Convenience Store Decisions 2017 Leaders in Convenience

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SPECIAL Volume 19 • Number 6 • ISSUE JUNE 2017 2008

Business Solutions for Retail Decision Makers

® A



LEADERS in Convenience

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1/27/17 9:12 AM

great taste runs in the family ÂŽ

more choice equals more opportunity at

Š 2017 The Coca-Cola Company

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1/26/17 4:32 PM

Little Debbie products are the sales leader*. In fact, 4.7 million Little Debbie products are sold every day – that’s 55 every second for more cash-register-ringing action. Plus, when your customers stop by for a beverage, they’ll appreciate that you have Little Debbie snacks to go along with their drink. To learn more, call (800) 315-6208 or visit Little Debbie products are sold DSD by wholesale distributors. *Nielsen ScanTrack, Convenience Stores channel of trade, 52 weeks ending July 30, 2016.

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1/27/17 10:05 AM


Masthead ...................................6

Editor’s Memo ................................8

ADD Systems ........................................10

Liggett Vector Brands ............................35

AdvancePierre Foods ...........................11

Little Caesars ........................................23

Apter Industries ....................................12

Little Debbie ...........................................3

Calpipe Security Bollards .....................13

Logic .....................................................24

Cash Depot ..........................................14

Mars Chocolate N.A. ..............................5

Cheyenne International, LLC ..............15

MasonWays Indestructible Plastics, LLC ....25

The Coca-Cola Company .....................2

McLane Company, Inc. .......................26

Core-Mark International ......................16


Del Monte ................................................7

Pierce Chicken .....................................28

E-Alternative Solutions, LLC ..................17

Red Smith Foods .................................29

ET Products ..........................................18

Stout Brewing Company ......................30

Hershey .................................................36

Subway ................................................31

Home Market Foods .............................19

Texas Pete ..............................................32

The ICEE Company ..........................20

Tillamook Country Smoker ...................33

Inline Plastics Corp. ...............................21

White Castle ...........................................34

Krispy Krunchy Foods ..........................22


Leaders in Convenience

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CStoreDecisions ecisions .com

1/30/17 9:27 AM

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1/26/17 4:38 PM


Convenience Store Decisions

A H A R B O R C O M M U N I C AT I O N S L L C C O .




Editor-in-Chief,Vice President John Lofstock

Creative Director Erin Canetta

President Harbor Communications Dan Ramella

Senior Editor David Bennett Senior Editor/News & Online Erin Rigik Del Conte

PRODUCTION Production Manager Barbra Martin

Group Publisher Tom McIntyre

Webmaster Dave Miyares

Publisher John Petersen

Associate Editor Howard Riell

Vice President, Sales Tony Bolla (773) 267-1897

Associate Editor Marilyn Odesser-Torpey



Robert Buhler, President and CEO Open Pantry Food Marts • Pleasant Prairie, Wis.

Peter Tamburro, Board Chairman Clifford Fuel Co. • Utica, N.Y.

Jim Callahan, Director of Marketing (Retired) Geo. H. Green Oil Inc. • Fairburn, Ga.

Tony Harris, Past Board Chairman Louisville, Ky.

Brad Call, Executive Vice President Maverik Inc. • Salt Lake City

Mary Banmiller, Director of Retail Operations Warrenton Oil Inc. • Truesdale, Mo.

Greg Lorance, Dispensed Category Manager Cumberland Farms • Framingham, Mass.

Greg Ehrlich, Operations Consultant Englefield Oil Co. • Heath, Ohio

Kyle McKeen, President and CEO Alon Brands • Dallas

Joe Hamza Nouria Energy Corp • Worcester, Mass.

Billy Milam, President RaceTrac Petroleum Inc. • Atlanta

Brent Mouton Hit-n-Run Food Stores • Lafayette, La.

John Kelly, Chief Operating Officer and Vice President, Operations Mountain Empire Oil Co. • Greenville, Tenn.

Robert O’Connor O’Connor Petroleum Co. • Hales Corners, Wis.

Scott Zaremba, President and CEO Zarco 66 • Lawrence, Kan.

Convenience Store Decisions is a three-time winner of the Neal Award, the American Business Press’s highest recognition of editorial excellence.

SUBSCRIPTION INQUIRIES To enter, change or cancel a subscription: Web (fastest service): Phone: 844-862-9286 (U.S. only, toll-free) Fax: 440-333-1892. Mail: Convenience Store Decisions P.O. Box 986, Levittown, PA 19058 Copyright 2017, Harbor Communications, LLC


Leaders in Convenience

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John Schaninger QuickChek • Whitehouse Station, N.J.

YEO BOARD OF DIRECTORS Jared Sturtevant, Board Chairman CST Brands, Director of Marketing

Alex Olympidis, Board Vice Chairman Family Express Corp., Director of Operations Alli Bixler, Assistant to the President The Kent Cos. Sharif Jamal, Corporate Training Manager Chestnut Petroleum Distributors Lindsay Lyden, Vice President, Development Truenorth Energy Dana Moloney, Food Service Director Warrenton Oil Co. Jeremie Myhren, Vice President, IT Road Ranger Bart Stransky, Executive Director, Merchandising RaceTrac Petroleum Inc.



19111 Detroit Rd., Ste 201 Rocky River, OH 44116 (440) 250-1583 (440) 333-1892 (fax)

Editorial and NAG

1420 Queen Anne Rd., Ste 4 Teaneck, NJ 07666 (201) 837-2177

Convenience Store Decisions (ISSN 1054-7797) is published monthly by Harbor Communications, LLC., 19111 Detroit Rd., Suite 201, Rocky River, OH 44116, for petroleum company and convenience store operators, owners, managers. Qualified U.S. subscribers receive Convenience Store Decisions at no charge. For others, the cost is $80 a year in the U.S. and Possessions, $95 in Canada, and $150 in all other countries. Single copies are available at $9 each in the U.S. and Possessions, $10 each in Canada and $13 in all other countries. The annual Sales Trend Handbook can be purchased for $75. Periodicals postage paid at Cleveland, OH, and additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Convenience Store Decisions, P.O. Box 986, Levittown, PA 19058. GST #R126431964, Canadian Publication Sales Agreement No: #40026880. Materials in this publication must not be reproduced in any form without written permission of the publisher. Direct requests to: Editorial Department, 1420 Queen Ann Rd., Teaneck, Suite 4, NJ 07666. Phone: (917) 601-9623. Copyright 2016, Harbor Communications LLC. All rights reserved. Circulation audited by Business Publications Audit of Circulation, Inc.

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1/27/17 2:44 PM

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© 2017 Del Monte Fresh Produce N.A., Inc.

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1/30/17 1:42 PM


The Power of Collaboration


JOHN LOFSTOCK Editor-in-Chief (201) 837-2177 jlofstock@ Follow me on Twitter @CSDEditor

N THIS ERA OF unlimited options, an abundance of competition and time-starved customers, retailers need to ensure they have the right products, at the right time and at the right price. It’s simple, really, if you don’t, someone else will. Satisfying consumers’ growing demands requires a great amount of acumen, understanding and hard work, but it also necessitates strong relationships with your vendors and wholesalers. Such collaboration of some sort between retailers, suppliers and manufacturers has become more vital to success as consumers grow more demanding. Such collaboration helps deliver significant long-term value for all parties. Not only has the industry matured through the years making competition with other c-stores much more difficult, drug stores, dollar stores and supermarkets are refining their offerings—and pricing—to target c-store customers. Traditionally, retailers and manufacturers’ collaborative efforts have focused on areas such as in-store programs and merchandising. However, expanding those relationships can have a substantial impact on sales, according to a study by McKinsey & Co. The most collaborative companies increased revenues by 3.7% more than the average company, the report found. Based on the study, McKinsey & Co. identified six steps that can enhance the collaborative effort to help both sides drive new profits: 1. COLLABORATE IN AREAS WHERE YOU HAVE SOLID FOOTING. The most successful col-

laborations build on strengths rather than compensate for weaknesses. A manufacturer seeking to collaborate with a retailer in the hopes of improving its forecasting performance, for instance, will have little to gain from access to the retailer’s point-of-sale data unless it has the in-house analytical capabilities to make effective use of the data. 2. AGREE ON BENEFIT-SHARING MODELS. Rather than shying away from seemingly unbalanced collaborations, companies can make them work by recognizing the potential imbalance, identifying the benefits of collaboration, and developing ways to share the benefits more fairly—for example, through discounts or price increases.


Leaders in Convenience

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companies aim to collaborate with their largest suppliers or customers—but the largest partner may not be the best. A smaller partner may value a collaboration more than a big partner who is already juggling similar efforts. A better approach is to assess potential partners across three dimensions. First, is there enough potential value in collaborating with this partner? Second, do both parties have sufficiently common strategic interests? Third, does the partner have the infrastructure and processes to provide a strong foundation for the collaboration? 4. DEDICATE CROSS-FUNCTIONAL RESOURCES AND ENSURE SENIOR LEADERSHIP INVOLVEMENT. A

successful collaboration begins at the top, with a steering committee of senior leaders who not only set the defining vision for the effort, but also have the power to allocate the necessary resources to support it. 5. JOINTLY MANAGE PERFORMANCE AND MEASURE IMPACT. Both parties should use the same

metrics and performance-management system. McKinsey recommends that partners select and track the smallest number of metrics required to provide a clear picture of the effort’s overall performance. Partners should schedule regular problem-solving sessions to address trade-offs. 6. COLLABORATE FOR THE LONG TERM. The final ingredient for a successful collaboration is stamina. Through joint planning sessions and multi-year performance metrics, both parties must define long-term objectives and develop a road map for future collaborative initiatives. The payoff from collaborative efforts can be tremendous. On the pages ahead you will learn about some of the leading suppliers and manufacturers doing business in the convenience store industry. I urge you to learn about them and understand what they do so you can forge new, successful collaborations to grow your business.

