Page 1 February 2017


MOTION CONTROL: Troubleshooting VFDs 101—with no-power checks PAGE 88

FASTENING & JOINING: Structural bonding solutions for plastics PAGE 108

3D CAD: Design for use PAGE 114

Designer’s dilemma

Can you have it all? 102

FEBRUARY DW COVER 2017_fit for gatefold_FINALFINAL.V2.LL.indd 1

2/13/17 8:30 AM

Eaton_digital edition sponsor ad_2-17.indd 1

2/13/17 3:25 PM February 2017


MOTION CONTROL: Troubleshooting VFDs 101—with no-power checks PAGE 88

FASTENING & JOINING: Structural bonding solutions for plastics PAGE 108

3D CAD: Design for use PAGE 114

Designer’s dilemma

Can you have it all? 102

FEBRUARY DW COVER 2017_fit for gatefold_FINALFINAL.V2.LL.indd 1

2/13/17 8:30 AM

Powerful PLC with Built-in Data Logging The feature-packed Productivity2000 PLC allows you to track up to 64 tags at a time and saves the data to the removable micro-SD card housed in the CPU. Capture up to 32GB of data either periodically (minute, hour, day, week, etc.) or when certain events occur. Log tag data, system errors and system events which can be used to improve efficiency and performance, troubleshoot reoccurring or intermittent faults, and predict future breakdowns. And with the integrated OPC support, web server with secure login, and free mobile app, the Productivity2000 delivers the data whenever and wherever it is needed.

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Untitled-2 87

2/13/17 3:31 PM 1702-DesignWorld-Data-inside-Gatefold.indd 1

HMI/SCADA Software with SQL, Access速/Excel速, ERP/MES Database Connectivity The Point of View HMI/SCADA software gives you advanced data collection with SQL database connectivity, powerful scripting and animations, system redundancy and plenty of secure web, mobile, and thin client connections. Point of View provides everything you need to seamlessly transfer production data to/from your plant floor/machine to upstream management databases at an unbeatable price.

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Untitled-2 87

2/13/17 3:29 PM 1/6/2017 9:20:08 AM


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Outside Front Gate_AutomationDirect 2-17.indd 1 1702-DesignWorld-Data-1stpage-Gatefold.indd 1


2/10/17 8:13 AM 1/18/2017 2:37:22 PM

JAN17 AC Branding Ad (DW).qxp_Design World 12/2/16 8:31 AM Page 1

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Allied Electric 1-17.indd 1

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2/10/17 8:19 AM




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BIM-8620 Bimba Resizes 2017_Design World_M600_020117.indd 1 Bimba 2-17_Solve it with Pinch Valves.indd 2

1/19/17 8:20 4:54 AM PM 2/10/17

REACHING NEW HEIGHTS! has been awarded

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Certifications: Woman Business Enterprise (WBE) Woman-Owned Small Business(WOSB) Imagineering 1-17.indd 3

2/10/17 8:21 AM

I n s i g ht s Engineering has diversity problems beyond women For years, we’ve written about the gender problem in engineering education—why can’t we get more young women to pursue engineering or STEM careers? The percentage of female engineers here in the U.S. hovers somewhere around 20%. That’s not a great number, but at least it is much higher than a generation or two ago. But a recent report by the U.K.’s Royal Academy of Engineering shows another, less talked about diversity issue that is facing engineers in that country: what happens to minority engineers once they do graduate. The study indicated that, six months after graduating, there were only small differences between male and female engineers in terms of finding a job. And that makes sense, as a slightly higher proportion of men entered full-time employment than women, but a higher proportion of women than men pursued further educational studies. However, the differences in other areas were disturbing. The Academy found: • There was a 20 percentage point difference between the proportion of white engineering graduates entering full-time employment (71%) and their black and minority ethnic (BME) counterparts (51%) after 6 months • Black engineering graduates had the lowest proportion of full time work at 46% • After six months, 60% of white engineering graduates were employed in engineering occupations, compared with 40% for BME graduates. Again, black graduates had the lowest proportion in engineering employment, at 37% • Six months after graduation, 14% of black engineering graduates were unemployed, compared with only 7% of white engineering graduates • These differences were significantly greater for engineering graduates than across all subject areas. The study also undertook a statistical regression analysis to attempt to understand the relative weighting of various influences during the hiring process, such as grades, school attended, etc. Even when controlling for these other factors, ethnicity still remained as a major characteristic affecting employment decisions in engineering roles. Here in the U.S., we constantly hear stories decrying a skills gap in manufacturing. And while we have a long way to go in getting more female and minority kids into engineering studies, I think it’s also critical that we start to examine the other end of the pipeline: our hiring practices. Do we have a mental image of what an engineer “should look like?” Are there other biases driving our hiring decisions? If so, it’s time to get past that nonsense immediately and focus on all of the candidates who are looking for careers in engineering. DW

Pa ul J. He n ey - Edi tor i al D i re ctor phe ney@wtwhme di

On Twitter @ DW—Editor


Insights 2-17_Vs1.indd 4


February 2017

2/10/17 8:31 AM

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Exair 2-17_Right Choice.indd 5


2/10/17 8:21 AM

Te s c h l e r o n To p i c

Not fake news: Politicians want innovation—until they actually get it In olden times when there were no such things as cell phones, Uncle Sam regulated the phone system. Phone companies charged their customers for every handset attached to the lines and used time-domain reflectometery to check phone lines for illegal handsets. Thus began a ritual of sorts among EE students rooming in apartments back then: Shortly after learning about timedomain reflectometry, future EEs would also find out about the technique’s used by the phone company. They would almost immediately add new handsets in their apartments after disconnecting the ringers to render the instruments invisible to phone technicians. This kind of petty larceny ended during a wave of deregulation in the late 1970s. But it didn’t happen everywhere. Some countries actively slowed the adoption of mobile phones, for example, under pressure from their fixed landline monopolies. Sweden is a classic example. Though it is now the home of Ericsson, one of the world’s largest makers of wireless telecom network gear, Sweden banned private ownership of phones as recently as the 1980s. It’s safe to say the deregulation wave made possible several innovations that

have become an important part of world commerce. To cite just one example, the services that FedEx now provides only became practical after transport regulations were dropped in 1977. In the 20 years prior, the U.S. Civil Aeronautics Board had refused to allow new cargo carriers and even prevented existing carriers from expanding. Today it is hard to imagine a world without a FedEx. Unfortunately, those days of deregulation and the resulting innovation look to be over. Rather than taking down regulatory barriers, the trend is to erect them when a truly innovative idea rears its ugly head. Consider the case of ridesharing services such as Uber and Lyft. We may one-day have a hard time imagining a world without ridesharing. Yet these services are all but banned in some countries and drivers who offer rides in certain U.S. locales are still subject to arrest. Ditto for the drone delivery service envisioned by Amazon chief Jeff Bezos. Once the first delivery drone prototype flew, the Federal Aviation Administration was quick to enact a regulation forbidding operators from flying drones that left their line of sight. Regulatory reach extends even to occupations that don’t seem to need regulating. On TV, Jimmy Kimmel Live! has a recurring bit called “Unnecessary Censorship” where innocuous words are

bleeped out for comic effect. The much less funny version of this routine is run by governments and could be dubbed “Unnecessary Licensing.” In 2007, Texas enacted legislation requiring computer repair techs to obtain private investigator licenses for work that might potentially bring them in contact with customer data. Monks in Louisiana had to go to court a few years ago to keep the right to sell their handcrafted caskets without a license. If you want to do manicures in Alabama, you’ll need to take a National Nail Technician/Manicurist exam after you complete hundreds of hours of “training.” Dubious occupational licenses make it more expensive to get into “professions” like making coffins. But they also send a message that would-be innovators should look elsewhere for more promising areas. There is more than just anecdotal evidence to the idea of an up tick in regulatory shenanigans. A Canadian public policy think tank called the Fraser Institute annually produces an Economic Freedom index ranking countries by economic freedom. In recent years, the U.S. has been falling on Fraser’s Index of Regulatory Freedom thanks to more stringent regulations. It’s easy to summarize the reason why: Politicians and business leaders regularly claim they want to promote innovation – until they discover whose ox is going to be gored. DW

Le la n d Te sc h le r - Exec u t i ve Edi to r ltesc h ler@wtwh m edi a .co m

On Twitter @ DW—LeeTeschler



Lee Teschler Column 2-17_Vs3.LL.indd 6

February 2017

2/13/17 11:11 AM


Dynamic flow sharing. Extraordinary stability.

Mobile machines that have multiple services operating simultaneously need a work circuit that can optimize flow sharing with a high degree of precision independent of the load. Our development experts will work with you to understand your machine’s duty cycles so we can engineer a work solution that delivers greater productivity without compromising stability. This is dynamic performance. Empowered by Eaton.

See all of our Eaton Engineered Solutions in action at IFPE/CONEXPO 2017 Booth #80230 in South Hall 3

Eaton Hydraulics 2-17_(main DW issue).indd 7


AGENCY: Schermer

PUB: Fluid Power World

AD: Work

2/10/17 8:22 AM

Te c h n o lo gy Fo r wa rd

IoT: greasing the skids to the future Toothbrushes with Wi-Fi connectivity. A hairbrush that listens

Friedman’s book introduces a term, the supernova-driven economy, which is as you brush your hair. (Why??) These are the current shift from an industrial-age economy to a “computer-internet-mobilejust a couple of the products revealed at the broadband-driven economy.” Driving this recent CES Show. Thanks to the IoT, products shift is compute power. In four years, the can meet a marketing goal of ensuring users average computer will have 900% more have a “relationship” with products; which, it power; in 10 years over 10,000%, according to systems thinker Lin Wells.* This compute is hoped, will sell more stuff. power is enabling development in artificial A more useful purpose for the IoT, intelligence (or artificial assistance), where however, is to remove “friction” from computers evolve to a point where they “business and industrial processes and develop algorithms independently of human human interactions, … so that you can programmers. move with less force.” This quote is from This supernova “is vastly expanding Thomas Friedman’s book, “Thank You for Being Late: An Optimist’s Guide to Thriving in and accelerating the power of ‘flows.’ The flows of knowledge, new ideas, … the Age of Accelerations.” innovation, insults, rumors, collaboration, matchmaking, lending, banking, trading, friendship-forging, commerce, and learning, [which] now circulate globally at a speed and breadth we have never seen before.” Not everyone is adjusting to the supernova shift well as more jobs and tasks are automated. Thanks to the developments in artificial intelligence, the resulting expert software can even tackle tasks requiring creativity. Like design. Simply give the expert software parameters, such as the expected load, travel distance, size dimensions, accuracy, and so on. Designers will be surprised at the results, which will work and likely produce a unique looking item. Now what will you do when an automated system takes over design? Here’s a hint. According to Friedman, “the key skill engineers will need will be the ability to ask the right questions.”

The supernova will force whole redesigns of factory, business, and government operations. Such a shift has happened before, during the Second Industrial Revolution when electricity was introduced. Factories and business had to be redesigned to get full productive benefits from the new power source. It took more than 30 years. Notes Friedman, we are entering an era where man and machine will collaborate. “.… with the computer’s help, the designer is now able to understand the whole range [of any system] beyond what any human mind can comprehend on its own.” Friedman quotes Antoine van Agtmael, who coined the term emerging markets, “The combination of cheap energy in America and more flexible, open innovation— where universities and start-ups share brainpower with companies to spin off discoveries; where manufacturers use a new generation of robots and 3-D printers that allow more production to go local; and where new products integrate wirelessly connected sensors with new materials to become smarter and faster than ever— is making America the next great emerging market.” This is the optimistic view of the supernova. Here’s a downside: What tasks and skills should never be automated? *As quoted by Friedman in his book.


Le sli e La n gn a u - M a n ag i n g Edi to r lla n g n a u r@wtwh m edi a .co m

On Twitter @ DW—3Dprinting 8


Leslie Column (Technology Forward) 2-17 Vs2.LL.indd 8

February 2017

2/13/17 11:15 AM

Proto Labs 1-17 .indd 9

2/10/17 8:24 AM

Proportional Valves

Brands You Count on, People You TrusT. Upgrade your manufacturing capability without replacing your machine with the new Eaton Vickers AxisPro proportional directional valve designed specifically for machine control using on-board motion control, intelligent diagnostics, robust plug and play software and like-forlike replacement. It’s a simple solution to enhancing the productivity of your machinery. And, you can find the Eaton Vickers AxisPro proportional directional valve at your local Motion Industries location. Our local sales and service specialists are experts in providing application and technical solutions, with the choices and expertise you need to stay up and running.

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©2017 Motion Industries, Inc.

Eaton 2-17_Brands you Count on.indd 10 MI32A3 Eaton/ Deign World/ FEBRUARY.indd 1

2/10/17 8:25 PM AM 1/9/17 3:34

» Gre e n Engi neeri ng

Green Hydraulic Power systems may provide 70% in energy savings n Paul J. Heney • Editorial Director

California-based MJC Engineering’s new hydraulic power system, termed Green Hydraulic Power, provides higher machine yield, reduces noise emissions by 20 dBA, generates less heat, produces a shorter cycle time on various machine types and involves less oil volume— resulting in a system that the company says saves as much as 70% in energy costs. Green Hydraulic Power is offered on the hydraulic power units that MJC builds and uses the unique Siemens SINAMICS variable speed servo pump drive. High-demand hydraulic systems on many machine types see significant improvements using this concept from MJC Engineering, according to Carl Lorentzen, the company President. “We saw that the servo pump could control pressure and flow, as they precisely convert electric energy into hydraulic power. In some cases, the use of control valves is partially or completely eliminated, depending on the application. We quickly realized our development could be utilized on many other types of machinery as an OEM component,” Lorentzen said. There are many applications for this new system concept, according to Lorentzen, as almost all machine tools using hydraulic power are candidates for variablespeed servo pump drive technology. Injection presses, materials handling equipment, stamping presses, other metal forming machines and more can benefit from using Green Hydraulic Power, he said. “We’re finding new applications, almost every day now.” Complete payback on the system is estimated at 1224 months, and the system has the additional benefit of control data output from the onboard diagnostic capability in the drive. This supplies information for a predictive maintenance protocol in an Industry 4.0 scenario. The basics of pressure, temperature and acceleration data measurement are standard, with additional data outputs

System can output various information on component performance and running efficiency for predictive maintenance protocol.

on oil level, filter condition, running efficiency and other parameters available. The servo pump also can results in a 70% reduction in onsite servicing, according to the manufacturer. The line is offered in 100-, 200-, and 300-gal tank units, which are rated up to 4000 psi and is available in two styles—one with a VFD, asynchronous motor and internal gear pump and the second with a servo inverter, synchronous servo motor and internal gear pump. DW Green Hydraulic Power Inc.

Green Engineering_2-17_Vs2.indd 11

February 2017



2/10/17 8:35 AM

Co ntent s |

February 2017 • vol 12 no 2








Troubleshooting VFDs 101—with no-power checks Diodes and capacitors on variable frequency drives (VFDs) need occasional checks to verify proper operation. Here’s how to make those inspections.

Linear actuators beat the heat For greater positioning accuracy in high-precision applications, one linear actuator assembly incorporates temperature compensation to correct for thermal effects.




FASTENING & JOINING Structural bonding solutions for plastics Plastics have become an integral part of everyday life. It would be difficult to identify a manufacturing process that does not use plastics. Even products that appear to be composed exclusively of metals are usually coated, sealed, or adhesively joined using polymeric materials which improve the performance, appearance, and longevity of metal products. Adhesive applications range from bonding critical medical components to heavy equipment.

3D CAD Design for use Lessons in adapting tools to other cultures through CAD.


IFPE—The International Exposition for Power Transmission—returns to Las Vegas with record-breaking exhibit space and numbers of fluid power manufacturers and suppliers showing the latest technologies and components available in the marketplace.

New technology addresses a common design dilemma. Image courtesy 3DP Platform

CONTENTS: IFPE heats up Las Vegas .......... 52 IFPE floor plan and map .......... 58-59 IFPE exhibitor list ...................... 60 Hydraulic valves ...................... 74 Hydraulic cylinders ................... 76 Hydraulic hose .......................... 78 Seals ............................................ 80 Hydraulic motors ...................... 82 Hydraulic filters ........................ 84 Pressure transducers ............... 86


CONTENTS FEBRUARY 2017_first page_Vs2.LL.indd 12

February 2017


IFPE Preview Cover V2.indd 49

4 8 - 87

ON THE COVER Photo: istockphoto

2/13/17 9:46 AM

A | S |B |P|E

A | S |B |P|E

A | S |B |P|E

A | S |B |P|E

American Society of Business Publication Editors

American Society of Business Publication Editors

American Society of Business Publication Editors

American Society of Business Publication Editors

2016 Regional

2016 National

2016 Regional

2016 Regional

Fostering B2B editorial excellence

Fostering B2B editorial excellence

Fostering B2B editorial excellence





Revenue of over $3 million

Revenue of over $3 million

Revenue of over $3 million

Revenue of over $3 million

Award Winner


February 2017

IFPE heats up Las Vegas in 2017

Fostering B2B editorial excellence


IFPE A supplement of Fluid Power World •

Fast, good, and affordable? How to have it all The designer’s reality is often expressed as the holy triangle—that is, “Fast, good, or cheap, pick two.” However, an adjustable multi-gantry platform that includes additive and subtractive manufacturing with a robotics feature, may break the limitations that constrain manufacturers from investing in additive technology.



Award Winner

A | S | B | P| E Fostering B2B editorial excellence

American Society of Business Publication Editors

2016 National

ONLINE Award Winner

2/13/17 11:07 AM

161101_ACCESS_EEW_US.indd 1 Digi-Key 12-16_Immediate Access.indd 13

11/1/16 2/10/17 3:35 8:26 PM AM

Wear-Free Angle Measurement

2.2 017 23 D E PA R T M E N T S 4 Insights

RFC 4800 Series of touchless sensors use a magnet attached to your application’s rotating shaft. Now with IO-Link output option, these sensors can be easily connected with a 3-wire version. Voltage, current and other digital output options provide design flexibility. They keep measuring even during a loss of power, reporting the correct position when it is restored. Key specifications: • Repeatability to 0.1° • Measures 0 to 360°

• Resolution to 14-bit • Linearity ≤ ±0.5% of F.S.

• 2-ch. version option • Speed output option

Free touchless angle sensors primer: Novotechnik U.S., Inc. Telephone: 508-485-2244 Email:

6 Teschler on Topic 8 Technology Forward 11 Green Engineering 16 Design For Industry 23 Design Notes 36 CAE Solutions 42 Internet of Things 1 18 Products 120 Ad Index



Contents FEBRUARY 2017_second page_Vs1.indd 14


February 2017

2/13/17 11:43 AM

CS Hyde Company Teflon® PTFE & UHMW

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Staff page 2-17_Vs1.indd 15

February 2017




2/10/17 8:40 AM


Design for Industry | o f f - h i g h w a y

Hydraulics tilt excavator buckets

PowerTilt, a hydraulically powered construction-equipment attachment from Helac Corp., Enumclaw, Wash., shows how operators of backhoes and excavators can get more out of their machines. The attachment helps operators tilt any bucket or attachment side-to-side up to 180°. This tilting increases productivity and versatility because the operators only need move the bucket, not the entire machine. PowerTilt uses Helac’s sliding-spline operating technology to convert linear piston motion into powerful shaft rotation. Each actuator is composed of a housing and two moving parts—a central shaft and a piston. Helical spline teeth on the shaft engage matching teeth on the piston’s inside diameter. A second set of splines on the piston’s outer diameter mesh with the gear teeth in the housing. In the starting position, the piston is completely bottomed out and the housing with integral ring gear is stationary. Applying hydraulic pressure moves the piston axially while the gearing causes the piston and shaft to simultaneously rotate. Applying pressure to the opposite port returns the piston and shaft to their original starting positions. A two-way auxiliary hydraulic circuit is required for operation. PowerTilt models are generally manufactured with four ports: two ports (P1) and two ports (P2). The ports assist hose routing. 16


DFI 2-17_Vs.4_LL.indd 16

February 2017

Most PowerTilts delivered to North American customers incorporate SAE port connections. Units delivered elsewhere generally incorporate BSPP ports. The attachment comes in a number of sizes for various maximum machine weights. Output torque ranges from 25,000 to 220,000 lb-in. and holding torque from 50,000 to 440,000 lb-in., depending on the model. Units have displacements ranging from 32 to 277 cubic in. and require oil flow from 0.8 to 1.5 gpm in the smallest unit to 9 to 13 gpm in the largest. Circuit pressure ranges to about 3,650 to 3,750 psi with a maximum circuit back pressure of 580 psi. Most PowerTilts incorporate an integral cross-port relief valve mounted inside the shaft. Relief pressure is 3,200 to 3,300 psi. Several configurations include the PT Series with a standard housing and welded-on ears. The lower end can be welded to a quick-coupler or bucket. Others have a housing and shaft designed for customization, such as when integrating quick-couplers at both the top and bottom. They can be attached by welding or the housing can incorporate drilled and tapped holes for bolt mounting. Customengineered units are also available. DW Helac Corp.

