Design World January 2016

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Inside: We talk with UCSD robotics guru Thomas Bewley on how engineers can be tomorrow’s leaders.

January 2016

Leadership in Engineering 2016 APR15-A&C Snipe_Snipe 3/13/15 2:39 PM Page 1

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1/19/16 3:32 PM

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1/15/16 10:27 AM

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1/15/16 10:38 AM

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1/15/16 10:43 AM

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1/15/16 10:39 AM

Insights How are you going to lead in 2016? Leadership is often overlooked in the engineering discipline. We’re trained in how to think and how to creatively attack problems, but not so much in how to steer our companies in bold new directions. Late last year, I attended the fir t ever Innovation Summit at Case Western Reserve University, where we heard from a multitude of different speakers. While the topic wasn’t leadership, per se, I found that many speakers kept returning to this concept during their discussions. And one critical quality was the hiring decisions that leaders made—determining who was brought into the company on a continuing basis. Jack Daly, partner and managing director of Goldman Sachs, told the audience, “The only way you change the culture of a company is by hiring different people.” While that may sound obvious, I fi d that many times it’s advice that is roundly ignored in organizations. Coming up with a new slogan or mantra may sound nice to a certain segment of managers, but if you have the same old people doing the same old things the same old way, it’s ludicrous to expect more than incremental changes. Jim Clifton, CEO of Gallup, discussed how to start a successful company. Not surprisingly, he focused on who you’d hire. Clifton said that any good startup needs an expert, an operator and an alpha dog. I think that same lesson can be expanded to smaller groups within a successful company. If there’s a major new project starting up in your division, perhaps it’s worth considering whether you have one of each on the team. And lastly, Nolan Bushnell, founder of Atari and Chuck E. Cheese, shared his observation that people tend to be “dead from the neck up” long before they’re in the ground. While it’s a good laugh line, it’s also a sad fact. Don’t hire these dead people. Even if they have tremendous technical knowledge, they will sap the lifeblood out of your organization. I’ve worked with these people in the past, and I’m sure you have, too. Their effect on the attitudes and outlook of other employees simply isn’t worth it. DW

How do you think engineers can best show leadership qualities?

Pa ul J. Heney - Edi tor i al D i re ctor pheney@wtwhme di

Comment on Paul’s blog on Pneumatic Tips,


Insights 1-16_Vs3.PH.MD.indd 4


January 2016

On Twitter @ DW—Editor

1/15/16 10:21 PM

The Truth About Compressed Air! If you think compressed air is too expensive and noisy - read this. The facts will surprise you!

Compare these Blowoffs

There are a variety of ways to blow the water from the bottles shown in the photo below, but which method is best? To decide, we ran a comparison test on the same application using four different blowoff methods: drilled pipe, flat air nozzles, Super Air Knife (each using compressed air as a power source), and a blower supplied air knife (using an electric motor as a power source). Each system consisted of two twelve inch long air knives. The following comparison proves that the EXAIR Super Air Knife is the best choice for your blowoff, cooling or drying application. The goal for each of the blowoff choices was to use the least amount of air possible to get the job done (lowest energy and noise level). The compressed air pressure required was 60 PSIG which provided adequate velocity to blow the water off. The blower used had a ten horsepower motor and was a centrifugal type blower at 18,000 RPM. The table at the bottom of the page summarizes the overall performance. Since your actual part may have an odd configuration, holes or sharp edges, we took sound level measurements in free air (no impinging surface).

Drilled Pipe

Blower Air Knife

This common blowoff is very inexpensive and easy to make. For this test, we used (2) drilled pipes, each with (25) 1/16" diameter holes on 1/2" centers. As shown in the test results below, the drilled pipe performed poorly. The initial cost of the drilled pipe is overshadowed by its high energy use. The holes are easily blocked and the noise level is excessive - both of which violate OSHA requirements. Velocity across the entire length was very inconsistent with spikes of air and numerous dead spots.

The blower proved to be an expensive, noisy option. As noted below, the purchase price is high. Operating cost was considerably lower than the drilled pipe and fl at air nozzle, but was comparable to EXAIR’s Super Air Knife. The large blower with its two 3" (8cm) diameter hoses requires significant mounting space compared to the others. Noise level was high at 90 dBA. There was no option for cycling it on and off to conserve energy like the other blowoffs. Costly bearing and filter maintenance along with downtime were also negative factors.

Flat Air Nozzles

EXAIR Super Air Knife

As shown below, this inexpensive air nozzle was the worst performer. It is available in plastic, aluminum and stainless steel from several manufacturers. The flat air nozzle provides some entrainment, but suff ers from many of the same problems as the drilled pipe. Operating cost and noise level are both high. Some manufacturers off er fl at air nozzles where the holes can be blocked - an OSHA violation. Velocity was inconsistent with spikes of air.

The Super Air Knife did an exceptional job of removing the moisture on one pass due to the uniformity of the laminar airflow. The sound level was extremely low. For this application, energy use was slightly higher than the blower but can be less than the blower if cycling on and off is possible. Safe operation is not an issue since the Super Air Knife can not be dead-ended. Maintenance costs are low since there are no moving parts to wear out.

Facts about Blowers

Energy conscious plants might think a blower to be a better choice due to its slightly lower electrical consumption compared to a compressor. In reality, a blower is an expensive capital expenditure that requires frequent downtime and costly maintenance of filters, belts and bearings. Here are some important facts: Filters must be replaced every one to three months. Belts must be replaced every three to six months. Typical bearing replacement is at least once a year at a cost near $1000. •

Blower bearings wear out quickly due to the high speeds (17-20,000 RPM) required to generate effective airflows.

Poorly designed seals that allow dirt and moisture infi ltration and environments above 125°F decrease the one year bearing life.

Many bearings can not be replaced in the field, resulting in downtime to send the assembly back to the manufacturer.

Blowers take up a lot of space and often produce sound levels that exceed OSHA noise level exposure requirements. Air volume and velocity are often difficult to control since mechanical adjustments are required. To discuss an application, contact: EXAIR Corporation 11510 Goldcoast Drive Cincinnati, Ohio 45249-1621 (800) 903-9247 Fax: (513) 671-3363 email: See the Super Air Knife in action.

The Super Air Knife is the low cost way to blowoff, dry, clean and cool.

Blowoff Comparison Type of blowoff


Drilled Pipes



Flat Air Nozzles


Blower Air Knife


Super Air Knife


Comp. Air

Horsepower SCFM SLPM Required

Sound Annual Purchase Approx. Annual First Year Level Electrical Price Maintenance Cost Cost dBA Cost*

174 4,924








257 7,273

























*Based on national average electricity cost of 8.3 cents per kWh. Annual cost re˜ ects 40 hours per week, 52 weeks per year.

Exair 1-16.indd 5

1/15/16 10:42 AM

Te s c h l e r o n To p i c

What hostage negotiators can teach engineers If you are like most engineers, you

Hostage negotiators have a leg up when it comes to fi ding novel ways of handling complicated situations because they have a low need for what’s called “psychological closure.” The term pertains to behavior during stressful interactions. When people act under stress, they tend to perceive certainty and clarity where there isn’t any. And in fact, the stress doesn’t even have to involve the situation at hand. If you are having on on-going fight with your significant other, you are more likely to seize on problem resolutions at work without analyzing them enough, just as a way of reducing your overall anxiety. So says Jamie Holmes, a fellow at a public policy think tank called New America. One of Holmes’ research areas is uncertainty and ambiguity. He latched on to the importance of being able to handle ambiguous problems by studying hostage situations that went bad. A lethal chain of events often ensues when negotiators get overruled by other law enforcement officials who want a quick end to a standoff, he said. Negotiators are accustomed to dealing with people who behave somewhat ambiguously. Others in law enforcement are more likely to view vacillating behavior, as often arises among hostage takers, as deceitful. Where negotiators see progress, those with a high need for closure often see no alternative to ending things quickly and violently. There are lessons in these life-and-death situations for engineers faced with their own set of ambiguities. Stress for many engineers comes in the form of technical failures,

are keenly interested in fi ding creative solutions to practical problems. So you might be surprised to fi d that you can get important tips on creativity from what might at fir t seem like an odd-ball profession: hostage negotiation.

sometimes big ones. Big failures tend to put people in a defensive state of mind. But research has shown that being mentally upbeat can change what seem to be confusing and otherwise discouraging events into interesting challenges. The trick is in understanding that failure and confusion are normal and strategic prerequisites for technical progress. Some educators have caught on to this idea. Researchers at Singapore’s Learning Sciences Laboratory have experimented with giving kids in India and Singapore physics problems for which they haven’t been taught the method of solution. Of course, failure was the usual result. And there was a lot of gnashing of teeth among befuddled students. The trick was in keeping kids from getting freaked out over their lack of success. Researchers found that kids who stumbled around this way performed better on future tests than those who had more help. The whole experience, said researchers Manu Kapur and Leslie Toh, was one of productive failure. All in all, people often view failure as a downer, but it also makes them more open to learning and to using all their senses. A classic example comes from the experience of the Ducati motorcycle racing team. As Holmes relates, Ducati had some embarrassing loses during the 2004 season, forcing its engineers to do a lot of soul searching. But one of their insights probably wouldn’t have come had they been more successful: They realized that the mood of the driver could color what he told engineers about tweaking the bike’s performance. Put another way, like hostage takers, drivers who lose races can have a lot of mixed emotions about the situation they fi d themselves in. DW

Le la n d Te sc h le r - Exec u t i ve Edi to r ltesc h ler@wtwh m edi a .co m

On Twitter @ DW—LeeTeschler 6


Lee Teschler Column 1-16_Vs1.indd 6

January 2016

1/15/16 10:22 PM



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Helical 1-16.indd 7

1/15/16 10:44 AM

D e a n Ka m e n ’s E n g i n e e r i n g

Robots are taking our jobs—and that’s a great thing Robots are appearing with increased frequency in our world, and it’s easy to see why. Computation has become almost free. The speed at which processes run—and the capability of multi-core, super high speed, super high performance digital signal processing— is such that it’s a small issue. It’s cheap. It’s low power consumption. It’s reliable, and you can just take it as a given. Memory is now gigabytes. In fact, terabytes of memory can fit on a thumb drive. Memory is essentially free.

Yet, it’s not uncommon to hear media types question whether all of these new, smarter robots will “take our jobs”—including within the manufacturing world. But that’s really not a fair question. It’s like saying, “Will the invention of the bulldozer take over everybody’s job?” If you were a ditch digger, I suppose the invention of the bulldozer would be taking away your job. But there aren’t too many people I know who grow up aspiring to be a ditch digger. It’s literally boring, back-breaking work—and the invention of the bulldozer created a job for a guy that could sit on that bulldozer and do in one day what would take the shovel a year. Operating the bulldozer makes a person more productive, gives him more satisfaction and is a more pleasant job. It also gives jobs to people that have to design and build bulldozers—and engines—and drives. Every new technology displaces some job. That’s the whole point of new technology. There’s some job out there that has now reached the bottom of the totem pole of being desirable. People want to do more interesting work, so they fi d ways to automate the tasks that are now defi ed as drudgery.

Now, the only difference is that we are no longer talking about the fir t industrial revolution where machinery was replacing physical labor. For the fir t time, the machines that we’re now building are replacing a different kind of drudgery: mental drudgery. The problem is, some people have not yet developed the skills to move up the ladder. It’s pretty straightforward that a guy who had a shovel could relatively easily learn how to drive a bulldozer and be all the better for it. It’s not clear that step can be made today by people who may be replaced by robots or AI. They need to feel comfortable that they can climb the ladder of interesting jobs. Today’s kids must have the time to learn science, technology, engineering and math to stay ahead of the curve. The big question is during the transition: Can we make sure that all the people that want to work hard, who need to have a career, can continue to stay ahead of the elimination of those jobs that matched the skill sets that they developed while growing up decades ago? That’s a real challenge. But let’s remember that it’s an exciting challenge—and people who are open to learning new things will certainly benefit from being on this path toward a better future. DW

Edited by: Paul J. Heney • Editorial Director



Dean Kamen's Engineering 1-16 Vs2.PH.MD.indd 8

January 2016

1/22/16 12:00 PM







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12/23/15 10:45 9:34 AM AM 1/15/16

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9/1/15 10:46 3:43 PM 1/15/16 AM

l Contributors Spotlight


A brief introduction to common bus and line regeneration

Integrated Circuit Architect Micronas

STEVEN PETERSON Product Training Engineer Yaskawa


A er receiving his BSEE, Steven joined the Yaskawa team in 2007. Now, he is responsible for developing training classes and eLMs, as well as teaching classes. To him, moving up in the company was what made him a stronger employee. “Commonly, I see fresh engineers get comfortable with entry-level positions and settle,” he said. “Settling with your first position is both an easy and a safe bet, but [it] may not always be the most rewarding and sati fying.” Of the select few engineers who receive mass-media attention, Steven feels that they are in fact still respeced. “However,” he continued, “in general, it seems that engineers are still ‘the men and women behind the curtain.’”


Cost-effective electronic control for brushless dc motors A er receiving his degrees at Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg and the University of Cooperative Education, Adriano went on to become a part-time associate professor of ARM microcontroller laboratory at DHBW in Lörrach. Through his teaching, he is able to give students some advice. “Be open for new development, but always refresh engineering basics,” fun fact

Out of any historical figure, Steven would share a meal with Nikola Tesla. “This may be the stereotypical answer for anyone with a passion for electronics, but I find his life story, electrical theories and inventions astounding,” he said. “Even a century later, we are still using devices and technology that would not exist without him and the induction motor he invented.” fun fact

Industrial Ethernet: From cable selection to network monitoring

MARK KNEBUSH VP Marketing Softing, Inc.


adding that computers have become integrated into so many electronic devices (such as smartphones, laptops, smartTVs, and so on), people may not realize they’re using computers every day. “People have to learn to handle the huge flood of data and fil er the essential information,” he concluded.

When not at home or work, Adriano is most likely to be found hiking in nature.


Seven steps to pick the best 3D printing process for your application

CHUCK ALEXANDER Director of Product Management Stratasys Direct Manufacturing Chuck has been involved in additive manufacturing for more than 25 years. In 2013, he received the Distinguished Innovator Operator (DINO) award from AMUG. He’s become such an evangelist for 3D printing that he has been mistaken for the president of Stratasys. “I guess, instead of being funny, it’s humbling when someone thanks you for their job and what it has allowed them to do for their families,” he said. Although he is at the forefront of 3D printing, Chuck still struggles with keeping up on the latest technologies in the industry. “There are new materials, methodologies, tools and approaches to similar problems that can help make me more e ecti e,” he said. “How do we keep up with it all? And what did we do before the Internet?” But, even though new information and technology is a common issue among most engineers, Chuck urges that the diversity of engineers and engineering should not be ignored. “An assumption is that if you’ve met one engineer, you’ve met them all.” And that’s just not the case.

As a fan of the outdoors, hiking and fishing, Todd finds that isolated areas appeal to him the most, and those areas are where he would want to travel. “I’ve heard that the southern hemisphere is less populated, so maybe New Zealand, Patagonia or South Africa.” fun fact

With more than 30 years of marketing experience under his belt, Mark performs lead marketing for products including embedded technologies, software toolkits, industrial network protocol cards and gateways for industrial protocols, as well as data transfer appliances and advanced cable certifiers. Throughout his career, Mark has worked for key industry players such as Flextronics, Phoenix Contact and Rockwell Automation. He holds a BSEE in Control Systems from The Ohio State University and an MBA in Marketing from the Weatherhead School of Management at Case Western Reserve University.

Contributor Page 1-16_vs4.MD.indd 11

he said. Adriano joined Micronas in 2000 as an application engineer for the automotive industry; he moved into his current position in 2012. Throughout his extensive career, Adriano has seen great strides in technology and looks forward to the next 20 years. “Due to the high integratio , it will be possible to connect everything with everything and make it ‘intelligent,’” he said,

January 2016



1/17/16 2:14 PM

l Contributors Spotlight


Pneumatics is key for packaging machinery manufacturer

Senior Group Manager National Instruments



It’s about time: the evolving time-sensitive networking standard for the Industrial IoT

General Manager Ridgeline Machine Design


Todd graduated from Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University with a Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering. In addition to his work with NI, Todd serves as the AVnu Alliance Board of Directors Secretary and Industrial Segment Chair.

How to get predictable and reliable linear motion

BOB WARD Product manager Rollon Todd started to design and build packaging and packaging equipment at the age of 14 through watching machines operate. It also helps that his father taught him how to read electrical diagrams. “I loved taking things apart when I was a child to figure out how they worked,” he said. While attending school at Cal Poly University in Pomona, Calif., he helped build the school’s rose float for the Tournament of Roses Parade. With years of experience under his belt, Todd sees future generations become more dependable on the Internet. “Amazon, Skype and Facebook would not exist if not for the populace having an Internet connection,” he said. “Sending a drawing to China and having a finished part sitting on your dock in four weeks could not be possible without the Internet.” Currency becoming digital, like Bitcoin, could also be in the foreseeable future, according to Todd. One thing is for sure, robots will not be taking over humanity as some science-fiction predicts. “I don’t think there is enough trust in automation for this to be an issue. For example, many people have cars with cruise control, and based on the driving I see here on the freeways of California, almost no-one uses it,” he quipped. Todd is married to his high school sweetheart and father of two daughters. Unwinding for Todd is not settling into a big comfortable couch with a favorite television show or book—it’s a little more magical. “I am a big fan of Walt Disney, and my wife loves all things Disney, so we visit Walt Disney World when we can and Disneyland about every month.”


Bob has 30 years of precision medical and electromechanical motion control experience and understands that relevance is an ongoing struggle among engineers. “I believe the biggest issue is not too radically different from that of a generation ago, and that is to try and stay abreast, to try and stay relevant in your field and allied disciplines,” he said. “In today’s environment … engineers have a virtual flood of information coming at them on a daily basis.” Engineers have to absorb all of this new information, he said, and sometimes the tools that are supposed to help aren’t necessarily helpful. “It really pays to have a fundamental or working knowledge of what you are trying to use that online tool for.” Bob earned his BSME from The Ohio State University, where, unlike many engineering programs, the core curriculum included some commercialrelated aspects of the industry. “Unlike Dilbert, who I love, engineers in the real world need to contribute to critical business decisions and need to understand the business objectives and resource constraint realities.” His business-savvy has allowed him to hold patents in anticorrosion processes for linear bearings and linear systems. Despite his many years of experience, Bob still looks forward in his industry. For now, it’s his desire to combine mechanical engineering, electrical engineering and computer science. “On the emerging technology front, I believe that pre-engineered mechatronic products, or ‘building block’ modules, can be really simple to install, to operate and to automate processes in both the commercial and industrial space will continue to adapt and grow in application,” he said.

fun fact



Contributor Page 1-16_vs4.MD.indd 12

January 2016

my “Remember that not everyone can be, or should be, Steve Jobs, so advice don’t feel as if you are compromising too much if you don’t throw out the very good in search of the absolutely perfect. If you think you have a very good idea or a very good solution to a project or problem, carry on. There will always be time to improve on it if it is that good.”

1/17/16 2:15 PM

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the #1 value in automation

1/15/16 10:47 AM

Te c h n o lo gy Fo r wa rd

Can IoT show you the money? With all the hype surrounding the Internet of Things (IoT), the real question is how will companies make money from the IoT? Peter Thorne, managing director at Cambashi, notes in a column in this issue, “the Internet of Things is a modern day gold rush.” I imagine many engineers are thinking, “show me the money!”

One path to revenue is to convince customers that they don’t have the infrastructure, the networks, the sensors and the software necessary to properly gather and then analyze the needed data to reap the benefits of the IoT—and that they need to make some wholesale changes. The news is fil ed with this message while a litany of statistics attempts to make the case. For example, the IDC claims that most companies document just 22% of their data and analyze only about 5%. And Frost & Sullivan, in a recent report on Global Big Data Analytics Market for Test and Measurement, claimed converting to the IoT concept can reduce product development costs by almost 25%, operating costs by almost 20%, and maintenance costs by 50% if Big Data analytics are applied to this market. Another path to revenue is the service model. That might be a “so what?” to some of you who have been offering maintenance and repair services for some time. How is this service model different? According to the experts, you look into the RollsRoyce “Power by the Hour” model, where service and repair/replacement are set at a fi ed price per hour of operation. Then, you remove service and repair from your distributors and take it back for yourself. Not only should this add to the bottom line for many manufacturers, it could improve the customer experience as well.

Part of the success of this model, though, will depend on how well you can design products for uptime and easy maintenance. The design will depend on what data you can gather from the equipment and products and what it actually tells you about equipment performance and operation. If the IoT meets expectations, you will have that data based on all the sensors and analytic software you will soon be adding to your designs. Few proponents of the IoT are discussing how much it will cost to store all of the data everyone is expected to collect, though. The cloud is mentioned a lot, but check the fi e print. Another way to monetize the IoT is to develop what Thorne refers to as the embedded software development tools needed to make IoT a reality. As Thorne noted, software license and maintenance revenue for these tools is more than $3B and growth averages more than 9% per year. Tempting. But analytical software will be a challenge. According to the IMS Center for Intelligent Maintenance Systems, analytical software must involve more than bell curve statistics. They are talking about the need to use more rocket-science-like calculations, like Mahalanobis-Taguchi and Bayers optimal classifiers. A Ph.D. in math would defin tely help. The point is, don’t count the money yet. DW

Le sli e La n gn a u - M a n ag i n g Edi to r lla n g n a u r@wtwh m edi a .co m

On Twitter @ DW—3Dprinting



Leslie Column 1-16 Vs2.MD.LL.indd 14

January 2016

1/18/16 11:53 AM

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1/18/16 11:54 AM

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January 2016

1/21/16 8:17 AM

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Co nten t s |

January 2016 • vol 11 no 1





MOTION CONTROL Cost-effective electronic control for brushless dc motors



A brief introduction to common bus and line regeneration Deciding which setup is right for a common bus takes research and evaluation.


NETWORKING It’s about time: the evolving time-sensitive networking standard for the industrial IoT



Leading through collaboration

NETWORKING Industrial Ethernet: From cable selection to network monitoring Here are tips to ensure you pick the right tools to secure network reliability.

LINEAR MOTION How to get predictable and reliable linear motion Here are some tips on how to correctly specify and size a linear-motor-driven actuator.


Seven steps to pick the best 3D printing process for your application


PNEUMATICS Pneumatics is key for packaging machinery manufacturer Ridgeline Machine Design made extensive use of pneumatics.


SENSORS Sensor-enabled wearables are HERE! The technology to make wireless health/medical systems is a reality.

Lea d e r s





U.S. plays catch-up with flexible electronics A big effort is underway in the U.S. to develop the kind of manufacturing expertise necessary to cheaply produce flexible electronic circuits.



An examination of where the 3D printing technologies deviate from each other.

Meet the new Time-Sensitive Network standard.

UCSD Robotics guru Thomas Bewley talks about how technology will evolve in the coming years.


Unlock the benefits in your motion systems


Higher precision and robustness allow keyless shaft locking devices to meet today’s challenging applications.

Motor-drive solutions using brushless dc motors are increasing.




ON THE COVER Photo: istockphoto

MECHANICAL Coupling Test: Can you answer these 5 coupling questions? Key questions to ask when designing the coupling element of your motion system. 2015


2015 O N LIN E


revenue over $3 million


CONTENTS JANUARY 2016_first page_Vs4.LL.MD.indd 18


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Dean Kamen Contributors Technology Forward


Green Engineering

26 Engineering Exchange 30 Design For Industry 44 Design Notes


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Contents JANUARY 2016_second page_Vs1.indd 20


January 2016

1/20/16 1:21 PM


Whatever keeps you up at night, we’ve got a solution—the largest selection of motors, pumps and air-moving devices available. Plus, one-of-a-kind solutions ready to be custom-engineered for your precision industrial, commercial, combustion or transportation application. If you can dream it, you’ll find it at Solution City.

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7/29/15 3:05 9:14 PM AM 1/17/16

» Gree n E n g i n e e ri n g n Paul J. Heney • Editorial Director

Industry forces join to make LNG a reality for marine propulsion LNG has been called a bridge fuel to more renewable energy sources, and some environmentalists have been pushing for its use. But in fields like the marine industry, a big challenge is getting the infrastructure into place. No ship owner will commit to converting a vessel or buying a new one if they can’t access LNG conveniently. However, a new partnership announced last year may change the calculus in the near future. The alliance between Siemens Drilling and Marine, Dresser-Rand, and Lloyd’s Register plans to provide an endto-end solution to guarantee availability of LNG as marine propulsion fuel. This would meet tough sulfur (SOx) and nitrogen oxide (NOx) emission-reduction requirements—whether regionally or globally. The end-to-end solution encompasses the entire supply chain from natural gas procurement to liquefaction and delivery of LNG to

new building or retrofitting. Thus, the group feels it will remove obstacles that can hold back widespread adoption. According to Lloyd’s Register, there are 40 to 50 LNG-fueled vessels globally, with strong growth predicted. Much of this proposed growth is driven by increased emissions regulations, including stringent EPA compliance requirements for marine customers operating across the North American Emissions Control Area. David Grucza of Siemens Drilling and Marine said, “In putting together this team of leaders in the marine and LNG space, our integrated solution, encompassing the entire supply chain of LNG, including gas-fueled marine propulsion systems, will remove the chicken-and-egg hurdle from the LNGequation. This is a disruptive concept for the maritime industry, and the technology exists for immediate adoption. This joint solution is not limited

LNGo solution is a mobile liquid natural gasification facility for land-based or water-based bunkering. LNGo streamlines the permitting process. Since LNGo is mobile, it can be easily moved if a bunkering site does not work well and needs to be changed.



Green Engineering_1-16_Vs4.MD.indd 22

January 2016

1/17/16 3:02 PM




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1/17/16 3:06 PM

» Gree n E n g i n e e ri n g

geographically, and we stand ready to support the marine industry globally, although our initial focus is on deploying U.S. shale gas.” The initial end-to-end solution offered to the North American inland and coastal waterways community comprises the following elements designed and engineered by leading naval engineering fir s Waller Marine and The Shearer Group, respectively, and will be constructed by Conrad Industries shipyard in Texas: • land-based and/or floating, LNGo- liquefaction barge • LNG bunkering barge (C-Type tanks with up to 2,500 m3 capacity) • 4,200 or higher hp river pushboat. “Together, the team brings a holistic answer to the LNG marine fuel question of what comes fir t—the bunkering station or the engine?” said David Waller, president, Waller Marine. “The innovative solution to this industry hurdle includes the entire supply chain from liquefaction, LNG bunkering and design, all while meeting EPA and USCG compliance and

2,500 m3 capacity LNG barge designed to bunker LNG fueled vessels within ports and inland waterways systems. The barge can be fully outfitted with hose cranes, vapor return and requisite ancillary systems needed to fuel vessels demanding up to 2,000 m3 per fill w thin 4 to 6 hours.

providing smart, sustainable, lower greenhouse gas alternative fuels to operators.” “Lloyd’s Register is well placed to support a new fleet of gas-fueled ships—and help them operate safely and efficiently. Our expertise and leadership in gas technology and operations— from gas carriers to LNG bunkering and gas as a marine fuel—helps lead to the best decisions based on the best, independent, technical insight,” said Mark Darley, Americas regional marine manager and president of Lloyd’s Register North America. Lloyd’s also provides training on the key practical aspects of modern LNG carriage by sea and risk management services to support safe LNG bunkering. DW

Conrad Industries Dresser-Rand Lloyd’s Register Siemens The Shearer Group Waller Marine

CARLO GAVAZZI Automation Components

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Whether it’s our industry leading range of solid state relays, our new HMIs and CARLO Contact us GAVAZZI today, and one of our field sales representatives will show you why Automation Components mini-circuit breakers or our vast offering of sensors, contactors, power supplies, and USA CARLO GAVAZZI is one of the fastest growing automation companies worldwide. Tel: 847.465.6100 Fax: 800.222.2659 energy meters, CARLO GAVAZZI has the solution for your application needs. We’llTel:be moreFax: than happy to provide a free evaluation sample to qualified OEMs. Canada 888.575.2275 905.542.2248 Mexico Tel and Fax: 55.5373.7042 • • 847.456.6100 •



Green Engineering_1-16_Vs4.MD.indd 24

January 2016

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1/17/16 3:02 PM

What’s 15 years to one of our blowers? A warm-up. Nothing moves air with more rock-solid reliability than AMETEK® Rotron regenerative blowers. Fifteen years’ service life is not unusual. These low-pressure, high-volume blowers feature rugged, compact construction and quiet operation. Their proven design makes them ideal in applications from chemicals, wastewater and furnaces to vapor recovery and more. Plus, they’re backed by the industry’s most knowledgeable engineering experts. AMETEK can customize your blower for harsh environments, high voltage and specialized applications, too. So make your next air-moving challenge a breeze. Call us at +1 330-673-3452 or visit our website to get started.

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AMETEKDFS Blower Ad_9x10.875.indd 1 AMETEK 6-15Regen (NEW AD).indd 25

6/1/15 5:03 1/17/16 3:07 PM PM


with Design World DIGITAL ISSUE Visit for our latest issue! Inside: We talk with UCSD robotics guru Thomas Bewley on how engineers can be tomorrow’s leaders.

January 2016



Leadership in Engineering 2016 APR15-A&C Snipe_Snipe 3/13/15 2:39 PM Page 1

r ol fo tr ed Con Alli & k n in atio om


Aut JAN 2016 COV_Vs FINAL.indd 1

The law states that intensity is inversely proportional to the square of the distance from the source.

Inside the BB-8 Star Wars droid toy Is this the droid you're looking for? Find out in our teardown of the BB-8 where we examine the electronics, the circuit board, the Li-ion batteries, and two 130-series motors that move the robot. We also speculate about the servo loop used to move the BB-8 in response to commands from the smart phone app.

1/17/16 2:26 PM


Over 13,000 members - global educational engineering community - join today.

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What do embedded developers need to know about IoT security?

Find meaningful links and tweet along with us @DesignWorld

by Alan Grau Cyber-attacks against IoT devices continue to make headlines, with the Fiat Chrysler Jeep hack just the most recent. By now, most embedded developers understand the need for security, but news reports show that understanding the need is not enough.

TWITTER FIRST program hopes to challenge younger generations


Check the boards and see whats being pinned up at engineeringex

Grow your network. Join the Design World group on LinkedIn. Hot products and topics are streaming at

Editorial Director Paul J. Heney spoke to FIRST creator Dean Kamen for Design World’s January leadership issue, which sparked an interest into exploring the education side of careers in design and engineering. An interview between Assistant Editor Michelle DiFrangia and FIRST President Don Bossi delves deeper into the FIRST program and the advantages of early education.



Engineering Exchange 1-16_Vs1.indd 26

Check out one of the largest ultrasonic medical weld tools ever designed.

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1/17/16 2:27 PM

Why settle for “standard” ? The PITTMAN Difference ®

At first glance, this brushless DC motor looks similar to many others... In fact, this particular motor is not a “standard off-the-shelf” part, but designed exactly to a customer's unique specifications. PITTMAN provided an experienced team of engineers to work directly with the customer to design a unique solution to meet a demanding motion application ... • • • • •

1.7-in (43 mm) diameter custom stainless steel motor

Stainless steel housing, flanges, and shaft for operation in a corrosive environment Stainless steel cable gland and silicon cable sleeve for enhanced ingress protection Protected against fine particulates and moisture by using a labyrinth seal and O rings Specially processed stator laminations to minimize iron losses at very high operating speeds Skewed rare-earth permanent magnets to minimize cogging at low speeds

When a DC Motor Solution is Required, Choose the PITTMAN Difference. Brushless DC Motors

www.Pittman– Brush DC Motors with Gearbox

PITTMAN 10-15.indd 27

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1/15/16 10:55 AM




5:40 PM

Twice As Precise For The Same Price The Miniature Linear Guide Advantage









NB’s standard radial clearance is twice as accurate as our competitor’s. Perfectly replace other standard brands. For high temp applications see our all-stainless models. Choose from our retained-ball or low cost nonretained-ball lines for greater cost y. Sizes from 2mm. Friction-free travels from 104mm - 1000mm rail lengths. NB’s application assistance ensures two years of maintenance-free operation.

NB Corp_SEB_1-16.indd 28

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1/17/16 3:15 PM

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DesignWorld_0101_p206u_US.indd 1 Schneider Electric 1-16.indd 29

12/14/15 AM 1/17/16 11:15 3:09 PM




» Design for Industry


Stainless-steel rotary sensors rugged enough for food and beverage All components within a motion system for food and beverage must withstand aggressive cleaning procedures. The IXARC rotary sensors are available with V4Arated stainless-steel housings and IP69Klevel environmental seals to handle such cleaning and still deliver the reliability and measurement performance demanded by motion control systems. The stainless-steel housings are also available in explosion-proof (ATEXrated) designs that can operate safely in environments with potentially dangerous levels of explosive dust or gases. These 30


DFI 1-16_Vs3.LL.MD.indd 30

January 2016

models suit grain or flour-handling facilities. These encoders are available with a variety of output interfaces, ranging from analog to industrial Ethernet. The analog-output devices (also known as programmable potentiometers) function as a “drop-in” replacement for conventional multi-turn potentiometers in simple control systems. Because they are based on a magnetic sensor technology that requires no physical contact between measuring components, the encoders are immune from wear and corrosion. Programmability means that they can be readily configured to meet

each application’s exact requirements. Industrial Ethernet connectivity, such as Ethernet/IP, provides a solid base for complex multi-sensor, multi-controller systems. Ethernet/IP connected rotary sensors are ODVA-approved and are available in single- or multi-turn versions with 16-bit resolution (65,536 steps/turn). DW


1/17/16 3:18 PM

Ameridrives Bibby Turboflex Formsprag Clutch Guardian Couplings Huco Dynatork Industrial Clutch Lamiflex Couplings Marland Clutch Stieber Clutch Svendborg Brakes

Altra Couplings, Clutches & Brakes brands offer comprehensive drivetrain packaged solutions to optimize performance.

TB Wood’s, Ameridrives, Bibby Turboflex, Lamiflex, Ameridrives Power Transmission, and Huco, together with Wichita Clutch, Twiflex Limited, Svendborg Brakes, Industrial Clutch, Formsprag Clutch, Marland Clutch and Stieber Clutch provide the most technically advanced, long-lasting drivetrain component solutions for a broad variety of industries including energy, metals, mining, marine, oil & gas, food processing, pulp & paper, packaging, aerospace & defense, wastewater, concrete, and material handling.

TB Wood’s Twiflex Limited Wichita Clutch

Altra Industrial_#1_1-16.indd 31

1/15/16 10:57 AM

Warner Electric Matrix International Inertia Dynamics Warner Linear

Altra Electric Clutches & Brakes brands offer the largest selection of clutches, brakes and linear actuators available from a single source...worldwide.

A wide array of electromechanical clutch, brake, actuator and control technologies are offered by Altra Industrial Motion to meet the needs of the most challenging industrial applications. As recognized worldwide leaders in the industry, Warner Electric, Matrix International, Inertia Dynamics and Warner Linear design and manufacture the most innovative, cost-effective braking and positioning systems available. Altra clutch, brake and actuator solutions are utilized in diverse global markets including material handling, packaging machinery, food & beverage, elevator & escalator, medical, turf & garden, off-highway, forklift, marine and agriculture.

Altra Industrial_#2_1-16.indd 32

1/15/16 10:58 AM

Bauer Gear Motor Boston Gear Delroyd Worm Gear Kilian Manufacturing Nuttall Gear

Altra’s Gearing brands are industry leaders of the design and manufacture of quality gearing solutions.

The Altra Gearing group brings decades of combined expertise and advanced engineering capabilities that allow Altra to provide unique, cost-effective solutions that meet specific customer needs. Boston Gear, Nuttall Gear, Delroyd Worm Gear, Bauer Gear Motor, and Kilian Manufacturing are recognized leaders for innovative, energy-efficient gearing and bearing solutions designed for demanding industrial applications. State-of-the-art, cost-effective Altra power transmission components are hard at work in many key markets including metals, food & beverage, energy, wastewater, turf & garden, pulp & paper, textile, concrete, oil & gas, material handling and aerospace.

Altra Industrial_#3_1-16.indd 33

1/15/16 10:59 AM

Power Transmission and Motion Control Solutions for Industrial Applications

The Power Brands in Power Transmission Ameridrives Couplings

Delroyd Worm Gear

Kilian Manufacturing

Svendborg Brakes

Ameridrives Power Tranmission

Formsprag Clutch

Lamiflex Couplings

TB Wood’s

Guardian Couplings

Marland Clutch

Twiflex Limited

Bauer Gear Motor

Huco Dynatork

Matrix International

Warner Electric

Bibby Turboflex

Industrial Clutch

Nuttall Gear

Warner Linear

Boston Gear

Inertia Dynamics

Stieber Clutch

Wichita Clutch

Altra Industrial_#4_1-16.indd 34 1/15/16 11:01 AM

machine tool

» Design for Industry



Analysis software helps in the design of better machine tools

One of the stated goals of the Internet of Things is to collect data that will be analyzed and used to improve machine design; that is to help engineers design more capable machines that will need less maintenance downtime. While many data analysis tools are in development, you can fi d tools now that can help with the goal of better machine design. One such tool is Ballbar Trace, a timebased data capture software package for the QC20-W ballbar, which is used to verify the positioning performance of CNC machine tools. The software suits applications in static monitoring and data capture for ISO 10791-6, and also reduces test setup time. XCal-View data analysis software provides enhanced data analysis. QC20-W is a wireless telescoping ballbar capable of accurately measuring deviations in length. For performance verification and diagnosis of CNC machine tools, it reduces machine downtime, scrap and inspection costs.

DFI 1-16_Vs3.LL.MD.indd 35

ISO standard 10791 specifies the test conditions for machining centers with 4 or 5 axes. Part 6 of ISO 10791 documents kinematic verification tests using a ballbar. The data collected from a set of multi-axis machine moves simultaneously verifies the contouring accuracy of the three traditional Cartesian axes and one or two rotary axes. XCal-View release 2.3 data analysis software lets users quickly examine and interrogate captured Ballbar Trace data. It also allows instant reporting to the ISO 10791-6 format. DW


January 2016



1/17/16 3:22 PM




Âť Design for Industry

Software for programming visionbased robots With more robots being used in automation applications, tools that speed up development and installation will be needed. The Matrox Design Assistant machine vision software supports DENSO’s binary control access protocol (b-CAP) robot interface. The software application development environment can be used to implement vision-based guidance of DENSO robots without the need to directly program a DENSO robot controller. Design Assistant 4 is a hardware-independent integrated development environment (IDE) for creating an application flowchart and HMI. Flexible project deployment options include Matrox Iris GT smart cameras, Matrox 4Sight GPm industrial imaging computers, and PCs with standard GigE Vision or USB3 Vision cameras. Matrox Imaging



DFI 1-16_Vs3.LL.MD.indd 36

January 2016

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11/10/15 9:50 AM 1/15/16 11:02 AM




» Design for Industry

Powerdrive helps yachts save fuel

A luxury yacht manufacturer is using Powerdrive MD2 modular drives as part of its power management system. The application is custom, delivering 20% reduction in fuel consumption and allows the yacht to travel further between refuelling. WIDER Srl, based in Castelvecchio di Monte Porzio, Italy, specializes in the design and construction of composite and aluminum pleasure craft, focusing on performance combined with low fuel consumption. The company’s Superyacht Div., where yachts up to 165 ft are manufactured in aluminum, is located at the company’s satellite facility in nearby 38


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January 2016

Ancona, which offers direct access to the sea. The vessel, which features dieselelectric propulsion, is equipped with four MAN engines. Each engine is connected to an alternator to produce 350 kW of power that drives azimuthal pods. “The power generated can be stored in lithium polymer battery banks, allowing the yacht to cruise completely under electric power and in total silence,” said Tilli Antonelli, founder and CEO of WIDER. “The propulsion system is managed by the proprietary Wider Management System (WMS), which was developed conjointly by WIDER’s engineering team and Emerson.” Four variable speed generators deliver

electrical power to the super yacht, with diesel engine speed controlled by the WMS featuring Powerdrive MD2 modular drives. This ensures the engines run at top efficiency in any cruising conditions to optimize overall consumption and maximize comfort for those sailing on the vessel. A dc variable voltage switchboard with a working range of 500 to 750 V distributes the generated electrical power. Here, power levels are adapted instantly to the requirements of the system with the support of a battery pack. Of significant note is the fact that the super yacht can spend an entire night at anchor without ever having to start a generator as the entire hotel load can be run from the

1/17/16 3:26 PM


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batteries, offering clear benefits in terms of fuel savings and comfort on board. “Traditional yachts run the generators at a constant speed and produce a fi ed output,� explained Antonelli. “This is often too much or too little for the yacht’s needs, and as a result they are in frequent need of services and overhauls. The same is true of a yacht’s engines—these run at varying speeds according to requirements, consuming vast amounts of fuel and demanding regular attention and service.� The diesel electric system on board the WIDER 150-ft super yacht is different. By connecting MAN engines to alternators they can be used as variable speed generators, producing only as much power as necessary at any given time. The result is greater efficiency from the engines—the engineering team at WIDER estimates fuel savings of up to 20% are achievable (depending on usage) compared with the same boat using traditional twin screw propulsion. At 11 knots  

DFI 1-16_Vs3.LL.MD.indd 39

January 2016



















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1/21/16 2:59 PM



» Design for Industry


it gives the super yacht a range of 4,200 nautical miles between refuels, a substantial distance for a vessel with a fuel capacity of 45,000 L. The Powerdrive MD2 drives help make this possible, with power from the generators or the battery banks converted into what is needed at the time,” said Antonelli. “This always assures the best performance in terms of consumption and efficiency—taking into account the overall demand for power on board.” Powerdrive MD2 is a range of high power, compact modular drives. The combination of power modules and choice of cooling methods make it possible to achieve multiple optimized configurations: six-pulse, low-frequency harmonics, regenerative or dc bus solution. The drives are a suitable choice for any industrial or commercial variable speed application up to 2,800 kW. “As a result of running efficiently, maintenance, such as checking for exhaust build

and dirt/grime on the generator valves, is reduced,” said Antonelli. “Additionally, although we have four generators, it is likely that most of the time only one or two will be used, together with the batteries, which means less hours/miles on the clock and less maintenance. It should even be possible to extend intervals between standard maintenance tasks such as oil and fi ter changes as the engine hours are managed more efficiently than on a standard yacht.” Another important and beneficial feature of the design is that the Powerdrive MD2 drives convert the power from ac at the generators, to dc at the battery banks, and back to ac again when it powers the azimuthal pods or the appliances on board. This guarantees the greatest possible efficiency for the propulsion system, but also acts as a voltage stabilizer, eliminating voltage spikes.

The battery banks are connected to a dc distribution bus that works at a nominal 675 Vdc, guaranteeing considerable power to the vessel, but also allowing enormous flexibility in the way that the power is managed. Everything is controlled by the power management system, which governs power generation, flow and storage. The number of generators that are running and their speed is checked constantly against the vessel´s requirements for safety, the demand for power and the state of the battery banks. A power management strategy can even be adopted to cater for specific requests from the yacht owner, such as noise reduction, high performance, zero emissions or night mode. Each profi e can be selected manually. DW

Emerson Industrial Automation

Connections for Fluid Applications Stainless Steel • Nickel • Chrome • Non-Plated Brass Auto-Couplings

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Couplings and nipples available in both valved and valveless combinations. Compatible with working pressures to 290 PSI and temperatures up to 600ºF. Aerodynamic valve design offers superior flow capacity with minimal pressure drop.

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DFI 1-16_Vs3.LL.MD.indd 40

January 2016

1/19/16 3:55 PM

Tadiran Batteries 1-16.indd 41

1/15/16 11:03 AM




» Design for Industry

Low-leakage power supplies resuscitate medical technology

Safety in medical applications is a must, particularly when designing power supplies for Cardiac Floating applications, when electrically connected to the heart of the patient. Reducing the leakage current is always an important step forward. The Powerbox OFM30 reduces leakage current below 10 µA and an EMC Class B average margin of 6dB. It features Class 2 double isolation and is UL/IEC60601-1 medically approved. Combining low power loss switching topology and selected components, the OFM30 series has an efficiency up to 88%, fulfilli g the Green Mode requirements of IEC60950-1, CEC Level 5, EISA and ErP, at zero load. The OFM30 power consumption is below 0.3 W, thus assuring the family of its green credentials. 42


DFI 1-16_Vs3.LL.MD.indd 42

January 2016

The output power is rated at 30 W continuously, at 50° C and free convection cooling; though it can respond to peak demands for extra power (such as pump systems), allowing up to 45 W during 10 sec, with repetition every 100 sec. In case of over temperature, the OFM30 integrates a unique protection system operating with linearity, reducing the output power down to 50%, securing the payload to proceed to all appropriated processes to avoid treatment disruption. The device uses switching topology based on a front edge fly-back, optimized to reduce component count down to 65. This lower number of components contributes to higher reliability, resulting in an MTBF of more than 500,000 hours and a minimum

lifetime expectation of 80,000 hours. The OFM30 series includes three models: OFM305025 delivering 12 V/2.5 A (peak 3.75 A), the OFM305026 delivering 15 V/2.0 A (3 A peak) and the OFM305028 delivering 24 V/1.25 A (peak 1.875 A). In case of a need for redundancy or extra power, all products can be connected in parallel without any additional external components. The product is available in an open frame format of 75.5 × 37.3 × 23 mm (3 × 1.5 × 0.9 in.). The series is safety approved according to IEC 60601-1 ed.3, with CB’s by ETL Intertek Semco, and complies with other related IEC 61000 applicable standards and environmental norms RoHS, REACH and WEEE.

1/17/16 7:40 PM

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In addition to the new Medline OFM30, Powerbox expands its market leading Medline OFM225 with two additional voltages, the OFM2255225 delivering 12 V/11.25 A (peak 21.66 A) and the OFM2255226 delivering 15 V/6.66 A (peak 19 A). With a high degree of focus on reliability, using “One Step Conversion” topology, which integrates a PFC delivering high performance at only 50% load, the OFM225 has the ability to safely operate in low airflow conditions, delivering 225 W at 40° C ambient in natural convection and up to 325 W continuous at 12 CFM forced air cooling. The unit can also be operated in parallel mode and includes advanced protection for business continuation. Intended for type BF applications, the unit can withstand 4,000 Vac from input to both output and ground, has a leakage current of less than 100 µA, and meets Class B EMC requirements. DW

Plastic Injection Molding to +/-.001.

Custom Plastic Connectors, Insulator, Caps, Poppets and More

Powerbox International

Brogan & Patrick Manufacturing Wisconsin Offi 515 E. Centralia St. Elkhorn, WI 53121 Phone: 262-723-6909

January 2016

DFI 1-16_Vs3.LL.MD.indd 43



Illinois Offi 505 Wegner Drive West Chicago, IL 60185 Phone: 630-639-5011

Contact: Shawn Healy • • 630-639-5011

1/17/16 7:41 PM

» D e s i g n N o te s

Sensors help adapt off-highway vehicles for use by the disabled Bill Stuck, previously a component integration engineer at Sikorsky Aircraft, enjoys off-road activities. And he wanted his whole family, including his younger son Dillon, who had severe cerebral palsy, to be included in these family activities. So Bill looked into how he could adapt vehicles to achieve this goal. After consulting Dillon’s therapists and looking into vehicles to start with, Stuck decided off-road vehicles with side by side seating was the answer. This led to the creation of Design Ability, a nonprofit company that creates custom aftermarket off-road vehicles for the disabled. Thus far, Stuck’s team of engineers and veterans have adapted ATVs, snowmobiles, jet skis and wheelchair accessible golf carts. Along the way, the team found that adapting an off-road vehicle for use by the disabled requires some customization specific to each operator. For all vehicles, a closed-loop feedback control system is developed consisting of user inputs, such as a joystick. An onboard computer system called the Design Ability Access Controller (DAAC) reads a user input sensor, usually a joystick, as well as vehicle feedback sensors, and adjusts the vehicle components so that output and input values reach the same value. In some cases, linearization and scaling are applied to match the range and rate of change between input and vehicle feedback sensors.

The company uses Novotechnik TX2 linear position sensors for the vehicle throttle, steering and brake feedback sensors. They are also used for measuring moving ramp and gearshift positions when needed. These linear position sensors provide a 0-to-5-V output to the DAAC proportional to the position of the control element that is moving. They are sealed against ingress of liquids and dust to IP67 so they are dust and splash proof. TX2 sensors are absolute sensing devices that measure and retain the correct position whether power is on or not. If a mechanical control is moved when no power is on, the DAAC still gets correct information when power is restored. Noise immunity, 0.01-mm repeatability and shock and vibration of 50 and 20 g are also important in these off-road vehicle applications. Three functions are needed to control a motorized land vehicle or watercraft: throttle, steering and brake controls. All of these functions can be controlled by a single joystick. In the case of a snowmobile, as the joystick is moved forward, the joystick position is fed to the

Bill Stuck • Design Ability and Ivan Masek • Novotechnik



Design Notes 1-16_Vs8.LL.MD.indd 44

January 2016

1/21/16 1:08 PM

In this image

DAAC as a voltage of 0 to 5 V. The DAAC reads the current position of the accelerator pedal and applies a 0-to-5-V signal to an actuator. This moves a throttle cable attached to the pedal by the difference in normalized value between the joystick’s forward position from center and the pedal’s current position. This action adjusts the pedal to the position the driver intends based on joystick position. There are situations where non-linear control is needed. These are preprogrammed to account for the vehicle’s current speed. Controls have to react faster at lower speeds and slower at higher speeds to maximize safety and create smooth response. These transfer functions are often customized for specific user preferences. The joystick moves the steering wheel through a gear motor connected to a chain that connects to a stock steering column. In some vehicles, Design Ability connects the chain inside the gearbox when the steering column is inaccessible. For the braking system, when the joystick is pulled back the brakes are engaged with more force. User input sensors track position and velocity so that dynamic vehicle changes are made proportional to user input position and control velocity changes. When the DAAC receives the input from the joystick it generates a 0-to-5-V signal to an actuator to move a cable attached to the Polaris’ brake pedal, applying the amount of hydraulic braking the user wants. System designers pre-program custom limits and control response curves to suit the needs of an individual operator. With the vehicle’s original steering, brake and throttle systems left intact, a second able-bodied operator can take control of the vehicle if needed. Every vehicle also has an emergency shut-off sw tch to nullify any output from the DAAC to actuators or motors. Other custom features include heads-up displays, joystick-control of gears and accessories including ignition, lights, fans, engaging 4 × 4 AWD, seat tilt, windshield wipers and power windows. The accessories are controlled using a relay logic control unit developed by the company’s design team and wired using a mode select switch using the same joystick that is used for steering and throttle. The existing accessory switches have power applied or removed depending on the joystick-controlled settings. DW

we see th

e dash of a joystick op erated Polaris RZ R-170. The joystick mov es the steering w heel through a gear motor connecte d to a chain that conn ects to a stock st ee rin g column.

Design Notes 1-16_Vs8.LL.MD.indd 45


January 2016



1/21/16 1:08 PM


0 90


ISO 13485


Edited by: Mike Santora • Associate Editor




» De sign Note s

Tube bending

perfection in stainless Eagle has the expertise and the specialized machinery for bending tubing exactly to spec. Call us for a quote !

Eagle Stainless

Tube & Fabrication, Inc. Franklin, Massachusetts

Software simplifies label converting machine setup Label converting machines process a large reel of label stock or film into finished smaller reels or sheets of labels. There are many functions involved such as unwinding, slitting, inspecting and rewinding. Finishing processes include die cutting, varnishing, hot foil stamping, embossing and laminating. AB Graphic International (ABG), a maker of such label converting and finishing equipment, was seeking to accelerate their machines’ software design. The team at ABG chose FAST application software from Lenze to assist in the process. At present, the company has used Lenze’s 9300 servodrives for more than 13 years. “The label printing industry is rapidly changing due to the digital revolution. Production runs get smaller with a growing demand for custom, localized labelling,” said Mark Norman, controls manager at ABG Digital. Printing machines are replacing conventional flexographic presses and there is a growing need for PC-based systems. “But our customers also expect improved winding quality, faster changeover times and more reliability. This means that we look to servo

technology and software to help us out.” Full “servo” is somewhat of a buzzword, but offers unrivalled mechanical flexibility and precise tension control. “So, we’re replacing mechanical systems with an i700 servo inverter from Lenze. And to help us out with software development, we recently adopted their Application Template and FAST function blocks.” The impetus for taking a good look at their machine design and developing a new generation of label converting systems was a specific request from the printing industry: to be Job Definition Format (JDF) compatible. “In the printing industry, a JDF describes the entire job content ... so a JDF message can hold prepress parameters, label size, slit width, slit quality and roll size. This is all information that we can use to automatically set up our machines without operator intervention, and it enables our customers to run smaller batches with faster changeover times,” said Norman. For the rewinding machines to be able to read JDF files required a PC-based approach. ABG needed Ethernet and server capabilities. These needs were met by the VisiWinNET visualization

Phone (800) 528-8650 Design Notes 1-16_Vs7.LL.MD.indd 46



January 2016

1/17/16 7:45 PM


0 90


ISO 13485





This is t he AB G raphic s inspectio litter n rewind er for lab webs. It el has a Le nze 320 machine 0 C controlle r with integrat ed I/O. T h e turreting rewind s tation is driven b Lenze se y rvomoto rs.

Laser machining

software platform that, besides SCADA, also includes server/client technology. At about the same time that ABG was working on its fully automated and JDF compatible design, Lenze introduced their i700 servo inverter. So, ABG upgraded their hardware. Replacement of the old 9300 servodrives by i700 inverters cut installation time 25% through less wiring, easy connection of the dc power supply bus and EtherCAT. The i700 double- and single-axis drives are compact, reducing cabinet size by 20%. ABG also replaced previous HMIs with a Lenze model p500 with EL103ecos for localized controls. “The biggest benefit of using a more integrated hardware platform from one supplier is that all the tags for VisiWinNET visualization have already been generated in the PLC designer software by a symbol fi e,” said Norman. A more straightforward machine structure paved the way for a modular approach that enabled ABG to program different hardware elements (modules) just once and reconfigure them for later projects. Some of the modules

have been further simplified by using FAST, which already has a variety of application specific, ready-to-use templates. “To get started, we made a functional breakdown of our machine specification into modules. We identified common modules as our basic building blocks through which we can configure most of our machines. After they have been programmed, we configured all the axes related to the module. We subsequently linked all modules to a machine master, which sets the modules into the required mode or state through the Application Template,” Norman explained. The project also included a virtual master axis that all the other axes within the Application Template followed. Norman added that the approach makes their software truly modular, as the individual modules function as programs that run autonomously in their own right, meaning that they can be easily exchanged and independently tested, enabling parallel engineering. DW

perfection in stainless Eagle has the skills and the technology required to produce all of your custom exotic metal parts. Let us help !

Eagle Stainless

Tube & Fabrication, Inc. Franklin, Massachusetts


Phone (800) 528-8650

Design Notes 1-16_Vs7.LL.MD.indd 47

January 2016


47 1/17/16 7:46 PM

» D e s i g n N o tes

Edited by: Mike Santora • Associate Editor

Polyurethane seals for tough environments Improperly sealed bearing systems can be like a revolving door of ugliness. External contaminants come in, and hazardous lubricants leak out. From wind turbines to underground mining machinery, shaft seals frequently provide the fir t line of defense between the external environment and bearings and gearbox components. These seals both protect components from contamination and help stop lubricants from escaping into the environment. For this reason, engineers at SKF developed its HRS range of shaft seals, designed specifically to meet the challenges faced by designers, manufacturers and operators of equipment in tough environments. The machined polyurethane HRS seals weigh less and take up less space than existing labyrinth seal designs. These characteristics help equipment manufacturers maximize space and minimize the weight of turbine nacelles. The seals also help minimize the overall package size of mining and construction equipment. The HRS1 seal keeps lubricants inside bearings and gearboxes, while coping with the large misalignments often experienced in this kind of equipment. Depending on the size of the shaft, HRS seals can accommodate

coaxial misalignment of up to 3 mm. For applications where protection from contamination by dust or moisture is also a priority, designers can add the HRE excluder seal to the HRS1, providing an additional external lip. Alternatively, they can use the HRSA version of the seal, which incorporates an auxiliary lip into its design. The HRS seals are manufactured from G-ECOPUR polyurethane, which is an ozone, UV and water-resistant material that offers an alternative to the rubber materials commonly used elsewhere. In tests, the G-ECOPUR has shown to be 5x more abrasion resistant than the next best performing elastomer material. The seal’s smooth outer surface, meanwhile, also prevents the leakage of lubricant between the seal and housing, a condition that commonly affects rougher, phenol-impregnated fabric seals. The HRS range comes in solid or split designs. Solid seals are designed for installation during manufacture where operators can access the end of the shaft. Split seals are used for in-service

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Design Notes 1-16_Vs7.LL.MD.indd 48

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1/17/16 7:55 PM

In this image we see a cutaway high lighting some of the de sign elements of an HRS seal.

replacement or manufacturing applications where there is no access to the end of the shaft. The smooth outer diameter of the HRS seals also makes them easier to install than fabric reinforced seals. Carefully designed seal geometry means the sealing lip cannot contact the seal carrier—minimizing the risk of inverting the seal or losing the stainless-steel garter spring during assembly. Meanwhile, the design of the seals themselves, along with the use of stiffer materials, further simplifies installation, saving up to four working hours per seal compared with alternative fabric reinforced designs, as sometimes seen in the two-point suspension wind turbine.

For maintenance and repair applications, the split HRS seals come in special transport packaging that contains the installation instructions and all the materials necessary to complete the job. HRS seals are manufactured in a range of standard sizes to suit heavy-duty applications in industries including wind energy, cement manufacture, mining and tunnel boring equipment. DW

The design of the


along with the use of stiffer materials, further sim plifies installation, saving up to four working hours per seal compared with altern ative fabric reinforced de signs, as sometimes seen in wind turbine applications .


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Design Notes 1-16_Vs7.LL.MD.indd 49

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1/17/16 7:55 PM


» De sign Note s

Edited by: Mike Santora • Associate Editor

The Quietest Brush Motor on the Market

Rotary tables use anvil design element for welding systems For more than 40 years, LSP Products Group has been developing polymer products

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for the plumbing industry. With a manufacturing plant that has 11 injection molding machines, LSP molds most of their wholesale plastic plumbing parts in the U.S. With the development of two new small-size plumbing products that were to be produced in ultrasonic and spin welding operations, LSP was looking to replace their manual assembly line processes and ineffective conveyor options. Because the welders have applied force pressure and small part size, rotary indexing tables present a perfect option for small progressive production. LSP’s Director of Mfg. Engineering, Marshall Henningsen, and Manufacturing Engineer Jim Ross The WEISS en gineering team provided LSP w soon began to look into possibilities by contacting ith a 3D CAD m odel of a chassis alon a specialist for rotary tables and automation. g with a confi uration based on They chose Ohio-based WEISS North America. their TC (150/2 20) series tables (s Discussions soon began on the best index table hown here). Th e proposed chassi engineering options for LSP’s ultrasonic and spin s lets LSP implement their own au tomation for welding machine designs. two machine de signs.

High-Efficiency IP65 Protection Standard with up to IP69K Available Download a 24-page brochure with specifications, drawings, and performance curves at

For additional information 800.877.5311


Design Notes 1-16_Vs7.LL.MD.indd 50


January 2016

1/18/16 7:39 AM

SMART Originally, LSP was planning on building and implementing its automation internally on its own chassis; however, the WEISS engineering team provided them with a 3D CAD model of a chassis along with a configuration based on their TC (150/220) series tables. The proposed chassis let LSP implement their own automation for two machine designs. A key design element that both machines had to address was overcoming the large downward forces (400 lb) from the servodriven welders to melt plastic that was exacted onto the index table’s tool plate in repeated production. To overcome this, an anvil back-up support was designed underneath to absorb the intense loads from the welders—ultimately promoting longer production life for the tables and plates. The cornerstone of the design solution was choosing third generation configuration TC heavy duty rotary indexing tables—TC150 (six station) and TC220 (eight station). Both tables feature a hard-coat anodized plating finish n the aluminum jig plate. This coating is essential in providing durability

versus the intense downward force pressure subjected on the anvil that supports the plate. The tables feature standard stationary posts, center standard through holes, high-load bearing, and large cam followers with needle roller bearings for several LSP polymer plumbing part product applications. LSP is producing a new, in-line hammer arrester made out of polymers instead of traditional copper. The patented, in-line polymer hammer arrester can be integrated into water connectors such as washing machines, ice makers, dishwashers or directly into the plumbing systems piping to smooth out the pressure fl ctuations associated with modern appliances. Used for greasing, inserting components and ultrasonic welding operations in six stations, the chassis system includes the TC150 index table (32-in. diameter, ¾-in. thickness), tool plate, machine frame and an anvil back-up support for the tool plate.

Intelligent Motion Control

Integrated Speed and/or Motion Control Intuitive Software Interface for Plug and Play Startup Compact Size

ave e welders h Because th nd e pressure a applied forc ze, rotary small part si les present a indexing tab on for small perfect opti production. progressive

Easy Installation Easy Selection of 64,000 Proportional Positions for any Application Download a 20-page brochure with specifications, drawings, and performance curves at

For additional information 800.877.5311

Design Notes 1-16_Vs7.LL.MD.indd 51

January 2016



1/18/16 7:38 AM

» D e s i g n N o tes

The tables feat ure standard stationary post s, center standa rd through holes, hi gh-load bearing and large cam fo llowers with needle roller be arings.

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In production of their new, engineered polymer push-to-connect valve—to be used in plumbing industry applications such as toilets and faucets— LSP chose the eight-station chassis system. The semi-automated system includes the TC220 index table (42-in. diameter, ¾-in. thickness), tool plate, machine frame and an anvil back-up support for the tool plate. A servo spin welder station uses radial motion to apply more than 300 lb of force to friction-weld plastic part halves. WEISS designed the anvil support located underneath the center of the tooling head to effectively off et the force applied to the parts and table during repeated station component spin welding. Both units are nearing completion of advanced production of the LSP polymer plumbing parts. DW WEISS North America

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Design Notes 1-16_Vs7.LL.MD.indd 52


January 2016

1/17/16 7:59 PM

SV200 Digital Servo Drives offer a wide range of control options including pulse & direction, analog torque or velocity, streaming commands, stored program execution and fieldbus.


Servo Drives Compact, efficient servo drives for every application

Auto-tuning and anti-vibration for easy setup and smooth motion with any load Performance-matched J Series Servo Motors up to 750 Watt continuous and 62 in-lbs peak torque Built-in Safe Torque Off (STO) circuit for safety-rated applications

Cost effective, high performance servo drives and motors In stock for immediate delivery Free samples to qualified OEMs

Applied Motion 12-15_New.indd 53


1/19/16 4:01 PM

Designing and Manufacturing Custom Products for


» De sign Note s

Edited by: Mike Santora • Associate Editor


Machine vision ensures quality in lumber processing industry In the lumber industry, machines must run

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continuously and produce defect-free product despite harsh environments and high levels of variability in material. The traditional approach has been to use an assortment of photoelectric sensors, limit switches, proximity switches and other types of sensors in the process to ensure proper alignment, maintain spacing and measure backlog. Each sensor typically monitors only a single point, so large numbers of sensors monitor the entire process. Yet, errors still occur because it is not practical to install enough of these expensive sensors to detect every possible defect. Some of today’s vision systems can overcome these problems because they capture a broad area of the process in a single image and then use algorithms to process the image. Sometimes, one machine vision system can

Learn more at: (847) 349-5780

Empowering Innovation. Engineering Value.® Design Notes 1-16_Vs7.LL.MD.indd 54



January 2016

replace all of the sensors in an area. Easy-to-configure vision tools perform multiple inspections such as lumber fence verification, saw-cut detection, log tracking and gap control—all without writing a single line of code. Some vision systems, like those from Massachusetts-based Cognex, are completely self-contained in IP67-rated enclosures that can withstand the mill environment. For lumber fence verification, for example, a vision system can detect and measure the actual lumber edge and compare it to the target fence location for each individual board. This capability frees operators to ensure proper alignment of the lumber for downstream sawing or other operations. In log tracking and Some vision sy stems and image-based ID readers can read and verify grad e stamps as wel l as 1-D and 2-D barc odes regardless of the size, positio n and orientatio n of the marking and lumber.

1/17/16 8:26 PM

Manufacturing and Development of Custom Products for


e the age we se ting In this im stem loca y S n io is V In-Sight nt of the r alignme e p ro p im an g and r to cuttin wood prio s. operation planning

gap control, a vision system, such as the InSight Vision System, measures the position of each log on the belt and sends the information to the control system so that the next log can be loaded at just the right moment to maintain a minimal gap. These vision systems can increase throughput by an average of 33%. Backlog control of a lug loader using discrete photoeyes or large analog light arrays can quickly become expensive as the size of the detection window increases. Regardless of the number of sensors, the potential exists for jam-ups to occur in a position or orientation that isn’t covered by the current sensor configuration. On the other hand, a single vision system can achieve high resolution over a vast area of coverage to detect jams with near 100% certainty. When operators are responsible for verifying the printing of grade stamps and barcodes on lumber, they might typically check a sample only once per hour. If they discover a process error or printing defect, they have to stop the line and sort through an hour’s worth of production, then rerun those pieces through the printer. Machine vision systems, on the other hand, can be mounted directly on the printer for verification and at various locations throughout the mill to track and sort lumber. This approach reduces downtime, increases throughput and ensures the quality of markings.

Design Notes 1-16_Vs7.LL.MD.indd 55


Modern vision technology can help companies improve their manufacturing quality and performance by eliminating defects, verifying assembly, and tracking and capturing information at every stage of the production process. DW

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January 2016


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Empowering Innovation. Engineering Value.® 1/17/16 8:27 PM


» CA E Solu t i o n s

ALM-PLM integration challenges and opportunities Bruce Jenkins • President • Ora Research

Siemens PLM’s agreement to acquire Polarion, a prominent provider of ALM (application lifecycle management) technology, will give the PLM vendor one of the last major pieces needed to complete what CEO Chuck Grindstaff alls its “systems-driven product development environment.” Over the past decade-plus, embedded software has become a major component of automobiles, consumer goods, medical devices, commercial aircraft, defense systems and countless other manufactured products, responsible for more and more of their performance, differentiation and customer appeal. ALM enables manufacturers to continuously integrate, verify and validate this growing software content. With the increasingly central role of software in manufactured goods, the demarcation between product development and software development has become blurred. However, the digital toolsets that support product design and development have struggled to keep pace. PLM and ALM tools evolved independently, with each addressing different issues, work processes and engineering cultures. PLM focused on mechanical and electrical components, while ALM focused on software.



CAE Solutions_Simulations 1-16_Vs4.LL.MD.indd 56

January 2016

1/17/16 8:51 PM

» CAE S olutions

When Size and Performance Matters

Challenges of ALM-PLM integration

Five levels of ALM-PLM integration

For manufacturers, disconnects between ALM and PLM increase the risk of rework, delays and product safety defects, and hinder crossdomain innovation. But the eff rt needed to bring them together is far from trivial. For solution providers and clients alike, the central question is what, exactly, should be the role of ALM in the context of PLM? How should the technologies be integrated to enact those roles? First, there are substantial differences in development and lifecycle cadences between the comparatively long, slowermoving revision cycles of product components traditionally managed by PLM, and the shorter, faster-moving revision and update cycles of the software modules managed in ALM. It can be a challenge to link the two without imposing potentially counterproductive methods, conventions or work processes on the engineering cultures of each side. Also, a key value proposition of many PLM as well as ALM vendors has been the authority and integrity of each one’s respective data repository as the “single source of truth.” Which database should serve this function in a combined world—ALM or PLM? Are there different levels of “truth”? How should this potential confl ct be managed? Finally, control-systems engineering has long been a far-downstream activity in many industries’ product development processes. Mechanical components and systems were designed fir t, then controls engineers were called in late in the project to design the control and feedback systems that would manage the product’s functioning. But today, the mechatronics revolution is sweeping away this outdated, no-longer-viable way of working. How should ALM be brought into a PLM framework to make it easier for engineering organizations to parallelize the development, integration and optimization of mechanical, electrical, electronics, software, control systems and other domains and disciplines?

To begin addressing these issues, Siemens PLM will add the Polarion offerings to its Teamcenter software. Grindstaff aid Polarion’s technology will integrate software specification, development, testing and simulation further into Siemens’ “systemsdriven product development environment.” Polarion CEO Frank Schroeder notes the acquisition caps two years in which the companies have already been working together. Earlier in 2015, Polarion released the fir t version of the Polarion ALM-Siemens Teamcenter Integration, which supports levels 1, 2 and 3 of Polarion’s fi e-level approach to integrating ALM and PLM:

CAE Solutions_Simulations 1-16_Vs4.LL.MD.indd 57


Link & Trace—In Polarion ALM-PLM integration, the capability of creating a physical or logical relationship between ALM and PLM data assets is called a Link. Trace denotes the ability to automatically navigate this relationship.



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Actual Micro-Coax cable bundle diameter compared to a penny.




Change & Propagate—ALM-PLM manages the impact of design changes down the development and production chain, and viceversa. It also enables a failure of the related hardware or software components to be traced back to the elements that could have caused such failure.

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January 2016



1/17/16 8:52 PM

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» CA E Solu t i o n s




Align & Unify—Software concepts such as releases, branches, baselines and parameters are aligned to their product-specific counterparts to establish unique, combined configurations. This level also supports unification of the user experience (UX), allowing users to work in their preferred and familiar development tools. EL



Collaborate & Report—Engineers from multiple disciplines are able to collaborate and merge their areas of expertise to develop an optimal, multi-system solution. Process improvements are driven by metrics dashboards that provide a unified view of project status and enable users to quickly identify bottlenecks and issues, and implement effective mid-course corrections.



CAE Solutions_Simulations 1-16_Vs4.LL.MD.indd 58

January 2016

For engineering organizations, key business benefits promised by ALM-PLM integration include: • visibility across all assets—to improve search and locate information • accurately linking firm are with hardware—to avoid errors, avoid damage costs and avoid reputation risk • traceability of assets for engineers in all lifecycle phases—to reduce time wasted and enable effective collaboration across globally distributed units • support for maintenance, repair and operations (MRO)—to quickly locate parts and manage defect fi es, and reduce inoperative time of broken products. DW

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1/19/16 3:56 PM

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Advanced Products for Robotics and Automation CGI Motion standard products are designed with customization in mind. We understand most off-the-shelf products or a complete in-house design may not fit your application, so our standard products are designed for functional flexibility. Our team of experts will work with you on selecting the optimal base product and craft a unique solution to help differentiate your product or application. So when you think customization, think standard CGI gearbox assemblies. Connect with us today to explore what CGI Motion can do for you.

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CGI 8-15.indd 59

800.568.GEAR (4327) •

1/17/16 8:02 PM


» CA E »Solu CA Et iSo onlut s ions

Design software automates structural sizing and load analyses When announcing the completion of the Bell V-280 tiltrotor fuselage at a September press conference, Bell Helicopter leadership applauded the Bell Helicopter/Spirit AeroSystems team for a job well done, ahead of schedule and within budget. This event marked the culmination of a successful fir t-time collaboration between the two companies. The sizing and analysis software Spirit used to prove out the structural integrity of the V-280 has a long history in aerospace; HyperSizer, from Collier Research, was the fir t software package used by NASA made available on the commercial market. Employed for both aircraft and space-launch vehicles fabricated with composite or metallic materials, the software automatically performs design, stress analysis and sizing optimization,

typically reducing the weight of structures by 20 to 40%. HyperSizer is also applicable in the wind energy, high-speed rail, automotive and shipbuilding industries. On the V-280 fuselage prototype program, Spirit used HyperSizer for detailed sizing of the fuselage. Important structural requirements included strength, stability, stiff ess and deflection/rotation limitations for severe fl ght, landing and ground load cases. The V-280 Valor is competing in the Dept. of Defense’s (DOD) Joint Multi-Role Technology Demonstrator (JMR TD) program. This is a science and technology precursor to the DOD’s Future Vertical Lift program, with the goal to replace 2,000 to 4,000 medium-class utility and attack helicopters. The V-280 Valor is Bell Helicopter’s offering for the JMR-TD program. A next generation tiltrotor, the Bell V-280 Valor

The V-280 tiltrotor fuselage prototype was delivered by the Bell Helicopter/Spirit AeroSystems team ahead of schedule and within budget. Collier Research’s HyperSizer design software supported the program with detailed sizing and structural analysis.



CAE Solutions_Simulations 1-16_Vs4.LL.MD.indd 60

January 2016

1/17/16 8:54 PM

» CAE Solu t i ons

advanced technology tiltrotor offers unmatched speed, range and payload for expeditionary maneuvers. The unit was designed and assembled in Spirit’s rapid prototyping facility in Wichita, Kan., in 22 months. The composite fuselage was shipped to Bell Helicopter’s facility in Amarillo, Texas, for fi al assembly; the build continues toward a fir t fl ght in the second half of 2017. “The design-analysis cycle for a typical aircraft program requires many iterations between the designer (CAD) and the stress analyst,” said James Ainsworth, Collier Research, structural engineering. “It’s a time-consuming process.”

Collier Research’s HyperSizer software is used for certification analysis of composite and metallic

airframe structures, such as this airplane fuselage. For metals, the detailed stiffener dimensions (shown in the insert) are included for stress reports.

CAE Solutions_Simulations 1-16_Vs4.LL.MD.indd 61

January 2016



1/19/16 3:57 PM

Can your CAD do this?


» CAE S olutions

Automate time-consuming tasks like wire-numbering, device-tagging, crossreferencing, and error-checking, even prevent you from making errors?

Let you create and store unlimited simple, complex, even scalable macros with ease? And update them automatically?

Search a quarter-million components from over 114 leading manufacturers to find the one you need in seconds, then create the data set for it?

V-280 tiltrotor fuselage prototype in progress.

With EPLAN Electric P8, the leader in electrical design automation, you can accomplish in a day what takes a week or more using CAD tools. Request your free 30-day trial at

To meet the aggressive V-280 schedule, HyperSizer was used in a “design-by-analysis” approach that sized and analyzed the fuselage structure. “The automated analysis tool lets the stress analyst defi e the required structural configuration, informing the designer about the best configuration that optimizes the stiff ess of the structure,” said Ainsworth. HyperSizer also provided the engineers with automated stress-report generation that enabled them to review and vet all relevant data to prove-out the structural soundness of the fuselage. “A small team of stress and design engineers acquired the right tool set to support their in-house capabilities and efficiently deliver ahead of schedule,” Ainsworth said. DW

WHAT DO YOU THINK? Connect and discuss this and other engineering design issues with thousands of professionals online

Collier Research Corporation 62

CAE Solutions_Simulations 1-16_Vs4.LL.MD.indd 62


January 2016

1/17/16 8:55 PM

» CAE Solu t i ons

File sharing collaborative platform The upgraded Wide Area File Services (WAFS) collaborative software platform simplifies enterprise collaboration, eliminates errors and decreases bandwidth usage, providing secure, near real-time data access to both on-premises and cloudbased fi es located anywhere in the world. The software uses intelligent byte-level differencing technology to instantly update changes to fi es by multiple remote users with minimal impact on network bandwidth while also ensuring that fi es are never overwritten, even if opened by other remote users. The latest version of WAFS includes significant enhancements to stability, performance and security. Highlights include: • upload performance up to 8x faster, download performance up to 10x faster, copy speed performance up to 90x faster

• increased transparency of fi e replication activities between servers and desktops to check for errors and ensure delivery success • increased system reliability, especially during periods of network instability • reduced bandwidth use to ensure data transfers do not prevent mission-critical traffic from flowing in and out of the network • enhanced synchronization engine to ensure easy, secure fi e collaboration. DW Globalscape

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Prince Mfg 6-15_5.indd 1

7/30/15 4:12 PM

CAE Solutions_Simulations 1-16_Vs4.LL.MD.indd 63

January 2016



1/17/16 8:57 PM


» CA E S o lut i o n s

System-level modeling with CAD designs

Engineering designs involve components from many different domains, and these are often designed using different tools, which can result in problems at system integration time. With the MapleSim CAD Toolbox, users now have a means to examine how their mechanical designs work as part of the complete system in advance. Users can detect and correct problems at the virtual prototyping stage before prototypes are built.



CAE Solutions_Simulations 1-16_Vs4.LL.MD.indd 64

January 2016

The MapleSim CAD Toolbox is an add-on that allows engineers to bring their CAD assemblies into MapleSim system-level modeling and simulation platform. From there, engineers can explore how their designs will behave as part of a larger, multidomain system, and apply the platform’s analysis tools to investigate and optimize their designs and fi al application. The toolbox imports CAD models directly, recreating the model components and preserving their kinetic and kinematic properties as well as the spatial relationships between components. It offers feature detection, allowing users to easily add new coordinates at points of interest, such as the center of a hole or along the edge of a component, and it makes it easy to share coordinate frames between separate bodies, ensuring the bodies will be properly aligned when joined. The toolbox handles fi es from virtually any CAD system, through direct support for a large number of proprietary formats, including those from Inventor, NX and SolidWorks, as

well as the widely supported STEP and STL fi es formats. Once in MapleSim, the models can be shared with other MapleSim users, or online using the MapleSim Server, without requiring that the end user have access to the original CAD system or CAD fi es. The MapleSim CAD Toolbox is available on Windows for both the English and Japanese versions of MapleSim. DW Maplesoft

WHAT DO YOU THINK? Connect and discuss this and other engineering design issues with thousands of professionals online

1/17/16 8:58 PM

MULTIPHYSICS FOR EVERYONE The evolution of computational tools for numerical simulation of physics-based systems has reached a major milestone.

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COMSOL 1-16.indd 65

1/17/16 8:04 PM


» CA E S o lut i o n s

STEPPING UP TO THE CHALLENGE Heavy Duty, Low Maintenance Conveyors

MecSoft releases RhinoCAM 2016 RhinoCAM 2016 includes four CAM modules known as RhinoCAM-MILL, RhinoCAM-TURN, RhinoCAM-NEST and RhinoCAM-ART, each of which run integrated inside the Windows version of Rhinoceros 5 CAD program, and can be bought and licensed independent of each other. All CAM modules were significantly enhanced and improved in this 2016 release.

✔ Fabric, Modular, and Precision Belts ✔ Sleek Frame Design for Easy Integraton ✔ Industry Best Transfer Optons ✔ Fast Delivery


Some of the new features are: • enhancements to 2-, 3- and 4-axis milling as well as turning toolpath methods • enhancements to Cut Material Simulation, tooling and feeds/speeds • enhancements to knowledge bases for the automation of programming tasks • utilities for cabinet makers to help in programming toolpaths for cabinet manufacturing • enhancements to the RhinoCAM-NEST module. DW MecSoft Corp

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January 2016

1/17/16 8:58 PM

Secure, remote maintenance made easy

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Connects with COMBIVIS software via secure VPN connection across a worldwide server network Convenient licensing fees - only one domain license is needed for multiple installations Optional 2G/3G/3G+ capability for additional flexibility in wireless communication Offers data logging and alert options sent via SMS or email Easy to commission

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KEB 1-16.indd 67

1/17/16 8:05 PM


» CAE S olutions

Stackable Valves using one common inlet and exhaust ports with one standard bolt length. Provides various bankable applications wet line kits, dump pump controls, municipal snowplow vehicles, dump bodies, refuse vehicles and more. FEATURES: • 0-120 PSI proportional control, able to stack valves into bankable configurations. • Offset handles allow for very clean installation that reduces labor cost. OPTIONS: • Lit Knobs for all driving conditions, even at night. • Neutral Detent • 3-Position Detent • Detent Clip • Spacer to accept various straight-handle configurations • Magnifying Cap and Decal clearly shows functions and control instructions.

Various bent handles available for installation




Material models for non-linear simulations Marc 2015 is for non-linear and multiphysics simulations of products ranging from automotive parts to rubber components to complex medical and consumer electronic devices. It introduces new material models for elastomers, thermoplastics and metal plasticity. It also delivers enhancements to element technology, contact, adaptive meshing and user interface. Material models simulate complex dynamic behavior of elastomers, permanent deformation of thermoplastics and anisotropic plastic deformation often seen in metal forming. Enhanced cohesive contact is used for simpler set up and ease of use. In assemblies, parts are often connected together using discrete entities, such as rivets, bolts or spot welds. It is often too expensive to model the discrete entities, so a uniform rigid “glue” is assumed. While easy to use, this method often results in an overly stiff ehavior. To overcome this drawback, the Marc 2015 release provides a cohesive contact behavior that allows the user to apply a fin te stiff ess in the normal and tangential direction, improving the stress results in the contact zones and the overall deformation. The platform employs element technology for efficient computational resource usage. This family of elements is easy to use, with improved bending behavior compared to traditional lower order triangular and tetrahedral elements, and can be used for either compressible or nearly incompressible behavior. By requiring fewer elements to accurately represent shear behavior, the new elements help save system resources and provide better results at lower cost. Two new capabilities enhance the global adaptive meshing methods used for better accuracy. The geometry preserving methodology improves accuracy when using the global adaptive meshing technique for simulation of rubber components and manufacturing problems. The use of a refi ed template mesh activated at the 3D crack tip allows for accurate prediction of the energy release rate, stress intensity factor and crack propagation direction while keeping the computational costs low. In addition, Mentat, the user interface of Marc, has been improved across several areas for ease of use and higher productivity. DW MSC Software

Tel: 716.853.7996 • Fax: 716.853.8003 571 Howard Street, Buffalo, NY 14206 68

CAE Solutions_Simulations 1-16_Vs4.LL.MD.indd 68


January 2016

1/17/16 8:59 PM

Opto 22 1-16.indd 69

1/19/16 4:00 PM

o f T h in gs


» Inter n et

Who will make money in the IoT gold rush?

Peter Thorne • Managing Director • Cambashi

The Internet of Things (IoT) is a modern day gold rush. In the technology world, the IoT offers a vision of new and better products and services delivered at lower cost. But who will make money? Let’s look at a couple of examples and try to characterize the entrepreneur’s “gold rush dilemma”—shall I dig for gold, or shall I sell shovels to the miners? Let’s start with the gold, or at least one small segment of it—service revenues for machinery manufacturers. In 1962 Rolls Royce introduced a new business model for servicing jet engines. Later called “Power by the Hour,” the offer was a complete engine and accessory repair and replacement service offered at a fi ed price per flying hour. Over the last 10 to 15 years, real-time air-to-ground transmission of engine sensor readings has enabled Rolls Royce and other jet manufacturers to extend their range of service options with a monitoring service; ground-based engineers keep an eye on 70


Internet of Things 1-16_Vs7.LL.MD.indd 70

January 2016

1/17/16 9:02 PM

Create next-generation packaging machines


More production with less space. Rexroth offers a system solution that saves space, with maximum flexibility and efficiency. Welcome to the new IndraDrive Mi, with its revolutionary cabinet-free power supply. This innovation eliminates drive electronics from the cabinet and lets you mount a more compact controls enclosure directly to the machine —freeing up valuable plant floor space and reducing wiring by up to 90%. The result? Lower costs, faster machine design, and increased manufacturing floor density. Start your next-generation packaging project today, with the latest cabinet-free technology, as well as the new VarioFlow plus, and Rexroth’s latest handling technologies.