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1/27/17 2:45 PM




Join us for the 2017 National Advisory Group conference!

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11/17/16 2:55 PM


ADD Systems


HESE DAYS IT’S easy to get overwhelmed with rich market data: data about your purchases, inventory, even about your customers. How do you turn it all into real-time actionable decisions? With ADD eStore®, a “Business Intelligence” BI centric solution that offers marketers unprecedented visibility into their operations. As with all of our applications, we’ve worked hard to ensure it complies with the latest international standards and advancements recommended by Conexxus, making it easy to see how you stack up against industry trends. ADD eStore is built for the fastchanging needs of the modern convenience store. Using the latest Microsoft database design and development tools, ADD Systems® delivers progressive, flexible and scalable software that streamlines your business

process. Designed in concert with our trusted customer advisors from top industry chains, ADD eStore exemplifies a modern convenience store application, one that is focused on tighter management of merchandise and fuel as well as efficient data access when and where you need it. It’s a unique solution that improves productivity, increases sales revenue and grows margins through enhanced automation and reporting. Due to its rich feature set and efficient design, workers spend less time performing administrative tasks and more time providing great customer service that keeps your customers coming back. Offering fast and effortless access to business data, ADD eStore allows data to be compiled and pushed out via

customizable reports that can even be driven by exceptions. Instead of wasting hours analyzing mountains of data, save time and money by getting the reports you need when you need them, allowing you to make more accurate business decisions. This kind of reporting flexibility means that you can take advantage of any scan data opportunity to directly improve your bottom line. Incredibly intuitive and userfriendly, ADD eStore is easy to learn, yielding faster “turn-up” times at a reduced cost. In addition to saving time and headaches, it aids in employee retention and improves customer satisfaction.

ABOUT ADD SYSTEMS Since 1973, Advanced Digital Data® has worked hand-in-hand with clients throughout the U.S. and Canada to understand the needs of the convenience store, wholesale petroleum, propane, home heating oil, HVAC and lubricant industries. Our goal has always been to develop the best software solutions that exceed the needs of our customers today and tomorrow. The experienced and dedicated employees of ADD Systems are committed to providing the convenience and energy distribution industries with the best information technology solutions available.



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ADD Systems 6 Laurel Drive Flanders, NJ 07836 P: (800) 922-0972 F: (973) 252-3803 E: W:

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1/26/17 2:41 PM


AdvancePierre Foods


DVA N C E P I E R R E F O O D S STRIVES to help convenience stores be meal destinations, offering a broad range of foodservice solutions, from fully cooked meats to packaged sandwiches. A foundation of AdvancePierre’s leadership in the sandwich segment is our proprietary bread ingredients. Our unique sandwich buns are baked daily on site and used fresh in the hand-assembling of our sandwiches. Home-style biscuits are baked up tender and fluffy for our breakfast sandwiches. All of our breads are designed to provide a fresh, justmade flavor and bite when heated and served at the convenience store. The Hot ‘n’ Ready line offers a full range of classic breakfast and lunch sandwiches, hand-wrapped in butcherstyle paper and perfect for sandwich warmers and grab-and-go meals. The BIG AZ line features extra large sandwiches that provide great taste at

an excellent value for breakfast, lunch The newest additions to the and dinner. Our new BIG AZ breakfast AdvancePierre hand-held selection are sandwiches provide more big value the Better Bakery™ Pretzel Melts. These options to start the day. hand-crafted stuffed sandwiches feaThe Landshire® line includes tra- ture savory meat and cheese fillings ditional deli-style wedges, subs and wrapped in a soft pretzel dough for an meat patty sandwiches, including artisan appeal. For retailers who prepare food onthe Landshire Big Daddy™ big value line. Many have extended refrigerated site or in commissaries, AdvancePierre makes a broad range of fully-cooked shelf life. The Like Mom’s® line features a full- meats for convenience foodservice. From view product package that has a fresh, burgers and Philly-style steak to chicken locally-made look while providing a and biscuits, we have you covered. AdvancePierre’s products are long shelf life. Product variety covers proven favorites, from basic deli wedges supported with complementary merchandising materials to drive in-store sales. to cheeseburgers and rib sandwiches.

ABOUT ADVANCEPIERRE FOODS AdvancePierre Foods, Inc. is headquartered in Cincinnati, Ohio, and is a nationally recognized manufacturer and marketer of value-added proteins and sandwich products to a wide variety of distribution outlets including foodservice, retail and vending and convenience store providers. With revenues of more than $1.6 billion and more than 4,100 employees, AdvancePierre offers a broad line of packaged sandwiches; fully cooked beef, chicken, and pork products; uncooked meat items such as Philly-style steak, breaded beef and stuffed chicken entrees; and bakery products that are all produced from highquality ingredients and provide unparalleled taste, convenience and value to both operators and their patrons. CStoreDecisions ecisions .com

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AdvancePierre Foods, Inc. 9987 Carver Road Blue Ash, OH 45242


1/26/17 2:44 PM


Apter Industries


T APTER INDUSTRIES, cleaning solutions are our business. As the convenience store industry continues to strive for improved appearance, Apter Industries works to develop answers for their cleaning problems. When the industry started installing grouted floors, Apter Industries responded with TILE TIME to provide clean, safe, floor surfaces. When food service became the “go to” way to add sales and margin, Apter Industries partnered with equipment manufacturers to develop GREASE ZONE food service degreaser. Convenience store operators needed clean fuel islands to enhance inside food and merchandise sales, so Apter Industries broke through with FORECOURT FIRST, the most effective and comprehensive program in the industry for fuel island maintenance. At Apter Industries, our laser focused products and programs are making dirty convenience stores a thing of the past. TILE TIME FLOOR CLEANER

A slippery floor is a dangerous floor. Floors become slippery when deeply embedded soil clogs their pores. As a result, feet never make solid contact so safety becomes an issue. TILE TIME

deep cleans floors which raises the slip coefficient and brings back their luster. TILE TIME blasts through heavy grease from food service, tracked in petroleum based soil, road salt stains, and brings grout back to its original color. TILE TIME can be safely used on Ceramic tile, Marble, Quarry tile and wax and no wax vinyl floors. Unlike typical floor cleaners, TILE TIME works without heavy scrubbing. Wake up your floor with TILE TIME.

Gorilla XDX Concrete and Asphalt Cleaner, and Gorilla Odor Killer, are housed in a “Grab and Go” Safety Pail. The Safety Pail, which alerts customers that employees are cleaning the fuel pumps, also contains a bright reflector vest, sprayers, wipes, and an instructional card ring. Forecourt First safely allows employees to get results cleaning fuel islands. GARAGE GORILLA® PUMP CLEANER


Forecourt First is the most comprehensive cleaning system in the industry for fuel island cleaning and maintenance. It features environmentally sensitive Garage Gorilla Cleaners which are the most respected in the industry. The necessary products, Garage Gorilla Pump Cleaner, Gorilla Pump Shine and Protector,

Garage Gorilla Gas Pump and Diesel Fuel Dispenser cleaner cuts through diesel fuel, road grime and heavy grease, safely and completely. Just spray it on and watch it work. Garage Gorilla outperforms acid and caustic cleaners without the associated hazards like fumes and skin burns. Garage Gorilla is biodegradable, environmentally friendly, and best of all, “It Just Works Better.”

ABOUT APTER INDUSTRIES Apter Industries began manufacturing high quality cleaners in 1967 and quickly became the leading provider of innovative cleaning systems for the convenience store industry. Dedication to producing safe, environmentally friendly products that “Just Work Better,” led to the formation of long standing partnerships with convenience store retailers as well as their distributors. If a convenience store has a cleaning problem, Apter Industries has a proven solution. All trademarks and service marks used by Apter Industries, Inc. are licensed from AIFCO, LLC. Copyright © 2016 Apter Industries, Inc. All rights reserved.


