WTO Publications Catalogue 2020/2021

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Cover image: ©Getty/Iam Anupong

ISBN 978-92-870-5129-5

Who we are The World Trade Organization (WTO) deals with the global rules of trade between nations. Its main function is to ensure that trade flows as smoothly, predictably and freely as possible.

Using this catalogue This catalogue lists all titles published by the WTO as of September 2020. Prices of forthcoming publications are subject to change without notice. New information on WTO titles is provided on our website at www.wto.org/publications.

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Flagship publications


WTO iLibrary


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Flagship publications

Annual Report 2020 The 2020 Annual Report provides a comprehensive account of the WTO’s activities in 2019 and early 2020. The Report begins with a message from WTO Director-General Roberto Azevêdo and a brief overview of the past year. This is followed by in-depth accounts of the WTO’s main areas of activity over the past 12 months. Spotlights highlight major WTO events and initiatives.

Find out what is happening at the heart of the global trading system.

i Published May 2020 186 pages

CHF 50.Annual Report 2020 ISBN 9789287050236 Rapport annuel 2020 ISBN 9789287050267 Informe Anual 2020 ISBN 9789287050298

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Interactive Quiz How much do you know about the WTO? Try out our new interactive quiz to find out!

Flagship publications


World Trade Statistical Review 2020 World Trade Statistical Review 2020 looks into the latest trends in global trade, with an in-depth analysis of trade in goods and services and in value-added terms. It points to the major changes in recent years, highlighting the leading traders, the best-performing regions, the most traded goods and services, and the performance of least-developed countries. The publication also looks into the impact of COVID-19 on global trade and the outlook for 2020.

A comprehensive overview of the latest developments in world trade, covering trade in goods and services.

i Published July 2020 210 pages

CHF 50.World Trade Statistical Review 2020 ISBN 9789287050328 L’Examen statistique du commerce 2020 ISBN 9789287050342 Examen estadístico del comercio mundial 2020 ISBN 9789287050366

The report looks into the shifting patterns in global trade across a range of sectors, pinpointing areas that have seen major changes in recent years. These include trade in renewable energy goods, such as solar panels and electric cars, and trade in plastics. It also focuses on the impact of trade tensions in sectors such as iron and steel and the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic in areas such as tourism. The report’s analytical chapters are complemented by 65 tables providing a detailed breakdown of various aspects of merchandise trade and trade in commercial services.

”At a time of great uncertainty for global trade, the role of trade statistics takes on a renewed significance. Governments need the latest data to take informed decisions and to determine the best direction of trade policy for the benefit of the people they represent. The WTO’s data-gathering role plays a big part in meeting this need.” WTO Director-General Roberto Azevêdo

Flagship publications


World Trade Report 2020

Government Policies to Promote Innovation in the Digital Age In the digital age, a growing number of governments have adopted policies aimed at boosting growth through innovation and technological upgrading. The World Trade Report 2020 looks at these trends and at how trade and the WTO fit with them.

An annual publication that aims to deepen understanding about trends in trade, trade policy issues and the multilateral trading system.

i To be published in November 2020

CHF 50.World Trade Report 2020 ISBN 9789287050441 Rapport sur le commerce mondial 2020 ISBN 9789287050465 Informe sobre el Comercio Mundial 2020 ISBN 9789287050489

A defining feature of government policies adopted in recent years has been their support of the transition towards a digital economy. Trade and trade policies have historically been important engines for innovation. In particular, the multilateral trading system has contributed significantly to the global diffusion of innovation and technology by fostering predictable global market conditions and by underpinning the development of global value chains. As data become an essential input in the digital economy, firms rely more on intangible assets than on physical ones, and digital firms are able to reach global markets faster without the amount of physical investment previously necessary in other sectors. Success in the digital economy will depend on openness, access to information and communication technology (ICT) goods and services, collaboration on research projects, and on the diffusion of knowledge and new technology. The World Trade Report 2020 shows that there is a significant role for international cooperation to make the pursuit of digital development and technological innovation more effective, while minimizing negative spillovers from national policies. The WTO agreements, reached a quarter of a century ago, have proved to be remarkably forward-looking in providing a framework that has favoured the development of ICT-enabled economies across all levels of development. Further international cooperation at the WTO and elsewhere would enable continued innovation and reduce trade tensions to help international markets function more predictably. Flagship publications



A new dynamic research tool provided by the World Trade Organization

An invaluable source of information on global trade The WTO iLibrary contains: • Over 400 titles published by the WTO or co-published with other international organizations, comprising almost 4,000 chapters • Over 30 WTO titles co-published with Cambridge University Press, comprising over 500 chapters • Over 400 dispute settlement reports • A range of statistical data on trade topics • Over 200 WTO working papers Content is made available in a variety of digital formats, including PDF, HTML and CSV. Enriched metadata makes the content full searchable, meaning users can drill down easily to their specific areas of interest.

Key features • Users have unlimited access to subscribed content.

• Content can be viewed by country, topic, language, year and title.

• Free inclusion of content in course packs without need to request permission. • A Read Online feature allows users to read and share content on all connected devices: desktop and mobile.

• Each publication page contains a link to the WTO’s Online Bookshop for ordering printed copies. • All content can be fully downloaded or copied/pasted for reuse elsewhere. • A citation tool allows content to be easily integrated into bibliographic references.

• Books are broken down by chapter.

The WTO iLibrary will be regularly updated and expanded to incorporate new content on global trade. The WTO iLibrary has been developed in partnership with the OECD. For questions related to access and subscriptions, please contact: WTO-iLibrary@oecd.org For questions about content, please contact: WTO-iLibrary@wto.org

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Recent publications

The WTO Agreements The Marrakesh Agreement Establishing the World Trade Organization and its Annexes Bestselling title Over 30,000 copies sold


- Includes the complete and official texts of the WTO agreements in one collection - Provides an indispensable guide to all WTO trade-related negotiations

A World Trade Organization and Cambridge University Press co-publication.

- Updates and replaces The Legal Texts: The Results of the Uruguay Round of Multilateral Trade Negotiations (1994)

Published December 2017 600 pages

- Contains the full text of the WTO’s founding agreement and its annexes

PB: CHF 50.- | HB: CHF 120.The WTO Agreements: The Marrakesh Agreement Establishing the World Trade Organization and its Annexes

- An indispensable reference tool

- An essential purchase for students, academics and practitioners working in international economic law, trade law, economics and political science.

PB: ISBN 9781108438438 HB: ISBN 9781108423823 Les accords de l’OMC: Accords de Marrakech instituant l’Organisation mondiale du commerce et ses annexes PB: ISBN 9789287045171 HB: ISBN 9789287046413 Los Acuerdos de la OMC: Acuerdo de Marrakech entablando la Organización Mundial del Comercio y sus anexos PB: ISBN 9789287045195 HB: ISBN 9789287046420


Recent publications

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WTO Ministerial Conferences Key Outcomes WTO Ministerial Conferences: Key Outcomes contains the key outcomes from World Trade Organization Ministerial Conferences since the organization was established in 1995. Covering 11 Ministerial Conferences held between 1996 and 2017, the key outcomes include relevant Ministerial Decisions and Declarations as well as Chairpersons’ statements. This publication also reproduces Ministerial outcomes of the Uruguay Round adopted in connection with the establishment of the WTO. This publication complements The WTO Agreements, recently published by Cambridge University Press and the WTO, which contains the Marrakesh Agreement Establishing the WTO and its Annexes.

i A World Trade Organization and Cambridge University Press co-publication. Published 2019 296 pages

PB: CHF 35.- HB: CHF 80.WTO Ministerial Conferences: Key Outcomes PB: ISBN 9781108742153 HB: ISBN 9781108482158 Conférences ministérielles de l’OMC: résultats clés PB: ISBN 9789287046864 Conferencias ministeriales de la OMC: resultados clave PB: ISBN 9789287046888

Recent publications


Women and Trade The Role of Trade in Promoting Gender Equality Trade can dramatically improve women’s lives, creating new jobs, enhancing consumer choices, and increasing women’s bargaining power in society. It can also lead to job losses and a concentration of work in low-skilled employment. Given the complexity and specificity of the relationship between trade and gender, it is essential to assess the potential impact of trade policy on both women and men and to develop appropriate, evidence-based policies to ensure that trade helps to enhance opportunities for all.

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i A joint publication by the World Trade Organization and the World Bank. Published July 2020 205 pages

CHF 40.ISBN 9789287049940


Recent publications

Research on gender equality and trade has been constrained by limited data and a lack of understanding of the connections among the economic roles that women play as workers, consumers, and decision makers. Building on new analyses and new sex-disaggregated data, Women and Trade: The Role of Trade in Promoting Gender Equality aims to advance the understanding of the relationship between trade and gender equality and to identify a series of opportunities through which trade can improve the lives of women.

Trade Adjustment in Asia Past Experiences and Lessons Learned Edited by Marc Bacchetta and Matthias Helble

Asia’s economic success over the past four decades has been built on a strategy of export promotion coupled with trade opening. Poverty rates throughout the region have fallen dramatically, especially in countries that have succeeded in integrating into regional or global value chains. However, this economic success has been accompanied by structural changes, such as the need for workers to change roles, sectors, and sometimes regions. Faced with increased foreign competition, firms have been forced to reorganize and quickly adopt new technologies. Despite the importance of this adjustment process, relatively little empirical evidence exists. This volume aims to close this gap by providing new insights into how Asia’s labor markets and firms have adjusted to trade opening. Written by leading trade economists with expertise in the region, the publication shows that trade opening has led to a more efficient allocation of capital and labor, but this has been accompanied by significant adjustment costs. The book sheds light on the effects of trade on workers and firms, with the aim of improving understanding of the adjustment process and contributing to the debate on how to make globalization work for all.

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i A joint publication by the World Trade Organization and the Asian Development Bank Institute Published September 2020 324 pages

CHF 30.ISBN 9789287050212

Recent publications


World Tariff Profiles 2020 World Tariff Profiles 2020 provides comprehensive information on the tariffs and non-tariff measures imposed by over 170 countries and customs territories. Tariff data are presented in comparative tables indicating, among other things, the average “bound� or maximum tariff each economy may apply to its imports and the average tariff it applies in practice. A one-page profile for each economy provides more detailed data, with tariffs broken down by product groups and trading partners.


A summary table providing selected indicators on the imports and exports for each country and customs territory is also included. In addition, the publication provides statistics on non-tariff measures, such as safeguards and anti-dumping measures, used by WTO members.

A joint publication by the World Trade Organization, International Trade Centre (ITC) and the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD). Published July 2020 353 pages

CHF 50.World Tariff Profiles 2020 ISBN 9789287050519 Profils tarifaires dans le monde 2020 ISBN 9789287050533 Perfiles Arancelarios en el Mundo 2020 ISBN 9789287050557


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The special topic for this edition is market access to medical goods related to COVID-19.

Trade Profiles 2020 Trade Profiles 2020 provides a series of key indicators on trade in goods and services for 197 economies, highlighting the major exports and imports for each economy as well as their main trading partners. For merchandise trade, major exports and imports are listed for both agricultural and non-agricultural products as well as major origins and destinations for total merchandise trade. For trade in services, a detailed breakdown is provided for transport, travel and other commercial services. Statistics on intellectual property are also provided. The information is available for all WTO members and observers and for other selected economies. For each economy, the data is presented in a handy two-page format, providing a concise overview of global trade. The publication is an invaluable reference tool for anyone looking for essential trade statistics.

i Published October 2020 400 pages

CHF 50.Trade Profiles 2020 ISBN 9789287050380 Profils commerciaux 2020 ISBN 9789287050403

Trade statistics for over 190 economies presented in a handy two-page format.

Perfiles comerciales 2020 ISBN 9789287050427

Recent publications


Trade Impacts of LDC Graduation

i A joint publication by the World Trade Organization and the Enhanced Integrated Framework Published July 2020 100 pages

CHF 30.-

The report finds that the impact of graduation will vary for each LDC depending on factors such as export structure, use of preferential treatment and its terms of entry into the WTO. It sheds light on potential support measures that graduating LDCs can explore, in cooperation with their trading partners and the broader international development community, in order to achieve sustainable graduation. Trade remains key to helping these countries increase incomes and maintain growth. A quarter of LDCs were on track to graduate from LDC status prior to the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Insights from country-specific market access analyses

ISBN 9789287051066

i Published July 2020 100 pages

Digital only


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A companion volume entitled “Trade Impacts of LDC Graduation: Insights from country-specific market access analyses� examines in greater detail the impact of graduation on preferential market access for each of the 12 graduating LDCs. The report looks at the export structure of graduating LDCs, the likely increase in tariffs on their exported products and projected changes in trade flows.

