WSSU Annual Report 2009 - 2010

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The 2010-2011 academic year was a time of transformation on the Winston-Salem State University campus as we began an ambitious effort to establish a new direction for the university. This effort was guided by 2010-2015 Strategic Plan. With a heavy focus on student success and academic excellence, we implemented strategies that are designed to ensure that our students are prepared to be competitive in the 21st Century.

10 11 S trateg i c P la n A n n ual R eport

A major component of this effort was curriculum reform as a means of providing our graduates with the skills needed to be successful in today’s knowledge-based, global economy. Today, our curriculum exposes students to the skill sets that they will need to be competitive – quantitative skills and analytical thinking, critical problem solving and improved communication abilities. Through Liberal Learning Seminars and an expanded curriculum, students are provided the opportunity to broaden their knowledge not only in specific subjects, but also in the approaches and methods of acquiring the knowledge and skills that they will need to thrive in the world they will face upon graduation. Changing the curriculum for the first time in nearly 50 years was a challenging and exciting effort. There were, however, other outstanding accomplishments. We launched the RAMS Know H.O.W. mobile healthcare program that provides our students with hands-on learning opportunities while offering access to health screenings and other health-related information to the community. We were also able to support the community with the re-opening of the Child Development Center under the management of Family Services and the renovation and transformation of the former Boys and Girls Club into The Enterprise Center for the S. G. Atkins Community Development Corporation. Some of our other successes are highlighted in this report. The 2010-2011 year was full of change and opportunities. Yet, we also faced on-going challenges created by another reduction in state funding. With the Strategic Plan as our guide, however, we were able to maintain the focus on using our scarce resources efficiently and effectively. We continue to strive to ensure that there is a significant return on every dollar that is invested in the future of our students. We thank you for your past support and encourage to you to continue to join us in our efforts to make the changes necessary to sustain the proud heritage of Winston-Salem State University and, most importantly, to have a positive and lasting impact upon the lives of our students and their families.

Donald J. Reaves, Ph.D.

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Donald Julian Reaves, Ph.D., Chancellor Dr. Brenda A. Allen, Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs Dr. Dorcas L. Colvin, Executive Vice Chancellor Mr. Gerald E. Hunter, Vice Chancellor for Finance and Administration Mr. Nigel D. Alston, Executive Director for Marketing, Alumni and Community Relations Dr. Carolynn Berry, Associate Provost for Academic Affairs and Research Mrs. Michelle Cook, Vice Chancellor for University Advancement

Dr. Trae Cotton, Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs Mrs. RaVonda Dalton-Rann, Executive Assistant to the Chancellor & Secretary of the University


F. Scott Bauer, Chair Martin B. Davis ’85, Vice Chair Debra B. Miller ’78, Secretary Mrs. Vivian H. Burke Dr. James C. Hash, Sr. Mrs. Sue Henderson Mr. Victor Johnson, Jr. ’61 Mr. Thomas W. Lambeth Dr. Karen McNeil-Miller Mr. James R. Nanton Mr. Keith W. Vaughan Mr. Charles F. Wallington Mr. Jonathan M. Jackson

Mr. William L. Hayes, Director of Athletics Mrs. Shannon B. Henry, Director of Internal Audit and Compliance Services Mrs. Camille Kluttz-Leach, University Legal Counsel

Ms. Tomikia LeGrande, Assistant Vice Chancellor for Enrollment Management

Dr. Merdis McCarter, Senior Associate Provost for Academic Affairs Mr. Justin D. McKenzie, Associate Provost and Chief Information Officer Ms. Nancy N. Young, Director for Public and Media Relations

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Dr. L’Tanya Bailey ’78, Chair Ms. Donna Oldham ’83, Vice Chair Ms. Alison Y. Ashe-Card Ms. Nicole Ferguson Carr ’04 Mrs. Coretta Bigelow ’79 Mr. Michael L. Clements Ms. Carrie Collins ’05 Ms. Mae C. Godette ’84 Dr. William U. Harris ’58 Dr. Johnnie McFadden ’58 Mr. Donald K. Dunn ’83 Ms. Tyyawdi M. Hands ’96 Ms. Cherita R. Marks-Davis ’88 Mr. James McNeil ’67 Mr. Carl J. Miller Mr. Harrison Porter ’79 Mr. Anthony O. Shipman ’86 Reverend Prince Raney Rivers Dr. Glenda P. Sims ’70 Dr. Allston J. Stubbs III Mr. Kelvin Lewis Walton ’87 Mr. Harry Williams ’73 Mr. Daniel Torian ’84 Mr. Eugene L. Weeks Mr. Christopher Wilson ’83

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Mr. James E. Martin, Chair Mr. Roger Vaughn, Vice Chair Mr. Timothy A. Grant ’80, Secretary Ms. Martha Logemann, Treasurer Dr. Lenora R. Campbell Ms. Peggy Carter Ms. Michelle M. Cook Mr. W. Randy Eaddy Mr. Tony Ebron Mr. Kelvin Farmer ’86 Ms. Catherine Pettie Hart ’74 Mr. Fred Harwell Mr. Harold Kennedy III Mr. Elliott Lemon ’83 Dr. Charles Love ’66 Mr. Arthur E. McClearin Mr. J. Walter McDowell Ms. Patricia D. Norris ’93 Mr. Ray Owen Ms. Stephanie L. Porter ’81 Dr. Donald J. Reaves Mr. Curtis Richardson ’76 Ms. Shirley Danner Shouse Mr. Clifton H. Sparrow ’80 Ms. Claudette Weston EX-OFFICIO DIRECTORS Mr. F. Scott Bauer Mr. Gerald Hunter Mr. Gordon Everett ’78 Mr. Gordon Slade ’93 Mr. Jonathan M. Jackson EMERITUS DIRECTORS Ms. Florence P. Corpening Mr. Victor Johnson, Jr. ’61 Dr. Steve Martin

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S trat e g i c G o a l




Academic Excellence Using dance to mimic the movements of bats may not seem the best way to learn science, but in the liberal learning seminar SciVis 2010, two exercise science majors did just that. Through scientific visualization, they were able to demonstrate the relationship between form and flight which allowed the two students to explore new ways of thinking. The seminars are part of the university’s curriculum reform efforts that expand the way students are taught and also provide more flexibility in the classes they need to graduate. Changes were made to the 50-year-old curriculum as part of the Strategic Plan’s emphasis on preparing students to be successful in their careers by developing the problem-solving and critical-thinking skills that are needed in today’s global economy. • Winston-Salem State University received reaffirmation of its accreditation from the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS) Commission on Colleges • The university’s School of Health Sciences was approved for a doctoral program in physical therapy •

The College of Arts and Sciences received a $600,000 grant to support highly qualified, but economically disadvantaged students to study computer science and information technology and a $500,000 grant to improve undergraduate training and further studies for underrepresented minorities in the biomedical and behavioral sciences

• Students across disciplines presented their research to North Carolina legislators at the “Research in the Capital” event and to the campus during Undergraduate Research Week

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S t r ate g ic Goa l



Student Success Thanks to the Second Chance Scholars Program, five students were able to return to Winston-Salem State and earn their degrees. The program was created to help students who were within 12-18 hours of graduating, but had to drop out because they did not have the financial support to complete their studies. Individual contributors from the Winston-Salem community stepped in to provide the funds necessary for a pilot program that made a difference in the lives of these five students. One of the students, a young man who only needed one more semester, returned to school in January and continued to work while he finished his remaining courses. He graduated in May and has moved on to graduate school at Howard University because the Second Chance Scholars Program made an investment in his future. •

While Winston-Salem State University has increased its admission standards, the school has also partnered with Forsyth Technical Community College to develop a Dual Admissions Program that provides access to higher education for students who may not be prepared for the rigors of a four-year college

Twenty-nine first year occupational therapy students had an opportunity for some very special experiential learning. They were able to improve life for a young boy by outfitting a playhouse to meet his special needs caused by a rare neurological disease that affects his vision and his physical and mental abilities

• As part of its Quality Enhancement Plan, the university opened the Office of the QEP Writing in the Major Program that works with students to improve their writing abilities


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S t r ateg i c

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expanding our partnerships

foster collaboration

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Community Engagement The Simon Green Atkins Community Development Corporation has been at the forefront of changing the face of the community surrounding Winston-Salem State University. Working with the community and professional consultants, the CDC created an actionable blueprint for an area that is the “front door” for WSSU. The MLK Corridor Plan focuses on a three-mile area of the street that runs through the middle of the university’s campus. Part of the plan involves economic development efforts and the CDC is taking a leadership role with the renovation of the former Boys and Girls Club Building. Once a center of community activity, the CDC is bringing the building back to life with the creation of The Enterprise Center, Winston-Salem’s only business incubator. The Enterprise Center will provide space and professional support for the WSSU Center for Entrepreneurship to help small businesses grow, create new jobs and attract additional investment in the area. Beyond its role as a business incubator, the Center will also eventually provide space to meet community needs and, this summer, even became home to the Simon’s Green Acre, a community garden project started by staff and students from the university.

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The WSSU Foundation and the Office of University Advancement have begun hosting quarterly sessions with community leaders as a way to share the Winston-Salem State University story throughout the Triad and beyond. The Chancellor’s Breakfast Briefings have provided information on everything from the impact of curriculum reform on employers to the scope of the university’s efforts to benefit the community.

WSSU hosted several local youth groups for the CIAA Basketball Tournament in Charlotte.

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S t r a t e gic



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Efficiency, Effectiveness & Resources With a goal of optimizing its resources, Winston-Salem State University developed a master plan to ensure it preserves the history of the campus while offering students an environment that promotes learning and provides them with a greater sense of community. A major step came in the spring with a ground-breaking for the new Student Activities Center that will include space for a variety of activities, an expanded food court and seating designed to be conducive to informational meetings, socializing and studying. In addition to the new construction, the master plan provides for changes in energy efficiency requirements as the university embarks on renovations to transition some of the existing facilities into “green” buildings. Going “green” is designed to improve buildings with a project that will pay for itself as well. With the master plan as a guide, the university will be able to better manage future growth in an efficient and effective manner that will benefit students and the overall look of the campus. •

When reductions in state appropriations forced the university to close its Child Development Center, efforts immediately began to develop an effective use of the building that would meet the needs of the campus and the community. Family Services now is providing quality preschool care and also offering opportunities to students for training and volunteering

• An Information Technology Initiative was designed to align people, processes and technology necessary to implement the Strategic Plan goals that support students, faculty and staff

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S trategic

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University Culture and Pride At Winston-Salem State, athletics have traditionally contributed to student development, generated pride in the university, enhanced alumni engagement, and increased community support. With its “Return to Glory” campaign, the Rams athletics department ended the 2010-11 year in style. Every team finished in the top three in all sports within the CIAA conference and won conference championships in women’s cross country, women’s indoor track and field, women’s tennis, softball, men’s cross country and baseball. Winning may be important, but so is getting an education. The Department of Athletics demonstrated its on-going commitment to academic achievement when it opened the athletics learning lab. The revamped academic services helped 36 WSSU student-athletes earn degrees, including 15 who graduated with honors.


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WSSU graduates from 2000 through 2009 represented one-third of the university’s alumni. Yet, these are the alums that are just getting started in jobs and often are paying back student loans, so they may think there isn’t anything they can do to help their alma mater. In an effort to make a difference, Jonathan Murray and Marques Johnson suggested creating a WSSU Young Alumni Council to encourage this group to recognize that even small amounts of money can make a difference for the school if enough people participate. Using Facebook, Twitter and other forms of social media, the Young Alumni Council is reaching out to share tips for career-building, financial planning and other areas of personal development while encouraging the financial support of WSSU.