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Apter Industries P.O. Box 456 McKeesport, PA 15134 P: (800) 441-7146

CStoreDecisions ecisions .com

1/26/17 2:46 PM


Calpipe Security Bollards


F AMERICA’S 155,000 convenience stores were a country, their $550 billion in annual sales would make them the 21st largest economy in the world. Convenience stores offer food, fuel, and more to Americans 365 days per year. Unfortunately, convenience stores are especially at risk from vehicles in their parking lots. In 2013, researchers at Texas A&M University and the Storefront Safety Council determined that convenience stores are accidentally struck by vehicles as many as 20 times per day, resulting in damage to buildings, lost inventory, and lost hours of operation. Convenience stores also suffer from intentional Crash & Grab ramraids, where criminals use vehicles to crash their way into stores to steal cash, liquor, tobacco, lottery tickets, or ATM machines. Vehicle-into-building crashes are preventable by installing a simple

Fixed bollards from Calpipe Security Bollards are manufactured to high standards in the company’s dedicated production facility in Southern California. Because all CSB safety and security products are Made In America, CSB can offer fast deliveries, excellent customer service, and the best all around warranty in the industry. In 2016, Calpipe Security Bollards became a proud sponsor of the Storefront Safety Initiative, a national and affordable array of steel bollards effort led by the Storefront Safety in secure concrete footings. Calpipe Council, retailers, engineers, safety Security Bollards is an American experts and others. Calpipe Security Bollards is the manufacturer with almost 20 years of experience protecting everything from Gold Standard in the industry, and a Embassies to retail locations in the proven solution to storefront crashes. U.S. and overseas. CSB’s line of fixed Convenience store owners can and removable bollards can prevent buy with confidence, knowing that these damaging and expensive vehicle employees, customers, and property crashes because they are engineered to are safer and more secure against acciresist impacts from vehicles approach- dental vehicle-into-building crashes or intentional Crash & Grab ramraids. ing from roadways or parking lots.


Calpipe Security Bollards™ is a division of Calpipe Industries.™ CSB has

S a f e t y. S e c u r i t y. S o l u t i o n s .

a full range of safety and high security products ranging from simple industrial products to custom aesthetic designs. All our bollard products are manufactured in our Rancho Dominguez, Calif. facility, including fixed, removable, lighted, and retractable bollards made from carbon or stainless steel. To find out more about our crash-tested and field-rated vehicle stopping bollards, whether for everyday protection or for high-threat applications, please visit our website at

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Calpipe Security Bollards 19440 S. Dominguez Hills Dr. Rancho Dominguez, CA 90220 P: (877) 283-8518 F: (310) 885-1899 W:


1/26/17 2:49 PM


Cash Depot


ASH DEPOT IS a privatelyowned, independent full ATM and Air/Vac service provider. No need to deal with more than one company for your ATM, Air, or Vac needs. We are one of the few companies in our industry that is your All-in-One solution for full service including selling, leasing, renting, shipping, and servicing new and used ATMs and Air/Vac machines.

With Cash Depot, ATMs are constantly monitored for any issues and our nationwide factory-trained technicians keep ATMs up and running. These steps are crucial in minimizing downtime, resulting in maximum revenue-earning opportunities. Our cash management services monitor cash levels to ensure the ATM is fi lled with enough funds to process transactions.

At Cash Depot, we love what we do and have a strong team to support our customers. Our team’s goal is to create long-term relationships with our customers by keeping their customers satisfied with our services every day. We work around the clock to ensure the quality of our products and services, and look ahead into new technologies that will change the future of your investment and allow continued efficiency in servicing your needs.

Cash Depot is a lot like you - we We also maintain in-house transaction processing, resulting in the fastest understand that incremental sales and possible transactions to our customers, transactional revenue are valuable to not to mention eliminating payments any business, and strive to work as effito third party processors. Our ATM ciently as possible to maximize your network is nationwide - in all 50 states, profitability and customer satisfaction. as well as Puerto Rico. We currently As a measure of our organizational have over 20,000 ATMs processing success, we have been recognized as transactions on our network. We pro- building trust and confidence in our cess over 135 million transactions and service delivery processes and condispense more than $8.5 billion dollars trols by AICPA Service Organization Controls. in cash annually.

ABOUT CASH DEPOT Cash Depot, a full service ATM and Air/Vac provider since the 1990s, is committed to quality, dedication, and excellence in the ATM industry. This

Cash Depot

core value has led many of the largest, forward-thinking companies to us for

1740 Cofrin Drive Suite 2 Green Bay, WI 54302

profitable solutions. We promise to make our customers more money and continue improving and innovating to maintain the highest service and profitability levels for all of our customers.



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P: (800) 776-8834 W: CStoreDecisions ecisions .com

1/26/17 2:50 PM


Cheyenne International


HEYENNE INTERNATIONAL REALIZES that it takes more than just good products and a good price to create success. With that said, Cheyenne is poised to continue to be “The Best Small Tobacco Company in America” by providing leading-edge concepts and dynamic customer relationCheyenne Strawberry Cigars are ships with its partners. In today’s the perfect combination of bold and world, compliance is also important flavorful taste that you’ve come to and you want to work with some- expect from the brand. one you can rely upon. Cheyenne To learn more about our latest addifocuses on being compliant with all tion to the Cheyenne Cigar lineup, laws and regulations and we help please visit our customers and vendors facilitate en/Strawberry. their compliance. Our products are always 100% guaranteed and devel- AURA CIGARETTES oped with customer profitability With a new year, brings a new in mind. look for our Natural Cigarette, Aura. In 2017, Cheyenne will continue A redesign that includes new packto provide innovative and profitable aging and Point of Sale is launching sales, marketing and merchandis- nationally in Q1. Aura’s eye-catching ing solutions for our customers and redesign will be sure to give competiremain at the forefront of meeting the tors a run for their money. demands of our adult consumers. CHEYENNE CIGARS

After the major success of the 2016 launch of Cheyenne Tropical Cigars, Cheyenne kicks the season off with another adult consumer favorite: Strawberry.

Aura is manufactured with only the finest 100% Natural Tobaccos. No stems or scraps. Just full leaf tobacco and water. A simple recipe that doesn’t skimp on taste or quality! For the latest updates about our Natural Cigarette—Aura, visit www. KLONDIKE SMOKELESS

Our Klondike Smokeless Tub is redefining what a tub should be by eliminating the mess and hassle of traditional tubs. Klondike is a premium dip made from the finest, handselected tobaccos at an affordable price. Offer the Klondike Smokeless 6-Pack Tub and watch your MST category grow! Available in Wintergreen Long Cut. Visit Cheyenne offers a diverse range of products that span the cigarette, OTP and MST categories: Cigarettes, Natural Cigarettes, Filtered Cigars, Cigarillos, Smokeless Tobacco, Snus, RYO Cigarette Tobacco, Pipe Tobacco and Vapor Liquid.

ABOUT CHEYENNE INTERNATIONAL Cheyenne International is a leading full-line tobacco product manufacturer based in the heart of American tobacco country, North Carolina. Cheyenne was

Cheyenne International, LLC

built on three core principles: Partnership, Quality and Compliance. After 15

701 S. Battleground Ave. Grover, NC 28073

years in business, these ideals have remained the foundation of our business and the central focus of our daily operations. Cheyenne International continues to create exciting tobacco products made to high quality standards.

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P: (704) 937-7200 W:


1/26/17 2:52 PM


Core-Mark International CATEGORY INNOVATION:

Vendor Consolidation Initiative (VCI) The objective is to build a supply chain that focuses on maximizing value to our Retail Partners and ultimately the customer. VCI will help save time and money. It also creates a platform for new concepts, such as Fresh (fruit, fresh sandwiches and salads, dairy, and meat), that will enhance the Retailer’s offering to consumers, separate them from competition, and increase sales with higher basket rings. FRESH

Core-Mark offers a comprehensive platform and delivery model to enable the delivery of fresh foods to customers. The foundation of the platform is our state-of-the-art supply chain that features refrigerated docks and our fleet of tri-temperature trailers built specifically for delivery to convenience stores.

Out tai-temp platform enables Core-Mark to deliver chilled, frozen and ambient products - all at once. FOCUSED MARKETING INITIATIVE:

FMI is designed specifically for customers who want to use in-depth analysis and category management to optimize their entire store. A 360-degree analysis is conducted with a focus on data, product mix optimizations and retail survey analysis. FMI is optimized to increase in-store retails profits–To learn more about FMI, contact us at: TECHNOLOGY

Core-Mark Enterprise Connect with Mobile Order Entry & Inventory Replenishment Portal revolutionizes the retailers ordering experience with tools to help you manage your business more efficiently. Through our enhanced ordering options and user platform, you will be on the cutting edge of technology, wherever that road may lead. Our new platform was designed and created to ensure upgrade ability as technology changes and the needs of your business evolve. Count on us to have the right solutions for you now, and in the years to come.


Core-Mark’s programs are designed with our Retailers in mind. Our programs are innovative solutions that will: • Lower Cost of Goods and Reduce Operating Costs • Reduce Transactional Costs • Improve Capital investments • Increase Cash Flow • Reduce Out-of-Stocks • Build a Strategic Partnership between our Retail Customers and Core-Mark



Core-Mark’s marketing approach is keenly focused on the consumer, recognizing the critical need to deliver relevant and appealing offers at the point of purchase. Core-Mark offers our Retailers marketing programs in every key category: Fresh, Foodservice, Core Categories, General Merchandise, Health & Beauty and Tobacco.

Core-Mark International

Major Services: Fresh Foods, Foodservice, Produce, Dairy Products, Fresh Bakery, Alcoholic and Non-Alcoholic Beverages, Candy, Snacks, General Merchandise, Novelty Products, Snacks, Groceries, Tobacco Products, Health & Beauty Care and Automotive Products.