Promoting Access to Medical Technologies and Innovation Intersections between Public Health, Intellectual Property and Trade Second Edition Watch animation

Medical technologies – medicines, vaccines and medical devices – are essential for public health. Access to essential medicines and the lack of research to address neglected diseases have been a major concern for many years. To promote innovation and to ensure equitable access to all vital medical technologies, policy-makers need a clear understanding of the innovation processes that lead to new technologies and of the ways in which these technologies are disseminated in health systems. This study seeks to reinforce the understanding of the interplay between the distinct policy domains of health, trade and intellectual property, and of how they affect medical innovation and access to medical technologies. The second edition comprehensively reviews the existing material and captures new developments in key areas since the initial launch of the study in 2013. Among the new topics covered by the study are antimicrobial resistance and cutting-edge health technologies. The second edition provides updated data on health, innovation trends in the pharmaceutical sector, and trade and tariffs. It includes an updated overview of access to medical technologies globally and key provisions in free trade agreements, and takes account of developments in IP legislation and jurisprudence.

i A joint publication by the World Health Organization (WHO), the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) and the World Trade Organization. Published July 2020 352 pages

CHF 60.ISBN 9789287049964

Recent publications


Trade Policy Reviews 2019-2020 Trade Policy Reviews analyse the trade policies and practices of every member of the World Trade Organization. As well as analysing by sector and by trade measure, the reports also look into the country’s wider economic environment. The reviews consist of three main parts: an independent report by the WTO Secretariat, a report by the government, and the concluding remarks by the Chair of the WTO’s Trade Policy Review Body following discussion of the review by the WTO membership.

Each volume of the Trade Policy Review series is priced at CHF 60-. Standing orders available.

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Recent publications

A key trade policy facts section provides an overview of the main findings and a visual summary of the average tariff rates applied by the member.

i Trade Policy Reviews 2020 1.

Trade Policy Reviews 2019

Trade Policy Review 2020: European Union ISBN 9789287050724


Examen de las Políticas Comerciales 2020: Unión Europea ISBN 9789287050762



Examen des politiques commerciales Union européenne ISBN 9789287050748


Trade Policy Review 2019: East African Community ISBN 9789287048219



Trade Policy Review 2020: Australia ISBN 9789287050786


Trade Policy Review 2020: Japan ISBN 9789287050809

Examen des politiques commerciales 2019: Communauté de l’Afrique de l’Est ISBN 9789287050205


Trade Policy Review 2020: Zimbabwe ISBN 9789287050823

Trade Policy Review 2019: Bangladesh ISBN 9789287048226

15. Trade Policy Review 2019: Peru ISBN 9789287048325


Trade Policy Review 2020: Thailand ISBN 9789287050960

Trade Policy Review 2019: Samoa ISBN 9789287048233


Trade Policy Review 2020: Indonesia ISBN 9789287051028

Trade Policy Review 2019: Papua New Guinea ISBN 9789287048240

16. Examen de las Políticas Comerciales 2019: Peru ISBN 9789287048332


Trade Policy Review 2020: Macao, China ISBN 9789287050861

Trade Policy Review 2019: Trinidad and Tobago ISBN 9789287048257


Trade Policy Review 2019: Canada ISBN 9789287048264






Trade Policy Review 2019: Ecuador ISBN 9789287048196

10. Examen des politiques commerciales 2019: Canada ISBN 9789287048271

Examen de las Políticas Comerciales 2019: Ecuador ISBN 9789287048202

11. Trade Policy Review 2019: Suriname ISBN 9789287048288 12. Trade Policy Review 2019: North Macedonia ISBN 9789287048295 13. Trade Policy Review 2019: Costa Rica ISBN 9789287048301 14. Examen de las Políticas Comerciales 2019: Costa Rica ISBN 9789287048318

17. Trade Policy Review 2019: Lao People’s Democratic Republic ISBN 9789287048349

Recent publications


Making Globalization More Inclusive Lessons from Experience with Adjustment Policies Edited by Marc Bacchetta, Emmanuel Milet and Jose-Antonio Monteiro

Listen to audio from the launch

i A publication supported by the Global Deal. Published 2019 230 pages

CHF 40.ISBN 9789287050571


Recent publications

Recent research shows that although trade and technological advances yield important benefits for economies overall, some workers and regions can be negatively affected. Policies aimed at helping workers adjust to the impact of trade or technological changes can provide a helping hand to the workforce and increase the benefits of open trade and new technologies. This publication contributes to the discussion on how governments can help make international trade more inclusive and ensure that the benefits of open trade are spread more widely. It responds to the growing demand from policy-makers for further research on adjustment policies, building on previous WTO work on the labour market effects of trade. The publication includes an extensive review of the literature on this topic and provides case studies on adjustment policies written by experts from seven countries across four continents. The contributions cover a broad range of policy measures taken by governments to help labour markets adjust to the impact of globalization, including trade openness, using a variety of approaches. They provide valuable insights into those policies and useful information for all those interested in the social dimensions of globalization and technological change.

Global Value Chain Development Report 2019 Technical Innovation, Supply Chain Trade, and Workers in a Globalized World Technological developments, such as robotics and big data, are reshaping global value chains (GVCs), leading to changes in labour markets and supply chain management. This report looks at the impact of these technologies and discusses how GVCs provide opportunities for developing countries to integrate into the global economy and for small and medium-sized enterprises to participate in global trade. It also reviews issues related to GVC measurement. The report is a follow-up to the first Global Value Chain Development Report, which revealed the changing nature of international trade when analyzed in terms of value chains and value-added trade

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i A joint publication by the World Trade Organization, the Institute of Developing Economies (IDE-JETRO), the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development, the Research Center of Global Value Chains headquartered at the University of International Business and Economics (RCGVC-UIBE), the World Bank Group, and the China Development Research Foundation. Published 2019 192 pages

CHF 60.ISBN 9789287049674

Recent publications


World Trade Report 2019 The Future of Services Trade

i Published 2019 228 pages

CHF 50.World Trade Report 2019 : The Future of Services Trade ISBN 9789287047724 Rapport sur le commerce mondial 2019 : L’avenir du commerce des services ISBN 9789287047731 Informe sobre el Comercio Mundial 2019 : El futuro del comercio de servicios ISBN 9789287047748


Recent publications

Services have become the most dynamic component of global trade, with an increasingly important role in the global economy and in everyday life. Yet the extent of the contribution of services to global trade is not always fully appreciated. The World Trade Report 2019 attempts to remedy this, making use of a new dataset developed by the WTO that captures the various ways in which services are supplied across borders. The Report examines how trade in services has evolved in recent years and looks at why services trade matters. Major trends affecting trade in services, including demographic changes, digital technologies, rising incomes and climate change, are reviewed. The Report also estimates how services trade may evolve over the next 20 years and the prospects for enhancing international cooperation on services trade policy. Trade costs for services are higher than those for goods but these costs are falling, largely due to the impact of digital technologies, the Report finds. It highlights how declining trade costs are expected to expand the share of services in global trade and how this could contribute to more inclusive growth and development. If economies are to reap the benefits of the growing role of services trade, international cooperation will need to intensify.

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WTO Dispute Settlement: One-Page Case Summaries (1995-2018) 2019 Edition WTO Dispute Settlement: One-Page Case Summaries provides a succinct summary of the key findings of every dispute panel report up to the end of 2018 and, where applicable, the subsequent Appellate Body report. Each one-page summary comprises three sections: the core facts; the key findings contained in the reports; and, where relevant, other matters of particular significance. The disputes are presented in chronological order (by dispute settlement number). Two indexes at the end of the publication list the disputes by WTO agreement and by WTO member responding to the complaint.

i Published 2019 266 pages

CHF 40.WTO Dispute Settlement: One-Page Case Summaries 1995-2018 ISBN 9789287049797 Le règlement des différends dans le cadre de l’OMC: Une affaire, une page 1995-2018 ISBN 9789287049803 Solución de diferencias en la OMC: Resúmenes de una página por caso 1995-2018 ISBN 9789287049810

Recent publications


Status of WTO Legal Instruments 2019 Edition Status of WTO Legal Instruments covers the treaty instruments drawn up by WTO members in relation to the Marrakesh Agreement Establishing the WTO and the multilateral and plurilateral trade agreements annexed to this Agreement. It lists the signature dates of WTO agreements and the dates of acceptance or amendments to these agreements. It also provides the date of their entry into force as well as for other communications and declarations received by the WTO Director-General in his capacity as depositary. This new edition reflects several WTO accessions and treaty amendments since the previous edition was issued in 2015.

i Published 2019 259 pages

CHF 40.Status of WTO Legal Instruments ISBN 9789287049735 Situation des instruments juridiques de l’OMC ISBN 9789287049742 Situación de los instrumentos jurídicos de la OMC ISBN 9789287049759


Recent publications

Trade Finance and the Compliance Challenge A Showcase of International Cooperation The availability of trade finance has become an increasingly important issue in the past few years. This publication delves into the global trade finance gap and the reasons for the growing reluctance of the global financial sector to engage in this form of financing. It examines the challenges of regulatory compliance and describes the efforts of international organizations, such as the World Trade Organization and the International Finance Corporation, to respond to this issue. It also presents case studies of the capacity-building programmes organized by multilateral development banks which aim to improve the availability of trade finance.

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i A joint publication by the World Trade Organization and International Finance Corporation co-publication. Published 2019 46 pages

CHF 30.ISBN 9789287050083

Recent publications


Facilitating Trade through Regulatory Cooperation The Case of the WTO’s TBT/SPS Agreements and Committees

i A joint publication by the World Trade Organization and the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Published 2019 97 pages

CHF 30.Facilitating Trade through Regulatory Cooperation: The Case of the WTO’s TBT/SPS Agreements and Committees ISBN 9789287042842 Faciliter le commerce au moyen de la coopération réglementaire: Le cas des Accords et Comités OTC/SPS de l’OMC ISBN 9789287042866 To be published in 2021 Facilitación del comercio mediante la cooperación en materia de reglamentación: El ejemplo de los Acuerdos y los Comités OTC/MSF de la OMC ISBN 9789287042880 To be published in 2021


Recent publications

The WTO plays an important role in supporting efforts to achieve international regulatory cooperation and to facilitate trade. This publication highlights how the WTO’s Agreements on Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) and on the Application of Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures (SPS) and the work of their related Committees promote opportunities for regulatory cooperation among governments and ease trade frictions. It demonstrates how members’ notification of draft measures, harmonisation of measures with international standards, discussion of specific trade concerns and other practices help to facilitate global trade in goods. The study also makes recommendations on how to benefit further from the transparency and cooperation opportunities provided by the TBT and SPS Agreements.

Aid for Trade at a Glance 2019 Economic Diversification and Empowerment Aid for Trade at a Glance 2019 analyses how trade can contribute to economic diversification and empowerment, with a focus on eliminating extreme poverty, particularly through the effective participation of women and youth. It looks at how Aid for Trade can contribute to those objectives by addressing supply-side capacity and traderelated infrastructure constraints, including for micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs), notably in rural areas. Aid for Trade at a Glance is a co-publication of the WTO and OECD. It includes contributions from the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, the United Nations Industrial Development Organization, the United Nations Development Programme, the International Trade Centre, the Enhanced Integrated Framework and the World Bank Group. Country profiles provide data on disbursements of Aid for Trade by country and the impact of Aid for Trade in terms of trade costs, trade performance and development.

i A joint publication by the World Trade Organization and the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Published 2019 529 pages

CHF 70.ISBN 9789287049865

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Forthcoming publications

GATT Dispute Settlement Reports (1948-1995) GATT Dispute Settlement Reports compiles all dispute settlement reports issued under the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT 1947), including its Tokyo Round plurilateral codes, from 1948 to 1995 as identified in GATT Disputes: 1948-1995. The compilation includes both adopted and unadopted reports.