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Consolidated Statements of Financial Position for Winston-Salem State University Foundation, Inc. and Subsidiary

JUNE 30, 2011 AND 2010



ASSETS Cash and cash equivalents

$ 3,005,320

$ 3,974,612

Restricted cash



Other investments







Accounts receivable Lease obligation receivable, net Pledges receivable, net



Investment securities



Property and equipment, net



Deferred financing costs, net



$ 62,566,577

$ 63,119,151

$ 299,876

$ 375,203

Bonds payable



Total Liabilities



TOTAL ASSETS LIABILITIES AND NET ASSETS Liabilities Accounts payable and other accruals

Net Assets Unrestricted Undesignated



Board designated for endowment







Temporarily restricted Permanently restricted



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$ 62,566,577

$ 63,119,151

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Consolidated Statements of Activities for Winston-Salem State University Foundation, Inc. and Subsidiary




Support and Revenue Gifts and grants Investment income

$ 1,392,214

$ 1,395,366



Unrealized gains (losses) on investments



Administrative fees











Passport income Lease income Other

Total Support and Revenue EXPENSES Scholarships Special programs Housing expenses Management and general Depreciation and amortization

482,632 802,385













Total Expenses



Change in Net Assets



Net Assets, Beginning



$ 13,126,701

$ 12,433,948

Interest Unrelated business income tax Fundraising expense

Net Assets, Ending

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384,103 1,087,365

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The University’s financial position, as a whole, showed a slight decrease during the fiscal year ended June 30, 2011. Its combined net assets decreased $522,326.02 from the previous year, which is a decrease of approximately 0.4 percent.



2011 2010


Condensed Financial Information






$ Change

% Chg


Current Assets

$ 21,111,730.23

$ 24,173,019.12

$ (3,061,288.89)


Noncurrent Assets Capital Other Total Assets

152,200,739.87 25,704,978.72

150,994,383.59 26,125,602.51

1,206,356.28 (420,623.79)

0.8% -1.6%





7,977,700.49 70,151,029.98 78,128,730.47

8,446,469.16 71,435,491.69 79,881,960.85

(468,768.67) (1,284,461.71) (1,753,230.38)

-5.5% -1.8%





Liabilities Current Liabilities Liabilities Noncurrent Total Liabilities


Net Assets* Invested in Capital Assets, Net of Related Debt Restricted: Nonexpendable Expendable Unrestricted Total Net Assets

15,661,547.06 13,600,335.84

15,086,895.20 14,984,428.62

574,651.86 (1,384,092.78)

3.8% -9.2%

6,279,101.31 $ 120,888,718.35

9,567,486.64 $ 121,411,044.37

(3,288,385.33) $ (522,326.02)

-34.4% -0.4%

2011 2010


















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10 11 DONOR LIST Dear friends, The honor roll of donors that follows acknowledges the individuals and organizations that made contributions to the Winston-Salem State University Foundation between July 1, 2010 and June 30, 2011. Our support comes from many constituents – alumni, students, faculty and staff, friends, corporations, foundations and others. We also acknowledge the support of those who remembered a friend or loved one with an honor or memorial gift to the Foundation. On behalf of the university and personally, I offer thanks to those who so generously invested in Winston-Salem State during the 2010-2011 fiscal year. These contributions are an investment in the success of the university and our students. We will be good and careful stewards of your generosity. With gratitude,

Michelle M. Cook Vice Chancellor for University Advancement and Executive Director of the WSSU Foundation

PS – If you want to know more about how you might invest in Winston-Salem State please call me or one of my University Advancement colleagues at (336) 750-2184. It would be our pleasure to help you make a gift that is meaningful to the university and to you.

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Individuals $10,000+

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph (78) and Deborah Amado Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth (61) and Audrey Benton Mr. & Mrs. John and Mary Louise Burress Mr. & Mrs. Cleveland (60) and Marlene Ellison Mr. & Mrs. Kelvin (86) and Tammy Farmer Mr. & Mrs. Philip (d) and Charlotte Hanes Dr. & Mrs. William (58) and C. Estelle (60) Harris Drs. Donald J. and Deborah R. Reaves

$2,500 - 9,999.99

Dr. Brenda A. Allen Dr. Harvey H. Allen, Jr. Ms. Carolyn L. Anderson Dr. L’Tanya J. Bailey (78) Mrs. Gloria D. Banks (46) Mr. Logan (60) and Dr. Vivian Burke Dr. & Mrs. Brinston (d) and Betty (64) Collins, Sr. Dr. Dorcas L. Colvin Mr. & Mrs. Bill and Michelle Cook Roslyn M. Crisp, DDS, MS, PA Mr. & Mrs. Martin (86) and Robin Davis Mr. W. Randy Eaddy Mrs. Clara B. Gaines Mr. & Mrs. Clark and Laverne (67) Gaither Mr. Fred Harwell and Mrs. Joslin Davis Mr. & Mrs. Paul R. (58) and Hattie Mae Hayes Mr. & Mrs. Charles (53) and V. Madge (54) Haynes Mr. & Mrs. Douglas and Sue Henderson Spencer B. Howard, DDS, PA Mr. Gerald E. Hunter Mr. & Mrs. John (63) and Selena (64) Hunter Perry Jeffries, DDS, PA Mr. & Mrs. Victor (61) and Constance Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Clarence (55) and Wanda Hale Jones Mr. & Mrs. Elliott (83) and Saundra Lemon Mr. & Mrs. James and Mary Allen Martin Mr. Arthur E. McClearin Mr. & Mrs. J. Walter and Shippey McDowell Mr. & Mrs. Herman (60) and Alice (55) McNeil Mr. Bill W. Miller, Jr. (83) Dr. Thomas L. Monteiro (61) Mr. & Mrs. James and Claire Nanton Mr. & Mrs. Ray and Cathy Owen

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Ms. Rosetta J. Pauling Mr. & Mrs. Donald (75) and Jacqueline (73) Cureton Mr. & Mrs. Harrison (79) and Stephanie (81) Porter Mr. & Mrs. Curtis (76) and Earline (71) Richardson Ms. Lenora Richardson Mr. & Mrs. Eugene (60) and Viola (61) Roseboro Drs. Morteza Sadri and Jessica Bailey Robert M. Selden, III, DDS, MS, PA Ms. Shirley D. Shouse Mr. & Mrs. John and Peggy Taylor Dr. Peggy A. Valentine Ms. Viretta I. Vann (81) Mr. & Mrs. Keith and Lydia Vaughan Mr. & Mrs. Roger and Kim Vaughn Mr. & Mrs. Charles and Sandra Wallington Mr. Kelvin L. Walton (87) Mr. Charles C. Whitfield

$1,500 - 2,499.99

Mr. & Mrs. Nigel and Sarah Alston Mr. & Mrs. Beaufort (57) and Pollye (74) Bailey Antonio S. Braithwaite, DDS, MPH, PA Mr. & Mrs. Fred and D’Walla Burke Ms. Kate Condon Ms. Rotunda L. Eaton Mr. & Mrs. Gordon (78) and Sharon (80) Everett Mr. & Mrs. Donald (62) and Patsy (66) Faison Mr. Billy D. Friende, Jr. Mr. Terry K. Griffin (79) Dr. & Mrs. James and Joyce Hash Mrs. Vivien O. Johnson (57) Mr. Andrew Z. Jones (08) Mrs. Jessie D. Kearney (38) Dr. & Mrs. Charles (66) and Barbara (67) Love Mr. & Mrs. Andre (74) and Mary (75) Mallette Mr. & Mrs. Walter (65) and Paulette (69) Marshall Dr. Merdis J. McCarter Mr. John McKinney (91) Chief Patricia D. Norris (93) Mr. & Mrs. Percy (78) and Anita Phillips Mr. & Dr. Alvin and Sophia (60) Pierce Eric J. Sadler, DDS, PA Mrs. Anna A. Simkins (d) Dr. & Mrs. Allston and Jean Stubbs Mr. Frederick L. Warren (67) Mr. & Mrs. Eugene and Wilma (64) Weeks Mr. & Mrs. Harden (73) and Janet Wheeler Dr. Rosa L. Williams (65)

$1,000 - 1,499.99

Ms. Cheryl A. Basnight (83) Mr. Frank L. Beal, Jr. (80) Mr. Anthony T. Bennett Mrs. Dollie S. Bishop (60) Dr. Randy C. Bolton (79) Mrs. Grace M. Broadnax (60) Mrs. Cynthia W. Brown Ms. Judy Butler Ms. CeCe Byers (73) Rev. Ruth D. Cassaberry (76)

Mr. & Mrs. Clarence B. (62) Chambers Mr. & Mrs. James and Julia (69) Chisholm Mr. & Mrs. F. Hudnall and Claire Christopher Mrs. Dorothy G. Craine (60) Mrs. Lucille T. Daniels (54) Mr. & Mrs. William Davis, III Ms. Valerie Dinkins Mrs. Clara B. Douglas (61) Ms. Celesta J. Dudley (60) Mrs. Jacqueline Rainey Dunlap (60) Mr. & Mrs. Jakay (58) and Minnie (09) Ervin Mr. & Mrs. William (71) and Velma Forte Mrs. Mary Roseboro Gill (64) Mrs. Mae C. Godette (84) Mr. & Mrs. William and Alice (63) Grady Mr. & Mrs. Timothy (80) and Vicki Grant Mrs. Mildred R. Griffin (67) Ms. Charlene D. Hairston (91) Mr. Gregory C. Hairston, Sr. (83) Mr. Peyton T. Hairston, Sr. (54) Mr. Eugene Leroy Hanes, Sr. (58) Ms. Annie B. Hargett (61) Mr. Robert N. Harvey, Jr. (60) Dr. & Mrs. Charles & Susan Hauser Mr. William “Bill” Hayes Mr. Tommy L. Hickman Dr. Larry L. Hungerford Ms. Daphne E. Huntley (90) Mr. & Mrs. Al-Wadood and Addie (86) Jabbar Mr. Ivory E. Johnson (72) Ms. Latanja K. Johnson Maj. Craig Jones (99) Mrs. Dermetta Jones (60) Ms. Joyce Winstead Jones (61) Ms. Micheala N. Jones (94) Ms. Veronica G. Jones (71) Mr. Stephen W. Joyner, Jr. Ms. Catherine S. Kennedy Mr. & Mrs. Thomas & Donna Lambeth Herbert K. Land, DDS, PA Ms. Judi Lattimore Mr. Don G. Lawrence (72) Mr. Bobbie L. Linville, Sr. (74) Dr. Larry D. Little (79) Mr. Winfred R. Mack, II (80) Mrs. Marie A. Matthews (48) Mr. Carl J. Miller Dr. Randy W. Mills Mr. & Mrs. John (83) and Doris (81) Moore Mr. Herman D. Moye (66) Mrs. Cora D. Neelon (57) Ms. Elizabeth M. Newton (80) Dr. J. Mark Oliver, DDS Mr. & Mrs. William (74) and Brenda (74) Peay Mrs. Verndene P. Pettiford (65) Mr. Ronnie L. Rakestraw (78) Mr. Willie G. Richardson (62) Mrs. Sylvia Outlaw Rodgers (61) Drs. Cedric and Mae Rodney Drs. Lewis (62) and E. Joyce (61) Roland Mr. Otis B. Sellers Dr. & Mrs. Reginald (78) and Annie (78) Sherard