P: (650) 589-9445 E: W:


CoreMark_proof.indd 16

395 Oyster Point Blvd., Ste 415 San Francisco, CA 94080

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1/26/17 2:55 PM


E-Alternative Solutions, LLC


-ALTERNATIVE SOLUTIONS, LLC (EAS™) is an independent company and part of the same international group that owns Swisher International, Inc., the world’s largest cigar company. EAS was created for the purpose of developing, marketing, and distributing superior electronic vaping solutions. Its product portfolio currently includes the Liquid Soul Vapor ™ and Amaranth Vapor™ e-liquid brands. In addition, it recently introduced the new Cue™ Vapor System. The Cue Vapor System is a revolutionary patent-pending technology that delivers full-flavor, all day vaping with just the push of a button. It is vaping, made simple. Click-in the desired pre-filled, spill-proof cartridge and press the button. This mean no coils to change or tanks to fill. Cue is unique because it combines the satis-

faction of sub-ohm vaping technology with the ease of use and simplicity of an e-cigarette. Whether you’re a cigarette smoker looking for an alternative or a diehard vaper, Cue will give you satisfying vapor with just one click. While other companies have been focusing on only introducing new products, EAS has built first class Sales, Marketing, and FDA Compliance program teams to support its brands. Recognizing the need for leadership in these areas, EAS is positioned to meet the expectations of customers and regulators in these key areas: EXCEPTIONAL SALES SUPPORT

EAS has a field national sales team with decades of tobacco and e-vapor experience to support traditional and vape-store retail customers. Its highlytrained sales team brings certified category management experience and high level customer support. BREAKTHROUGH 360 DEGREE MARKETING INVESTMENT

Beginning February 2017, a multimillion-dollar TV, print, and radio campaign will start in support of the Cue™ Vapor System launch. The campaign will bring awareness to the brand and drive consumers to retailers’ doors. In addition to the media

campaign, EAS developed in-store custom tailored point-of-sale and merchandising support to meet customers’ specific needs. POSITIONED TO MEET FDA STANDARDS

FDA compliance is of utmost priority for EAS, with a full-time inhouse staff dedicated to meeting any FDA regulation, including filing all Pre-Market Tobacco Authorization documents for its products. E-Alternative Solutions is positioned to take a leadership role in the new post-FDA e-vapor category, working hand-in-hand with its customers and deploying its unique 360-degree support in sales, marketing, and regulatory compliance.

ABOUT E-ALTERNATIVE SOLUTIONS, LLC E-Alternative Solutions (EAS) is a sister company of Swisher International, Inc. EAS develops, markets and distributes vaping products that are manufactured with the highest level of quality control, innovation and commitment to its consumers. We are committed to the highest levels of excellence in sales and marketing support and FDA compliance.

CStoreDecisions ecisions .com

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E-Alternative Solutions 20 Thorndal Circle Darien, CT 06820 P: (800) 843-3731


1/26/17 2:57 PM


ET Products


T PRODUCTS STARTED off as a company distributing new release movies for rentals, sales and previously viewed sales. For over 30 years ET Products, once known as ET Video, has developed working relationships with large chains as well as where their roots began, independent store owners. Over the course of the years, the company quickly grew and now offers customers a growing and diverse product line.

Products has found there is still a very viable market for packaged media products (CDs, DVDs & Blu-ray Discs), even though we are living in the digital era. Their packaged media entails New Release and Previously Viewed Movies as well as Music Programs including seasonal, new releases and catalog tracks. ET Products has the capability to design customized programs with unique products that fits their customer needs. WHAT’S TRENDING?

ET Products prides themselves on Differentiating yourself in the staying ahead of the trends. Whether market is one of the most important it was quickly offering licensed novattributes in business these days. ET elty items such as Pokémon Sunstaches Products feels that finding their niche, & S t i c k e r s w h e n bringing prod- “Pokémon Go” was uct to the market launched or always that otherwise having the most recent w o u l d n ’ t b e cellular accessories readily available available to their stores. in the industry, along with TOP SELLING ITEMS e x c e l l e n t s e rWith such a diverse product line, vice helps build what are some of their top selling items? the partnership ET Products reports some of their most between them as popular items include cell phone accesdistributors and sories, seasonal apparel and novelty their stores. ET items. The Cellular Accessories Wing WHAT MAKES THEM DIFFERENT?

Rack offers products with innovative designs, colors, MFI certified products, multiple display options, guaranteed product and great margins. The sundress rack with camis, filled with bright, colorful and fun prints, give the stores trendy pieces to offer their consumers. Just this past fall, ET Products offered a complete hunting catalog filled with hunting merchandise and wearable items. The catalog was a huge hit, specifically the spinner rack that included men’s and women’s hats and gloves for any type of weather. A couple of the bigger novelty items include Jelly Belly Bean Boozled and Battle Water Balloons. The licensed entertainment merchandise has always been a big seller as well including “Sunstaches,” POP and Mini Mystery figurines.

ABOUT ET PRODUCTS ET Products provides Entertainment merchandise for convenience and grocery stores throughout the U.S. Our product line consists of new release movies, previously viewed movies and a variety of music programs. ET Products also distributes licensed novelty items, seasonal products, wearables and cell accessories including chargers.



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ET Products 616 Velvet Avenue PO Box 327 Coon Rapids, IA 50058 P: (800) 366-3884

CStoreDecisions ecisions .com

1/26/17 2:59 PM


Home Market Foods G ROW YOUR FOODSERVICE business with quality products from Home Market Foods.


Bring quality to your customers with ingredients from Cooked Perfect – the possibilities are endless! Shaved Steak made from USDA Choice Beef, seasoned with a proprietary spice mix, and cooked to perfection.Pulled Pork made from tender and juicy pork, specially seasoned and slow smoked for hours to lock in great flavor. Cooked Perfect Meatballs—Crafted for Your Senses. Made from select cuts of meat, real cheeses, savory herbs, and flame broiled to perfection.


Bold! Different! Better! Bursting with flavor and packed with protein, RollerBites offer the perfect on-the-go meal or snack. Flame-broiled Cheeseburgers lock in juicy, savory, home-grilled flavor and are now available in our NEW Premium Burger Joint Cheeseburger flavors: Sriracha, Black & Bleu, Chipotle Bourbon, and Ghost Pepper. Seasoned all-white Chicken, offered in a variety of bold flavors, have more protein than any other chicken product on the grill. Try our NEW Greek Chicken Gyro! Savory Breakfast combines hearty eggs, sausage and cheese for a delicious breakfast on the run.


Bahama Mama ® premium sausages and frankfurters provide all-day snacking solutions in a variety of delicious flavors to satisfy hearty appetites. Made from high quality cuts of beef and pork, no fillers, and 100% cheddar cheese. Bahama Mama German-Style Sausage, Bahama Mama ‘N Cheddar, Fajita Dog, Jalapeño ‘N Cheddar, Hearty Ham ‘N Cheddar, Breakfast Sausages, Gourmet All-Beef Hot Dogs, and Twisted Pretzel Dog. Introducing NEW Bahama Mama Split Sausage for sandwich solutions any time of day. .

ABOUT HOME MARKET FOODS For over 50 years, Home Market Foods has provided superior quality food products—from our beginnings as a purveyor of fresh meats, to our current position as a major specialty provider of fully-cooked and frozen, value-added meal entrées, appetizers and snacks for both retail and foodservice customers. Home Market Foods operates in a state-of-the-art manufacturing and research and development facility in Norwood, Mass. The company is focused on continually investing in people and facilities to ensure an optimal work environment for employees and the highest quality products for consumers.

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Home Market Foods 140 Morgan Drive Norwood, MA 02062 P: (800) 367-8325 (781) 948-1500, Ext 529 E: W:


1/27/17 10:59 AM


The ICEE Company


HE ICEE COMPANY, the leader in the Frozen Beverage Industry, offers the best frozen brands in the business. The brand portfolio is anchored by ICEE®, the #1 and most highly recognized Frozen Beverage in the world. The ICEE Company is celebrating our 50th Anniversary, our ICEEversary™ in 2017. Other brands in our portfolio include SLUSH PUPPiE ®, the #1 brand in the slush category, SLUSH PUPPiE PLUS ® (a 100% fruit juice for schools), p a r r o t - i c e ®, A R C T I C B L A S T ®, Thelma’s Lemonade, Cavianno Cappuccino, and ICEE SLUSH®. I C E E ® , t h e o r i g i n a l F ro z e n Carbonated Beverage, can be found in over 75,000 retailers in the United States. ICEE is also strong in Canada and Mexico and is rapidly building an equally strong International presence. In addition to the convenience store channel, ICEE is available in Mass Merchandisers, Theatres, Amusement Parks, Entertainment Facilities, Dollar Retailers and Quick Serve Restaurants. The iconic red and blue striped cup,

ICEE Bear mascot and top selling flavors Cherry and Blue Raspberry are known and loved by kids and adults alike. This year, The ICEE Company celebrates 50 years of rich history. The celebration kicks off with a special logo for 2017, a mix of old and new, a prominent fiftieth in gold, our ICEEversary™ slogan, and the iconic spoonstraw in gold. The celebration will continue throughout the year with special ICEEversary™ collectable cup vessels, exciting flavors, and fun promotions. The ICEE Company o f f e r s a “ T O TA L PROGRAM” for all aspects of the Frozen Beverage business. The Total Program includes our portfolio of frozen brands, a variety of equipment, merchandising and promotional support and ICEE Managed Service. ICEE Managed Service allows us to handle all aspects of service including maintenance, installation and de-installation and project coordination. The ICEE Managed service is not only the leading Service network in the Frozen Beverage Industry but it is also a major service provider to the foodservice category that operates 24/7. As the beverage category evolves, we continue to offer new flavors,

beverage “add ins” and healthy options to meet the needs of consumers. New flavors for 2017 include Dragon Fruit, Mango Strawberry, and branded candy flavors. We will also add special “ICEEversary Surprise” flavors to our flavor line up to celebrate our ICEEversary. The ICEE Company continues to innovate with equipment and more efficient and economical options for retailers. The ICEE Company also continues to grow our new “Mix It Up” line of equipment, which allows consumers to “add a splash” of flavor to a White Cherry or Lemonade ICEE and create their own flavor blend. The ICEE Company is also launching a campaign around ICEE “desserts,” adding dessert toppings and mix-ins with ICEE to create decadent dessert treats with ICEE. The ICEE Company’s goal is to continue to be the category leader and number one provider with exceptional customer service and profitable Frozen Beverage Programs. We will offer consumers new and exciting products to meet changing needs while maintaining the integrity of our iconic brand, ICEE®.