2/13/17 9:26 AM

Design for Industry | o f f - h i g h w a y


An easier way to connect attachments Quick coupling multiconnectors are often used on agricultural and construction equipment where operators need to connect different attachments and tools quickly, safely and without the risk of error. The Multiconnector series of the Q.Safe Flat Face quick coupling offers the efficiency and safety related benefits of a multiconnector block system. These Multiconnectors feature a compact design for minimal weight, almost zero oil spillage on connection and disconnection, and industry leading performance with reduced pressure drop. They are designed to be universally interchangeable according to ISO 16028. DW Manuli Hydraulics


DFI 2-17_Vs.2.indd 17

February 2017



2/10/17 11:40 AM




9:27 PM

BG Actuator– ...All In Less Space C

Greater Loads, Precision & Rigidity

Why our single axis ball screw slide guide bests the competition:







Circuits positioned closer to base for more stability.


Four ball circuits (not just two) for moreload and accuracy





Single, U-shaped rigid steel rail and base can be one-end supported

Balls have 4, not just 2, points-of-contact to guide block and rail for optimum stability

NB Corp 2-17_BG Actuator.indd 18

2/10/17 8:26 AM

Design for Industry | s a f e t y


Elesa The Original handwheel VD. Original Design


The new innovative machine handwheel VD. made in Italy by Elesa, an original design in Duroplast, was introduced for the first time on the market.


The first successful exhibition at the Chicago Design Show.


The Industrial Design Award IF-Hannover (Germany)

from the

VDN. Original Design

Hollow-shaft encoders for machine safety

Sometimes operators can perform important tasks on machines while the machine is operating at very low speed. Sometimes not. For those times when operators must stop the machine, and do so quickly, there are this series of functionally safe hollow-shaft connection encoders, the ECN/EQN/ERN 400 series, suit applications where quick machine shut-off is required in dangerous situations. With a new shaft coupling that provides mechanical fault exclusion for connection to the customer’s machine shaft, these encoders suit safety-related applications up to SIL 2 PL d category 3 levels. The encoders are available with a blind hollow shaft or a hollow through shaft with a choice of 10 mm or 12 mm diameter. The safe encoders will be offered with either the EnDat 2.2 or DRIVE-CLiQ absolute serial interfaces or an analog 1 VPP output. Encoders using the EnDat2.2 and Drive-CLiQ outputs will additionally feature an internal temperature sensor integrated in the encoder electronics as well as an evaluation circuit for an external temperature sensor to use for evaluation of the motor temperature. DW

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February 2017

DFI 2-17_Vs.2.indd 19


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2/10/17 11:42 AM

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BAL DW REL gearmotors ad FVA.indd 1 Baldor 2-17_Right Choice.indd 20

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1/10/17 2/10/17 2:09 8:27 PM AM


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Rugged slip rings reduce downtime







With packaging and side-sealing machines, downtime can lead to losses of thousands of dollars. A common component of these machines are slip rings, which transmit electrical signals and power from a stationary to a rotary system in many manufacturing machines. Slip rings are often placed in harsh environments with high amounts of vibration and shock. Such harsh environments mean these components must be replaced regularly, leading to excessive downtime due to maintenance and replacement. The SR/SH085 family of slip rings has been engineered to handle these harsh environmental conditions. They are available with up to 16 poles, transmitting both data signals and power across the rotary axis, and provide options for high speed applications. DW Â










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DFI 2-17_Vs.4_LL.indd 21




2/13/17 9:27 AM


D e s i g n f o r I n d u s t r y | semiconductor

Single-IC intelligent motor control device is the right stuff for BLDC motor-based power tools Small and large companies alike wisely have their eye on the new and emerging markets that are ripe for their technology. But existing markets can also benefit from the rapid changes in technology. Multi-phase motors such as brushless dc and ac induction motors or dedicated motor controllers for anything from home appliances to power lawn and garden tools are opening up new opportunities for companies with devices that deliver on the promise of high energy efficiency and reliability. Dallas, TX-based Active-Semi, which focuses on motor control and power management technology, is such a company. “There’s been a huge change from brush to brushless motors, the latter of which offers much higher power capabilities,” says David Briggs, Active-Semi’s Vice-President and General Manager. “Brush-motor power tools have been around for years but customers want more torque in a smaller space and brushless motors fit the bill. Brushless motors also offer significant improvement in power efficiency. And when the customer designs in a brushless motor, they want a highreliability solution because breaking down is not an option.” It’s that demand the company meets with their highly integrated PAC (Power Applications Controllers) intelligent motor control ICs. “Our PAC products contain all the necessary components to create a brushless motor system that is easier for users to implement. They no longer have to choose and purchase the individual components such as the gate driver or MCU, or write the firmware to make it work,” says Briggs. 22

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February 2017

The sweet spot for the PAC devices, says Briggs, is basically wherever space is an issue. Applications for their current line of Intelligent Motor Control (IMC) ICs includes refrigerator compressors, washing machines, generalpurpose fan control, drones, and garden and power tools. A “Total Hibernate Mode” in the PAC line allows them to put the motor in very low current consumption mode. This is made possible by the coupling of analog and digital components which are tightly hooked together so that they can shut down the power planes in both digital and analog as needed for total control of the system. DW Active-Semi


Connect and discuss this and other design engineering issues with thousands of professionals online

2/10/17 11:44 AM

Edited by: Mike Santora • Associate Editor

» D esi gn Notes


itr Pho 1946, M in d e h s roducer in abli t sugar p s a First est e rg la e th of sugar

rp is n tons Sugar Co g 2 millio in c u produce d ro p , ts. To help ss n la Thailand p s u its vario to proce year from Phol has r it M r, a ane. h sug of sugarc s this muc n o t n o 0 milli around 2

A sweet deal: drive boosts sugarcane delivery at Thai plant First established in 1946, Mitr Phol Sugar Corp is the largest sugar producer in Thailand, producing 2 million tons of sugar a year from its various plants. To help produce this much sugar, Mitr Phol has to process around 20 million tons of sugarcane. At its Phulaung plant (in northeast Thailand), the company recently opted to replace the drive on its principal variable speed sugarcane conveyors to help meet demand. A Control Techniques Unidrive M600 variable speed drive is helping Mitr Phol with the delivery of sugarcane between processes. “We have used various drives for this application in the past, but were attracted to the closed loop control of the Unidrive M600 with SI-Encoder module, as well as the low harmonics,” explained Mr Wanchai, the plant’s electrical & automation manager. The SI-Encoder module features incremental encoder input to provide closed loop rotor flux control for induction motors (RFC-A) in Unidrive M600 applications. “This is vital as the equipment is conveying sugarcane to each process station, including the crushing station,” said Mr Wanchai. “We need to run at full capacity, particularly during September to March, which is when the sugarcane

comes into season. Any downtimes during these months can very damaging to the supply of sugar in the off-season.” Another principal reason for selecting Unidrive M was its task-based commissioning, diagnostics and maintenance, which in turn helps minimise downtime at high-volume plants such as Mitr Phol. “We now have better overload torque (180% for 3 seconds) in RFC-A mode. Moreover, we reduced downtime from 1-1½ hours to just 30 minutes, said Wanchai.” Unidrive M Connect is the latest drive configuration tool from Control Techniques for commissioning, optimizing and monitoring drive/system performance. It uses graphical tools that enhance and simplify user experience, although, for experienced users, dynamic drive logic diagrams and enhanced searchable listings are also present. DW Emerson |

Design Notes 2-17_Vs3.LL.indd 23

February 2017



2/10/17 11:46 AM

» D e s i g n N o te s

Edited by: Leslie Langnau • Managing Editor

Electron Beam Additive Manufacturing technology from Sciaky Inc. en able International Subm arine Engineer Ltd to bu ild a titanium Variable Ballast ta nk. for use in its Arctic Explorer Underwater Vehicle.

Which is better— Additive or traditional manufacturing? The debate about additive versus traditional manufacturing will always go back and forth. The answer, of course, depends on the application. For International Submarine Engineer (ISE) Ltd., though, using additive over traditional manufacturing cut time and cost out of the production of a titanium Variable Ballast (VB) tank. Electron Beam Additive Manufacturing (EBAM) from Sciaky, Inc., a subsidiary of Phillips Service Industries, Inc. (PSI), was the additive technology used in this example. The titanium VB tank is a sub-system of ISE’s Arctic Explorer Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (AUV) class of vehicles. ISE previously built two Arctic Explorers for Natural Resources Canada/Defence Research and Development Canada (DRDC) to map the sea floor underneath the Arctic ice shelf in support of Canada’s claim under Article 76 of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea. The Arctic Explorer is the largest of the Explorer AUV class, measuring more than seven meters (nearly 23-ft) long and weighing more than 2000



Design Notes 2-17_Vs3.LL.indd 24

February 2017

kilograms (4409 lb). It can be launched from a ship or through an ice-hole and the modular sections can be separated for transportation. The VB system can park on the sea floor or hold itself on the underside of the ice during missions. Rated to 5,000 m (roughly 3.11 miles) depth, the Arctic Explorer is designed to remain underwater between missions for extended periods of time. A small Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) conducts all servicing and charging after the AUV is attached to a docking head. When ISE’s former supplier closed, the engineers needed to find a new supplier. They turned to Sciaky after hearing it had 3D printed titanium propellant tanks for Lockheed Martin Space Systems in 2015. The Sciaky EBAM machine is a highly scalable metal

2/10/17 11:47 AM

» De sign Note s

3D printing system. It can produce parts ranging from 8-in. (203 mm) to 19-ft (5.79 m) in length. It has a gross deposition rate ranging from seven to 20 lb (3.18 to 9.07 kg) of metal per hour. EBAM also includes an Interlayer Realtime Imaging and Sensing System (IRISS), a real-time monitoring and control system. It can sense and digitally self-adjust metal deposition with precision and repeatability. This closed-loop control is the primary reason that Sciaky’s EBAM 3D printing process delivers consistent part geometry, mechanical properties, microstructure, and metal chemistry, from the first part to the last. Sciaky helped ISE reduce production time from 16 weeks to 8 weeks, and reduce overall costs compared to retooling with a

new forging supplier. In addition, the VB tank created with the EBAM process passed the same vigorous qualification testing as the tank previously created with the forging process. ISE now plans to 3D print other critical titanium parts with Sciaky’s EBAM process. The 3D printed VB tank will be installed onboard a new Arctic Explorer AUV that is scheduled to be delivered to the University of Tasmania in the spring of 2017. This new Explorer AUV will be deployed in Antarctica after extensive trials and training operations. DW

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Design Notes 2-17_Vs3.LL.indd 25

February 2017



2/10/17 11:52 AM

» D e s i g n N o te s

Edited by: Mike Santora • Associate Editor

Compact positio ning drive AG26.

Image source: SI


Compact actuators help save some dough In machines for industrially manufactured bakery products, product changes must be flexible, precise and repeatable. This requires precision with numerous set-up and adjustment options. Siko integrated fieldbus positioning drives into the new “Soft Star CTi” dough dividing and molding machine, which combines the motor, transmission, absolute measuring system, control and power electronics. Industrial producers of pastry and confectionery products must now offer a range of products while still handling fluctuating order quantities. The WP Kemper Company presented the Soft Star CTi, a high-speed dough dividing and molding machine that automates the switch to new product types at the iba 2015, the leading trade fair for bakery, confectioner and snack producers. The requirements for the installed drives are challenging in several respects: Adjustments of axis positions and contact pressures are necessary during the product changeover in the areas of handling, portioning, and shaping. Automated sub-processes require high repetition accuracy to ensure reliability when changing process variables. Moreover, force transmission necessitates high torques. The large fluctuations in the size and weight of the dough pieces also require compact sizes of all drive components to avoid interfering contours. In the search for suitable motors, WP Kemper came across the AG26 actuators from Siko GmbH. They are responsible for the weight adjustment of the raw dough, the height adjustment for product transfers, and the height adjustment of pinch rollers. 26


Design Notes 2-17_Vs3.LL.indd 26

February 2017

2/10/17 11:54 AM

Your Global Automation Partner

» De sign Note s

WARNING Not suitable for repairing flimsy connectors

One of the Sik o AG26 actuators inst alled in Soft Star Cti.

(or your reputation).

Image source: Be

rnd Ehlermann

Rugged, reliable industrial automation products from Turck The Soft Star CTi is filled with 160 to 300 kilograms of a dough mass. The dough is fed via the main funnel and slides down into the rolling area. There, the quantity defined in the program is separated from the remaining dough. Depending on the processed recipe, dough pieces of 20 to 140 grams are portioned in a measuring drum. The accuracy of the machine is ± 1 gram. The dough pieces are inserted into the bowls of the measuring drum via a feed piston. There, they are pressed together with a defined pressure to ensure the required density of the dough. From the measuring drum, the dough pieces are transported into the rounding device via an internal belt. Through rolling movements, the dough pieces are molded the same way dough is formed by the hands of a baker and, as the final step, is slightly flattened so that the dough balls do not inadvertently roll away during the subsequent processes.

Design Notes 2-17_Vs3.LL.indd 27

are built to perform in the toughest

The special feature of the Soft Star CTi is the option to be able to individually parameterize the force transmission. The precise control of the contact pressure flows directly into the quality of the end product. Excessive pressure would “stress” the dough and thus potentially result in undesirable baking results. The correct contact pressure is achieved by the repetition accuracy of the positioning and large torque while minimizing space requirement. These drives can achieve accuracies of half a degree. The resolution is 720 increments per revolution. The interaction of the actuators within the production unit is synchronized via the machine control. Bus communication takes place via ProfiNET. It can also be realized via Ethernet/IP, Powerlink or EtherCAT. The actuators are integrated into the overall control concept of the machine in the HMI. If a new product is selected, all actuators go to the February 2017


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2/10/17 11:57 AM

» D e s i g n N o tes

ugh dividing and Soft Star CTi do . molding machine Kemper GmbH P W : ce Image sour

new position and production can be continued immediately. In addition to the drastic reduction of set-up times, another important advantage is the precise reproducibility of the baking results. The high degree of process integration makes monitoring the entire process much easier. If, for example, the shaft of the drive is blocked, the actuator sends an error signal to the machine control. The HMI acts as the master from which the higher-level process functions are coordinated. However, individual program sequences such as the height adjust-

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Design Notes 2-17_Vs3.LL.indd 28

2/10/17 12:17 PM

ment of the rollers are handled independently by the actuators. The system-wide diagnostics makes it possible to detect wear-and-tear at an early stage and to integrate maintenance procedures into the production processes. Set up is easy as well. The actuator has to simply be mounted on the shaft and the

torque support has to be tightened and secured with a clamping ring. No external control panel is required to facilitate the setup operation. The installer controls the axis positions easily with two push-buttons located directly on the actuator. Only a one-time referencing of the axes is required during initial commis-

drives itioning s o p O hanges. Five SIK format c d e t a m o ut lermann ensure a Bernd Eh : e rc u o s Image

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Photo Courtesy of US Jetting LLC


h Serie

ail Inc


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Design Notes 2-17_Vs3.LL.indd 29

2/10/17 12:17 PM

» D e s i g n N o te s

Height adjustm ent of the transfer belt. Image source: Be rnd Ehlermann


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sioning. The use of an absolute encoder means that no further axis referencing is necessary, even when the shaft is rotated in a voltage-free state. To prevent premature defects of the actuators, control-related protective functions have been integrated: In the case of a mechanically blocked shaft, starting the drive against the mechanical resistance would result in an overload on the motor and possibly even lead to defects. With these drives, the position and the resistance are constantly balanced against one another, detecting lag errors if there are blocked shafts. In this case, the program stops and the fault is immediately reported back to the machine control, which in turn emits an alarm. Thus, the motor’s ability to function is preserved even in the event of a mechanical error. If a spindle becomes more and more difficult to move, the system reports that worn-out components need to be cleaned or replaced. The production area and the drive / electrical area are strictly separated from one another and are located in their own enclosed areas. The power supplies of the control electronics and power electronics are also separate. Thus, the bus communication can be maintained even when the power electronics is turned off. This, in turn, enables an increased degree of safety during maintenance operations in which the control electronics power cannot be switched off. DW SIKO |

• High thrust and speed capacities


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Design Notes 2-17_Vs3.LL.indd 30



February 2017

2/10/17 12:30 PM


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2/10/17 8:28 AM

» D e s i g n N o te s

Edited by: Mike Santora • Associate Editor

Conveyor over passes maximize use of the plant footprint while boosting efficien cy.

Conveyors help medical-product manufacturer package (and temporarily store) product Now, a production line centered around conveyors from QC Industries is helping one medicaldevice manufacturer boost production of sterile product. CooperSurgical is a maker of diagnostic and therapeutic medical devices to women’s healthcare providers. Recently the manufacturer turned to QC Industries to setup a new production line that maintains the cleanliness required for packaging medical products, but with high throughput in a tight plant footprint. Engineers from QC Industries worked closely with the CooperSurgical team to develop this system. Ultimately the engineers designed an installation that uses several QC Industries conveyors. Then CooperSurgical took the lead to design and build an automation system to make optimal use of the equipment. 32


Design Notes 2-17_Vs3.LL.indd 32

February 2017

2/10/17 12:29 PM

Overhead conv eyors from QC Indust ries double as storag e space.

“QC Industries helped CooperSurgical put together a new overhead conveyor system that moves parts from our molding to the packaging cell — and it also acts as our stock room, using more than 80 feet of straight conveyors,” explained Kevin Hicks, senior manufacturing engineer at CooperSurgical. One unique design element of the installation is something that QC Industries and CooperSurgical devised together — an elevator-type conveyor to move product vertically without taking up floor space. Here, QC Industries engineers customized the elevator-type conveyor to take large bins up to an overhead track of conveyors that moves finished and collected product towards shipping while doubling as storage space.

In short, the production facility processes cervical-sampling spatulas. First the sticks are made in a plastic-injection molding machine and pulled out with robot grippers. Then they drop onto a QC Industries AS40 conveyor, which moves them to a machine where they’re banded into groups. The banded groups move on a QC Industries AS40 cleated conveyor into a bagging machine built by Automated Packaging Systems. This machine bags the sticks and drops them into bins on another QC Industries conveyor. Once a bin is full, it’s advanced forward onto a custom-built elevator system. This elevator is comprised of two of QC Industries 300 Timing Belt conveyors

Cervical-sampl ing spatulas are m ade by plastic-injection molding and dropped on to a QC Industries AS40 conveyor by robotic grippe rs.

February 2017

Design Notes 2-17_Vs3.LL.indd 33



2/10/17 12:32 PM

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Allied Electric 1-17_AC Power Ad.indd 34

2/10/17 12:40 PM

An elevator sp ecially engineered by Q C Industries takes bins of sp atulas to an elevated convey or track.

running vertically with an InnerDrive conveyor mounted between them. The InnerDrive advances forward and stops once the bin is completely on it. Then the 300 conveyors move in tandem to raise the InnerDrive conveyor. Finally, it advances forward again to move the bin onto AS65 conveyors that are hung from the ceiling. Those conveyors run the bins across the building to the clean room, where another elevator works in reverse to move them down to a table where workers pack the spatulas into individual bags with paperwork, instructions, and other items required for pharmaceutical product. They then move out of the cleanroom on an AS40Z conveyor from QC Industries, where they’re put into a bin for packing and shipping. “With the previous conveyor system we used, we’d store the components in our stock room and pick them from there to fill orders,” said Hicks of CooperSurgical. “They were stored in large gaylord, which would take the stock room three hours a day to fill (and keep production moving). The parts in storage took 25 skid locations. In contrast, the new conveyors are our stock room, counter, and picker.” “QC Industries conveyor systems have been working out great. The payback was less than two years,” noted Hicks. In fact, once the project was launched the elevators and conveyor systems took off with minimal adjustments; this says a lot for the design and quality of the QC Industries product. DW onveyors Cleated c date the accommo QC Industries | ampling cervical-s . orphology spatula m

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Design Notes 2-17_Vs3.LL.indd 35



2/13/17 9:43 AM


» CA E S o lut i o n s

The case for using 3D PDFs (Did you know your car has wings?) A little known PDF method can save your organization money and headaches. Dave Opsahl • Vice President of Corporate Development • Tech Soft 3D

You’ve been driving your car for years, and have accepted the limitations and frustrations of driving on land because there’s no other option. But what if someone told you that your car had wings? And that it’s had wings all along, you just never knew it, and now you can fly over all the traffic and fly the most efficient route? It would be a bit mind-blowing, right? Well, the same applies to 3D PDF. If you have Adobe Reader on your desktop system, you can read a 3D PDF. Why does this matter? It can help you cut costs and be more efficient. Take, for example, the Department of Defense (DoD). It spends billions of dollars each year, so saving money is a big deal. The F-35 combat aircraft is expensive to build and maintain. The potential to save more than $140 million over the life of the program is significant. The DoD found that using the Model-based Enterprise (MBE) strategy offered them a way to save. MBE leverages the Model-Based Definition (MBD) of components or assemblies downstream of engineering. Typical workflows for MBE involve quote or proposal requests, first article inspections, maintenance/repair/operations, manufacturing engineering, and more. Much like PLM, MBE is a continuum or evolution of activity where one is constantly improving how things get done. The concept of MBE addresses inefficiencies in the product development process. Instead of printing complex engineering documents, the DoD keeps them in digital form, often as a 3D PDF because of the variety of data types it can store in the common and lightweight format. This



CAE Solutions 2-17_Vs4.LL.indd 36

February 2017

3D PDF file is a big part of what created the F-35 budget savings. [Cit. 1] You can use Adobe Reader to view a 3D PDF practically everywhere. One of the main advantages of using PDF is that there is no need for a big system overhaul to incorporate the filetype into the MBE process – systems already know how to handle a PDF and 3D PDF is just standard PDF, there’s no difference as a file type. In addition, 3D PDF eliminates the complexity and expense associated with using multiple proprietary CAD viewers. But, even with success stories like the DoD’s, organizations still find resistance when switching from 2D to 3D and implementing new tools. Not everyone can interpret or understand 2D drawings and this can lead to miscommunication of design intent, ordering of incorrect parts, scrap, or expensive re-work. Multiple studies have proven the point: One third of engineering dollars are spent on 2D drawings, yet 60% of them don’t match the 3D models, according to a Department of Defense study. –Source CAPINC (Continued on page 38)

Interactive 3D PDF documents can collect and present multiple types of data (PMI, CAD models, and so on) in an easy to understand format.

