anniversary of 9/11, so I thought it would be nice to remember Ethan along with all those other beautiful people we lost. When I arrived on the beach, this huge black cloud was about to burst open and soak us. Incredibly, just as I was paddling out, that black cloud started to open up right in the center. Instead of rain, this amazingly beautiful sky appeared, uncannily resembling the ocean beneath it. I swear it was as if Ethan himself was carving through the dark, thick waves of clouds on his new, rocking celestial surfboard and leaving us a crystal blue sky in his wake. Ethan was clearly making his presence known, and I felt him for sure riding alongside of me. His earthly board proved just as amazing. That surfboard designer, Tom Eberly, really knew his stuff! I caught every bump that rolled my way and then some--I can see why it was his favorite. It felt like a “Magic” board-or was it Ethan giving me that little push that I asked him for with each wave? I’d like to think so. Amidst the glaring sun, I saw his dad’s smile shine even brighter. Talk about sharing the stoke! When I came in, I gave him a well-needed and much appreciated hug, but we both had smiles from ear to ear and were much more happy than sad, for sure. They say material things don’t mean much, but in rare instances like this one, it can mean everything. Let me tell you, I may have missed the surf champions the day before, but I sure felt like a surf champion that day. The waves may not have been as perfect as last week’s hurricane swell, but I have to admit it still was, without a doubt, the best and most memorable surf session of my life. Yes, I’m happy to say -- Ethan’s Spirit definitely surfs on! F

Together we stand.

United we surf.

Photo: Judy Barnum

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SURF STOKED . . . live, breathe, surf

Lights, Camera, Action: Tips for Getting Great Surf Shots with Friends by Amanda Rigney So you’ve been agonizing over perfecting your backside off-the-lip for a while now, and you’re pretty sure it has all the elements of radness you dreamed of. Sure, your friends say that you rip...But how can you know for sure? Well, roll out the cameras, because it’s time to go Hollywood! Nothing improves your style and abilities more quickly than seeing video or still shots of you surfing. When caught up in the moment of a great ride, little things like, “How is my hand placement in this bottom turn?” simply don’t come to mind. But somehow, seeing those subtleties on video or in still shots creates an awareness that really enhances your ability to evolve and progress in your approach to surfing. Even if you aren’t in training to turn pro, it’s great to be able to capture a moment of surfing on a beautiful day. There are plenty of options for getting great shots and video in and out of the water, regardless of your budget. And with all the great technology available today, it’s easier than ever to create beautiful images. In fact, about the only things cameras today don’t do is take the pictures for you, so you’ll still need to recruit some friends to take turns behind the camera! F

HANDHELD: 6 Waterproof Video/Still Cameras Pros: Cheap, easy, small, can take video and still shots, short learning curve. Cons: Limited range, best for use in the water so you’re close to the action. Price: $$ GoPro -- Waterproof, mount to your board, still and video. Built from the ground up specifically for personal surfing shots. Panasonic, Olympus -- Waterproof, carry on your wrist. Still and video.

Tip #1 Check the seals on your battery compartment for sand and debris that could cause a leak before every go-out; rinse in fresh water and dry before downloading footage!


Tip # Get a float to tie to your camera’s wrist strap so it won’t sink in case you loose it!

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High End 6 Consumer Video Cameras: Pros: Good range, can shoot from the beach with a tripod, image stabilization makes you look like a pro, most have a still shot function. Cons: NOT water or sand proof, slight learning curve. Price: $$$ Canon, Sony -- Look for the best optical zoom since digital zoom quality suffers at high zoom.

Tip #1 Don’t exceed the optical zoom enlargement for the best quality footage.


Tip # Get a cheap video tripod in order to get the most stable shots.

High End 6Consumer Still (DSLR) Cameras: Pros: Capture magazine-quality pics of you and your friends, you will feel like a full-on surf photog. Super fast shutter speeds mean you won’t miss the shot. Lots of DLSR cameras now record video, too! Cons: Steep learning curve, requires purchase of tripod and expensive lens to get enough zoom to capture action from the beach, NOT sand or waterproof (unless you buy a really expensive waterproof case for it). Price: $$$-$$$$$

Tip #1 Get a beginners photography book to learn about how ISO, exposure, shutter speed and more work together to make visual magic. There’s a lot to learn, but nothing is more satisfying than seeing that perfect shot.


Tip # Seeing footage of yourself is truly an invaluable tool if your goal is to maximize your surfing abilities. And, even if you’re only in it for the fun, there is nothing like capturing a great day at the beach on film to share with your adoring Facebook friends amd fans.

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SURF STOKED . . . live, breathe, surf

Jill Anjuli Hansen, North Shore- Oahu, Hawaii | Photo: Stan McCormick, ExtremeWaterShotz Michelle Olson, Barbers Point Oahu, Hawaii

Carolyn and Becca, Waikiki- Oahu, Hawaii Jill Anjuli Hansen, North Shore- Oahu, Hawaii | Photo: Stan McCormick, ExtremeWaterShotz

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Reader Submitted Photos Joanne @ Witches Rock, Costa Rica Photo: Steve Barnes

Wisa @ Tracks, Oahu - Hawaii

Victoria W. in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

Lauren LaRose, Nicaragua

Victoria with Friends

Stevee @ Witches Rock, Costa Rica | Photo: Steve Barnes

(bottom 3 photos) Grace Lopez in Florida with friends

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SURF STOKED . . . live, breathe, surf

Good Surf Karma

How an Angel in a Rashguard Saved my Butt... Literally! by Valeh Levy lineup and all were getting double stink-eye and rude comments. But I did not listen to their heckling as I paddled to my dream peak where I would share tall slopey waves with the hardy few. After establishing myself as a viable surfer and riding a couple of these mackers, I saw a huge peak coming and I was going no matter what. As I paddled and dropped in, two short boarders in front of me had committed to take this wave too, and so, the three off us were suddenly on a collision course under the roaring white lip of this freight train. Surfer to the left, surfer to the right, here I am, stuck in the middle and “BOOM”! We imploded. Held under, tumbled silly by the heavy wave, and certain that I had been run over by at least one board, I finally made it to the surface and felt a strange lightness around my bottom. I reached back and realized I had no swim suit bottom on. It was stripped off somehow in the melee and I FREAKED OUT! Staring at me were at least a hundred men who were not thrilled at the prospect of this longboarding woman ruining a perfectly good outside bomb. In disbelief and horror, I looked around asking surfers in my vicinity if they could see a pink bikini bottom. Many were laughing, “Ha-Ha”, and I did my best to cajole them, but I was in real trouble. One guy spotted my suit and I thanked him and retrieved it, so relieved, thinking that I would just put it on and keep surfing. But no-o-o-o-o-o...

Photo courtesy of

On Wednesday evening, August 25th, 2011 Hurricane Irene was sending her surfable south swell to the East coast of Florida and to the Ponce Inlet where I surf with my family.

On this day, virtually every surfer from “my side” of the inlet in New Smyrna Beach, the “other side” of the inlet, Ponce, Daytona, Orlando and the surrounding tri-state area had converged upon the Ponce side of the Ponce Inlet jetty, cramming hundreds of testosterone charged surfers into a 400 yard stretch of beach. Only a handful of girls were out. The Ponce side of the Inlet holds a south swell much better than the New Smyrna Beach side of the inlet with a much shorter jetty. High onshore winds and rain bands were predicted for the following day along with rising swell, so today was “the day” to catch the front edge of the larger swell. Well, I was not going to miss my first chance in years to catch those big slopey rights created by the jutting jetty at first peak Ponce. The last thing on my mind was how strong my swim suit was, or whether it would hold up in large surf. I steadily paddled way, way, way out passing hundreds of shortboarders, to a lineup just a few meters from the end of the jetty with only a handful of others: a local SUP pioneer, a couple of guys riding short boards, one other female on a short board and myself on my trusty 9.0 Epoxy Walden Magic Model.

And so, there I was, submerged to my neck, bare bottomed, holding onto my longboard, bobbing like a buoy, and, though I tried and tried and tried, to connect the flaps of my swimsuit bottom, I could not. Did I mention that:


I am a fifty one year old surfer mom, not a hot model like Lindsay Perry, so no one wants to see”all that”.

Thoughts of survival are flying through my mind, and ridiculous pleas are bursting from my lips. “Does anyone have a spare safety pin or pair of undies they can part with?”

I had just met and chatted with a beautiful Pro surfer, Lindsay Perry, who had already finished surfing for the day and was not impressed by the aggressive stink eye offerings of many guys in the lineups. Male tensions were abnormally high tonight with teens and adults readily snapping at one another and starting silly fights over waves that were relentlessly hammering away at them. Very few longboards were in the

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When I put on the right leg of my bottom, I realized that I had no left leg, just two flaps of fabric that were torn and now too short to pull together and tie in a knot! I had a bikini top above, which I could not spare to replace the now useless bottom.

6I was attached to a nine foot surfboard. 6Paddling in with the naked butt was not an



I was dangerously trapped just inside of the largest peak, breaking at least a quarter of a mile offshore, in God knows how deep of water, with hundreds of agro surfers behind me, as far as the eye could see, and an increasing crowd outside jockeying for that beauty of a peak that just ripped my bikini to shreds!


My husband was nowhere to be found, and there was no way that I was climbing my naked butt onto that board for all to gawk at.


My two kids are bodyboarding the shore pound awaiting our return. It is a school night and getting late...............


Oh, and, I am a doctor, and a PTA secretary at a large public school, and, all of the men whom I surf with on a daily basis at my local break in New Smyrna are sprinkled throughout the lineups surrounding me! Is that bad?

The Novice

Well, what do I do now? The swell is relentless. I am just treading water leashed to my 9.0 and steering it left and right, trying to dodge people taking off outside on the mackers. It’s dangerous to me and to them. Thoughts of survival are flying through my mind, and ridiculous pleas are bursting from my lips. “Does anyone have a spare safety pin or pair of undies they can part with?” No replies. Suddenly the word “loincloth “pops into my mind and I begin thinking of how to make it happen. Rashguard! I look to my right and the first surfer I see paddling to the outside peak is a man wearing a white longsleeved Billabong rashguard, exact model as one I have... at home. I blurted out to him, “Hello there! I lost the bottom to my suit, may I borrow your rashguard to cover my butt so I can get out of here?” Looking mildly puzzled, this angel of a gentleman smiles and says,”Sure! No problem!” In sheer disbelief I make him repeat his affirmative reply and thank him profusely. He says he understands and would feel bad if something like that happened to his daughter while she was paddling out to surf.

The good karma just flows from this stranger. EMPATHY! KINDNESS! GENEROSITY TO A COMPLETE STRANGER! SACRIFICING PERSONAL COMFORT TO ALLEVIATE ANOTHER’S SUFFERING! I am so thankful and ask his name. It should have been Surf Angel... He shares it and describes his vehicle so I can return his rashguard when I reach the parking lot. Desperately and deliberately I fashion a savage looking garment to adequately hide my “stuff”. I shoved my right leg into one sleeve, wrap the body of the shirt front to back like a diaper, use the left sleeve to wrap tightly around my left thigh, and then tie it into a square knot with the fabric cinched from the body coverage. SAVAGE, but functional looking one legged garment. I tell the Surf Angel that I pray he gets all the great waves he wants and then ask the few souls around him to give him waves for his random act of selfless kindness. Suddenly, he catches a huge right and I feel good. When he paddles back out, I tell him that I will leave money for him to purchase a new rashguard at the local Mad Dog Surf Shop near Ponce Inlet. He says, “No worries.” I turn and paddle for a wave and ride it to the shore wearing my proper but savage full-bottom coverage rashguard. By now, my children and husband are waiting for my return and I see them pointing and gawking and laughing as I make my way to the shore. Before I go to them though, I spot the local surf shop owner getting out after a nice SUP session. I relate the story, the surfer’s name and what I’d like to do for him. The owner just nods his head and says, “I know him and he is a really good guy. Don’t worry, I’ll take care of him when he comes in the shop. I’d like to take care of him. He did the right thing and we like it when people do the right thing.” AMEN. Now I’ve got to go find a Speedo one piece and longsleeved rashguard for the rest of this swell! F

By Cheryl Coxwell | Photo: Monty Coxwell

Starting to surf after age 40 is not optimal, but for me, it was the right time. I was no stranger to the ocean and spent most of my life living within ten minutes of the shore. My children, now grown, took their first steps in the sand and I spent many hours with them in the water. (It’s a great way to wear them out!) I was even a pretty good surf photographer, back when you had to use film and a long, heavy lens. I never had much opportunity to take a board out, and when I did, I usually had two little ones begging to come with me. Too many years later, a close friend told me about the surf lessons she was taking. She was excited and kept after me to try it with her. I had put on a couple of extra pounds, and needed to find an exercise routine that was fun, and that a lazy person with a stressful job would stick with, because this girl loves to eat. I was intrigued, but wasn’t sure if my body was up for the challenge. She persuaded me to try, and soon I was hooked. Actually, addicted is probably a better description. It wasn’t long before I bought my own board, then another, then a wetsuit, and a warmer wetsuit, and on and on. Not only did my body improve and strengthen, surfing forced me to calmly focus on what I was doing. It was only me and the water, with immediate and possibly dangerous consequences for letting my mind wander. I was not a natural, and there were plenty of bruises to show for my efforts. But each wave I caught gave me renewed confidence in my abilities both in and out of the water. If I had to choose, I’d say the psychological benefits outweigh the physical ones, at least for me. Surfing also appealed to my sense of humor. My colossal wipeouts, less than spectacular dismounts and close encounters with sea life, and those of my surf buddies, never fail to bring a smile to my face. I began posting my “Novice Surfer Tips” to keep my friends updated on my progress on the waves, and also to show that if I could do this, they could too. Enjoy, and go surf! F


Cheryl s' 10 Novice Surfer Tips: 10

It’s still “Wave of the Day” even if no one saw you take it. And the better it was, the less chance you’ll find its twin.


Trying out your friend’s surfboard can lead to a condition known as Board Lust Syndrome, or BLS. Symptoms include spending hours in surf shops and on craigslist looking for a similar board. The only cure is to find the shaper and order one of your own. (Anyone who wants to help cure my BLS, please send $$ contributions my way.)


Avoid schools of bait fish. Or send chum(p) in ahead of you.


Remember how much time it takes you to get into your wetsuit. Multiply that by the number of waves you catch. Add in the waves you missed. That’s how many minutes it will take you to get it back off. Plan ahead.


Everyone screams like a girl when they accidentally touch a jellyfish. And if it’s not you, you’ll laugh.


Odd shaped pieces of wax left in the pocket of your board shorts will leave odd shaped bruises in odd places.

4 3

Waves always look bigger in person.

Do whatever you can to save sea turtles. Why? Because they eat jellyfish. And jellyfish are not your friends.


I think the person who invented the wetsuit also invented the strait jacket. (Take one sleeve completely off before you try pulling off the other one. ‘Nuff said.)


Never say no to a surf date with your BFF. It will be the highlight of your day. If it’s not, congratulate yourself, because you’re having a really good day! wSSm | | 65

SURF STOKED . . . live, breathe, surf

& Give Take By Devon Holloway DeMint

I was aware of the fact that I was married now, even though the actual day that made it official still seemed like a dream. And we were on our honeymoon in Thailand. I looked up for a moment and caught a glimpse of the lazy clouds that hovered casually over the road we drove along. As the sultry sun shone through them, I could see the color variations: white on top dimming into a soft indigo color on the bottom. They seemed to look back at me and appeared graceful and untroubled as they gently moved with the wind, gathering the moisture, they would soon return to dependent vegetation. It was the utter contentment I felt about marrying Scott that made my observations in this moment so clear. I felt like I was looking through new and wider eyes that could see more. What I saw in my mind of Thailand before we left lacked an accurate depiction of its beauty and the proper words to describe its mystery. I had been to many tropical countries before, yet nothing here seemed familiar. Variations of trees covered the land like a quilt, relenting at the shoreline and transforming into long stretches of sugary sand that led into mysterious waters. I felt insignificant amidst its beauty and realized this as our small rental scooter puttered quickly, but

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Photos: Scott DeMint |

cautiously along the roads of this thriving land. As the scooter crept up the hill, we played peek-aboo with ocean scenery that stirred my soul. What I understood at that moment was that your eyes always look towards what you need to see. I needed to see the details of this unfamiliar place so that they could awaken within me a love for it. This glimpse made me realize that I needed to take the love emanating from the land, while leaving love behind as I traveled around it. This would be the way we would grow on this trip. On our third day in Thailand, the clouds hung low. The air, salty and thick, felt like an obstacle I needed to push through to get to my destination. My pace quickened as I traversed down 148 steps of our cliffside hotel to get to the beach. A monsoon had bestowed upon us waist to shoulder high waves to play in and I felt grateful to Thailand this morning for sharing her gifts with us.

The ocean was so beautiful and I wanted to be a part of it; I wanted to be the same color. Surfing gives you the chance to look the ocean in the eyes. You get to experience its moods. You understand its power. Any opportunity to embrace its energy and become a part of its mystery can’t be taken for granted.

Scott and I had a great surf exchanging lefts and rights and soaking in the tropical water. I paid specific attention to the animated spirit radiating from the ocean and I tried to embody it as I surfed. The ocean was in an energetic mood. Waves danced across their natural stage steadily until they reached the beach and exhibited their power. My board and I skipped playfully across the waves. Riding waves connects you not only to that body of water, but to the spirit of the region. This region was so vibrant and endearing. When I came in, I observed a local man swimming in the walloping shore break. He also appeared enthusiastic about the ocean’s gifts that morning, yet he didn’t seem to have the ability to understand them. The consistent surf pounded him into the sand over and over until he lost all contact with it and became caught by a rip current that pulled him out to sea. I pointed him out to Scott and we both ran towards the water. I searched for a lifeguard while Scott attempted to rescue this drowning man. The man was frantically waving his arms above his silvery hair. Scott arrived at his side and began to support him by allowing the distressed man to place his arms on his shoulders. The man looked as limp as a wet towel as Scott carried him in. They ducked under a few waves and finally made it safely to the beach. After catching his breath, the man clasped his pruned hands together and bowed his head, thanking us for rescuing him. He didn’t speak English, but we had no problem understanding him. This moment was quiet, quick and surreal. I saw the effect of our love in his eyes. Right then it occurred to me that we had accomplished what we had set out to do: to take and give love on our journey in Thailand. F ...

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SURF STOKED . . . live, breathe, surf

Moment Living in the

by Jenne Nesbitt

Living in the moment – truly being present where we are, when we are there, without looking towards the next thing or thinking about our to-do list – is a challenging art to practice. Our modern world is full of distractions, and often we’re doing one thing, but thinking of the next thing we have to do, or checking our phone, email or Facebook (often for the zillionth time that day)... we have a hard time sitting still and we have an even harder time being where we are, when we’re there.

It’s hard to be present ... even with meditation and your best intentions to live in the moment; life can make it very difficult. Surfing really forces you to live in the moment, to absorb everything going on around you, to be where you are, when you are there. Even paddling into the lineup, you are quickly absorbed in watching the waves, timing your moves, and paddling as hard as you can. When you’re in the lineup, you’re watching, waiting for that next wave to come – the perfect left or right – or even not-so-perfect – just something rideable and fun. Once you catch that sweet little ride, you have to paddle back out to get another chance. There are always waves to watch, and whether you’re a shortboarder timing your duckdive, or a longboarder timing your turny-turtle, you’re intently focused on getting back into the lineup. Sometimes the waves are big enough that you’re also scared and very aware of how important your timing is when you paddle back out.

Pelican Perfection @ Jalama, Califorina | photo by Jenne Nesbitt

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This feeling will absolutely make you be exactly where you are (and sometimes forces you to eat a big, generous slice of humble pie!). When you finally arrive back in the lineup, you’re busy watching for that next set to roll through, jones-ing for another drop-in, for another turn, for sweet carving or noseriding... or for another whatever it is you love to do when you’re riding a wave. No matter what your skill level, you’re undoubtedly in the “living in the moment” zone when you’re surfing down the face of a wave. And when you’re not looking for waves or riding them, you’re watching other surfers surf – a beautiful art in and of itself – and enjoying the perspective that only water-people understand. Watching waves break from behind... watching pelicans soar in perfect formation, so gracefully, right above the surface of the water... seeing dolphins play, watching the color of the sky dance on the water.. listening to the sounds of the crashing waves... it’s all very consuming. And the fact that it’s all constant – that the ocean, the tides never stop – is enough to make you live in the moment, just contemplating the awe you feel. So go ahead, paddle out. Allow your mind to wander to the places it does, as it will, but be sure to be appreciative of exactly where you are. After all, sitting on your board in the lineup, waiting for that next ride... you’re the luckiest girl in the world. F

SURF STOKED . . . live, breathe, surf

Brides Nightie

The Curse of the

My Dad has a repertoire of sayings and antics that date from an era before computers, the World Wars and possibly even the appearance of Christ. Some of his favorites include deceiving young children that his thumb is their stolen nose, he can blow up his muscles from aforementioned thumb, and hooting loudly that someone is “on and off like a brides nightie on honeymoon” if they dare to change their mind. The latter is usually shouted at drivers changing lanes in front of him, or the females of our clan as we discuss the pros and cons of a situation.

The love affair began on annual family holidays to the beach. My three siblings and I body surfed furiously, competing for the best waves and our parent’s praise and attention. My passion evolved from body surfing to surf boarding on my honeymoon, which come to think of it, may also have pre-dated Christ. In between taking my real honeymoon nightie on and off (which for the sake of my father we shall pretend was a debut occurrence), we hired some foam boards and tackled whitewash daily. Our lack of surfing skill was more than compensated for by determination, a competitive spirit and general athletic ability. By the end of the honeymoon, the real nightie was in tatters, but the metaphorical one was well and truly “on”, we could easily stand up and ride whitewash on our newly purchased mals. For the next five years we chased careers around Asia and Australia, with lots of inland living and little surfing. However, a spur of the moment beach holiday renewed the love. We took some lessons and by the end of the trip were managing a twenty percent ratio of “greens to whitewash” and all forlorn looking kneel then stand

Surfer by Rachel Crane

surfer”. Over the next two years, there were a lot of two steps forward and one step backward (speaking holistically, not mal riding maneuvers), but we progressed from reformers to lots of greens and were even managing a few turns. The green to white ratio had just reversed when life took a twist and I was pregnant! I surfed until about fifteen weeks when my stomach popped out overnight and denial was no longer an option. Much to my horror, the obstetrician explained that unless I was a good enough surfer to be confident I wouldn’t fall on my board or cop a whack to the stomach, I would pretty much have to stop. Now, pregnancy is great if you are one of those girls who like gentle walks and swims, shopping, making plaster casts of your whale like torso and grinning serenely in floating dresses as your nipples expand to dinner plate size. However, for the tomboys amongst us– pregnancy sucks. No surfing, basketball or hard core sports and you can’t even drown your sorrows in alcohol. Aaah well, at least I could still have a coffee with my prawns, smoked salmon and brie at the Christmas party.

The “brides nightie” is the perfect metaphor for my surfing abilities, which have been “on and off” to the extreme.

maneuvres were disappearing. The passion for the waves was re-ignited and followed by a timely relocation to a town near Bells Beach Torquay, a surfing hotspot in South East Australia. We were still living the halcyon life of B.C (Before Children), so weekends involved lots of surfing, email, drinking and eating out. The surf was big and cold, but we improved our paddling skills and discovered the joy of “reformers”. We would paddle our long boards through mountains of whitewash to the point break way out the back. We would turn the boards to shore, lie there and grip tightly, catch some whitewash which then reformed up to an unbroken wave you could ride into shore. Wonderful stuff! Especially when you realized someone from the beach may have looked up after the whitewash stage, see you on the green wave and think you are actually a “real

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Well the next year was monumental in that we moved 300 miles, I quit my career, discovered the joys of hemorrhoids, nipple pads and motherhood. Perhaps the first six months can be summed up from my monthly expanding definition of clean clothes. In chronological order it changed from BC “no crumbs or creases”, to incorporate not only creases and crumbs, but baby spit, then baby food and finally baby sick. Eighteen months later, I still have some pride and refuse to accept baby urine unless it has been wiped at least once with a damp item of clothing from the wash basket. Baby poo is a clear no-no

in any circumstances, or so I choose to profess in this article. At about three months post birth, I dragged out the board and the brides’ nightie was definitely off. I would say it had even turned into a pair of old man’s, scratchy, tweed patterned pajamas. I had regressed back to total beginner stage. Motherhood had brought on a new recognition of my own mortality, weak abs and a lack of self esteem – none of which is ideal for riding the green room. It was three months of gripping the board in whitewash, whilst my husband tried to pretend I was doing great from the beach. Just as I thought I was going to remain an eternal surf beginner, or worse, a quitter, I found some kindred tomboy spirits and we started a surfing mum’s group. Over the weeks, we honed the masochistic art of babysitting each other’s children and lugging kids, boards and nappy bags down to the beach. All for a half hour surf rotation! I regained my confidence and surf fitness. I was still nowhere near pre-baby days, but loving the freedom of my own company in the water more than ever. Over the summer holidays, my husband took some time off and we tag teamed daily with babysitting and boards at the beach. Watching him progress, my competitive spirit re-surfaced and I got some major attitude back. I was turning easily on some big, fat greenies and even was confident on some nasty little shallow shore breaks. Bliss, the bride’s nightie was back on, and it was a sassy, red silk number, with black lace edging. I was even better than B.C. days and loving it. Well they say pride comes before a fall, and I think that encompasses the fateful day of the fin chop. I remember it in flashes, a shallow little closeout, the feeling of a large chunk of flesh flapping and stinging in whitewash, young children shrieking and a humiliating ride up the beach on the lifeguards four wheel motorbike. The hospital was no better, three hours in the waiting room, painful wetsuit removing contortions on a hospital bed and the grand medical finale of twenty stitches to the foot from Nurse Madam Lash. The night culminated with being told I would not be able to play sport or surf for at least twelve weeks. The next three months were almost as bad as being pregnant all over again, except I actually had to look after a baby this time round, thank God I could at least drink! So now the surf nightie is back off again, and when it does peep out occasionally, it is certainly not Ferrari red, more of a long, white demure flannelette number, maybe with some lavender prints on the trim. The illogical fear of another fin cut has sent me back to almost beginner status and I’m petrified of any waves breaking in water shallower than head height troughs. At the risk of sounding like a desperado at a singles bar, I won’t try for anything unless it’s already broken or extremely fat and slow. The good thing is, I have discovered that unlike many other areas of my life, I love surfing whether I am good at it or not. The nightie can be off or on and I still get an adrenaline high, still thrill at the beauty of the sea and sky around me and love the fact you are so focused on the now that you are freed temporarily from all other worries and responsibilities. Hopefully the nightie re-appears soon in a nice strident colour, maybe purple silk with some green velour edging. Until then, I will remain content with the flannel number and other equally important beach activities, like stealing my sons’ nose and then blowing into it and pumping up my arm muscles. F

WSS m womens surf style magazine

Photo: Tia Calvo |

Age: 17 | Years Surfing: 14 Occupation: Up-and-Coming Pro Surfer Home Break: Punta Hermosa, Peru Motto I Live By: “Have fun!� Dream Girl: Blonde hair, blue eyes, and likes to surf Facebook Fan Page: Miguel Tudela

Miguel Tudela Chiozza

Centerfold Hottie

COMMUNITY . . . Industry Support


Meet the TEAM


Ami Berg AGE: 24 | YEARS SURFING: 9 | HOMEBREAK: Cocoa Beach, FL | SPONSORS: CALAVERA Swimwear, Smart Girls Who Surf, Extreme Outdoor Supply, and Trunq


’m from Florida, and the cool thing about Florida is you can find a breaking wave just about anywhere along the coast at anytime during the year. Some breaks are Photo: Calavera better than others (and tend to be more crowded), but for the most part I have never run into a bad crowd out there! Normally, there are other girls out surfing, but once in awhile I will be the only one, however that never bothers me. Cocoa Beach seems to have more longboarders because it’s a mellow wave, but if I am looking for something else, it’s just a short drive to either Ponce or Sebastian inlet and those breaks seem to have more shortboarders. I became a team rider for Calavera after one of my other sponsors (Smart Girls Who Surf Sunscreen) hooked me up with them! I was so excited to get a bikini sponsor because we all know, as a surfer girl you go through MANY bikinis! Being a part of the Calavera team is so awesome for me because it really is embracing what it means to be a “surfer girl”. The bikinis are cute (which is a MUST) and they stay on in any conditions (which is also a must!). Going out surfing (or working, I teach surf lessons at Ron Jon Surf School) and knowing that I look good and my bikini is staying on is a great feeling. Someone once told me this, and it really made an impact on me. It was “Never let some-

one else bring you down. You are the only one responsible for your happiness.”

If I could create my dream wave, I would LOVE to have a 5-6’ glassy slow rolling left beach break for a few of my closest friends and me to surf! Hmmm... How do I want to be remembered in the world? For all of the good things I have done and for always keeping a positive outlook on life!

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Evie Johnstone AGE: 23 | YEARS SURFING: 5 consecutively HOMEBREAK: Playa Hermosa, Costa Rica SPONSORS: CALAVERA Swimwear, A3 Energy Drink


live in Playa Hermosa, which is an awesome beach break to live on because it’s so consistent. We get surfable waves pretty much every day of the year, and 70% of those days are pumping, good waves. I love it. The wave is fast here and gets heavy with only a few feet of swell, but that keeps it exciting and keeps you fit! There’s a great crowd of people living in Hermosa from all over the place, and I love surfing with everyone everyday; we all get so pumped paddling out together. It’s mainly a guy’s line-up, but there’s a group of about eight of us girls that are out there most of the time. I would say the level of surfing here is pretty high, just because the wave can be a challenge. I am lucky to get to surf with talented surfers and the pros from Costa Rica on a daily basis, which apart from being super fun, really helps me improve my own surfing and I learn a lot from them.

was an amazing opportunity for me to work with a brand that I really love, and be a part of a team of girls that are all as hungry as I am to do well in the next years to come. A character quality I admire? It’s a tight call between honesty and positivity. Honesty probably. It saves me having to second-guess and probably get the situation wrong! Ha-ha. I always travel with my favorite softest pillow, so that would be my best travel tip. You never know where you will end up sleeping sometimes. It makes a $5 a night hotel into a $50 a night hotel; you sleep like a dream. It’s an awesome companion on busses, planes, trains, airport floors and it fits into your board bag perfectly as extra padding! Someone once told me this, and it really made an impact on me. It was “Everything is

energy and that’s all there is to it. Match the frequency of Photo: Mike Searle | the reality you want, and you cannot help but get that reality. It can be no other way. This is not philosophy. This is physics.” I love this

I met the designer/owner of Calavera Swimwear, Anna Jerstrom, out here in Costa Rica a couple of years ago. We instantly got along because we both LOVE surfing, and we hung out a lot and surfed a lot together. A bikini malfunction was something we had to deal with on a daily basis, and it wasn’t long before Anna had racked up some ideas for her own swimwear surf brand, Calavera. As soon as she had some samples put together, I was desperate to get my hands on them! We spent weeks testing them in all kinds of waves and conditions, and ever since then I haven’t been able to wear another suit to surf in. When Anna gave me the chance to be a team rider, I was stoked. I have been training really hard the last two years to better my surfing and pursue my career as a surfer, but there were so many contests I wanted to get to, but just couldn’t because of how expensive it is to travel. This

quote because it means to me that nothing is unachievable. A combination of hard work, focus and belief can get you anywhere if you really want it to. Create my dream wave? Oooo fun!! OK. It would be sand bottom for sure because I don’t like to surf scared of falling, ha-ha. It would be an A-frame, because I love lefts as much as I love rights. I would have a nice drop on takeoff, followed by a three second barrel section, followed by a peeling wall for about five turns, and ending up with an air section. Anywhere between 6-8 feet would be perfect for me, and Carissa Moore would surf it every day, too! World, please remember me by… How much I LOVE SURFING and everything about it!


.30 am.