Bosch Rexroth Corporation

bos3684-12CabFreeFP-dwD5.indd 1 Bosch Rexroth 1-16.indd 71

12/4/15 12:54 PM 1/17/16 8:07 PM

» I nternet

of Things


Figure 1. This chart shows the growth in software license and maintenance revenues.

Smart Phone Meets Smart Encoder Quickly Program with any WiFi-Enabled Device Programmable Output (HTL/TTL) Customize PPR to Your Application Wide Variety of Mechanical Designs and Electrical Connections Accurate, Reliable Magnetic Sensing Technology Compact and Versatile Fits in Where you Need It!

the readings and can offer advice to pilots if needed. The IoT enables every machinery manufacturer to develop their business model for service along these lines. Remote access to machines and machines that can report relevant status information are possible at aff rdable costs. Add a willingness to rethink the commercial basis of servicing, and you are poised to disrupt the market. To see the potential for a machinery manufacturer, you have to look at the existing service arrangements. Many manufacturers have built their businesses using distributors and resellers to increase their sales reach. This has usually involved devolution of installation, service and repair activity—and revenues—to the resellers. For the manufacturer, IoT offers a route to take over this revenue stream, offering cost savings and a better user experience. So this is IoT gold—a new, profitable revenue stream. Even for manufacturers that handle sales and service direct, the cost savings and user experience improvement represent competitive advantage and better margins— still gold, but incremental rather than new. 72

Internet of Things 1-16_Vs7.LL.MD.indd 72


January 2016

What are the steps to open up this revenue stream? Of course, each machine will need a network connection and the capability to report useful status information. In the case of a jet engine, the costs of doing this are substantial but small compared to the capital, service and loss-of-service impact costs. So jet manufacturers have found it relatively easy to justify the in-engine sensors, the satellite communications channels to report readings and the secure IT systems to collect the data. This is exactly where the technology for IoT has transformed the cost side of the equation, and opened the opportunity to almost every machinery manufacturer. For example, there will be machines where the only parameter that needs to be measured is the electricity usage. This might be as simple as on/off onitoring; but if you measure the profi e of electric current, you may get useful information about the state of the motors and the load being put on the machine. There’s probably a characteristic current profi e signature that happens before a breakdown. To capture this, product development may be as simple as a new power cord, one that contains the current monitoring circuitry and a wireless

1/17/16 9:11 PM

ITT Enidine 1-16.indd 73

1/17/16 8:09 PM

» Inter n et

o f T h in gs

Figure 2. Here’s a look at 2013 revenues according to major use categories. Implementation tools make up a large part of the market, but this category has a lower growth rate than systems architecture.

network capability. You can retrofit the new power cord to existing machines in the field as well as use it for new machines. The next step is make the connections to your data center. And this is a challenge— will you have 10 or 10,000 machines to monitor? On day one, you don’t know. Fortunately, the technology drivers behind IoT have an answer: the cloud. Build your monitoring applications for the cloud and you don’t need to calculate server sizes or

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make investments to cover peak capacity before you start. With the cloud, you can pay as you go for the server capacity you need. Now you will be able to deliver better service for less; by monitoring the machines, the need for service can be predicted and delivered before the machine fails. Rather than phone to arrange the annual service, the call that says “look at the start-up current consumption, we’ll need to replace the bearings within a month” probably gets better customer satisfaction scores. In addition, if machine locations are known (or perhaps reported by a GPS in the power cord), then every day the manufacturer can optimize travel plans for field service personnel. And if the current profi e is a good-enough record of machine usage timing and load, then these parameters can be built into a “power-by-hour” type of service contract. Customers recognize that this is the type of service contract that puts motivations in the right places (more profit for the service provider if the machine never breaks down). If all the intelligence can be put into the power cord, there’s a business case for low-cost machines. More expensive machines probably have existing electronic controls, and you’ll get more machine status information if you upgrade the controller hardware and software to capture and report not only electric consumption but also other sensor readings. So, for machines across the cost spectrum, “Thar’s gold in them thar hills!” But what about the shovels? Let’s switch attention to embedded software development tools. In this context, these software development tools are one of the many different types of “shovel” that the IoT miners need. Embedded software development tools are used


Internet of Things 1-16_Vs7.LL.MD.indd 74


January 2016

1/17/16 9:12 PM

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Berquist 1-16.indd 75

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1/17/16 8:10 PM

» Inter n et

o f T h in gs


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to create the software inside the machines. So, for the examples above, this is the software that is part of the power cord circuitry (managing the electric current sensor and the network connection) and also the software inside the machine controller (doing the same job and also providing the control functions for the machine). Software license and maintenance revenue for these software tools is now more than $3B, and growth continues to average more than 9% every year (Figure 1). Figure 2 classifies the 2013 revenues according to major use categories and plots average annual growth rate against share of this market. You can see implementation tools make up a large part of the market, but this category has a lower growth rate than the growth leader, systems architecture. Of course, these tools are used for all types of embedded software, not just for the embedded software needed to make IoT a reality. So any interpretation of these figures is a comment on the broader embedded software development market, within which IoT is an important driver and frontier. Here’s one explanation. The embedded software market is maturing. The emphasis on just making software work—implementation— is less critical than it used to be. Engineers have this under control. Instead, the growth of complexity across electronics, hardware, software, communications and complexity of partnerships with suppliers and partners are aspects that increase the emphasis on requirements and system architecture. Of course, the evidence is the figures. My explanation is a just a hypothesis. But in a gold rush, being left behind is the risk an entrepreneur fears most, so a hypothesis may be all they need. DW Cambashi

P.O. Box 9070 • Fort Wayne, IN 46899 USA


Internet of Things 1-16_Vs7.LL.MD.indd 76


January 2016

1/17/16 9:12 PM



M e m o ry p r o t e c t io n d e v ic e s


F l u s h e s o ut t h e c o m p e t i t i o n

MPD m e m o ry p r o t e c t i o n d e v i c e s

Memory Protection Services 1-16.indd 77

M P D i s a g lo b a l m a n u fac t u r e r o t h e r e l e c t r o n ic c o m p o n e nt s . c o m p o n e nt s s h o u l d f i t e a s i ly w h ic h i s w h y w e a r e a lway s c r


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t e r y h o l d e r s . c o m

1/17/16 8:11 PM

Âť Inter n et

...................................... .................................... ........................ ................... A step closer to .............. ........... ........ transparent networks ...... .... .. o f T h in gs

The CC-Link Partner Association (CLPA)

and PI (PROFIBUS & PROFINET International) are collaborating to promote the use of open industrial networks. Digital communication using a fieldbus or industrial Ethernet is already widely used in modern production plants. The demand for intelligent communication will continue to increase due to megatrends Industry 4.0 and IoT. According to these two groups, the heterogeneous landscape of industrial Ethernet standards that has

existed for years has meant that devices and machines with different communication systems are in themselves unable to exchange data. Thus, machine builders typically equip their machines with different networks, or plant owners are limited in their selection of suitable machines. The result is solutions with manufacturer-specific transfer specifications and complicated custom converters. CLPA and PI aim to enable transparent and easy bi-directional communication between CC-Link IE and PROFINET devices through

standard interfaces. A joint working group is being established to develop the necessary technical specifications for this goal. When complete, the specifications will be available to members of both organizations for implementation. DW CC-Link Partner Association Profibus Intern tional

DieQua offers more gearboxes Are You Selecting The Right Technology? Whether your application is for precise motion control or for general power transmission, there are several gear technologies that can do the job. But which one does it best? Only DieQua offers the widest range of gearmotors, speed reducers and servo gearheads along with the experience and expertise to help you select the optimal solution to satisfy your needs.

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half page horizontal ad.indd 1



Internet of Things 1-16_Vs7.LL.MD.indd 78

8/19/15 12:02 PM

January June 2015 2016

1/17/16 9:13 PM

HMI Solutions for Every Machine Maple Systems HMIs offer quality, affordable solutions for any industry. 4.3� - 15� HMIs Ethernet + Serial Ports Modbus Gateway Data Logging Alarm Management Email Notification Enhanced Security

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Maple Systems 1-16.indd 79

1/17/16 8:13 PM

The perfect cylinder doesn’t come from a shelf. It comes from your head. After all, you know your application better than anyone. That’s why Nason starts by doing something revolutionary.


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NAS_0366 Trade Ad-Full Pg-DW.indd 1 Nason 6-15.indd 80

3/21/14 8:14 2:47 PM PM 1/17/16

» Intern et

o f T hings

Cybersecurity volume added to the Ethernet/IP specification A new volume of specifications specifically dedicated to cybersecurity will be available for Ethernet/IP. This body of work will be released under the name of CIP Security and will join the family of CIP services that includes CIP Safety, CIP Energy, CIP Sync and CIP Motion. CIP Security will be initially applicable to Ethernet/IP. Because Ethernet/IP relies on commercialoff-the-shelf (COTS) technologies, users have been deploying traditional defense-indepth techniques in Ethernet/IP systems since 2011. CIP Security, though, will help users take additional steps to protect their industrial control systems with industry proven techniques for securing transport of

messages between Ethernet/IP devices and systems and thus reduce their exposure to cybersecurity threats. The initial release of CIP Security includes mechanisms to address spoofing of identity, tampering with data and disclosing of information. Mechanisms supported in the initial release include device authorization, integrity of message transport and confidentiality of messages. To support these mechanisms, ODVA has adapted encryption standards from the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) for encryption based on Transport Layer Security (TLS), Data Transport Layer Security (DTLS) and authentication based on the X.509v3 standard for certificate handling.

The next edition of the Ethernet/IP specification will expand support for IEC 624393 “Industrial communication networks—high availability automation networks—part 3” to include High Availability Seamless Redundancy (HSR) in addition to Parallel Redundancy Protocol (PRP). HSR is commonly used in electrical substation automation as specified in IEC-61850. Other high reliability techniques supported in the Ethernet/IP specification include Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol (RSTP) and Device Level Ring (DLR). DW ODVA

EtherCAT I/O controller The RIO-574x0 consists of digital and analog I/O to be used remotely in an EtherCAT automation system. Although the RIO-574x0 can be used with any generic EtherCAT master, it is designed to integrate seamlessly into an EtherCAT system with Galil’s DMC-500x0 EtherCAT master. All RIO-574x0 have 16 opto-isolated digital inputs and 16 high-power (500 mA sourcing) opto-isolated digital outputs. The RIO-57420 also includes eight analog inputs (4 to 20 mA option available) and eight analog outputs, both configurable in the ranges of 0 to 5, 0 to 10, ±5 or ±10 V (12-bit standard, 16-bit option available). All I/O are accessible through

convenient screw terminals. LED indicators are provided for all digital I/O points. The controller’s dimensions are 4.24 × 4.81 × 2.35 in. It can be configured over USB in a few steps using Galil’s software with intuitive, English-like, two-letter commands. DW Galil Motion Control

Internet of Things 1-16_Vs7.LL.MD.indd 81

January 2016



2/17/16 2:59 PM

» Inter n et

.......................................... ................................ ........................ ................... .............. Software for machine diagnostics and ........... ........ ...... preventative maintenance .... .. o f T h in gs

TwinCAT Analytics software helps users

implement Industry 4.0 and IoT concepts, particularly for machine diagnostics. The platform includes online and offl e condition analysis, predictive maintenance, pattern recognition, machine optimization and longterm data archival. Seamless and cycle-synchronous data acquisition is a prerequisite for effective analysis and correction of processing errors in machines. Processing errors in machines frequently create excessive costs and lost production time. TwinCAT Analytics can rectify this information deficit by storing all processrelevant data in a cycle-synchronous manner. Data are stored in a standard format with data compression, either locally in the controller, in a cloud-based solution on a server in a company network, or in a public cloud, as required. The software gives a complete temporal image of the manufacturing process and the production data. This information baseline assists in the event of an error, and enables comprehensive condition analysis of the machine, among other functions. The recorded process and production data can be analyzed online or offl e, and machine cycles can be examined for minimum, maximum and average values of the cycle times. Total runtimes and time differences of production processes can be gleaned from cycle counters or offl e trace analyses, for example through “post-scope configuration” in TwinCAT Scope View Professional. Further benefits arise for predictive maintenance. Logging of data from operating 82


Internet of Things 1-16_Vs7.LL.MD.indd 82

January 2016

hour counters, frequency analysis or RMS calculations, for example, facilitates condition monitoring. The system also supports limit value monitoring for different process data. Other features include pattern recognition for detecting irregularities and repetitions in the recorded data. TwinCAT Analytics offers opportunities to further machine optimization. Status analysis provides information for optimizing machine or system energy consumption. Detailed knowledge of the processes simplifies drive configuration. It may be possible to reduce the connected load of machines based on thorough measurement readings. This software tool serves an increasing demand for flexible production down to lot size 1. In this case, TwinCAT Analytics can provide comprehensive production documentation for each individual workpiece. TwinCAT Analytics consists of four main software components: • The TwinCAT Analytics logger can store large data quantities, including the application data (for example, from the PLC or NC), following the essence of Big Data concepts. • The TwinCAT Analytics workbench serves as an engineering tool for online and offl e analyses of one or more

machines. It includes the PLC runtime, the new Analytics configurator, the TwinCAT Analytics PLC library, a Scope View Professional license and interfaces with TwinCAT IoT for communication through standard MQTT protocol. • The TwinCAT Analytics library contains function blocks, enabling cycle analysis, energy demand or RMS calculations, among others. • TwinCAT Analytics cloud storage can house data and make it available in private or public networks through a message broker. DW Beckhoff Autom tion

1/17/16 9:14 PM

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Coilcraft PL300 Series planar transformers. Stacked with performance. Available from stock. We’ve packed a lot of performance into our new compact planar transformers. Rated for 300 Watts, the PL300 Series offers DCR as low as 7.2 mOhms and leakage inductance down to 0.25 µH. They are AEC-Q200 Grade 1 qualified for automotive applications and provide 1500 Vrms primary-to-secondary isolation.

Best of all, these Coilcraft planars are available from stock, so order your free evaluation samples today! Learn more about the PL300 and its 160 Watt companion, the PL160 by visiting us online at

Coilcraft also offers the 160 W rated PL160 Series



Coilcraft 1-16.indd 83

1/17/16 9:20 PM

» Inter n et

...................................... .................................... ........................ ................... Industrial controllers for IoT .............. ........... ........ ...... .... .. o f T h in gs

Family of three industrial controllers addresses the requirements of Internet of Things (IoT) applications. These industrial controllers feature 5th generation Intel Core processors, rugged packaging, built-in I/O and extensive connectivity options, so that machine builders and system designers can eliminate the need for separate subsystems within complex machines and consolidate functions into a single controller. They can simplify system complexity, decrease system cost and reduce overall footprint by integrating different types of I/O, including vision and motion control, and processing into a single, high-performance controller, such as the newly released IC-3173.

Key features include: • dual-core Intel i7 processors combined with user-programmable Xilinx Kintex-7 160T FPGAs for signal and image processing, customizable digital I/O and high-speed closed-loop control • fi e gigabit Ethernet ports with four that include power over Ethernet (PoE) support and two full-bandwidth controlled USB 3.0 ports for connecting to and processing images from multiple USB3 Vision and GigE Vision cameras simultaneously • support for EtherCAT Master, Ethernet/IP, RS232/RS485, Modbus serial and Modbus/TCP to communicate with other devices such as PLCs and operator interfaces • full LabVIEW system design software support for customizing control algorithms, performing image processing and executing advanced analytics. DW

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Internet of Things 1-16_Vs7.LL.MD.indd 84

January 2016

1/17/16 9:15 PM




4:31 PM









IDEC 1-16.indd 85

1/19/16 3:59 PM


»R o b o t i c

T r e n d s

New functions allow fast commissioning Edited by: Paul J. Heney • Editorial Director

B&R is expanding its mapp technology to include components for commonly used robot kinematic systems. This allows users to commission robots more quickly and should make maintenance and diagnostics simpler. New robotic functions in mapp include both serial and parallel robot kinematics, such as SCARA and delta robots. The user interface is based on IEC 61131 programming methods, and the robotic functions integrate seamlessly into the overall system, so a dedicated robotics controller isn’t required. The robot kinematics themselves are configured graphically in a web interface, so programming in the conventional sense is not necessary. The mapp components can handle manual operations such as jogging and point-to-point movement of the tool center point. Technicians can run diagnostics on the robot over the web interface. 86


Robotic Trends 1-16_Vs2.MD.indd 86

January 2016

The mapp technology consists of individually encapsulated blocks that streamline development of new software. Components provide basic functionality and are configured graphically. Each component retrieves the data it needs from other components using a clientserver model. With this technology, the company said that development of application software is accelerated by an average of 67%. DW


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B&R Industrial Automation

1/17/16 9:16 PM

20 MILLION INVERTERS 10 MILLION SERVOS 300,000 ROBOTS Yaskawa. Proven. Worldwide.

Nobody enjoys a larger installed base of inverters, servos and robots around the world than Yaskawa. Our experienced engineers, proven technology and unsurpassed quality can all be combined to give proven solutions in which you can have total confidence. In a recent internal study of 100,000 servo motors shipped, Yaskawa found that only 7 were returned for warranty repair. To put that in perspective, a typical out-of-box failure rate goal for manufacturers of brushless servo motors is 0.5% (or 500 failures per 100,000 motors shipped). No matter how you add it up, nobody equals Yaskawa. Call us today.

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Yaskawa 1-16.indd 87

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1/17/16 9:22 PM


»R o b o t i c

T r e n d s

High-payload robot beats competitors’ speed by 25% ABB introduced its highest payload, multipurpose industrial robot, the IRB 8700. This robot features a reach of 3.5 m and is capable of handling a payload of up to 800 kg. Focusing on uptime, reliability and reduced maintenance, the company claims the IRB 8700 provides the lowest total cost of ownership among competitive high payload robots. This model is targeted for material handling applications in the automotive, transportation and other heavy industries. “When designing the IRB 8700, we focused on combining ABB’s largest ever model with an unusually long reach for a robot in the high payload class,” said John Bubnikovich, VP, sales and marketing, ABB Robotics North America. “Using ABB’s motion control technology at high moments of inertia, the new robot automatically adapts and adjusts its speed to accommodate heavy and wide parts. With a compact footprint, optimized counterweight, parallel linkages, stiff a es and fewer drive motors, the IRB 8700 keeps its momentum down and speed up, providing unmatched agility and performance.” The IRB 8700 is the company’s largest ever robot. It has only one motor and one gear per robot axis, while most others in this size class use dual motors and/or gears. In addition, there are no gas springs, only a counterweight and mechanical springs for counter balancing. This design means the robot has fewer components and can deliver shorter cycle times and higher accuracy. It is available in two configurations, one with a reach of 4.2 m and a payload of 550 kg, and the other with a reach of 3.5 m and a payload of 800 kg. Both are available with LeanID, a cost-effective Integrated Dressing (ID) designed for easier programming, reduced wear and a smaller footprint. Both configurations also have a high moment of inertia at 725 kg m2. DW ABB


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Robotic Trends 1-16_Vs2.MD.indd 88

January 2016

1/17/16 9:18 PM

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FESTO 1-16.indd 89

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1/17/16 9:23 PM















electronic control for brushless dc motors Motor drive solutions using brushless dc motors are increasing, thanks to the declining cost of electronics. Highly integrated, single-chip controllers are helping drive the trend.

Adriano De Rosa IC Architect Micronas



Motion Control 1-16_Vs4.LL.MB.MD.indd 90

January 2016

1/17/16 9:39 PM

Advances in semiconductor integration are spurring new motor drive designs, including more intelligent drives. The various options for semiconductor integration are opening up an ever-growing array of applications for distributed intelligent small motor drive solutions. These include brushless dc (BLDC) motors, permanent magnet synchronous motors (PMSM) and stepper motors. Because of their technical advantages and increased efficiency, these types of motors are replacing brush-type motors in many existing applications. The automobile industry is just one example. Typically, automotive components must support low system cost, be small, light, reliable and highly efficient. Reducing exhaust emissions and lowering fuel consumption is also important. The need for drive concepts that work with a wide range of motors, and the extreme demands made on efficiency, system design and networking options have a major impact on actuator electronics.

For many applications, the design-in time can be reduced because complete platforms of small motors can be developed using a single-chip solution. Different motor types and properties can be tailored to by adapting the software. Today’s brush-type dc motor system can be replaced by a BLDC motor system that on the outside looks like a conventional motor, but inside provides advantages needed to realize intelligent motion control.

Electronics for the control function are shown integrated into a brushless dc motor. The continuing miniaturization of electronic components, as well as their decreasing cost, is making this a more viable option for control designs.

Motion Control 1-16_Vs4.LL.MB.MD.indd 91

January 2016



1/17/16 9:40 PM














Shown here is a typical valve actuator system that integrates the control electronics using the HVC 4223F single-chip solution.

Self-diagnosis and functional safety increasingly play an important role. Drives with “integrated intelligence” by means of electronics can provide this diagnostic feature. For example, changing motor properties can be tracked and stored by the electronics and adjusted to a certain extent. Adapting the software allows a large number of functions and applications to be addressed. Designers can efficiently equip a complete platform of actuators with just one type of controller. The small number of discrete components and high integration provide a great degree of miniaturization. The high level of reusability of hardware and software permits quick responses to changes in application requirements. The BLDC motor market The level of adoption of BLDC motor technology is increasing. Many automotive functions, such as fuel or water pumps, curve light, head-lamp leveling and others, are converting from brush-type dc motors or stepper motors to BLDC motor technology. If nothing else, the old orthodoxy that the electronics to control the motor are too expensive compared to the price of the motor itself is becoming less valid every day. Furthermore, BLDC motor advantages can significantly enhance other system properties. 92


Motion Control 1-16_Vs4.LL.MB.MD.indd 92

January 2016

When looking at motion control systems, including brush-type dc motors, it’s obvious that control is less complex compared to a BLDC motor. Engineers with little experience in BLDC motor control system design often fear that they will have difficulty converting to BLDC motor technology, even though they know about the advantages. Complex electronics and the programming of such a system are often thought to be a barrier. However, the transition to BLDC motors is not necessarily difficult. Using a singlechip solution greatly simplifies the electronic circuit.

A typical control solution using the HVC 4223F can greatly reduce the number of external components needed. In this example, the complete circuit only requires eight capacitors, two resistors, a diode and an inductor.

1/17/16 9:41 PM






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TAYOR-006170-3 MachSprg_9x10_875 DesWorld_JanMech.indd 1 Taylor Devices 1-16.indd 93

11/30/15 10:25 AM 1/17/16 9:24 PM














Benefits of sin le-chip architecture The new Micronas High-Voltage Controllers (HVCs) allow systems with highly integrated motor drive electronics to achieve the performance potential of modern, permanently excited dc motors. The HVC 4223F is an integrated microcomputer system with peripheral modules for directly driving PMSM/BLDC motors and bipolar stepper motors. The programming capability of the peripheral modules and the userdefined software allow the best possible

The use of different drive concepts in automotive actuators, for instance, requires the easy adaptation of the motor power bridge and how the bridge is activated.


RW-AMERICA.COM RW_DesignWorld_HalfIsland_round2.indd 1 Motion Control 1-16_Vs4.LL.MB.MD.indd 94

THE COUPLING. 4/18/13 8:09 PM

adaptation to the properties and attributes of different drive systems. The increasing integration density in drives, made possible by the low power/ weight ratio (W/kg) of PMSM/BLDC motors, affects the power dissipation, the flexibility of driving circuitry, the selected drive, and the diagnostic options. The high integration density of the electronics requires adapting the thermal operating conditions by means of a target-specified power management. The new HVC family provides many functions that allow this adaptation. The use of different drive concepts in automotive actuators, for instance, requires the easy adaptation of the motor power bridge and how the bridge is activated. 94


January 2016

1/17/16 9:48 PM


The HVC 4223F addresses this issue with a configurable final output stage, fully integrated and programmable peripheral module, and a powerful ARM Cortex-M3 processor. The EPWM-Module (Enhanced Pulse-Width Modulation) supports passive and active free-wheeling current patterns (Asynchronous/Synchronous Rectification) for different operating modes and types of motors. The integrated current measurement and the D/A converters allow the programming of nominal current values (for current-controlled micro-stepping, for example). In the PMSM/BLDC motor, without using sensors, the feedback signal of the rotor position can be sent using comparators and integrated star-point references or Hall-effect sensors/encoders. Algorithms for speed and current control can be quickly executed with the ARM Cortex-M3 CPU—supported by the highspeed A/D converter and adjustable signal paths for voltage and current measurements. The output stage includes overload protection (overvoltage/excess current) and diagnostic functions. Application example: positioning actuator with BLDC motor A typical application example only requires 13 components, including the HVC 4223F itself. In many cases, a smaller motor can be used due to better efficiency. The actuators can also be smaller, further reducing material cost. What’s more, the BLDC control system can be programmed to behave like a brush dc motor from outside, with only a voltage and ground supply as connections. This means that existing motion control systems can be upgraded without changing the complete system design. And in the long term, the system can be improved with networking and/or diagnostic functions. Designers don’t have to start from scratch with software development because the existing application notes and demo software can provide an adequate level of functionality. A good example involves positioning actuators. Mechanical actuators for positioning applications usually have to January 2016


Motion Control 1-16_Vs4.LL.MB.MD.indd 95













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1/17/16 9:49 PM

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ODU-USA 10-15 (new).indd 96


1/20/16 3:28 PM










provide a high torque. Typically, a gear is used to obtain low rpm at the load, introducing considerable losses due to friction. In many cases, the actuator must apply a stable holding torque and the actuator shouldn’t lose its last position to avoid calibration runs. Due to weight reduction and space constraints, the motor and electronic geometry plays an important role. The example describes a solution for a single-chip motor actuator with





the HVC 4223F driving a BLDC motor in sensor-less six-step commutation with a LIN communication interface. The efficient interaction of hardware and software inside a motion control system depends on the distribution of the particular functions of the available chip peripherals. A possible approach for a system includes sensor-less six-step commutation, including rpm and current control, functions for

... or the largest.

The advantages of brushless dc motors BLDC Motor Advantage Description Smaller motor geometry and lower weight

Powerful permanent magnets in the rotor and the missing brush mechanism enable BLDC motor to be smaller and lighter compared to both brush-type dc motors or induction ac motors.

Enhanced motor efficien

No core losses in the rotor due to the usage of per- manent magnets. The motor efficiency can be further enhanced wit dedicated commutation algorithms.

Thermal performance

The motor windings as heat generating elements are outside of the motor (in-runner) allowing a better thermal coupling.

High motor speed range

BLDC motors have no brush system which limits the speed. They have been designed for speeds greater than 100,000 rpm (e.g. dental drill). Low speed control is easier with appropriate commutation algorithms.

Enhanced motor dynamic response time

The rotor inertia is lower compared to a brush-type dc motor carrying the copper windings in the rotor.

No motor maintenance and long lifetime

No replacement or inspection of the commutator system is needed.

Lower Radio Frequency Interference (RFI) for better EMC

Unlike brush-type dc motors, there is no brush system inside BLDC motors causing RFI.

Commutation control

The commutation electronics can be used for various commutation schemes and can be tailored to the system/ motor by software without cost adder. This allows also a good control of torque behavior (e.g. by adjusting the commutation angle).

“Intelligent motor” with self-diagnostic functions

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The integrated electronics can provide programmable diagnostic functions—for example, allowing identific tion of motor characteristics for automatic adjustment of system parameters. Phone: 860-643-1531 291 Boston Tpke, Bolton, CT 06043

Motion Control 1-16_Vs4.LL.MB.MD.indd 97

January 2016



1/17/16 9:50 PM













The effici t interaction of hardware and software inside a motion control system depends on the distribution of the particular functions of the available chip peripherals.


diagnostics, and communication stack. The software architecture can be a simple roundrobin with interrupts. A basic circuit solution for such a system can reduce the number of external components for the motor to a minimum of 12 components. In case of special system ESD and/or EMC requirements, some additional components, like ferrite beads, might be required, for instance, in the dc supply link or LIN signal path. DW



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Motion Control 1-16_Vs4.LL.MB.MD.indd 98

January 2016

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1/17/16 9:51 PM


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PBC Linear 12-15.indd 99

1/17/16 9:25 PM

A brief introduction to common bus and line regeneration

Steven Peterson Product Training Engineer Yaskawa America 100


Motion Control EXTRA 1-16_Vs4.LL.hc.MD.indd 100

January 2016

1/17/16 9:53 PM














Deciding which setup is right for a common bus takes research and evaluation, but selecting and implementing the right one significantly improves design performance and efficienc . Here we’ll outline how to prioritize features while accommodating a given design’s potential amount of regenerative energy and harmonic content.

Designers implement VFDs on a variety of applications due to their high performance, reliability and energy savings. However, VFDs are not without shortcomings.

On most VFDs, the input diode bridge consists of six diodes.

These diodes make up the converter portion of a VFD and rectify the three-phase ac input to a fixed dc voltage. Current flow in the converter portion is typically unidirectional. This is a non-issue in most applications, but causes problems when an application has regenerative energy present—for example, when a motor is braking or overhauling due to the load. Such situations cause the motor to act as a generator sending energy back into the VFD. Here, the diode bridge stops current from flowing back to the line; that charges the dc bus capacitors and potentially causes faults due to high dc bus voltage.

Motion Control EXTRA 1-16_Vs4.LL.hc.MD.indd 101

January 2016



1/17/16 9:54 PM














>> Here is an example of a passive front-end system diagram compared with an active front-end system diagram using the D1000 regenerative converter. In this article, we’ll compare various solutions that use line regeneration and common dc bus arrangements. Then we’ll detail solutions with different benefits (including more compact designs, cost reduction, energy savings and reliability improvements). Common dc bus Applications consisting of just two VFDs can benefit from a common dc bus, sometimes called a shared bus. Simply interlinking

the dc bus between VFDs through a fused connection establishes a common bus. The key benefit of a common bus is the sharing and balancing of power. For example, consider a system with two VFDs and two motors: One motor may be in a motoring state while the other motor is in a regenerating state. During this condition, the motoring VFD consumes the regenerative power instead of pulling from the grid. Some notes here: Remember that two common conditions that can cause regeneration are an overhauled motor or when a motor is braking. Also: Regenerative energy is sometimes called braking energy. However, for simplicity in this article, we’ll

just use the term regenerative. There are multiple ways to establish a common dc bus, each with its own strong points. However, there is no sole best method, as applications can vary wildly and all applications feature differing system needs and budgets. One quick note on terminology: Motoring is when an electric motor is converting electrical energy into mechanical energy to perform work; regenerating is when a motor is overhauling or braking, it acts such as a generator. Mechanical energy generates electrical energy.

>> A six-pulse diode rectifier works for common bussing multiple drives. Regenerating

drive-motor setups can power motoring ones (and reduce overall wiring as well).

>> Linking the dc bus together between two VFDs through fused connections makes one simple form of a common bus. An oversized drive then supplies ac-to-dc rectifi ation.



Motion Control EXTRA 1-16_Vs4.LL.hc.MD.indd 102

January 2016

1/17/16 9:55 PM

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Aggressive Hydraulics 1-16.indd 103

1/17/16 9:25 PM














Six-pulse diode bridge rectifie One option is for the design to use a large stand-alone six-pulse diode bridge rectifier to establish a common bus. The diode bridge serves to rectify the ac input power to dc. The diode bridge must be of an appropriate size to power all connected VFDs and loads. The diode bridge is identical to the converter section of many VFDs. It’s inherently unidirectional, meaning that excess regenerative energy cannot be sent back to the grid. Motoring loads must be greater than regenerating loads to keep the dc-bus voltage at a safe level. When regenerating loads are greater than motoring loads, the design must implement a common dynamic-braking package or line regeneration. Alternatively, when the amount of regenerative energy present is low, wiring is simple and less complicated than that of a standard ac setup. Another option: Line regeneration If an application needs to return excess regenerative energy to the grid, line regeneration is an option. Here, the electrical system sends excess regenerative energy back to the line by line regeneration. To accomplish this, the design must implement a regenerative converter. This converter wires into the common dc bus just like the existing drives. This converter accepts excess dc voltage from the bus and outputs a six-step waveform back to the grid. This reduces operating costs due to recycling of the regenerated power back to the supply. Total regenerative energy present dictates the capacity of the regenerative converter. Instead of using a stand-alone diode-bridge rectifier to provide a system with dc power, it’s sometimes beneficial to use a larger VFD. A VFD has a built-in rectification circuit on

>> In this topology, a common bus exists between the main drive and back

drive on a centrifuge. The second VFD is sourcing dc power from the built-in diode rectifier or the first VF . The main drive can consume regenerative energy from the back drive. When the centrifuge is decelerating, the regenerative converter sends excess regenerative energy back to the grid.



Motion Control EXTRA 1-16_Vs4.LL.hc.MD.indd 104

January 2016

>> A regenerative AFE can act as the dc supply source for VFDs

connected to it. This arrangement is useful in that it reduces harmonics, simplifies wiring and o ers line regeneration.

its front end. Engineers can establish a common bus by sizing the VFD to supply dc power onward to connected VFDs and motors. Note that, compared to a six-pulse diode rectifier, this setup eliminates the stand-alone rectifier, as the second VFD gets power from the dc bus of the first one. This makes one wiring simpler while keeping costs down. An industrial centrifuge is one design that benefits from a common dc bus. A centrifuge consists of a main drive, which turns the drum, and a back drive, which turns the auger at a speed slightly slower than the drum to separate fluids or solids. The back drive is typically a smaller capacity than the main drive. In this application, the back drive is in constant regeneration because it is acting as a brake. This braking energy can power the main drive that’s motoring. When the main drive needs to stop, there’s huge inertial load present. This makes regenerative energy excessively high during deceleration and warrants the need to send the power back to the grid through a regenerative converter. Cost and space requirements are always a top priority. These are directly proportional to the amount of regenerative energy present. So, it’s extremely important that an engineer confirms the amount of regenerative energy on a given application. Knowing this, the engineer can either opt to oversize the larger VFD to increase bus capacity or use a regenerative converter to apply energy back to the grid. If the amount of regeneration taking

1/17/16 9:56 PM

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IO6480_79GHz_DesignWorld.indd 1 Rogers 1-16.indd 105

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8/13/15 4:03 2:27 PM PM 1/19/16















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Motion Control EXTRA 1-16_Vs4.LL.hc.MD.indd 106

place is low, a dynamic braking setup is the most cost-effective solution. Dynamic braking simply burns off the excess voltage onto a bank of resistors. If the design engineer determines that a regenerative converter is necessary, take note of the additional devices when using it. The reactors are necessary to limit current supplied back to the grid and add impedance between the ac source and load devices. There is also a detection circuit, which is wired directly from the converter to the power supply. The converter uses this circuit to detect the power supply phase order and voltage levels. Tip: Whenever designers consider a common dc bus or line regeneration, follow manufacturer wiring requirements for each system device. Pay particularly close attention to fusing recommendations, peripheral devices, power up sequencing and maximum lengths for dc bus lines. Harmonics and active front ends The input diode bridge on a VFD conducts the line current in a discontinuous (nonlinear) fashion. This is due to the input diodes only conducting during the peak voltage amplitude of each input phase. The result is a rippled voltage waveform, in turn causing input current distortion and harmonics applied back to the supply. A regenerative converter always wires in parallel to the VFDs on a common bus. The VFD diode bridge is not isolated from the supply, so the converter won’t help mitigate harmonics generated by the diode bridge. Typically, when harmonics are a concern, the design implements passive front ends consisting of various reactors, filters and multi-pulse transformers. These decrease harmonics but cannot handle line regeneration. Additionally, passive front ends tend to be both expensive and bulky. A regenerative active front end (AFE) is implemented when harmonic mitigation and line regeneration are a concern. A regenerative AFE gets wired in series with the VFDs being powered from it. Harmonics are low due to passive filtering and reactors paired with the AFE in combination with a pulse-width modulated (PWM) switch 106


January 2016

1/17/16 10:02 PM






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IKO 7-15 (Back in 5 yrs).indd 107

1/17/16 10:04 PM














PEM® VariMount™ Fastening System Ideal for fastening or bonding to assorted panel types

VariMountTM assembly is comprised of standard PEM nuts, studs and standoffs mounted permanently into a base plate--available with either steel or stainless steel base plates depending on the fastener selected. Key feature is the base plate’s radial holes which provide various mounting options.

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array on the input of the front end. Fly-back diodes on the insulated gate bipolar transistors (IGBTs) rectify ac-todc for powering one or multiple drives. Additionally, the IGBTs use PWM to reconstruct an ac sine wave by switching the dc bus voltage back onto the supply when regenerative energy is present, making the AFE bidirectional. Sizing a regenerative AFE is a matter of simple addition. First, add up all VFD capacities to be powered by the AFE. For example, consider an application running four 45-kW VFDs. To determine which size of regenerative AFE to select, we calculate that 45 kW ≈ 4 = 180 kW. So using simple math, we find that the AFE must be rated for at least 180 kW. The application needs this rating because the AFE works as a power supply for all connected VFDs. This differs from the regenerative converter mentioned earlier (sized solely on the amount of regenerative energy present). DW


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• Base plate provides generous footprint for surface or mold-in mounting. • Radial holes in base plates encapsulate adhesives or molded plastics. • Radial holes accept standard sized rivet diameters. • Radial holes accept standard sized self-clinching fasteners.

Connect and discuss this and other design engineering issues with thousands of professionals online

Free PEMSpec™ app 462 ©2016

Motion Control EXTRA 1-16_Vs4.LL.hc.MD.indd 108



January 2016

1/17/16 10:02 PM

Linear automation solutions begin with Mike. Meet Mike—your expert on call at Nook Industries. Mike is one of our many seasoned engineers who take the time to listen, brainstorm and help solve your linear motion component challenges—with a catalog or customized solution. For more than 45 years, Nook has delivered high quality engineered systems from people like Mike. It’s no wonder Nook is the go-to partner for linear motion systems in aerospace, medical, automotive and other industries.

Mike Cook Business Development Manager 8 years 800•321•7800 Nook Industries, Cleveland, OH USA

NOO-052_Mike_DW_2.indd 1 Nook Industries 8-15.indd 109

7/7/15 10:05 9:21 AM 1/17/16 PM












through collaboration UCSD Robotics guru Thomas Bewley talks about how technology will evolve in the coming years—and how engineers can better lead the way.

Paul J. Heney • Editorial Director

If you spot Thomas Bewley at a trade show, chances are there will be a crowd around him. In addition to being a gregarious, approachable person, Bewley is eager to talk about the multitude of little robotic friends you’ll likely see scurrying around his feet. And people want to see them, pick them up and play with them. One of those robots is quite recognizable—MiP was one of the big toy hits of Christmas 2014, won the 2015 Innovative Toy of the Year award, and was featured on the cover of this magazine 15 months prior. Bewley, an engineering professor at the University of California San Diego, leads the UCSD Flow Control & Coordinated Robotics Labs, which developed MiP and other robotic technologies, and licenses with high-tech toymaker WowWee. For our annual leadership issue, Design World sat down with Bewley to talk with him about what’s next in robotics, what challenges he sees facing engineers who want to grow into leadership positions, and where engineering education is headed. 110


Leadership Feature (Robots) 1-19_Vs3.MD.indd 110

January 2016

Developing MiP

In 2004, Bewley gave a final exam about a self-righting Segway-like vehicle that could hop. It had some internal plunger type mechanism inside and the students developed control algorithms for stabilizing the Segwaylike motion and for stabilizing the Pogo stick-like motion. “I thought they would solve these control problems as final exam questions and that would be it, we would have solved the problem,” he said. “But three of the students came up to me after that exam and said they actually wanted to build it—so that was the start of the robotics lab in the mechanical engineering department at UCSD. We started with some naïve designs and quickly refined from there.” Along the way, they patented a few designs for managing the energy flow in the hopping mechanism.

1/22/16 1:18 PM

Photography by: Paul J. Heney

Leadership Feature (Robots) 1-19_Vs2.MD.indd 111

January 2016



1/17/16 10:28 PM

Le a d e r s hip

“Hopping is interesting from a dynamics and control perspective—but is not energetically practical in a 1 g environment. It’s more practical on the moon; take a look at the Apollo astronauts, they hop to go from point to point,” Bewley said. “In a 1 g environment, it’s more efficient to roll. We quickly moved toward focusing more exclusively on different types

of rolling. We built hacked-up toys, we built small, Segway-like vehicles.” Bewley and his team were focusing on making the vehicles smaller with more modern technology. Then, through the tech transfer office at UCSD, he approached a couple toy companies and struck out. “We had a design that was in, what I called the ‘drawer of shame’ for a couple of

“We want to say: Here’s a staircase, fi ure out the rise and run and location of the staircase and your position in front of it.”



Leadership Feature (Robots) 1-19_Vs3.MD.indd 112

January 2016

years. A design that was one of these little toy-grade Segway-like vehicles that could pick up and throw a ping pong ball, and it did a wimpy little throw. Then, a talented masters student, about the time that low-cost 3D printing was starting to become available, re-designed the whole thing and designed a mechanism such that when you drive over a ping pong ball, just by the motion of the wheel, pinching the ball between the moving wheel and the body would pick up the ping pong ball and put it in a frame.” “We had a little cage that could hold a few ping pong balls, and then one by one, you could lay back and throw it in a lacrosse-style motion. That prototype was called iFling. We put together a little video on it and Gizmodo picked it up, and in a single weekend, we

1/22/16 1:19 PM

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Schunk 8-15 (Aerospace supp).indd 113 AnzSynergie_PGNplus_SRH_SWS-I_US_0413_235x282-5.indd 1

1/17/16 10:05 PM 31.03.14 13:57

247 Lynnfield Street, Peabody, MA 01960 • 800.921.3332 • Harmonic Drive is a registered trademark of Harmonic Drive LLC. Robonaut image courtesy of NASA/JPL-Caltech.

DW Robotics Ad.indd 1 Harmonic Drives 10-15_Robotic Supp.indd 114

9/15/15 2:04 PM 1/17/16 10:06 PM

Le a der s hip had like 30,000 views and it caught some attention. We went back to one of these toy companies, WowWee. We resonated with them and shared with them some of our ideas, and we decided to make these low cost Segway-like vehicles. The WowWee people are very good at embedding character and a mode in which you interact with such a toy.” It was also a matter of timing for his team. Low-energy Bluetooth (BLE) was just becoming available, so users could engage with a low-cost robotic vehicle with their smartphone or tablet. Not all fun and games

Bewley stressed that taking a development like MiP and making it a reality was difficult at times. “We spent a lot of time working with them on a bunch of questions about

designing for low-cost manufacturing—how can we shave off a quarter here and 50 cents there?” Bewley said. “Those questions are kind of tedious, so it’s not all glitz and fun— some of it is arduous. Teaching somebody who doesn’t speak your language the control theory that you know, so you can put the thing together [was a challenge]. And then you really have to whittle it down to its essence so you can minimize the materials cost.” He said that he has no regrets and described the process as fun and interesting. But he also noted that, at first, they failed to resonate with the toy business because his team simply didn’t understand the industry. “We were building these big things out of aluminum that were expensive and could hurt someone. It was really, to be fair, before 3D printing was readily available. So

now, it’s easier to do these things,” Bewley said. “The three most important parts of that business are cost, cost and cost. You have to have a compelling play-spec, but you can’t have 18 motors. You have to get the most enjoyable play from the least number of motors and it has to be robust. Three-yearolds will throw these things across the room in temper tantrums, and so these things are drop tested from a significant height, hundreds of times … and they have to survive that. The robustness test is severe. “In MiP you’ll notice that there is just the right amount of play in the wheels, there’s load bearing right on the output shaft. So if it takes an impact, you’re not putting load directly on the gears or the motor shaft. That sort of thing is what the FAB facilities that WowWee works with do exquisitely well—figuring out the right amount of shock

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Leadership Feature (Robots) 1-19_Vs3.MD.indd 115

January 2016



1/22/16 1:19 PM

Le a d e r s hip absorption so this thing can handle the abuses of a kid.� Bewley is now working on packaging a similar robot in an educational way, keeping the robustness of the base. He doesn’t want to simply bolt wheels on the output shaft of the motor the way they started, as that design is very fragile. And the last thing he wants is to frustrate students he’s trying to teach. The coming tech

One of the major projects that the lab is working on right now is autonomous stair

climbing. With the emergence of advanced smartphone-grade technology, Bewley said they can do autonomous scene recognition better. “We want to be able to say: Here’s a staircase, figure out the rise and run of the staircase and your position in front of it,� Bewley said. He envisions a robot that would drive in a Segway-like motion up to a staircase, then employ a third motor to lift the vehicle up a post that goes through the center of the vehicle. As the two wheels and the body rise up to the top of the post, it uses the wheels as

“Your education is only just starting by the time you get your last degree.�

reaction wheels to stay balanced. Once it gets to the top, it turns the wheels one way, the body reacts the other way, it leans onto the obstacle and then does an end-over-end— sort of an inverse slinky maneuver. He said that a firefighter could unleash a robot like this if, say, there was a fire at a big box store. “The first firefighter on the scene could release a handful of little vehicles of this type at the front door and say, ‘Map it. Give me situational awareness. I want to know a map of where all the aisles are. I want to know where the people are. Where the hot spots are and where any dangerous fumes might be,’� said Bewley. “Send a bunch of vehicles and they solve all the small problems that are needed from there. Collision avoidance and resource management, figuring out there’s a stairway up to the 2nd floor, so maybe move more vehicles up there.�

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Leadership Feature (Robots) 1-19_Vs3.MD.indd 116

January 2016


1/22/16 1:20 PM





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SAB 1-16.indd 117

1/17/16 10:07 PM

Lead ership

They are also working hard on autonomous deployment of under-door camera systems. These are tactical systems that are deployed by marines and police forces to figure out what’s going on before you go into a room. Bewley describes them as being like a stack of credit cards that has a small cellphone-grade camera— which can be slid under any standard door. “When trying to clear a building, one of the important things is to make sure that there isn’t anyone in the offices and that’s one thing you can do, is you can shove something under the door and you can sniff for things and you can spray the room with a light from a small LED and see what you see back there,” he said. “Another technology that can be deployed with an under-door system like that, besides a camera, is an electronic nose. There is a development that’s using a nano-technology so some small carbon nanotubes with some detectors placed beneath that can sniff out different chemicals. [This technology] has a certain signature if exposed to butane or propane or methane or other VOCs. You expose it to each of these VOCs or carbon monoxide or whatever it is that you’re worried about, and you get a fingerprint for that chemical of how the surface responds. Then if you go into an area where there’s a mixture of these compounds, you can say, ‘Okay, I see 0.3% of CO. I see trace amounts of butane,’ or whatever it is. It’s a technology that, once mass-marketed, can be as inexpensive as the accelerometer and gyros that are in every smartphone today.” The crossover to industry

Bewley feels that the industrial side of things will continue to benefit greatly from a spin up of consumer grade technology. “Accels and gyros and GPS are cheap because they’ve been mass marketed for smartphones and cars—and because of that, the industrial space can directly benefit for self-driving harvesters and combines and things like that,” he said. “As electronic noses become mass produced for wearable technologies, they will be 118

Leadership Feature (Robots) 1-19_Vs3.MD.indd 118


January 2016

1/22/16 1:21 PM

Beckhoff 1-16.indd 119

1/17/16 10:08 PM

“Your edu

Le a d e r s hip directly useful in monitoring industrial environments, for example, to make sure that the atmosphere is safe. I think we will see a significant use of little mobile vehicles running around in security situations, especially once they can efficiently climb up and down stairs. “I keep on coming back to steps because they are pervasive in environments built for humans, which most of the environments that we have in our target market. Steps and closed doors are the two main problems, and we’re well on our way to solving the steps problem with small vehicles. So far, our approach for addressing closed doors is just to peek underneath. It takes a much bigger vehicle to actually get up to a doorknob and manipulate a doorknob or get a skeleton key or something.” Precision agriculture will be another huge growth industry because of these

“Accelerometers and gyros and GPS are cheap because they’ve been mass marketed for smartphones and cars—and because of that, the industrial space can directly benefi .” coming technological advances, said Bewley. “It’s a multi-billion dollar market where people are trying to figure out how to address the precision delivery of fertilizer, of pesticide, and of water to plants individually, on a day-to-day basis,” he said. “Eventually, it will be the harvesting of soft fruits like strawberries and oranges.” Engineers as leaders and teammates

Bewley also touched on the challenges of having engineers move into leadership

positions—many engineering students are taught the technical side but not always the people skills to succeed as managers or visionaries. “A lot of those [people] skills, you learn in your job,” he said. “Formal education is only a starting point in your actual education. You see inspiring leaders throughout your career and you’ll learn leadership skills throughout your career. I’m very much an advocate of professional education where these components come

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Leadership Feature (Robots) 1-19_Vs3.MD.indd 120


Piezo Mechanics

January 2016


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1/22/16 1:23 PM

ProFace 1-16_Schneider.indd 121

1/17/16 10:09 PM

full page DW Jan 2016.pdf



3:43:13 PM


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LinMot 1-16.indd 122

1/17/16 10:10 PM

Tested and Proven 138 million cycles

Leadership Feature (Robots) 1-19_Vs3.MD.indd 123

62 t3 Te s

in. Your education is only just starting by the time you get to your last degree.” Bewley said that what is outdated in the university space is the departmental structure. “Having a mechanical, an aerospace department, an electrical department, a CS department, that are all separate, is historical and unnatural in the day that everything is interdisciplinary,” he said. “You need to focus on the subsystems of the complicated project that you’re building, but as you move toward a leadership role and a system development, you need to have an understanding of the complexities and the state-of-the-art in the other component disciplines to know the right questions to ask of your team who’s putting it together. Interdisciplinary education is very important. “I think senior engineers with good people skills can make effective managers, because they understand, especially in a technology-heavy field like robotics, what key components that are available and emerging need to be developed to get a certain system together. You understand the component technologies that need to come together to make things ... I find many university labs are focusing on narrow research questions. Make one-off prototypes that never make an impact in industry or sit on the shelf for a long time until someone else, or some other team, picks it up and figures out how to make it relevant in the market place,” Bewley said. Bewley stressed that what management can provide that the engineer doesn’t always see is the market scope and market reality in terms of price points that work. “Sometimes engineers get so focused on their build, their technology, that they don’t have a larger view toward what the market needs right now. This is something that I’ve learned to appreciate, working with my collaborators … that sense toward the several different aspects of what works in the marketplace and for the supply chain, so it can be delivered to the marketplace in large numbers, effectively,” he said. “When we started [MiP], I thought, yeah, sure, we can make a Kickstarter project that sold a thousand units. But how do we sell a million?” he said. “That’s a completely,


Le a de r s hip

completely different thing. Working with a team that has the supply-chain connections that can provide volume and availability of a quality product, is really a team-focused experience. I think that engineers need to appreciate that their skills take them so far, and if they really want to make a large impact, reaching out to teams with complementary skills is absolutely necessary.” DW

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Connect and discuss this and other design engineering issues with thousands of professionals online

January 2016



1/25/16 12:29 PM

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1/17/16 10:41 PM

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KYB 6-15_Vs2.indd 125

1/17/16 10:42 PM













How to get

predictable and reliable

linear motion Bob Ward Product Manager • Rollon Corp.



Linear Motion (Rollon)_1-16_Vs5.LL.MD.indd 126

January 2016

1/17/16 10:48 PM

Here are some tips on how to correctly specify and size a linearmotor-driven actuator using the mnemonic ACTUATOR—short for

accuracy, capacity, travel length, usage, ambient environment, timing, orientation and rates—to remember all the key parameters.

Choosing the right actuator for a given application may seem

like an easy task. However, more goes into selecting a reliable actuator than some engineers and system integrators realize. Poorly performing actuators often result from basic specification errors. To get reliable and repeatable linear motion, the aim is to meet specific requirements for a highquality actuator setup with four subsystems: A structural system that can accurately secure all actuator components in a physical space and provide a way to hold the actuator in its workplace



A rotary-to-linear motion converter consisting of a drivetrain of individual components


A linear wear element to accurately guide the carriage in a straight line with minimal friction and maximum load capacity and life


A moving carriage that securely holds the workpiece, gripper, camera, optics or other payload

The mnemonic ACTUATOR—short for accuracy, capacity, travel length, usage, ambient environment, timing, orientation and rates—is a helpful reminder of key parameters.

Linear Motion (Rollon)_1-16_Vs5.LL.MD.indd 127

January 2016



1/21/16 1:19 PM













c 2nd design objective:

A 1st design objective: Accuracy and repeatability Unless a design engineer takes the time to define what an actuator must deliver for motion, he or she will likely over-specify or overpay for the system. That’s especially true if there’s any misunderstanding about how accuracy and repeatability differ. In most actuator applications, repeatability is more important than absolute accuracy. Repeatability can be either unidirectional or bidirectional, so measures a system’s ability

to get a command position when approached from the same direction or either direction. The two main specifications that influence accuracy are travel and positioning. It’s common to specify accuracy in units of microns or thousandths of an inch. For example, imagine a robot with a gripper sitting on top of a linear actuator. The actuator moves the robot into a variety of positions so that the gripper can grasp cases and place them on pallets. This motion must be repeatable and fairly accurate to move the robot into position, although pinpoint accuracy isn’t necessary. As a rule of thumb, positioning repeatability to ±50 µm is more than acceptable in most end-of-line packaging operations involving actuators. For applications that require more precise positioning, consider adding a linear encoder.

Capacity Think about the loads, moments and forces the actuator will need to withstand. These include: • static load • dynamic load • bending moment • thrust No matter the setup, an actuator’s internal construction has a direct impact on load capacity. Some manufacturers design and construct actuators to handle heavy loads at high speeds, while others are built to support light loads at high speeds. Knowing the application details is critical to choosing the right design. Tip: When comparing actuators, pay attention to the specification units mentioned above (SI, U.S. or imperial units) to make an applesto-apples comparison. Industrial-duty actuators have high stiffness and handle maximum load capacity in five out of six degrees of freedom—and allow low-friction movement in the sixth axis.

Each orientation influences the force calculations that determine the actuator’s ability to carry a given load. Note that multi-axis systems need brackets and cross plates to rigidly connect actuators and reduce misalignment and vibration. 128


Linear Motion (Rollon)_1-16_Vs5.LL.MD.indd 128

January 2016

1/21/16 1:20 PM

t 3rd design objective: Travel length The stroke of an actuator, measured in millimeters or inches, is the distance it must move an actuator. However, total movement must include a safety stroke, also known as hard-stop-to-hardstop distance. Carefully distinguish the difference between stroke and overall length. Tip: During this step, also define the volumetric envelope or total footprint into which the system must fit.

u 4th design objective: Usage Usage factor (also known as duty cycle) is commonly expressed in cycles per minute. Useful life is the number of hours, years, cycles or linear distance the actuator should get. In other words, this specification describes how frequently the actuator will run and how long it needs to last. Consider application details (including the motion profile, cycle time and dwell time) in addition to lifetime requirements. Ask the supplier about maintenance schedules as well; some actuators only require re-lubrication after 20,000 km, while others need more frequent care.

a 5th design objective: Ambient environment Working conditions surrounding the actuator collectively form the ambient environment: • operating temperature range • relative humidity range • type and amount of contaminant particles • presence of corrosive fluids or chemicals • periodic cleaning or washdown requirements Keep these factors in mind, and note that demanding or extreme environments may require special seals and bellows to protect the actuator’s moving parts from moisture, dust and other contaminants. Where this is a concern, ask the supplier if these are available.

Actuators must withstand loads, moments and forces. For this reason, it’s important to get an actuator’s capacities for static load, dynamic load, bending moment and thrust before specifying it. (Units of force and moment are N and N-m or lbƒ and in.-lbƒ.) Some actuators can support even large loads at speeds to 5 m/sec.

Linear Motion (Rollon)_1-16_Vs5.LL.MD.indd 129

January 2016



1/21/16 1:20 PM

Toggle clamps L i n e a r

M ot i o n


6th design objective: Timing

Design engineers, system integrators, OEMs and end users frequently ignore project timelines when specifying an actuator, especially in the beginning. Although other performance specifications deserve close attention, keep time and budget constraints in mind. Don’t forget about overall project deadlines, request for quotations, prototypes and production schedules, because ignoring these can waste time and effort later. There is nothing worse than finding the perfect actuator and then realizing it doesn’t fit within the project’s time and budget constraints.


• Stable – the lever is controlled during clamping to prevent impact due to side thrust. • Secure – for applications with strong vibration stresses.


• Heavy Series for applications requiring high clamping load capacity. • Durable – Long Life series tested to over one million cycles. • Versatile – ability to build your own tool by welding. • Functional – suitable for applications at high temperatures, on molds for plastic materials and in rotational molding.

Elesa. Always more... Operating elements

Indexing and positioning elements

Clamping knobs

Lift & Pull handles

Leveling elements and supports

Control elements

Hinges and connections

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These diagrams show the difference between accuracy and repeatability. In most actuator applications, repeatability is more important than accuracy.

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Linear Motion (Rollon)_1-16_Vs5.LL.MD.indd 130


January 2016

1/21/16 1:21 PM

r o 7th design objective: Orientation Choosing the right actuator also depends on how it will mount in the available geometric space. This determines load and force orientation. Will the carriage be face up or face down in a horizontal orientation? Vertical orientations and slanted placements are also possible depending on the system footprint and application geometry. Each orientation influences the force calculations that ultimately express the actuator’s ability to carry a given load. Note that multi-axis systems need special brackets and cross plates to rigidly connect actuators and reduce misalignment and vibration.

8th design objective: Rates To choose the best actuator for an application, determine its target motion profile. This includes travel speed as well as required acceleration and deceleration rates. While some industrial duty actuators can support high loads at travel speeds to 5 m/sec, others have limited speed and load capacities. Here, correctly match the actuator to the task at hand. DW Rollon Corp.


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The best actuator for an application depends on travel speed as well as required acceleration and deceleration rates. When in doubt, gathering expert advice from suppliers can streamline the analysis.

January 2016

Linear Motion (Rollon)_1-16_Vs5.LL.MD.indd 131



1/21/16 1:21 PM

E l e c t r o n i c s

A big effort is underway in the U.S. to develop the kind of manufacturing expertise necessary to cheaply produce electronic circuits able to bend and flex.

U.S. plays catch-up

with flexible electronics 132


Electronics 1-16_vs7.hc.MD.indd 132

January 2016

Leland Teschler • Executive Editor

1/17/16 11:07 PM

The idea

of putting electronic circuits on pieces

of plastic that can bend certainly has a lot of sex appeal. And no wonder. The developments in this kind of flexible electronics already make headlines and promise even more excitement in the near future. As an example of what’s possible today, consider a full-color liquid crystal display recently shown at a trade show by a firm called FlexEnable. The 4.7-in. display could bend into a cylinder having a radius of about 1.18 in. It also was made on relatively inexpensive plastic known as TAC (triallyl cyanurate), which is commonly used for display polarizer sheets. There’s only one problem with this accomplishment, at least if you reside in the U.S.: FlexEnable is a firm in the U.K. A lot of the

Solar cell maker Heliatek uses roll-to-roll processing to make thin-film organic solar cells that weigh 500 g/m² and are less than a millimeter thick.

Electronics 1-16_vs7.hc.MD.indd 133

January 2016



1/17/16 11:07 PM

E l e c t r o n i c s

“Europe and parts of Asia are heavily investing in flexible and hybrid-flexible electronics. We are behind,” said Mark Poliks, a professor at Binghamton University.



Electronics 1-16_vs7.hc.MD.indd 134

January 2016

work done in flexible electronics now takes place outside U.S. borders, thanks partly to programs sponsored by foreign governments. The FlexEnable displays, for instance, are part of a program called the Printable Organic Semiconductors for Highly Enhanced Displays, sponsored by the U.K. government. The firm collaborated with entities that include the Imperial College London and the University of Cambridge to get the kind of film uniformity needed for large-area, flat-panel displays. “Europe and parts of Asia are heavily investing in flexible and hybrid-flexible electronics. We are behind,” said Mark Poliks, a professor at Binghamton University in New York and director of the Center for Advanced Microelectronics Manufacturing (CAMM) there. “As usual, we have invented and enabled many of these things, but we are not pushing the development end.” CAMM is part of an effort called the FlexTech Alliance (formerly the U.S. Display Consortium) targeting flexible electronics. Binghamton University focuses on developing next-generation roll-to-roll (R2R) electronics manufacturing capabilities— basically, processing circuit substrates in a

manner analogous to printing newspapers on web presses. It further concentrates on what’s called flexible hybrid electronics (FHE) that combines the manufacturing integration of electronic components, such as silicon CMOS, and the direct manufacturing of electronics on flexible substrates. In that role, it has acquired prototype tools and established processes for producing low-volume items that serve as test-beds for new ideas. CAMM isn’t the only U.S. facility to focus on flex. A new flex electronics research facility called NextFlex, for the Flexible Hybrid Electronics Manufacturing Innovation Institute, is being set up in Silicon Valley and will be run by the FlexTech Alliance, a San Jose-based public-private consortium. Over the next five years, the U.S. DOD will fund it with $75M through the Air Force Research Laboratory. 96 organizations—including companies, R&D labs and universities— pledged to add $90M more. The DOD funding comes because the military is interested in flexible electronics as an innovation technology capable of slashing the size and power consumption of devices that troops carry. The average Marine today carries an “assault load” of up to 130 lb,

1/17/16 11:09 PM

Solar cell maker Heliatek said this is the first oll-to-roll manufacturing line for thinfilm o ganic solar cells. It uses vacuum deposition at relatively low temperatures to pattern features, allowing the cells to sit on inexpensive polymer substrates.

whereas the recommended load is 50 lb. And the DOD increasingly puts wearable technology on military personnel. One application in the works could be a smart patch capable of monitoring a war-fighter’s physical and cognitive functions. It’s also thought the Army Iron Man exoskeleton could be built significantly lighter thanks to flex electronics. Similarly, avionics could be made lighter and in complex shapes that can conform to airplane wings. However, funding from the likes of the FlexTech Alliance isn’t just a government handout. “When we work with companies, we typically form a consortium that gives insight into the research and development issues being funded,” said FlexTech Alliance CEO Mike Ciesinski. “We periodically issue requests for proposals. The winners must match the funding award with the same amount or more of their own resources. For a dollar of R&D funding, the U.S. government pays for only about $0.35 of it. Private industry picks up the rest. NextFlex will adopt this same model and refine it.” Examples of companies engaged in flexible electronics include a firm called Heliatek. It makes multilayer solar cells that

use organic materials on PET film as a means of absorbing both visible and infrared light in active layers that are only about 250 nm thick. The solar cells, called HeliaFilm, are made using vacuum deposition in an R2R process. FlexTech Alliance member ThinFilm was the first to commercialize printed, rewritable memory. The company is creating printed systems that include memory, sensors, displays and wireless communications. ThinFilm’s first product was a printed memory tag that uses a ferroelectric polymer to provide non-volatile, fully rewritable data on a label. The memory is produced with an R2R printing process using thin, inexpensive plastic (PET or PEN) substrate. The ferroelectric polymer is printed between layers of printed electrodes. Two protective coatings complete the fabrication. ThinFilm also says it recently completed a successful trial run of R2R printed displays. Imprint Energy, also a FlexTech Alliance member, is developing printed, flexible rechargeable batteries based on zinc chemistry. Called Zinc Poly battery technology, the devices are said to be scalable to large dimensions for sheet or web-processing. The

Electronics 1-16_vs7.hc.MD.indd 135

pany thinks its batteries will be competitive with lithium-polymer cells but at less than half the cost and without the safety issues. Zinc forms the anode part of the battery, the cathode is a metal oxide, and the electrolyte is a solid material. Ordinarily, it is tough to make a zinc battery that is rechargeable because zinc usually forms dendrites, tiny fibers that grow and impede the charging reaction. The use of a special solid electrolyte is said to solve this problem. Additionally, use of zinc minimizes the need for special packaging because zinc doesn’t react much with the environment. Zinc Poly batteries can also be just a few hundred microns thick (the width of a couple human hairs) and can be manufactured using thick-film deposition equipment such as screen printers. Research areas The usual approach for flexible electronics makers has been to adopt manufacturing equipment originally designed both for handling rolls of packaging material and for traditional semiconductor chips. “At CAMM, we use a lot of equipment from packaging and conversion world and extend it to work January 2016



1/17/16 11:10 PM


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Electronics 1-16_vs7.hc.MD.indd 136

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E l e c t r o n i c s

with embossing or vacuum deposition for patterning circuits,” said Poliks. “To some degree we are merging equipment from the packaging, conversion and display industries for large area and thin film devices and wiring. And we are adapting what was done for the back end of semiconductor wafers on the single-micron scale so it can work on larger areas and on non-traditional substrates.” One of the trickiest parts of making flexible electronics is in the precise patterning of circuit features. Patterning in traditional R2R products often isn’t critical; when magazines and newspapers come off roll presses with their images misregistered, the result is annoying but not catastrophic. But a few misregistered features on an R2R circuit are likely to make the whole device nonfunctional. So researchers have come up with numerous schemes to keep circuit patterns lined up. “To make micron-sized features, you have to frame and immobilize the substrate so it is flat,” said Poliks. “Some approaches use advanced adhesives to glue down a polyethylene film on a glass subcarrier, then run that sandwich through all the processes. The drawback is in ensuring you don’t exceed the debond temperature or do something that will make the plastic lift off the glass surface. Another approach is to frame the material so it is free standing but held tight like a drum in all directions on the frame. Then the framed substrate travels through the process. But the approach we often use at CAMM is to convey the substrate without any framing. The tool itself is built into it a stage or drum that supports the plastic or glass to keep it flat and stable for processing.” The kinds of patterning such techniques make possible is beginning to approach that of conventional integrated circuits. “There are companies making flex circuits using R2R that can get line widths on the order of 25 microns,” said Poliks. “Features on the order of one micron are also possible in R2R, but you still need photolithographic processes to do it. Additive circuit printing processes are getting better, but the inks tend to be too resistive. For smaller features you need metal-like conductivity that only comes with IC patterning and processing methods.” Patterning challenges One of the IC patterning methods Poliks refers to is vacuum deposition and particularly vacuum-deposition of metal layers. The deposited layers can range from the thickness of an atom up to millimeters. Deposition takes place at pressures well below that of atmospheric pressure as a way of both reducing contaminants in the deposition chamber and controlling the composition of the deposited material. But there can be difficulties in vacuum-depositing materials on flexible plastic substrates. “In vacuum deposition, the traditional perspective is that plastics out-gas a large amount of low-molecular-weight molecules,” said Poliks. “Our first vacuum deposition tool had a large pumping capability and big chillers to affix anything out-gassed from plastic webs so we could get reasonable performance. But surprisingly, we have not had problems dealing with out-gassing. We are able to work at reasonable pressures, make sputtered dielectrics that use silicon and a small doping of aluminum to make oxides suitable for active devices, dielectrics and insulators.” Another potential problem is that plastic substrates can absorb a small amount of moisture. The difficulty here is that many of the processing steps for depositing and patterning circuit materials use chemicals mixed 136


January 2016

1/17/16 11:10 PM

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Design 1-16.indd World Ad Jan2016.indd 1 Omron 137

12/15/15 11:12 PM AM 1/17/16 10:44



9:33:15 AM









Schneider Electric 7-15.indd 138

1/17/16 10:45 PM

Hybrid AC Motor Drives* with water, etching and stripping the plastic substrate with aqueous fluids at various points in the patterning process. “Most of the concerns about plastics absorbing water center on soldering and reflow and storage conditions,” said Poliks. “We haven’t really had a problem with these so far because we haven’t required those kinds of processes. The substrate doesn’t sit in water, but there is a potential for moisture absorption because the substrates are thin. It’s important to understand the sequence of the process, be aware of where bakes take place, and precede soldering with an appropriate bake to head off moisture problems.” The alternative to managing the potential for plastic out-gassing and moisture problems is to use a different kind of substrate: flexible glass. In recent years, manufacturers such as Corning have developed varieties of glass that are only 100 µm thick. Corning’s Willow glass, about as thick as a sheet of paper, was developed for smartphone displays but is flexible enough to come in rolls and be processed R2R equipment. “Use of thin, flexible glass for flex electronics is like someone saying you can get a silicon substrate on a roll,” said Poliks. “The surface is capable of high-temperature processing, and flexible glass will be made in high volumes in the future. So high-end flex electronics will probably be fabricated on thin glass, mid-range on plastics. When you can tolerate the resistances available in 3D-printed circuits, we’ll probably see circuits on paper substrates for disposable and biodegradable applications.” Corning Willow Glass differs from the more widely known Gorilla Glass. Willow Glass is an alkali-free glass composition manufactured in thicknesses between 100 to 200 µm and wound continuously onto a spool. This reduced

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Here’s something you don’t see every day: a coffee mug with its own active full-color organic LCD. The display is from FlexEnable and is made possible by the firm s flexible transistor technology. The 4.7-in. display module has a minimum bend radius of a little over an inch and is just 1.3-mm thick. The company says all processing steps for the display took place at below 100° C, which allows the use of inexpensive plastic substrates. January 2016

Electronics 1-16_vs7.hc.MD.indd 139


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other_Design_World_hybrid_drives_white_border_10_2014.indd 1

10/22/14 10:19 AM 1/17/16 11:11 PM

E l e c t r o n i c s

The world’s first im ge sensor on plastic from FlexEnable (developed with sensor maker ISORG in France) targets medical imaging applications. Visible here is FlexEnable’s transmissive backplane combined with ISORG’s organic printed photodetectors.

thickness enables thin, lightweight and conformable flexible electronic devices. Where Gorilla Glass uses chemical-strengthening, ion-exchange methods to get the mechanical durability for portable cover glass, Willow Glass is not chemically strengthened.

Another reason glass makes a good ing (or planarization) for advanced coating, substrate for flexible electronics is the display and electronic applications. The low smoothness of its surface. Substrate surface surface roughness enables fabrication of quality can affect factors such as electronic TFTs, OLEDs and other thin-film electronic device yield and performance. Willow Glass, structures with no pinhole or shunt defects. for example, requires no secondary polish- Qtr pg_Qtr In contrast, most plastic DON-201501-DesignWorld pg 12/8/14 10:04 substrates AM Page 1used for

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Electronics 1-16_vs7.hc.MD.indd 140

January 2016

Use of the Teflon® mark requires a direct trademark license from DuPont. Customers and distributors of Donwell can only resell LICENSEE’s product as licensed by DuPont with the Teflon® mark. DuPont sells unbranded coatings to control access to the Teflon® mark.

1/17/16 11:11 PM

YOU’RE LOOKING AT TWO TECHNICIANS. CAN YOU SPOT THE DIFFERENCE? They both use HMI/SCADA to monitor their end users’ equipment remotely. And they both had to address a critical alarm last night. But the one on the left is still talking his customer off a ledge this morning, while the one on the right is already talking his customer through smart ways to improve asset performance. We think 40% faster troubleshooting is a good look for him. Get connected. Get insights. Get optimized.

15-GESW-0013_ad_Spot Difference Ad - Decision Support OEM Design World_v1.indd 1 General Electric 1-16.indd the 141

12/10/15 10:46 8:19 PM AM 1/17/16

E l e c t r o n i c s A typical roll-to-roll flex circuit fabrication might involve the steps depicted in this simplified b ock diagram from researchers at the U.S. Dept. of Energy. Evaporation, sputtering and chemical vapor deposition (CVD) are all possibilities in R2R processing. The entire roll of flex circuit substrate sits in a vacuum system where different materials get sputtered or evaporated onto its surface. Factors that can complicate the circuit deposition process include the fact that the deposition rate of material varies depending on the speed of the web and the initial position and orientation of the substrate. So R2R flex circuit lines use several techniques to momentarily hold the substrate still and keep it tight during the deposition and patterning steps.

electronic substrates need some sort of planarization layer to get the necessary smoothness. And glass has natural moisture and oxygen barrier properties that are difficult to replicate with plastic substrates. It also looks as though flexible glass substrate material will have enough applications

to be manufactured in high volumes, keeping prices down. Corning sees its Willow Glass being used in touch panels and displays for smartphones and tablets, and is actively pursuing applications in OLED lighting and PV with flexible/conformable devices for these applications in mind.


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Research topics There is still much work to be done in perfecting flex circuit elements. Thin-film transistors (TFTs), for example, now drive liquid-crystal displays and hold promise for new applications in flexible electronics. Commercial display applications mostly use hydrogenated

January 2016

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1/17/16 11:12 PM

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RENCO 1-16.indd 143

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1/17/16 11:15 PM

E l e c t r o n i c s

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amorphous silicon (a-Si:H) TFTs. One problem is that the nature of the charge transport in organic semiconductors and the microscopic origin of charge carrier traps isn’t well understood. Traps dominate transport in a-Si:H. Consequently, the field effect is about 1,000x lower in organics than in single-crystal silicon. And the field effect is what FETs depend on to modulate the current they pass. So getting a handle on these charge transport mechanisms is a research topic. There are also efforts aimed to getting the kind of high performance out of flex circuits that is normally available only from CMOS devices, which are fabricated using harsh high-temperature processes that damage most flexible materials. On this front, recently a team led by France’s Institut d’Electronique de Microélectronique et de Nanotechnologie developed a way of building radio-frequency CMOS circuits on a variety of flexible substrates: polyimide plastic film, glass and stainless steel. The group first built RF CMOS circuits on a silicon-on-insulator substrate, then thinned it to 30 µm by completely removing the backside. They then transferred the circuits to flex substrates using a laminating process. The circuitry was attached to plastic and glass substrates by laminating it using a dry polymer film and rollers. The researchers say their technique can be adapted for ultra-mechanical flexibility, heat dissipation and transparency. DW Resources Corning FlexEnable fle Heliatek Imprint Energy The Center for Advanced Microelectronics Manufacturing

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Electronics 1-16_vs7.hc.MD.indd 144


January 2016

1/17/16 11:14 PM

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For more than 75 years we have been helping you unlock measurement insights, first as the electronic-measurement businesses of Hewlett-Packard and Agilent Technologies, and now, as Keysight Technologies. From Day 1, there have been two sides to the story. One is the work we do, creating leading-edge instrumentation and software. The other is the work you do: designing, developing, debugging, troubleshooting, manufacturing, testing, installing and maintaining components, devices and systems. Those seemingly unrelated activities are actually connected by something profound: the “A-ha!” that comes with a moment of insight. When those happen for us, the results are innovations that help you reach new breakthroughs. Enabling the right idea at the right time This is our legacy. Keysight is a company built on a history of firsts, dating back to the days when Bill Hewlett and Dave Packard worked in the garage at 367 Addison Avenue in Palo Alto, California. Our firsts began with U.S. patent number 2,268,872 for a “variable-frequency oscillation generator.” Appropriately, the heart of Bill’s design was a light bulb, which is often used to symbolize a new idea. Our future depends on your success, and our vision is simple: by helping engineers find the right idea at the right time, we enable them to bring next-generation technologies to their customers—faster.

Offering expertise you can leverage This is happening in aerospace and defense applications where increasingly realistic signal simulations are accelerating the development of advanced systems that protect those who go in harm’s way. It’s happening in research labs where our tools help turn scientific discovery into the discovery of new sciences. It’s taking place with 400G Ethernet and the enabling PAM-4 technology, where our end-to-end solution ranges from simulation of new designs to characterization of hardware inputs, outputs and connectors. And in wireless communications we’re providing leading-edge measurement tools and sophisticated, future-friendly software that cover all phases of the 5G development cycle. Within these application areas, there are often more standards than a single engineer can keep up with. That’s why so many of our people are involved in standards bodies around the world. We’re helping shape those standards while creating the tools needed to meet the toughest performance goals. Through our global presence, we also have measurement experts near you: our application engineers have the skills and experience to help you unite the hardware and software solutions that meet your unique requirements. Helping inspire your next breakthrough To help Keysight customers continue to open new doors, we’re concentrating our effort and experience on what comes next in test and measurement. Our unique combination of hardware, software and people will help enable your next “A-ha!” moment, whether you’re working on mobile devices, cloud computing, semiconductors, renewable energy, or the latest glimmer in your imagination. Keysight is here to help you see what others can’t, and then make it reality—sooner.

© Keysight Technologies, Inc. 2015

Keysight Technologies 1-16.indd 145

1/17/16 11:15 PM

M e c h a n i c a l

Coupling Test:

Can you answer these


essential coupling questions? You’ve already accounted for potential misalignments, looked into thermal expansion scenarios and, well, checked to see what coupling was used the last time. So what’s next? Here, we cover some higher-level questions to address when designing the coupling element of your motion system equation.

Edited by: Mike Santora • Associate Editor



Mechanical 1-16_Vs5.LL.MD.indd 146

January 2016

1/17/16 11:23 PM

When selecting a bellows coupling, like this clamp style version from Servometer, make sure to consider its resonant frequency. Compare this to the speeds at which the system operates.


What role does resonant frequency play in selecting a bellows coupling? Resonant or natural frequency is the innate oscillation frequency of a system. It varies based on the geometry, arrangement, inertia and other factors in an assembly. Bellows couplings are meant to be torsionally stiff. That is, they are flexible in movements that are perpendicular or transverse to the shafts of the two coupled devices. As such, the natural rotational frequency of the coupling is the main concern. The coupling is designed to flex in those other directions, but it should transmit torque with as little vibration or oscillation as possible. Resonant frequency, or natural frequency, is a concern when selecting bellows couplings. If not taken into account, an otherwise sound choice for a bellows coupling may perform poorly. Resonant frequency can be a serious destructive force if left unchecked. It may cause significant faults or outright failure.

Mechanical 1-16_Vs5.LL.MD.indd 147

January 2016



1/17/16 11:23 PM

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Mechanical 1-16_Vs5.LL.MD.indd 148

We should be selecting bellows couplings that have a natural frequency that is far higher or lower than the motor’s oscillation frequency. We take this into account because the bellows coupling becomes a critical component in determining the natural frequency of the whole system. It is, after all, the bellows coupling that is transmitting the rotational motion. Its torsional stiffness is also an important factor to consider. When selecting a bellows coupling, compare its resonant frequency to the speeds at which the system operates. Make sure that the speed of the system and the resonant frequency rating of the bellows coupling are sufficiently far apart from each other. Manufacturers often provide equations and recommendations for bellows couplings and their resonant frequency.


Why are tightening torques and fitting tolerances important for couplings?

Couplings and bearings must mount to components in a system. Because of this, they come with tolerances and assembly concerns. Tolerance refers to manufacturing tolerances and tolerances in installation and mounting. Tightening torque refers to couplings that screw onto shafts or other components in a system. 148


January 2016

Tightening torque is the torque required to mount a coupling. If this is not done correctly, the bearing or coupling will not function properly. An overly-torqued, over-tightened bearing can cause over-stress in the bearing and cause it to fail prematurely. If it is under-torqued or under-tightened, the bearing may slip or “play” too much between the two components that are coupled together. This can cause inefficient operation or vibration. At worst, under-tightening can cause catastrophic system failure. When mounting bearings and couplings, tightening torque should always follow the manufacturer’s specifications. Trying to gauge if the assembly is tight enough by “feel” or “intuition” is a dangerous practice and engineers should avoid such assembly techniques. If the information regarding tightening torques cannot be found in documentation provided with a coupling or bearing, ask the manufacturer. Fitting tolerances refer to the variation between the actual size of the shaft and the rated values the coupling can accommodate. For example, if a coupling mounts to a 5 ± 0.1 mm shaft, then the tolerance is 0.1 mm. Usually, couplings that flex and bend have larger tolerances, as they can accommodate greater distortions. If using a coupling, make sure to check if the range in which movement occurs falls into these tolerances. Also make sure to measure the shaft with a degree of precision comparable to the tolerance. Attempting to use a coupling beyond its tolerances can cause it to fail or not be useful at all in a system.

1/17/16 11:30 PM


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12/18/15 1:41 PM 1/17/16 11:17 PM

M e c h a n i c a l


How do you select a coupling when you expect heavy and percussive loads?

When selecting couplings for heavy and percussive loads, there are a few design considerations to keep in mind. These include the type of coupling, the operating conditions and the spacing of the couplings and shafts. For the coupling hubs, the end that carries the load or otherwise interacts with the system is of primary concern. In heavy and percussive loading situations, make sure that this end is rigid enough to stand up to the rigors of operation. If, however, the system has requirements for flexibility or movement, a bearing that is rigid in one direction but flexible in another, such as a bellows coupling, may be more suitable. Safety couplings, or overload couplings can also be used in these types of applications. The safety coupling protects the overall system in overload or crash situations. When it comes to ball and roller bearings, roller bearings can support heavier loads than a comparable ball bearing. This means that ball bearings are usually found in light loading applications, while roller bearings find use in more demanding situations. Bearings that use cages usually support less than those that have a full set of rollers. Keep in mind what direction the load is coming from. Thrust ball bearings only accommodate for axial loads in one direction. Angular contact thrust ball bearings are good for normal axial loads that occur at high speeds. Heavier loads

that are purely axial allow the use of needle roller thrust bearings, cylindrical bearings and tapered roller bearings. Spherical roller bearings are for axial loads in one direction only, as well as radial loads. For heavy, alternating loads, try using two cylindrical rollers or two spherical rollers mounted together. Heavy, combined loads require unique combinations and types of bearings. These situations are often specialized; consulting with bearing manufacturers is helpful. Keep in mind additional support bearings that only handle certain kinds of loads, such as axial or radial, may also be required. Also remember that heat, moisture and lubrication affect how well bearings and couplings accommodate loads. Reading the documentation provided by manufacturers is vital to make sure that the system is not placing bearings and couplings in unacceptable operating conditions.


How do you calculate the angle of twist on a line shaft?

The angle of twist on a line shaft involves its geometry, and the torque applied to it. This calculation determines the rotational displacement of a shaft given a certain load. The angle of twist calculations also involve determining the second area moment of inertia of a shaft. Engineers usually find these in a table of equations given a shaft’s shape and whether it is hollow or solid. Many sources provide these tables, including design guidebooks and manufacturers.