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Dr. & Mrs. Calvert (59) and Carrie (60) Smith Mr. Stephen A. Smith (91) Mr. & Mrs. Earnest and Patsy (80) Squire Mr. Clark G. Stewart (60) Mr. Herbert F. Stover (60) Mrs. Marilynn S. Suggs (80) Ms. Jane W. Theis Mrs. Margaret F. Thomas (60) Dr. Earlene W. Thornton (55) Mrs. Jeraline J. Truesdale (60) Mr. & Mrs. Robert (78) and Wanda Scott (78) Weeks Mr. Billy R. Williams (60) Mr. & Mrs. Harry (73) and Linda Williams Mr. Jacob C. Williams (70) Dr. & Mrs. James (78) and Karen Winbush Ms. Nancy N. Young

$500 - 999.99

Dr. Peggy P. Alexander Ms. Vertis M. Armstrong (60) Ltl. Edna B. Artis (72) Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Babcock Dr. Eugene O. Bailey (94) Ms Tabetha Bailey Mrs. Remona M. Banner (58) Mr. Richard Beane, DDS Dr. Edwin D. Bell Drs. Michael and Carolynn Berry Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth and Coretta J. Bigelow (79) Mr. Oliver K. Blue, Jr. (81) Mr. Kienus P. Boulware Mr. James E. Brewer Ms. Margaret J. Brinson Mr. Carl E. Brown, Jr. (60) Mr. William C. Brown Mr. Michael T. Carethers (93) Mr. Charles Carrouthers (66) Mrs. T. Janifer Diggs Claytor Dr. Faye M. Cobb Mr. Bobby L. Collins Dr. Teresa Conner-Kerr Mrs. Bernice Howard Davenport (47) Mr. & Mrs. James (79) and Rita Dawkins Mr. Robert Dawkins (60) Mr. Harold R. Dunovant (71) Mr. Benjamin T. Dupree (60) Mrs. Turquoise B. Erving Mrs. Minnie J. Evans (60) Dr. Sylvia A. Flack (68) Dr. Charles Wesley Ford, Jr. Mr. Samuel A. Foster, Jr. (61) Mrs. Irma W. Gadson (48) Ms. Noel L. Gamble Mr. Otis Gibson (69) Mrs. Gwendolyn S. Griffin (60) Mr. Kenneth M. Griffin, Sr. (70) Dr. Beth Day-Hairston (84)

Mrs. Sigrid R. Hall-Pittsley Mr. & Mrs. Clark and Marilyn (61) Hanner Mr. & Mrs. Gregory and Frances Harley Mrs. Marye Wells Harley (65) Mrs. Edith S. Harrison (59) Mrs. Milliceson R. Hayes (61) Mr. Richard L. Hayes, Jr. Mr George E Heilman Mr. & Mrs. Cleo (62) and Ann Hill Mr. James P. Jeter Mrs. Roberta B. Kincaid Ms. Tomikia P. Legrande Ms. Hazel Lipscomb (60) Mr. Benjamin F. Lowe Mrs. Barbara J. C. Manning (60) Mrs. Betty L. Martin-Watson (88) Mrs. Edith W. Massey-Stephens (58) Ms. Reshonda Renee Matthews (07) Dr. Joanette Pete McClain Mr. Thomas McClure Ms. Barbara W. McCracken (64) Mr. & Dr. Steve and Karen McNeil-Miller Ms. Debra Becton Miller (78) Mr. James V. Nelson, Sr. (63) Ms. Susie T. Norton Ms. Fran Bates Oates (74) Mrs. Chevara L. Orrin Mr. & Mrs. G. Clifton & Sarah Pennell Mr. & Mrs. Arthur (68) and Patricia (68) Phillips Mr. & Mrs. C. Edward & Nancy Pleasants Ms. Margaret Scales & Mr. Graydon Pleasants Mr. & Mrs. Carlos (94) and Jennie (93) Privette Ms. Elanora Raiford Ms. Carolyn T. Rajacich (75) Dr. Colleen P. Ramsey Honorable Rapolaki E. Molelekeng Mrs. Novel Rusell Ratchford (66) Mr. Kevin J. Ritsche Mrs. Lillian W. Ruffin (61) Mr. & Mrs. Edward (89) Singleton Mrs. Bessie Snuggs (60) Mrs. Robin Davenport (82) Sutton Ms. Lydell L. Thompson Mr. Steven R. Thompson, Jr. (96) Mr. Walter Tobe (76) Ms. Lois H. Turner Mrs. Tonia G. Walker Mrs. Rebecca A. Wall Mr. Jerome J. Watson (66) Mr. Roland and Dr. Velma Watts Dr. & Mrs. Spurgeon (d) and Lorretta Webber Mrs. Claudette B. Weston Ms. Phyllis James (94) Mr. Charles C. Whitfield Mr. & Mrs. Arcelia and Ralena Wicker Mr. Cory A. Williams (02) Mr. Donald M. Williams (70) Mr. & Mrs. Robert and Constance (60) Wilson

Mr. & Mrs. Christopher (83) and Gwendolyn (83) WIlson Mrs. Bernese Witherspoon (60) Hon. Larry W. Womble (63) Mr. Xavier (84) and Rita (82) Wortham

$250 - 499.99

Mr. Edmund E. Atkins Mrs. Donna C. Bailey (86) Ms. Ida R. Bailey Mrs. Sharyn B. Baker (74) Mr. & Mrs. William and Barbara (58) Barnes Mr. & Mrs. F. Scott and Elaine Bauer Col. Dimitri M. Belmont (78) Mr. & Mrs. Josiah and Marie Harrington (72) Bennetone Attorney R. Steve Bowden Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas and Nancy Bragg Ms. Bertha L. Brandon (58) Mrs. Barbara M. Brown (60) Mr. & Mrs. David (79) and Margo (80) Williams Brown Mrs. Peggy Carter Ms. Aracelli Centina Mr. Morris J. Clarke Mr. Russell T. Clinding (94) Mr. Owen J. Cooks Mr. & Mrs. John and Regina Craven Mr. & Mrs. Charles (53) and Shirley Crump Ms. Jeanna M. Cullins Mrs. Ravonda O. Dalton-Rann Mr. Joseph R. Daniels Mrs. Sadie R. Daniels Nicholas A. Daves Ms. Seneca G. Davidson (07) Ms. Gina J. Decelle (08) Mrs. Erline S. Dennis (39) Ms. Marianna B. Diggs Mrs. Geraldine J. Dye (61) Mr. Ronald D. Dyson (70) Mr. & Mrs. Barry Eisenberg Mrs. Beverly B. Evans (70) Mr. & Mrs. Julius and Kimberly (92) Reese Mr. & Mrs. Charles and Shirley Farrar Ms. Vonda D. Farrow (99) Mr. Kristopher T. Ferguson (08) Mr. John Fitzgerald Ms. Arlenda G. Foree Ms. Audra R. Foree Ms. Charlene S. Garrison (71) Ms. Elnora W. Gore Mr. & Mrs. Peyton and Tanya Hairston Mr. William L. Hairston Mr. Brian J. Hamilton (70) Mr. & Mrs. Edward and Laverne Hanes Mr. Stanley N. Harding (85) Mrs. Minnie Harris Boyd (55) Ms. Cheryl K. Harrison (82)

This listing represents donors who made gifts between July 1, 2010 and June 30, 2011. Bold = Student Donors, (d) = Deceased.

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Mrs. Catherine B. Hemingway (49) Mr. Marion D. Henderson, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. Charles E. Hicks Mrs. Annie M. Hicks-Hager (60) Mr. & Mrs. Rudy (73) and Jacqueline (72) Hill Mrs. Betty C. Crawford (56) Mr. & Mrs. Ivy (82) and Glenda (83) Hosch Mr. & Mrs. Donald and Lucia (64) Hudson Dr. Elwanda D. Ingram Mr. & Mrs. John and Shermeca Jackson Mr. & Mrs. Robert and Priscilla (69) Wiggins Dr. Alex B. Johnson (71) Mr. & Mrs. Harvey and Billie Booth Jones Mr. & Mrs. Torris and Wanda Joyner (82) Jones Ms. Sharon Jordan Mrs. Gohar Karami Ms. Beverly D. Kemp (75) Mr. Leslie H. Kimbrough (70) Mrs. Ericsteen J. Lash (60) Mr. Jonathan (96) and Dr. Nikita (96) Lindsay Mrs. Dorothy Fair Mack (64) Mrs. Janet H. Matthews (56) Mr. Michael V. McCoy, Sr. (74) Mr. & Mrs. Thomas and Cathleen McKinney Mr. James E. McNeil (67) Mrs. Sylvia C. McPherson (75) Mr. David L. Meadows (55) Mr. Paul Meis Mr. Joe N. Middleton (60) Mr. James A. Mitchell (81) Mr. & Mrs. Charlie and Barbara (60) Morris Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan (04) and Latoya Simmons (05) Murray Mr. & Mrs. Benny and Patsy (77) Murrill Mrs. Diana Myers (62) Mrs. Susie B. Nance (67) Mrs. Gail O. Perry (70) Mr. Robert E. Pike Mr. & Mrs. James (89) and Dydrea Pittman Mr. Edward Pollock Ms. Margaret M. Poston Mr. Ernest A. Ray Dr. Bobbie K. Reddick Reverend & Mrs. Prince and Monica Rivers Mr. Garfield P. Robinson (61) Mrs. Ruth Allred Robinson (65) Mr. & Mrs. Barry (87) and Sylvia Rountree

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Dr. & Mrs. Kenneth and Brenda Sadler Mr. Michael Santos Dr. Subash M. Shah Mr. Gordon Q. Slade (94) Mr. Donald L. Smart (70) Ms. Liz M. Smith Mrs. Bernice C. Spencer (58) Dr. Edward M. Sutton (82) Mrs. Robin D. Sutton (82) Mr. Edward T. Thompson (61) Mr. Daniel L. Torian (84) Mrs. Shirley M. Townsend (61) Mr. & Mrs. Sherman and Cleola (59) Vaughn Mrs. Gwendolyn H. Wallace (52) Dr. William R. Warren Mr. Clarence G. Watson (65) Mr. & Mrs. Eddy and Cammie Wells Mr. Eddy Wells Mrs. Marjorie T. Wilkins (71) Ms. Sonna’ L. Williams (03) Ms. Ann Winters, PhD

$100 - 249.99

Ms. Lillian Adams (75) Mr. & Mrs. Thomas & Jean Adams Ms. Carmille L. Akande (02) Ms. Betty Acey Alexander (75) Mr. Donald M. Alexander Mr. David L. Allen (79) Mr. Kelvin T. Allen Mr. Jeffrey L. Alston (97) Ms. Brooke D. Anderson Ms. Kelli Armwood, MSN (98) Ms. Kim P. Asbury (95) Ms. Joy A. Atkinson (69) Mrs. Barbara S. Austin (57) Mrs. Doris A. Lewis (70) Mrs. Teresa F. Ayalah (83) Mr. Christopher D. Bailey (94) Ms. Delores C. Bailey (74) Mr. Jay P. Bailey (90) Mr. & Mrs. William (74) and Marcia Bailey Dr. James J. Baker Mr. & Mrs. Kent (73) and Sharyn Baker Ms. Lois M. Baker Mr. Robert L. Barrier, Jr. (77) Mr & Mrs. Robert and Judith Bass Ms. Kim Bass Ms. Montez D. Bates (77) Dr. Dorothy A. Battle (70) Ms. Lorna Beck Ms. Jeannette Barton Belfield (63) Mr. Bernard A. Bell (61) Dr. Cynthia S. Bell Mrs. Jacqueline L. Belton (78) Mr. & Mrs. Norman and Mose’ Belton (72) Perry Mr. & Mrs. Roosevelt and Mrs. Betty (57) Bennett Mr. Franklin Bennett (75) Mr. & Mrs. Bobby (71) and Evoria Bess Mr. Adam K. Beyah (78) Mr. W. E. Blackwelder