Sun is just coming over the horizon. Phone rings. A really tired and hoarse voice at the other end. “There’s waves,” she says. “Big ones.” “Good ones.” A flurry of activity follows. Get the coffee on. Wake up the other girls. Find towel, sun screen and the swimsuit. Wax the board. Load it all in the car – both girls and gear. Get the theme song on the stereo. Pick up more girls, more gear. Feel the energy increasing with every second that passes. A second closer to the waves. Silence just before the car turns up on the beach. Then Evie starts screaming. Jordan jumps out before the car even stops. Danielle is drooling. Literally. Playa Hermosa is rising 6 feet tall. A- frames. Empty. It’s time to put the suits to the test. There is about 10 minutes of chaos as boards, gear and girls are flying in and out of the car. Laughter. Excitement. As everyone walks down the beach the mood gets quieter, more serious. I hang back and just watch the girls as they start preparing for the challenge ahead. Those are some big waves out there and not to be taken lightly. Then the moment of contemplation is gone and we all start running. Boards hit the water and six warrior women are charging towards the break. They are going to battle with big smiles on their faces. I created Calavera for this. For the playful, but fearless, feminine women. Not only are they the Calavera girls, these girls are Calavera. Costa Rica

nna Jerstrom


Photos: Calavera


Calavera Founder

Danielle Ciminero Amy Brooke Luis Jordan Hundley AGE: 17 | YEARS SURFING: On and off for the last 7 years | HOMEBREAK: Playa Hermosa, Costa Rica | SPONSORS: CALAVERA Swimwear


he surf culture where I live is really cool. Surfing is really popular, but you can always find a peak to yourself. If one peak gets crowded, it’s usually a pretty chill crowd. There are always a ton of waves, and I think it’s the most consistent place I’ve ever been. A friend of mine told me about Calavera, a swimwear brand that is for surfers, and tested BY surfers in the beautiful waters of Costa Rica. She told me that the owner, Anna, was looking for riders. She eventually contacted me, and our relationship / friendship began there. The relationship I have with Calavera and those involved is really friendly and comfortable.

AGE: 28 | YEARS SURFING: surfing 18, flowboarding 3 | HOMEBREAK: Ocean Beach, San Diego | SPONSORS: CALAVERA Swimwear, Diamond Lounge Tees, Wavehouse, San Diego


here I surf is somewhat different, since to be more specific, it’s flowboarding. It’s what I’m sponsored for, and Wavehouse is really the only place to ride in San Diego. Depending on the weather, there can be anywhere from 3 to 13 riders, and EVERYONE is very supportive and welcoming. We encourage each other to learn new tricks and push each other to new levels. It is my happy place. :) I first heard of Calavera when they sponsored a “rails and bails” contest at Wavehouse. I won a brand new bikini and was stoked on it. Directly after qualifying here in San Diego for the world finals hosted in Durban, South Africa, I talked with Anna. I then was sponsored to represent Calavera and the Unites States of America at the world finals. I am stoked on Calavera and it means a lot to me to represent them. I love what they are about and I support the company. My favorite aspect is the draw string in the bikini bottoms and the “save your neck

I was having serious issues with my bikinis when Calavera and I were introduced through a friend who said she finally had a suit that would stay on. Since then I have been able to focus a whole lot more on the waves! I love that the tops don’t pull on my neck at all - such a relief on the shoulders. Also, how adjustable all of the suits are- you can have them as tight as you need in big surf, or as loose as you want for chilling between sessions. As far as testing the line goes- in order to test the bikinis, one must surf... and surf a lot. It’s horrible. ;)) The character quality I admire the most would be Faith. It requires courage, strength, compassion, patience and so much more to have faith- whether it is faith in people or faith in the future. Only when you have faith can magic happen.

life will flash before your eyes. Make sure it’s worth watching.” Wow. I try to

remember that quote in every moment of every day - to help me be a better person, make better choices, live with more enthusiasm, gratefulness, and happiness.

from strain” way to tie the top. A character quality I admire most is honesty and dependability. If people can’t trust you, what else is there?

If I could create my dream wave? It would be an a-frame reef with tube and turn sections, with an end bowl over sand bottom, good for boosting airs or a fun end turn. It would have deep enough water so you don’t hit the reef... ever, and overhead tapering down for the end bowl. I would hope to be remembered as someone that inspired someone else to pursue their dream or passion...that by following my path, I woke someone else’s soul up to theirs. F

Someone once told me this, and it really made an impact on me. It was “Jesus died for

Someone once told me this, and it really made an impact on me. It was “Tomorrow is


If I could create my dream wave, it would be a nice 10’-15’ foot A-frame that barrels as you drop into it, and then walls up for turns. And if I were to make a lasting impression on the world, I’d hope that it was for being a surfer that pushed her limits, and always gave back to her community.

If I could create my dream wave, I would put a flow rider, preferably a flow barrel in my backyard. That way I could ride it whenever I wanted and all my friends could come and enjoy as well. If there is one thing I’d like the world to remember about me, is that I have worked hard, and taken A LOT of bad wipeouts to be where I am. Returning after an injury is scary, but fear can be paralyzing and I won’t let it control me.

never guaranteed, so make sure that you appreciate today and live each day to its fullest.”


urf culture in Playa Hermosa.... Heaps of people, all mostly mellow. Heaps of waves, really warm water, sometimes too warm. Super hot, black sand, lots of surfer girls (in comparison to other places), mostly shortboards, and waves are pretty fun on most days.

Someone once told me this, and it really made an impact on me. It was “One day your

In life, a character quality I admire the most in a person is when they are humble, go with the flow, and have a good sense of humor. I think these are important qualities because people with these qualities are usually mellow, and aren’t going to freak if things don’t go their way or turn out perfect. When it comes to travel tips, I would say to always go into an adventure with an open mind. Be ready and willing to learn and expect that things most likely will not go the way you planned, so just enjoy the ride.

AGE: Sometimes 12, sometimes 85, depends on how I feel | YEARS SURFING: 6 HOMEBREAK: Charlestown, RI + Playa Hermosa, Costa Rica | SPONSORS: CALAVERA Swimwear, Nexo Surfboards, Kulcha Shok Muzik

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COMMUNITY . . . Industry Support


Meet the TEAM

Odina... an eco-swimwear line that sponsors team riders on eco-missions across the country is the color of life for Odina, an eco-friendly surf and swimwear line that spon“sorsGreen young, athletic, eco-conscious girls as their exclusive team riders. Born from the ideology that fashion, functionality and quality need not be at the expense of the environment, Odina teams up with environmentally-minded athletes who crave adventure and love the planet. Their riders - beautiful, adventurous, female surfers, are on a mission to travel the planet sharing Odina’s message of sustainability, and catch a few waves while they’re at it. Two of Odina’s team riders, Alison Teal and Donica Shouse, we found are inspiring girls across the globe to ride waves and go green, all at the same time.

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Donica Shouse


orn in Oregon, Donica grew up surfing the Pacific, studied Natural Resources at Oregon State University and takes the title of “active surfer” to an entirely new level. A talented rider, Donica spends most of her time in the water and even met her husband, a fellow surfer, while riding a wave! Because she spends so much time enjoying mother nature, Donica does her part to give back to the earth. She rides a recycled board made of bamboo, and shares her eco-consciousness with others by organizing beach cleanups whenever she is on the sand.

Photo: Odina

Sustainability is so important to Donica that she requires all of her sponsors to be “green”. That’s why she loves Odina swimwear so much. Made from 100% recycled materials, Odina lives up to the earth-loving standards Donica herself represents, and is a perfect fit for Alison’s active lifestyle.

(See pages 10 and 12 for two more Odina team riders, Allie Brown and Filippe Ferrara)

Alison Teal


orn to free-spirited parents, Alison has spent her life traveling the world, exploring its wonders and learning to respect mother nature. From an early age, she was taught about the importance of eco-consciousness being raised in a green, tree house-like dwelling her parents built from the ground up that had no electricity, ran off solar power and used sustainable wood. At 23, Alison completed her first, full-length documentary, INCANtations, which chronicles a trip she took with her parents to the Peruvian Andes. INCANtations premiered at the Patagonia Wild and Scenic Film Festival in 2010 and earned Alison international accolades. She recently launched “Alison’s Adventures”- a YouTube series that follows her around the world and captures her exciting journeys. For the next 6 months, Alison will be shooting in Australia - exploring, living healthy, and encouraging everyone to be green, and all the while wearing Odina swimwear! F

Photo: David Blehert

Photo: Odina

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by Lola

Lola Blake... Founder / Designer of Chick Sticks by Lola

Lola Blake | Chick Sticks Founder


I eat, sleep and breathe my Chick Sticks and I love every minute of it! I went from racing PWC on the national circuit to learning how to surf and was instantly t Pink hooked. I’m Slash pretty small, t Zebra Flower

so right away the bigger boards weren’t working for me and I ended learning on my Instructor’s little 5.9 ‘shortie’. I was always the kook with the cool boards: painted, named, designs on the deck with neon wax, you name it. I couldn’t find what I wanted so I decided to make my own boards that were the shapes guys were riding, with some changes to make them girl friendly. And of course, I wanted them awesome looking.

I started out with Ezera last year, Dave (Pearson) has since moved to Nicaragua. Luiz Masuzzo shapes my boards now and I have overtaken the factory with pink. It’s been a challenge doing everything on my own, but it’s all come together and I have dealers and sales reps coming on board now; Chick Sticks is growing. Sometimes I have to pinch myself when I think about how Chick Sticks has turned into a fully fledged board company.

My Boards are Different!

My boards are all performance shapes for sure. Five of my eight board models are 5 fin options. Every one has attention to the rocker, rails, dimensions and each shape offers something t Flame unique and On specific for every skill level. I wanted a full line-up, so I offer a t Plaid Remix

grom board on up to a traditional 9.0 longboard and everything in-between. I didn’t want to leave any girls out. I think the one-liner I use, ‘Find YOUR board at’ definitely applies.

3 Most Important Design Points...

The most important thing has always been that my boards WORK. And Girl Friendly means, easier to paddle, narrower tails, so easier to duckdive, softer noses, so a little more forgiving, and lastly that they are beautiful. I have 20 paint designs and more to come. I draw up my paint designs and take them to my painter. I offer Girly Girl and Tomboy designs and things no one else has ever done.

My Favorite Shape So Far...

Definitely my Hoochie Mod. That design was a custom 5 fin option mini egg that I had shaped for me as a personal board and it turned out to be so amazing that I added it to the line-up at the last minute. It was a modified version of the Hoochie Mama, so I started calling it Hoochie Mod. That is really my flagship board now. It suits beginner to advanced, slop to heavy surf. If I had known it would be the Queen of the Quiver I would have given it a much better name.

Future Plans & Goals...

I have 3 Chick Sticks Skateboards now and I’d like to add a couple more hybrid boards, something fun and easy for girls who skate. I have a shaper and plan to introduce snowboards this fall. I’m working with a factory in LA on my own designs for board shorts. Down the road, my todo list includes adding SUP boards to my brand and growing my surf school. Wow, I have a big list. I’m basically pedal to the metal right now. There’re so many opportunities, and I feel blessed to have the support that I do and my friends who encourage me. Most importantly, I want to support other girls in business and empower women thru surf, skate and healthy lifestyle. That’s my version of Girl Power and that’s been my motto all along.

Buy a Board|Follow|Tweet Lola!

My website is so fun... please visit

Follow me on Twitter @chicksticksgirl Check out and”LIKE” my Chick Sticks facebook page: F

t Rasta

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COMMUNITY . . . Industry Support

Meet the DESIGNER Rebecca Michaels | Violet Love Founder

Violet Love

Rebecca Michaels... Founder / Designer of Violet Love Brands HOW IT BEGAN...

In 2006, I created my initial product launch of the Violet Love Headband (VLH) based on a necessity for a fabric headband (for fitness) that was also beautiful, comfortable, and fashion forward. Although I didn’t have proper schooling for fashion design, I was a practicing civil engineer at the time, which instilled in me an appreciation for detail and functionality. Add that to my love for unique prints, bold colors, and quality textiles and you now get an exengineer turned fashion designer.

and feel of each piece in the line. The collection experiments with bold colors and prints just as you would expect it to and includes pieces like leggings, intimates, lounge pants, oversize tops, and versatile dresses with silhouettes that put emphasis on the beauty of the entire woman, not just her “parts”.

Photos by Violet Love One size triangle dress

to blend in and dress in basics - colors and pieces, but women who can express themselves through unique and bold fashion get noticed and exude a beautiful confidence. My passion is to show every woman that they CAN wear bold, bright, and fun - and encourage them to just try something different!! How special it is to see the personality and confidence change as soon as they give it a try. It’s a magical thing and the smiles that it brings are priceless.

Top 3 Qualities


Prints - unique and bold while still being versatile to wear everyday

When I first created the concept of the VLH and approached stores in my local beach town in Maryland, there was hesitation that such a headband would have a place in the market. But after several stores took a chance, sold out their stock over a weekend, it became clear that Violet Love in fact was fulfilling a need for girls and women of all ages. Shortly thereafter, Surf Expo chose Violet Love Headbands as one of the top 10 hottest new products of the year and awarded the company a spot in the LAUNCHED section at the upcoming January, 2007 tradeshow. A free booth, accommodations, and marketing put the Brand and VLH on the map. 5 years later from that first tradeshow, a strategic business relocation across the country to Los Angeles, many late nights, early mornings, plane rides, hotels, and a lot of blood, sweat, and tears brings me to today - a successful designer headband line - VIOLET LOVE - known all over the US and International and a growing premier sportswear / upscale resort apparel brand under my namesake label - REBECCA MICHAELS. The REBECCA MICHAELS (RM) apparel brand is an extension of the core concepts that built VIOLET LOVE. RM introduces a tailored, upscale, specialty design of sportswear / resort wear that still keeps a comfortable and everyday look

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Cuts (patterns) - The silhouettes will be simple yet flattering, (curve flattering- not curve hugging) in overall design, but complex in detail and textile design. All pieces are created with the intent to become a core wardrobe piece that feels and looks beautiful for most shapes, sizes, and ages.


Fabrics - again, unique in feel, fit, and color while being cared for easily and able to maintain a long shelf life. A core wardrobe piece starts with a durable quality textile.

Lounge pants

3 Most Popular Designs to Date Violet Love Headbands

The Name

VIOLET LOVE was created based on my love for the color and how its value relates to my own personal journey in life. Violet is associated with life and spiritual fulfillment, encourages creative pursuits and inspires unconditional and selfless love. Keeping these same values - the REBECCA MICHAELS brand mission is to “Inspire Women to Find Their Personal Legend Through Fashion”. Both brands are unique within the market not only for the products themselves, but also for the mission and philosophy behind the designs. I wanted to encourage women to think out of the box in regards to fashion and style - even if it begins with only a headband. It’s so easy

Currently... #1 Headbands (of course): for fitness and fashion, wear them wide, narrow, or traditional.

#2 RM one size triangle dress: flattering and such an easy throw on style, oh yeah, and fold the bottom under to wear it as a top. #3 RM lounge pant: beach style, yoga style, or pair with boots and heels for a sexy style, this pant goes everywhere and can cover as much or little as you like with the side ruche and folded over cummerbund style waist. F

Shop|Follow|Tweet Violet Love Brands On our website, you’ll also find links to our Facebook and Twitter pages.


Salty Sweet

Crystal Cooper... Founder / Designer of Salty Sweet

Through the years, my dad and I discussed starting the company. In 2007, we had a few long discussions about which direction to take my life. We agreed we might as well follow our hearts, because whatever job you choose in life, you’re going to be spending a lot of time on it... so choose something you love! He passed away just weeks after our discussions. I was so emotionally weak. I put the clothing line on hold. It was a really hard time for me, but I also felt so lucky to have had a great father and mentor. His death made me see how strong I am. It made me realize, “You are as strong as you want to be.” I had a daughter to be strong for… and I was. I looked at life differently. A few years later, I saw an opportunity to take a step back into the direction of designing clothing, and I took it. I started a screen printing business in 2010. A lot of people don’t realize that I AM the one who prints the clothing! On January 1, 2011, my mom (53) died of breast cancer. Instead of letting her death destroy me inside, I let the pain fuel my desire. I started creating Salty Sweet in 2011. I want people to read my story and see that everyone is dealt good and bad things, how we deal with those things is what is important. That’s what really matters. We have a lot of drive going into this and we’re making it happen! I can’t explain how much fun it has been to be able to customize a garment for someone in 5 minutes! I also do a lot of custom orders online. We can print pretty much anything and you can buy just 1 shirt, if you like. Crystal and Emmy

The Name

I knew I wanted something that portrayed strength AND beauty, but also be ocean/surf related. After many sleepless nights, I finally thought of the right name… and I KNEW it was right as soon as I thought of it! It represents the “Salty” side: independent, strong & confident and the “Sweet” side: beautiful, charming & vulnerable. It’s low tide and high tide, night and day, Salty and Sweet. I believe everything in life is about balance and that’s what the brand represents. Salty Sweet is about going surfing with a pretty pedicure on your toes.

Design Essentials...

Photo: Judy Barnum | Model: Jenn

I was introduced to the surf industry at 15. I had sponsors and did all the local contests. I always thought about having a clothing line, so I would tag along at meetings and listen in on people discussing business deals at surf expos.

The Gigi

If I think too much, I will never be finished. So I actually have to relax and let go in order to create my designs. I get inspiration from everything around me: music, people, bumper stickers, everything! I love to wear shirts with song lyrics. Look for more of those in next season’s designs. I just truly have fun with it and design when I’m in the mood. It’s soothing to my mind to create. A lot of my designs are inspired from my photography. I love to mix photography with print. There will be a lot more photography inspired designs soon!

Most Popular Designs to Date

Crystal... Making magic Love is the Anchor

Photo: Emmy


The most popular is “Love is the Anchor” That design is amazing and the message is clear and beautiful. Brian Dock designed it. He actually designed it for his sons to wear in his wedding (to Salty Sweetheart Andrea). I loved it so much; we collaborated and made it into what you see today. Two others that are popular are the “Classic” and “The Gigi”. “The Gigi” was a last second addition to a promo event we did! My assistant extraordinaire, Tracy Abbott, and I created this gem together. It was our best seller until “Love is the Anchor” came out. Sometimes I think something is going to catch... and it doesn’t, then there are times when I almost don’t approve something and they sell out! But when we designed “Love is the Anchor”, we knew right away it would be a popular design and we were right. I think a strong message is important. Salty Sweet is my way of spreading positive energy to the world. F

Shop|Follow|Tweet Salty Sweet Website: Follow me on Twitter @SaltySweetSurf Check out and”LIKE” my facebook page: wSSm | | 79

COMMUNITY . . . Giving Back

Giving Back The Smyrna



Lindsey Baldwin / Photo:

Thank you to Mike Martin for his research and contribution to this piece, Valeh Levy for bringing such worthy arganization to our attention, and to Gabriel Fernandez ( for his photography at the 2012 Contest and Awards Ceremony.

The SMYRNA SURFARI CLUB is one of the mainstays of the community in New Smyrna Beach, Florida. They are celebrating their 33rd year of existence as one of the oldest, continuously-active private surf clubs in the world, which was founded in 1979 by thirteen local surfers, most of whom are still active in the Club. Current membership is about sixty active members, and the Surfari Club stays busy with many volunteer projects, such as the “Adopt-a-Beach Program”. A ABP’s club members gather four times a year to clean two different sections of their beach, which totals around two miles. Giving back to the community and raising surfings awareness, in 2001 the Surfari Club obtained approval and raised all the funds to erect a monument to surfing that stands on their beachfront. It was specially designed in the shape of a massive surfboard on a pedestal that holds a bronze plaque.

tion with the Kona Pro, at New Smyrna Inlet. That event awarded a prize purse of $2,500 to women surfers from around the country, and for the second consecutive year, it was won by NSB’s own Lindsey Baldwin.

“The Smyrna Surfari Club has a strong commitment to women’s pro surfing,” said event coordinator, Kevin Schweizer. “There is a rich history of women’s surfing in New Smyrna Beach, going back to Lindsey’s own aunt, Mary Ann Welsh, and East Coast hall of famer, Isabel MacLaughlin. When no other “Some of sponsor had stepped my earliest forward to sponsor memories of the Women’s Pro, the the Surfari Club Surfari Club decided include the old to put up the prize Ponce vs. New Smyrna purse ourselves.” Beach contests. I remember seeing the trophy go back and forth beA few years ago, when tween clubs from year to year. At the Club was discussthat point I considered the Surfari ing their involveClub a surf team, but didn’t realize ment in pro surfing the amount of events they contests, Mike Martin, organized until I was 12 or 13, who through the when I started surfing contests on years worked as judge a full time basis. for the ASP, the Old

Bud Surf Tour, USSF and many others, as well as the contest director for the Smyrna Surfari Club whenever possible, got on his soapbox. “I’m ashamed of the state of Women’s Pro Surfing”, he said. “How can we NOT have a Women’s Pro division at our events!”. Fortunately, it was The Club supports not a difficult arguitself by holding ment, since the other silent auctions and Surfaris who rememraffles to raise funds ber the contributions -- Lindsey Baldwin for their projects, of Frieda Zamba and (2012 Champion) because above all Lisa Andersen were else, the Surfari Club in agreement. It has is dedicated to surf become an unofficial mission statement contests and scholarships. You see, since that the Smyrna Surfari Club is dedicated 1980, the proceeds from their to hosting the Women Pros at any profesprojects go to fund college scholarships sional contest they are involved in. that are awarded to graduating seniors All the girls that surf the local pro contests on a regular basis are so appreciative of the Surfari Club. It’s a real shame that we have such a lack of sponsorship in women’s surfing in Florida, but the Surfari Club has always been there to pick up the slack. They take women’s surfing seriously. Every event that I have personally surfed that had the Surfari Club’s involvement has been well run, and much closer to the standards of an ASP event than other Florida semi-pro’s. So, thanks Surfari Surf Club, for supporting us ladies!”.

from NSB High School, and during that time, the Club has awarded more than $100,000 in scholarships to more than forty deserving students, all surfers. The Surfari Club hosts three surf contests a year, including the 2012 Surfari Women’s Pro, which was held in conjunc-

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So, to an organization who’s poured so much into womens surfing, consistently over the years, WSSM would like to say a BIG thank you to the Smyrna Surfari Club, for their support of women’s surfing. You’re helping make history! F

The Surf Monument Photo by Mike Martin

2012 Finalists

Champion Lindsey Baldwin at the 2011 awards ceremony 2012 Beach Cleanup


Making a Difference... Story & Photos by Amanda Kline


t all began when I was handed an opportunity to work at the Van Curaza Surf School here on the central coast. After working in the law field for 4 years, I wanted a new challenge. I realized quickly that Mr. Curaza had a lot on his plate and I aimed to do my best to help his business succeed. That summer was one of the best summers of my life, and I quickly began getting the looks and comments like, “You must be such a good surfer since you work here, huh?” Reality was, I had grown up on the beach and never surfed a day in my life. So one hot summer day I grabbed a suit and board and headed out with the surf camp kids, they seemed to instill a bit of courage in me.

As I got ready to catch my first wave, I replayed all the instructions and education I had heard Van teach countless times in the shop and then BAM I was up and riding my first wave! The feeling was amazing, not a thing in the world had ever felt like this. I soon paddled back out and headed towards Van, knowing he would help me into a “big one”. He got on his board next to me and after following all his directions, I felt him pull me up from the back of my suit and he rode the “big one” in with me. From that day on, I was hooked. I understood why people came back from lessons exhausted with the biggest smiles you can imagine. Surfing was now officially on my agenda! Then something new was handed to me, Van told me about a nonprofit organization he had started years ago, aimed towards helping at-risk and underserved youth overcome life’s challenges through surfing. Life had taken him other ways and his nonprofit application got put to the side until an opportunity fell into his lap. Some say everything happens for a reason and some say it’s Luck. The other day a man told me that Luck is when preparation meets opportunity. What ever this was, luck, preparation, opportunity, God, Van was meant to do this. This opportunity was Operation Surf. He quickly reactivated his nonprofit application and after much work, Amazing Surf Adventures was finally approved for tax exemption. I had planned, prepared and worked so hard for months on Operation Surf that year, but no amount of planning could prepare me for what I was about to experience. The week long Operation Surf started when we welcomed 10 wounded soldiers and Marines recovering at the Brooke Army Medical Center in San Antonio, Texas, at our airport in San Luis Obispo, CA. Some came with amputations, some with burns, and some with traumatic brain injuries and most all with Post Traumatic Stress disorder. They were active duty, wounded soldiers and Marines who had fought in the name of my country:

in the name of my freedom. No amount of thank yous or handshakes could ever amount to what they deserve, for going through what they have, for doing something I could never do. I watched them arrive, most with hats down and reserved. I shook their hands and welcomed them here to the Central Coast. That day I also met one of the most beautiful women I know, Janis Roznowski. Janis had paid for the first wounded heroes to fly out and stay on our coast so they could learn to surf back in 2006. This was the first wounded soldier and Marine surf clinic in our nation, since then, turning into Operation Surf. Janis and her organization, Operation Comfort, continue to be our number one supporter. We will always honor what she has done and what she continues to do for us.

As the week went on, I noticed the group bonding, opening up, smiling and beginning to become this sort of unstoppable force. As we surfed all day and went to wonderful dinners at night, I began to see the changes take place in these men and women. They were opening up about their stories, challenges, and most of all the incredible changes surfing was doing to them. They began to recognize the courage and strength they were obtaining and the trust in their own selves to do something they never thought they could. When it was time to say goodbye, faces were glowing from the week of life they had just experienced. Everyone was smiling and crying, and hugs were in abundance. No one wanted to go, yet no one would forget the memories we had all made. After this event was over, I wept. I wept because of the overwhelming joy, the heart breaking sadness, the reality of what happens to our nations wounded warriors and seeing the faces that had changed my life, walk away. I told Van that from that day on, no matter what it took, I would do everything in my power to keep this organization going. Since then I have become the Vice President of Amazing Surf Adventures and dedicated my life to helping this organization reach its maximum success, something I have not a doubt in my mind will happen.

helping at-risk and underserved youth focus on the positive aspects of life, respect, responsibility and fun through the STOKED surf camps. Another program we began is “SHAKA”. This program is dedicated to helping our physically and cognitively challenged youth and adults overcome their perceived limitations by participating in our recreational and rehabilitative SHAKA surf camps. As time went on, working side by side with Van, we realized we were falling in love. We already knew everything about each other, we worked together like a puzzle piece and we knew each other’s hearts. Then one Christmas morning, as I watched him surf from the top of a dune, with whales in the background, he got out and called me down to the reef. As I walked to him, he got down on one knee and asked me to marry him. My heart was racing and I could not kiss him enough! The blessings Amazing Surf Adventures has put in my life are truly amazing. Happiness is not money, it is the joy your heart feels and doing what makes you happy. For me, it is this. No amount of blood, sweat or tears could lead me away from continuing on this path with the man of my dreams! We now hold two Operation Surf Events a year. Our goal is to continue to create more programs a year, allowing the opportunity for more wounded soldiers and Marines to attend. My ultimate goal for ASA, looking forward, is to own a piece of property here on the Central Coast, build multiple cabins and hold camps for our different programs all year long at no cost to any participant. Along with our number one focus of surfing, this facility would also have skateboarding, horseback riding and the occasional snowboard trip. It’s a dream that will take a lot of work, but I know with all my heart that one day, it will come true. For those interested, the best way to help and get involved is to visit our website and check out our upcoming fundraisers or donate through our Give section. You can contact us there if you have any questions or want to learn more on how you can get involved. F

Since this event, we began programs for AtRisk youth called “STOKED”, geared toward wSSm | | 81

COMMUNITY . . . Making a Difference

Discovering Pearls

Highlighting Pearls (girls of all ages) from around the world that are shining light into the lives of girls in their community!

“Encouraging girls worldwide to come to the Fountain of the Water of Life where we can experience re-creation through Jesus Christ, Like a Pearl, God covers us with his Grace and refines us by the Truth of his Word. Through that process, he cultivates something of Beauty in us that Reflects who he is to the world around us, each in our own unique and creative way.” -- Christina DiMari

IRENE NELLER Vice President for University Communications & Marketing at Biola University

Each year Irene Neller travels with a pod (small group) of students to encourage them in pursuing their dreams, developing their gifts and encouraging them on their journey. Because of her huge heart to inspire the next generation of female leaders, she established, The Dream Center at Biola University, CA. ”Girls are eager to learn from you and model how you pursued your aspirations” says Irene. “They need mentors and role models to journey with them. The Dream Center at Biola provides structure for natural mentoring relationships to take place while students are preparing to be a light in the world. Taking time for these girls I have come to love has given me a higher purpose in my role as a woman on campus. I find great joy in watching girls come alive as they begin to discover the pearl of value that is hidden inside each one of them. It has been said, “If you teach a girl a rule, you help her solve a problem. If you teach a girl to walk with God, you help her solve the rest of her life!” 82 | | wSSm

Words from Irene’s Pod TARA (Hawaii) “When I think of Irene I think about the Sun. Irene has impacted my journey in such a tremendous way. I have always been familiar with the love of people who are my family, but the love of a stranger that surpasses the love of people I have known my whole life was something new to me. I thank God every chance I get for putting such a role model in my life. Irene can relate to what we have been through, and because she is able to relate so well, she is able to help us see the good side of it. She always has something funny to say that puts a smile on our face when we are going through something difficult.”

KIM (California) “When I think of Irene I think Leader. She is a brave, confident, and endearing woman. She truly cares about her team and makes time to equip college-age girls, since that is her passion. She is all about empowering girls of all ages to pursue their God-given dreams and use their lives to shine for others. I love her insight. She is able to see the best in others, to see their strengths, and seek to bring them out.

She is truly a developer and equipper.” SYDNEY (South Carolina) “When I think of Irene I think Spunky, Strong and Caring. She showed me that dreams do come true, and to work hard at them. What I love most about Irene is her sense of humor, her laugh, and her drive.” IRENE (Africa) “When I think of Irene I think Caring. Irene is a smart woman who cares about other people. Despite having a busy schedule, she is always ready to listen and give you her time. She has helped me get adjusted to the American environment by connecting me to very lovely girls who encourage each other. She is dedicated to mentor girls and make sure we do not feel alone. Irene has blessed me by knowing how much courage it took for me to come from Africa to California for college. Irene is such an amazing lady that she takes time for the girls on campus, and it has been a blessing for me to know her.” SHEALYNNA (Hawaii) “Words that come to mind when I think of Irene are: Magnetic, Sacrificing, Joyful, Approachable, Stylish. She is truly a Beautiful Soul!!! Irene has been like a second mother to me. She has been someone I could go to with anything at any time of the day and has held my hand at times where I felt alone. She has made moving away from Hawaii easier just because of her presence. Irene has been the type of person who lights up my day because I see Jesus in her, and that is so encouraging! It always makes me chuckle when we talk about our future husbands with Irene, she says, “If any

guy wants you he has to get through me- the mama pearl!” It’s wonderful that she sees our hearts as something that is not meant to be broken, and she does what it takes to make sure any man who wants our heart has to go through her first! Everyone needs an “Irene” in their life; someone who will love them unconditionally, someone who will willingly listen, and someone who will always respond with love.” ELIZABETH (Kentucky) “When I think of Irene I think: A Strong Woman. Irene is a leader both in action and character. Words to describe her are genuine, loving, inspiring, tenacious, God-honoring, a beacon of light. Having Irene as my Pearl when I came to Biola has made my adjustment so much easier. Knowing that I had an older woman that I could go to and seek advice from eased my nerves about college. Another thing I love about Irene is that when she engages you in conversation, her focus is on what you are saying, she tunes in to your needs, and

A PEARL FOR EVERY GIRL “Whoever drinks of the water that I shall give him will never thirst. but the water that I shall give him will become in him a fountain of water, springing up into everlasting life.” John 4:14 “I dream of girls coming from the north, south, east, and west. Coming together from diverse backgrounds and nationalities to form a circle of unity around the Fountain of the Water of Life. Coming together like pearls being strung together on a strand with a common vision to shine value into the lives of other girls. We hope you’ll join us!” -- Christina DiMari gets on your level to be in the moment with you. She knows how to make you feel valued.” BECA (Illinois) “Irene made me feel so welcome at Biola, especially since it was my first year. She is so honest and real with us; I love how she shared her real life journey with us—not trying to cover up her past. I love that she made time for us even in her busy schedule. I feel so blessed to have her as an example of a godly woman in my life!” F

COMMUNITY . . . I am a surfer

She Surfs Sarah Powers AGE: 27 | YEARS SURFING: 9 | HOME BREAK: San Juan Del Sur (Nicaragua) | BOARDS IN QUIVER: 5’8” plus One squash tail, ChicaBrava longboard quiver | OCCUPATION:

Camp Operations Coordinator, lead instructor/host at ChicaBrava Surf Camp | BLOG: Photo: Ryan Harris


“Let’s go check the surf,” my Hawaiian surf friends would say. I would agree and go along for the ride. For the first four years of my surfing life, I had no clue what we were “checking.”