The series consists of six volumes.

The GATT documents containing the reports are reproduced in English in their original form and without any modifications. They are presented in chronological order based on the initiation date of the dispute, with each case identified by a unique GATT dispute (GD) number.

i A World Trade Organization and Cambridge University Press co-publication. Approximately 800 pages each To be published in October 2020 GATT Dispute Settlement Reports: Volume 1, Disputes Initiated in 1948-1979 ISBN 9781108836258 GATT Dispute Settlement Reports: Volume 2, Disputes Initiated in 1980-1986 ISBN 9781108836265


Forthcoming publications

GATT Dispute Settlement Reports: Volume 3, Disputes Initiated in 1986-1988 ISBN 9781108836272 GATT Dispute Settlement Reports: Volume 4, Disputes Initiated in 1988-1991 ISBN 9781108836289 GATT Dispute Settlement Reports: Volume 5, Disputes Initiated in 1991 ISBN 9781108836296

GATT Dispute Settlement Reports: Volume 6, Disputes Initiated in 1992-1993 ISBN 9781108836302

GATT Dispute Settlement Reports: Complete Archive Set of 6 Volumes (1948-1995) ISBN 9781108495424

Price: CHF 800.-

A Handbook on the WTO TRIPS Agreement Second Edition Edited by Antony Taubman, Hannu Wager and Jayashree Watal The TRIPS Agreement is the WTO’s multilateral agreement dealing with intellectual property (IP). This Handbook describes the historical and legal background to the Agreement, its role in the WTO and its institutional framework. It outlines the general provisions and basic principles of TRIPS, and its provisions on different areas of IP, namely copyright and related rights, trademarks, geographical indications, patents, industrial designs, layoutdesigns, undisclosed information, and unfair competition. The Handbook also covers enforcement of IP rights and provisions on anticompetitive IP licensing, as well as dispute settlement and the relationship between TRIPS and public policy issues, such as public health, in the WTO and other international organisations. And it describes how to use the information on IP laws and policies made available through TRIPS transparency mechanisms. The legal texts of the revised TRIPS Agreement, the provisions of the WIPO conventions it refers to, and additional WTO instruments are also included. This revised edition covers the public health revision of the Agreement that entered into force in 2017 and provides updates on other recent developments including in the area of dispute settlement.

i A World Trade Organizaton and Cambridge University Press co-publication. To be published October 2020 450 pages

PB: CHF 55.- HB: CHF 130.The first edition was published in 2012.

PB: ISBN 9781108799928 HB: ISBN 9781108835282

Forthcoming publications


Dictionary of Trade Policy Terms Sixth Edition Compiled by Walter Goode The Dictionary of Trade Policy Terms is an accessible guide to the vocabulary used in trade negotiations. It explains about 3,000 terms and concepts in simple language. Its main emphasis is on the multilateral trading system represented by the agreements under the World Trade Organization (WTO).

i A World Trade Organizaton and Cambridge University Press co-publication. To be published October 2020 626 pages

PB: CHF 55.- HB: CHF 120.PB: ISBN 9781108823197 HB: ISBN 9781108842983


Forthcoming publications

In addition it covers many of the trade-related activities, outcomes and terms used in other international organizations, such as the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) , Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) and the OECD. The last decade has seen considerable attention devoted to trade and investment facilitation, sustainability and the formation of free-trade areas in all parts of the world. This dictionary allocates generous space to the vocabulary associated with such developments. Additional areas covered include emerging trade issues and issues based particularly on developing-country concerns.

The fifth edition was published in 2007.

Short Answers to Big Questions on the WTO and the Environment This publication by the Trade and Environment Division of the World Trade Organization (WTO) aims at improving understanding of the role of trade and trade rules with regards to environmental issues. It seeks to answer, in easyto-understand terms, some of the key questions of the trade and environment debate as they relate to the multilateral trading system. In this sense, it is not an exhaustive analysis of the issues covered, but rather an attempt to provide basic information and examples to answer some common questions raised about trade and the environment.

i To be published in October 2020 16 pages ISBN 9789287051189

Price: Free

Forthcoming publications


Dispute Settlement Reports 2019 New Edition Cases covered in the Dispute Settlement Reports 2019 include: (1 January – 31 December 2019) • Brazil – Taxation WT/DS472/R, Add.1 and Corr.1 / WT/DS497/R, Add.1 and Corr.1, WT/DS472/AB/R / WT/DS497/AB/R

This multi-volume series provides the full texts of panel reports, Appellate Body reports and arbitration awards issued by the WTO. It is an essential resource for all trade lawyers and students studying international economic or trade law. The series is produced annually.


• United States – Tuna II (Mexico) (Article 21.5 – US) / • United States – Tuna II (Mexico) (Article 21.5 – Mexico II) WT/DS381/RW/USA and Add.1 WT/DS381/ AB/RW/USA / WT/DS381/RW2 and Add.1 WT/DS381/ AB/RW2 • United States – Large Civil Aircraft (2nd complaint) (Article 21.5 – EU) WT/DS353/RW and Add.1, WT/DS353/ AB/RW

A World Trade Organization and Cambridge University Press co-publication.

• China – Agricultural Producers WT/DS511/R and Add.1

2019 Reports: 12 volumes

• Korea – Radionuclides WT/DS495/R and Add.1, WT/DS495/AB/R and Add.1

Published in 2020

Each volume is priced at CHF 220-.


Forthcoming publications

• Russia – Traffic in Transit WT/DS512/R and Add.1

• United States – Countervailing Measures (China) (Article 21.5 – China) WT/DS437/RW and Add.1, WT/DS437/AB/ RW and Add.1 • Ukraine – Ammonium Nitrate WT/DS493/R, Add.1 and Corr.1, WT/DS493/AB/R and Add.1 • Korea – Pneumatic Valves (Japan) WT/DS504/R and Add.1, WT/DS504/AB/R and Add.1 • United States – Washing Machines (Article 22.6 – US) WT/DS464/ARB and Add.1 • EC and certain member States – Large Civil Aircraft (Article 22.6 – EU) WT/DS316/ARB and Add.1 • United States – AntiDumping Methodologies (China) (Article 22.6 – US) WT/DS471/ARB and Add.1

Adapting to the Digital Trade Era Challenges and Opportunities Edited by Maarten Smeets

Digital innovations are transforming the global economy. The decline in search and information costs, rapid growth of new products and markets, and emergence of new players ushered in by digital technologies have the promise of boosting global trade flows, including exports from developing countries. At the same time, digital technologies are also threatening privacy and security worldwide, while developing countries that lack the tools to compete in the new digital environment are in danger of being left even further behind. This publication examines what the rapid adoption of digital technologies will mean for trade and development and the role that domestic policies and international cooperation can play in creating a more prosperous and inclusive future.

i To be published November 2020

Price: TBD

The WTO Chairs Programme aims to support and promote trade-related academic activities by universities and research institutions in developing and least-developed economies. The Programme currently consists of 19 institutions.

Adapting to the Digital Trade Era ISBN 9789287043023 S’adapter à l’ère du commerce numérique ISBN 9789287043047 Adaptación a la era del comercio digital ISBN 9789287043061

Forthcoming publications


25 Years of the WTO A Photographic Retrospective 25 Years of the WTO: A Photographic Retrospective provides an overview of the first 25 years of the arbiter of the multilateral trading system. A collection of over 150 compelling images guides the reader through the history of the organization.

i To be published November 2020 ISBN 9789287044198

Price: CHF 60.-


Forthcoming publications

WTO Agreement Series: Technical Barriers to Trade

New Edition

Third Edition This fully revised and updated edition of Technical Barriers to Trade provides an overview of the WTO’s TBT Agreement, the full legal text of the Agreement, and the decisions and recommendations adopted by the TBT Committee since 1 January 1995. It is the latest title in the WTO Agreements Series, which aims to assist public understanding of the WTO agreements.

The second edition was published in 2014.

i To be published in December 2020 Approx. 160 pages

CHF 30.WTO Agreement Series: Technical Barriers to Trade, Third Edition ISBN 9789287049988 Série des accords de l’OMC Obstacles techniques au commerce, 3ème édition ISBN 9789287051806 Serie de Acuerdos de la OMC Obstáculos Técnicos al Comercio, Tercera edicíon ISBN 9789287051820

Forthcoming publications


The WTO and Trade Capacity Building in Africa Open global trade has had positive effects for African industrialization and development. Efforts must continue to help developing countries and Africa build capacity and to take fuller advantage of the benefits that trade brings. Recently, faced with the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, some of these efforts have been challenged and the developmental gains of recent years put in question. This report examines the situation with respect to trade in Africa, and as an indicator of trade-induced industrialization, it looks at trade in value-added products for certain African economies for which data is available. The report also looks at different activities and projects the WTO is implementing in the continent, including in the areas of trade facilitation, compliance with sanitary and phytosanitary regulations, and capacity building for trade and production. Finally, the report outlines the WTO’s cooperation with the African Union and projects aimed at mainstreaming trade into the national development strategies of African countries.

i To be published December 2020 ISBN 9789287048356

Price: TBD


Forthcoming publications

A Practical Guide to the Economic Analysis of Non-Tariff Measures Written by Anne-CĂŠlia Disdier and Marco Fugazza

A Practical Guide to the Economic Analysis of Non-Tariff Measures is the third volume of the series of Practical Guides to Trade Analysis co-published by the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development and the World Trade Organization. This volume provides the main tools for the analysis and empirical assessment of the trade effects of non-tariff measures. Written by experts with practical experience in the field, this publication outlines the major concepts of the economic analysis of non-tariff measures and contains practical guidance on how to apply them to concrete policy questions. This publication has been developed to contribute to the enhancement of developing countries’ capacity to analyze and implement trade policy. It is aimed at government experts engaged in trade negotiations, as well as students and researchers involved in trade-related study or research.

The publication is a follow-up to A Practical Guide to Trade Policy Analysis and An Advanced Guide to Trade Policy Analysis: The Structural Gravity Model.

i A joint publication by the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) and World Trade Organization. To be published in December 2020

Price: TBD ISBN 9789287048837

Forthcoming publications


Trade in Knowledge Edited by Antony Taubman and Jayashree Watal

This volume draws together contributions from a diverse range of international scholars and analysts, transcending law, economics, trade policy and international governance.

Knowledge – how it is generated, disseminated and applied – is fundamental for social and economic welfare, and for human flourishing. The disruptive impact of technological change in recent years has wrought a fundamental transformation in the scale, diversity, and very nature of the ways in which knowledge is traded and shared internationally, with farreaching implications for societies. This digital disruption offers prospects for sustainable development and for a more equitable world, but it also accentuates concerns about the potential to displace and disenfranchise, and to entrench inequities. Creative works can be readily disseminated across the globe, but the benefits flow unevenly to their creators. The need to understand and respond to these trends has placed knowledge at the centre of policy debates and practical initiatives about economic and social development, and indeed a host of wider public policy issues today ranging from public health to green innovation. The framing of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals in 2015 – a blueprint for international cooperation and national action towards an ambitious set of targets in 2030 – placed high priority on the development and implementation of new technologies to address fundamental development needs. This publication offers:

i A World Trade Organizaton and Cambridge University Press co-publication. To be published Spring 2021

Price: TBD


Forthcoming publications

• a fresh understanding of what it means to trade in knowledge in today’s technological and commercial environment; • clearer data and ideas for the more nuanced and effective use of data to guide policymakers; • insights into the prospects for knowledge-based social and economic development, that move beyond conventional thinking and correspond to the contemporary knowledge economy; and • ideas for updated systems of governance that promote the creation and sharing of the benefits of knowledge as a positive-sum public good.