2/13/17 10:22 AM

PC45__USA.indd Beckhoff 2-17_Low 7Cost.indd 37

20.05.15 14:36 2/10/17 12:41 PM

» CAE Solu t i ons

(Continued from page 36)

Using a 3D PDF to communicate product information to a broad group of stakeholders means that the recipient doesn’t need to have a CAD application or CAD knowledge to open, view and read details about a product or design.

An Aberdeen study found that 30% - 40% of part non-conformances are due to inaccuracies and interpretation errors using 2D drawings. --NIST Technical Note 1820 Page 16 A study by LifeCycle Insights found that when it comes to suppliers or downstream consumers, 51% have to request additional clarification of engineering documentation; 41% don’t have the most current revision of the 3D model or 2D drawing, and 40% end up recreating the 3D model. –LifeCycle Insights, The State of Model Based Enterprise

Why 3D PDF is better

New technologies enable anyone to create interactive 3D PDFs quickly.

3D PDFs are customizable to reflect a company’s own look and feel.



CAE Solutions 2-17_Vs4.LL.indd 38

February 2017

Research is showing that 3D PDF can improve how organizations manage complex information. Specifically in manufacturing, there are multiple types of information and documents (such as work instructions, part catalogs, maintenance or repair manuals, and technical data packages) needed to communicate to multiple users. Plus, there are specific file formats critical to communicating manufacturing information accurately. On the Boeing 787 Dreamliner project, for example, the company wanted to create a digital product development process. As part of this program, more than 5 million lightweight 3D PDFs of models were converted from their native CAD application. These documents have been widely used for final assembly work on the factory floor as well as used by thousands of suppliers and customers for their internal processes--75,000 to 100,000 3D PDFs are retrieved each week. In addition to OEMs, suppliers such as B/E Aerospace also have adopted 3D PDF to communicate design and assembly information more efficiently to Boeing: “Sometimes we’d be delivering drawings of our wiring designs that were in the tens of pages with a hundred or more views,” said David Ewing, former manager of engineering services at B/E Aerospace. Drawings that complex would often result in the client making several requests for more views before redlines could even be handed back to B/E. Tetra4D’s 3D PDF technology allowed us to open and handle incredibly complex models 99.99% of the time. Even the most minute elements of data were preserved in the PDF. “With three months work developing 3D PDF process, we were able to realize enormous cost savings and a significantly more efficient workflow with the team at Boeing,” continued Ewing.

2/13/17 10:24 AM

3D PDFs can be viewed by anyone who has Adobe Reader – just simply choose “Enable 3D” from the settings menu.

Creating 3D PDF ‘apps’ 3D PDFs demonstrate major benefits, but process efficiencies are seen when 3D PDFs are used as more than just a viewer. 3D PDFs can function as a container where you can bring in all the important data together, such as CAD files, data from other sources such as ERP or PLM, images, text, and so on, and create interactivity. A 3D PDF that functions more like an “app” has all the data needed to support any workflow, including those related to the Model Based Enterprise (MBE). Plus, the PDFs allow anyone to view and interact with the data using Adobe Reader.

New tools and technologies on the market make creating interactive 3D PDFs easy – no programming expertise needed. Building interactivity between 3D models, images and other product information allows other stakeholders, even non-CAD users, to review multiple steps in a process in one document, as opposed to reviewing dozens or hundreds of static individual pages. While the multi-million dollar savings reported by the Department of Defense is impressive, a company does not need to be as large as the U.S. Government to realize big savings by using a more intelligent digital

Tube Connection Components

document system. With affordable new tools and technologies now available, embarking on a model-based enterprise approach is not only very doable, but can also save small and midsize organizations time, hassle, and money. Cit 1: TechnicalNotes/NIST.TN.1753.pdf Page 24 or 28, depending on how search reveals it. DW Tech Soft 3D |


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CAE Solutions 2-17_Vs4.LL.indd 39

February 2017



2/10/17 1:12 PM


Âť CA E S o lut i o n s

Improve model development productivity

A new release of MapleSim, an advanced systemlevel modeling and simulation platform, lets users take advantage of modern techniques in modeling and simulation, reducing model development time and risk while improving designs. The latest release provides tools that increase engineering design productivity during model development, as well as significant additions to tool-chain connectivity that offer greater cross-tool compatibility and opportunities for co-simulation. MapleSim 2016.2 has live simulations that let users see results as the simulation runs so they can track progress and investigate unexpected results immediately. Other improvements include a 3-D overlay for comparing simulation visualizations, which makes it easy to see changes in the behavior of the model under different conditions, and tools for revision control that facilitate large projects involving multiple engineers working on the same model. The release also includes enhancements to toolchain connectivity. In addition to exporting models to the internationally recognized FMI standard, MapleSim supports 40


CAE Solutions 2-17_Vs4.LL.indd 40

February 2017

direct import of models created in other FMI-compatible software, for both model exchange and co-simulation. Models exported by FMI-compatible modeling tools, such as LMS Imagine.Lab Amesim or Dymola, can be imported into MapleSim and used like any other model or subsystem. In this way, users can immediately leverage models developed using other software while taking advantage of the advanced modeling and analysis tools of the software when developing system-level designs. For dynamic models involving multiple simulation tools, users can seamlessly connect models that run in other tools into their MapleSim system-level simulations. Enhancements to the MapleSim family of products also include expanded analysis tools for the MapleSim Battery Library and improved import facilities for the MapleSim CAD Toolbox. In addition, the MapleSim Connector for connectivity with Simulink, and the MapleSim Connector for FMI for exporting MapleSim models to other FMI-compatible tools, have been expanded to allow engineers to explore simulation results involving exported MapleSim models from within MapleSim, even though the simulation was done in the target tool. DW Maplesoft |

2/10/17 1:13 PM

» CAE Solu t i ons


MecSoft Releases VisualCAM 2017 for SOLIDWORKS VisualCAM 2017 for SOLIDWORKS is the latest version of the developer’s integrated Gold Certified CAM solution for SOLIDWORKS. VisualCAM 2017 for SOLIDWORKS includes Feature Detection and Feature Based Milling. Machining features such as 3 Axis Pockets, Prismatic Pockets, Slots, Planar Faces, and Bosses can now be detected in Solid models and toolpath methods applied to these features. New machining methods such as 4 Axis Drive Surface Operation for true 4 Axis Milling and Slot Milling Operation for single line and trochoidal machining of slots have also been introduced. Other implementations include feed rate slowdown in corners, tooltip help and algebraic operations in all dialogs and more. DW MecSoft Corporation

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1/12/17 4:12 PM

2/10/17 1:14 PM

I nter net of Things

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The new face of Machinery By Peter Thorne • Director, Cambashi (

There are new ways of interacting with connected products. Why build instrumentation and controls into machines if every user will have a tablet or phone? Just run an app to see the displays and buttons, and operate the machine. Manufacturers will change their approach to development, operations and service. Smartphones as controllers I remember feeling mildly alarmed during a 2012 research interview with a medical equipment designer. At that time, her main project was to estimate the potential cost savings of using the electronics and display of smart phones as part of the control system. The idea was for every user to dock their phone into the equipment. The design study was looking at user identification, login, and privacy. My instant reaction was hygiene - this is medical equipment, are those phones 42


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February 2017

clean? And what about the operating theatre - would there be enough staff with phones to operate all the machines? Then the security gorilla reared its head - how could anyone be confident the phones were free of malware? Then also in 2012, I first became aware of Ecomove’s Qbeakelectric vehicle design. At that time, it used a similar concept. The driver docks their phone into the car, and the phone becomes the instrument cluster, sat-nav, and the infotainment system. I don’t remember feeling alarmed by the Qbeak. It’s a few years ago, but I imagine this means the phone did not control the brakes or steering!


Connect and discuss this and other design engineering issues with thousands of professionals online

2/10/17 1:23 PM

New IOT interaction with products The growth of technologies around the Internet of Things has made these kind of ideas just one part of a whole host of new ways of interacting with all kinds of products. Let’s try and break that statement down. Communication with a connected-product can be both ways - in and out. The communication can be with the product itself, and with its digital twin, and with some variation of the digital twin or its environment - to try out ‘what-if’ scenarios. Cloud-connected products can be accessed from any Internet access point. The interaction can include any or all of the sensor readings and control settings. Data sources and systems external to the product

can be fed into the interaction. For example: • in a production machine, visibility of customer orders helps • for agricultural machines, crop yield histories help farmers to optimize their fertilizer application. • product sensor readings and cloud- based analytics enable predictive maintenance - the technician arrives with the right spare part just before the problem results in unplanned downtime So who needs those dials and switches? One question, though. If remote control is possible, then what’s the point in having connected product with displays and instruments for local control?

Why not remove these expensive components? The connectivity will allow any authorized user with the right app on their phone or tablet to stand beside the machine - or indeed, anywhere on the planet - and use the app to check readings and adjust controls. And the software that provides this capability may offer more than you expect - for example, review of recent control inputs and sensor readings. Add a touch of augmented reality Augmented reality (AR) technologies add information to a live video of a product. The video feed could come from: • a camera built-in to the machine • a camera installed so that is has a view of several machines

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Internet of Things 2-17_Vs4.LL.indd 43

February 2017



2/10/17 4:22 PM

I nter net of Things

• the camera on an operator’s phone or tablet The value comes from breakthroughs. For example, the ability to display an X-ray of the product, which can be used to highlight faulty components. In some use-cases, there’s not even any need for the product itself! Why should a distributor tie up capital in a showroom full of machines? Why not markers in place of the machines, and an AR application that provides a viewport for your customers to walk around and study a detailed product image from all angles? Since it’s AR, they could see alternative options and configurations, and call up specifications all at the touch of a button (or screen). The need to change development, operations, and service With barriers of distance and location eliminated, people, other machines, and external systems can observe a connected product (and its digital twin) and respond in new ways. If you’re involved in product development for machinery, you’ve been thinking about these possibilities for some time. Your priority is probably new product function, and better service options. And, of course, the cost reduction pressure is always there. Obviously, you know what your machines are used for, but this new environment means you need more insight across the whole product lifecycle. What could your machine do to make itself easier to make, test, buy, configure, install, learn-to-use, and operate? Your firm has probably run many initiatives focused on the design-to-manufacturing 44


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February 2017

interface, from early days of developing the manufacturing concept, to creating the process, ramping up to volume, and managing the continuous change to handle manufacturing and field feedback. So the product development process is probably multi-disciplinary, bringing development, manufacturing (and perhaps even service engineers) together to improve decision-making by taking a broad view of the requirements. Of course, when you remove the switches and displays from your machine, you are making some of your manufacturing colleagues’ tasks simpler - fewer parts, fewer display, switch and button cut-outs in the exterior panels … so generally simpler production. …and rewrite existing business models But this view is just the beginning. Taking the visible controls and displays away from a product is a great way of triggering the question “…so who is monitoring and controlling this machine?” This is where your engineering initiative can help develop your organization’s business model. The new control concept makes it easy to see that your company, or a third party, could manage and control the product - for example, from a central service center. Your organization could use possibilities to move from selling products, to selling the use - or even outcomes - of using these products. The scope gets bigger, again Removing product switches and displays makes some things simpler, but not enough to turn the tide of growing complexity. Handling the shift to a smart product is tough because of the multiple technologies involved: mechanical, electrical, electronic and software.

Trade-off decisions are now even more complex, so much so that a systemsengineering discipline may be needed to avoid a committee vote for every decision! A smart connected product, sold with operation or service agreements, means much stronger connection of the engineering team to the product in operation. Instead of being largely isolated in the old ‘development’ and ‘production’ parts of the organization, data streams from the product provide a high fidelity view of the product in operation. This will help calibrate simulations. The new service team will be fiercer than any customer in feedback of any problems. New life in the field Product function and performance depends on all its components (including the software), as well as the capabilities of the connected back-end systems. So, development engineers (and, of course, the sales and marketing teams) have a new method of providing new capabilities - update the software (and remember to update the as-maintained records). Caught in the dataflows? It is easy to imagine engineering teams getting caught out by the volume, frequency, scope and detail of even these new dataflows, and we haven’t even mentioned software configuration and support for resellers wanting to demonstrate the new capabilities, or coordinating a new software baseline with production and test. Fortunately, for most design and manufacturing organizations, this is familiar territory, given that engineering dataflows and processes have been getting more and more complicated for decades, for a range of reasons including: distributed development

2/13/17 10:26 AM

teams, global supply chains, and gaining regulatory approvals. Software from the Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) stable provides the tools needed to manage data, and manage workflows. PLM has the structures needed to handle the new dataflows. The new engineering software battlegrounds The transition of smart connected products from the special case (NASA has been building smart connected products for decades) to more widespread adoption is a shift in the tectonic plates of the engineering software landscape. Handling new dataflows is just one example, but there are loads of other opportunities for competing engineering software vendors to gain an edge over their rivals. Think of: Agile systems definition: Agile methods are established in software development, and include characteristics that would be described as “just good engineering” by traditionalists and hardware developers. But few tools for agile software development offer the visibility and control needed for exchange of complex requirements databases between customer and a complex supply chain. Configuration management, product line engineering and platform architectures all offer partial answers, but smart connected products will create demand for new agile systems definition tools to support concept and early stage architecture development, capable of driving consistent use of the many early stage simulations product architects will need. ALM or PLM or both? In software development, Application Lifecycle Management (ALM) tools play the role that PLM plays for the physical parts of a product. So how can integrated software/hardware teams manage their work? There are several ways of answering this question. One is to separate out ‘management’ of everything into a higher level function that supports February 2017

Internet of Things 2-17_Vs4.LL.indd 45


Pressure Measurement Technology from KELLER

Countless Applications Endless Possibilities


2/10/17 1:24 PM

I nter net of Things


access control, versions, workflows, baselines, variants, dependencies … everything excluding the content of the object being managed. Others compete with this concept by creating integrated environments - the Integrated Development Environment (IDE) used in software development is an example - in which authoring and test tools are included, so the result manages the content as well as the status of the managed objects. Our research interviews have indicated that engineering managers feel that ‘software is different,’ yet still expect PLM vendors to take the lead on how to configure tools for integrated hardware/software development.

that engineering has no more than read-only access to products in the field. Similarly, service organizations will want control over the applications that handle data (especially alarms) from in-service products. The service organization will want their process of escalation and adherence to service-level-agreements, to take priority over engineering’s desire to identify root causes. This is a new and interesting area, because PLM systems already contain all the configuration dependencies. Could PLM be extended so that these dependencies can drive service decisions in the field? Or does service need to own an as-maintained BoM and configurator rules?

The BoM boundaries. When talking about product definition, the problem has always been “Which Bill?” As designed, as planned, as manufactured, as installed, as maintained they all have a claim. This situation has been a traditional battle ground between PLM providers and ERP providers. PLM has been secure in control of the engineering parts list. The battle starts as this is translated into the as designed bill of materials. For many companies, this is where ERP takes over, and becomes of the owner of the BoM (bill of materials) used for production scheduling, including all the handling of alternate parts. Similarly, PLM has control of development of the manufacturing process, and the manufacturing process plan for each product, sometimes called the ‘Bill-of-Process.” But ERP providers can get involved as this gets translated into shop floor documentation and electronic work instructions. Adding embedded software as a component of the product will disrupt this battle. Service and Over-the-Air update: Most service organizations will want to make sure

Test management: Some design methods start with ‘how can this capability be tested.’ It is also possible to parameterise tests, and link these parameters to product parameters so the final choice of the product parameter in effect generates the test specification: • Will these concepts help manage and automate test creation and execution for smart products? • To what extent will the tests on software that allow the master version to be released to manufacturing need to be supplemented with further tests once the software is loaded onto the smart product? • Will the simulation environments used during product development define the external operating conditions or the response of the product in a way that allows re-use in testing?


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February 2017

Simulation. Embedded software is critical to smart product performance. Simulation technologies have grown to handle multiphysics and interconnected sub-systems, software is a new technology to handle.

The simulation battle ground for engineering software vendors is active on many fronts, including: • simulation data management • the practicality of flexible ways of enabling hardware (and software) “-in-the-loop” as the various prototypes of electronics, sensors, actuators become available • the feedback of actual test and product performance to calibrate and improve simulation models, enabling simulation at an early stage in development • making simulation accessible to a wider range of engineers In addition, as the role of the digital twin of a product becomes larger, there will be more demand for simulation to support product operation decisions. Getting used to a product with no visible means of control is just the start. Security, Internet access, the likely need to replace controllers with new generations of electronics during the lifetime of a machine, these are just some of the new factors for product developers to think about. As with previous technologies, engineering processes and dataflows will adapt. For PLM vendors with ALM capability, this is a time of opportunity - the information their technology holds about a product now has even more value in manufacturing, as well as for operation and maintenance. But ERP vendors will point out that their systems help match processes to costs, and that is often the message budget holders want to hear. DW Cambashi |

2/13/17 10:26 AM

I nter net of Things

..................................... ........................... ................... .............. CC-Link IE uses general purpose ......... ...... ... . 100 Mbps Ethernet CC-Link IE Field Basic is an open field network using general-purpose 100 Mbps Ethernet communication and is a new network mode in the CC-Link IE Ethernet-based integrated network lineup. This specification offers easier network compatibility while maintaining mutual connectivity with CC-Link IE. It achieves the cyclic communication required for device control with software at the network protocol application layer. General purpose Ethernet compatible devices can support this specification through software implementation alone. Transient communication leverages the benefits of Ethernet TCP/IP to make the CLPA’s Seamless Message Protocol

(SLMP) available. Moreover, other Ethernet applications such as HTTP and FTP can be simultaneously implemented and used together. Its functions allow production site visualization, such as linking production site devices and host IT systems. Devices which could not previously be connected to CC-Link IE can now be integrated and managed. Devices compatible with other protocols can share hardware, promoting lower costs. Furthermore, PLCs and general-purpose computers can be used as master devices. DW CC-Link Partner Association-Americas (CLPA)

Compact industrial unmanaged 5-port switch The LNX-C500 series is an IP-30 rated compact 5-port industrial unmanaged Ethernet switch embedded with five Fast Ethernet RJ45 ports. The small form factor of this metal casing switch is 30% smaller allowing for a more versatile implementation. It is equipped with 5*10/100 RJ45 Ethernet ports with a backplane speed of 1 Gbps. It supports a 12~48Vdc redundant power input with reverse polarity and overload current protection. This product series can be either DIN-rail or wall mounted and the parts are included. The LNX-C500 series provides operating temperature range models for either a STD: -10°C to 70°C or an EOT: -40°C to 75°C. These units also have high EFT, surge (2,000 Vdc), and ESD (6,000Vdc) protection to prevent against any unregulated voltage. The compact size and light weight design has dimensions of 26 mm (W) x 75 mm (D) x 95 mm (H) and a unit weight of only 1 lb. DW Antaira Technologies |

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February 2017



2/10/17 1:25 PM

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2/10/17 12:44 PM

IFPE A supplement of Fluid Power World •

February 2017

IFPE heats up Las Vegas in 2017 IFPE—The International Exposition for Power Transmission—returns to Las Vegas with record-breaking exhibit space and numbers of fluid power manufacturers and suppliers showing the latest technologies and components available in the marketplace.