They were looking at things like swell direction, form of the waves, and whether or not it was too windy, and I was looking at how the beauty of the blue in the sky contrasted with the essence of the blue in the ocean. I always thought the waves looked good, and even when the surf looked horribly bad, I always went out. I studied psychology at Point Loma Nazarene University which was walking distance from a surf spot called Sunset Cliffs in San Diego, California. I did not grow up near the ocean, but I was always drawn to it. Ever since I saw Johny Tsunami (a Disney movie...cheesy, I know) when I was 13, I knew surfing was for me. Six years later, I met a really good friend named Jon from Maui at the University; he and his friends taught me a deep love and respect for the ocean...and how to surf. I also took a PE surfing class. That’s when it all started. I went with the Hawaiians as much as possible, and when I became knowledgeable enough, I went on my own. I was hooked when I did my first bottom turn on a wave and felt what it was like to glide on its soft, smooth, shiny, face. I danced with the ocean, flowed with it, and experienced the freedom of being propelled by a powerful source that is outside of myself. I feel most free and most alive when I am in the water and most beautiful when I am surfing. Present day, I am always trying to take my surfing to the next level by learning from those who are better then me, and I am continuing to develop and discover my own unique style on the wave. I am also starting to learn how to longboard with style. First step: cross-stepping.

Life As A Surfer

I have always been drawn to the ocean. When I am in and around the ocean, I feel most alive, free and beautiful. It is never and yet always the same. It’s always beautiful and it never yields the same wave twice. I constantly learn about life and love through being in the ocean. When I face my fears in the ocean, I am able to face my fears in life, and when I risk catching a wave in the ocean, I learn to risk loving in life. I always go out, the exception is when I don’t. I have learned a few life lessons by simply committing to learn surfing and not giving up on

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going out in the ocean. The supposed “bad” days are the secret days because no one else is out and you are able to surf un-crowded breaks. I’ve caught some of my best waves when no one else paddled out because they said the conditions weren’t good enough. When we paddle out in daunting conditions and face the bad times in our lives, they can both become the times that we grow the most, gain confidence, and experience a freedom in a way that we never have before. Many days in the beginning of my surfing life I caught nothing, or simply just got worked - over and over. But I always liked going out, because no matter what happened in the ocean, it always felt like a new day after I came in. Surfing requires you to be fully engaged in the moment and allows you to be free from the stresses of the past and future. I can’t focus on life’s problems when I am too busy dancing with the wave or trying not to get smashed into rocks. When I surf, I gain a perspective change and the ability to fully be in the here and now, which is the space where all true things in life like freedom, love, and happiness lay. As far as contest surfing is concerned: I have never been a contest surfer, but I do have a first place trophy. I have competed three times in my life, twice in Nicaragua and once in OB, San Diego. About five years ago, I entered into the local OB community contest; I finished seventh out of eight competitors beating only a second grade girl who couldn’t even make it out of the white wash. Slightly humiliating. On the second week of my arrival in Nicaragua, I was told by one of the other ChicaBrava surf instructors that there was a Nicaraguan National Surf contest and that I should compete. They held three that year and it was open to anyone for a small entry fee. The swell was big, I didn’t know the spot, and I didn’t want to look like an idiot in front of all Nicaragua, but I agreed to do it anyway because I decided that I didn’t want fear of failure to guide my life. I made it to the finals and the three other girls out there had years of experience on me and were all really good, much better then I was (I am not being falsely humble, it’s true). One of them was my boss and reigning Nicaraguan national surf champ, Ashley Blaylock. It just so happened that I caught two waves in that 20 min period and they didn’t, so I won. I am glad I did not let fear motivate my decision that day. Fear and love are opposites. Where there is

fear, there is no love. In facing our fears with the ocean and in other things, we allow the freedom of love to flow in our lives. Love is like the ocean. It doesn’t stress or push agendas, it just is: powerful and scary, smooth and gentle, feared and respected. Its presence both draws and captivates our hearts. The ocean doesn’t change and it’s never the same: so it is with love.

Without the ocean, the world would be lifeless, and without love, I would be dead and somatic. My veins would be empty

and I would gash my body because I didn’t care about it. To be a lover in any and every way is like surfing. Both require strength and discipline to be in the right spot, but when you ride a wave, you are free and alive – you are flying: so it is with love. When you surf a wave, you are yielding to a source completely outside of yourself that you cannot control and are propelled by the wave’s motion. You cannot fight the mass of salt water or force its energy, but you simply wait for the wave and when you catch it, you dance with it and are free and alive when being moved by its motion. Such is life when you yield to love. To go for a wave is to take a risk. You will either make the drop and get the ride of your life, or get slammed into the bottom of the ocean. Both love and surfing require a risk that is worth taking. The more I take this risk in believing that there is a source outside of me and is propelling me through life, the more my eyes light up and my spirit feels alive and the more I want to share this with others. To yield to a wave is to yield to a source of strength outside of yourself that propels you. And so it is to yield to God and be propelled by the strength of the motion of His love.

Central America Has Had It’s Challenges

In addition to the unfortunate events that caused me to create and adopt a new rule: BYOTP (bring your own toilet paper), I have had many other experiences since being in Nicaragua as well. One of my most favorite moments occurred when I got to be a part of rescuing a girl from a trash dump in central Nicaragua. Some people live in and right next to the trash dumps here. I was there in the rainy season and

the vibrant green hills of the dump reminded me of Napa Valley, California where I grew up . Instead of vineyards, this valley floor is composed of mud, mulch, corn cobs, straps of sharp metal, chunks of wood, children’s foot prints and broken shoes. Vultures, flies, cows, horses, and people all scavenge the area for the select things that have value to them like kids for candy after a pinata burst at a birthday party; their search yields a return of less than a dollar a day. It didn’t smell as bad as I thought it would, I got lost in the beauty of it all. Four of my friends were visiting and two of them had been making an annual trip to this dump for about three or four years now. They had developed relationships with some of the people there and had worked on different humanitarian projects, but their purpose was to love and show value to people living in trash because God created them, they are valuable. Two years ago, my friend Josh met this 6 year old girl who I’ll call J. She is eight now and has been adopted into a loving nurturing Nicaraguan family. When he first met her, he fell in love with her in the way that a daddy does with his daughter. She trusted him for that day and he said it was the first time he actually felt love. He only spent one day with her as the group he was with loved people and fed stomachs. That day Josh left, and the next year he went to the same dump in search of the same girl to give her a photo that he had laminated of the two of them. He searched for her, but he couldn’t find her. He thought that may have been a good sign, but he wasn’t sure.

Photo: Ryan Harris Photo: Ryan Harris

This year in 2012, Josh was back and I was with him. He did not see J there, but I did. She was standing off in the distance out of the center of the pinata people looking over her shoulder shyly checking out the new commotion. She was wearing an un-snapped onesie as a shirt, navy blue pants, and sandals with sludgy feet. I did not know it was her at first, but I was drawn to this beautiful little girl. As I crouched down to talk to her, I recognized her from Josh’s picture. After a series of events, we discovered that her mom left her when she was born, she was not going to school, and she was living in a house with a dirt floor, and in the care of her grandma who was not able to appropriately care for her. Both of them cried when J left with us in the truck, but both her and grandma decided that she was better off with the Torrez family. The overflowing love of this family has been the perfect environment for J to learn that she is a valuable loved princess of God and not a dirty rat scavenging other peoples trash to survive. “He lifts the poor from the dirt and the needy from the garbage dump. He sets them among princes, even the princes of his own people (Psalm 113:7-8).”

How’d You End Up Here?

That’s a question I receive on a weekly basis, and I love answering it. Photo: Irene Lovund

I have never been to Nicaragua before and I didn’t know a soul when I decided to move here. This was not my mom’s first, second, third, or even 50th choice for me to move either, but it has always been a dream of mine to live in a beautiful warm-water ocean destination and have some sort of retreat center that can host both influential leaders around the world who need/want a time of rest and restoration, and that can host women for some amount of time that have been human trafficked and sexually exploited – there is so much restoration in the beauty of the land.

The focus is restoration and inspiration to the whole person: mind, body, soul, and spirit. It’s a dream, it’s a thought, and it is something I see when I close my eyes.

In the same way that I am drawn to the ocean and drawn to surfing, I am drawn to pursue this dream.

In 2011, I was working as a server in San Diego and planning to attend grad school to earn an MA in counseling… a practical start to the dream. Though I love learning, I was looking for ways to live abroad for a while. Randomly, my friend Sara O (I will use this time to shamelessly plug her first i-tunes hit single, you can get it at said, “I feel like God says that He is going to give you a new job in 2 months.” Shortly after, when I was randomly looking up surfing in Nicaragua, I stumbled upon this woman’s surf-school on the internet called ChicaBrava, thought it was cool, emailed the owner, and the rest is history. Two months to the day that Sara told me that, I had a Skype, wSSm | | 85

COMMUNITY . . . I am a surfer


WISDOM Words Of Advice For Surfer Girls


When looking at closeout waves, call them makes getting worked more adventurous when you can pretend to get your head in the barrel beforehand.


Pearling sounds much more pretty then nosedive. If you go for a wave, and nose-dive and faceplant into the sandy bottom of the ocean, call it pearling.


Forgive yourself if you are surfing in a bikini, duck dive, and accidentally flash a 7-yr old prodigy surfer near by... happens to the best of us.


Remember that most of the time, it is AWAYS more fun than it looks. Some of my most memorable waves have been when nobody was out because they didn’t think it would be good.


If a guy asks you to surf with him, don’t decline for fear of not feeling like you surf well. He is likely just wanting you to see him catch good waves. So, go and have fun...unless you know that he is kind of a loser. In that case, respectfully decline.


As a general rule of thumb, “drop in now, apologize later.” You’re a pretty lady, you can get away with it. (I am kidding of course!)


Last, but not least... Remember that you cannot get in the ocean and not improve! Every time you get in the water you are learning something, whether it feels like it or not. Even if you don’t catch any waves, or if you don’t make it past the white wash and get worked the whole time, you are getting better at paddling and gaining intrinsic ocean knowledge that will help your surfing the next day. Struggling in surfing is a right of passage, so be encouraged that when it’s hard, you are on the right track! Photo: Josh Colegrove

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She Surfs

Sarah Powers ... continued from previous page interview with the owner of ChicaBrava, and I am now the surf camp operations coordinator here. I have been here almost a year now, and when I open my eyes I see the warm water ocean and I feel the warm breeze on my face. Empowering women on the coast of the warm water ocean is something that has been a dream in my heart to do for a long time, and Chicabrava is a place that I get to do that. I am happy to be here learning Spanish and experiencing a new culture. I am also making connections with women’s organizations and shelters in the area and continuing to get educated in the specific needs and trafficking issues in this area. ChicaBrava’s goal is to empower women, and at ChicaBrava we are currently brainstorming ways to empower women who have been abused and sexually exploited. Stay tuned for ways you can get involved with what ChicaBrava is doing. I moved here because it felt alive inside of me. That which feels alive inside, to me, is God. The unique dreams that He has put inside of all of us are like seeds of life within. Like a pink daisy or a redwood tree, we all have a unique expression of life that dwells within us like a seed. When those dreams are watered and cared for, we accept the unique expression that we all are and bless the world around us with our presence. Words become worlds; the unseen becomes seen. I love this life we live, and I love my friends who are bold enough to speak positive life-giving words into my life. Going for a wave is like holding onto and pursuing a are risking it all when you go for both, and the feeling of exhilaration is equally matched in each pursuit. Both require great risk; no risk, no fun. I am drawn to the ocean because I feel alive and free when I am in it, and I am drawn to the things inside of me that feel alive which I attribute to God, and I feel free and alive when I follow them. Henry Thurman said it best when he said,

“Don’t ask yourself what the world needs. Ask yourself what makes you come alive and then go do that. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.” F

Stephanie Ortiz AGE: 17 | YEARS SURFING: 11 HOME BREAK: Cocoa Beach, Florida FAVORITE BOARD: WRV Wombat 6’3

She Surfs

When was the last time you said, “At sun-up... I’m gonna be out there!” and were? Playa Montones Isabella, Puerto Rico. Spring Break 2012!

What character quality do you admire the most in a man and why?

Respect and humor. A man that can respect a woman and keep a smile on her face, no matter what, is a keeper.

Have you ever dated someone that you met after they hit on you in the lineup? Hahaha! No, it’s all business after

I pass the sandbar.

Someone once told me this, and it really made an impact on me. It was … Ohana means family, family means nobody gets left behind, or forgotten.

What are some of your “high hopes” for your future? Get into a good uni-

versity close to the beach, keep the great friends that I have now, and find a cute nice surfer boy to join me on my surf trips traveling around the world.

Surfing to me, summed up in one word, would be LIFE. F

Photo submitted by Stephanie Ortizs

Lauren’s favorite verse:

“The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.”

Lauren LaRose

She Surfs

Photo submitted by Lauren LaRose, taken in beautiful Costa Rica

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COMMUNITY . . . I am a surfer My name is Brisa Hennessy, and I am 12 years old. My sponsors are Roxy, Olley, Makani Monstah Glass Boards, Hoven Sunglasses, Scarfini Fins, and Charming Shark Surf Jewelry... and I love them all and appreciate their support! My mom and dad had a surf school in Costa Rica where I was born. I stood up and rode my first wave on a huge longboard when I was 3... so I guess I’ve been surfing for 8-9 years!

Surfing competitively is so different from free surfing, but I love both of them! When I am free surfing, I can let go and try new things and I can fall a lot to get a maneuver down. Surfing competitively I have to really focus and I get a little nervous! Since I only surf competitively in shortboard, when I longboard I can really be free because I am not worried

about anything! I do several things to help me relax before a competition. I do stretches that my coach, Kahea Hart has taught me. This loosens up my muscles and gets me warmed up to compete. I look at the line-up and time the sets and try to get a strategy. I try to clear my mind and not feel stressed. Sometimes I listen to some good music to get me in the right mood! I try not to worry about what the other girls are doing, but to just really focus on my strategy and what I am doing. The most important thing that my Uncle Gregg taught me was, “To always keep the fun in it and you will do great!”

As for advice I can give other girls... I’m just starting out and still

learning, so I don’t know that much yet, but I guess one thing I would like to say is for you to never get down on yourself when you lose. You can always learn something and it can make you stronger and better! F

She Surfs Brisa Hennessy Photo: Franco Tramontano

Photo: Franco Tramontano Photo: Kelly Tsutsui

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She Surfs

AGE: Both 17 YEARS SURFING: C/4 years, J/5 years HOME BREAK: Belmar, New Jersey FAVORITE BOARD: C- ERGO clothing, Grips Surfwax, Fins, Eastern Lines Surf Shop

J- ERGO clothing, Bodyglove, Watermans Sunblock, Futures Fins, Eastern Lines, Fins

Casey & Jessica Kwiecinski Tell us about your scariest surf experience?

C: I was sitting behind the jetty on this really big day and an outside wave came. Everyone was telling me not to go, but for some reason I did. I got held under and swept into the jetty. J: My scariest was falling off the jetty during a hurricane a few summers ago!

Have you ever dated someone that you met after they hit on you in the lineup?

C: No, I’ve got high standards. Haha! J: No, I’m kind of into skaters more than surfers.

If you could have any special power, what would it be?

C: It would be to move stuff with my mind. J: I would want to teleport to wherever I want, whenever I want.

What character quality do you admire the most about your sister?

C: She has a really obnoxious laugh, is a horrible singer, kills it on the dance floor, and has a phobia of owning a board without green rails. J: She will school you in Just Dance! to the song Fame, she breaks boards like it’s her job, sings beautiful Christmas carols in the lineup (no matter what time of year), and can solve every single episode of CSI before it’s even half way over.

If you could create your own wave/break in a remote area without damaging the sea life, what would the wave be like?

C: Reef bottom, slow rolling with a fast inside that barrels, head high to overhead and 100 degrees with a water temp of 87.3 degrees, with turtles and goldfish in clear blue water. J: Reef bottom, barrel at the take off, then a slow rolling wave to the inside where an onshore wind hits and the inside turns into a nice head high victory at sea conditions and choppiness. The air temperature would be 70 all year round with occasional 75. The water temperature would be moderate and I’d be able to wear my 3mil BODYGLOVE fusion comfortably.

If you could get a photo published in Surfer or SURFING -- would you prefer a fashion shot, or surfing shot? C: Either is fine by me!! J: Surfing, definitely without a doubt!!

I love the smell of ...

C: The crisp smell of the summer air in the morning before the sun rises on alternate Tuesdays in July. J: The alternate Tuesdays that Casey doesn’t like the smell of in July. Haha! In all seriousness, mint is where it’s at!

Favorite quote:

C: “I’ll sleep when I’m dead” J: “You say elevator, I say stairs.” F

Top photo: Chris Delorenzo Middle photo: Mark Conte Bottom photo: Max Korn

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COMMUNITY . . . I am a surfer

Photos: Myriam Presti

SheRachel SurfsPresti

My mom taught me how to surf. She would push me into the waves and teach me to pop up and go down the line. I learned on a 5’10 INT soft top. The first break I surfed was down the street from my house in Melbourne Beach, FL.

Growing up surfing is totally awesome. My mom tries to take me and my little sister, Audrey, to the beach every day after school and we surf until it gets dark outside. Sometimes I even go surfing before school. Dawn patrol is great when the sun just peeks over the ocean; it’s so quiet and relaxing. The coolest is when we have a hurricane swell and my mom lets me play hooky from school sometimes. I call it “Surf-itis.” I met some of the girls I surf with at competitions and we became friends. Surfing with them is always fun, however most of the time I surf with boys. My life has changed a little as I have grown; I follow the surf now and don’t just surf down the street anymore. The better breaks are in Cocoa Beach, Sebastian Inlet and New Smyrna Beach. The waves have longer lines in them. I also enjoy surfing in Costa Rica; the waves are bigger, faster and heavier than our Florida waves. One of my scariest moments would have to be surfing Hermosa, Costa Rica, when out of nowhere a huge 8 ft. wave dropped right on my head. Several people have been a great help. One of them is my mom. She is always there for me and takes me everywhere. Another is my coach, Todd Holland. He is a great surfer and coach. Carissa Moore, seeing how good she surfs, inspires me to want to be even better than her when I grow up. What is my goal for the near future? Being the youngest ever world champion, when I am 16 years old!!

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My favorite board that I ride on right now is a 4’8 Epoxy Peli board shaped by Todd Holland, and my favorite break is somewhat small: depending on how good the waves are. I guess on a normal day there are around 13 surfers or so out there. There are a few women surfers, though mainly men and some groms. Since we have a lot of smaller surf, 2-4 ft., you see a mix of short and longboards, but I guess more long and paddle boarders. Most of them are pretty cool, some even say, “Take any wave from me.” Others are not so cool, they drop in on you or even run you over, like this one longboarder did to me and cracked my tail in half! My pets mean a lot to me. I have a golden retriever named Lyla. I have two cats named Mama Cat and Panda (my cat), and a Bearded Dragon named Puff.

My surfer girl travel tip is to always travel with at least 2 boards-- in case one breaks. When I am not surfing, I like to Ripstick and skateboard at my house or the skate park. I like reading and I love hanging out with my friends. What would I like to shout to the world? I guess it would be, “Look out world, Rachel is gonna shred it up!” F

She Surfs

Amanda Cameron

Photos: Amanda Cameron

Age: 27 Favorite Board: 6’8 Ron Jon Egg Shortboard Favorite Break: Cocoa Beach, Florida I’ve been surfing for about 11 years, since I first started in Tobago when I was 16. I spent a month there with my friend and her family. One day we were at the beach and I saw a bunch of locals surfing. I immediately wanted to get out in the water and try!! So, I convinced my friend to take a walk with me and to approach some of the locals that were resting on the beach. For a small cost they not only gave us an hour lesson, but allowed us to borrow their boards for the day. They taught us how to stand and read the waves. They even made us wax our own boards (it was fun, though)! I spent the entire day in the water paddling and just trying to catch anything at all! Finally, near the end of the day, I looked over my shoulder and saw this perfect set coming in. I told myself this was it. I started paddling as fast as I could and before I knew it, the wave had lifted my board. I grabbed hold of the rails and shot myself up as fast I could. I rode the wave into shore. It was probably about a 10 second ride, but I could not wipe the smile off my face. All the local boys were laughing and telling me I would never be the same. How right they were! I was stoked for life! I still remember that day like it was yesterday. While I try and surf in the warm ocean waters every time I go away on vacation, at home I am confined to the Great Lake areas. Picking up surfing in my area was, as all my friends and family thought, a crazy idea. Haha.

Our surf season, is from October through March, which means subzero temperatures. It’s not uncommon to see us getting out of the water with icicles hanging from the brim of our wetsuit hoods!! It is an easy trade off, if it means being able to paddle out! When I first found out about lake surfing, I was stoked and surprised. I never imagined people could surf in the lakes!! I thought surfing was only for the coast. I have to say that I do find it more difficult to surf in the lake. The waves are choppy and sometimes unpredictable, so I rely mostly on two boards. When the waves are epic, I grab my 6’8” Ron Jon board, but when they aren’t so hot I paddle out on my 8’0” McTavish. Either way it’s epic to just get out there!!

Right now I’m just trying to continue working on my cutbacks and bottom turns, which will take time, as surfing is not at all about rushing things! One of my ultimate goals is to get inside and come out of a nice clean barrel. Those are pretty infrequent in the lakes, so I will have to hope I can make it happen sometime on vacation! Some of the more frequent spots are the Cove (Scarborough Bluffs), Sandbanks Provincial Park on Lake Ontario, K Pier (Kincardine) on Lake Huron, and Port Colborne and Crystal Beach on Lake Erie. Depending on the direction of the winds, one can find a paddle out point almost anywhere. Unfortunately, there are very few female lake surfers, but the guys are really good about sharing the lineup. With having such a small group, it’s nice to see anybody out there! I have to admit that it’s nice to get out there and not have to battle. It’s just me and the open water. I love getting out as much as I can. I find being able to paddle out brings peace and relaxation to my life. The energy from getting out there is powerful and allows me to balance out my life. I cannot imagine a life without surf! My motto? Peace. Love. Surf. F wSSm | | 91

COMMUNITY . . . I am a surfer

Nicaragua (Photo by Andrea Preziotti) Training Kismet, the Bengal tiger

SheHilaryBillings Surfs Inspired by her time with Holly Beck, meet a desert-based surfer who is now on a once-ina-lifetime nomadic adventure. Living proof that one

wave can change your life; Hilary went from being at the top of her academic class to trotting the globe seeking one-of-a-kind experiences.

Rejected- But Not Beaten Life’s hardships are often viewed as blessings once we’re past them. Tell us about the “blessing in disguise” that opened up a whole new way of life for you? My story’s a little crazy. I grew up in Vegas, heavily

involved in productions and modeling. I worked for high fashion and music magazines, acted for commercials and music videos, and met some of the top A-listers in the business. I went to the University of Nevada, Las Vegas and received my Bachelor in Psychology. I graduated summa cum laude and was named an Outstanding Graduates of UNLV. I had planned to get my doctorate in clinical psychology, but I wasn’t accepted into a program. That was a major blow to my academic career and five-year plan. I felt like I’d spent all of this time doing what I was told to do, but I didn’t reach the goal I had intended. It really made me rethink my life plans. Lucky for me, this is where Holly came in to help direct me to a life full of adventure!

What made you decide to attend Holly Beck’s Suave Dulce retreat?

I have always had a love for surfing, but I have had to watch from afar. I live in Las Vegas, so opportunities for me to learn were few and far between. I first ran across Holly’s retreat when I was interviewing for graduate schools. I was constantly flying back and forth from the East coast and the entire process left me exhausted and miserable. I was spending so much money applying to programs and none of them seemed like a good fit. It was hard to imagine spending the next seven to ten years dedicated to a school I was only so-so about. My dad was a fan of Holly Beck and sent me a link to her website while I was in New York, suggesting I look into joining her for one of her retreats. I had just enough money in my bank account to make it happen and I needed something to look forward to, so I e-mailed Holly and signed up. At that point, I didn’t know which way the application process was going to go, so the retreat was either going to be one last hurrah before I entered a program or a chance for me to regroup. It ended up being the latter and I’m very thankful it was!

Then I Found Inspiration

Marveling at the Mayan temples of Chichen Itza,in Yukatan, Mexico Doheny days in Dana Point, California

Holly’s retreat changed my life. When I left Vegas, I was super down on myself for not getting into a PhD program. I felt like I let myself down, as well as all of my advisors. Holly’s Suave Dulce retreat reminded me that I am capable of great things. I wasn’t there very long, but my life goals, plans, and perspective on fulfillment did a complete 180. I had never met so many awe-inspiring, encouraging, or successful women before. Everyday was a new adventure and I was constantly surrounded by women who supported, loved, and encouraged me to try my best. Whether we were out in the water practicing our pop-ups, doing vinyasas in the yoga studio, or climbing up a volcano, we acted as a supportive unit. Everyone cheered and celebrated each other’s successes. There was no need to see who was going to be the best. We each brought something different to the table and when our powers united, we were like Captain Planet and the Planeteers. I didn’t have to be what these other women were; I was unique and brilliant in my own right. It’s a very powerful idea, once you believe in it.

How has life been different for you, since returning from the retreat?

I don’t think I’ve ever lived in such a free-spirited manner! My time in Nicaragua left me craving adventure and a need to search out the surreal. I strive to do something amazing everyday. I travel as often as I can (particularly out of the country), take road trips up and down the California coast, and pounce on the opportunity to do the insane. So far this year I’ve volcano boarded down the world’s most active cinder-cone volcano, learned how to play the guitar, trained tigers and bears, swam with sharks, gone rock climbing, drifting, surfing, rode horses down a beach at sunset, and I think most importantly, started my blog. I have always wanted to be a writer and these adventures have given me some awesome experiences to write about. The love and support I’ve been

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getting from my readers has been overwhelming and so encouraging. Their support is what keeps me on this path.

What led you to start your blog, I was on Holly Beck’s website about two weeks before the retreat, marveling at her stories and experiences. It was the middle of the night and I could not stop reading her posts. I so badly wanted a life like hers. Then it hit me: while my story wasn’t as action-packed, it was absurd and interesting in its own right. I mean, who decides to hop a flight to Nicaragua to meet one of their idols after being rejected from PhD programs? In my experience, most people take failure with a pint, but I was going to go learn how to surf. My life story was taking a turn and it had the potential to be a hilarious journey. I figured if nothing else, it would be a good laugh for me to look back on. As it’s turned out, a lot of people identify with my experiences and abnormal lifestyle. That’s been the most surprising and gratifying gift of all; I am constantly contacted by readers who have been encouraged and inspired by my stories to start their own zany adventures. Their support makes me want to keep going. I think learning about Holly has made me realize that my goals and dreams aren’t as far outside of my reach as I thought. I mean, I might never be as great a surfer as she is, but I can strive to be as inspiring of a person. Holly got a great education, has mad surf skills and she’s built her dream life by trying the obscure. There aren’t many surfers (and especially women surfers) doing what she’s doing. Spending time with her made me realize that I don’t have to follow someone else’s road to get what I want. I will carve out my own path. She gave me the strength to have faith in myself.

I Had Some Misconceptions I don’t know why, but I always thought that if you rode a shortboard, it meant you were a better surfer. I think that’s a notion that a lot of non-surfers have. After watching Holly and her other surf instructors rip on longboards, I no longer believe this is true. Just like everything else, each board is meant for a specific purpose.

How did interacting with Holly and getting her instruction shape your views on surfing? I thought that as a pro surfer,

Holly would be worried about shaping ‘great’ surfers. And while honing our surfing skills was definitely an emphasis of the retreat, Holly was more focused on making sure we had a great time. She gave us a speech the first day about how the best surfer was the one who was having the most fun in the water. At first I didn’t believe her, but as the week wore on, I embraced this concept. You take yourself out of the experience the more you compare and look to make it a contest. The only person who ends up losing is you. Surfing became this amazing outlet where I got to spend my day in the water with some amazing amigas.

Have you continued surfing since coming back from Nicaragua?

Of course! I think once you get the itch to surf, there’s nothing that can keep you from it. I take trips out to the California coast all of the time. I’m lucky to have friends who have home breaks in Dana Point and San Diego.

You pretty much had the breaks to yourself in Nicaragua. How has your experience been surfing more crowded breaks upon returning to the states? It’s definitely an adjustment from the secluded

beaches in Nicaragua. I was very fortunate to learn about surf etiquette and the line-up from Holly Beck and her other instructors while in a safe environment. It can be a little intimidating to get into the line-up with more experienced surfers, but I feel like I won’t get any better if I hang out on the shoulder. I might hear a few grumbles or ruffle feathers when I can’t ride a wave all the way, but I feel as long as I am amicable and obeying the rules of the waves, it’ll be okay. Holly said it best when she told me that even if I may not be the most experienced surfer, I keep trying and that’s what matters. It’s when you don’t push yourself that you don’t make any strides.

We’ve all been novice surfers before, but it must be an interesting experience to not have a home break. How does that affect your

relations with the local surfers when you paddle out? It can be a

challenge, not having a spot to call home. I am constantly the outsider, but I always try to be friendly. For the most part, I’ve had positive experiences with other surfers. Shouting encouragement and giving kudos to others when they have a really good ride seems to warm people up to you. I think locals become possessive over their breaks when other surfers come in with egos and attitudes about what waves they should get and when they should get them. I paddle out without any expectations, just looking for a good time. Yeah, I’ve been dropped in on and run over like everybody else. I try to minimize those experiences by making sure I’m in the right of way and if something happens, being humble and apologetic about it. I think once the possessive surfers realize you’re not out to publicly expose their break and that you respect them being there, everything’s okay.

Do you have any advice for other female surfers who are desert or mountain based? It’s difficult being a female surfer, especially a novice,

who doesn’t have a ‘crew’ or a place to call home. But don’t give up. I’ve learned that the most important thing is just to go out there and do it. You can’t be trying to compete with the other surfers, even though catching Eiffel Tower- Paris, France waves can make you aggressive. You need to take charge of your own experience without being rude about it. Show them that you’re serious and you’re there to get a wave, too. I think above all else, male surfers respect women who are doers. You can’t talk game, you have to show it.

What goals do you have for your future surfing experiences? Right now

I’m working on being a strong paddler and competent longboarder. I’m still learning how to pick waves and predict the quality of sets. I learned a lot when I was with Holly, but I think I just need more time to put her teachings into practice.

Do you own your own board? I don’t.

It’s weird to call myself a surfer when I don’t own the most vital piece of equipment necessary for the sport. But I travel so much, trying to bring a board with me would be unbelievably expensive, and so far I’ve found many generous souls who have let me borrow their boards. Plus, it’s really fun to be able to try out boards I never would’ve had a chance to ride otherwise, like my friend’s Stewart Hydro Hull longboard.