Competition Policy and Intellectual Property in Today’s Global Economy Edited by Robert D. Anderson, Nuno Pires De Carvalho and Antony Taubman The fast-evolving relationship between the promotion of welfare-enhancing competition and the balanced protection of intellectual property (IP) rights has attracted the attention of policymakers, analysts and scholars. This interest is inevitable in an environment that lays ever greater emphasis on the management of knowledge and innovation and on mechanisms to ensure that the public derives the expected social and economic benefits from this innovation and the spread of knowledge. This publication looks at the positive linkage between IP and competition in jurisdictions around the world, surveying developments and policy issues from an international and comparative perspective. It includes analysis of key doctrinal and policy issues by leading academics and practitioners from around the globe and a cutting-edge survey of related developments across both developed and developing economies. It also situates current policy developments at the national level in the context of multilateral developments, at WIPO, WTO and elsewhere.

i A World Trade Organizaton and Cambridge University Press co-publication. To be published Spring 2021

PB: CHF 70.HB: CHF 220.PB: ISBN 9781316645680 HB: ISBN 9781107194366

Forthcoming publications


Second Edition

A Handbook on Accession to the WTO Second Edition A Handbook on Accession to the WTO was first published in 2008, covering 23 accessions concluded between 1995 and 2007. Since then, 13 more accessions have been concluded. While the procedures governing the WTO accession process remain largely unchanged, the second edition of the Handbook incorporates the substance of commitments undertaken in the newly completed accessions. It also updates the basic rules and discussions pertaining to WTO accessions, including the General Council Decision of 2012 on Accession of Least-Developed Countries. In addition, the new Handbook contains a new chapter on transparency in WTO accessions and updates elements which have been enhanced in the management of WTO accessions, such as technical assistance and training for acceding governments.

i A World Trade Organization and Cambridge University Press co-publication. To be published in 2021

Price: TBD


Forthcoming publications

‘The accession process is important for many reasons and yet it is among the least studied and understood parts of the trading system. Thus, the WTO Secretariat is to be commended for sponsoring this project. The Handbook will be especially useful for government officials and the private sector of applicant countries who need to understand the arcane accession process. The Handbook will also help to stimulate new scholarship on accession.’ Journal of World Trade Review, reviewing the first edition

Eurasian Perspectives on Trade and the WTO Edited by Alexei Kireyev and Maika Oshikawa

This publication offers significant contributions to the stock of existing knowledge on the nexus of Eurasia and international trade. First, it gathers in one setting a universal comprehension of Eurasian perspectives on international trade and the WTO. Second, it seeks far-reaching replies to fundamental questions on recent trade development objectives and concerns of Eurasia. Third, it analyses and improves an understanding of the current trade policies in the region. Fourth, the book examines challenges faced by Eurasian countries in the process of implementation of their trade and development policies. Finally, supported by solid experimental analysis, it suggests future steps to overcome these challenges with a view to full integration into the global economy.

The publication will include the following: Part I:

Integration in Eurasia

Part II: Eurasian WTO accessions Part III: Eurasia’s strategic partners

i A World Trade Organization and Cambridge University Press co-publication. To be published in 2021

Price: TBD

Forthcoming publications



Other publications

The publications listed below were published before 2019. They have been grouped into the following trade topics: About the WTO




Anti-dumping, subsidies, 51 safeguards Civil society


Dispute settlement






Global value chains


Government procurement


Information Technology Agreement (ITA)

Regional trade agreements (RTAs) and preferential trade agreements (PTAs)


Sanitary and phytosanitary measures




Small business






Technical barriers to trade


Intellectual property


Trade and employment


Legal texts


Trade and public health


WTO in Brief

Previous Editions 1998-2019


Trade finance


Trade monitoring


Trade policy analysis


WTO accessions


WTO history and building


10 Things the WTO Can Do

WTO Agreements Series: Agriculture Third Edition



About the WTO



Supporting development 55 and building trade capacity Tariff negotiations

Annual Report

Trade facilitation and customs valuation

In brief, the World Trade Organization (WTO) is the only international organization dealing with the global rules of trade. Its main function is to ensure that trade flows as smoothly, predictably and freely as possible.

Published annually CHF 50.-

Other publications

Published in 2018 FREE

Published in 2012 FREE


Published in 2016 CHF 30.-

World Trade Report 2006

World Trade Report 2009

Exploring the Links between Subsidies, Trade and the WTO

Governments, NonState Actors and Trade Policy-Making Negotiating Preferentially or Multilaterally?

Civil society

Anti-dumping, subsidies, safeguards

Trade Policy Commitments and Contingency Measures

A Handbook of Anti-Dumping Investigations

GATT Disputes 1948-1995

Dispute Settlement Reports 2018

Published in 2010 PB: CHF 30.HB: CHF 100.-

Handbook on the WTO Dispute Settlement System

Previous Editions 1996-2017

A History of Law and Lawyers in the GATT/WTO The Development of the Rule of Law in the Multilateral Trading System

Second Edition


World Trade organizaTion


Gabrielle Marceau is a counsellor in the Legal Affairs Division of the WTO Secretariat. Her main function is to advise panellists in WTO disputes, the Director-General’s Office, the Secretariat and WTO members on WTOrelated matters. Dr Marceau is also Associate Professor at the Law Faculty of the University of Geneva, Switzerland, and has published extensively on WTO matters.

World Trade Organization Centre William Rappard Rue de Lausanne 154 CH-1211 Geneva 2 Switzerland Tel. switchboard: +41 (0)22 739 51 11 email: enquiries@wto.org www.wto.org

A History of Law and Lawyers in the GATT/WTO

A History of Law and Lawyers in the GATT/ WTO

Dispute Settlement Reports 2017 Volume VIII: Pages 3767 to 4372

Marceau 9781107085237 PPC. C M Y K

Volume 1: Overview and one-page case summaries

Dispute Settlement Reports 2017 Volume VIII: Pages 3767 to 4372

GATT Disputes: 1948-1995

How did a treaty that emerged in the aftermath of the Second World War, and barely survived its early years, evolve into one of the most influential organisations in international law? This unique book brings together original contributions from an unprecedented number of eminent current and former GATT and WTO staff members, including many current and former Appellate Body members, to trace the history of law and lawyers in the GATT/WTO and explore how the nature of legal work has evolved over the institution’s sixty-year history. In doing so, it paints a fascinating portrait of the development of the rule of law in the multilateral trading system, and allows some of the most important personalities in GATT and WTO history to share their stories and reflect on the WTO’s remarkable journey from a ‘provisionally applied treaty’ to an international organisation defined by its commitment to the rule of law.

GATT Disputes: 1948-1995 Volume 1: Overview and one-page case summaries


Dispute Settlement

Volume 1: Overview and One-Page Case Summaries Volume 2: Dispute Settlement Procedures GATT Disputes: 1948-1995 (Volume 1) provides verified and factual information on disputes brought by contracting parties to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) from 1948 to 1995, when the GATT was superseded by the World Trade Organization (WTO). The publication provides a comprehensive overview of dispute settlement activities under the GATT 1947 and a one-page case summary for each of the 316 GATT disputes brought by contracting parties during this period. Volume 2 of this publication covers GATT dispute settlement procedures. The two volumes offer insights into the evolution of dispute settlement under the GATT 1947, which served as the foundation for the Dispute Settlement Understanding created by the Marrakesh Agreement Establishing the WTO.

Published in 2003 CHF 150.-

Published in 2006 CHF 60.-

Published in 2009 CHF 60.-

The Development of the Rule of Law in the Multilateral Trading System Edited by Gabrielle Marceau

Cover image: the stone statue of ‘Justice’, by Luc Jaggi (1924), situated in front of the main entrance to the Centre William Rappard, the headquarters of the WTO in Geneva. The statue was donated by the Swiss Confederation on 28 November 1924. Photograph © WTO / Pierre-Yves Dhinaut. Cover design: Sue Watson

Published annually CHF 220.- per volume

Published in 2018 CHF 60.- per volume

WTO Appellate Body Repertory of Reports and Awards 1995-2013

WTO Analytical Index Guide to WTO Law and Practice Third Edition

Fifth Edition Visual ONLY

Published in 2017 PB: CHF 50.HB: CHF 130.-

Published in 2015 PB: CHF 50.HB: CHF 120.-

The WTO Dispute Settlement Procedures

The WTO in the Twentyfirst Century

A Collection of the Relevant Legal Texts Third Edition

Dispute Settlement, Negotiations, and Regionalism in Asia

Visual ONLY




Volume 1


treaty texts, decisions and agreed practices relating to the procedures that apply in the settlement of WTO disputes. It affords ready answers to technical questions relating to matters such as: how disputes are initiated and conducted, including at the appellate stage; what deadlines apply and how to calculate them; what rules of conduct bind individuals involved in WTO dispute settlement; and what rules of procedure apply to meetings of the Dispute Settlement Body. This highly practical work, which includes cross-references and a subject index, will prove invaluable to anyone working in WTO dispute settlement, including lawyers, civil servants working in the field of trade, economists, academics and students. This edition has been fully updated to take account of revised rules and procedures.

The WTO Dispute Settlement Procedures A Collection of the Relevant Legal Texts

Third Edition WTO Secretariat

Third Edition

blind blind

STOLER: Trade and Poverty Reduction in the Asia-Pacific Region PPC


The third edition of The WTO Dispute Settlement Procedures collects together the

The WTO Dispute Settlement Procedures



A Handbook on the WTO TRIPS Agreement Taubman, Wager and Watal

A Handbook on the WTO TRIPS Agreement Taubman, Wager and Watal

1995–2013 compiled by the fifth edition–volume appellateibody secretariat Jayashree is a senior officer in the of Intellectual Property Division of the WTO Secretariat. Antony Taubman is Director of theWatal Intellectual Property Division the WTO Secretariat. compiled by the Hannu Wager is a senior officer in the Intellectual Property Division of the WTO Secretariat. appellate body secretariat Jayashree Watal is a senior officer in the Intellectual Property Division of the WTO Secretariat.




This handbook describes the historical and legal background to the TRIPS Agreement, its role in the WTO and its insti-

tutional framework, and reviews the following areas: general provisions and basic principles; copyright and related rights; trademarks; geographical indications; patents; industrial designs, layout-designs, settlement in tutional framework, andthe reviews context of the TRIPS Agreement; TRIPS and public health; and current TRIPS issues. It contains the following areas: general provisions basic principles; a guide to TRIPSand notifications by WTOcopyright membersand and describes how to access and make use of the related rights; trademarks; geographical indications; patents; designs, and layout-designs, official documentation relating to theindustrial TRIPS Agreement related issues. Furthermore, it includes undisclosed informationthe andlegal anti-competitive practices; enforcement of relevant IPRs; dispute settlement texts of the TRIPS Agreement and the provisions of theinWIPO conventions referthe context of the TRIPSred Agreement; public health; and current TRIPS issues. It contains to in it, asTRIPS well and as subsequent relevant WTO instruments. a guide to TRIPS notifications by WTO members and describes how to access and make use of the official documentation relating to the TRIPS Agreement and related issues. Furthermore, it includes Antony Taubman is Director the Intellectual Property Division ofreferthe WTO Secretariat. the legal texts of the TRIPS Agreement and the relevantofprovisions of the WIPO conventions red to in it, as well as subsequent relevant WTO instruments. Hannu Wager is a senior officer in the Intellectual Property Division of the WTO Secretariat. This handbook describes the undisclosed historical and legal background the TRIPS Agreement, its role in enforcement the WTO and itsofinstiinformation andto anti-competitive practices; IPRs; dispute


wto appellate body repertory of

reports and awards 1995–2013 compiled by the appellate body secretariat – volume i

wto appellate body repertory of

reports and awards 1995–2013 compiled by the appellate body secretariat – volume i

wto appellate body repertory of wto appellate body reports and awards repertory of1995–2013 reports andfifth awards edition–volume i


Published in 2014 CHF 400.-

Published in 2012 CHF 400.-

Published in 2012 PB: CHF 60.HB: CHF 100.-

Published in 2007 CHF 100.-

Other publications


Key Issues in WTO Dispute Settlement

WTO Dispute Settlement

World Trade Report 2018

Resolving trade disputes between WTO members

The Future of World Trade: How Digital Technologies are Transforming Global Commerce


Published in 2015 FREE


Re be sol tw vin ee g n tra W d TO e d m isp em u be tes rs

The Contribution of the Dispute Settlement System


The WTO at Ten

Published in 2006 CHF 100.-

Published in 2005 HB: CHF 90.-

E-commerce in Developing Countries

Making Trade Work for the Environment, Prosperity and Resilience

e-commerce in

developing countries opportunities and challenges for small and medium-sized enterprises


