What’s the problem? Abutters are willing to pay for milfoil removal, But permitting and finding a contractor are impossible for the homeowner.
Who Controls Lake Cochituate? O The DCR (owner) O Wayland/Framingham/Natick ConComs O MA DEP O 10 citizens who can block permitting O Massachusetts Endangered Species Act
Funding, Funding, and Funding
What are we trying to do? O Establish a simple and uniform
process to enable abutters and sponsors to remove invasive weeds from Lake Cochituate using noncontroversial methods. It’s one step – not a cure-all.
What’s proposed? O The DCR enables one organization to act as a
unpaid general contractor to remove milfoil using: O Standard hand-pulling protocols
O Qualified sub contractors - paid by abutters and
O Standard individual permitting, reporting, and
General Contractor: O Technology & Program support from
Wayland Surface Water Quality, Mike Lowery
O Also provides: O Marketing & Promotion O Fundraising for public shoreline
Process: Contracting O Abutter/Sponsor fills out an approved permit
request online or using a PDF from a ConCom, submits on-line
O LCWC identifies a subcontractor O Area is surveyed/assessed, and bid with
potential schedule (2x a season suggested)
O Notice to DCR & ConComs
Process: Harvesting O As required by DCR and ConCom conditions O Non-weekends O Buoy marked O Fragments collection O Proper disposal
O Data collected on conditions, cost, volume
of plants pulled.
Post-Harvesting O Inspection by LCWC – possible DCR O Report filed with DCR, and ConCom(s). O LCWC collects from abuttor O LCWC pays sub-contractor
Status and Reporting O LCWC maintains O public calendar of all activities O public database of all projects with status O link to Google Earth maps showing all projects
O LCWC does year end reports, and provides all
data collected to DCR and ConComs in spreadsheet form.
Application • Maybe done as a web site form • Portions completed at different times
Survey and Conditions
Google Earth Link
Individual Project Status