设计 Design
Design 设计
Experience at Taipei
活色生香,台北W初体验 涂徒
t was already very late night upon my arrival at W Taipei. Tiredness of the journey had demolished almost all my interests on the destination, but when I came to a gigantic green wall filled with plants organically grown in Taiwan with a big W at the center part, I was immediately awaken. Moreover, The Chain made of the strongest stainless steel with a mirror finish – that symbolically anchors the W Taipei building into Taipei city had marvelled almost all visitors. Designed by renowned architects G.A. Design International Ltd. of London and encased in radiant glass that elevates to 31 stories tall, W Taipei will immerse all guests into a world of “Wow.”
友善温暖Warm 机灵黠慧Witty 盛情款待Welcoming 奇幻精采Whimsical 奇妙美好Wonderful 无限惊喜WOW 到达台北W酒店时夜色已深, 昏沉中的我一不小心撞在了一面绿 色的巨大墙壁上,金属字母W赫然 嵌于其中。我顿时清醒,观察发现 绿色墙壁上覆着来自台湾各地的植 物,构建出一亩立体的垂直花园。 酒店入口处,一条巨大的不锈钢链 条极为醒目,配以高达31层通体闪 亮的玻璃建筑外观,足见W酒店一 贯的热情作风。经伦敦G.A. Design International Ltd倾力打造,台北W 酒店兑现着这一品牌对旅人的承 诺:友善温暖(Warm)、机灵黠慧 (Witty)、盛情款待(Welcoming)、 奇幻精采(Whimsical)、奇妙美好 (Wonderful)、无限惊喜(WOW), 等等。 50 酒店精品 1月 / 2月 2012
左页从上至下依次:夜 色中,字母W在挂满绿植 的墙上炫彩夺目,彰显 着W品牌的独特定位;台 湾W酒店外观。 右页:由坚固不锈钢及 镜面设计构成的“The Chai”(锁链)象征了酒店 对台北的热情与厚爱。
November / December 2011 HOTEL ELITE
设计 Design
Design 设计
Wonderful Arrival 精彩从大堂开始 步入酒店,各种灯光影像的互动配合着我的步履幻化出令人眼花缭乱又兴奋异常 的感官效果,这是出自“W酒店未来设计师”rAndom International之手的“幻光魅影”灯 光设计作品,镶嵌于台北W酒店首层的木制墙上;精致华美的镜面塑料板和竹板雕塑 优雅地悬挂于首层天花板上;一幅镶满优质图钉的油画作品“紫色目标”(Purple Target) 于显要位置似欢迎着宾客的下榻;位于入口和10层的温馨水滴白色地灯,将我的步伐 引向了酒店大堂——活色生香堂。 活色生香堂位于10层,将闲杂人等隔绝在外。我在面向壁炉的11米高的W形屏幕 前见到了酒店公关部的Nicol Lin,她告诉我客人最喜欢光顾的当属这个大堂。我环顾其 中,高大的木质“茧”椅营造出私人空间;宽敞挑高的大堂一扇扇实木百叶窗组成了
从左至右依次:酒店首层由rAndom International设计的“幻光魅影”艺 术品,以一面再生木头墙为背景, 由数百支独特的有机发光二极管组 成,随宾客的动作呈现出肆意欢舞 的灯光效果;酒店首层天花板上交 错的塑料与竹简出自日本艺术家泽 田广俊之手,名唤“竹彩”,远处 的紫色目标实则是一幅镶满优质图 钉的帆布;加拿大陶瓷品牌GRACE DONATI主理设计的各式瓷杯零零 散散,布满一面墙壁。
错落有致的檐篷,然而若将檐篷折低,合围起来,便成就出二楼的会议区;加之各种 或鲜纯或生猛的颜色混搭,使活色生香堂散发着耀眼的迷蒙;客人更可以通过这里的 滑动玻璃嵌板直接抵达酒店的WET泳池天台。
Upon entering the building, an interactive light installation flirts with guests, changing shape, look and feel in sync with its surroundings. Created by rAndom International, a “W Hotels Designer of the Future”, the installation “To Light You Fade” is mounted on a reclaimed wooden wall on the ground floor of W Taipei and allows guests to engage with the light itself in an intuitive manner. Overhead, a beautifully delicate sculpture of mirrored plastic and bamboo sheet hangs gracefully from the lobby ceiling, while “Purple Target,” a canvas filled will high grade thumbtacks welcomes guests to the heart of Xinyi district. White up-lights in the floor, evocative of droplets of water, at both the entrance and on the 10th floor will lead guests to the signature W Living Room and to the iconic view of a bubble sculpture at the end of WET pool skydeck. The Living Room which located at the 10th floor is flanked by an 11- meter high "W" screen facing an equally tall fireplace, providing a modern, cozy place to curl up in the cool evenings of Taipei. Guests will also be able relax in the tall slatted timber "cocoon" chairs which will offer privacy while the six-meter long marble bar will serve up re-charging juices and beverages. With one entire side consisting of glass, the W Living Room will be as much outside as inside with direct access to the WET pool skydeck through generous sliding glass panels.