What is the most important thing you’ve learned from surfing that you’ve been able to apply to your

everyday life? On one of the last days of the surf retreat, Holly had invited us girls to try paddling out the back of the little beach break we’d been surfing. The other girls weren’t up for it, but I only had a few hours left to experience the full Monty, so I figured why not? I got pounded in the impact zone and had my board ripped from my fingers a couple of times. I was scared to death, but Holly was with me the entire way, encouraging me to keep pushing through. I remember being tossed in the waves and just trying to slow my mind down. I had to learn not to fight the waves. The reality is that you will not win if you expel energy trying to fight what comes naturally. I think this is a perfect metaphor for life. The more you ‘go with the flow’ or take life as it comes (versus trying to fight it), the easier and less stressful your experiences can be. The same applies for travel. You have to just go with it, otherwise your unrealistic expectations make you disappointed and pull you out of the moment. Like my dad always says, sometimes you just have to ride the horse in the direction it’s going, even if you don’t want to go that way. Clearly, Las Vegas doesn’t have a lot of waves. How do you stay connected to the surf culture while so far away from the ocean? Luckily, Vegas is only a five hour drive to the coast, so I try to get out to my favorite breaks as much as possible. I also watch a lot of YouTube videos to check out new and upcoming surfers. I follow Holly’s websites, and to keep me up-to-date with her adventures and surfing experiences. And of course, I always read my copy of WSSM for continual inspiration and to keep me up to speed on the latest beach-lover fashion trends! Continued next page... wSSm | | 93

COMMUNITY . . . I am a surfer continued from previous page...

Travel Talk What’s the lifestyle of a nomadic traveler like? I think there are

many ways to experience the world. Some people are able to travel through their work and have their expenses covered by their employer. You could travel for leisure and plan it out so that you don’t go over your budget. You can also just buy a plane ticket and hope things work out once you get there. I started off traveling by planning it all out and spending a decent amount of money to ensure I had a ‘fun’ experience. However, through attending Holly’s retreat and meeting other travelers, I learned that it’s possible to have a general idea and let the rest come.As long as you’re up for an adventure, you’re bound to have one. You definitely get a chance to hone in on your people skills. You constantly have to ask for help and rely on others to get to where you need to go. You have to give up control of your situations, which is both therapeutic and terrifying. You certainly get a dose of humility when you’re in a

What are some of the challenges of being a young female traveler? There’s always a lingering concern of being a solo female on the

road. You always want to use a buddy system, but sometimes that’s just not possible. I don’t think the fear of getting mugged, losing your passport, or getting taken advantage of goes away, no matter how much you travel. I think these fears keep you on your toes. I think the important thing to remember is that things will not go as planned when you travel. Accept it now. Your flight will be delayed. The cab you ride in may get a flat tire. The cool part is that it’s all part of the experience. Also, remember that it’s all worth laughing at. Nothing is as serious as we make it out to be in the moment. As long as you’re healthy and safe, everything else can be fixed.

What is one of the biggest deterrents keeping women from traveling the world and experiencing the things that you do? Through a lot of my conversations with friends, I’ve found that most of them refuse to leave the country because they don’t have someone to start their journeys with. It’s a valid concern; nobody wants to have these experi-

Horseback riding on the beach in Nicaragua

country that doesn’t speak the same language. I remember when I went to Austria, I felt illiterate. I couldn’t pronounce anything or read any of the street signs. Some people get irritated when you don’t know how to communicate with them, but you get really good at playing charades. It also helps to keep your cool. You have to remember that you are in their homeland; you are the visitor and they are being nice enough to give you their time, so the least you can do is give them respect.

Do you ever feel like you’re missing out on something by constantly being on the move? While I don’t miss the modern conve-

niences of being on my phone or the noise of current events, I do miss my family and friends. I wish there was a way I could bring all of my loved ones with me when I travel. The great thing is that those who matter to me are very supportive and encouraging of my travels. It’s nice to have good vibes being sent to your corner, even when they’re halfway around the world.

Do you stay in contact with your loved ones while you’re gone? I

try my best! Whenever I can, I hop into an internet café or use my international texting plan (it’s a lot cheaper than calling). My dad and I have this inside joke where he’s Al and I’m Sam from Quantum Leap. Whenever we get the chance to talk internationally, he’ll provide me unique facts about my location and give me pointers on how to get to my next location or laugh about my current predicament (being stuck on a train or lost in an unknown city).

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ences alone for many reasons, a lot of them having to deal with safety. However, I think if you choose not to travel because you

don’t know someone who wants to share that experience with you, you’re shortchanging yourself.

I believe there is always a way to make it happen. You never know who you will meet or when you will run into them again (a grade school friend of mine now lives in Guam; others are studying abroad in Europe). Established volunteer or school organizations are great ways to travel abroad and meet others while still being ‘on your own’. Another great way of traveling is going on retreats like Holly’s. By the end, you’ve developed a close-knit bond with all of these amazing women who have similar values and aspirations as yourself. They will be happy to travel with you again. If you have a fear about traveling by yourself, tackle it in stages. It’s all about taking that first step and getting outside your comfort zone. I used to be deathly afraid of traveling by plane by myself. I started off traveling to music and dance events across the US by myself. Then I worked on taking international flights alone. In such a small environment, you really get a chance to work on your people skills. Now flying solo is no big deal and sometimes, it’s even preferable.

What do you do when you’re not traveling? I try to get seasonal work doing whatever interests me, to save

up extra cash for my next adventure. I catch up with friends I haven’t seen in awhile. I’m always excited to hear about their lives and what achievements and successes they’ve had while I’ve been away. I’m a swing dancer, so I’ll get dressed up in vintage swing dresses and go to dances where I’ll jam out to big band and jazz music. I also do a lot of yoga to maintain my balance and peace of mind, so I’m ready to get in the zone the next time I get on a board.

What advice would you give to a girl who is unsure what path she wants to take?

Dreaming of the next wave... Evening session (photo by: Andrea Preziotti)

Explore. Explore your limits, journey outside of your comfort zone, see some new places, meet some new people, and try to determine what you really enjoy doing with your time. Everything else will absolutely follow once you have that drive. If you are unsure or uninspired by the choices you see in front of you, I say walk away and go find something worth marveling at. Trust me, the 9-5 grind will be there when you return. You may only get one chance to board down a volcano, swim with sea lions, get lost in translation, or dance your way through a jungle. Forgive yourself for not having ‘a plan’ and just plan on learning more about yourself and life. There is no failure in that.

Looking Forward Keep an eye on my blog, and be ready for some insane adventures! Even when I’m home in Las Vegas, I strive to keep my life as zesty as possible. It seems the more I crave these one-of-a-kind experiences, the more opportunities keep presenting themselves. I hope you’ll be as stoked to read about them as I am to share them!

About to board down the world’s most active cinder-cone volcano, Cerro Negro (Nicaragua)

I hope that my upcoming blogs will inspire other women to live the lives they’ve always wanted. I hope to inspire people with my adventures the way that Holly has done to me with hers. I want to emphasize that it is possible to catch waves, even if you don’t live near an ocean and that you can travel, even on a limited budget. I want to send the message that being a desert-based surfer is possible. Actually, I really want to send the message that anything is possible. I want to encourage other women to push outside their limits and fears to discover that every day is a new adventure. The reward is so worth the effort, and if you ever need reminding of that, feel free to get a hold of me. I’m happy to be your supporter. F

Want to follow Hilary’s travels? Read her blog! Follow her on twitter!

Surf with Holly like Hilary did!

Hilary and Holly in Nicaragua

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COMMUNITY . . . I am a surfer

Photos: Eddie Pitts |

She Piper Surfs Austin

Age: 16 | Years Surfing: 8 | Sponsors: Body Glove, Cobian, ESA Allstars, Aqua East, Planet Fitness, Scratch Tracks, Angel Eye Wear, 911 Surf Report | Homebreak: Jacksonville Beach Pier, Florida

In PIPER’s Words

“Growing up, my parents went to the beach all the time. When I started surfing the boogie board,

My Daughter PIPER

by Kathy Austin

“Piper has trained before and after school and any free time she has. Best times for practice are during tropical storms (like Katia) or hurricanes (like Irene). We sometimes arrive at the beach before daybreak and in horrible conditions, with huge waves that even some men can’t make it out in. She is attending Stanton College Prep and currently holds a 4.2 GPA. Stanton High School is the #4 high school in the country right now. She is on the National Arts Society as well. In Jr. High, she achieved Athlete Scholar of the Year for two years straight. Besides being the East Coast Champion for Girls for the ESA (Eastern Surfing Association), she competes in NSSA (National Scholastic Surfing Association) and in local contests like Wavemasters, Sisters of the Sea and EPIC Surf Classic. She was invited this year to be an ESA Allstar, which consists of the top surfers along the east coast. Piper has assisted the Special Olympics Surf Training in Jax Beach for the past two years in a row, helping handicapped kids learn to surf and go on to compete with other Florida cities in Cocoa Beach at the end of the season. She has helped paraplegic and quadriplegic people surf by participating in Life Rolls On. She rode on the board with them to help them catch waves, and she has assisted with Autistic Surfers in their annual event. She has been competing in contests since the age of 10. Her love and learning how to surf came from her beloved dad who passed away from brain cancer when Piper was only 9 years old.”

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my dad decided to put me on his board and pushed me into the white water. I was hooked! My first board was a fun-shape my grandparents bought me and I quickly moved to a short board. Over the years as I improve, the boards get shorter and shorter! I still like to jump on my mom’s longboard and catch some waves, if they’re really small. My mom is someone I’ve always surfed with consistently. She loves to surf and is always willing to drive to the beach! I also surf with all the local girls – either free-surfing or at contests: Cierra, Kayla, Mary, Carla, Rossi, Teale, Mallory, Katie, Faith, Sophie, Molly, Shaeylyn, Braiden, and Layne are some of my favorite girls to shred with. I’m either at the Pier, the Poles or North Jetties; the tide and wind determine where we go. My scariest surf experience? Paddling out on a big day too close to the pier, I was swept under the pier because I misjudged the direction of the current. I had to paddle out from under it super fast before the next wave broke. My greatest accomplishments to date? I won the ESA Easterns Girls Shortboard division for 2011: It was really exciting. The waves weren’t that great, but I managed to find a couple of decent faces and do what I could with them. I was able to get on the ESA Allstar team because of that win. That led to attending the Surf Expo in Orlando in January where I was able to land BodyGlove, Scratch Tracks and Angel Eyewear. My high hopes for the future are to make it on the Pro Tour, and spread God’s Word. All other things aside, if there was one thing I would want the world to know about me, it’s that I love Jesus! Though I’m surrounded by inspiration, the 3 people who inspire me the most are my dad: Brett Austin, David Cito Melnyk and PJ Satterwhite, and in my free time, I enjoy painting, skateboarding and yoga. Training/preparing/staying stoked for surfing, I have a lot of routines. I stretch before I surf, I try to watch a lot of surf videos- paying close attention to detail, with light permitting I surf before school, and I try to eat right and drink lots of water before a long session.”

About My Sponsors Cobian has been a great sponsor: they always keep me stocked up with great shoes. I just picked up Body Glove and am excited to rep them. ESA Allstars is a huge help and it’s exciting to be part of that team. Aqua East Surf Shop has really helped me have all the right supplies and guide me in the right direction. Angel Eyewear has the best shades a girl could want. Scratch Tracks hooked me up with awesome headphones and iPod fitted backpacks. Planet Fitness helps me get a work-out in when there are no waves. Thank you, to every one of them! F


grew up with a dad who loves to surf. He would take me out once or

twice a year, ever since I was six, and we’d catch waves out in Waikiki. I wasn’t able to stand, or even swim, so I hung onto the nose of the board while wearing pink floaties and goggles. Then, my dad taught me how to catch my own waves when I was eight years old. I enjoyed surfing when I was young, but never really got into it until a year and a half ago. I now love to shortboard, but I also enjoy longboarding. It doesn’t really matter to me, as long as I am surfing, I have fun.

I surf with my two friends, Rachel and Jordan, almost everyday because they are on my high school surf team, but before high school, I mainly surfed with my dad. When I first started, I liked small, mushy waves (like Waikiki). As I progressed, I started to enjoy bigger and steeper waves, like Kaisers. In California, I love to surf Lower Trestles, but during the weekdays, I have to surf the local sandbar which is always unpredictable. One day it can be amazing, and the other, flat as a lake, which leaves time to skate with my little brother, Kai, snowboard in the winter, or play the guitar. I love being the first one out in the surf each morning, because there are less people and the waves are really fun. Then after, I still have the entire day to do anything I want, and I will be happy because I surfed. 3 people who inspire me the most are Carissa Moore, Bethany Hamilton, and Jason Russell. My hope for the future? To go to a good college, and live the life I dream of (I want to have a job that I love, and surf forever).

At Random...

G If I had a special power, it would be the ability to morph into anything. Everybody wants to have the ability to fly, or be invisible, but with the ability to morph, you can do it all! It would also allow me to be able to charge monster waves because I could just turn into a fish if I eat it.

G The character quality I admire the most is someone who is funny. A funny person always keeps you in a good mood.

G Travel tips: Make sure you bring extra equipment. Nothing is worse than breaking a fin, or dinging a board, or snapping a leash and not having a replacement, or proper tools to fix it. And personally, I prefer co-ed surf camps, because the boys really push the girls to do better. They can teach us girls their techniques and ideas on surfing. Surfing with guys brings women’s’ surfing to a whole new level.

G I think fins make a big difference in the way I surf. Nowadays there are so many different fin types and positions that are available. I prefer my fins as a thruster because it makes me feel sharper on every turn.

G The last time I “paid my dues” out surfing? I am not sure which incident was worse: getting held under for a long time, or getting all cut up on the reef at Kaisers. I dropped in late and thought I could pull it off, but I didn’t. Instead, I ate it and got dragged across the reef. My legs were ripped up, but luckily, I didn’t need any stitches.

The other time I got destroyed by a 12ft face wave at our local sandbar in Manhattan Beach, and it was the first day of surf team, so I was feeling pressured to go out. There was no channel or anything, and the waves were just closing out. I was paddling out after catching a wave and a huge set wave was starting to break way outside. I didn’t know which way was best to go, so I paddled out as fast as I could. Unfortunately, the wave broke on me and I got hammered and pinned onto the sand. I was only under for about 15-20 seconds, but it felt like forever.

G The biggest wave I have ever ridden probably was at San Onofre. It is a really sloppy wave, so it wasn’t that scary, but it was about a 15 ft face. In the future, I only plan to go about 18-20ft max. I prefer smaller waves like 6ft.

G When competing, I feel that it is most important to surf your hardest and have fun. Things get funky when you are too stressed out.

G My EPIC session would probably be this one day at Turtles in Hawaii Kai. It takes 45 minutes to walk out on the sandy trail, but it was worth it. When I got out, nobody was there and the waves were perfect. I caught about 50 waves, and it was the first time I have ever gotten barreled.

G If there were one thing I would want the world to know about me, it would be that I’ve always wanted to be famous. I don’t even know why or how, but it seems really cool! F

She Sara Surfs Kohrogi My Role As A Team Rider for Peppers Eyeware and Honey Girl Waterwear is very important to give the companies more than what I receive from them. I’ve been given the opportunity to represent their brands, so I give them 110% effort in promoting their products and setting a good example to all young surfers.

Age: 15 | Years Surfing: 1.5 Sponsors: Honeygirl Waterwear, Peppers Eyeware Homebreak: 26th street, Manhattan Beach, California Photos: WSSM

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COMMUNITY . . . I am a surfer

Q &A

Age: 18 | Years Surfing: 5 | Homebreak: Deerfield Beach, Florida | Favorite Board: Sharp Eye Disco

with Daniela Mayorga Photos: Chelsea Erwin Photography


uture dreams: I love surfing and I love fashion. I hope after graduating from college, I can become a fashion designer for a surf company. It’s my ideal career, the best of both worlds. Ever dated someone who hit on you in the lineup?

Hahaha, noooo. The funny thing is the only two ways it has happened to me is either when a 12 year old grom is being a wise guy, or a 30 year old man thinks I’m older than I really am. Either of the two ways, it’s creepy!

Favorite countrymen(women) to surf with: Not just be-

cause I’m Peruvian... but Peruvians. They’re constantly cracking jokes, pushing each other to surf bigger and better, and always watch for each other. There are some exceptions where they aren’t all that nice, but for the most part they have been able to make my trips or surf sesh’s more enjoyable.

Hobbies: I absolutely love my gym, running, spinning, and hot yoga. It keeps me in shape for when the waves come our way! Surf shot or bikini shot in a major mag: For sure a surf shot, it’s a double whammy. (Surfing AND in a bikini) Little or a LOT of wax: Lots and lots of Mrs.Palmers wax! If you could design your own surf park: I’d make it start off as a rolling wave that is long enough where it has its sections to gain speed, pull a couple tricks and finish off with a barrel, it would be sand bottom and cool water... but I think I’m really just describing Chicama in spring time.

In my lifetime I’d love to: See someone from my homebreak win a world title, there are so many great surfers out here, and I wish the best for them.

I’ve always wanted to: Go on a trip that connects Mexico to Hawaii and to Australia.

You’re not really a surfer unless you: surf every time you can. Choppy or ground swell, waist high or overhead. You gotta love it no matter what! I’m working towards: Looking and surfing like Alana Blanchard.

Favorite surf buddy: Codi Monroy, hands down! As a little girl I loved to: Watch and mimic being the Little Mermaid.

This made an impact on me:

“You can really do all things through Christ who will strengthen you.- Philipians 4:13” I’ve learned that: Religion isn’t important if you don’t have a personal relationship or connection with God, one of the most important elements to maintaining contentment in life.

I love the smell of: New shoes Favorite food: Chipotle’s infamous chicken and guacamole

burrito bowl.

Slippers or high heels: High heels, my calves look great and

I get a height boost!

Favorite music: Avicii is amazing & Daft Punk is classic. Favorite male surfer: Evan Geisleman Siblings: Noah, he’s 5 and growing up to be a shredder! Traction pad or bareback: Traction for sure. Bicycle or skateboard: Both! Favorite Quote: “If you ain’t first, you’re last.” F 98 | | wSSm

She Surfs Daniela Mayorga

(left photo by Kurt Steinmetz) Noah, Sue’s son, enjoys an afternoon session with mom. (far left) Sue and her students embrace the spirit of surfing... “Just have fun!!”

She Surfs Sue Steinmetz

(below) Sue paddles out to join her class, greeting students and locals along the way (above) Rachel Tominaga, former student, catches up with Sue before rushing off to school (left) Sue sets up for a bottom turn.

Story by Rachel Tominaga | Photos by Ken Pagliaro |


t’s 6:45 in the morning and the sun is just rising over the homes in Manhattan Beach, CA. The air is crisp, the ocean is glassy and the waves are playful. It’s the beginning of the school year and I’m standing on the sand watching forty 8th grade Surf P.E. students eagerly head into the water. As a group of kids paddle out dangerously close together, a set wave begins to break in front of them. The kids freeze, ditch their boards, and soon the inside is a train wreck of students and flying foam surfboards. Out past the break, I hear a familiar voice patiently reminding the kids to spread out and hang on tightly to their boards. Before I reach the lineup, I already know who the person is behind the voice. It’s Mrs. Susan Steinmetz, the Surf P.E. instructor at Manhattan Beach Middle School. It’s unusual for South Bay middle schools to have a Surf P.E. class, and even more unusual for the teacher to be a female. Three years ago, Mrs. Steinmetz was given the opportunity to teach Surf P.E. because of her combination of teaching and surfing background. She’s been teaching for 20 years, and surfing for 34 years, including 8 years of contest surfing experience and judging for the NSSA. Very impressive! Mrs. Steinmetz loves her job as a Surf P.E. teacher. First, it’s all about fun, and she truly enjoys surfing with her students. Mrs. Steinmetz describes her Surf P.E. class as her “little family at MBMS” and she likes “getting to know them on a different level” outside of a normal classroom. Second, she believes in exposing the kids to

the surf lifestyle, a lifestyle that she embraces. Lastly, she finds it rewarding that those who really take to the lifestyle become a part of her life even after they move on from the class. Mrs. Steinmetz grew up surfing in Palos Verdes, CA during a time when “there weren’t many girls surfing at all.” She recalls that, “Once the guys saw how serious I was about surfing, they took me under their wing and really helped me.” Now Mrs. Steinmetz likes to do the same for the students in her class, especially the girls. It is easy to see why Mrs. Steinmetz is a role model to many students at MBMS. In the past three years, the number of girls enrolled in her class has steadily increased. This is in part to Mrs. Steinmetz encouraging girls to get in the water, and letting them know “they can do it”. She starts by teaching the basics and offers tips such as keeping track of wave count each session. Once the girls have built up confidence in the water, she likes to see them step outside their comfort zones by surfing bigger and more challenging waves. Beyond Surf P.E. she has motivated a handful of girls to participate

in the local South Bay Boardriders Club contests by competing in the contests herself. Mrs. Steinmetz is an incredibly energetic teacher with a great sense of humor, and a passion for surfing. Don’t get me wrong, she can be firm, but it’s because she always has our best interests and safety in mind. She leads by example and lives her life the way she encourages her students to live. Mrs. Steinmetz admits she can be quite competitive, but I know from competing with her in surf contests that she keeps it in perspective and always has fun. This year I moved on to high school, leaving MBMS and Mrs. Steinmetz’s Surf P.E. class. Now, while sitting in the lineup, I often recall her advice to me “keep it fun, don’t take it too seriously” and “sometimes you just have to go [on a wave] to earn your place among the guys.” When I paddle for a wave and see a guy attempt to cut me off but he pulls out instead, I smile to myself, because I know I’ve earned my spot in the lineup thanks in part to Mrs. Steinmetz’s advice. Mrs. Steinmetz will always be one of my all-time favorite teachers. The two of us still find time to surf together and every once in awhile I visit her during Surf P.E. at the pier. As I sit in the lineup and watch her inspire a new group of girls in the water, I’m certain by the end of the school year at least one of those girls will feel the same way about her as I do. Thanks Mrs. Steinmetz for being such an awesome teacher!! F

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COMMUNITY . . . I love SUP

Photo: Anthony Dooley


Gina Bradley

ina Bradley is the owner of Paddle Diva, based in East Hampton, New York. Founded in the summer of 2009, Paddle Diva was started on the premise that women are underserved in the SUP market. Motivated by her own passion for stand up paddling, Gina started teaching women and listening carefully to what they wanted from the sport — and more importantly, what they want for themselves: their bodies, their careers, their hopes for their children and the world around them. Paddle Diva also aims to bring a higher degree of awareness to environmental issues, especially around ocean and fresh water habitat conservation. Gina will be featured in a segment of the upcoming documentary, “Mission of Mermaids,” directed by Susan Cohn Rockefeller.

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How it Began... In Gina’s Words

“I had been windsurfing for over two decades, taking on locations that had both waves and flat water for speed. When I started surfing, I had to adjust to a completely different experience: the thrill of riding a wave, but also the down-time as you wait for waves. I first started surfing as an alternative, on days when there was no wind, when I could not windsurf. What I loved most about surfing was that it taught me more about the ocean and made me a better waterwoman. I had to learn patience, how to read the sets, deciding when to take off on a wave – things you don’t have to think about too much when you’re windsurfing. It was the elements that first inspired me to start surfing. I am a woman who likes to move and when I found that I could no longer “move” on windless days, I had to start to find other ways. I started mountain biking as a way to overcome feeling uncomfortable “dropping” in on a wave. When you’re on a steep slope on a mountain bike, you have to let go and let the bike lead you down, relaxing your upper body and feeling the earth from the ground up. It’s similar to surfing where you let your weight rise up above your knees so that you can be light on the waves, and have the faith to take off on a wave and let yourself glide down it.

Surf & SUP...

“I’m currently learning how to SUP surf on very small days. Knowing that SUP is fairly controversial in the surfing world, I try to adhere to a few of my own personal rules: 1) let the surfers have the right of way; 2) if it’s too big and I pose a danger to any fellow watermen/women, get off the SUP board and go back to shore; and 3) only surf small days, and stick to less crowded areas, so as to keep the peace! “I am having more fun than ever on my SUP board and am learning how to position the paddle in the right spots in relation to the wave, how to turn the heavier SUP board so it carves back into the waves, and just having fun joining the line-up on a day I may not be out there, due to lack of quality surf!

My Passsion Became My Business

“I own a business that teaches woman how to SUP called Paddle Diva. My mission is to bring women this same sense of accomplishment and excitement I get from surfing, but keeping it real – and keeping them in flat water bays and harbors where they can experience the stoke of the glide, without any of the real dangers of surfing or the frustration of trying to learn how to surf.” “I am 44 years old and thanks to genetics and hard work, I have managed to keep my body looking younger than my age. I get the most incredible workout SUP surfing waves. I love any board shape, as long as I can paddle it out to the break and catch a wave. I am a true believer in not being stuck on the equipment, but instead honing skills that let you perform well on any type of board. I do have a full quiver of both surf boards and SUP boards in different sizes for different conditions, but I teach all my students to obtain the skill first, then start being more selective about shapes and sizes of boards. “My favorite spot in the world to surf is Rincon, Puerto Rico. I love Maria’s reef, it’s like home to me. I know every square inch of reef under the water, and the way the waves and channels break. I have also been lucky to have made friends with Albert Lash, owner of Road to Happiness. He runs the beach concession on Marias and has introduced me to all the local surfers there who not only look out for me, but understand that I have respect and we all share the waves!” F

Photo: Evelyn O’Doherty

Middle & above photo: John Kunzelman

COMMUNITY . . . I love SUP

Photos: Rafael Hoesli


Susanne Lier Age: 31 | Website: Years Surf/SUP’n: 6 surfing/2 SUP Homebreak: Lake Leman Switzerland/Biarritz France | Sponsors: IMUA SUP GEAR

My SUP Roots

I fell in love with surfing in 2005 during a trip to South Africa. My boyfriend is a surfer since many years and he wanted me to discover his passion. As of my first wave or should I say foam, I felt the sensation of gliding and I was completely hooked. Later on, I really laid the foundation of my surfing and improved my abilities during a 1 year surf trip that we did by car from San Francisco to Panama City. Since then, my vacations are called surf trips and I try to practice as much as possible. Unfortunately I am not living by the sea, but in beautiful Switzerland, a country with many mountains, lakes, and rivers. I started SUP to be connected to the water and to extend my surfing experience. Although I practiced on a lake, I got so stoked that I became an IOSUP flat water instructor last year. In 2011, I developed my own methodology combining fitness and SUP and became the IOSUP Health and Fitness Master Trainer. My mission is to promote SUP activities, get more people on the water, and share with them the surfing spirit. What has drawn me to SUP is that it’s accessible to everyone, with no limit of age or fitness level.

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When I first tried SUP, I was so surprised how easy it is to stand up on a board and paddle and how much fun I could get out of it. I love SUP because of many different reasons. It is a very comprehensive activity that mobilizes the core muscles and it is also a very good cardio activity. It keeps me in shape with fun and I keep working on my balance for surfing. When I’m on the water, I’m relaxed and leave my stress away. It is a very social sport because you can just go paddling with your friends and chat, having a good time in a great environment.

SUP Rules vs. Surf Rules

SUP is a fast growing community here in Europe. We feel we are all part of a big family because we come from different backgrounds, practicing on flat water, rivers or ocean, but all sharing the same passion for water and love for this sport. I think SUP is less aggressive and territorial than surfing. Don’t misunderstand me, I am not saying that surfers have a bad attitude. I really respect them, but there is a fact that the waves are few and the surfers many. What makes SUP more relaxing, less competitive and pure fun oriented is that the playground is much bigger: small waves, paddling when it is flat, downwind, rivers, etc. You can surf virtually everywhere. Even on lakes and with less than 1 foot waves. The first time I went SUP on the sea, I looked at the spot with my surfer’s eyes and thought that there was no way to surf. When we went on the water, the buoyancy of the SUP enabled us to surf these tiny waves. We enjoyed so much being in the water, reading the lineup and practicing our technique. Small waves, big

waves, only surf matters and I believe this is the true spirit of our sport. Ultimately, there should be no differences between SUPers and surfers. Aloha.

The Future of SUP

SUP will definitely get more and more popular in the future. My classes are growing and I teach people (women & men) who never had water activities. They are discovering a new world and are amazed to do exercises on a board. This sport opens so many new doors to non surfers and non gliders. They discover new sensations and are connected to the water. I hope more and more people will use SUP as their new fitness program and life style activity.

SUP Tips & Advice

I’m a sport addict and my apartment and my garage looks more like a sport shop, but I started slowly to buy my SUP and surf equipment. First it’s important to have some technical active wear to be comfortable and protected during the activity: rash guard, neoprene pants, caps, etc. I bought first a women’s paddle that was cut to my size and I rented SUP boards at the beginning. It’s great to rent different boards and to get the feeling of different shapes. With the experience, you will find easily the perfect board for you no matter if you have a technical background or not. Personally, I love colors and my board reflects that. We want to be beautiful, so our equipment needs to represent us perfectly!

Why SUP Matters in My Life

SUP is an important part of my life. I get a perfect workout and a lot of energy while paddling. My days are very long between my job, my fitness classes and my family. As everybody, I need to take time to rest. To combine all of that, I set priorities and have a very strict schedule. As a fitness instructor and a passionate SUPer and surfer, I created in 2011 my own SUP-fitness program that I called “Paddlefit”. It combines SUP flat water techniques with fitness and stretching. I teach Paddlefit here in Switzerland with a lot of success and I am so glad to have happy practitioners. They all feel the benefits and provide me with great testimonials. They look forward to the spring to start again SUP because they are addicted, too. F

Contact her @ Susanne Lier on Faceboook

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COMMUNITY . . . I love SUP

Photo: Dana Edmonds


Mariko Strickland

Age: 25 | Homebreak: Anahola Years Surf/SUP’n: Surfing-15, SUP surfing-5, SUP racing-2 years Sponsors: C4 Waterman, Maui Jim, Kona Red, Hinano, Kona Brewing, I love Hanalei

My SUP Roots

My Dad started taking me out surfing when I was 5 years old, but I didn’t start SUP surfing until years later. It was around 2007 when I came home from college for vacation and my Dad was SUPing. It looked like a lot of fun, so I gave it a try and fell in love! From then on I couldn’t wait to visit home because it meant I got to SUP! Finally there came a time that I couldn’t go back to Cali without one, so I took my Dad’s first hand shaped SUP back to Cali with me. My first competitive race was our Dukes Canoe Club 1st Annual SUP race at Kalapaki Bay. I had just moved home from graduating college in California, so all the paddling I had been doing was surfing/SUP surfing. I used a 12ft. board my Dad shaped and ended up taking 1st for the girls and 6th overall. Having so much fun and receiving great encouragement by people involved in the sport competitively, such as Leleo Kinimaka, I decided to compete in more races! From there things just started taking off.

I’m Drawn to SUP Because...

Well, I love taking my SUP into the surf lineup, but sometimes the crowd can be a pain unless

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I’m surfing at my home break by myself. The bodysurfing, there are courtesy rules everyone course racing is a fun and intensely competitive should follow in the lineup. No matter what atmosphere that I enjoy every much. However, I type of watercraft you are riding for the day, would probably have to say open ocean distance you don’t want to be a wave hog, paddle circles paddling is my favorite. It embodies all aspects around others, cut anyone off, etc. The best rule of SUP into one satwe could all follow is isfying activity. You to have fun and surf are out in the depths with aloha! of the ocean all by The Future of SUP As a company, we are so fortuyourself, or amongst SUP has taken friends, chasing nate... We know we can put Mariko off very quickly, open ocean swells. on a starting line, in front of a clinic, establishing itself as When the conditions her picture in an advertisment or a a sport that can be are right, you are one-on-one interview with a mag and done anywhere and surfing and jumping everywhere around she will perfectly represent the core from one swell to the world, as long as of what our brand is about, that is the next. Thus, no there is some form really unique to be able to find in one matter how the of body of water athlete. Beyond that, we know that conditions are, you available. get a great workout! Mariko will be the same awesome The racing side of Nowadays I get just person no matter where she goes or the sport is global as stoked if the surf whom she is with, so that’s very and since it is a time is up or the wind is comforting for a brand. based sport like whipping! With a SUP track, it is clear-cut Mariko in one word? Honest! no matter what the and unbiased. conditions, you can Liam Wilmott | C4 Waterman Perhaps these cohedo some kind of fun sive ingredients will activity on the water. prompt SUP racing to one day be recSurf vs. SUP ognized as an Olympic sport! The possibilities are Etiquette endless. I also definitely see more girls getting I think surfing etiquette rules should be the involved in the sport, as there are new girls on same across the board, no matter what type of the scene at every race! watercraft you are riding. Whether you are on a short board, long board, body board, SUP, or

My Sponsors Are...