ABOUT THE ICEE COMPANY The ICEE Company, a leader in the Frozen Beverage Industry, and offers the top Frozen Beverage Brands in the business. We are committed to delivering customer excellence through efficient operations, marketing innovation, sales advancement and financial success. Our vision is to be known for exceptional consumer service and consumer experience. Our core products are fun treats which have been enjoyed by kids and adults for almost 50 years. Our authentic, classic brands make consumers part of a tradition of stories and story tellers. The ICEE Company is a subsidiary of J&J Snack Foods Corp. (NASDAQ: JJSF), and operates branch offices throughout the U.S., Mexico and Canada with an emerging International presence.



ICEE_Profile.indd 20

The ICEE Company 1205 S. Dupont Avenue Ontario, CA 91761 P: (800) 423-3872 W:

CStoreDecisions ecisions .com

1/26/17 3:07 PM


Inline Plastics Corp.


NLINE PLASTICS (SHELTON, CT) for shrink bands or wrap-around labels meets the growing demand in –reducing the material & labor costs the Grab & Go market with two associated with applying shrink bands. innovative product solutions – Processors are sure to see increased SquareWare ™ & RoundWare ™ PET efficiency, output, and productivity throughout the packing process. containers. B o t h t h e S q u a r e Wa r e ™ & Consumers are living increasingly active lifestyles and are looking for not RoundWare ™ containers are availonly convenience when food shop- able in five popular sizes (8–32 oz) ping but also the confidence that the and are equipped with the all new products they are buying are properly Sure Grip™ technology. The new wide packaged. More and more, consumers SureGrip™ grab tab with textured grip want ready to go meals and snacks that provides a positive, easy-to-open, user can eat at work, in the car or at school. friendly experience. And as with all The well-established, patented Safe-T- Safe-T-Fresh® products, the patented Fresh® product line provides both that Safe-T-Gard® tamper evident, secuconfidence as well as convenience. rity tear strip hinge keeps food safe These products are a single piece and secure. Processors are sure to see clamshell design, which eliminate the increased efficiency, output, and proneed for multiple SKU’s, maximize ductivity throughout the packing warehouse space and eliminate the need process.

Supermarkets, convenience stores and customers will appreciate how much better their food presents itself given the exceptional product clarity and encourages impulse grab & go sales. All Safe-T-Fresh ® containers are manufactured with a patented DPET material which is 100% recyclable, benefiting retailer & processors alike with environmentally responsible crystal clear packaging. To learn more about SquareWare™ & RoundWare™ and Inline Plastics’ in-house Automation capabilities and Engineering support, please visit our website at

ABOUT INLINE PLASTICS CORP. Inline Plastics Corp. is the premier manufacturer of innovative high quality, crystal clear, recyclable PET clamshell and two-piece food packaging. Products are designed to effectively merchandise Grab & Go foods, fresh-cut fruits & vegetables, salads, baked goods and deli items. The nationally recognized Safe-T-Fresh® line provides tamper evident packaging that locks in freshness. Inline Plastics also offers Automated Equipment to load, close and label your containers, unique in the industry.

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Inline Plastics.indd 21

Inline Plastic Corp. 42 Canal Street Shelton, CT 06484 P: (203) 924-5933 E: W: LEADERS IN CONVENIENCE 21

1/26/17 3:09 PM


Krispy Krunchy Foods


RISPY KRUNCHY FOODS LLC announces another record-breaking year as they add over 500 stores to their already growing number of branded c-stores. Established in 1989, Krispy Krunchy Chicken is one of the fastest growing c-store based quick-service restaurant (QSR) concepts in te country. Krispy Krunchy’s signature recipe was developed in the founder’s small convenience store chain. Along with Krispy Krunchy’s unique flavor profile, the brand brings an exceptional amount of expertise in the c-store/ foodservice industry including training and marketing that culminated into approximately 2,100 retail locations in 41 U.S. States. We have also added Malaysia and American Samoa to our growing locations. In 2016, Krispy Krunchy sold a record-breaking 42 million pounds of their fresh, never frozen, pre-marinated famous Krispy Krunchy Chicken. Now, let’s take a more in-depth look at the HOTTEST chicken concept in America: The Krispy Krunchy Foods signature menu has a distinctive Cajun flavor to it that is seasoned but not spicy. Their proprietary menu includes bone-in chicken, chicken

tenders, chicken sandwich, buffalo wings, fish and shrimp with a new selection of flavorful sauces. All of Krispy’s signature meals are served with Krispy’s famous honey butter biscuit and choice of side, included Red Beans and Rice, Jambalaya, and Boudin Bites (Cajun rice balls). In 2016, they announced the addition of two new sides- Mashed Potatoes & Cajun Gravy and Mac-N-Cheese.

ABOUT KRISPY KRUNCHY FOODS Krispy Krunchy Foods offers a premium c-store based quick-service restaurant (QSR) concept with approximately 2,100 retail locations in 41 states. In addition, we have locations in Malaysia and American Samoa. Established in 1989, Krispy Krunchy Chicken was developed out of the founder’s small convenience store chain and brings an exceptional amount of expertise in the c-store/ foodservice industry. Krispy Krunchy features, of course, its Cajun-style chicken (bone-in, tenders and sandwich), which is always fresh never frozen pre marinated in Krispy Krunchy’s proprietary marination and fried in zero trans fat oil. The menu also includes signature dishes of Original, Krispy and Cajun Sweet & Sour Wings; Krispy Shrimp and Fish; Red Beans and Rice; Jambalaya; Mashed Potatoes & Cajun Gravy; Mac-N-Cheese; Boudin Bites (Cajun rice balls) and Honey Butter Biscuits.

Krispy Krunchy Foods P: (318) 483-4343 E: W:

Your NEW Address for Chicken!



Krispy Krunchy.indd 22

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1/26/17 3:10 PM


Little Caesars


HEN YOU’RE THE fastestgrowing carryout pizza chain in America,* you’re obviously doing something right. Or, in the case of Little Caesars, you’re doing many things right. The company isn’t even thinking of resting on its laurels, however. Starting in June 2016, Little Caesars Express locations, which are smaller versions of regular stores with limited menus, began to open and operate, providing guests with excellent customer service and quality products, but in a graband-go format. “As we implement our strategic plan focused on bringing in experienced restaurant operators to add new franchise units into previously untapped markets, we are looking to reach new customers in new ways,” said Ed Ader, director of franchise development for Little Caesars.

straight years, and the brand appeals to consumers on several levels. The brand equity built throughout the past six decades, along with the proven Little Caesars Pizza business model and ongoing franchisee support, are driving the company’s growth. BUILDING ON FRANCHISEE SUCCESS

In addition to in-line shopping center and strip mall Express locations, the expansion plan also includes opportunities for franchise locations to open in non-traditional franchise venues—unique settings like convenience stores, college campuses and military bases, just to name a few. Little Caesars Pizza will work closely with its franchisees to develop Express locations with customized architectural and build-out plans. That design flexibility makes it an attractive fit for all kinds of venues.

Little Caesars provides qualified multi-unit franchisees with the tools they need to follow the brand’s proven system, including ongoing training, architectural services to help with design and construction, preferred lenders to assist with financing, research and development of new products, and continual marketing promotions. For more information about Little Caesars franchise opportunities, visit or call 1-800-553-5776.