Opportunities and challenges for small and medium-sized enterprises

Enhancing Cooperation for Sustainable Development

Harnessing trade for sustainable development and a green economy

CITES WTO and the

Enhancing Cooperation for Sustainable Development

Tel: +41 (0)22 739 51 11 Fax: +41 (0)22 731 42 06 email: enquiries@wto.org Website: www.wto.org

World Trade Report 2010


Harnessing Trade for Sustainable Development and a Green Economy

CITES and the WTO

World Trade Organization Centre William Rappard Rue de Lausanne 154 CH-1211 Geneva 21 Switzerland

Published in 2012 FREE

Published November 2018 CHF 50.-

Published October 2018 CHF 30.-

Trade and Climate Change

Published in 2015 FREE Trade, Development and the Environment

Trade in Natural Resources

ISBN 978-92-870-3808-1

9 789287 038081

Published in 2011 FREE Trade and Environment Building pathways to sustainable development

to s t ay en w m th op pa el g dev n i TRADE ild ble and Bu ina ta ENVIRONMENT us


Published in 2010 CHF 60.-


Other publications

Published in 2009 CHF 60.-

Published in 2000 PB: CHF 52.HB: CHF 100.-

Published in 2015 FREE

Global Value Chain Development Report 2017

Global Value Chains in a Changing World

Measuring and Analysing the Impact of GVCs on Economic Development

Supply Chain Perspectives and Issues

Trade Patterns and Global Value Chains in East Asia

A Literature Review

From Trade in Goods to Trade in Tasks

A Literature Review Global value chains in a changing world

Global value chains (GVCs) have become ubiquitous. They are more studied and talked about than ever before. The many manifestations of international production sharing

Edited by Deborah K.become Elmsthe and Patrick Low have organising theme for practically any discussion on production, trade,

investment, development and international economic cooperation more generally. GVCs are at the economic heart of globalisation. Policies of governments are central to outcomes, influencing the establishment, configuration and operation of GVCs in numerous ways. Technological possibilities and firm behaviour are also crucial determinants of what happens in the supply chain world.

Elms and Low (eds)

Efforts to understand the dimensions of GVCs have spread across disciplines. This volume is the product of a dialogue with policy makers in the Asian region, where economists, political scientists, management specialists, development thinkers and business executives joined together in an exploration of the multiple dimensions of supply chains, what drives them, how they operate, how they adapt in a rapidly changing world, and what they mean for development and for policy.

ISBN 9789287038937

WTO ISBN 978-92-870-3882-1

9 789287 038937

WTO ISBN 978-92-870-3893-7

DGVC cover-Mar13 AWfin.indd 1

Supply Chain Perspectives and Issues A Literature Review

Supply Chain Perspectives and Issues

The literature that attempts to understand and explain GVCs is vast, multi-disciplinary and no less complex than the phenomenon itself. This volume is an ambitious attempt at a fairly comprehensive review of literature on the subject. While extensive, to claim it is comprehensive and the last word would be like saying that GVCs hold no more mystery and never change.

Park, Nayyar & Low

Supply Chain Perspectives and Issues

Global value chains in a changing world

Global value chains


Global value chains in a changing world Global value chains (GVC) are a major driving force of globalisation. They are an inevitable outgrowth of the application of transformative information and transport technologies, combined with new business models and largely open borders. The GVC phenomenon promotes integration on multiple levels. Today’s international production systems confound traditional ways of looking at investment, production, finance, information systems and technology. These can no longer be seen as separate, meriting distinct attention and discrete policy treatment. The international fragmentation of production has generated the opposite of fragmentation – a complex networked system of production and consumption with innumerable moving, interactive parts.

Albert Park Gaurav Nayyar Patrick Low

12/06/2013 11:09

Published in 2017 CHF 60.-

Published in 2013 CHF 35.-

Published in 2013 CHF 60.-

Published in 2011 CHF 40.-

20 Years of the Information Technology Agreement

Challenge and Reform

Opening Markets and Promoting Good Governance

Boosting Trade, Innovation and Digital Connectivity

Promoting Promoting Access Access to to Medical Medical Technologies Technologies and and Innovation Innovation

Intersections Intersectionsbetween betweenpublic publichealth, health,intellectual intellectualproperty propertyand andtrade trade

ot Op in e g ni go ng od m go ark ve et rn s a an nd ce

Today’s Today’shealth healthpolicy-makers policy-makersneed needaaclear clearunderstanding understandingboth bothofofthe theinnovation innovationprocesses processesthat thatlead leadtotonew newtechnologies technologies and andofofthe theways waysininwhich whichthese thesetechnologies technologiesare aredisseminated disseminatedininhealth healthsystems. systems.This Thisstudy studyseeks seekstotoreinforce reinforcethe the understanding understandingofofthe theinterplay interplaybetween betweenthe thedistinct distinctpolicy policydomains domainsofofhealth, health,trade tradeand andintellectual intellectualproperty, property,and andofofhow howthey they affect affectmedical medicalinnovation innovationand andaccess accesstotomedical medicaltechnologies. technologies.ItItcaptures capturesaabroad broadrange rangeofofexperience experienceand anddata datainindealing dealing with withthe theinterplay interplaybetween betweenintellectual intellectualproperty, property,trade traderules rulesand andthe thedynamics dynamicsofofaccess accessto, to,and andinnovation innovationin, in,medical medical technologies. technologies.AAcollaborative collaborativeeffort effortby bythe theWorld WorldHealth HealthOrganization, Organization,the theWorld WorldIntellectual IntellectualProperty PropertyOrganization Organizationand andthe the World WorldTrade TradeOrganization Organizationdraws drawstogether togetherthe thethree threeSecretariats’ Secretariats’respective respectiveareas areasofofexpertise. expertise. The Thestudy studyisisintended intendedtotoinform informongoing ongoingtechnical technicalcooperation cooperationactivities activitiesundertaken undertakenby bythe thethree threeorganizations organizationsand andtoto support supportpolicy policydiscussions. discussions.Based Basedon onmany manyyears yearsofoffield fieldexperience experienceinintechnical technicalcooperation, cooperation,the thestudy studyhas hasbeen beenprepared prepared totoserve servethe theneeds needsofofpolicy-makers policy-makerswho whoseek seekaacomprehensive comprehensivepresentation presentationofofthe thefull fullrange rangeofofissues, issues,as aswell wellas as lawmakers, lawmakers,government governmentofficials, officials,delegates delegatestotointernational internationalorganizations, organizations,non-governmental non-governmentalorganizations organizationsand andresearchers. researchers.

pr om


Promoting Access Access to to Medical Medical Technologies Technologies and and Innovation Innovation Promoting

Medical Medicaltechnologies technologies––medicines, medicines,vaccines vaccinesand andmedical medicaldevices devices––are areessential essentialfor forpublic publichealth. health.Access Accesstotoessential essential medicines medicinesand andthe thelack lackofofresearch researchtotoaddress addressneglected neglecteddiseases diseaseshave havebeen beenaamajor majorconcern concernfor formany manyyears. years.More More recently, recently,the thefocus focusofofhealth healthpolicy policydebate debatehas hasbroadened broadenedtotoconsider considerhow howtotopromote promoteinnovation innovationand andhow howtotoensure ensure equitable equitableaccess accesstotoall allvital vitalmedical medicaltechnologies. technologies.


Information Technology Agreement (ITA)

Government Procurement Agreement

Government procurement

The WTO Regime on Government Procurement

15 Years of the Information Technology Agreement Trade, Innovation and Global Production Networks

15 Years of the

15 Years of the Information Technology Agreement

Information Technology Agreement

Promoting Promoting Access Access to to Medical Medical Technologies Technologies and and Innovation Innovation

Trade, innovation and global production networks

The Information and Technology Agreement (ITA) was finalized at the first WTO Ministerial Conference, in Singapore, in 1996, committing its participants to completely eliminate duties on certain information technology products. In its 15 years, the ITA has promoted affordable access to a wide range of technologies, encouraging closer cooperation

between developedproperty and developing countries. As production networks Intersections Intersections between between public public health, health,become intellectual intellectual property and and trade trade increasingly global, the ITA will continue to facilitate the shift from products made in a specific country to “made in the world”.

To mark the 15th anniversary of the ITA, this publication charts the political and technical obstacles which were overcome during the creation of the Agreement and the issues which still need to be resolved. It details the establishment of the ITA Committee and how the Agreement is implemented, and investigates the impact the ITA has had on trade liberalization and innovation. The publication also examines the effect information technology has had on global production networks and what this means for developing countries and the ITA.

9 789287 038265 WTO WTOISBN ISBN 978-92-870-3839-5 978-92-870-3839-5 WHO WHOISBN ISBN 978-92-415-0487-4 978-92-415-0487-4 WIPO WIPOISBN ISBN978-92-805-2308-9 978-92-805-2308-9 WIPO WIPOPublication PublicationNo. No.628E 628E

Published in 2011 CHF 200.-

The Making of the TRIPS Agreement

Published in 2015 FREE

Promoting Access to Medical Technologies and Innovation: Intersections

Published in 2017 CHF 40.-

Intersections Intersections between between public public health, health,intellectual intellectual property property and and trade trade

ad C e ha an ng d in po g lic the y- fa m c ak e in of g

Promoting Promoting Access Access to to Medical Medical Technologies Technologies and and Innovation Innovation


The Thestudy studyisisintended intendedtotoinform informongoing ongoingtechnical technicalcooperation cooperationactivities activitiesundertaken undertakenby bythe thethree threeorganizations organizationsand andtoto support supportpolicy policydiscussions. discussions.Based Basedon onmany manyyears yearsofoffield fieldexperience experienceinintechnical technicalcooperation, cooperation,the thestudy studyhas hasbeen beenprepared prepared totoserve servethe theneeds needsofofpolicy-makers policy-makerswho whoseek seekaacomprehensive comprehensivepresentation presentationofofthe thefull fullrange rangeofofissues, issues,as aswell wellas as lawmakers, lawmakers,government governmentofficials, officials,delegates delegatestotointernational internationalorganizations, organizations,non-governmental non-governmentalorganizations organizationsand andresearchers. researchers.



Today’s Today’shealth healthpolicy-makers policy-makersneed needaaclear clearunderstanding understandingboth bothofofthe theinnovation innovationprocesses processesthat thatlead leadtotonew newtechnologies technologies and andofofthe theways waysininwhich whichthese thesetechnologies technologiesare aredisseminated disseminatedininhealth healthsystems. systems.This Thisstudy studyseeks seekstotoreinforce reinforcethe the understanding understandingofofthe theinterplay interplaybetween betweenthe thedistinct distinctpolicy policydomains domainsofofhealth, health,trade tradeand andintellectual intellectualproperty, property,and andofofhow howthey they affect affectmedical medicalinnovation innovationand andaccess accesstotomedical medicaltechnologies. technologies.ItItcaptures capturesaabroad broadrange rangeofofexperience experienceand anddata datainindealing dealing with withthe theinterplay interplaybetween betweenintellectual intellectualproperty, property,trade traderules rulesand andthe thedynamics dynamicsofofaccess accessto, to,and andinnovation innovationin, in,medical medical technologies. technologies.AAcollaborative collaborativeeffort effortby bythe theWorld WorldHealth HealthOrganization, Organization,the theWorld WorldIntellectual IntellectualProperty PropertyOrganization Organizationand andthe the World WorldTrade TradeOrganization Organizationdraws drawstogether togetherthe thethree threeSecretariats’ Secretariats’respective respectiveareas areasofofexpertise. expertise.

The Doha Round Texts and Related Documents

TRIPS Agreement

between Public Health, Intellectual Property and Trade

Promoting Access Access to to Medical Medical Technologies Technologies and and Innovation Innovation Promoting

Medical Medicaltechnologies technologies––medicines, medicines,vaccines vaccinesand andmedical medicaldevices devices––are areessential essentialfor forpublic publichealth. health.Access Accesstotoessential essential medicines medicinesand andthe thelack lackofofresearch researchtotoaddress addressneglected neglecteddiseases diseaseshave havebeen beenaamajor majorconcern concernfor formany manyyears. years.More More

Published in 2012 CHF 40.-

Changing the face of IP trade and policy-making

Personal insights from the Uruguay Round negotiations

recently, recently,the thefocus focusofofhealth healthpolicy policydebate debatehas hasbroadened broadenedtotoconsider how howtotopromote promoteinnovation innovationand andhow howtotoensure ensure Edited by Jayashree Watal and Antony consider Taubman equitable equitableaccess accesstotoall allvital vitalmedical medicaltechnologies. technologies.