C4 Waterman: They were the first mainstream SUP Company

to approach me about sponsorship and they have taken very good care of me thus far in my career. They not only provide me with top of the line equipment, but also once in a lifetime experiences with the most renowned watermen and waterwomen in the world. Maui Jim: They provide the best quality sunglasses any waterwoman could ask for! The quality of lenses protects my eyes under all conditions.

Top/middle photos: Alicia Franco |

Kona Red: A locally owned Kauai Company, Kona Red pro-

vides me with an organic source of anti-oxidants to neutralize my fatigue and sustain my natural energy levels. Hinano: Their clothing suits my island girl lifestyle! Beautiful pareos, dresses, skirts, etc. This Tahitian owned company truly exudes the Polynesian lifestyle of ALOHA in all their operations. Kona Brewing: A local Hawaiian self-sustainable company that provides the best liquid aloha! KBC brews Hawaiian flavored infused beers while maintaining ecological integrity in mind with their operations. I Love Hanalei: They have the cutest bikinis and workout

clothes on Kauai!

SUP Tips & Advice

If you are a beginner, I would suggest starting off paddling on a stable (wide and thick) board in the river. For your safety and the safety of others, using a soft-top SUP or a C4 inflatable SUP would be a great idea. These boards are much lighter as well as easier to carry and manage on the water. When I first started surfing on my own, my Dad made me learn how to paddle and duck dive before I could even think about catching a wave. Before you can attempt to surf a stand up paddleboard, you have to be able to paddle one! Paddling in the river is a great place to start. Once you feel extremely confident in the river, you can advance to paddling in the ocean to get the feel of the different buoyancy of water. If you have zero surfing experience, I would suggest trying to surf perhaps a long board before you attempt to handle a stand up paddleboard, and paddle simultaneously in the lineup.

Why SUP Matters in My Life

Since I work mostly nights at Dukes Canoe Club, unless I am substitute teaching in the day, I have most of the day to get a paddle or surf in. I feel it is really important for me to make time to paddle, because it is something I love to do! I think everyone should make time in their busy schedules to do the things they love, especially if it is something positively active! Stand up paddling has evolved into my new competitive sport, so making time to train for races is definitely a priority for me. F

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COMMUNITY . . . I love SUP

Emmy provides the benchmark for our other young team members to strive for. A positive humble personality, strong work ethic, competitive without a competitive attitude, deep family ties, excels at both sports and academics, serves her community... as a parent, she exemplifies everything you try to instill in a child. As a matter of fact, she overachieves in that area, too. Emmy summed up in just one word? Amazebombs!!!

Tracey Engelking | Hobie

Photos: Hobie


Emmy Merrill

I first started surfing when I was little because I grew up in San Clemente where the surf culture is predominant. My dad is a surfer, so he taught my sisters and me what he loves to do. I first tried SUP when I was in Maui; I was probably around 11 years old at the time. Back then I was small enough not to sink a standard longboard, so I would use that to stand on and use a makeshift paddle created by my Uncle Darrin. He lives on Maui and would home make SUP paddles. He would find broken carbon fiber windsurfing masts on the beaches, then glue the blade and T of an outrigger paddle to each end, because no companies manufactured tall paddles at the time. I would just paddle in circles, not really trying to catch waves or go fast. When I was 13 years old, my dad borrowed an old 12 foot tandem board that I would use to SUP surf at San O’Nofre every once in a while. The issue was that I couldn’t carry it by myself, I couldn’t turn it once I caught a wave, and if I fell, that log of a board was so heavy it would drag me all the way in while I was attached to the leash. Let’s just say it was a humbling experience. I didn’t start SUP surfing frequently or really get interested in the sport until I got into high school. By that time, board technology got better so that I was actually able to maneuver the board and not get Raggedy Ann’d all the way to the beach every time I fell. Although I raced a lot after I started, my favorite thing to do was SUP surfing.

I’m Drawn to SUP Because...

The fact that SUP is so dynamic has definitely drawn me to the sport. I love how SUP can be taken anywhere as long as there is a body of water: lakes, rivers, the ocean, you name it. There is long distance racing, short distance racing, technical racing, surfing, rapid riding, fishing off SUPs, and just cruising. There is so much that can be done with the sport and so many people that have access to it and can participate because of the variability of SUP. I also love being challenged and SUP is that sport that challenges me; especially when I first started. Skills you

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already have or need to develop are used in a whole different way, such as balance, strength, flexibility, and endurance.

SUP Racing!

Even though surfing is my first love, I enjoy competitive racing as well. I remember my first race was the Maliko Gulch run over on Maui back when I was 13 years old. The race was around 8 or 9 miles and it’s a downwinder, but despite this, I had a little ego going into it and basically thought I would own. Also, at that time, people would race on huge SUP surfboards because raceboard technology wasn’t developed yet. I was on my giant soft top surfboard and the wind was howling when the race started. I think I made it a couple miles before my dad and Uncle Darrin picked me up in the sail canoe and we sailed the rest of the course. Most of the mileage I completed was definitely the wind doing all of the work, while I sat on my soft top frantically scanning the horizon for the canoe to rescue me. It was a traumatic, yet fun experience. I eventually recovered and mustered up the will power to do the open age group race at the Battle of the Paddle in Dana Point the next year. I have decided to race as well as surf because it keeps me in great physical health and I do enjoy a majority of the races I compete in, even though they are physically grueling.

Surf vs. SUP Etiquette

I feel like the same etiquette should be used in SUP surfing vs. normal surfing, but bending those rules is made easier in SUP. For instance, you can paddle a lot faster and farther in a shorter amount of time, so it is easier for people to paddle around others and snake them for position. People just have to understand that you have to be courteous out in the water, whether you are on a SUP or a shortboard, because surfing is about community and having a good time. The competitiveness out during a free surf can ruin this. When you are in a race or a competitive heat in a contest, this is the time to get your game face on because that’s what you’re supposed to do: compete! If you like being aggro, you should enter a competition or a race.

Age: 18 | Homebreak: Sunset Cliffs or San Onofre Years Surf/SUP’n: 12 surfing, 4 SUP Sponsors: Hobie, Sweet Waterwear, Native Instinct

SUP Crowd vs. Surf Crowd

I haven’t noticed much of a difference in the racing SUP crowd than the surf SUP crowd, mainly because the same people both race and surf. I would say the surf crowd is a little more laid back, but I think that’s just because of the nature of surfing vs. racing. However, I have definitely noticed a difference in the SUP crowd vs. the normal nonSUP surf crowd. The SUP crowd is definitely more friendly and more of a community. At normal shortboard surf contests, I would see people that I would consider friends and we would usually talk, but all of a sudden they become too cool for you or try to psych you out by giving you the stink eye or something. Or, they’ll completely ignore you when you say hi to them. At SUP races or SUP surf contests though, everyone is genuinely friendly to each other on the beach and it becomes competitive once you put on that jersey for your heat or the race horn blows. But after that heat or race, everyone is friendly again; there is a lot more camaraderie. This is the way I think it should be: game face in a heat or race, but friends on the beach. This is why I prefer the SUP crowd as opposed to the shortboard surf crowd.

SUP Tips & Advice

A huge piece of advice I have is just to learn etiquette before you paddle into the line up on a surf SUP. People will be welcoming if you are courteous and know what to do and what not to do. Plus, it will make the line up a lot safer because there have been instances where I have been almost taken out by the boards of SUP’rs and no one wants to end their session early on account of a broken bone or cut head. When you are starting, it is also wise to start with a soft board that will be safer for you and everyone around you. There have been times I’ve gotten hit in the head with my own board and it does not feel good. Make sure you beginners go to a mellow wave, it will be a lot easier to progress and will be a lot more fun when the fear factor is taken out. Hobie makes fantastic SUP boards and I have never been disappointed with the

quality or performance of any of mine, so I would highly recommend them.

The Future of SUP

I see SUP continuing to grow in regions that aren’t always by the ocean. I feel like there will be more of an emphasis on racing than surfing, like there is now. The limits will continue to be pushed, just like in other sports. People will become faster, charge bigger waves, and increase distances. Hopefully the younger generation will get more involved in SUP. I definitely think it is a rare breed to be involved in SUP and on the younger end of the age spectrum. I think this is mainly because younger people still think SUP isn’t “cool” and it’s just for people who don’t know how to surf, which cracks me up because it’s a lot more difficult than standard surfing, in my opinion at least. I think once the younger generation gets over trying to be cool, they will realize they are missing out on a fun, challenging sport. Eventually

You Recently Won the ISA World StandUp Paddle Championships in Peru! Congratulations! Tell Us About That Experience...

“Going to Peru was an amazing experience! Before the event, I was a little nervous because I figured that my SUP surf competition had been surfing multiple times a day and training up to this event, but I was still in school, so I surfed as much as I could, given my schedule. My biggest fear going in was that I wouldn’t perform as well as I know I can because I hadn’t put in as much time on the water as I would have liked. I had no idea how I would stack up against my competition because I have only competed against local women at local surf contests and have done very well, but this was a whole new playing field. I think this is what made it exciting though, and it could have worked to my advantage not knowing any of the competitors prior. It helped me focus on perfecting my performance instead of worrying about the other competitors. I am fortunate to have awesome, supportive staff and professors at my university, so I was able to take the opportunity to miss a week of school to travel to this event. The plane ride there was only about 8 hours. We arrived in Peru at almost midnight, so everyone was tired, but excited for the trip. Driving around Lima and Miraflores during that week reminded me a lot of my trips to Mexico. I think everything was pretty similar, except the food. The food was delicious, but nothing like Mexican. What I loved the most about the trip was meeting new people from all over the globe and getting to hang out and surf with them. During the actual competition, I ended up winning all of my heats, including the final! I was ecstatic about my success, because I was able to create a name for myself where as before, only people from my hometown knew who I was. It was great for my future in the sport, if I decide to be involved full time after I graduate nursing school. Overall, this trip was a huge learning experience for me and I really enjoyed Peru and the team and coaches I traveled with.” they will catch on so we can “carry the torch” so to speak. It would also be awesome if more girls got involved in the SUP surf scene because I feel like there aren’t very many women who are. It would be fun if SUP girls who rip, dominated the line up.

My Sponsors Are...

I ride for Hobie, Sweet Waterwear, Native Instinct. I love Hobie because everyone seems more like a big family than just a sponsorship deal. They have been extremely supportive of me while I am off at college and provide me with top notch equipment such as boards, paddles, and sunglasses. Sean Sweet from Sweet Waterwear has also been very supportive of me while at school. He supports my surfing endeavors and provides me with excellent race outfits that make racing that much better. John Cooper from Native Instinct has also been supportive of me and I appreciate his involvement in my SUP adventures. Thank you everyone for all of your support, everything I do is made possible by you guys! F

Emmy is an all around young waterwoman, who lives & loves her watersports (longboard, shortboard, SUP, outrigger paddler) and her enthusiasm is infectious. What I love about Emmy is her quiet determination and confidence. She’s modest and humble about her skills and ability, but she can really focus in when competing. She is smart in her competitive approach and when it counts she just zones in & gets it done. This is one Sweet girl who knows just when & how to charge hard. Emmy in 1 word? Determined! Sean Sweet | Sweet Waterwear

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Spotlight on

Cardiff Reef by Amanda Rigney

Notable Extras: BEST TIDES: Low to Medium. BEST SWELL DIRECTION: NW, W BOTTOM: Reef, Cobblestone, Sand ABILITY: Beginner to Advanced HAZARDS: Post-Rain Pollution BONUS: Beach Front Parking BEST SUP SIZE: 3 ft. FUN: 9

Top 5 Reasons “the Reef” is San Diego County’s Most Popular SUP Spot

1Parking Close to Shore

Cardiff Reef is one of the very few spots in Southern California where you can almost park on the sand, which makes carrying your board to the shore a snap.

2Two Places to Paddle Out

From the south end of the parking lot, wait for a lull between sets then paddle out through the channel. Alternatively, paddle out just north of the river mouth; during lower tides you’ll get extra help from the out flowing river.

3Multiple Peaks = Many Waves

If you love to catch waves on your SUP, multiple peaks offer up both rights and lefts, much to the delight of surfers, too.

4Excellent Place to Start a Distance Paddle

Opt for a southerly route along the Coast Hwy, or paddle north along the campgrounds. Both routes offer many surfable waves and gorgeous views.

5Community Vibe

The SUPers are super friendly and several groups meet almost daily for paddles. Sunny days are classic beach days: friends, barbecues, hours in the sun and out on the water. F

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COMMUNITY . . . Shopping

Hot Products for

VICTORY KOREDRY Women’s Long Sleeve Loose Fit Surf Shirt


This loose-fit, long sleeve surf shirt ($45) features a super cool fabric that doesn’t absorb moisture in the fibers, so it actually repels the water, while creating a barrier that insulates your body from both hot and cold elements. They’ve taken out the stretch in their fabric, thus offering a shape that stays PUT, without sagging or ballooning in the water. Includes raglan cut sleeves for superb fit and movement, and available in 6 colors.

by Sandra Olson

SWEET WATERWEAR Women’s Tri-Color Crew Neck Long Sleeve This silky soft, tricot knit long sleeve top ($58) features 4-way stretch and is super quick drying due to it’s thin performace fabric. Raglan sleeves (no underarm seams) allow for easy paddling and non-chafing movement, and the underarm mesh panels are excellent for additional cooling. Available in eight fun, bright colors, and offering a UPF 50+, UVA & UVB protection. Made in the USA!

DRY CASE Waterproof Carrier

SWEET WATERWEAR Women’s SUP’er All-Sport Capri These light compression capri’s ($120) are an essential piece for any SUP’er’s wardrobe! Super fast drying due to the finest European 4-way stretch technical fabric on the market, it’s thermo regulating- thus, cooling in the heat, and warming in the cold. It features a super flattering cut, welded flat seams, a wide and comfortable yoga style elastic waistband, and light compression that provides both support and comfort, while stabilizing-- thus reducing muscle fatigue. Includes a zippered back pocket- securing your essentials, and is rated UPF50+, the ultimate in UVA & UVB protection.

KAHUNA CREATIONS 59” Bombora and Big Stick

Can’t make it to the beach, but still need that stoke you get from gliding? Look no further than the Bombora 59” ($249)… a brand new longboard to perfect your paddleboarding— on land. This new board was specifically designed for stand-up paddling on the street. Boasting 4’11” length by 14” wide, this 100% Baltic Birch board rides smoothly on wide buck 10” trucks and Kahuna Creations orange 72mm wheels, and weighs only 17pounds. Combine it with a KC Big Stick, and you’re ready to stay fit for SUP— on land!

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Do you spend long hours on the water or at the beach, but don’t want to leave your electronics behind? DRY CASE to the rescue! Listen to music, stay in touch with your family or friend who was SUPPOSED to meet you for a paddle, or make sure you don’t miss that important meeting. Waterproof up to 100feet, you can trust your phone, tablet, Ipod, camera, etc., to DRY CASE, which features a vacuum seal technology that ensures your equipment stays dry, safe, and super easy to operate through it’s crystal clear casing. It’s a simple, 1- slide in your preferred device, 2- lock the closure shut, and 3- pump out all the air with the included pump or by mouth, step process. Each case features a headphone and mic jack, as well as a lanyard and buoyant neoprene armband. Proven to excel, even in the gnarliest conditions such as the Warrior Dash, DRY CASE is who WSSM trusts their electronics to… 100%!

JIMMY’Z Wrap Skirt

Purple plaid is fresh and summery in this unique and retro inspired wrap-around skirt, by legendary brand JIMMY’Z. Complete with an attached purple web velcro belt, this light skirt is perfect for slipping on over a bikini for a SUP session, or super cute with heels and a tank for those warm summer nights on the town.

KURTIS Surf Goggles

100% UV, polarized, flexible and they float… these surf goggles ($189) were designed by surfers, specifically for surfing. Effectively reducing UV rays, glare, wind and water spray that fry surfers eyes on a regular basis, they feature a unique and patented design that allows for water and air flow (no fogging!) and a flexible lens that absorbs impact. Their wrap around protection provides full peripheral vision and their patented leash system will keep your treasured goggles close by at all times. Available in 3 cool, surf-inspired styles; “Duke”, “Kaiser Bowls” and “Makaha”.

SURF ART & MUSIC . . . I am an Artist

Shannon McIntyre


Age: 21 | Years Surfing: 10 | Years as an artist: 16 Sponsors: Surfboards, Pualani Swimwear, BayVI Age: yikes,Meek’s um… thirty something | Years Surfing: 20 plus Years as an artist: 20 plus | Homebreak: Wilderness, Puerto Rico | Sponsors: RUSTY Boards, Roxy Quiksilver, Sanuk, Sambazon, Dakine, Maui Jim and family and friends have all supported us in some way over the years.

My Surfing Roots... I was inspired by Uncle Bob to surf when I was young. During family camp trips to the beach, Uncle Bob would push us kids into waves on his longboard when we were very little, maybe 6 or 7 years old. Then when I was 12, I begged for a board for my birthday. My dad worked at Point Loma Nazarene University and found me a beat up brown and yellow single fin dumpster diver special. I was stoked! I did not live any where near the beach, almost an hour inland from San Diego. My surfs were limited to summer family trips to the beach. When I was 16, I got a job at Sea World to have an excuse to drive to the beach every day that summer and learn to surf. I joined the surf team at Point Loma Nazarene University and I learned a lot from my surf buddies there. I dove head first into the surf culture and lifestyle. In college, I started shaping boards and my life was wrapped around surf. I even met my Husband at a “Surfers Bible study” in Lajolla. I am still learning!

God’s Gift

that we are created in God’s image, so it is very natural for us to be creative in some way. I think my style of art has changed over the years. In college, at PLNU, it was super fun experimenting with different mediums. I loved oil painting and shaping boards back then. I did art for function and for fun. Now that I am a busy momma, I’m sticking with acrylic paintings because it is less toxic for my children and the paint dries quickly and it is faster to work with when my time is limited.

Artist In The Making... My dad is an artist and my mom is super creative and encouraging. I believe we are all given unique talents and passions from God and it’s our purpose in life to find out what those gifts are and use them to help others. When I was very young, my mom would enter me in art contests, like coloring pages to win pumpkins at the local grocery store. Those contests gave me a lot of encouragement, I would always win by making my coloring page 3D with fabrics and things I found.

I like to do poppy, bright, fun, funny, and colorful images. I am inspired by love, surfing, the ocean, nature, Spirit, God’s Word, colors, light, freedoms, movement, dance, healthy attitudes, music, passion, graffiti, other artists, traveling, cultures, family, friends, things seen with my eyes and things felt with my heart. Photo: Yamilette Samot Cruz

My 6th grade teacher also inspired my artistic ability by giving me the opportunity to make something creative for a project or subject rather than writing a report or taking a test. I think that it’s always been fun and natural to be creative. “In the beginning God created,” are the first words in the Bible. I believe

My parents were mostly very laid back and supportive of my creativity. There was just one time in high school where I painted psychedelic images all over my bed room walls.

I remember my mom asking me very concerned, “Are you on drugs?” It lead to an argument ... “No, I’m not!” I was a straight edge, hippy chic, skater, surfer girl, weirdo who went to punk shows and coffee shops to doodle in my sketch book at night, rather than go to the jock parties. Haa Haa!

Other Artistic Passions... I have always loved vintage fashion. For fun, I have an online vintage store that I alter clothes, style them and sell them all over the world. There was a season about 7-10 years ago when I loved shaping surf boards and painting on them. I enjoyed being a florist and designing our home. Currently, my greatest creations are my children. We have a ton of fun being creative together.

3 Favorite Pieces... Awe shucks I have a lot of FAVS... God’s Gift would be #1. I painted it when I was pregnant with my first child, Banyan. I had no idea what he would look like when he was born. In it, the mermaid is me. Shayne is surfing, and the baby in my arms looks a lot how Banyan looked when he was a baby. I feel like I painted him the way I saw him with my heart. Banyan is my miracle baby. We had tried for over 5 years to have a baby. When we were in India, we went to a little Christian church. When

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Salty Dolls

the pastor asked me, “What would you like me to pray for you?” I told him I would like to have a child. He prayed, and when he finished, he looked me dead in the eye and said, “You will have a son, and you will name him Isaac.” About 2 months later, I found out I was pregnant! Because I loved all the Banyan trees in India, our son’s name is Banyan Isaac. Soul Cruiser is another favorite. This is the self portrait that started the whole surf girl series. It’s Shayne’s fav, too. A third would be Salty Dolls... fun girlfriends.

My Art Style Is... Tropo surf pop expressionism, fun.

My Community... I love working with Surfrider Rincon and Rescate las Playas doing beach and reef clean ups, along with water testing, and educational programs. Another passion of mine is the “Designed to Shine” organization. I host inspirational, creative, “You’re Designed to Shine” workshops. We encourage girls to live out their God-given dreams through creative journaling and art therapy.

Future Plans... Only the Lord knows what the future holds, but currently, Shayne and I are working on a web series. We loved working with Fuel TV the last 10 years making “On Surfari”. Lord willing, we hope to continue creating shows for web and TV in the future, and to continue creating art. F

Reach Out To Shannon...

Soul Cruiser

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SURF ART & MUSIC . . . I am an Artist

Hana Harrison

Age: 21 | Years Surfing: 10 | Years as an artist: 16 Sponsors: Meek’s Surfboards, Pualani Swimwear, BayVI

My Surfing Roots... My Dad got me surfing when I was really young, but I had a very frightful experience that turned me off from surfing and then I wouldn’t step foot on a surfboard. I really got into skateboarding and it wasn’t until 5 years later that I started surfing again after a really fun surf session on the inside at Full Point when I was 12. I started off on a 6’8 blue Hawaii surfboard.

The Tree Warrior Hana

Artist In The Making... My entire family is very artistic. Ever since I was really young, I loved art and creating things with my hands. I went through stages in my life from building skateboard ramps and mini houses on the side of my house to doing art with spray paint and posca pens on surfboards. My style of art has definitely changed throughout the years. At this moment in my life, I’m really into abstract and different unusual art. I’m not so into drawing realistic things, probably because I’m not too good at it. Haha. I like trippy, unusual looking art which some people would think is weird. As a child, I’m not sure how crazy I drove my parents with drawing on everything in sight, but I’m sure every parent was angry with their child many times for marking up the white walls with crayons and pens and what-not. Haha! As I have grown older, of course they support my love and drive for art!

Other Artistic Passions... Other than painting on canvas or drawing or coloring on paper, I really enjoy expressing some of my art on surfboards using posca pens and sometimes spray paint.

3 Favorite Pieces... Of all the different art pieces that I’ve done, a few of my favorites include The Tree Warrior, which was one of my first canvas paintings. I really like the colors that I chose to use in this painting and I like the mysteriousness look of the tree warrior’s face. Haha is that even a word?? I also really love The Dream Catcher, which is drawn on one of my favorite boards made by my sponsor, Ronny Meeks. I’m really interested in dreams and I think that a lot of dreams mean something. I have very strange dreams quite often that sometimes influence me to do certain drawings. Another piece that I really like is one of my newest ones that I did with a Sharpie on paper which is called A Peaceful Place. I plan to paint this exact art piece on canvas in color soon, so hopefully it turns out okay!

My Art Style Is... I have a few different styles of art. One of my styles of art, like I said before, is a combination of abstract and weirdness and pretty much whatever pops into my head at the time of drawing it. Sometimes I begin by just making line movements and curves to start off, and then it becomes actual figures that I make into something. I also enjoy creating ocean and wave art.

Future Plans... I used to really want to be a pro surfer and competed for many years in the HSA, NSSA, and company contests as well as some pro contests like the Womens Pipeline Pro, but now I just love to surf for fun. In the future, I hope to have a career that deals with creating art and using my creativity to support myself. I love and am interested in many different types of art, so I’m hoping to just stay focused and follow my interest and love for creating artwork. F

Reach Out To Hana...

You can e-mail me at, can get a hold of me on Facebook as well as call or text me @ 808-233-8026

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The Dream Catcher

Sarah K. Dean

Lady in Red

Birthday: April 15th, 1983 | Surfing Since: October 15th, 2002 Homebreak: Ala Moana Bowls (Oahu, Hawaii) | Years as an artist: Since birth Sponsors: Sticky Bumps, Susu HI, Modastan Optics, Shaka Laka Sunscreen

My Surfing Roots...

3 Favorite Pieces...

On Oct. 15, 2002 my feet stood upon a surfboard for the first time. I was being taught by the late Kirk Hodges, Oahu, Hawaii’s south side’s local surfing legend. I was riding his daughter’s (pro surfer Shea Hodges) 6’3 pin tail. It was loaded with all her sponsor’s stickers and her own artistic attributes. I will never forget how ecstatic and honored I was on that day.

My favorite art piece is the one I gave my parents, ‘Oriental Rain’. It happens to be my latest piece as well. The reason it stands out to me is because it came from my soul more so than from my mind. It’s intense, electric, and possibly chaotic, yet it is hopeful and has a hint of culture. I find it similar to a lightning storm. When I look at it, I feel the same as I do when witnessing lightning strike: alive.

From what I have been told, my biological mother (I’m adopted) was an artist and I believe I obtained that characteristic from her. However, we are all just products of our environments, so in reality it could be from anyone or anything. As for my style, it is different. I can only file it under one description: abstract. I call it ‘experimental’ because every piece I do, is improv and never thought out. It’s all an accident really. Yet the most important aspect in art is what I call one’s ‘signature’; the aspect that claims your name without it being spoken, only seen. My signature is epoxy resin. A signature style makes observers say, “Oh, that’s a Sarah Katherine Dean!”

My second choice is my very first piece ever done, which opened my eyes to realizing that I can communicate myself through art. As a result, it is a meaningful piece and it sums up me: abstract. I’m trying to tell the reader that it’s okay to draw outside the lines. Some define that as a mistake; however I define it as freedom. I named it after a famous quote from Katharine Hepburn, “If you obey all the rules, you miss all the fun”. That is how I live my life, just as this collage shows. Whether it is my surfing, my attitude, or my adventures, I am random and never boring. If you do not look at every detail of this piece, you will miss every message it speaks.

Artist In The Making...

My third favorite piece is ‘The Lady in Red’. It was inspired by the cobble stone streets of Italy, the snow capped mountains of the Himalayas, and the complexity of colors. The woman in red represents distraction due to beauty. Life isn’t about how many breaths you take, but how it can take your breath away. In summary, beauty surrounds us everywhere and in all forms.

My mother would say, “As a child, Sarah was very creative, always coming up with a “science project”, even as early as three years old. She would go into the kitchen and mix up ingredients and then put the bowl into her dresser drawer. When the rest of the family could not figure out where that not so good smell was coming from, we learned to always check Sarah’s dresser! Sarah was always drawing and building things. Finding toys and other items around the house, she would build forts and houses etc. We were always amazed at what she came up with! Often times this included pieces of furniture that she could drag from other areas of our house. We wondered how such a little girl could be so strong. She was and still is my beautiful little girl; smart, strong and powerful! Sarah is adopted and the adoption agency gave some information about her biological parents. Her father was an excelled athlete and headed to college for that reason, and her mother was headed to college to pursue art. When you look at the big picture, that is why her biggest passions are art and surfing.”

Other Artistic Passions... I’ve been brainstorming schemes for a female headless mannequin which stands eloquently atop glass in my room. I will eventually come to a decision on whether I paint it or do a themed collage atop. Or both? It’s a surprise, so I never let out my chosen theme. My art is always based upon improv. On a regular basis, I stare at unfinished canvas hanging both on and against my walls. I wait till a vision pops in my head and it may just be one of my many visions to complete my framed and ready piece.

Oriental Rain

My Art Style Is... Abstract, unique, creatively random, yet always with a hint of elegance.

Future Plans... As for art, I plan to have my art being viewed and sold at several galleries throughout Honolulu, as well as Seattle, where my step-father is acting as my manager and soliciting my art work to every gallery he can find. As for surfing, I simply want to expand my portfolio, which includes not only keeping my current sponsors, but adding bigger, more mainstream ones. I eventually want to get paid to surf in the near future, therefore going from a semi-pro surfer to a full-blown professional free surfer. I love real estate. That also runs through my blood stream, seeing how I am a third generation realtor. As a result, I eventually want to own my own franchise and be as powerful and respected as the woman I have been apprenticing for, Patricia Choi, of Choi Realty Intl. F

Sarah in Waikiki @ Sunset | Photo: WSSM

Reach Out To Sarah... Email: Cell: (808) 652-1617

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SURF ART & MUSIC . . . I am an Artist

Sheila Faye Donahue

My Surfing Roots... I grew up spending my summers in Fenwick Island, DE. I was always a water rat and it was only natural to transition from bodyboard to surfboard as I got older. My older brothers were the ones who taught me how to surf, in fact my oldest brother helped pick out my first surfboard. He ordered my sister and me custom shaped 6’4 West Wind fishes for Christmas when I was 15. It was the perfect board for learning to surf and charging East Coast waves. I travelled all over with my family surfing Fenwick Island, Myrtle Beach, Daytona Beach, Sebastians Inlet, and many other East Coast breaks. My family loved to travel to different beaches in our little RV home. I still have my West Wind and ride it often! My favorite board I ride now is an Island Inspired quad fin Thruster shaped by Todd Sutz. I believe I was born an artist,

Garden City Waves

I think we all are, but just have different creative outlets. I remember coloring for hours trying to stay in between the lines while I was still developing my motor skills. I was always trying out new mediums and making pictures for everyone in my family. I loved painting the ocean and women. As a surfer and a dancer, I see movement and energy everywhere. I love bold colors, expressive lines, and movement. I try to portray the energy I feel and see into all my work. Drew Brophy is my biggest inspiration as an artist; he truly is a master of the Surf Art style! As a child, though I probably drove them crazy, my parents really supported every vision I ever had and applauded me every step of the way. I couldn’t have been more blessed.

Other Artistic Passions... I love sanding down beater boards, fixing them up, and then spray painting and drawing on them to create a work of art. It’s amazing what life you can bring to an old board. As a Christmas present for my boyfriend, I built and elaborately painted a corn hole board set with Surf Art. I also have been working with wood burnings, driftwood, and painting glass. I recently began imprinting my art on everyday items like laptop sleeves, tablet cases, coasters, and a variety size of zippered pouches.

3 Favorite Pieces... My Autumn Surfer Girl painting is special because it reminds me of my fall surf sessions where the water is still warm, but the air is getting brisk. The energy of the wind, waves and the impeding darkness of nightfall sets the mood for this painting. The Giant Orange Wave painting is one of my most popular pictures. It can bring any room alive with the bright colors and movement.

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This piece makes me feel happy when I look at it. I think the wave is laughing‌ My Garden City Waves painting was painted on the beach while watching the sunset. The colors of the sand and sky were so dramatic while being out there, I tried to capture what I saw and felt that evening. This is also one of my favorite spots to surf. I find this piece to be almost sinister, yet calming. It is kind of like the personality of the ocean.

My Art Style Is... Expressive Surf Art. There is so much movement, energy, and color in my work that I feel like it is sometimes alive. No matter where my art is, it adds a little flow of the ocean.

Future Plans...