Little Caesars Pizza has been named “Best Value in America”** for nine

ABOUT LITTLE CAESARS Headquartered in Detroit, Mich., Little Caesars® is the fastest growing pizza chain in America*. Founded in 1959 as a single, family-owned restaurant, Little Caesars has become the third largest pizza chain in the world** and today has stores in all 50 U.S. states, as well as 18 countries and territories. * “Fastest growing carryout pizza chain in America” based on the net number of stores added 2008-2015 ** “Highest-Rated Chain – Value for the Money” based on a nationwide survey of quick-service restaurant consumers conducted by Sandelman & Associates, 2007-2015

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Little Caesars.indd 23

Little Caesars P: (800)553-5776 W:


1/26/17 3:13 PM




OGIC IS ONE of the nation’s largest suppliers of vapor products. Logic believes that simpler is smarter for adult consumers, and offers a varied portfolio of products using quality components and e-liquids, including:

want a reliable e-cigarette. It offers consumers convenient vaping on-the-go in a rechargeable format with a powerful, long lasting 300 mAh battery. The Logic Power Series provides a smooth draw with a thick vapor exhale for longer periods of uninterrupted vap-

ing. The Logic Power Rechargeable Kit comes complete with one E-liquid cartridge, 1 battery and one USB charger. • Logic Power Cartridges are available in tobacco, menthol, cherry and vanilla flavors.

• The Logic Pro vaporizer is for adult consumers who are looking for the power and taste satisfaction of a tank in a smart format. The Logic Pro is convenient and simple to use. The Pro vaporizer generates taste satisfaction at the click of a button, using simple operation, and charges quickly using a new generation battery. Logic Pro is sold with one Pro Series Vaporizer, featuring a high-power 650 mAh battery and one USB charger. • Logic Pro features pre-filled, sealed, no-spill capsules, making refills easy and hassle free. Pre-filled capsules are clean and easily integrated into the system. Logic Pro Capsules are available in tobacco, menthol, cherry and vanilla flavors. • The Logic Power Series Electronic Cigarette is for adult consumers who

ABOUT LOGIC Logic is an industry leader in the vapor product category thanks to its premium liquids, innovative products and flexible trade programs. Logic understands the fast-changing world of vapor products best, having designed its products with a busy lifestyle in mind. Logic continues to offer products that meet the needs of adult smokers and that capitalize on the growth within the category to the benefit of retailers and wholesalers.


Logic.indd 24


Logic 600 College Road East Suite 1100 Princeton, NJ 08540 P: (844) 552-9623

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1/26/17 3:15 PM


MasonWays Indestructible Plastics LLC


NHANCE YOUR EXTERIOR forecourt with bold new units. Increase sales while earning possible additional revenue through Poster Advertising with our optional sign frames. Get products off the floor in coolers, back storage areas and the front of store to avoid health department fines and regulations. DUNNAGE RACKS/STORAGE & DISPLAY BASES

MasonWays offers over 80 different size bases with various heights and options to choose from, as well as four Dunnage Rack lines. This gives you the opportunity to get the size specifications you require without having to settle. MasonWays units are NSF certified and produced with United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) materials. Optional graphics, sign holders, colors and anti-microbial additives are available, if desired.


M a s o n Wa y s Cabinets have increased impulse sales at the front of stores, pump islands and forecourts at several convenience stores, supermarkets and fuel retailers. The cabinet merchandises and sells products where retailers were not able to before. Water, windshield-washer fluid, rock salt and other seasonal products are now available at the point of purchase to encourage impulse sales. Cabinets allow products to stay in place securely overnight with locking doors. 24/7 operations can purchase units without doors to keep products dry and free from snow, rain and dirt. Create sales for motorists filling up or entering supermarkets and convenience stores. Ring up more profits! STAIR STEP DISPLAYS


Municipalities and customers are beginning to require or want to recycle their plastic bottles, newspapers, glass aluminum cans, etc. MasonWays was judged and awarded by a select group of retailers the 2016 Best Product Award for its Mixed Recycling Units. Durable and weatherresistant, multiple-capacity recycling centers have flexible labeling options that accommodate specific separation requirements for clear content identification at retail. The unit has modified opening options that fit any stream of recyclables. Each unit is clearly labeled so customers can easily discard their recyclables properly. Custom colors are available.

S u p e r s t ro n g , n o a s s e m b l y required, lightweight, water repellent, impervious to chemical and solvent, easy-to-clean merchandisers have room for messaging on the front panels. Available in three and four-foot size options. Durable and easy to stack and sell, sell, sell!

ABOUT MASONWAYS INDESTRUCTIBLE PLASTICS MasonWays has the largest selection of plastic rotational molded Dunnage Racks, Forecourt Products, Bases and Merchandisers in North America. Five strategic locations expedite delivery and reduce shipping cost. Our manufacturing process uses an advanced “no-seam” technology that is durable, increases safety and economically priced. Enhance your site furnishing with interior or exterior units that “Get Products Off the Floor.”

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MasonWays.indd 25

MasonWays Indestructible Plastics LLC 580 Village Blvd. West Palm Beach, FL 33409 P: (800) 837-2881 F: (800) 693-7745 W: E: LEADERS IN CONVENIENCE 25

1/26/17 3:17 PM


McLane Company, Inc.


CLANE IS YOUR Supply Chain Advantage in Action. As an industry leader, McLane has invested heavily in its end-to-end grocery supply chain services.Our one-of-a-kind solution combines unparalleled procurement resources and relationships, state-of-the-art logistics, data and analytics based merchandising services and cost-saving technology applications that empower our customers to buy better, sell smarter and profit more. NATIONWIDE BUYING POWER

To effectively service nearly 50,000 retail locations, we work closely with thousands of manufacturers to offer the widest range of products to our customers. In fact, we are one of the largest worldwide purchasers of products in such key retail categories as tobacco, candy and salty snacks. This kind of buying power means that we can assist you in getting the best manufacturer buying brackets possible.

ple syndicated data sources. With this powerful analytic approach, you can compare your sales and product movement with that of other trends on a national, regional and local level, as well as by individual stores and specific items to determine your best-mix product scenarios and identify key selling opportunities. CATEGORY MANAGEMENT PROFESSIONALS & PROVEN PROCESS

With our highly experienced category management professionals, we’re ready to help you in all merchandising and sales areas from inventory and pricing management to category analysis and product promotion. Whether it’s tapping into the latest trends or leveraging lucrative new opportunities, we can provide the valuable insights and tools your business needs to optimize your product mix. IN-DEPTH DATA, MARKET INSIGHTS

A key advantage of working with McLane is the depth of our information resources and market insights. Our merchandising strategies are all based on proven results, not marketing budgets. With one of the industry’s most robust data warehouses, we are able to use an aggregated class of trade-specific data and compare and contrast these findings with multi-


Technology solutions are designed to help you buy better, sell smarter and profit more. As a grocery re t a i l e r, d e a l i n g with thousands of SKUs, dozens of technology applications and various frontand back-office accounting systems can be a never-ending challenge. Fortunately, our dedicated team of IT professionals is ready to help. Not only do we provide a broad range of custom applications, but we also help ensure that they work with the enterprise applications—such as SAP, PDI, Radiant and many others.

ABOUT McLANE COMPANY, INC McLane Company, one of the largest supply chain services leaders McLane Company, Inc. is one of the largest supply chain services leaders, providing grocery and foodservice supply chain solutions for convenience stores, mass merchants, drug stores and chain restaurants throughout the United States. McLane, through McLane Grocery and McLane Foodservice operates 80 distribution centers across the U.S. and one of the nation’s largest private fleets. The company buys, sells and delivers more than 50,000 different consumer products to nearly 90,000 locations across the U.S. In addition, McLane provides alcoholic beverage distribution through its wholly-owned subsidiary, Empire Distributors, Inc. McLane is a wholly-owned unit of Berkshire Hathaway Inc. (NYSE: BRK) and employs more than 20,000 teammates.



McLane_Leaders.indd 26

McLane Company, Inc. 4747 McLane Pkwy Temple, TX 76504-4854 P: (254) 771-7500 (800) 299-1401 W: CStoreDecisions ecisions .com

1/26/17 4:45 PM




ONNECT TO INTELLIGENT BUSINESS. PDI, the leader in enterprise management software for the convenience retail and petroleum wholesale markets, delivers solutions to connect you to intelligent business. Our people-first approach combined with our 30-year heritage and best-in-class technology helps you thrive in today’s digital economy. We’re passionate about your success and delivering exceptional customer experiences. It’s time to reimagine enterprise management, and connect to intelligent business. PRODUCTS YOU CAN COUNT ON

We built every piece of our software to work seamlessly together, and the result is one version of the truth from the site level to the home office. Designed using more than three decades of experience and the creative input of world-class convenience retailers and petroleum marketers, our industry-specific products are sure to meet the needs of your entire operation.

every area of your multifaceted operation for better control and productivity. WORKFORCE

Contending with multiple levels of employees doing various jobs across several locations is a lot to keep up with, but we can help. Our web-based, touchfriendly product enables you to track easier, schedule smarter, and pay faster. FINANCIALS

As the foundation of our entire product line, our financial system is specifically equipped to handle the complex accounting, reconciliation and cash management processes of multisite retailers and petroleum marketers. RETAIL

Our retail software streamlines the flow of information between your stores, corporate office, and vendors. Its revolutionary features, including a centralized pricebook and real-time inventory management, keep your stores running at peak performance and your customers coming back. WHOLESALE

Whether you’re dealing with tax reporting, warehouse inventory levels, cardlock transactions, order generation, or logistics, our end-to-end fuel supply chain management solution connects


When you choose PDI, you get more than software. We go beyond business and tirelessly dedicate ourselves to your success…and we don’t stop until we get you there. Our reputation for first-rate customer service and long-lasting relationships reaffirm one thing: we’re a people-first company. Yes, we build powerful software, but we also deliver exceptional service like you’ve never seen. And that’s the PDI difference.