CONTENTS: IFPE heats up Las Vegas........... 52 IFPE floor plan and map........... 58-59 IFPE exhibitor list....................... 60 Hydraulic valves ....................... 74 Hydraulic cylinders.................... 76 Hydraulic hose........................... 78 Seals............................................. 80 Hydraulic motors....................... 82 Hydraulic filters ......................... 84 Pressure transducers ................ 86

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2/13/17 9:46 AM

IFPE coverage on the ground and online One of the most important events on the fluid power calendar is the triennial IFPE show, held in conjunction with CONEXPO-CON/AGG at the Las Vegas Convention Center. These sprawling shows attract well over 100,000 visitors with each iteration, with exhibitors and attendees coming from all over the world. This year’s IFPE will run from March 7-11. I’ve been attending this event since the 1996 IFPE at Chicago’s McCormick Place—where does the time go?!—and I can attest to the importance of attending this fluid power mega-show. Our staff at Fluid Power World and Design World will be reporting on IFPE like never before, with detailed coverage in print, online, through social media, and at the event itself. This special section on IFPE has a detailed rundown of the must-see aspects of the show, an exhibitor list, an overview map and some special sections on selected fluid power components— where they’re used and what you need to know to look for, if you’ll be investigating them at this year’s event. When you’re in Las Vegas, I hope that you’ll come by our booth, S83257. Our editors will be filming videos with some industry leaders right at the booth, and we invite you to come by, and watch or get in on the action. We want to hear from you—what are you seeing at the show, what technologies are most exciting to you, what challenging new designs are you working on? Make sure to follow us on Twitter as we cover IFPE: @DW_Editor @DW_MaryGannon @FPW_KenKorane @FluidPowerWorld @DesignWorld And also follow us on Instagram: @designworldnetwork I look forward to seeing you in Las Vegas! Pa ul J. Heney - Editor ial Di re ctor pheney@wtw hmedi

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IFPE_Editorial_FPW-DW 2-17_Vs2 MG.indd 50

February 2017

2/10/17 1:30 PM



Discover all our benchmarks at IFPE 2017. Visit our booth to experience your applications come to life as we showcase our innovative sealing solutions, materials, and accumulators for the fluid power industries.

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10311_K1_Advert_9x10.875_4c.indd 1 51 Freudenberg 2-17_Setting Durability.indd

09.01.171:32 17:28 2/10/17 PM

BY MIKE SANTORA IFPE is back again in Las Vegas for 2017 with 3 years worth of new innovations in tow. Building on the success of the 2014 event, this triennial barn burner is expecting another full house this year. Attendees from industries such as off-highway vehicles, construction, mining, forestry, agriculture, lawn and garden, and airport support vehicles will have access to 450+ exhibitors as well as a record 143 education sessions across 10 tracks. A new Technology track that complements the new 75,000-plus square foot interactive Tech Experience will also round out the education experience. This year’s show runs from Tuesday, March 7 through Saturday, March 11 at the Las Vegas Convention Center. No other show brings as many sectors of the fluid power, power transmission and motion control industries together in one place. Here’s our guide to navigating the show and maximizing your time.



IFPE Preview Main Feature DW 2.17_V5 MG.indd 52

February 2017

2/10/17 2:54 PM

THE TRIENNIAL SHOW, CO-LOCATED WITH CONEXPO-CON/AGG, RETURNS MARCH 7-11. History In 1984, the National Fluid Power Association held its first Chicagobased fluid power show under the title International Fluid Power Exposition. Held every four years, that show periodically partnered with other events like Motion Expo and the International Welding and Fabrication Expo. By the year 2000, the NFPA no longer felt the title accurately reflected the scope of their event. The name was changed to “IFPE — International Exposition for Power Transmission” to better represent the integration of fluid power with electrical and mechanical components and systems. Two years later, IFPE also began co-locating with CONEXPO-CON/AGG, the largest international gathering place for the construction industries. The collaboration between the two shows ushered in two other large-scale changes as well: a move to Las Vegas and the show’s current three-year cycle.

Mon. March 6 | 8:00 AM - 12:00 PM Fundamentals of Hydraulic Systems #CC1, Presented by Dr. Medhat Khalil, Director of Professional Education, MSOE This presentation is made to increase the awareness of the audience about the fundamental concepts of fluid power technology. The presentation covers some rules of physics about fluid pressure and flow. The lecture then presents the generic structure of a hydraulic system in addition to construction and principle of operation of the main components, e.g. pumps, motors, valves, cylinders, and rotary actuators. The session concludes with details on how to combine all these components into a system that works safely and efficiently. Mon. March 6 | 1:00 PM - 5:00 PM Hydraulic Fluid Properties, Efficiency and Contamination Control #CC2, Presented by Paul Michael, Research Chemist, MSOE In this seminar participants will learn about the composition of oils, the properties of lubricants and how hydraulic fluids can affect machine performance. Conventional, multigrade, synthetic and biodegradable fluids will be discussed. Research studies examining fluid efficiency effects in hydraulic motors and piston and gear pumps will be presented. The principles of oil analysis and filter selection will be outlined. The seminar concludes with case studies that demonstrate how filter debris analysis can be used to troubleshoot hydraulic system contamination control problems.

Education — college courses IFPE 2017 will be filled with educational opportunities. These education events provide crucial information on new fluid power, power transmission and motion control technologies to engineers and others involved in the design and manufacturing process. They provide hands-on technical knowledge for the effective use of hydraulics in mobile equipment. These half-day courses will benefit practicing engineers and others involved in the design and manufacturing processes. Additional costs apply.

February 2017

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2/13/17 9:49 AM

Tue. March 7 | 8:00 AM - 12:00 PM Hydraulic System Design Strategies for Mobile Applications #CC3 This course is divided into 4 different topics.

• Developing Motion Control Training Strategies for Your Workforce: presented

by Bogdan Kozul. This presentation is made to explore the breadth of the motion control industry, identify technology trends and develop a strategy to fill the knowledge gap of stakeholders. • Leveraging Internet of Things (IoT) in Mobile Hydraulics: presented by Art Donaldson. This session will explore the impact of IoT, Internet of Things, intelligent components, and component connectivity on mobile hydraulics. • Global ShieldTM Coating - Improved Corrosion Resistance for Critical Equipment: presented by Michael Sell. This presentation is designed to provide an overview of Parker Hannifin’s Global Shield Coating. • Electro Hydrostatic Actuation - Highly Efficient Implement Solution with Energy Recovery: presented by Dale Vanderlaan.This presentation will introduce Electro Hydrostatic Actuation outlining basic operation, highlighting unique characteristics and comparing benefits with alternative approaches. A summary of test results from application experience will be included. Tue. March 7 | 1:00 PM - 5:00 PM Electrohydraulic, Systems Design and Control #CC4, Presented by Janette Kothe, Technical Sales Support Industry 4.0 and Michael Liedhegener, Simulation Group, Sales Technical Support, Bosch Rexroth This course will take attendees along for a user journey presenting the potentials of state-of the art technologies such as electrohydraulic drives, simulation and IoT technologies. Education – Energy Efficient Hydraulics and Pneumatics Conference In addition, 23 courses will be offered Wednesday through Friday afternoons, highlighting opportunities to increase efficiency and productivity in hydraulic systems. The conference kicks off with Chris Schottler, Engineering Manager, Advanced Technology, from Eaton Corp., whose keynote “Methodologies to Improve Energy Efficiency in Fluid Power” will review trends that are occurring in both mobile and industrial applications to improve system productivity and overall efficiency. Additional keynotes will be presented each day. On Thursday Eric Bretey, Engineering Manager, Integrated Solutions at Danfoss Power Solutions, talks about “Innovative Application of Energy Efficient Fluid Power.” On Friday Nic Copley, Vice President - Technology & Innovation, Parker Hannifin Corp.’s Automation Group, will present “Opportunities and Challenges in Making Human Assist Fluid Power Systems Part of the Coming Robot Revolution.” The other 20 topics will cover electronics and electrohydraulics, ISO standards, 54

IFPE Preview Main Feature DW 2.17_V5 MG.indd 54


February 2017

2/13/17 12:02 PM

Measurement Solutions Industry-Leading Warranties

Visit Us In Booth S-83146 at IFPE NOSHOK is a global supplier of pressure, level, temperature and force Measurement Solutions, along with needle & manifold valves, serving a wide variety of industries including: • Fluid Power • Industrial Automation

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NOSHOK 2-17_IFPE_FPW.indd 55

2/10/17 1:33 PM

pneumatics and compressed air systems, sensor technologies, glimpses into the future of soft robotics, noise and more. Visit for a complete schedule and full descriptions. Tech Experience From solar-powered roadways, to data visualization and interactivity, to the first-ever 3D printed excavator, drones, robotics, and intelligence advancements, the Tech Experience is a 75,000 square-foot immersive, future-forward showcase that lets attendees see what’s possible tomorrow and today. The Tech Experience is included in attendees Badge-Packs. Hydraulic excavators are a mainstay at Conexpo. They come in countless versions and, while most are commercial products, sometimes OEMs also offer a glimpse of the future. At this year’s Conexpo, one machine of tomorrow that’s worth a look is the Additive Manufactured Excavator. It includes a 3D-printed steel boom with built-in hydraulic passages that eliminate hoses and improve cooling. It will also include a printed cooling system that will increase efficiency and reduce weight. The excavator will feature a futuristic cab designed by the student engineering team from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. The purpose of the excavator project is to demonstrate two emerging technologies: large-scale composite additive manufacturing and large-scale metal additive manufacturing. It is the first time steel is being used in 3D printing on such a large scale. This was done to prove that both metal and composite additive manufacturing have a place in the manufacture of construction equipment.

High velocity hydraulics.

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NFPA World Fluid Power Summit The World Fluid Power Summit presented by the NFPA will be held on Thursday, March 9, beginning at 12:00, and will include lunch for all attendees. Industry and association leaders from more than a dozen countries—including Australia, Canada, China, Germany, India, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Taiwan, Turkey, the United Kingdom, and the United States—are expected to attend, with a representative from each country making a presentation on fluid power market trends in their home markets. Additional presenters have also been invited, seeking engagement with the world fluid power community on important standardization initiatives and the growth of worldwide fluid power certification programs. The Summit is open to all interested participants, but seating will be limited, and advance registration is required. Visit for more details and to register. Finally, IFPE and CONEXPO/CON-AGG is truly a global event, with international delegates from 30 countries, from Senegal to Argentina to Nepal. International visitors will have access to the show’s International Trade Center, language assistance, business matchmaking services, and an optional welcome briefing. Additionally, visitors can visit a variety of foreign pavilions, including the German Pavilion, Italian Pavilion, Korean Pavilion, and U.K. Pavilion, among others. IFPE |


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February 2017

2/13/17 8:17 AM

HF Fully Loaded AdF (DW) 02-17_9x10.875 1/31/17 2:05 PM Page 1


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HydraForce 2-17_Fully Loaded.indd 57

2/10/17 1:34 PM



IFPE Preview Main Feature DW 2.17_V5 MG.indd 58

February 2017

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February 2017

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2/10/17 2:57 PM

2017 Exhibitor List las vegas, nevada | march 7-11, 2017

Exhibit As Name


Booth #

Exhibit As Name

Booth #



Bailey International LLC






OEM Off-Highway


Balluff Inc


ACE Controls Inc


Bando USA


Acme Foundry, Inc.


BEDIA Motorentechnik GmbH & Co KG


Advanced Technology Products


Bezares USA


AirTAC International Group Taiwan Branch (Cayman)




Air-Way Global Manufacturing


Bonfiglioli Riduttori SpA


AKON Hidrolik Valf San. Ve Tic. A.S.


Bosch Rexroth Corp


ALA Industries Limited - Yuken Hydraulics




Alkon Corporation


CARCO, a PACCAR company


AAH Fluid Power Inc.




Almo Manifold & Tool Company


Brand Hydraulics Corporation


Alro Steel


Brennan Industries Inc


Amalga Composites Inc


Brevini Fluid Power


American Iron & Alloys LLC


Bucher Hydraulics


Anderson Metals Corp Inc


Burnside America Inc.


Anfield Industries Inc


BVA Hydraulics


Anson Hydraulics Industrial Co., Ltd.


C Matic SRL


APEM, Inc.


Camel Precision Co Ltd


TTP (Formerly Thermal Transfer Products)




API Heat Transfer


Capi Group s.r.l.








Casappa Corporation




CEJN North America


AS Aston Seals SPA


ASA Hydraulik of America


Ashcroft Inc


Ashun Fluid Power Co., Ltd


Assofluid - Italian Fluid Power Association


Atlantex Manufacturing Corporation


Atlas Hydraulics Inc.


Auburn Gear LLC


A. W. Chesterton


B&R Industrial Automation Corporation





IFPE Preview Main Feature DW 2.17_V5 MG.indd 60

February 2017

2/10/17 2:57 PM

Built to INTERconnect.

Visit us at ConExpo/IFPE, booth # S-82240 to learn more about the complete hose and ftting system. b u i l d h os e

u il d ftti n gs

rimp m i ld c ac h





eb W



Muncie - Interpump 1-17.indd 61

2/10/17 1:35 PM

2017 Exhibitor List Exhibit As Name



Booth #

Centranz Inc


Cervis, Inc.


Changzhou FTX Motors Co., Ltd.


Changzhou Yunfan Bearing Co., Ltd.


Cheng Dai Co., Ltd.


Chia Wang Oil Hydraulic Industrial Co., Ltd.


China Hydraulics Pneumatics & Seals Association


Cixi Golden Star Bearing Co., Ltd


Cixi Zhenxing Mechanism Industrial Co., Ltd


Freelin-Wade/Coilhose Pneumatics




Comer Industries


Component Sourcing Intl LLC


Dongying Guangyou Rubber Co., Ltd


Concentric AB


Dry Hydraulics LLC


Continental ContiTech




Continental Hydraulics


PVS Sensors/Dynamic Fluid Components


Control Products Inc


Eagle Hydraulic Components Inc.


Coronet Parts Mfg Co Inc


Eagle Pro Industrial Tools, Inc


Couplamatic Systems Inc


Eaton Hydraulics Business


Global Hydraulics Media - HMG USA


Eisele Connectors


Exhibit As Name

Booth #

Cross Manufacturing Co.


Elesa USA Corporation


Curtis Machine Company, Inc.


Elettrotec Srl




Elobau Sensor Technology


CW Bearing USA, Inc.


Emmegi Heat Exchangers, Inc.


Czero, Inc.


Engineered Inserts & Systems, Inc.


Dalian Yuanjing Foundry Co., Ltd.


Engineered Seals & Components


Dalton Hydraulics


Engineering Technology Services, LLC


Danfoss Power Solutions, Inc


Engis Corporation


Dantal Hydraulics Pvt. Ltd.


Eskridge Inc


DDKS Industries


ESP International


Delta Computer Systems Inc.


Essentra Components


Delta Power Co. - Tecnord


European Industrial Products Inc


Deltrol Fluid Products


F.lli Paris srl a socio unico


DewEze Mfg.


DUCI S.r.l.


Dezhou Yuli Hydraulic Co., Ltd




Diesel Progress




Diesse Rubber Hoses spa




Dinamic Oil North America, Inc.






Famic Technologies Inc


DLH Fluid Power Inc.


FB Hydraulic Srl


DMH Dichtungs- und Maschinenhandel GmbH


FD-Groups America, Inc.


Doering Company


Feel Industrial Engineering Co., Ltd.



IFPE Preview Main Feature DW 2.17_V5 MG.indd 62

February 2017

2/10/17 2:57 PM

With Permco, It’s personal

Visit us @ IFPE Booth #S82130

1500 Frost Road Streetsboro, Ohio 44241 1.800.626.2801

PERMCO 2-17_FPW_full page ad.indd 63

2/10/17 1:38 PM

2017 Exhibitor List Exhibit As Name

Booth #

Exhibit As Name

Booth #

FFP Products


Harrison Hydra-Gen


Fittings Unlimited


Hartmann Controls Inc


Flo-Torq Hydraulics


HAWE Hydraulik


DP Augers


Hayes Manufacturing Inc.


Omni Gear


HBS Valves & Hydraulic Components


HOF Hydraulic


Heavy Motions


Fluid Gear Products


Hebei Zhongmei Special Rubber Product Co., Ltd.


Fluid Power Journal


Hengli America Co. Inc.


FluiDyne Fluid Power


Hercules Sealing Products


Fondmatic SpA


HFI Fluid Power Products


Force America Inc


High-Tech Fluid Power Co Ltd




HIT Power Transmission Limited


GA Industries


Holmbury Inc


Galland Henning Nopak, Inc.


Honor Gear Pumps Corp


Gapi USA


Huifeng Motors Co., Ltd.




HUSCO International, Inc.


Gates Corporation


HV Hydraulic SRL




Hycom Engineering




HYDAC Technology Corp./Schroeder Industries


Gems Sensors & Controls




GS Global Resources


Hydraulex Global


Guangzhou Yiqiao Technology Group Co., Ltd.


Hydro Leduc


Gurmaksan Hidrolik Devre Elemanları San. Ve Tic. Ltd. Şti.


Hydrocontrol Inc./ Galtech


GW Lisk Co Inc


Hydronit Americas


H B Hydraulics Co., Ltd.




Hainar Hydraulics Co., Ltd


Hydrotechnik USA, Inc.


Hallite Seals


Hydro-Tek Co Ltd


Ligon Hydraulic Cylinder Group


Hy-Pro Filtration


Han Dok Hydraulic Co


IC Flow Controls


Handan Henggong Metallurgical Machinery


IC-Fluid Power, Inc.


Handan Sinopulse Hose Factory Co., Ltd.


ifm efector


Hangzhou Donghua Chain Group Co Ltd


Iowa Fluid Power (IFP/EHA)


Hangzhou Hetd Machinery Ltd


Ikusi USA Inc.


Hangzhou Shinelink Machinery Co., Ltd


Industrial Nut Corporation


Hangzhou Vision Chain Transmission Co., Ltd.


Intercontrol Hermann Kohler Elektrik Gmbh & Co KG



International FPA


HANSA-TMP s.r.l.




IFPE Preview Main Feature DW 2.17_V5 MG.indd 64

February 2017

2/10/17 2:58 PM

The name worldwide for quality in port to port connectivity and reliability. STAUFF USA and STAUFF Canada are part of an independent family owned group of companies with operations around the globe. The STAUFF Group develops, manufactures and distributes hydraulic port-to-port components and solutions, hydraulic accessories and hydraulic filtration systems and components to wherever your facility is located pipe, tube & Hose claMps

More than five decades of experience, highly motivated and qualified staff, state-of-the-art manufacturing technologies and a foresighted management give us the reputation of being a competitive and reliable partner.

pressure testing

Our manufacturing and warehousing facilities all have quality certification to ISO 9001 and our main manufacturing plants in Germany are also certified to ISO 14001 and OHAS 18001 to ensure consistent product quality. In addition to our standard products we work with customers to develop customized products and solutions to improve both the quality and performance of your hydraulic system.

custoM claMp solutions

ViSit uS at

Booth #S-81805

stanDarD & custoM ValVes

Metric tube Fittings


Quick release couplings

Local Solutions for Individual customers worldwide. Stauff Corporation Phone: 201.444.7800

Stauff Canada Ltd. Phone: 416.282.4608

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STFF-328FullPageAd9x10_875FPW.indd 1 Stauff 2-17_The Name Worldwide.indd 65

1/11/17 4:35 PM 2/10/17 1:39 PM

2017 Exhibitor List Exhibit As Name

Booth #

International Fluid Power Society


Interpump Group S.p.A.


Intradin (Shanghai) Machinery Co. Ltd




J.R. Merritt Controls Inc


JARP Industries


Jason Industrial Inc




Jeou Gang Hydraulic Industrial Co., Ltd.


Jeremywell International


Jiangsu Longda Power Transmission Inc.


Jiashan Kintowe Engineering Plastic Co., Ltd


Jintong Rubber Co., Ltd.


John Deere Harvester Marketing Services


Joseph Industries


Lovejoy Inc


Jufan Industrial Co., Ltd.


Lucrescent Bearing Corporation


Jungwoo Motor Co., Ltd.


Luohe City Bonwell Rubber Co., Ltd.


Kastas Sealing Technologies A.S.


Luohe Huilong Hydraulic Rubber Hose Co., Ltd


Kawasaki Hydraulics


Luohe Leton Hydraulics Technology Co., Ltd.




Lynch Fluid Controls Inc


Kendrion (Shelby) Inc.


Mac Tubi Spa


KettenWulf, Inc.




KGBAL Manufacturing


MAN Engines & Components




Manuli Hydraulics Americas Inc.


Maradyne Corporation


Kinematics Manufacturing




Exhibit As Name

Booth #

Kingstar Enterprises Corp


MFP Seals (A Division of Martin Fluid Power)


KNR Systems


Marzocchi Pumps USA


KS Hydraulic Machinery Co., Ltd


MICO, a WABCO Company


KSD Kaosun Industrial Co Ltd


Mid-West Instrument


KTI Hydraulics, Inc.