In this image we see a gearbox being connected to a ballscrew with an adapter kit and safety coupling from GAM. The safety coupling protects the overall system in overload or crash situations.



Mechanical 1-16_Vs5.LL.MD.indd 150

January 2016

1/17/16 11:31 PM

Real people. Real motors.

Groshcopp 1-16.indd 151

1/17/16 11:18 PM

M e c h a n i c a l Here is an example equation to illustrate the concept. Say a shaft is solid and has a 70-mm diameter and is 2.0 m long. It is subjected to a torque from the system of 1500 Nm. To solve, consider the following values. The diameter, D = 0.05 m, the shaft’s length, L = 2.0 m and the torque, T = 1500 nM. Additionally, J, the second area moment, needs to be calculated using equations found in documentation or standard charts. Beyond this, the calculations need the modulus of rigidity of the material that makes up the shaft. This varies depending on the material, and the values of G for many kinds of materials can again be found in charts in design handbooks and from manufacturers. For this situation, assume G = 90 Gpa. Note that G is also the shear stress, τ, divided by the shear strain, γ, or τ/γ. So for this example, J=


πD4 = π * 0.054 = 6.13592 × 10−7 m4 32 32

1500 * 2.0 TL = 0.0543 radians = GJ 90 × 109 * 6.13592 × 10−7

Therefore, θ, the angle of twist is 0.0543 radians or 3.111°. Performing these calculations using the system’s needed torque is necessary to determine the angle of twist for those conditions. Make sure to look up the correct equations for J depending on the type of shaft and for G depending on the type of material.


How does frequent disengagement affect mechanical couplings? Frequent engagements and disengagements of mechanical couplings can be detrimental. The rubbing together of their surfaces causes friction, which can subsequently cause wear and eventual failure of couplings. This abrasive operating condition means such setups have inherently limited lifespans. There are a few workarounds to this abrasive operation. One is limiting the number of engagements and disengagements a coupling

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Mechanical 1-16_Vs5.LL.MD.indd 152

January 2016

1/17/16 11:36 PM


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Maxon Motors 1-16.indd 153

1/17/16 11:16 PM

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coupling experiences. This is best accomplished by optimizing the system’s operation and making sure no unnecessary starts and stops are present during operation. Such operating conditions also require proper lubrication. Thoroughly read all documentation and make sure that enough lubrication is present and it is the right type required by the coupling in question. Another option is to use contactless magnetic couplings. These use a magnetic field to connect to elements without mechanical contact. This removes the abrasion and wear from contact and allows for smooth engagements and disengagements. This solution works best when magnetic fields are of no concern in a system. Furthermore, magnetic couplings’ torque properties are not identical to traditional couplings, so keep this in mind for engineering calculations. DW

GAM KTR Servometer


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Mechanical 1-16_Vs5.LL.MD.indd 154


January 2016

1/17/16 11:39 PM

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Yates 1-16.indd 155

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1/17/16 11:20 PM

M e c h a n i c a l

Unlock the benefits in yourmotion

systems Edited by: Mary C. Gannon • Senior Editor



Mechanical 2_1-16_Vs4.LL.MG.indd 156

January 2016

1/17/16 11:40 PM

Higher precision and robustness allow keyless shaft locking


devices to meet the needs of today’s challenging

Keyless shaft locking devices, such as this


ETP-Power model from Zero-Max, provide precise

When it comes to keyless shaft locking devices, the latest designs bring better solutions for today’s most advanced motion systems. Custom bushings, such as ETP designs from Zero-Max, lock onto a shaft to hold a drive component in place such as a gear, pulley, sprocket, roller, timing cam and similar devices. They are more precise and robust in what they do compared to designs like keys and keyways. Enhanced shaft locking devices

While the keyless shaft locking devices of today function on a design principal that has been around for many years, refinement of this design concept—together with innovative variations—delivers exacting solutions for the challenging applications in which they are used. From a full range of models and sizes for most industry applications, a system designer can select the right keyless locking device that will greatly improve performance of a system’s design. One example is Zero-Max’s ETP bushings. The primary goal of a motion system is to repeat a specific step or sequence of moves many times without deviation. Mounted components must be positioned and secured to ensure repeatability. Accuracy over many machine cycles becomes the challenge. So the device selected to position motion components, such as gears and pulleys, is critical to successful operation. Unwanted material stress is often introduced into a system that uses traditional mounting methods such as keyways, setscrews and tapered shafts. When intermittent and reversing motion is required in a system, performance will worsen over time. An option to prevent these forces is an ETP keyless bushing. These shaft-locking devices produce accurate and concentric mounting because of their unique design. ETP bushings incorporate a double walled sleeve encapsulating a pressure medium. When the actuation screw(s) is tightened, it forces the inner and outer walls of the bushing to expand uniformly against the shaft and hub of the mounted component. The result is an assembly that is concentric and also fast and easy to assemble. Another important design feature of these mounting devices is that they suit applications with repeated mounting and dismantling of components.

Mechanical 2_1-16_Vs4.LL.MG.indd 157

January 2016

and robust holding power. It positions and locks into place a precision gear assembly for accurate alignment and smooth operation.



1/17/16 11:41 PM

M e c h a n i c a l

The keyless ETP actuation screw, when tightened, expands uniformly against the shaft to which it is mounted, creating a rigid friction joint connection.

Meeting the needs of washdown

Benefits of bushing

The uniform locking pressure of these keyless connections in one of its specialized models makes a difference in preventing the types of problems often associated with other devices. They eliminate backlash, position misalignment, slippage and shaft play. They also produce uniform locking pressure enabling the keyless locking device to transmit higher torque and shock loads more consistently than one that relies on a key to transmit torque. Besides preventing excess shaft wear, ETP shaft locking bushings address applications for synchronizing moving parts. They enable precise mounting of shaft components where

“Keys, keyways and other locking devices not only impose balance forces on a shaft, they add areas for debris to accumulate.”

frequent readjustments are needed, particularly where balance and runout are problems, and where common fastening, adjusting and holding of shaft components are required. Immobility also matters. Test probes in gauging systems rely on positioning accuracy. To hold and locate the probe in an automated system requires precise, uniform locking pressure. A bushing design like that of the ETP product line enables a system designer to choose the exact model and size for the application. Keys, keyways and other locking devices not only impose balance forces on a shaft, they add areas for debris to accumulate. In addition to posing maintenance problems, many locking devices often are bulky and heavy. By comparison, the ETP Express stainlesssteel models have sealed, clean lines that resist debris collection and clean easily without special maintenance. They suit systems requiring frequent washdown because they won’t corrode. They handle torque ranges from 34 to 6,400 ft-lb, and with this high torque capacity, suit locking into position gears, pulleys, sprockets and other components designed into food processing, packaging, pharmaceutical and medical systems. Accurate positioning and synchronization

The ETP clamping concept operates effectively in large systems as it does in smaller systems. As an example, forming steel into different size bar stock requires positioning and fastening a system’s roll-forming wheels with accuracy

Test fi ture probe is held in position with an ETP Express model. It ensures that the probe is locked into a precise location. Repositioning the probe for different measurements is fast and easy using the ETP’s single actuation screw. 158


Mechanical 2_1-16_Vs4.LL.MG.indd 158

January 2016

1/17/16 11:42 PM

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13_GAM_022_Ad_F.indd 1 GAM 1-16.indd 159


7/29/13 11:20 1:01 PM PM 1/17/16

M e c h a n i c a l Automated systems used to make plastic bottles for drinking water use ETP-Express models to position and lock cam assemblies in place. Similar applications for food and packaging that require frequent washdowns are suitable candidates for ETP bushing use. Their stainless steel and clean lines resist debris and clean easily even when using aggressive cleaning fluids.

so they stay in alignment throughout the process. A robust hub-shaft connection is required for this application. The ETP Hyloc model provides it in a difficult operating environment with excellent concentricity, despite high torque and radial loading. Roll-forming wheels are centered, synchronized and locked into position using ETP Hyloc bushings. A rigid

connection is made between the roll-forming wheels and shafts. The roll-forming wheel connection produces the required smooth and consistent bar stock. Easily adjustable, the Hyloc can be quickly repositioned on the shaft or removed for changing to another roll-forming wheel size. This minimizes system downtime. This ETP Hyloc model requires pressurization using


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Additive DesignNews 1_16.indd 1 Mechanical 2_1-16_Vs4.LL.MG.indd 160

January 2016

1/14/16 11:47 AM 1/17/16 11:49 PM

Single Source

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8.18.15_F RSide_RU_Design World Ad.indd 1 Ruland 1-16.indd 161

8/18/15 11:56 7:04 PM AM 1/17/16

M e c h a n i c a l

Roll-forming steel requires robust positioning and fastening components to rotating shafts. ETP Hyloc models mount quickly for changing roller sizes while providing rigid connection to the rotating shafts.

a hydraulic pump that expands the ETP sleeve uniformly providing the robust connection to the shaft. With mounting pressure to 1,000 bar, this provides excellent concentricity to the mounted components. Also, the ETP Hyloc can be reset at different positions on the shaft without losing concentricity. Transmittable torque can be varied by altering the mounting pressure to accommodate heavy-duty systems such as large, automated pipe bending equipment.

Precise, high-volume designs

Industries with high-volume production requirements, such as food and beverage container manufacturing, benefit from another modified ETP knife holder bushing. Narrow in design, a series of these bushings is positioned between the system’s circular cutting blades. When located and tightened, the bushing’s double-walled sleeve expands uniformly against the shaft, creating a rigid friction grip on the shaft and the knife blade.

Each bushing positions the circular knife securely for slitting thin steel sheet that is fabricated into beverage and food cans. With concentricity of 0.006 mm, and a tested and proven service life for mounting and dismantling cutting blades thousands of times, this ETP design saves space along the shaft. With just one radial locking screw, mounting/dismantling is fast and accurate with no axial movement when mounting. These knife holder bushings are available on

Multiple ETP bushings mounted on a shaft help to position circular cutting blades that are used to cut thin sheet metal into beverage cans.



Mechanical 2_1-16_Vs5.LL.MG.indd 162

January 2016

1/17/16 11:55 PM

Bishop Wisecarver 11-15.indd 163

1/17/16 11:58 PM

M e c h a n i c a l a custom basis to handle shaft dimensions from 50 to 200 mm. Another design variation is the ETP-Unigrip axial tensioner that clamps work pieces and tooling firmly against a shoulder on a shaft. Using the same basic ETP clamping principal, this bushing incorporates, not just one, but two separate hydraulic clamping functions into the bushing body. It clamps down on the shaft and against the shaft shoulder. The single radial tightening screw actuates three internal pistons generating an axial force of 20 kN against the components being clamped. This design is available in standard sizes for 35 to 65 mm shafts. Make informed decisions

Shaft locking devices make an important contribution to a system’s overall operating performance and success. From the many designs now available, choosing the right one for the application will ensure lasting results. System designers, especially engineers with new and unusual applications, should look at all available options when facing a design project. Protecting a high-value system from inefficient operation is important and problems can be avoided with an informed design. DW


Special design ETP bushings exert clamping force in two directions. This Unigrip model clamps down on the machine shaft and against the shaft shoul-


der. Applications include workpieces and tooling.


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Mechanical 2_1-16_Vs5.LL.MG.indd 164


January 2016

1/17/16 11:55 PM

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1/17/16 11:57 11/25/15 11:04 PM AM


It’s about time: the evolving time-sensitive networking standard for the Industrial IoT IoT adoption promises

increased amounts of data over widely distributed

networks. This change will require new standards for sharing and transferring critical information. One approach will be TimeTodd Walter • National Instruments • AVnu Alliance Industrial Segment Chair

Sensitive Networks, a new standard from the IEEE 802 committee.



Networking1_1-16_Vs4.LL.MD.indd 166

January 2016

1/18/16 12:21 AM

The Internet of Things (IoT) promises a world of smarter, hyper-connected devices and infrastructure where manufacturing machines, transportation systems and the electrical grid will be outfitted with embedded sensing, processing, control and analysis capabilities. Once networked together, they’ll create a smart system of systems that shares data between devices across the enterprise and in the cloud. These systems will generate incredible amounts of data, such as the condition monitoring solution for the Victoria Line of the London Underground rail system, which yields 32 TB of data every day. This Big Analog Data will be analyzed and processed to drive informed business decisions that will ultimately improve safety, uptime and operational efficiency. Though much of this raw, unprocessed data is not time critical and can be passed between network layers and subsystems with little regard for latency or synchronization, an entire class of mission-critical, time-sensitive data must be transferred and shared within strict bounds of latency and reliability. Data such as critical control and fault detection information that must be processed, shared, and acted upon immediately, regardless of other network traffic. Much of today’s network infrastructure is not equipped to handle such time-sensitive data. Many industrial systems and networks were designed according to the Purdue model for control hierarchy in which multiple, rigid bus layers are created and optimized to meet the requirements for specific tasks. Each layer has varying levels of latency, bandwidth and Quality of Service, making interoperability challenging and flexibly changing data connections virtually impossible. In addition, today’s proprietary Ethernet derivatives have limited bandwidth and require modified hardware. To support the new capabilities of IoT-enabled infrastructure, designers and end users alike need reliable, remote, and secure access to smart edge devices. Network technologies must evolve to satisfy the requirements of these next-generation industrial systems and radically advance the way we operate our machines, electrical grids, and transportation systems.

Networking1_1-16_Vs4.LL.MD.indd 167

January 2016



1/18/16 12:22 AM


New TSN standard for Ethernet meets the needs of the IoT for machine and factory networked communications.

Existing IT networks are defined by IEEE 802 standards, which specify requirements for different Ethernet layers and functions and ensure interoperability between devices.



Networking1_1-16_Vs4.LL.MD.indd 168

January 2016

Time-sensitive networks: the time is now Existing IT networks are defined by IEEE 802 standards, which specify requirements for different Ethernet layers and functions and ensure interoperability between devices. Today, industrial suppliers, IT vendors and silicon providers are collaborating within IEEE 802 and the recently formed AVnu Alliance to update standard Ethernet protocols and provide bounded, low-latency data transfer for timecritical data in IoT applications. This next-generation standard, called Time-Sensitive Networking or TSN, addresses the shortcomings of existing networks. The AVnu Alliance, working with member companies Broadcom, Cisco, Intel and NI, will drive the creation of an interoperable ecosystem through certification; similar to the way the WiFi Alliance certifies products and devices to be compatible with the IEEE 802.11 standard. The new TSN standard will offer many benefits over today’s standard and specialty Ethernet protocols, including:


Large data sets from advanced sensing applications such as machine vision, 3D scanning, and power analysis can put a strain on network bandwidth. Proprietary Ethernet derivatives commonly used for industrial control today are limited to 100 MB of bandwidth and half-duplex communication. TSN will support full-duplex standard Ethernet with higher bandwidth options such as 1 GB, 10 GB, and in the future even the 400 GB version in work in IEEE 802.3. Security

Most of the lower-level field buses used today achieve security through air gap and obscurity. They are influenced by the automotive industry, for which air-gapped and closed CAN networks carry all the control and operational data. But recent security breaches have exposed the need to fully extend security into the critical lower levels of control infrastructure. TSN protects critical control traffic and incorporates toptier IT security provisions. Segmentation, performance protection and temporal “composability” can add multiple levels of defense to the security framework.

1/18/16 12:23 AM

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Ad-DesignWorld_9x10-875.indd 1 Dynatect 1-16.indd 169

12/15/15 2:24 PM 1/17/16 11:59 PM

Networking Interoperability


By using standard Ethernet components, TSN can integrate seamlessly with existing brownfield applications and standard IT traffic to improve ease of use. In addition, TSN inherits many features of existing Ethernet, such as HTTP interfaces and web services, which enable the remote diagnostics, visualization and repair features common in IoT systems. As an added benefit, leveraging standard Ethernet chip sets drives component cost down by virtue of high-volume, commercial silicon, especially compared with specialty Ethernet variants that are centered on lower-volume, ASIC-based implementations. Latency and synchronization

TSN prioritizes the low-latency communication required for fast system response and closed-loop control applications. It can achieve deterministic transfer times on the order of tens of microseconds and time synchronization between nodes down to tens of nanoseconds. To ensure reliable delivery of this time-critical traffic, TSN provides automated configurations for high-reliability data paths, where packets are duplicated and merged to provide “lossless compression” path redundancy. Introducing IEEE 802.1 Time-Sensitive Networking The TSN standard leverages the existing 802.1 AVB standard to extend the use cases beyond Audio-Video to control systems. To achieve this, the standard provides improvements to the specifications to the network-wide precision clock reference, limiting network delays to specific values rather than besteffort, redundant control and data paths with “instantaneous” switchover, definitions of worst-case for work cell and factory, and coexistence of other bulk traffic. The primary challenge that these specifications must address is guaranteed (worst-case) delivery of packets in the presence of interfering traffic. One can therefore think of TSN as a Quality of Service (QoS) set of specifications for the IoT. To support a converged network with both time-critical traffic with guaranteed 170

Networking1_1-16_Vs4.LL.MD.indd 170


January 2016

1/18/16 12:24 AM

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Much of today’s network infrastructure is not equipped to handle such time-sensitive data. Many industrial systems and networks were designed according to the Purdue model for control hierarchy in which multiple, rigid bus layers are created and optimized to meet the requirements for specific asks. This next-generation standard, called TSN, addresses the shortcomings of existing networks.

worst-case delivery latency and standard IT traffic, interference between network traffic must be avoided. Three techniques will eliminate interference: time synchronization, scheduling and having time-aware traffic shaping. The traffic shaping will use the schedule to control logical gating on the switches. The non-time sensitive traffic is blocked during specific time windows to ensure that the egress port is ready when the time-sensitive traffic is expected. The time synchronization to control the schedule and traffic shaping will be handled using IEEE 802.1AS, essentially a profile of the IEEE 1588v2 standard. The future will arrive on time The IEEE 802.1 TSN Task Group and the AVnu Alliance are working to finalize the standards. Portions of the standard and working references from vendors will begin to appear in 2016. You can learn more about the details of this work at: and As IoT adoption continues, increased amounts of data and widely distributed networks will require new standards for sharing and transferring critical information. Just as an ambulance or fire engine receives priority among other traffic during an emergency, the TSN standard ensures that critical, time-sensitive data are delivered on time over standard network infrastructure. Welcome to life in the fast lane with the IoT. DW AVnu Alliance


Connect and discuss this and other design engineering issues with thousands of professionals online



Networking1_1-16_Vs4.LL.MD.indd 172

January 2016

1/18/16 12:25 AM

Micromo 1-16.indd 173

1/18/16 12:01 AM

N e t w o r k i n g

Industrial Ethernet: From cable selection to network monitoring As more devices are connected through networks, the reliability of these networks is critical. One way to guarantee reliability is through testing and monitoring. Here are tips to ensure you pick the right tools to secure network reliability. M a r k 174


Networking 2_1-16_Vs4.LL.MD.indd 174

January 2016

K n e b u s c h


S o f t i n g

I n c .

1/18/16 7:52 AM

As data flows faste , a solid wiring foundation in industrial Ethernet applications is needed to keep communications among devices working smoothly. More devices are connected every day with larger bandwidth needs. The resulting higher transmission speeds mean that proper cable setup, testing and monitoring are an integral part of keeping a network running. To ensure your business achieves and maintains a competitive advantage, cable selection and network monitoring should be an important consideration for every application. Whether you’re installing a new system or upgrading an old one, the first step after installation is to test the media. Once it is tested, and in some cases formally certified, you can connect electronics. Also consider using a permanent monitoring system to observe each device connected to the network. Ongoing testing and monitoring of the network eliminates a host of problems and costs associated with industrial Ethernet applications.

Industrial protocol integration

Ethernet is the largest and most widely used network. As new Ethernet technologies matured and advanced, organizations such as the TIA, ISO and IEC developed standard wiring, cabling and installation specifications. In many plants and facilities, standard TCP/IP and industrial protocols based on Ethernet coexist. PROFINET, Ethernet/IP and Modbus TCP/ IP add capabilities for factory automation that have extended the reach of Ethernet. While each protocol is associated with a major vendor, all are supported by multiple vendors. Dozens (sometimes hundreds) of devices are connected on a given network. While devices often can be monitored individually to check their status, production and facility operators often seek a solution that allows overall monitoring of entire networks through a single interface. The importance of cable selection

A number of factors are important to cable selection, including intended use, longevity and speed. In addition, consider the following when selecting the type of cable needed:


Networking 2_1-16_Vs4.LL.MD.indd 175

January 2016




1/18/16 7:52 AM

Sunstone 1-16.indd 176

1/18/16 12:00 AM


Whether you’re installing a new networking system or upgrading an old one, the first s ep after installation is to test the media and perhaps formally certify it. Kits like this one help can make this process efficie .

• Cat 5e is in a large number of current industrial installations and offers up to 100 MHz of bandwidth at speeds up to 1 Gb/sec. • Cat 6 cables offer 10 Gb speed and a bandwidth of 250 MHz. • Cat 6A offers 10 Gb/sec speed and bandwidth of 500 MHz due to much lower crosstalk. • Cat 8 is emerging for data center/ server farm applications with 40 Gb/sec and the likelihood for 2 GHz bandwidth. Additional factors include cost, reliability and inventory availability. Regardless of the cables you use for your application, it is important that you not mix cable types. If upgrading a system, be sure to select a single cable type that fits your needs and use it for the entire installation, as mixing and matching cables may degrade network performance. Because cabling is usually not replaced as often as other components and hardware like PCs and servers, chose cabling that

Networking 2_1-16_Vs4.LL.MD.indd 177

will accommodate changes in industry standards. For example, with the increased demand on networks—now and in the future—faster and faster speeds are required, as evidenced by the evolution of the TIA 568 cabling standards. As network frequencies increase, impedance, crosstalk and other parameters become more critical. While Cat 5e is currently common, increasingly Cat 6 and 6A are being installed in industrial applications. Cat 8 cable, which will be widely used by data center applications, is currently in draft mode and is expected to be finalized as a future standard. Even at the draft mode stage, various Cat8 cabling systems are being sold today. Why test

With more information being sent and received, testing is a necessity in industrial Ethernet applications. Issues arising from incorrect cable installations can cause thousands of dollars or more in lost productivity if the system fails or malfunctions. January 2016



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Together We Are Making the Impossible....Possible! Bellowstech and Servometer 1-16.indd 178

1/18/16 12:02 AM

Networking When it comes to testing and certifying Ethernet cables, testing devices with pass/fail test results speed up the process. Testing many types of cables according to different standards is also a plus in facilities that use a variety of protocols and cables. Additional graphical data on frequency range performance can ensure successful operation under a range of conditions.

Personal CNC Prototyping - Product Design - R&D - Engineering

The value of network monitoring

Once the cabling is installed and certified, monitoring network traffic and devices on an ongoing basis is recommended. A monitoring system can deliver a wealth of real-time data that can be captured for performance troubleshooting. Monitor parameters include cable breaks, traffic, device status, topology and performance analysis. Network monitors not only target the location of the problem, they also offer historical documentation of the system. Ethernet cabling at all levels in a plant or facility is connected to more devices and transmitting more data than ever. Plants and facilities are more dependent on their networks as the amount of data and its value increases. Thus, cabling needs to be tested before devices are connected and the protocols need to be monitored once the networks are active. This places a heavy importance on the tools you pick to ensure the reliability of your industrial network—from cable certifiers to monitoring software—so make sure to choose wisely. DW

Eisertech, a medical device company in San Diego, CA, designs and manufactures spinal implants and surgical instruments with the help of their Tormach PCNC 1100. What started out as garage shop prototypes has grown into a successful medical device product line. To read more about this story, and to see what others are doing with their PCNC mills, visit PCNC 1100 Series 3

Titanium bone screws and surgical spinal implants manufactured by Eisertech LLC.

Softing Inc.


PCNC 770 Series 3

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January 2016


Networking 2_1-16_Vs4.LL.MD.indd 179

PCNC mills shown here with optional stand and accessories.


1/18/16 7:55 AM

3D Printing An examination of where the 3D printing technologies deviate from each other and how to use a simple seven-step strategy to narrow down which

Seven steps to pick the best process is right for your project.

3D printing process for your application

3D printing is not a one-size-fits-all manufacturing process. While there are currently seven distinctive 3D printing technologies with dozens of subsequent process variations, the most widely used 3D printing processes are material deposition (Fused Deposition Modeling), material jetting (PolyJet), vat photopolymerization (Stereolithography) and powder bed fusion of both metals and plastics (Laser Sintering and Direct Metal Laser Sintering). Each offer unique opportunities and solutions. However, they are not all equally suited to tackle every manufacturing challenge.

Chuck Alexander Director of Product Management Additive Manufacturing Stratasys Direct Manufacturing

Design without restrictions

With conventional production methods, the intended end-manufacturing process usually defines how a design evolves. For example, if a new design will ultimately be used in investment casting, it will require a wax tool and mold with design planning of drafts, bosses and seams, which reduces certain complexities to ensure a good mold. If a design will ultimately be CNC machined, it must follow machine angle, volume and geometry restrictions. But 3D printing diverges from traditional design steps. With 3D printing, the designer or engineer begins with their ideal design, which is then reviewed through the various 3D printing technologies. When we call 3D printing a revolutionary technology, we really mean it’s a liberating technology—it liberates designs from manufacturing limitations. While there are many tricks that optimize a design for a specific technology—and therefore take full advantage of 3D printing’s capabilities—3D printing fundamentally caters to design. 180


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1/18/16 8:10 AM

A model for a lobby room at a company needed to clearly show important product features. The two best additive manufacturing options are PolyJet and Stereolithography, which both print in thin layers and offer transparent materials.

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1/18/16 8:10 AM

3D Printing

Because of 3D printing’s inherent versatility, there isn’t always just one solution. There are currently seven distinctive 3D printing technologies with dozens of subsequent process variations.

That doesn’t mean 3D printing can magically build all designs; there is a learning curve, and what is possible with machining may not be possible with 3D printing and vice versa. However, if an experienced designer/engineer enters 3D printing with an open mind and a design that can’t be produced through conventional means, then they could see remarkable results. Given that we’ve just unshackled a design from conventional manufacturing chains, how do you wade through the pool of 3D printing processes and materials? One suggestion is to answer these seven questions:

1 2

What is the application of your part?


What’s the environment your part needs to survive within?

How does your part need to function within this application?



showcases inner features to visiting customers

Manufacturing tailored to design

• Economics: One-off part only

Because of 3D printing’s inherent versatility, there isn’t always just one solution. For example, Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM) and Laser Sintering (LS) may both be great fits for your design. The questions listed above will help give you a clearer answer to narrow your choices. While your design may feasibly be built using two or more 3D printing processes, one particular process may have an advantage that could inevitably lower costs.

This first example is an imaginary—but common—design challenge. It demonstrates the steps to finding the best 3D printing technology.


at a company—model must clearly show important product features


What are the economics of your part? Will this turn into large volume

• Function: Non-functional display model

3D Printing - 1-16_Vs3.LL.MD.indd 182

• Durability: 2 to 5 year shelf life

Let’s take a look at two examples.

• Application: Model for lobby room

January 2016

environment—average room temperature 78° F with overhead fluorescent lighting

• Aesthetic: Transparent part which

What aesthetic requirements does your part need to meet?


• Environment/Stability: Non-strenuous

Which of these factors is the most critical for your part to achieve its intended purposes?

Example: Model for company showroom

How durable does your part need to be for its functions—does this product require a long strenuous lifespan or is it a prototype or other consumable?


production, or will this be a custom one-off, two-off production run?

• Priorities: Aesthetics; this is a showcase

model which must be eye-catching and indicative of the kinds of products our imaginary customer builds Upon receiving these preliminary answers, typical 3D printing service provider project engineers will begin defining technology options for the customer. First up is the priority. The designer has indicated that the most important aspect of his product is detailed aesthetics. This factor—aesthetic surfaces for a nonfunctional transparent part—mean you can immediately eliminate three choices. LS and Direct Metal Laser Sintering (DMLS) do not offer transparent materials, and they require medium to extensive labor to achieve aesthetically smooth surfaces. FDM does offer a transparent-like material, but it builds in thicker layer lines, which require hand and machine labor to smooth enough to qualify

1/18/16 8:11 AM

qp-designworld-full-page-ad-1115.indd 3D Systems 12-15_MPF.indd 183 1

12/2/2015 9:32:37 AMAM 1/18/16 12:03

3D Printing

as aesthetically pleasing. Additionally, LS, DMLS and FDM technologies use engineering-grade material, which is not a quality the designer needs for this application. Therefore, the two best options are PolyJet and Stereolithography (SL), which both print in thin layers and offer transparent materials. The service provider could feasibly offer up both these 3D printing processes as viable solutions. The next step is to uncover a bit more about the prototype in terms of size/volume, tolerances (when critical) and design features to determine which process is best for the application. PolyJet and SL are similar technologies in that they both print photocure resins with excellent feature resolutions. PolyJet offers the fastest printing speed for small parts, while SL is cost-effective for larger parts. Because PolyJet prints in such thin layers—16 µm—its speed is affected by larger objects. The sample model design measures roughly 8 × 13 × 14 in.; therefore, it would likely have to be built in segments and bonded if we chose PolyJet; segmenting the object will add labor and manufacturing time. Let’s also imagine the customer wants the part to have a glossy coat, color-matched to his company’s brand. Painting a 3D-printed part throws thin layer lines into higher contrast. To keep a smooth surface and add paint, some sanding will be required. We know from experience that SL offers a more easily sanded surface. So while PolyJet is a viable solution, the part will build faster and require less post-processing when built with SL. The above is a fairly simple example with a somewhat clear-cut answer. We’ll now walk through a much more difficult engineering challenge: manufacturing satellite antenna arrays for NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL).

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Real-world example: COSMIC-2 antenna array

Our team at Stratasys Direct Manufacturing was involved with this project. A project like this required a medium to high level of previous 3D printing experience and involved a good amount of testing. NASA JPL began the COSMIC-2 project knowing it would be a smaller project compared to the COSMIC-1. They also needed to minimize manufacturing costs and time.

© solidThinking, Inc. and solidThinking Inspire. All Rights Reserved.


3D Printing - 1-16_Vs3.LL.MD.indd 184


January 2016

1/18/16 8:22 AM

Somos materials ®

Accelerating innovations

With a portfolio consisting of a wide variety of category-leading materials, you are sure to find a Somos® material that will fit the needs of your next project. If you need some extra help or have a job that you can’t handle in-house, we can connect you with a service bureau that will quickly turn your projects into a reality. Get connected with Somos® at

DSM Somos 1-16.indd 185

1/18/16 12:04 AM

3D Printing

The antenna arrays have sharp angles and flat surfaces, so while LS is a viable option, FDM was a more suitable choice as it required less post-process work to flatten or sand laser sintered parts into tolerance.

Because their low volume production run would be below 50 parts, NASA JPL ruled out machining and instead turned to 3D printing. This venture had stringent requirements and critical mechanical properties. 1. Application: External satellite antenna

arrays 2. Function: Support radio antenna wires

and transmit and receive radio waves from earth 3. Environment/Stability: Outer space with its extreme temperatures and pressures. Additionally, it needs to withstand the vibration from being launched into space and the movements of the satellite itself. 4. Durability: These are going into space for decades, so they have to last for generations. 5. Aesthetics: While these parts aren’t entering any beauty pageants, they have to be compatible with S13G white paint, which protects parts from radiation. 6. Economics: This is a low volume production run that doesn’t justify tooling or machining and is dependent on speed and part consolidation to cut down on manufacturing time and costs. 7. Priorities: Durability in an extreme environment 186


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January 2016

Based on these answers we can rule out two options right away. PolyJet and SL materials are susceptible to UV degradation and aren’t viable options given the durability and stability requirements. FDM, LS and DMLS offer durable, high-performance materials. These antennas can’t have a conductive material surrounding them, so that rules out DMLS—our sole metal 3D printing method. With DMLS ruled out, we must compare LS and FDM, as both of these processes offer tough materials. LS offers FR-106, a FAR 25.853 material rated for 15- and 60sec vertical burn tests that pass smoke and toxicity requirements. FDM offers ULTEM 9085, a material that meets FAR 25.853 and UL94V-0 standards. Both these materials have great strength-to-weight ratios and smoke and toxicity ratings; therefore, we have to study the geometry to determine which process is more ideal for this antenna array. FDM is great at angled geometries and large flat surfaces, while LS is excellent for organic and curving shapes, but less ideal for large flat surfaces. LS parts are 3D printed in a chamber heated to just below the melting point of the plastic; LS designs with large flat surfaces are therefore more susceptible to warp. Additionally, FDM is capable of tighter as-built tolerances at ±0.010 or

±0.0015 in./in., whichever is greater, while LS standard tolerances hit ±0.020 or ±0.003 in./in., whichever is greater. These antenna arrays have sharp angles and flat surfaces, so while LS is a viable option, FDM is the more suitable choice as it requires less post-process work to flatten or sand LS parts into tolerance. Based on knowledge of JPL’s requirements, the design team was able to choose the process that made the most sense from a cost, complexity and material perspective. As mentioned earlier, these are unique parts in that the intended application had never been done before with 3D printing, so NASA JPL had to take FDM samples and test them according to NASA class B/B1 flight hardware requirements. These tests included: • susceptibility to UV radiation and atomic oxygen • outgassing (CVCM index was measured to be 0%) • thermal properties tests—in particular, compatibility with aluminum panels (aluminum has a slightly different coefficient of thermal expansion than non-glass-filled ULTEM) • vibration/acoustic loads standard to the launch rocket • compatibility with S13G white paint and associated primer We were confident that FDM would take well to the paint and primer based on our experience of finishing it to hundreds of

1/18/16 8:24 AM

Accumold 10-15.indd 187

1/18/16 12:04 AM

3D Printing 3D Print Process

High As-Built Aesthetics

Small, Detailed Parts







Medium – Large parts

Fastest Build

Best Complexity

Multi-Material printing

Stable in High Stress Environments

Durable (Engineeringgrade materials)

Long Product Lifespan



Fused Deposition Modeling






Laser Sintering










Direct Metal Laser Sintering


surface requirements over the past decade. The chart gives a simplified overview of common 3D printing processes and areas in which they excel. Post-processing considerations

All 3D printing processes afford a great level of complexity, detail, accuracy and material diversity. With the right expertise and surface finishes (such as sanding, painting and polishing), a part susceptible to heat and light, like SL, can achieve better environmental stability. The right surface finish for a part built from LS can alter rough surfaces to a high gloss aesthetic look. One

drawback of this post-processing is that it lengthens production time and can increase costs. A few application tips worth noting about the selection process. PolyJet and SL are commonly used as master patterns for cold mold or low-temperature molding techniques. Stratasys uses both these processes in their urethane casting techniques. Outside of those uses, SL is a go-to standard for one-off investment cast patterns due to its custom formulated resin and specialized build process for investment cast patterns. Figuring out the right technology for your application doesn’t have to be a guess. At

the same time, it’s important to be open to new technologies as your project evolves. Experimenting with new processes, trying new materials and starting to understand the pros and cons of each process will ultimately open doors to better manufacturing. You may be surprised where 3D printing takes you. DW Stratasys Direct Manufacturing

WHAT DO YOU THINK? NASA JPL chose 3D printing for its COSMIC-2 project knowing it would be a smaller project compared to the COSMIC-1. They needed to minimize manufacturing costs and time. Plus, the production run would be below 50 parts, so machining was ruled out as a manufacturing process.



3D Printing - 1-16_Vs3.LL.MD.indd 188

January 2016

Connect and discuss this and other engineering design issues with thousands of professionals online

1/18/16 8:24 AM


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Muncie Power 1-16.indd 190

1/18/16 8:26 AM











Pneumatics is key for packaging machinery manufacturer Ridgeline Machine made extensive use of pneumatics when building a low-cost, small-footprint, portable traymaker to replace a manual process for one of their customers. Todd Dice

General Manager Ridgeline Machine Design

Figure 1: The Ridgeline Machine Design Model 25 traymaker was designed and built in partnership with the customer to fulfi l specific equirements in terms of space and cost savings.


idgeline Machine Design (RMD) has more than 40 years of experience as a packaging machinery producer, designing and building custom machinery. The company builds packaging machinery for a variety of applications and has branched out into robotics and machinery for consumer cooler production. Some of the equipment they design and build includes wraparound side-, end- and bottom-loading case packers, as well as case erectors, bag-in-box equipment, case sealers and traymakers. The company actively participates in the evolution of packaging and related machinery. Leading motion technologies employed in their machines include pneumatic, servo pneumatic and pure servo—each controlled by various PLC platforms. RMD uses the latest 3D software from SolidWorks to design their equipment.

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January 2016



1/18/16 8:48 AM

MICO 1-16.indd 192

1/18/16 12:07 AM

Your Global Automation Partner

P n eu m at ics Putting experience to work For one particular project, RMD started with a list of specifications from a manufacturer of custom door locksets and hardware based in the western U.S. RMD set out to meet these specifications using pneumatics and creative design. Pneumatics was selected as the motion control technology for this application due to its low cost, both upfront and over time. It is simpler than alternatives such as electromechanical or servos, easy to understand and maintain, and straightforward to control and troubleshoot. The Model 25 automatic traymaker (Figure 1) was developed in partnership with the customer for this project. Traymaker specifications from the client included a small footprint (due to limited floor space), portability, low cost, easy operation and simple maintenance. The customer also required a finished tray table with 50-count storage. Because the machine is portable, it operates at 120 Vac to simplify power connect and disconnect, as well as improve

safety. Competing machines typically require 208 to 230/460 Vac, and are quite a bit more expensive. The customer wanted to automate an operation that previously required their plant personnel to make the trays by hand. The initial production rate was only four trays per minute; the new machine assembles trays at a rate of 18 per minute—a significant improvement. The automated machine also freed up four workers who are now performing other tasks to further improve the customer’s production processes. The traymaker discharges each tray on its side to help the trays stack better (Figure 2), whereas most traymakers on the market discharge the tray upright. RMD’s older model traymaker had the tray blank move horizontally before set-up, while this new model has it traveling vertically. This required mechanical reorientation of much of the infeed assemblies. The Model 25 traymaker is about 7 x 5 x 3 ft without the discharge table; the discharge table is 6 x 4 ft. Much of the


Not suitable for repairing flimsy connectors (or your reputation).

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Figure 2: The completed tray is positioned at the machine output on its side for easy

moisture and oils can affect performance.

stacking with other trays.

Pneumatics 1-16_Vs3.MD.indd 193

January 2016



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1/18/16 8:48 AM

FluiDyne 1-16.indd 194

1/18/16 12:08 AM

Your Global Automation Partner

P n eu m at ics product handling and assembly operations are pneumatic. The traymaker includes vacuum pick-off of tray blanks, vertically positioned to save space. The singulated tray blanks are fed into the system using an ac drive powering a motor and a worm gearbox that drives the tray blank feeding wheels. The vertical, wheel-delivered tray blanks are fed downward to the assembly area, and are then set-up by a pneumatic cylinder pressing the blank through tooling. The formed trays are then pneumatically offloaded to the discharge table.

Pneumatic assembly of trays The traymaker’s pneumatic components start with a 3⁄8-in. filter, regulator and lubricator feeding a bank of valves operating a mix of round, compact and tie rod cylinders. Air preparation provides the required high air flow, and also filters and lubricates the air coming to the machine. The air prep system includes an electrical dump valve to relieve the air supplied to the control valves when a door is opened or an emergency stop is pressed. There is also a manual lockable valve on the inlet, providing the required lockout/

tagout functionality when servicing the equipment. Air valves (Figure 3) control all cylinder and vacuum generator operation. The valves are sized for worst case flow for any function on the traymaker. In this case, four-way valves were specified to control all the cylinders, as their CV rating of 0.89 is sufficient for the cylinders to operate and maintain proper speed. A three-way valve was selected to operate the pneumatic vacuum generator for the same reason. RMD prefers to use manifolds to feed air to the pneumatic control valves, and uses an 8-station unit on this machine for that purpose. To ensure a high flow air supply, ½-in. tubing is used to supply air to the valve manifolds. Plastic silencers on both ends of the manifold reduce noise and insure minimal restriction of exhaust air. The valves were wired using solenoid cables that include built-in surge suppression and an LED to show when power is present to the solenoid. Surge suppression improves the life of the PLC outputs by eliminating voltage spikes, and the LED indicator clearly shows valve status which simplifies and speeds maintenance.


Not suitable for repairing crummy sensors (or your reputation).

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Figure 3: Air valves and a manifold provide fluid power to the cylinders that feed, assemble and stack the trays.

Pneumatics 1-16_Vs3.MD.indd 195

January 2016



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1/18/16 8:48 AM


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ROSS Controls 1-16.indd 196

1/18/16 12:09 AM

P n eu m at ics Figure 4: These round-body cylinders were selected for their small size, and are some of the many pneumatic cylinders controlling mechanical motion in the traymaker.

Cylinders do the work The pneumatic cylinder configurations were specified based on space constraints and required motion. In places where the cylinder is producing rotational motion— either by moving a lever or pushing a rack turning a gear—the machine uses tie rod cylinders with built-in cushions. For other low power or supplemental motion, the machine uses either round-body (Figure 4) or compact cylinders. Pneumatic cylinders provide all the motion required to feed, assemble and stack the trays—except for the vertical tray blank feed wheel motion, which is electromechanical. All cylinders critical

to the assembly/setup of the tray include magnetoresistive sensors along with magnetic pistons in the cylinders. The sensors provide error-proofing of cylinder end-of-stroke motion for each step of the machine assembly sequence. The Nitra pneumatics work as well as their more expensive competition, and RMD has used them in lubricated and non-

UPDATED Pneumatics 1-16_Vs3.MD.indd 197

lubricated applications with great success. A heavy-duty, 1½-in. bore, NFPA tie-rod air cylinder with rod eye and rear clevis for pivot mount was used to control the vacuum pick-off of tray blanks. This cylinder was sized to control the long lever arm configuration of vacuum cups without oscillation or deflection due to product contact and arm motion.

January 2016



3/27/2015 4:00 PM 1/18/16 8:52 AM


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Tompkins 12-15.indd 198

1/18/16 12:10 AM

P n eu m at ics Figure 5: Like the rest of the machine, the control panel is fully

Multiple 11⁄16-in. bore, stainless-steel, round-body, non-repairable cylinders were used to tuck and position the blank during folding. These cylinders were selected due to their low cost, small size and adequate force capabilities. A 2-in. bore, stainless-steel, round-body cylinder was chosen for the mandrel for its low cost and small size, yet large force. Two 30-in. long, 20-mm diameter chrome plated shafts with two aluminum bearing slide units were used to support the mandrel and protect the mandrel cylinder seals. In the same area, two heavy-duty 1½-in. bore tie-rod cylinders were used to perform the final assembly of the tray, with each actuating a rack gear that turned a regular gear providing 120° rotational motion.


Two compact, stainless-steel, roundbody cylinders were used to actuate a “pick” to catch the tray, and to clamp and position the box during tuck operations. The cylinder plate mount option was specified so the short-stroke cylinder would have holes to allow easy mounting through the cylinder end flanges to a machine surface. These compact cylinders were sized to clamp the

Pneumatics 1-16_Vs3.MD.indd 199

box and not crush it. A 2-in. bore, stainless-steel cylinder moves a carriage with compact pick cylinders to position the trays on the discharge table in a stack. At the discharge table, both the stack and shift cylinder rods were supported using T-slot aluminum extrusion with slide blocks to create a linear slide. All the cylinders were cost effective

January 2016



1/18/16 8:52 AM

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2/18/2016 4:57:09 PMAM 2/19/16 9:08

P n eu m at ics and the reliable design worked well in this application and synchronized easily to the PLC.

Supplier selection RMD chose AutomationDirect as a primary supplier of the traymaker automation, power, pneumatic and other components. They were selected for the affordability and quick availability of the wide variety of the products required for this application. The traymaker is controlled by an AutomationDirect Click C0-00DR-D PLC with expansion I/O and terminal blocks for field wiring. A bulkhead programming port with outlet on the control enclosure door simplifies compliance with arc flash regulations as it allows changes to be made to the controller software without opening the door (Figure 5).

AutomationDirect also provided the power distribution hardware including a non-fused disconnect switch, branch circuit protection circuit breakers, and a rotary motor protector switch to disconnect power from the motor drive. Operator control buttons include a selector switch, pushbuttons and an e-stop mushroom pushbutton. To sense the product, background suppression photo eyes and cylinder position sensors were used. DW

AutomationDirect Ridgeline Machine Design


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Pneumatics 1-16_Vs3.MD.indd 201

January 2016



1/18/16 8:53 AM








Sensor-enabled wearables are HERE! Randy Frank • Contributing Editor 202


Sensors 1-16_Vs3.MD.indd 202

January 2016

1/18/16 9:17 AM

Figure 1. The HRM/HRV wristband demonstration kit for the ams AS7000 uploads HRM and HRV readings via a Bluetooth interface. Source: ams

The technology to make wireless health/medical systems is a reality. With health and fitnes increasingly important to a growing number of people, wireless sensing of human activity and physiology is soaring. Market research firm IHS projects that shipments of sensors used in wearable electronic devices will rise by a factor of seven from 2013 through 2019, expanding from 67 million in 2013 to 466 million units in 2019. Smartphones contain many of these sensors, and smartwatches will add to the volume. With the wearers as the interpreter and implementer of any changes that the data suggests or requires, what does it take to go beyond the physical fitness craze and really address serious medical problems? The Medical MEMS and Sensors 2015 Annual Conference and Exhibition last year in Santa Clara, Calif., investigated advances and challenges in this area. Recognizing

Sensors 1-16_Vs3.MD.indd 203

the rapid growth in the sensors in wearables market, Uli Chettipally, MD, MPH and Emergency Physician at Kaiser Permanente said, “Even more exciting to watch is the transition of wearables from a health and fitness accessory into a clinically useful tool; a tool that will be able to predict, diagnose and monitor disease processes.” While a sensor or sensors provide the starting point for the analysis, wireless technology and software are required for a useful sensing node or system. January 2016



1/18/16 9:16 AM


The non-contacting technology in our Hall effect sensors makes them an excellent choice for high performance rotary motion control in harsh environments. With up to IP69K sealing and an operational life of 35 million cycles, they’re built to last—like all BEI Sensors products.



BEI Sensors 1-16.indd 204

1/18/16 12:12 AM

Senso rs One good turn One of the existing medical tools, the Leaf Patient Monitoring System, addresses bed sores, or more officially pressure ulcers, caused by the lack of motion in bedridden patients, including those who are paralyzed, sedated and comatose. Receiving U.S. FDA clearance in August 2013, the system addresses a serious medical problem. For those unfamiliar with the issue, U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services’ Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality Research shows that pressure ulcers cost the nation’s healthcare system more than $11B per year. To reduce that cost, the Leaf system uses a tri-axial accelerometer to accurately monitor the patient’s position and movement and wirelessly communicates the data for action by a caregiver. Mounted on the patient’s chest, the disposable sensor provides alerts for the need to turn the

Figure 2. The Leaf Patient Sensor is small enough to mount to a patient’s chest. Source: Leaf Healthcare

patient and confirms that action. It also ensures that sufficient tissue depressurization occurs between turns to prevent pressure ulcers. Other sensors in the patient-mounted module include: a phototransistor to measure ambient light levels and turn on the device when the packaging and/or adhesive liner is removed; and a capacitive contact sensor to detect when it is attached to skin and sense when it is removed from skin.

The wireless sensing module communicates up to 75 ft to a relay antenna—but placing antennas every 25 ft is recommended. A proprietary mesh network that conforms to the physical layer of the IEEE 802.15.4 wireless standard is used for the 2.4GHz wireless data transmission. A server and software complete the system with either a central monitoring station or a mobile device receiving the data transmissions.

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Sensors 1-16_Vs3.MD.indd 205

January 2016



1/21/16 1:23 PM

Se ns o r s Measuring acceleration rates that are typically well below 5 g, the microelectromechanical system (MEMS) accelerometer has the capability to wake up for certain events and then transmit data. Since the measurement system uses a mesh network, if one receiver fails to communicate for whatever reason, the redundancy allows successful signal transmission. According to Mark Weckworth, COO of Leaf Healthcare, “We generally put one of our relay antennas in each patient’s room. It makes sure that the sensor on the patient’s body can generally talk to more than one receiver.” The mesh networking routing algorithms in the Leaf system are very sophisticated and proprietary. “We’ve created our own software stack from scratch,” said Weckworth. “Because of that, our system is much more manageable and flexible.”

Figure 3. Different sizes of the Titan WIHM implant address patients that range from pediatric to full size adults. The far right structure shows the pressure sensor and RF antenna. The pressure sensor implant has a cylindrical shape to reduce the potential for blood clotting. Source: Integrated Sensing Systems

Introducing ZNEO32! Zilog’s Line of 32-bit Cortex-M3 based Programmable Motor Controllers ZNEO32! uses high performance 32-bit computing, 3-phase PWM generators, and high speed ADC units to provide an effective, low-cost system solution for motor applications. Part Number



SRAM Max. Freq.

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8KB 8KB 12KB 12KB 16KB 16KB

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Sensors 1-16_Vs3.MD.indd 206

Speed 1.5MS/s 1.5MS/s 1.5MS/s 1.5MS/s 1.5MS/s 1.5MS/s

TIMERS 6-16bit 6-16bit 6-16bit 6-16bit 10-16bit + FRT 10-16bit + FRT

UART SPI 2 2 2 4 4 4

1 1 2 2 2 2




I/O Ports


1 1 2 2 2 2

1 1 2 2 2 2

2-unit 11 ch 2-unit 8 ch 3-unit 16 ch 3-unit 16 ch 2-unit 16 ch 2-unit 16 ch

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January 2016

1/18/16 9:18 AM

Pressure on Demand

Safely pressurize a wide range of liquids and gases with Haskel high-pressure liquid and gas handling equipment. Delivering the highest level of quality, reliability and performance. Our comprehensive selection of products means you get the right solution for your application.

Haskel 1-16.indd 207

1/19/16 4:05 PM

Se ns o r s

Figure 4. Wireless monitoring of left atrium during electric rhythm conversion based on sampling pressure data 250 times per second. The arrow indicates when the defibri lator’s voltage pulse is applied. Source: Integrated Sensing Systems

Achieving system design goals is critical for any project and the Leaf patient monitoring system is no exception. “The thing that was really important for us in the design of this system was the ability for us to go into these facilities, set the system up very quickly and inexpensively without encumbering the hospital’s IT infrastructure or interfering with it, or if the hospital wanted to for us not to interact with their RF systems at all. And then once we leave, to support the system easily and conveniently from a remote location,” said Weckworth. The success of achieving this goal is that Leaf can offer a hospital a free trial installation to overcome any hesitation to experience its effectiveness in preventing bedsores.

Improved heart rate measurements With its recently introduced AS7000 biosensor, ams, an Austria company that designs and manufactures high-performance sensors and analog ICs, expects that designers can replace the electro-cardiogram (ECG) chest strap and obtain reliable and useful ECG readings from a wrist or armmounted sensor in lifestyle, fitness and health monitoring applications. Targeting wearable devices that are worn constantly (at rest and when exercising), the AS7000 sensing system is a highly integrated optical sensor module with software to provide very high accuracy optical heart rate measurements (HRM) and heart rate variation (HRV) readings. The AS7000 uses an HRM method called photoplethysmography (PPG), which

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Sensors 1-16_Vs3.MD.indd 208

1/18/16 9:19 AM

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1/20/16 3:08 PM

Se ns o r s measures the pulse rate by sampling light modulated by the expansion and contraction of blood vessels. While other optical schemes provide raw PPG readings, the AS7000 has a digital processor to implement ams developed algorithms that convert the PPG readings into digital HRM and HRV values. Ronald Tingl, biosensors senior marketing manager for the Advanced Optical Solutions Div. at ams, said, “Medical applications will probably require continuous (24/7), longer term (weeks), medical-grade certified measurement of vital signs. Vital signs to be measured will likely include accurate HRM, HRV, respiration rate, SpO2 [peripheral capillary oxygen saturation], skin resistivity and skin temperature, to start with.” With the ams AS7000 biosensor, all of these can be measured but additional steps must be taken.

Tingl points out that to achieve reliable, highly accurate data, it is important to ensure that measurements are performed correctly. This requires proper location on the body, optimal opto-mechanical design and a convenient form factor that can be worn 24 hours per day. As a result, the use of small, convenient wristbands or patches on the upper arm is probably preferred over smart watches. “In a second step, software is needed to turn the individual vital signs into meaningful, actionable data for the user and the doctor,” said Tingl. “To give an example, you could use all of the above info except SpO2 to do a stress measurement application including feedback to reduce stress. Another set of parameters including SpO2 could be used to provide information on sleep apnea or COPD [chronic obstructive pulmonary disease].”

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Targeting medical applications Manufacturers of sensors that do not make systems can help medical system designers by understanding their requirements. For example, Merit Sensor’s LP series ultra-low pressure sensors target sleep apnea systems and other medical measuring requirements, including: air flow (spirometers, ventilator), gas flow/pressure (respiratory) and air pressure (nebulizers). The fully compensated, digital (I2C) output sensors are easily used in wireless medical sensing applications and have an accuracy of ±2.5%.

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To simplify designing an end product with the AS7000 biosensor, ams offers an HRM/HRV wristband demonstration kit containing a fitness band-mounted AS7000. An ams-developed heart rate app provides digital HRM and HRV readings for real-time logging of measured data.

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Sensors 1-16_Vs3.MD.indd 210

January 2016

12/14/2015 1:21:34 PM

1/18/16 9:19 AM

Less means more!

Focused on the essentials: the new i500 Slim design, scalable functionality, and extremely user-friendly. The groundbreaking i500 is size-optimized and allows for zeroclearance mounting, saving valuable cabinet space. And thanks to the innovative interface options, it’s easy to commission in minimal time. The best thing of all is that the modular structure adapts to different production configurations in no time at all. Less does mean more! Learn more at

Lenze Americas 1-16.indd 211

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Sensors According to Rick Russell, president of Merit Sensor Systems, “To successfully address medical applications beyond simple health fitness monitoring, a device manufacturer must provide a benefit that does more than count steps and calculate burned calories. Monitoring blood pressure, for example, would not only offer a benefit but could save a life. This requires the full understanding of government regulations and the need for a sensor algorithm that will correctly diagnose a condition without the use of cumbersome wires and patches.”

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The ultimate wearable The ultimate wearable is an implanted device. Obviously, implanting a sensor system within a patient has many challenges. One company that has addressed those challenges is Integrated Sensing Systems.

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ISS is not a sensor company that has a focus on medical applications, but a medical device company. That makes it quite different. “We are an FDA registered medical device manufacturer,” said Dr. Nader Najafi, president and CEO. “We are ISO 13485 certified for quite a few years and actually we do the entire manufacturing of the implantable device.” For chronic patient management, ISS’ Titan Wireless Implantable Hemodynamic Monitor (WIHM) uses a MEMS capacitive pressure sensor designed and manufactured by ISS that receives radio frequency (RF) signals from its antenna and does not require batteries. An external Readout Unit (ROU) provides RF power signal (of microwatts) to and receives the RF pressure signal from the antenna of the sensor and converts the sensor signals into digital values. For tele-powering, the ROU is about 8 in. from the implanted



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Sensors 1-16_Vs3.MD.indd 212


January 2016

1/18/16 9:20 AM

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12/21/15 10:05 AM 1/18/16 12:13

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Clippard 1-16.indd 214

1/18/16 9:22 AM

Sen so r s sensor during the readings. Najafi explains that placing an implantable in the pulmonary artery on the right side of the heart, a rather normal procedure, is a much more meaningful hemodynamic parameter than external blood pressure monitoring. “But the most important hemodynamic parameter is the pressures of the left side of the heart because it clearly shows the state of the heart, particularly for heart failure or arrhythmias,” he said. Designed to monitor the filling pressure, heart rate, rhythm and pressure waveforms of the left side of the heart, the Titan system addresses long-term management of congestive heart problems in operating room and intensive care unit situations, as well as during one, three and six month follow-up visits. The left filling pressure, the pressure it takes for the left atrial pressure to equal the

2015-DesignWorld_halfhoriz_precision_OTLNS_FINAL.indd 1 Sensors 1-16_Vs3.MD.indd 215

left ventricle pressure, is not adversely affected by other common health problems, such as a pulmonary embolism, making it a preferred location for heart pressure measurements. The preferred location and accurate data from a wireless implant may be able to cut the cost impact of heart failure. “Today, NIH [the U.S. National Institute of Health] calls congestive heart failure a new epidemic in the U.S.,” said Najafi. “Depending on which report you read, between 20 to 40 cents of every dollar that the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services spends is on heart failure. That’s the number one cost for medical healthcare.” With Titan sensor monitoring, patients showed shorter duration of some types of post-surgery medical problems in the ICU, improvement in certain heart functions and a reduced rate of re-hospitalization—all based on optimal medication.

Whether the sensing device is worn internally or externally, sophisticated applications of advanced sensors, software and wireless data transmission will change the way doctors and medical care providers analyze and treat diseases. In some cases, the sensor will be used in high volume, more common healthcare and fitness applications as well. DW ams Integrated Sensing Systems Leaf Healthcare Merit Medical

3/6/2015 11:34:56 AM 1/18/16 7:10 PM

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CC-Link 1-16 (from 2-14).indd 216


1/18/16 9:23 AM

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The VCA Developer’s Kit is a simple “solution in a box” for people that want to use a VCA but are reluctant to figu e out which controller and software to specify to put together a working system. Enhancements to the kit include an upgraded controller with I/O board and straightforward connections that eliminate soldering—both changes

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Product World_1-16_Vs5.MD.indd 217

January 2016



1/20/16 2:32 PM


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2014-03-25 3:12AM PM 1/18/16 9:24

Produ ct World Stepper motors Oriental Motor PKP stepper motors are available in both bipolar and unipolar configu ations. The

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1.8° type motors come in 20 to 56.4 mm (0.79 to 1.65 in.) frame sizes and the 0.9° types come in 42 and 56.4 mm (1.65 and 2.22 in.) frame sizes. Key features include: motor position information detection; 3-channel output signal: A-Phase, B-Phase and Z-Phase; resolutions of 200 p/rev (1.8° standard motor) or 400 p/rev (0.9° high-resolution motor); reduced electrical noise with line driver output type; and a compact encoder contributes to overall space savings.

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Design World_4x4.75in.indd 1 Product World_1-16_Vs5.MD.indd 219

January 2016



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1/18/16 10:10 AM

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Product World_1-16_Vs5.MD.indd 221

January 2016


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1/20/16 2:34 PM

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January 2016

1/20/16 2:35 PM

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Contact us and ask how we can put our solutions to work for you.

Trelleborg 1-16.indd 223


1/18/16 11:35 AM

Depiction of Frequency Waves

Produ ct Wo rl d



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Product World_1-16_Vs5.MD.indd 224


January 2016

1/20/16 2:35 PM




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Produ ct World


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8/19/15 5:52 PM

January 2016

1/20/16 2:37 PM

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1/18/16 4:12 PM

Faster_FPW_10-15.indd 228

1/18/16 10:12 AM

Produ ct World Disconnect switches

Kuriyama Hydraulics QUALITY HYDRAULIC HOSE & ACCESSORIES Kuriyama Hydraulics




AutomationDirect has added several Socomec disconnect

September 2012

switches to its list of circuit protection products. These


Kuriyama Hydraulics Catalog • Includes new Piranhaflex™ Plus Series thermoplastic hydraulic hoses. • New Piranhaflex™ 100R18 and twin line thermoplastic hydraulic hoses.

switches supply make and break power under load and most styles are front, right side, flange or direct handle operable. A wide variety of accessories, such as handles, shafts, auxiliary contacts, additional poles and more, are also available. The vast offering of switches covers amp ranges from 16 to

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600. Visit the company’s website for a full list of individual product specifications.

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Expansion/deflection couplings Thomas & Betts



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Non-metallic expansion/deflection couplings provide flexible connections of PVC and fiberglass conduit runs that resist moisture ingress and stress caused by movement at structural joints. They safely accommodate axial or parallel movement of up to ¾ in.,

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The “Piranhaflex” trademark contained in this publication is a trademark of Kuriyama of America, Inc. 13-KOA-36367_collateral_PiranhaflexCatalog.indd 1

3/21/13 3:12 PM

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Product World_1-16_Vs5.MD.indd 229

January 2016



1/20/16 2:37 PM

Wear-Free Linear Position Sensor That’s A Snap To Design In

Novotechnik’s TP1 Series of magnetostrictive position sensors provide unlimited mechanical life, high accuracy and are easy to design into your application. Output interfaces include analog with programmable end-points, start/ stop, SSI, and quadrature.

Key TP1 Series specs include: • Resolution to 1 µm • Accuracy of 10 µm for digital outputs • 50 to 4,500 mm stroke lengths • Sealed to IP 68 • Conforms to industry standard dimensions

Call to talk to an engineer about your application today.

For complete specifications, features and applications visit

Novotechnik 1-16.indd 230

Siedle Group

Novotechnik U.S., Inc. Telephone: 508-485-2244 Email:

1/18/16 10:13 AM

Pro du ct World ® Switc h Your Swivel® Switch Your Swivel

Canted coil springs Bal Seal Engineering


No Kinks No Hose Twisting

The Bal spring mechanically fastens, conducts electricity and shields sensitive electronics from the harmful effects of EMI/RFI. It

Simplified hose configuration, less hose and adapters combine to reduce repairs and downtime cutting the overall cost of hydraulics.

was initially used in high-end F1/ FE platforms, but the spring has gained use in a broad range of advanced production E&HV applications, including power management, regenerative braking, steering, infotainment, and driver information systems. As an electrical contact element, the Bal spring effectively manages high, medium and low current with minimal heat rise.

Hydraulic Live Swivels Inline & 90°

Photoelectric sensors

Heavy Duty Ball Bearing Design


• Rated To 10,000 P.S.I. • Heat Treated • Available In 304 & 440 Stainless Steel • Custom Design & Sizes Available • Rebuildable Ball Bearing Design • Withstands Heavy Side Loads • Superior Quality Alloy Steel • Full Flow — Low Pressure Drop

For optimal performance at all times, H18 SureSense’s signal strength light bar immediately alerts the user when maintenance or alignment is an issue. The sensor family also includes variants that are rated IP69K to stand up to the most punishing environments, reducing replacement costs and downtime. With a wide variety of standard options to choose from, these sensors can be configu ed to meet each application’s needs.

Available In BSPP

Quality Products Made In The U.S.A. Patent No. 5547233 Fax: 1-763-784-7423 Email:

Product World_1-16_Vs5.MD.indd 231

January 2016



1-763-784-5531 1/20/16 2:38 PM

Prod uc t World Compact ultrasonic sensors Carlo Gavazzi Constructed of thermoplastic (UA18CSD) and stainless steel (UA18ESD), the new compact ultrasonic sensors, available in M18 housings, provide sensing distances up to 800 mm, in spite of their compact thread length of 38.3 mm. They offer an excellent cost/ performance ratio for OEMs in a variety of markets, including wood, material handling, food and beverage, HVAC and packaging. Both digital and analog output versions are available. All UA18CSD and UA18ESD sensors are IP67 rated, have cULus UL508 approval, and can be operated with 10 to 30 Vdc.



Product World_1-16_Vs5.MD.indd 232

January 2016

1/20/16 2:38 PM


PERMCO IS A LEADING MANUFACTURER OF HIGH-PRESSURE HYDRAULIC GEAR / VANE PUMPS AND MOTORS, FLOW DIVIDERS, INTENSIFIERS, AND ACCESSORIES. AVAILABLE IN A WIDE VARIETY OF SIZES AND CONFIGURATIONS TO SUIT YOUR APPLICATION NEEDS. Global manufacturer of process control and factory automation solutions PERMCO, INC., 1500 Frost Road, P.O. Box 2068, Streetsboro, OH 44241 Toll Free: 800.626.2801 | Local: 330.626.2801 | Fax: 330.626.2805

PERMCO 50 Yr Anniversary_Vs5.indd 233

1/18/16 10:24 AM

Prod uc t World Torque-limiting couplings Eaton The Airfl x torque-limiting coupling increases torque by 25% and offers an automatic slip detection system to help decrease maintenance costs and downtime during operation. It is available in a wide range of sizes, from 51 to 76 in., with a torque range capacity of 2.5 to 12.1 million in.-lb on grinding mill applications of 4,000 hp and above. Designed to withstand high torque spikes, the coupling uses automatic reset and re-engage, and automatic wear compensation to help safeguard expensive driveline components.

BRA-201601-DesignWorld Half Pg_Layout 1 12/4/15 4:57 PM Page 1


Precision Crafted Deep-Drawn Components Visit us at MD&M West Booth 3241

We deep draw parts for a variety of applications including electronic, communication, aerospace, medical and more. Contact us today to learn how our precision deep drawing process can provide you with enhanced production efficiencies and cost savings over traditional manufacturing methods. • High accuracy and repeatability, with tolerances to ±0.0038mm. Surface finish to 10 micro inches. Available uniform I.D. and O.D. Gold Plating or Cladding • Slotting, flaring and hole punching for intricate designs with no additional handling • Braxton can deep draw most conventional and exotic metals and alloys, plated or unplated, to 57mm max length

FREE Designer’s Sample Kit

• Diameters as small as 0.15mm O.D. with a wall thickness as little as 0.0127mm. Length to diameter ratios exceed 54:1

Braxton Manufacturing Co., Inc.

Watertown, CT 06795 • Tel: 860-274-6781


Braxton Manufacturing Co. of California, Inc. Tustin, CA 92780 • Tel: 714-508-3570

To order, go to: or call 877-262-5958 234


Product World_1-16_Vs5.MD.indd 234

January 2016

1/20/16 2:39 PM

difference ad_Layout 1 12/23/15 4:26 PM Page 1

cts du om Pro .c w ring Ne esp le at

The Lee Spring Difference Stock and Custom Springs

From 10 springs to 10 million springs, Lee Spring manufactures and distributes mechanical springs, wireforms, stampings and fourslide parts worldwide.

Selection 23,000+ products available, plus custom products made to your specifications.

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Over 350 pages of Stock Springs and more, including Compression, Extension, Torsion, Belleville, and many Specialty Springs.

Request your Catalog today at

Call: 888.SPRINGS (888.777.4647)

Lee Spring 1-16.indd 235


Fax: 888.426.6655


1/18/16 10:25 AM

Produ ct World Ball runner blocks Bosch Rexroth With the new BSHP ball runner blocks, dynamic load capacities have been boosted by approximately 26%, leading to a 200%-longer service life. Static load capacities improve by as much as 50%. Higher load capacities also promote energy-effici t, lightweight construction for new machine concepts as the new runner blocks can allow machine manufacturers to use a smaller size without sacrificing per ormance.

Solid-state silicon photomultipliers First Sensor first-senso .com First Sensor extends its range of optical sensors with solid-state silicon photomultipliers (SiPMs) for the detection of ultra-low light levels down to single photons. The detectors are optimized for near ultraviolet (Series SiPM-NUV) or red, green and blue (Series SiPM-RGB) light detection with peak sensitivities at 420 or 550 nm. SiPMs consist of a matrix of multiple avalanche photodiode micro-cells operated above their breakdown voltage (Geiger mode). NUV-and RGB-SiPMs feature extremely low temperature coeffici ts of the breakdown voltage and gain, which allows for highly accurate and stable measurements. Enhanced materials and semiconductor technology enable low-noise devices with reduced dark count rate, crosstalk and low afterpulsing probability (typically less than 4 %).


Product World_1-16_Vs5.MD.indd 236


January 2016

1/20/16 2:39 PM


Ring-in fast dynamics, flexible, high precision, and low operating costs… They’re all on the table! More Information? Call Us! 888 WEISSNA

TO 150

TO 220 TO 750

Direct Drive Indexers – TO / TW / ST-SW TO Series: Fast, versatile, reusable: The TO torque series from WEISS marked a new passage in the history of the rotary table. Thanks to the diversity of sizes it comes in, the TO series can tackle virtually all tasks. TO 1300

TW Series: An integrated torque motor combined with high-accuracy gear reduction: The TW combines the dynamics, precision, flexibility, and ease of use of the direct drive with a high power density and the precise and robust WEISS mechanics. TW 150

TW 200

TW 300

SW / ST Series: The SW/ST rotating modules with absolute rotary encoder are just what you need when fast, precise, and highly dynamic rotating, swivelling, and gripping movements are called for. Compact profile, light weight, with various mounting-possibilities.

ST 75 SW 140

ST 140

Technology that inspires

Servo Index Tables – NR / CR / NC NR Series: Freely programmable rotary indexing ring with very large central opening, extremely flat design and a high level of parts accuracy. The ring-shaped design allows extra free design space. The rotating aluminium ring can be adjusted to your specifications in terms of diameter and thickness.

NC Series: The NC combines robustness and durability with the advantages of a freely programmable rotary table offering a high level of torque. The NC differentiates itself from the TC range through its use of a brushless AC servo motor drive. In addition, the drive curve has a constant rise.

CR Series: Flat heavy duty ring with large central opening. The extremely flat design frees up space and offers flexibility for creating ergonomically sound workplaces. Using the WAS control system, the ring is completely freely programmable.

WEISS North America, Inc. | 3860 Ben Hur Ave., Bldg. #2 | Willoughby, OH | U.S.A | Phone 440.269.8031 | |

WEIS-008FullPgAdDW.indd 1 Weiss 1-16.indd 237

7/10/14 10:26 8:06 PM 1/18/16 AM

Produ ct World

Heavy-duty rotary encoders BEI Sensors The LP series’ heavy-duty design provides an ingress protection rating of IP66 and protects the internal components from exposure to the elements, making these encoders durable and well suited for dirty and dusty outdoor applications. Encapsulated electronics protect the encoder from humidity, make it vibrate up to 200 m/sec2 (55 to 2,000 Hz) and shock resistant, up to 3000 m/sec2 (5 msec half-sine), and able to operate in extreme temperatures, from -40 to 100° C. A standard aluminum anodized housing resists corrosion and ensures long operational life.

With state­of­the­art equipment, in­house R&D and our very own spring calculator app, Newcomb Spring offers the capabilities and manufacturing expertise required by today’s engineer. We offer a network of locations and are ready to put more than a century of experience to work for you. Our custom parts meet the strictest order requirements, with manufacturing capabilities that include:

• fast order turnaround • design assistance • advanced quality controls • standard & precious metals • full line of secondary processes • specialty packaging

Spring-loaded captive panel screws Penn Engineering ReelFast all-metal captive screw assemblies mount in one piece on boards using the pick-and-place method. The fasteners install reliably in boards of any hardness as thin as 0.063 in. (1.6 mm). They are available in thread sizes #4-40 through #6-32 and M3 through M3.5, and in multiple screw lengths. Depending on length, the captive screw is designed to retract flush in the up position. 238

Product World_1-16_Vs5.MD.indd 238


January 2016

1/20/16 2:42 PM

MP Filtri 1-16_Vs2.indd 239

1/21/16 5:47 PM

Prod uc t World



Vertical belt conveyor Dorner Manufacturing The AquaPruf vertical belt conveyor is engineered to move bulk products in straight-up 90° sanitary applications. It comes with a proprietary staggered sidewall belt that provides more pocket capacity than a traditional bucket elevator. The conveyor also comes with an openframe design for quick cleaning and more effective product changeover. Belt speeds can reach up to 100 ft/min; belt material is


FDA approved and USDA certified


Product World_1-16_Vs5.MD.indd 240


January 2016

1/20/16 2:43 PM

Precision Components Photo Etched Parts

MD & S Des M We ee st A us ign n 2 BIO a ME Part S aheim t: Dev eca ucu Febru ice Bos


ary sAp 9-1 - Ap ril 13-1 1 4 ril 1 3-1 4

• Intricate components as thin as .0005" • Eliminates cost of hard tooling • Eliminates burring and stress problems • Short lead times • In-house forming, laminating and plating • Prototype through production Download our Capabilities Brochure.

Flexible Circuits • Medical, Aerospace and Telecom markets • Adhesiveless construction • Selective plating of gold and tin • SMT and through hole component assembly • Package sizes down to 0201 and .4mm pitch • Microvia sizes down to .001 diameter Download Flex Circuit Design Guide.

EMI/RFI Shielding • Global supplier standard and custom products • Commercial and military markets • Over 100 finger stock gasket profiles • Shielded vents and filters • Conductive foam and elastomer gaskets • Board level shielding Download our Shielding Catalog.

ISO 9001


TECH-ETCH, INC., 45 Aldrin Road, Plymouth, MA 02360 USA • TEL 508-747-0300 • FAX 508-746-9639 •

Tech Etch 1-16.indd 241

1/18/16 10:28 AM

Prod uc t World Ethernet connected controller Rockwell Automation

Welcome To Our World

The new ControlLogix 5580 controller


provides up to 45% more application capacity and includes an embedded, 1-GB Ethernet port to support highperformance communications, I/O and applications with up to 256 axes of motion. The product selection process is easier with the controller because users can now select the appropriate model using the total number of Ethernet nodes required. A single ControlLogix 5580 controller can support up to 300 Ethernet nodes.

State Of The Art Testing ~ ISO 9001:2008 ~ Mil-45-208-A ~ 0 to 5,000 PSI Testing Hydraulic Pumps ~ Hydraulic Motors ~ Hydraulic Cylinders ~ Actuators Dead Slug Cylinder Testing Up to 40000 Pounds ~ Cylinders 8� bores and Up Nuclear/Fossil Energy Plant Beach Russ Vacuum Pump Remanufacture Computer Generated Test Reports ~ Graphs ~ Plots Full Flight Simulator Motion Platforms ~ Military ~ Commercial Turn Around Times Based on Unit Condition When Received

3716 Plaza Drive ~ Ann Arbor, MI 48108 Ph: 734-996-4996~Fx: 734-668-6630~TF: 800-824-0808 Call Today Ask For: Debbi



Product World_1-16_Vs5.MD.indd 242

January 2016

We Can Set You Free

1/20/16 2:43 PM

LCR Series Linear Rotary Actuators

Independent Control of Linear and Rotary Axis

Click here to learn more about this versatile & useful electronic assembly deviceÂť

The Ideal Device for Electronic Assembly


Brushless rotary motor with 24K Counts Vacuum through the motor and directly out of the unit Life tested to 250 million cycles Applies a programmable force to assemble the component Ability to find a surface with very low impact

SMAC’s low moving mass means high speeds and low impact forces Electronic chip designs continue to emphasize smaller and more fragile package designs. The LCR13 incorporates a small (13mm in width), powerful direct-drive DC brushless motor. The LCR13's moving mass is well below 100 grams, resulting in an impact that meets the 1.ON target while moving at a relatively fast contact velocity. 760-929-7575

SMAC 1-16 .indd 243

1/20/16 5:11 PM

Prod uc t World Helical bevels NORD Gear NORD’s new SK92.1 and SK93.1 series helical-bevels experience gear efficiencie up to 97%. The increased efficiency f the 2-stage bevels can result in as much as a 30% energy savings. Other advantages include: a wide range of available ratios; UNICASE, quiet, leak-free housing design; and wear-free infini e life gearing.

Bearing Protection that Outperforms all Others Superior performance for maximum peace of mind.

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Helwig’s Bearing Protector extends the life of motors by keeping shaft voltage to a minimum. Prevents pitting and costly damage to bearings. The best choice for the motor industry.

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Product World_1-16_Vs5.MD.indd 244

January 2016

Flaretite, Inc. Phone: 810-750-4140

Available in Kits.

w w w. f l a re t i t e. c o m

1/4 _9_08flaretite.indd 1

1/15/09 9:48:20 AM

1/20/16 2:45 PM

- Efficient Safety







Efficient Safety from Schmersal Increased productivity has always been a major focus of real world industrial applications. Machine start up, troubleshooting, and maintenance requirements are definite costs that must be considered and minimized in order to reduce downtime and improve efficiency – and today it needs to be done while preserving the highest level of machine safety. Efficient safety is now an important consideration of the design engineer and maintenance personnel.




highest level of safety – PLe per ISO 13849-1 or SIL3 per IEC 62061. They maintain these safety levels even when wired in series using standard cable (up to 200 meters), which results in reduced cabling expense and installation time. They feature LEDs for status indication to quickly troubleshoot faults which reduces machine downtime. These devices are available with Serial Diagnostic to communicate status via serial data packages for use in various network protocols.


afe Schmersal’s electronic safety devices are a key to Schmersal is a leader in the design and efficient machine safety. At the heart of these devices manufacture of machine guarding safety is an integrated dual monitoring microprocessor which switches, including electronic safety devices. We offer provides continuous internal function tests. Because of this, only electromagnetic and solenoid locks, and a variety of nonone switch is needed per guard to meet the requirements of the contact safety sensors with these efficient advantages. Contact us to find out how efficiently we can turn your workplace into a safer place.

Schmersal_Resized_-EfficientSafety.indd 245

T urni ng Wo rp l a c e s I nt o S a f e r P l a c e s


1/20/16 5:10 PM

Galil Motion Control


...for Ultimate Precision Galil Motion Controllers handle virtually any application Between our flexible product offering and our affordable custom solutions, we can accomodate all of your motion and I/O needs. Select one through eight axes. Choose internal multi-axis servo or stepper drives. Increase the number of axes and I/O by daisy-chaining through built-in Ethernet ports. Guaranteed low price per axis with driver included. Galil products are easy to program and use, backed by unparalleled technical support and both ISO 9000 and ISO 13485 certification.

• Process commands in as little as 31 microseconds • Handle all modes of motion, simple to complex • Handle ultra-high resolution systems • Support closed loop stepper motors • Up and running in minutes • Use virtually any encoder • EtherCAT master available 1.800.377.6329

Galil 5-15.indd 246

1/18/16 10:32 AM

Produ ct Wo rl d Locking devices and gearboxes Fenner Drives B-LOC speed is a new series of keyless locking devices engineered to reduce installation time by up to 60% while maintaining the same physical performance as a standard keyless locking device. It is a costeffective solution for a variety of power transmission applications, including packaging lines, conveyor pulleys, robotics and medical equipment.






Epoxy features long open time and low viscosity


Here at STEGO, ”the protector of electronics”, we have developed a new filter fan series. This series has a more effective airflow and significantly increased air volume, thanks to its unique air-flap technology, and only one filter mat.









4,000-6,000 cps






*compared to conventional filter fan systems that use 2 filter mats, one for the intake and one for the exhaust unit



STEGO, Inc. 1395 S. Marietta Pkwy, Bldg. 800, Marietta, GA 30067 (888) 783-4611 | |

Product World_1-16_Vs5.MD.indd 247

Hackensack, NJ 07601, USA ∙ +1.201.343.8983 ∙ main

January 2016



1/20/16 2:46 PM

Prod uc t World Permanent-magnet EC motor NovaTorque NovaTorque now offers 2400 rpm versions of its 3-to150-hp permanent-magnet motors, with rated efficiencie of 93.5 to 95%. The new line offers 30 to 50% reduction in motor losses and 5% to 20% reduction in energy usage when compared with NEMA Premium induction motors. Furthermore, 2400-rpm motors will be one full frame size smaller than the alternative ac induction motor, reducing weight, cost and possibly VFD size.



Engineered Solutions 800-683-0676



Product World_1-16_Vs5.MD.indd 248

problem solvers. solution providers.

January 2016

1/20/16 2:47 PM

Holmbury 12-15_FPW.indd 249

1/20/16 5:08 PM

Deceleration & Vibration

Produ ct World


Expect more than Automation Control!

HTML5-based HMI Beckhoff Automation

Motion Control Custom control of hand forces

The TwinCAT HMI integrates the HMI directly into the familiar Visual Studio environment. The software and

Vibration Control Isolate unwanted vibrations

programming environment were designed with optimum efficiency and maximum user comfort in mind. Programming is not required, as the graphic editor handles configuration. Featuring a simple configuration and adaptable handling, this web-based solution, based on HTML5 and JavaScript, acts responsively, adapting the display to best suit the screen in use regardless of the operating system, browser or device.

Plug-and-perform platform Safety Products Protection for all machine designs under any condition

Automation Control Optimum tuning for any design

Danfoss Power Solutions By combining machine-integrated technology, cellular network connectivity, data transfer over WiFi, and a customizable, intuitive user interface, the Telematics Solutions “plug-and-perform” platform gives fleet owners visibility of how, when and where their equipment is used. Within the heavy equipment industry, the platform differentiates itself from others by providing a flexible and comprehensive suite of telematics performance— not just bits and pieces of capability—into an all-in-one system.

by ACE

More Info? Tel. 800-521-3320 Email: Download a CAD file or our product sizing software at:

DesignWorld_3x10,875inch.indd 1 Product World_1-16_Vs5.MD.indd 250

07.01.16 18:07



January 2016

1/20/16 2:47 PM

For further information about products on these pages visit the Design World website @

Enhanced safety instrument systems Yokogawa The enhanced version of the ProSafe-RS safety instrument systems, version R4.01, includes the N-IO. It is no longer necessary to replace the I/O module, a field I/O d vice that is updated to accommodate R4.01 and now features AD Suite, which allows the integrated management of CENTUM VP and ProSafe-RS data.

Brushless Motors

• Hollow or solid shaft high performance housed and frameless • • • • •

brushless motors and matching drives for demanding applications. Sensorless or hall motors and drives for aerospace, military, medical, industrial, canned pumps, vacuum, extreme temperature applications. Custom drive programing and designs available. Standard or custom designs up to 98% efficient, up to 200,000 rpm. Highest power density in the industry. Slotless and slotted designs. Available with encoders and gearheads and separate or integral electronics. Quantities 1 to 10,000.


For technical assistance, 937-695-1275 Data sheets at

Product World_1-16_Vs5.MD.indd 251


January 2016



1/20/16 2:48 PM

Prod uc t World Remote-reset torque limiter Rexnord The Autogard 820 series torque limiter is designed for high-torque applications in heavy-duty industries to help protect equipment during shock loads, overloads and jams. Providing full disengagement on overload, torque limiting modules are positioned at a large radius to accommodate high-disengaging torques. The torque limiter is now available with the option to remote-reset, an option for applications where the control center and the equipment are a considerable distance apart, or where the limiter is positioned behind complex guards and covers. From its disengaged position, the limiter can be reset in seconds using pneumatic controls without the need to physically approach the unit.

DW-MDO-HPAD-PC Valves - Sept 2015.indd 1



Product World_1-16_Vs5.MD.indd 252

7/13/15 4:53 PM

January 2016

1/20/16 2:49 PM

For further information about products on these pages visit the Design World website @

Pressure transmitters OMEGA The PX51-IS/PXM51-IS series of intrinsically safe pressure transmitters are designed, tested and FM certified or hazardous locations. These transmitters offer an all-stainlesssteel construction and rugged, thick-film sensing eleme t. The PX51-IS/PXM51-IS is available in gage, absolute and sealed gage models with a wide selection of outputs and a unique dual fitting.