Mr. William A. Blancato Mrs. Shirley Caldwell (57) Blanton Mrs. Karen M. Blue (75) Mrs. Sharon E. Boone (77) Mrs. Ruth S. Bowen (55) Mrs. Ruth L. Boyd (51) Mr. Montrale D. Boykin Ms. Neacie Boykin Mr. William T. Brandon Mr. Paul F. Briggs, Jr. Mr. Luther A. Britton Ms. Janet E. Brower-Thomas (77) Mrs. Barbara Pannell Brown (61) Ms. Brenda W. Brown Ms. Crystal L. Brown Mrs. Eleanor Issac Brown Mr. Henry B. Brown Ms. Jayme Brown Ms. Joya E. Brown Dr. & Mrs. James and Lillie (57) Brown Mrs. Mary B. Brown (63) Mr. Robert J. Brown Mr. Randall D. Brummett Mr. & Mrs. Donald and Eleanor Gilbert (70) Bryant Mrs. Mildred T. Bryant (60) Ms. H. Shanlon Hudson (75) Mr. Moise Burgess Mr. David W. Burke Ms. A. Monique Burnette (93) Mr. & Mrs. Herman and Adele Burney Mrs. Carolyn C. Butler (87) Mr. Kevin B. Byers Mr. Kevin A. Byers (99) Mrs. Lucy Cabell (46) Ms. Sylvia J. Caldwell (66) Dr. James S. Campbell Dr. Lenora R. Campbell Mr. William A. Carden Mrs. Vonnie W. Carrington (60) Ms. Ritchie G. Carroll (75) Mr. & Mrs. Charles (62) and Mary Flowers (62) Carter Dr. Clarice G. Carter (55) Mr. Jimmy E. Carter (92) Mr. & Mrs. Randall (97) and Joelle (95) Carter Mr. Robbie G. Carter (81) Ms. Veronica Y. Carter (90) Mrs. Gennette D. Thompson (92) Mr. & Mrs. Cecil (79) and Irene Cates Ms. Karen E. Cession Mr. & Mrs. Lee and Shelby Chaden Mrs. Daisy R. Chambers (58) Dr. Kenneth W. Chandler Mr. C. Edward Chaplin Mr. Wiley A. Charles (66) Mr. Dennis Chisholm, Sr. Ms. Lauretta Chisolm (65) Mr. Guy Laurent Choiniere (08) Mr. & Mrs. Starling (92) and Hayneslyn Churn Ms. Dorothy Sidberry Clark (58) Mrs. Kay F. Clark

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Rev. & Mrs. Thomas and Doris (67) Clawson Mr. Wayne G. Coates Ms. Bobbie J. Collins (62) Ms. Marcella D. Cook (77) Ms. Guila B. Cooper Ms. Sharon G. Correll (05) Mr. B. Tony & Marion Pittman (71) Couch Mr. & Mrs. John and Barbara Craven Ms. Margie B. Crawford (66) Ms. Tremonteo B. Crawford (79) Ms. Minnie L. Cruce Mrs. Marilyn B. Cruter (74) Mr. J. C. Culbreath Hon. Donald (00) & Mrs. Deanna Cureton, Jr. (00) Mrs. Beverly H. Dabney (75) Ms. Deborah T. Daniels (77) Mrs. Olivia G. Day Ms. Siobahn C. Day (05) Mr. Lacy J. Deberry, III (83) Dr. James A. Dervin Ms. Barbara A. Dixon (75) Dr. Pamela S. Dockery-Howard Ms. Melissa D. Douglas (05) Mrs. Catherine Dowdy Lowe (75) Mrs. Winnie Little Dula (58) Ms. Peggy L. Dulin (69) Mrs. Karen Ellis-Dunlap Mrs. Helen M. Durr (65) Mrs. Aurelia Gray Eller Mrs. Rebecca N. English (54) Mr. & Mrs. Foster (71) and Beverly Epps Ms. Beverly A. Essick Ms. Patricia S. Eubanks (78) Mr. James Henry Evans (58) Mrs. Lavoice Faison-Stevens (92) Mr. Raymond D. Famble Ms. Judith D. Felder Mr. Richard E. Ferguson (73) Ms. Crystal Nicole Fields (08) Mr. Michael F. Finn Mrs. Gloria (74) Flynt Mr. Henry E. Foote (69) Ms. Alyson Adams Francisco Mr. James D. Franklin, Sr. (70) Dr. Cathy Franklin-Griffin Mr. Earl C. Franks (81) Mrs. Ethel Frazier (62) Dr. And Mrs. Lester (49) and Jeanne Gaither Ms. Rosa N. Galloway Mrs. Andrea T. Garner (67) Ms. Virginia M. Garris (02) Ms. Anna J. Gibson (57) Mrs. Anna I. Gilliam (66) Mr. Clarence D. Gilliam, Jr. (71) Mr. Albert Girsand Mr. & Mrs. John (76) and Vanessa Gist Dr. Bettie J. Glenn (69) Mr. & Mrs. Gregory (10) and Edna Evans (09) Goines

Ms. Flora E. Golden (37) Mr. & Mrs. Hubert and Geraldine (57) Gooch Mr. Nathaniel Goodson, Jr. (75) Mr. Pazanta D. Goolsby Ms. Fernanda F. Gordon (92) Mr. Donald L. Gorham (75) Dr. Louis N. Gottlieb Mr. Herbert H. Gould (71) Mrs. Blondelle B. Grant (54) Mrs. Gayle Green (77) Ms. Diana S. Greene Mr. Milfred F. Greene (54) Mr. Wallace Greene, Jr. (53) Mrs. Rudine Grier (63) Mr. Kenneth M. Griffin, Jr. Ms. Renae Griffin Ms. Thomasena J. Griffin (75) Mr. Cyrus E. Gwyn, Sr. (50) Mrs. Annie Richardson Hairston (56) Mr. Gerald L. Hairston (86) Estate of Dr. Irene T. Hairston (38) Mrs. Mary White Hairston (79) Ms. Stephanie Hairston (94) Mr. Darrell L. Hall (89) Ms. Karen L. Hamilton (00) Ms. Merna R. Hampton (73) Ms. Dawn M. Hand (88) Mr. & Hon. David and Tyyawdi (96) Hands Mrs. Gordon Hanes Ms. Theresa L. Haney (10) Ms. Geri Hansen Mr. Arthur I. Hardin Mr. Griffith E. Harlow Dr. Sophia Bailey Harrell (59) Ms. Mary J. Harrison (77) Mrs. Catherine P. Hart (74) Mr. Earl Hart (71) Mr. James R. Hart (72) Mr. & Mrs. Allen (66) and Faith Hartie Dr. Lynn K. Harvey Mr. Sherwood Lynn Hawk (80) Ms. Phyllis D. Hawkins (80) Mr. James D. Hayes Mr. & Mrs. Anthony and Melanie (98) Hayes Hon. & Mrs. Roland (52) and Barbara (57) Hayes Col. Jacob N. Haynes (78) Ms. Delores W. Hebron (71) Dr. Astor Y. Herrell Ms. C. J. Herron (58) Ms. Angela M. Hickernell Dr. & Mrs. Jerry and Karen Hickerson Mrs. Maritza Hicks (75) Mrs. Velma C. Hicks (65) Ms. Geralene A. Hill (66) Mr. Carlester T. Hilliard (97) Mr. Macy Hinson, Jr. Mrs. Adeline Richardson Hodge (42) Ms. Nancy E. Hope Ms Jennitra D. Howard (09)

Mr. Michael Hughes Ms. Muriel Peed Hughes (90) Mrs. Gloria Newton Hunt (66) Mrs. Della B. Hutchinson (63) Dr. Ronald I. Hutton Mr. George E. Ingraham (99) Mr. Douglas W. Ingram Mrs. Madie E. Ingram (42) Mrs. Marilyn M. Jackson (77) Mrs. Polly C. Jackson (57) Mr. & Mrs. Lorenzo (74) and Sandra (73) Jackson Mrs. Marie Jamerson (70) Mrs. Mary R. James (64) Ms. Joleen A. Jarvis (03) Mr. Ronald Jessup (72) Mr. & Mrs. Donald and Patricia Johnson (68) Johansson Ms. Barbara J. Johnson (90) Mr. Carl E. Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Melvin and Elva Watts (48) Johnson Ms. Joia M. Johnson Mrs. Mable F. Johnson (39) Mr. Major W. Johnson, Jr. (77) Mr. Marques E. Johnson (04) Mrs. Maurice P. Johnson Mr. Sammy Johnson Mrs. Sarah R. Johnson (73) Ms. Hattie L. Johnson-Norris (70) Mr. Robert J. Jolly Dr. Amy A. Jones (70) Mrs. Sandra M. Jones Mrs. Deborah N. Jordan (75) Mrs. Jeanie Joyner (54) Mr. & Mrs. Frank and Ramona (Kay) Justice (87) Mr. Richard A. Kabis Ms. Barbara Kendrick Mr. Ervin J. Kershaw (97) Ms. Charnetha R. Kimbrough (96) Ms. Tammy D. Koontz (98) Mrs. Bettie Hunter Kornegay (58) Mr. & Mrs. Judge (08) and Gwendolyn Nesbitt (73) Kornegay Mrs. Annie Edwards Lassiter (74) Ms. Frances G. Latimore Mr. & Mrs. Ralph (78) and Angela (81) Latta Ms. Angela C. Leak (75) Mrs. Joyce Leake-Allison (75) Mrs. Ruth B. Ledbetter (47) Ms. Victoria L. Lee Ms. Dionna C. Lewis (10) Mr. Ed Lewis Mrs. Jeanette T. Lewis (53) Ms. Keisha M. Lewis (02) Mr. Mandrake Lewis Ms. Dillette I. Lindo (03) Mr. W. Murray and Mrs. Susan Linker Ms. Bettie W. Little (71) Mrs. Lorraine T. Little (75) Ms. Starla T. Littlejohn (78)

This listing represents donors who made gifts between July 1, 2010 and June 30, 2011. Bold = Student Donors, (d) = Deceased.