Milwaukee School of Engineering

Alfagomma & Kuriyama


Mitsuboshi Belting


Kurt Manufacturing Company


Mobile Control Systems S.A.


KYB Americas Corporation




Lafert North A merica


Monarch Industries


Leemin Hydraulic Co., Ltd


Moog Inc


Liftwell Hydraulics Pvt. Ltd.


Moseys Production Machinists, Inc.


Lillbacka USA


Mountop Precision Industrial Co., Ltd.


Linde Hydraulics Corporation


MP Filtri USA Inc


Lodar Ltd


MTE Hydraulics


Logan Clutch Corporation


MTS Sensors


LOR Manufacturing Company Inc


Mubea North America



IFPE Preview Main Feature DW 2.17_V5 MG.indd 66

February 2017


2/10/17 2:58 PM

The perfect cylinder doesn’t come from a shelf. It comes from your head. After all, you know your application better than anyone. That’s why Nason starts by doing something revolutionary.


Then we build it just for you.

come see us at IFPE booth s80714

Your perfect cylinder starts at

NAS_0366 Tradebooth Ad-Full Pg-DW.indd671 Nason 2-17_with number.indd

3/21/14 1:42 2:47 PM PM 2/10/17

2017 Exhibitor List Exhibit As Name



Booth #

Muncie Power Products


Interpump Hydraulic Connectors


Nachi America Inc


NAF Neunkirchener Achsenfabrik AG


National Fluid Power Association


National Tube Supply






Ningbo Bolev Hydraulics co.,LTD


Ningbo Boluk Machinery Co., Ltd


Ningbo Cofar Hose & Fitting Co., Ltd.


Ningbo E H Pneumatic & Hydraulic Co Ltd


Ningbo Funtion Solenoid Technology, Co.


Ningbo Hanshang Hydraulic Co., Ltd.


Oerlikon Fairfield


Ningbo ISAIAH Pneumatics Co., Ltd.


Ognibene North America LLC


Ningbo Jiangbei District Cicheng Pneumatic Components Factory


Oiles America Corporation




Exhibit As Name

Booth #

Ningbo Laike Hydraulic Co., Ltd




Ningbo Lianrun Fluid Machinery Manufacturing Co., Ltd.


Orange Research


Ningbo Lipu Hydraulic Machinery Co., Ltd.


Oriental Export Corporation


Ningbo Longye Hydraulic Manfacture Co., Ltd.




Ningbo PHP Hydraulics Co., Ltd.


Pamas GmbH


Ningbo Tiandi Hydraulic Co., Ltd.


Parker Hannifin


Ningbo Vicks Hydraulic Co., Ltd.


Roquet Hydraulics, S.L.


Ningbo Wanerf Hydraulic Co.,Ltd


Hydraulics & Pneumatics


Ningbo XingMing Hydraulic Equipments Co Ltd


Machine Design


Ningbo Yinzhou J.B. Machinery Co., Ltd.


Permco Inc


Ningbo Yinzhou Make Fluid Connecting Piece Co., Ltd.


Petseals Industries Ltd.


Plymouth Tube Company


Ningbo Zhongyi Hydraulic Motor Co., Ltd.


Poclain Hydraulics


Nissens Cooling Solutions Inc.


Polymer Molding Inc


North American Hydraulics


Ponaflex Hose Manufacturing, Inc.

S-82405 S-83520

Northman Fluid Power


Poppelmann Plastics/Kapsto Caps & Plugs

Noshok Inc


Posi Lock Puller


NPB Bearing(CHINA)Limited


Power Transmission Distributors Association (PTDA)


NRP Jones, LLC


PQ Controls Inc.


OEM Controls Inc


PRAN Systems Inc



IFPE Preview Main Feature DW 2.17_V5 MG.indd 68

February 2017

2/10/17 2:59 PM

Your sealing partner in large bore applications. Industry-leading customer collaboration and an extensive global logistics network make Trelleborg Sealling Solutions the ideal choice in large bore application solutions. Our global-but-local approach and cost-effective, durable sealing solutions set us apart in meeting your critical application needs. Contact us and ask how we can put our solutions to work for you.

TREL172 Bore Cylinder Ad.indd 1 69 TrelleborgLarge 2-17_Your Selling Partner.indd


1/11/17 2/10/17 10:09 1:44 AM PM

2017 Exhibitor List Exhibit As Name



Booth #

Exhibit As Name

Booth #

Pressure Connections


Shallco Inc




Shan Hua Plastic Industrial Co., Ltd.


Prince Manufacturing Corporation


Shandong Taifeng Hydraulic Co., Ltd.


Proemion Corp.


Shanghai Fende Crimping Machine Manufacturer


Professional Hydraulic Industrial Co., Ltd.


Shanghai Guorui Hydraulic Technology Co.


Pun Teh Industrial Co., Ltd.


Shanghai Yifeng Bearing Co., Ltd.


QA1 Precision Products, Inc.


Shanghai Yiwei Industry Equipment Co., Ltd.


Qingdao Donghengli Industry Equipment Co.


Shaoxing CSHBELT Co., Ltd.


Radicon Drive Systems, Inc.


Shimadzu Corporation


Ram Industries Inc


Shining Industrial Holding Co., Ltd.


Ramsey Winch


Shivam Hydraulics


Ramsey Products


SIKO Products


Raymar Hydraulics




RBI Bearing Inc


Smart Protections SRL


Rising Meter (China) Industry Co


SMC Corporation of America


Ronzio Oleodinamica srl


SNA Manufacturing LLC




Spectronics Corporation


Rotor Clip Company


Power Team, An SPX FLOW Brand


ROTZLER Canada Inc.


Stone Hydraulics


Royal Composites Pvt Ltd.


Stainless Hose Fittings, Ltd.


RTS Cutting Tools


Star Hydraulics, LLC


RYCO Hydraulics, Inc.


Stauff Corporation


S&T Communication, CO., Ltd.


Stiebel Drive Technology


SAE International


Strataflo Products, Inc.


Safeplast NA Company


Stucchi Inc


SafeWay Hydraulics


STW Technic, LP.


SAI Hydraulics Inc


Suburban Manufacturing Inc


Salami SpA


Suco Technologies


Salem Steel NA, LLC


Sun Hydraulics Corporation


Wuxi Dajin High-Precision Cold-Drawn Steel


Sunfab North America


Samek Corporation




Samway Smart Machinery Inc.


Supra Machine Tool


Samwon, Inc


PIRIT Heated Products


Scenery Hydraulic, Inc.


Taimi Hydraulics


SCF Industrial Technology, Inc


Taiwan Fluid Power Association


Schaeffler Group USA


Taiwan Fluid Power Association


Schwerll (Beijing) Fluid Control Co. Ltd.


Taiwan Fluid Power Association


Milsco Manufacturing Company


SeKwang Hi-tech


Taiyuan Heavy Machinery Group Yuci Hydraulic Industry Co., Ltd.


Semperit Industrial Products Inc


Taiyuan Steel Balls Manufacture Co., Ltd.


SFC Koenig


Taizhou Houle Industrial Co.,Ltd



IFPE Preview Main Feature DW 2.17_V5 MG.indd 70

February 2017

2/10/17 2:59 PM


Dynamic flow sharing. Extraordinary stability.

Mobile machines that have multiple services operating simultaneously need a work circuit that can optimize flow sharing with a high degree of precision independent of the load. Our development experts will work with you to understand your machine’s duty cycles so we can engineer a work solution that delivers greater productivity without compromising stability. This is dynamic performance. Empowered by Eaton.

See all of our Eaton Engineered Solutions in action at IFPE/CONEXPO 2017 Booth #80230 in South Hall 3

Eaton_FPW 2-17_IFPE section ad (#2136).indd 71


AGENCY: Schermer

PUB: Design World / IFPE Gold

AD: Work

2/10/17 1:46 PM

2017 Exhibitor List Exhibit As Name

(continued) Exhibit As Name

Booth #

Booth #


Volz USA




Wafangdian Metallurgical Bearing Group Co., Ltd.


Texas Hydraulics Inc


Walvoil Fluid Power Corp




Wenling Feitian Bearing Co., Ltd.


The Lee Company


Wenzhou N. & A. Foreign Trade Co., Ltd.




Wescon Controls




Western Consolidated Technologies


Thomas Magnete USA LLC


Wetherell Manufacturing


Tieffe s.p.a.


White Drive Products




Wilkes & McLean


Tifco Industries




T-Lon Products Inc


Winner Hydraulics Corporation


TLX Technologies


Winters Instruments


Tompkins Industries Inc


Wipro Enterprises Inc.




Wooster Hydrostatics Inc




World Wide Metric


Trazione Gears


Design World


Trelleborg Sealing Solutions


Fluid Power World


Tribco Inc


WTWH Media




Wuxi East Hydraulics Component MFG


Danfoss Power Solutions - TUROLLA


Ximaike International Exhibition Co Ltd


Tuson Corporation


Yates Cylinders




T Bird Group

YMER Technology


IVT - UKIP Media & Events


Youli Hydraulic Industrial Co Ltd.


Ultra Clean Technologies


Young Powertech Inc


Uniflex of America


Yuhuan PC Hydraulics Co., Ltd.


UNI-JWT Drive Technology Co Ltd


Sharon Tube


Universal Hydraulik USA Corp


Zhejiang Ailate Trading Co., Ltd.


USA Sealing


Zhejiang Ideal Bell Technology Co., Ltd.


VeeThree Instruments


Veljan Hydrair Limited


Zhejiang Songqiao Pneumatic And Hydraulic Co., Ltd.


Vertex Industries


Zhejiang Stronger Hydraulic Co., Ltd.




Zhenjiang DaLi Hydraulic Motor. Co., Ltd.




Zinga Industries


Vogelsang Fastener Solutions




learn more online:



IFPE Preview Main Feature DW 2.17_V5 MG.indd 72

February 2017

2/10/17 2:59 PM

You're ready. We're set. Let's move. Rexroth Hydraulics. Tough. Efficient.

Your move? Insist on Rexroth. If you’re ready for more efficient performance from your hard-working machines, even under the most demanding conditions, we’re set. As a global leader in mobile hydraulics technology, Bosch Rexroth can offer applicationoptimized components that deliver improved efficiency, reduced noise, better power management and more intelligent, connected control. We’ve got your system needs covered—from the ground to the cloud. The result is a rugged, reliable mobile system solution that can handle the toughest jobs in the toughest terrain, save fuel and reduce emissions. Make your move to Rexroth Hydraulics.

Order the free Mobile Hydraulics Solutions Resource Kit: For expert advice call 1-800-REXROTH (739-7684) or email us at

Bosch Rexroth 2-17_IFPE_Let's Move.indd 73

2/10/17 2:00 PM

How are hydraulic valves used on mobile machinery?

Hydraulic valves govern direction, pressure and flow of hydraulic fluid, enabling smooth, safe and controlled use of actuators. They can be as simple as a relief valve to protect your pump and actuator. Or, their use can be complex, like when using a dozen valves in manifolds, such as a pilot operated valve with dual counterbalance valves, dual flow controls, dual post-compensation and load sensing checks. The directional control valve’s function is to control the path of fluid flow. The most basic design is the check valve; it allows flow into one work port, and blocks flow from coming back through the opposite work port. They can also be as advanced as pilot operated proportional valves with internal pilots, drains and load sense check valves. Directional valves are often described as the number of “ways” fluid can travel through itself, and also by the positions available to be shifted into. The ways are equal to the number of work ports, so a 4-way valve will have pressure, tank and A and B work ports. Positions are equal to the number of positional envelopes. For example, one would describe a double acting single-monoblock valve as “4-way, 3-position,” or simply a “4/3 valve.” Monoblock or sectional directional valves are common to the mobile-hydraulic industry, as well as subplate mounted industrial type valves such as ISO style D03s, D05s et al. Also common to mobile and industrial markets are cartridge valves installed into manifold blocks. Cartridge valve manufacturers offer many unique products, and allow high levels of creativity with limitless available valve combinations. Pressure valves are designed to in some way limit pressure. Most designs are based on a poppet being pushed against a seat with an adjustable spring. A relief valve controls maximum pressure for the entire system or a sub-circuit of it, the lowest spring pressure being the first to open up. Other pressure valves are based on the relief valve’s simple 74


Hydraulic Valves_IFPE_Vs2 MG.indd 74

February 2017

spring-loaded ball or poppet. Sequence valves, counterbalance valves, and brake valves offer added utility or functionality, such as reverse flow checks or pilot operation built in. Pressurereducing valves differ from other pressure valves because they limit pressure downstream, rather than upstream. They are used where subcircuit pressures need to be lower, without sacrificing performance in the rest of the system. Flow control valves are designed to control or limit flow in one way or another. Often simply a needle valve—which is just a variable restriction—it is adjusted by a screw or knob to limit energy potential to create flow. When installed with reverse flow check valves, we change the name to flow control. Flow control valves can have multiple ports, such as with a priority flow control. They can provide controlled, fixed flow to one part of the circuit, sometimes at the sacrifice of another part, and as long as input flow is high enough for its priority demand. Flow controls are ideally pressure compensated, which allows them to maintain set flow regardless of load-induced pressure variances. Pressure compensators are a type of flow control valve available as a single item, often added to other valves in a circuit to provide the same flow setting load-independent accuracy, such as with a proportional valve, for example.

2/10/17 3:02 PM

1,000,000,000 REASONS WHY: At Essentra, we can protect everything on a hydraulic hose assembly. Our range includes 65,000 products and one billion parts in stock—all available for same day shipping.








Essentra 1-17.indd 75

2/10/17 2:02 PM

What types of hydraulic cylinders are used on mobile machinery?

Mobile machinery is rife with hydraulic cylinders, particularly for

use on buckets, shovels, booms and other tools and attachments on machines like backhoes, excavators, telehandlers, cranes, balers, skid steer loaders, dump trucks and more. These machines and attachments use hydraulic cylinders to push, pull, lift and lower loads that other might otherwise be impossible to move with lesser force technologies. Cylinders are responsible for converting hydraulic power into linear motion to do work or move a load by applying pressure to the cylinder’s piston. These somewhat simple devices usually feature a basic construction, including the aforementioned piston inside a cylindrical or rectangular tube or body, end caps and housings, as well as necessary bolts, nuts, plugs, bearings, rod seals and wipers, and more. The two most common designs used on mobile equipment are welded-tube and tie-rod cylinders. Welded cylinders are constructed of a heavy-duty tube that is closed off with a welded-on cap. Mounting anchors, including trunnion, side lug and side tapped, clevis, bolt, and flange types, are usually attached to the welded cap. A threaded gland on the rod end allows these cylinder types to be easily repaired. The simpler, but less durable tie-rod cylinder is designed with bolts and tie rods that hold two castings on each end of the barrel together. Also easy-repairable, this cylinder design is common on agriculture equipment and is often used on NFPA or ISO cylinders.



Hydraulic Cylinders_IFPE_Vs3 MG.indd 76

February 2017

To determine a cylinder’s mechanical force, one must know the diameter of the piston and use the following formula to give you the linear force of a cylinder. First, convert the piston diameter into area by using πr2 then multiply area by your chosen pressure unit. Pressure x Area = Force Differential cylinders are the most common hydraulic cylinder design. Because they feature a rod in just one end, the force created when retracting is not equal to that created when extending. In retraction, a differential cylinder has less area for pressure to work upon because of the space taken up by the rod. Consequently, a differential cylinder will retract with more velocity than it extends, given equal flow at either service port. Once again, this effect is a result of the space taken up by the rod—in this case, filling up the reduced volume more quickly. The force reduction resulting from the rod location is inversely proportional to the flow increase

2/10/17 3:04 PM

from the same cause. For example, if the area of the cap side of the piston is twice that of the area from the rod side of the piston, it is referred to as a “two-to-one” cylinder. This cylinder will extend with twice the force than in retraction, and retract in half the time as extension. Differential cylinders are normally double-acting, i.e., they are powered in retraction as well as extension. A differential cylinder can be powered in just one direction, if required, which is called single-acting. A single-acting cylinder is manufactured in various forms, and normally when a differential cylinder is used as single acting, it will have a breather at the non-powered port to avoid trapped air. Single-acting cylinders are sometimes spring loaded, and are important if the mass of the load isn’t enough to push the fluid back through valves alone. Springs can be added to either the cap or rod end of a cylinder, enabling spring-extend or spring-retract functions respectively. Single-acting cylinders can also be rams, which are cylinders consisting of just a rod in a tube. Pressure pushes the ram up or out, but often requires energy to retract. This energy can come from the mass of the load, but sometimes is generated from springs or other devices that are part of the machine itself, rather than inside the cylinder. Another common cylinder species is the telescopic variety. These cylinders use multiple-sections that are both bodies and rods, and can extend far longer than their retracted length would suggest. They are relatively compact and can usually extend twice their retracted length.

Image courtesy of Yates Industries

February 2017


Hydraulic Cylinders_IFPE_Vs3 MG.indd 77


2/10/17 3:29 PM

How is hydraulic hose used on mobile machinery? Because it is impossible to physically stack every component of a hydraulic system like a Jenga tower, plumbing is required to direct hydraulic energy through the circuit. Pipe, tube and hose are required to channel fluid through the system, and the requirements of the system must be reflected in the choice of conduit. Hydraulic hose is the most commonly used conduit, especially on mobile machinery, and is mandatory should any bending or movement in the mechanism require it. Hoses feature a multi-layer construction, most often with synthetic rubber such as Nitrile and strengthened with braided steel, although synthetic and textile braids are used as well. The pressure rating of hydraulic hose is a result of the number of braid layers and the nature of their construction. The SAE has created standards for hose construction, which dictate specifications for pressure, temperature and type of fluid being used. As you would imagine, the more layers of braided material used, the higher the pressure the hose can withstand. Consequently, hose with four or six layers of steel braiding is quite stiff, so consideration should be taken for bend-radius requirements when choosing hose. Consideration should be taken for diameter when selecting hose to ensure pressure drop remains in check; pressure drop is so often overlooked in a hydraulic system, and the energy wasted can be extensive. However, just as the layering of braids can affect 78


Hydraulic Hose_IFPE_Vs2 MG.indd 78

February 2017

the rigidity of hose, so too can its diameter. Hose manufacturers publish the bend-radius of their hose, and most manufacturers carry a short bend-radius hose in their product line, although it is often more expensive. Specialty hose is available for demanding applications, such as for use in high heat or with exotic fluids. Steel braiding in a hose transmitting high water-based fluid is bad news, as internal corrosion will occur and will go unnoticed. Hose can also be had with non-conductive construction, to ensure the hose does not transmit electricity when installed on a machine working on electrical utility jobs. The most common hydraulic hose is the 100R1 and 100R2 construction types, with one or two layers of braided steel respectively. These hose types are not suitable for every application, so consult with industry professionals when choosing your hydraulic hose. Image courtesy of Parker Hannifin

2/10/17 3:08 PM

The ultimate solution for eliminating leaks

24 Hour Shipping Available 37° JIC & 45° SAE

Flaretite Seals Proven performance in: • Construction • Mining • Nuclear Power

• Automotive • Turbines • Refrigeration

• HVAC • Off Shore • Space Exploration

• Steam Applications • Marine • And Much More

Flaretite, Inc. USA 502 S Leroy St. • Fenton, MI 48430 • Tel: 810-750-4140 •

Flaretite 2-17_FPW_The ultimate solution.indd 79

2/10/17 2:18 PM

How are seals used on mobile machinery?

Seals are the unsung heroes of the fluid power industry; they work hard in nearly every conceivable pump, valve or actuator, providing function, efficiency and reliability far exceeding their cost or complexity. For such a simple invention, the seal exists in countless configurations, often with nearly imperceptible differences, but different all the same. They seal shafts, spools, plates, pistons, rods and nearly every location with moving parts or between two locations of opposed pressure or fluid. The two major classifications of seals are dynamic and static. Dynamic seals must keep pressure contained as one surface slides across or rotates around another surface, such as rod seals, shaft seals and piston seals. They are most often cup-shaped to take advantage of pressure to increase sealing. Static seals, such as O-rings or gaskets, are used to separate two areas of a component, such as a reservoir lid or spool valve end covers. Seal construction has come a long way, the majority of which is now of synthetic construction—Viton, Buna N or Teflon, to name a few. Seal composition needs to reflect the fluid used. Buna is fine for mineral oil, but Viton is required for exotic fluids such as glycols or esters. The shape of the seal is usually dictated by the location of its use. A piston seal typically has the cross-section appearance of a “U.” As you can imagine, pressure inside the middle of the U pushes the edges outward, with extra pressure creating extra sealing. 80


Seals_IFPE_Vs2 MG.indd 80

February 2017

The traditional O-ring is still very common; although less common these days in dynamic or high-pressure applications, it can still be found in countless applications, such as pump rear-covers or ISO valve mounting. Most high pressure O-ring applications used for static pressure holding require a back-up washer, typically made of Teflon, which prevents the O-ring from being extruded out the lower pressure side. Nearly every cartridge valve, for example, uses the O-ring/back-up washer configuration. Seals are typically measured by their cross section width, their ID and their OD. Metric and SAE sizes are both common, and although component manufacturers offer rebuild kits with a complete set of seals (for cylinders, pumps, etc.), any competent technician can quickly measure up seals to be purchased through third-party sources.