Three-phase power supplies Omron Automation and Safety S8VK-T switching power supplies from Omron withstand harsh environments and provide stable operation over a temperature range of -40 to 70° C. The design takes up less panel space and delivers 90% energy efficien , which reduces heat build-up and eliminates the need for cooling fans. The S8VK-T has many acceptable input ranges in a single unit, including 3-phase input (340 to 576 Vac) and 2-phase input (340 to 576 Vac) and dc input excluding 960 W (450 to 810 Vdc).

January 2016

Product World_1-16_Vs5.MD.indd 253




1/20/16 2:49 PM

Prod uc t World Servo inverter Bonfigliol bonfiglioli. om The ANG Active Next Generation series was developed to meet the requirements of special machinery in a large range of industries. One feature, in particular, is a new positioning configu ation, which is dedicated for travelling drives in crane applications. Other key features include power ratings of 0.25 to 400 kW; voltage ratings of 400, 525 and 690 V; safe torque off; SIL2; communication protocols, including CanOpen, RS232, EtherCat, Ethernet/IP and PROFINET; feedback sensors, including Resolver and Absolut Encoder; PLC functions; and motion tasks.

Specify CROSS Fluid Power… CROSS


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130009 2c ad-V qtr pg.indd 1

Product World_1-16_Vs5.MD.indd 254

January 2016

128 Maple Street, Danvers, Massachusetts, 01923-2096 Tel # (978) 777-0070 Fax# (978) 774-2409

10/16/13 9:47 AM

1/20/16 2:50 PM

For further information about products on these pages visit the Design World website @

Hollow-shafted motors Empire Magnetics Direct-drive hollow motors increase speed and acceleration while offering better accuracy and faster response times compared to motor driven mechanical arrangements. Mechanical drive arrangements add inertia to the system, resulting in greater power requirements for rapid moves and increasing settling time on positional moves. System weight may increase, and positional errors, such as backlash, may occur. In applications appropriate for direct-drive hollow motors, the time of a move may be reduced by up to 80%, for example, from approximately 50 msec to less than 10 msec.

Rotary encoders HEIDENHAIN The ExN 400 encoders feature a blind hollow shaft of 12 mm, are resistant to shock up to 1500 m/sec2 for 2 msec and vibration up to 100 m/sec2. These IP66 ATEX encoders can handle shaft speeds up to 5,000 rpm in a temperature range from -20 to 80° C. The ROx 400 encoders are equipped with either a 6- or 10-mm solid shaft, and showcase increased vibration ratings up to 300 m/sec2, along with higher shaft speeds reaching 10,000 rpm.

January 2016

Product World_1-16_Vs5.MD.indd 255



1/20/16 2:51 PM

Prod uc t World Stepper motors Kollmorgen The new PMX stepper motors offer increased design fl xibility, including six frame sizes (8, 11, 14, 17, 23 and 34) with several stack length and winding options available. They also feature minimal drive adjustments, including options for 1.8 and 0.9° step angles, the ability to immediately evaluate small modific tions and co-engineered solutions for swift delivery and prototyping, localized technical support, and easy applications, including CE, RoHS and REACH.

Analog/Digital I/O Versatile I/O system on a PCIe Board MODEL 826 FEaturEs • 6 counters, 32-bit, supports incremental encoders, PWM/pulse generation, frequency/period /pulse width measurement • 16 analog inputs, 16-bit, 300 ks/s • 8 analog outputs, 16-bit, 900 ks/s • 48 digital I/Os with edge detection • Multistage watchdog timer • Fail-safe output controller sensoray’s Model 826 is a versatile analog and digital I/O system on a PCI Express board. The board’s high performance, compact size, and abundant resources make it ideally suited for a wide range of measurement and control applications. Made in the U.S.A. 256 DESIGN WORLD Sensoray_DW_0116.indd 1

Product World_1-16_Vs5.MD.indd 256

January 2016

1/19/2016 11:55:36 AM

1/20/16 2:52 PM

For further information about products on these pages visit the Design World website @

Dual-cure epoxy Master Bond UV15DC80Med has a moderate viscosity of 45,000 to 60,000 cps and is 100% reactive. The UV portion of the curing mechanism is cationic in nature. This type of curing system generally imparts lower shrinkage upon curing and is not susceptible to oxygen inhibition. With a tensile strength exceeding 5,000 psi at 75° F, UV15DC80Med bonds well to metals, glass, ceramics and many plastics. This high temperature resistant system is serviceable from -60 to 400° F.

Linear actuator Ultra Motion The Servo Cylinder can provide forces up to 530 lbƒ, speeds up to 14 in./sec, and linear travel up to 7.75 in., with a maximum supply voltage range from 7 to 48 Vdc. Commands can be sent by a variety of simple, configu able signals like analog dc voltage, 4 to 20 mA, 1 to 2 msec pulse, step and direction, preset positions, serial commands, and more.

January 2016

Product World_1-16_Vs5.MD.indd 257



1/20/16 2:52 PM

Prod uc t World Magnetostrictive sensors MTS Systems Supporting stroke lengths from 25 mm to 3.25 m, the GB series sensors deliver up to 1 µm resolution, ±0.005% (full scale) repeatability and ±0.02% (full scale) linearity. They are available with either analog or synchronous serial interface output options for maximum implementation fl xibility. Their operational temperature range spans from -40 to 90° C (194° F). They have IP67-rated protection against water/dust ingress when supplied with an M12 or M16 connector. Alternatively, IP68-rated protection is provided for cable outlet versions.



Product World_1-16_Vs5.MD.indd 258

January 2016

1/20/16 2:53 PM

Kuebler 8-15.indd 259

1/19/16 3:04 PM

Pro duc t World Speed drives Emerson Industrial Automation

GEARS Now available factory direct

Unidrive HS30 and HS70 VSDs, capable of output frequencies of 3,000 Hz, are perfectly suited to high-speed applications frequently required for automotive and aeronautical engine and transmission line test equipment, machine tool manufacture, and centrifuges for the food and beverage and oil industries. The HS30 model incorporates Dual STO and advanced Rotor Flux Control of open-loop induction motors, while the HS70 model offers class-leading induction, permanent magnet and servo performance, with onboard, real-time Ethernet.

259 Elm Place, Mineola, NY 11501 Phone: 516.248.3850 | Fax: 516.248.4385 Email:


KHK-USA_5.125x8.375.indd 1 260 Product World_1-16_Vs5.MD.indd

11/8/15 6:35 PM


January 2016

1/20/16 2:54 PM

For further information about products on these pages visit the Design World website @



You also have a choice for hydraulic cylinder positioning

High-current relays

Miniature Mounting

Non Contact Operation

Inside the cylinder?

Signal Electronics Built Inside

• Compact, robust design • Maintains ASAE pin dimensions


Absolute Signal

Forty variations of the RL family

• Excellent *vibration capablity

Short Length Maintains Pin to Pin Dimensions

of high-current electromagnetic

*Tested to Mil-STD-202G

relays are available from IDEC. The single-pole version can switch up to 30 A; the two-pole version can switch up to 25 A. Both versions can handle a 3-hp/277-Vac load. Two

No Extra End Cap Costs

On Site Replaceable

Or outside the cylinder?

Magnet Works Through Carbon Steel

mounting options are also available:

• Easily field replaceable

flange mou t and DIN rail. The RL

• No expensive SS cylinder tube needed

has a 3-mm double break contact gap, which allows it to break higher

• Ideal for steering cylinders

voltage loads and break loads with No Deep Drilling Costs

inductive kickback.

Maintains Piston Rod and End Cap Strength

• Ideal for long cylinders up to 130 ft.


UK Tel: +44 (0) 161 764 0424 US Tel: 972 359 1041

Wellington Street, Bury, Manchester, BL8 2BD, UK


Product World_1-16_Vs5.MD.indd 261


1/20/16 2:54 PM

Prod uc t World Servomotor brakes Nexen Group Key features of the Eclipse servomotor brakes include fail-safe, power-off engageme t, a torque range of 2 to 125 Nm, zero backlash for accurate holding, flanges th t adapt to any servomotor or ac motor brand and mounting style, high torsional rigidity, no system wind-up, and models configu ed to hold the machined end of a ballscrew. The brakes can be used for intermittent dynamic stopping, are spring engaged for holding and e-stop applications, and engineered and balanced for servo applications. They are designed to mount to the shaft end of servomotors up to 20 hp, including NEMA 23, 34 and 42 frame sizes.



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1/20/16 2:55 PM

For further information about products on these pages visit the Design World website @

Brushless motor drives Pittman Motors The PBL4850E IDEA 3-phase motor drive is a 4-quadrant brushless controller that uses sinusoidal commutation to produce smooth motion. It offers programmable current control of up to 5.6 A peak, with an optional current boost during ramping of up to 6.5 A peak. With an input voltage of 12 to 48 Vdc, the drive can accommodate a wide range of brushless motors. Hall cell signals are used for phase initialization, and an encoder provides positional feedback.

Aurora-Where_the_Action_Is:Aurora 11/5/10 1:10 PM Page 1

HydroClean: Sanitary Conveyors HydroClean conveyors feature a stainless steel, sanitary design, manufactured to NSF standards and designed to eliminate opportunities for bacteria growth. For fast, efficient cleaning, pull pins provide a tool-less solution to belt, tail and drive end removal, as well as activating a flip up tail.

Rod Ends and Spherical Bearings designed and manufactured to Aurora's exacting standards for quality and durability. Registered and Certified to ISO-9001 and AS9100. From economy commercial to aerospace approved, we've got it all !

513.753.6000 ·


Product World_1-16_Vs5.MD.indd 263

Aurora Bearing Company 901 Aucutt Road Montgomery IL. 60538 Complete library of CAD drawings and 3D models available at:

w w w . a u r o r a b e a r i n g . c o m January 2016



1/20/16 2:58 PM

Prod uc t World Stainless-steel rotary sensors POSITAL Posital’s IXARC rotary sensors are available with V4A-rated, stainless-steel housings and IP69K-level environmental seals and include a wide variety of output interfaces, ranging from analog to industrial Ethernet. The stainless steel housings are also available in explosion-proof (ATEX-rated) designs that can operate safely in environments with potentially dangerous levels of explosive dust or gases. Capable of standing up to aggressive cleaning procedures, these versatile sensors are suitable for the food and beverage industry.

Hydraulic Pumps


& Motors


Control Valves

Private label: New




24 Hour Emergency

Parts & Spares


Keep the industry flowing- sell us your cores!



Product World_1-16_Vs5.MD.indd 264

January 2016

1/20/16 2:59 PM

For further information about products on these pages visit the Design World website @

Custom robotic picking applications Yaskawa Motoman MotoPick software can synchronize multiple robots equipped with vision to pick fast moving product off a conveyor and place it on an outfeed device, tray or box in an organized arrangement. It can create solutions for up to 10 robots and 11 conveyors. It also offers pattern-based distribution of product and dynamic load balancing among multiple robots.

KNOBS, BUMPERS. PINS. & HANDLES GRIPPERS. HAND WHEELS. • Rubber and urethane bumpers provide load • Wide variety of grip bearing protection. configurations for • Ball-lock Ergonomicpins features fastening, locating and • Inch and metric sizes alignment. • Themoplastic, steel and • Grippers are available stainless steel in fixed and swivel • In stock, ready with to ship configurations various surface types. Call us at 888.794.8687 or visit us online for ordering, specs and CAD files.

Liquid gap fille Henkel Gap Filler 3500LV is a two-part material that cures at room

temperature with the option of accelerated curing through the addition of heat. While it delivers high thermal conductivity of 3.5 W/m-K and the mechanical property benefits f a silicone, it does so with minimal outgassing. This gap filler s low volatile content is tightly controlled lot to lot, ensuring outgassing is kept to a minimum.   FXW-094 4.25x5.indd 1

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January 2016


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1/18/16 10:33 AM

Leadership in Engineering When a manufacturing company truly serves its customers, its engineers will design and build the kind of products that they would use themselves. No one would build himself or herself an “almost good enough” product, so why should an average product ever be acceptable for the customer base? Each year, Design World takes pride in celebrating those outstanding manufacturers that were voted the best in their category by industry peers. These companies have an unwavering pride in their products. This is clearly shown by their attention to detail, the art of their design and their stellar customer attention. The products described in the following pages were designed and manufactured by your engineering

colleagues for products in many categories, which include advanced materials, digital manufacturing, electrical, fastening and joining, fluid p wer, mechanical, mechatronics, motion control, networks, software, switches, and test and measurement. This year’s leadership companies reflect the vision, integrity and creativity of their design and manufacturing engineers by presenting such outstanding products and services. I think the most noteworthy aspect of this recognition is that you, our readers, are able to select the winning engineers and companies with the votes you cast throughout the year. I urge you to go to www. and vote for the outstanding leaders in our industry during 2016.

Paul J. Heney– Editorial Director

Intro Page Leadership 2016.v3.MD.indd 267

January 2016 On Twitter @ DW—Editor



1/18/16 1:32 PM

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Leadership in Engineering


3D Systems 3D Systems unlocks the potential within each of us to transform the way we work, learn and live. As the originator of 3D printing and shaper of the future of 3D solutions, we’ve spent our 30 year history making 3D technologies accessible, easy to use, productive and gratifying, enabling innovators around the world to transform ideas into tangible outcomes. 3D Systems provides advanced and comprehensive 3D digital design and fabrication solutions, including 3D printers, print materials and customdesigned parts. Its powerful ecosystem transforms entire industries by empowering users to bring their ideas to life using its vast material selection, including plastics, elastomers, metals and bio-compatible materials. 3D Systems’ leading personalized medicine capabilities include end-toend simulation, training and planning, and printing of patient-specific surgical instruments and medical and dental devices. Its 3D digital design, fabrication and inspection products provide seamless interoperability and incorporate the latest immersive computing technologies. 3D Systems’ products and services disrupt traditional methods, deliver improved results and empower its customers to manufacture the future now. More information is available on the company at


3D Systems invented 3D printing over 30 years ago when our founder and Chief Technology Officer, Chuck Hull, created the first Stereolithography® (SLA) print. Since then we’ve led the way, introducing Selective Laser Sintering® (SLS) and MultiJet Printing® (MJP), and full-color 3D printing, content capture solutions, Quickparts® on-demand parts service, and scanning, design, production and inspection software.


Driven by our full suite of 3D technology and 3D printers, our end-to-end solutions provide a seamless workflow that allows engineers and manufacturers to work from digital file to physical part and back again. Users can scan existing objects, design with 3D CAD tools, share instantly anywhere, inspect parts against design intent, engage partners, archive designs safely and 3D print anything from casting patterns to metal end-use parts—all within the 3D Systems ecosystem, all faster than ever before. This flexible environment allows customers in aerospace, defense, transportation, automotive, consumer products, healthcare and more to shorten design windows, perfect workflows, save time and reduce costs.

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1/20/16 3:16 PM

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Leadership in Engineering



DYNAMIC FLUID SOLUTIONS AMETEK Dynamic Fluid Solutions is a unit of AMETEK, Inc., a leading global manufacturer of electronic instruments and electromechanical devices with annual sales of $4.0 billion. For more information Amie Sedlock AMETEK Dynamic Fluid Solutions 100 E.Erie St Kent, OH, 44240 USA Phone: 330-677-3327 Fax: 330-677-3306

ENGINEERING INNOVATION AND CUSTOM SOLUTIONS A SPECIALTY OF AMETEK DYNAMIC FLUID SOLUTIONS AMETEK Dynamic Fluid Solutions Business Unit specializes in the design and manufacture of intelligent, variable speed brushless motors, blowers and pumps, with embedded drive and control electronics. Each product type can be customized for various industry uses and applications offering end users precise system control. Customizable options include serial communications interface, logic inputs and outputs, and an external pressure/ flow sensor Key operating features include reliable low-speed operation, surge protection, and closed loop feedback. IntelliGen II WINDJAMMER® and Nautilair™ premium brushless DC blowers incorporate the latest integrated digital-signal-processor (DSP) control technology. Other monitoring and protection features include over- and under-voltage protection and LED fault indication. Manufacturers operating in the medical, industrial equipment, business machine, analytical instrument, computer peripheral, fume evacuation and transportation industries have come to depend on AMETEK’s engineering expertise and its willingness to provide custom solutions. AMETEK Dynamic Fluid Solutions also manufactures a full array of heavy-duty ROTRON® regenerative blowers. These blowers are used in harsh environmental industrial applications, where they’re engineered to provide rugged, compact

construction, low acoustical noise, high reliability, and long operational life without scheduled maintenance requirements. AMETEK’s extensive regenerative blowers product line offers a wide range of motor options, including high efficiency, variabl speed and international voltage designs. Its blowers operate within OSHA standards without requiring costly, bulky muffle designs, while its permanently sealed motor bearings eliminate the need for oil reserve levels and are capable of 24-hour continuous operation. Air exiting AMETEK regenerative blowers is oil free, for a reduced environmental impact. In addition to technology innovations across its broad electrical and electro-mechanical product line, ROTRON’s engineering expertise extends to designing environmentally protected pumps that resist water spray, rain, humidity, salt, fog, shock, and vibration associated with harsh environments. These applications include heavy duty transit buses (city buses), our new school bus pump DurA-Tek Prime, and coach buses. With its combined motor, blower and pump solution capabilities, no one offers a greater depth of engineering knowledge supporting such a breadth of products. In fact, its product offerings form a veritable city of motor solutions.

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AMETEK DFS_DWLP16_Vs3.indd 269

January 2016



1/20/16 12:10 PM

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Leadership in Engineering


Dunkermotoren The global quality and value leader in fractional horsepower motion control is the result of combining precise German engineering and award-winning design with a highly skilled Black Forest workforce and state-of-the-art automated production. Dunkermotoren is the North American sales, technical support and logistics subsidiary of Dunkermotoren GmbH, now part of AMETEK Precision Motion Control. For over 60 years, Dunkermotoren is the world market leader in customized, configurable sole-source motion control solutions composed of long-life brushed motor products and the industry’s largest portfolio of integrated intelligence brushless motor+controller solutions with connectivity to CANopen, Profibus, Profinet and Ethercat fieldbuses, as well as linear motors, AC electric motors, planetary and worm gearheads, controls, encoders and brakes. Headquartered in Bonndorf, Germany with production and/or logistics facilities in Europe, Asia and Mount Prospect, IL, Dunkermotoren employs 1000 globally and produces over 3 million motors annually for the automation, packaging, medical, solar, and agricultural/ mass transportation industries. Dunkermotoren USA Inc 1500 Bishop Court Mount Prospect, IL 60056 Phone (773) 289-5555 Email

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January 2016

Dunkermotoren is a global manufacturer of Brushed DC motors, Brushless DC motors and gear motors with output power ranging from 1-1100 Watts (over 2/3 hp). For over 60 years, the German based company has been on the leading edge of technology and innovation – not only in terms of product design, but also automated production. This has led to success as the largest supplier of fractional horsepower motion control products in Europe, with rapid growth in the US and Asian markets. The award-winning German engineering firm is recognized for its high quality, long-life brushed motor product line, and its portfolio of highly integrated brushless motor/controller solutions. In addition to being the world market leader in supplying gearmotors to the entryway access and sun management markets, Dunkermotoren also successfully serves the factory and commercial automation, medical and laboratory equipment, agricultural and mass transportation, solar PV and power, and packaging and food processing machinery markets. THE REASONS FOR SUCCESS: Through the years, Dunkermotoren has developed components based on a modular approach that includes brushed DC, brushless DC and AC motors, planetary and worm gearboxes, magnetic, incremental and absolute encoders, power-on and power-off brakes, and a variety of integral as well as separate electronic drives and controllers. This innovative configurable modular component approach creates thousands of motion solution possibilities providing fine-tuned answers to unique challenges using readily available, fieldproven components either in a standard or customized configuration. In addition to manufacturing excellence, Dunkermotoren provides extensive technical and application support, recognized by customers as an extension of their own engineering or R&D teams. As a result, customers shorten project development time, reduce their list of components and vendors and realize sizable cost saving on not only components and integration but also assembly and inventory. Being an innovative, all-in-one

technical and commercial partner, Dunkermotoren is committed to developing strong, long-lasting relationships with its customers. OVER A DECADE OF INTEGRATED INTELLIGENCE MOTOR INNOVATION: Dunkermotoren has accelerated the development of the truly all-in-one concept of intelligent brushless DC motors. Significant investment in research and development, extensive testing, validations, and unique new production tools were required to achieve today’s technologically advanced integrated brushless product line that presents a best value solution for OEMs. The result is a BLDC motor, drive, controller, feedback device, bus protocols, gearbox, and brake in one compact package. The Original iBLDC ™ ! Dunkermotoren introduced their new Brushless DC product line with Profibus interface to complement its CANopen portfolio and then expanded further with a newly introduced range of solutions with Ethercat fieldbus. Recently, Dunkermotoren introduced its new line of high performance linear motors, actuators and modules to the U.S. market. A COMMITMENT TO SERVICE: There is nothing more important to Dunkermotoren than to solve the problems of its OEMs and to help them be more successful, whether by providing them with strong application engineering, out of the box thinking, prompt delivery of prototypes, on-site assistance or global footprint logistics and manufacturing solutions. OEMs want speed and precision; Dunkermotoren delivers both every day. The latest addition to their Mount Prospect, IL facility is a Same-day shipping service for most of Dunkermotoren’s Stock-Program, featuring 1000+ of their most popular motion solutions. Customers can also conveniently buy directly from the manufacturer’s DunkermotorenExpress e-Shop, or contact a local distributor.

1/18/16 1:50 PM

2016 A












Leadership in Engineering


Haydon Kerk Haydon Kerk Motion Solutions™ is the global leader in linear motion... Stepper Motor Linear Actuators Large range of Can-Stack and Hybrid models Linear Rail Systems Complete range of rails and powered slides Lead Screws 303 Stainless Steel, High Lead Accuracy, Kerkote® or Black Ice® TFE Lubrication Anti-Backlash Nut Assemblies Molded Using Kerkite® Engineered Polymers Haydon Kerk Motion Solutions 1500 Meriden Road Waterbury, CT 06705 USA

Recognized as a leader in motor miniaturization, Haydon™ Products Division has been building electric motors and stepper motor based linear actuators for almost half a century. Kerk® Products Division was established in 1976 and has grown to be one of the world’s largest exclusive manufacturers of non-ball lead screws, linear rails, and actuator systems.

Visit the Haydon Kerk website to order prototypes online that will ship within 24 hours, download 2D drawings or 3D models at

Haydon Kerk Motion Solutions is headquartered in Waterbury, CT with additional manufacturing operations in Milford, NH, and Changzhou, China. Haydon Kerk also operates a European technical center in Coueron, France. Haydon Kerk Motion Solutions linear motion products are used in much of today’s sophisticated medical equipment, laboratory instrumentation, machinery automation, aerospace, analytical equipment, computer peripherals, semiconductor manufacturing equipment, and other applications that require precision motion.

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Haydon Kerk_DWLP16_V4.indd 271

January 2016



1/18/16 1:49 PM

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Leadership in Engineering


Pittman Motors PITTMAN® Motors is the “gold standard” in DC motor technology... Brush Commutated DC Motors Instrument Grade BLDC Motors Automation Grade BLDC Motors Slotless Brushless BLDC Motors Miniature High Performance BLDC Motors BLDC Motors with Integrated Controllers The PITTMAN® brush and brushless motor line spans a wide variety of dc motor sizes and technologies ranging from miniature brushless slotless dc motors used in high speed medical applications to large NEMA frame dc servo motors used in sophisticated automation equipment. If there’s a need for precision motion, more than likely there’s a PITTMAN® motor to meet your design requirements. Motors can be customized for almost any application-specific need. Option include unique shaft configurations, variou bearing systems, output devices such as pinions and gears, special leadwire assemblies, EMI/RFI suppression networks, optimized motor windings, permanent magnet options, and various brush materials.

Pittman Motors 343 Godshall Drive Harleysville, PA 19438 USA Visit the PITTMAN website to order prototypes online that will ship within 24 hours, download 2D drawings or 3D models at

PITTMAN® brush and brushless DC servo motors are used in a wide variety of high tech motion applications including lab automation, medical devices, communications equipment, semiconductor processing equipment, aerospace systems, and many other applications where precision motion is critical.

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1/18/16 1:52 PM

2016 A











ACE Controls ACE Controls Inc. is a leading innovator in deceleration and motion control technology and products. For over 50 years, ACE Controls has provided superior deceleration products to meet the needs and demands of the aerospace, automotive, robotic, material handling, medical, packaging, machine tool, lumber, steel, amusement, defense and many more industries. ACE Controls consistently provides industry leadership with cost-effective world class products to decelerate loads, prevent impact damage, dampen noise, increase cycle speeds and improve product performance. ACE Controls pioneered the use of one piece / closed end body construction and inner pressure chambers in its range of products, all of which, greatly reduce the chance of sudden failure or machine damage when overloaded. ACE continues to be recognized as industry’s preferred brand of industrial shock absorbers offering one of the broadest ranges of models, sizes, energy absorption and weight capacity applications. Leadership doesn’t stop there…. Ace has also established a reputation as a world leader in quality. Contact Us: PH: 800-521-3320 email: Visit Our WebSIte: ACE on YouTube: From our web site you can obtain application, installation information, our product catalog, CAD / Sizing files an distributor information.


Leadership in Engineering


ACE Deceleration & Vibration Technology

Your partner for industrial shock absorbers, gas springs and vibration controls

Our products help to make your production processes faster, more efficient, quieter, lighter, safer and mor sustainable.

Automation Control

Optimum tuning for any design

ACE universal damping solutions convert kinetic energy in to heat. This makes machines faster, quieter, more durable, lighter and therefore more competitive and profitable. Here you will find the perfect sele ion of machine elements, which turn damaging forces into harmless heat. These solutions from ACE smoothly decelerate moving loads. This involves the lowest possible stress on machines, which makes the damping products from ACE so valuable.

Automation Control

Motion Control

Custom control of hand forces

The ACE products in this segment enhance the quality of any type of movement. Anyone who wants to raise or lower loads, regulate the feed of an object to the precise millimeter or gently decelerate rotating or linear movements will find the right solution here. ACE delivers indus ry leading quality. Our innovative solutions correspond with stringent crequirements for ergonomics and individuality, including custom pressurized gas springs.

Vibration Control

Motion Control

Isolate unwanted vibrations

This ACE product group includes innovative solutions to provide customers with the best assistance in isolation technology and vibration isolation. These machine elements are also distinguished by their light design and wide variety. The product range extends from extremely low frequency isolating pneumatic leveling mounts to ready-to-install rubbermetal isolators and damping pads. With this portfolio, ACE is capable of offering you customized vibration isolation for almost any application.

Safety Products

Vibration Control

Protection for all machine designs under any condition

This ACE product group provides Emergency braking to safely slow down moving loads and reduce damaging forces. Although the safety shock absorbers, TUBUS elastomer bumpers and clamping elements differ so much in design, every single ACE component provides the best protection for your machine. They demonstrate their main advantages in emergency stop situations and, based on the protection they provide, are very costeffective. Furthermore, they can all be easily integrated into existing design and largely work independent of energy supplies.

Safety Products

Value Added Engineering

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It starts with ACE’s application engineers working with customers developing new methods, applications and products to meet customer’s challenges today and for future requirements. The engineering teams focus on developing cost effective, continuous improvement world class products utilizing the latest in CAD, 3D system design, structural analysis and simulation software. The Adina software system of finite elemen analysis (FEA) allows ACE engineers to address issues in structural, thermal and fluid flow analysi

Quality Ensured

Employee dedication to quality with rigorous lab testing assures that all ACE products are capable of meeting the most demanding deceleration challenges. Products are evaluated for endurance, material strength and cycle life. Ace Controls is an ISO 9001:2000 certified manufacturer

ACE Controls_DWLP16_v3.indd 273

January 2016



1/19/16 5:29 PM

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Leadership in Engineering


ACCUMOLD Accumold began in a rented garage in 1985. Our primary focus was and still is on very small micro-sized plastic parts and components that other companies can’t produce. The original Micro-Molder® was designed to help manufacture parts with minimal waste and short cycle times for electronic component manufacturing. Although there have been many innovations over the years the basic principals have remained the same and so has our commitment to micro-injection molding technologies.

Micro-Mold® These minute parts are often measured in microns and are no bigger than 0.5 cubic inches; they typically weigh less than a gram. In addition to their size, these parts have very tight tolerances and must be molded efficientl and precisely — time and time again. Accumold builds specialized molding machines for this unique capability. The machines are engineered to handle volumes from prototypes to millions per year while maintaining consistent, precise tolerances that are unique in the industry. The specialized tooling and molding for micro-sized components are only available at Accumold.

Today the company now focuses on industries that require fast turn around and complex parts for high tech industries such as Micro Electronics, Micro Optics, and Medical, as well as new emerging markets and technologies. Our founders established high standards of quality when the company began. These standards still exist today! We still have many of the original customers that entrusted their most valuable parts production to us. We believe this is due to our professional management staff, expert tool makers, and our top notch production team.

Facilities Accumold is an ISO 13485:2003, 9001:2008 and 14001:2004 certifie company with a state of-the-art, 82,000 square foot production plant. The Accumold facilities are located near Des Moines, IA, in the heart of the Midwest. The building is climate controlled and includes four 100K clean rooms and two 10K clean rooms for micro-electronics and medical applications.

Small Parts Not every micro-molded application requires microscopic parts, but many require demanding geometry and tight tolerances on a slightly larger scale. Micro-features — incorporating very small features on a normalsized part up to about 3 inches in diameter — are another of Accumold’s capabilities.

1711 S.E. Oralabor Road Ankeny, IA 50021 Phone: 1-515-964-5741 FAX: 1-515-964-5742

Lead Frame / Insert Molding Insert micro-molding involves molding in or around a wide variety of materials such as plastic, ceramic, glass, fabrics, film or foil. Thi type of over-molding can be achieved on either the Micro-Mold® or Small Mold platforms with the same high-precision output. The process can be operator loaded or our Automation Team can build a custom loading system for high-volume applications.

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1/18/16 3:48 PM

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Leadership in Engineering


Aggressive Hydraulics Aggressive Hydraulics develops “purpose-built” solutions for the mobile hydraulic cylinder industry. Each purposebuilt hydraulic cylinder addresses an application’s specific rigors, environmental challenges and exacting requirements, ensuring an Aggressive Hydraulics’ cylinder solution is fit-for-purpose and outperforms the others day in and day out. The company’s Design & Engineering Group is backed by decades of combined expertise making it one of the most progressive, innovative teams in in the hydraulic cylinder industry. And, because Aggressive Hydraulics is committed to long-term client satisfaction, customers experience exceptional service before, during and after the sale. With a manufacturing facility focused exclusively on cylinders, Aggressive Hydraulics provides expertly crafted solutions that deliver a competitive advantage, and their “Made in the USA” products are hard at work globally, on every continent, performing in a wide variety of industries and applications. For new cylinder applications and redesigns of existing cylinders to single units and full-scale production runs, Aggressive Hydraulics is engineered to move your business. Aggressive Hydraulics 18800 Ulysses Street NE Cedar, MN 55011 Phone: 763-792-4000 Toll Free: 866-406-4100 Fax: 763-792-4400 Email:

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Engineering Tough Hydraulic Cylinder Applications,

Now That’s Aggressive. Aggressive Hydraulics’ Design & Engineering team combines technology, sound engineering practices and empirically derived experience when tackling tough applications. The company’s “purpose-built” philosophy and team approach are key factors of its success in the industry. Developing a “purpose-built” hydraulic cylinder solution takes the following important factors into consideration: • • • • • • • • • • •

System Design & Function Requirements Respective Industry Standards & Regulations Environmental Conditions Safety Factors Typical Load Conditions Material Selection Designed Duty Cycle Unique Performance Requirements Safety Interlocks Finite Element Analysis (FEA) Failure Analysis of Failed Item(s) The majority of Aggressive Hydraulics’ team has been working together for more than twenty years, providing customers with a level of efficiency, effectiveness and excellence that’s not only hard to match, it’s hard to find. The team starts by integrating a variety of perspectives to arrive at designs that encompass all aspects of the intended application and the environmental factors that will impact the cylinder. The team then conducts comprehensive design reviews and enlists manufacturing personnel to insure the design can be efficiently produced, fully addressing the manufacturing sequence of operations required for maintaining important geometric and dimensional tolerances. Aggressive Hydraulics also recognizes that failure analysis of an existing cylinder intelligently informs the development of a cylinder solution. Combined with sound engineering and an understanding of the application, a failed cylinder helps identify real-world dynamics that impact the cylinder. A failed cylinder is not always available but when it is, Aggressive Hydraulics employs a methodical approach to root cause analysis.

Aggressive Hydraulics embraces the value and accreditation of the Fluid Power Specialist certification from the Fluid Power Society. Understanding the hydraulic system of an application is another important aspect of creating “purpose-built” hydraulic cylinder solutions. The company’s certified Fluid Power Specialist include each member of the Engineering staff, the Hydraulic Technicians in the shop, the Sales Manager, the Production Control Manager and even the President and CEO. In need of hydraulic cylinders that exceed your expectations and outperform the competition? Get Aggressive.

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January 2016



2/17/16 4:51 PM

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Leadership in Engineering


AEROTECH Leadership in engineering

Aerotech products include nanopositioners, planar and rotary air-bearing stages, high-speed gantry systems, mechanical-bearing linear, rotary and lift stages, brushless linear and rotary servomotors and drives, stand-alone and software-based motion controllers, goniometers, galvanometers, and gimbals/optical mounts. From technically superior components to high-performance sub-assemblies to highly integrated motion subsystems, Aerotech can accommodate the requirements of any application. These products have met with great success in markets worldwide, and we continue to expand with full-service subsidiaries in Japan, Taiwan, and China, the U.K. and Germany. Aerotech’s commitment to consistently advancing motion control technology has been recognized by peers and colleagues through the many patents and awards we have received. Ph: 412-963-7470 Email:

Aerotech has been at the forefront of motion control since 1970, and Dedicated to the Science of Motion has been our call to action since our founding. We design and manufacture the highest performance motion control equipment available today for industry, government, science and research institutions around the world. Aerotech’s precision motion control products provide the critical performance for today’s demanding applications in markets including medical device and life sciences, semiconductors, photonics, data storage, laser processing, defense/aerospace, electronic manufacturing, assembly, research and development, nanotechnology, measurement and inspection, and a host of other applications too numerous to mention here. Aerotech’s Success is Tied to the Success of its Employees The technical sophistication, superior performance and high quality of Aerotech products is directly attributable to our outstanding employees. We are constantly searching for highly motivated individuals. Career opportunities at Aerotech range from electrical, mechanical and software engineers, computer science professionals, technical specialists, skilled machinists, and many others. Aerotech prides itself on nurturing employee careers to obtain the fullest potential from every team member. Aerotech is well-known for its continuing education and training programs. Employees have the opportunity to advance their education and careers with support from the company. Many Aerotech employees have used the world-renowned local universities and technical schools to complete undergraduate and graduate degrees, technical training, and certifications. Aerotech recognizes that to maintai leadership in the highly competitive and everchanging world of motion control requires a highlyeducated, talented and dedicated workforce. And together we look forward to advancing the science of motion for many years to come.

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1/18/16 3:49 PM

2016 A











ALL MOTION AllMotion Inc. develops and manufactures miniature high-performance stepper and servo drives for the medical, scientific, optical and genera automation markets. Our mission is to create superior, ultra-compact motion control solutions that reduce costs and readily integrate into OEM instrumentation designs across a wide range of industries. R&D efforts are centered on core competencies of small form factor components that deliver precise positioning control and ease of use. AllMotion provides off-the shelf motion control devices and custom solutions based on its EZStepper and EZServo motor driver technology. Our servo motor controllers and brushless DC motor controllers feature quadrature encoder feedback, and are programmable to allow standalone operation. Based in San Jose, California, the company has proven leadership in miniature motion control, with a full line of intelligent driver/controllers. All Motion, Inc. 30097 Ahern Avenue Union City, California 94587 Sales Office - 510.471.400 Technical Support - 408.460.1345 Fax - 408.358.4781 Email -

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EZ4AXISXR MODEL: EZ4AXISXR 4 Axis Driver + Controller now with expanded robotic support including native “Delta Robot” Control and Drive measuring only 2.25” x 2.25”! The EZ4AXISXR was designed to allow the rapid implementation of multi axis stepper motor solutions in products requiring automation. Measuring only 2.25” x 2.25” X 0.6” (57mm x 57mm X 15mm), the fully intelligent stepper motor Controller + Drivers runs 4 fully independent stepper motors. Commands can be issued from any serial terminal program (such as HyperTerminal) or from the EZStepper Windows application. The Commands are intuitive and simple. For example, the command A10000 will move the stepper motor to Absolute position 10000. (This communications protocol is compatible with devices that use the Cavro DT or OEM protocol.) The EZ4AXISXR is also capable of stand-alone operation with no connection to a PC. It can be set to execute a preset string of commands upon power up (i.e., only power is required in this mode). The Commands include nested loops and execution halt pending a switch closure, which is useful in stand-alone applications.

the trajectory and does the transformation of 3D space to motor angles. See the new 4AXISXR in action at: Features • Expanded Robot support including Delta Robots • Full featured 4 Axis position controller with power drivers • Fully programmable acceleration ramps and speeds • Four independent 1 Amp (2 Amps peak)Chopper (PWM) • Drives • Optional Heat Sink for high power applications • Encoder Inputs • 1/16th microstep • Operates from 9V to 30V • RS232, RS485 or USB based Communications • Direct USB and 485 connection built in

New Delta Robotic support allows the user to simply issue desired X,Y,Z coordinates for the Robotic End Effector and the EZ4AXISXR calculates

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AIRPOT Corporation

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Accurate Force Pneumatics: The Heart of Airpot

From the 1950s forward, Airpot Corporation has led the world in the innovative manufacture of precision air damping dashpots. Their wide range of uses includes damping shock, vibration and oscillation; controlling velocity in solenoids, springloaded mechanisms, and free falling parts; and mechanical time delay. 1994 marked the introduction of another revolutionary pneumatic product line: the Airpel® Anti-Stiction® Air Cylinder. Based on the Airpot dashpot’s unique piston/ cylinder technology, the Airpel line created a new category of air cylinders combining unparalleled ultra-smooth motion with instrument-class performance. Airpel air cylinders are used as pneumatic actuators, counterbalances, and force providers for holding, bending, pushing, and clamping mechanisms. All Airpot Corp. products excel where low friction/low hysteresis, sensitive response, long life, clean operation, and extreme temperatures are high-priority application requirements. Airpot products happily need no piston seals, lubrication or maintenance. And all are made in America, 100%. Unwavering devotion to application engineering, customer service, product quality, and on-time delivery? Yes — it forms the foundation of Airpot Corp’s continuing success as a trusted supplier to many of the world’s most prestigious OEMs. Please head to for a free product sample — to inspire, admire, and possibly improve the appearance of your desk! Airpot Corporation, Inc. 35 Lois Street • Norwalk CT 06851 • USA 800-848-7681

One primary objective drives Airpot’s innovative engineering and unique technology: to provide a select family of products specifically tailored to pneumatica ly control force with amazing precision, repeatability, responsiveness, and resolution. We call this capability “Accurate Force Pneumatics.” Four specialized product groups provide this function and keep us moving as leaders in engineering. Actuation To generate a precise motive or applied force, Airpot Self-Aligning Pneumatic Actuators, Anti-Stiction Airpels, and Zero-Friction Airpel-AB air cylinders provide movement, holding, clamping, and contact forces with amazing accuracy and repeatability over an extreme temperature range. And they can respond with resolutions of less than ½ gram. In fact, the unique AirpelAB even provides a driving force and air-bearing grade smoothness simultaneously!

Damping When there is the need to reduce or eliminate harmful or excessive motion, velocity or impact, adjustable Airpot Dashpots and Snubbers use ambient air to precisely and accurately control force, oscillation, and shock with long life and sensitive response to force inputs. Displacement The ultra-low friction, close-fitting moving part of our precision Piston/Cylinder sets and SelfAligning Actuators enable the precise dispensing of small volumes of air perfect for pumping and flow applications. Clever engineers also find th make ideal building blocks for specialized linear bearings, displacement indicators, and other sliding/driving devices — all without requiring any lubrication, seals or maintenance. Optimized Systems Our versatile, cost-effective Optimized Systems provide most of the critical control components needed between the air supply and the force output to achieve the accuracy and precision of your actuation objectives. You’ll save valuable research and development time because system components are already matched to insure optimum performance. What’s more, as a package, you’ll find very attractive pricing See our infortaining short video at airpotat.php

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ALTRA INDUSTRIAL MOTION We are a leading global designer and manufacturer of quality power transmission and motion control products utilized on a wide variety of industrial drivetrain applications.

Altra Industrial 300 Granite Street, Suite 201 Braintree, MA 02184 - USA Phone: 781-917-0600 Fax: 781-843-0709 Email:

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Altra clutches and brakes, couplings, gearing and PT component product lines are marketed under 22 well known manufacturing brands. Operating independently, each of these companies is committed to the guiding principles of operational excellence, continuous improvement and customer satisfaction. Highly-engineered Altra solutions are sold in over 70 countries and utilized in a variety of major industrial markets, including food processing, material handling, packaging machinery, mining, energy, automotive, primary metals, turf and garden and many others. Altra brands deliver value throughout the drivetrain. Altra Industrial Motion delivers value and engineering expertize throughout the drivetrain.

Clutches and Brakes Formsprag Clutch Industrial Clutch Inertia Dynamics Marland Clutch Matrix International Stieber Clutch Svendborg Brakes Twiflex Limite Warner Electric Wichita Clutch

Couplings Ameridrives Couplings Ameridrives Power Transmission Bibby Turbofle Guardian Couplings Huco Dynatork Lamiflex Coupling TB Wood’s

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Gearing and Power Transmission Components Boston Gear Bauer Gear Motor Delroyd Worm Gear Kilian Manufacturing TB Wood’s Nuttall Gear Warner Linear

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Allied Electronics Allied Electronics, a subsidiary of Electrocomponents plc (LES:ECM), is a high service level distributor of industrial automation products, electronic components, and electromechanical products, with 43 sales offices serving th United States, Mexico, and Canada. Allied Electronics 7151 Jack Newell Blvd. S. Fort Worth, TX 76118 U.S.A. Phone: 800.433.5700 Email:

Committed to Delivering a Great Customer Experience From start to finish, Allied is committed to delivering a great customer experience for customers. Allied understands that customers are more than an account number – they are people first and foremost Product Solutions With more than 3.5 million products available at, machine and panel builders, MROs, engineers, and purchasers often look to Allied for prototyping due to its broad range of solutions from 300+ world-class manufacturers. Allied’s relationship with those manufacturers is a key strength in maintaining high standards in product availability. The breadth of products offered means that Allied is able to provide solutions to a wide range of customers from all areas of industry and commerce. Dedicated Local Allied Sales Reps Allied is the only distributor with 43 sales offices across Nor h America. Operating out of local sales offices, Allied sales reps offer personal servic to help customers get the products they need. Customers can search more than 3.5 million products, check real-time inventory, and access more than 162,000 data sheets. The Allied website also offers product specs, express checkout, and much more. Operations Allied ships from its centrally located 357,000 square-foot distribution center in Fort Worth, Texas, and currently stocks approximately 120,000 SKUs. The distribution center uses RF technology to accommodate paperless pick and put-away processes, a streamlined system that allows for same-day shipping on orders placed up to 10 p.m. ET.

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ANDERSON METALS CORP., INC. Founded in 1947, Anderson Metals is a market leader as a manufacturer of brass fittings and valves used to transmi and control a variety of gases and fluids Markets served include commercial and industrial applications within transportation, automation, industrial, packaging, food processing, beverage and water, plumbing and hardware. The company offers extensive breadth and depth of product manufactured from industrial brass alloys, in addition the company has also taken a leadership role in manufacturing over 800 components that meet the Federal “No-Lead” legislation that was enacted January 1, 2014. The company’s growth has been the result of investments in operational excellence with a commitment to suberb customer service.

Anderson Metals Corp., Inc. 1701 Southern Road P.O. Box 34200 Kansas City, MO 64120 USA

Toll Free: 1-800-821-5672 Phone: 816-471-2600 FAX: 816-472-8700

Some of our other key attributes include:

• Over 27 million fittings in stoc

• More than 12,000 SKU’s

• 99.35% order fill rat

• Same day shipping available

• No standard pack requirements

• 99.96% shipping accuracy

• 84,000 sq foot distribution center, centrally located in Kansas City

• Family-owned and operated since 1947


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Anchor Fluid Power Anchor Fluid Power, an ISO 9001:2008 and ISO 14001:2004 registered company, offers a broad range of fluid power component including SAE J518 & ISO 6162 flanges and split flange adapters, we couplings, high pressure hydraulic ball valves, flow control, needle and chec valves. We carry extensive inventory at each of our three North American locations, allowing us to promptly fulfil global customer requirements. Our knowledgeable and experienced sales staff are committed to providing the superior service and technical support that has long been a hallmark of our company. Anchor Fluid Power 5553 Murray Road Cincinnati, OH 45227 Toll Free: 866-FLANGES Phone: 513.527.4444 Fax: 513.527.4449

CUSTOM PRODUCTS Anchor’s engineering and technical support teams are experienced in the design of custom hydraulic connections for Industrial, Mobile and Offshore markets. Our staff work closely with customers to develop custom engineered solutions that are a perfect fit for each and every application. We ca then provide rapid prototype 3D models for approval prior to production utilizing our advanced technology machining & turning centers.

SUPPLY CHAIN SOLUTIONS In today’s market, a reliable supply chain for ongoing requirements is a must. Our sales team can develop a procurement program that fit your needs and in turn, manage that inventory in one of our three North American warehouses. We’ll have your product available for you, when you need it. We truly are the best in the business.

QUALITY Product Quality Assurance is documented throughout our supply chain...beginning with raw material certifications. In addition, ongoin independent material test analysis & hydraulic fatigue testing are integral parts of our ISO 9001:2008 Quality Management System.


Our Product line includes: • High Pressure Hydraulic Ball Valves • WOG Stainless Steel Ball Valves • Weld Couplings • In-line Needle, Check, and Flow Control Valves in Carbon Steel • Split Flange Adapters • Split & Captive Flanges • SAE 4-Bolt Welded Port Flanges • SAE 4-Bolt Threaded Port Flanges • Square 4-Bolt Welded Port Flanges • Square 4-Bolt Threaded Port Flanges

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Our goal is to provide the highest quality finished products, with superior service & technical support!

1/18/16 3:56 PM

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Applied Motion Products Applied Motion Products is a leading manufacturer of drives and integrated motors, specializing in step motor, servo motor and BLDC motor and drive systems with sophisticated current control algorithms, closed loop operation, integrated drives/controllers, on-board motion control, and built-in fieldbu networking.StepSERVO™ closed loop stepper systems are The Next Evolution in Step Motor Technology. Applied Motion is committed to providing outstanding quality and the best customer service experience in the industry. Applied Motion Products, Inc. 404 Westridge Dr Watsonville, CA 95076 1-800-525-1609

StepSERVO™ Closed Loop Stepper Systems

The latest developments in step motor technology have been the application of low cost, high resolution feedback devices and advanced digital signal processing to close the loop on stepper motion, resulting in the efficient and high performa ce StepSERVO™ closed loop stepper system. StepSERVO closed loop integrated motors provide numerous performance advantages over traditional open loop step motors, including increased acceleration rates and higher efficiency operation, as well as less mot r heating and less audible noise. These and other advantages make StepSERVO the Next Evolution in Step Motor Technology.

Why Choose Applied Motion

Connected. Applied Motion provides communication options for EtherNet/IP, EtherCAT, Modbus and CANopen networks, as well as easy-to-use protocols for open networks over Ethernet TCP/IP, RS-485 and RS-232 connections. Customized. If you’re looking for motor, drive or integrated motor solutions tailored to your specific design requirements, we have the product line, manufac uring capabilities and experience to provide it for you. Closed Loop. Our StepSERVO™ closed loop stepper technology greatly improves upon traditional step motor performance by providing more torque, faster acceleration, higher system accuracy, better efficiency and quieter operation In Stock. Our warehouse in California is brimming with motors and drives to meet your production needs. Same day shipments and quick turnaround on prototypes means your machine life cycle will be well-supported from beginning to end.

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Experience. Our technical support and sales staff have the expertise available from years of experience in the motion control and factory automation industries. This experience is just a phone call away.

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AutomationDirect PAC, Process Controllers, Analog I/O, HMI Discrete/Machine Control Strategies PLC, Motion Control, Logic and Programming Software, Discrete I/O, Sensors, HMI Sensors Safety Strategies Process, Machine, Emergency Shutdown Energy Management Variable Frequency Drives Motors, Motion Control Power Supplies AutomationDirect 3505 Hutchinson Road Cumming, GA, 30040 • USA Phone: 800.633.0405 Fax: 770.889.7876 Email:

A well-recognized name in the industrial automation market, AutomationDirect also provides quality procducts with FREE awardwinning in-house sales and technical support. AutomationDirect provides customers with quick order and delivery through an online store and toll-free number. Prices on most products are well below the industry average and a 30day money-back guarantee is offered on nearly all items. With tens of thousands of part listings, new products include the Productivity2000 PLC, C-more EA9 HMI, and SR55 AC motor soft starter.These products represent many years of design and development by AutomationDirect’s own engineering team as well as their strategic partners. The company also offers AC drives/motors, sensors, pushbuttons, enclosures, circuit protection and more.

The state-of-the-art headquarters facility near Atlanta is designed throughout for maximum performance. Orders for in-stock items can be taken as late as 6 p.m. EST and be shipped for next-day delivery. The company provides online tutorial videos through their web store at www. as well as their YouTube channel. A Customer Forum provides peer support on technical and application questions. AutomationDirect’s customer support team has been rated top-notch by its customers. For 15 years running, the Tech Support team has been voted by readers of Control Design magazine as best in service and support for various products. And, their own customer surveys consistently rank the company’s service as better than other suppliers. For an in-depth look at products offered, visit:

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bration levels, they can quickly develop excess clearance do to the deformation of the relatively soft race material.

AURORA BEARING Aurora Bearing Company was founded in 1971 and manufactures the world’s most complete range of rod end and spherical bearings. Configurations range from 2-piec economy commercial and molded race construction through 3-piece precision designs. Aurora also produces a full line of military spec rod ends,spherical bearings, and journal bushings. Custom designed rod ends, spherical bearings, and linkages are a specialty. Aurora Bearing Company 901 Aucutt Rd. Montgomery, IL 60538 Phone: 630-859-2030 Fax: 630-859-0971

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Aurora Bearing Co’s new LCOM Spherical Bearings outperform “LS” bearings Like all Aurora Bearing spherical bearings, the LCOM series features a one piece steel raceway, swaged around the ball for a smooth, precise, close tolerance fit, along with th benefit of the strength and vibration resistanc of steel. In addition, this series is optionally available with Aurora’s proprietary AT series PTFE liner, for a zero clearance, self lubricating fit Aurora LCOM Spherical Bearings were designed to offer a higher level of performance with dimensional interchangeability for the “LS” spherical bearing category; a market segment which has remained largely unchanged since the 1950s. “LS” bearings are characterized by being of 3 or 4 piece construction, with an inner ball, an outer ring, and a one or two piece brass, bronze, or copper alloy race between. Since the early 1950’s users of these bearings, which are also marketed with a “FLBG”, “RS”, or “VBC” prefix have had to accept the low strength and poor vibration resistance of these bearings do to the low strength race material. Aurora’s LCOM bearings incorporate superior materials and manufacturing processes to overcome the performance deficiencies associated wit “LS” bearings. COM-M Bearings are stronger choice for DIN ISO 12240-1 applications Metric spherical plain bearings built to DIN ISO 12240-1 (formerly DIN 648) schedule K often are made with inner races or rings made of brass, bronze or copper. For many low demand applications these bearings have proven to give satisfactory service. However, in applications with high loads and/or high

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This weakness is addressed in the Aurora Bearing Company’s COM-M series spherical bearings. Like all Aurora inch dimension spherical bearings, these metric bearings all feature a 1 piece steel race way, cold formed around a chrome plated, alloy steel ball for strength, precision and structural integrity. Aurora COM-M series bearings are available in sizes from 3mm to 30mm., and follow the dimensions of DIN 648 schedule K. Bearings are optionally available with Aurora’s self lubricating AT series ptfe liner, for a smooth, zero clearance fit that is self lubricatin and maintenance free.. Maintenance free & corrosion resistant rod ends from Aurora The Aurora CM/CW-ET series rod ends offer a combination of features unique in the rod end industry. Instead of the low strength steels typically found in stainless rod ends, the ET series features bodies made from heat treated 17-4PH material. Not only do they offer excellent corrosion resistance compared to conventional rod ends, they provide greater load capacity, strength and durability as well. The ET series comes standard with Aurora’s exclusive AT2100 PTFE liner. This, combined with a heat treated 440C stainless ball, gives a durable, zero clearance, self lubricating, maintenance free bearing interface to go with the benefits of th heat treated body. Their two piece design allows these high performance features to be exploited at an economical price. The Aurora ET series bearings can be used to enhance the performance of equipment in wash down, marine, and other environments that require extra corrosion resistance.

January 2016



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APPLE RUBBER PRODUCTS, INC. Contact: Carrie Malaney 310 Erie Street Lancaster, NY 14086 Phone: Toll-Free: 1.800.828.7745 + 1 716.684.6560 Fax: +1 716.684.8302 Email: Apple Rubber’s custom sealing solutions will meet your exact specifications, no matter the shap or size. From simple seals to the most complex parts, Apple Rubber utilizes a host of sophisticated technologies and processes – including LSR capabilities – to consistently manufacture the high quality components you demand, directly in our USA plant. Our USA-based manufacturing facility features a Class 10,000 clean room, utilizing the highest quality standards. We deliver in weeks, not months for large and small runs. With parts and seals available in imperial or metric sizes, complete part traceability and full documentation is standard. Apple Rubber has the experience, the products and the design engineering capabilities to deliver the exact sealing solution for any application.

Why Apple Rubber? • Buy direct from our USA facility • 40 years of seal experience • Lot traceability • Expert prototyping and fast turnaround • Advanced production systems • ISO 9001-2008 certifie • Actively pursuing all levels of compliance to the REACH standards • Durometer range of 10-80 Shore A • 3-D CAD design capabilities and full engineering assistance • Restriction of Hazardous Substances (RoHS) compliance • AS9100C Registration is testimony to our quality • FDA, ISO 10993 or USP Class 6 grades available • Extensive range of silicone seals and parts: o-rings, gasket seals, face seals, housing seals, filter seals, custom shapes, and mor • Wide variety of colors available

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EZ Automation EZAutomation, a division of the AVG Group, is a manufacturer and direct online seller of innovative and cost effective industrial control products. The AVG Group has been in business serving the automation industry since 1968! In fact, Struther’s Dunn, a division of AVG which later changed its name to Uticor, first invente the PLC for welding controls in the automotive industry. EZAutomation was originally launched in 2001 when it first released the most innovative cost effective, and EZ to program HMI/ Operator Interface, “EZTouch” used by over 35,000 companies today. Over the past 15 years, EZAutomation has designed hundreds of industrial automation products, becoming a one stop shop, of affordable automation innovations, while proudly maintaining the “Made in America” campaign. Industrial Automation Product Shopping Made Easy and Cost Effective. EZAutomation, is a manufacturer of industrial automation products including, HMI/Operator Interfaces , Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs), Din-Rail Mount Power Supplies, Industrial Panel PCs, Inductive Proximity Sensors, Rotary Shaft Encoders, all-in-one HMI-PLC combo units and much more. EZAutomation, a division of AVG, that has been serving the automation industry since 1968, first introduced itself into th market with its award winning EZTouch® in 2001. EZAutomation is proud to be one of the only remaining automation suppliers that continues to manufacture in the USA!! Innovation by Design We are always at the fore-front of technology innovating new concepts based on industry needs. With our latest EZ3 Series EZTouch® with even faster processing speeds, our Remote Monitoring & Control App for IPhones & Androids, the lowest cost, full featured inductive Proximity sensor for under $10, and Smart Din-Rail Power Supplies with a display for voltage, current and maintenance alerts, EZAutomation has taken industrial automation controls to another level. Most competitive prices in the market With all the most innovative technology reducing programming time and maintaining uptime, we

guarantee that our customers will have the lowest cost of ownership in the industry when using EZAutomation. Customer Service & Free Technical Support: At EZAutomation we focus on providing the best quality service that will put a smile on your face. With customer service and same day shipping available from 6:00 a.m to 7:00 p.m (CST), we have the East to West Coasts covered. Free Technical Support is available from 6:00 a.m to 12:00 (midnight), including weekend emergency support. EZAutomation also offers an “Online Chat” function to interact live with one of our experienced staff to get immediate answers. It is our mission to make sure the customer is always up and running! New Ideas? At EZAutomation, we strive to have the latest technology in the market. We value and act on customer feedback for new ideas. We are always excited to learn customer applications, giving us new ideas for products that may be lacking in the industry, or just helping find the bes automation solution.

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BALLUFF, INC. Discrete/Machine Control Strategies Discrete I/O, Sensors, Networks 8125 Holton Drive Florence, Kentucky 41042 Phone: 859.727.2200 Fax: 859.727.4823 Email:

Balluff, Inc. is one of the world’s leading sensor manufacturers, providing innovative and practical sensing solutions for a wide range of applications and industries. Balluff specializes in delivering dependable, rugged products for industrial sensing, networking, and ID to help prevent downtime and eliminate errors.

Balluff adds value to automated systems by offering a wide range of enabling technologies that unlock hidden productivity potential. As a global leader in sensors, linear transducers and RFID, we have been in the forefront of seamless networking all the way down to the sensor level. Rugged Industrial Products • The hardware is designed with your worst manufacturing environment in mind • Balluff products are installed successfully where others have failed • Real world applications drive our innovation, like our BunkerProx® technology for automated welding customers

Reliable Products and Support • Software and firmware are thoroughly tested in Germany and North America • Products are designed with data reliability as a priority • A well educated and technical support staff and network is available 24/7 Complete System and Component Supplier • For industrial I/O products outside of the controls cabinet • Industrial networks, identification sensors, power supplies, and measurement products • Managed inventory in 4 locations in North America and global product availability Unique Capabilities • SmartLevel® product allows for error-free fluid level detectio • Linear measurement devices fit for every application • Leading the development and installation of IO-Link expanded network architecture of I/O products

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Baldor Electric Co. Baldor Electric Company, headquartered in Fort Smith, Arkansas, is a leading marketer, designer and manufacturer of energy-saving industrial electric motors, drives, and mechanical power transmission products. Baldor Electric Company 5711 R.S. Boreham, Jr. St. Fort Smith, AR 72901 Phone: 479-646-4711 Fax: 479-648-5792

Baldor is the largest motor and mechanical power transmission company in North America. Baldor•Reliance® motors range from subfractional through 15,000 horsepower, and Baldor sells and supports the entire line of ABB IEC and medium voltage motors up to 100,000 horsepower. When combined with ABB drives, customers can now create packaged solutions of Baldor and ABB industrial motors and drives for most industrial applications. Baldor is also the leading producer of mechanical power transmission products, including Baldor•Dodge® engineered mounted bearings, enclosed gear products, bushings, sheaves, pulleys and couplings.

In 2011, Baldor Electric Company was acquired by ABB Ltd, and they are now a proud member of the ABB Group. Together, Baldor and ABB can offer industrial solutions to local and global customers more effectively than any other single industrial supplier.

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BEI Kimco specializes in the design and manufacture of high performance rotary and linear motion components, including Brushless DC Motors and Voice Coil Actuators. These products are designed for applications where performance, precision, and reliability are critical. Using proprietary magnetic design methodologies, BEI Kimco has the ability to produce custom, cost efficient product within multiple manufacturing locations. BEI Kimco is a leader in medical, industrial, aerospace & defense markets. At BEI Kimco, engineering expertise is integrated with customer requirements in motion control devices, providing direct drive actuation for applications from factory automation, to low-bandwidth torquers, ideal for gimbal drives, robotics and other stabilized platform applications. It means faster, quieter, more reliable devices for semiconductor and medical equipment where throughput and life itself are critical to success. BEI Kimco remains deeply committed to solving demanding application challenges through technological innovation and continues to lead the way in providing advanced magnetics for motion control in the medical, industrial, aerospace and defense markets. BEI Kimco is now a part of Sensata Technologies.

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BEI Kimco is an original pioneer in commercializing products made with rare earth magnets and specializes in the design and manufacture of high performance rotary and linear motion components, including Brushless DC Motors and Voice Coil Actuators. These products are designed for applications where performance, precision, and reliability are critical. Using proprietary magnetic designs, BEI Kimco has the ability to produce custom, cost efficient products within multiple manufacturin locations and is a leader in medical, industrial, aerospace & defense markets.

Advancing Medical Application Capabilities BEI’s voice coil actuator (VCA) technology has risen to the challenge of meeting the demanding requirements for the medical industry, actuators are enabling the use of ultrasound probes for elastography, which is one of the most effective ways to evaluate tissue stiffness. The probes that use VCA technology allow practitioners to switch from ultrasound imaging to elastography as required, making a very cost effective and advanced diagnostic tool. Key to the product’s design specific tion was a device that would deliver a high force in frequencies up to 75Hz in a small enough size to mount onto the manufacturer’s existing ultrasound probe. Solenoids and other technologies were too slow to meet the frequency requirements. BEI Kimco’s miniature linear voice coil actuator, LA10-08-000A, not only provides the 75Hz frequency, but also easily fits within the compac footprint, with measurements of merely 1” in diameter and 0.8” in length. In addition, it packs a punch with a peak force of 6.67 Newtons. This is just one instance where BEI Kimco’s VCA technology is aiding the advancement of standard medical applications. Such a small device that provides a strong force in a very consistent, high speed manner can be used in many types of medical equipment, such as ventilators, probes, blood analyzers and lab equipment.

Meeting Inspection Class ROV Demands Advancements in the remotely operated underwater vehicle (ROV) industry are steadily growing, creating many new applications for Inspection Class ROVs, which are the smallest, most portable class of ROVs and are easy to deploy. They operate on less than 10 horsepower, and use compact thruster motors that attach directly to the propeller for positioning and navigation. These applications require a low profile design with the capabilities o operating reliably in water and occasionally oil. To meet these demands, BEI Kimco has developed several new Brushless DC Motors that not only meet ROV Inspection Class requirements, but also provide high efficiency and low acoustical nois design configurations. BEI Kimco’s customizabl motors for this unique market segment feature compact design, low horsepower, both housed and frameless mounting mechanical configur tions, voltage options, and can include the added benefits of low noise, which is critical to certai ROV applications.

Helping Customers Build Working Prototypes Fast To help customers get started with Voice Coil Actuators (VCA) and the sometimes confusing electronics needed for building a system, BEI Kimco has developed the VCA Developer’s Kit the first of its kind on the market. The innovativ new tool is designed for customers who want to try a VCA for their application, but are unsure where to begin. The virtual how-to kit answers all the questions needed to get a VCA system up and running including where to source components, how to put components together and how to program the parts to perform the motions needed. Using this invaluable device, customers can quickly develop an actuation system and demonstrate a working design concept without needing to separately specify the necessary electronics for a complete control system.

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Leadership in Engineering


Beckhoff Automation Process and Batch Control Strategies PAC, Process Controllers, Analog I/O, HMI, Fieldbuses and Networks Discrete/Machine Control Strategies PLC, Motion Control, Logic and Programming Software, Discrete I/O, HMI, Networks Asset Management Fieldbuses Information Management Networking, Ethernet, Databases, Connectivity Safety Strategies Machine, Emergency Shutdown Energy Management Sustainability, Variable Frequency Drives, Motors, Motion Control

Contact: Beckhoff Automation Phone: 952-890-0000

The next step toward Industry 4.0 is PC-based control In the movement toward Industry 4.0 and IIoT, PC-based control technology from Beckhoff Automation provides the ideal toolbox to implement the leading automation concepts of our time. These concepts include the Internet of Things, cloud computing, centralized PC-based control systems, and ever-more connected devices via industrial Ethernet and OPC-UA. Many users are already integrating Beckhoff controllers into their production networks, enabling them to communicate with databases, perform remote maintenance over the Internet or request cloud-based services. TwinCAT, Beckhoff’s PC-based control software, also permits the secure integration of a wide range of connected devices into the control system such as: smartphones, tablets and wearable technologies in the form of smart watches and data glasses. Open industrial Ethernet technology in the form of EtherCAT and “vendor neutral” solutions via OPC-UA are available from Beckhoff to ensure data security without restricting connectivity. With the Power of One controls philosophy from Beckhoff (one PC-based controller, one software platform and one network), leading manufacturers and machine builders can make great

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Feature-laden solutions While supporting all IEC 61131-3 programming languages, a wide range of available computer science/IT programming tools, and other globallyrecognized standards such as MQTT, AMQP, OPC-UA and PackML, Beckhoff advances open and leading edge automation solutions that deliver high performance and efficiency. This include numerous industry-specific technologies idea for increasing machine performance in applications such as packaging, plastics processing, metalworking, material handling and much more. For example, Control Panel displays are available in multiple industry variants, as are high performance EtherCAT I/O solutions, servomotors with One Cable Technology (OCT) and gearboxes. In addition, controllers and I/O are available with extended operating temperature ranges for extreme climatic conditions such as in alternative energy applications. Durable solutions for harsh environments range from IP 65 up to IP 69K protection to withstand cleaning procedures typical in the food and beverage industries, for example. For more information:

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strides toward establishing meaningful Industry 4.0 practices while ensuring lean automation designs and streamlined system architectures.

January 2016



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BEI Sensors specializes in speed and position sensors for extreme applications. With an extensive product offering including optical and magnetic encoders, Hall effect sensors, and potentiometers, BEI Sensors offers standard configurations to completely customize solutions. Through uncompromising quality, performance, and reliability, BEI Sensors upholds a standard of excellence in its products, customer service experience, and commitment to being a global leader in sensor technology. BEI Sensors is now a part of Sensata Technologies. Through hard work and innovative thinking, BEI Sensors’ engineers have led the way in developing products that provide rugged and reliable position sensing solutions in the motion control industry. For over 30 years, BEI Sensors has and continues to strive to produce the best position sensing products for harsh environments while delivering the most exceptional customer service found anywhere.

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Leadership in Engineering


BEI Sensors is a leading manufacturer of reliable position sensors for harsh environments, including encoders, potentiometers and Hall effect sensors. As a part of Sensata Technologies, with facilities across the globe including manufacturing in North America and Europe, BEI provides the highest quality products and customer service worldwide. It is BEI’s goal to produce the finest position sensing product that not only perform reliably in the harshest environments, but that adapt and change with the advance of technology. Harsh industrial applications regularly expose critical equipment to mechanical stress, temperature extremes, moisture, dirt, vibration and caustic materials. BEI Sensors understands the need to have reliable, high performing encoders and sensors no matter how severe the environment, and offers a wide array of products to meet these challenges.

Open up the Possibilities with Rugged and Compact Encoders BEI Sensors’ new LP Series line of heavy-duty rotary encoders provides reliable and precise motion control feedback in a compact, low profile encoder package for harsh applications Using an innovative sensing technology that allows for accurate position and speed sensing, this product family is built tough to withstand extreme temperatures, shock and vibration, wet and dirty environments. To fit a variety of syste needs, three distinct versions are available with either an incremental or absolute single turn output; a compact version with cable or connector terminations, a terminal box option and an explosion proof model. These three versions provide a rugged and reliable motion control solution for a wide range of harsh applications in the material handling, metal process, wind turbine, off highway vehicle, elevator, agriculture, oil and gas, and building automation industries.

Well-Sealed Hall Effect Sensors do the Dirty Work With harsh applications in mind, BEI Sensors utilizes magnetic Hall effect technology to develop its rugged position sensor line. The Model 9970 includes a 1.5 Series AMP Superseal connector that comes standard. The well-sealed, IP67 and IP69K package uses Hall non-contacting technology to make this sensor exceptionally rugged and wellsuited for applications in harsh environments. With an operating life of up to 35 million cycles and a temperature rating from -40° to 125°C, the 9970 has been designed to perform in tough conditions typical of off highway vehicles. This heavy-duty design allows for precise motion control feedback in a variety of wash-down and dirty and dusty applications. Potentiometers That Are Ready to Take the Heat (and Pressure) When it comes to extreme shock or high temperatures, common conditions in downhole drilling applications, BEI Sensors’ line of linear potentiometers are built to meet these demanding requirements. The tough environmental conditions deep in a well require sensors to not only operate in temperatures of up to 200°C, and pressures up to 30,000 psi but high shock and vibration as well. They must reliably and accu-

rately provide position feedback information day after day in increasingly tough environments. A failure in the sensor would require the removal of the tool, which can take up to a day and cost potentially hundreds of thousands of dollars in downtime, making sensor reliability and service life critical to the tools’ operation. BEI Sensors’ linear position sensors are designed to take the heat relying on strong proprietary conductive plastic resistive inks that are tough enough to withstand operating temperatures from -40° to +200°C, high linear velocities exceeding 2000mm/second and aggregate mechanical travel exceeding one million meters.

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Belden Universal


Leadership in Engineering



Belden Universal is a leading manufacturer of high-quality special-purpose universal joints, drive-shaft assemblies and couplings made to customers’ exact specifications. Cutting edge innovative manufacturing technologies and processes provide Belden the flexibility to produce small batches an custom parts just as cost-effectively as high-volume standard universal joints. Capabilities include customized hub configuration, length or the complet redesign of joints for special applications. Belden delivers solutions to all industries and applications where power is transmitted. Belden universal joints are available as heavy duty, high strength, leveler strength or needle bearing, manufactured from a broad array of materials and platings. Belden Universal was established in 1997 and is headquartered in Broadview, IL, USA. 2500 Braga Drive Broadview, IL 60155 708/344-4600

We are proud to support the rapidly advancing medical field wit our unique component design. Among various other applications (e.g. surgical and imaging devices, patient beds, etc.) we have developed a specialty universal joint for robotic exoskeletons that enable paraplegic patients to walk again. • • • •

Complex & sophisticated design development Maximum strength-to-weight ratio Custom plating for enhanced durability Size optimized for space constraints

Valve Control Joints for Subsea Exploration Belden’s universal joints for underwater valve actuation connect the regulator valves inside of a subsea tree to a large manipulator panel outside of the system; enabling submarine ROVs to control valves from a safe position. Our joints inside of such “Christmas tree” systems are designed to operate precisely under the harshest environmental conditions. • Electric cables for end-to-end connectivity • Dry lubricant coating for grease-free operation • Vigorous corrosion resistance, failure torque & lifecycle testing

Miniature Joints for Surgical Manipulators Belden expertly adapts component design to special applications. We have developed a unique miniature universal joint for a surgical manipulator used in advanced endoscopic surgeries. The device consists of two hand-guided surgical manipulators. The universal joint transmits power from the handle to the connecting shaft, emulating precise hand movement. • One of a kind 8mm miniature joint • Helps bridge gap between robotics & manual technologies • Sophisticated hub design for precise operation

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Leadership in Engineering


Beswick Engineering In the early 70s Paul Beswick, a registered professional engineer and founder of Beswick Engineering, first incorporated the captured o-ring face seal d sign into a variety of miniature 10-32 threaded pneumatic fittings. This novel approach to fluid ower design, which was well ahead of its time, began a culture of innovation at Beswick. In succeeding years, Beswick introduced a long list of fluid power innovations and industry rsts. This history of innovation continues today as Beswick works closely with engineers at the top high technology OEMs throughout the world in developing unique solutions to fluid po er control challenges. The product line continues to grow through customers requests and through Beswick’s own innovation and industrial research.

Over 50 years ago, Beswick Engineering introduced a line of high performance miniature fluid powe products. An early innovation was the incorporation of leak-tight captured o-ring face seals into a variety of miniature fittings. Fluid power desig innovation became the focus of Beswick’s design team. Since the introduction of the o-ring face seal design, Beswick introduced award winning pressure regulators, valves, and quick disconnects for use in medical, semiconductor, analytical instrumentation, and other high technology applications. This focus on innovation continues today. Beswick engineering teams work closely with customers, essentially as an extension of the customer’s engineering department, to provide unique solutions to the customer’s fluid powe design problems.


Today, Beswick remains the leader in providing the largest range of brass, electroless nickel plated brass, 303 and 316 stainless steel fittings In addition to the extensive 10-32 threaded line, Beswick offers fittings in many other thread size including imperial and metric versions. Fittings are offered in barbed, compression, luer, pushto-connect, orifice, and quick disconnect styles

284 Ocean Road Greenland, NH 03840-2442 USA Telephone: +1 800.354.5014 +1 603.433.1188 Fax: +1 603.433.3313 E-mail:

Pressure Regulators:

Beswick’s piston and patented diaphragm style regulators provide outstanding performance in a miniature, light weight package. Designs include single-stage and multi-stage (two and three stage) designs. The award winning three-stage design handles up to 3,000 psig and provides output pressures as low as 0.5 psig.


Beswick offers many types of valves including miniature needle, stem actuated (on/off), ball, check, fill, rotary selector, slide sleeve, flow control a metering valves. The mixing diverting ball valve won a national design award.

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Excellence in Miniature

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Since 1964 294


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BellowsTech BellowsTech, a Servometer Company, is a premier US manufacturer of edge welded metal bellows and assemblies encompassing a wide array of alloys and dimensional configurations. The flexibili of material and size of metal welded bellows, as well as application expertise, have led BellowsTech into industries including aerospace, medical, test, semiconductor, solar, and oil and gas. BellowsTech products are engineered for high cycle life and low leak rates. Designed and manufactured in Ormond Beach, Florida, BellowsTech edge welded bellows are offered in various materials, sizes, and configuration to provide customers the flexibility t select the best product at the right price. Products are tested and verifie throughout the process to ensure a quality product is delivered. ISO9001:2008 registered. For more information, Phone: (386) 615-7530 Email: or visit

BellowsTech edge welded bellows production capabilities include outside diameter size ranges from 0.3” (7.6 mm) to 26” (660 mm), and inside diameters ranging from 0.15” (3.8 mm) to 25.5” (648 mm), in lengths up to 96” (244 cm). Materials include 316L SS, AM350 SS, Inconel/Hastelloy, Aluminum and Titanium. BellowsTech metal bellows provide a hermetic, all-metal pressure barrier and seal that fl xes in one or more directions, providing the most flex in the smallest amount of space. For applications that require high quality, state-of-the-art micro fusion joining, edge welded bellows are very functional and cost effective. In 2007 BellowsTech was acquired by Servometer®, the leading supplier of elecrodeposited miniature metal bellows. BellowsTech and Servometer have a synergistic relationship to offer customers solutions. Their technologies complement each other in size, compatibility, pressure and temperature limitations without sacrificing performance. The cross-over of engineering talen adds value and experience to ensure customers employ the right technology for their applications.

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Bimba Why the Best Use Bimba If you’ve got an engineering challenge, Bimba has the solution. Whether it’s a standard off-the-shelf cylinder or a cuttingedge custom assembly, Bimba is uniquely positioned to help you take control of any motion control application. Its capabilities include an extensive line of industry-leading air cylinders, rotary actuators, linear thrusters, rodless cylinders, hydraulics, air preparation equipment, valves, flow controls and position-sensin cylinders.

Motion Control is on the Move Doing whatever it takes to help design engineers get the job done is what Bimba does best. That’s why customer satisfaction drives everything we do. From consistently exceeding performance expectations to delivering more solutions, in more sizes, for more applications, Bimba goes above and beyond.

In addition to its broad line of standard catalog products, Bimba also develops many custom and semi-custom products designed for specific customers and applications These products, used in machinery and automation, are sold to original equipment manufacturers and endusers throughout the world in an expanding variety of industries.

Delivering on Every Promise When you work with Bimba, customer commitment comes standard. With multiple manufacturing facilities, large inventories of standard catalog products and an international network of stocking distributors, Bimba is uniquely positioned to provide fast, ontime delivery. What’s more, stateof-the-art stocking software with real-time ship dates enables you to manage your supply chain more efficiently

Bimba Manufacturing 25150 S. Governors Hwy University Park, IL 60484 Phone: 708-534-8544 Fax: 708-235-2014 Tech Support: 800-44-BIMBA

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Engineering Expertise is Everything It’s no surprise that customers rate Bimba above all other cylinder manufacturers when it comes to consistent product performance and troublefree operation. All Bimba products undergo extensive heat, fatigue and life span testing to ensure the best in quality and durability. With 20 years of experience in Finite Element Analysis (FEA), Bimba designs and optimizes products in a 3-D environment, testing for product life and environmental conditions. From design to project management, Bimba’s engineers make it all possible.

January 2016

Welcome to Pneumatics 2.0™ Innovation is all about keeping your customers on the cutting-edge. That’s why Bimba introduced IntelliSense®, a one-ofa-kind technology breakthrough combining sensors, cylinders and software to deliver real-time performance data for standard Bimba pneumatic devices. With IntelliSense®, users can now utilize condition-based monitoring to be proactive about maintenance and system optimization to maximize uptime. Solutions for Every Situation Innovation is all about keeping your customers on the cutting-edge. Since introducing the Original Line more than 50 years ago, Bimba has expanded its breadth and depth far beyond these standard cylinders. Today, Bimba is dedicated to moving motion control forward — one application at a time. The Original Line These industry-leading cylinders come in more bore sizes, mounting styles and options than any other brand. Whether it’s an off-the-shelf unit or a custom assembly, you can trust Bimba to deliver cylinders that are easy-to-use, reliable and ready for your engineering challenges. Air Preparation Equipment Dirty, under-lubricated shop air with inconsistent pressure can lead to inefficiency, corrosion an eventual failure of pneumatic components. That’s why Bimba offers a full line of Air Preparation Filters, Regulators and Lubricators (FRLs), including custom assemblies and optional accessories. Valves From solenoid air valves to button valves, Mead Fluid Dynamics has the technology to handle the most demanding pneumatic control applications. An innovative approach to design allows these corrosion-resistant valves to perform even in tough wash-down environments, while still yielding smooth speed and control.

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Leadership in Engineering


BISON GEAR & ENGINEERING Bison Gear and Engineering has maintained their 50+ year reputation for designing top quality electric motors and gearmotors by adhering to their own strict standards of providing unmatched value to their customers. Through product quality maximized by their Robusticity® design philosophy and engineering excellence, combined with responsive customer service, flexible manufacturing and defined sense of corporat responsibility, Bison gives their customers the competitive edge in a multitude of different industries. For more information contact: 800-AT-BISON or 630-377-4327

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What makes Bison a Leader Robusticity - There’s a simple philosophy behind the design of every Bison product: start with the highest quality components and then, through better design and manufacturing techniques, maximize the throughput those components can produce. Higher quality components means more dependable performance, fewer field failures, up to 200% mor torque than typical - leading to a lower cost per inch-pound of torque, a more compact product and longer service life. Engineering Excellence - We take pride that we are Bison Gear and Engineering. With more than 35% of our staff being an accredited engineer, we are committed to maintaining the engineering excellence needed to meet and exceed our customers’ expectations. So whether you need a standard unit or custom design, Bison has the engineering capability to provide optimized designs for your application needs.

Customer Service - Our dedicated staff of inside customer service representatives and outside technical sales team means that Bison is always available to assist our customers with quick response to their immediate needs. Flexible Manufacturing - Whether the need is a lot or just a few at a time, Bison’s lean optimized manufacturing floor is abl to rapidly respond to the needs of our customers. Our factory is equipped with state-of-the-art manufacturing equipment, allowing us to get the products out the door and into the hands of the customer faster. Corporate Responsibility - At Bison, we uphold our responsibility to our associates and our community. With our continued education programs (G.E.A.R) and our MSSC training center, we provide our associates with a pathway for advancement and a long-lasting career in manufacturing. Through BisonCares, our 401c organization, we contribute to a number of local and national charities and manage several programs to give back to the community.

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Bird Precision As technology continues to demand precision and smaller tolerances, engineers are turning to Bird Precision micro-drilled inserts, fittings and filter components. We fer a high value solution in nozzle, restrictor and orifice applications, all designed wit Bird Precision accuracy. If you’re involved in product design and production, you’re always on the lookout for ways to improve manufacture, performance and quality in your products. Now is the time to investigate the wide range of accuracy and workmanship Bird Precision continues to supply for micro miniature components and assemblies.

Bird sapphire and ruby orifices are scientifically designed to insure repeatable flow control of both liquids and gas. Ruby and sapphire materials are used exclusively because of their durable material characteristics. This economical man made crystal has amazing credentials

With the development of new laser drilling and wire lapping techniques, we have transitioned into micro miniature orifices, nozzles, filter and connectors.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

We offer a whole line of micron level standard products ranging in size from 10 microns (.0004”) up through .080”. Flow rates from under 1cc/min are available. A full complement of Swiss CNC, production assembly and specialized secondary machines provide a vertical in house capability, enabling fast prototype and production delivery.

Extreme hardness, 9 mohs scale, next to diamond Practically chemically inert, highly resistant to most alkalis and acids Extreme abrasion resistance, 5 x that of tungsten carbides. Does not outgas, zero porosity Non-thrombogenic, for medical applications Excellent insulator High temperature material, 2000 degree C melting point. No flash points, extensively used in oxygen environments

With such impressive material characteristics, the designer can design with confidence in even the harsh environmental applications

Join us as one of our valued customers. We will work together to improve your product through a mutual exchange of ideas, service and quality.

Bird’s unique manufacturing process Bird Precision offers a unique series of laser drilled, wire lapped Ruby and Sapphire orifices This unique wire lapping method insures that our orifices are r und and highly polished. This method also removes all possibilities of burrs or loose particles in the orifice area. The orific are all lapped both sides to impart a very uniform sharp edge to our orifices. It is this edge alon with the roundness and high polish that yields a highly repeatable Cd value (Coefficient of Di charge). Further the wire lapping method guarantees hole tolerance .0002” or less as standard.