Giant Orange Wave

I have everything to look forward to right now! I am starting a new career when I graduate working in an environmental lab on projects like monitoring bacteria levels at local beaches as well as studying the impacts of storm-water pollution flowing into local tidal creeks. I am constantly inspired to create new works of art and further develop my art business. I love living at the beach, the energy I find in the ocean inspires my art, my career, and my spirit. F

Reach Out To Sheila... For gallery purchases: Like me on Facebook:

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Top: “Butterfly Top” in white burnout by Juli and Fred, that lifts into a perfect half moon when arms are raised. Soft, flowy... oh so nice! (

Skirt: “RL407 Red” dress/skirt, that billows and sways in a beach breeze, and can be worn 8 different ways. By Elan ( Necklace: by / 1-800-722-2309

PHOTOS BY: Daniel K. Fine Arts MODELS: Chrislaine Mendonca, Beccy Hailstones, Ryan Hailstones, Paul McLaughlin SET DRESSERS / FASHION COORDINATORS: Becca P., Trish Edwards HAIR & MAKEUP BY: Macy Smit, Rachel Quintanilla, and Chelsea Stonehouse, from the Paul Mitchell School- Honolulu (

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BECCY (top left) Shirt / Coffee Cup: “stop. smile. breathe. life is beautiful” burnout tee with tree, “keep calm and carry on” Boho Latte mug, by Natural Life ( Lounge Pants “Knee Patch Drawstring Pant” in Blue Raz by Rebecca Michaels ( Cap: “Planet” in white by Peter Grimm ( Jewelry: “Pompom Ring” in gold, “Impulse Whisper Bead Bracelet” bangle by Calypso Studios ( Watch: “Bar Watch” in purple... this bracelet conceals an intricate L.E.D. watch that becomes visible at the touch of a button. By CROW Watches ( Shoes: “Clover” in brown by Cushe (

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Morning Sunrise

Beach Walk

CHRISLAINE (top right) Shirt: “V-Neck Camisole” in Orchard Road by Rebecca Michaels (

CHRISLAINE (right page) Dress: “MG155” off-shoulder smock dress in white by Elan (

Pants: “Outland Knicker” in Indian Teal by Carve Designs (

Necklace (long) / Beach Bag: “Coffee With Tagua Center Necktie Necklace” by Virginia Natural Jewelry/CordoBags, “Lucy Mochila” multicolored mochila (back pack) by CordoBags (

Scarf/Beach Bag/Coffee Cup: “Marrakesh Scarf” in pink/ purple, “Love One Another” hemp bag, “Life is good- enjoy the little things” Artisan Collection mug, by Natural Life (

Necklace (heart): by 1-800-722-2309

Jewelry/Headband: “It’s a Wrap” clay bead wrap in Pink Flower, glass bead wrap in Pink, and fabric wrap in Blue, “Bendi-Bandz” in brown polka dot, by Calypso Studios (

Bracelets: “Impulse Whisper Bead Bracelet” bangle, “It’s a Wrap” glass bead wrap in multi/metallic, “Nautilus Single Wrap Bracelet” in multi, by Calypso Studios (

Anklet: by / 1-800-722-2309

Hat: “Scrunchie” in blue dots, sporting a light wire-edged brim that scrunches, shapes and curls to match your every mood- by Wallaroo Hat Co. (

Shoes: “OOahh Slide” super comfy slide, in fuschia by Oofos (

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Surf Check

PAUL (left) Shirt: Wave Riding Vehicles ( Boardshorts: INVAD ( Sunglasses: “The Producer Polarized” by Modasten ( Necklace: Charming Shark Surf Jewelry ( Watch: “BFW” in neon lime green band with blue zebra face, water resistant, by CROW Watches ( Surfboard: Wave Riding Vehicles (www. Traction Pad: by Freak Traction (

Waves, Wetsuits & Surf Toys PAUL (bottom left) Wetsuit: “Epic” 3/2mm shorty wetsuit, made from super soft, superelastic, E-stretch neoprene designed for maximum fit and performance. Constructed with flatlock stitched seams, this suit allows for a little extra room in the shoulders, so no rubbing! ( Surfboard: Wave Riding Vehicles ( Camera & Headstrap: “HD Hero 2” featuring 1080p WVGA, 30-120 FPS, and 11MP/10 photos/second! Capture every second of your ride, HANDS-FREE, with the handy head strap! (

BECCY (right) Wetsuit: “Empress Black” Contour cut for a beautiful fit, 3/2mm full wetsuit. Made of superelastic E-stretch neoprene with glitter tattoos and designs made with patented superstretch ink. You have to feel this suit to believe it... like butter on your skin! GBS seams stretch with the suit and keep water out. ( Surfboard: “Little Screamer” 5’10” in Checker Me Out, by Chick Sticks ( Phone Case: “Wave” waterproof phone case compatible w/ iPhones & Blackberrys. Sand-proof, waterproof (up to 6 meters) and available in 4 colors. Great for those that need to stay in touch with loved ones while out enjoying the water! (

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BECCY Shirt: “RSS77NEONYELLO” crop top in striped neon yellow and grey... super comfy! By Elan ( Bikini: “Tiare Reversible Lowrise Bottom” in print, by Honey Girl ( Sunglasses: “Francesca Crystal Purple” polarized, by Peppers Eyeware ( Watch: “Bar Plastic”a watch/bracelet that conceals an intricate L.E.D. watch that illuminates at the touch of a button. Fully adjustable by adding or removing links, and available in 3 versions and multiple colors. Great conversation piece! By CROW Watches (

Beach Cruiser

CHRISLAINE Hoodie: Heavyweight hoodie with the classic “Toes On The Nose” logo. High quality and perfect for that morning bike ride to check the surf. ( Tank: “Salty Sweet”beach tank in black by Salty Sweet Clothing (meet the designer on page 74) Shorts: “Rip My Heart Out Denim” shorts by Iron Fist ( Sunglasses: “Wylie Alpine White with Blue Mirror” by Peppers Eyeware ( Hat: “Diva” hat in brown & white stripes-- the ultimate beach hat, by CordoBags ( Shoes: “OOahh Slide” amazingly soft & comfortable, in black by Oofos ( Bicycle: “Beach Cruiser” BIKEFACTORY (

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Surfer Dude

PAUL Shirt: “Feelharmonic” tee in soft light cotton, front and back prints, and the signature Johnny Russia zipper trim. ( Sunglasses: “Tumbler Shiny Black” with thin, polarized lenses by Peppers Eyeware ( Necklace: Charming Shark Surf Jewelry ( Bracelet: 9” long “Soho” bracelet made from dyed waxed linen cording and copper-colored beads, complete with a minibuckle closure, by Calypso Studios ( Shoes: “Tammerack WP” Premium waterproof leather and suede uppers with a ventilated mesh lining. Rugged and durable, by Cushe (

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SHADE SHACK Instant Sun Shelter Pop-Up, featuring an easy twist n’ fold portable beach tent-- weighing only 4 pounds, and sets up in seconds! Sun protection rated at UPF 30, it anchors easily to the beach with sewn in sand bags, and is complete with adjustable windows, and zippered back panel for cooling. Carry bag included, opens to 90”W x 53”D x 51”H. By Demco Incorporated, purchase at

Surf Trip

CHRISLAINE (below left) Shirt: “Alex” soft tank with adjustable straps, in salmon by Juli And Fred ( Skirt: in light blue denim by Jimmy’Z ( Hat: “Riviera” in Ivy by Peter Grimm ( Jewelry: “Sundance Collection” earrings, bracelet and 40” continuous necklace of luminous glass, crafted metal/ resin accents, in green by Calypso Studios ( Purse: “Monterey Beach”crossbody purse, with top zipper closure, multiple zipper pockets, cell phone pocket, and made of neoprene! Dependable and durable, by Beach Handbags ( Anklet: 1-800-722-2309 Shoes: ”Duke” in pink plaid... perfect for traveling with it’s easy slip-on style. By Cushe ( Boardbag: “6.6 Day Mission” black on black by On A Mission ( PAUL Hoodie: JIMMY’Z pullover hoodie is pure luxury in comfort and surf style. The more you wash it, the more you’ll love it! Available in Hawaii at House of Fly’s and Surf Garage, as well as online. ( Boardshorts: INVAD ( Shoes: “Evo Slide Leather” a killer travel shoe in black, by Cushe ( Sunglasses: “20elevens - Blackout” (Smoke gradient lens) by Dicks Cottons ( Necklace: Charming Shark Surf Jewelry ( Hat: “KIWI” by Peter Grimm (

Beach Day

BECCY (above left) Shirt: “Salty Sweet” soft tee, in teal by Salty Sweet ( Bikini: “Coral” bottoms with barrier blue accent trim by Odina ( Cap: “DEDE” in pink by Peter Grimm ( Bracelet/Purse: 1-800-722-2309 EMREE Headband: “Bendi-Bandz” in purple/pink floral by Calypso Studios ( CHRISLAINE Shirt: “Over The Top” v-neck tee in black by Salty Sweet ( Skirt: Flirty pink plaid by JIMMY’Z ( Beach Bag: “Love One Another” hemp bag, by Natural Life ( Sunscreen: “Sun Bum SPF 50+ Continuous Spray” sunscreen, Paraben/PABA/Oil free, by Sun Bum ( PAUL Shoes: “Manuka Slide” in mid grey, made of soft full grain leather, by Cushe ( Sunglasses: “Tumbler Shiny Black” with thin, polarized lenses by Peppers Eyeware ( Hat: “PGX” by Peter Grimm ( Traction Pad/Leash: by Freak Traction ( Surfboard: Wave Riding Vehicles (

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CALAVERA Bikini: “Fierce in Stripes” by Calavera, swimwear tested in the beautiful surf of Costa Rica, by real surfer girls. Bottoms feature sexy velcro sides and medium coverage back (sides are reinforced with elastic for extra security). See their team profile on page 74. (

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MAKENA SURF WEAR Bikini: Stylish “Rasta” wideside bottoms with minimal back coverage for the tan-line conscious surfer, with a “cross-back” top, by Makena Surf Wear ( Headband: “Rasta” by Body Coral (

CARVE DESIGNS Bikini: “Bondi Top” reversable, and “Ryder Bottom” with moderate coverage and adjustable tie-sides, both in reef/ indian teal print, by Carve Designs, a brand for the active surfing woman. ( Surfboard: Wave Riding Vehicles ( Traction Pads: Made from SUPER soft Polymer, front and back traction pads by Moby Grip. See our review on page 22. (

TAVIK Bikini: Hints of jungle life exude from the “Banditia” top and “Chacha” wide-side, lightly scrunched bottoms by Tavik (

ODINA Bikini: “In the Curl” eco-friendly halter bandeau top features a scrunch of accent fabric in the back, that helps keep the straps in place and adds more support. “Little Dume” bottoms (also eco-friendly) feature a small foldover waist, that can be worn scrunched up on the hips or flat for a smoother silhouette. See Odina’s team rider profile on page 76 (

TOES ON THE NOSE Bikini: “Wild Skin Brown” bandeau with a comfy neck strap and slightly molded cups, “Itsy Bitsy” low rise bottoms with shirred coral sides that accentuate the feminine curve, with the perfect amount of coverage. ( Surfboard: 6’4” Keoki, perfect for north shore winter sessions. (

CALAVERA Bikini: “Glam” twist-front top with a sexy keyhole design that helps keep it firmly in place during duck-dives by releasing any trapped water. Shown in purple, with crossback ties that eliminate the strain on your neck. “Skimpy” bottoms feature an inner string in the waist ensuring the perfect fit while surfing! (

Surfboard: “Little Screamer” 5’10” in Checker Me Out, Traction Pad: A silky soft pad that allows for by Chick Sticks ( the BEST wet traction. In pink by Moby Grip... Traction Pad: “Sterling Spencer Giraffe Fade 2” by see page 22. ( On A Mission (

BIKA Bikini: “Tilottama” luxury “beach bikini”, exquisitely embellished with silver and purple sequins, hand embroidery, and featuring elegantly ruched bottoms with tie-sides. (

JOHNNY RUSSIA Bikini: “Killer Zoya” in yellow, made of ultra soft fabric and lined on both top and bottom, with the top also lined with a layer of thin foam for added comfort and support. Bottoms feature moderate coverage. making this a show stopping, classy swimsuit for your next pool or beach party. (

TOES ON THE NOSE Bikini: “Funkadelic” is perfect for surfing with the halter style top that leaves you feeling secure in any size waves. “Itsy Bitsy” low rise, adjustable tie side bottoms allow you to tighten or loosen, depending on your activity needs. An excellent surf suit! (

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Destination Tropicale

CHRISLAINE Dress: Fun, light and perfect for an afternoon or evening in the tropics, by JMP Fashions ( Hat: “Tokyo” by Peter Grimm ( Earrings/anklet: “Leather Rocks” imitation leather and metal leaf earrings, seed/bead/shell stretch anklet by / 1-800-722-2309 Bracelets: 9” long “Soho” bracelet made from dyed waxed linen cording and copper-colored beads. “Its a wrap” glass bead wraps in yellow/ blue, pink/green, and “Team” purple/gold by Calypso Studios ( Shoes: “OOahhs” in orange by Oofos. Like you’re walking on marshmallows! (

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Tote: “La Jolla Cove Beach” in flower power by Beach Handbags. Featuring a top zipper closure, 2 interior zipper pockets/slip pockets and a cell phone pocket. Made of high quality neoprene! Measures 13 1/2” x 11” x 4 1/2” (

Pink Panther BECCY (right page) Hoodie: “Ladies Misfit Denim And PU Jacket” with fight-style hoodie. Light yet durable by Iron Fist ( Shirt/Jeans: “Flower” crop top burnout tee, and “Ripped” jeans by Body Coral ( Sunglasses: “Juliana Purple to Tortoise Fade” polarized, by Peppers Eyeware ( Necklace: “Floral Pattern Heart” in antique finish by / 1-800-722-2309 Watch: “Bar Watch” in shiny metallic green. Hidden within this bracelet is an intricate L.E.D. watch that becomes visible at the touch of a button. By CROW Watches ( Bracelets: “Its a Wrap” fabric wrap bracelet in black/gold, 9” long “Soho” bracelet in black, made from dyed waxed linen cording/copper-colored beads. “Its a wrap” metallic bead wrap in black/gold by Calypso Studios (

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Sunny Days

BECCY (below left) Hat: “Bedford” in green by Peter Grimm ( Sunglasses: “Mosa Lucy” in Purple Seaweed, by DIZM ( RYAN (below) Sunglasses: “Double Down” in matte brown, polarized, by Peppers Eyeware ( CHRISLAINE (below right) Sunglasses: “Isabel Tortoise to Agua Fade” polarized, by Peppers Eyeware (

Young Love

BECCY (left page) Top: “Josephine Die Twice” in a stretch/cotton/ poly knit fabric, in brown- with a JR signature side-arm, oversized zipper! By Johnny Russia ( Jeans: “Ripped” jeans by Body Coral ( Shoes: “Kukui Leather” in red, featuring premium full grain leather, a breathable canvas lining, moulded foot cushioning, and a unique leaf design on the sole. By Cushe ( Necklace: Charming Shark Surf Jewelry ( Earrings: by 1-800-722-2309 Sunglasses: “9th Avenue” polarized, by Modasten (

RYAN (left page) Jeans: Ripcurl ( Cap: “Magnus” by Peter Grimm ( Shoes: “Wave” in black, featuring suede and neoprene uppers, with a ventilated mesh microfiber lining. Super comfy! By Cushe ( Necklaces: Charming Shark Surf Jewelry ( Watch: “Bar Plastic” in turqouise, a bracelet style watch that conceals an intricate L.E.D. watch that illuminates at the touch of a button. Fully adjustable by adding or removing links, and available in 3 versions and multiple colors. By CROW Watches ( Sunglasses: “Double Down” in matte brown, polarized, by Peppers Eyeware ( Skateboards: “Haka Pua 45inch”, “Anela Guardian Angel 38inch” both decks lightly dusted in sand for better traction. Excellent cruising boards-- especially when accompanied by a “Pohaku” Big Stick! By Kahuna Creations (

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Girls Night Out CHRISLAINE (left) Jacket: “3/4 Sleeve Hoody Cardigan” in blush by Rebecca Michaels (

Shirt: “RSS31STRIPEWHT” boxy crop top in white/ash stripes. Casual and comfortable, by Elan ( Earrings/Necklace: “Orange Peel Rose Necktie” and earrings; this beautiful duo is made from orange peel and acai seeds. The orange peel is dried and shaped to form delicate rose shapes with one large rose in the center creating the necktie look. A Chinese adjustable tie makes it easy for you to adjust the desired length from 11” to 21”. By CordoBags ( Scarf: “Pom Pom Scarf” in green and turquoise tie dye with turquoise pom poms, by Natural Life ( Jeans: “Ripped” jeans by Body Coral ( Shoes: “Pink Friday Platform Wedges” by Iron Fist ( BECCY (far right) Sweater/Tank: “HC70WHITE” dolman style handmade sweater. “TT2WHITE” tank, by Elan ( Jeans: “Ripped Chains” by Body Coral ( Bracelet/Ring: “Its a Wrap”metallic bead wrap in black/silver, “Pompom” ring in black/ silver by Calypso Studios ( Bracelets: “Seed Bead Sailor Knot” bracelets in naturals ( 1-800-722-2309) Shoes: “All Star Platform Wedge” by Iron Fist (

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BECCY Shirt: “MD6HeatherOliv”peekaboo sleeve flowing top by Elan ( Pants: “RY233BLACK” drawstring lounge pants with cuff bottom legs. Excellent for that sunset on the beach, by Elan ( Cap: “Reformer” by Peter Grimm ( Bracelets: Stretchy multi-string bracelets, by Calypso Studios ( Sunglasses: “Hallie Amber Tortoise” polarized, by Peppers Eyeware (

PRO-FILES featuring...




Ornella Pellizzari Kula Barbieto Natalie Perez

+ the Billabong Girls Surf Team CORE Workouts with... Courtney Conlogue BONUS FEATURE! Pro Surfer Travel Tips from...

Keala Kennelly, Mary Osborne, Anastasia Ashley, Holly Beck, Malia Manuel, Sally Fitzgibbons, Kenzie Kessler and Lindsay Steinreide

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Surfer: Vanina Walsh | Photo: WSSM wSSm | | 139


Meet ROXY Team Rider...


he Walsh clan pulled up in a big Hawaii style truck, the three of them in the front and a whole ton of boards in the back. Introductions were made, camera gear set up, boards unloaded.



Photos by Gregerson | Story by Tia Calvo

A BIG thank you to Vanina’s sponsors- Roxy, COOP, KM Hawaii, Kaenon Sunglasses, Kialoa, RumbaTime, Island Shade Shacks, On-it-Pro, and Tambor Acai, for their support of Vanina!


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Vanina rides for KM Hawaii, who sponsors her for SUP surf, race and both short and long boards. All of her boards are custom made and she’s super stoked to represent KM Hawaii! Photo: WSSM

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Meet ROXY Team Rider...



... continued The shoot had been moved from Oahu’s North Shore where the swell was maxing out, to a hot and dusty West side break with a “tourist beware” kind of vibe. The day was a scorcher with fun little peelers rolling in. Vanina thoughtfully asked if I would come surfing with her but our photographer said no as I would be a distraction. Sweaty and disappointed, I retreated to a beach chair with a voice recorder to interview Vanina’s mum Carolin while watching the action. Vanina’s dad, Jim, set up his camera and water housing to join in the shoot. Carolin told me about their lives as we watched Vanina surf. I’d seen Vanina’s pictures in Roxy posters and read her story before; the little girl from Arizona who learnt to surf in her swimming pool. A few years have passed since then, Vanina is now 15 and living on Oahu to pursue her professional surfing career. I asked Carolin about Arizona, their move to Hawaii, and Vanina’s recent signing on as a fully-fledged Roxy team rider. So how do you become a pro surfer growing up in the desert? It turns out Carolin used to be a flight attendant, so every chance they had the family would hop on a free flight to Hawaii. Vanina and her dad both fell in love with surfing, so after a year and a half the family decided to move. “We sold everything. Sold our house fully furnished, packed up and came over here”, Carolin told me. “That was what we needed to do.” The shoot lasted for a couple of hours. Vanina traded off a few times between her pink KM longboard and her stand up paddleboard. Her nose riding skills are elegant, but it’s her SUPing that is really impressive. It was effortless. She’s such a petite girl, so it’s amazing to see how she maneuvers a large board so easily. Vanina recently placed second in the world SUPing championships, taking down competitors practically twice her size and age. After the shoot, the Walshes invited WSSM photographer, Dave, and me back to their home. They live in a friendly little community - a small piece of American suburbs in the islands. We instantly felt part of the family. Carolin fed us homemade brownies and Vanina showed me around her bedroom. That’s when it became clear – this is not your average teenage girl. One entire wall of Vanina’s bedroom is completely covered in trophies. Top to bottom, totally glittering. Swimming 142 | | wSSm

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PRO-Files Meet ROXY Team Rider...



championships, shortboarding, longboarding, SUPing, there is a trophy there for every surf related sport imaginable. But the best part of Vanina’s room is the Roxy poster hanging behind her bed. It’s one of those giant canvas kinds like you see in surf shops. It features a life- size Vanina perched on the nose of her longboard, the iconic waters and skyscrapers of Waikiki beach behind her. This has to be every young surf girl’s dream. I asked Vanina if it ever gets strange seeing herself in shop windows. “It’s kinda weird, but lately I’ve gotten used to it,” she told me. “When I see myself in a window I still freak out a little. My cousin was in Las Vegas and saw a picture of me in one of the Roxy stores and was taking pictures of herself next to it. It was the coolest thing.” Vanina and I chatted about a lot of things. She has a friendly and outgoing nature, which for sure is a big reason behind her success. That and the fact she is the most productive and hardworking teenager I’ve met. In addition to her homeschooling and surfing commitments she also skateboards, paints and even sews her own bikinis. “When Roxy would send me bikinis that I’d have to shoot in sometimes they’d be too big, so my mum taught me how to sew them smaller,” Vanina explained. “I started wanting to design my own bikinis so now I buy fabric from the local fabric mart and I

Photo: WSSM

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know, for Vanina I just want her to be a well “ You rounded, good nice kid and still enjoy surfing and everything that comes with it. However it works out, life is good. ” -- Carolin Walsh

just began making my own.” Her painting endeavors are going pretty well too. “I’ve started painting and I’ve done a couple of posters. I did the Roxy Wahine Classic and I also did the Women’s Pipeline Pro over the last year. I was really excited to do that. Hopefully I’ll get to do more art in the future.” But does it all get too much? Are there times she just wants to do nothing? “It’s really busy. I usually have a really full day, every single day. It’s just hard with all the photo shoots, sewing and painting and trying to do everything at once. It’s ok though, it keeps me busy.”

Photos by Gregerson

It’s getting late and I’ve got a long drive back to the North Shore. I’ve somehow ended up spending the entire day and evening with the Walshes. Vanina has a long day tomorrow too, with a friend sleeping over then another photo shoot in the morning. I’m still blown away by how a girl from Arizona has developed into a professional surfer, yet something tells me Vanina will be successful in anything she pursues in life. But for now this kid from Arizona is just happy to be enjoying island living. F

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Courtney Conlogue Huntington Beach, California 146 | | wSSm

Hawaii Bound (Girls) WITH THE


Catherine Clark Ventura, California Courtney Conlogue Huntington Beach, California

Surf Team Photos by Gregerson

Justine Dupont Al essa Quizon Makaha, Oahu France

ElGoldlie-Jean Coffey Coast, Australia Fel icity Palmateer Western Australia Keal a Kennelly Kauai, Hawaii Dimity Stoyle Sunshine Coast, Australia

Ellie-Jean and Felicity paddle out at Pupukea wSSm | | 147


Hawaii Bound WITH THE

Billabong ElGoldlie-Jean Coffey Coast, Australia Photos by Gregerson

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Surf Team

Keala getting her game face on...

After completing our team trip to the Maldives earlier in the year, we always end the year in Hawaii. The only unfortunate thing THIS year is that there were no women’s events there, but I feel that it is still important for the girls to put in time on the North Shore, so they can get used to the different types of waves that it has to offer. This trip also coincided with our Billabong Pipe Pro event, so the girls got to check out all the guys ripping at Pipe and Backdoor.

Why these girls? Each girl on our team brings something different to the brand. We have lifestyle girls like Catherine Clark, who is not only a beautiful girl, she is also a talented surfer and amazing singer. Justine Dupont and Courtney Conlogue are the contest surfers and were up early each day trying to find the biggest and best waves (they both got to towin while they were out there). Felicity Palmateer and Ellie-Jean Coffey were the two Ozzie girls-they just love to surf, love to have fun and both really enjoy all aspects of being on the North Shore--from surfing, to parties, to rocking out to music. Alessa Quizon would come out from the west side when she could. She has been surfing on the North Shore for years, so it was just great to have her be out there to surf and hang with the other girls. Keala would also come out when the waves got good. She actually had her first surf since her accident in Tahiti while I was out there, and then she was back out surfing Pipe and OTW as if she hadn’t missed a day.


awn broke early on Oahu’s north shore, the air, fresh and crisp as Courtney Conlogue and her manager eyed the ocean playa once again. They were the official scouts—sent to find the best waves for a day of shooting, with California photographer, Dave Gregerson, and the Billabong girls surf team.

Dave had been shooting Courtney for the WSSM fitness feature (see page 160), and after learning that Courtney was here with the team, they both thought it might be fun to have Dave join them for a day of shooting. While in Hawaii, the Billabong girls were being hosted in a beautiful, two-story house right on the beach, overlooking the world famous north shore surf. They had been brought together from all over the globe for some female bonding time, lifestyle photoshoots, and of course, honing their skills in Hawaii’s incredible surf. What a beautiful life! Courtney had been to Hawaii many times before, so a morning wave check was just another part of her day in the islands. After a drive from Lani’s all the way to Sunset, Pupukea seemed to be offering up some beautiful rights that would be perfect for Dave’s lens to capture. Glassy peaks of turquoise blue, and the tropical sun beating down- a gorgeous day to see all the girls in action!

Felicity ... even pros take a tumble here and there

-- Megan Villa Billabong Womens Team Manager

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My favorite part about being on the Billabong surf team is the little family we have created. We are all like sisters, which can get pretty hectic, but for the most part it’s fantastic. It’s really amazing, cause as teenage girls, we really do go through massive emotional transformations, some of which are really scary, and at times it feels like we’re alone. This team has really brought me perspective and compassion for people, as well as myself, moving in all walks of life. It’s amazing that through all the different insecurities and challenges we face, we can all sit back and have a talk about how hard life is, how beautiful life is, and how ultimately, we love each other, and we’re not alone. My favorite session was probably this one night at Sunset. I paddled out and saw a few friends from Australia. The water was crystal blue, and the sun was bouncing off it with these amazing gold metallic hues. It was one of those “OH MY GOD” moments... I have those a lot. haha!” -- CC

Catherine Clark Ventura, California

Courtney Conlogue Huntington Beach, California Photos by Gregerson

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Al essa Quizon Makaha, Oahu

“Billabong is such an awesome company to surf for because they give their athletes the freedom to be themselves. They appreciate and promote the uniqueness that each rider brings. I love working with my team manager, Megan Villa. She is really good at her job and we work really well together. Megan has become a really dear friend. I also love riding for a company that cares about the environment. I think the Billabong Recycler Series is so awesome; they have kept millions of plastic bottles out of landfills. I also feel a lot of sponsor pride every year when the hard work of Candy Harris and the rest of the Billabong

crew have one amazing night for charity in their Billabong Design For Humanity event. My favorite break in Hawaii is Pipeline. If Pipe is firing, that is where I am surfing. Not many of the other girls venture out there, but I had a lot of fun sessions with the Billabong girls out at Rocky Point. It is pretty cool to be out in the water with all your team-mates talking story between sets and trying to score the best waves of each other. I also had a really fun session out at OTW with Courtney Conlogue.” -- KK

Keal a Kennelly Kauai, Hawaii

Hawaii Bound WITH THE



Surf Team

... continued Decked out, each in their own style of Billabong bikinis or boardshorts, the girls, including Keala who was quick to join them in the surf, hit the waves with enthusiasm and grace. No one hogged the waves or paddle battled or gave dirty looks, as Hollywood would have you believe all surfer girls do. Instead, they all seemed vibrant, alive, free… and genuinely enjoying each other’s company. “A special moment I remember that was just so sweet,” said Dave Gregerson, when he turned the images in to our staff, “there was this time when Courtney paddled up to one of the other girls, and just wrapped her arm around her… they seemed so happy, and such good friends. These girls are some really talented surfers, and it’s nice to see them get their turn in the spotlight. Billabong really hooked them up on this trip!” It was difficult to find them all together on shore, as the island’s offerings often coaxed them into various activities. Megan (team manager), once given the green light of a confirmed surf spot for the day, was able to get them loaded into vans, together, and en-route for their 1st love—surfing. We were just happy to be able to document these moments in time… capturing women’s surfing history—in the making. F wSSm | | 151


“The Billabong girls surf team is so cool! It’s like a big family, all of us girls… we are like sisters. Hawaii is so amazing! It’s so fun! The people there are so nice!

Dimity Stoyle Sunshine Coast, Australia

I especially like it because the waves are always pumping and I always get so many waves! It’s awesome!!!! I can’t wait to go back… My favorite wave is definitely Rockies!” -- DS

Justine Dupont France

Courtney - surf soaked and stoked

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Fel icity Palmateer Western Australia

Courtney Conlogue Huntington Beach, California Photos by Gregerson

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Ornella Pellizzari Photos by Casey Rossi | Story by Tia Calvo Team ROXY / Brazil

Surfer, skater, ripper.

Home grown in Argentina, she represents a fusion of female free surfer and contest competitor. Here is her story.

“I was born in Mar del Plata, a coastal city four hours south of Buenos Aires. My house is located in a woodland area, so I grew up climbing trees surrounded by nature with my older sister Agostina. There weren’t many other girls to play with around home so we just chilled with the boys. We had dogs, cats, a horse, rabbits, chickens, even a goat and a sheep! Hilarious... I had the best childhood I could ever imagine. I feel pretty lucky (big smile). I was the first to encourage my family to surf. When I was eleven years old, my sister picked it up and after that my dad when he was forty-four. My dad is a lifeguard, so we spent summers full time at the beach and I used to play with the boogieboard non-stop. When I started to stand up on it, I decided to get a surfboard. Back in the days when I started, there were only a few older girls and maybe like five girls my age. We always had a five-girl final every contest. I had no one to look up to at that stage. That’s why I had to compete against the boys (junior boys and open division) to push myself and improve. It’s pretty bad here most of the time. We get swells, but they’re hardly with the right conditions and wind direction... It’s not a quality surf spot, but once in a while we can get barrels or sort of epic waves, no bigger that 9-foot. I started competing at age eleven. The same year I started it became my obsession and I went through nationals, the Brazilian competition in the winter, then ISA games,

Ornella, enjoying the golden hour...

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Bottom turning in Mancora, Peru

ALAS (Latin American tour) and WQS after. I guess I wanted to become professional when I realized there were other pro surfer girls out there making a career of it. My local surf shop was the first support I received. I bought my first surfboard from there and when I started competing, the owner sponsored me with his own brand. I used to love competing, I still do, but I enjoy free surfing more. I can find real waves and get to try new stuff and share good sessions with my friends instead of a two-foot QS tour. At first I started travelling with my family in search of better waves and competitions, mainly to border countries like Brazil and Chile. Winters in Argentina don’t provide the conditions, weather, or industry to progress and travelling allowed me to improve. It’s amazing having contacts and good friends everywhere, always a home to stay and somewhere you feel welcome. It makes the world a much smaller place. The friends I’ve made inspire and teach me so much. Travelling wouldn’t be the same without them. Spending time and surfing with my family is what I miss most


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... continued about home - those simple things that you can’t do while on tour. It’s good to feel grounded with the people you love the most. Everyday routines, my family, dogs, my home. All those little things you just can’t find when touring, like waking up in my own room, making coffee in my own kitchen, surf checks at my local break on my bike. Pretty much just being a daughter again. There is definitely not the surfing industry at home that surfers in other countries have at their disposal. There’s not the support for surfing with sports like soccer to compete with. It feels like you have to work ten times harder just for basic needs. Coming from Argentina, I’m for sure at a disadvantage compared to girls coming out of countries where surfing is recognized and supported as a profession.