2/13/17 11:03 AM

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HAWE Full Page IFPE CONEXPO - Fluid Power World JAN 010316.indd 1 HAWE 1-17.indd 81

1/3/2017 10:08:37 AM 2/10/17 2:19 PM

How are hydraulic motors used on mobile machinery?

Im a Flu ge co iDy u ne rtesy Flu id P of ow e


Hydraulic motors are used in any application where the output of mechanical rotational energy is required, such as augers, wheel drives, fans, mixers, and grinders. Their execution is just as varied as their application, coming in motor types such as orbital, vane, gear and the major piston types—bent-axis, radial and axial. Motors convert hydraulic energy into mechanical rotational energy. Their torque output is a factor of both motor displacement (the theoretical volume of fluid the motor requires to rotate one revolution) and operating pressure. Additionally, a hydraulic motor’s horsepower output is a factor of torque and speed (generally described in revolutions per minute, or rpm) Each motor type excels in a few applications, but could function as a compromise in others. Orbital motors are the most polyonymous of the group, going by such monikers as low-speed/hightorque (LSHT), gerotor, geroller, and disc valve, to name a few. Mind you, the last three are actually different configurations of the same type of motor—however, their general function is the same, by using an off-set shaft inside-gear arrangement, with either a spool or disc valve. Orbital motors are the least efficient type (although each motor type has a relatively efficient sweet spot in their pressure and speed curves), but excel at low-speed, high-torque applications, and are also very economical. They are found on the majority of farm-duty applications, such as conveyors or spreaders, and every application where price is the major consideration. 82


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February 2017

Gear motors are very simple, using the same drive- and idle-gear layout as gear pumps, and although they are not any more efficient than orbital motors for the most part, they are inexpensive and work well at higher speeds. They are most often used when such a combination is required, such as cooling fan drives or pump drives. Vane motors are the least common of the major types, but are respectable in their efficiency and speed output. They can also be had in large displacements, making them a good choice for high torque applications. They use a rotor with fixed vanes, just as vane pumps, although some manufacturers use a more complicated design with vanes on the housing as well. These motors can be seen in applications such as winches or drill rigs. Piston motors are hard to beat in their output and efficiency. The bent-axis piston motor is the champion of high-speed operation, and can do so with huge amounts of pressure and torque. Their bent-axis design also makes them very reliable, able to handle 5,000-6,000 psi “’til the cows come home.” They’re used in any application where ultra-high speed and torque are required, such as grinders or vacuum pump drives. They’re not cheap, but they are unmatched in their power density. The radial piston motor is the torque king of the hydraulic motor empire, not only available in gigantic displacements, but also extremely efficient in creating that torque. They’re not as fast as bent-axis motors, but are the top choice for wheel drives or other direct-drive high torque applications. It should be noted that while no piston-type motor can be called inexpensive, they at least provide unparalleled performance at any price.

2/10/17 3:13 PM


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Offline Filtration


1/16/17 11:04 AM 2/10/17 2:20 PM

Image courtesy of Hy-Pro Filtration

How are filters used on mobile machinery?

A reliable and efficient hydraulic system starts with the fluid. Keeping hydraulic oil conditioned and free of contaminants, air, water and heat is critical to ensuring that all system components run as they are meant to. To ensure this dependability, proper fluid filtration is required and should be taken with great care. Contamination often enters a machine during startup, when particles from machine operations—be they metal shavings or sawdust or plastic bits—enter hoses, actuators, reservoirs and manifold ports. These particles can also flood a system during maintenance, if proper preventions aren’t taken, or during a complete machine failure. To prevent them from entering a system, use one of three main types of filters. The first, the suction filter, is mounted in the reservoir and attached to the suction line to protect downstream components, such as the pump. They are meant to catch coarse, large particles, so are not effective in trapping the major culprits of wear—fine particles. These mesh steel filters are often not included in a system’s filtration design, as they can cause clogging and pump cavitation. Next up is the pressure filter, which is installed in the pressure line, downstream of pumps and system circuits when fine filtration is required. This traps particles in fluid as it flows from the pump, so protects components downstream of the pump. You must select a pressure filter that matches the system pressure you’ll be operating in, but they are generally available in wide ranges up to and higher than 10,000 psi. The most common type of filter is the return line filter, which traps very fine particles before the fluid reenters the reservoir. Spin-on filter and in-tank drop-in assemblies are the most popular. Spin-on filters are used heavily on mobile equipment. They are rated for most fluid types and a range of 84

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February 2017

pressures and temperatures. They are available in glass, cellulose fibers and paper media. Water-absorbing medias also remove freestanding water from oil. Growing in use in the mobile market are in-tank return filters. They use stronger filter media, such as synthetic and natural fibers and stainless steel wire mesh. Constructed of steel, aluminum or plastic, they suitable for heavyduty applications. And because they are located in the filter stream, they can remove most fine particles throughout the rest of the system, ensuring clean fluid enters the reservoir. When selecting a filter you need to know what size particles it is rated to remove in one pass through. You must also know its efficiency or Beta ratio (the ratio of particles upstream of the filter to downstream of the filter during standardized testing). For example, we know how efficient a filter was at removing 10-micron particles in a single pass, such as 99%. In this case, “10 micron at Beta 200,” means the filter is 99.5% efficient at removing 10-micron particles in one pass. The lower the micron rating and higher the efficiency rating the better. Other considerations include pressure drop, flow rate and size, and obviously, price. If sized improperly, filters can break, releasing all the collected contaminants back into the system.

2/13/17 9:56 AM

TOMPKINS BALL VALVES Perfect for shutoff applications, Tompkins Brass Ball Valves and Mini Ball Valves range in size from 1/8" all the way up to 4" and have pressure ratings up to 600 PSI. Ball Valves are also available in Stainless Steel with pressure ratings up to 1,000 PSI. Make sure to check out our new website at: | 800-255-1008

Tompkins 2-17_FPW_DW.indd 85

2/10/17 2:22 PM

How are pressure transducers used on mobile machinery?

The measurement of pressure had once been a monopoly of

Bourdon tube pressure gauges, and if you wanted to check the pressure at any location in a fluid power circuit, you had to go right to the source to install a pressure gauge at the location you wished to measure. The invention of test points and micro-bore hoses allowed for some distance between point of measure and point of reading, but reliable and accurate readings were still limited. The proliferation of electronics into fluid power has changed the way we can measure pressure, and has enabled versatility not enjoyed previously. Pressure transducers are solid state, meaning there are no mechanical moving parts, instead using something called a strain gauge which changes in resistance when warped out of shape by pressure. Their solid-state nature means they are very reliable, often lasting millions of cycles. Pressure transducers require a power source to give their output signal, usually a 24-V input. Their outputs are typically one of the standard control signals, such as 0-10 V or 4-20 mA, et al. This signal can be fed into a PLC for feedback of closed-loop control, such as servo-pump pressure control, or the transducer signal can simply plug into a digital display.



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February 2017

Transducers are typically male-threaded and plumbed into any location where you wish to measure pressure. When used in conjunction with a PLC, the basic plug-in type with a M12 or DIN connector is all that is needed. The transducer must be chosen for the appropriate pressure range it will measure, especially if you wish it to be accurate. For example, if you are measuring around 100 psi with a 0-10 V transducer, using a 1,000-psi transducer will only ever read 1 V, leaving the rest of the pressure range unused. Pressure transducers are also available with on-board electronics, including displays and switches. One device, for example, can display the pressure, provide a handful of switch’s outputs with configurable switch-back points, and also provide its analog output for a PLC to use as well. With the cost of electronics at an all-time low, they’re not as expensive as you would think, either.

2/10/17 3:19 PM

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Config DWorld Page Rev#7.indd 1 Fabco Air 1-17.indd 87

12/6/16 9:47 AM 2/10/17 2:23 PM

M o t i o n

C o n t r o l

Troubleshooting VFDs 101 — with no-power checks

Diodes and capacitors on variable frequency drives (VFDs) need occasional checks to verify proper operation. Here’s how to make those inspections.

Daniel Schubert • Yaskawa Product Training Engineer

Variable frequency drives (VFDs) are a staple component of many industrial and commercial applications in which motors run to complete tasks. VFDs can control and protect motors and in some applications, even offer energy savings. But as with any system component, VFDs can fail. Here we explain some troubleshooting techniques that engineers and plant personnel can use to check VFDs. The checklist for the major no-power checks we present here include: • Safety — with the system at less than 10 Vdc



Motion Control (Yaskawa) 2-17_Vs4.LL.LE.indd 88

February 2017

2/10/17 4:03 PM

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0117_Schneeberger_DW-wtwhFP.indd 1 Schneeberger 1-17.indd 89

1/11/2017 10:37:03 PM 2/10/17 2:25 PM

M o t i o n

C o n t r o l

First section of VFD: Input or rectifier The first section of a VFD is the input rectifier section, which includes input diodes that chop three-phase ac waves into a positive and negative dc supply.

• An input check — as a diode check • A dc bus check — as a visual check • An output check — as a diode check • A review of checks Upfront warning: Safety when working with VFDs Our number one concern is you the reader, so if you don’t feel as though you possess the experience to perform these tests, contact a professional to perform them for you. Life-threatening voltage and

Second section of VFD: DC bus section of the drive



Motion Control (Yaskawa) 2-17_Vs4.LL.LE.indd 90

February 2017

current are present in the VFD even after the incoming supply is removed. Before testing, follow the lockout/tagout procedures for the system at hand. After this is completed, follow arc-flash procedures for the given system and follow local codes. Locate the +(positive) and –(negative) dc bus terminals on the drive. Refer to the manual for the unit or contact the manufacture of the VFD if you’re unsure of

This is the dc bus section of the drive. After the diodes chop up the incoming ac wave into dc, the dc bus or dc capacitors store this voltage and have a smoothing effect. Visual inspection is often sufficient here.

2/10/17 4:04 PM

M o t i o n

Third section of VFD: Output or converter

C o n t r o l

the location of these terminals. The multimeter should have at least a 1,000-V CAT III rating and the ability to make diode checks:

Set the multimeter to Vdc. Connect the +(Red) and -(Black) leads from the meter to the dc bus terminals on the VFD. If the value is above 10 Vdc but reducing, wait until the excess dc bus voltage is below 10 Vdc. This time varies depending on the drive capacity. If voltage doesn’t fall below 10 Vdc, ensure input power to the drive is removed or contact the VFD manufacturer or installer.

The final VFD section is the output or converter. The free-wheeling diodes here get checked just as those at the drive input do.

Everything we do hinges on you.

VFD input check (at the rectifier) In today’s VFDs, the input or rectifier section is comprised of input diodes that convert an incoming three-phase ac sine wave into a rectified dc supply. There

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Motion Control (Yaskawa) 2-17_Vs4.LL.LE.indd 91

2/13/17 12:46 PM

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2/10/17 1/12/17 2:26 5:12 PM PM

M o t i o n

C o n t r o l

The checklist for no-power checks here include: • Safety with the system at less than 10 Vdc • Input check as a diode check • A dc bus check as a visual check • An output check as a diode check

The Greatest Brains In Magnetic Assemblies

are at least two diodes for each phase. They are positioned in opposite conducting orientation to allow full-wave rectification. To check the input section, we need to perform simple diode checks. These checks include testing the forward and reverse bias direction of both diodes in each phase. This process uses the input terminals R/L1, S/L2, T/L3 on the drive and the dc bus terminals. If you are unsure about where the input terminals are, refer to the VFD’s manual. With a multimeter set to diode check:

put the +(Red) lead on the input terminal (R/L1) and the –(Black) lead on the (+) dc bus terminal. This isolates the positive R/L1 phased diode. A good diode should read around 0.5 Vdc in the forward-bias direction. Repeat this process for the S/L2 and T/L3 terminals while leaving the – (Black) lead on the (+) dc bus terminal. Note: When making this measurement, look for consistency across the all three input terminals. The measurement of 0.5 Vdc is only an approximation and can change depending on the VFD and model size. If at any time the meter February 2017


Motion Control (Yaskawa) 2-17_Vs4.LL.LE.indd 93

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2/10/17 4:13 PM

M o t i o n

C o n t r o l

reads 0 V, then that diode is shorted. The next step is to check the reverse bias direction of the diodes. Move the –(Black) multimeter lead to the R/L1 terminal, and move the +(Red) multimeter lead to the (+) dc bus terminal. Then check the remaining two inputs by moving the –(Black) multimeter lead to the S/L2 and T/ L3 terminals. The multimeter should eventually display (OL) after charging the drive’s filter capacitors. OL occurs when the power supply in the meter is unable to force current through the diode in the set direction. We are now done with the upper diodes and need to check both directions of the remaining diodes on the rectifier. We start by placing the +(Red) multimeter lead on the (-) bus terminal and the –

(Black) multimeter lead on the R/L1 terminal. This again should read around 0.5 Vdc. From there, move the –(Black) multimeter lead to the remaining S/ L2 and T/L3 terminals while looking for consistency between the three measurements. Some engineers consider a variance of more than 0.05 Vdc between them to be a bad sign, as this could mean that one or more diodes need replacement. Finally, move the -(Black) multimeter lead to the (-) dc bus terminal and the +(Red) lead to the R/L1 input terminal, then check the S/L2 and T/L3 input terminals, again making sure that the meter reads OL after a short time charging the filter capacitors. When charging the filter capacitors, the time can vary and increases with drive size.

We have now checked all the diodes in both bias directions. If at any time the meter reads 0 V, then that diode is shorted. DC bus check on VFDs After the diodes rectify the incoming ac wave into dc, the dc bus or dc capacitors store the voltage and have a smoothing effect on the dc bus voltage ripple. To fully check the capacitors, an engineer or plant worker would need to pull the individual capacitors out of the system and use a tester supporting high-microfarad capacitors. In lieu of this (for no-power checks) visual inspection for any signs of physical damage or electrolytic fluid leaking from the capacitor is sufficient. Sometimes it’s even possible to smell if the capacitor isn’t good anymore ... and the smell will most likely be a strong scent.

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Motion Control (Yaskawa) 2-17_Vs4.LL.LE.indd 94

February 2017

2/10/17 4:15 PM

M o t i o n

If the unit in question has a lot of hours on it and maintenance personnel are already replacing other components, it’s not a bad idea to go ahead and replace the dc bus capacitors. VFD output check (at the inverter) The third and final section is the output or inverter section. This usually consists of insulated gate bipolar transistors (IGBTs). The IGBTs take stored dc from the bus capacitors and work together to form a simulated ac output wave to the motor. The VFD uses pulse-width modulation (PWM) to control the voltage and frequency applied to the motor. The IGBT includes an emitter, collector, gate and free-wheeling diode. The VFD modulates the pulses applied to the motor by varying how long it applies a voltage between the gate-emitter junctions of the IGBT. This is called gating and it happens thousands of times per second. The gating signals themselves can’t be checked without power and are usually checked once power is applied, and the drive

is running with no load — in other words, with no motor. That check involves using an oscilloscope to ensure the IGBTs are gating properly. The free-wheeling diode completes the output circuit and handles any regeneration from the motor going back into the drive. This regenerated energy is then introduced back into the dc bus capacitors. Our last check is basically another set of diode checks. Fortunately, in most cases the IGBT fails because the free-wheeling diode has shorted. How do we check this? We check it the same way we did the VFD’s input. More specifically, check the free-wheeling diodes just as the rectifier’s diodes were checked ... but this time, use the U/T1, V/T2, and W/T3 terminals instead of the R/L1, S/L2, and T/ L3 terminals. If the measurements show a good diode, you’re done. If the measurements show a short circuit (less than 0.5 Vdc in both directions) then you have a shorted IGBT.

C o n t r o l

Review of checks out-of-range values Note that these checks cover the major components of the drive’s main circuit. If you have readings that aren’t in this range, then it’s likely that you must remove the drive and either rebuild or replace it.


Connect and discuss this and other design engineering issues with thousands of professionals online

Checks on the input of a variable frequency drive Step

(+) Multimeter lead

(-) Multimeter lead

Multimeter reading (diode check)


R/L1, S/L2, T/L3

(+) Terminal

0.5 Vdc (approximately)


(+) Terminal

R/L1, S/L2, T/L3



(-) Terminal

R/L1, S/L2, T/L3

0.5 Vdc (approximately)


R/L1, S/L2, T/L3

(-) Terminal


Checks on the output of a variable frequency drive Step

(+) Multimeter lead

(-) Multimeter lead

Multimeter reading (diode check)


U/T1, V/T2, W/T3

(+) Terminal

0.5 Vdc (approximately)


(+) Terminal

U/T1, V/T2, W/T3



(-) Terminal

U/T1, V/T2, W/T3

0.5 Vdc (approximately)


U/T1, V/T2, W/T3

(-) Terminal


Motion Control (Yaskawa) 2-17_Vs4.LL.LE.indd 95

February 2017



2/13/17 12:30 PM

..... L i n e a r

M ot i o n

Linear actuators

beat the heat

For greater positioning accuracy in high-precision applications, one linear actuator assembly incorporates temperature compensation to correct for thermal effects.

Linear actuators can be a combination of linear guides and linear shaft motor components contained in an assembly. As an integrated system, they can reduce overall machine design and fabrication costs and eliminate the effort associated with integrating lower-level components and assemblies. In addition to high accuracy, a linear actuator with linear shaft motors has some essential advantages in typical applications including no-wear components, no seals to fail, and as a result a high reliability and MTBF factor. However, sometimes factors such as temperature changes can impact actuator accuracy. Linear actuators, especially in positioning stages, require accurate positioning in the micrometer range. For the proper working of linear actuators, which are fixed to the machine element and without positioning errors, the feedback elements need to sense an internal and external condition ambient (temperature, for example). The temperature factor may be the cause of temperature extension or shortening at working elements of the actuator, particularly the axial moving shaft, which results in significantly decreased accuracy and repeatability.

Michael Driker Mechanical Project Leader Kappa Sense, Ltd.



Linear Motion (Kappa Sense)_2-17_Vs5.indd 96

February 2017

2/10/17 4:23 PM

L= 400 mm Ø of 16 mm

These graphs show shaft expansion as a function of temperature change.

35 30

∆L [micron]













Temperature [°C]

L= 300 mm Ø of 16 mm 35 30 25 20 L= 300 mm Ø of 16 mm


∆L = 5.4 °C

Kexp =

Linear (L = 300 mm Ø16 mm

10 5 0 23











Temperature [°C]

L= 200 mm Ø of 10 mm 35 30

Kexp =


∆L [micron]

of linear guides and

in an assembly.”

Linear (L = 400 mm Ø16 mm


can be a combination

components contained

L= 400 mm Ø of 16 mm

∆L = 7.4 °C

Kexp =



“Linear actuators

linear shaft motor



∆L [micron]

The graphs in Figures 1 to 3 show thermal expansion measured as a function of temperature change for an actuator shaft formed of identical material but having different geometries. The coefficients of thermal expansion are different in each case. So in Fig. 1, for a shaft length of 400 mm and a shaft diameter of 16 mm, the coefficient of thermal expansion, Kexp, given by ΔL/°C , is equal to 7.4 mm/°C. In Fig. 2 for a shaft length of 300 mm and a shaft diameter of 16 mm, Kexp is equal to 5.4 mm/°C. In Fig. 3 for a shaft length of 200 mm and a shaft diameter of 10 mm, Kexp is equal to 3.5 mm/°C. This means that even for a low gauge shaft having a diameter of 10 mm and a length of 200 mm, a rise in temperature of only 1°C will give rise to a thermal expansion of 3.5 µm. In semiconductor fabrication and other nanotechnology applications, such a deviation is critical and can make a big difference operationally.

∆L = 3.5 °C

20 L= 200 mm Ø of 10 mm


Linear (L = 200 mm Ø10 mm

10 5 0 23











Temperature [°C]

Linear Motion (Kappa Sense)_2-17_Vs5.indd 97

February 2017



2/10/17 4:24 PM

Fig. 4: This control unit block diagram shows the functionality of the linear actuator for achieving the required temperature compensation. The motor shaft can be moved forward or backward by a precisely controlled distance regardless of local changes in the shaft temperature.

In a typical example, an actuator comprises a motor forcer that advances a motor shaft forward or backward and is coupled to a driven mechanism external to the actuator. An encoder is coupled to the shaft of the motor with the output of the encoder fed to an input of a first subtracting junction having a negative input to which is coupled the output of a temperature compensator. Consequently, the first subtracting junction generates a signal corresponding to the difference between the nominal position signal of the shaft and a temperature compensation signal.