Bird Precision One Spruce Street Waltham, MA 02454 Phone: (800) 454-7369 Fax: (800) 370-6308 Email:

Bird Precision has recently introduced our new Golden Orifices ith .0001” total spread for those most demanding applications. It is this precise methodology and attention to detail that distinguishes us from all other manufacturing methods, yielding production quantities of highly precise flows at reasonable prices. Our orifices and micron level filte are conveniently packaged in a huge variety of stainless, plastic and brass fittings, inserts and connectors. Bird Precision continues to focus on putting orifices and filte where you need them. We also offer a host of standard Swagelok, Smc, Parker and Value Plastics, retrofit

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BISHOP-WISECARVER The Bishop-Wisecarver Group is a WBENC certified woman-owned family of companies who work with manufacturers to engineer, manufacture, and build custom complex assemblies, linear motion solutions and optimal embedded intelligence systems. Through the integration of mechanical, electrical, software, control and systems design engineering expertise, over 60 years of experience and 20,000+ unique clients, we continue to provide a single point of service that results in custom designs, increased efficiencies, an accelerated time to market. As we head into the future, the Bishop-Wisecarver Group returns to its roots with a renewed focus on solving your design and engineering challenges. Discover our in-house engineering and manufacturing team online at The Bishop-Wisecarver Group 925-439-8272 888-580-8272 2104 Martin Way Pittsburg, CA 94565

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THE BISHOP-WISECARVER GROUP SERVICES AND PRODUCTS THAT FIT YOU TO A VEE Bishop-Wisecarver grew through the innovation and problemsolving of co-founder Bud Wisecarver more than 60 years ago. To this day, the company continues to craft this creative way of thinking when tackling tough application challenges. We keep these principles in mind as our services and products have evolved — our core fundamentals have never changed: • We deliver – whether it is 98 percent same-day ships from stock or a customized linear system in two weeks. • We value initiative – our team possesses the drive to solve your most difficult challenges • We cherish innovation – our ability to help solve problems is led by creativity and expertise. • We are empowered – we work together to find the perfect solutio to fit your needs • We have respect for all – everyone is encouraged to share ideas. • We value superior customer satisfaction – being your first choi e is our first priority • We continually grow and develop greater value – we wisely invest in our internal resources, education, and communication in order to offer you superior design and product differentiation. • We have fun – we don’t just work together, we play together. The world is our playground, and these ground rules were created with you in mind. When BishopWisecarver refers to “we” this includes you, the customer. With our expanding engineering and manufacturing resources, Bishop-Wisecarver is more than a company that offers linear guide wheelbased solutions built on DualVee Motion Technology®. Our goal, to be your number one choice, is what drives us to continually develop our industry knowledge, services and imagination – whether it is an off-the-shelf product or a custom solution. DISCOVER OUR FAMILY OF SOLUTIONS Bishop-Wisecarver helps manufacturers and automation solution providers engineer linear and rotary motion products. With 60+ years of engineering expertise and manufacturing best practices working with over 20,000 customers, we understand our customers’ design and application requirements which enables us to develop unique solutions that ship within 2 to 3 weeks. Customers achieve 50% faster time to market, up to 50-75% lower maintenance and installed costs, product differentiation and longer product life. Black Diamond Manufacturing is a specialty contract manufacturer that works with other industrial companies to build mechanical subassemblies, manufacture specialty parts, and lower overall production costs. Specialty services include heat treating, linear grinding, milling and made-to-order parts. We provide a single source solution that combines motion components with custom sub-assemblies. Our clients have experienced upward of 35% reduction in overall manufacturing, logistics and labor costs. WRW Engineering helps companies integrate mechanical, electrical and software engineering to deliver custom mechatronic solutions. By understanding the interplay between these three disciplines, we design and develop optimal embedded intelligence systems such as automated flexible testing stations, smart products, and autono ous machines. Through this holistic approach, our customers realize higher production efficiencies faster time to market, and increased revenues.

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Boker’s Inc. Boker’s, Inc. is a Woman Owned, AS9100C and ISO 9001:2008 certifie manufacturer of high quality stampings and non-standard washers and spacers. To request a complimentary copy of the company’s 2016 Washer Catalog, 2016 Scheduling Calendar and Metric Conversion Chart, or Stamping Brochure, contact Boker’s at:

Boker’s, now celebrating 97 years of experience, offers a wide selection of nonstandard washers and spacers, as well as a broad range of stamping capabilities. Washers are available in 30,000 non-standard sizes, with outside diameters ranging from 0.080” to 5.140”.

Phone: 612-729-9365 TOLL-FREE: 800-927-4377 (in the US & Canada)
 3104 Snelling Avenue Minneapolis, MN 55406-1937

With numerous inside diameters, thicknesses and over 2,000 commonly specified and hard-to-find materi options—including various types of steel, aluminum, brass, copper, nickel silver, plus non-metallic materials such as PTFE, Polyester, Fiber and Nylon—Boker’s provides millions of washer possibilities. Boker’s also delivers precision manufacturing of stampings in a complete range of sizes: flat blanking and piercings u to 12” x 12”, metal forming in thicknesses from .005” to .134”, and draws of up to 3” deep and 8” in diameter. Boker’s additionally offers complete Statistical Process Control (S.P. C.) capability, in-house tooling, “Dock-ToStock” and “Just-In-Time” programs, AS9100C and ISO 9001:2008 certified status. Washers, spacers, shims an stampings are available in short, medium or long runs with fast (100 piece minimum) turnaround times.

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Gearmotors, Motors and Controls

WE DRIVE THE WORLD’S LEADING PRODUCTS. With over 1,200 standard fractional horsepower (<746 Watts) gearmotors, motors, and speed controls on hand, we’ve probably already designed the drive system you’re looking for. For custom solutions, please contact our team of application engineers.

34B4/SR-WX INTEGRAmotor™ BLDC Gearmotors (12/24 VDC) The standard 34B/SR-WX delivers high starting torque, linear speed-torque characteristics and easily controlled speed in one maintenance-free, compact package. Ideal for battery or solar powered equipment • Variable speed; continuous duty, up to 205 lb-in. (23 Nm); Ratios from 4:1 to 312:1. IP-44 • Control enclosure features built-in speed pot • UL Listed per NEC Class I, Division 2 standards for environments where flammable gases o vapors may be present.

Typical Applications Medical and laboratory equipment, labeling and packaging machines, low-voltage, solar powered and battery operated equipment, and a wide range of factory automation solutions.

Custom Solutions Let Bodine help you to meet your most challenging application requirements. Our engineering team can modify a standard product or design a new one to meet your specifications • Almost every component of a Bodine gearmotor, motor or control can be modified, including cables, connectors, special motor shafts, as well as the gearhead and mounting patterns. • Pre-designed options include holding brakes and feedback devices (encoders).

Gearmotors • Right angle, parallel shaft, and hollow shaft models • Torque ratings from 6-1,000 lb-in. (0.7-113 Nm) • Fixed-speed AC, variable-speed AC, permanent magnet and brushless DC models System Matched Motion Controls • PMDC gearmotor/motors • Brushless DC gearmotor/motors • 3-phase AC gearmotor/motors 201 Northfield Roa Northfield, IL 60093 US Tel: 773-478-3515 Fax: 773-478-3232 Contact: Customer Service Team Email: Web:

AC Variable Speed Gearmotors and System-Matched Speed Controls (VFDs) Our inverter duty, AC 3-phase gearmotors offer variable speed, high efficiency, and high torque for a wide rang of industrial applications, such as conveyor systems, packaging equipment and factory automation. Purchase with a Bodine 3-phase AC motor speed control and receive the extended 2-year system warranty. • 230VAC and 230/460 VAC models available. • Stock and custom gearmotors from 1/4 to 3/8 HP. • Hollow shaft, right angle, and parallel shaft solutions.

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BOYD COATINGS RESEARCH CO. Boyd Coatings Research Co. applies a wide variety of high-performance coatings, specializing in the medical, industrial and aerospace markets. In addition to applying virtually every coating from every manufacturer on the market, Boyd manufactures a line of custom-developed fluoropolyme coatings for specialty applications.

With great precision, Boyd coated this fil er containing thousands of microscopic holes which needed to remain open. A non-stick coating was applied to promote quick and easy cleaning.

Boyd Coatings is an ISO 9001:2008 certified, registere and licensed applicator for Teflon®, Whitford, 3M an hundreds of popular coatings and finishes providing non-stick, hea resistant, conductive, insulative, hydrophobic or many other desirable properties. Boyd is a Licensed Industrial Applicator of Teflon fluoropolymers including PTFE ECTFE, ETFE, FEP, PFA, PVDF. Other fluoropolymer brands and formulation are also available.

Depth of Knowledge – Experience – Proven Capability

From its state-of-the-art, ISO 9001:2008 facility, Boyd Coatings applies high performance coatings to meet clients’ specific medica device needs in full compliance with FDA regulations. Boyd Coatings also can create and/or manufacture custom coatings for performance characteristics not currently available elsewhere. Able to process a wide variety of materials as well as shapes and sizes, Boyd has both manual spray capability for small quantities and automated robots for larger volumes. Boyd is a licensed applicator of advanced technologies such as Dupont Teflon® and Whitford Worldwide Xylan® Our high volume, flexible manufacturin capabilities allow us to coat both small quantities and larger weekly releases, quickly and cost-effectively. From project definitio and design, including on-site consulting and custom color matching, all the way to delivery, Boyd continually works to ensure customer satisfaction.

Boyd Coatings Research, Inc. 51 Parmenter Road Hudson, MA 01749 Phone: 800-258-0110 or 978-562-7561 Fax: 978-562-9622 E-mail:

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We take great pride in maintaining stateof-the-art resources and talent required to accomplish any coating task. We have grown to become a solid force in the industry, serving customers on four continents. Our growth is based on listening to our customers’ needs, attention to detail, and solid engineering.

We are experts in the application of highperformance coatings and can advise you on which brands offer the best performance, longevity and overall value for your particular


application. Experienced with and knowledgeable of the unique characteristics of literally hundreds of brands, our coatings engineers can evaluate your product specificatio / project objective and recommend the ideal solution based on the proven strengths and weaknesses of each type.

1/19/16 5:09 PM

2016 A












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Bosch Rexroth • Actuators and Valves • Cables, Wiring & Connectors • Communication Protocols/Standards • Drives • Embedded Control • Enclosures • Energy Management • HMI Hardware • HMI Software • Hydraulics/Pneumatics • I/O Modules • Industrial PCs • Mobility • Motion Control Systems • Motors • Networking & Connectivity Bosch Rexroth 14001 South Lakes Drive Charlotte, NC 28273 Phone: 800-739-7684 E-mail:

Bosch Rexroth is a global leader in engineering and delivering advanced drive, motion and control technologies, all from one source. Our automation portfolio—servos, HMIs, controls, I/O systems, conveyors, linear motion components and advanced software systems such as Open Core Engineering and Safety on Board technology—is matched by our efficien engineering tools and applications expertise. Companies worldwide trust us to provide innovative components, complete system solutions and expert services, drawing on our unmatched portfolio of proven, energy-efficient tec nologies. It’s what we do. We move everything. Sustainability: Regenerative electric drives, low-friction linear components and intelligent system design based on Rexroth’s 4EE principles for Energy Efficiency combine to reduce energy c nsumption and enable more energy-efficient packaging performance Productivity: Rexroth components give you advantages in speed, capacity and precision— allowing you to do more, faster, with less waste. Ease of Use: Consistent graphical interfaces, pre-defined control modules sp cific to th packaging/processing industry make changeovers fast and efficie t; plus, our mechatronics EasyHandling system enables faster engineering and implementation. Better Cost of Ownership: Rexroth technology is engineered for long-term value; for example, our VarioFlow conveyors need fewer motors, use less energy, require less maintenance and have a longer service life, reducing total cost of ownership.

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1/18/16 6:13 PM

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Brennan Industries, Inc. Brennan Industries, Inc., founded in 1953, supplies a wide range of industries throughout the world, with standard and special hydraulic fittings and adapter ranging from 1/8 to 3 inches. These include a wide choice of fitting and adapte types such as tube, O-ring face seal, instrumentation, metric bite type, pushto-connect, conversion and flareless bit type. Brennan Industries also offers valves, clamps and swivels. Most products are available in steel, stainless steel and brass, and meet or exceed J.I.C., S.A.E. and other specifications. Brennan products are stocked at eight strategically located, full-service distribution centers in: Atlanta, Cleveland, Dallas, Houston, Los Angeles, Seattle, Toronto and Shanghai.

Brennan Industries is a global leader in manufacturing and supplying hydraulic fittings and instrumentatio products. With an extensive inventory that includes more than 40,000 part styles and sizes, and distribution in the United States, Canada and Asia, Brennan is committed to delivering the quality products you need. Seven strategically positioned distribution centers are located across North America, which means there is a Brennan distribution center within two days ground delivery of everywhere in the continental US. Brennan controls their own manufacturing both domestically and overseas, so if you’re in need of a custom solution the engineering team can help with anything from altering a standard to developing a prototype. This also means controlled quality, as an ISO 9001:2008 registered company, Brennan adheres to stringent quality control practices, assuring exceptional products. With an innovative website and mobile app, Brennan gives designers and engineers all the tools needed to make the correct product selection. Over 8,000 CAD files are availabl for free download in a wide selection of formats. A pressure ratings tool, competitor cross reference, and complete online part catalog make it simple to find t e product information you need.

Toll-free: (888) 331-1523 Email: Website:

When it comes to corrosion resistance, Brennan Industries is the leader. Every Brennan fitting e ceeds the S.A.E. standard for corrosion resistance. Brennan’s standard trivalent plating performs at nearly double the SAE requirement. The zinc nickel plating solution offers five times greate protection. If your application requires the highest corrosion resistance available in a steel fittin today, the Brennan Black coating stands alone. Performing at 23 times the standard, Brennan Black is a proprietary coating, available on all steel hydraulic fittings and adapters that provide more than 1,700 hours of unequaled rust protection.

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Braxton Braxton is an ISO 9001:2008 certified manufacturer of HIGH PRECISION DEEP-DRAWN METAL COMPONENTS, offering high accuracy and repeatability with tolerances of ±0.00254mm attainable. Our 60,000-square-foot Watertown, Connecticut facility and our 30,000-squarefoot Tustin, California facility are modern, state-of-the-art production plants that provide identical engineering and production capabilities on both coasts. Industries served include medical, communications, aerospace, specialty automotive and electronics. Braxton Manufacturing Co., Inc. 858 Echo Lake Road P.O. Box 429 Watertown, CT 06795 P) 860-274-6781 F) 860-274-9195 E) W)

Braxton Manufacturing is your source for deep-drawn components that meet the high standards of the electronics, aerospace, communications, and medical industries. Braxton consistently meets the most unique size, tolerance and finishing requirements o the most challenging applications. We can deep-draw parts with diameters as small as 0.15mm O.D. with a wall thickness as little as 0.0127mm. Length to diameter ratios exceed 54:1. Finished part tolerances are as low as ±0.0001” (0.00254mm), with surface finishes t 10 microinches RMS. Braxton is experienced in drawing a comprehensive range of conventional and special materials, including: Aluminum, Beryllium Copper, Brass, Bronze, Copper, Gilding, Glass Sealing Alloys, 42, 52 and Ni/Fe48, Gold, Inconel, Invar, Kovar, Monel, Nichrome, Nickel, Nickel Silver, Phosphor Bronze, Plated Stock, Platinum, Platinum Iridium, Platinum Rhodium, Silver, Stainless Steel and Titanium. In comparison to competing processes, Braxton’s deep-drawing techniques allow us to produce more parts in more sizes (including subminiature), with significantl superior tolerances and finishes. Deep drawing starts with flat tock and ends with a tubular part. Slitting, flaring and hole punching can al be performed on the drawing machine, producing intricate designs not previously possible. Braxton Manufacturing is an ISO 9001:2008 certified manufacture , and quality is an essential part of our operations. Our precision inspection equipment is regularly calibrated and enables us to work to extremely tight tolerances. To ensure superior quality, we build our own proprietary drawing machines and maintain in-house die-making facilities.

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1/18/16 6:19 PM

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Brogan & Patrick With experience in over 100 different plastic materials, Brogan & Patrick Mfg. has established itself has the leading solutions provider for custom plastic components. Brogan & Patrick Mfg.’s creativity, flexibilit and unique approach to manufacturing solutions allows us to provide plastic solutions for our customers’ plastic designs. With expertise in plastic machining, plastic injection molding and fabrication, Brogan & Patrick Mfg. can take your project from inception all the way through to the production. Our growth can be attributed to our focus on quality and service. We provide great attention to detail and a fresh approach to the manufacturing process. The machinists and mold engineers that work on your projects have had countless years of experience in the plastics field. All component are manufactured on the proper equipment to insure a high level of quality and yet maintain the products economic integrity. Brogan & Patrick Manufacturing Wisconsin Office 515 E. Centralia St. Elkhorn, WI 53121 Phone: 262-723-6909 Illinois Office 505 Wegner Drive West Chicago, IL 60185 Phone: 630-639-5011 Contact: Shawn Healy

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Materials we have worked with

Custom Plastic Injection Molding The assurance of quality and perfection can only be attained at Brogan & Patrick Mfg. Corp. The company has the right kind of facilities to take care of many assignments (prototyping, short run or long run) at the same time. We offer our clients full consultation services as well as assistance in designing each and every product. Importance of Plastic Injection Molding Domestically - ReShoring • Saves cost and time • Consistent level of quality every time • Design assistance from the inception of the product • Tooling is done in the West Chicago facility at a fraction of the total cost to get offshore tooling done. • Delivers high return on investment • A physical presence that is accessible within hours or minutes • An engineer, technician or service agent that can be physically present; face to face Custom Plastic Machining Our CNC Plastic Machining services are utilized in industries like electronics, mechanical, aerospace, medical, semiconductor, fluid power, and variou other specialized industries. We provide prototypes, short run production as well as long run production parts. As every industry is different, their requirements also differ. We understand that and work with our customers on their specialized requirements. Because of our unique blend

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

ABS Acetal Acrylic CPVC Delrin Ertalyte Fluorsint G10 HDPE Hydex Halar Lexan KEL-F Kynar Kydex

Noryl Nylatron Nylon PCTFE PEEK Polyester Plastics – PET • PETG • PFA • PVC • Phenolics • Polycarbonate • Polyethylene • Polypropylene • Polysulfone

• • • • • •

• • • • • • • • • • • • •

PPS PVDF – Kynar Radel Rulon Techtron Semitron Styrene Teflon Torlon UHMW Ultem Vespel And many others….

of machining techniques and sourcing techniques we provide quick, high quality and economically efficient custom plastic components We provide CNC turning services with these great capabilities • 5 CNC lathes with 3 ½” through the spindle • Live tooling that provides drilling, tapping, hexing, and knurling in one setup. • Tolerances to +/-.0005 or better We provide CNC milling services with these great capabilities • 4 CNC mills w/ 30” x 20” table capacity • Secondary drilling and tapping on molding parts • Tolerances to +/-.001 or tighter We provide Plastic Screw Machining services with the great capabilities • Automatic Screw Machining to 1 3/4” • Secondary drilling, tapping, hexing and knurling available • CNC Screw machining capabilities utilizing multi-axis CNC equipment • Tolerances to +/-.0005 or better on certain applications.

1/19/16 5:06 PM

2016 A












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C.matic C.matic was founded as a Pneumatic Fittings and special components manufacturer in 1979, after Many Years in the high precision metal parts Manufacturing Industry. Years of expansion led to radical change and the Craftsman Style Workshop turned into a Company whose main objective is to Project, Develop and Manufacture several lines of Specialized Pneumatic Push to Connect Fittings. C.matics’ philosophy pivots on ever changing market requirements, focus’ on new materials and the development of new products. Deep- rooted Quality awareness is the reason C.matic achieved the Quality Assurance Systems according to the ISO 9001 in early 1994. In 2003 C.matic updated the Quality Management System to the ISO 9001:2000 standards, more commonly known as VISION 2000. Top Quality together with a high company flexibility makes C.matic the righ business partner to work with. C.MATIC s.r.l. via Donizetti 76 20841 Carate (Mb), ITALY 39 0362 805246 Email: Visit our website:

NEW, High Pressure Push to Connect Lubrication Fittings from C.matic Today C.matic boast a Wide range of Pneumatic Fittings covering every possible requirement. Our sales program offers different fittin lines ranging from Push to Connect All Metal-Nickel Plated Brass, Stainless Steel 316 fittings flow controls, quick couplers, and Safety Couplers to Specializ d-HIGH PRESSURE Push to Connect Fittings for Grease and Lubrication Applications and Installations. In Today’s fast paced markets, Companies and Engineers are challenged to deliver products that improve operational efficiency, meet mark t demand and exceed customer expectations. Keeping in lock step with C.matic’s philosophy of staying current in ever changing Market Requirements, focusing on new Materials and the Development of new products, C.matic is proud to introduce our HP1 & PM-Line of High Pressure Push to Connect Lubrication Fittings for Grease Installations. The PM-Line of Medium Pressure Push to Connect Lubrication Fittings can safely operate in working pressures of up to 1,160 PSI (80 Bar), While our HP1-Line of High pressure Push to Connect Lubrication Fittings Boasts working pressures of over 3,600 PSI (250-Bar), once considered “Out of Reach” for Push-in version fittings. In addition to these industry leading working pressur s, the ease of the Push to Connect Feature offers Time and Money saving for the Manufacturers and installers of lubrication equipment. These New Lubrication fittings are gam changers for the OEM Lubrication markets when compared to the installation of time consuming Compression or Crimp style fittings more commonl used in this market to achieve these types of pressure ratings. FEATURES & BENEFITS:

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Highest Industry Pressure Ratings Innovative Collet Gripping system Time Saving Line Installation Reduced Inventory Cost

available in metric tube connections only.


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C-Flex Bearing Co., Inc. At the core of our business is the manufacture of flex pivots and flex coupling Precision mechanical component used in variety of applications from food packaging to aerospace applications. Our strict attention to quality, responsiveness, flexibility has earned us a good reputatio throughout our diverse customer base. C-FLEX Bearing not only manufactures flex pivots and couplings as standar product lines, we manufacture a variety of aluminum, stainless steel, and beryllium copper cryogenic transfer lines. We customize metal flexures to suit the client’ assembly requirements. From standard 400 series stainless steel to 17-4 PH materials, we offer a custom fit solution C-FLEX Bearing Co., Inc. is located in Frankfort, New York, the Leatherstocking region and Mohawk Valley of Central New York. Our 6000 sq.ft. of manufacturing space is clean as our employees take pride in their company and their work. Call for samples.

C-FLEX Bearing Co., Inc. 104 Industrial Drive Frankfort, NY 13340 Phone: 315-895-7454 Fax: 315-895-7268

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THE C-FLEX BEARING SOLUTION: A POPULAR PREFERENCE FOR MOTION CONTROL C-Flex bearings are based upon proven design concepts used for years in a wide variety of applications. The growing popularity of the C-Flex bearing is not only due to the quality of the product but it’s adaptation in today’s GREEN TECHNOLOGY efforts. Our design utilizes crossed springs made to exacting tolerances of highstrength corrosion resistant steel, capsuled in a cylindrical housing, to provide angular travel up to +/.30”, without the use of lubricants. These bearings provide unmatched performance characteristics for life, accuracy and resistance to detrimental environmental conditions. Again, they require NO lubrication, can function at limited angular travel for an infinit number of cycles, are frictionless, and have extremely low hysteresis. Problems related to common ball and roller bearings in limited angle oscillating applications such as lubrication migration and brinelling are eliminated. Starting and running torque variations due to thermal and lubrication variations do not exist. Contamination of sensitive electronic or optical systems due to the escape or out-gassing of lubrication through bearing seals is not a concern. A SUPERIOR CHOICE C-Flex bearings are free from inaccuracies exhibited by ball and roller bearings due to friction, wear and backlash. They exhibit a constant linear torsional spring rate and are self-centering when deflecting forces are removed Movement is always precise. Adjustment is easy. Jeweled or ceramic bearings have their own limitations. Although they don’t require lubrication, they still suffer frictional inaccuracies, are sensitive to damage, and are difficult to adjust



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January 2016

The C-Flex Lattice Servo and the C-Flex Lattice Couplings are revolutionary, patented designs which combine the best characteristics of bellows, disc, and beam couplings into a single

integrated component. Designed to couple two rotating shafts together, they can accommodate misalignments far greater than other couplings on the market, while transmitting high torque loads with zero backlash. Their construction provides for a low moment of inertia and minimal impact upon system dynamics. A large through hole allows for smaller coupling utilization for fitting larger shafts and th fact that they can be disassembled prior to installation, makes them ideal for retrofit applications Constructed using high strength hardened stainless steel flexures, the couplings require n maintenance, providing years of trouble free life, even in contaminated environments. Directionally independent, they can provide the same torsional rigidity and offset capability regardless of the rotation direction. The use of C-Flex Couplings in mechanical systems to connect rotating shafts will result in lower energy usage and bearing failure, since less stress is placed upon bearings. Misalignment forces on the bearings of a rotating system generates heat which is wasted energy. The use of C-flex couplings will minimize thes misalignment forces and result in a more energy efficient system. C-Flex Super Plastic Coupling will stabilize high precision systems by dampening transient torque variations. C-Flex Couplings will provide superior technology at the lowest cost. Selection of the correct coupling for your application should result in exceptional long life, even in the most arduous environment. C-Flex Couplings are normally provided with two set screws aligned at 90 degrees to each other for clamping to the shaft, however, they may be provided with C-Flex progressive clamp bushing,s which will allow for secure mark free clamping of the coupling to a shaft. A collet style shaft locking design is available for the Lattice Servo coupling. Custom designs for greater torque capability, higher offsets, or special locating features can be provided upon request.

1/18/16 6:25 PM

2016 A












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Canfield Connector Canfield Connector offers a wide selection of quality electronic devices. We specialize in interconnection devices, electronic timers, proximity sensors, modules and specialty electronic devices.

Canfield Connector has been in business for more than 35 years. We began in a garage back in 1977 selling German solenoid air valves, and in 1980 we introduced the DIN style solenoids to the North American continent, followed by lighted connectors in 1981. By the mid 80’s, Canfield Connecto was manufacturing its own DIN 43650 timers and solenoid drivers, and later we expanded to producing our own sensors in 1985. With the new millennium, came new developments at Canfield Connector. We began molding our own plastic parts and set a new standard to provide a new level of cost effective quality components. We were the first in the air valve industry to create a virtually indestructible all molded connector. Canfield Connector’s innovation as an air val e manufacturer continues to be a driving force in the quality of our product development. Our Vision It is the vision of Canfield Connector to mee the challenges of customers seeking innovative solutions to interconnection, interface, sensing and control of pneumatic, electropneumatic and electronic devices used in equipment and machinery. Canfield wil provide world class service and products in an ongoing commitment to excellence.

Canfield Connector 8510 Foxwood Court Youngstown, Ohio 44514

Our Mission Canfield Connector’s mission is to utilize th highest quality, progressive technologies to produce world class electro-pneumatic, electronic, interface, sensing and control devices. Canfield will seek out applications and use the highest quality standards to design, manufacture and test every product shipped to our customers. Using proactive continuous improvement methods, Canfiel creates a positive foundation for the establishment of long term employment opportunities and customer relationships. It is the goal of every Canfield employee to surpass ou customers’ expectations.

Phone: 330-758-8299 Toll Free: 800-554-5071 Email:

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Our Quality Policy Total customer satisfaction through unmatched quality, products, service, and integrity.

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January 2016



1/19/16 5:03 PM

2016 A












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c3controls c3controls – What does it take to be the best electrical controls manufacturer on the planet?

c3controls develops and manufactures a wide

range of optimal, well-designed, and functional electrical control products at the lowest costs; offering those products at low prices and with the fastest standard shipping; creating extraordinary value for as many OEMs and Electrical Equipment Builders as possible.

It takes a relentless commitment to produce breakthrough innovations in product and business processes that are unmatched in the industry. Innovations you can put to work to grow your business.

Power & Actuation

• • • • • • • • • • •

Disconnect Switches Enclosed Disconnect Switches Contactors Miniature Contactors & Control Relays Overload Relays Direct-On-Line Starters :: Contactor+ Overload Relay Enclosed Direct-On-Line Starters :: Contactor + Overload Relay Motor Protection Circuit Breakers Enclosed Motor Protection Circuit Breakers Direct-On-Line Starters :: Motor Protection Circuit Breaker+Contactor Enclosed Direct-On-Line Starters :: Motor Protection Circuit Breaker + Contactor

• • • • • • •

30mm Industrial Pilot Devices 30mm Pilot Devices for Hazardous Location 22mm IEC & NEMA Pilot Devices World Tower Lights Cam Switches 16mm & 13mm Pilot Lights Enclosed Control & Control Stations

• • • •

IEC & NEMA Terminal Blocks Smart Programmable Relays Electronic Timing Relays General Purpose Relays

We view each product as a part of a system, a solution— designed with the machine builder in mind. Products you can count on to do what you need them to do. So reliable in their quality that you only think about them when you place your next order. Our engineers design products with this in mind. They collaborate with our tooling, quality and manufacturing teams to configure a produc that is world-class. This vertically-integrated approach enables us to have greater control over every step of the development process. The outcome—improved efficiencie that produce unbeatable value for our customers.

Human Machine Interface

Control Logic

Since 1976, we’ve been helping machine builders design and manufacture better machines. c3controls started as a business run out of a garage in Beaver, Pennsylvania, by a former Westinghouse engineer who had an inspired idea. Now 40 years later, c3controls is a market leader that’s helped tens of thousands of customers with world-class electrical control products and support.

Wiring/Cable Duct c3controls

664 State Street Beaver, PA 15017, USA 724.775.7926

Today, we continue to listen to machine builders; expanding our product portfolio, still perfecting electrical control products as rugged and dependable as any you’ll find—configured and assembled on deman and shipped the same day you order it—guaranteed.

What does it take to be the best? Give us a call, and let’s talk.

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Carlyle Johnson For over a century Carlyle Johnson has earned a reputation as one of the world’s leading brake and clutch manufacturers. We have sold over one million parts, and the average service life of our components is greater than 15 years. Customers rely on our products to provide dependable performance even with rigorous, long-term use.

INDUSTRY-LEADING PRODUCTS. We are always inventing. One of our newest products, the MAXITORQ® MTL TORQ-LOK® bi-directional clutch, transmits torque from the input shaft to the output shaft in either direction, without backdrive. This patented design uniquely sustains torque overload and shock loading.

From deep space to the ocean floor and from the battlefield to the Tou de France - when you see advanced engineering achievements in power transmission, you see Carlyle Johnson.

SOLUTIONS FOR THE TOUGHEST CHALLENGES. We continually look for new ideas and unique solutions to meet our customers’ requirements. In fact, competitors often refer customers to us – we solve the problems others cannot.

The Carlyle Johnson Machine Company 291 Boston Turnpike Bolton, CT 06043 Phone: 860-643-1531 FAX: 860-646-2645

Since 1903 Carlyle Johnson has delivered innovative power transmission products. With a dedication to excellence and a focus on engineering we have earned a position as an industry leader – providing clutches, brakes and power transmission systems for even the most critical applications. Our spirit of innovation is driven by an experienced leadership team – almost all of whom are engineers. The entire company works to maintain excellence and foster invention, and we are dedicated to the values that define our success: THE POWER OF INNOVATION. Our engineering team designs custom solutions for nonstandard applications, often integrating our parts into larger systems.

DEDICATED TO SERVICE AND SUPPORT. CJM assigns an engineer to every order. From sales and design to production and maintenance, each Carlyle Johnson part is worked on by the industry’s very best. PERFORMANCE AND LIFESPAN. Our parts are designed to perform at their best for the longest lifespan possible. It’s not unusual for us to service products that we originally produced more than 50 years ago. From standard products to custom designs to complete system integration –Carlyle Johnson is dedicated to excellence.

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1/19/16 5:02 PM

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Carlo Gavazzi Our comprehensive range of products includes:

Founded in 1931, CARLO GAVAZZI is a multinational electronics group active in the design, manufacture and marketing of electronic and electrical components for industrial automation and building automation.

SENSORS: Capacitive and Inductive Proximity Sensors, Photoelectric Sensors, Ultrasonic Sensors, Environmental Sensors, Radar Sensors, Motion/Presence Sensors, Level Sensors, Magnetic Switches, Limit Switches, and Safety Interlocks

With several ISO9001 and ISO14001 certified manufacturing and R&D facilitie throughout Europe and Asia, and dozens of sales offices spanning the globe, yo are assured that product support, service, and inventory are only a phone call, email or mouse click away. CARLO GAVAZZI products are developed and manufactured in full compliance with the most important standard regulations, such as UL and CSA.

SWITCHES: Solid State Relays, Solid State Contactors, Electromechanical Contactors, Definite Pu pose Contactors, Overloads, Manual Motor Starters, Mini Circuit Breakers, Soft Starters, Electromechanical Relays, Push Buttons and Pilot Lights

Typical customers are original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) of packaging machines, injection molding (plastics) machines, agriculture machines, food and beverage production, conveying and materials handling equipment, door and entrance control systems, parking guidance systems, elevators and escalators as well as heating, ventilation and air conditioning devices. System integrators and distributors are typically the channels we utilize to reach the market.

CONTROLS: Switching Power Supplies, Timers, Current/ Voltage/3-Phase Monitoring Relays, HMIs, Digital Panel Meters, Energy Meters/Software, Current Transformers, PID Controllers, Counters, and Safety Modules FIELDBUSES: Dupline Field and Installation Bus, Parking Guidance Systems, DuplineSafe Mining Monitoring/Safety System, Building Automation Systems, and Elevator Systems

750 Hastings Lane Buffalo Grove, Illinois 60089-6904 847 465-6100 : Phone 847 465-7373 : Fax

Product Categories: • Electrical and Electronics • Motion Control • Networks and Fieldbuses • Switches and Sensors • Test and Measurement

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CEJN CEJN is a manufacturer of high quality, quick connect products for all types of media, from compressed air to gas, breathing air, fluid and hydraulic oil. Our standard range also includes, air hose, high pressure hydraulic hose, air & fluid guns, pressure gauges fluid monitoring systems as well as custom ultra-high pressure hose assemblies, CEJN produces quality connections. While CEJN’s main production is done in Sweden, we also offer a local presence across the globe, including two locations in North America: Chicago and Houston. Each location extends the technical know-how of our hub, offers on-location product support and on-time deliveries to our customers in all major industrial markets. At CEJN, we are united by our five cor values: safety, environment, quality, innovation and performance. They are our cornerstones and define who we are how we work, what we believe in and what we stand for. CEJN Industrial Corp. 212 Ambrogio Dr. Gurnee, Il 60031 Phone: 1-847-263-7200 Fax: 1-847-263-7207 Email:


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The Process: from Idea to Finished Product Customer Request Product features, application environment and other important variables are specified Design and Prototype CEJn engineers and application experts work closely with customers during product design. A prototype is produced for review and ongoing development. Testing CEJN’s field testing takes plac in tough environments. Test results are then compared to CEJN’s laboratory tests before being approved for production.

CEJN Worldwide Since the launch of our first patented couplin in 1955, CEJN has been an independent global niche company with its head office in the heart o Sweden. Over the years we have expanded to 18 locations, inluding three Design Centers worldwide, supplying products and services to virtually every industry segment. CEJN North America includes two locations: Chicago, IL and Houston, TX.

Quality Control Safety and quality is guaranteed for each project with the administration of routine audits and functional testing.

Engineering by CEJN

CLOSE TO YOUR BUSINESS, FAST TO RESPOND For us, close cooperation with the customer is essential for a successful project. CEJN’s skilled Application Experts translate customer needs into viable product solutions, while the Design Engineer is the source for custom-made prototypes, small batch runs and special materials. The vision is then transformed into a physical product using our ultra-modern CNC machines, followed by stringent testing in our laboratory before delivery to you.

Making the Right Connection

We provide our customers with a full range of quick connect solutions from standard to unique applications, implementing state of the art design software, FEM and CFD software simulations, and the latest technologies in CNC machining, forming, assembly measuring and testing. We work with our customers until their connection needs are met.

CEJN’s wide range of standard quick connect products coupled with our 60 years of experience provides you with invaluable resources – all in one place. Following initial contact we’ll put you in touch with our Engineering department at one of our Design Centers. Your project will have a designated Design Engineer and Application Expert who will work closely with you throughout the development process: from idea to finishe product.

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CC-LINK Industrial Networking CC-Link Partner Association - Americas 500 Corporate Woods Parkway Vernon Hills, IL 60061 USA Phone: (847) 478-2647 Fax: (847) 876-6611 e-mail:

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CC-Link is a family of industrial open-technology automation networks that process control, information & diagnostics to provide efficient, integrated fact ry-wide industrial and process automation. It provides high speed, deterministic communication seamlessly linking a wide assortment of multi-vendor automation devices over a single cable. The ‘Family of CC-Link Networks’ is ideally suited for machine automation, cell or process control in a wide variety of industries. The CC-Link family includes fieldbus and Safety etworks – CC-Link & CC-Link Safety; and the most advanced Industrial Ethernet networks – CC-Link IE Field & CC-Link IE Control. The Ethernet-based networks operate at 1 Gigabit speed to provide extremely fast and inherently deterministic communication from the field/sensor/ac uator level to the control level of a manufacturing operation. CC-Link is a family of industrial open-technology integrated automation networks:





CC-Link IE Field – Ultra-fast 1 Gigabit Industrial Ethernet network linking field leve devices to controllers, as well as controllers to controllers and providing absolute deterministic communications all without the requirement of switches or detailed knowledge of Ethernet networking. CC-Link IE Field is IEC approved for safety communications and can provide integrated motion control and/or energy management functions all on a single Industrial Ethernet network.

CC-Link Safety – Open-technology fieldbu safety network that is IEC / ISO approved and meets or exceeds industry safety network standards. It provides cost effectiveness, flexibility and ease of use to automation safet networks, all while delivering full compatibility with the CC-Link fieldbus network


CC-Link – Open-technology fieldbu network with performance up to 10 Mbps providing absolute deterministic behavior and cost effectiveness, flexibility and eas of use.

Why choose CC-Link? Primary reasons include CC-Link and CC-Link IE Field are high-performance, cost effective, flexible as well as easy to install and use. These networks are globally accepted and CC-Link IE is an industry leader with Gigabit Ethernet networking. If that’s not enough; CC-Link is a market leader in Asia, the fastest growing market in the world. There are over 14 million installed nodes & over 1400 CC-Link compatible products on the market. Many export oriented American manufacturers are incorporating CC-Link compatibility because of its strength and market leadership in Asia.

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1/18/16 6:39 PM

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Chieftek (cpc) Chieftek Precision Co., Ltd. (cpc) manufactures complete linear motion mechatronic solutions including profil linear guide, linear motor, compact linear stages, servo driver, xyz table, and gantry system for automation, machine tools and robot industries. With distribution center in California, cpc provides excellent customer service to America customers. cpc offers Germany quality, Taiwanese flexibility, prompt deliver service and very competitive cost. Chieftek Precision Co., Ltd. (cpc) includes professional managers, engineers and technicians who devote their efforts to the R&D and manufacture of high-quality linear motion components. Beginning with its first product—MR series linear guides for pr cision measurement and inspection—cpc soon expanded to offer general-purpose ARC guides for automated machine tools, HRC and ERC guides for heavily loaded axes, and RR guides with roller bearings. After intensive R&D, cpc then began offering P series ironless linear motors (with the highest thrust density and efficiency of their kind). Next came compact C series iron-core linear motors that deliver high thrust with low cogging. For users familiar with tradition belt or ballscrew-driven systems, cpc also packages its linear motors into CLS/CLMS Compact Linear Stages and subsystems. These integrate a linear motor, guide, and positioning in a turnkey package. As linear motors cannot operate without a control system, today cpc also offers the TC1 series servo drive. The TC1 series features high power density, easy-to-use autotuning and advanced features to let machine builders create breakthrough products.

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For more than 40 years, CGI has enabled design excellence in motion control across a range of industrial applications. The people at CGI have demonstrated a deep commitment to providing the latest technology, innovative product, and unrivaled customer service to earn the reputation as one of the most trusted experts in the business. CGI’s engineering footprint is seen in a range of industries including medical, aerospace, robotic, semiconductor, machine tool, packaging, food/beverage, textile, material handling, telecommunications and specialty machine design.

Advanced Products for Robotics and Automation CGI enables design excellence. Our leadership in the market features a careful blend of cutting edge technology and renowned reliability. With CGI you can count on us to provide the highest levels of manufacturing acumen and expertise while delivering it with the customer service you deserve. Our goal is to be the most trusted partner in your supply chain. Whether it’s an improvement on a current design or groundbreaking new designs, CGI has the know-how and team to enable design excellence.

You will find CGI components integrated into i dustrial robotics and machine automation systems including applications for artificial hearts, roboti surgical systems, laser eye surgical equipment, drills and attachments used for orthopedic surgery. CGI components have played a role in the repair of the Hubble telescope. Astronauts used a CGI precision-crafted wrench to repair the telescope that allows scientist to peer into the deepest recesses of space. CGI technology is also used on the spectacular Bellagio Resort dancing fountains and other hotels in Dubai and China also use CGI technology in their fountains.

Our team is renowned for being able to provide complex precision- machined component parts of high quality and hold tolerances as tight as 2.5 microns (.0001”). These parts are machined from diverse metals, and involve a variety of hardness, surface treatment, heat-treating and plating requirements. One of the distinct competitive advantages we are able to provide our customers with is an engineering team that is knowledgeable and easy to work with.

In a market where companies are challenged with designing products that deliver a competitive technological advantage, CGI’s team of engineers has proved to be a valuable asset to helping OEM’s develop custom solutions that improve performance. CGI, Inc. 3400 Arrowhead Drive Carson City, NV 89706 Tel: 775.882.3422 Toll free: 1.800.568.GEAR (4327) Fax: 775-882-9599

When comparing the manufacturing capabilities offered by CGI with those of our competitors the clear difference is in the commitment have to exceeding expectations. This commitment can

be seen by our customers each day through our investment in technology, our attention to precision and the high level of service we provide.

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1/19/16 12:14 PM

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Clippard Instrument Laboratory, Inc. William L. Clippard, Jr. founded Clippard Instrument Laboratory in 1941. The initial product line consisted of electrical test equipment, magnetic windings, and radio frequency coils. The first miniatur pneumatic devices designed and built by Clippard were for use in the manufacture of this equipment. In the early 1950’s, Clippard introduced Minimatic® components as a new product line. The need for miniature pneumatics was so widespread, that the Minimatic line was successful enough to become Clippard’s primary product line. The complete Minimatic line includes over 5,000 standard products. Some of the many products offered include valves, cylinders, fittings, modular components push buttons, FRLs, electronic manifold cards, circuit analyzers and pre-piped manifold subplates. Special components designed for customer’s OEM applications are also welcomed. Minimatic® is a registered trademark of Clippard Instrument Laboratory, Inc.

Miniature Pneumatic Products & Solutions Web Visit to find complet product information, engineering drawings, technicaL specifications, full color photos CAD files, order information, literature dow loads, helpful calculators, technical assistance, distributor information and more. Quality Quality remains a primary feature of every product Clippard produces. This is achieved through the excellence in manufacturing practices and craftsmanship that has continued throughout the years. The high standards set by Leonard Clippard, in company relationships with customers, distributors, suppliers and employees continue to be upheld. The company motto, “Quality People, Quality Products”, emphasizes the important role every employee plays in maintaining the company’s reputation.

Clippard Instrument Laboratory, Inc. 7390 Colerain Avenue Cincinnati, Ohio 45239 877-245-6247

Catalog Clippard offers a full-line catalog which contains over 5,000 standard products including photos, technical specifications, schematics application and ordering information, and more. Call today for a free copy. Applications Today, Clippard pneumatic control devices are used virtually everywhere for control, interface, sensing, logic and actuation functions. This broad range of applications spans a variety of industries including machinery, textiles, medical equipment, animation, material handling, assembly, electronics, food processing, packaging and many more. Distributors Clippard products are sold through a worldwide distributor network that offers products plus design engineering expertise.

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1/19/16 4:58 PM

2016 2016 CICOIL

nies like IBM to replace bulky, stiff round cables with sleek, flexible ribbon cables A D ribbon V Ecables, R T variations I S Eof these M E Named A Dwas V founded E R in T 1956 I SwithE anM E Cicoil flat cables are used today mos innovative newstill product for theinearly computers, printers, and many mainframe computers - the flat electronic ribbo devices. cable. The ribbon cable allowed compa-

LL e e aa dd e e rr ss hh ii pp ii n n E En ng g ii n ne ee e rr ii n ng g

Combine power, signal, video, air & liquid in a crystal-clear flat cable.


TCicoil high-flex flat cables are the Future of Cabling. Our patented T extrusion technology produces the most high performance fla cables available with the superior attributes you’re looking for:

Drag & Drop Flat The Future of Cabling is Here • Ultra f!exible: Tens of millions of flex cycles in the tightest bend Cable Configurator nies like IBM to replace bulky, stiff round radius applications Combine power, signal, video, air & liquid in a crystal-clear flat cable. Design your own cable Cicoil – Innovating cablesToday with sleek, flexible ribbon cables • Unlimited variation: Micro size to 400mm wide cables, wires from in just minutes! Over 200 Cicoil high-flex flat cables are the Future of Cabling. Our patented Named ribbon cables, variations of these for the Future 4 to 44 gauge, also including fiber optics, tubing, or coax, so you million potential config extrusion technology produces the most high performance fla A continues D founded V still Eits used Rin 1956 Ttoday I with S of E M E N T Cicoil was an flat cables in mos Cicoil proud history Cicoil was are founded in 1956 with an can get the exact cable you need rations. Drag and drop cables available with the superior attributes you’re looking for: innovative product formany the early computers,new printers, and electronic innovation, with the company’s autoinnovative new product for the early • Extreme Environments: Our cables perform from -65°C to simplicity. mainframe computers the flat ribbo devices. mated, state-of-the-art Valencia, Drag & Drop Flat The Future of Cabling is mainframe computers -facility the flatinribbo • +260°C, Ultra f!exible: Tensexposure of millions flex cycles the tightestand bend Drag & Drop Flat and toofwater, steam,inchemicals, oils The Future ofunder Cabling is Here Here cable. TheBy ribbon cable allowed compaCalifornia. implementing the latest lean Cable Configurator cable. The ribbon cable allowed comparadius applications Cable DesignConfigurator yourconfiguratio own cable nies likeToday IBM to replace bulky, stiff round manufacturing techniques, Submit your Cicoil Innovating Combine power, signal, video, air &toliquid in awide crystal-clear flat cable. nies like IBM to–production replace bulky, stiff round • Unlimited variation: Micro size 400mm cables, wires from Combine power, signal, video, air & liquid in a crystal-clear flat cable. Built-In Flexibility in receive just minutes! Over 200 cables with sleek, flexible ribbon cables Cicoil continues to design and manufacto a no-obligation for thewith Future cables sleek, flexible ribbon cables 4 tohigh-flex 44 to gauge, also including fiber optics, orCicoi coax, so you Cicoil flat cables are cable the Future of tubing, Cabling. Our patented Named ribbon cables, variations of these In addition the strong,flexible jacketing, every cable million potential config ture the highest quality products, with fast, Cicoil high-flex flat cables are the Future of Cabling. Our patented quote and final dra - Cicoil continues its proud history of Named ribbon cables, variations of these can get the exact cable you need extrusion technology produces the most high fla ductors Cicoil was founded intoday 1956 flat cables are used inwith mosan responsive lead times for our customincorporates finely stranded, ultra-flexible wireperformance conductors. C rations. Drag drop extrusion technology produces the most high performance fla innovation, withstill the company’s ing. Order andand receive flat cables are still used today inautomos innovative new product fornumerous theelectronic early • Extreme Environments: Our cables perform from -65°C cables available withspecially the superior attributes you’re looking for:to computers, printers, and many ers. Ourstate-of-the-art efforts have earned and shields are also heat-treated plated to maximize their simplicity. cables available with the superior attributesand you’re looking for: mated, facility inelectronic Valencia, computers, printers, and many your cable in less than 2 mainframe computers the flat ribbo +260°C, and under exposure tolong water, steam, chemicals, and oils devices. customer and industry awards for quality, flexibility, while providing extremely flex life in the mo demanding California. By implementing the latest lean • Ultra f!exible: Tens of millions of flex cycles tightest bend devices. weeks. •The Ultra f!exible: of millions of flex cycles in the tightest bend cable. and The ribbon cableimprovement, allowed comFuture of Tens Cabling Here delivery, continuous manufacturing production techniques, applications. Cicoil flat cablesisare rated for over ten million cycles, and Submit your configuratio radius applications panies like IBM to replace bulky, stiff Design your own cable radius applications and our continued R&D has resulted in Cicoil Today – Innovating Flexibility your own cable Cicoil continues to design and manufacour cables have performed for hundreds of millions of flexingwires c flat cles to receive a no-obligation Combine power, signal,Micro video, airto & 400mm liquid inwide a crystal-clear cable. Design •Built-In Unlimited variation: size cables, from Cicoil Today – Innovating round cables with sleek, flexible ribbo in just minutes! Over 200 •In addition Unlimited variation: Micro size to 400mm wide cables, wires from multiple US and worldwide patents. to the strong,flexible cable jacketing, every Cicoi cable in just minutes! for the Future ture the highest quality products, with fast, in some of the most demanding robotic, continually flexing equi ment quote and final Over dra -200 4 to 44patented gauge, also including fiber optics, tubing,the or most coax,high so you forcables. the Future Named ribbon cables, variaCicoil’s extrusion technology produces perfor- million potential config 4 to 44 gauge, also including fiber optics, tubing, or coax, soductors you Cicoil continues its proud history of responsive lead times for our customincorporates finely stranded, ultra-flexible wire conductors. C million potential config applications. ing. Order and receive can get exactavailable cable you need Cicoil its proud tionscontinues of these flat cableshistory are stillofuse mance flatthe cables with the superior attributes you’re looking rations. Drag and drop can get the exact cable you need Cicoil Corporation innovation, with have the company’s autoers. Our efforts earned numerous and shields are also specially heat-treated and plated to maximize their rations. Drag and your cable in less drop than 2 innovation, with the company’s auto- and today in most computers, printers, • for: Extreme Environments: Our cables perform from -65°C to simplicity. •flexibility, Extreme Environments: Our cables perform from -65°C to 24960 Avenue Tibbitts facility mated, state-of-the-art Valencia, customer and industry awardsin quality, while providing extremely long flex life in the mo demanding simplicity. mated, facility infor Valencia, manystate-of-the-art electronic devices. weeks. Standard or Custom Cables +260°C, and under exposure to water, steam, chemicals, and oils Valencia, CA USAimprovement, and under exposure water, chemicals, and oils California. By 91355, implementing the latest lean delivery, and continuous applications. Cicoil flat cables aretorated forsteam, over ten cycles, and • +260°C, Ultra Flexible: Tens of millions of flex cycles inmillion the tightest California. By implementing the latest lean Cicoil’s patented extrusion process makes custom cables easy, sobend you Phone: 661-295-1295 manufacturing production techniques, and our continued R&D has resulted in Submit your configuratio – Innovating Cicoil Todayproduction manufacturing techniques, our cables have performed for hundreds of millions of flexing c cles radius applications Submit your configuratio can quickly get the exact cable you want. Try our Online Config rator, Built-In Flexibility Fax: 661-295-0813 NEW EZ-Flexx™ Cicoil continues to design and manufacmultiple US and worldwide patents. to receive a no-obligation Built-In Flexibility Cicoil continues for the Futureto design and manufacin some of the most demanding robotic, continually flexing equi ment to receive a no-obligation where you can design your own cable in and an cable immediate Unlimited Variation: Micro size jacketing, to minutes 400mmevery wideget cables, wires In•addition to the strong,flexible cable Cicoi ture the highest quality products, with fast, Cable Design quote and final dra In addition to the strong,flexible cable jacketing, every Cicoi cable ture the highest quality products, with Cicoil continues its proud history of fast, applications. quote and final dra drawing and quote! responsive lead times for our customfrom 4 to 44 gauge, also including fiber tubing, coax, so •ing. incorporates finely stranded, ultra-flexible wire optics, conductors. C orductors Easy toand Separate Cicoil Corporation Order receive responsive lead for our customincorporates finely stranded, ultra-flexible wire conductors. C ductors innovation, withtimes the company’s auing. Order and receive Visit to learn more,numerous ers. Our efforts have earned you can get the exact cable you need and shields are also specially heat-treated and plated to maximize their 24960 Avenue Tibbitts and Strip your cable in Conductors less than 2 ers. Our efforts have earned numerous Check out our many standard cables and assemblies, allmaximize available their from tomated, state-of-the-art facility in and shields are also specially heat-treated and plated to your cable in less than 2 Standardwhile or Custom Cables or call (661) 295-1295 to speakfor directly customer and industryUSA awards quality, Valencia, CA 91355, flexibility, providing extremely flexperform life in the mo -65°C demanding •weeks. Lighter and More customer and industry By awards for quality, Valencia, California. implementing stock for immediate delivery. • Extreme Ourlong cables from to flexibility, while Environments: providing extremely long flexcustom life in the mo easy, demanding weeks. Cicoil’s patented extrusion process makes cables so you to an Application Engineer. delivery, and continuous improvement, Phone: 661-295-1295 applications. Cicoil flat cables are rated for over ten million cycles, and Flexible delivery, andlean continuous improvement, the latest manufacturing produc+260°C, and under exposure to water, steam, chemicals, and oils applications. Cicoil flat cables are rated forTry over million cycles, and and our continued R&D has resulted in cancables quickly get the exact cable you want. ourten Online Config rator, Fax: 661-295-0813 NEW EZ-Flexx™ our have performed for hundreds of millions of flexing c cles and our continued Cicoil R&D has resulted tion techniques, continues toin Complete Cable Assemblies our have performed for hundreds of millions of flexing c cles multiple US and worldwide patents. where you canmost design yourRound own cable incontinually minutes and get immediate •some cables Improvement Over Cables: Flat cables usean less space Cable Design multiple and worldwide the patents. designUS and manufacture highest in of provide the demanding robotic, flexing equi ment Cicoil can complete cable assemblies, with any connectors in some of the most demanding robotic, continually flexing equi ment drawing and quote! for denser packaging, are inherently more flexible, and organiz • Easy to Separate quality products, with fast, responsive applications. required by the customer. Every cable assembly is 100% tested by our applications. Cicoil Corporation Visit more, Our efforts wiring without the need for external ties, tracks orallconduits. lead times for to ourlearn customers. and Strip Conductors Cicoil Corporation Check out our many standard cables and assemblies, available from automated test equipment, so reliability and performance is guaranteed. 24960 Tibbitts orhave call Avenue (661) 295-1295 to speak directly earned numerous customer and • Lighter and More 24960 Avenue Tibbitts stock for immediate delivery. Standard or Custom Cables Built-In Flexibility Our award-winning quality system is certified to ISO 9001 stand rds, inValencia, CA 91355, Standard or Custom Cables toindustry an Application Engineer. awards forUSA quality, delivery, Valencia, CA 91355, USA Flexible Cicoil’s extrusionaerospace process makes custom cablescable easy, so you Cicoil patented cable incorporates finely stranded, ultra-flexible co ucPhone: 661-295-1295 cluding the strict AS9100 specification. Cicoil assemCicoil’s patented extrusion process makes custom cableswire easy, so you and continuous improvement, and our Phone: 661-295-1295 can quickly get the exact cable you want. Try our Online Config rator, tors. Conductors and shields are specially heat-treated and plated to Complete Cable Assemblies Fax: 661-295-0813 NEW EZ-Flexx™ blies are used the space shuttle, supersonic missiles, and industrial can quickly geton the exact cable you want. Try our Online Config rator, continued R&D has resulted in multiple Fax: 661-295-0813 NEW EZ-Flexx™ VOTE ONLINE where youincan your own cable in minutes andany get an immediate maximize theirdesign flexibility. Cicoil flatassemblies, cables arewith rated forconnectors over teSo milCicoil can provide complete cable Extreme Environments Cable Design robotics, some of the most demanding applications possible. you US and worldwide patents. where you can design your own cable in minutes and get an immediate Cable Design vote online drawing and quote! lionrest cycles, and our cables performed hundreds of millions required Every cable is 100% by our •Capabilities Easy to Separate A assured Dby Vthe E customer. R Tyour I cable S have E assembly M E assembly N Twill for can that receive the tested same dedicadrawing and quote! • Easy to Separate Visit to learn more, of and flexing cycles in standard thereliable, most demanding robotic, continually flexinfrom automated testensuring equipment, so cables reliability and performance is guaranteed. and Strip Conductors tion care, high performance operation. Visit to learn more, Check out our many and assemblies, all available and Strip Conductors Cicoil Corporation Check out our many standard cables and assemblies, all available from or call (661) 295-1295 to speak directly equipment applications. Our award-winning quality system is certified to ISO 9001 stand rds, in• Lighter and More or call (661) 295-1295 to speak directly stock for immediate delivery. Nominate engineering leadership for a person or • Lighter and More 24960 Avenue Tibbitts stock for immediate delivery. to an Application Engineer. cluding the strict AS9100 aerospace specification. Cicoil cable assemFlexible to Valencia, an Application Engineer. inventor, engineering leadership by a specific depar CA 91355, USA Flexible Standard or Custom Cables blies are used on the space shuttle, supersonic missiles, and industrial ment, or an overall company accomplishment. Phone: 661-295-1295 Complete Cable Assemblies VOTE ONLINE Cicoil’s patented makes custom cables easy, Complete robotics, inCable someAssemblies ofextrusion the most process demanding applications possible. So so you Fax: 661-295-0813 vote online Cicoil canwas provide complete cable assemblies, with connectors founded inthe 1956exact with ancable youCicoil can quickly get you want. TryTany our Online Config Cicoil canassured provide complete cable assemblies, with any connectors can rest that your cable assembly will receive the same dedicaA D V E R I S E M E N -T innovative newcustomer. product for the early cable assembly is 100% tested by our required by the Every rator, where you can design your own cable in is minutes and get an required by the customer. Every cable assembly 100% tested by our tion and care, ensuring reliable, high performance operation. mainframe computers - the flatso ribbo 182 DESIGN WORLD January 2016 automated Drag & Drop Flat Future of is Cabling is Here test equipment, reliability andThe performance guaranteed. immediate drawing and quote! automated test equipment, socompareliability and performance is guaranteed. cable. The ribbon cable allowed Visit learn more, Cable Configura Nominate engineering to leadership for a person or Our nies award-winning quality is certified to ISOpower, 9001 signal, stand video, rds, air inlike IBM to replace bulky,system stiff round Combine Our award-winning quality system is certified to ISO 9001 all stand rds, in-& liquid in a crystal-clear flat cable. or callengineering (661) 295-1295 directly inventor, leadershiptobyspeak a specific depar Check out our many standard cables and assemblies, available cables with sleek, flexible ribbon cables cluding the strict AS9100 aerospace specification. Cicoil cable assemcluding theribbon strict AS9100 aerospace Cicoil flat cable assemto an Application Engineer. Cicoil high-flex cables are the Future of Cabling. Our patented ment, or an overall company accomplishment. Named cables, variations of these specification. from stock foron immediate delivery. blies are used the space shuttle, supersonic missiles, andproduces industrial extrusion technology the most high performance fla blies are used on the space shuttle, supersonic missiles, and industrial flat cables are still used today in mos VOTE robotics, in some of the most demanding applications possible. So youattributes you’re looking for: VOTE ONLINE ONLINE Cicoil was founded in 1956 withthe an superior cables available with computers, printers, and many electronic robotics, in some of the most demanding applications possible. So you vote online Data Cables vote online innovative new product forthe the same early dedicacan devices. rest assured that your cable assembly will receive • high Ultra f!exible: Tens of dedicamillions of flex cycles in the tightest bend rest assured cable will receive the same Yes! Cicoil has that you your covered forassembly video and speed data 182 DESIGN WORLD January 2016 can mainframe computers - the flat ribbotransmisThe Future of Cabling is Here radius applications tion and care, ensuring reliable, high performance operation. Design your own cable. The ribbon cable allowed tion and care, reliable, performance operation. sion with Catensuring Cat 6A, USB high 3.0, Camera Link, Coax, and Controlled Cicoil Today –5e, Innovating • Unlimited variation: Micro size to 400mm wide cables, wires from nies like IBM to replace bulky, stiff round in just in minutes! O Combine power, signal, video, air & liquid a crysta Nominate engineering leadership for a person or for the Future Impedance flat cables in bulk and finished assemblie 4 toflexible 44 gauge, also including fiber optics, tubing, or coax, so you Nominate engineering leadership for a person or cables with sleek, ribbon cables million potential c


Leadership in Engineering


2016 2016

Leadership in Engineeri




inventor, engineering leadership by a specific depar inventor, engineering leadership by a specific depar ment, or an overall company accomplishment. ment, or an overall company accomplishment.


182 182


January 2016 January 2016

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Cicoil_DWLP16_V4.indd 318

January 2016

Cicoil continues its proud history of

of Cabling get variations the exact of cable you need Cicoil high-flex flat cables are the Future Named ribbon can cables, these rations. Drag and innovation,Cable with the Assemblies company’s autoComplete extrusion technology the most high performa • still Extreme Environments: Our cables perform from -65°Cproduces to flat cables are used today in mos mated, state-of-the-art facility in Valencia,


cables available with the superior computers, printers, andand many electronic +260°C, under exposure to water, steam, chemicals, and oils attributes you’re look Cicoil can provide complete cable California. By implementing the latest lean assemblies, with any connectors devices. • Ultra f!exible: Tens of millions of flex cycles in conf the t manufacturing production techniques, Submit your required by the customer. Every cable assembly is 100% tested by Built-In Flexibility Cicoil continues to design and manufacradius applications to receive a no-ob ourture automated test equipment. award-winning system is Cicoil Today – Innovating In addition toquality the strong,flexible cable •jacketing, every Cicoi cable the highest quality products, withOur fast, Unlimited variation: Micro size toquote 400mm wide and finalcab d the Future certified to ISO 9001forstandards, including the strict finely AS9100 aer ultra-flexible responsive lead times our custom- for incorporates stranded, conductors. C including ductors fibering. 4wire to 44 gauge, also optics, tubing, or Order and re its proud of ers. Our efforts have earned numerousCicoil continues and shields arehistory also specially heat-treatedcan andget plated to maximize their the exact cable you need your cable in less space specification

innovation, flexibility, with the company’s auto- extremely long flex life in the mo demanding customer and industry awards for quality, while providing • Extreme Environments: Our cables perform from weeks. facility in Valencia, delivery, and continuous improvement,mated, state-of-the-art applications. Cicoil flat cables are rated for over tenand million cycles, and to water, steam, chem +260°C, under exposure implementing the latest lean and our continued R&D has resulted inCalifornia. By our cables have performed for hundreds of millions of flexing c cles multiple US and worldwide patents. manufacturing production techniques, in some of the most demanding robotic, continually flexing equi ment Built-In Flexibility Cicoil continues to design and manufacapplications. In addition to the strong,flexible cable jacketing, every C ture the highest quality products, with fast, Cicoil Corporation responsive lead times for our customincorporates finely stranded, ultra-flexible wire conduct 24960 Avenue Tibbitts Standard or Custom Cables ers. Our efforts have earned numerous and shields are also specially heat-treated and plated t Valencia, CA 91355, USA customer and industry awards for quality, Cicoil’s patented extrusion process makes custom cables easy,extremely so you long flex life in the m flexibility, while providing Phone: 661-295-1295 delivery, and continuous improvement, can quickly get the exact cable you want. Try our Online rator, Fax: 661-295-0813 NEW EZ-Flexx™ applications. CicoilConfig flat cables are rated for over ten mil 1/19/16 12:34 PM and our continued R&Dcan hasdesign resulted in own cableour where you your in minutes and get an immediate Cable Designof f cables have performed for hundreds of millions multiple US and worldwide patents.

2016 A












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COGNEX One Vision Drive Natick, MA 01760 Phone: 508-650-3000 FAX: 508-650-3333

Discrete/Machine Control Strategies and Sensors Cognex is the world’s most trusted vision company, with over 1,000,000 systems installed in facilities around the world, and over thirty years of experience focused solely on machine vision and image-based industrial ID technology. Products include barcode readers, machine vision sensors and machine vision systems that are used in factories, warehouses and distribution centers around the world to guide, gauge, inspect, identify and assure the quality of items during the manufacturing and distribution process. Vision: Cognex vision helps companies improve product quality, eliminate production errors, lower manufacturing costs, and exceed consumer expectations for high quality products. ID: Cognex offers the most advanced technology available for 1D barcode and for 2D Data Matrix code reading regardless of the size, quality, printing method, or surface the codes are marked on. As a result, image-based readers are rapidly replacing laser scanners in a wide range of manufacturing and logistics applications. DataMan 150/260: For 1-D linear barcodes, higher-density 2-D matrix codes, or direct part mark (DPM) codes, the DataMan 150/260 series fixed-mount, mage-based ID readers deliver unprecedented performance, flexibility and ease of use. In-Sight Micro 8405: The ultra-compact 5MP In-Sight 8405 model features a flexibl form factor which can be deployed straight or at a right angle and delivers highperformance vision tools, faster communication speeds, and high resolution in a small package that is ideal for integrating into small spaces where machine space is a premium.

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3D Displacement Sensor – DS1000 Series: The DS1000 3D sensor optimizes product quality by providing three-dimensional inspection of your products. Compact and industrially designed for even the harshest factory environment, this displacement sensor also includes industry-leading Cognex machine vision software with powerful 2D and 3D toolsets.

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COGNEX_DWLP16_PROOF.v2.indd 319

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1/19/16 4:57 PM

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CMT Custom Machine & Tool Co., Inc. (CMT) has been a US manufacturer of timing pulleys, drive systems and components for the motion control and power transmission markets since 1964. CMT’s product offering includes: standard and made to order timing pulleys in all metric and inch tooth profiles timing pulley bar stock, backed by our 72hour shipping guarantee; and a full compliment or matching timing belts and flanges CMT has also developed and patented a keyless hub-to-shaft connection system, which allows for precise component positioning and tight run out control on demanding applications. The new system, called Concentric Maxi Torque, offers superior features and benefits compare to other connection methods such as keyways, set screws, pins, clamp collars and other locking devices. CMT uses state of the art manufacturing and QC systems to provide its customers with precise and reliable components manufactured to ISO 9000 standards. Our experienced staff provides design solutions, reliable product and the very best in customer service. Custom Machine & Tool Co., Inc. 301 Winter Street Hanover, MA 02339 Phone: 781-924-1003 or 800-355-5949 Fax: 781-924-5154 or 800-355-4490 e-mail:

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CMT_DWLP16_PROOF.v1.indd 320

January 2016

CMT - Custom Machine & Tool Co., Inc. has over 50 years of design and application experience in the synchronous drives market. CMT saw the need for an improved hub-to-shaft connection system and designed the Concentric Maxi Torque keyless system. Developed and tested using prototyping and FEA modeling, the CMT system has proven to be more reliable and easier to use than any other hub-to-shaftconnection system in the industry. As machine and indexing speeds continue to increase and require more accuracy, engineers search for ways to reduce inertia, eliminate vibration and ensure precise component alignment. Second and third generation synchronous timing belt drive systems require higher initial tensions and produce higher torques, both of which require more robust shaft connections. CMT designed the Concentric Maxi Torque keyless hub-to-shaft connection system to lower inertia, minimize vibration and achieve better run out control as assembled. A single screw, which never contacts the shaft, locks the split taper bushing in place and assures near perfect hub-to-shaft concentricity. Since its introduction to the market in 2000 the CMT system has never failed in the field. Eng neers and machine builders have taken notice. Some machine builders rely on set screws to connect their components to the shaft. However, set screws can damage shafts and tend to loosen and slip during clutching and braking, often resulting in shaft damage, loss of machine

productivity and increased maintenance costs. Using the CMT system, components maintain their axial and radial position, reduce run out and increase machine efficiency and availability Similarly, keyways and clamp collars require additional machining of the shaft, adding cost and time to the project. The CMT system’s compact design and versatility saves engineers time and money by eliminating the need for secondary machining and enabling the engineer to phase the component without reducing torque capacity. The CMT system is available in twelve bushing sizes cover bores from .125 in (2mm) to 1.1875 in (30mm). Multiple bore sizes per bushing size allows maximum “mix and match” flexibility with minimu component inventory. The Concentric Maxi Torque keyless hub-to-shaft connection system is available in our full offering of timing belt pulleys and can be designed into any rotary motion application. Order from our stock catalog today and we will ship your parts today. CMT is confident that you will not find anoth hub-to-shaft connection system or method that provides a better solution to your motion control and power transmission shaft attachment requirements. Email or call today for our stock product catalog.

1/19/16 12:46 PM

2016 A












Leadership in Engineering


COMSOL COMSOL is a global provider of simulation software for product design and research to technical enterprises, research labs, and universities. Its COMSOL Multiphysics® product is an integrated software environment for creating physics-based models and simulation applications. A particular strength is its ability to account for coupled or multiphysics phenomena. Add-on products expand the simulation platform for electrical, mechanical, fluid flow, and chemical application Interfacing tools enable the integration of COMSOL Multiphysics® simulations with all major technical computing and CAD tools on the CAE market. Simulation experts rely on a local installation of the COMSOL Server™ product to deploy applications created from COMSOL Multiphysics models to their design teams, manufacturing departments, test laboratories, and customers throughout the world. Learn more about COMSOL Multiphysics® and COMSOL Server™ products at COMSOL, Inc. 100 District Avenue Burlington, MA 01803 Phone: 781-273-3322 Email:

Multiphysics simulation and analysis are playing an increasingly important role in product development, where engineers must create products that meet market demand and improve operational efficiency COMSOL Multiphysics® offers modeling tools for studying, verifying, and optimizing devices and processes. The software offers a unified modeling, simulation, and applicatio design environment that makes it possible to include any number of physics phenomena allowing engineers, designers, and researchers to predict the real-world performance of a product or process. Electrical, mechanical, fluid, chemical, and acoustic effects can b coupled together as they would be in nature, ensuring that analyses are self-consistent and accurate to the highest degree possible.

With the Application Builder available in COMSOL Multiphysics®, simulation specialists can create a customized user interface around a complete simulation, which can then be deployed both locally and globally to colleagues. This gives other teams and departments access to the analysis results, simulation reports, and an efficien way to independently check the validity of different design configurations. This create easy communication between the simulation specialists and the rest of a team, enabling collaboration and innovation. Adopting COMSOL as a core simulation tool has helped companies obtain more accurate insight into the anticipated behavior of their systems, understand the physics effects at play in different scenarios, and ultimately adjust their designs and configurations t create the best possible product.

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Coilcraft Headquartered outside of Chicago in Cary, Illinois, Coilcraft is a leading global supplier of magnetic components including high performance RF chip inductors, power magnetics and EMI filters In addition to a large selection of standard components, we also design and manufacture custom magnetics to meet your exact electrical requirements.

Coilcraft is a preferred supplier of RF chip inductors, power magnetics and filters

Engineers and buyers consider Coilcraft a preferred supplier because of our reputation for quality, reliable delivery, engineering support and the superior performance of our products. In independent surveys, engineers consistently rank Coilcraft the number one magnetics company they would recommend to a friend.

Product Line

• • • • • • • •

Wirewound chip inductors as small as 0201 size Low profile high current SMD power inductors EMI/RFI filter Wideband RF transformers Planar transformers and inductors RFID transponder coils Power over Ethernet transformers High reliability magnetics and testing services via Coilcraft Critical Products & Services

Engineering Support • • • • •

The most comprehensive website in the magnetics industry A rich library of online design tools to simplify product selection and performance analysis Liberal free sample policy with same day shipping Designer’s Kits containing samples of all component values in a product family S-parameters and SPICE models for most surface mount product families

Coilcraft supports students and educators with free product samples, lab kits and technical resources

Student Support

• Free product samples for student design projects and complete RF and Power Magnetics Kits for ECE instructional labs • Lab posters and selection guides • Broad range of technical resources and easy-to-use design tools @

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Powerful online design tools make product selection and analysis easy

1/19/16 3:17 PM

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Cross Mfg. Cross is a recognized leader in the agricultural sector and Cross hydraulic products on loaders, balers, tillage, harvesting and cattle handling equipment are widely seen throughout the Midwest. In California, Cross cylinders provide power for tomato harvesters and spraying equipment in the vineyards of the San Joaquin Valley. The wide diversity of markets served by Cross components includes material handling, mobile and utility applications, airport ground equipment, solid waste handling, drilling, construction, marine, mining, forestry and military contracts. One major customer uses Cross cylinders to provide power for asphalt spreaders in road work construction. Cross cylinders found their way to the mountains on ski slope grooming equipment via an Austrian company who bought hydraulics in the United States for their pull-behind blades. In the railway industry, Cross components supply power for a ballast and tie handling machine which replaces 18 men. Another unusual application is an aquatic weed harvester using Cross components to cut underwater weeds transferring them to a conveyor for removal from the lake. As we move forward, Cross position sensor cylinders have found wide acceptance in the agricultural as well as industrial markets whenever a high degree of precision and repeatability are required. Cross products have many uses on land, sea and air. Cross Manufacturing serves many leading names in the mobile equipment industry and the products are marketed through a system of Company salesmen and sales representatives direct to manufacturers and distributors throughout the United States, Canada, and Mexico. Cross overseas markets are continuing to expand with customers in South America, Europe, South Africa, the Far East, Middle East, and Australia. Cross Manufacturing, Inc. 100 James H. Cross Blvd. Lewis, KS 67552 Phone: 620-324-5525 Fax: 620-324-5737 Email:

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The Complete Product Line Made in America...Serving the World CROSS Manufacturing Inc. produces one of the most extensive hydraulic component lines on the market today. In addition to the wide range of products offered in this Full Line catalog, CROSS also offers numerous and diverse options and configurations to acco modate the needs of the marketplace and our customers. Many non-standard options are already configured within our system and are available within n rmally short lead times. Special design requirements are reviewed by our Engineering and Technical staff. CROSS was established in 1949 and is still privately owned and operated. CROSS distributes worldwide and supplies hydraulic components for many markets: agricultural, mobile, material handling, logging, utility, construction, mining and forestry. CROSS has been 1SO 9001 certified since 1998. We invite you to browse our full product line and look forward to serving your hydraulic needs! Tie Rod Cylinders, Standard and Custom Welded Cylinders rated up to 3000 psi - standard and custom mountings. 1 1/2 through 5 inch bore sizes. Directional, Flow and Pressure Control Valves - wide range of spool configurations, manual an soleroid actuator options, ratings up to 5000 psi and 7 up to 50 gpm

Pumps and Motors - .5 to 9.25 CIR - rated up to 3000 rpm, 3000 psi. Keyed or spline shafts - SAE A, B and C mountings. Planetary Gear Motor: 5.33 to 1 reduction - up to 27.7 CIR effective displ., 50T PTO Gear Box and Pump combo unit.

Other Products: Filters, Planetary Gear Box, Accumulators, Adapters and Manifolds.

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CPC (Colder Products Company) CPC is the leading global provider of quick disconnect couplings, fittings an connectors for use with tubing in lowpressure fluid-handling applications. E ployed in a broad range of applications, CPC’s 10,000+ innovative products allow flexible tubing to be quickly and safel connected and disconnected. Features include built-in shutoff valves to prevent product spills and an easy-to-use pushbutton thumb latch for quick connecting and disconnecting. CPC also engineers custom solutions to improve the overall functionality and design of equipment and processes in the life sciences and specialty industrial markets. For more information, visit

Smart fluid handling to take you forward, faster. CPC offers tubing connector solutions that add value to product designs. We think beyond the point of connection to help enhance product performance and your user’s experience. Our thousands of off-the-shelf options make flui handling safe and easy, while helping you reduce time-to-market for new product designs. CPC’s more than 35 years of continuing innovation is evident in our quick disconnects, couplings and fittings. From our ergonomi thumb latch design to the world’s smallest non-spill connectors, CPC’s range of proven, standard products is unequalled. We can also collaborate on custom designs for your application. Here are some of our fluid handling solutions: Intelligent couplings for data transmission CPC’s IdentiQuik® connectors combine fluid handlin with RFID technology to enable the robust transfer of flui and information. Intelligent connectors redefine what’ possible for controlling, protecting and streamlining flui handling processes in limitless applications.

CPC (Colder Products Company) Parent Company: Dover Corporation 1001 Westgate Drive St. Paul, MN 55114 Phone: 800-444-2474 Email:

Multifunction couplers to simplify connections Hybrid connectors from CPC are designed to handle the transfer of power, signal and fluid (liquids and air) through a single device. These multifunction couplers eliminate the need for multiple connections, simplifying the user interface between remote tools and a device.

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Non-spill connectors for protecting users, processes, electronics CPC offers a wide range of non-spill couplers for handling hazardous media, maintaining closedsystem integrity or protecting sensitive electronics. The NS1 series connects tubing as small as 1/16” I.D., while our new LQ series is designed specifically fo liquid cooling applications that require ultra-reliable, drip-free connections and disconnections.

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CS Hyde Company CS HYDE COMPANY supplies high performance materials used in most major industries. We are a custom-converter of pressure sensitive adhesive tapes, films silicone, fabrics, belting, rubber and threads. Some of our unique cababilities include laminating adhesives, die cutting, slitting, sheeting, and print & bar-code. Our major products include materials made with Teflon® Fluoropolymer Kapton®, UHMW, Silicone Products, FEP, Mylar®, Kynar®, Solef®, Kevlar®, PEEK, Nitrile, Tefzel®, Ultem®, etc. We are the perfect source for both the small and large customer. Minimums are low and our prices are competitive. Samples & Technical assistance available! CS Hyde Company 1351 North Milwaukee Avenue Lake Villa, IL 60046 USA Phone: 800-461-4161 Email:

CS Hyde Company is always changing and adapting to suit you, the customer. We take the initiative to work on your project along with you, offering suggestions and our product knowledge wherever it may be useful. We enjoy learning new things and our team is always looking for a new challenge. We believe it is a necessity to take the time to give you our support. With the benefit of an automated control system, ou precision slitting machine can cut rolls of material to standard and custom sizes. We support 1-1/2”, 3, and 6 inch cores, and can cut material as large as 60 inches WIDE while maintaining tight tolerances throughout. We also have the capability to die-cut pieces of material using a variety of different methods. Whatever your company needs, we have something to suit your specific application. CS Hyde Company is proud to offe the capability to cut custom shapes to a very tight tolerance. If you only need a few pieces of a complex shape, ask about our rapid prototyping capabilities, which allow for small runs, with no tooling charges, and ultra-fast turnaround times. In addition, we can cold laminate an adhesive of your choice to a variety of materials, and utilize the superior product line that 3M has to offer to ensure the best performance out of your CS Hyde order. Whether it’s Teflon Tape, Silicone Foam, Kevlar thread or Mylar film, we have what your company needs t keep running smoothly. Call one of our representatives today to help find the product your specific applicati requires. We are open from 8am to 5pm on week days, call us today for a quote or email You can also order on-line at our website,

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Crouzet Motors All around the world for over 50 years, Crouzet Motors has been providing engineering expertise, high quality support and a complete offer of standard and customized direct drive and geared motors for all applications where performance is the key issue. Crouzet Motors is a brand of Custom Sensors & Technologies (CST). About CST Custom Sensors & Technologies (CST) is a specialist in sensing, control and motion products. Through its brands, BEI Kimco, BEI Sensors, BEI PSSC, Crouzet, Crydom, Kavlico, Newall and Systron Donner Inertial, CST offers customizable, reliable and efficient component for mission-critical systems in Aerospace & Defense, Transportation, Energy & Infrastructure, Medical, Food and Beverage and Building Equipment markets. Focused on premium value offers and committed to excellence, CST, with 4,400 employees worldwide and sales of $604M in 2012, is the dependable and adaptable partner for the most demanding customers. For more information, contact: Crouzet Motors 1499 Poinsettia Avenue, Suite 160 Vista, California 92081 Toll-free: (800) 677-5311 E-mail: Web: Blog:

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Crouzet Motors continues over 50 years of leadership in the industry by engineering two significant an revolutionary new electric motor innovations. The new DCmind Brushless and Brushed products embody the Crouzet tradition of designing and building electric motor solutions that deliver performance, reliability and value for OEMs around the world. Crouzet Motors’ Innovation in Intelligent Brushless Motors: Crouzet’s DCmind Brushless Motors Series features integrated electronics, power capabilities from 60 to 150 Watts, high accuracy and simple user programmability. These motors are excellent for applications found in medical, packaging, robotics, mass transportation, agricultural and many other markets. Their integrated electronics save space and provide a smart, compact motor solution. Other characteristics include an optimized control loop which allows simple and accurate motor management, carefully designed internal thermal protection for improved safety, and intuitive, easy-touse software. Excellent EMC characteristics assure operational safety and reliability. Options include a mechanical brake and a variety of planetary and worm gearboxes. All models in the series can be used as a stand-alone motor or in combination with other motors, or controlled by a PLC. Companion software allows for simple user programmability without having to learn a special language. The new motors include the DCmind SMi21 Series for simplified pos tion, speed and torque control and DCmind TNi21 Series for simplified speed and torque control Crouzet Motors’ Innovation in Quiet, Extended Lifetime Brushed Motors: The innovative DCmind Brushed Motors are designed to be astonishingly quiet, even under full load, and offer exceptional efficiencies, long service life, an a wide range of gearboxes and accessories. With virtually noiseless operation, DCmind Brushed motors are particularly well suited to applications in medical, laboratory, industrial and high performance printing

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industries. They can also be used in a variety of other applications such as pumps and valves, railways, and aeronautics. The Crouzet DCmind Brushed Motors have a noise level of only 35db — about the sound of a whispered conversation — and 20db less than the current motor standard range. Key to their silent operation is the precisely engineered product design. Careful attention was paid to selection of high quality magnets, brushes and ball bearings as well as to special shaping and balancing of rotor poles. These factors combined to dramatically reduce the energy dissipated through vibration and resonance levels. The result is not only the quietest brushed motor on the market, but also a motor with more than 80% efficiency and a minimum service life of 500 hours when used with normal power loads. Under reduced load conditions, service life can be increased to as much as 24,000 hours. The new product range includes 15, 25 and 55 watt motors with a 42mm diameter, and 55 and 104 watt motors with a 63mm diameter. DCmind Brushed motors are designed for use with 12, 24 and 48 volt power supplies and are available with a full complement of accessories and adaptations, including rear brake, optical or Hall effect encoders (1 or 2 channels), special connectors and wires or cabling. Custom options include input voltage, output speed and power, as well as shaft dimensions and material. The DCmind Brushed Motor’s extremely low sound level meets several standards in applications for medical (IEC 60601-1) office equipmen (IEC 60950), and household appliances (IEC 60335). All new motors are approved in accordance with UL 10004-1, CE, and support IP56, IP67 and IP69K. They are also RoHS compliant.