ABOUT PDI PDI provides software, hardware, and professional services to convenience retailers and wholesale petroleum marketers. Over 500 companies operating more than 50,000 locations worldwide rely on PDI’s software for retail automation, business intelligence, financial reporting, workforce management and end-to-end fuel supply chain management, including logistics, to deliver a compelling ROI for the convenience retail and wholesale petroleum industry customers. For more information about PDI, visit

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PDI.indd 27

PDI 4001 Central Pointe Parkway, Building 200 Temple, TX 76504 P: (254) 410-7600 F: (254) 410-7617 E: W: LEADERS IN CONVENIENCE


1/26/17 3:19 PM


Pierce Chicken


ONELESS WINGS TAKE FLIGHT. Spicy chicken wings have taken off as an iconic American food since their debut at the Anchor Bar Restaurant in Buffalo, N.Y., in 1964. They reached a new milestone during Super Bowl 50 weekend in February, when more than 1.3 billion wings were consumed, according to the National Chicken Council. The emergence of boneless wings— breaded, boneless chunks of chicken breast with zesty flavors like Pierce Chicken ® Boneless Wing Dings® or Wing Zings®—has made a good thing even better. In fact, research shows that boneless wings complement traditional bone-in wings, boosting the entire wing category. Actually, more than half of consumers in a recent online survey by Pierce Chicken said they prefer boneless chicken wings over bone-in wings.

The other great benefit to Pierce Boneless Wing Dings, are their convenience. They come fully cooked, can be fried or baked, are great for graband-go, and deliver the famous Wing Ding flavor profile that’s been around for over 50 years. Plus with boneless wings, you can give customers a variety of options for sauces that can be bold and new, traditional or regional Funny Bones that can be used for added flavor. ARE YOU READY FOR THE NEXT BIG THING IN CHICKEN?

Prepared foods continue to be a major driver for convenience store sales growth, and now is the time to expand your offerings of delicious grab ‘n go food. Pierce Chicken is here to help, with an exciting new product idea for convenience store hot food programs, Funny Bones®.

Funny Bones, also known as Chicken Ribz, are specially trimmed, bone-in chicken thighs that have been lightly seasoned and fully cooked. These handheld tasty treats are right on trend: • Retail sales volume of value-added, bone-in chicken thighs is up 183% in the past year, which is the strongest growth of any retail chicken category for that time period.1 • 55% of consumers want a greater variety of chicken entrées.2 Even better, these delicious rib-like chicken thighs have the tender texture and delicious flavor that can only come from dark meat. Your customers are sure to come back for more! Nielsen Perishables Group, 52 Wks Ending 07/26/14. 2 Technomic, The Center of the Plate: Poultry Consumer Trend Report, 2013.


Boneless Wing Dings®

Boneless Wing Zings®

ABOUT PIERCE CHICKEN Since the 1950s, Pierce Chicken has been driven by its passion to offer absolutely the best-tasting, highest-quality chicken available in foodservice. Customers – then and now – know Pierce Chicken for its superior flavor and product consistency. But the Company isn’t resting on its laurels; innovation is in its blood. Pierce Chicken is always working to be first to market with the next great taste in chicken. Pierce Chicken wants to earn your business with great chicken, great value and a great fit for your menu. If you’re ready for a roll-upthe-sleeves partner that’s as essential to your business as chicken is to your menu, Pierce Chicken welcomes your call.


Pierce.indd 28


Pierce Chicken Contact: Cameron Danielson 1770 Promontory Circle Greeley, CO 80634 P: (970) 506-8149 E: W: CStoreDecisions ecisions .com

1/26/17 3:20 PM


Red Smith Foods try leader we’ve now taken it a step further by listening to retailers and working with them to develop our newest product, Big John’s® Trotters— our famous pickled pigs feet in an individually-wrapped package. Gone are the days of messy self-service stations and the need for store personnel to take time to get them for customers. Just one more way that Red Smith Foods goes above the rest of the field to help retailers drive sales with a better merchandising solution.


Big John’s® pickled snacks, trusted and loved by consumers for over 40 years, have been steadily breaking into convenience stores, enabling us to bring our passionate and loyal brand followers to this segment of meat snacks in a whole new way. Being the leader in the category, Red Smith Foods is always looking for ways to drive sales for retailers, bring innovation to the market and continually set the standard for quality in pickled snacks. BIG JOHN’S® RED HOTS


Big John’s Red Hots are a new twist on Red Smith’s most popular pickled sausage. Big John’s® Red Hots have the same classic flavor and spice as the legendary Big John’s® pickled sausage, in an individually-wrapped package. Counter merchandising racks available for all Big John’s individually-wrapped items.

Big John’s ® pickled eggs are a perfect snack food for all dayparts and offer customers a great-tasting source of protein. Big John’s® exclusive two egg convenience pack are completely shelf-stable and never need refrigeration. Merchandising opportunities for Big John’s® Pickled Eggs are varied from meat/protein snacks area to pre-made grab and go and even breakfast stations.



You can’t be the leader in pickled snacks without great legs to stand on, or least great feet. Pig’s Feet that is. Big John’s® Pickled Pigs Feet have been a stable across the South for generations. But as an indus-

ABOUT RED SMITH FOODS Red Smith Foods is the leading provider of a full suite of pickled snack foods, including pickled sausage and pickled eggs. The Big John’s® brand has been produced by our family-owned business for over 40 years, and is now America’s best-selling brand of pickled snacks. At Red Smith Foods, pickled snacks are all we do—that’s why we do them better than anyone.

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Red Smith Foods.indd 29

Red Smith Foods, Inc. 4145 SW 47th Ave Davie, FL 33314 P: (954) 581-1996 E: W:



1/26/17 3:22 PM


Stout Brewing Company


INCE DAY ONE, Stout Brewing Company has created progressive and innovative adult beverages. When we launched five years ago, we knew that we wanted to be different. We saw the FMB category becoming saturated with essentially the same product, different packaging, over and over again. We knew that we could disrupt the monotony and introduce brands that would catch not only the consumers’ attention, but retailers and wholesalers alike. So we pioneered the Flavored Malt Beverage Specialty segment and have since created three brands that are increasingly gaining momentum. Drink Like A BOSS—a brand that’s hitting store shelves and giving the competition a run for its money/ facings. Available in Fruit Punch,

Grape, Watermelon, and new, Berry example, Fire Flask is a great add-on Lemonade, Drink Like A BOSS is turn- for your beer buyers; the perfect increing the FMB category on its head with mental sale. Available in a variety of its superior taste and price. Available ABVs depending on your location (10%, in 12% and 14% ABVs, Drink Like A 12%, and 14%), Fire Flask is packaged BOSS is served in a 23.5-ounce can. in a 12-ounce glass flask. Priced competitively, Drink Like A Great America—the Moonshine BOSS is a lower investment for retailers and yields higher margins than the Malternative. Again, it’s a Flavored Malt Beverage Specialty, no liquor competition. license needed! Brewed and bottled in the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains, Great America was born from Southern tradition and raised by a new breed of greatness. Sip it straight from the jar or pour over ice. Low cost, small investment for Retailers, high margins with quick turnover – you can’t go wrong with Great America. Available in six flavors and in a variety of ABVs (10%, 12%, 14%), Great America is a throwback to the past combined with a modern attitude, served right in a 23.5-ounce. mason jar. Burning up the FMB category is Fire Flask. This cinnamon-flavored brand offers consumers the spice they want and retailers the profits they need. As a Flavored Malt Beverage Specialty, Fire Flask is a great alternative to popular liquor brands. Whether enjoying solo or pairing with a hard cider for

ABOUT STOUT BREWING COMPANY Stout Brewing Company has always been a head-turner, and we’re quite proud of that. We launched in 2012 with a vision to create a series of adult beverages that were completely unique and disrupt the balance of the FMB category. We pioneered the Flavored Malt Beverage Specialty segment, and further differentiated ourselves by using innovative brewing and packaging solutions. With three brands distributed in over 25 states, Stout Brewing Company is committed to providing inventive products in the FMB category.