27.04.12 12:38

25/01/2013 25/01/2013 11:49 11:49


Promoting Promoting Access Access to to Medical Medical

Technologies Technologies and and Innovation Innovation The Making of the TRIPS Agreement Intersections Intersectionsbetween betweenpublic publichealth, health,intellectual intellectualproperty propertyand andtrade trade The Making of the TRIPS Agreement

The Making of the TRIPS Agreement presents for the first time the diverse personal accounts of the negotiators of this unique trade agreement. Their rich contributions illustrate how different policy perspectives and trade interests were accommodated in the final text, and map the shifting alliances that transcended conventional boundaries between developed and developing countries, with a close look at issues such as copyright for software, patents on medicines and the appropriate scope of protection of geographical indications. Contributors share their views on how intellectual property fitted into the overall Uruguay Round, the political and economic considerations driving TRIPS negotiations, the role of non-state actors, the sources of the substantive and procedural standards that were built into the TRIPS Agreement, and future issues in the area of intellectual property. In probing how negotiations led to an enduring agreement that has served as a framework for policy-making in many countries, the contributions offer lessons for current and future negotiators. The contributors highlight the enabling effect of a clear negotiating agenda, and underscore the important, but distinct, roles of the Chair, of the Secretariat and above all, of the negotiators themselves.

Personal insights from the Uruguay Round negotiations

Intellectual property

Personal Insights from the Uruguay Round Negotiations

ITA_15_Years_of_the Information_Technology Agreement_Cover_2692_12_E.indd 1

Legal texts

PAMTMI PAMTMIcover-Sept12.indd cover-Sept12.indd 1 1

Watal and Taubman WTO WTOISBN ISBN 978-92-870-3839-5 978-92-870-3839-5 WHO WHOISBN ISBN 978-92-415-0487-4 978-92-415-0487-4 WIPO WIPOISBN ISBN978-92-805-2308-9 978-92-805-2308-9 WIPO WIPOPublication PublicationNo. No.628E 628E

Published in 2015 CHF 70.PAMTMI PAMTMIcover-Sept12.indd cover-Sept12.indd 1 1

Published in 2013 CHF 60.-

25/01/2013 25/01/2013 11:49 11:49

Published in 2015 FREE

Published in 2009 FREE

Other publications


2015 edition

Status of WTO Legal Instruments

drawn up by WTO members in relation World Trade Organization and the Agreement. It lists the signatures affixed of ratification, acceptance, accession, ruments and the various notifications, s received by the Director-General in his arties to each instrument are listed under ceptance” covers signatures, ratifications, members that acceded to the instrument.

Status of WTO Legal Instruments

his publication is end April 2015.



Published in 2015 CHF 30.-

Published in 1999 CHF 60.Regional Rules in the Global Trading System

Multilateralizing Regionalism Challenges for the Global Trading System

Published in 2009 PB: CHF 40.HB: CHF 110.-

Published in 2009 PB: CHF 60.HB: CHF 130.Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures

WTO Domestic Regulation and Services Trade

Ensuring Safe Trading without Unnecessary Restrictions

Putting Principles into Practice


r un ing ne sa ce fe ss tra ar d y in re g st wi ri th ct o io ut ns


Aik Hoe Lim is a Counsellor in the Trade in Services Division of the WTO Secretariat, where he is Secretary to the body responsible for negotiating domestic regulation disciplines for services. Bart De Meester is an Associate at the Geneva Office of Sidley Austin LLP. He previously worked as a Legal Affairs Officer at the Trade in Services Division of the WTO.

Published in 2016 PB: CHF 70.HB: CHF 220.Trade and Food Standards

Published in 2017 CHF 40.A Handbook on Reading WTO Goods and Services Schedules

World Trade Report 2011 The WTO and Preferential Trade Agreements: From Co-existence to Coherence

Published in 2011 CHF 60.Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures Second Edition

Published in 2010 CHF 30.-

Opening Markets for Trade in Services Countries and Sectors in Bilateral and WTO Negotiations

World Trade Organization

WTO Domestic Regulation and Services Trade Putting Principles into Practice Edited by Aik Hoe Lim and Bart De Meester

Lim & De Meester. 9781107062351 PPC. C M Y K

Cover illustration: © Danil Melekhin / iStockphoto.com.

Published in 2015 FREE


Regional Trade Agreements and the Multilateral Trading System

WTO Domestic Regulation and Services Trade

Domestic regulation of services sectors has a significant impact on services trade liberalization, which is why General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS) disciplines are negotiated in the WTO. With the help of analyses and case studies from academics, regulators and trade experts, this book explores the scope and limits of WTO legal principles to promote domestic regulatory reform. Case studies discuss country-specific challenges and experiences of regulating important service sectors, such as finance, telecommunications, distribution, legal, education, health, postal and logistics services, as well as the role of regulatory impact assessments. The findings will interest trade officials, policy-makers, regulators, think tanks and businesses concerned with the implications of domestic regulation on access to services markets, and with the opportunities for formulating trade disciplines in this area. It is also a useful resource for academics and students researching regulatory approaches and practices in services sectors.

Lim and De Meester

En su

ISBN 978-92-870-4057-2

Regional trade agreements (RTAs) and preferential trade agreements (PTAs)

Guide to the Uruguay Round Agreements

Sanitary and phytosanitary measures

Status of WTO Legal Instruments

Other publications

Published in 2015 PB: CHF 50.HB: CHF 100.-

Published in 2009 PB: CHF 30.HB: CHF 100.-

Published in 2009 PB: CHF 60.HB: CHF 120.-

A Handbook on the GATS Agreement

The Internationalization of Financial Services

Guide to the GATS

Trade in Services

An Overview of Issues for Further Liberalization of Trade in Services

The Most Dynamic Segment of International Trade



m o of st d in yn te a rn m at ic io se na g l t me ra nt de

Issues and Lessons for Developing Countries

Published in 2005 PB: CHF 50.HB: CHF 100.-

Published in 2001 CHF 230.-

World Trade Report 2016

World Trade Statistical Review 2019 Previous editions 2016-2018

Published in 2015 FREE

Trade Profiles 2019 Previous editions 2005-2018

World Tariff Profiles 2019 Previous editions 2005-2018


Small business

Levelling the Trading Field for SMEs

Published in 2016 CHF 50.-

Service Profiles

Published annually CHF 50.-

International Trade Statistics Previous Editions 2001-2015

Published annually CHF 50.-


Published in 2015 CHF 50

Mainstreaming Trade to Attain the Sustainable Development Goals

Trade Grows as Tariffs Decline



as s ne ow li gr ec e sd ad iff Tr tar

Published in 2016 CHF 40.-

Published annually CHF 50.-

Trade and Tariffs


Previous Editions 2013-2016

Published in 2015 FREE

Supporting development and building trade capacity

Published in 2001 HB: CHF 400.-


Published in 2018 CHF 30.-

Other publications


Trade and Poverty Reduction New Evidence of Impacts in Developing Countries

The Role of Trade in Ending Poverty

Case Studies Presented by WTO Chair-Holders

World Trade Report 2014 Trade and Development: Recent Trends and the Role of the WTO

World Trade Report 2014

Case studies presented by WTO chair-holders

Many developing countries have experienced unprecedented growth and have integrated increasingly into the global economy, thereby opening opportunities for countries still lagging behind. However, important barriers still remain. Integration into global value chains can make industrialization in developing countries easier to achieve. Upgrading to higher-value tasks within these supply chains can support further growth. But competitive advantage can be lost more easily, and achieving such upgrading can be challenging.

Case studies presented by WTO chair-holders

Higher prices for agricultural goods and natural resources have helped some developing countries achieve strong growth. But higher prices can cause strains for net importers of these goods. Growing interdependence within the global economy allows countries to benefit more quickly from growth in other parts of the world. But it can also cause challenges as crises can be quickly transmitted across borders. Many developing countries still have a long way to go in addressing their development challenges. The multilateral trading system provides developing countries, and particularly least-developed countries, with unique opportunities to do so. Further progress in the Post-Bali Agenda would therefore be important to making trade work more effectively for development.

Edited by Robert Teh Maarten Smeets Mustapha Sadni Jallab Fatima Chaudhri

9 789287 041241


Images (front and back covers) Jean-Claude Prêtre, DANAÉ WORLD SUITE, 2001. In this series (from which two prints are reproduced here), the artist wishes symbolically to portray a “movement” towards geopolitical peace. The full collection of 49 works is on display at the WTO. For more information, please visit the artist’s website at www.jcpretre.ch.


ISBN 978-92-870-3912-5

World Trade Report 2014 Trade and development: recent trends and the role of the WTO

Trade and development: recent trends and the role of the WTO

Case studies presented by WTO chair-holders

The book looks into how the Aid for Trade initiative can assist with implementing the TFA, the importance of mainstreaming trade into national development strategies, and the potential impact of the TFA in various regions.

Trade costs and inclusive growth -

Trade costs and inclusive growth looks at how implementation of the WTO’s Trade Facilitation Agreement (TFA) can help to reduce trade costs and promote growth. The publication brings together contributions from ten participants in the WTO Chairs Programme, which supports trade-related activities by academic institutions in developing countries.

The World Trade Report 2014 looks at four major trends that have changed the relationship between trade and development since the start of the millennium: the economic rise of developing economies, the growing integration of global production through supply chains, the higher prices for agricultural goods and natural resources, and the increasing interdependence of the world economy.

Trade costs and inclusive growth

World Trade Report 2014

Trade costs and inclusive growth

WTR2014_Cover_EN.indd 1

Published in 2018 CHF 40.-

Connecting to Global Markets Challenges and Opportunities: Case Studies Presented by WTO Chair-Holders

Published in 2016 CHF 50.-

Aid for Trade at a Glance 2015

Aid for Trade at a Glance 2013

Promoting Trade, Inclusiveness and Connectivity for Sustainable Development

Reducing Trade Costs for Inclusive, Sustainable Growth

Connecting to Value Chains

REDUCING TRADE COSTS FOR INCLUSIVE, SUSTAINABLE GROWTH High trade costs inhibit the trade integration of numerous developing economies, slowing their economic growth and development prospects. Furthermore, these costs tend to weigh heaviest on the poorest economies, on the smallest firms and on trade in agricultural products. This publication calls for concerted action through the Aid for Trade Initiative to reduce these trade costs and contribute to achieving the emerging post-2015 development agenda. Chapter 1. Why trade costs matter for inclusive, sustainable growth Chapter 2 How are trade costs evolving and why? Chapter 3. Aid-for-trade policies, priorities and programmes Chapter 4. Implementing the Trade Facilitation Agreement Chapter 5. Reducing trade costs for least developed countries Chapter 6. Connecting to value chains: The role of trade costs and trade facilitation Chapter 7. How aid for trade helps reduce the burden of trade costs on SMEs Chapter 8. Deepening private sector engagement in aid for trade Chapter 9. Trade in the post-2015 development agenda Chapter 10. Business perspectives on boosting trade and investment Chapter 11. The way forward

Contributed by the WTO Contributed by the World Bank Contributed by the OECD Contributed by the WTO Contributed by the Executive Secretariat for the Enhanced Integrated Framework Contributed by the OECD Contributed by the ITC Contributed by the OECD Contributed by UNCTAD Contributed by the WEF Contributed by the OECD and the WTO

Aid-for-trade country profiles Annex A. Aid-for-trade key data Annex B. DAC list of ODA recipients by income group Annex C. DAC list of ODA recipients by region Annex D. Aid-for-trade related CRS purpose codes by category


Consult this publication on line at http://dx.doi.org/10.1787/aid_glance-2015-en. This work is published on the OECD iLibrary, which gathers all OECD books, periodicals and statistical databases. Visit www.oecd-ilibrary.org for more information.