There is a lot of respect for women in western cultures, western women have been independent for much longer. Third world countries are much further behind in this aspect, especially throughout this sport,

Ornella is a great person with unique style and great work ethic about her. Always smiling with her positive attitude and willing to do whatever it takes to get the job done. It’s always a pleasure, and I look forward to any chance I get to work with her. I know we’re gonna have a productive experience, as well as a great time and make the most of wherever we are… -- Casey Rossi, Photographer

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which is very male dominated considering the rate female athletes are progressing at. I want to give the WQS tour another go this year and try to qualify. If that doesn’t happen it will be a good opportunity for me to explore the world even more as a free surfer and improve my surfing as I search for epic and big waves. I haven’t had the time to train and tow in big surf, as you can’t spread your focus over too much when competing, but I definitely want to keep living this lifestyle and expand my surfing. Most of my friends who surf, inspire me in different ways because they rip and at the same time are amazing people with enormous hearts. They are real people who I can trust and we spend most of each year together sharing the same passions and love of life. They’ve become part of my family. I’m inspired by anyone who believes in themselves, has values, lives their dreams and spreads good energy throughout the universe. I also want to thank my sponsors for their support: ROXY, Marbella, Aeropuertos

Argentina 2000, X-trak, Sector 9, and Soma Bags. F

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Surf Travel Tips

from the Pro’s


If you are checking in surfboards, be very careful who your check-in agent is. I take a few minutes to profile each one in order to determine who will be cool and let me get away with paying for only 1 board when I have a huge boardbag full of boards and who is a stickler for the rules and will ask me to open my boardbag and charge me per board. This simple tip can save you hundreds of dollars. Travel Tip #2

Weight is always an issue when you are going away on a few trips and trying to fit everything into one travel bag and keep the weight under 50 pounds. I usually can gauge if my suitcase is over or under weight, but just in case it is overweight, I make sure to put a few small heavy items that will add up to about 5 pounds right on top or in a separate pocket so they are easy to grab and throw in my carry-on. This saves you from being “that girl” sprawled out on the floor and desperately rummaging through her suitcase trying to pull out items to make her bag light enough to pass.

MARY OSBORNE (Photo: Justin Bastien) Travel Tip #1

I used to stick to one airline, not anymore. With all the excess expensive hidden fees, I search around for not only the best airfare, but I make sure to not miss the hidden luggage charges. Buying a cheap ticket may not mean it’s the “cheapest” way to go when it comes to extra bags and big board bags. For example, the most recent Continental and United Airlines merger may have cheap airfare, however surfboard fees have increased to $200 a boardbag (one boardbag with up to 4 boards in it). Travel Tip #2

When checking in board bags, airline attendees often ask if you would like to pay for both ways prior to your departure. Do not pay for both ways, because you may just get lucky on your return and your attendant won’t charge you.

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When in a large airport such as LAX, rather than waiting in a long security line, I look for an elevator. Sometimes the line upstairs, near the elevator exit to security, can be much faster.

(Photo: ROXY) Travel Tip #1

This one is probably an obvious one, but pack a change of clothes in your carry-on luggage in case your bag doesn’t make it.

Travel Tip #4

If you’re traveling to a new country, it can be very beneficial to pay a few extra dollars for a surf/travel guide. For example, El Salvador has some of the most beautiful point breaks I have ever surfed, however it can be extremely dangerous. Drop a few extra dollars, stay at a nice hotel and hire a guide/person to watch after you and your things while visiting. A few extra bucks can equal out to a few extra surf sessions. Travel Tip #5

Beauty- One of my favorite things to do is stock up on cosmetics in the airport Duty Free stores. I buy my shisiedo sunscreen, face creams, and waterproof mascara (in tubes, so it’s waterproof, no smudging and easy to remove). This gives me one less thing to think of when I am at home getting ready for a big trip or can’t get to a department store.

MALIA MANUEL (Photo: O’Neill) Travel Tip #1

I travel with a yoga mat - there’s a lot of down time when traveling, so that’s one item I always pack with my boards. Travel Tip #2

I couldn’t survive the long flights without my Kindle. It’s my virtual library all in one, so I save room & weight from paperbacks for other items.

Travel Tip #2

If you are travelling to Indonesia, take your own medical kit with a broad spectrum antibiotic and gastro stop medicine. Travel Tip #3

Board the plan as late as possible on long flights so you can spot the spare seats, then you can stretch out for a sleep.

ANASTASIA ASHLEY (Photo: Daniel Russo) Travel Tip #1

Always have your CHARGERS with you, and never leave them. I always make sure I have my charger with me for my phone, laptop, toothbrush, etc. This is just in case there’s an emergency and I need to contact home. Most times, especially internationally, it’s really hard to buy chargers for these things, so I never leave home with out them! They are Number 1 on my list of things not to forget before I leave. Travel Tip #2

Before you depart for a country, go to a bank and get some of your destination country’s currency, if possible. A lot of banks have foreign currency and it’s always nice to have at least some extra cash/currency for where you’re going. When you get there, the worst is when an ATM is broken, or there’s not a convenient one. A lot of international surf destinations don’t take credit cards, so sometimes you might have to wait on a meal, or to buy something cool if you have no cash.


While checking in, if they decide to check your boardbag for number of boards, and you get caught in a lie about only having one board in the bag, simply play it off like you thought they asked you how many board BAGS you were checking... Then there is still a chance they will be kind to your bank account in regards to board fees. Travel Tip #2

If departing on a redeye, and landing in the morning at a destination, for flights that are roughly between 11-15 hours, here is the master plan: Step 1 Board plane, settle in, and have a few laughs flipping through the Sky Mall magazine while they prepare for take-off. Step 2 That hour or so between take-off and food and drink service, read a magazine or book, or other activity you brought. Step 3 Once you receive your meal, choose a movie to watch as you slowly enjoy that delicious airplane food. Step 4 Watch another movie or two until you can barely keep your eyes open. Step 5 Bed time...your realistic goal is 5-6 hours, lucky if you get 7 or more. Step 6 Wake up for breaky on the plane and either hit that book again or catch up on a couple of TV shows they offer for the last hour or two until landing. Travel Tip #3

From experience, trial and error, you are less likely to get stopped by security and pat-down, if you are wearing tight clothes that would be hard to hide anything. My suggestion, trade the baggy sweats for your most comfortable pair of leggings, wear a tight stretch top, and either tie that big comfy long-sleeve top or sweatshirt around your waste or carry it in your bag to change into. Travel Tip #4


(Photo: Brittany England) Travel Tip #1

One thing that I always travel with is something called activated charcoal (in the pill form). If you have the stomach flu or diarrhea, it is a great thing to take and get rid of it fast; it has saved me a few times. Sometimes traveling to remote places, you might consume things that your body isn’t used to. For example if you accidently ingested the local tap water, it might have harmful toxins in it that will make you sick. When activated charcoal comes in contact with a toxin in your body, it adsorbs the toxin and is stuck there until it leaves your body. Activated charcoal is also good for hangovers. If you take it before bed after a night of drinking, it will work overnight and you will wake up without that pounding in your head, which means you can still get up for that offshore dawn patrol. Before you take activated charcoal, please check with your doctor to be sure it is okay for you to take, because everyone is different. Travel Tip #2

I love to save money while traveling, who doesn’t, right? Hostels are a great way to go because they are cheap and you meet a lot of great people from all over the world, maybe even future travel companions. In my opinion, an even better way to meet people and save money is to couch surf. This way you get to stay with the local people, which means they know the area like the back of their hand, which also means that they know all the local surf spots and the best swell direction, tides, wind direction, etc. And maybe if you’re lucky, they will show you a couple secret spots, too. I think the website is one of the best resources you can use while traveling! You can find some really awesome people on there to stay with, or if their couch is already taken, a lot of the time they will still meet up with you and show you around to all the best places and surf spots in town!

(Photo: Cyd Gurvich | Travel Tip #1

Bring scissors. No one else does, and someone always needs them! Want to cut the sleeves off a t-shirt to make it a tank? Is your traction rubbing a hole in your knee and you need to cut it down? Decide the long locks that look so sexy at home become dreads in the tropics? Trim ‘em up! But you’ll need a good pair of scissors! Travel Tip #2

Use a yoga mat to pad your surfboard. Baggage handlers will be gentler with a boardbag that’s light. Don’t stuff your boardbag with all your clothes and weigh it down. A yoga mat is so good for chilling on the beach, on the grass, and of course stretching out after a long day of paddling. It also serves as the perfect padding inside your boardbag. F

If you are late for one of your flights and you are sprinting through the airport, sweating profusely and knocking small children out of your way, you will get stopped on multiple occasions by security for looking like a crazy person, which will likely take you out of the race. Don’t ask me how I know this, but I now opt for a brisk speed walk with a strong heelto-toe stride, and moderate arm pumping. Travel Tip #5

If you arrive in a major city and are driving yourself out via rental vehicle, be sure you find the map that has street names, the roads are not painted blue, green, and red!

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Core Workouts with

COURTNEY CONLOGUE By Tia Calvo | Photos: Gregerson

Surf training isn’t just about hitting the water. There are many ways to improve your surfing fitness even when away from the beach.



Bring your arms behind your back, fingers interlocked, and gently stretch the shoulders and chest by lifting your hands away from your body.

Courtney’s Tip: “This move prevents the shoulders from rolling forward as a result of paddling”.

We sat down with our favorite pro surfer and fitness guru, the seriously buff Courtney Conlogue to talk training. Her advice? It’s all about the core and stretching. “With surfing, your core is the center of everything. It causes your body to go where you want. If your core is strong, then you can work out everything else and make it follow. Your surfing will improve”, Courtney explains. “Stretching for surfing is really important because when a foot slips off a board you don’t want to pull your hamstring or tear a ligament in your knee. As soon as you have something whip you really fast, that’s going to either strain or possibly tear. There are also a lot of things with surfing where you’re constantly doing the same motion. You want to counteract that constant motion and prevent any possible injury.” Here are a few of Courtney’s favorite stretches and core workouts, to get you ready for this winter’s surf season.

Front Shoulder Stretch


Forward Lunge

Start resting on your back knee with the other leg forward, making sure the front knee is directly above the ankle. Gently lower your hips and place your hands on the ground for balance if required. Repeat on the other side.

Courtney’s Tip: “I’m past the basic flexibility, so I

start lengthening my back leg out more to feel it in the front thigh. You can bring your leg in to make it easier.”

Stretching Tips “Never exceed what you’re comfortable with. The key is not to push so hard to where you’re straining your muscles, but to push to where you’re feeling it and getting that stretch.” -- Courtney


Butterfly Indian Stretch

Sitting on the floor, place the soles of your feet together. Slowly lean forward pressing your knees down until you feel a gentle stretch in your inner thighs

Courtney’s Tip: “I love this one for stretching my hip muscles!”

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The Dying Bug

Begin lying on your back. Raise one arm while lifting the opposite knee on a 90 degree angle. Do 10 repetitions, then repeat on the other side.

TIP: Very Important! Make sure your lower back is tight,

and firm against the floor. Courtney likes to keep her foot off the ground to activate more of the abs.. She holds this position for one minute, but try only 30 seconds if you’re just starting.


Leap Frog

Start in a squat with arms extended, then leap forward while thrusting your hips and kicking your feet back. Land gently and return into squat position. Do 3 reps of 5 to 10 in a row, depending on your ability.

Courtney’s Tip: “This

is a good overall one for surfing. When you land on a surfboard you don’t want to take the impact on your knees. This helps you practice being able to land solid, but light. You want to be a feather.”


Alternating Leg Lifts

Alternating Leg Lifts: Start in plank position. Holding your hips parallel to the floor lift one foot in the air and hold for two seconds, then repeat with the other foot.

“When you’re activating, you want to keep your back flat, no leaning over and cheating”, says Courtney. “This is a great core and leg work out, plus it also strengthens your butt. I like to do 1 minute of transitioning and 3 reps.”

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PRO-Files Meet WRV Team Rider Up-and-Comer

Natalie Perez ... Sweetheart of Puerto Rico

Photo: Ant Strack

Age: 23 Years Surfing: 7 Favorite Surf Break: Middles Favorite Board Shape: WRV Chronic Pro 5’7 Homebreak: Wilderness Sponsors: Wave Riding Vehicles, Cushe Footwear, Dragon Alliance Sunglasses, Natty Surf Swimwear IN THE BEGINNING...

Tell us about growing up, and how you got into surfing? Unfortunately, I come from a family that doesn’t surf or participate in water activities of any kind, but somehow I learned to love the water when I was just a baby. When I was in middle school, I met some friends that surfed and I just thought it was the coolest thing. When I wanted to start learning, my mom didn’t approve because she thought it was too dangerous, but on my sixteenth birthday all I asked for was surf lessons. After that, I was lucky enough to have Fernando Alvarez teach me to surf. He was one of the best competitive surfers in PR at the time, and certainly the best instructor. He had a passion for instructing and was a great role model for his students. He coached me for several years and still gives me pointers from time to time. He is truly a great coach and a wonderful person. As a little girl, did you always dream of being a pro surfer, and are there many opportunities for it in Puerto Rico? I always dreamed of, and still dream of, being a pro surfer, although I got a late start. Immediately when I started surfing, it gave me confidence and a whole new perspective on life. I didn’t start competing until I was 17, but after my first contest I was hooked and have been competing ever since. I know that somewhere in the world there are probably 8 yr. old girls doing aerials, but I don’t let it stop me. I love to compete and I have been working really hard. I am training in and out of the water and eating really well to hopefully make this dream come true. I know that with enough discipline and dedication, anything is possible, but unfortunately there are also not many opportunities yet for female surfers in PR. Did you get to surf with many girls growing up there, and has the number of girls increased over the years? When I started surfing, there were not many girls surfing, but now there seems to be girls everywhere. I am extremely happy that the girl community is growing and I can share what I love with the younger generation. 162 | | wSSm

Hopefully, the increasing number of female surfers will help create better opportunities for the upcoming generation. I have noticed that there is a lot of great talent on the island that goes unnoticed. How old were you when you got your first sponsor and how did it all come about? I remember I was 19 and I qualified for the ESA Mid-Atlantic regionals held in Puerto Rico for the first time. After that, I got a local swimsuit company to sponsor me for bikinis. I was sooo excited. You’re obviously breathtakingly gorgeous... do you model and if so, has it helped you in your surfing career as well? Yes, I have been modeling. I took two years of modeling classes when I was younger and I never thought I would use them, but these days it seems like all the brands want the whole package. THEN THERE WAS PRO SURFING...

What are some of the things your sponsors expect from you as a team rider? I think they are really looking for a good role model to positively portray their brand and gain the maximum amount of exposure. Being a good surfer is important, but all of the brands expect more than just that, they want you to represent the brand well in everything you do. Who are your sponsors and why do you ride for them? I recently signed with Cushe footwear and I am so excited that I am officially an ambassador for their amazing brand. They have been extremely supportive and are amazing to work with. I also have Wave Riding Vehicles as my board sponsor. They make phenomenal boards that I love to surf. Dragon Alliance supplies my sunglasses which I couldn’t live without. Natty Surf Boutique is a local shop that supplies my bikinis and would do everything for me. They make sure I am always equipped with the best equipment and looking great. You recently went on a trip to Costa Rica with the Cushe surf team. Tell us about it, and how it was interacting with the other team riders, how was the surf, and did you also model for them during the trip? I was fortunate enough to be invited to the Cushe surf trip in Costa Rica. It’s hard to describe how amazing it was. The whole team really clicked right away, and after only a short time we were like a little family. Costa Rica was just so beautiful, the people were all so welcoming and waves were super fun. I also did some modeling for them and it was one of the most fun and most comfortable shoots I have ever done. I just feel so lucky

because I spent my whole life dreaming about going on surf trips to beautiful exotic locations and now I am finally doing it. WRV (Wave Riding Vehicles) has a big shop in Puerto Rico where their last ad (featuring YOU) was photographed in front of... tell us how your relationship came about with them, and your role as their team rider? I started working for them last year in the store and giving surf lessons. Shortly after, I started riding for them. They have been extremely kind to me and given me so much exposure and support. I cannot thank them enough. BEING A ROLE MODEL AND INDUSTRY LEADER...

As a pro surfer, lots of young girls look up to you as a role model. How does this make you feel? Knowing little girls look up to me makes me feel very special and is not something I take lightly. I really want to be a good and positive role model in this industry and be someone that they can all follow. I live a very positive lifestyle while being extremely focused and driven. In this sport, you have to be. I surf everyday and I do strength training several times a week. I also adhere to a strict diet and always get enough rest. This lifestyle leaves little time for nights out partying, and I’d rather wake up rested and ready to surf anyway. How do you want to be remembered in life? I want to be remembered for the way that I treat people. Years from now people won’t remember me as a surfer, but as a daughter, sister, and friend. That is much more important to me. WOMENS SURFING INDUSTRY...

Do you see yourself starting your own surfrelated company someday? Or would starting a family/settling down be more “your cup of tea”, once you’re done with competing? I have 5 years of experience working with surf related companies. I definitely would love to own my own company some day and be my own boss. Sometimes I also daydream about opening up a restaurant. I’m a vegetarian and enjoy experimenting with different healthy foods. Who do you respect the most as a woman surfer, and why? I think a lot a people would agree with me when I say Carissa Moore. She’s younger than me and already she’s accomplished so much in life and as a surfer. She’s a great role model for girls and she really focuses on what she wants and doesn’t hold back. The girl just rips and I hope I get to meet her some day. F

Photo: Luis Marin

Photo:Ant Strack

AT A GLANCE: Favorite food: Cheese!! obsessed Slippers or high heels: Slippers Lipstick or gloss or bare: Gloss... by Burt’s Bees Favorite dessert: (that you can cook) Banana & chocolate chip bread Favorite artist (song): I have a lil rapper in me and I love Lose Yourself by Eminem. Favorite guy surfer: Mick Fanning Top 3 fav magazines: WSSM / Mundo Rad! Mag / Surfer Mag Favorite color: Green Pets: I don’t have any, but would love a teacup poodle Siblings: 2 brothers Traction pad or bareback: Pad MAC or PC: Mac Favorite fast food: Subway Bottled water or tap: Bottled Bicycle or skateboard: Bicycle White wax or colored: White Jam or jelly: Jelly Favorite quote: “And when you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it.” - Paulo Coelho

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Where is

Kula Barbieto? Interview by Cody Silva | Photos by: JOSS

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y phone vibrates as I’m sitting in Kailua Morning Brew Café, preparing to interview Kula. It’s a text message form her, “I’m just parking now. I decide that I have enough time to go to the counter and get something to drink before she gets here. As I’m waiting in line, thinking about what I’d like to order I see her pass by the large clear glass window outside. She sees me and flashes one of her effortlessly beautiful smiles. She makes her way through the line and gives me a hug and a kiss on the cheek. Up until this point I hadn’t seen her for a few weeks. She had actually invited me to join her and a few friends on a camping trip on the Big Island this past weekend. When she first told me about it, I was all stoked on going and she was so accommodating. While I do love the outdoors, I’m not an avid hiker or camper and lack any legitimate equipment to successfully complete a 22 mile hike. Kula truly has one of the most generous and loving hearts around; She said that she would help me find some extra gear that her friends had lying around and would give me a list of all I needed to prepare for the trip (fishing gear, surfboard, and a pack to carry it all). Unfortunately I had to bail on the 22 mile trip, but Kula and her crew continued with their plans and had actually just flew back from the Big Island yesterday. I was really excited to hear about all the surf and fish caught if we had time after the interview. Kula was so sweet and bought my drink as well as one for herself. We sat down at a small table nearby and begin talking story; every time Kula and I talk it feels like it continues right where it left off. She’s just that kind of girl who puts up no barriers and radiates nothing but warmth, love and joy. She was an open book to anyone who cared to inquire about her life story, and I intended to do just that. I’ve always been enchanted by Kula, ever since I had the pleasure of working with her on a flight from Honolulu to San Francisco. As you learn just pieces of her life story, bit by bit, you quickly get the sense that this is no ordinary woman. She is well traveled, with a forever youthful and adventurous spirit that is matched only by the loving heart that she shares with her friends and family as well as the pure and boundless passion that she has for the ocean. Simple, beautiful and pure are just a few words I would use to attempt to express Kula’s character and being. “Ready to get started?” I asked her, “Sure, let’s do it,” she responded. I pulled up the questions that were sent by the magazine editor to answer on my laptop and read out the first question. She stopped me there and instructed me as follows, “don’t just read off the questions and write down my answers. I’d rather just have this be a conversation between friends. Why don’t you just read through the questions to get a sense of what they are looking for and then use that as an inspiration to ask your own questions. Ask me things that you personally would want to know as my friend.” I obediently adhered to her wishes and began skimming through the questions. Through all of it I got the sense that the editor wanted to hear a little bit of what the experience of being on an MTV reality show was for Kula, but more importantly wanted to discover the true character of the woman that she described as seemingly “out for the pure love and joy of surfing” and give the readers a chance to kind of catch up with her and see what her life has been like since the show concluded. After getting to know Kula through working with her, surfing with her and watching her promote her custom art clothing brand, Pa’akai, I got a sense, as I think anyone does after spending any amount of time with her, that she is all about the water. Surfing, Stand Up, fishing, diving, collecting shells; you name anything involving the ocean. She either does it or would be interested to try and would no doubt catch on really quick. Surfing is especially big for her. She’s been a star on an MTV surf reality show, a sponsored surf competitor and brand promoter for Roxy Quiksilver. She’s a model and athlete, a crewmember for the Polynesian Voyaging Society, a Hawaii ambassador to say the least. She embodies that surfer lifestyle, one that isn’t an image, but is exactly her life. When you learn how important surfing is for Kula and how it has influenced her life in terms of giving her the opportunity to see the world and so much more, you naturally start to wonder where it all began. How did Kula Barbieto get introduced to surfing, when was it? Who taught her? And why did she connect with it so deeply? So I asked her and, as with so many of her responses to my questions, I came to find that her story was as unique, meaningful, exciting, and full of love, just as the woman herself. She grew up and learned to surf in Ka’u. The southern most Point of the Big Island of Hawai’i. When reminiscing with old friends and family they often laugh when recalling that the house didn’t have doors; the only sort of barrier that guarded the open door frames

Mahalo to Sponsors: Naish,

Kaenon Polarized, Honolulu Trading Co., Pualani, Keoki Surfboards, Paddle Hawaii of the house were extras pareos (polynesian fabric sarong). It was simple living, with no electricity and running water at times. In fact, Kula recalls, she had not ever seen a surf magazine until she went to high school and boarded at Lahainaluna. Even with such a simple home environment, her parents opened up their house to any and all who were in need, even those who had absolutely nothing, something that Kula is very fond of in remembering her upbringing. She recalls there only being two places to surf and at each you had to jump off the rocks to get there, with the waves slamming up against you. It was at least a one-hour drive to get there and four-wheel drive was a necessity. “You don’t know what the water’s like till you get there. If there’s no waves you fish, if there are then you surf.” Simple. When she was 11 she started joining her sisters, family and friends out at Ka’alu’alu. She remembers skipping school and jumping in the water with her dad and uncles. She would fish or play in the brackish water ponds for hours at a time, watching her dad and uncles surf. “They had really old surf boards that didn’t have real plugs for the leashes,” she says. Instead, they were held on by what she describes as “ding strings” (small pieces of chord connecting the leash to the board). “Super country.” She says jokingly. Kula’s uncle and father taught her about the ocean: the currents, breaks, landmarks, and reefs. “You see, when you surf alone, you can’t just paddle back out to the line up. There is no line up. You use landmarks; two fixed objects on land that you line up to find your sense of place.” “These are lessons I carry with me where ever I travel.” “Surfing, sailing, and in my everyday life, I like having a sense of place.” There were waves that day. She described her first time attempting to surf wSSm | | 165

as a scary one. She caught her first wave that day concentrating more on where to sit and where to be and TO TURN RIGHT. The break that she surfed carried straight into the rocks. “Turn or get smashed from very beginning” is how she described it. “That’s how you learn,” she said, a very different way to learn than most folks. “I had to commit from the very beginning,” she said. She never really got fully into surfing until high school when she traveled away from home and attended Lahainaluna as a boarding student. It is here that she would create another definition for the term “BOARDING student.” She never owned her own surfboard until age seventeen. Until that time she borrowed boards from friends. She and her friends would pile into trucks and hike down to the bay, feet all raw and cut up as they made their way to some of their favorite breaks: The Harbor, The Bay (Honolua), Flemings, Shark Pit, just to name a few. She recalls often showing up to hula all wet and cut up; she had become a professional Polynesian dancer at 16. She didn’t know much about different boards or shapes. She just surfed on whatever she could find. Her close friend, Monica, was a really good surfer and Kula would tag along. “Monica was a surf rat,” she said. “She was a really good surfer and didn’t care that I was younger and inexperienced. When you’re a boarder it’s hard to break into a group of friends. Monica was like a big sister to me.” A fond memory that Kula traveled back to as we talked was Lahainaluna Junior Prom. “The whole town of Lahaina gets involved,” she said. “It’s a really big affair.” She remembers showing up late to prom because she was out surfing, and to make matters even worse… she was one of the young ladies chosen for the Prom Court! Surfing crept more and more into her life as a priority. After high school, she went on to Kapiolani Community College. An art gallery in Lahaina gave her a full ride scholarship to study. She also continued Polynesian dance as she studied in college. Mid way through her studies, opportunities for employment as flight attendants had begun springing up with Hawaiian Airlines. Her older sister, a Hawaiian Air Flight Attendant herself, convinced her that she should give it a shot. A job that provided an opportunity to travel and see the world? Why not? “I didn’t even have what was needed for the interviews. I borrowed my sister’s clothes and a purse, it’s really kind of a funny story. I stuffed my sister’s shoes with newspaper so that they would fit.”

The opportunity to be a professional surfer led her on to great exposure as she continued to travel. Doing numerous photo shoots for covers of magazines, stunt work for t.v. shows, and many more fun things a pro surfer/model gets to do. Since then she has returned to surf at a couple of the I want kids to believe and spots highlighted in the show, via free travel perks as a flight attendant. She also still keeps know you’re not ever limited. I in touch with a few of the girls from the grew up in a very secluded area show. “I still hang out and surf with Bonnie and Aimee, we’ve actually all become very in Hawaii. I had no t.v., there close friends. It’s fun to surf for fun with my are no fast food places, not friends.”

even a movie theater. I never read a Surfer Magazine until I was sixteen. To explain it in real simple terms, the first time I ever saw a picture of myself surfing was on a tag on a Roxy hat. I went from surfing by myself to surfing in front of millions. Keiki (Hawaiian for children)... BELIEVE.

“Shoots” Kula says smirking. “If they only knew.” With ten years seniority at Hawaiian Airlines, Kula is now a part of Hawaiians Promotional Team. You travel on top of traveling, to promote and market Hawaiian as a global brand. I began to realize that this position and career choice isn’t so different from her last.

The day she was approached about the MTV opportunity was the first time she surfed Queens break out in Waikiki. She remembers wearing jeans and a bikini top, waiting to get picked up; when someone walking down the street asked her if she wanted a free surf trip. She did not know this guy and suspected it was one of those deals that was too good to be true and immediately said, “no, not interested.” The man persisted and convinced her to come into the Quiksilver store nearby and sign up. She filled out the application and left, not really thinking anything of it or even knowing what she had really just signed up for. She was called back three days later and was immediately notified that she had been selected; problem was…she still wasn’t exactly sure what she had just been selected for! It wasn’t very long before she was boarding a flight to Australia to begin surfing and filming one of the very first reality TV shows. She would continue to travel on through Australia, Tahiti, Samoa and then back to Hawaii to film the rest of the show. She’s extremely grateful for the opportunity to surf all around the world and meet so many interesting people as a result of the show. “I am really thankful for the entire experience.” She explains, “Especially where it has taken me.” In the end she would go on to win second in the competition within the long board division and as part of the grand prize was sent on a trip to Costa Rica to surf with world champs, her heroes. While on the trip she bonded with some of the pros and they talked to her about surfing professionally for Quicksilver. Along the way, Roxy formally asked her to surf for them. One unique experience she remembered from this amazing

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surf trip in Costa Rica was surfing uncharted waves. There was a big storm that had generated storm surf and lightning. “Nothing like I’ve ever seen in Hawaii.” she says. “No one had ever surfed those waves before. No one but us!” It is only accessible by boat, a very long journey from any port. That was the first time the spot was ever surfed and documented. So she got to name it.

As she looks to the future, there are three big things currently in Kula’s sights. She’s looking forward to teaching nieces and nephews about the water, just as her uncle and father had taught her. Looking back on it now she realizes how many teachers and mentors she’s had along the way and how so many little things done for her along the way by her friends and family are what gave her so many amazing opportunities in life. “You just don’t realize the impact you’re making sometimes. I got to travel around the world and live this life because of the people that brought me to the ocean. I am forever grateful for that.”

“The Pa’akai (Hawaiian for salt) brand means a lot to me. It’s a brand that was accidentally created a few years ago.” By accidentally she means painting her prized fishing catches like 20 lb Mahi mahi for example, and printing them on dresses to preserve her catch. Some people frame them on walls, Kula wears them. And soon everyone else wanted to sport Pa’akai’s wearable art, too. “Most of the items used to create Pa’akai art comes from the ocean, allowing me to spend most of my work time in the sea.” Since then Pa’akai has expanded to jewelry, hats, and more clothing designs found all over Hawaii. “It’s a really great feeling knowing you found a shell, cleaned it, wrapped it and made it into a beautiful treasure for someone else to treasure.” Every piece is one of a kind, handmade, that’s the beauty of Pa’akai. The water changed her life, and the joy of surfing came from her family and friends. In many ways her lifestyle has always depended on the ocean: from the very beginning her dad was a commercial fisherman, and then her life blossomed as a pro surfer, and now sailing and volunteering on Hokule’a and owning Pa’akai! All her life she has been surrounded by the sea, and she wants to always be involved so that she can give back and provide similar opportunities to others through the gift of the ocean. When asked, “If there was one thing you’d want the world to remember you for… what would it be?” She says,“That’s easy. I will always be a student, constantly learning. I like to teach others and especially teach kids, but you can never learn too much.” F

Where is

Kula Barbieto? Photos by: JOSS

Surfing, SUP, fishing, diving, collecting shells; you name anything involving the ocean, she either does it or would be interested to try, and would no doubt catch on really quick. Surfing is especially big for her. She’s been a star on an MTV surf reality show, a sponsored surf competitor and brand promoter for Roxy Quiksilver. She’s a model and athlete, a crewmember for the Polynesian Voyaging Society... a Hawaii ambassador to say the least.

Follow Pa’akai on Facebook and Pa’akai on Instagram, through the eyes of Kula

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Hawaii (area code 808) . . . . . . . . . . . .

Ballistic Board Co............................................................ 258-8393 Barnfields Raging Isle Surf & Cycle ..........................637-7797 Blue Hawaii Surf (Ala Moana)........................................... 947-9988 Blue Hawaii Surf ............................................................ 845-9300 Blue Hawaii Surf (Pearlridge) ........................................... 488-8811 Blue Planet Surf Shop (WSSM sold here) 596-7755 Boardriders Club Hawaii (International Marketplace) ........... 921-2794 Boardriders Club Hawaii (Waikiki) .................................... 926-5800 Classic Surfboards ...........................................................735-3594 Diamond Head Surfboards (WSSM sold here) ....... ..................................................................... 691-9599 Downing Hawaii .............................................................737-9696 Drift Surf LLC .................................................................941-6699 Edge Board Works.........................................................847-3154 GoNUTS .........................................................................926-3367 Hale Nalu Surf Company..................................................696-5897 Hans Hedemann Surf Schools ...................................... 447-6755 Hawaiian Southshore Outlet ...........................................597-9055 Hawaiian Watersports (Kailua) .......................................262-5483 Hawaiian Watersports (Diamond Head) .......................739-5483 Island Glass Surfboards .................................................. 457-9919 Inter-Island Surf Shop.....................................................945-2982 Jon B. Mar Surfboards ...................................................277-0800 Kimo’s Surf Hut ............................................................262-1644 Koa Board Sports .........................................................923-0189 Local Motion: Ala Moana ........................................................ 979-7873 Hawaii Kai.............................................................. 396-7873 Windward Mall .................................................... 263-7873 Waikele Outlet Center...................................... 668-7873 Hawaii Kai .......................................................... 396-7873 Minami Surf......................................................................637-9994 Modex Surfboards Hawaii ..............................................421-7517 North Shore Boardriders Club ....................................... 637-5026 Inc. ..........................................................396-8676 Pang Dennis Hawaiian Surf Designs & Hawaiian Paddle Boards ..................................... 638-7339 Planet Surf .................................................................... 637-5002 Rush Jay ....................................................................... 596-0580 Russ K Makaha Quiksilver Boardriders Club ................. 951-7876 Quiksilver (Waikiki) ....................................................... 921-2794 RIPCURL (Ala Moana Center) .................................... 943-2490 RIPCURL (Kalakaua Ave) ............................................ 922-2330 RV’s Ocean Used Surfboard ....................................... 348-0441 Sera’s Surf & Shore Ala Moana Center.................... 949-7828 Strong Current Surf Design ...................................... 637-3410 Surfboard Factory Outlet Hawaii.................................. 543-2145 Surf Garage (WSSM Sold Here).............. 951-1173 Surf ’N’ Sea (WSSM Sold Here) ................ 637-9887 Surf News Network Hawaii ....................................... 593-2170 Town & Country Surf Shop: ......................................... 733-5699 Uptown Pearlridge ........................................ 484-5499 Tropical Rush Surf Co. ............................................... 637-8886 Wave Riding Vehicles................................................... 637-2020 Wet Feet ....................................................................... 373-7873 XCEL Wetsuits Hawaii: Honolulu / Ward Center ......................................... 596-7441 Haleiwa................................................................... 637-3248



Hawaii (area code 808) . . . . . . . . . . . .

