March 36 Annual Town Meeting
Article 44. To see if the Town will accept the gift of the property adjoining the Mill Pond near Wayland Center, formerly owned by Charlotte Adams, and more recently held by EdmundH. Sears, Trustee, said property to be used for park purposes and to be called the Adams Park, or some similar name, and to be considered as a memorial to Albert L. Adams and Charlotte Adams, and will authorize the Board of Selectmen to accept the gift of said property, subject to any outstanding taxes, to be used as aforesaid, or do or act. Voted unanimously that the Town gratefully accept the gift of the property adjoining the Mill Pond near Wayland Center, formerly owned by Charlotte Adams, and more recently held by Edmund H. Sears, Trustee, said property to be used for park purposes and to be called the Adams Park, to be considered a memorial to Albert L. Adams and Charlotte Adams, and that the Board of Selectmen be and they hereby are authorized to accept a deed of said property, subject to any outstanding taxes, said property to be used for Park purposes as aforesaid.