Edited by Marion Jansen Mustapha Sadni Jallab Maarten Smeets


Published in 2014 CHF 50.The WTO and the Millennium Development Goals



Published in 2017 CHF 70.-

Published in 2015 CHF 90.-

Trade and Poverty Reduction in the Asia-Pacific Region

World Trade Report 2003

Case Studies and Lessons from Low-Income Communities

Trade and Development


The WTO and the Millennium Development Goals



Published in 2013 CHF 90.Tariff Negotiations and Renegotiations under the GATT and the WTO Procedures and Practices Second Edition



Tariff negotiations

ese contributions from divided into four sections, on, the role of non-tariff nnecting to global markets, e initiative in building g supply side constraints. e powerful arguments in nstruments as an engine e insights into how easingly integrate into

Challenges and opportunities: case studies presented by WTO chair-holders

Published in 2014 CHF 60.-

Aid for Trade at a Glance 2017


a number of constraints s. To obtain a better aints, the WTO invited network in developing rogramme – to identify ctive countries and m. In response, the WTO of papers to the WTO’s irs Programme and to rade in July 2013.

Connecting to global markets - Challenges and opportunities: case studies presented by WTO chair-holders

have become oping countries and n ever-expanding role.

Connecting to global markets

05/08/2014 7:46:46 PM

Published in 2015 CHF 40.-



es: WTO chair-holders


Trade Costs and Inclusive Growth:

Printed by the WTO Secretariat

Published in 2011 FREE


Other publications

Published in 2009 PB: CHF 45.HB: CHF 130.-

Published in 2003 CHF 50.-

Published in 2018 CHF 130.-

World Trade Report 2012 Trade and public policies: A closer look at non-tariff measures in the 21st century

Trade, Standards and the WTO

Reducing Trade Friction from Standards and Regulations



Re d st uc an in da g rd t ra s de an f d ric re ti gu on la fr tio om ns

The WTO Agreements Series Technical Barriers to Trade

Technical Barriers to Trade




Technical barriers to trade

Second Edition

World Trade Report 2005

world trade organization

ISBN 978-92-870-3836-4

9 789287 038364

Published in 2014 CHF 30.-

Trade, Technology and Jobs

Published in 2012 CHF 60.-

Published in 2005 CHF 60.-

Published in 2015 FREE

Investing in Skills for Inclusive Trade

Making Globalization Socially Sustainable

Globalization and Informal Jobs in Developing Countries



World trade has expanded significantly in recent years, making a major contribution to global growth. Economic growth has not led to a corresponding improvement in working conditions and living standards for many workers. In developing countries, job creation has largely taken place in the informal economy, where around 60 per cent of workers are employed. Most of the workers in the informal economy have almost no job security, low incomes and no social protection, with limited opportunities to benefit from globalization.

Trade, technology and jobs

This study focuses on the relationship between trade and the growth of the informal economy in developing countries. Based on existing academic literature, complemented with new empirical research by the ILO and the WTO, the study discusses how trade reform affects different aspects of the informal economy. It also examines how high rates of informal employment diminish the scope for developing countries to translate trade openness into sustainable long-term growth. The report analyzes how well-designed trade and decent-work friendly policies can complement each other so as to promote sustainable development and growing prosperity in developing countries.




A joint study of the International Labour Office and the Secretariat of the World Trade Organization ISBN: 978-92-870-3691-9

9 789287 036919

Published in 2017 CHF 40.-

Published in 2017 CHF 50.-

Trade and Employment

Trade and public health


A joint study of the International Labour Office and the Secretariat of the World Trade Organization

Published in 2009 CHF 35.-

A Handbook on the WTO Customs Valuation Agreement

WTO Agreements & Public Health

Challenges for Policy Research


Published in 2011 CHF 50.-

Trade facilitation and customs valuation


sis of an overview of the existing academic study provides an impartial view of what can be h what degree of confidence, on the relationship e and employment, an often contentious issue of e. Its focus is on the connections between trade labour and social policies and it will be useful who are interested in this debate: academics akers, workers and employers, trade and labour

Printed by the wto Secretariat

World Trade Report 2017


s the outcome of collaborative research between at of the World Trade Organization (WTO) and the Labour Office (ILO). It addresses an issue that is o both organizations: the relationship between ployment.

Trade and employment

41 (0)22 739 51 11 41 (0)22 731 42 06 quiries@wto.org ww.wto.org

Trade and Public Policies: A Closer Look at Non-Tariff Measures in the 21St Century

The WTO Agreements Series Technical Barriers to Trade

Trade Organization e William Rappard e Lausanne 154 211 Geneva 21 erland

World Trade Report 2012

Technical Barriers to Trade

Trade Facilitation Agreement Easing the Flow of Goods Across Borders

of w rs flo de e or TRADE th s b FACILITATION os

ng si cr Ea s a od go


8-92-870-3380-2 ILO ISBN 978-92-2-119551-1 Printed by the WTO Secretariat - 7382.07

Published in 2007 CHF 20.-

Published in 2002 CHF 30.-

Published in 2010 CHF 140.-

Published in 2015 FREE

Other publications


Trade Policy Reviews

Trade Finance and SMEs

Speeding up Trade: Benefits and Challenges of Implementing the WTO Trade Facilitation Agreement

Trade Monitoring

Trade finance

Monitoring the trade policies and practices of WTO members is a fundamentally important activity of the WTO. All WTO members are reviewed at regular intervals, according to their share of world trade. Each Trade Policy Review consists of three parts: a report by the government under review, a report written independently by the WTO Secretariat, and the concluding remarks by the Chair of the Trade Policy Review Body. A highlights section provides an overview of key trade facts.

World Trade Organization Centre William Rappard Rue de Lausanne 154 CH-1211 Geneva 21 Switzerland Tel. +41 (0)22 739 51 11 Fax +41 (0)22 739 42 06 Email: enquiries@wto.org Website: www.wto.org

Published in 2015 CHF 60.-

Trade policy analysis

Fiji 2016 9 789287 040824

World Trade Report 2013 Factors Shaping the Future of World Trade

The Structural Gravity

Published annually CHF 60.The Future of Trade: The Challenges of Convergence

Published in 2018 CHF 40.A Practical Guide to Trade Policy Analysis

World Trade Report 2013 The world is changing with extraordinary rapidity, driven by many influences, including shifts in production and consumption patterns, continuing technological innovation, new ways of doing business and, of course, policy. The World Trade Report 2013 focuses on how trade is both a cause and an effect of change and looks into the factors shaping the future of world trade.

Economic and political institutions along with the interplay of cultural customs among countries all help to shape international cooperation, including in the trade field. The future of trade will also be affected by the extent to which politics and policies successfully address issues of growing social concern, such as the availability of jobs and persistent income inequality. These and other factors are all examined in the World Trade Report 2013.

World Trade Report 2013

One of the most significant drivers of change is technology. Not only have revolutions in transport and communications transformed our world but new developments, such as 3D printing, and the continuing spread of information technology will continue to do so. Trade and foreign direct investment, together with a greater geographical spread of income growth and opportunity, will integrate a growing number of countries into more extensive international exchange. Higher incomes and larger populations will put new strains on both renewable and non-renewable resources, calling for careful resource management. Environmental issues will also call for increasing attention.

World Trade Report


Factors shaping the future of world trade

Factors shaping the future of world trade

The Future of Trade: The Challenges of Convergence Report of the Panel on Defining the Future of Trade convened by WTO Director-General Pascal Lamy

Images (front and back covers) Jean-Claude Prêtre, DANAÉ WORLD SUITE, 2001. In this series (from which two prints are reproduced here), the artist wishes symbolically to portray a “movement” towards geopolitical peace. The full collection of 49 works is on display at the WTO. For more information, please visit the artist’s website at www.jcpretre.ch.

Trade Policy Review

ISBN ISBN 978-92-870-4082-4 978-92-870-4082-4

Published in 2016 FREE

An Advanced Guide to Trade Policy Analysis

Can Blockchain Revolutionize International Trade?

Previous WTO Editions 2013-2018

Bridging the Gaps in Provision

Trade policy analysis

World Trade Report 2015

Published in 2013 FREE

Managing the Challenges of WTO Participation

Published in 2012 CHF 50.-

Trade Multilateralism in the 21st century

African Perspectives on Trade and the WTO

Building the Upper Floors of the Trading System Through WTO Accessions

Domestic Reforms, Structural Transformation and Global Economic Integration

WTO Accessions

Trade in a Globalizing World

9 789287 038593

Published in 2013 CHF 60.-

Published in 2016 CHF 40.-

World Trade Report 2008

24 April 2013

ISBNISBN: 978-92-870-3859-3 978-92-870-3859-3

Published in 2008 CHF 60.-


Other publications

Published in 2013 PB: CHF 70.HB: CHF 130.-

Published in 2017 PB: CHF 40.HB: CHF 110.-

Published in 2016 PB: CHF 40.HB: CHF 100.-


Page 1

Edited by Uri Dadush and Chiedu Osakwe

A Handbook on Accession to the WTO Peter John Williams


20 years of the WTO A retrospective 20 years of the WTO: A retrospective provides an overview of the first two decades of the arbiter of the multilateral trading system. A selection of compelling images and excerpts guides the reader through the history of the organization. Readers will uncover the origins, mission, composition, functioning and key figures of the organization, all the while exploring the challenges it has faced, and how it has worked to meet these challenges.

20476 WTO_Cover_v5.indd 3

A WTO Secretariat Publication

Published in 2015 PB: CHF 70.HB: CHF 180.The WTO at Twenty: Challenges and Achievements

Published in 2008 PB: CHF 40.HB: CHF 110.The WTO Building Art and Architecture at the Centre William Rappard

Published in 2015 FREE The History and Future of the World Trade Organization

20 years of the WTO: A retrospective

A Handbook on Accession to the WTO

WTO & Hussain: A Handbook on Accession to the WTO CVR C M Y K

Case Studies and Lessons from the WTO at Twenty

A Retrospective


WTO Accessions and Trade Multilateralism

20 Years of the WTO

Expanding World Trade and Strengthening WTO Rules

WTO history and building


WTO Accessions

Ex p st an re di ng ng th w en or in ld g tr W a TO de ru an le d s


World Trade Organization

WTO Accessions and Trade Multilateralism

Economics Program at Washington, DC. He is also nal, LLC. He was formerly e founded in the run-up to

Division, having acted as riat for many years.

A Handbook on Accession to the WTO

Case Studies and Lessons from the WTO at Twenty Dadush and Osakwe

based multilateral trading WTO members on acceding fared? This volume of essays iations have expanded the ographically but also conceptheir further strengthening in nce the WTO was established hip. In the age of globalization trade rules. Accession negoument for domestic reforms, ere are contexts which lead es even in the complex and

WTO Accessions and Trade Multilateralism

20 years of the WTO A retrospective

07/09/2015 09:06

Published in 2015 CHF 60.-

World Trade Report 2007 Sixty Years of the Multilateral Trading System: Achievements and Challenges

The WTO at twenty Challenges and achievements

Art and architecture at the Centre William Rappard

the wto building

Published in 2015 CHF 40.The First Ten Years of the WTO 1995-2005

Published in 2015 CHF 70.-

Published in 2015 CHF 30.-

Published in 2013 PB: CHF 60.HB: CHF 120.-

Published in 2007 CHF 60.-

Reshaping the World Trading System A History of the Uruguay Round – Second Edition

Published in 1998 CHF 130.-

Other publications


©iStock / Zephyr18


Annual Report App 2020 The 2020 WTO Annual Report app includes the full text of the Annual Report as well as an interactive quiz about the WTO.

Annual Report 2019 App

How much do you know about the WTO? Try out our interactive quiz to find out!



Annual Report 2017 App

Annual Report 2016

World Trade Organization Centre William Rappard Rue de Lausanne 154 CH-1211 Geneva 21 Switzerland Tel. switchboard: +41 (0)22 739 51 11 email: enquiries@wto.org Website: www.wto.org

1068-OMC-Rapport2016-00-CoverPlanche.indd 4-1

ISBN 978-92-870-4073-2

Annual Report 2016


ISBN 978-92-870-4073-2

12/05/2016 12:21

Annual Report 2018 App

Interactive Quiz

WTO apps can be downloaded from the App Store and Google Play for viewing on your iPad, Android tablet or mobile phone. By downloading any of these apps, users will gain free access to the WTO kiosk, containing the WTO’s full collection of apps.