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February 2017

2/10/17 4:19 PM

L i n e a r

M ot i o n

“A temperature sensor on the shaft detects any temperature changes and any corresponding effects on shaft dimensions, which are fed to a control unit.”

The temperature compensator is responsive to the instantaneous temperature of the shaft as measured by the temperature sensor for determining a compensation signal. This signal, when fed to the first subtraction junction, produces a corrected encoder difference signal. This signal takes into account the fact that the shaft has expanded or contracted from a nominal baseline length as established at a known baseline temperature according to whether the instantaneous temperature of the shaft is higher or lower than the baseline temperature. The corrected encoder difference signal is fed to a proportional-integral-derivative (PID) controller which continuously calculates an error value, ε(t), as the difference between a desired driver signal and the corrected encoder difference signal. It minimizes the error over time by adjusting a control variable, u(t), corresponding to the position of the motor shaft to a new value determined by a weighted sum. The equation is:

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u(t) = Kpε(t)+Ki ∫ ε(t)+Kd dε(t)/dt where Kp, Ki and Kd are all non-negative and denote the coefficients for the proportional, integral, and derivative terms, respectively.

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In this model: • P accounts for present values of the error. For example, if the error is large and positive, the control output will also be large and positive.

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Linear Motion (Kappa Sense)_2-17_Vs5.indd 99

February 2017



2/9/2017 8:42:47 AM

2/10/17 4:18 PM

L i n e a r

M ot i o n

Fig. 5: The actuator uses a linear encoder with a passive read head and a scale unit on the body of the actuator. The passive read head is fixed to the carrier that’s connected to the shaft of the actuator.

• I accounts for past values of the error. For example, if the current output is not sufficiently strong, error will accumulate over time, and the controller will respond by applying a stronger action. • D accounts for possible future values of the error, based on its current rate of change. The temperature compensator includes a look-up table or ROM that stores measured values of thermal expansion or contraction parameters. These depend on the geometrical dimensions of the shaft, which is used for different temperatures relative to a known measured baseline. These values take into account the geometry of the shaft as well as the shaft material. They’re used in real time to establish a 100


Linear Motion (Kappa Sense)_2-17_Vs5.indd 100

February 2017

negative or positive offset that must be added to the movement of the shaft. The temperature compensator can also include an interpolator for interpolating between values in the look-up table when the table doesn’t store the offset for the measured instantaneous temperature of the shaft. A temperature sensor on the shaft detects any temperature changes and any corresponding effects on shaft dimensions, which are fed to a control unit. This helps to achieve a machining precision that is independent of temperature and of temperature changes of the machine overall and of temperature changes in the single parts of the actuator and shaft. The actuator uses a linear encoder with a passive (wireless) read head, which includes a scale unit arranged into the hollow body of the actuator and

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L i n e a r the direction of measurement. The passive read head is fixed to the carrier that’s connected to the shaft of the actuator. Because the read head is passive it has no wires and no need for a cable carrier, which significantly increases reliability of the actuator as well as simplifying the design. For ultra-high precision applications (2 to 4 μm), the linear actuator, using linear shaft motors, offers the promise of simple design and high precision and repeatable positioning. To achieve this, it’s necessary that the heating temperature data, like change of ambient temperature, friction, and heating of the linear motor forcer be transmitted directly to the control unit block. While it does slightly increase the amount of work and cost, the result is that any thermal changes will not influence the positioning and repeatability of the linear actuator end shaft position. DW

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February 2017


Linear Motion (Kappa Sense)_2-17_Vs5.indd 101

Micrometer Positioning Stages Micrometer Driven Ball & Crossed Roller Stages Designed & built in the U.S.A.


2/10/17 4:27 PM

A d d i t i v e

M a n u f a c t u r i n g

Fast,good, and affordable?

How to have it all

The designer’s reality is often expressed as the holy triangle—that is, “Fast, good, or cheap, pick two.” However, with an adjustable multi-gantry platform that includes additive and subtractive manufacturing with a robotics feature, 3DP’s Excel 100 Series may break these limitations that constrain manufacturers from investing in additive technology.

Jonathan Schroeder • President, 3D Platform It’s no secret that the promise of 3D printing is sweeping across the breadth of manufacturing globally. Digitalist research firm Gartner predicts that nearly 50% of manufacturers in the consumer products, heavy goods, and life sciences industries will be harnessing 3D printing by 2018.

With the price point of printers decreasing, the integration of IoT,

and innovations in print materials, more industries (such as aerospace, automotive, healthcare, and so on) are moving additive manufacturing (AM) to key roles in their main production processes.



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February 2017

As this 3D printing momentum continues, design engineers have identified the need for AM machines to step up and drastically improve the basic features found in the first generations of 3D printing machines. These needed features include: • Reliability • Print space • Speed and accuracy • Affordability These demands, though, run into a common dilemma in design—one that constrains businesses, and stands in the way of realizing the full promise of this vital technology and its ability to help vault manufacturing to the venerated 4th generation.

2/13/17 10:36 AM

The designers dilemma derives from the three constraints of the “iron” triangle found in design and project management-these constraints are typically shown as speed, quality, and affordability. With traditional manufacturing methods and processes, you can only choose two of the points from the triangle, eliminating the third as a choice. Additive manufacturing can remove all of those constraints.



Cost The 3 points of the dilemma The dilemma derives from the three constraints of the “iron” triangle found in design and project management. These constraints are typically shown as speed, quality, and affordability. When using traditional manufacturing methods and processes, the dilemma is you can only choose two of the points from the triangle. That is, you can have it fast, good, or cheap, pick any two. Whichever two points are chosen will typically eliminate the third as a viable choice. If a design engineer managing a business-critical project defines requirements of high speed and high quality, the project will likely need to sacrifice affordability. Conversely, if they want affordable and fast, then they will sacrifice quality; and if high quality at an affordable price needs top billing, speed gets the ax. The promise of next generation additive manufacturing machines is the realization of all three at once: speed, quality, and affordability. 3D Platform’s newest line of large-format 3D printers, the Excel Additive Manufacturing Series (Excel 100 Series) offers a solution to this dilemma with its extended work areas, increased throughput, multiprocessing capabilities, and open market features. Not only will it allow manufacturers to print larger, higher quality prints at faster rates, but it will also give them the capability to do additive and subtractive manufacturing, as well as robotic assembly that’s affordable in the same setting.

Speed and quality Looking at the benchmarks of speed and quality with our current generation of printers, 3D Platform designers took a standard open-loop stepper motor and replaced it with a SurePrint Servo – a closedloop stepper motor. Because the stepper motor is closed-looped, it is more accurate and more repeatable, improving the quality and speed of the printer (or prints), while maintaining affordability. They also improved speed and print time with a high flow material extruder (HFE900 series). Many extruders have an average throughput of 36 grams per hour; thermal capacity limits throughput. The HFE 900 provides a 6-mm diameter for a material throughput capacity that ranges from 2 kg/hr to 55 kg/hr. Customers also have the option to use standard plastic pellets in addition to filament, which can decrease the cost of materials. However, the spool fed extruder is easier to manage than the pellet fed extruders, so the needs of the customer will determine which type of material to use for printing.

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Ad d it ive M a n u f a c t u r i n g

Key features of the Excel 100 Series User needs and wants continue to drive development in additive manufacturing. The Excel 100 Series additive machines address the following user desires. • Open market Materials development is a key factor driving the additive manufacturing industry. Open market solutions are a way to harness the energy of global material scientists who specialize in blending various polymers to achieve specific end goals for certain projects. Manufacturers can print virtually any material on the Excel Series machines, provided the material’s melting temperature, bed temperature, and recommended ambient temperatures match the capabilities of the machine. By allowing an open market for materials, customers can determine how much they want to spend for each project they decide to print. Open-market platforms also facilitate innovation by providing real-time 3D printed models that can be easily accessed and shared. • Robust industrial technology To answer the market demands of reliable performance, companies need to use industry-proven mechanical and electrical components, along with the appropriate software integrations. Linear guides, motion control, and industrial robotics components from THK, Yasakawa, Xtrution, and Shimpo, contribute to the Excel Series robustness. • Larger print space Traditional desktop 3D printers are perfect for prototype parts, but may not be suitable for other engineering applications. Larger additive machines, like the Excel 100 Series, can build large parts, in this case up to 4 m x 4 m x 100 m. The extended work areas allow parts to reach 2.5+ meters across and 2 meters in height. • Speed and accuracy The use of robust industrial components, such as linear guides and motion controls delivers an industrial-sized printer that offers: • High torque for quick acceleration and deceleration • High precision and positioning accuracy and reliability • Simpler wiring • Low complexity of control • Large print/work areas • A parallel gantry configuration • Support of multi-processes (additive, subtractive, and robotics) 104


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• Flexible design A flexible machine design allows the integration of multiple processes (additive, subtractive, and robotics) simultaneously. With parallel gantry configurations, consumers can 3D print a part (additive), remove its support structures (subtractive), and finish the print near-net shape (robotics) – decreasing production costs. • Open software The Excel 100 Series software is also open source, so customers can select a software package that’s right for them: Freeware programs have no cost and work best for simple files. • Simplify3D is an economical program that suits medium-level complexities. • Materialise Magic or Autodesk’s Netfabb suit advanced prints.


2/10/17 3:55 PM

The Excel 100 Series is a parallel gantry system that includes 3D printing extruders and CNC equipment, creating a hybrid (additive and subtractive manufacturing) capability. Robotic equipment can also be installed for assembly functions. 3DP’s robust industrial technology of linear guides, motion control components, and robotics is included to improve cycle time and final part quality.

The Excel design is parametric; it can stretch in any of the Cartesian directions. Thus, the machine can be customized to the customer. In terms of print volume, the machine can be stretched by 5 (w) x 3 (h) x 100 m (l) and beyond. Near net shape The Excel 100 Series has multiple gantries on an 8-foot-long bed, which allow manufacturers to print one large part or simultaneously create multiple parts. By combining additive and subtractive manufacturing abilities within the same enclosure, the Excel prints on scale of 2, 3, and 4-meter square surfaces up to 100-meters in length. Manufacturers can also install robotic equipment for assembly functions or post processing and finishing. The robotics can deliver subtractive manufacturing or pick-andplace functions, such as embedding various components into 3D printed parts (such as PEM nuts or threaded metal fasteners) in a streamlined process. The Excel is available with an enclosure to control the environmental variables over the entire part. The enclosure minimizes thermal shrink on certain areas of the part, allowing it to shrink as it is cooling in one unified motion.

February 2017

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2/13/17 12:44 PM

Ad d it ive M a n u f a c t u r i n g

Investment considerations When evaluating an investment into large format 3D printers, there are several key considerations: • What are the manufacturing goals and objectives the printer will help to accomplish? • In-house 3D printing production versus outsourcing • Cost of investment

Several factors drive costs—oftentimes the capital investment is small relative to the ongoing cost of operation. Material consumption and the costs to run such a machine can exceed the cost of the machine itself.

Additive manufacturing gives you more options in terms of speed and part feature accuracy. Depending on the nozzle size and print material, you can choose the level of quality needed for a part.

Cost of materials The cost of materials is the most significant driver. The Excel additive machine, for example, is open sourced/open market. Thus, users can take advantage of the materials that would yield savings—provided the materials’ melting temperature, bed temperature, and recommended ambient air temperatures match the Excel’s capabilities.

It’s not a web page, it’s an industry information site So much happens between issues of Design World that even another issue would not be enough to keep up. That’s why it makes sense to visit and stay on Twitter, Google plus, Facebook and Linkedin. It’s updated regularly with relevant technical information and other significant news to the design engineering community. 106


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February 2017

2/10/17 3:58 PM

Rod Ends and Spherical Bearings designed and manufactured to Aurora’s exacting standards for quality and durability.

“Looking at the benchmarks of speed and quality with our current generation

Your Partner moving forward!

of printers, we took a standard open-

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loop stepper motor and replaced it

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with a SurePrint Servo – a closed-loop stepper motor. ”


The machine is a general industrial use printer, so it can’t print ultra-high temperature materials. Machine time The next major cost is the time it takes to initiate the machine. Set-up costs include software and machine installation, as well as preparing files for printing and getting the machine ready to print. Companies should have a skilled operator available to run the machine once it’s ready to print. The run time of the part will also affect operation costs. Post processing Almost every part that comes off an additie machine requires some amount of post processing, which ranges from quick to labor intensive. The amount of post processing needed is dependent on the part and its desired use—some parts only require a simple rinse or dusting off of unused gel or powder; others require trimming, sanding, polishing, and painting. Nozzle size affects post processing as well. Larger nozzle sizes print rougher shapes that require man-hours for polishing and finishing. But more parts can be printed quickly. Smaller nozzle sizes produce more of a near-net shape, but fewer parts in the same time frame. In some cases, printing rough and finishing is more economical than attempting to print near-net shape. Other potential costs include maintenance, replacement parts and software packages. The Excel design offers a reliable additive machine for manufacturers demanding faster speeds, higher quality, and a more economical large format printer for production purposes. With its multi-gantry platform, additive and subtractive manufacturing, and robotics feature, this machine eliminates addresses the issues that constrained manufacturers from investing in this vital technology that can add to their business values. DW 3DP Platform |

February 2017

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2/10/17 3:59 PM

F a s t e n i n g


J o i n i n g


bonding solutions for plastics Plastics have become an integral part of everyday life. It would be difficult to identify a manufacturing process that does not use plastics. Even products that appear to be composed exclusively of metals are usually coated, sealed, or adhesively joined using polymeric materials which improve the performance, appearance, and longevity of metal products. Adhesive applications range from bonding critical medical components to heavy equipment.

Rachel B. Nashett • Application Engineer-Henkel Corporation



Fastening and Joining 2-17_Vs3.LL.indd 108

February 2017

2/10/17 4:29 PM

LOCTITE HY 4090 is a two component, general

When designing assemblies made from or including

plastics, it is often critical to structurally hold assemblies together with a reliable mechanism. Plastics can be reliably fastened to a wide variety of substrates using an engineered adhesive solution. Adhesives are used in the manufacturing industry to provide structural integrity to assemblies, and to reduce the cost, time and waste associated with traditional mechanical fasteners and welding. Industrial adhesives can effectively bond dissimilar substrates, distribute stress loads and vibrational forces, and increase the aesthetics of structural assemblies. In today’s competitive market, streamlining production and creating better, more reliable assemblies are critical factors to ensuring the success of modern manufacturers. Adhesives can successfully displace solvent welding in the plastics industry, join dissimilar substrates, and provide structural integrity to a wide variety of products and applications. According to the Engineer’s Guide to Plastics, adhesives are effective in bonding at least 36 different types of plastics. Other commonly used methods of joining plastics are not capable of joining nearly as many types of plastics.

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February 2017

purpose adhesive that provides a fast fixture at room temperature. It is designed to bond a variety of substrates including metals, most plastics and rubbers.



2/10/17 4:29 PM

Fa ste n i ng & J o i ni ng

LOCTITE 4902FL is a flexible cyanoacrylate adhesive for the assembly of flexible medical devices. LOCTITE 4902 FL offers enhancements compared to other standard CAs including strength in flexing bond lines and resistance to leaks with excellent sealing capability.

To ensure the structural integrity of an adhesively joined assembly, appropriate steps should be taken to evaluate bond joint design and adhesive selection.

Design Considerations When bonded correctly, the low tensile strengths of plastics and a large joint overlap can result in substrate failure of an assembly prior to an adhesive bond joint failure. There are five main types of forces which can be applied to adhesively bonded joints: tensile, shear, compression, peel, and cleavage. Tensile force is the force applied to an adhesively bonded joint when pulling the assembly apart perpendicularly to the bond line and adjoining substrate. Shear force is the force applied when substrates in an adhesively bonded joint are pulled parallel from one another along a plane. In most adhesive qualification and testing, structural properties of an adhesive are evaluated in the shear plane. Many structural adhesives perform well when subjected to shear forces. Compression can be an optimal force in which to place on an adhesively bonded assembly. Compressive forces are applied to an assembly when the adhesively bonded substrates are pushed together perpendicularly by an outside force. 110


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Peel and cleavage forces are similar to each other, and are the least desirable forces to apply to an adhesively bonded assembly. Peel and cleavage forces are applied to the leading edge of an adhesively bonded assembly. These forces apply an uneven distribution of stress to the front edge of the bonded materials. Once the adhesive begins to pull apart along the leading edge, the fractures being created in the adhesive may begin to propagate through the bond line. The force, or forces, which may be applied to the bond joint are critical in the adhesive selection process. Some adhesives perform better under certain conditions, or have been designed to withstand specific forces better than other adhesives. During the adhesive selection process, manufacturers should consider the environmental conditions the assembly will be exposed to throughout its intended usage period. Temperature, UV exposure, surface contamination, surface treatments, and solvent and chemical exposure are all environmental factors which should be considered during adhesive selection. Different adhesive chemistries are designed to meet specific manufacturing and end use conditions.

Available Structural Adhesive Technologies A wide variety of adhesive technologies are available to meet the bonding needs of manufacturers. The top performing adhesives used for the structural bonding of plastics fall into three main adhesive categories: epoxies, cyanoacrylates, and methyl methacrylates. Choosing which type of adhesive is appropriate for a manufacturing system depends on the materials being bonded, joint design, and the projected end use conditions of the assembly. Epoxy Adhesives Epoxies are structural adhesives which are available in one and two-part systems. Epoxies can provide unlimited gap filling capabilities and cure through depth, excellent thermal and chemical resistance, high cohesive strength (strength within the adhesive), low shrinkage, and good shear and peel strength. Many epoxies are machineable and paintable. Epoxies cure when covalent bonds between the epoxy resin and hardener are formed. Catalysts can be added to the epoxy system to increase the cure rate. Controlled heat application to an epoxy can increase the crosslinking density of the adhesive in the bond area, resulting in higher cured strengths, and increased cure speeds.

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Epoxy systems do have a few limitations. Epoxies tend to have a slow cure rate, with a fixture time between 5 minutes and 2 hours. Slower cure may be beneficial when extended time is required to join parts after adhesive application, or if parts need to be repositioned after being mated. Epoxies do exotherm during cure, so consideration needs to be taken if a manufacturer intends to use epoxies on highly sensitive parts. If a manufacturer is bonding parts with a large bondline gap, or parts which will endure high temperatures or harsh chemicals, epoxies may be a bonding solution.

Cyanoacrylates Cyanoacrylates (CAs) are single component, quick fixturing, room temperature curing adhesives, which provide excellent adhesion to most substrates. The single component nature of CAs allows for easy automation of production lines. CAs are available in wide range of viscosities (water thin to gels), and have good resistance to moisture and nonpolar chemicals. Cyanoacrylates anionicly polymerize in the presence of a weak base such as water (which can be present in the form of humidity from the air on parts), and the neutralization of acid stabilizers present in the adhesive. As the acid stabilizers in the cyanoacrylate are neutralized, rapid polymerization occurs. CAs bond to skin rapidly, have limited gap filling and curing capabilities, poor polar solvent resistance (isopropanol, acetone, methylene chloride), and poor long term durability on glass substrates. CAs may also exhibit slow cure speeds on dry or acidic surfaces, poor impact resistance and peel strength (due to the ridged nature of the cured adhesive), poor high temperature performance, and low bond strengths to polyolefins. LOCTITE 4902 FL is an innovative CA adhesive recently developed by Henkel Corporation. LOCTITE 4902FL is a highly flexible cyanoacrylate adhesive designed for the assembly of flexible medical devices. LOCTITE 4902 FL offers significant performance enhancements compared to standard CAs including strength in flexing bond lines and resistance to leaks with excellent sealing capability.

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2/10/17 4:33 PM

Fa ste n i ng & J o i ni ng

“Industrial adhesives can effectively bond dissimilar substrates, distribute stress loads and vibrational forces, and increase the aesthetics of structural assemblies. �



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February 2017

Accelerators are solvent based products designed to increase the cure speed of cyanoacrylates, reduce fixture time, and increase the gap cure capabilities of the adhesive system. Primers are solvent based products which are applied to a substrate and used to assist in promoting adhesion on difficult to bond substrates with low surface energy, such as polyolefins. Some CAs contain rubber toughening agents which enhance peel and impact strengths of CAs on bonded assemblies. Surface insensitive adhesives provide enhanced bonding performance on acidic surfaces, and enhanced adhesive performance in low humidity curing environments. Surface insensitive CAs typically provide the highest adhesive bond strengths on most plastics. In destructive assembly testing, the plastic material often fails before the adhesive.