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1/22/16 9:33 AM

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Del-Tron Precision, Inc. Del-Tron Precision, Inc. was founded in order to serve the needs of automated equipment manufacturers for innovative, high quality and reasonably priced antifriction linear bearings. After 38 years, we remain firmly focuse on that original premise. Although we currently offer one of the broadest product ranges in the industry, we still concentrate on our greatest strength, which is to offer components which provide a reliable mechanical interface for modern industrial equipment. Hundreds of thousands of Del-Tron slides, positioning stages, ball and lead screw actuators and other linear motion devices have been incorporated into medical diagnostic and other equipment, semiconductor processing equipment, assembly systems, scientific instruments and man other products. Del-Tron Precision, Inc. 5 Trowbridge Dr. P.O. Box 505 Bethel, CT 06801 Phone: 1.800.245.5013

Leader in Engineering Del-Tron Precision’s linear motion slides are known throughout the industry for their very low friction and smooth operation. We offer hundreds of different types of linear motion slides, some that are not readily available from any other source. If your application calls for a space-saving design with a smaller footprint for sub-miniature devices requiring precision miniature motion, we offer a wide range of options and you’ll find them at competitive price.

If you have engineering questions or concerns let one of our knowledgeable engineers provide you with immediate technical assistance to enable you to find work-arounds s you can design and develop unique out-ofthe-box solutions which utilize our customized or standard slides. In fact, we expect you’ll experience a level of responsiveness you just won’t see elsewhere. You’ll find we’r nimble and always ready to help in any way we can, offering personalized attention that’s unparalleled in the industry.

Best of all, we offer customized solutions to solve even the toughest design challenges. If you want to change the finish, the shape or have holes placed at different intervals in a linear motion slide, Del-Tron Precision specializes in modifications. We are alway eager to collaborate with you to create a linear motion slide that fits your exactin requirements. If you need help with drawings, solid models are available for all of our parts.

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January 2016



1/19/16 5:32 PM

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Deublin Deublin is the leading manufacturer of precision rotating unions for water, steam, air, hydraulic, vacuum, coolant and hot oil service. With manufacturing and / or sales offices in 17 countries worldwide Deublin’s international headquarters is located at 2050 Norman Drive, Waukegan, IL 60085-6747 USA Phone: 847.689.8600 Fax: 847.689.8690 Since 1945, Deublin has grown from a small garage shop to the world’s largest manufacturer of rotary unions (rotating unions) - a mechanical device that allows transfer of pressurized fluid from a stationary sourc into rotating machinery for heating, cooling or transfer of fluid power Deublin’s entree into the Rotating Union market was its unique design that incorporated balanced mechanical seals. The then innovative design was immediately accepted by the industry and this began the growth of the company. Rotating Union applications include Air Clutches, Gear Boxes, Machine Tool Spindles, Textile Equipment, Rubber & Plastic Manufacturing Machinery, Steel Continuous Casting Machines and Paper Machine Calender stacks. In 1989 Deublin product line was expanded to include Steam Joints and Siphon Systems for Paper Machine Dryer Cans.

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Rotary unions must accommodate a broad range of materials, viscosities, temperatures, pressures and speeds. That’s why the Deublin rotary union product line offers over 500 standard rotary unions, over 3,000 separate models, and more than 6,000 individual components to handle them.

With its world headquarters in Waukegan - a suburb of Chicago, IL - Deublin spans the world with wholly owned subsidiaries in Austria, Brazil, Canada, China, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Korea, Mexico, Poland, Singapore, Spain, Sweden and the United Kingdom. In the rest of the world, Deublin products and services are available through Authorized Distributors. Our worldwide distribution network allows OEM’s all over the world to specify Deublin rotary unions when purchasing equipment made in another country. Wherever you’re located, Deublin has a stocking distributor nearby to meet your fluid handling requir ments— quickly.

New Series of Multi-Passage Rotating Unions

1/19/16 5:34 PM

2016 A












Leadership in Engineering


Motion Control

Power Transmission

DieQua Corporation is a manufacturer and supplier of a wide range of gearboxes, gearheads, speed reducers, shaft connecting components and screw jack systems. Products are available for general power transmission and precise motion control requirements. We strive to be an extension of our customer’s engineering team by working closely with them to identify goals and help select the optimal solution to meet the performance needs of their machine designs. For over 30 years, DieQua has established and maintained exclusive partnerships with European manufacturers to offer a variety of premium quality mechanical drive technologies to the North American market. These include bevel, helical, planetary, worm and hypoid gearbox designs in both inline and right angle configurations. Shaft couplings, torque limiter and screw jack lifting systems are also part of our program. From the beginning to now our engineering, manufacturing, assembly and warehousing capabilities have grown dramatically allowing us to provide outstanding personal service, cost effective solutions and timely deliveries. As automated processes increase in most industries, many gearbox technologies can cross over from typical power transmission to solve motion control applications. With a vast array of gear products to choose from, along with the experience and expertise to know when, where and how to apply them, DieQua is in a unique position to offer multiple options to machine design engineers and motion system integrators. So, whether you have one or several gear drive requirements, for standard or customized designs, DieQua Corporation is your one stop shop for gearbox selection, integration assistance and superior customer service.

Planetary and Bevel Gearheads These low backlash gearheads are available in inline and right angle configurations. Benefits include highly namic performance, a revolutionary motor mounting system, the widest range of ratios and customizable designs.

Worm Speed Reducers Premium design features, including a unique flexible input interface tha accommodates NEMA or IEC motor misalignment while eliminating fretting corrosion, provide superior performance and reliability.

Precision Worm Gearheads This versatile gearhead offers 3 levels of backlash from 10 to below 1 arc minute. Shaft, hollow bore and robot flang output options are available on sizes with center distances from 35-200 mm.

Helical Gearmotors & Reducers These rugged gearmotors and reducers come in inline helical or right angle helical bevel designs. Input options include integral motors from 1/4 to 60 HP and flanges for NEMA or IEC motors

High Torque Series Gearheads These economical right angle helical gearheads are available with capacities up to 14,000 Nm, appropriate for some of the largest servo driven applications. A variety of output shaft options provide connection design versatility.

Spiral Bevel Gearboxes These low backlash bevel boxes come in 8 sizes with a wide range of ratios and shaft configurations, includin hollow bores. In addition to a variety of options, design modifications and co plete special designs are offered.

180 Covington Drive Bloomingdale, IL 60108 630.980.1133

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1/19/16 7:30 PM

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Digi-Key Global distributor Digi-Key Electronics is the industry leader in electronic component selection, availability and delivery. Digi-Key is committed to stocking the broadest range of electronic components available for immediate shipment with over one million products in stock and more than four million searchable parts online from its 650+ authorized industry-leading suppliers. The company also has an impressive selection of online resources and provides exceptional service to its customers including 24/7 technical support. Supporting design engineers from Prototype to Production®, the company’s website features a vast collection of technical resources, multimedia content and a broad portfolio of high-value design tools. Learn more at

Digi-Key’s unique business model serves the engineer in many ways. First and foremost, by providing the industry’s broadest selection of electronic components as a fully-authorized distributor for more than 650 quality, name-brand manufacturers, ensuring original and reliable products. Working with these key suppliers, customers can come to a single source for the latest technology, state-of-the-art products, unparalleled service, and continual new product introduction.

Digi-Key Electronics 701 Brooks Avenue South Thief River Falls, MN 56701

With more than 4,660,000 searchable components on their website and over 1.2 million in stock and ready for immediate shipment, engineers can get the parts they need in the quantities they desire quickly and from a single source within the company’s warehouse in Thief River Falls, Minnesota. Digi-Key’s aggregate collection of components offers a one-stop-shop buying experience that allows for delivery in just a few days. The Digi-Key website has gone through numerous updates in the past year aimed at the design engineer, providing benefits such as easier navigati n and search features. Digi-Key also offers superior customer service and 24x7 technical support via e-mail, web or phone, along with high-value resources such as reference designs, electronic design automation (EDA) and CAD tools, a robust bill-of-materials (BOM) manager, informative articles and videos on technology trends and applications, ‘how to’ articles, product tutorials, and numerous other multimedia resources.

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Donwell Company, Inc. The Donwell Company, a licensed Teflon® applicator since DuPont inst tuted its licensing program, is an industry leader in surface preparation and coating applications. Donwell applies high-performance coatings including non-stick, nonwetting, heat resistant, chemical resistant and cryogenically stable to temperatures as low as -450˚F (-270˚C). Coatings from a variety of manufacturers can be applied to metals, elastomers, composites, rubber, ceramics, glass and more. Capable of accommodating parts from miniature to 20 feet, from one-piece to large production runs. Donwell’s experience with high-technology coating applications and knowledgeable personnel provide engineering assistance to customers with all types of coating application needs. For more information, visit Donwell Company, Inc. 130 Sheldon Road P.O. Box 906 Manchester, CT 06042-2388 Phone: 860-649-5374 Email:

Quality materials and workmanship are the focus of every coating project handled by Donwell Company to ensure that our work meets commercial, aerospace, military and medical specifications, where applicable Donwell has a Quality Management program utilizing Statistical Process Control (SPC) and Continuous Improvement with a goal of zero defects. Ensuring the quality of Donwell’s coating services requires attention to surface preparation, coating thickness, curing procedures and coating integrity. Our quality system provides for prevention and detection of non-conformance, timely corrective action and analysis of information to evaluate quality and effectiveness. Donwell’s quality system complies with ISO 9001 and has been approved by major military, commercial and aerospace manufacturers. For over 50 years, Donwell has been applying coatings to meet many aerospace, medical, industrial and military specifications. Coatings are applied electrostatically b state-of-the-art methods for ease of application, complete coverage and cost effectiveness. They can be applied to many substrates, including metals, elastomers, composites, rubber, ceramics and glass. Curing temperatures range from ambient to 1000°F (540°C). Our knowledge of the properties of coating materials from many different manufacturers allows us to apply the right coating to meet each customer’s needs. We also offer a liberal prototype and sample policy that enables potential customers to evaluate a coating application prior to production. The high-performance coatings with which we work can be used in an almost unlimited variety of applications including medical parts, electronic devices, hardware, appliance parts, bearings, valves, pumps, gaskets, hand tools, automotive parts, industrial equipment and more.

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Dorner Mfg. Corp. The Leader in Precision Conveyors Dorner sets the industry standard for conveyor systems designed for unit handling automation challenges. We serve industrial, packaging, and sanitary markets with low profile belt and plasti chain conveyors that are flexible and rel able. We provide solutions to customers in over 1,200 different industries worldwide looking to achieve improved efficiency productivity, and a positive ROI. Founded in 1966 and based in Hartland, Wisconsin, Dorner is a privately held World Leader in the design, applications, manufacturing, and integration of conveyor systems Our employees, our products and our commitment to customers contribute to Dorner Mfg. Corp. as being a World Leader in industrial conveyor systems. To keep up to date with what’s happening at Dorner, visit the Dorner Conveyor Blog DORNER MFG. CORP. 975 Cottonwood Ave P.O. Box 20 Hartland, WI 53029 USA INSIDE THE USA TEL: 800.397.8664

OUTSIDE THE USA TEL: 262.367.7600

Dorner conveyor systems are flexible, easy to select, easy to acquire through efficient elivery, and easy to integrate with our world class support network. We offer the widest breadth of conveyor platforms in the marketplace, which enables us to have the right conveyor for almost any application and the expertise to tackle our customers’ projects with the right approach.

What’s New… 2200 Series Precision Move Pallet Systems • Quick belt change without conveyor removal for reduced downtime • Unique and cost effective pin tracking system and powered corners • Industry compatible pallets are sold as completed assemblies or kits • Innovative lifting & transfer modules 2200 Series SmartFlex® Pallet Systems • Components sold as kits for design layout flexibilit • Pallets sold as kits to allow fixturing or as completed assembl es • Fast shipping in sub-assemblies for fast and easy installation • Unique pin tracking to simplify pallet handling AquaPruf® 7600 VBT (Vertical Belt Technology) • Sanitary vertical belt conveyor for elevating bulk product • Staggered sidewall belt provides increased pocket capacity over a traditional sidewall belt • Clean through side wall design improves clean-ability and reduces water usage • Open frame design allows belt change in approximately 20 minutes

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Somos® Somos®, a DSM brand, is a global 3-D printing materials provider committed to delivering the best products available in the additive manufacturing industry. Through collaborative partnerships and groundbreaking material innovation, we provide you the confidence to create th designs once thought to be impossible. Since the late 1980s, DSM’s Somos® group has earned a global reputation for superior stereolithography material innovation. Our large portfolio of products offers a solution for any application, from thermoplastic-like performance to extreme clarity, while providing the speed and accuracy needed to deliver products to market quickly. Explore what’s available for your next project today. Contact info: 1122 St. Charles St. Elgin, IL 60120 Phone: 1-800-222-7189 Fax: 1-847-695-1748 Email:

Somos® Expertise Somos® has earned a global reputation for providing innovative, highperformance materials to the additive manufacturing market for close to 20 years. Our dedicated team members have an average of 10 years’ experience in the specialized area of stereolithography and are able to provide you with a solution that best meets the demands of your next design project. The Variety You Need Your projects have certain demands. Whether its flexibility, cl rity, toughness, or a combination of these, Somos® offers a wide range of materials with various performance benefits to ensure the success of your latest creation. Your Long-Term Partner Our Somos® team is committed to partnering with you throughout the lifespan of your project to ensure its success. From determining the best solution at the beginning of a project to discussing the benefi s and drawbacks of various material options, we’re with you every step of the way.

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Headquartered in New Berlin, Wisconsin, Dynatect supports tens of thousands of worldwide clients via six manufacturing facilities and 60+ field representatives Due to the recent name change from A&A Manufacturing to Dynatect (derived from the words “dynamic” and “protection”), members of the manufacturing industry may be more familiar with Dynatect’s long-established brands, namely Gortite®, Gortrac®, Nylatrac®, and Polyclutch®. The origin of today’s highly recognized line of Gortite® Protective Covers comes from Dynatect’s founding in 1945. Since its founding, complementary products such as cable and hose carriers were added to support the changing needs of the manufacturing industry. Acquisitions in the last decade included custom manufacturers of elastomer and mechanical motion control products. Dynatect’s growth is driven by its commitment to designing quality products and finding innovative and practica solutions that are valued by its customers. Dynatect relies on a commitment to continuous improvement, engineering innovation and manufacturing excellence to ensure a dynamic future. Dynatect Manufacturing, Inc. 2300 South Calhoun Road New Berlin, WI 53151 USA Phone: (262) 786-1500 Fax: 262-786-3280 Email:

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Global Leaders in Dynamic Protection for Equipment and People Dynatect manufactures custom-engineered products to enhance safety and protect equipment. Dynatect’s product range includes protective covers, cable carriers, molded elastomer products, precision ball screws, and slip clutches. Its large product range has evolved to meet the needs of industrial, medical, commercial, and off-highway equipment manufacturers. Dynatect also supports manufacturing operations of all sizes with repair and replacement component needs. Whether the application requires a complex assembly or basic component, customers can expect Dynatect to take the time to understand their application needs. Customers come to Dynatect for one-time special projects, knowing Dynatect excels at, rather than shies away from a challenge. Dynatect is also a trusted supplier of proprietary parts to its OEM customers.

Product Portfolio

PROTECTIVE COVERS—With 70 years of experience and a library of more than 500,000 designs, Dynatect is currently the largest manufacturer of customized protective covers in North America. Dynatect’s Gortite brand manufactures bellows, steel walk-on covers, roll-up shades, roll-up doors, way wipers, door actuators and telescopic covers that are available in various configurations, assemblies, an constructions.

ELASTOMER PRODUCTS—Dynatect Ro-Lab custom molds rubber and polyurethane. Up front design support and collaboration is available throughout the component life cycle. RoLab meets the highest standards in precision, appearance, material composition, and purity. Its capabilities include custom formulation, insert molding, and exceptional part sizes: from very small, to large or thick.

CABLE CARRIERS—Dynatect offers a complete line of plastic, metallic, and hybrid cable carriers that can be readily customized with modular or fabricated components. Dynatect provides carrier systems for standard and special applications, including high speeds, rapid accelerations, long travel distance, aggressive environments, corrosive environments, or a combination of factors.

MOTION CONTROL—Dynatect’s precision ground ball screws and mechanical slip clutches are effectively utilized in numerous motion control applications. Dynatect configures each screw assembly to its custo ers’ specifications in order to meet uniqu demands. Dynatect’s long-life clutches are customizable, enabling reliable overload protection, and precise torque control.

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Eagle Stainless

Tube & Fabrication, Inc. delivering stainless steel, high nickel alloy & titanium components to customers in medical, aerospace and high tech manufacturing Since its inception in1982, Eagle Stainless has a sterling record of on-time delivery, fair pricing, product quality and highly skilled employees dedicated to continuous improvement and training. Eagle has earned its reputation as a supplier of choice for off-the-shelf stainless steel products and fabricated stainless steel products. With “Eagle Eye Quality” you are assured: 100% parts made to your specifications. 100% on time delivery 100% traceable certified material Call us. We are ready to help with any of your metal needs! Phone: 800-528-8650 Fax: 800-520-1954

Laser welding/cutting - Eagle’s computer controlled laser welding equipment (laser center shown above) enables us to produce extremely closetolerance cutting, notching, etching and welding operations. Cut-to-length tubing - Eagle’s facilities enable us to cut and deburr any diameter tubing in quantities from a single piece to millions of pieces or more…and from lengths of .010″ and longer with standard tolerances (see cutting tolerances below). Closer tolerances are certainly possible, simply request a quote with the details of your application, and we’ll be glad to help. Bending / Coiling - The ability to bend tubes without excessive distortion, wrinkling or fracturing is an art born of experience. Eagle craftsmen working with state-of-the-art machinery supply uniformly smooth bends - meeting the tightest customer specifications

CNC / Swiss machining Specializing in CNC machining for more than two decades, Eagle Stainless has been delivering some of the most intricately machined part imaginable. Working in diameters ranging from .030” to 2”, we’re ready to meet the requirements of your most demanding application!

Flaring and reductions Flaring and end reduction of tubing is an every day precision process at Eagle. Special tools and procedures have been developed to insure repeatability for proper mating of flare and end-reduced tubes.

ISO 9001 • AS 9100 • ISO 13485

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Custom shaped tubing in sizes from .040” to 1.00” to lengths to 17 ft. • Round • Oval • Triangular • Square • Rectangular • Hexagonal • and more! With a complete in-house tool and die facility, experienced toolmakers will develop a custom extrusion die to yield tubing that will meet or exceed your expectations.

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State-of-the-art tube bending

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Eaton Whether your products move, turn, shape, mold, lift, dig, or haul, you can depend on Eaton’s hydraulics products to deliver the performance you need to stay competitive. Eaton’s unwavering dedication to leadership in mobile and industrial applications has made Eaton one of the world’s preferred suppliers of hydraulic solutions. Eaton is a power management company with 2014 sales of $22.6 billion. Eaton provides energy-efficient solutions that hel our customers effectively manage electrical, hydraulic and mechanical power more efficiently, safely and sustainably. Eato has approximately 99,000 employees and sells products to customers in more than 175 countries.

Eaton’s Hydraulics Group is working to improve the productivity, efficienc and safety of hydraulic equipment by bridging the gap between hardware and software in mobile and industrial machinery. By networking the prime mover with hydraulic consumers and automating micro-decisions, Eaton’s Hydraulics group is helping manufacturers and end users push the boundaries of productivity and efficiency to dynamically manage ever changing demands and conditions.

For more information, visit

Smart automation helps machines respond to changing inputs smoothly and efficiently, and Eaton engineers are actively developing a rowing portfolio of advanced components and smart software that are fundamentally changing the way people design, build and operate both mobile and industrial machines. By building smarter machines, the Eaton engineering team is empowering manufacturers and end users to capture data that exists within components and systems, creating actionable knowledge from when a hose will fail to how a pump can be run more efficiently

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Elesa U.S.A. Elesa manufactures a complete line of precision thermoplastic and metal operating elements for industrial machines and equipment for clamping and control operations. Our aesthetically pleasing original designs, unmistakable style and a thorough approach to ergonomics are the main features of our products. Elesa products are recipients of the most prestigious international awards for industrial design. Most products are available with threading and assembly holes in inch and metric configurations

New 3-Lobe Knobs are Ideal for Ergonomics, Allow for Easy Cleaning and Resist Corrosion

Elesa VTT knobs with three lobes offer a safe grip for manipulating knobs of smaller diameters and when wearing work gloves. The absence of recesses prevents residue and dust accumulation. Ideal for food, medical and pharmaceutical applications.

The Elesa staff is dedicated to meeting your needs for high-quality products delivered to meet your production schedule. If a standard element is not the correct solution, we will work with our R&D Department to develop a custom or customized product to meet your requirements. Toll-Free: 800-374-7686 Phone: 330-405-1300 Email: 1930 Case Parkway N. Twinsburg, Ohio 44087

Toggle Clamps and Other Clamping and Latching Products

Horizontal and vertical toggle clamps, latch clamps, push-pull clamps in various configurations. Heavy-duty styles for applications requiring hi h clamping load capacity. Weldable latch clamps for plastic molds and similar applications.

Elesa – The Original Handwheel

The VDN machine handwheel features an original Elesa design dating from 1963: a matte Aluminum ring contrasting with
a high glossy black Duroplast surface. This traditional, unmistakable design feature is what many civil courts (IPR sections) and courts of appeal in Europe over many years have declared
“a unique and distinctive design”. Reg. U.S. Pat. & Tm. Off.

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Inspiring Motion Elmo develops and manufactures cutting-edge servo drives and network motion controllers that are one-stop solutions for any motion control technology. As a leading global company with over 25 years of experience and millions of servo drives at work, we provide our clients with profitability and success. With a focus on hig est performance, efficiency, reliability, safety ease-of-use and standards compliance, Elmo’s solutions are used by leading machine manufacturers in nearly every industry around.

Elmo Motion Control Inc.

42 Technology Way Nashua, NH 03060, U.S.A. Tel: +1 603-821-9979 Email:

Elmo Quick Facts:

Elmo offers one-stop solutions for modern manufacturing system design and operation: • • • •

Established in 1988 Global Elmo Presence: China, Germany, Israel, Italy, Korea, Poland, USA Over 3,000,000 servo drives installed and operating globally Worldwide sales and support network

Superior Performance Outstanding performance, offering the best results with any load and any feedback. Gold Line servo drives deliver up to 65 kW, are UL and IEC 61800 certified to operate up to 800 VDC and 530 VAC, feature DS-402 profile modes as well as advanced capabilities, are SIL3/PLe STO certified and com-pliant with EtherCAT and CANopen standards.

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Motion In Perfect Harmony

Elmo’s perfectly tuned motion orchestra boosts your machine beyond its boundaries. Elmo’s Maestro series is a state of the art Machine Motion Controller integrated with intelligent GOLD Servo drives provides the optimum solution to achieve rapid, simple, and unequaled machine operation. Optimized performance of any mechanical load using the built in advanced control algorithms and features of Elmo’s powerful perfectly tuned servo drives. Multi-axis advanced motion blending, superimposed motions, real-time updates of target positions, 1D, 2D, 3D high resolution error mapping, ECAM, smart Gearing, High Order Polynomial motion segment and trajectories buildup, PVT, PT, and spline profiling’s will execute any multi-axis motion scenari with high precision and rapid response. Controlled by the Maestro, the best utilization of Elmo’s smart drives is achieved for smooth, accurate, wide bandwidth and fast response movements. The “Motion-Without-Programming” evolution enables implementation of the most advanced applications by simply using “ready to use” “Smart Building Blocks” without the need for motion or servo expertise, ensuring the most efficient real time operation Highly efficient and certified EtherCAT networking with cycli time down to 100μs provide fast and precise machine motion. The innovative State of the Motion, Servo and Power control implemented by smart and simple application tools, guarantee in addition to best results.

Comprehensive Solutions

Elmo offers one-stop solutions for modern manufacturing • Wide range of intelligent, compact, high power density servo drives • Advanced single/multi-axis integrated network motion controllers • State-of-the-art, wizard-driven drive setup and performance optimization tool • Integrated drive-motor high performance systems • Matched rectifying AC power supplies Elmo’s standalone or distributed network-based solutions satisfy the broadest range of requirements for motion applications, easily and efficiently

Elmo Application Studio II Software

The Ultimate Tool that “Walks You Through” the Entire Motion Implementation Elmo’s Application Studio II is the 2nd generation advanced wizard-based tuning tool providing a flexible, smart, a vanced user-friendly tools, and easy motion-programming environment. It offers intuitive interfaces built to simplify complex advanced motion programming - EAS II contains many innovative capabilities. EAS II configures programs, maintains, and analyzes ever feature and capability in Elmo’s servo drives and Maestro motion controllers. Elmo’s hardware and software integration demands software usability to give motion designers the ability to translate specific motion control needs quickl and simply. New Features interface design walks through features, capabilities, configurations, motion programming system integration, and monitoring tasks • Software tools enable motion control innovation in every field. Explosion of innovation in • robotics, unmanned vehicles, factory automation, and everything that moves • User unit support, error mapping and correction, drive feedback emulation • Maestro controller and servo drive ECAM configuration, with simplified external referen • input processing, bode & Nichols tuning graphical analysis • Management (upload/download) of numerous servo drives configuration • Automated recording live scope • Comprehensive inline help system and gauge displays

Unique Benefits

Elmo’s top performance in every aspect of motion control lowers operating costs and increases competitiveness: • Gold Line servo drives offer unmatched engineering flexibility to overcome most any challenge and achieve new efficiencies • Gold Maestro cost-efficiently brings advance motion control to a unified platform and streamlines solution development. • EASII simplifies and speeds drive and machine setup, reducing the time required for machine development and maintenance.

We invite you to contact an Elmo Sales Specialist to learn more today.

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Encoder Products Encoder Products Company (EPC) is a world-wide leader in the design and manufacture of rotary encoders. In 1969, CEO William Watt developed an innovative cube-shaped encoder and launched the company from his garage. Today, EPC manufactures a diverse line of Accu-Coder™ brand advanced incremental and absolute rotary encoders for OEM and MRO customers in nearly every industry.

Encoder solutions that just make sense.

A modern, vertically integrated 100,000 sq. ft. facility in Sagle, Idaho, serves as both Global and Americas Division headquarters. The Asian and European Divisions are supported by EPC’s China, India and UK facilities. EPC products are available through a network of qualifie industrial distributors and resellers as well as direct sales channels. EPC believes that each and every customer deserves our very best— quality products, superior service, and expert support. By adhering to this founding principle, EPC has maintained long-lasting relationships with satisfie customers throughout almost fiv decades of steady growth.

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New Standards In Rotary Encoder Design Inventors of the original cube encoder, Encoder Products Company (EPC) has delivered numerous “firsts” in encoder design. Many EPC innovation have not only been widely imitated, they are now industry standards. Advanced Sensor Technology At the heart of EPC’s high-performance encoders is its advanced Opto-ASIC sensor design. This feature integrates many previous board-level components into a single chip with uniform material properties. In addition to greatly reduced packaging size, it allows for a generous sensor-to-disk air gap, resulting in clean, stable signal output over a wide range of operating conditions. Engineered For Harsh Duty The Model 725 Industrial Housing option was developed for applications in harsh industrial environments. In this design, an internal hollowbore encoder is coupled to the external shaft and secured by an internal flex mount, minimizin the effects of shaft loads. Recent enhancements include an exclusive double-lip IP67 shaft seal and dual O-ring case seals. Upgraded bearings are now rated to loads of 80 lbs axial/radial. All these features combine to isolate the encoder’s electronics from shock, vibration, dirt, dust, moisture and other external hazards. This novel “encoder-within-an-encoder” concept is also found in the MA63S multi-turn absolute and the HD-10 Heavy-Duty Cube Housing, with 95 lbs radial load bearings. Linear Measurement Made Simple Previously, many encoder measuring wheel applications involved cumbersome and costly ad-hoc spring and pivot arm assemblies. In response, EPC

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developed the Tru-Trac™ line of encoders. They feature an integrated, fully-configurable encoder an internal spring-loaded pivot arm and a precision measuring wheel. The TR1 Tru-Trac™ is a general purpose unit that includes a single 6” wheel. For applications with irregular surfaces, heavy shock, dust and moisture, the TR3 Heavy Duty Tru-Trac™ employs a ruggedized metal pivot arm and a single or dual 12” circumference measuring wheels. For reciprocating linear motion, EPC offers the TR2 Tru-Trac™ with a precision pinion gear and rack system. Alternatively, the Linear Cube Encoder (LCE) incorporates a 50” draw-string module with a Model 716 cube encoder. Finally, EPC offers the world’s largest variety of encoder measuring wheel sizes, bores, materials and profiles Versatile Performance Designed with versatility in mind, the Model 25T features 0.25” thru 1.125” bore sizes, 20°C to 105°C rating, IP66 seal and up to 10,000 CPR. Its housing design features a chemically stable, high-strength polymer and integral cooling fins. This lightweigh design means less mass is attached to the mounting shaft, an important benefit in many applications This compact single unit eliminates the need for separate Size 20, 25 and 35 thru-bore encoders. Customer Support EPC is committed to supporting customers in selecting, applying and servicing their encoder. EPC offers expert Cross Reference service, short standard and expedite lead times, an industry best 3-year warranty, a staffed repair department and live technical support available 5AM to 4:30PM Pacific, M-F

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EPLAN Software & Services 425 N. Martingale Rd. Suite 470 Schaumburg, IL 60173 Phone: 847-240-4667 Fax: 1-847-240-4633 Email:

From its origins in 1984, EPLAN has become the leader in design automation software, with tens of thousands of users worldwide. The EPLAN Platform, the powerful database architecture behind all EPLAN software products, enables users to boost productivity as well as accuracy through automated content generation and error detection and prevention features and the ability to store vast amounts of recurrent content for future projects. Engineers from the same or different disciplines can share data, allowing them to work collaboratively.

EPLAN offers several design automation products that leverage the power of the platform: • • • • • •

EPLAN Electric P8, the state-of-the-art CAE for electrical design EPLAN ProPanel, the leader in 3D layout for enclosure design EPLAN Harness proD, 2D/3D wire harness design EPLAN Data Portal, a powerful search engine for locating components from many of the world’s leading manufacturers EPLAN Preplanning for plant and process design EPLAN Fluid, a dedicated CAE for fluid power design

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Equipto Equipto Electronics Corporation is a leading manufacturer of packaging products for the electronics industry. We design and manufacture a wide variety of standard equipment enclosures, from full-size cabinets to sub-racks, at our facility in Aurora, Illinois. Special customer needs are fulfilled b modifications to standard designs or b custom enclosures. As a diverse metal fabricator we have standard product lines, each consisting of multiple variations and accessories, based on the EIA RS-310 standard (often referred to as the 19 inch standard). Many of these products are covered by the company’s numerous patents. Contact us and you will discover a responsive team of professionals ready to take on your performance, budget and delivery challenges. Equipto Electronics Corp. 351 Woodlawn Avenue Aurora, IL 60506-9988 Phone: 630-897-4691 or 800-204-RACK (7225) Engineering: Sales/Customer Service:


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Equipto Electronics offers a broad array of standard enclosures. Design modifications and fully-custom products are also available. The following are popular examples.

Heavy Duty Cabinets With incredible strength and flexibility, our double ledge double-plane provides support for over 3,000 pounds of equipment per cabinet. The standard cabinet meets many FCC and EMI/RFI attenuation requirements without gasketing and exceeds shock and vibration tests per Mil-Std 901 and Mil-Std 810D and can be hardened for seismic requirements through Zone 4 and EMI/RFI applications through Tempest. EMI Shielded Cabinets Manufactured from 400 series magnetic stainless steel, they offer shielding levels through Tempest. Using beryllium copper and silver-coated gasketing ensures galvanic compatibility and long-lasting shielding effectiveness. R6 - The highest EMI/RFI protection available! The new R6 not only meets but far exceeds the NSA 94-106 standard. Cabinets are custom sized to your requirements with options such as front and/or rear doors, panels or a combination of the two; and adjustable vertical mounting rails. N6 High-End Shielded NEMA Cabinets Equipto’s High-End Shielded NEMA Cabinets are designed to fully protect valuable electronics that are deployed in the most harsh environments. Challenger Cabinets Designed to meet most commercial requirements, with both vertical frames and sloped-front consoles in a variety of sizes with modular design, all welded construction, adjustable EIA panel mounting angles and hundreds of accessories. Instrument Cabinets Featuring the same modular construction as our other enclosure lines. Available in aluminum or steel, 60 standard sizes, two widths, three depths and 10 heights.

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ESI Inc ESI Incorporated has grown into the market leader in pressure measurement over the last 25 years. We design and manufacture pressure transmitters and transducers for process and general industrial markets, medical, oil & gas, defense, aerospace and automotive. Our customer base extends across the world to more than 40 countries. ESI Inc 6560 W. Rogers Circle, Suite 22 Boca Raton, FL 33487 Phone: 561-989-8540 Fax: 561-989-8816 Email:

Pressure Transducers Early success was on designing pressure transducers and transmitters for exacting military and aerospace applications. More recent success is due to the quality and performance or our Silicon-on-Sapphire sensing technology and its ability to operate at high temperatures, outstripping the performance of conventional silicon pressure switches. Our Strengths: • Offering a full range of pressure transducers and transmitters • Designing and developing new and existing products • Producing customized solutions • Incorporating Silicon-on-Sapphire technology • Creating sensors to operate over a very wide temperature range without loss of performance • Creating sensors with virtually no hysteresis and superb repeatability • Offering repair and re-calibration services • Providing outstanding customer service with an expansive product portfolio

Our Key Markets • • • • •

Oil & Gas Subsea Aerospace Defense Automotive

• • • • •

Hydraulic Process & Industrial Hygienic/Sanitary OEM Test Calibration

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All Products are rigorously tested to IS09001:2008 and Mil-I-45208 procedures and conform to CE requirements. Intrinsic safety certification is also available.

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Super Air Knife Replaces Noisy Blowers EXAIR’s Super Air Knife™ delivers a uniform, high volume, high velocity sheet of air for blowoff, cooling and drying applications. Energy use is 1/3 that of typical blowoffs, comparable to a blower without the costly downtime and maintenance. Noise is 69 dBA at high pressure of 80 PSIG. Air knives are CE compliant and available in one piece construction up to 108” (2743mm).

EXAIR Corporation manufactures Intelligent Compressed Air® products that provide innovative ways to blowoff, dry, cool, vacuum, convey, lift, and eliminate static electricity. Since 1983, EXAIR products have been engineered to improve the overall efficiency of a wide range o industrial processes. Their staff of qualified application engineers is familiar wit a wide variety of manufacturing processes and offer help to individuals trying to fin the best solution to their problems. With the world’s largest selection of engineered, intelligent compressed air products we offer the widest variety of material and sizes to match your requirements. Download 3D models, CAD drawings and installation manuals from our website’s knowledge base. Design compressed air conservation and safety into your coating, cooling, conveying, cleaning and more applications with EXAIR. EXAIR products are made in Cincinnati, OH and can be modified (special lengths materials and sizes) to suit specific a plication requirements. All of the catalog products have a 30 Day Unconditional Guarantee and ship from stock.

Cool Electronic Cabinets Cabinet Cooler® Systems stop electronic control downtime due to heat, dirt and moisture. They produce 20 degree Fahrenheit air from an ordinary supply of compressed air. Thermostat control minimizes air usage. Cabinet Coolers are UL Listed and CE compliant and maintain the NEMA 4, 4X and 12 rating of the enclosure.

Static Control Products The cold, dry months of winter produce all sorts of static electricity problems such as dust attraction, jamming, tearing and painful shocks. The EXAIR web site details the causes of static electricity and how to eliminate it. EXAIR static eliminators neutralize the static charge on plastics, webs, sheet stock and more to improve production speeds, product quality and surface cleanliness.

EXAIR Corporation 11510 Goldcoast Dr. Cincinnati, OH 45249-1621 Phone: (800) 903-9247 Fax: (513) 671-3363 E-mail:

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FABCO-AIR, Inc......A Quick Look at our Products Advancing fluid power technology since 1958 With operations housed in 61,000 sq. ft. in Gainesville, Florida, Fabco is dedicated to providing the most advanced flui power technology available in order to give our customers the competitive edge they need in their field. 24/ lights-out precision machining centers drive production, assure product quality and enable reliable delivery. We stock all the popular pneumatic components and . . .we help customers with special pneumatic solutions. We can design, prototype and deliver custom samples within 72 hours!

Pancake® Air Cylinders – Originated in 1958. Today they have evolved into a major product line with 3 body styles available in 8 bore sizes 1/2” to 4” and strokes to 4”.

Fabco-Air solves problems. Let us help!

Multi-Power® Air Cylinders deliver forces equivalent to low pressure hydraulic systems. Forces as high as twenty-two (22) tons! As example, the power unit on the air press (below) is a 3-piston, 5” bore Multi-Power® cylinder that delivers 5,076 lbs. at 90 psi.

Fabco-Air, Inc. 3716 N.E. 49th Avenue Gainesville, FL 32609 Tel: 352.373.3578 Fax: 352.375.8024 email:

Multi-axis actuators

Pneumatic grippers Complete Pneumatic Valve Selection Manual, mechanical, air piloted, solenoid operated control valves. Manifold valves. Specialty valves.

Air-Oil Tanks

and the advanced air prep to drive it all

Interchangeable air cylinders Industrial, Metric, ISO and NFPA standards

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FASTER Inc. FASTER spa with sixty years experience in the hydraulic industry, has designed and manufactured over five hundred mi lion quick-release couplings, which are covered by twenty patents. Our company is presently developing and producing a wide range of quick release couplers ranging from medium to very high pressures. All FASTER Couplers are designed according to international standards. Thanks to our consolidated efforts and experience in the market, we have become the synonym for quick-release couplings. Throughout our history, FASTER® has set and reached important milestones in development of couplings, that have not only marked our business in time, but our product as well. FASTER Inc. 6560 Weatherfield Cour Maumee, OH 43537


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Today, in our role as a benchmarked company in the market of quick-release couplings and multiconnectors, FASTER continues along the guidelines that have allowed the company to become the leader in the market. Thus further accelerating its growth through releasing new products and new applications, characterized by innovative, leading edge technical solutions with quick release couplers. PRODUCTION TECHNOLOGY The production process relies on a technically advanced machine fleet The raw material arrival, work in progress and the components are kept under constant control, as is the calibration of the dimensional measuring equipment. Dedicated automation performs the “justin-time” assembly of the parts. Over 70 multispindles, CNC metal lathes, single spindle lathes and CNC work centers allow the production of approximately 28,000,000 parts per year, to make over 15,000,000 quick-release couplings. Each activity is performed according to the Quality Management System that meets both UNI ISO/TS 16949 and UNI EN ISO 9001 standards.

Phone: 800-231-2501 US/CANADA Phone: 419-868-8197 Outside US FAX: 419-868-8360 Email:

DESIGN TAILOR MADE TECHNOLOGICAL SOLUTIONS Each Faster product is conceived and developed by the Research & Design Division in the Rivolta d’Adda, Italy plant. This R&D facility allows Faster to have a complete dialog with its customer, resulting in complete customer satisfaction. Faster is an active and reliable partner able to guarantee top performance favoring customized solutions rather than standardized products. The Research & Design Division is constantly busy strengthening the existing product lines and developing new solutions for new applications. Particular attention is paid to three dimensional modeling and finite element analysis simulatio (FEA) of the behavior of each individual component in the specific use conditions

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FESTO Festo is a leading global manufacturer of pneumatic and electromechanical systems, components and controls for process control and factory automation solutions, with more than 55 national headquarters serving over 180 countries. Why Festo is a Leader in Engineering With over 40 years of innovation in the United States and over 80 years globally, Festo has continuously elevated the state of manufacturing with innovations and optimized motion control solutions that deliver higher performing, more profitable automated manufacturing an processing equipment. Our dedication to the advancement of automation extends beyond technology to the education of current and future automation and robotic designers with simulation tools, teaching programs, and on-site services. Phone: 800.99.FESTO Fax: 800.96.FESTO E-mail:

To win, manufacturers need partners they can trust to help them build better products. To streamline production. And of course, to continuously cut costs. It’s all about innovation. For over 40 years in the US and 80 years globally, Festo has been a positive force for manufacturers. Our passion is automation — intelligent automation solutions that transform the way people work — and the way companies compete. Ultimately, it’s about continuously stimulating progress. In big ways and in small ways. We are driven by a desire to always be helpful. We observe. We analyze. We inspire. We engineer with an intense focus on every last detail. We operate with a simple, yet powerful manifesto: That intelligent automation isn’t just about movement - it’s movement with purpose. And it’s not just about innovative products. It’s about products that come with expert advice and differentiated customer support. Our aim is to help our customers make their products faster, smarter and more precisely. That’s how they thrive instead of just survive. And when our customers win, we win. We are Festo. And our purpose is to help people turn the power of intelligent automation into a catalyst for transformation.

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Industry Specific Expertise Whether designing new machinery or modernizing existing systems, Festo can provide the resources you need to meet your unique requirements in every stage of industrial production and manufacturing. • Automotive • Biotech/ Pharmaceutical • Electronics & Assembly • End of Line Packaging • Flat Panel/Solar • Food & Beverage • Lab Automation • Medical Technology • Printing, Paper & Converting • Semiconductor • Water/Wastewater Complete System Solutions Our experienced engineers provide complete support at every stage of your development process, including: conceptualization, analysis, engineering, design, assembly, documentation, validation, and production. • Engineering & Design • Handling & Custom Assembly • Control Systems

Full Range of Standard and Customized Products With a comprehensive line of more than 30,000 automation products, Festo can support the most complex automation requirements. • Pneumatic Drives • Servo Pneumatic Technology • Handling & Vacuum Technology • Air Preparation, Pneumatic Connections and Tubing • Valve and Valve Manifolds • Sensors and Machine Vision • Control Technology • Electromechanical Components

1/19/16 8:16 PM

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Flaretite Seals New “Leak-Free” Connections Flaretite’s seals make your 37 & 45 degree flared fittings permanently lea free, and yet allow serviceability. Clip them onto the nose of the flare or inser in the nut, assemble and torque. Seals are rated for –65F to +1200F, and are compatible with all Refrigeration gases, Hydraulic fluids, fuels, hot oil, and steam • • • • • •

Permanent Leak-Free connections Lower cost than alternative soldering Ease of installation World-wide availability Fits all brands of flared fittin Compatible with most Refrigeration gases & industrial fluid

For more information contact: Flaretite Inc. Attention: Vito Accetta 4036 Shadow Oak Ct. Fenton, MI, 48430 USA Phone: 810-750-4140

In June 2000, Flaretite, Inc. released a new sealing device for use with flared tube and fittings. The technology of this seal has opelled the old, 37 degree flared connection into the new “No-Le k” world demanded by modern hydraulic systems. The Flaretite Seal is a stainless steel stamping, designed with multiple, concentric rings. The entire seal is impregnated with a bakedon Loctite coating. When inserted into a flared fitting, the co entric rings form multiple seals down the face of the flare and the Loctite coating fills min imperfections. The sealing rings prevent environmental debris and aggressive cleaning solvents from attacking the sealing face and also protect the face from fretting, galling and over-tightening. And unlike the ORFS fittings, the Flaretite Sea will not fail during a fire. This prevent atomized hydraulic oil from fueling combustion. The design of the Flaretite Seal makes it easy to install into any JIC fitting. The snap onto the male end of the flare an the fitting is tightened in the usual way. The result is a per anent, zero-leak connection, which exceeds the performance of today’s ORFS fittings, at significantly less cos


Flaretite Seals are available through Eaton-Aeroquip and EatonWeatherhead distributors, and many other quality-conscious hydraulic distributors. Eaton has thoroughly tested the Flaretite Seal with extensive 1,000,000+ square wave cycle testing. In all cases, the seal passed the stringent test requirements without failures. Flared connections fitted with Flaretite Seals are today’s answ r to low cost, high integrity, “Zero-Leak” fittings

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Fluid Metering, Inc. Fluid Metering, Inc. (FMI) manufactures unique, patented, valveless piston metering pumps and dispensers. FMI Pumps utilize only one moving part, a rotating and reciprocating ceramic piston to accomplish all fluid control functions withi the pumps, thereby eliminating valves and their associated maintenance. Flow rates range from 2.5 µl/dispense to flows of 4,600 ml/min with pressures to 10 psig.

Metering Pumps and Dispensers

FMI pumps will dispense and meter fluid for millions of cycles with a drift free accuracy precision of 1% or better.

Ultra-Precise Fluid Control. . . from Microliters to Liters FMI is a metering pumps and dispensers manufacturer, who pioneered the first valveles rotating and reciprocating piston metering pump concept over 56 years ago. Enhanced and improved over the years FMI metering pumps continue to provide innovative fluid contro solutions. Our dispensers and metering pumps are the industry standard for high degree of accuracy, precision and reliability.

These pumps are ideal for Medical Applications including precise dispensing, aspirating, rinsing, & mixing systems and for syringe pump replacement in diagnostic, clinical chemistry, dialysis and medical equipment manufacturing. Also for dispensing adhesives and lubricants used in assembly of disposable medical components.

Utilized in a broad range of Medical, Laboratory, Analytical, Industrial Process, Environmental and OEM applications requiring precision fluid control, FMI pum s have provided users with the ultimate performance

Ideal in other industries with typical applications including fluid metering, dispensin and sampling for chemical process, laboratory, pilot plant, food processing, water treatment, and environmental analyzers.

Our Unique Valveless Pump Design Features: • Patented “No-Valve” Pump Design Eliminates problems and errors caused by valves which clog, leak, hang up, and require service.

Fluid Metering, Inc. 5 Aerial Way, Suite 500 Syosset, NY 11791 USA 516-922-6050 800-223-3388 Fax: 516-624-8261

One Moving Part! FMI’s CeramPump® design utilizes a single, dimensionally stable, chemically inert CERAMIC piston ensuring long term, drift free fluid control. The valvel ss pumping function is accomplished by the synchronous rotation and reciprocation and reciprocation of the ceramic piston in the precisely mated ceramic cylinder liner. One complete piston revolution is required for each suction/discharge cycle. •

Accuracy, Precision, & Reliability Long term drift free performance measured in millions of “trouble-free” cycles. Fluid Metering Pumps accuracy is held from microliters to the full fl w range. Output does not change more than ± 1% of set value. An important cost saving factor considering the waste generated by inaccurate pumps.

• Proven Performance! Over 56 years of experience and more than 1 million metering pumps and dispensers in service.

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Fluidyne Fluid Power FluiDyne Fluid Power is located in Fraser, Michigan. We provide high-quality, fully-tested and technically supported hydraulic pumps, motors and valves to the fluid power industry. We are known for ou outstanding customer service and responsiveness. With our massive inventory and streamlined shop, most of our products ship the same day they are ordered. FluiDyne is an ISO 9001:2008 company and has over a 30 year history of supply and service to the sales channels, repair shops and OEM’s using hydraulic components. FluiDyne was voted “Best Customer/Technical Service” of 2014. For more information: 31915 Groesbeck Hwy Fraser, MI 48026

Why we are a leader in Engineering: Do you have an old obsolete pump that you need to replace? Can’t find it anywhere? FluiDyne’s knowledgeable engineers hav the ability to cross over and retro fit old obsolete units to n wer more ready available units. All you have to do is give us the model code number and we will take it from there! FluiDyne maintains full “form, fit and function” interchangeability, which allows for “soft conversion” from existing brands. Our engineers provide in-depth application and technical support needed on some applications and units. We provide CAD downloads in a wide range of engineering design formats. Our engineering support is available and accessible. Call us today and put our engineers to the test!

Phone: 586.296.7200 800.842.5377

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Galil Motion Control Innovator and Leader With over 750,000 controllers serving customers worldwide, Galil Motion Control is a leading manufacturer of motion controllers and PLCs. Starting with the introduction of the first microprocessor based motion controller in 1983, Galil has continued to innovate to meet the increasing demands of our customers in the motion control industry. Galil offers our customers powerful, cost-effective, and easy-to-use motion controllers and PLCs and our commitment is to be your primary source for any motion control and I/O application. Galil’s unparalleled array of motion controllers and PLCs are backed by superior technical support and can accommodate the most demanding applications with absolute precision. 270 Technology Way Rocklin, CA 95765 Toll Free: (800) 377-6329 (916) 626-0101

Broad Range of Products Galil’s full product offering can accommodate all your motion and I/O needs. You can choose from single or multi-axis controllers, bus-based or standalone, and box-level or card-level controllers and PLCs. The DMC-4000 series offers the highest speed and performance, the DMC-4103 series is designed for the more costsensitive applications, and the DMC-30000 series provides for a compact single axis solution. Each of these controllers can be equipped with integrated drives for steppers and servos which save space, cost, and wiring. Galil’s RIO PLCs provide compact and extremely cost-effective solutions for intelligently handling both analog and digital I/O. If you cannot find a motion controller o PLC to meet your requirements, then Galil will design a custom product specifically for you. W are geared to build cost-effective high performance products that meet your criteria, whether adding a new command, changing connector type, accommodating a special communication network, or adding a unique mode of motion.

Galil’s EtherCAT controllers are designed to provide the ultimate performance and flexibly for you application. The DMC-500x0 Series is Galil’s most advanced multi-axis EtherCAT master, while the RIO-574x0 Series PLCs allow remote I/O (both analog and digital) to be added to the EtherCAT network.

Easy-to-Use Controllers Get You to Market Quickly

It has always been a top priority at Galil to design and manufacturer controllers that are easy-to-use. That’s why Galil controllers use two-letter, intuitive commands to make programming a snap. For example, the command BG begins motion; SP specifies the speed; and ST stops motion. Wit over 200 commands, you can quickly and easily program a Galil controller to handle virtually any application. Additionally, Galil provides software tools that simplify system set-up and tuning. The powerful GalilSuite software provides multiple modes of tuning and a multi-trace storage scope for display of real-time data such as position, speed and torque for all controllers in your system.

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GAM GAM is a leading provider of precision mechanical power transmission components used in the automation of machinery. GAM has a broad product range of gear-reducers, servo-couplings, safety-couplings, and motor mount kits. GAM’s mission is to give customers what they want and be able to do it in small quantities and at a value to the customer. Standard products or custom solutions…remember… GAM can! GAM corporate Headquarters 901 e. Business Center Drive Mount Prospect, IL 60056 Toll Free: 888-GAM-7117 Phone: 847-649-2500 Fax: 847-649-2501 For more information about GAM or any of our products, please visit


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Eliminate components, save space, reduce cost, and increase performance... These are all challenges that design engineers are facing these days. With one of the broadest selections of standard products in the motion control industry, in addition to the ability to provide customs, GAM has a product that can help solve these issues. Not only will you find a product to meet your machine requirements – we are confident that you w ll be satisfie with the entire experience. With an extensive network of qualified sales representatives, t a website with a custom 3D model generator, finding your solution is easier than ever. Can’t fi exactly what you’re looking for? Pick up the phone and call GAM. From that initial phone call until your order has shipped, you have a dedicated application engineer that will answer all of your questions, and with in-house design engineering and high precision machining capabilities, GAM is prepared to service your needs. Utilizing the latest design software available, implementing lean manufacturing practices, and monitoring key performance indicators, GAM is continually improving to ensure sustained success. GAM employees are passionate, responsive, and have “can do” attitudes. With a solid foundation of innovation and engi-neering, GAM is committed to partnering with you and is honored to be a part of your machine design. GEAR REDUCERS • Low backlash in-line and right angle gearboxes • Multitudes of output designs include: solid shaft, hollow shaft, flange mount, Metric, and NEM • Frame sizes from 35mm up to 350mm • Varying levels of precision (backlash measurements <1 arc-min) • Wide range of gear ratios available COUPLINGS • Zero-Backlash bellows and elastomer couplings machined to order and available to ship same day • Couplings that can handle temperatures up to 300°C and speeds up to 25,000RPM • Distance couplings that can span lengths of 20ft • Safety couplings that provide overload protection during machine crashes

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MOTOR MOUNT KITS • Customized mounting solutions simplify connecting gear reducers or motors to linear actuators • Include adapter plates, coupling, and hardware • Quick deliveries SPECIALS • Complete custom designs • Special output shaft features and housing modification • Stainless or anodized options • Special lubrications • Integrated product assemblies

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GE Digital GE (NYSE: GE) is the world’s Digital Industrial Company, transforming industry with software-defined machines and sol tions that are connected, responsive and predictive. GE is organized around a global exchange of knowledge, the “GE Store,” through which each business shares and accesses the same technology, markets, structure and intellect. Each invention further fuels innovation and application across our industrial sectors. With people, services, technology and scale, GE delivers better outcomes for customers by speaking the language of industry. GE Digital Americas: 1-855-YOUR1GE (1-855-968-7143) International:

At GE, we believe HMI/SCADA software should do more than monitor machines; it should support your decisions. We also believe that high value innovation shouldn’t come with a high cost. Our best-in-class monitoring and visualization capabilities can make your team’s decision making more proactive and profitable than you’ve ever experienced—whatever you budget.

Fourth Generation, High Performance HMI/SCADA With our fourth generation HMI/SCADA technology used around the world, GE can help you prevent mistakes, quickly identify problems, and get on-demand support – enabling the Industrial Internet and taking operators to a new level of effi iency. Smarter HMI/SCADA for Smarter Operators You can leverage your HMI/SCADA as the foundation for efficient equipment and operations – driving the right response on the alarms that matter. With Decision Support HMI/ SCADA, you can enable Smart Operators to increase operational efficiency and reduc costs. Also, you can increase consistency and conformance to standards, and improve accountability on task completion. Real World Results: You Can Afford the Best We believe your HMI/SCADA partner should support you – today, tomorrow, and every day – because operators always need support. At GE, we not only develop industry-leading HMI/SCADA software, we use it and prove it at hundreds of GE plants. Our iFIX and CIMPLICITY software also is providing real-world results to thousands of other customers, globally. Results have included: $5 million annual savings, 25% reduction in plant downtime, 40% faster troubleshooting, 40% reduced waste, 2X efficiency, 5 increase in problem detection, 70% increase in productivity, 33% increase in operations capacity, and more!

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Groschopp, Inc. Groschopp Inc. is an American fractional horsepower electric motor and gearmotor manufacturer for OEMs and distributors.


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Groschopp has a strong focus on making sure customers are a top priority. This is clearly displayed through the company’s website and their chat line to give immediate help. With all their departments under one roof, it’s easy to come together as a team to fin solutions. Groschopp strives to provide excellent customer service.


Groschopp, Inc. E-mail: Phone: 800.829.4135 420 15th St. NE, Sioux Center, IA 51250

Groschopp’s new motor search tool allows users to have more control of search parameters when choosing a motor or gearmotor. Unlike other tools in the industry, Groschopp’s search tool contains speed, torque and power settings that can be broadened or narrowed as needed. This allows users to more effectively search for a motor or gearmotor to fit their specification


Groschopp offers both standard catalog products and custom designs. With their proprietary software, they can quickly search through 150,000 possible design combinations. Customers also have the ability to begin virtually modifying their motor or gearmotor selections online through our “Customize It” tool.

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Harmonic Drive LLC Harmonic Drive LLC designs and manufactures precision servo actuators, gearheads and gear component sets. We work with industry-leading customers and companies of all sizes to provide standard catalog product as well as custom-engineered solutions. We provide high precision, high performance solutions to meet customer’s application requirements. Key performance features: • True Zero Backlash • Accuracy Better than 1 arc-min • Repeatability ±5 arc-sec • High Torque-to-Weight and Torque-to-Volume ratio • High Reliability Gear components and gearheads are available in many configurations inclu ing hollow shaft and differential gears as well as gearheads designed to quickly connect to any servomotor. We are happy to customize our products to meet your specific application needs. However the easiest way to reap the benefits o these high performance gears is to use one of our performance matched servo actuators. Call to Speak with an Engineer: 800-921-3332 Harmonic Drive and Harmonic Planetary are registered trademarks of Harmonic Drive LLC

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Harmonic Drive® Servo Actuators Harmonic Drive designs and manufactures all key components of our actuators including the motor, encoder, gearing and cross-roller output bearing. Because these components are designed to be an optimum performance match, our actuators have extremely high torque-to-weight ratio and torque-to-volume ratios. It also allows us to incorporate unique features such as a thru-hole in the output flange. The SHA Brushless Servo-Actuato provides the highest torque density of any actuator in its class. Positional accuracy better than 1 arc-min and repeatability of ±5 arc-sec is achieved while delivering up to 30,250 in-lb peak torque. A robust cross-roller bearing allows mounting of large loads directly to the actuator without the need for additional support. Made in the USA Our US Headquarters and manufacturing facility, located in Peabody, MA, is ISO9001 and AS9100C registered. The majority of the products we sell are manufactured here in the United States. Affiliated companies in, Japan (Harmo ic Drive Systems, Inc.) and Germany (Harmonic Drive AG) provide additional manufacturing capabilities. With shared values, designs and quality standards, we can deliver high quality, precision and reliability around the globe.

Typical applications for Harmonic Drive products include: Robotics: Industrial, Semiconductor and Flat Panel, Humanoid, Exoskeleton Medical: Surgical Robots, Medical Imaging including CT Scan, Therapeutic, Prosthetics, Laboratory Automation Defense: Unmanned Vehicles, Weapon Stations, Antenna Pointing Aerospace: Solar Array Drives, Antenna Pointing, Valve Actuators, Lunar and Interplanetary Rovers Machine Tool: Milling Head, Tool Changer, Rotary Table, Grinding, B & C Axis on a Variety of Machine Tools Energy: oil exploration, drilling and positioning, wind power, solar

High Performance Gearheads Building a high precision actuator is easily achieved by coupling any servomotor to one of our precision Quick Connect™ gearheads. Harmonic Planetary® and Harmonic Drive® gearheads are available with a wide range of gear ratios and torque capacities. Available with short lead times, our new value-priced HPN planetary gearhead series incorporates helical gears for quiet performance and delivers high accuracy with low backlash.

1/19/16 8:46 PM

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HARTING, Inc. HARTING, first established in 1945 an the inventor of the rectangular connector, is a global leader in connectivity technologies. HARTING develops, manufactures and sells the world’s most durable and reliable products and solutions for use in: mechanical and plant engineering, transportation, broadcast and entertainment, factory automation, power generation and distribution as well as industrial electronics and telecommunication. HARTING’s products include electrical and electronic connectors, device terminations, backplanes, network components, as well as cable harnesses for networks and machinery, and for power and data application in factories. HARTING, Inc. of North America 1370 Bowes Road Elgin, IL, 60123 Phone: 877/741-1500 Fax: 866/278-0307 Email:

HARTING: THE EDUCATIONAL GO-TO-SOURCE FOR ENGINEERS As an expert in the industry, HARTING is committed to educating the North American market and providing the tools engineer’s need to make educated buying decisions. An overview of the most popular educational tools HARTING-U is HARTING’s web-based content hub with tools (white papers, FAQs, videos, and more) that engineers need to find the right technology for thei application. Visit to start learning. HARTING’s Knowledge Center App gives users access to all of these educational materials on their Apple or Android devices. The HARTING Knowledge Center App allows users to sort by market, product, and content type so that they only see information relevant to them. Available on the iTunes and Google Play stores. HARTING’s Configurator and Calculator App for iPad allows users to create a modular connector based on their needs and shows how using connectors can lower the total cost of ownership. Download at the iTunes store. HARTING also launched a Roadshow Truck that is touring North America. The truck features product-based and market-based stations that encourage the engineer to fin the solution for their application. Learn more or schedule the truck at: HARTING knows that sometimes the best way to get the answers needed is to talk face-toface. HARTING’s VideoCall an Expert allows engineers to use their Apple, Android or PC device to get real-time support via video conferencing. They can VideoCall immediately or schedule a VideoCall or around their calendar. Learn more at:

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Haskel Haskel International, Inc, founded in 1946, is a manufacturer of highly engineered fluid and gas handlin equipment designed to generate, store and control high pressure gases and liquids. Haskel offers a worldwide service through the Haskel group of companies and factory trained distributors, Haskel is headquartered in Burbank, California with facilities throughout the world. We have built an enviable reputation for quality based on high pressure fluid an gas handling equipment, and 70 years of hydraulic and pneumatic engineering experience. Our continued investment in technology ensures that Haskel will stay at the leading edge of high pressure technology.

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HAWE Hydraulik Based in Charlotte, North Carolina, HAWE Hydraulik is an ISO 9001:2001 certified international supplier o sophisticated modular hydraulic components and systems. HAWE offer sales and application engineering services for the custom design of modular hydraulic solutions, an extensive local inventory, and after-sales support, including product training, troubleshooting, and on-site service.

SYSTEC (System Technology) Solutions Give us your specifications and we’ll giv you a perfectly customized hydraulic solution. At HAWE, we are interested in your ideas and needs, and understand the demands placed on your machinery. This enables use to provide you with a completely innovated and fully tested turnkey solution.

Flexible Modular Systems

Solutions for a World Under Pressure Eighteen years ago, North America was introduced to HAWE Hydraulik through its American subsidiary, HAWE Hydraulik. Today, many of America’s most rugged industries rely on 68 years of HAWE’s dependable German engineering and experience to help them build equipment with extremely robust hydraulic systems.

HAWE’s broad and varied product line is designed with a modular approach, where components can be combined to create any number of systems and solutions. An essential component of our flexibility is i the development of our own state-of-the-art electronics. These devices increase the number of applications and expand the system’s capacity as easy as plug-and-play.

HAWE Hydraulik 9009-K Perimeter Woods Drive Charlotte, NC 28216 Phone: (704) 509-1599 Fax: (704) 509-6302

HAWE Hydraulik knows the value of the machinery you build. That’s why we add value with our sales and application engineers, who are available to assist you with the custom design of your modular hydraulic solution. Once that is decided, we have local inventory to supply your products and we’ll provide after-sales support including product training, troubleshooting, and on-site service.

At Your Service

Tough as Steel

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Because all HAWE pressurized components are made of steel, they have the highest power density with the smallest footprint when compared with similar products. Hydraulic components made of steel have greater durability in intermediate pressure applications, but are designed to handle pressures up to 6,000 psi. Our components and systems are designed for low leakage and, in some cases, are leak free for a more reliable and efficient use of the energy it takes t operate the machinery.

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Helical In 1958 Helical invented the beam style flexible shaft coupling by taking a nove concept and developing the method to generate the versatile HELI-CAL® Flexure into a piece of stainless steel. Over time, the adaptability of the HELI-CAL Flexure in flexible couplings, u-joints and machine springs has helped to solve thousands of mechanical misalignment problems. Helical Products Company manufactures parts that provide a competitive edge combining simplicity of manufacture/ assembly with durability and quality in a compact design at a reasonable cost for virtually any industry from military and aerospace to medical and energy. AS9100 certified, RoHS Compliant an ITAR registered. Helical Products Company is part of the MW Industries ( family of premier manufacturers which includes Century Spring, Hyperco, Servometer and Bellows Tech.

HELI-CAL Machined Spring®:

The HELI-CAL Flexure used as a machined spring is a single piece of material machined into a spring configured as either a compre sion, extension, torsion, lateral translation or lateral bending spring, to specific desig requirements that provide more precise performance, feature and functions than other more traditional types of springs. Manufactured in a wide range of materials from Titanium, Stainless Steel, MP35N, Inconel, etc. The possibility of integrated attachments and multiple-start coil configurations (fo squareness-under-load) give an endless array of solutions, offering engineers new levels of possibilities in their designs.


The “HELI-CAL Flexure” is an advanced and unique u-joint solution that generally exceeds the capabilities of common u-joint designs. A Helical u-joint is really a Flexure capable of over 5° angular misalignment. It may accommodate up to 90° of angular misalignment in certain circumstances. This type of u-joint will also compensate for axial and parallel misalignment. Replacement with a maintenance free Helical Flexure u-joint can save money, both on initial purchase price and on maintenance costs.

Helical Products Company MW Industries, Inc. 901 West McCoy Lane Santa Maria, California 93455 Phone: 877-435-4225 Email:


The HELI-CAL Flexure used as a coupling will transmit torque while compensating for lateral, axial, and angular misalignment movements. This technology enables customer specified end attachments suc as tangs, clamps, flanges or threaded ends to be integrated into a single multifunctional component. Helical offers an extensive line of standard flexible couplings and has designe and manufactured over 20,000 custom couplings to maximize value and performance for 1000’s of customers.

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Helukabel HELUKABEL: The Worry-Free Cable Experience

Complete Cable Solutions for Demanding Applications

HELUKABEL USA, based in Elgin IL, is a global manufacturer and supplier of cables, wires and cable accessories. Our extensive product line includes flexible and continuous-flex contr cables, data/network/BUS cables, VFD/servo cables, torsion cables for wind turbines, single-conductors, and multi-norm cables with domestic and international electrical approvals.

We Solve Your Cable Problems New automation technology means new cable challenges. With almost 40 years in the cable business, we are able to meet and exceed the industry’s expectations as the machinery and manufacturing processes become more advanced. We continuously provide new cable solutions to our customers, which allows them to maintain their position at the forefront of the market.

HELUKABEL combines excellent cable quality, innovativeness and technical expertise with a vast product portfolio and smooth logistics operations. We call that the worry-free cable experience! For more information visit us at

HELUKABEL USA 1490 Crispin Drive Elgin, IL 60123 Toll free: 855-HELUUSA Tel: 847-930-5118 Fax: 847-622-8766 Email:

Innovation – Moving the Cable Industry Forward In 2015 HELUKABEL introduced several innovative cables and accessories to the market. One of them was the HELUTOP Easy®, a threadless cable gland with patented spring/snap system for easy and fast installation in hard-to-reach areas, no tools required. Another example is our PROFINET Plug Connector with built-in fast connection technology. It comes in a both linear and angled designs and is therefore well-suited for industrial use in tight installation spaces.

One-Stop Shop & Short Lead Times Combining a product portfolio of 33,000+ line items with worldwide logistics operations, allows us to deliver the cable products you need, when you need them. With a fully-automated logistics center in Germany, and large warehouse in Elgin IL, we are able serve the North American market on a just-intime basis.

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Helwig Carbon 8900 West Tower Avenue Milwaukee, WI 53224-2849 Phone: 1.414.354.2411 Toll Free Phone: 800.962.4851 Email:

Carbon brushes and brush holders, spring clips, carbon seals, bearings, bearing protection, bushings, vanes and more… Your team of experts From our management team, engineering staff, manufacturing and field service perso nel to our customer service and technical group, our people proudly represent Helwig Carbon with the utmost integrity. Why choose Helwig? • Major OEM approvals • 98% on-time delivery • Reliable product performance for longer brush life • On-site motor test lab • Research & Development • Press-to-size capabilities for high volume requirements • Best overall value

Meeting your company’s unique challenges • Money-saving solutions to reduce overall maintenance costs • Products manufactured to the highest quality standards • Comprehensive design solutions for any application • Innovative features & products; HQD, Red Top, Constant Force Spring…. • Expertise in solving brush issues on commutators and slip-rings • In-House custom grade formulations

You can count on Helwig Carbon to be your reliable long-term supplier! ISO Certified • MADE IN AMERIC

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Henkel Henkel manufactures high performance BERGQUIST brand thermal management materials that offer exceptional thermal control for today’s advanced electronics devices. With a full range of materials that includes market-leading GAP PAD and SIL PAD thermal interface materials, T-CLAD substrates, and thermal absorbent films Henkel offers a complete portfolio of thermal products that deliver exceptional performance, low cost of ownership, ease of use and reworkability. The Bergquist Company, a Henkel Company 18930 W. 78th Street Chanhassen, MN 55317

WHY WE’RE A LEADER IN ENGINEERING Henkel uses high-quality BERGQUIST thermal management products to offer technological solutions for electronics. As a world-leading manufacturer with state-of-the-art facilities, we serve a multitude of industries worldwide including automotive, computing, consumer electronics, lighting/LED, solar, military, motor control, power conversion, telecommunications and more. We make it our business to know your business. We work closely with our customers to understand their problems and deliver technologically advanced solutions backed by exceptional service. BERGQUIST has developed over 260 materials that provide thermal solutions for a wide variety of applications. Many of our products were originally developed to satisfy a customer request for a specific material designed to perform to their pa ticular specifications. This “can do” attitude and customized technolog has earned The Bergquist Company, a Henkel Company its ISO 9001:2008 certification

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Hiwin We are the world’s largest supplier of High performance linear motion systems. Our products are engineered and built to match exactly customer’s specifications. Ou systems are found in a large array of industries and applications: FPD inspection and repair, Wafer inspection, Solar panel manufacturing, PCB assembly and inspection, AOI, lithography, laser machining, CNC machines, Laboratory equipment, Medical beds, Industrial robots, automation, and cell phone manufacturing among others. Our success and leadership are linked to our ability to provide the highest quality at the most competitive pricing. Hiwin Corporation 1400 Madeline Lane Elgin IL 60124 Phone: (847) 827 2270 Email:

Hiwin can provide complete turnkey systems and key components such as Ball Screws, Linear guideways, Linear motors, Torque motors, Linear encoders, AC servo and stepper motors and AC servo drives. For some of these key components (for instance Ball screws and Linear guideways) we rank in the top three manufacturers in the world. Any combinations of key components are available at the sub system level. Our Engineering team in Elgin, IL will study your request and submit to your company the best component, sub system or complete turnkey system that complies to your specification at the lowest possible cost. We wil also assist you on achieving a successful integration of the system into your environment, including prototype testing, training

and eventually system start up at the fina customer location. Technical support is also available at all time for on site product performance and tracking. We continuously introduce products to the market place that are technologically superior to competition and at the most competitive pricing. Our latest product release, the Hiwin D1 AC servo drive features an ultra precise motion controller with sub-nanometer servo jittering, zero speed encoder initialization, unique common gain tuning, error compensation for encoder feedback and very easy set up. Another winner from Hiwin Corporation.

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The Holmbury Group The Holmbury Group is a family run hydraulics company with its head offic located in Tonbridge, United Kingdom. Holmbury was established in 1982 and has become a global provider of hydraulic quick release couplings, valves and other hydraulic components. In 2003, driven by the need to respond rapidly to worldwide customer demand, Holmbury set up its North American operation Holmbury Inc, based in Eastlake, Ohio. With over thirty years’ hydraulics industry experience and a well-established global presence, the Holmbury Group is perfectly positioned to offer customers a wide range of hydraulic system solutions. For more information, visit The Holmbury Group 33801 Curtis Blvd., Suite 104 Eastlake, OH 44095 Phone: 866-464-6287 Fax: 440-578-1073

Why Holmbury is a leader in engineering The Holmbury Group have been at the forefront of the design, manufacture and distribution of hydraulic flat face, screw connec and poppet style couplings and valves for over thirty years. Since 1984 when Holmbury developed the world’s very first workin range of flat face hydraulic couplings, whic formed the basis of ISO 16028, the largest global OEM’s have specified Holmbury’ precision engineered products as standard. Holmbury’s highly qualified design engineer and knowledgeable sales staff take great pride in being able to provide exceptional levels of customer service globally to a di-

verse range of industries. With an unrivalled reputation for quality and reliability, Holmbury strives to provide a rapid response to customers’ inquiries and offers prompt worldwide delivery from either their UK or North American based facilities or global distribution network. Holmbury manufactures hydraulic couplings and valves in a selection of materials including carbon steel, stainless steel and brass for a wide array of applications to suit individual customers’ requirements. Holmbury products are also available in a variety of thread forms, with different seal materials and plating options available. Holmbury has developed a market leading, corrosion resistant zinc nickel plating which was salt spray tested in October 2014 to 1200 hours without the appearance of red rust. This plating proved to be far superior to zinc chromate and Holmbury now offer zinc nickel as an alternative to zinc chromate on many of their products.

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Hotwatt Hotwatt, made in USA, was established in 1952 and has maintained leadership in manufacturing resistance heating elements for over 60 years. We supply customized and stock electric heaters. We are dedicated to the design and manufacturing of resistance heating elements for a variety of OEM, industrial, medical, commercial, packaging, instrumentation, aviation, transportation, refrigeration/air conditioning and military applications. In addition, we can supply compatible accessory items, which enable us to offer a complete heater system. We began with the manufacturing of one product, the open coil heating element. Since then Hotwatt has expanded our product line to include cartridge, air process, immersion, strip and finned strip tubular and finned tubular, band, foil, fl ible glassrope®, crankcase and ceramic heaters. HOTWATT INCORPORATED 128 Maple Street Danvers, MA 01923-2096 Tel (978) 777-0070 Fax (978) 774-2409 email

Our most popular product is our cartridge heaters. We make low to medium and high watt density cartridge heaters. Cartridge heaters provide localized heat to restricted work areas requiring close thermal control. Dies, platens and a variety of other types of processing equipment are efficiently heated Closely controlled work temperatures up to 1400 deg, F (760 C) are obtained by a combination of heater location and proper wattage output. Immersion heaters are ideally suited for heating various liquids. They are available in various sheath materials and watt densities tailored for your specific applications. Unit may be supplied for single, three phase or three heat operation. The lead end of the unit may be sealed for extreme environmental conditions.

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Air process heaters will provide hot air and gas up to 1400 deg. F (760 C) with infinit control by varying the voltage and air flow. Ai heaters are available with various male and female fittings, hos adaptors (entry only) and flanges. We ca also provide temperature sensing control.


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Stainless steel strip & Finned strip heaters provide clean, dependable heat with sheath temperatures up to 1200 deg. F (650 deg. C) and watt densities up to 40 watts per square inch. Finned strip heaters are available with aluminum or stainess steel fins Mica insulated strip heaters are also available in various sizes.


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Foil Heaters are a self contained one piece assembly. A resistance element is laminated between two layers of aluminum foil. This heater is ideally suited for area and surface heating applications. Operating temperatures up to 300 deg. F (150 C). Sizes range from 125” to 60” wide with lengths of 4”and up.

Glassrope® heaters are flexible heater available in various lengths, sheath materials and terminations. Operating temperatures up to 900 deg. F (485 C).

1/19/16 9:15 PM

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Humphrey Who is Humphrey Products? We have been in the manufacturing industry for more than 110 years in Kalamazoo, Michigan as a leading producer of pneumatic and fluid control products, serving organization worldwide. These products are proudly built by a group of loyal and dedicated Humphrey employees, of whom the average service is 15 years. Our products are made in Michigan with 96% of our suppliers from the USA. Industries utilizing our products and engineered solutions include medical devices, healthcare rehabilitation, transportation, general industry and factory automation, and analytical instrumentation. Our subsidiary, South Haven Coil, in South Haven, Mich. manufactures coils and other electrical components and for over 50 years, we have maintained an alliance with Japan-based Koganei Corp, one of the largest and highest quality fluid control companies in the world Our quality management system has been assessed and registered by Intertek Testing Services NA, Inc. as conforming to the requirements of: ISO 13485:2003 and ISO 9001:2008. • Visit • Download Literature, Catalogs and Engineered Solutions Case Histories • Find Product Specs • View and download 3D CAD Drawings for Valves and Cylinders • Request a Quote • Find one of more than 50 Humphrey Distributors Worldwide Or contact customer service at 1-800-477-8707

Humphrey designs and manufacturers pneumatic and fluid control components – specifically valves and cylinders – for a variet of applications, including medical devices, analytical instrumentation, factory automation, package conveyor systems and many more. Our expertise in a wide range of industries is based on technologies proven in our standard products, enabling us to create engineered solutions for critical commercial and industrial applications. We work to solve not only your fluid contro challenges, but to also improve the ease and efficiency of your manufacturing process. Thi comprehensive approach offers you tremendous outsourcing advantages, significantl reducing your product development cycle and creating vital cost efficiencies. You gain acces to our advanced manufacturing technologies, reduced time-to-market, and the ability to leverage critical resources to focus on your core competencies.

The Humphrey tradition of innovation continues as our family-owned company introduces three new valve technologies: The ProControl Proportional Control Series; Balanced Solenoid Valve Series; and Latching Valve. Our Engineered Solutions We are an innovative company of pneumatic and fluid handling experts. We develo Engineered Solutions for customers with unique and challenging needs, where standard components fall short. Drawing from our years of experience and unique valve designs, we tailor “best solutions” for the difficul customer problems.

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Our Standard Products • Solenoid Valves • Electronic Pressure Regulators and Flow Control Valves • Air Piloted Valves • Manual and Mechanical Operated Valves • Cartridge Valves • Quick Exhaust Valves • Pneumatic Auxiliary Components • Air Cylinders

January 2016



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Hunger Hydraulics C.C., Ltd. Hunger Hydraulics USA was established in 1981 to represent the Hunger Group companies throughout North America providing sales, engineering, repair, manufacturing and customer support. 63 Dixie Highway P.O. Box 37 Rossford, Ohio 43460 USA Phone: +1-419-666-4510 Toll Free: +1-800-248-9232 Fax: +1-419-666-9834 E-mail:

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Manufacturing precision products Producing high quality products requires the highest manufacturing technology available today. Hunger Hydraulics C.C. Ltd. meets these standards with quality processes starting with precision milling and turning machines that have capabilities up to 48 in. in diameter and 28 ft in length. Hunger utilizes certified welder for MIG, TIG, sub arc and solid rod welding. As required, welded seams are inspected with ultrasound by approved and certified inspe tors. Hunger CC has a manufacturing site of 65,000 sq-ft. and offices for sales and eng neering of 6,000 sq-ft. Hunger Hydraulics has developed and patented honing processes for obtaining micro finishes of 0. micron, even at rapid honing rates. Hunger Hydraulics C.C. Ltd. incorporates Hunger DFE Sealing and Bearing Ring Systems, which offer extreme resistance to chemical, thermal and mechanical loads and low friction. Hunger Special O-ring designs outperformed all other manufacturers tested by NASA for compression set. Hunger does not stop there—it provides maintenancefree spherical bearings and rod ends manufactured by Hunger Maschinen from high grade steels, stainless, bronze and/or synthetics. Hunger is one of the leaders in protective rod coatings for harsh environment (sea water, waste water, water emulsients).

Product design Each product incorporates the ideal synthesis of Hunger’s latest technology, conscientious design, precise workmanship and decades of experience. World class quality The Hunger Group is certified to ISO 900 quality standards and Hunger Hydraulics C.C. Ltd. complies with these processes. Our components and assemblies are tested and certified to meet ASTM, ASME, ABS DNV and Loyd’s standards and customer performance specific tions. Regular calibration of inspection and measuring equipment is absolutely necessary for precision manufacturing and error-free production.

1/19/16 9:21 PM

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Hy-Pro Filtration Hy-Pro Filtration manufactures cutting edge fluid contamination solutions fo hydraulic and lube oils as well as diesel fuel. Our DFE rated filter elements an fluid conditioning equipment can addres many issues including: lube oil varnish, phosphate ester fluid maintenance, serv valve failures, gearbox filtration, oil recl mation, particulate contamination, water from removal from oil and diesel fuel, and many more. Our expertise and shoulder to shoulder commitment to solving your fluid contam nation challenges enable us to optimize the reliability of your hydraulic and lubrication assets to keep your plant operating at peak productivity. Hy-Pro Filtration 6810 Layton Road Anderson, IN 46011 Ph: +1-317-849-3535 Email:

Hy-Pro Filtration designs, manufactures and implements proactive strategies to solve issues related to industrial fluid contamination. Innovation is at the core of our culture and is exemplified by our engineers hrough the development of a full range of products to overcome even the most demanding fluid contamination challenges. From filtering high vis sity fluid at low temps in Canadian strip mines to removing dirt & water from diesel fuel deep in the rainforests of the Amazon and countless applications in-between, our filter elements and filtration equipment excel yond expectations in almost every condition. No matter what is fouling your fluid (varnish, particulate water, sludge, acid, etc.), our engineers have developed a comprehensive solution for it and they’re eager to tailor it to your specific application’s requirements. Our dedication t developing new products, continuously improving existing products and applying our expert product and industry knowledge to develop both standard and custom contamination solutions on a case-by-case basis is what makes Hy-Pro Filtration an engineering leader in the fluid power industry

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ICOMold Toledo, Ohio-based ICOMold manufactures custom plastic injection molds, plastic parts, and CNC machined prototypes for a variety of industries. We specialize in low-cost, high-quality prototypes and low-volume production, but also produce steel molds for high-volume custom plastic injection molding projects. Our U.S. headquarters makes us easy to do business with, and our China manufacturing plant has a lower cost structure than our competitors, allowing us to pass the savings on to the customer. Our unique online quotation system provides fast, interactive quotes and also serves as a project management platform. Visit

educated professionals with specialized degrees in plastics as opposed to just general engineering degrees. Their knowledge and experience allow custom plastic injection molding projects to be completed very quickly and precisely for the customer.

When customers come to ICOMold for their custom plastic injection molding project, they count on our engineering expertise to ensure that their plastic parts meet their specific tions for design and function. The process starts with our U.S.-based sales engineers, who not only have extensive backgrounds in engineering, but in plastic materials in particular.

During the entire process, the customer is in constant communication with both the U.S. project engineers, and the mold engineers in China, through an online project portal. The customer initially uses the interactive system to request a quote, which is typically returned within hours. Then, as the project goes to production, the customer can check on the status of the project and interact with the engineers through an online discussion board within the project management platform.

Before a plastic injection molding project goes to production, our engineers review the design, and may make suggestions for improving the moldability/manufacturability of the parts. In cases where a project involves multiple, related parts, we excel in combining multiple parts into a family mold, saving the customer time and money. In China, where we own and operate our own manufacturing plant, our direct-employed tooling engineers quickly get to work on the molds. These engineers are highly-

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IDEC Corporation IDEC Corporation 1175 Elko Drive Sunnyvale, CA 94089 Tel: (800) 262-IDEC (4332) Fax: (800) 635-6246 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

PLC HMI Pushbutton Switches Pilot Lights Selector Switches Key selector switches Mono lever switches General Purpose Relays Interface Relays PCB Relays Force Guided Relays Timers Power Supplies LED Lighting Light Towers E-Stops Safety Interlocks Safety Relays Safety Controllers Light Curtains Circuit Breakers Contactors Terminal Blocks Sensors


Your Partner in Automation

The most efficient automation solutions

A leading manufacturer of industrial automation and control products, IDEC offers a fullline of high-quality, solution-driven products designed to enhance your ability to create lean, cost-effective and safe solutions for your automation applications. Whether you’re looking for an HMI to remotely monitor the factory floor, a relay for your panel, or lighting for you production line, IDEC offers the versatility and automation choices you need. For additional information, visit

Just one of many innovative products, by combining PLC processing and HMI monitoring in one, the new FT1A Touch makes it fast and easy to create smart machines. This integrated unit reduces design and maintenance costs by eliminating unnecessary components and programming software. This optimizes efficiency and productivity while keeping th same functionality as a separate HMI and PLC system.

IDEC not only delivers customized solutions, but also gives you access to field sale engineers able to provide technical expertise; helping you build efficient machines an increase your bottom line. Plus, unlike other suppliers, IDEC makes automation easy with FREE technical support, periodic software upgrades and programming consultations. We also offer cost-effective PLC/HMI training ( at locations across the US. Using a hands-on approach and realworld examples to enhance learning, you will leave our class able to program and design IDEC automation products.