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Mr. & Mrs. David (00) and Joann (99) Logan Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Lohmeyer Mrs. Wilhelmina B. Long (53) Mrs. Muriel Lewis Lovell (58) Mr. James E. Lowe Mr. Lawrence J. Lowe (84) Mrs. Martha B. Lowe Mr. Otto L. Lowe Mr. & Mrs. Ronald (75) and Sylvia (73) Lowery Ms. Elizabeth Lubin Mr. Ira J. Luck, II (62) Ms. Flossiea Macklin Mrs. Mildred M. Macon (58) Dr. Francine G. Madrey Ms. Sherrilyn L. Magby (91) Mr. Miguel P. Maquet-Diafouka Mr. & Mrs. Billy (71) and Connie (71) Martin Mrs. Elizabeth V. Martin (85) Ms. Cynthia L. Matthews (80) Mrs. Gloria Mayfield (63) Mr. Sabastian M. Mayfield (87) Ms. Mary E. McCall (80) Mr. Eugene F. McCarthy Mrs. Aimee McCaskill (83) Mrs. Earlyne Latten McCloud (64) Ms. Jacqulan R. Mccollum (75) Mr. Larry D. McDonald Mr. Richard A. McElrath, Sr. (60) Drs. Johnnie (58) and Grace Jordan-McFadden Mrs. Mary Nesbitt McGee (81) Mr. & Mrs. James and Margiesteen (59) McKnight Mr. Brian Mclaughlin (06) Ms. Betty J. McNeill (59) Mr. Tyrone J. Melvin, Sr. (63) Mr. Derrick Mercer Mr. Tracey D. Meredith Dr. & Mrs. Samuel and Effie (62) Merritt Ms. Princess G. Milliken (00) Mr. Randolph Mills, Jr. (71) Mr. & Mrs. Walter and Bennie Mary (72) Milton Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth (83) and Yvonne Minor Ms. Dana M. Mitchell (05) Mr. James Q. Mitchell Ms. Ellen N. Monahan Mr. Jesse D. Montague (77) Mr. & Mrs. Jimmie and Eloise (75) Moore Mrs. Shirley Moore (63)

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Mr. Willie J. Mooring Ms. Olivia E. Morgan Ms. Grace A. Morris (75) Ms Sheea Monet Morris (08) Mrs. Lorraine H. Morton (38) Mr. & Mrs. Russell and Elizabeth Morton Ltl. Ophelia Munn-Goins (80) Mr. & Mrs. Freddie (73) and Margaret (75) Nelson Ms. Linda K. Nesbitt (89) Mr. Carlton E. Nettles (06) Ms. Nancy Oakes Dr. & Mrs. J. Raymond and Ruth Oliver Ms. Patricia Oliver (00) Mr. Jeffrey B. Osmint Mr. & Mrs. Damien (99) and Tika (00) Owens Mr. Claude J. Page, III (86) Dr. Notis Pagiavlas Mrs. Omega C. Parraway (54) Mr. George T. Patterson (75) Mrs. Gwendolyn N. Patterson (62) Mr. Robert Paul Mrs. Frankie Peace (61) Mrs. Amelia Peebles-Osborne (45) Mrs. Vanessa Dalton (77) Peele Ms. Anita F. Pennix (82) Mr. Maurice L. Penny (01) Mrs. Viola N. Perry (60) Rev. Glenn Pettiford Mr. Garrett Elroy Phillips, Jr. (50) Mr. Daniel A. Piggott Mrs. Deborah B. Platt (75) Ms. Linda G. Poindexter Mrs. Cheryl D. Pollard-Burns (93) Ms. Helen McMilliam Powell Mrs. Constance T. Prunty (71) Mr. & Mrs. George & Susan Ragland Dr. Douglas L. Reece and Dr. Katherine Devore Mr. & Mrs. Chavis (81) and Felicia Reid Ms. Jacquelyn N. Reid (75) Mr. Eddie Robinson (82) Mr. & Mrs. Samuel (73) and Marie (72) Robinson Mrs. Lisa J. Rogers (85) Mr. & Mrs. David and Lucia Rosenblatt Mrs. Yvonne S. Rouse (75) Mrs. Emma L. Rowell (86) Mrs. Avon L. Ruffin Ms. Brenda M. Rumfelt (96) Mr. & Mrs. Aaron (80) and Sherring Rushing Mrs. Patti Sanders-Smith (76) Ms. Meyressa H. Schoonmaker Mr. & Mrs. Caroll and Sandra Graves (68) Seaborn Mr. Leroy Sexton (96) Mrs. Flora G. Sharpe (61) Mr. Cecil M. Sharrock (75) Ms. Elizabeth T. Shaw (94) Ms. Susan R. Shelton (81) Ms. Leslee T. Shepard (93) Mr. Waunzo A. Sherard (78) Mrs. Evelyn Holmes (73) Sherrill Mr. Dennis R. Sherrod Mrs. Bertha McIver Sightler (58)

Mr. & Mrs. Jerome and Marjorie Silber Mr. Ira O. Simpson (77) Ms. Annette H. Sipe (80) Ms. Robin N. Slade Ms. Trudy S. Smart (75) Mr. Quincy R. Smiling Ms. Christine M. Smith Mr. Duane T. Smith (84) Ms. January L. Smith Ms. Shelia A. Scales-Smith (91) Mr. & Mrs. Timothy and Anita Smith Mr. Andrew D. Somers (00) Mrs. Darlene Sowell-Darby (80) Mr. Donald D. Spencer (61) Mrs. Sadie Stamps (75) Ms Kendra Fanchon Stancell (09) Mr. Brian Stangel Mr. & Mrs. Clyde and Ora (55) Staples Mr. Robert D. Stevenson (08) Mrs. Pamela F. Stewart (75) Dr. Doria K. Stitts Ms. Maxine Stokes (71) Mr. John W. Stone (59) Ms. Janet M. Stovall (05) Ms. Carol Strohecker Mr. Harrison C. Sturdivant (75) Mr. Brian E. Suiter (93) Rev. Douglas E. Summers (88) Mr. & Mrs. Charlie and Lynn Sweigart Dr. & Mrs. Fred and Dorothy Miller (58)Tanner Ms. Bridget S. Taylor (96) Mrs. Minnie S. Taylor (70) Dr. Zebedee Taylor (72) Mrs. Linda Terrell (73) Mrs. Francina C. Thomas (79) Mr. David M. Thompson (76) Mr. Ernest H. Thompson, Sr. (52) Ms. Priscilla Thompson (65) Mrs. Sarah Thompson (45) Ms. Cheryl Tilley Mr. James D. Todd (63) Mr. Nathaniel Tollison (64) Dr. & Mrs. Luke (80) and Clarice Torian Mr. Jerry K. Trevathan (98) Mr. & Mrs. Robert (57) and Shirby Trotter Mr. Thomas G. Trowbridge Mr. & Mrs. Marc and Beverly Turkaly Ms. Carolyn Turner (85) Mr. Craven Turner, Jr. Ms. Estelle Crowder (67) Turner Mr. Linwood V. Turner, II (94) Mrs. Evelyn E. Tyndall (58) Willie Vanhook Mr. & Mrs. Tim and Katherine Vanhoy Dr. Manuel P. Vargas Ms. Lelia L. Vickers Dr. Drewry Vincent Ms. Sharon L. Vinsant Mr. Dana A. Walker Mr. Jerome L. Walker Mrs. Verniece S. Walkes (54) Dr. Frances Cockerham Waller (61)

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Mr. Clarence A. Walton (96) Ms. Aileen Ward (77) Mrs. Reba H. Warren Mr. & Mrs. Joseph (90) and Denise Washington Ms. Juantia L. Washington Ms. Nesheila Curry Washington (02) Mr. Raymond G. Washington Ms. Susan M. Washinsky Mr. Walter S. Watlington (95) Ms. Ernestine Watts (64) Mrs. Vivian J. Weaver (49) Mr. & Mrs. Tracy (94) and Shermaine (93) Webb Ms. Telena N. Weeks (04) Ms. Mary A. Wellington (89) Ms. Alice Wellmon (54) Mrs. Patricia Daisy Wells (66) Mr. Gregory W. West (75) Mrs. Shirley W. White (62) Ms. Maggie Whitt (69) Mrs. Sadie H. Wiggins-Bell (55) Ms. Sandra I. Wilder (67) Mrs. Ernestine R. Williams (60) Mr. Mack D. Williams (70) Ms. Mona Williams Ms. Sonia Willis Ms. Michell Wilmoth-Senato Mrs. Beatrice K. Wilson (56) Ms. Deborah S. Wilson (78) Mrs. Rosa T. Wilson (63) Ms. Leslie O. Winbush Mr. & Mrs. Walter (62) and Ruth Witherspoon Mrs. Asha R. Woodard (62) Ms. Carolyn Woodbridge (61) Mr. & Mrs. Theophilus (74) and Caserta Woodley, Sr. Ms. Debra G. Woods Mrs. Mary S. Woods (57) Ms. Joyce Wooldridge Mr. John Wooten Ms. Edythe N. Wright (45) Maj. Shirley E. Wright (75) Mrs. Linda Wyatt (71) Dr. Jiangmin Xu Mrs. Deborah A. Yancey (88) Mrs. Linda Smith Zachary (76)

$99.99 & Below

Ms. Betty P. Adams Mrs. Brenda C. Adams (75) Mrs. Gloria C. Agard Ms. Michelle Olivette Agyepong (10) Dr. Lolita Chappel Mr. Charles D. Albohn Mr. James W. Alexander (08) Mrs. Cheryl E. Alexander-Warren (88) Ms. Latisha J. Alford (01) Ms Courtney Rae Allen (10) Ms. Barbara H. Allison (90)

Mrs. Shirley Perry Alston (62) Ms. Latonya C. Amos Mr Albert R. Anderson, Jr. Ms. Barbara L. Anderson Mr. & Mrs. Paul and Margaret Anderson Dr. Robert N. Anderson Mrs. Gwendolyn J. Andrews Mr. Patrick A. Ansel Mr. Andre’ L. Anthony (77) Ms. June P. Anthony (73) Mr. Melvin Anthony (81) Ms. Carolyn A. Rice (65) Mrs. Dorothy H. Archie (48) Mr. Ejiroghene F. Arhagba (11) Mrs. Nancy G. Armstrong (87) Mrs. Belinda S. Ashby (85) Dr. John and Mrs. Alison Card Ms. LaQuita Denise Austin (10) Ms. Rashonna R. Avery (02) Ms. Valeria Avery Mr. & Mrs. Michael (88) and Maureen Backfield Ms. Edith Bailey Mr. Jeromy Bailey (08) Mr. Steven O. Bailey Mr. Sean A. Baker Ms. Sharina Anita Baker (09) Mr. Oscar Ball, III (09) Ms. Shirley V. Lyons Ball (75) Dr. JoAnne Banks Mr. Roy V. Bankston Mr. & Mrs. Byron and Sonia Barbre Dr. Wanda Gatewood Barlow Mr. & Mrs. Arthur and Linda Jackson Barnes Ms. Tracy R. Barnes (98) Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth and Kathylyn Barnhill Ms. Ariel H. Barrow Ms. Dana M. Battle Ms. Qayvonna C. Battle Ms. Jillian J. Baugh Ms. Gifty Sally Bawre (10) Mr. Robert A. Bays Mrs. Cubie S. Beasley (89) Ms. Toyoko T. Beaty Mrs. Paula Gibbs Bell (79) Ms. Harriett Bellamy (77) Ms. Debra Benbow (77) Ms. Mary Elizabeth Bennett (97) Ms. Briana J. Bergman Ms. Carolyn V. Berkley-Parker (69) Mr. Ronald J. Berra Mr. James O. Berry (02) Ms. Dorothy P. Bethea Mrs. Ruby Wiggins Bethel (58) Ms. Lynise S. Birch Ms. Emmie N. Birkas Ms. Lisa D. Bazemore (96) Ms. Patricia A. Bitting (76) Mr. Allen Black Jr. (81) Ms. Carolyn W. Black