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January / February 2012 HOTEL ELITE
设计 Design
Design 设计 从上至下顺时针依次: WOW套房起居室,加拿 大艺术家Scott Eunson创 作的不锈钢雕塑背景墙配 合植物雕花主题地毯,这 间套房与台北101大楼隔 窗相望;WOW套房卫生 间的红色隔断延续了炙热 性感的风格主张;WOW套 房卧室,一条火焰将睡床 与浴缸分隔开,散发着性 感的魅力。
Sweet Dream 一觉到天明 入住W,可贪恋的远不止于此。在与Nicol 的一番寒暄后,我迫不及待地推开房门,将 “活色生香”屏蔽于外。我又进入了另一个梦 境,落地的玻璃窗将台北曼哈顿的五光十色尽 收眼底:霓虹灯闪烁的繁华,车来人往的光怪 陆离……我躺在超大的海岛风情浴缸里欣赏台 北101大楼的夜景,此时,这座曾经的世界最高 建筑就像浴缸旁的红酒杯,近在咫尺,触手可 及;不远处的阳明山静静地注视着夜色低沉的 都市,即温婉又神秘。 W落户台北,客房自然少不了低调的中国元素:暖色调石材、抛光实木、绿意盎 然的植物雕花地毯与中式灯笼罩子中充满现代感的精致灯光形成了令人沉醉的奇妙对
In fact, you can expect more at W Taipei. The
405 guestrooms and suites here have been designed as
private sanctuaries inspired by nature with spectacular
urban views. I could not wait to comfort myself in the oversized vacation-style islander tub while appreciating
W 是什么? About W Hotels Worldwide® W是酒店业中的魅力“潮”牌。取名W 的原因是因其创
the night scene of Taipei 101 building. At this moment,
办小组在为其命名时,发现许多W 开头的形容词都是他们希
this skyscraper seems to be just a red wine glass that place
beside the bath tub; while Yangming Mountain right in
front of me is witnessing the city quietly and mysteriously.
Warm-colored stones, burnished wood and lush electrified
floral carpeting will contrast with modern, subtle lighting
inspired by Chinese lantern boxes. The guestrooms will
feature an interior balcony/play pad, a great place to relax
W Hotels is an innovative, contemporary, design-led lifestyle brand
in the serenity of the room amidst cosmopolitan Taipei,
and the hotel category buster with 35 hotels and retreats in the most
the signature ultra-comfortable W Bed with its 350-thread
vibrant cities and exotic destinations around the world. Inspiring, iconic,
count linens and a sleek, modern white work station with
innovative and influential, W Hotels provides the ultimate in insider access
a leather ergonomic chair. Of course, each room has been designed with the international jet-setter in mind, with state-of-the-art in-
to a world of "Wow." Each hotel offers a unique mix of innovative design and passions around fashion, music and entertainment. W Hotels offers a holistic lifestyle experience that is integrated into the brand's sensibility through contemporary restaurant concepts, glamorous nightlife
room technology, including high-speed wired and wireless
experiences, stylish retail concepts and signature spas. With more than
Internet access; flat-screen, 42-inch LCD televisions;
10 years of proven success, W Hotels is on track to more than double its
Bose sound systems; iPod charging docks; IP phone with
footprint by 2011. For more information, visit www.whotels.com.