IDEC delivers value that goes beyond products We work with you to provide solutions for all your design needs.

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igus® igus® develops industry-leading iglide® plastic bushings, DryLin® linear bearings and guides, igubal® spherical bearings, Energy Chain® cable carriers, and Chainfle ® motion cables. These seemingly unrelated products are linked together through a belief in making functionally advanced, yet affordable plastic components and assemblies. With plastic bearing experience since 1964, cable carrier experience since 1971 and its own line of flexible cable since 1989 igus® provides you with the right solution based on a very broad selection of standard components, from stock. No minimum order is required. Services include full in-house harnessing, design consultation, on-site value analysis visits, guarantee and warranty. igus® works with its customers on an individual basis to deliver solutions that meet the specific needs of an application

iglide® maintenancefree plastic bearings help improve your products and reduce costs at the same time. Decades of research means that igus® can precisely determine a plastic bearing’s life cycle in your application, while the bearings themselves operate completely lubrication-free.

DryLin® linear bearings,

guides and slide tables are designed to run dry, without the need for the messy lubricants, costly maintenance, or downtime typically associated with re-circulating ball bearing systems. The range is completely resistant to dirt, dust and chemicals.

PLASTICS FOR LONGER LIFE® igus® is committed to using its innovative polymer materials to develop products that provide creative solutions and exceed customers’ expectations, while delivering fast, accurate service. These plastic blends are used throughout each of igus® product lines of plastic bearings, guides and slide tables, spherical bearings, and cable carriers. igus® has been manufacturing engineered plastics for more than 50 years and develops each of the materials and all technology behind its products. With constant breakthroughs, igus® is continually expanding its base of plastic materials and performs rigorous testing to prove its products meet and exceed industry standards.

To contact igus® call 1-800-521-2747 e-mail or visit for more information.

For its line of bearings, igus engineers develop more than 100 new plastic compounds every year and analyze their tribological characteristics in the igus R&D center in more than 7,000 tests. All results are placed into an extensive material database. Based on this data, it is possible to offer a precise prediction of the lifetime for an iglide plastic bearing in almost any given application. This has fulfilled a dream for many engineers predictable plastic bushings that require absolutely no lubrication or maintenance. ®

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No matter how large or small the order, every customer receives the same level of customer service and commitment to quality when buying from igus®. With technical sales associates located throughout the United States, Canada and Mexico, on-site technical support is available within 24-48 hours, anywhere in North America. igus® also offers 3D CAD files, samples, an online tools, all completely free of charge. Consistency, availability, and quality have been key to the company’s success.

Chainflex® motion cables were introduced 25 years ago, and now offer more than 1,000 cable types from stock. Chainflex cables ar tested in continuous-fle applications in the igus test lab, allowing an unmatched performance guarantee of up to 10 million cycles.

Energy Chain® plastic cable carriers guide and protect moving cables and hoses on automated machinery. E-Chains have been successfully installed in a multitude of applications and different designs are available to suit your individual application. Chainfle ® motion cables are the perfect partners for Energy Chains® and are tested over millions of cycles in all types of conditions.

With igus®’ Energy Chain® cable carrier systems, the optimal selection of all components, such as cables, interior separators, crossbars, and guide troughs, is important, The materials are developed to provide the longest possible service life. Worldwide, igus® is currently the only manufacturer of cable carriers who consistently focuses only on plastics. igus® also offers its own line of Chainfle ® motion cables, and ReadyChain® completely harnessed cable carrier systems. Some applications include: offshore, steel plants, mining, cranes, and machine tools. Even cleanroom, high temperatures, and ESD environments are possible. In addition to providing customers with high-performance products and superior service, igus® also believes in the importance of fostering the mechanical design ideas of students.Through its Y.E.S. (Young Engineering Support) Program, igus® donates free products to robotics competitions and students of all ages. The company’s executive leadership, finance and marketing operations are all involved with the Y.E.S. Program, which continues to benefit organization such as FIRST® (For the Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology) Robotics, BEST (Boosting Engineering, Science, and Technology) Robotics, the Botball® Robotics Competition, and the SAE (Society of Automotive Engineers) Collegiate Design Series, just to name a few. Each of these programs share a common goal: to get students excited about engineering. Through the FIRST® organization alone, igus® is able to help more than 100,000 high school students each year with its donations. Visit to learn more about Y.E.S.

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IKO IKO is a world renowned producer of quality needle bearings, linear motion rolling guides, precision positioning tables & machine components. Only IKO offers C-Lube; a 5 year or 12,500 miles maintenance-free lubrication in M series linear ways & maintenancefree cam followers. IKO offers specialized solutions for many unique manufacturing situations including: clean rooms, vacuum environments, high temperature areas & dust or spatter protection. IKO products are highly regarded in the worldwide marketplace and the company strives to live up to the inspiration for the name IKO: Innovation—our employees are constantly striving to develop new technologies. Know-How—our extensive technical knowledge is applied to every situation to determine an optimal solution. Originality—our creativity allows us to continuously improve the performance of our products. Toll Free: 1-800-922-0337

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IKO Needle Roller Bearings enable reliable and smooth rotational motion in numerous applications. This unique design incorporates a thin, needle-shaped roller into the moving element to achieve high load capacity in a small footprint.

and construction. Available styles include roller type rolling guides, ball type rolling guides, ball splines, anti-creep crossed roller ways, ball slides, and both linear and rotary bushings to meet the needs of different applications and machine geometries.

IKO Needle Roller Bearings have lower crosssection height and higher load capacity than traditional ball bearings. They are small and compact for reduced overall machine size in lightweighting efforts.

IKO Precision Positioning Tables are available in a wide variety that serve as reliable positioning mechanisms within industrial equipment and machinery.

IKO Needle Roller Bearings are widely used in automobiles, motorcycles, printing presses, industrial robots, construction equipment and other demanding applications. There are many styles to choose from including: radial, thrust and combined models, cam followers and roller followers. IKO Linear Motion Rolling Guides are employed in a wide range of applications in order to reduce friction in the positioning mechanisms of industrial equipment and machinery. Sizes range from tiny to extra large, from the world’s smallest track rail featuring a 1-mm width to those built for high rigidity and load capacity in huge machines.

IKO Precision Positioning Tables are widely used in multiple industries, from semiconductor and flat panel displa manufacturing to high-precision equipment. Available styles include positioning tables with ball screw drives, tables with linear motor drives and specialized models such as rotary tables, alignment modules and stages, elevating tables and programmable controllers to meet the needs of specifi applications.

The Linear Motion Rolling Guide Series is used in many industries such as semiconductor, medical, life sciences, solar, machine tool

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Sizes range from micro and nano models to long stroke versions.

January 2016



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Intech Power Core Founded in 1983, Intech specializes in the design and manufacturing of selflubricating, light weight machine components including gears, rollers, and cam followers made of Intech Power-Core™ and other engineered polymers. By using advanced stress analyses and other engineering calculations to optimize designs, we are opening new areas where plastics can replace metal. When you build machines with Intech Power-Core components, your machines, your equipment can run maintenance-free at higher speeds and with less downtime. Intech customers benefit from our exte sive experience in designing with plastics and an engineering approach that empowers fast, problem-free motion. Intech serves both the OEM and maintenance markets and we are proud to work with the leading companies in their respective industries. Phone: 877-218-2650

The Power of Knowledge Engineering®

For the last 30 years, Intech engineers have delivered cost-saving gears, rollers, and cam followers made of Power-Core™ and other engineered polymers. Our components require no lubrication. And they have less wear, noise, shock, vibration, inertia, moisture absorption, and corrosion than conventional metal or plastic components. Today Intech is a leader in the engineering and design of precision machined plastic gears, guide rollers, and cam followers as well as complex cast structural components replacing metal and aluminum. Physical properties of Power-Core™ components open the way for engineers to satisfy demands for higher machine speeds, greater reliability, and low maintenance. Customers that benefit from our innovative design approac come from many industries including medical, packaging, food processing, clean room automation, paper converting, aerospace, architectural, and manufacturing plants among others. Intech engineers analyze each application for expected useful life and durability which

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For example, Intech designed a custom backlash-free gear to improve image resolution for a dental x-ray, guide rollers for a Wi-Fi antenna in airplanes to absorb shock and vibration and provide for uninterrupted satellite lock, and a rack-and-pinion system for a fish crowler to b submerged under water. An unconventional, electrically insulated robotic arm designed by Intech enabled a robot manufacturer to register five new patents and strengthen their indu try leadership position. Intech cam followers eliminate metal-to-metal wear and can run on mild steel or aluminum. This eliminates the need to case-harden and grind the contact surfaces and central lubrication systems. With Intech components and engineering know-how, our customers can build machines that run faster, are friendly to the environment, cost less to make, and require less maintenance.


includes stress analyses and other engineering calculations. The result: optimized deigns and innovative solutions that offer customers a competitive performance advantage in their machines.

1/19/16 9:35 PM

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Interpower Since 1975, Interpower has been making it easy for electrical equipment manufacturers to design and produce equipment for export. We offer power cords and cord sets that meet all the world’s various requirements, plus power inlets and outlets, and other components that conform to both North American and international product safety standards. Interpower makes it easy for customers to design, build, and maintain products for worldwide markets. Interpower has built its reputation on commitment to quality products and customer service.

Products include: • Interpower® International Power Source • North American and international power cords and cord sets • North American and international plugs, sockets and connectors • North American and international cable • Terminal blocks • Power entry modules with both North American and international approvals • North American and international socket strips • Accessory Power Strips and Jumper cord sets and power cords • Various North American and international medical products Interpower also has a blog you can subscribe to that will assist you in designing your product for export markets worldwide. Sign up for our monthly e-newsletter Interpower Connections that features articles to help you design your products for export markets. Also available on are a wide range of guides and charts to assist you including:

Verify product design and test your export products with the NEW Interpower® International Power Source

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• Guide to Worldwide Plugs and Socket Patterns and Power Mains (Single-Phase) • IEC 60320 Appliance and Interconnection Couplers • IP (Ingress Protection) Code Chart • Metric Conversion Guides • UL and CSA Classifications of Cord • International Cable Recommendations • Breaking Capacity of of North America and International Fuse Types • Time-Current Characteristics: IEC vs. North American Standards for Fuses • North American Cable Types • Product Wall Charts • North American Non-Locking NEMA Configuration • IEC North American Cord Set Configuration • IEC Int’l Cord Set Configuration

Interpower_DWLP16_v5.indd 373

Interpower accomplishes their mission using teamwork and communication and many value-added services including: • • • • • • • •

1-Week U.S. Manufacturing Lead-Time No minimum order requirements Same day shipments available 4 million parts in stock and ready to ship Free evaluation samples Assembly services available Custom labeling and packaging Free technical support

January 2016



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Celebrating 50 years, ITT Enidine Inc. has been a world leader in the design and manufacture of standard and custom energy absorption and vibration isolation solutions since 1966. ITT Enidine products can be found throughout the global marketplace within the industrial, aerospace, defense and rail industries. Product ranges include seismic dampers, small and large shock absorbers, rate controls, air springs, wire rope isolators, heavy industry buffers and emergency stops. “Enidine is widely recognized as the preferred source for energy absorption and vibration isolation products.” If you are unsure whether an ITT Enidine product will meet your application requirements, please contact us toll free at 800-852-8508.

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Innovation ITT Enidine engineers focus on solving complex application challenges worldwide. Our experts are innovative and responsive to partners, assisting them through each step in their design processes. Whether it’s within automated storage retrieval systems (ASRS) in warehouses or the hostile environments of glass and steel manufacturing, we offer the widest range of standard and custom energy absorption and vibration isolation products for global industrial applications that demand the highest level of quality, on time delivery, service and support. Learn more about our extensive capabilities by viewing our company overview video at: com/ watch?v=QjQDXyLR20k The latest innovation at ITT Enidine is our ECO Series shock absorber which was designed using materials and fluids that are safe for our global environment. odels have the flexibility to acco modate a wide range of operating conditions with varying masses or propelling forces and cover a variety of application parameters. Whether your application has a low velocity/high drive force or high velocity/low drive force condition, the New ECO Series will deliver the performance you come to expect. New ECO series shock absorbers offer the best corrosion resistance package for a standard shock absorber within this size range in the industry, by enduring a 336 hour continuous salt spray test, making it ideal for harsh environment applications where product longevity is critical to the machine’s life. As a market leader in multiple global industries, ITT has a rich heritage of delivering products that are reliable, durable and efficient. Our adaptable technologies are engineered to meet the growing needs of today’s global marketplace, and we focus on working closely with our customers to solve their most difficult challenges. No matter the application or t e industry, we solve it. Customer Service At ITT Enidine, our customers choose us over the competition because we offer innovative and differentiated products. All of our products are manufactured in-house with lean manufacturing processes and testing capabilities, giving you fast reliable service to meet your critical application needs with unsurpassed on-time delivery. Our customers stay with us because of our global reach, superior service and focused commitment to their business goals. Product Life Through proper care and maintenance, ITT Enidine products will give you a lifetime of exem¬plary performance and service. Components and workmanship are guaranteed for the life of the product. ITT Enidine continually strives to provide the widest selection of shock and vibration isolation products in the global marketplace today. We bring our customers the most costeffective products with more features, greater performance and improved ease of use. Please visit our website at www. for more information.

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IXYS Since its inception in 1983, IXYS Corporation (Nasdaq: IXYS), a Silicon Valley power semiconductor company, has been developing technology-driven products to improve power conversion efficiency, generate clean energy improve automation and provide advanced products in the transportation, medical and telecom industries. IXYS is a pioneer in the development of power semiconductors, integrated circuits and RF systems that effectively monitor electrical voltage to produce maximum effect with least expenditure of energy.

IXYS 1590 Buckeye Drive Tel: 408-457-9000 Fax: 408-416-0223

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• MOSFETs • BiMOSFETs • XPT IGBTs • Standard Rectifier • Schottky Diodes • Fast Rectifier • All in Discrete and Module Packages Visit our website:

• Microcontrollers • SOCs • Creative Reference Designs or

• MOSFET Gate Drivers • IGBT Gate Drivers • Optocouplers • Solid State Relays or

• IGBT Press Packs • Rectifier Diodes ( tuds and Capsules) • Fast Recovery Diodes (Studs and Capsules) • Phase Control Thyristors • Fast Switching Thyristors or

• GaN Amplifier • Gunn Diodes • Wireless Amplifier • HBT Amplifier • WiMax Power Amplifier • Microwave Amplifier • MMIC Amplifier • GaAs FET Devices or

• IGBT Press Packs • Rectifier Diodes ( tuds and Capsules) • Fast Recovery Diodes (Studs and Capsules) • Phase Control Thyristors • Fast Switching Thyristors or

• Laser Diode Driver Module • Pulse Generators • Signal Generators • RF Power MOSFETs • RF Power Modules • RF Drivers or

• Portable Solar Chargers • Solar Cells • Solar Bits/Modules • Solar Dies Visit our website: or

• Zigbee Wireless or

• RFID Ics • Customized Design Services • RFID Accessories or


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J.W. Winco, Inc. HELPING ENGINEERS SUCCEED J.W. Winco, Inc. is a leading supplier of standard industrial machine components, and specializes in offering value-added services to engineers. Along with an extensive selection of high quality parts, J.W. Winco strives to make engineers’ jobs easier. The company website at is userfriendly and easy to search. Free CAD models are available for almost the entire product line, downloadable in all formats. Customers can check availability and pricing online, and purchase easily 24/7 with credit card, or set up an account. Meanwhile, J.W. Winco prides itself on its knowledgeable technical sales associates, who provide assistance with products and applications. Customer service is a top priority. To provide customers with complete solutions, J.W. Winco also offers secondary machining, special kit packaging, and bar-coding. For more information, visit call 800-877-8351, fax 800-472-0670, or email

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ALL STAINLESS STEEL ADJUSTABLE LEVERS HAVE POLISHED FINISH GN 300.6 Adjustable Levers from J.W. Winco, Inc. are offered in inch and metric sizes, in tapped and threaded stud versions. All stainless steel construction makes these levers appropriate for applications in the food processing and chemical industries. Adjustable levers are ideal wherever parts have to be clamped in a confined space or in a particula lever position. The insert is connected to the lever via serrations which can easily be disengaged. Pulling the lever upwards disengages the serrations, allowing it to be swiveled to the ideal clamping position. When the lever is released, the serrations automatically re-engage. Handle is of AISI CF-8 stainless steel with electropolished fin sh. Stainless steel insert and screw are American standard 303 series, and spring is American standard 301 series. Versions with internal hexagon or external hexagon screws are available.

HAND KNOBS OFFER LOSS PROTECTION J.W. Winco’s GN 6336.13 Nylon Plastic Hand Knobs with Loss Protection are available in tapped and stud versions, in metric sizes. These RoHS-compliant hand knobs can be attached to a base element with the help of a ball chain or a retaining cable. Knobs are supplied ready assembled (with lanyard ring, with lanyard ring and retaining cable, or with lanyard ring and ball chain). Hand knobs are made of a thermoplastic nylon material (Polyamide PA) with a matte black finish Tapped types have inserts made of AISI 303 stainless steel. Stud versions have studs of AISI 304 Cu or AISI 303 stainless steel. Lanyard ring option is GN 111.6, AISI 301 stainless steel. Retaining cable option is GN 111.2, AISI 301 stainless steel, coated with clear plastic. Ball chain option is GN 111.5, AISI 301 stainless steel. Inch size versions are available upon request. MINI INDEXING PLUNGERS HAVE HIDDEN LOCKING MECHANISM J.W. Winco has also introduced GN 822.6 Mini Indexing Plungers, Lockout and Non Lock-out Types, with Hidden Lock-in / Lock-out Positioning Mechanism. They are available in inch and metric sizes. These RoHS-compliant indexing plungers feature small, compact dimensions, and are designed for installation in thin walled sheet metal applications. The reasonably priced components combine an ingenious design with a complete series of all current sizes of bolts and threads. To mount, first turn the mini indexing plunger in using the knur ed button. Pulling the indexing pin will release the hexagon nut which can then be tightened with an open-end spanner. Plungers are inserted into position by holding them by the knurled knob. The wrench flats on the lock nut are exposed when the pin is retracted, so that the plunger can be easily tightened by means of an open end wrench.


The body is zinc-plated steel with a blue passivated finish. P unger and spring are stainless steel. The knob is matte black glass fiber reinforced nylon plastic, n t removable.

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Besides Types A and B, lock-out and non lock-out versions, Type C offers a lock-out position for applications that require the plunger pin to be retracted for an extended period of time. The button can be turned by 30° after retracting the indexing pin, holding it in the “retracted” position using the indexing lock. In the rest position, the lock-out mechanism is completely concealed by the knob.

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KB Electronics, Inc. Since 1967, KB Electronics, Inc. has dedicated itself to manufacturing the best AC drives and DC drives. KB designs and builds, in the United States, over 200 motor speed control models to serve the fractional to 10 horse-power market. KB’s distribution includes over 800 distributor locations in over 30 countries.The Company prides itself in being able to provide customization to any of their motor drive products, thereby allowing their customers to purchase a product specific to their application For more information on KB Electronics, Inc. please visit, or call us at 1-800-221-6570.


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KB Electronics, Inc. provides engineering services to customize a motor drive to the specific needs of original equipment manufacturers (OEM). We will develop a custom Newly designed drive solution, Ready to Use “Outcontrol of-the-Box.” KB Electronics in-house team of engineers provides the exact control for your application. Customization includes: Case Study • Adding a custom label or branding Application: Variable Frequency Drive (VFD) • Pre-calibrating or programming a for a Commercial Convection Oven stock control • PLC functions A convection oven utilizes a stirring fan to circu• Custom software late heated air which substantially reduces cooking • Newly designed control time. The customer was purchasing an expensive drive manufactured in Europe which they desired Reduce cost when you purchase the to replace with a low cost drive manufactured in the exact control for the application without USA. In the application, the drive receives serial unnecessary extras. communication commands from a PLC that provides the user with various cooking recipes. A standard Save labor by eliminating the need for drive could not be used because the communication programming, calibration and tuning. protocol, although similar to Modbus, was unique Installation is as simple as removing the and proprietary. custom drive from the box and installing it in the equipment. KB Solution: Programming a stock control

The low cost KBVF Series VFD, with the DIDF Serial Communications Module, was chosen for this application. KB engineers were able to decode the proprietary serial communications protocol and reprogram the standard DIDF Communications Module.

The result was exactly what the customer desired-a low cost VFD assembled in the USA with proprietary serial communications. Have our team of engineers develop a custom solution for you. Please visit or call us at 1-800-221-6570

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Adding a custom label or branding

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KEB America KEB America is the North American subsidiary of Karl E. Brinkmann GmbH located in Shakopee, Minnesota. It has full design, manufacturing, sales, and service groups to serve the North American market in its 86,000 sq ft facility just south of the Twin Cities. KEB manufactures and sells industrial automation products including: industrial PCs, HMIs, I/O modules, routers, VFDs, servo and induction motors, integral gearmotors, and clutches and brakes. KEB has sales subsidiaries and representation in 30+ countries and 4 global production sites. KEB America, Inc. 5100 Valley Industrial Blvd. South USA-Shakopee, MN 55379 Phone: +1 952 2241400 FAX +1 952 2241499

In 1972 KEB introduced the CombiBox - an innovative electromechanical clutchbrake module which offered the industry’s best cycle rates in an easy to adjust assembly. Since then, KEB has continued to innovate and today offers a complete range of high performance automation solutions. HMIs KEB HMIs are offered in sizes from 4.3” to 15”. They boast 16M colors and are rated IP65. They are equipped with a variety of communication ports and include drivers which communicate with all major PLC platforms. KEB HMI products include Combivis Connect™ which allows secure remote connection. iPCs & I/O KEB offers a family of industrial and embedded PCs at different price and performance levels. I/O modules that run on an EtherCAT backbone are also available. These flexible modules offer solutions for communication gateways, temperature monitoring, analog and digital I/O. All KEB control products all feature an EtherCAT master and have a number of additional communication options. Industrial Routers KEB’s new C6 router is now available for the North American market. The router provides a secure connection to controls in the fiel making it an ideal tool for remote maintenance and commissioning.

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VFDs KEB offers a suite of open and closed loop variable frequency drives. The G6 series is a high performance open loop drive featuring SIL3 safe-torque-off and an integrated EMI filter. The 5/F6 series is offered up to 900Hp with a modular design. The S6 servo drive is ideal for high-performance servo applications. Finally, the H6 inverter is a multi-axis design with an integrated EtherCAT master Integral Gearmotors KEB high efficiency gearmotors are available as induction or se vo motors. The product is highly customizable with different brake, encoder, and advanced IP protection options as well as multiple configur tions.

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Brakes and Clutches KEB’s spring-set, power-off brake product has been proven time and again in critical holding and stopping applications. KEB permanent magnet holding brakes provide best-in-class torque density and are popular for use in robotic and servo motor applications.

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Quality Interconnect Components and Electronic Hardware

Leading edge technology and precision manufacturing have defined Keystone’s performance since 1950. Thei latest catalog M65 reflects this tradition Keystone personnel take pride in meeting all requirements, efficiently and promptly. Our skilled and ded cated technicians, experienced production personnel and customer service teams have made us an industry leader. All Keystone facilities are fully integrated with 3D/CAD product modeling and CAD/CAM precision tool and die operations. Applications and Engineering specialist utilize progressive dies, four-slide, wire forming, in-die tapping and high-speed blanking along with automated machining to produce tight tolerance standard and custom products. Secondary operations include Tapping, Drilling, Assembly and Finishing.

Battery Clips, Contacts, Holders & Retainers Advances in portable electronics and Lithium-Ion battery technology demand dependable battery connections. Keystone leads the way with a vast range of reliable, high-quality, cost-effective products for most battery types.

Space-Saving Fuse Clips & Holders Fuse clips and holders for Electronics, Datacom, Telecom, Automotive and Solar use. Keystone answers your needs with SMT, Thru-Hole and rivet mount products.

PCB Test Points & UL Approved Terminals Low Profile and limited space drive today’s PC connectivity designs. Keystone is the right fit wit Solder and Solderless PCB Quick-Fit, Snap-on, Snap-Fit and Screw-on Terminals as well as ColorCoded Screw Terminals & THM and SMT Test Points and more.

Spacers, Standoffs/Supports Metallic & Non-Metallic Diverse insulated and non-insulated spacers and standoffs are available in a wide range of lengths, thread sizes, hole sizes, mounting styles & materials. Choose from English or Metric type products for your PCB, panel and mounting applications.

Pins, Plugs, Jacks & Sockets, Industry’s Most Diverse Group Keystone’s USB 2.0, 3.0 & 3.1 Jacks & Plugs, Micro Pins/Jacks, Banana and Phono Plugs & Jacks are designed for use in the latest Mobile & Computer Electronics, Home Theatre, Test Gear and Industrial Interconnects.

Panel Hardware, Handles, Screws & LED Spacers Check out Keystone’s value-added products: Fan Filters & Guards, LED Lens Caps, Holders & Spacer Mounts, Jack Screws and Connector Hardware, Instrumentation Handles, Cable Clamps, Knobs and more.

Application engineering services are available for product modifications or special design requirements Keystone is an ISO-9001:2008 certified company an complies with RoHS and REACH directives. View inside the walls of Keystone Electronics and learn about our design and manufacturing capabilities, our customer service team and our complete line of interconnect components and electronic hardware. There’s a Keystone in every great invention… Follow our latest blog. 31-07 20th Road, Astoria, NY 11105-2017 Phone:. (800) 221-5510 or (718) 956-8900

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KHK USA KHK USA is the factory direct distributor of KHK (Kohara Gear) products in North America. With over 15,000 configurations o stock metric gears available, KHK USA offers the broadest selection of gears designed for use in industrial automation applications including packaging equipment, gantry systems, robotics, and conveyor systems. KHK USA supplies the world renowned brand of KHK gears to all of North America. With over 70 years of manufacturing expertise, KHK is the brand of gears designers have come to rely on for their vast number of config rations, their diversity of materials and the expertise in production that leads to a durable, reliable product that is consistently available from stock. The KHK USA website details all of the product technical specifications, provides free 3D CAD models for download and includes a 24/7 shopping cart function. With over 15,000 metric spur gears, helical gears, internal ring gears, gear racks, straight, spiral & zerol tooth miter gears, straight, spiral, zerol & hypoid bevel gears, screw gears, worms & wormwheels, ratchets & pawls, gear couplings, gearboxes, involute splines & bushings, and educational gear knockdown kits, KHK USA is able to offer a stock gear that meets almost every application.

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Kocsis Technologies, Inc. 11755 S. Austin Ave. Alsip, Illinois 60803-6002 USA Tel: 708-597-4177 Email:

Kocsis Technologies, Inc. was established in 1990 with the acquisition of the American Bosch piston accumulator and hydraulic starter product lines. In just a little more than a quarter century, we have grown to become a key supplier of high quality hydraulic products. We take great pride in the fact that we manufacture all of our products in the USA. Our accumulator products range from ½ pint to 400 gallon capacity, which is only limited by the materials that can be manufactured. The standard pressure ratings include 3,000, 5,000, 6,000 and 10,000 psi. With the recent expansion of our underground testing lab. We can remotely test products up to 45,000 psi.The test lab was designed with growth in mind as it measure 15’ x 30’ x 8’ deep.This unique capability allows us to safely perform product validation testing as well as contract destructive testing. Call us today to inquire about our capabilities. In our recent history, we added bladder accumulators to our product portfolio. This has allowed us to offer our customers options for their accumulator needs. In addition to accumulators, we manufacture a line of hydraulic starting systems. These turnkey hydraulic packages are a means of reliable engine starting in extreme conditions including very cold weather and hazardous locations. Our starting systems have been used in numerous applications around the globe. We, at Kocsis Technologies, Inc. are committed to designing and manufacturing the highest quality products at a competitive price and lead time while focusing our efforts on meeting our customer’s expectations. Give us a call today or visit our website ( for more information.

Now offering bladder accumulators

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11755 South Austin Avenue Alsip, IL 60803

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Koford Engineering Koford Engineering, LLC 1441 Dorsey Road Winchester, OH 45697 (937) 695-1275

Koford Engineering manufactures High Performance Hall and Sensorless Drives for Brushless Motors, Brushless Motors, Generators and DC Brush Motors

Brushless Motors

For highest power density and efficiency Slotless Brushless mot rs (housed and frameless, up to 200,000 rpm, up to 95% efficiency available in Sensorless, hall, encoder commutation, or integral electronics, vacuum and autoclavable versions), Brushless ironless motors (including flywheel energy storage motors), High efficie y digital, analog, or stand alone Brushless Hall and Sensorless Drives, Motors for Aerospace, UAV, Military Robots, surgical and dental tools, VAD, Brushless Generators, “AC brushless motors�, permanent magnet synchronous motors, contact factory at and provide details about your application so that we can provide the best solution. All Koford products are made in the USA


High performance generators and diode boards (housed and frameless, up to 400,000 rpm, up to 95% efficiency) for UAV electric power generation turbogenerators, EMP/EMI power isolation and other applications.

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Kuebler Inc. The Kuebler Group is one of the leading specialists worldwide in the field of position and motion sensors, counting and process technology, functional safety as well as transmission technology. Founded in 1960 by Fritz Kuebler, the family business is being led by the second generation. Since the early days of the company, its success has always rested on 3 pillars: innovative products and solutions, customer focus as well as a strong international orientation. Kuebler Inc., the newest member of the Kuebler Group is located in Charlotte, NC to provide the North American customers with the enhanced level of service they deserve. Kuebler Inc. 10430-J Harris Oaks Blvd Charlotte, NC 28269 Toll Free: +1(855)KUEBLER (583-2537) Tel:+1(704)705-4710 Fax: +1(704)733-9170 email:

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Along with excellent product quality and innovative solutions our customers demand a high degree of flexibility, a rapid response and service on a global scale. Kuebler lives up to these expectations. Innovative product families Our SENDIX™ line of encoders consists now of over 53 different products that fulfils a wide range of customer requirement (Incremental, Absolute ATEX, SIL, and Field Bus). CODIX™ counters and process displays from Kuebler offers turn-key solutions for decentralized display. They permit fast fault recognition without a PLC thanks to local display and control. Kuebler slip rings are specially tailored to the requirements for the transmission of power, signals or data, pneumatics and hydraulics. Whether compact and economical or highly robust with many options – the optimal solution is available for every application. Innovation from the customer’s perspective At Kuebler, innovation requires that we know and understand all the current and more importantly the future applications and needs of our customers. From this knowledge we create fresh approaches to new technologies and products. Examples of these product innovations: Encoders: SafetyLock™ and SafetyLockplus™. Mechanically interlocked bearings, for greater safety. Tolerate rough handling during mounting of the encoder, greatly increasing the service life. Micro Counters: Shock and Magnetic-field resistant. Thanks to patented ACR tech ology and a patented drive system.

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Kuebler Design System or “KDS” is our structured method for converting your requirements step by step, with respect to quality and to a reduction in costs and number of models, into a product solution. Our goal is to provide tailor-made systems, customized to your requirements. Quality and Flexibility Our ISO 9000 certified plant, our processes an of course the attention to detail insures the highest quality and engineering standards Whether it is 1 piece or 10,000 pieces, our production can fulfill th delivery and product requirements within short notice. Our Service and R&D teams are a phone call away to understand and solve your product and application requirements around the globe.

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Kuriyama of America, Inc. Kuriyama of America, Inc., a part of Kuriyama Holdings Corporation, firs opened its doors in 1968 and celebrated its 45th anniversary in 2013. Located in Schaumburg, Illinois, Kuriyama provides a complete line of thermoplastic, rubber and metal hose products and accessories including couplings and fittings for use in industrial and commercial applications. • World class quality products & manufacturing processes. • Market leading products. • JIT– on-time availability and delivery. • Outstanding customer service. • Globally competitive pricing. Our Mission: • Providing TheKuriyama ValueTM for your company • The right products, at the right time Kuriyama of America, Inc. 360 E. State Pkwy. Schaumburg, IL 60173-5335 Phone: 847-755-0360 FAX: 847-885-0996 Email:



• • •

• • • • • •

Tigerflex™ products are ISO 9001-2008 Registered Q.M.S. Kuri Tec® hose and tubing products are manufactured in our ISO 9001 Registered facilities in Canada and the U.S. Alfagomma® Hydraulic and Industrial Rubber Hoses have earned registration under ISO 9001-ISO 14000.

TigerflexTM Hose Products PVC, Polyurethane and Rubber Industrial Hoses for Materials Handling, Liquid Suction and Ducting Applications

Couplings and Accessories

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Kuriyama CouplingsTM Quick Acting and Pin Lug Couplings, Irrigation, Ground Joint, Universal Air, Quick Disconnect, Sandblast Couplings, Hose Clamps, Brass Push-On Fittings, Hydrant Wrenches & Adapters, Bridge Style Ducting Hose Clamps, Ductal Iron Quick Acting Couplings, Hammer Unions, Sight Glasses, Funnel Strainers and Accessories.

We provide solutions for Food and Beverage wIndustries Material Handling Septic and Waste Water Handling Industries Mounted Aerial Devices Biofuel Friendly Applications Oil & Gas Industry

Kuri Tec® Thermoplastic Hose and Tubing Thermoplastic Non-Reinforced, Yarn-Reinforced & WireReinforced Tubing and Hose Products

Rubber Hoses, Industrial Air/Water Hoses Alfagomma Textile/WireReinforced Rubber Hoses for Industry and Kuriyama EPDM Rubber General Purpose Air and Water Hose, Medium OilResistant General Service Hose, Redi-Lock® Push-On Hose and Braid-LockTM Push-On Hose ®

Hose Tec® Metal Hose Interlocked Metal-Hose Interlocked Metal-Hose-ToGoTM Assemblies and Swival Fittings

Ducting Hoses Neo-Duct® Black Neoprene Fabric/Wire Reinforced Ducting Hose, SIL-Duct® Two-Ply Silicone Coated Fabric/Wire Reinforced Ducting Hose, Thermo-DuctTM Thermoplastic Rubber Ducting Hose and TigerDuct® ExtendoDuct® Polypropylene/WireReinforced Air Ducting Hose

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Kuriyama_DWLP16_v1(2).indd 384

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Laird Liquid Cooling Systems Due to the increasing complexities of thermal management systems, and the constant pressure to reduce product development cycle times, companies are relying on external, specialized thermal management expertise more often. Laird has more than 35 years of experience in the design, manufacture and servicing of liquid cooling systems for medical, industrial and semiconductor industries.

Laird Engineered Thermal Systems - proven experience and expertise in creating innovative, active solutions As engineers, you understand the critical importance of thermal management systems. You also understand that different applications have different needs, usually requiring custom-designed solutions. But you also know that those solutions need to be reliable, sustainable and deliverable on time and on budget. By working with Laird, you are engaging with a global trusted partner with proven experience and expertise in creating innovative, active solutions to the most complex thermal management issues. With a high performance product line that is comprised of ambient liquid cooling systems, temperature controllers, thermoelectric assemblies and modules, we have the know-how and the development capabilities to deliver what you need, when you need it.

Temperature Controllers Laird’s temperature controllers are specifically designed to control thermoelectri assemblies, (TEAs) in a closed loop system. Feedback from a temperature sensor is used to vary the output of the power supply to control the temperature of an enclosure. Laird offers three types of controllers: Single Directional Thermostatic, Bi-Directional Thermostatic, and Proportional Integral Derivative (PID) (Programmable).

Laird Americas: +1 919.597.7300 Europe: +46.31.704.67.57 Asia: +86.755.2714.1166

Thermoelectric Assemblies & Modules Laird designs and manufactures some of the world’s best performing thermoelectric assemblies and modules for medical, industrial laser, mobile/data infrastructure and semiconductor applications. For demanding applications including diagnostics, imaging, data transmission, portable devices and video projectors, our TEAs and TEMs deliver innovative ways to dissipate heat.

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Lauren Manufacturing Lauren Manufacturing, headquartered in New Philadelphia, Ohio, is a custom extruder and molder that offers a single source for organic, silicone, thermoplastics and other specialty products. Lauren’s expertise in material science, design engineering, manufacturing, business, IT support, logistics and more has elevated the company from a simple gasket supplier to a sophisticated, strategic business supply partner.

Lauren Manufacturing brings more than 50 years of experience in providing custom sealing solutions to industries around the globe. From materials to design to quality assurance, Lauren’s engineers help solve problems from start to finish. We optimize profil and equipment for specific customer need while providing value-added processes, diverse market knowledge and on-time delivery. To ensure satisfaction in the end product, engineers work directly with customers, creating open dialog throughout the process. Our engineers provide the following services: • Material Development and Testing • Design Optimization • Market and Application Knowledge • 2D & 3D Finite Element Analysis (FEA) • 3D Modeling • Equipment Development • In-House Tool Design

Lauren Manufacturing 2228 Reiser Avenue SE New Philadelphia, Ohio 44663 Phone: 330.339.3373 Toll Free: 800.683.0676 Email: Web:

Through our relationship with sister company LMI Custom Mixing, Lauren has expanded material expertise and improved speed-to-market. Problem Solvers. Solution Providers. Lauren Manufacturing is continuously exploring new materials, innovative engineering and modern manufacturing techniques. • We are known for being progressive and customer-centric. • We solve problems through innovation, technology and engineering. • We are a global leader and single-source supplier of polymer sealing solutions. Lauren Manufacturing is not just another rubber company. With cutting-edge technology, we are at the forefront of engineered sealing solutions specializing in solving simple to highly complex engineering and processing problems. Lauren Manufacturing is certified to ISO 9001 with Design, TS 1 949 and ISO 14001

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Lee Spring Founded in 1918, Lee Spring is headquartered in New York, with multiple locations in the United States, Mexico, Europe, India and China. The Lee Spring brand sets the standard for excellence through bold product innovations, quality manufacturing and responsive customer care. Lee Spring takes pride in creating solution-driven responses. The Lee Spring Sales Team, Engineering Team and Manufacturing Team collaborate to develop application specific resolutions Lee Spring understands the value of our customers for well qualified eng neering support. Lee Spring engineers can offer assistance from design conception through project completion. Extensive expertise in spring design and mechanical engineering complement our customers’ design teams. Lee Spring’s expanding global presence and in-depth knowledge of the worldwide marketplace puts Lee Spring at the leading edge of creating market specific solutions for customers’ needs


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Lee Spring manufactures and distributes mechanical springs, wire forms, stampings and fourslide parts worldwide. Our extensive print and online catalog offers over 23,000 inventoried products in a variety of materials. From 10 springs to 10 million springs, Lee Spring is a premier global source for stock catalog and custom designed mechanical springs and related products. Lee Spring continues to respond to the voice of the customer with advanced Custom capabilities and unique Stock products such as LeeP™ Plastic Springs, Bantam™ Mini Springs, Lite™ Pressure Springs and our latest introduction, High Pressure Compression Springs. All stock products are available through our website or our print catalog. • We make it easy - exceptional personal attention • We have it - over 23,000 catalog products • We can design it - engineering expertise • We can make it - extensive custom manufacturing capabilities

STOCK SPRINGS Over 23,000 Stock Springs Online CAD Downloads Free Ground Shipping

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• Over 23,000 Stock Imperial and Metric Designs • Free CAD Downloads • Live Engineering Support • Free Ground Shipping in Continental U.S. • Free Passivation on Stainless Steel Springs • Free Plating on Music Wire Springs • Free Grinding on Standard Compression Springs • Free Certificates of Complianc • Guaranteed RoHS & Reach Compliance • Online or Phone Ordering • Inch and Metric Designs

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CUSTOM SPRINGS Wire Forms, Stampings and Springs Prototypes to Production Runs Turning Ideas Into Reality • Pull/Kanban Capabilities • CAD Assisted Product Design, Drawing & Modeling • Live Engineering Support • In-House Prototype Production Services • Free Material & Chemical Certificatio • Free Certificates of Complianc • In-House Tooling Production Including EDM • Governmental and Industrial Regulatory Expertise • Global Supply Chain Network • Long or Short Runs • Proprietary Quality Control System

January 2016



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LEMO®, founded in Switzerland in 1946, took its name from the company founder, engineer Léon Mouttet. Originally a manufacturer of contacts in noble and rare metals, the company took a major step forward in 1957 with the introduction of the push-pull selflatching connector. Contact Info LEMO USA, INC. 635 Park Court, Rohnert Park, CA 94928 USA Tel : (707) 578-8811 Fax : (707) 578-0869 Mail :

The Original Push-Pull Connector

LEMO is the acknowledged leader in the design and manufacture of precision custom connection and cable solutions. LEMO’s high quality push-pull connectors are found in a variety of challenging application environments including medical, industrial control, test and measurement, audio-video, and telecommunications. LEMO has been designing precision connectors for six decades. Offering more than 75,000 combinations of product that continues to grow through custom specific designs LEMO, an it’s affiliated sister companies REDEL, NORTHWIRE and COELVER, urrently serve more than 100,000 customers in over 80 countries around the world.


Its affiliated sister companies REDEL, NORTHWIRE and COELVER, c rrently serve more than 100,000 customers in over 80 countries around the world

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Lenze Lenze is a global manufacturer of electrical and mechanical drives, motion control and automation technology. As a global specialist in Motion Centric Automation, we offer our customers products, drive solutions, complete automation systems, engineering services and tools from a single source. We are a leading provider of automation solutions to the packaging industry, and our other focus industries include automotive, material handling and logistics, robotics, and commercial pumps/fans. With a global network of engineers, sales representatives, and manufacturing facilities, Lenze is wellpositioned to meet the motion control needs of customers worldwide. Lenze, the American subsidiary of Lenze SE of Germany, is headquartered in Uxbridge, Massachusetts, with an assembly and logistics center in Glendale Heights, Illinois. Corporate global headquarters are in Hamelin, Germany. Lenze Americas can be found online at

“The best machines and production facilities around the world use Lenze.” As a global specialist in Motion Centric Automation, Lenze offers you products, drive solutions, complete automation systems, and engineering services and tools from one single source. Lenze supports the entire machine development process – from initial idea to after-sale, from control systems to drive shafts. We are a reliable solutions partner with the knowledge and expertise to provide you with the best possible overall solutions. Engineering made easy In order to deliver the ideal solution for your machine tasks, Lenze advises and supports you through all five phases o the engineering process: • • • • •

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Developing ideas Drafting concepts Implementing solutions Manufacturing machines Ensuring productivity

Simply choose only the engineering services that suit your project. Our sales and application engineers are at your side to lend their expertise to any situation. From helping you choose the best drive components to full engineering services,

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we always work with you to develop the optimum solution for your machine requirements. L-force Engineering In the future, key challenges will lie in the areas of cost efficiency, time-saving and quality improvements. Faster project planning and commissioning, improved performance and increased flexibility i production are expected. Therefore, new ideas are needed for the machines of the future. Lenze has risen to this challenge and can offer you an innovative family of drive and automation products, as well as a comprehensive portfolio of solutions and engineering software tools. For more than 60 years, drive and automation systems have been our core competence. We take an integrated approach to projects and help get the best from your machines and systems.

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Lin Engineering The Step Motor Specialists Lin Engineering’s diversified customer base includes: • • • • • • • • •

Aerospace & Avionics Automation Food & Beverage Medical & Instrument Devices Printing & Packaging Security & Surveillance Semiconductor Solar & Green Technology Tracking Systems

Founded in 1987 as a consulting company specializing in step motor applications, Lin Engineering has grown to be a global supplier of cutting edge, quality stepper motors with manufacturing in both the United States and China.

Lin Engineering Corporate Headquarters 16245 Vineyard Blvd Morgan Hill, CA 95037 (408) 919-0200 (408) 919-0201

Making it Work with Custom Designs With full manufacturing capabilities in the United States and a complete team of Design and Manufacturing Engineers, we are capable of providing you with custom solutions regardless of how simple or complex the request may be. From modified shafts, connecto assemblies, and custom wiring harnesses to vacuum ratings, sealed motors for use in water, and windings for higher torque or more efficiency, we have the engineerin expertise and manufacturing capability to provide you with the right solution. Free Online Tools with Designer’s Corner We have released a variety of online engineering tools to help you get the information you’re looking for. Quickly and easily select the right stepper motor and instantly view a performance curve.

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Quality You Can Count On One of the reasons that more and more engineers are turning to Lin Engineering is due to our reputation for developing and manufacturing high quality and consistently reliable products.

The Leader in Step Motor Technology 15 Patents on step motor technology with a few more on the way. What more can be said about being the leader in step motor technology?

An online forum, FAQ and step motor basics are also available.

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LinMot USA, Inc. LinMot is the world’s leading manufacturer of direct-drive, industrial linear servo motors for use in production machines and automation applications around the world. Established in 1997, LinMot has been manufacturing linear motors and actuators to traditional, high quality Swiss standards in company owned facilities in Europe. Every LinMot linear motor delivers high speed, long service life and complete controllability, making them your best choice for use in demanding and highly dynamic positioning applications. Their U.S. headquarters in Elkhorn, Wisconsin serves the entire Western Hemisphere and offers very distinct sales oriented advantages to their customers. These important advantages include US based technical assistance and exclusive LinMot linear motor application and sales support programs. LinMot USA, Inc. 204 E. Morrissey Drive Elkhorn, WI 53121 Phone (877) 546-3270 Fax (800) 463-8708 Email:

LinMot is the world’s leading manufacturer of cylindrical linear servo motors for industrial production machines and processing applications. The motors employ a direct electromagnetic principle to provide linear movement without the use of cams, gears, belts or other mechanical devices. Currently offered are over 15 different linear motor configuration with peak forces ranging from 7 to 600 pounds. These configurations provide over 300 standar motor specifications producing speeds u to 200in/s, accelerations to 100g and having stroke lengths up to 82 inches. All LinMot motors Linear-Rotary Motors are designed for use in rugged industrial environments, clean room processes, and food production facilities. In addition to the extensive line of standard motors, LinMot offers industry leading, specifi purpose products including high performance motors, IP69K stainless steel motors and our latest innovation, a two axis combination of a linear and a rotary motor in a single, compact assembly. Join the rapidly growing field of automatio professionals who have already discovered the linear motion advantages only LinMot products provide... today’s proven performance for tomorrow’s motion needs.

Smart solutions are driven by LinMot.

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F Guide - Integrated Linear Actuator

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Maple Systems For more than 30 years, Maple Systems has proudly provided solutions for the automation and industrial controls marketplace, specializing in lasting and innovative control products. We strive for continuous product improvement by being experts in our field, employing the lates technologies, and ensuring that every product is fully tested and inspected before leaving our facility.

Founded in 1983, Maple Systems first began as systems integrator, and in building systems for others, saw a great need for lasting and innovative control products. Maple Systems specializes in the design, manufacture, and support of: • • • • •

To learn more about Maple Systems products, please visit us online at Maple Systems, Inc. 808 134th St. SW, Suite 120 Everett, WA 98204 Tel: (425) 745-3229 Fax: (425) 745-3429

Touchscreen HMIs HMI + PLC Combo Units Remote HMIs Panel PCs Text-Based Operator Interface Terminals

HMI Solutions for Every Machine Maple Systems control products are utilized worldwide in industrial, OEM, automation, and municipal applications. Packaging, oil and gas, medical, food and beverage, no matter the industry, our control solutions streamline your process, offering top quality and reliability. In addition, Maple Systems provides complimentary technical support, and several Class I, Division 2 certifie models.

Industry’s Best Value HMIs • Wide selection of display sizes • Bright touchscreen displays • High-speed processors • Durable and reliable construction • Feature-rich, easy-to-use software • Complimentary technical support

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Comprehensive Online Support Center Our comprehensive support center provides customers with 24-hour answers to complex control automation needs. Explore technical notes, product literature, sample projects, tools, drivers, and software upgrades. Have a question? We offer complimentary technical support to our customers via email and phone. Reliability You Can Trust As a preferred provider of industrial control and automation products in North America, our goal is to offer high-quality control solutions at affordable prices. Paired with an outstanding support team and comprehensive technical website, you’ll soon see that Maple Systems truly is your industrial control solution. What can we help you control? Explore our products today:

PLC Integration Maple Systems products integrate with more than 100 brands of programmable controllers from the biggest names in PLCs including Allen Bradley, Schneider Electric, GE, Siemens, Mitsubishi, Omron, and more.

1/19/16 10:39 PM

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Master Bond

EP42HT-2LTE: Epoxy Has Ultra Low Coefficient of Thermal Expansion Featuring coefficient of thermal expansion of 9-1 x 10-6 in/in/°C, EP42HT-2LTE is a two component epoxy for bonding, sealing, coating and select casting applications. It has paste consistency with some flow that imparts outstanding dimensiona stability and will bond well to a wide variety of substrates. EP42HT-2LTE is also noteworthy for its low linear and volumetric shrinkage.

Master Bond is celebrating 40 years of formulating cutting edge adhesives, sealants, coatings and potting/encapsulation systems utilizing advanced technology for challenging applications. High Performance Adhesives, Sealants & Coatings Our expansive line of epoxies, silicones, UV curable and LED curable compounds can be customized to meet a myriad of property requirements including: • High/low temperature resistance • Electrical conductivity/insulation • Thermal conductivity • High/low viscosity • Flexibility and toughness • Chemical resistance • Optical clarity

EP90FR-V: Passes Vertical Burn Test Formulated for specialty aviation applications, EP90FR-V is a two component system meeting FAR standard 14 CFR 25.853(a) for flame retardancy The most noteworthy applications include interior panels, door frame lining and floor/door asse blies. Since it is a superior electrical insulator, this epoxy is also a candidate for electronic potting and sealing applications. Additionally, EP90FR-V is a non-halogenated system.

Developed to withstand harsh environmental conditions, our products feature superior long-term durability. They are used in a variety of industries and are designed to meet stringent industry standards and are certified for • NASA low outgassing • USP Class VI • FDA CFR 175.300 & FDA CFR 175.105 • UL 94V-0 & UL 94V-1 • ISO 10993-5

Resource Library Keep informed of the latest developments in adhesive technology. Get the answers you need from top industry experts. White Papers Master bond offers an easy to read collection of white papers that provide concise answers and solutions to difficult issues

Outstanding Customer Support Master Bond makes customer support a fundamental priority in the adhesive selection process. Our technical specialists have decades of experience and will work with you, one-on-one, throughout the design, prototyping and manufacturing stages of your application.



Catalogs Browse dozens of products at a glance with specific grades broken down by industry and chemistry.

See how Master Bond began in a video that celebrates our 40 year history as an adhesives formulator.

Videos Enjoy friendly characters and helpful hints in brief videos that focus on product highlights and how to demonstrations.

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154 Hobart Street Hackensack, NJ 07601 Tel: 201-343-8983 Fax: 201-343-2132

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Master Pneumatic, Inc. Master Pneumatic Inc. is a Woman Owned ISO 9001:2008 registered manufacturer of standard and custom engineered airline equipment for sensing, regulation, filtration and precision lubric tion systems. With over 65 years’ industry experience, the Master Pneumatic brand has become recognized worldwide for its quality and performance.

Why MP Making Special Simple

Master Pneumatic has positioned itself to support a customer’s needs for regulator, filtration or micro lubrication that cannot or will not be sati fied by other fluid pow companies. Through our one on one customer focus, we are able to fully understand the customer’s requirements and quickly deliver a custom solution.

Industries served include food, beverage, medical and transportation. Its worldwide distribution network supports customers in over 40 countries. We are proud of the fact that all of our products are manufactured in the U.S.A. and we are the only pneumatic airline equipment Co. to offer a SEVEN YEAR WARRANTY

Customer Focused

Our company is designed to be extremely flexible and responsive to our customers. The employees value each customer relationship and are driven to meet their needs. The manufacturing operations are vertically integrated with diecasting, injection molding, CNC, metal finishing, assembly, clean room, painting, testing a d shipping. Through these processes we are able to control quality and timeliness of delivering customer products.

Worldwide product support and training is made possible through a distributor network located in over 40 countries. Web based product selection tools and E Learning portals support customer real time needs.

Product Range

In addition to our standard intermediate line of air preparation equipment, we offer regulators and filters from 4 mm up to 3” port size. Our ervOil product line offers solutions of minimum injection lubrication and coolant dispensing systems. These products support our customers environmental and sustainability initiatives. Our Filenco products offer point of use drying capability to provide cool clean air to downstream equipment


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Maxon Precision Motors maxon drives set the world in motion. maxon motor combines electric motors, gears and DC motor controls into highprecision, intelligent drive systems that can be custom-made to fit the specific needs of customer applications. maxon motor helps provide innovative solutions at competitive prices for numerous applications in various markets, such as industrial automation, medical technology, security technology, instrumentation, communications, and consumer applications, among others. maxon precision motors, inc. 101 Waldron Road, Fall River, MA 02720 T: 508-677-0520 E-mail:

Brushed and brushless configurable DC motors more versions, more power Now even stronger, more efficien and with yet more combination options: There are new additions to the maxon family of X drive products. Several long versions of brushed DC motors, with higher torques and more power, have been added to the product range along with matching planetary gearheads. Each of the 3-stage versions can now be combined with the next smaller motor. This saves space, weight and costs. In addition, maxon launched a brushless DC motor (ECX) line to its configurable online program These motors are available with diameters of 8, 16 and 19 mm achieving speeds of up to 120,000 rpm. They run very smoothly and are highly efficient in standar or sterilizable versions (up to 2,000 autoclave cycles). Ideal for use in hand-held surgical tools and industrial spindles. maxon motor’s X drives are extremely powerful and are now available in maxon’s online shop, where customizing the drives is easy. Customers can fit the dri es with specific mechanical an electrical components specific to their application needs. It i possible to customize the shaft lengths, winding types, ball bearings and much more. When combined together with maxon encoders and planetary gearheads, you form a high-precision, robust drive system ideal for any application from aerospace to medical to robotics. In fact anywhere that requires a compact, powerful, quiet and strong drive system. The X program is a lean and automated process which ensures that all configurable drives are read for shipment within 11 working days. In addition, detailed product data may be viewed immediately online and 3D CAD data for the configuration is available for dow loading. Visit for more information.

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Mean Well USA Your Reliable Power Partner MEAN Well was established in 1982 and is a leading standard switching power supply manufacturers in the world. MEAN WELL USA was established in 1999 as a sales and support center for customers in North America and Canada. Located in Fremont California, MEAN WELL USA offers customers local engineering and technical support as well as a local warehouse to provide just-in-time delivery for any power supply requirement. Our trained staff of sales and technical engineers can help you select from a wide assortment of power supplies the best one that fit your needs.

“Total Quality Assurance and Customer Satisfaction” are the central goals of our company. We believe that our industry is one where reliability in long-term use, functionality and cost are all of great importance, but that it is reliability that differentiates the truly superior products. So, every product in the MEAN WELL range is the result of rigid procedures governing design, design verification test (DVT), design quality test (DQT), component selection, pilot-run production, and mass production. We have recently implemented a new and highly efficient computeriz d management system. This system allows improved administration of sales, purchasing, manufacturing management, shipping, customer service, and quality analysis, allowing us to ensure the best QCDS (Quality, Cost, Delivery Time, Service) for our customers Our goal is to offer total solutions that satisfy our customer’s requirements. We have earned a good reputation based on the quality, competitive prices and punctual delivery of our products. Currently, we have around 200 distributors and thousands of customers throughout the world. We have formed long-term associations with most of our customers, working together for many years, developing many treasured relationships.

Mean Well USA, Inc. 44030 Fremont Blvd. Fremont, CA 94538

5000 Standard Models We have over 5,000 standard models widely used in automation, communication, LED lighting, medical, moving sign, and offic automation fields. Our 15,000m modern facility and the intelligent information management system allow us to keep enough stock for 95% of standard models, enabling prompt delivery. To meet customers’ demands, MEAN WELL can deliver orders ranging in size from 1 to 20,000 units. Small and medium quantity orders are offered through our local MEAN WELL members or authorized distributors, helping to save time. Large quantity orders can be sent directly from MEAN WELL.

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Memory Protection Devices Memory Protection Devices, Inc. (MPD) is an ISO 9001 certified globa manufacturer of battery holders,battery contacts, auto plugs, auto sockets, fuse holders, DC jacks, DC plugs, and other electronic components and devices. Our parts are manufactured to rigorous standards in factories located around the world, which meet not only our quality requirements, but our social ones as well. We believe that many components have not been given as much thought as they deserve, and every day we work to find the nex innovative design. After all, a defective component can cause complete failure in most devices, and a poorly designed one can cause many inconveniences to end users. It is due to this core value that MPD is viewed as the industry’s leading innovator. 200 Broad Hollow Rd., Ste. 4 Farmingdale, New York 11735 Phone: 631-249-0001 Fax: 631-249-0002

MPD is one of the world’s largest creators and suppliers of innovative and cost-effective battery and coin cell holders and contacts. We created the coin cell holder, and it is still the core of our product line. MPD also offers a full line of automotive plugs, cord sets and other components like fuse holders and power plugs, jacks and adapters. Another advanced concept introduced by MPD is our line of “Gliders’: hybrid coin cell holders that combine the low cost of retainers with even higher reliability than standard coin cell battery holders. MPD is proud to be partnering with Microsoft to bring you the patented new Instaload technology. Gliders, SnapDragon and Instaload are the next chapter in the story of MPD’s quest to make sure that battery holders are as technology-driven as the products in which they are used.

Products and services include electronic design, prototypes and mass production for Battery holders, contacts and sockets and other power connection related products. Since 1980, Memory Protection Devices, Inc has been offering battery holders and contacts for lithium coin cells and alkaline cells. We offer products based on a range of standard products and custom proprietary solutions. SnapDragon and Gliders were the last chapter in the story of MPD’s quest to make sure that battery holders are as technology-driven as the products in which they are used, stay tuned for more announcements in 2016. New products, new ideas, new designs coming your way soon !!

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MICO Since 1946, MICO, Incorporated has been on the leading edge of technological innovation in hydraulic components, controls and brake systems primarily for heavy duty, off-highway commercial and industrial applications. These markets include but are not limited to agricultural, construction, mining and military vehicles. Today, the company is a completely integrated design, manufacturing and sales operation. Its knowledge of brake system design in conjunction with state-ofthe-art machinery and manufacturing processes makes it an industry leader worldwide.

MICO, Incorporated celebrates 70 years of specializing in quality hydraulic and electrohydraulic braking components and systems for off-highway machines. Sinc1946, MICO, Inc. has been on the leading edge of technological innovation in hydraulic components, controls and brake systems primarily for off-highway commercial and industrial applications. These markets include but are not limited to agricultural, construction, mining and military vehicles. Today, the company is a completely integrated design, manufacturing and sales operation. MICO, Inc. practices “Excellence in Engineering”. The MICO Engineers are skilled in the design and application of brake systems and components. Their engineering team uses state-of-the-art design tools and equipment. Cross-functional product development teams strive to quickly create new designs and working prototypes that meet or exceed customers’ expectations. Their engineering test lab has what it takes to simulate a customer’s application and do performance and endurance testing. MICO, Inc. can rapidly design, machine from solid, build, test and ship prototypes.

MICO, Incorporated 1911 Lee Boulevard North Mankato, MN 56003-2507 Tel: +1 507 625 6426 Fax: +1 507 625 3212 Email:

MICO, Inc. prides itself in its ability to become an extension of their customer’s engineering department providing engineering expertise in design and brake systems and components. MICO Engineers participate in meetings with the customer to design and develop custom components to meet unique system and packaging requirements.

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MICROMO MICROMO (FAULHABER Group) is the quality leader for custom micro motion solutions and full service capabilities. MICROMO offers excellence in micro motor and encoder technology as well as design customization. MICROMO brings together value-added services and cutting-edge technologies from around the world through high efficiency, high performance offerings such as brushed, brushless, stepper, thin-profil DC, piezoelectric and linear motors for diverse applications ( Founded in 1961 and based in Florida, MICROMO provides a variety of linear and rotary motion solutions for the North American market. MICROMO is part of the global FAULHABER Group, which has over 1,600 team members worldwide. MICROMO is your full service, value added outsourcing partner: • ISO 9001 and 13485 certificatio • Custom design and complete clean room subassembly • Express prototyping • Machining center • State-of-the-art testing laboratory • Energy-efficient solutions an enhanced product life MICROMO’s benchmark contributions with motion solutions are a part of many leading products and applications in markets such as Medical Devices, Robotics and Automation, Optics and Photonics, Aerospace, Defense and Instrumentation. MICROMO 14881 Evergreen Ave. Clearwater, FL 33762 T: (800) 807-9166 F: (727) 572-7763

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For over 50 years, MICROMO has partnered with a range of markets to provide the highest precision and highest performance motion systems and components based on dc motor technology. MICROMO combines the widest range of linear and rotary motion solutions with value-added services and the global resources of the FAULHABER Group to provide a variety of benchmark custom motion solutions across markets, such as medical devices, robotics, aerospace, optics, and semiconductor equipment.


MICROMO is ISO 9001 13485 certified and RoHS compliant. With th FAULHABER Group’s ISO 14001 certification, MICROMO provides the highest quality s andards for the design, development and manufacturing of fractional horsepower drive systems for diverse markets.


Decades ago, Dr. Faulhaber patented the first self supporting, ironless, skew-wound rotor coil, and the FAULHABER Group motor technologies grew from this revolutionary patented system. The system centers on winding hollow, low-inertia moving coils for maximum power and efficiency in the smallest physical spaces By remaining close to the company’s engineering roots, MICROMO is the premier provider of micro motion control systems. MICROMO’s product line includes fractional horsepower DC coreless motors, PMDC motors up to 1,000 Watts, brushless DC motors, stepper motors, piezo motors, linear servo motors, precision gearboxes, optical and magnetic encoders, fail-safe brakes, tachometers and tacho-generators, controllers, micromechanical systems, complete servo systems, and custom subassemblies that incorporate these products for integration into OEM devices.


From concept to delivery, MICROMO (Clearwater, FL) provides it all. With on-site machining and assembly facilities, a versatile standard product line, and over 5,000 special executions, customization is MICROMO’s strength. MICROMO’s operations include a state-of-the-art CNC machining center, a 12,000 ft² clean room assembly operation (class 100,000 capable), on-line product acceptance of both finished product and incomin goods, and a design, R & D and engineering testing center. All application work is carried out by in-house engineering staff. MICROMO’s engineering team partners with over 3,000 customers for the design, specification and after sales support of industry leading motion con rol products. With extensive local inventory and online product analysis and purchase via the MICROMO Motion System SelectorTM, many products can be delivered in three days or less to meet immediate design and testing requirements.

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BXW brake is used for braking, holding, and braking & holding.

Miki Pulley A World-Class brand. Miki Pulley established its business roots by providing variable speed belt drives to the burgeoning Asian machine industry several decades ago. Over time, our product line has evolved to serve many more facets of the machine and manufacturing market worldwide. With offices production facilities, and partner companies spanning the globe, our customer service and Engineering expertise is at the forefront of the world market.


The SFC model utilizes metal plate springs to offer high torsional stiffness, while forgiving a degree of misalignment.

We collaborate with Design Engineers to identify the most efficient and cost effe tive solutions for their rotary motion control and mechatronic applications. Our zero-backlash coupling line includes: jaw & spider type, high performance servo type, and high speed metal plate spring couplings. Positive shaft locking devices also bring a very simple, but important element to our product offering. Electromagnetic clutches and brakes round out our compliment of solutions. CAD files fo our equipment are available.


This unique, low profile design is 2/3 the thickness of other brakes that Miki offers.

MiKI PULLEY US 13200 Sixth Ave. N Plymouth, MN 55441-5509 800.533.1731


The additional plate spring connection bolts on the SFF model provides higher torsional stiffness, while accepting limited misalignment.

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Mitsubishi Electric Automation, Inc. As one of many Mitsubishi automation affiliates around the world, Mitsubish Electric Automation, Inc., is part of a $40 billion global company serving a wide variety of industrial markets with a family of automation products including programmable logic controllers, variable frequency drives, operator interfaces, motion control systems, computer numerical controls, industrial robots, servo amplifiers and motors, and indu trial sewing machines. The corporate philosophy of the company includes a commitment not only to providing superior solutions and service to Mitsubishi customers, but also to contributing to the local community and creating a rewarding work environment for its employees.

Mitsubishi Electric Automation U.S. operations are headquartered in Vernon Hills, Illinois — 30 minutes from O’Hare International Airport. Visit the company’s website at

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“Mitsubishi Electric Automation takes its motion control solutions on the road with the 53-foot long Solutions in Motion mobile showroom that appears at tradeshow training seminars and other events across North America.” A Global Perspective Mitsubishi Electric Automation, among the top three automation suppliers globally, offers manufacturers, system integrators, and OEMs the most advanced and reliable automation solutions for improving performance, lowering total cost of ownership, enhancing quality, and furthering competitiveness. Understanding Customers Mitsubishi Electric Automation is a major global manufacturer and automation systems supplier that faces all the same issues of performance, cost, and quality as its customers. For example, Mitsubishi Electric Automation implemented its own e-F@ctory solution at its servo motor manufacturing plant in Nagoya, Japan in order to optimize production. As a result of using this enterprise-unifying solution, monthly output of the company’s servo motors increased from 55,000 to 100,000 units, while production lead time and nonconforming parts both decreased by 50 percent, and productivity increased by 180 percent. Because Mitsubishi Electric Automation tackles manufacturing realities and challenges every day, the company understands the needs of its customers and develops products and solutions to meet those needs. Innovative, Comprehensive Automation Solutions As an innovator of factory automation technology, Mitsubishi Electric Automation addresses manufacturing challenges with a comprehensive portfolio of products and technologies designed to help factories achieve maximum productivity. These include solutions that provide real-time communication between

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the factory floor and the enterprise, energ monitoring and management solutions, and integrated solutions to optimize the entire manufacturing process. Through Mitsubishi Electric Automation, North American companies participating in and supplying to the following industries can access the most advanced and reliable manufacturing solutions available in any region of the globe. • Automotive manufacturing and assembly • Energy management • Food, beverage, and pharmaceutical packaging • Heating, ventilating, and air conditioning • Machine tool manufacturing • Material handling • Semiconductor manufacturing and assembly • Textile production Exceptional Service and Support Mitsubishi Electric Automation customers have come to expect industry leading technical and logistical support. A testament to its reputation for exceptional service and support is the longevity of its customer relationships. The company enjoys cooperative, decadeslong relationships with manufacturers, system integrators, and OEMs who have come to rely on the high quality and reliability of Mitsubishi Electric Automation products, solutions, training and support.

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MOCAP 409 Parkway Drive Park Hills, MO 63601 Phone: 800-633-6775 314-543-4000 FAX: 314-543-4111

MOCAP is the Industry Leader in the manufacturing of quality Dip Molded, Injection Molded and Extruded Plastic & Rubber products for virtually every market. We offer extensive lines of Caps, Plugs, Grips, Tubing & Tapes commonly used as Components, Masking & Protection for Pumps, Valves, Fittings, Threads, Tubes, Pipes & Filters. MOCAP stocks a wide assortment of Vinyl Caps, Plugs and Grips along with numerous styles of Polyethylene Caps and Plugs for immediate shipment. We have also recently completed tooling on many styles of Threaded and Non-Threaded Caps and Plugs and have recently added many sizes of paper caps and plugs, as well as several families of pipe and flange protection

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Model Solution Model Solution - Quality Delivered Quickly Founded in 1993, Model Solution, a Laird business, provides one-stop solutions for product development needs from engineering evaluation and prototype model making to quick turn tooling and lowvolume parts manufacturing. On average, Model Solution takes just seven days from order confirmation to delivery savin customers time and money. With Model Solutions, customers can “Watch Their Solutions Come to Life”.

A Computer in 7 Days

A computer company (Endless Computer) had a vision of developing a computer for the 5 billion people who could not afford one. They asked Model Solution to build a functional model of its desktop computer. Working from a refined 3D CAD model and working printe circuit board assembly, Model Solution developed a prototype in only seven days. (Read the full case study)

They Said it Couldn’t Be Done

Model Solution created a one-of-a-kind manufacturing solution for a start-up company trying to validate the mass production potential of its wearable device design. More than 20 companies tried to verify the device’s final product design for mass production, wit no success. Model Solution went beyond the development support state, and drawing upon its advanced concept of quick-turn tooling, used a combination of semi-automatic and manual tooling to produce the production run. (Read the full case study)

Capabilities include CNC Machining, Finishing, Vacuum Casting, Soft Goods & Accessories, quick-turn tooling, injection molding, compression molding, 100K clean room molding, low volume production and a CMF Innovation Lab that develops innovative colors, materials and finishes. Products are supplied globall to customers in the automotive, mobile devices, computer gaming, healthcare/ medical and industrial markets. Model Solution Phone: +82-2-8960311

The Innovation & CMF Lab

Model Solution is dedicated to advancements in developing premium colors, materials and finishe (CMF) for rapid protoyping and modeling. Working with engineered plastics, metal alloys, glass, wood, leather, fabric and more, the Innovation & CMF Lab brings customer designs to life with real working models - fast.

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Moog Animatics Moog Animatics is a global leader in integrated motion control. Located in Silicon Valley in Milpitas, California, Moog Animatics designs, manufactures and markets motion control products and systems. Leading the way in SmartMotorTM design, Moog Animatics provides innovative solutions for today’s expanding machine requirements and sets a pace ahead of the competition. Additionally, unmatched customer support and training provides another key advantage. With over 28 years of experience in the motion control industry, the company has international offices in Germany and Japa and a network of Automation Solution Providers worldwide. For more information:

The Pioneer and Leader in Fully Integrated Motion Control Moog Animatics offers the most highly integrated automation solutions in the industry. Starting with the SmartMotor™, the world’s first fully integrated servo system, and extending through a large variety of I/O, machine control and linear actuator products. Moog Animatics offers total solutions with a much smaller footprint, lower cost and a simplicity that reduces your machine development and build time – getting you to market faster. For over 28 years, Moog Animatics has been providing customers in a wide variety of industries with the products and customer service to help them succeed. Moog Animatics’ products are at the heart of applications ranging from material handling, pan/tilt, winding/spooling, process tension control to biomedical and life sciences. Our returning customers are a testament to our continued innovation and support. A Complete Motion Control System Inside the SmartMotorTM What makes the Moog Animatics SmartMotor by far the most powerful integrated motor in the industry is its unique ability to control an entire machine. The SmartMotor is not just a product -- it is a complete motion control system and a byproduct of an innovative design philosophy. The unsurpassed programming ease, networking capability, highly flexible and expandabl I/O, and high power density servo performance is exactly what you should expect from the

pioneer and recognized global leader of truly integrated motion control. Our line of advanced rotary and linear motion control products feature the ability to perform multi-axis motion, including standalone coordinated motion. The SmartMotor brings real-world additional savings to the machine builder by eradicating other expensive and complicated elements in the machine such as PLCs (if desired), sensors, I/O blocks and control cabinets. Unparalleled Flexibility Easily integrating with not only PC-based control systems, the SmartMotor also integrates with PLC technology and a wide variety of communication protocols. Additional axes can be easily added in the field, bringing additiona processing power, but without parallel growth of existing cabinet size. This simplicity and ease of use goes beyond just “compactness.” It results in overall reduced machine development time (shortening time to market), lower total machine cost, greater field reliability, and simplifi machine design and build time eliminating heavy procurement and support activities.

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Motion Systems Corporation As an industry leader with over 40 years experience, Motion Systems Corporation has manufactured the industry’s largest selection of Americanmade electromechanical linear actuators, ranging in capacity from 40 pounds (177 N) to 1,500 pounds (6666 N). They are equipped with high efficienc epicyclical (planetary) ball screws, which provide long life and a unique, integral freewheeling feature at stroke ends. Motion Systems’ helpful and customercentric team personalizes each product to ensure that clients continue to return for decades. Motion Systems is proud that all units are manufactured in the USA. 600 Industrial Way West Eatontown, New Jersey 07724 Phone: 732.222.1800 Fax: 732.389.9191 Corporation

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For over 40 years, Motion Systems Corporation has manufactured the industry’s largest selection of electromechanical linear actuators. Motion Systems’ actuators are equipped with high efficiency Epicyclic (Planetary) Bal Screws that provide long life and a unique integral freewheeling feature at stroke ends. Custom-made and built to last, Motion Systems’ actuators range in capacity from 40 lbs. (177 N) to 1500 lbs. (6666 N). Made in America Started in 1972 by William Wolf with humble beginnings in a one-car garage, the company has grown to over 60 employees. Today, the family-owned business is located in a 150,000-square-foot, three-building complex in Eatontown, New Jersey. Using top quality alloy metal materials that are made in the U.S., all units are 100 percent Americanmade and custom-designed to fit a wid array of industries. Dedicated to creating and innovating solutions for today’s marketplace, Motion Systems’ products have been specifically manufacture for medical equipment, commercial and consumer applications, and military use (including bomb squad robots, deployment hooks and tank targets). Motion Systems has worked with NASA and their test vehicles for lunar rovers, made actuators for the spray nozzles in the FDNY fire trucks during 9/11, and provide equipment scrutineering at major automobile racing venues. Committed to customer loyalty, creativity, quality, and a dedication to helping others. Motion Systems supplies actuators for hundreds of medical devices and equipment within the healthcare industry. Among the newest products is the LiftWalker, a state-ofthe-art device developed by Ideomotion, LLC, which utilizes a Motion Systems Corporation ball drive actuator to give the wheelchairbound untapped mobility and freedom.

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MP Filtri Excellence in filtration

MP Filtri, founded by Mr. Bruno Pasotto in 1964, designs, develops, manufactures, and supplies a comprehensive range of hydraulic filter and accessories for the fluid powe industry. The company also manufactures a complete line of condition monitoring equipment for oil-based fluids, subsea (water based) fluid and aggressive fluids. The corporat office is located in Milan, Italy an international locations include the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, Germany, France, Russian Federation, China, and India. All MP Filtri locations are supported by a worldwide distribution network.

MP Filtri’s devotion to research, design and development of hydraulic filtration solutions began in the 1960s. In th 1980s, the company acquired a foundry and a workshop dedicated to machining, therefore being able to control, monitor, and manage the entire production process from raw materials to assembly.

Development MP Filtri’s development goal over the years has been product customization according to specific market r quirements. The company has been working on extensive product analysis in order to develop versatile and market-oriented solutions. Today’s market focuses on versatility and adaptability of the manufacturer, and is requiring solutions able to adapt to various dimensions and layouts while maintaining highly competitive costs even for special solutions.

No difference between “special” and “standard” MP Filtri has focused on these issues, developing solutions to address them while maintaining quality of the product. The new in-line and return filters eature head versions with different inlet/outlet options both in quantity and type. This range of connections provides great adaptability of each part, which is an increasing requirement. MP Filtri uses the design logic that looks to actively develop products that are more versatile in their standard design, which then can be used in highly customized production.

MP Filtri USA, Inc. 2055 Quaker Pointe Drive Quakertown, PA 18951

Quality without compromise

Toll-free: 888-263-0090

Quality has always been the essential feature of the entire MP Filtri product range. Each product undergoes a thorough series of tests, verifications, an checks carried out by a laboratory which certifies the product’s performance. MP Filtr ’s research, development, and product innovation focus on uncompromising quality.


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MTS Sensors Highly precise and durable MTS position sensors and liquid level transmitters help customers automate a wide range of functions and processes. Our exclusive Temposonics® magnetostrictive technology facilitates the highest levels of manufacturing speed, safety and efficiency Because our sensors are non-contacting and non-wearing, there isn’t a more accurate, reliable sensor anywhere. Customers enjoy trouble-free operation for years without the need for adjustment or recalibration. As an organization, MTS Sensors delivers value through a combination of great technology products and people with the experience to help customers optimize their design decisions. In essence, we help organizations around the world improve productivity and reduce total cost of ownership. MTS Systems Corporation Sensors Division 3001 Sheldon Drive Cary, N.C. 27513, USA Phone: +1 (919) 677-0100 Fax: +1 (919) 677-2343



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You deserve extraordinary solutions – we respond with an extensive range of measuring stroke options, simultaneous measurement of multiple magnets, smart electronic designs with built-in diagnostics, innovative housing concepts and a wide variety of controller interfaces. Our Temposonics® magnetostrictive technology is maximized with powerful electronics and double-shielded construction to assure immunity against interference. Robust designs guarantee maximum reliability, high-precision position measurements and long term operation even in the harshest environments.

YOUR CHALLENGE OUR SOLUTION We address your exact design and performance needs – from ultra-low profiles and detached electronic to compact hazardous area approved housings.

SAFETY IN MIND We offer the first linear position sensor to combin SIL2 safety capability with hazardous area approvals for industrial applications. The T-Series sensor is optimized for safe use in settings where there is potential for exposure to flames and caustic substances as well as the possibility of explosive atmospheres.


MTS Sensors offers a full range of solutions for Mobile Hydraulics (off-highway) and Liquid Level applications.

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Muncie Power Products, Inc. Muncie Power Products Inc. is a full hydraulic systems provider, serving the truck equipment industry with leading customer support, power take-offs and hydraulic components. Dedicated to delivering value to its customers for more than 80 years, Muncie Power Products meets customer needs and the demands of today’s industry with easy, trouble-free solutions. For more information, visit Since 1935, we’ve been serving the truck equipment and other fluid power markets as a provider of quality products and services. With roots as a distributor of automotive replacement parts, our company has evolved into one of today’s leading manufacturers of power take-offs and flui power components in North America.

Muncie Power Products 201 East Jackson Street Muncie, IN 47305-2834 Phone: 765-284-7721 Toll Free: 800-367-7867 Fax: 765-284-6991

Headquartered in Muncie, Indiana, we maintain manufacturing and distribution facilities across the country, in addition to a global network, as a member of the international, publicly traded Interpump Group.

At Muncie Power Products we are proud to offer a wide range of mobile power components to meet your application needs including: power take-offs, gear pumps, valves, cylinders, motors, reservoirs, DC power packs, electronic spreader systems and more. As an innovative leader in the truck equipment industry, we’re a company dedicated to delivering value to you, our customers. At Muncie Power Products we build more than just hydraulic components, “We Build Trust.”

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MW Industries MW Industries, Inc. (MWI) is comprised of 20 locations and headquartered in Rosemont, Illinois. Decades of growth, innovation, and dedication made it a world-class manufacturer of highly engineered springs, specialty fasteners, machined parts, and precision components. MWI offers a variety of processes, materials, and capabilities to meet the most demanding applications for more than 23,000 customers in over 35 countries. Its 40,000+ products are sold through a combination of direct sales, catalogs, and distributors to original equipment manufacturers and aftermarket customers in a number of industries, including: • • • • • • • • • •

Aerospace Agriculture/Construction Automotive Consumer Products Energy Heavy Trucks Industrial Medical Military Transit

MW Industries, Inc. 9501 Technology Blvd, Ste 401 Rosemont, IL 60018 847-349-5780

MW Industries (MWI) prides itself as being one of the world’s foremost metal fabrication manufacturers. The organization has proven itself to be a leader by continuously providing solutions for its customers and adapting to ever-changing markets. Decades of developing capabilities and resources have allowed for the highest levels of achievement. MWI’s competitive advantage lies within its highly skilled personnel, innovative thinking and state of the art equipment throughout all twenty MWI locations. These foundational characteristics are what qualify MWI as an industry leader. Generating unique value has been accomplished through mastering an extensive range of manufacturing technologies within highly diverse markets. Specifically, MWI’s proficien has been established in machining, metal-forming and spring-making. These proficiencie have provided the opportunity to enter highly technical markets such as Aerospace, Medical, and Energy. Materials used for product manufacturing range from carbon steels to more specialized resources such as high-temperature alloys, titanium and beryllium copper. MWI’s technologies, materials, and expert personnel form highly differentiated products; ranging anywhere from minute products for the Medical industry, to large hot-wound suspension springs for Heavy Trucks. In order to sustain its competitive edge, MWI realizes that creating a diverse portfolio is not the only ingredient. Along with providing the highest quality products for a variety of different markets, adapting its processes for the future is extremely important. Keeping up to date with emerging technologies, offering rapid prototyping/3D printing, and constantly training personnel to the best of their abilities will continue to drive MWI as the leader in engineering value.

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Nason Located in Upstate South Carolina, Nason operates a 50,000-square-foot manufacturing facility that is home to a team of expert design engineers and customer service specialists with decades of combined experience. After more than 60 years, Nason is now a proven leader in spaceefficient electrical, hydraulic an pneumatic components. Nason’s switches, compact cylinders and transducers have set a new industry standard for quality, efficiency and flexibility yet their biggest point of pride is their commitment to taking on new challenges for their customers, big and small. They are always willing to create exactly what a customer needs.

At Nason, we consider ourselves leaders in engineering because we come at things with a smarter approach: our customers’. We start with real questions, not prepackaged answers. What is the ideal solution for our customers’ applications? What would work best for them? Once we understand exactly what they need, we get to work designing and engineering the perfect component.

Nason 1307 S. Highway 11 Walhalla, SC 29691

Our components are the most compact, space-efficient designs av ilable — so instead of building around an unwieldy component, our smaller footprint gives you more room to work with.

Phone: 800-229-4955 Phone: 864-638-9521 Fax: 864-638-7903 Email:

All Nason components are precision-manufactured with an unmatched attention to detail. A perfectly concentric bore. Extended product life. That’s the Nason difference — components that work harder longer, saving our customers time and money.

Our customers can forget designing around a standardized component. With Nason, they get the precise specifications they need — putting them in control and guaranteeing that the final product fits the applicatio Not only are Nason components a better value based on initial purchase price, they continue to deliver cost savings over the product’s entire life cycle. For every application, Nason can provide a solution. At our core, Nason is about solving problems for our customers. Our team of experts is committed to working with them — listening to their specific needs, then developing he right solution for them.

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Contact: Larry Hansen NB Corporation of America 1-800-521-2045 Fax: (630) 295-8881


Leadership in Engineering


FIT Prevents Excessive Radial Clearance Between Bush and Shaft NB’s FIT Series of slide bush and shaft assemblies optimize clearance between shaft and bush. NB’s precision manufacturing assures customers the best clearance for their needs. There is no need to accept maximum clearances of + 17 microns when NB’s FIT series offers just + 4 microns. Shaft end placement deviation is reduced 70% from the standard 0.046mm when compared with the FIT Series, which is only 0.011mm. Take advantage of the cost savings afforded by specifying a standard slide bush, slide rotary bush or stroke bush rather than designing in clearance adjustable housings and trying to make do. NB Miniature Slide Guide Is Exceptionally Precise The SEBS miniature slide guide series has a standard radial clearance that is twice as accurate as the competition’s – for the same price! It perfectly replaces other standard brands. All-stainless models are perfect for high temperature applications. Choose from retainedball or low-cost nonretained-ball lines. Sizes from 2mm. Friction-free travels from 104mm – 1000mm rail lengths. NB has the widest selection of miniature linear slide guide’s.