Two Part Cyanoacrylates Two part CAs are two component, extremely quick fixturing, room temperature curing adhesives, which provide excellent adhesion to a wide variety of substrates. Due to the dual component nature of two part CAs, these adhesives are slightly more difficult to automate and integrate into production lines then standard CAs. Currently two part CAs are only available as gels. Two part CAs have excellent resistance to moisture and nonpolar chemicals. Two part CA adhesive systems are only available in dual cartridges with a single use mix nozzle. One side of the cartridge contains the cyanoacrylate monomer resin, and the other side of the cartridge contains a catalyst which promotes the cure of the adhesive system. Like the epoxy adhesive systems, two part CAs do exotherm during cure. Since they are not limited to a moisture cure system, two part CAs have

2/10/17 4:33 PM

Cyanoacrylate / Epoxy Hybrids Cyanoacrylate/Epoxy hybrid adhesives are one of the newest breakthrough innovations in the cyanoacrylate adhesive industry. LOCTITE HY 4090, the first of Henkel’s new range of hybrid adhesives for the manufacturing industry, combines the technology of cyanoacrylates and epoxies in a single product. The resulting hybrid delivers a combination of properties unique to this technology and offers an alternative to more traditional structural adhesive products. LOCTITE HY 4090, a patent protected formula, is a two component, general purpose adhesive that provides a very fast fixture at room temperature. It is designed to bond a variety of substrates including metals, most plastics and rubbers. LOCTITE HY 4090 provides good temperature and moisture resistance which also makes it suitable for applications in high temperature/humidity environments. Its thixotropic nature makes it suitable for applications where good gap filling properties on rough and poorly fitting surfaces are required.

more reliable assemblies. When selected properly, adhesives can be used to reliably fasten plastics to a wide variety of substrates. If an adhesive is introduced during, or even after, the design phase of a project, the manufacturing process can be streamlined and a higher quality, lower cost assembly can be brought to market. DW

Henkel |

Methyl Methacrylate Adhesives Methyl Methacrylate (MMA) adhesives are two-component, resin and hardener, structural adhesive systems. MMAs cure at room temperature when the resin and hardener are mixed at the proper ratio. The resins in MMA systems consist of an elastomer dissolved in acrylic monomers, mixed with peroxides. The elastomers in the adhesive formulation provide MMAs with strength and temperature resistance. The peroxides in the MMA adhesive formulations begin to decompose when exposed to the MMA hardener, or catalyst, creating free radicals resulting in polymerization. MMA adhesive systems form high-strength structural bonds to plastics, composites, and metals. MMAs are versatile adhesives with a variety of available formulations to meet the needs of a manufacturer. These adhesive materials can handle a high loading of rubber fillers, and still maintain exceptional strength properties. Rubber fillers result in a polymer with excellent peel and impact strength. MMAs are also available with glass beads mixed into the formulations, which assist in providing a consistent bondline thickness. MMA adhesive systems are flammable and exothermic. Some have a limited cure depth of 0.03 in., and they tend to have a strong odor. MMA adhesives provide superior adhesion to a wide variety of substrates, exceptional chemical resistance, high peel and impact strength, good gap filling properties, and cure speeds ranging from 5 minutes to 1 hour. MMA adhesives can develop fixture strength in 2 minutes and full strength in 4 to 24 hours. Unlike other adhesive systems, MMAs have the ability to cut through a variety of surface contaminations and provide strong reliable bonds. Adhesives are being rapidly introduced into the production world to provide cost and time savings, reduce waste, and to build better, stronger,

Fastening and Joining 2-17_Vs3.LL.indd 113


Connect and discuss this and other design engineering issues with thousands of professionals online


wide gap filling and curing capabilities, unlike traditional one part CA adhesives. Two part CAs have a more rapid speed of cure than one part CAs, and provide enhanced bonding performance on acidic surfaces and in low humidity curing environments. Two part CAs also provide high bond strengths on most plastics. Like one part CAs, in destructive assembly testing, the plastic material often fails before the adhesive.

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2/10/17 4:34 PM

Design for use Lessons in adapting tools to other

cultures through CAD.

Jean Thilmany Contributing Editor



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February 2017

2/13/17 12:54 PM


A functional, well-designed item is a luxury, says Tim Prestero, founder and chief executive officer at Salem, Mass.-based Design That Matters. It’s not that functional items are hard to


come by, but in impoverished areas of the world those items may not be designed to fit users’ needs. Medical equipment tends to be prohibitively expensive in the rural areas of developing countries, so it is often donated to hospitals and clinics. But the equipment often comes straight from the Western world without being adapted to third world use or the unique circumstances of the physicians, nurses, and patients who will use it, Prestero says. As a result, products—like those that could save a baby’s life—may never be used by busy medical professionals who don’t have time to learn to use a complicated, but well-intentioned device or who don’t fully understand how the equipment is intended to help a newborn thrive. Design That Matters (DTM) intends to change that. The nonprofit’s goal is to design lifesaving devices that—because they will see everyday use--will actually save lives. Take the Firefly Phototherapy device for newborns that DTM created. With the Firefly, rural hospitals in the developing world with limited resources and inexperienced staff can successfully treat jaundice in newborns, says Malory Johnson, the nonprofit’s industrial design fellow.

DTM often works with engineering students in a college credit program. As part of the process of adapting a baby incubator into the Otter Baby Warmer for use in developing countries, students created a market analysis. Based on the information, they created a few prototypes of the warmer, developing a “hard to use wrong” interface, a thermal regulation subsystem, manufacturing plans, and financial projections for production.

February 2017

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2/13/17 12:55 PM

3D CAD The Firefly Phototherapy device is another adapted design built specifically for developing countries and medical staff with no time for training. A single bassinet is permanently attached to the lamp that emits blue light, which keeps babies prone to jaundice warm. Only one baby at a time can use the equipment. The blue lamps are located above and below the bassinet, so that babies covered in blankets can still receive the light. The device is sealed for hygiene.

“Treatment devices for this already exist, but they’re poorly adapted to developing countries,” Johnson says. DTM works with student volunteers who are working toward engineering and business degrees. The 1,200 students that work at the nonprofit earn college credits in return for their ideas. “After all, the best way to have ideas is to have a ton of ideas,” Prestero says. The students’ mission isn’t so much to completely design a medical device from the ground up as to perform what Prestero calls “content adaption.” For example, there are treatment devices to halt jaundice in newborns. For Prestero, why not adapt those devices for the rural hospitals DTM serves rather than expect their medical staff to use a device from a Western country that serves a vastly different population? DTM is the recipient of an Autodesk Foundation grant, so engineering and design students use cloud-based Fusion 360 computer-aided design software from Autodesk for design. The nonprofit also uses SolidWorks CAD software. The students communicate across campuses through the CAD systems in the same way engineers in different departments or at different locations of the same company exchange and hone ideas. The CAD software combined with tools like 3D printers--available at a Boston FabLab with many fabrication tools to create physical prototypes—enable a small team of designers and engineers to create and launch products quickly and efficiently, Johnson says. 116


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February 2017

The Otter baby warmer During the 2016 fall semester, students from Olin, Babson, and Wellesley colleges, all near Boston, worked with DTM. Babson College is a private business school in Wellesley, Mass. The students worked to perfect and create a market analysis for a product already underway at DTM: the Otter baby warmer. This incubator is an offshoot of an original baby warmer design called the NeoNuture. Each year nearly four million infants die within a month of their birth in resourcepoor settings due to infection, low birth weight and other health factors. But half of those kids would make it if you can keep them warm during their first week. In developing countries, many newborn wards use blankets or other means to keep babies warm—but not warm enough, even as complicated and costly donated incubators stand nearby, Prestero says. The Otter Newborn Warmer provides a warm, clean environment that could avert close to one-quarter of those deaths by preventing hypothermia in under-resourced district hospitals, Johnson adds. The student volunteers and DTM staff conducted an initial market analysis and then created a few prototypes of the warmer. The students helped develop a “hard to use wrong” interface, a thermal regulation subsystem, manufacturing plans, and financial projections leading to production. The Otter reflects the hard lessons learned from that first stab at designing for a culture and environment foreign to the designer’s own, Prestero says. In fact, the Otter incubator design led to the

development of the Firefly Phototherapy device. The nonprofit is now circling back to perfect its original baby warmer, then called the NeoNuture. Beyond design challenges Though Prestero’s team had spent hours speaking with NeoNuture’s eventual end users to determine what they sought, the incubator still failed to go into production, he told the audience in a June 2012 TEDxBoston talk. “When we were designing NeoNuture we paid a lot of attention to the people who were going to use this thing,” he says in the talk. “But it turns out, there’s this whole constellation of people who have to be involved in a product for it to be successful: manufacturing, finance, distribution, regulation.” As the DTW staff later discovered, rural doctors in developing countries don’t actually buy their own medical equipment. It’s either donated or is purchased by the country’s health agency, Prestero says. The health agencies weren’t lining up to bring in NeoNuture incubators, he said, and, as a result, DTW couldn’t find a manufacturer. For its next go-round, DTW first found a manufacturing partner in Vietnam, MTTS, which makes newborn care technologies for the southeast Asian market. It also teamed with East Meets West, a U.S. agency that distributes the technology. Next, Prestero’s team asked the manufacturer to delineate a problem it’d like to solve through technology. Employees

2/10/17 4:37 PM

Designing for a new mindset


The NeoNurture(2) is a revised version of Design That Matters’ baby incubator. Despite feedback from users, the first NeoNuture did not succeed as well as the designers thought because of issues with manufacturing, finance, distribution, and regulation. “A whole constellation of people have to be involved in a product for it to be successful,” says Tim Prestero, founder and chief executive officer at Design That Matters.

had an immediate answer: newborn jaundice. This problem would be addressed by adapting current technology to more closely fit the need, resulting in the Firefly Phototherapy device. Jaundice affects two-thirds of newborns born around the world, Prestero says. For one in ten babies, the jaundice becomes so severe it leads to lifelong disability or death. One simple cure: “Shine a blue light on as much of the kid’s skin as you can cover,” Prestero says. In the United States, an overhead phototherapy device is widely used to treat jaundice. But nurses in impoverished countries often place three or more babies under a single lamp. None of those babies are directly under the light, so they don’t benefit from its rays. “But without training, without some kind of light meter, how would you know that?” Prestero asks. Also mothers with babies under the lamps—who don’t entirely understand its use—often see their tiny, naked baby and instinctively put a blanket over their baby, blocking the blue light from reaching the skin, he says. The redesign After hearing about the problem, DTM developed its Firefly Phototherapy device. Because a single bassinet is permanently attached to the lamp, only one baby at a time can use the equipment. And because the blue lamps are located above and below the bassinet, babies covered in blankets can still receive the light. And because bugs enter the equipment with disturbing regularity, causing

malfunction, the device is totally sealed for hygiene, Prestero says. “We talked with the manufacturer, and they could actually make it with the resources they have access to,” he adds. The Firefly has successfully launched, so the DTM team has turned its attention back to its original baby warmer, which will be called the Otter Newborn Warmer. In early December, the team wrapped up a one-week field study in northern Vietnam. DTM wanted to test the Otter Newborn Warmer prototype with doctors and nurses and with the DTW manufacturing partner, MTTS. “We took thousands of photos, shot hours of video and collected a mountain of notes. We’re just getting started on the process of data-reduction,” Johnson says. The team used ThinkPads laptops from Lenovo to make design changes within their CAD systems in the field and on the fly, she adds. But some things work best low-tech. The team also used what Johnson termed “a blizzard of Post-It Notes” to track ideas. The cloud-based CAD system, the laptops for use in the field, even the Post-It Notes all add up to what Prestero calls the democratization of design. That is, affordable design. None of those tools are expensive and are accessible to everyday designers, he says. And that, he says, leads to equipment and tools that can aid even the poorest in the world. DW



SolidWorks |

3D CAD 2-17_Vs5.LL.indd 117

The hard-to-use-wrong sentiment used by DTM mirrors that of another organization that develops products for third-world environments. Compatible Technology Inc., (CTI) of St. Paul, is comprised of engineers and food scientists who face a unique challenge: to determine the tools farmers in rural, developing nations need and want and to design, “as best they can,” tools for those needs, says Alexandra Spieldoch, the nonprofit’s executive director. The “as best they can” part comes into play because it’s difficult for Minnesotans to understand how the population they design for will use the tools. It’s the perfect example of a seemingly simple problem but one difficult to solve for those in developing countries without means, materials, or background information, Spieldoch says. Over the years, volunteers have come up with a number of solutions, including corn processing and storage methods for Guatemalan farmers, a simple food grinder that can be easily flown to a remote location and set up by villagers, and a potato dryer and other potato processing equipment. These may sound basic, but consider that the potato equipment, which consists of a peeler, slicer, blanching vat, stove, and drying racks, prevents surplus potatoes in parts of India from rotting before their economic value can be realized. Just knowing about those rotting potatoes spurred CTI members to action. CTI continues to revise its tools as new information about how they’re used in the actual field makes its way back to Minnesota. In much the same way, the DTM baby warmer is an updated version of one of that nonprofit’s first designs.

February 2017



2/10/17 4:38 PM

Prod uc t World Self-retaining ball plungers

VFDs optimized for sub-fractional power range

Carr Lane

American Control Electronics

Easily and securely installed by hand in an

Brother Gearmotors will now offer ACE’s

ordinary drill hole, these self-retaining ball

variable frequency drives (VFDs) as a

plungers from Carr Lane Mfg. Co. have a flexible

product add-on to its portfolio of sub-

design, and compensate for hole tolerances

fractional ac gearmotors and reducers.

up to .008-in. The slotted end of the

OEM customers benefit by having

thermoplastic body expands to compensate in

easy access to an optimized VFD for the

an oversize hole. The shoulder of the press-fit

Brother sub-fractional power range, instead of purchasing

ball plunger provides a fixed seating position

an off-the-shelf VFD that may not be the ideal fit for the application. For

and positively resists detent force. Available

example, a customer that buys a sub-fractional HP (1/100th to 1/6th HP) gear motor

in four sizes, the plungers can be installed in

may have to choose a VFD rated for 1/4HP

a plain hole, with the shoulder exposed, or slightly counterbored for flush installation.

Expanded line of temperature transmitters Automation Direct The ProSense temperature sensors line has been expanded to include the XTP series of temperature transmitter probes. The series combines a precision RTD sensing element and transmitter electronics in a single stainless steel temperature transmitter probe. There are three preconfigured temperature measuring ranges, XTP series transmitter probes are ready to use right out of the box.

Four standard probe insertion lengths are available (30, 50, 100, or 150 mm) and two

integral male NPT thread sizes (1/4-in. or 1/2-in.) that allow direct mounting to the process or thermowells, eliminating the need for separate probe mounting or adapter fittings. An M12 quick-disconnect allows connection to the loop powered 4-20 mA output signal that provides a linear representation of measured temperature compatible with PLCs, SCADA systems, and digital panel meters.



Product World_2-17_Vs3.LL.indd 118

February 2017

2/10/17 4:39 PM

For further information about products on these pages visit the Design World website @

Snap-action switch with a latching option CIT Relay & Switch The VM3 Series snap-action switch with a latching option are UL/CUL recognized switches that are available the 0.187 or 0.250-in. termination. Available with operating force of 400gF, common applications for the VM3L latching switch include industrial controls, lighting, security, gaming, automation and more. Specifications and materials are dependent upon your choice of switch.

Room temperature curing epoxy MasterBond Master Bond EP30TC is a two component epoxy that contains a robust thermally conductive filler with very fine particle

Epoxy resin-based adhesives

sizes. This NASA low outgassing certified system can be used for bonding, coating, sealing and encapsulating for the

DELO Industrial Adhesives

aerospace, electronic, optical and OEM industries.

These high-strength epoxy resin-based adhesives that have strong adhesion to sensitive plastics as well as fast curing times at low temperatures. DELO-DUALBOND LT2216 is suitable for electronic and optoelectronic applications in the automotive and consumer electronics industries and reaches full strength within 90 minutes at 60°C after prefixation by light. This new dual-curing adhesive offers adhesion to LCP, PA and PPS. It is used in applications where fast fixing of components and curing at a low temperature is needed.

EP30TC exhibits a thermal

conductivity of 18-20 BTU•in/ft2•hr•°F [2.60-2.88 W/(m•K)] and has the ability to be applied in sections as thin as 5-15 microns, resulting in a low thermal resistance of 7-10 x 10-6 K•m2/W. This compound is a reliable electrical insulator and has a volume resistivity of over 1014 ohm-cm. It is serviceable over the wide temperature range of -100°F to +300°F [-73°C to +149°C].

Product World_2-17_Vs3.LL.indd 119

February 2017



2/10/17 4:39 PM

Ad I n dex


Actuonix ..............................................35 Aignep USA .........................................35,99 All Motion ............................................4 Allied Electronics ...........................Cover,1,34 Anderson Metals ...............................105 Aurora Bearing Company .................107 Automation Direct .............................Gatefold Baldor Electric ....................................20 Beckhoff Automation ........................37 Bimba Manufacturing .......................2 Bison Gear ..........................................IBC Bodine Electric Company .................111 Carlyle Johnson .................................25 Clippard Instrument Laboratory, Inc. ...........................BC CS Hyde Company .............................15 Del-tron Precision, Inc. .....................101 DieQua ................................................98 Digi-Key Electronics ..........................13 Dorner Mfg. Corp. ..............................41 Dynatect Manufacturing, Inc. ..........92 Eaton Hydraulics ...............................7 Elesa U.S.A. Corp. ...............................19 EXAIR Corporation .............................5 igus Inc. ..............................................31 Imagineering ......................................3 IXYS .....................................................43 J.W. Winco, Inc. ..................................39 Keller America Inc .............................45 Magnet Applications .........................93 Master Bond .......................................39 Motion Industries / Eaton .................10

Mike Caruso 469.855.7344

NB Corporation ..................................18 Novotechnik .......................................14 OKW USA .............................................33 PBC Linear ..........................................28,29 PHD Inc. ..............................................30 Proto Labs ..........................................9 Pyramid Inc. .......................................99 QA1 ......................................................14 Quantum Devices Inc. .......................107 Schneeberger .....................................89 The Lee Company ..............................113 Trim Lok ..............................................17 Turck ...................................................27 Visumatics Industrial Products .......94 Weber Knapp ......................................91 Whittet-Higgins ..................................21

Garrett Cona 213.219.5663 @WTWH_gcona Jessica East 330.319.1253 @wtwh_MsMedia Michael Ference 408.769.1188 @mrference

www.designwo February 2017

MOTION CONTROL: Troubleshooting VFDs 101—with no-power checks PAGE 88

Designer’s dilemma Can you have

3D CAD: Design for use PAGE 114

Courtney Seel 440.523.1685 @wtwh_CSeel

LEADERSHIP TEAM Publisher Mike Emich 508.446.1823 @wtwh_memich

Mike Francesconi 630.488.9029

Managing Director Scott McCafferty 310.279.3844 @SMMcCafferty

Neel Gleason 312.882.9867 @wtwh_ngleason

FASTENING & JOINING: Structural bonding solutions for plastics PAGE 108

Jim Powers 312.925.7793 @jpowers_media

Michelle Flando 440.670.4772 @mflando

David Geltman 516.510.6514 @wtwh_david


Tom Lazar 408.701.7944 @wtwh_Tom

EVP Marshall Matheson 805.895.3609 @mmatheson

it all? 102


for gatefold_FINALFINAL.V2.LL.ind

d 1 2/13/17 8:30 AM

IFPE ld • Fluid Power Wor A supplement of

February 2017

IFPE heats up Las Vegas in 2017

Exposition for Power IFPE—The International g to Las Vegas with record-breakin Transmission—returns of fluid power manufacturers exhibit space and numbers and the latest technologies and suppliers showing in the marketplace. components available

CONTENTS: .......... 52 IFPE heats up Las Vegas .......... 58-59 IFPE floor plan and map 60 IFPE Exhibitor List ..................... 74 Hydraulic valves ...................... 76 Hydraulic cylinders ................... 78 Hydraulic Hose .......................... 80 ............... Seals ............................. 82 Hydraulic Motors ...................... 84 Hydraulic filters ........................ .............. 86 Pressure Transducers

2/10/17 10:32 AM

IFPE Preview Cover V2.indd


Ace Controls ................................. 54 Bosch-Rexroth ............................. 73 Daman .......................................... 77 Eaton Hydraulics ......................... 71 Essentra Components ................ 75 Fabco-Air ....................................... 87 Flaretite ........................................ 79 Freudenberg Sealing Technologies .......................... 51 HAWE ............................................. 81 Hy-Pro Filtration .......................... 56

HYDAC International .................... 83 HydraForce .................................. 57 Muncie Power Products .............. 61 Nason ............................................ 67 NOSHOK, Inc. ................................ 55 Permco ......................................... 63 SIKO ............................................... 50 Stauff............................................. 65 Tompkins Industries ................... 85 Trelleborg Sealing Solutions ....... 69 Veljan Hydrair LTD ....................... 48


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February 2017

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2/10/17 2:26 PM

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Clippard 10-16.indd 1

2/10/17 2:27 PM

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