Action Sports Maui ..................................................... 871-5857 Boardriders Club (Kihei) ................................................. 667-7978 Boardriders Club (Wailaha) ................................................ 891-1503 Boardriders Club (Whalers Village) ................................... 661-3505 Billabong (Lahaina) ..................................................... 667-1840 Da Beach House Maui: Harbor Shops at Ma’alaea ........................... 986-8279 Kihei Kalama Village ..................................... 891-1234 Hawaiian Island Surf & Sport ..........................................871-4981 Hawaiian Surfworks.........................................................242-1431 Hi-Tech Surf Sports ....................................................... 877-2111 Honolua Surf Co. (toll-free).......................................... 466-6582 1000 Limahana Pl., Lahaina ......................... 667-9781 845 Front St. ................................................. 667-1863 Whalers Village............................................... 661-5455 Honolua Underground ................................................ 661-5722 Kazuma Surfboards Hawaii......................................... 575-7510 Local Motion: Lahaina Gateway ........................................ 871-7873

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1819 S. Kihei Rd., Kihei ................................ 879-7873 Ka`ahumanu Shopping Center/Kahului......... 661-7873 M. Miura Store ............................................................ 822-4401 Maui Surfboards .......................................................... 264-2648 Maui Tropix, Kihei ............................................................ 879-6868 Maui Tropix, Kahului ..................................................... 871-8726 Maui Tropix, Lahaina .................................................... 661-9296 Maui Windsurf Co. ........................................................ 877-4816 Neil Pryde Maui.............................................................. 877-7443 Ole Surfboards ............................................................ 661-3459 Outrageous Surf ............................................................ 669-1400 Pakaloha Bikinis (Lahaina) .............................................. 661-6088 Pakaloha Bikinis (Paia) .................................................... 579-8882 Sailboards Maui .......................................................... 579-8432 Second Wind (WSSM sold here)................ 877-7467 Shapers ......................................................................... 877-7873 Surf Dog Maui ............................................................. 250-7873 Timpone Hawaii ............................................................. 575-2649 Valley Isle Surfboards................................................... 244-5230 West Maui Cycles.......................................................... 661-9005 West Maui Sports & Fishing Supply .......................... 661-6252



Hawaii (area code 808) . . . . . . . . . . . .

Aloha Surf Lessons ..................................................... 639-8614 Deja Vu Surfwear ............................................................ 822-4401 Hanalei Surf Co. Backdoor ............................................... 826-1900 Hanalei Surf Co. Paddler ............................................... 826-8797 Quiksilver Kai Kane Surf Shop .................................... 826-5594 Quiksilver (Poipu) ........................................................... 742-8088 Kauai Water Ski & Surf Co. ......................................... 822-3574 Nukumoi Surf Co. ....................................................... 742-8019 M. Miura Store ............................................................... 245-2174 Poipu Surf ..................................................................... 742-8797 Progressive Expressions.............................................. 742-6041 Rex Kauai....................................................................... 828-1141 Tamba Surf Co. ........................................................... 823-6942 Wellman Surfboards...................................................... 338-0888



Hawaii (area code 808) . . . . . . . . . . . .

Big Island Surf Co.......................................................... 959-2472 Honolulu Surf Co: Waikoloa................................................................. 886-1019 Kona....................................................................... 329-1001 Jeff Hunt Surfboards LLC............................................. 965-2322 Kona Boy’s Inc.............................................................. 328-7234 Kona Boy’s (Captian Cook) ........................................... 329-3245 Local Style..................................................................... 959-6121 Miller’s Surf and Sport................................................. 326-1771 Orchid Land Surfshop................................................... 935-1533 Pacific Vibrations........................................................... 329-4140 World Core Surf Shop................................................... 329-8825









Aqua Surf Shop: Sloat Blvd.......................................................... 415-242-9283 Haight St. .......................................................... 415-876-2782 Cowells Beach N Bikini Surf Shop....................... 831-427-2355 O’Neill’s: 41st Ave. ........................................................... 831-475-4151 Cooper St. .......................................................... 831-469-4377 400 Beach St. ..................................................... 831-459-9230 Pacific Wave ........................................................... 831-458-9283


Clout Women & Surf Shop ................................. 310-457-1511 E.T. Surf / Just Longboards ... 310-379-7660 | 310-376-8847 Horizons West Surf Shop ..................................... 310-392-1122 Malibu Surf Shack .................................................... 310-456-8508 Ocean Echo Sportswear....................................... 310-823-5850 Players SurfBoards................................................ 310-545-9626 Spyder ..................................................................... 310-374-8276 SpyderII .................................................................. 310-374-2494 Surf Concepts........................................................ 310-545-7397 Ventura Surf Shop ................................................. 805-643-1062 WaveFront Surf Shop ............................................ 805-652-2201 ZJ Boarding House................................................ 310-392-5646

Zuma Jay Surfboards ............................................ 310-456-8044


Action Beach Surf Shop ...................................... 760-722-7101 Active Ride Shop ................................................. 909-592-0661 Alternative Surf ..................................................... 562-277-4719 Becker Surfboards (Pier Ave) ............................. 310-374-7626 Becker Surf (Malibu) ............................................. 310-456-7155 Bruce Jones Surfboards........................................ 562-592-2314 Bunker Surf Shop ................................................... 858-488-7412 Catalyst Surf Shop................................................... 949-492-5721 CBS Board Shop .................................................. 949-455-0237 Cheap Rentals No.2 .............................................. 800-941-7761 Chuck Dent Surfboards ...................................... 714-960-2882 Clairemont Surf Shop ............................................ 858-292-1153 Dan Taylor Surfboards ........................................... 949-642-1316 Dive N Surf ............................................................. 310-372-8423 Elyzium Surf & Skate............................................ 619-460-0797 Emerald City Surf n Sport ..................................... 619-435-6677 Endless Summer Surf Shop ................................. 858-488-8983 Dan Taylor Surfboards ........................................... 949-642-1316 Dive N Surf ............................................................ 310-372-8423 Greenroom Surf Shop ............................................ 619-226-1311 Girl In The Curl (womens surf shop) ........................... 949-661-4475 Hansen Surfboards................................................ 760-753-6595 Harbour Surfboards ............................................... 562-430-5614 HB Wahine (womens surf shop) .................................. 714-330-3350 Herbie Fletcher Surf Shop ...................................... 949-492-5721 Hobie (Dana Point) ..................................................... 949-496-2366 Hobie (Laguna Beach) ............................................... 949-497-3304 Hobie (Corona Del Mar) ................................................ 949-706-8090 Hobie (San Clemente/El Camino) .................................... 949-542-3355 Hobie (San Clemente/Avenida Del Mar) .......................... 949-542-3400 HSS Billabong (womens surf shop) .......................... 714-374-6266 Huntington Surf & Sport (Pierside)........................... 714-841-4000 Huntington Surf & Sport (Warner)............................... 714-846-0181 Huntington Surf & Sport (Bella Terra)........................... 714-890-0800 Icons of Surf ........................................................... 949-429-7133 Inflight Surf and Sail ........................................... 562-493-3661 Island Surf ............................................................... 619-435-1527 Jacks Surfboards (Hunt. Beach) ............................... 714-536-4516 Jacks Surfboards (Newport) ..................................... 949-673-2300 Jacks Surfboards (Dana Point) ................................. 949-276-8080 Jacks Surfboards (Hermosa Beach) ............................ 310-374-7873 Jacks Surfboards (Corona Del Mar) .......................... 949-718-0001 Jacks Surfboards (Irvine) ........................................... 949-242-7020 Jack’s GIRLS (Hunt. Beach) ..................................... 714-536-2563 Jack’s KIDS (Hunt. Beach) ........................................... 714-536-4516 K5 Oceanside ......................................................... 760-754-1982 K5 Encinitas ............................................................. 760-436-6613 K5 Poway ................................................................ 858-679-6822 Kane Garden .......................................................... 619-405-3189 Katin Surf Shop ..................................................... 562-592-2052 Killer Dana Surf Shop........................................... 949-489-8380 La Jolla Surf Shop ................................................ 858-361-4957 La Jolla Surf Systems.............................................. 858-456-2777 Line Up Surfboards .............................................. 714-842-1648 Liquid Foundation Surfboards ............................ 858-488-3260 Longboard Grotto Surf Shop ................................ 760-634-1920 Mission Surf............................................................. 858-483-8837 Mitchs Surf Shop ........................ 858-459-5933 / 858-481-1354 Ocean Beach Surf Shop........................................ 619-225-0674 Ocean Girl (womens surf shop) ................................ 858-456-9283 Ocean View Board Sports ..................................... 818-541-9127 Offshore Surf Shop................................................ 760-729-4934 Old Town Surf Co................................................ 619-299-9207 O’Neill (flagship store)................................................ 714.635.0424 Pacific Beach Surf Shop (Promenade)...................... 858-373-1138 Pacific Beach Surf Shop (Grand).............................. 858-270-2466 Pacific Beach Surf Shop (Boardwalk).......................... 858-270-1695 Pacific Drive Surf Shop....................................... 858-270-3361 Palapa Surf Shop................................................... 619-224-2715 Pesce Surfboards ................................................... 310-999-5379 Pier Surf.................................................................. 310-372-2012 Plumeria Surfboards.............................................. 714-878-0900 Pride Surf Skate & Snow...................................... 619-222-1575 Rip Curl (3rd St.) .................................................. 310-656-2875 Rip Curl (San Clemente) ......................................... 949-498-4920 Raw Skin Surf n’ Sport .......................................... 760-434-1122 Rockin Figs Surfboards ....................................... 714-536-1058 Rockys Surf Shop.................................................. 619-223-4460 Rusty Surfboards ................................................. 858-551-0262

WSSM | SURF SHOP DIRECTORY Safari Surf & Sport ................................................. 818-349-9283 Safari Surf School.................................................. 858-488-2334 Salty Sports .......................................................... 310-532-1781 San Diego Surfing Academy .............................. 760-230-1474 SoftCore Surfboards............................................... 916-663-0611 Soul Performance .................................................. 310-370-1428 South Coast Wahines (womens surf shop).................. 858-273-7600 South Coast Ocean Beach...................................... 619-223-7017 South Coast Longboards ........................................... 619-223-8808 South Coast Pacific Beach ................................... 858-483-7660 Sun Diego Surf & Sport (Carlsbad) ........................... 760-607-1220 Sun Diego Surf & Sport (Wavehouse Mission) .......... 858-866-0108 Sun Diego Surf & Sport (Fashion Valley) ................... 619-268-2295 Sun Diego Surf & Sport (Westfield Plaza Bonita) ....... 619-399-7959 Sun Diego Surf & Sport (Solana Beach) ................... 858-523-1733 Sun Diego Surf & Sport (Westfield UTC) ................... 858-452-2963 Sun Diego Surf & Sport (Westfiled Pkwy) ................... 619-441-5213 Sun Diego Surf & Sport (Westfield North County) ........ 760-743-4133 Surf Club................................................................. 858-483-4854 Surf Hut .................................................................. 619-575-7873 Surf Ride Board Shop .............. 760-433-4020 | 858-755-0858 Surf Savvy School ................................................. 858-459-4790 Surfboards by Kennedy ........................................ 818-225-1999 Surfside Sports (WSSM Sold Here) ... 949-675-2855 ..................................................... 727-643-9395 Thalia Street Surf Shop ........................................ 949-497-3292 The Rusty Boardhouse........................................ 858-551-0262 Toes on the Nose (Laguna Beach) ............................. 949-494-4988 Toes on the Nose (Adventure Hyatt@Hyatt Regency) .... 714-845-4638 Val Surf (Woodland Hills) ............................................ 818-225-8177 Val Surf (Valley Village)............................................... 818-769-6977 Val Surf (Pasadena)................................................... 626-796-0668 Val Surf (Valencia) ..................................................... 661-222-7288 Val Surf (Thousand Oaks) ........................................... 805-497-1166 Valley Surf & Skate................................................ 818-892-5566 Vanguard Surf And Skate ..................................... 310-373-2501 Waterlines Unlimited................................................ 858-449-0402 Wavelines ................................................................858-675-9696 WindanSea Surf Shop .......................................... 858-488-9374 Witts Carlsbad Pipelines...................................... 760-729-4423


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . NORTHERN FLORIDA

Aqua East Surf Shop (Neptune Beach/St. Augustine) 904-246-2550 Blue Sky Surf Shop ............................................ 904-824-2734 Clean Ocean Surf Company................................... 904-247-3810 Driftwood Sun and Surf ........................................ 904-321-2188 Fluid Surf Shop..................................................... 850-244-3554 Girl Next Door Surf Shop (womens surf shop) ........... 904-461-1441 Innerlight Surf and Skate: Pensacola Beach ...................................... 850-934-9004 Pensacola ................................................. 850-434-6743 Gulf Breeze................................................ 850-932-5134 Gulf Shores ............................................... 251-948-4222 Mr. Surfs Surf Shop .............................................. 850-235-2702 Outer Limitz Surf and Skate ................................ 904-260-2320 Pipeline Surf Shop ................................................. 904-277-3717 Pit Surf Shop ...................................................... 904-471-4700 Quiksilver Retail..................................................... 904-363-8898 Sunrise Surf Shop .................................................. 904-241-0822 Surf Station (St. Augustine)..................................... 904-471-9463 Surf Station II (Crescent Beach)................................ 904-461-5395

CENTRAL FLORIDA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Balsa Bill Surf Shop.............................................. 321-779-8580 Catalyst (Melbourne) ............................................... 321-728-2960 Catalyst (Orlando) .................................................... 407-380-7427 Catalyst (San Clemente) .......................................... 949-492-5721 Catalyst (Deerfield) .................................................. 954-725-1499 Cocoa Beach Surf Company ....... 321-799-9930 | 321-799-9921 Longboard House ................................................. 321-951-8001 Mad Dog Surf Shop ................................................ 386-761-5999 Maui Nix Surf Shop: (635 N. Atlantic Ave) ...................................... 386.253.1234 (250 N. Atlantic Ave) ................................ 386.253.9099 (1700 W. Intl. Speedway) ......................... 386.254.5099 (Coconut Grove) ........................................ 305.444.6919 MTB Surf Emporium ........................................... 321-777-3685 Nekton Surf Shop ................................................ 727-593-8292 Red Dog Surf Shop.............................................. 386-423-8532 Safari Surf School.................................................. 386-299-3609

SALTY DOG SURF SHOP: (S. Atlantic Ave.) .................................... 386-253-2755 International Speedway Blvd ................. 386-258-0457 N. Atlantic Ave ....................................... 386-673-5277 Spectrum Surf Shop ............................................. 321-768-7873 South Beach Dive & Surf Center ........................... 305-673-5900 Suncoast Surf Shop .............................................. 727-367-2483 USW Surf Shop .................... 321-725-1333 | 321-953-4879 ZWAVE SURF SHOP .................................. 386-439-WAVE(9283)

SOUTHERN FLORIDA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

B.C. Surf and Sport...................... 305-715-9912 | 954-564-0202 Boca Surf and Sail................................................ 561-394-8818 Catch-a-Wave Surf and Skate.............................. 305-569-0339 Epic Surf Shop....................................................... 561-272-2052 Impact Zone.......................................................... 305-374-6528 Groundswell Surf Shop ...................................... 561-622-7878 Island Water Sports ............................................ 954-427-4929 Island Water Sports ............................................ 561-588-1728 Juno Surf Shop.............................. 561-626-3569 | 561-575-6649 Maui Nix Surf Shop (Biscayne Blvd.) ........................................ 305-692-9191 (Ft. Lauderdale) ......................................... 954-522-5255 (Destin) ........................................................ 850.269.1234 Nomad Surf Shop ................................................ 561-272-2882 Ocean Magic Surf Shop .................................... 561-744-8925 SALTY DOG SURF SHOP: Panama City Beach ......................................... 850-230-3430 Surf Central ...................................................... 772-283-9002 Surf World- Pompano ........................................... 954-545-7873 Viking Surf Sup (Ft. Lauderdale).............................. 954-321-9277


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Malibu’s Surf Shop (Ocean City)................................ 410-289-3000

NEW JERSEY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


17th Street Surf Shop ............................................ 252-441-1797 Cavalier Surf Shop ............................................... 252-441-7349 Coastal Edge .......................................................... 252-449-5560 Kitty Hawk Sports Inc. ........................................... 252-441-6800 Nolte Surfboards .................................................... 252-491-2590 Outer Banks Boarding Co. ..................................... 252-441-1939 Pit Surf Hang Out .................................................. 252-480-3128 Secret Spot Surf Shop ............................................ 252-441-4030 Wave Riding Vehicles .............................................. 252-261-7952 Whalebone Surf Shop ............................................ 252-441-6747


. . . . . . . . . . . . .

Berts Surf Shop................................................... 843-272-7458 Eternal Waves Surf Shop..................................... 843-839-1239 North Shore Surf Shop.......................................... 843-280-5071 Pipeline Surf Shop................................................. 843-626-8945 Sydney Surf Company........................................... 843-839-4845 Village Surf Shop...................................................... 843-651-6396 Wallerbears Surf Shop.......................................... 843-238-4079 Wave Surf & Sport.................................................. 843-235-8902



1. Logon to: 2. click on “contact us” to send us an email! (we promise to respond)

7th Street Surf Shop.............................................. 609-398-7070 Brave New World: Ocean Port Ave .............................................732-842-6767 Point Pleasant ............... 732-899-8220 | 732-892-8220 Toms River ................................................... 732-505-3600 Eastern Lines Surf Shop (Belmar) ...................... 732-681-6405 Freedom Surf ........................................................ 609-494-6554 Heritage Surf and Sport: Sea Isle City .................................................. 609-263-3033 OceanCity ...................................................... 609-398-6390 Vetnnor Ave. ................................................. 609-823-3331 Inlet Outlet ............................................................. 732-223-5842 OG Surf & Skate ..................................................... 732-869-1001 Primal Surf Shop .................................................. 609-264-1999 Right Coast Surf Shop ......................................... 732-854-9300 Ron Jon Surf Shop ............................................... 609-494-8844 Spellbinders (Main St) .......................................... 732-531-SURF SheBeSurfin (womens surf shop) ............................... 609-967-3110 Summer Sun Surf Shop ......................................... 609-884-3422 Surf Unlimited “The Complete Surf Shop”.............. 609-494-3555


. . . . . . . . . . . . . WRIGHTSVILLE BEACH / CHARLOTTE

Surf City Surf Shop ............................................... 910-256-2265 Sweetwater Surf Shop ......................................... 910-256-3821 Wallerbears Surf Shop ................... 704-341-3414 | 704-369-7873


Aussie Island Surf Shop ..................................... 910-256-5454 Bert’s Surf Shop ........................... 910-392-4501 | 910-458-9047 Hot Wax Surf Shop .............................................. 910-791-9283 Island Kite And Surf ............................................. 910-458-7005 Pride Surf Shop ..................................................... 910-799-7811


On Shore Surf Shop ............................................... 910-328-2232 Bert’s Surf Shop .................................................... 910-328-1010 Spinnaker Surf & Sport ...................................... 910-328-2311

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SURFER RESOURCES DIRECTORY | WSSM SURF LESSONS OAHU, Hawaii - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - April Grover’s Surf School ................................... 808.561.7142

Girls Who Surf ....................................................... 808.371.8917 Loco Boyz Surf School ......................................... 808.739.5588 Hawaiian Surf Adventures………………............... 808.396.2324 by Nancy Emerson .............. 808-294-5544 Sunset Suzy Surf School ..................................... 808-781-2692 Hawaii Surf Retreat ............................................... 808.636.7873

MAUI, Hawaii - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Maui Waveriders .................................................... 808.875.4761 Girls Gone Surfing ................................................ 808.280.0103 Big Kahuna Surf Adventures ............................... 808-875-6395 Maui Surfergirls .................................................... 808-280-8165

KAUAI, Hawaii - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Garden Island Surf School ................................... 808.652.4841

Kauai Surf School ................................................. 808.651.6032 Learn to Surf........................................................... 808.826.7612

BIG ISLAND, Hawaii - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Hawaii Lifeguard Surf Instructors........................ 808.324-0442 Kona Beach Boys.................................................. 808.326-7686 Ocean Eco Tours................................................... 808.324-7873

CALIFORNIA - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - THE NEXT WAVE - Progressive Surf Coaching Southern California ......................... Toll Free - 877 NXT WAVE R&R THERAPY AND SURF INSTRUCTION Specializing in Children with Special Needs ..... 818-787-6889 Costa Azul Surf Lessons (Laguna Beach, CA) ................................................ 949-497-1423 Surf Lessons With Katie ....................................... 310.962.7873

FLORIDA - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Florida Surf Lesson............................................... 561.625.5375 Central Florida Surf School ............................... 1.877.366.7873 EZride Surf School................................................ 954.803.7988 Surf Guy Surf School .....................1-866-SURFGUY(787-3489)

TEXAS - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Surf & Adventure Surf Lessons & Camp Virginia Beach ...................................................... 757-721-6210 Norfolk .................................................................. 757-321-9551

Paul Topp | (Hawaii - Intl)

NORTH CAROLINA - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Wrightsville Beach Surf Camp & Lessons ......... 910-256-7873

SOUTH CAROLINA - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Folly Surfing Lessons (Folly Beach) .................. 842-588-9145

Soul Surfers Surf Camp (Mt. Pleasant) ............... 843-881-6700 Surf The Earth (Pawleys Island, SC) ................ 1-800-864-6752

MASSACHUSETTS - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Surfari Sup & Surf ............................................ 1-978-704-9051 Little Overhead Surf Lessons (Eastham) .......... 508-240-1455

EL SALVADOR - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Explore El Salvador

SunZal Surf Tours ............................................... 407.745.1524

CANADA - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Surf Sister Surf School ..................................... 1.877.724.7873

AUSTRALIA - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Surf Easy Surf Lessons ....................................... 07 5525 6818


The Ding Kings Hawaii ............. 808-391-7483 | 808-923-0067 Edge Board Works ............................................... 808-847-3154 RV’s Ocean Sports ............................................... 808-732-7137 Surf Garage ........................................................... 808-951-1173


Ron’s Board Repair ..................... 808-283-6462 / 808-575-7447 Maui Ding Repair................................................... 808-572-6636


Dr Ding’s Westside Surf Shop ............................. 808-335-3805 Akamai Surf-Lihue................................................. 808-632-0797


Hourglass Manufacturing Inc............................... 714-894-0050 Ding King Surfboard Repair ................................. 760.753.0316


Blue Room.............................................................. 850-235-0401 Surf Station............................................................ 904-471-9463


Island Native Surf House Surf Lessons ............. 956-772-7100

Aaron Nakamura |

South Padre Island Kiteboarding Surf Lessons 956-772-1098

Dave Gregerson | (California, Intl)

Galveston Beach Bums Surf Lessons .............. 409-515-0587

Elliott Wong | (Hawaii)

NEW JERSEY - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 7th Street Surf Shop Surf Lessons ..................... 609-391-1700

VIRGINIA - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Titus Surf School ................................................ 870-370-SURF Hotline Surf Camp - Virginia Beach .................... 757-428-6703

170 | | wSSm

C.M. Olivieri | (California) Dale Basye (California) Gabriel Fernandez | (Florida, Intl) Gary Miyata | (Hawaii, Intl) Jim Whitney | Joem Costez | (Hawaii, Intl) Joanne Barrett | (Hawaii) Kaz Sano | (Hawaii - Intl) Mary Radcliffe | (Florida) Nicole Sanchez | (Hawaii)

Spike | (Hawaii - Intl)

CALIFORNIA: Santa Cruz: 831-475-2275 Huntington Beach: 714-536-9303 DELAWARE: Fenwick: 302-539-5800 FLORIDA: North East Coast (2 x daily PHOTO surf report) Jacksonville Beach (904) 828-4848 Jacksonville Beach (904) 241-1019 Jacksonville (904) 241-0933 Jacksonville (904) 249-4452 St. Augustine (904) 824-9855 St. Augustine (904) 471-1122 Central East Coast FL East Coast 976-7873 976-SURF Titusville (321) 383-0165 Cocoa Beach (321) 728-8118 ext. 2030, (321) 799-8888 ext. 3 Cocoa Beach (321) 868-8967 Cocoa Beach (321) 783-6440 Cocoa Beach (321) 784-2400 Satellite Beach (321) 773-0428 Indialantic (321) ALL-SURF (255-7873) Melbourne Beach (321) 768-7601 South East Coast Stewart (561) 287-7806 West Palm Beach (561) 744-8805 Palm Beach (561) 832-9299 Northern Gulf Coast Pensacola Beach (904) 432-3566 Ft Walton Beach (904) 244-2223 Central Gulf Coast Clearwater (813) 442-3227 Madeira Beach (813) 383-SURF (383-7873) Indian Rocks Beach (727) 596-WAXX (596-9299) Treasure Island (813) 363-SURF (363-7873) St. George Island (850) 553-6236 St. Teresa Beach (850) 697-8330 Southern Gulf Coast Gulf Coast FL (941) 778-WAVE (778-9283) Sarasota 1(800) 953-SURF (953-7873), (941) 346-SURF Ft. Walton Beach (941) 778-1001 Holmes Beach (941) 779-0000 Lido Key (941) 472-0004 HAWAII O’AHU: 808-596-SURF OAHU : 808-637-RUSH MAUI: 808-572-7873 KAUAI: 808-241-7873 BIG ISLAND: 808- 324-7874 NEW JERSEY Sea Bright: 732-842-4024 Belmar: 732-681-6405 Ocean City: 732-531-1028 Ocean City: 609-398-7070 Ocean City: 609-298-6390 Ocean City: 609-823-3331 Ocean City: 609-399-8399 NORTH CAROLINA Clearwater/Wrightsville Beach: (910) 256-8184 SOUTH CAROLINA Folly beach: (843) 588-2261 VIRGINIA Virginia beach: (757) 428-1877

WSSM | SURF CAMP DIRECTORY SURF CAMPS & RESORTS AUSTRALIA - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Nancy Emerson School of Surfing Phone: (61) 413-380-933 |

MEXICO - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Pescadero Surf Camp - Baja Phone: (52) 612-130-3032 |

BARBADOS - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Barbados Surf Trips Phone: |

MOROCCO - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Taghazout Surf Camp Phone: (34) 971 306 992 |

BRAZIL - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Easy Drop Surf Camp Phone: (55) 73 - 3251 3065 | Calima Surf School & Camp Phone: (34) 626 91 33 69 | CANARY ISLANDS - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Lanzarote Surf Camp Phone: (34) 971 306 992 | CANADA - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Inner Rhythm Surf Camp Toll Free: 1-877-393-SURF | Surf Sister Surf School Toll Free: 1-877-724-SURF | COSTA RICA - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Blue Surf Sactuary PH: 011 805-443-5495 | Costa Rica Surfing Chicas PH: 011 (506) 2643-3197 | Endless Summer Surf Camp Phone: (949) 498-7862 | Green Iguana Surf Camp Phone: (506) 825-1381 | Pura Vida Adventures Phone: (415) 465-2162 | Rainforest Outward Bound Surf School Phone: 1-800-676-2018 | Third World Productions Phone: (506) 643-1497 | Voec Retreats Witches Rock Surf Camp Phone: 888-318-SURF | (011) 506-2653-1262 ECUADOR - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Marejada Surf School Phone: 593 5 2622971 | EL SALVADOR - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Azul Surf Club

Villa Argane Surf Camp Phone: (34) 971 306 992 | NICARAGUA - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Suave Dulce Women’s Surf & Yoga Retreat

Richard Schmidt Surf Camp (Santa Cruz, CA) Phone: (831) 423-0928

PANAMA - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Panama Surf Camp | PERU - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Chicama Surf Resort | Kimbas Bungalows | Las Olas Mancora | Samana Chakra | PORTUGAL - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Lagos Surf Camp, Algarve Phone: (34) 639 39 39 94 | SAMOA - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Salani Surf Resort Toll Free: 888 669 SURF (7873) | SPAIN - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Golfino Surf School Phone: 679 932 586 | Sopelana Surf Camp, Bilbao | Phone: (34) 639 39 39 94 SUMATRA - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Baneng Island Resort Phone: (61) 2 6286 9033 | USA - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Bolinas Surf Lessons & Camp (CA) Phone: 415-868-0264 |

Cannon Beach Surf (Cannon Beach, OR) Phone: 503-436-0475 |

SunZal Surf Tours

CLUB ED Surf Camps (Santa Cruz, CA) Phone: (831) 464-0177 |

INDONESIA - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - G-LAND Jungle Surf Camp - Bali Phone: (62) 361-777649 | Bobby`s G-Land Surf Camp Phone: (62) 361.755588,762364 | Padang Padang Surf Camp Phone: 62 81 337 737210 |

Surfing Rabbi (Venice Beach, CA) Phone: (310) 877-1482

Popoyo Surf Lodge |

Punta Roca Surf Lodge

Surf Diva Surf School (La Jolla, CA) Phone: (858) 454-8273

WB Surf Camps (Cape Hatteras, NC) Phone: 1.866.844.7873

C-SickSurfin Surf Lessons (Galveston Island, TX) PH: 409-770-9455

Nagigia Surf Resort Phone: (679) 333 7774 |

South Padre Surf Company (Texas) Phone: 956-772-7272

ChicaBrava US: 713.893.5260 | Nica: +505.8.894.2842

Paradizo Azul Surf Resort

FIJI - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Matanivusi Surf Fiji

South Coast Kiteboarding & Surf Lessons (Corpus Christi, TX) Phone: 361-949-3278

Eli Howard Surf School Encinitas & San Elijo State Beach, CA Phone: 760-809-3069 | Endless Summer Surf Camp Phone: 949-498-7862

Nantucket Surfari Phone: (508) 228-1235 Walking on Water Surf Camp (San Diego CA) Phone: (858) 509-7977 HAWAII | USA - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - North Shore Surf Camps - Oahu (808) 638-5914 Nancy Emerson School of Surfing - Oahu (808) 294-5544 Nancy Emerson School of Surfing - Maui (808) 244-7873 LocoBoyz Surf Camp (808) 739-5588 Lightning Bolt Surf Expeditions (808) 877-3484 Girls Gone Surfing PH: 808-280-0103 Maui Surfer Girls PH: 808 280-8165



1. Logon to: 2. click on “contact us” to send us an email! (we promise to respond)

Islands Surf Camp Phone: 310-866-1941 | Oregon Surf Adventures (Cannon Beach) Phone: 503.436.1481 Ossies Surf Camp & Lessons (Newport, OR) Phone: 541-574-4634 wSSm | | 171

Photo: WSSM

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Yukiko Whiteside ... Sweetheart of Kewalo Basin

photo: Gary Miyata |

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See You Next Issue... Surfer: Mary Osborne on a Patagonia trip to El Salvador Photo: Justin Bastien

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