Mr. & Mrs. Raphael and Carolyn Black Ms. Valeria Y. Blue (73) Ms. Carol H. Bock (92) Mrs. Margie D. Bohannon (51) Mr. & Mrs. Brent and Pam Bond Ms. Danielle S. Booker Mr. & Mrs. Edward and Ernestine (53) Bostic Ms. Lomonica H. Boston (01) Ms. Frances W. Bowen Mr. Donnell Bowie (70) Mr. Reginald V. Bowman Ms. Seth G. Bowman (06) Ms. Joyce Boyd Ms. Lakisha Pinson Boykin (00) Dr. Althea B. Bradford Ms. Tara L. Bradley-Foster (99) Ms. Connie Denise Branch (10) Mr. & Mrs. Brent (09) and Aleashia Brandon (99) Ms. Andrais L. Brandon (69) Ms. Carole Brandon Mr. Vernon J. Brandon Mrs. Tamar D. Braxton (83) Ms. Wanda J. Bray Ms. Katherine M. Bridges Mrs. Janet Ann Brinker (92) Ms. Tambgra J. Broadway (94) Mr. Calvin A. Brooks Ms. Trena L. Brooks (91) Ms. Barbara T. Brown (95) Mr. James Brown Jr. (68) Mrs. Jo Ann D. Brown (75) Mr. John T. Brown, Jr. Ms. Kimberly A. Brown (09) Ms. Latonya Brown (98) Ms. Shalonda N. Brown (02) Mr. Tadelro L. Brown Mrs. Donna L. Brown-Cole (02) Mr. Brandon Edwin Browne Mrs. Mazie D. Bumgarner (82) Ms. Tammie Bumpass (08) Ms. Vicki Jo Burgess Ms. Miriam R. Burnett Mr. Christopher M. Burnette Ms. Karen Burnette Ms. Annie M. Bush (02) Mrs. Shonda Rebecca Butler-Nelson (09) Mr. Eric T. Cabbell Mr. & Mrs. Errol and Annie Cahoon Ms. Debbie W. Calamese Ms. Larika S. Caldwell Ms. Penny R. Calligan (10) Ms. Valonda B. Calloway (94) Ms. Marcialito Cam Dr. Santiba D. Campbell (01) Ms. Peggy P. Canipe (76) Ms. Kimberly Marie Cantor (10) Ms. Constance C. Carlton (02) Ms. Lauren A. Carlton Ms. Brenda H. Carroll (91)

This listing represents donors who made gifts between July 1, 2010 and June 30, 2011. Bold = Student Donors, (d) = Deceased.

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Mrs. Lurania J. Carter (51) Dr. Dana L. Carthron Ms. Dawn Casterlow (03) Ms. Rolanda D. Cathcart (93) Ms. Carnetta D. Cheek (68) Ms. Andrea Chiles Mr Theodis Alex Chunn (10) Mr. Jack Ciancio Ms. Linda G. Clapp (89) Ms. Corretta D. Clark (07) Mr. Scottie S. Clemons Mr. & Mrs. Robert and Gloria (94) Cline Mrs. Shirley J. Cloud (93) Mr. Herman Cobb, Jr. (55) Mrs. Lucille J. Cockerham (58) Ms. JoAnn Coco-Ripp Ms. Freda G. Cole (77) Mr. & Mrs. James and Gloria Edwards (59) Coleman Mr. Khalil Rasheed Collins Ms. Amy Comparato Mr. Willie L. Conner, Jr. (04) Ms. Sharyn N. Conrad Mrs. Barbara J. Cook (70) Ms. Kayla Joi Cooks (08) Ms. Myra L. Cooper (71) Ms. Glenda L. Cornell Ms. Jennifer Marie Correll (07) Mr. Keith J. Cotton (08) Ms. Kendra D. Council (03) Ms. Angela C. Courtney (93) Mr. Richard Covington (70) Ms. Margaret T. Cowans (72) Mr. Jon C. Cowgill Ms. Martica D. Craven (05 Mr. Perry Craven Mr. William S. Crews (69) Ms. Carol E. Crooks (91) Mr. David B. Crossen Ms. Ebony A. Crouell Mr. Isaac Cory Crumpton, Jr. (09) Ms. Algie S. Crutchfield (89) Ms. Cynthia W. Cunningham Ms. LaRue P. Cunningham Ms. Nancy H. Cuthrell Ms. Patricia Dandridge Ms. Janis M. Davenport (85)

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Ms. Joanne C. Davidson Ms. Alicia K. Davis Mr. Brian W. Davis (09) Mr. Cralen C. Davis Mr. Darien Scott Davis (07) Ms. Kionna S. Davis Mr. Montrell A. Davis Mr. Raoul A. Davis, Jr. (02) Ms. Vontraciya J. Davis Mr. William Davis, Jr. (99) Mrs. Constance V. Davis (75)Thompson Ms. Denise Dawkins (09) Mr. Dennis K. Dawkins Mr. Jayson R. Dawkins Mr. & Mrs. Donald and Kathleen Dawson Dr. J. Donald Debethizy Ms. Sophia A. Debrew (02) Mr. & Mrs. Richard and Marcia Deem Ms. Brandi N. Dennis (07) Ms. Beverly M. Dickens (86) Ms. Cheryl A. Dickson (94) Ms. Yvonne M. Dixon Ms. Amanda L. Donaldson (04) Ms. Crystal R. Donley (09) Ms. Wyrine Dorris Ms. Barbara E. Doster Mr. John Dougherty Mr. Stephan M. Dragisic Mrs. Mary P. Draper (80) Ms. Joyce E. Drye Ms. Tissa Dondrel Easter (07) Ms. Laurie Ann Edwards (10) Mr. & Mrs. Nelson and Lisa Diane (04) Edwards Ms. Megan E. Edwards Ms. Catherine L. Eilenberger Ms. Susan Epperson (79) Mrs. Doris R. Epperson-Griffin (71) Mrs. Terri M. Erickson (91) Ms. Jennifer Ann Etheridge (10) Ms. Amanda R. Eure (10) Mrs. Rosalyn R. Evans (73) Ms. Dolores B. Faison (94) Ms. Sheilah N. Faucette (91) Mr. Dennis Felder Mrs. Janess Felton (48) Ms. Pauline Ferguson (66) Mrs. Velma Archie Fields (67) Mr. Christopher M. Fink Mrs. Barbara P. Finney (64) Mr. Christopher M. Fleming (11) Mr. James M. Fleming, III Mr. Vouise M. Fonville (75) Mrs. Judi V. Ford (76) Ms. Melanie Y. Ford (90) Mr. James O. Forte (07) Mr. & Mrs. John (79) and Edna (80) Foster Ms. Winifred E. Fox (94) Ms. Carla D. Freeman (91) Mrs. Maxine Freeman (71) Ms. Tulisha C. Friday Mr. Joe B. Frierson (70) Mrs. Claudia F. Fuller (72)

Ms. L. Lynnette Fuller-Andrews Mr. William F. Fulton Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin and Mary Furey Mr. Brandon M. Furse Mr. & Mrs. Leon O. Gabriel (73) Mr. Darrell E. Galloway (79) Mr. & Mrs. Romeo and Regina Garcia Mr. Conway Garlington (07) Mr. Garrett A. Garms (07) Mr. Melvin W. Garrett (77) Ms. Patricia A. Gibson (79) Ms. Kimberly J. Gilchrist (05) Ms. Lashonda L. Gilmore Mr. Dannie F. Glascoe Mrs. Demetrice S. Golden (84) Mr. William Alvin Goodlett, Jr. (10) Ms. Lucinda Goodwine Ms. Janel Felice Gordon (09) Ms. Christina S. Grabus (01) Mr. Tyrone L. Graham (82) Ms. Carolyn A. Grant (74) Ms. Katrina S. Grant (95) Mr. Jerry Greco Mr. John D. Greco Mrs. Allegro B. Greene (55) Mrs. Arzell C. Greene (59) Mrs. Lois H. Greene (71) Mr. & Mrs. Reginald and Jennie Morehead Mr. David Gregory Ms. Gwen E. Gregory Ms. Patsy Gregory Mr. John E. Grenier, Jr. Mr. Allen E. Griffin (78) Ms. Terrice D. Griffin (95) Mrs. Thaddeus Shoaf Griffin (58) Ms. Joyce J. Griner Mr. Richmond L. Griner, II Mr. Hollis D. Guenther (07) Mr. Norris L. Gullick, Jr. Ms. Elizabeth S. Gwyn (09) Mr. Elijah J. Haddock (86) Mr. Lance R. Hall Dr. & Mrs. Samuel and Sylvia Hall Mr. & Mrs. James (98) and DeLinda Woods (98) Hamlin Mrs. Eunice H. Hannah (68) Ms. Judi D. Happel Mr. Madison Harding (85) Ms. Brenda Hardy Dr. Jill J. Harp Ms. Katy Harriger Mrs. Betsy Harris (59) Mr. Harry B. Harris, Jr. (90) Mr. & Mrs. Travis and Kimberly (96) Harris Ms. Marsha H. Harris (77) Mr. & Mrs. Michael and Martha Hartley Ms. Renee Haskins Ms. Arnetta Hauser (74) Mr. Christopher D. Hawley (08) Ms. Glenda E. Hayes (77) Mrs. Myra Hayes (66) Ms. Naomi C. Haynes (04)

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Ms Shante Hayward (10) Ms. Dora Head Mr. Donald R. Henderson (78) Ms. Rashanna M. Henderson Mr. Robert C. Henricks Mr. & Mrs. Avery and Denise (96) Henry Mr. Monty K. Hickman (96) Mr. Carl D. Hill (60) Mr. & Mrs. Bradley and Jessica Ellis (10) Hill Ms. Sherlane A. Hill Mr. & Mrs. James and Vera (56) Hillian Mrs. Lori W. Hines Willie B. Hines Ms. Marie G. Hinson Mrs. Elaine Hitchcock-Melvin (64) Mr. Brandon Ari Hobbs (09) Mr. & Mrs. Irvin and Brenda Hodge Ms. Evelyn Hodges Mr. & Mrs. Tim and Donna Hoffman Ms. Angeline Holden (73) Mr. J. Christopher Holden Ms. Joan Holden Mr. Jefferson Holdridge Dr. Cecil A. Holland, Jr. (89) Ms. Tabitha Holloway Mr. Raymond Holman (61) Mr. Rufus Hoover (63) Mr. Bruce L. Hopkins (82) Dr. & Mrs. Lawrence and Muriel Hopkins Ms. Mildred Addalid Horning (10) Mr. David B. Hough Ms. Gertrude E. House (68) Mr. Samuel L. Howard (50) Ms. Wilma L. Howard (53) Ms. Pamela Howell Ms. Revorda B. Howell (09) Mrs. Sharon J. Howell (97) Mr. Teddy L. Howell Mr. & Mrs. Melvin and Marta (77) Hughes Mrs. Sara L. Hughes (47) Ms. Kineka J. Hull Mr. Darrell B. Hunter, II Ms. Undoland T. Hunter Mr. Dennis Huntley (87) Mr. Phillip Lee Hyman (61) Ms. Emma C. Ingram (73) Ms. Linda D. Inman Mr. & Mrs. Michael (82) and Cindy Brown (81) Isler Ms. Simone A. Ivory Ms. Bianica C. Jackson (06) Ms. Carla R. Jackson (93) Ms. Doris L. Jackson (57) Ms. Gloria W. Jackson Ms. Mary M. Jackson (94) Mrs. Melcena Jackson (51) Ms. Iris B. Jarrell (57) Ms. Amber Joi Jefferson (08) Ms. Juanita Jefferson (74)