Annual Report 2016

World Trade Organization Centre William Rappard Rue de Lausanne 154 CH-1211 Geneva 21 Switzerland Tel. switchboard: +41 (0)22 739 51 11 email: enquiries@wto.org Website: www.wto.org

1068-OMC-Rapport2016-00-CoverPlanche.indd 4-1

Annual Report 2016 App

Annual Report

12/05/2016 12:21

Annual Report 2015 App

Download the app today.

Annual Report 2014 App

World Trade Report 2018 App The 2018 World Trade Report app includes the full text of the Report plus an interactive quiz about digital technologies.

World Trade Report 2017 App Trade, Technology and Jobs

World Trade Report 2016 App Levelling the Trading Field for SMEs

World Trade Report 2015 App Speeding up Trade: Benefits and Challenges of Implementing the WTO Trade Facilitation Agreement

World Trade Report 2014 App

How much do you know about the future of world trade? Try out our interactive quiz to find out how digital technologies are transforming global commerce!

i WTO apps can be downloaded from the App Store and Google Play for viewing on your iPad, Android tablet or mobile phone. By downloading any of these apps, users will gain free access to the WTO kiosk, containing the WTO’s full collection of apps.

Trade and Development: Recent Trends and the Role of the WTO



Sales Information

WTO Bookshop in Geneva Visit the WTO Bookshop located in the WTO’s headquarters in Geneva to discover more than 1,000 titles on world trade published by the WTO and leading international publishers. The bookshop also offers exclusive gifts and souvenirs bearing the WTO logo.

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Opening Hours Monday – Friday 09.00 – 12.30 14.00 – 17.00

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Contact Tel: +41 (0)22 739 51 05 Bookshop@wto.org www.wto.org/bookshop


Sales information

The following official WTO Souvenirs are now available to order on the WTO Online Bookshop.

WTO ball point pen - Caran d’Ache Rechargeable ball point pen in presentation box with the WTO logo. Available in colours ‘Goldbar’ and ‘Brut Rosé’.

WTO Souvenirs

WTO keyring Metal keyring with the engraved WTO logo. Price: CHF 10.-

Price: CHF 40.-

WTO USB Key Stylish 16GB USB key with a faux leather strap embossed with the WTO logo. Available in black and red.

WTO wallet Soft leather wallet with the WTO logo. Price: CHF 40.-

Price: CHF 20.-

Sales information


WTO Online Bookshop If you wish to purchase WTO publications or souvenirs online, visit the WTO Online Bookshop at https://onlinebookshop.wto.org

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Sales information

Index 50


15 Years of the Information Technology Agreement Trade, Innovation and Global Production Networks


Connecting to Global Markets Challenges and Opportunities: Case Studies Presented by WTO Chair-Holders

20 Years of the Information Technology Agreement Boosting Trade, Innovation and Digital Connectivity


36 Dictionary of Trade Policy Terms Sixth Edition

10 Things the WTO Can Do

20 Years of the WTO A Retrospective


25 Years of the WTO 40 A Photographic Retrospective Adapting to the Digital Trade Era Challenges and Opportunities


An Advanced Guide to Trade Policy Analysis The Structural Gravity


Dispute Settlement Reports Previous Editions - 1996-2018


Dispute Settlement Reports 2019


The Doha Round Texts and Related Documents


E-commerce in Developing Countries Opportunities and Challenges for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises


Eurasian Perspectives on Trade and the WTO


African Perspectives on Trade and the WTO Domestic Reforms, Structural Transformation and Global Economic Integration


Facilitating Trade through Regulatory Cooperation 30 The Case of the WTO’s TBT/SPS Agreements and Committees

Aid for Trade at a Glance 2013 Connecting to Value Chains


The First Ten Years of the WTO 59 1995-2005

Aid for Trade at a Glance 2015 56 Reducing Trade Costs for Inclusive, Sustainable Growth Aid for Trade at a Glance 2017 Promoting Trade, Inclusiveness and Connectivity for Sustainable Development


Aid for Trade at a Glance 2019 Economic Diversification and Empowerment


Can Blockchain Revolutionize International Trade?


GATT Disputes 1948-1995 Volume 1: Overview and One-Page Case Summaries Volume 2: Dispute Settlement Procedures


34 GATT Dispute Settlement Reports (1948-1995)

50 Annual Report Previous Editions 1998-2019

Annual Report 2020

The Future of Trade: The Challenges of Convergence

4 58

52 CITES and the WTO Enhancing Cooperation for Sustainable Development

Competition Policy and Intellectual Property 45 in Today’s Global Economy

Globalization and Informal Jobs in Developing Countries


Global Value Chain Development Report 2017 Measuring and Analysing the Impact of GVCs on Economic Development


Global Value Chain Development Report 2019 Technical innovation, Supply Chain Trade, and Workers in a Globalized World


Global Value Chains in a Changing World


Government Procurement Agreement Opening Markets and Promoting Good Governance




Governments, Non-State Actors and Trade Policy-Making Negotiating Preferentially or Multilaterally?


55 Guide to the GATS An Overview of Issues for Further Liberalization of Trade in Services

The Making of the TRIPS Agreement 53 Personal Insights from the Uruguay Round Negotiations Making Trade Work for the Environment, Prosperity and Resilience


Managing the Challenges of WTO Participation


Multilateralizing Regionalism Challenges for the Global Trading System


Guide to the Uruguay Round Agreements


A Handbook of Anti-Dumping Investigations


A Handbook on Accession to the WTO

59 46

Opening Markets for Trade in Services Countries and Sectors in Bilateral and WTO Negotiations


A Handbook on Accession to the WTO Second Edition A Handbook on Reading WTO Goods and Services Schedules


A Practical Guide to the Economic Analysis of Non-Tariff Measures


A Handbook on the GATS Agreement


A Practical Guide to Trade Policy Analysis


Promoting Access to Medical Technologies and Innovation Intersections between Public Health, Intellectual Property and Trade - Second Edition


Regional Rules in the Global Trading System


Regional Trade Agreements and the Multilateral Trading System


Reshaping the World Trading System A History of the Uruguay Round - Second Edition


The Role of Trade in Ending Poverty


Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures Ensuring Safe Trading without Unnecessary Restrictions - Second Edition


A Handbook on the TRIPS Agreement 35 Second Edition A Handbook on the WTO Customs Valuation Agreement


A Handbook on the WTO Dispute Settlement System 51 Second Edition Harnessing Trade for Sustainable Development and a Green Economy


The History and Future of the World Trade Organization


A History of Law and Lawyers in the GATT/WTO The Development of the Rule of Law in the Multilateral Trading System


The Internationalization of Financial Services Issues and Lessons for Developing Countries


Service Profiles 55 Previous Editions 2013-16

International Trade Statistics Previous Editions 2001-2015


Short Answers to Big Questions On the WTO and the Environment

Investing un Skills for Inclusive Trade


Key Issues in WTO Dispute Settlement


28 Status of WTO Legal Instruments 2019 Edition

Mainstreaming Trade to Attain the Sustainable Development Goals


Making Globalization More Inclusive Lessons from Experience with Adjustment Policies


Making Globalization Socially Sustainable





Supply Chain Perspectives and Issues 53 A Literature Review Tariff Negotiations and Renegotiations under the GATT and the WTO Procedures and Practices - Second Edition


Technical Barriers to Trade Reducing Trade Friction from Standards and Regulations


Trade Adjustment in Asia Past Experiences and Lessons Learned


Trade Profiles 2020


Trade and Climate Change


TRIPS Agreement 53 Changing the face of IP trade and policy-making

Trade and Employment Challenges for Policy Research


16 Women and Trade The Role of Trade in Promoting Gender Equality

Trade and Environment Building pathways to sustainable development


55 World Tariff Profiles Previous Editions 2005-19

Trade and Food Standards


World Tariff Profiles 2020

Trade and Poverty Reduction New Evidence of Impacts in Developing Countries


World Trade Report 2003 Trade and Development

Trade and Poverty Reduction in the Asia-Pacific Region Case Studies and Lessons from Low-Income Communities


World Trade Report 2005 Trade, Standards and the WTO

Trade and Tariffs 55 Trade Grows as Tariffs Decline



World Trade Report 2009 Trade Policy Commitments and Contingency Measures


World Trade Report 2010 Trade in Natural Resources


Trade Finance and SMEs Bridging the Gaps in Provision


Trade in Knowledge

World Trade Report 2006 51 Exploring the Links between Subsidies, Trade and the WTO

World Trade Report 2008 Trade in a Globalizing World

Trade Facilitation Agreement Easing the Flow of Goods Across Borders

Trade Impacts of LDC Graduation




Trade Finance and the Compliance Challenge A Showcase of International Cooperation


World Trade Report 2007 Sixty Years of the Multilateral Trading System: Achievements and Challenges

Trade, Development and the Environment



Trade in Services 55 The Most Dynamic Segment of International Trade



World Trade Report 2011 The WTO and Preferential Trade Agreements: From Co-existence to Coherence


Trade Multilateralism in the 21st century Building the Upper Floors of the Trading System Through WTO Accessions


World Trade Report 2012 Trade and Public Policies: A Closer Look at Non-Tariff Measures in the 21St Century


Trade Patterns and Global Value Chains in East Asia From Trade in Goods to Trade in Tasks


World Trade Report 2013 Factors Shaping the Future of World Trade


World Trade Report 2014 Trade and Development: Recent Trends and the Role of the WTO


Trade Policy Reviews 22 2019-2020 Trade Policy Reviews Previous WTO Editions 2013-18


Trade Profiles 55 Previous Editions 2005-19

World Trade Report 2015 Speeding up Trade: Benefits and Challenges of Implementing the WTO Trade Facilitation Agreement


World Trade Report 2016 Levelling the Trading Field for SMEs





WTO Dispute Settlement: One-Page Case Summaries 27 (1995-2018) 2019 Edition

World Trade Report 2018 The Future of World Trade: How Digital Technologies are Transforming Global Commerce


The WTO Dispute Settlement Procedures 51 A Collection of the Relevant Legal Texts Third Edition

World Trade Report 2019 The Future of Services Trade


WTO Domestic Regulation and Services Trade Putting Principles into Practice

World Trade Report 2020 Government Policies to Promote Innovation in the Digital Age


WTO iLibrary

World Trade Statistical Review Previous Editions 2016-19


The WTO in the Twenty-first Century 51 Dispute Settlement, Negotiations, and Regionalism in Asia

World Trade Report 2017 Trade, Technology and Jobs

World Trade Statistical Review 2020


WTO Accessions 59 Expanding World Trade and Strengthening WTO Rules WTO Accessions and Trade Multilateralism Case Studies and Lessons from the WTO at Twenty


WTO Agreements & Public Health


WTO Agreements Series: Agriculture 50 Third Edition The WTO Agreements The Marrakesh Agreement Establishing the World Trade Organization and its Annexes


WTO Analytical Index Guide to WTO Law and Practice - Third Edition


The WTO and the Millennium Development Goals


The WTO and Trade Capacity Building in Africa


WTO Agreement Series: Technical Barriers to Trade 57 Second Edition WTO Agreement Series: Technical Barriers to Trade 41 Third Edition WTO Appellate Body Repertory of Reports and Awards 1995-2013 - Fifth Edition


52 The WTO at Ten The Contribution of the Dispute Settlement System 59 The WTO Building Art and Architecture at the Centre William Rappard WTO Dispute Settlement Resolving Trade Disputes between WTO members




WTO in Brief




WTO Ministerial Conferences 15 Key Outcomes The WTO Regime on Government Procurement Challenge and Reform


Who we are The World Trade Organization (WTO) deals with the global rules of trade between nations. Its main function is to ensure that trade flows as smoothly, predictably and freely as possible.

Using this catalogue This catalogue lists all titles published by the WTO as of September 2020. Prices of forthcoming publications are subject to change without notice. New information on WTO titles is provided on our website at www.wto.org/publications.

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Cover image: ©Getty/Iam Anupong

ISBN 978-92-870-5129-5

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