voicemail; and a W Taipei signature zodiac animal – a whimsical touch to the room. 54 酒店精品 1月 / 2月 2012
January / February 2012 HOTEL ELITE
设计 Design
Design 设计
Expect the Unexpected 不期而遇 早餐在10层的KITCHEN TABLE餐厅里 享用,此时的餐厅散发着白昼般的光辉, 令人神清气爽。明亮轻快的花园别墅式设 计,色彩主以鲜明的嫩黄色与清爽的白色 为主,犹如清晨的阳光洒满房间;考虑到 台北的亚热带气候,餐厅的两面墙壁均安 装了超高滑动门,直通毗邻的WET泳池摩 天台露天就餐区;其它墙面覆以书架,摆 满“阳光罐子”——每个罐子都是一支太 阳能LED灯泡,白天吸收了光和热,待夜 幕降临兀自发光;WET泳池摩天台就餐区 线条简洁,木道观景台、开放式壁炉、植 物墙的设计同餐厅的装扮交相呼应……就 在我沉迷于餐厅阳光烂漫的意境中时,一 位西装革履的儒雅绅士站在了对面,亲切 有关他的故事我真听过不少,这位在中国工作过8年的美
澳洲任职时,他曾在夜间为下榻酒店而身体微恙的前总理朱 基亲自熬粥,获得总理的赞赏。此刻面对面,康儒革西装革 履,气派儒雅,他说:“台北W酒店2011年4月开业,作为酒 店业的改革者,台北W酒店赋予宾客的不仅仅是娱乐、时尚与 设计,更是对精益求精的生活细节的追求。”
Back inside on the tenth floor, The Kitchen Table restaurant has been inspired by a light, airy garden cottage with a contemporary twist, where the interior as bright as a sun-filled morning mixed with bold acid yellows and refreshing white colors. The sub-tropical climate of Taipei has been considered in the design of The Kitchen Table so that two walls of the space will be fitted with extra-high sliding doors that will open to embrace the al fresco dining areas next to WET pool skydeck. The remaining walls of The Kitchen Table will be lined with bookshelves that will glow with "100 jars of sunlight"- a lighting solution based on individual jars of solar-powered LED lights that will be distributed throughout the WET pool skydeck during the day to capture the light and then returned to the restaurant every evening to "glow" on the shelves. While I was deeply soaked in the lovely kisses of sunshine, a well-dressed gentleman come to me with warm greeting from W. He is Cary Michael Gray, the General Manager of W Taipei. Born in Hawaii, Gray has been positioned in China for over 8 years. He has served as general manager for a long list of luxury hotels, including St. Regis Beijing and St. Regis Shanghai. While working as a general manager in Australia, he personally prepared and served the former People’s Republic of China Premier Zhu Rongji, who 从左至右依次:位于十 层的Kitchen Table餐厅, 鲜亮的绿色隔断,春意盎 然;白色天花板的独特张 力为餐厅带来强劲活力; 以不锈钢支架搭建的双层 玻璃餐桌内,白色瓷盘依 次排开,实在与餐厅名称 Kitchen Table相符无二。
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later publicly praised Gray’s considerate service. “W Taipei will serve as the ultimate city getaway, where a veritable ‘urban beach’ flirts with the senses at every touchpoint. Located in one of Asia’s most cosmopolitan cities, W Taipei will become one of the coolest destinations in the world for global jetsetters, and I am looking forward to introducing the signature W contemporary lifestyle experience to Taiwan,” said Gray. January / February 2012 HOTEL ELITE
设计 Design
Design 设计 紫艳中餐厅“电灯笼” 的设计灵感源自中国传 统的“孔明灯”
Creativity to Sublime Opulence 创意迭起,升华艺术格调
design and guaranteed to delight the most discerning club aficionado. Finally, high atop W Taipei on the 31st floor will be YEN, the hotel’s signature 生活由高低起伏构成,
Cantonese restaurant and the first
W-inspired Chinese restaurant in the world.
YEN will showcase bold, original art pieces
that will incorporate traditional Chinese
culinary tools of the trade. One oversized
wall installation will feature hundreds
of metal serving spoons arranged into
geometric circles, while yet another striking spreading out across the space, further
installation will feature Chinese ceramic
evoking the water droplet design
spoons arranged in an intricate design.
of the floor lights of the entryway
Thousands of cookie cutters in a variety
and the droplets of water from the
of shapes and sizes will be fashioned into
pool. Towering 10-meter and with
a pair of side-by-side installations, while
an adjustable ceiling depending on
creative Chinese cooking utensils will make
the time of the day, WOOBAR will be
up wall sculptures flanking the eatery.
就设在台北,她有个很好听的 名字——紫艳。紫艳位于台北 W酒店顶层,可以饱览整个城
W Taiwan’s signature WOOBAR (along with the arrival vestibule of the hotel) will
feature a rich, natural Tunisian stone flooring
called “Autumn Brown,” with innovative oversized circular white leather ottomans
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flanked at one end by a high-tech
I walked out from the hotel and
小贴士TIPS 交
参 考 价 格
fireplace and at the other with a DJ
once again meet with The Chain, suddenly
+ 886 2 7703 8888
island where world-class DJs will
I realized that it is not only an art sculpture
control the state-of-the-art sound
but an expression of love and passion of W
and light systems integrated into the
Taipei to the city.
January / February 2012 HOTEL ELITE