Stout Brewing.indd 30

Stout Brewing Company, LLC 518 North Sims Street Kings Mountain, NC 28086 P: (800) 746-3419 W: www.StoutBrewing

CStoreDecisions ecisions .com

1/26/17 3:36 PM




SUBWAY®: HEALTHIER OPTIONS AT CONVENIENCE STORES As many convenience store owners continue to feel the financial stresses of today’s economy, the concept of adding foodservice to their businesses, with the availability of fresh, great-tasting food options at good values, is looking more and more advantageous. With more than 44,800+ locallyowned and operated outlets in 112 countries, including restaurants at more than 5,300 c-stores/gas stations and truck stops around the globe, the SUBWAY® restaurant chain is especially well-suited to help meet their needs. There is stability in doing business with a well-established branded concept, such as the SUBWAY® restaurant chain. The SUBWAY® restaurant chain is the No. 1 restaurant chain in the

world in total restaurant count, with more locations than any other chain in the quick service restaurant (QSR) industry. The SUBWAY® chain is famous for its wide variety of hot and cold submarine sandwiches, which are served on freshly-baked bread and prepared to order to each customer’s exact specifications, right before their eyes. The menu selection is appealing to convenience store customers and particularly attracts the growing number of healthconscious consumers. A SUBWAY® sandwich can be easily carried away to be eaten later, and when made with fresh vegetables, provides extra nutrients for customers’ breakfast, lunch, or dinner meals. “Love’s operates more than 188 SUBWAY ® restaurants in 35 states. This concept has proven to be very successful time in and time out. The investment is minimal compared to other concepts we operate and the ease of execution coupled with the quality of the product make it a perfect fit for us,” said Joe Cotton, director of restaurant services for Love’s Travel Stops & Country Stores. “SUBWAY® has been great to work with as a branded partner; they give input and support from the planning process until you open

the doors to serve the public. The training support and tools they have are outstanding, which is why when we are looking at building a new location they are our first concept of choice.” A convenience store owner can choose to become a SUBWAY® franchisee, or lease space to a local SUBWAY® franchisee who will manage all aspects of the restaurant operations. All SUBWAY® restaurants are individually designed. The SUBWAY® chain has strict policies for quality and cleanliness. With aggressive growth plans for the coming years, the SUBWAY® restaurant chain is eager to develop additional convenience store and gas station sites throughout the world. SUBWAY® is a registered trademark of Subway IP Inc. ©2017 Subway IP Inc.

ABOUT SUBWAY® The SUBWAY® restaurant chain is an internationally recognized and trusted brand name and well-respected and desired business partner to convenience store/ gas station operators throughout the world. The SUBWAY® brand has a reputation for offering a healthier alternative to traditional fatty and greasy fast food as well as offering extraordinary variety; there are more than two million possible sandwich combinations! All SUBWAY® restaurants are individually designed.

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SUBWAY® restaurants

325 Sub Way Milford, CT 06461 Contact: Allison Morrow P: (203) 877-4281 ext. 1736 (800) 888-4848 ext. 1736 E:



1/26/17 3:37 PM


Texas Pete



EXAS PETE® SAUCES: A consumer favorite for more than 85 years, the Texas Pete ® Original Hot Sauce contains a secret blend of specially selected peppers, fermented to perfection. The result is bold, spicy flavor with less sodium than competitors. While constantly on the lookout for trending flavors, Texas Pete® has recently introduced a new Mexicanstyle hot sauce. The ultimate hot sauce, new ¡Sabor! by Texas Pete® intensifies any dish. Try it on huevos rancheros, pizza, burgers, tacos and much more. Its spicy, garlicky base is enhanced with just the right amount of seasoning for a Mexican-style hot sauce with the perfect flavor for any kitchen. “The growth in demand for spicier foods and consumer requests for a hot sauce inspired by Mexican flavors were behind the development of our latest innovation,” said Ann Garner Riddle, CEO for Garner Foods. “¡Sabor! by Texas Pete ® is one of the best flavors that we have ever created.

• Texas Pete ® Buffalo Style I look forward to sharing it with those who are ready for a new flavor among Chicken Wing Sauces: Texas Pete ® hot sauces.” is a staple with many of the world’s Available in seven-gram packets, most renowned “Wing Specialists.” three-, six- and 12-ounce bottles and one- Available in mild, hot and restaugallon jugs, our tried-and-true formula rant-blend varieties in one-gallon comes in several additional flavors: containers. • Hotter Hot Sauce: Turn up the • Fiery Sweet Sauce: While Texas flame with the same great flavor of our Pete® Fiery Sweet Sauce amplifies the original hot sauce, but with three times flavor of ribs, pork, chicken and beef, the heat. Any cuisine that needs an its uses go far beyond the grill. Try it added kick, like wings, fried chicken or in glazes and marinades, as well as barbecue, will benefit from a dose of our mayonnaise, ketchup and mustard Hotter Hot Sauce in six-ounce bottles. blends, to add a layer of pizzazz to • Sautéed Garlic Hot Sauce: A hint practically any menu! Mildly spicy of garlic in hot sauce personifies any with a sweet hint of honey and molasdish, especially those with an ethnic ses, Texas Pete® Fiery Sweet Sauce is flair, like Italian, Greek, Mediterranean available in one-gallon plastic resealor Asian. Available in six-ounce bot- able jugs. tles; and now with more garlic flavor! • Texas Pete® Low Sodium Salsa: ® • CHA! by Texas Pete is a sriracha Chunky, ripe tomatoes, onions, pasilla sauce with a fiery blend of heat and peppers, jalapeños, cilantro, apple sweet. CHA! by Texas Pete® is avail- cider vinegar, parsley, garlic, sea salt able in classic 18-ounce and 28-ounce and other proprietary ingredients squeeze bottles, as well as seven-gram make Texas Pete® Salsa superior to any packets and half-gallon jugs. other. Available in one-gallon jugs.

ABOUT GARNER FOODS Garner Foods, a family-owned business, is the manufacturer of Texas Pete®. Business Week recently named Texas Pete® Hot Sauce one of America’s Top 25 selling condiments. Other products include chicken wing sauce, honey mustard, green pepper sauce and seafood sauce. Garner Foods also manufactures Green Mountain Gringo® Salsa, named best overall by in 2010, and Tortilla Strips.



Texas Pete.indd 32

Garner Foods 416 W 4th St. Winston Salem, NC 27101 P: (336) 661-1550 W:

CStoreDecisions ecisions .com

1/26/17 3:38 PM


Tillamook Country Smoker


ILLAMOOK COUNTRY SMOKER can design a Bulk Meat Snack program to fit your needs while enhancing your category. Capabilities include a comprehensive bagged Jerky line as well as the wildly popular Smoked Beef Steak Nugget line, individually-wrapped Smoked Meat Sticks in eight exciting flavors, and of course our industry leading Bulk Smoked Meat Snack line.


Smoked Meat Snacks, both Bulk and Individually-Wrapped for both Convenience and Grocery. MAJOR PRODUCTS & SERVICES

• Bagged Jerky line in Beef as well as Pork; • Bagged Steak Nuggets in Beef, Pork and Turkey Nuggets; • Complete individually-wrapped stick line in l.44-ounce, 1.25ounce and 10-ounce sizes; • Industry leading Bulk Meat Snack program with custom point-of-purchase racks and displays; and • Innovative flavors.


Watch our new Brand and packaging bring higher profits and continued sales growth. Our Simply Crafted Jerky is made the old fashioned way, natural hardwood smoked to seal in a special blend of hand mixed spices. It’s 97% fat free and 100% pure delicious. Sliced from solid strips of tender, premium beef.


Tillamook Country Smoker is an industry leading supplier of Bulk Smoked Meat Snack Programs. Let us enhance your Smoked Meat Snack category by introducing the freshest Bulk Meat Snack program to your retail locations.

ABOUT TILLAMOOK COUNTRY SMOKER Family-owned and operated business since 1975. Tillamook Country Smoker specializes in supplying quality Smoked Meat Snacks to the Distributor and Wholesaler market. Tillamook Country Smoker is the industry leading supplier of Bulk Smoked Meat Snack programs designed to fit unique situations at every retail level.

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Tillamook Country Smoker P.O. Box 3120 Bay City, OR 97107 P: (800) 325-2220 F: (503) 377-2746 W:



1/26/17 3:39 PM


White Castle



HITE CASTLE SLIDERS. Three simple words that conjure a singular aroma and flavor that’s been passionately celebrated—and craved—for the last 96 years. Steamgrilled on a bed of caramelized onions, White Castle’s 100% USDA-inspected beef hamburgers are cradled in the original bun. This process—used in both their restaurants and frozen sandwich facilities—has garnered White Castle its reputation of the most iconic burger of all time. A true king of convenience, White Castle Food Products, LLC offers a variety of sandwiches, all cooked to perfection and ready to be microwaved and enjoyed in mere seconds. Harnessing the flavortrapping combination of steam-grilling and flash-freezing, every bun is

packed with that famous White Castle restaurant taste. Once the sandwiches are reheated, this absorbed steam is released, yielding soft, mouthwatering buns that taste as though they were just ordered at a White Castle restaurant. The Crave is a phenomenon that knows no limits: White Castle frozen sliders are available from coast to coast in grocery stores, club stores,

convenience stores, sports arenas, movie theaters, drug stores, and vending machines. It’s a legendary brand that your customers know and trust—in fact, nobody sells more frozen sandwiches nationwide! White Castle is committed to producing the finest products and is constantly working to exceed both your and your customers’ expectations.

ABOUT WHITE CASTLE White Castle is a family-owned business based in Columbus, Ohio. Founded in 1921, they’re America’s first fast-food burger chain and also considered the most iconic. White Castle owns and operates approximately 400 restaurants in 11 states, and all their sliders are made with 100% beef or 100% all white-meat chicken. They’ve been bringing these legendary sandwiches right to customers since 1986. Nobody sells more frozen sandwiches in retail stores nationwide.



White Castle.indd 34

White Castle 555 West Goodale St. Columbus, OH 43215 P: (614) 559-2473 W:

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1/26/17 3:41 PM

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Bringing you incremental category growth through consumer-led innovation.

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