Mr. Marshall Jeffries Ms. Anne E. Jenkins Ms. Joyce Jenkins Mr. & Mrs. Wilbert and Mary Jenkins Ms. Donna B. Johnson (74) Mrs. Doris B. Johnson (47) Mrs. Mattie L. Johnson (60) Ms. Sherita Johnson (09) Mr. Stanley E. Johnson (09) Mr. William A. Johnson, Jr. (71) Dr. Gwendolyn S. Johnson-Green (75) Mrs. Asonia B. Jones (78) Mr. Clyde Jones Naomi W. Jones Mr. & Mrs. Jerick and Yvonne (76) Jones Ms. D. M. Joseph Ms. Patricia A. Joseph Ms. Jessika S. Joyner Mr. Luis A. Juarez Ms. Debra M. Judd Ms. Haja Ya Kanu Kamara Mr. Michael J. Karpinski Dr. Alican Kavas Mr. Alton J. Keaton, II Ms. Dollie S. Keaton (61) Mrs. Winnie H. Keaton (57) Ms. Ravonda M. Keith (95) Ms. Vivian L. Kellock (77) Ms. Stacey Kelly Ms. Susan L. Kendall Mr. Matt Kendrick Mrs. Pat Winston Kennedy, Esq. Ms. Shatona Burnette Kersey (07) Ms. Deborah H. Ketner (97) Mr. Vaughn C. Kimbrough (70) Mr. Darryl D. Kinch Ms. Angela C. King (01) Ms. Margaret S. King (71) Mrs. Gloria J. Kirby-Green Ms. Trinette Kirkman Ms. Karen M. Kledis (98) Mr. Andrew Terrence Knight Mr. & Mrs. Fred and Shirley Knott Ms. Betty Koonce (63) Ms. Diane W. Labovitz (96) Ms. Alesha I. Lackey (03) Ms. Latoya Lackey (01) Ms. Rita M. Ladson Ms. Lisa Lynne Lambert (06) Ms. Luvae J. Langley (94) Mr. Tim Larson Ms. Alyssa S. Latney Mr. & Mrs. Marvin (71) and Helena Lattimore Ms. Jasmine Lawrence Mr. & Mrs. B. Thomas and Megan Lawson Mr. William W. Leathers, III Mrs. Glorious S. Leaven (63) Ms. Tanya D. Lee-Bradford (96) Mr. & Mrs. Ernie and Karen (07) Lemmons

Ms. Janell J. Lewis (04) Ms. Noah V. Lewis (84) Mr. Douglas D. Lightfoot, Jr. Mr. Decorian M. Liles (07) Mr. Kierre Bjorn Lindsay Ms. Justin P. Linville Ms. Paula J. Little (05) Ms. Bridgett W. Loftin (02) Mr. Tony Allen Lyall (10) Ms. Brenda S. Hazel Ms. Brenda C. Lyons Ms. Pamela Lyons (79) Ms. Mary T. Lysiak Ms. Annis Lytle (87) Ms. Goldia M. Mabry (88) Mr. Austin O. Mackey (06) Ms. Shaneque L. Mackins Ms. Shelia E. MacRae (79) Dr. Zagros Madjd-Sadjadi Ms. Tameka M. Mahatha (04) Ms. Sylvia Malone Mr. Alvin Davis and Mrs. Cherita (88) Marks Davis Ms. Adell P. Marlin (01) Ms. Candace D. Marsh (06) Mrs. Creola M. Martin (54) Dr. & Mrs. Harold and Davida Martin Ms. Elizabeth W. Martin (41) Mr. Keith J. Martin Mrs. Jeraldine B. Massey (64) Ms. Lavonne Matthews (78) Mr. James R. Mattocks, Jr. Ms. Jacqueline C. McAdoo (98) Mrs. Lusia McCall (74) Mr. Jeffrey B McCants (06) Ms. Kathleen M. McCaully Ms. Janice M. McClurkin (00) Ms. Dianna N. McCollum Mr. B. J. McCrimmon Ms. Cynthia McCrimmon Mr. Steve McCullough Mr. Jerome McDaniel, Sr. (96) Ms. Ruth McDonald (48) Mrs. Lillian C. Mcdowell (53) Mr. Charles M. McEwan (74) Ms. Paula McGhee Ms. Beverly McIntyre (83) Dr. Michael McKenzie Mrs. Jacqueline McKinney (70) Ms. Monica B. Mcknight (94) Mr. Ralph F. McKnight (84) Mr. Chalmers R. McMillan (78) Mrs. Lillie McMillian (80) Mrs. Brenda S. McNair (66) Mr. Izel Mcneil, Jr. Ms. Dorinda McNeill (76) Mrs. Edna D. Michael (53) Ms. London L. Mickle (05) Mr. Roscoe W. Mickle (62)

This listing represents donors who made gifts between July 1, 2010 and June 30, 2011. Bold = Student Donors, (d) = Deceased.

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Ms. Adrienne W. Middlebrook Mr. & Mrs. James and Ellen (68) Miles Ms. Billie J. Miller (05) Mr. & Mrs. Mark and Kellie Miller Ms. Sadie S. Miller Ms. Carolyn F. Mills Mrs. Shirley Anderson Mills (58) Ms. Amanda M. Mitchell (07) Mr. Orlando R. Mitchell Ms. Stephanie S. Mitchell (02) Mr. John Mochnick Mrs. Gwen Monroe Mr. & Mrs. Ronnie and Tomara (80) Monroe Mr. Allessio O. Monsanto, III Ms. Kimberly A. Moody Ms. Kelly M. Moon Ms. Ann S. Moore (84) Ms. Kidada T. Moore Mr. & Mrs. Clyde and Peggy Moore Mr. Thomas D. Moore (06) Mr. Douise T. Morris Mrs. G. Selena Morrison (91) Ms. Da’lauren S. Mouzon-Smith Mr. & Mrs. Peter and Melinda Mueller Ms. Laurie T. Murdock Ms. Keisha L. Murphy (05) Mr. Merle T. Murrain, II Mr. Neil R. Myers Dr. Kal Namit Dr. Kimya D. Nance Mr. Rodney T. Nash (93) Ms. Ariel H. Barrow Mrs. Judith K. Newberry (77) Mr. Albert L. Newton (70) Mrs. Linda J. Nicholson (08) Ms. Candrice T. Nolan (08) Ms. Rose M. Norman Ms. Debra W. Norwood (92) Mr. Willie A. Nowlin (80) Ms. Trica D. Oakley (97) Ms. Marilyn Odom Mr. Ifunanya Okocha (10) Mr. Kamal O. Oliver (02) Mr. Elijah Onsomu Mr. Edward Opoku-Dapaah Dr. Jaime Orejan Mrs. Judith R. Owen (80)

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Mrs. Nannie Foster Palm (67) Ms. Pamela Murrill Palmer (91) Mr. Curtis L. Parker (94) Mr. Donald F. Parker, Jr. Mr. Preston D. Parker (09) Mrs. Sandra C. Parker (83) Ms. Kimberly D. Parks Mr. Evan M. Parrish (09) Mr. & Mrs. Thomas and Margaret Parrish Ms. Jasmine C. Patterson (10) Mrs. Jessie H. Peaks (48) Dr. David N. Peay (51) Ms. Nicole S. Pekarek Ms. Randon B. Pender (85) Ms. Brenda Penney Dr. Darlene Perez-Brown Ms. Mary T. Perkins Ms. Patricia A. Pharr (70) Ms. B. M. Phifer Ms. Brandy D. Phillips (98) Mrs. Renee Phillips (78) Mrs. Luciana Yvonne Philyaw (10) Mr. Mark A. Pizzuto Mr. David R. Plyler (79) Ms. Leah A. Pompey Ms. Linda Pompey Mr. Phillip A. Poteat Mr. Darrell Potts (08) Ms. Sade’ D. Powell Mrs. Patricia A. Pruitt (80) Hubbard Mr. Timothy R. Pulliam II (06) Ms. Latasha R. Purvis (05) Mr. & Mrs. Samuel (65) and Barbara (68) Puryear Mr. Noah Ramseur Mrs. Deloris Brooks Ransom (72) Ms. Schanae N. Rascoe Ms. Lucretia Rawlinson (94) Rice Mr. Justin M. Redd (11) Ms. Kolisha M. Redmon Ms. Belinda Redmond (71) Mr. & Mrs. Franklin (70) and Mary Reid Mrs. Ruby B. Reid (64) Ms. Mederia A. Reinhardt (89) Dr. Michelle R. Releford (d) Mr. Harold T. Respass (09) Mr. Carl Rice Mr. James E. Rice (63) Mrs. Ernestine (59) Richardson Mrs. Irie J. Richburg (64) Mrs. Martha S. Riley (54) Ms. Dionne D. Roberts (92) Mrs. Elizabeth C. Roberts (49) Mrs. Abbadean B. Robertson (60) Mrs. Alfreda S. Robinson Ms. Denise Pearson Robinson Ms. Micah LaSharra Robinson (09) Dr. Ruby V. Rodney Ms. Carolyn V. Rogers Tillackdarry Roopchan Ms. Harolyn S. Rorie (02) Ms. Rochelly E. Rosario Mr. James C. Rose

Ms. Marilyn L. Roseboro (73) Mr. & Mrs. Charles and Melindia J. Roseboro (88) Mr. Artis J. Rucker, Jr. (75) Ms. Ann Rudkin Mrs. Carla B. Rumph Ms. Ashley Rusher Mr. Chase E. Rushing Ms. Camelia Irene Russell (10) Mr. Samir R. Salter Ms. Maria C. Sam Ms. Jasmine Y. Sams Ms. Grace H. Samuel (61) Ms. Sharon L. Samuels (78) Ms. Helen R. Sanders (63) Mr. & Mrs. Ronnie and Shirley Sapp Ms. Margaret R. Savoca Ms. Marie Schindler (10) Ms. Beth Z. Schneider Ms. Tomica Q. Scott (01) Mr. Fred W. Scrutchins (80) Mr. Joel Shackleford (88) Mr. William Kyle Shannon (09) Mr. Ronald Hogue and Ms. Portia Sharpless (99) Ms. Quamekia S. Shavers (11) Mr. & Mrs. Frankie (08) and Brenda Shaw Mr. Bruce Sherman (87) Ms. Amber M. Shields Mr. Darren H. Shumate (00) Ms. Dara P. Silver Mrs. Mary I. Simmons (62) Mr. James Singletary (86) Mrs. Julia G. Small (70) Ms. Tonya Smiley (02) Ms. Brittany N. Smith Mr. David R. Smith, Jr. (87) Ms. Harriet E. Smith J. W. Smith Ms. Kim D. Smith Ms. Marquie Y. Smith Mrs. Tammy B. Smith (90) Mrs. Theressa S. Smith (52) Ms. Vanessa D. Smith Ms. Wendolyn M. Smith Ms. Evelyn M. Snead (82) Drs. Vincent and Pamela Snipes Mrs. Nannette Mann Snow (10) Ms. Anne Sollecito (95) Ms. Yasmyn R. Southerland (03) Mr. James A. Sparks Mr. & Mrs. Clifton (80) and Debra Sparrow Ms. Latesha Spears (08) Ms. Dietrich T. Spencer (08) Mr. Kevin Spencer Ms. Jacynthia M. Spruill (02) Ms. Kimberly R. Stacey (93) Mr. Brandon RaShon Stanley (10) Ms. Callie H. Stanley (05) Ms. Cynthia M. Stanley, PhD Ms. Victoria K. Staples Ms. Myan L. Staten (95) Mr. Marquise J. Staton Ms. Erin M. Steele (07)

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Mr. & Mrs. Harry C. Steele Ms. Sylvia E. Steele Mr. Robert T. Stephens (08) Ms. Deborah G. Stephenson Ms. Emily J. Stevens (85) Mrs. Mable H. Stevenson Mr. Richard H. Stewart Mr. Steve E. Stewart Mr. Harrison Stokes (83) Ms. Letyssa Stokes (08) Mr. Melvin L. Stone (93) Ms. Joretta S. Crump (91) Ms. Moriah S. Suber Ms. Carol W. Summers Mr. & Mrs. Hershal and Natalie (72) Summers Mrs. Shawnee Pasley Sundquist (11) Mr. Marcus L. Sutton Mr. Derwin H. Swann (83) Ms. Queen A. Swann (73) Mrs. Jean W. Swider Mrs. Ellen D. Tabor (79) Ms. Brenda M. Talbert (70) Ms. Courtney S. Tate (08) Mr. & Rev. William and Juanita Bowman (64) Tatum Ms. Annie J. Taylor (63) Ms. Ashleigh Jovan Taylor (07) Ms. Janay Y. Taylor (10) Ms. Laneishea Kera-Mazie Taylor Mr. Rodney A. Taylor, Sr. (82) Mr. Rodney A. Taylor, Jr. Ms. Brittany S. Taylor-Wright Dr. & Mrs. Travis and Jessica Teague Ms. Bernetta S. Terry (08) Mrs. Angela Smith Thomas (08) Ms. Courtney H. Thomas (09) Mrs. Edena Thomas (76) Ms. Jackie Thomas Mr. Josiah P. Thomas, Jr. (82) Ms. Margaret A. Thomas (95) Ms. Paulette T. Thomas Ms. Sandra H. Thomas (94) Ms. Cynthia D. Thomas-Traynham (79) Mr. Jimmie L. Thompson (83) Ms. Susan Thornton Mr. Charles M Thornton (68) Mr. Joseph P. Tilford Mrs. Barbara K. Tillman Mrs. Patsy S. Todd (63) Mrs. Georgia M. Topping (43) Ms. Venus Townsend (87) Ms. Aiesha M. Truesdale Ms. Beverly R. Tucker (07) Mr. Xaviour Tucker Ms. Diana C. Tuffin Ms. Delores K. Turner Ms. Inez R. Turner Mr. Lewis A. Turner, Jr. (68) Mrs. Vera E. Tyson (49)

Mr. Craig L. Umstead (80) Ms. Wendy Vanderburg (95) Ms. Faye M. Vernon (81) Ms. Valerie R. Vestal (96) Mrs. Bonita M. Vines Mr. Donavan D. Vinson Ms. Claudia C. Von Grunebaum Mrs. Katherine Griffin Von St. Paul (11) Ms. Shannon Vottle Ms. Linda C. Walker (68) Mrs. Rosa B. Walker (56) Ms. Marjorie J. Wallace (66) Ms. Barbara N. Waller (84) Mrs. Floretta L. Walls (72) Mrs. Ruth C. Walls (55) Mr. Byron L. Washington 05) Mrs. Edna Washington (70) Mrs. Sherry L. Thompkins-Washington (89) Mrs. Lorna Watkins (74) Mr. Wayne Watkins (84) Mr. Larry H. Watlington Mr. Keith T. Watson (99) Mr. Michael G. Weaver Mr. Leroy L. Wells (11) Mr. C. Rex Welton, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. David and Anita Wesson Mr. Christopher N. Weston Ms. Crystal T. White Mr. Rodney R. Whiteside (01) Ms. Ethel P. Whitt Ms. Glynis Whitted (91) Ms. Nina Whortan Ms. Carment B. Wigfall (10) Mrs. Ada C. Willard (86) Ms. Amber Williams Ms. Benita C. Taylor (90) Ms. Candice M. Williams Ms. Cynthia A. Williams Ms. Dawn L. Williams Ms. Edith L. Williams Ms. Frances Morrisey Williams (10) Mr. Joseph E. Williams, Sr. (10) Mr. Larry L. Williams Mrs. Parepa M. Williams Mr. Randall S. Williams Mr. Richard L. Williams Ms. Shirley M. Williams Mrs. Teresa Y. Williams (88) Ms. Tiffany D. Williams Mr. Gerrod A. Williamson Ms. Vanessa D. Winfield Mrs. Bernice Winstead (69) Mr. Miles L. Winston (05) Mr. Kevin D. Winton (94) Ms. Laura O. Witte (96) Ms. Cassandra K. Woodard Mrs. Mamie Woodard (64) Mr. Aytch Wooden Ms. Andrea M. Woods (11)

Ms. Jean Wooten (54) Ms. Tuania M. Wright (94) Ms. Anita J. Yates (03) Mr. Karl F. Yena Ms. Cynthia J. Young Ms. Patricia S. Young (89) Mr. Terry P. Young (79) Mr. Lei Zhang


Includes organizations, foundations, corporate and matching gift companies 109 U Pull It Auto Parts A Brighter Day Bail Bond, Inc. Aetna Foundation All Star Sports, Inc. Altria Group American Express Charitable Fund American Express Foundation American Express Travel Related Services American Honda Motor Company, Inc. Amica Companies Foundation Amica Mutual Insurance Company Anastasia Fur Anonymous Gifts Aramark, Inc. Association of American Colleges & Universities AT AND T Foundation Atlanta Peach Movers, Inc. Baltimore Alumni Chapter Bank of America Foundation BB&T Charitable Foundation BB and T Bank Bethel United Methodist Church Bib’s Downtown Big 4 Walk Black Political Awareness League Black Women in Sport Foundation Blanks Bros Home Improvement Co. Blue Cross and Blue Shield of North Carolina Blue Rhino Corporation Blue Smoke, Inc. Blue Wave Investments, LLC C D Spangler Foundation, Inc. Central City Productions, Inc. Charles G. Koch Foundation Charlie Culbreath Orchestra Charlotte Q C Rams Chronicle Cisco City of Reidsville City of Winston-Salem Clark Heavy Equipment Repair Cook Medical Corey Financial Services Corporation for Public Broadcasting Council for International Exchange of Scholars Credo Capital Management

This listing represents donors who made gifts between July 1, 2010 and June 30, 2011. Bold = Student Donors, (d) = Deceased.

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Crown Trophy Crystal 1.2.3. Cleaners D & K Fresh Start Janitorial Services, Inc. Data Chambers Records Management DataMax Foundation Day Paint Contractor Department of Occupational Therapy Duke Energy Foundation Eastway Plaza Associates Ebony Socialites Eunice A. Turner Scholarship Foundation First Baptist Church Of Winston-Salem First Citizens Bank and Trust Flow BMW Automotive Company Follett Higher Education Group-WSSU Food Lion Forrest E. Powell Foundation Forsyth Futures Fox Creek Real Estate Frame Gallery Gateway Management Services, Inc. Globalt Investments H & L Used Cars, Inc. Hardee’s Food Systems, Inc. Hauser Living Trust Hawthorne Pharmacy, LLC IBM International Foundation Ideal Image Imagination Station of Polk County, Inc. Independent Opportunities Incorporated Infolab, Inc. International Speedway Corporation J & S Discount Furniture JFK Group J Mark Oliver, DDS, PA Jackson Orthodontics Jernan Coach and Tours John Deere Foundation John H Shaws Son, LLC John T Hoggard High School John W. and Anna H. Hanes Foundation Johnson & Sons Funeral Home, Inc. Johnson C. Smith University Johnson Chapel AME Church Joint Cener for Political and Economic Studies Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity W-S Chapter Kathleen High School Athletic Booster Club, Inc.

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KC Care Management, Inc. Kilpatrick Townsend & Stockton, LLP Krispy Kreme Doughnut Corporation Lettie Pate Whitehead Foundation Logemann & Co., PA Lorillard Tobacco Company McFarland & Associates McLaurin Funeral Home, Inc. MetLife Foundation Ministers Conference of Winston-Salem MLK Pharmacy Modern Automotive Network, Inc. Modern Nissan Mose Insurance Agency, Inc. Myers Park United Methodist Church N. C. Mutual Life Insurance NASCAR National Association of Securities Professionals National Black College Alumni Hall of Fame Nationwide Mutual Insurance Company NC Assoc. of Independent Insurance Agent NC GlaxoSmithKline Foundation NC Legislative Black Caucus Foundation Nehemiah Builders, Inc. Network For Good North Carolina Baptist Hospitals Northwest Area Health Education Center (AHEC) Norwood Architecture & Design, Inc. Novant Health Novartis Foundation Omega Psi Phi Fraternity Inc Intn’l Headquarters OT4KIDS, Inc. Parkers Stop & Shop, LLC Parks Fast Foods, Inc. Pepsi Bottling Group Foundation Pepsi Bottling Ventures Pepsico Foundation Matching Gifts Program Peter Colvill’s Auto World Practice Limited To Orthodontics Progressive Business Solutions PSEG Foundation Public Radio Association of Development Officers R. H. Barringer Distributing Co. RAI Services Company Republic Services of NC, LLC Residence Inn Marriott Revelation Ministries Reynolds American Foundation Richard Childress Race Operations, LLC Ridge Care, Inc. Robbins Sandblasting Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Rotary Club of Winston-Salem RV Landscaping & Lawn Care Samet Corporation Sedalia Sunshine Fund Shaw University Sigma Chi Chapter Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. Southern Community Bank and Trust Sport Dimensions, Inc. State Employees Combined Campaign

State Farm Companies Foundation Stress Free Club Tar Tiger Pizza, LLC Targacept The Links-Winston-Salem Chapter The Risk Management Group, Inc. The Williams Capital Group, LP Thurgood Marshall College Fund Time Warner Cable Tom Joyner Foundation, Inc. Twin City Quarters Union Baptist Church United Metropolitan Missionary Baptist Church United Negro College Fund Special Programs Von Associates, LLC Vulcan Materials Company Wake Forest University Wells Fargo Bank Wells Fargo Community Support Campaign Wells Fargo Educational Matching Gift Program JFK Group, Inc. Weston & Associates Who Paged JD William & Eleanor Starbuck Foundation Williams Reunion Account Winston Lake Senior Golf Assoc. Winston Personnel Group, Inc. Winston-Salem City Employee’s Credit Union Winston-Salem Foundation Winston-Salem Urban League WSSU Alumni Chapter Gold Wayne WSSU Atlanta Alumni Chapter WSSU Brown Alumni Chapter WSSU Class of 1985 WSSU Class of 1986/1990 WSSU Kimberley Park Alumni Chapter WSSU Kinston Alumni Chapter WSSU Kuandelea Alumni Chapter WSSU NAA Eastern Region WSSU National Alumni Association WSSU New Penn Del Chapter WSSU Raleigh Wake Alumni Chapter Xerox Corporation Z. Smith Reynolds Foundation We have made every effort to insure that everyone making a gift to the university has been acknowledged. Please accept our sincere apologies for any inadvertent omission or error. Please contact Dietrich Spencer at (336) 750-3140 so that we may correct our records.

4/6/12 2:01 PM

Words To Live By “WE are determined that every student who comes out with our stamp upon him shall bear the test, and by all means add to the moral and intellectual power of the race.” – Dr. Simon Green Atkins

Today’s WSSU students encounter those words daily as they pass dr. atkins’ statue. most important, they experience the impact of that commitment as the university continually assesses how best to equip students for long-term success in an ever-changing world.

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