Ball Splines Eliminate Backlash. NB Ball Splines have recirculating steel balls on the side of the outer race that are designed for high speed rotation and to eliminate backlash. Backlash is eliminated because the raceways are precisely ground (not drawn) so they better conform to the shape of the balls in the nut and grooved spline shaft. This results in opposing raceways having the same angles of contact eliminating backlash. They are ideal for applications that may require both linear motion and superior torque transmission - from robotics to transport equipment. The large surface area of ball contact with grooved shaft results in high load capacity. Perfect for high-speed motion and high-speed rotation. The various material options include Martensite stainless. 3-D CAD now available. NB Ball Splines offer three mounting options; a standard keyed nut, a flange nut and th unique keyless cylinder nut. The keyless nut is very suitable for small size compact applications. It is similar to a flange type nut. Instea of a fixed flange on the nut, there is a squar attachment that slots into the nut to prevent rotation. The slot can be made with holes for screws so that the nut will be fixed similarly t the way that the flange is fixed to housing. B it is much more compact than the standard flange

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Newcomb Spring For more than a century, Newcomb Spring has manufactured precision springs, wire forms and stampings. As one of North America’s largest and most technically-advanced metal form manufacturers, we produce custom components in large runs, short runs and prototypes for customers around the world. With state-of-the-art manufacturing equipment and one of the industry’s most experienced staff, Newcomb Spring is able to serve customers in a wide array of industries and applications, including mission critical components. With nine locations in the U.S. and Canada, we can respond quickly to your order requests. We’re ready to exceed your expectations for service, quality and efficiency

Precision Components

Newcomb Spring produces metal components to meet the strictest requirements, custom manufacturing each part to meet customer specific tions. Our range of products includes: • • • • • • • • • • •

Compression Springs Extension Springs Torsion Springs & Double Torsion Springs Flat Springs Wire Forms Stampings & Strip Forms Battery Contacts Shaped Rings Hooks & Paint Hooks Micro Springs Magazine Springs

Expert Design Assistance

Each Newcomb Spring facility offers experienced engineers who are happy to review your order. We can advise on materials, spatial considerations, part performance and manufacturing options. We have even designed our very own free spring calculator app – the Springulator® - to assist customers in the development process. Our experienced team is ready to work with you to lower costs, improve performance and ensure our parts fulfill your needs

Widest Range of Materials

Newcomb Spring is recognized for our diverse manufacturing capabilities. Our processes reduce waste and non-compliant parts, and our staff offers decades of experience in precision metal form manufacturing, which ensures accuracy and repeatable compliance. We can produce components out of an incredibly wide variety of material types, shapes and sizes – including standard, semi-precious and precious metals – with wire from .004-.625 inches in diameter.

Advanced Quality Controls

Our advanced part inspection utilizes some of the world’s most advanced technology, including computerized laser and camera gauge equipment that monitors compliance as each part is formed. Our modern QC equipment and experienced staff can produce parts that meet even the strictest order requirements.

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Nook Industries, Inc. About Nook Industries, Inc. Headquartered in Cleveland, Nook Industries is an ISO9001:2008- and AS9100C-registered company that provides controlled motion solutions in a wide range of industries including transportation, medical/diagnostics, paper, chemical, food/beverage, solar/aerospace, entertainment and communications markets. For more than 45 years, Nook has provided comprehensive engineering, design and analysis in providing the highest quality linear motion manufacturing solutions on the market today. For more information, visit or call 800-321-7800.

Nook Industries Nook Industries is an invaluable resource for engineers and designers thanks to its numerous engineering tools. These tools consist of how-to videos, various calculators and application data forms that can be fille out and submitted to its expert linear motion solution engineers for their input. Nook’s in-house, integrated capabilities and overall engineering expertise provide customers with a total solution. Nook’s video library gives helpful tips on topics such as adjusting a limit switch, loading a standard ball nut with or without an arbor and many others. Nook is a leader in providing videos on downloading and utilizing 2D and 3D model software. Many of Nook’s videos are accompanied by charts and images that provide further assistance. is home to a number of engineering calculators and converters which determine factors such as ball screw torque, horsepower, ball nut life, column strength and critical speed. The application data forms on Nook’s website help clarify the requirements of a user’s application. Once the appropriate form is completed, users can submit it to one of Nook’s experts for their assistance in selecting the ideal linear motion solution for the application.

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Leadership in Engineering


Novotechnik Novotechnik is a world leader in the development and manufacture of a wide spectrum of touchless, noncontact, and potentiometric rotary and linear position sensors for motion control in industrial, automotive, aerospace, robotic, and medical equipment applications.

Novotechnik angle and position sensors are integral parts of complex industrial feedback loop, and other, motion systems including: Chicago’s Willis Tower, the London Eye, forklifts and even a NASA space probe.

These applications include the Segway personal transporter, where Novotechnik engineers worked with the customer to develop a critical application-specific steering sensor

Touchless rotary angle sensors utilize some of many new technologies found in Novotechnik products. Novotechnik’s Novohall technology enables angle sensors to measure without any mechanical wear and through solid and non-solid materials. A magnetic marker attaches to an application’s rotating part and a sensing part with NovoHall technology detects the position of the magnet and converts the detected angle to a usable voltage output. One product family this technology is used in is the RFD4000 Series and enables 12-bit resolution and repeatability of 0.1° or better.

Novotechnik owes its success to superior engineering and the development of leading technologies resulting in new application capabilities with proven product reliability and accuracy enabling the company to provide its customers with the clear and comprehensive specification needed by design engineers. These capabilities include linear non-contact, linear inductive and single-turn rotary non-contact using Novostrictive®, Indres®, NOVOPAD™, NovoFoil™, Novohall™, PsP, and Vert-X® proprietary technologies. Products include Novotechnik’s touchless rotary sensors with no moving parts and a maximum angular resolution of 0.022°. Novotechnik is ISO 9001 certified and was one of the first c panies to achieve ISO/TS 16949 certificatio worldwide. Novotechnik U.S., Inc. 155 Northboro Road Southborough, MA 01772 Toll free: 800-667-7492 Ph: 508-485-2244

Novotechni is enhancing its magnetoresistive technology introduced a few years ago and this technology gives engineers a magnetic encoder which continues to measure rotation after power fails or is removed, all without batteries. The information is stored for years– even without power. Novotechnik’s non-contacting Magnetoresistive technology is utilized in their RSM2800 Series of magnetic encoders. This series measures up to 16 turns as well as the precise angle within a turn. Once power is applied, the RSM2800 Series is able to measure and and retain turns and angle even during a loss of power. For applications with a need for precision, these sensors deliver 16-bit resolution and linearity of 0.13%. They also provide various analog output options and one or two channels. Combining new industry leading position sensing technologies and capabilities, Novotechnik continues its history of engineering leadership, and brings products with new abilities and features to market that empower motion control engineers to design solutions that were impossible a short time ago.

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NSK Established in 1916 and headquartered in Tokyo, Japan, NSK is a world class manufacturer of motion and control products, leading the industry with superior quality, engineering research and technical innovation. NSK produces and distributes a wide range of rolling element bearings, linear motion and automotive component products for a variety of applications. Operating in the Americas, NSK Corporation is a member of the NSK Ltd. group and is headquartered in Ann Arbor, Michigan. NSK Corporation has a network of sales and engineering teams working in partnership with customers to deliver high performance products, application-specific sol tions, superior technical support and exceptional service to the Americas market. The company’s strategically located manufacturing and distribution centers supply both original equipment manufacturers and the industrial aftermarket through a broad distribution network.


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Continuous innovative engineering is key to success In the field of motion control, innovative enginee ing is paramount to optimal design and performance. With over 90 years of experience, NSK has proven its reputation as an industry leader. NSK products and solutions have been selected and used by numerous industries around the globe. NSK heavily invests in research and development and has 14 global technology centers that are primarily focused on design. NSK has evolved its expertise and focus in 4 core technologies: Tribilogy, Mechatronics, Material Engineering and Analysis Technology. Through advancement in these areas, NSK continues to supply high quality products to its customers while ensuring its reputation as an industry leader. In addition to manufacturing motion and control products, NSK plays an integral role designing equipment exclusive to NSK manufacturing facilities. Engineering works closely with our machinery equipment suppliers to ensure product consistency regardless of batch or part number. This combined intelligence is a leading manufacturing advantage supplying NSK customers’ technical support, overall value and superior quality products such as:

For more information, visit

NEW NH/NS Series Linear Guides™

Achieves world’s highest load, high speed and precision The new NH/NS Series achieves the world’s highest load ratings, while maintaining superior precision and accuracy required for multiple applications. Upgrade to NSK’s NH/NS Series Linear Guides™ to receive the following benefits

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• • • • • •

World’s highest load rating. Doubled operating life (compared to standard LH/LS Series Linear Guides™). Higher speed, lower noise and improved motion. Capability to downsize linear guide and still meet required fatigue life. Convenient drop-in replacement from NSK LH/LS Series (same mounting dimensions). Interchangeable sliders and rails, sold separately or assembled.

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• •

Optional K1™ Lubrication Unit further extends product life and provides maintenance-free operation. Inventory available for fast delivery.

K1™ Lubrication Units

Long-term, maintenance-free, peace of mind Patented K1™ Lubrication Units provide long-term, maintenance-free operation in environments where grease replenishment is undesirable or where grease may be easily washed away. These units can be installed on NSK ball screws, linear guides, Monocarrier™ or Robot Module™ products. • • •

No maintenance required for 5 year or up to 10,000 km operational distance. Effective in any mounting orientation. FDA approved option available.

Quick Ship Program

Precision, fast delivery and proven results Selected lines of NSK’s ball screw and Moncoarrier™ products are available within a 4 week delivery time. These programs are ideal for smaller volume purchases with quick turnaround needs. • • • •

Compact FA Series Ball Screws offer quiet, high speed performance in a compact design. Monocarrier™ linear actuators integrate NSK ball screws, linear guides and support units into one lightweight, compact design. Various leads and stroke combinations available. Domestically manufactured.

For more information on NSK, their dedication to innovative engineering and industry leadership visit



1/19/16 11:27 PM

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ODU-USA, Inc. ODU is one of the world’s leading connector systems suppliers and employs about 1,650 people around the world. ODU combines all relevant areas of competence and key technologies relating to design and development, machine tool and special machine construction, injection, stamping, turning, surface technology, assembly and cable assembly. Aside from the company headquarters at Mühldorf am Inn, the ODU Group has also an international production and distribution network in Europe, North America and Asia. The ODU group sells its products around the world and has an international distribution network that includes eight sales companies in Denmark, England, France, Italy, Sweden, the USA, China and Japan, along with numerous worldwide sales partners. The ODU connectors ensure reliable transmission of power, signal, data and media in numerous demanding applications: medical technology, military and security, energy, industrial electronics, measurement and testing and automotive technology.

Advanced Connector Solutions ODU connector solutions ensure reliable transfer of power, signal, data and media for a wide range of next generation applications. Our advanced customer benefits include

• • • • • • •

Completely integrated system solutions Competitive lead time Rapid prototyping & Product development Local one-to-one engineering support Cable assembly integrated solutions Custom connector capabilities Factory direct

ODU-USA Inc. 4010 Adolfo Road Camarillo, CA 93012 USA Phone: +1 (805) 484 0540 Fax: +1 (805) 484 7458 E-Mail:

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OEM Controls, Inc.

OEM Controls, Inc. 10 Controls Drive Shelton, CT 06484 Phone: 203-929-8431

From design to delivery.... Total controller solutions. OEM Controls has been a leader in the design and development of electrohydraulic controllers and control systems for almost 50 years. We configure each product to individual customer specifications us g field proven components, a long list of available options, and state-of-the-art engineering expertise. Our core products include one, two and threeaxis joystick controllers, ergonomically designed multi-grip handles, electronic valve driver boards, microprocessor-based logic controllers and integrated panel systems.

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OGURA Industrial Corp. Ogura Industrial Corp has demonstrated its leadership in providing motion control solutions and is currently the world’s largest manufacturer of electromagnetic clutches and brakes. In order to meet customized needs of today and tomorrow, we have continued investment in manufacturing technologies and latest design principles. We are ISO 9001-2000, 14001, and ISO/TS 16949. We have 14 manufacturing plants worldwide capable of producing 30 million clutches/ year. Our current product portfolio includes 3000+ clutch and brake designs meeting torque requirements ranging from 0.01 in-oz to 25,000 ft-lb. We welcome the opportunity to put our manufacturing and engineering skills to work for you. Ogura Industrial Corp 100 Randolph Rd Somerset, NJ 08873 Phone: (732) 271-7361


Ogura supplies roughly 1/3 of automotive compressor clutches throughout the world. This high volume production base gives Ogura an edge in other high volume electromechanical components and clutches for: • Throttle bodies and variable shaft cam timing • Transfer cases, power transfer units, and electromagnetic locking differentials • Liquid heat generators, powertrain components, and more


Electromagnetic clutches and brakes are used in any rotational application where motion needs to be controlled. Holding brakes are commonly used for servo motors and robotics. Micro-clutches are used on paper handling and office automation equipment Single face friction, multiple disk, tooth, magnetic particle, hysteresis and permanent magnet units are used to control motion and provide safety for: • Robotics and medical equipment • Factory automation and processing equipment • Paper handling for copiers and printers

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Ogura electric PTO clutch designs have proven reliability through millions of installations. We supply a significant portion of th world’s consumer/commercial turf market. Our mobile pump clutches allow auxiliary engine components to be disconnected when not in use, reducing power consumption, extending component life and providing better fuel economy for: • Mowers, tractors, stump grinders, trenchers • Ag applications (spreaders, seeders, harvesters) • Pumps (hydraulic, water, vacuum)


Ogura produces specialty products like superchargers (air blowers) and special motor sports clutches and brakes. Our superchargers have very high efficiency versus traditional roots blowers They are helping to reduce engine horsepowers, lower emissions and are increasingly being used in fuel cell requirements to control both air and hydrogen. Because of Ogura’s high quality production, we are also certifie to produce aircraft components under ISOJIS Q9100.

1/19/16 11:32 PM

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Omron Omron is a global provider of complete automation solutions with industry leading technologies covering: Input, Logic, Output, Safety, and Robotics. Our team of professionals around the world have the know-how to recommend and apply unbiased solutions for our customers, whenever and wherever it’s needed. With more than 80 years of proven products and widely adopted applications in various industries, Omron focuses on solutions for manufacturing in automotive, packaging, semiconductor, oil and gas, electronics/small parts assembly, and pharmaceutical/cosmetics industries.

It all starts with understanding our customer’s needs and their applications. Omron Automation produces a wide range of products that can solve manufacturing and design challenges in a multitude of ways. We have everything you need for complete machine automation: sensing, control systems, visualization, drives, robotics, safety, quality inspection, control and switching components. Our engineers are knowledgeable, experienced and involved. If you have a design challenge, they will find the answer. If you have a contro issue, we’ll help you solve it. If you want to manufacture in a different country, we’ll connect you with our experts in the field

From advanced automation systems to electronic control components and safety solutions, we help maximize efficienc and optimize production in manufacturing processes. Our customers can rest assured any automation strategy developed will meet the needs of today and include pathways for practical expansion and modification to address the man challenges of the future. We know our customers want continued success, and not just short-term solutions. Learn more at OMRON Automation and Safety 2895 Greenspoint Parkway, Suite 200 Hoffman Estates, IL 60169 TEL: 800-556-6766


We offer free phone support, application engineers in every market and free online training. Every year we train more than 1,000 engineers, distributors and customers.

Our complete portfolio for machine automation: over 200,000 products that integrate Logic, Motion, Vision, Networks, Safety and Robots. With unmatched application know-how combined with machine and motion control; we provide fast, flexible, versatile, reliable and competitiv solutions for your application.

Make your bright ideas even brighter in our state-of-the-art Automation Center in Chicago, IL. Our expert engineers are ready and eager to try out the latest applications and test your new ideas. Anything you need to know about machine automation, contact Omron: together, we can create tomorrow.

Through continued innovation we can deliver solutions that improve speed, increase throughput and enhance operator safety. Our outstanding track record is proof of our never-yielding dedication to improvement. Our promise to always push boundaries remains our hallmark.

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Opto 22 Opto 22 knows control. We’ve been building reliable SSRs, controllers, I/O, and automation software for over 40 years, all based on open standards and all manufactured and supported in the U.S.A. Founded in 1974 by engineers who designed a better SSR and built a noncorporate, flat organization, Opto 2 fosters individual responsibility, quick response to customers’ needs, and fast development of cutting-edge products.

Build your IoT-enabled machine: Control, Visualization, and Data Management for the connected operator, machine builder, and OEM Automate and integrate your systems with a global industry innovator. Leverage Opto 22’s 40+ years as an automation manufacturer. Count on easier integration with products based on open architectures and non-proprietary technology. Rely on a scalable automation platform, from guaranteed-for-life SSRs and I/O to PACs and software that can integrate Operational Technology (OT) and Information Technology (IT) systems. All Opto 22 products are manufactured, developed, and supported in the U.S.A.

Opto 22 makes automation simple for engineers, OEMs and machine builders, integrators, and anyone who needs to monitor and control equipment and systems. Reliable hardware, easy-to-use software, and people you can talk to: that’s the Opto 22 difference.

Control. Develop applications for process control, SCADA, RTU, or DCS, or interface with existing MES/ERP systems using industrial SNAP PAC controllers and I/O. Bridge IoT communication gaps by fusing OT and IT. Connect and automate everything from edge-level sensors to process and control systems to the cloud, through a secure platform and tools you already know.

Opto 22 43044 Business Park Drive Temecula, California 92590 Phone: 800-321-OPTO (6786)

Visualization. Design rich mobile operator interfaces with groov to centralize your siloed processes, systems, equipment, and data, regardless of source. Develop screens once, without coding or debugging, and deploy across your enterprise to any authorized mobile device or PC.

Data Management. Parse and report data from the network edge to cloud-based systems using Opto 22’s PAC Project automation suite. Use report by exception to filte out low-priority data and focus on information relevant to your specific KPIs and ente prise goals. Reduce programming and support time with tools designed for network communication; get vast protocol support and data analysis out of the box. Take advantage of a unified automation platform for your enterp ise, built from the ground up to make IT and OT convergence simple. Reliable hardware, easy-to-use software, and free support from people who speak your protocol and understand your code: that’s the Opto 22 difference.

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Orion Fans Orion Fans has the most extensive line of AC fans, DC fans, fan trays, fan accessories and blowers. With the quickest response, largest available fan inventory, shortest lead times and competitive pricing, Orion Fans will deliver the exact cooling solution you need, faster than anyone. Orion Fans 10557 Metric Drive Dallas, TX 75243 Phone: 800.323.2439 or 214.340.0265

Louvered Filter Fan Kits – Part of the Orion Fans family of Harsh Environment fans, Orion offers the industry’s lowest cost filter fan kit. A heavy-duty louvere filtered guard is designed to prevent dust, dirt an moisture from entering enclosures, industrial, electrical and electronic cabinets. Kits include fan, louvered fan guard, filter, metal gauard and hardware

Since 1995, Orion Fans, a registered trademark of Knight Electronics has been designing, developing and manufacturing a broad line of AC fans, DC fans, fan trays, fan accessories and blowers to meet the continuing thermal management needs of OEMs worldwide. Fast responses on specials, short lead times and better inventory management programs result in lower inventory carrying costs for OEMs.

Smart Fans and Fan Trays Orion Fan’s “Smart” thermally controlled fans and fan trays can reduce energy costs up to 30% compared to similar sized traditional fans. In addition to a reduction in power consumption, these fans feature a low noise profile for soun sensitive applications. Utilizing a simple AC input, Smart fan temperature controlled applications include cooling LED/solid state lighting, rack enclosures, data centers, and electric vehicle charging stations.

Your Special Requirements Aren’t Specials To Us Orion Fans welcomes your requests for special features or unique design requirements. With in-house design engineering teams in the U.S. and Taiwan, our expert logistics and customer support departments develop the right product and program to minimize lead times, order quantity and overall cost. Orion Fans provides greater value and further cost reduction by supplying higher-level sub-assembly and turnkey assemblies through our contract manufacturing services. Approvals and Certifications ISO 9001:2008 Certificat Conflict Minerals Statemen REACH Declaration RoHS2 Approval

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AFM Series Airflow Monitor With the industry’s most affordable airflow monitoring system for AC an DC fans, the AFM Series provides a simple alternative for indicating airflow in AC and DC fan/blower appl cations. Able to work with or without a fan filter, the AFM module is fie retrofittable and mounts to the fron or intake side of the fan. The module operates an optical LED or audible alarm when airflow falls below 8.2 ft/s

January 2016



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PBC Linear® maintains a commitment to bring improved linear motion solutions to market. Since 1985, when the Simplicity® plain bearing was introduced in order to address the persistent application problem of failing linear ball bushings, PBC has strived to design solutions based around the needs of the customer. PBC’s diverse staff of engineers combines in-depth industry knowledge and decades of experience with a collaborative approach to meet the linear motion requirements of each application. From heavy duty industrial, to pick-n-place automation, to hygienic clean rooms … from standard components, to integrated guide and actuator systems, to complete custom concept-to-creation products … PBC Linear designs game-changing linear motion solutions that result in a competitive advantage by streamlining assembly, improving application performance, and implementing innovative ideas that put you on the path to success.

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New Products • The Compact Series Linear Guide System is designed to provide smooth, accurate, and repeatable linear motion in tight spaces. • The SIMO® Series Linear Motion Platform is a family of linear motion solutions designed for versatility, flexibility, and affordability. The versatility t meet multiple application requirements in a single platform. The flexibility to change the performanc output within the same geometric footprint. The affordability to fit any budget • PBC Linear’s Mechatronics Enabled (ME) product line includes a broad range of complete solutions, including Constant Force Technology™ --an intuitive leap forward in nut design for lead screw applications.

Range of Technology PBC Linear manufactures a full line of ready-toship, high performance linear motion components. Specializing in self-lubricating bearings and slides, cam roller guides and rails, profile rails and linea actuators, PBC Linear can ensure fast delivery, lower cost, and reliable service.

PBC Linear, A Pacific Bearing Compan 6402 E. Rockton Rd. Roscoe, IL 61073 (800) 962-8979

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Manufacturing Agility With manufacturing headquartered in a 150,000 square foot facility in Roscoe, IL, USA, and with proprietary equipment such as SIMO® (Simultaneous Integral Milling Operation), production is maximized to produce unmatched quality and designed specifically for the most complex and meticulou applications resulting in ready to install solutions.

Collaborative Engineering PBC Linear’s philosophy of Design on a DietTM provides customers with a breadth of resources and engineering expertise for both standard components and custom solutions. The Design on a Diet approach will slim down the number of necessary components and result in streamlined assembly, maximum life, performance, and optimum overall value. Wide Range of Applications PBC Linear provides quiet, smooth, and reliable linear motion in a wide array of applications, ranging from very small pick and place assemblies and scanners utilized in lab automation, to heavyduty lift systems used in industrial manufacturing. New technologies such as kiosks and unattended retail systems, as well as printers, scanners, and etchers utilize components or complete systems from PBC Linear.

1/19/16 11:37 PM

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Peninsular Peninsulars Strategy for the future: Peninsular has been manufacturing hydraulic and pneumatic cylinders for over 50 years. In the past, peninsular build cylinders exclusively for the automotive industry. Ten years ago the company made a decision to take its advanced technology to non automotive high technology industries requiring cylinders manufacturer to strict quality standards. The results have been staggering. You can now find Peninsular Cy inders in industries such as wood and pulp, plastic injection molding, stamping, marine, food processing and many more. Find out more at or call toll free at 1-800-526-7968

Dedication to excellence: An ISO 9001: 2008 registered company, the company is providing Americas Industrial Base and international market with a full complement of world class air and hydraulic cylinders designed to survive the most destructive applications imaginable. The Peninsular Team provides custom engineered cylinders to suit a wide variety of specific customer applications

Peninsular also offers a Cylinder Config rator which produces 3-D solid model downloads and 2-dimensional prints including dimensions and corresponding part numbers, thus simplifying the ordering process.

Peninsular also offers 3 to 5 day delivery for 1 ½” to 8” bore standard NFPA cylinders. Rapid delivery on these high quality standard cylinders reduce customer downtime because of shorter waiting time to receive cylinders. In addition to its NFPA and ISO (Metric) industry standard cylinders (steel and aluminum), Peninsular manufactures MILL cylinders, cylinder accessories and large bore cylinders ranging up to 24” bores and 500mm bores.

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PennEngineering In 2016 PennEngineering continues to focus on providing total design and manufacturing support to a growing worldwide market. Our goal now and moving forward is to deliver solutions that enable manufacturers to improve quality and reduce total assembled costs. Particular areas of ongoing emphasis include the enhancement and expansion of: • Global manufacturing capabilities • Technical services and support • Online resources • New product development • Custom solutions

PEM® VariMount™ fastening system mounts to composites and other rigid materials using an array of attachment methods The new PEM® VariMount™ fastening system utilizes proven self-clinching technology paired with a round steel or stainless steel base plate to offer a clean and ready-made assembly for mounting into any rigid material or panel, including composites, plastics, and metals. Multiple radial holes in the base plate and a generous footprint combine to promote effective mounting of the assembly. Read more at

Several new products are on our horizon for 2016. As a total systems provider, our Company will also continue to offer installation equipment to address and resolve industry requirements for faster, more flexible an energy-efficient fastener installation methods PennEngineering, founded in 1942 in Doylestown, PA, USA remains the global leader in the design and manufacture of thin-sheet fastening devices and installation systems. The Company with manufacturing and technical facilities in two U.S. locations, Ireland, Germany and China is the developer and the sole manufacturer of PEM® brand fasteners and has manufacturing and technical facilities in two U.S. locations, Galway, Ireland, and Kunshan, China. Together, they support a network of exclusive global distributors and engineering representatives, providing customers with consistent quality, local sourcing, and technical expertise anywhere in the world. E:mail 1-800-237-4736

Self-Clinching Captive Panel Screws (Bulletin PF) can satisfy a wide range of application requirements including limited space applications, low-profile design, limited access areas, high corrosion resist nce, tool or hand actuated, long screw projection for thicker panels, installation into printed circuit boards, and flush mounted Read more at Free PEMspec™ App (iOS and Android) that allows users to quickly lookup critical installation dimensions for a selected PEM® fastener. Users can choose from the complete line of PEM® self-clinching, flaring, broaching, surface mount and weld fasteners. The desired fastener can be located by navigating quickly through the family type categories, photos or by direct part number search. The data returned includes mounting hole size, minimum sheet thickness, head height above sheet, photo view capability and much more. PEM® fasteners provide strong, permanent threads in thin metal sheets and P.C. boards. Complete dimensional data, literature and 3D models are available on our PEMNET website.

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Permco Permco is a leading manufacturer of high-pressure hydraulic gear / vane pumps and motors, flow dividers, i tensifiers, and accessories. Availabl in a wide variety of sizes and config rations to suit your application needs.

PERMCO, INC. 1500 Frost Road P.O. Box 2068 Streetsboro, OH 44241 Toll Free: 800-626-2801 Phone: 330-626-2801 Fax: 330-626-2805

OUR HISTORY The Perfection Machining Company was founded in 1964 to design and manufacture replacement parts for the mining industry. Renamed Permco 4 years later, the family-owned business developed a wide array of replacement hydraulic parts and eventually expanded its manufacturing capabilities to include cast iron parts and the resulting complete units. Today, we maintain our focus on customer service and continue a decades-long tradition of developing fluid powe systems that meet each of our customer’s specific needs. Permco s product offering now includes gear and vane pumps/motors, flow dividers, ntensifiers an a variety of accessories and components. Permco offers the highest quality product possible to our wide customer base of OEMs and distributors. Because we understand that our success depends on the success of our customers, we are committed to reducing customers’ costs and increasing the simplicity of doing business with us.

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PHD, Inc. A Leader in Modular Automation Since 1957

Solutions for Greater Productivity

Based in Fort Wayne, Indiana, PHD, Inc. is a leading manufacturer of pneumatic, hydraulic, and electric powered devices helping companies across all industries optimize automation and manufacturing processes. Our wide product range, unique options, and made-to-order manufacturing processes set us apart in the industry.

PHD offers the widest selection of high-value, long-life pneumatic automation actuators in the industry. They lead the industry in engineering expertise, testing facilities, and latest generation engineering design and FEA software. PHD engineers analyze virtual prototypes and optimize the design prior to building physical prototypes, saving weeks of design time.

PHD offers: • Local and worldwide distributor support • Powerful engineering software and web tools including sizing and CAD to simplify and save design time • Factory-trained application and industry specialists to ensure a cost-effective and field-prove solution • 1-3 day delivery on most products

PHD provides fast delivery to help reduce inventory costs and keep production schedules on track. PHD has optimized its manufacturing processes and capabilities, and utilizes a highly trained work force. This combination of equipment, processes, and people gives PHD the ability to manufacture nearly every standard product to order and ship in as little as 1-3 working days.

PHD’s full line of automation components provides flexibility, durability, and repeatability while welcoming the challenge of many different types of operating environments.

Unique Solutions for Unique Needs PHD has dedicated an engineering group, Unlimited Unique Solutions®, to exclusively meet unique requests by designing and building unique solutions based on specifi requirements.

PHD’s standard products offer millions of application possibilities: • Cylinders • Escapements • Grippers • Linear Slides

• • • • •

PHD, Inc. PO Box 9070 Fort Wayne, IN 46899

Customer-driven solutions to meet application-specifi needs PHD’s database includes more than 35,000 existing unique designs With 100,000 quotes in the database, most quotes are sent the same day Oftentimes, unique solutions are delivered faster than a competitor’s standard product No minimum of quantity or frequency of order required

Because of our wide variety of actuators, options, and accessories, nearly every standard PHD unit is manufactured to order. Our factory capabilities allow us to modify standard products within our everyday processes, and producing a unique solution is simple and fast.

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Hexapod 6-Axis Positioner System


(Physik Instrumente) Precision Motion Products PI (Physik Instrumente) provides the broadest and deepest portfolio of precision motion technologies. Leading the world as the first and larges manufacturer of nanopositioning products based on a variety of piezoelectric drive systems, the company is also heading the field of high-precision parallel-positioners, such as hexapod and planar-pod 6-axis designs. Additional Technologies Other technologies include standard and custom electromagnetic linear motors, magnetic levitation systems and air bearings – a critical technology for many high-end manufacturing and metrology applications. Started about 40 years ago as a supplier to physics research labs, PI has grown into a business of over 850 employees and more than $100 million in annual global sales. PI currently runs R&D, engineering, and production centers on 3 continents and has been ISO 9001 certified for over 20 years Contact Info PI (Physik Instrumente) 16 Albert Street, Auburn, MA 01501 508-832-3456

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Air Bearing Planar XY Stage

PI has the broadest & deepest portfolio of precision motion technologies and engineers who understand your application needs and match it to the right technology. Air Bearing Technology: Designed to float on a cushion of air without rollers or slid ng components, linear, rotary, and spherical air bearing positioners deliver extremely precise and vibration-free motion with extreme geometric performance and repeatability, at a highly constant velocity, and zero wear of mechanical components – ideal for high-end industrial inspection and manufacturing operations. With over 200 man-years of in-house air bearing experience, PI air bearing stages are superiorly suited for many high precision applications, such as optical metrology, flat panel display precision scanning, and cleanroom applications.

Piezo Flexure XYZ Stage for UHV

Parallel & Serial Kinematics Positioners: In addition to motorized rotary and linear precision stages and actuators, PI offers the largest selection of precision hexapod systems in the world. In 1990, PI began designing parallel positioners, such as hexapod Stewart platforms, for submicron precision optical alignment applications in large scale astronomical telescopes. Over the years, many applications including the alignment of fibers, medica apparatus, aerospace components, laser diodes, and even automotive components have benefitted from th flexibility and versatility of the parallel motion approach

Piezo Technology: Piezoelectric motion technology provides many benefits over tra itional stepper and servo motors in a variety of applications including medical, automotive, semiconductors, and aerospace. These solid-state drives provide unlimited resolution, very high stiffness and force, and extremely fast response. There’s also no energy required to hold a position, even with heavy loads. PI owns a specialized facility where piezo materials, actuators, ceramic motors, and transducers for many high-tech applications are designed and manufactured. The outstanding quality was confirmed when NASA engineers tested PI actuators for use on th Mars Rover – they observed zero failures after 100 billion cycles.

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Posital Fraba POSITAL, a member of the international FRABA group, is a leading supplier of position sensors for motion control and industrial automation applications in a wide variety of industries and applications. The company has sales and production facilities in Europe, the US and Asia and is backed up by an active R&D group, based in Aachen, Germany. This group is staffed by engineers, physicists and software specialists dedicated to producing innovative products that can meet the most stringent requirements of the company’s industrial customers in terms of performance, reliability and cost effectiveness. POSITAL-FRABA Inc. 1800 East State Street, Suite 148 Hamilton, NJ 08609-2020, USA

POSITAL: Building Sensors for the World of Advanced Motion Control

Phone: 1 609-750-8705

POSITAL is a leader in the design and manufacture of position and motion sensors, with products that are used in a wide range of industries, including manufacturing, packaging, material handling, mobile machinery, energy exploration/production and medical equipment.


In 2013, POSITAL introduced the new IXARC family of high-precision magnetic encoders. These devices make use of embedded 32-bit microprocessors running advanced signal processing software. By transferring the measurement tasks from delicate optical-electric components to more rugged solid state electronics, the company has been able to reduce the size of these sensors while improving reliability under harsh environmental conditions The outstanding accuracy and dynamic response of these new-generation sensors meet the requirements of the most demanding applications. POSITAL sensors are based on a modular architecture that makes it possible for the company to offer an extremely wide range of configuration options. Usin POSITAL’s online product finder tool, customers can “build” the devices that they need, pecifying the performance characteristics (incremental or absolute measurements, range, resolution), mechanical features (materials, mounting interfaces, level of environmental protection) and communications interfaces (analog, serial, fieldbus or industrial Ethernet ) a d so on. Once customers have identified exactly what they require, devices are custom-assemb ed through a computercontrolled manufacturing system that ensures quality, traceability and rapid delivery of the fina product at prices comparable to standardized mass-produced items. This approach makes the vision of “MOQ-1” (minimum order quantity – one) a practical reality!

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The POSITAL catalogue includes many devices that are field prog ammable, which extends the idea of customization, as performance characteristics can be fine-tuned to meet specia ized requirements.

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Prince Manufacturing Prince Manufacturing is a U.S. manufacture of hydraulic components specializing in cylinders, mobile valves, gear pumps and motors. Prince started in business in 1941 and now manufactures in three states including: 5 manufacturing plants, a research and development lab, stocking warehouse, technology center and corporate headquarters. We sell to a very diverse market that enables us to utilize our expertise in making custom product for a unique OEM application. For more information, visit Prince Manufacturing Corporation 612 North Derby Lane North Sioux City, SD 57049 Phone: 605-235-1220 Fax: 712-233-2181 Email:

Prince Manufacturing Corporation had its beginnings in a small machine shop in Sioux City, Iowa in 1941. The company, then known as Prince Hydraulics, was started by John Prince and was later incorporated by his son, Richard, in September, 1950 with a contract for 100 simple, single-acting hydraulic cylinders. Over the past 64 years, Prince has grown far beyond those initial cylinders through ongoing investments in our capabilities, product designs and our people. At Prince we have steadily expanded our standard product line to include a full offering of hydraulic control valves, gear pumps and various types of cylinders. In addition we have an experienced engineering staff capable of designing virtually any solution to meet your needs with in-house capabilities of building cylinders with bores ranging from 1” to 24” and with strokes up to 52’. Currently we have over 400,000 square feet of manufacturing space, a dedicated warehouse / distribution facility and fully equipped R&D lab. The cornerstone of Prince Manufacturing is our 400 dedicated employees who remain grounded by our Ag roots and Midwestern values of hard work, trust and respect. Let Prince deliver to your bottom line by having us design, build, and deliver high-quality products that will meet the rigorous demands of your application. We are very driven by customer service and speed to market so please ask about our tools we provide to help your business in both the day to day activities as well as new projects that are time sensitive.

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Pro-face America Pro-face America 1050 Highland Drive, Suite D Ann Arbor, Michigan, 48108 Phone: 800-289-9266 FAX: 734-864-7347

The Proven Leader in HMI


tomation solutions market. Our core product

and hardware, and both panel and box style

Pro-face is a leading global HMI supplier and offers the most reliable touchscreen operator

interfaces and industrial computers in the auoffer includes Pro-face brand HMI software

Industrial PCs. Pro-face offers dedicated and PC-based, open architecture, visualization

and control systems. Our high powered, but easy to use software allows for a clear and functional operator interface. An extensive

connectivity to PLCs and industrial devices

make Pro-face the best choice for your control solution. Our renowned product quality, start-to-finish support, and global reach ar unsurpassed.

With over 40 years of experience, Pro-face

brand products have been installed on factory floors and in field operations worldwid Today Pro-face still sets the HMI standard with state-of-the-art technology, efficien

manufacturing, unparalleled testing,and

global distribution and support. We continually upgrade our offerings to help keep your HMI applications on the cutting edge.

Training, customization and solution design: our experience makes the difference.

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Promess Promess is known as the manufacturer of complete turnkey monitoring and motion systems used in a wide variety of Assembly and Test applications around the world. Promess delivers the complete system including the mechanics, control electronics, all the sensors, amplifier and software. Promess also provides pre-project application engineering assistance, installation support and training services. Promess has a physical presence in 23 countries around the world with aggressive growth plans for North and South America as well as Europe. With the doubling of its facilities in the U.S and Germany and the expansion of its presence in Mexico and Brazil, Promess is poised to continue its growth well into the future. Promess’ mission is to provide our customers with innovative sensing and motion control solutions, taking full responsibility for the complete system, with the ultimate goal of reducing risk for our customers, saving both time and money. 11429 Grand River Road Brighton, MI 4811 810-229-9334

Promess is the engineering leader in our industry because: 1. We were founded as a sensing company with the goal of giving machines the ability to sense manufacturing processes in real time and automatically make decisions based on the data. In pursuit of that goal Promess has become the industry leader in engineering highly adaptive systems based on force, torque and position measurement technologies. 2. We have developed products that combine our process sensing core capabilities with our motion control expertise to solve manufacturing problems in new and efficient ways. All Promess products combine linear nd/or rotational motion control with sensor feedback to provide standardized solutions for assembly and test applications that have previously been addressed with custom ad hoc systems. 3. We support customers with a team of highly experienced application engineers with literally hundreds of years of practical, hands-on problem solving experience. Promess engineers are recognized by both customers and competitors as the benchmark against which all others are compared. As the challenges faced by our customers become ever more sophisticated, so do the solutions we engineer to meet them. Today’s products often include both multi-axis controls and multi-sensor inputs analyzed in real time and integrated to produce unprecedented levels of process optimization. The proof of our success in meeting customer requirements through leading edge engineering is provided by our competitors who routinely attempt to convince customers that their products “can do it, just like Promess.”

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Proto Labs Proto Labs is the world’s fastest digital manufacturing source for custom prototypes and low-volume production parts. It’s a technology-enabled company that uses advanced 3D printing, CNC machining and injection molding technologies to produce parts within days. The result is an unprecedented speed-to-market value for designers and engineers and an on-demand manufacturing resource throughout a product’s life cycle. Global Headquarters 5540 Pioneer Creek Dr. Maple Plain, MN 55359 USA 877.479.3680

Leadership in Engineering


Proto Labs’ manufacturing facility in Plymouth, Minnesota houses more than 300 CNC machines along with injection molding presses and other equipment.

Company History Proto Labs began in 1999 specializing in the quick-turn manufacturing of custom plastic injection-molded parts. In 2007, the company introduced its CNC machining service and in 2014, expanded into 3D printing with the addition of additive manufacturing. Proto Labs is a global company with full-service manufacturing operations in the United States, Europe and Japan.

3D Printing Proto Labs uses the latest additive manufacturing (aka 3D printing) technologies to provide precision accuracy to plastic and metal part production — from small pieces with complex geometries to large, highly detailed patterns. 3D printing is ideal for 1 to 50 parts and works well for form and fit testing, reducin multipart assemblies and as fully functional components in some cases.

Why Proto Labs? Proto Labs has radically changed the economics and lead times traditionally associated with manufactured parts. The rapid manufacturer provides a fast, easy and cost-effective way to obtain 1 to 10,000 parts within days, routinely shipping parts before conventional suppliers can even quote them. These quick delivery times are possible because it has automated the manual process of mold design and toolpath generation through the use of proprietary software.

CNC Machining The company’s CNC machining service uses three-axis milling and turning with live tooling to machine up to 200 parts from more than 30 stocked plastic and metal materials. The result is functional parts made from engineering-grade materials for prototype testing, jigs and fixtures and end-use applications.

Interactive Quoting Product developers can upload a 3D CAD model online at any time and receive an interactive quote with real-time pricing information and free design analysis within hours. The manufacturability analysis helps eliminate problems, like sink or warp, so modification can be made before any actual production begins.


Injection Molding For those who need low-volume production, bridge tooling or on-demand parts throughout a product’s life cycle, rapid injection molding can manufacture up to 10,000 parts from hundreds of different engineeringgrade plastic, metal (including magnesium) and liquid silicone rubber materials.

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PTC PTC (Nasdaq: PTC) delivers technology solutions that transform the way you create, operate and service products. PTC solutions enable you to achieve Product and Service Advantage in a smart, connected world.

Why PTC is a leader in engineering PTC delivers technology solutions that transform the way you create, operate, and service your products.

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As one of the world’s largest and fastestgrowing technology companies, PTC helps manufacturing leaders address the biggest business challenges they face today. Our solutions for Product Lifecycle Management (PLM), Computer Aided Design (CAD), Application Lifecycle Management (ALM), Supply Chain Management (SCM) and Service Lifecycle Management (SLM) let you aggregate, analyze, and deploy product information to drive the strategy and dynamic decisionmaking processes on which your success depends. Our solutions help you optimize the activities within individual functions of your organization, and aligned across your entire enterprise: from engineering to supply chain and manufacturing, and sales and service

Today, PTC works with more than 27,000 businesses around the world to help them design and service products in rapidlyevolving, globally distributed manufacturing industries, including industrial equipment, automotive, high tech and electronics, aerospace and defense, retail, consumer, and medical devices. By partnering with PTC, you can cultivate and exploit your best product ideas from concept and engineering through delivery and service. As our customers evolve, and their challenges increase in complexity, our goal is unchanged - to deliver technology solutions that help you achieve, and sustain, a product and service advantage. Visit and discover why the most innovative companies partner with PTC.

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QA1 Precision Products, Inc. Since 1993, QA1 Precision Products, Inc. has manufactured and supplied rod ends, spherical bearings, ball joints, shock absorbers, suspension components and linkages, as well as custom products. QA1’s products fit variety of markets, including agriculture, lawn and garden, construction, off highway, packaging, energy, HVAC, car washes, medical equipment, fitnes equipment, motorsports and more.


QA1’s engineering expertise, manufacturing capabilities and technology allows them to offer quality, state-ofthe-art connecting components, suspension parts and numerous custom products designed for the individual needs of their customers.

• Jam Nuts

QA1 Precision Products, Inc. 21730 Hanover Ave. Lakeville, MN 55044

QA1 has the industry experience and engineering expertise that allows them to design and manufacture custom sub-assemblies for suspension applications and composite material products. QA1 works with numerous customers from product conception to design, development and production of many distinct items.

• Rod Ends

• Spherical Bearings • Ball Joints • Clevises

• Rod Eyes

• Weld-On Wrench Hexes • Spacers

• Tube Adapters • Linkage Adjusters

• Shock Absorbers/Dampers

• Tubular Suspension Components • Carbon Fiber Driveshafts

Custom Capabilities

Phone: 800-721-7761


QA1’s #1 priority is quality, which is why their quality system is ISO 9001:2008 certified. QA1’s products are designed, built and tes ed to ensure consistent quality, ultimate reliability and unbeatable performance. They follow strict processes, use precision machinery and inspect all of their products to ensure the quality meets the highest standards.

Reliable Products and Support • Largest selection in the industry • Economical prices

• Unmatched quality • Huge inventory

• 99% same day shipments

• A well-educated and technical support staff • Friendly, knowledgeable customer service

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QC Industries QC Industries, the industry leader in low profile belt conveyors, strives to excee the expectations of automation, packaging, medical/pharmaceutical and food processing professionals by offering superior design, products of the highest quality and world-class service. They provide a wide range of products based on either aluminum or steel frames, offering single-source convenience for every application. Their products include flat belt conveyors, cleated conveyors angled frame conveyors and timing belt conveyors, with most offering a profil smaller than two inches, making them an ideal fit for almost any application QC Industries 4057 Clough Woods Drive Cincinnati, Ohio 45103 Tel: 513-753-6000

QC Industries focuses on providing innovative, customer-focused solutions designed to make the jobs of end users easier. Their new, stainless steel HydroClean sanitary conveyors, for instance, can be completely disassembled without tools to make cleaning easy. Automation Series conveyors feature tool-less Tension Release Tails that flip up at the push of a button to make belt changes and cleaning easier and a rotatable drive that moves to any position to make interfacing with other machinery a breeze. All QC Industries products offer an industry-leading 10 Year Warranty and most are available with a fast five day lead time QC Industries is also dedicated to leading the industry with customer-centric ordering and quoting technology. Customers can quote and configur conveyors online 24 hours a day with an easy-to-use configurato built around engineer-developed rules that ensure proper sizing and compatibility. Users can access manuals and generate replacement part quotes simply by looking up the conveyor’s serial number online. The company stands poised to continue innovating in 2016 with new conveyor products designed around the customer and new features and additions to their online quoting tools.

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R+W Coupling Technology Engineering and manufacturing of precision flexible shaft couplings fo motion control and power transmission applications, with a wide variety of designs for torsional rigidity, vibration damping, and overload protection. Whether for micro motors or 10 megawatt drives, couplings are customizable for most applications, while many standard models ship from stock. Configurable CAD models are available i a large number of file formats online R+W America Bensenville, IL (888)479-8728

With a philosophy of meeting customer requirements from conception to production, R+W has supplied many thousands of custom coupling designs, creating a wealth of knowledge about the technical requirements associated with a wide variety of industries and applications. Constant new product development takes place in house, in addition to intensive collaboration with universities and technical schools, keeping R+W at the forefront of technical development and product innovation in its field. Over the past 25 years this has resulted in a position of market leadership for metal bellows couplings, with global availability for all of its precision couplings and torque limiters.

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R+W understands coupling applications. Knowing that performance dynamics and installation space restrictions can be critical, many hundreds of custom designs have been developed into catalog standards over the years. Still 40% of product turnover is made up of customized coupling solutions to this day. Over the past year R+W has expanded its design and manufacturing operations in the USA, allowing for ever faster turnaround times for both precision couplings as well as the more recently introduced industrial drive coupling and torque limiter product lines. Contact R+W today to see what’s new.

1/19/16 11:59 PM

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Leadership in Engineering


Red Lion Controls Communication Protocols/Standards Data acquisition Encoders

HMI Hardware HMI Software I/O Modules

Instrumentation Mobility

Networking & Connectivity Power Supplies

Process Control Software RTU


Sensors, discrete

Sensors, process

Industrial Internet of Things OEE

Quality Management Smart grid

System Integration Red Lion Controls, Inc. 20 Willow Springs Circle York PA 17406 Phone: 717-767-6511 Fax: 717-764-0839 Email:

As the global experts in communication, monitoring and control for industrial automation and networking, Red Lion Controls has been delivering innovative solutions for over forty years. Our automation, Ethernet and cellular M2M technology enables companies worldwide to gain real-time data visibility that drives productivity. Product brands include Red Lion, N-Tron and Sixnet. The following industrial automation products collect, present and process data anywhere, anytime: • Controllers: PID controllers, signal conditioners and data acquisition devices for machine and process control • Protocol Conversion: extensive protocol library connects otherwise incompatible devices on wired or wireless networks • HMIs: combine protocol conversion, data logging and web server capabilities with visualization functionality for PLCs, motor drives and more • Panel Meters: a wide range of models and sizes with expansion capabilities that easily adapt to changing requirements • Visual Management: enables the display of real-time KPI data and Andon messages on televisions to drive productivity • RTUs & I/O Modules: provide simple yet powerful monitoring and control systems for remote sites

• • • • • •

Unmanaged Switches: compact IEEE 802.3 Layer 2 industrial switches with automatic speed, duplex and cable sensing Monitored Switches: enable Layer 2 network performance monitoring via N- View software Managed Switches: provide Layer 2 and Layer 3 networking in a rugged package PoE Solutions: designed to transmit power and/or data over an Ethernet network Wi-Fi Radios: IEEE 802.11a,b,g,n hardened radios support data bandwidths up to 300 Mb/s Cellular M2M Routers: provide uninterrupted, secure communication for remote sites To learn more, we invite you to visit or email

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Red Lion also offers the following industrial networking products capable of operating in the most extreme environments:

January 2016



1/20/16 12:01 AM

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Whether you require 10 parts or 10 million, Renco can fill all of your magnetic requirements factory direct. Regardless of the order size, Renco’s customers receive first class treatment. Quick turn around i our specialty. With multiple manufacturing facilities worldwide, we can support large orders. Our engineering and prototype departments are fully equipped to design, build, test, and deliver samples promptly.

Founded in 1955, Renco Electronics, Inc. designs and manufactures transformers, inductors, and coils in surface mount, thru-hole, and chassis mount geometries. Renco builds to print, works in conjunction with client’s engineering teams, or provides custom design to client specifications Renco Electronics, Inc. 595 International Place Rockledge, FL 32955-4200 U.S.A. Tel: +1.800.645.5828 +1.321.637.1000 Fax:+1.321.637.1600 email: web: twitter: @RencoElec


With 60 years of lessons learned, Renco Electronics is an engineering driven company. US engineering staff and field application engineers are focused o helping clients bring new and improved products to market by providing valuable engineering services. Renco’s engineering team is made up of talented professionals with well-rounded backgrounds in transformer and inductor design.

Lower Cost.

With over 100,000 square feet of manufacturing space on 16 acres, our Asian facilities and well-trained employees have the capacity to produce millions of transformers and coils per month. Our Hong Kong logistical center makes the distribution channels easy and free flowing. Our overseas resources an long standing supplier relationships allow Renco to compete aggressively on product cost.

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Renco is always looking for talented people to relocate to our Florida Headquarters. Resumes may be emailed to

1/20/16 12:02 AM

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Renishaw Renishaw is a global company with core skills in measurement, motion control, spectroscopy and precision machining. We develop innovative products that significantly advance our cu tomers’ operational performance - from improving manufacturing efficiencie and raising product quality, to maximizing research capabilities and improving the efficacy of medical procedures Our products are used for applications as diverse as machine tool automation, co-ordinate measurement, additive manufacturing, gauging, Raman spectroscopy, machine calibration, position feedback, CAD/CAM dentistry, shape memory alloys, large scale surveying, stereotactic neurosurgery, and medical diagnostics. In all of these areas we aim to be a long-term partner, offering superior products that meet our customers’ needs both today and into the future, backed up by responsive, expert technical and commercial support. Renishaw Inc 5277 Trillium Boulevard Hoffman Estates, IL 60192 USA Phone: (847) 286-9953 Fax:. (847) 286-9974 E-mail:

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Renshaw offers a comprehensive range of advanced encoders used by OEMs around the world for exact positioning, highest reliability, and superior performance-to-cost value. A variety of different encoder technologies provide machine designers with proven solutions to difficult applications. Al are engineered to deliver non-contact, friction-free operation, exceptional ease of installation, space savings, and application flexibility Optical encoders Renishaw optical linear and rotary encoders bring high precision, speed and reliability to thousands of tough industrial applications. Robust metal scales avoid the fragility of glass scale encoders, while unique non-contact readheads eliminate the bulk hysteresis and wear with traditional encoders. Linear encoders Use flexible, self-adhesive, cut-to length metal scales, a Renshaw innovation white patented optics filter out effects from scratches dust, or dirt. Rotary encoders feature a steel ring with engraved scale that direct mounts on shafts, eliminating coupling losses, oscillation, and hysteresis eras A broad range of optical encoders lets designers tailor accuracy and sub-divisional errors. A broad range of optical encoders lets designers tailor accuracy and sub-divisional error (SDOE) to application needs. A new, Resolute™, true absolute, fine pitch optica encoder system that has excellent dirt immunity and an impressive specification breaks new ground i encoder feedback. It is the world’s first absolut encoder capable of 27-bit resolution at 36000 rev/ min. It has an astonishing market-leading resolution of just 1 nanometer at up to 100 m/s to both linear and angle encoding applications.

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Magnetic encoders RLS rotary and linear magnetic encoders— produced in Slovenia by RLS d.o.o., a Renishaw affiliate — ar ideal for dirty, wet and extreme temperature environments. IP68 is a “norm” for this range of encoders. Low cost, compact size and design simplicity have won use in a wide range of industries. Non-contact solid-state design— essentially a chip and magnet —eliminates seals, bearings and moving parts for lifetime reliability. Rotary encoders beat glass disk encoders in affordability, reliability, thermal range, shock and vibration resistance, dirt immunity, compactness, and speed. They provide class-leading performance, industry’s first 13-bit capacity. Available in component, modula and packaged shaft-style models, rotary encoders offer up to 8,192-count resolution, accuracy to 0.4°, speeds over 50,000 rpm, and extreme thermal range from -40°C to 125°C. LM10 linear magnetic encoders continue Renishaw cut-and-stick application simplicity with a self –adhesive, magnetic metal scale. The encoders offer “down to” 1 µm resolution at 8 m/sec. travel, -20°C to 85°C operation, and 100-meter range. Miniature encoder ATOM™ is an innovative non-contact optical incremental linear and rotary encoder system that uniquely combines miniaturization with leading-edge dirt immunity, signal stability and reliability. This combination is unique in the marketplace and represents a significan advance in the performance and reliability of miniature encoders. ATOM is available in sizes as small as 6.8 mm x 20.5 mm x 12.7 mm, is the world’s first miniatur encoder to use filtering optics with Auto Gain Contro (AGC) and Auto Offset Control (AOC). This advanced technology is found in Renishaw’s proven TONiC™ incremental encoder range and provides excellent signal stability and exceptional dirt immunity.

January 2016



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Ringfeder USA Celebrating 45 years, Ringfeder USA is your partner in power transmission offering a wide range of technologies including: • • • •

Locking devices and assemblies, Shrink discs Couplings – rigid disc, torsionally flexible, metal bellows, servo-inser Damping technology

With US-based engineering and technical support we provide 98% on-time delivery and complete product customization, all backed by our ISO certified qualit systems. Learn more about Ringfeder at

Ringfeder USA – Your Partner in Power Transmission Ringfeder USA recently launched a new Rapid Response Program, which makes our most popular shrink disc locking devices, metal bellows couplings and servo couplings available overnight. Order any Ringfeder Shrink Disk™(up to 200mm), Ringfeder / Gerwah metal bellows couplings (series AKD, AKN, DKN, EKN) or servo-insert couplings (series 5102, 5103, 5104, 5112) by 12pm EST and let us know that you’d like to take advantage of the Rapid Response Program. Your order will then ship by the next business day. Our recently launched Ringfeder / TSCHAN TNR Coupling is rigid enough to transmit torque efficiently, yet flexible enough to handle any misalignment bet en the motor and the drive shaft. The new coupling design gives you the ability to fine-tune tors onal stiffness across a wide torque range by simply varying the material properties of the elastomer inserts. TNR couplings typically weigh about 20% less than an equivalent rubber coupling improving overall equipment efficiency Among our other new product offerings are the Ringfeder RfN 5571 series of flange couplings fo heavy-duty applications. The RfN 5571 offers easy installation and higher torque capacity than standard press fits. Equipped with Ringfeder shrink discs, the fN 5571 flange couplings can b integrated into machines without any heating or cooling, making them easily installable for engineers. They are slip fit and come with either hexagon-head or h xagon socket-head cap screws. Learn more about Ringfeder at

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Rittal Rittal Corporation, headquartered in Schaumburg, Illinois, is the U.S. subsidiary of Rittal GmbH & Co. KG and manufactures the world’s leading industrial and IT enclosures, racks and accessories, including climate control and power management systems for industrial, data center, outdoor and hybrid applications. Rittal‘s off-the-shelf standard, modified standard and custom engineered products are recognized throughout the world as innovative, high quality solutions for practically any industrial or IT infrastructure application — from single enclosures to comprehensive, mission critical systems.

Rittal Corporation is built on a strong tradition of innovation and takes pride in a progressive approach to engineering. From a pioneering role in modular enclosure technologies and collaboration in developing what has become the standard 19-inch server rack for the IT industry, to the use of nanotechnology that drastically improves the efficiency of industrial climate co trol products, Rittal has a proven track record of meeting the challenges faced by its customers. Rittal designs and manufactures the world’s leading industrial and IT enclosures, racks and accessories, including high efficiency, hig density power management and climate control systems for industrial, data center, outdoor and hybrid applications.

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Rittal’s leads the way in engineering innovation through products like its modular freestanding TS 8 enclosures which offer practical flexibi ity over traditional unibody enclosures. Their new Blue e+ air conditioning units represent a quantum leap in terms of cost-effectiveness and energy conservation due to its speed-regulated components and patented heat pipe technology, resulting in up to a remarkable 75% in energy savings. Rittal also brings Industry 4.0 technology to electronic enclosure and panel manufacturing with automated solutions for a lightning-fast value chain for the engineering and production of custom enclosures.

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Ross Controls Headquartered in Troy, Michigan, ROSS CONTROLS is an international manufacturer of pneumatic valves, control systems, and safety products for the fluid powe industry. Since being established in 1921, ROSS has always been one of the industry’s strongest leaders in pneumatic valve technology. ROSS’ focus is to continue to be the expert in key industries where its tailored technology offers customers a distinct value advantage. ROSS has ISO 9000 certified facilities an sales offices located in the United States Germany, the United Kingdom, and Japan. In addition, ROSS has dedicated facilities and sales offices in Brazil, France, India and China, which are augmented by a worldwide network of 145 stocking distributors for a truly global customer service capability. Through ROSS or its distributors, guidance is available for the selection of ROSS products, both for those using pneumatic components for the first tim and those designing complex pneumatic systems. ROSS CONTROLS 1250 Stephenson Hwy. Troy MI 48083 Phone: 248-764-1800 Fax: 248-764-1850

Leadership in Engineering Dale CX Series Valve Manifold For Leak Tight Applications

Ross Operating Valve was created to meet the requirements of Detroit Seamless Tube after a fire destroyed their existing valves. From tha unexpected yet opportunistic beginning a company was created based on the premise of improving designs and meeting the customers’’ requirements. ROSS worked closely with customers not just to provide products but to provide innovative solutions. It is this response to customer de­mand that allowed ROSS to develop new and innovative products. This is especially true in for safety applications. ROSS poppet valves were well known in the stamping press industry for their reliability but the risk of injury led customers to use two valves to ensure worker safety. ROSS intro­duced a monitored dual valve for clutch brake applications in 1954, nearly 20 years before the OSHA standard for presses was introduced requiring their use. 50 years ago in 1963 ROSS introduced the firs valve for lockout of pneumatics for machinery. OSHA did not begin to require this until the 1980’s but clearly customers saw the need and ROSS met the challenge. During the 1980’s ROSS expanded its customtailored solutions with the beginning of its FLEX® process which uses proven standard com­ponent internals repackaged to fit customer specific applications.

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In 1998 the innovation continued with dual valves for cylinder applications to ensure that a safe state was achieved. Requirements for this are just starting to be recognized in some global standards such as ISO 13849-1, CSA142, and ANSI/PMMI B155.1-2011.

In 2009 ROSS expanded its poppet valve of­fering with the introduction of its Dale Series – including both inline and manifold options for high flow vacuum, port pressure independent, and leak test applications. In 2013-2014 ROSS expanded the DM2® Series double valves family with the Modular, dy­namically monitored with memory and soft start capability. When the valve is energized the air is gradually introduced back into the system, for a safe start-up. In 2014 ROSS also expanded its CrossMirror® Series double valves family with smaller ported options to compliment the larger versions. These valves are used for returning cylinders safely to its home position. In 2015 ROSS introduced the DM1 Series C valves and DM2® Series C Explosion Proof valves, an expansion of the DM Series product line. The DM1 Series C is a base mounted Control Reliable Double Valve with dynamic monitoring that can be used in Category 4 PL e applications. The DM2® Series C, also base mounted is a Control Reliable Explosion Proof Double Valve that includes dynamic monitoring & memory, and is explosion proof for Category 4 PL e applications in hazardous locations. ROSS is working to continue to lead the way be developing new and innovative pneumatic valves to meet the ever changing needs of customers to not only reliably meet production but to provide safe sustainable solutions.

CrossMirror® Series CM Double Valve 5/2 Pressure Return

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Leadership in Engineering


Rota Engineering Ltd. Rota Engineering

is an innovative, quality driven company which specialises in the design and manufacture of Position Transducers: Internal & External Linear Transducers, Radial Transducers and Position Switches.

Rota’s External Transducer can be seen mounted on top of the double rod combine steering cylinder.

Specifically for the mobile hydrauli cylinder market we design the smallest, most robust linear transducers to position control / monitor hydraulic cylinders. In addition to internal sensors, Rota has a patent applied for technology where the sensor can be mounted externally which is designed for double rod steering cylinders and longer stroke cylinders For more information, visit

Rota transducers are used throughout the world in some of the harshest environments, in the construction and agricultural industries, oil and gas both subsea and topside, in tunnelling and mining industries, where they are subject to both physical abuse and exposure to dust, salt water etc.

Rota Engineering Ltd. Wellington Street Bury Manchester BL8 2BD United Kingdom US Phone: 972-359-1041 UK Phone: +44 (0) 161 764 0424

Rota’s Linear Transducers used for monitoring crane outrigger / stabilizers

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Rotor Clip Rotor Clip is a global leader in the manufacture of tapered, constant section and spiral retaining rings meeting Inch, DIN, ANSI Metric and JIS standards. This includes the manual and automatic tools needed to install/remove every ring we sell. Rotor Clip also manufactures wave spring rings as well as self-compensating hose clamps, all produced in a lean environment dedicated to eliminating waste and ensuring quality through ISO/TS 16949:2009 & ISO 9001:2008 registration, and AS9100C certification

It’s all about Service We focus on producing quality products delivered on time to your facilities around the world. We service you after the sale is made by providing technical advice on how to handle, inspect and install our products and help in selecting the best materials, finishe and packaging for your application. It’s all about Choice Rotor Clip manufactures tapered, constant section and spiral retaining rings. One ring isn’t better than the other. Rather, it depends on your application. We help you select the right retaining ring for your requirements, ensuring that you are getting the most effective ring at the best price

It’s all about Quality Rotor Clip is registered to TS16949, but that isn’t why our customers buy from us. They know we are continuously improving our processes to reduce costs and pass savings on to them. Ours is a culture of analyzing data, uncovering problems and solving them through coordinated actions. The result: our customers can depend on quality, reliable products competitively priced. It’s all about servicing our customers. See how Rotor Clip can make a difference in the retaining rings, wave springs and hose clamps you buy. For more information or FREE samples, visit

It’s all about Innovation Our experience producing our product spans 55 years. During that time we have improved on every aspect of producing retaining rings. From rings on wire to shrink wrapping and innovative wave spring designs we have set the bar high in our attempt to meet customer expectations.

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Ruland Established in 1937, Ruland is an IS0 9001:2008 certified manufacture focused on the design and manufacture of high performing shaft collars, rigid couplings, and motion control couplings including: beam, bellows, miniature disc, zero-backlash jaw, and oldham. Fred F. Ruland founded the company making precision machine parts to tight tolerances including clamp type shaft collars when they were specialized components in top secret technology and valves that pressurized the suit of the first American spacewalk All products continue to be carefully manufactured from North American bar stock in our Marlborough, Massachusetts USA factory under strict controls using proprietary processes. 3D CAD files full product specifications, and additiona technical information, are available at

Why Ruland?

Ruland has been a leader in the design, development, and manufacture of shaft collars and couplings since 1937. This history has allowed us to develop proprietary processes such as special surface treatments, anti-vibration coupling hardware, and precision honing that increases the performance and appearance of our shaft collars and couplings. Ruland products are trusted in a wide variety of applications in industries such as packaging, printing, medical, semiconductor, solar, machine tool, and linear automation. All Ruland products are designed and manufactured in our Marlborough, Massachusetts factory to ensure product consistency. New products such as quick clamping shaft collars, patented hygienic clamping assemblies, thin line shaft collars, and motion control couplings with keyways and balanced designs have been developed to better meet application specific needs. A vances in manufacturing technology allow for reduced lead times and new standard

materials such as 316 stainless steel, PEEK and titanium. Ruland has a robust in-house engineering staff with over eighty years of application support experience to assist customers in selecting the right standard or custom product for their design. This frequent customer contact helps drive new product development and testing to better meet customer needs. is the hub for shaft collar and coupling information. Our decades of customer feedback, engineering, and product testing are reflected in an industry leadin website that includes full product specific tions, technical articles, installation videos, and test data. Free 3D CAD file are avai able for download in various formats for our over 13,000 standard parts and users have round the clock access to live technical support and inventory. It is localized by our engineers in four languages and supported by sales offices in Massachusetts, USA Berlin, Germany and Shanghai, China.

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1/20/16 9:18 AM

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RYCO Founded in 1946, RYCO Hydraulics is a manufacturer of Hose, Couplings, Adaptors, Filters and accessories for the fluid power marke around the globe and emphasizes the importance of safety and training as key elements of our offering. RYCO now offers 24 hours-a-day, 7-days-a week availability with our “RYCO 24•7” service for the replacement of hose, hose assemblies and fittings for all types of hydrauli systems.”

RYCO Hydraulics began manufacturing hoses, fittings and filters in 1946. As the hydr lic industry evolved, so did the company. Under the direction of Mr W.J.K. Morrison and Mr W.J. Hayward, the company expanded the product range and the main product line soon became quality high-pressure hydraulic hose and fittings

Over the years, RYCO Hydraulics has established a commitment to quality, extensive research and product development, placing RYCO Hydraulics at the forefront of the hydraulic industry. Positive direction and growth has seen the company expand its horizon and develop its manufacturing and distribution business on a global scale. Our manufacturing centers: Melbourne, Australia; Dalian, China and Kuala Ketil, Malaysia; are all fully Quality Accredited, ensuring quality product is delivered to our customers and distribution network. RYCO Hydraulics is continually improving and enhancing its product range, meeting and surpassing the most stringent of industry requirements. The company strives for innovative design and technological advancement. RYCO Hydraulics simple belief of “Higher Technology Equals Greater Performance” applies throughout the organization. RYCO Hydraulics Research & Development centers are dedicated to improving product and pioneering new technologies and processes in fluid conveying systems. RYCO Hydraulics quality range of hydra lic hose and fittings is supported by a network of loyal and committed distributors as well as Original Equipment Manufacturers and defense organizations across the globe.

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SAB North America

any combination of components such as power, control, signal, communication, and coax. Additionally adding pneumatic, hydraulic or air hoses are a possibility to make any cable perfect for your specifi requirements. We have designed more than 2,000 specialty cables in the past year with great success in an assortment of diverse functionalities. SAB’s long history of flexible cable manufacturing enables us t provide cables for almost any application.

SAB North America is the North American sales, distribution, and service center of SAB Bröckskes located in Viersen, Germany- the leading manufacturer and distributor of cables worldwide since 1947. We house a wide-ranging line of European and Domestic products in stock for immediate delivery and have the shortest manufacturing lead times in the industry. For over 60 years SAB has not only provided our customers with a wide array of wire, cable, & accessories but also impeccable, unmatched service. Call one of our representatives or visit our website to experience our commitment to solving your problems faster than you think. SAB North America 344 Kaplan Drive Fairfield NJ 0700 Tel: 973-276-0500 Fax: 973-276-1515 Toll Free: 866-722-2974 Email:

SAB North America is known in more than 40 countries and often specified by name. SAB’ adherence to product quality has proven itself in thousands of the world’s most demanding applications. Our products are produced at our facility in Viersen, Germany ensuring a strictly controlled manufacturing environment producing consistently high quality products. They have been intensively tested for over 60 years and have proven to have a longer service life and are of an overall better quality than similar products on the market. SPECIALTY: The strength of SAB lies in the development and manufacturing of special products that meet and exceed our customers’ exacting specifications. Many capabilities ca be achieved by selecting different combinations of jacketing, shielding, conductor, and insulation materials. Our competences are extensive including various jacketing materials (PVC, Polyurethane, Thermoplastic Elastomer (TPE), Silicon, Polypropylene, FEP, ETFE, XLPE) and

STANDARD: At SAB North America, we stock a wide ranging line of European and Domestic wire, cable, and cable accessory products available for immediate delivery from our location in Fairfield, NJ. Ou catalog contains a line of cables ranging from Flexible Control Cables and Continuous Flex Cables to Tray Cables and Halogen-Free Cables to name a few. SAB is pleased to offer worldwide approvals including UL, CSA, CE, and VDE Certifications to most of th product line. ACCESSORIES: SAB also offers an extensive inventory and product line of high-quality cable accessories. The variety of polyamide and nickel plated brass Cord Grips, EMC Cable Glands, and other accessories complement our flexible control and automatio cables perfectly. SERVICE: With unmatched levels of customer service and an extensive in-stock inventory, SAB North America offers immediate off-the-shelf delivery on most of its cables. Specialty cables can be designed, manufactured, and delivered in just a few weeks. For clarifications, details or explanations about an of our products and how they can be used in your specific applications, give one of our experience Sales Staff a call. Visit our website,, to experience our commitment to solving your problems faster than you think possible.

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1/20/16 9:36 AM

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SCHMERSAL Schmersal is an industry leader with over 70 years’ experience in the design and manufacture of machine safety products, industrial switches, position sensors, and control accessories for a wide variety of applications. Our product designs are focused on ways to protect machinery operators and maintenance personnel from recognized hazards in a variety of industries, in compliance with current local and international standards, without compromising productivity. With over 25,000 different products to offer, Schmersal is considered one of the largest machine safety component suppliers in the world.

Increased productivity has always been a major focus of real world industrial applications. Machine start up, troubleshooting, and maintenance requirements are definite costs that must be considered and minimized in order to reduce downtime and improve efficiency – and today it needs to be done while preserving the highest level of machine safety. Efficient safety is now an important consideration of the design engineer and maintenance personnel. Schmersal’s electronic safety devices are a key to efficient machine safety. At the heart of these devices is an integrated dual monitoring microprocessor which provides continuous internal function tests. Because of this, only one switch is needed per guard to meet the requirements of the highest level of safety – PLe per ISO 13849-1 or SIL3 per IEC 62061. They maintain these safety levels even when wired in series using standard cable (up to 200 meters), which results in reduced cabling expense and installation time. They feature LEDs for status indication to quickly troubleshoot faults which reduces machine downtime. These devices are available with Serial Diagnostic to communicate status via serial data packages for use in various network protocols.

Motivated by the vision of a safe working environment and leveraging our vast experience in machine safety systems, Schmersal also offers machine builders and production facilities qualified services related to machine safety in support of our considerable range of safety products and system solutions. Through seminars and training, risk assessments, technical support, consultancy and integration program services we support safety engineers with first-hand specialist knowledge.

Schmersal is a leader in the design and manufacture of machine guarding safety switches, including electronic safety devices. We offer electromagnetic and solenoid locks, and a variety of noncontact safety sensors with these efficient advantages. Tel: 914-347-4775

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Schneider Electric Schneider Electric is the global specialist in energy management and automation. With revenues of €25 billion in FY2014, our 170,000 employees serve customers in over 100 countries, helping them to manage their energy and process in ways that are safe, reliable, efficient and sustainable. From the si plest of switches to complex operational systems, our technology, software and services improve the way our customers manage and automate their operations. Our connected technologies will reshape industries, transform cities and enrich lives. At Schneider Electric, we call this Life Is On.

Schneider Electric is a pioneer of the Industrial Internet of Things We see the advent of the Industrial Internet of Things as an “evolution,” not a “revolution.” Our customers take advantage of our long history of innovation in open architectures and Ethernetbased technologies that guide them through this transformation. The Industrial Internet of Things brings about a world where our smart connected products and systems operate as part of larger systems of systems. We see the plant of tomorrow as a smart plant – a truly connected and sustainable ecosystem where plants and machines work together in a secure and collaborative way to put technology at the service of people for greater empowerment and efficiency. Our innovative automation and control solutions are designed to maximize performance and optimize costs of your operations. Check out the latest innovations in PLCs, HMIs, SCADA software, drives and soft starts, control and signaling and machine safety products that enable ease of design, programming, commissioning and troubleshooting.

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1/20/16 9:43 AM

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Schunk SCHUNK is the worldwide leader for clamping technology and gripping systems. SCHUNK designs and manufactures an unmatched selection of industrial automation components. With 2,500 employees located in more than 50 countries, SCHUNK offers global customer service and technical support. SCHUNK is a family owned operation with over 60 years of experience. SCHUNK lives its mission that “with a pioneering spirit and perfection, we are setting worldwide standards”.

SCHUNK manufactures superior clamping technology and gripping systems. With flagship products such as the series of PGN-plus grippers, SCHUNK has secured its position as a main player in the automation market. Additionally, its 3D printing software, e-GRIP, and its partnership with Fraunhofer and their design of the Care-O-bot using SCHUNK’s mobile gripping systems, is truly innovative and is set to cement SCHUNK’s place as a leader in engineering. The SCHUNK e-GRIP has been designed and created together with 3D printing service provider and software developer Materialize. The software allows Design Engineers to create truly customized gripper fingers, in a few easy steps using a free web-based program. With a quick and simple upload of relevant information the software will then generate a design for gripper fingers that is optimized for the particular application. The resulting gripper fingers are then 3D printed in just a few days using a lightweight polyamide material.

SCHUNK 211 Kitty Hawk Drive Morrisville, NC 27560 ISO9001:2008 Certified toll free: (800) 772-4865 direct: (919) 767-2013 cell: (919) 218 9369 fax: (919) 572-2818 email: alexandra.altvater@

The joining together of the 3D printing and the manufacturing industry is going to revolutionize the way products are made, and SCHUNK is leading the revolution! The fourth generation of Fraunhofer’s Care-O-bot has been taken to the next level by the use of SCHUNK’s standardized mobile gripping systems, which make up the robot’s elbow joints and one-fingered hand. While the design of the service robot had previously concentrated on object detection and safe navigation, the latest incarnation of the Care-O-bot 4 now focuses on the flexibility of the robot. The use of SCHUNK’s mobile gripping modules have allowed for a diverse configuration, as well as keeping the components lightweight and energy efficient.

The Care-O-bot or ‘butler of the future’ is a milestone in the field of service robotics, and SCHUNK is honored to be a part of this future.

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Schneider Electric Motion USA Simplifying machine building with compact integrated motors Automation component manufacturer Schneider Electric Motion USA (formerly IMS) is a proven leader in innovative motion control solutions for stepper motors and electronic controls, including the premier integrated motor brand MDrive®. SEM offers integrated motion solutions across multiple market segments, for a wide range of applications from factory floor to laborator bench. NEW for 2016 Lexium Motion Module / LMM is an ultra-compact, programmable motion controller delivering chipset fle ibility with leading MDrive integrated motor features including MCode programming language. To facilitate rapid prototyping and design verification, development boards are availabl with features including isolated I/O, locking pluggable connectors and serial RS-422/485 programmable motion or CANopen. A range of motors, encoders, USB communication cable and starter kit are also offered.

Leadership in Engineering

Lexium MDrive® is the newest addition to this premium product line. LMD products are well suited for industrial automation, incorporating robust design features and performance enhancements including closed loop to eliminate loss of synchronization/ stalling, reduce heat, save energy, and lower operating costs. MDrive® Linear Actuators integrate linear actuator stepper motors, electronics and mechanicals all in one compact linear motion system delivering high accuracy and long life. Non-captive and external shaft styles are available, with nominal load limit of up to 200 lbs. Built-to-order, you specify the screw lead/pitch, length, end finish, coating, and nut style fo your application.

MDrive® Plus integrated rotary motors are available in a wide range of low cost, extremely compact configurations These all-in-one motion control solutions can reduce system cost, design and assembly time for a large range of motion control applications.

Contact information: Schneider Electric Motion USA 370 North Main Street, Marlborough, CT 06447 Ph: 860-295-6102 Fax: 860-295-6107 Email:

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1/20/16 9:47 AM

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SDP/SI SDP/SI – Stock Drive Products/ Sterling Instrument is a major brand of Designatronics, Inc., a global leader in supplying small motion control components. Our Credentials Include: • ISO 9001:2008 + AS9100C Certifie • DDTC Registered • R.E.A.C.H Compliant • Boeing BQMS Certifie • RoHS Compliant • ISO Class 7 Clean Room Helping customers get the products they need, SDP/SI offers choices: individual service provided by a local sales rep, Inch and Metric Master Catalog set and website, where customers can search the entire product line, get real-time availability, access product specifications download 3D CAD Models, and buy now. SDP/SI - Stock Drive Products/ Sterling Instrument 2101 Jericho Turnpike New Hyde Park, New York Phone: 516-328-3300 Toll Free: 800-819-8900 Fax: 516-326-8827 Email:

Setting Ideas into Motion

SDP/SI - Stock Drive Products/Sterling Instrument provides mechatronic based design, engineering and manufacturing services for industrial and commercial applications. Celebrating 55 Years of Providing Product Solutions For 55 years design engineers have depended on SDP/SI for high-quality components, subassemblies, and engineering expertise. As a company founded and managed by engineers we understand and respond to the developing needs of our customers better than anyone. Over 130,000 inch and metric dimensioned components are available for fast turnaround. When a standard product won’t meet your requirements we can provide alternative solutions through custom design and manufacturing. Our engineering and manufacturing teams will partner with you throughout the entire process. By providing design, development, manufacturing, assembly, and testing in one location we can ensure the end product will meet your expectations. Dedicated to Making High-Quality Machined Parts, Molded Components and Precision Gearing Our commitment to quality results in superior products. As a precision gear and timing pulley manufacturer, we excel in every aspect of the process: milling, turning, grinding, drilling, and gear cutting. Our facility accommodates short runs to high-volume production runs. An on-site ISO Class 7 cleanroom is used for assembly and testing. NADCAP and customer approved facilities are used for heat-treating, plating and painting. We machine in many materials including stainless steel, aluminum, plastic, brass, bronze, steel alloys, and titanium.

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Seal Master Corporation Over our 40-year history, Seal Master has designed and manufactured a variety of custom rubber seals and parts, focusing on reinforced inflatable seals Our inflatable seal capabilities rang from large custom parts like seals for aircraft hangars, to products as small as a collar to harness laboratory mice. So, if you have the need for quality rubber products— large, small, or somewhere in between—Seal Master has the solution for you. We pride ourselves in creatively solving industry needs with our custom rubber molding solutions. Seal Master Corporation consistently leads the industry in engineering and is always available for your custom sealing solutions. Seal Master Corporation 368 Martinel Drive Kent, OH 44240 Toll Free: 800.477.8436 Phone: 330.673.8410 Fax: 330.673.8242

Seal Master Corporation has paved the way for custom engineered; fabric reinforced inflatable rubber seals since 1974 With over 45 years of combined experience our engineering team has created over 7,800 unique inflatable rubber seals and othe inflatable rubber products. Ou enthusiasm and creativity have helped Seal Master Corporation service our customers’ needs for decades. No problem is too large, or too small for Seal Master Corporation. Our capabilities span across numerous industries and come in all shapes and sizes. Our team of engineers works closely with our customers to collaborate and solve difficult sealing issues. Ou design assistance program realizes that every application is unique and is on hand to troubleshoot, create and produce innovative products as solutions to the customer’s technical needs. Our team of engineers works with you as a teammate to obtain an understanding of your specific project r quirements so we are able to recommend the best possible solution. Seal Master Corporation’s engineering team listens and guides your needs. Your project could involve diverse communication, whether that is planned visits, field support tooling and engineering setups at Seal Master’s location. All products are hand built and thoroughly inspected by our trained quality professionals not only for cosmetic standards but also performance.

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1/20/16 9:54 AM

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SENSORAY embedded electronics

Video and data acquisition products

SENSORAY is an industry-leading designer and manufacturer of OEM electronics for video imaging, data acquisition and industrial control. The company is committed to technical excellence and design innovation. Founded in 1982, SENSORAY offers customers practical, reliable solutions alongside outstanding live technical support and service. SENSORAY provides tools to aid rapid development and ensure customer success.

Model 2253 Codec over USB

Video capture for land, sea and aerospace applications

SENSORAY specializes in the design and manufacture of advanced video capture and processing devices. Our video products have recorded flights on oard the Space Shuttle, beamed imagery from UAVs and captured video from sub-sea and pipeline inspection ROVs. They record countless surgeries in operating rooms, monitor secure facilities, and stream video from broadcast studios around the world. SENSORAY video products offer high performance HD capture and compression, text and graphics overlay, video over IP, exceptionally low latency and advanced deinterlacing.

Data acquisition for measurement and control

2600 Series Industrial I/O via Ethernet

SENSORAY data acquisition products are used in scientific and i dustrial applications worldwide. Our products control cranes at shipping ports, soldering machines on factory floors and regulate pressure in waterjet cutters. They monitor experiments in space and record deep sea environments.

Platforms, operating systems, and support

We offer a diverse range of standard, modified, and custom solu ions for USB, Ethernet, PCIExpress, PC/104+ and other popular platforms, with free evaluations of standard products. SENSORAY products are compatible with operating systems ranging from Linux and Windows to QNX and other real-time OSs. And, we continue to support and manufacture to older BUS standards.

Miniature 13 Megapixel HD IP Camera

Custom solutions

SENSORAY’s expertise extends to the leading edge of video capture/processing and process control technology, enabling us to produce cost effective solutions that meet your exacting specifications. Contact us today to discuss your project with o e of our engineers.


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7313 SW Tech Center Dr. Tigard, OR 97223

Phone: 503.684.8005 Fax: 503.684.8164

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Servo Kinetics, Inc. 3716 Plaza Drive Ann Arbor, MI 48108 Phone: 800-824-0808 FAX: 734-668-6630 Email:

Servo Kinetics, Inc. Hydraulic Repair, Refurbishment, Products and Engineering Services BACKGROUND Servo Kinetics, Inc. was founded over thirty fiv years ago and is ISO 9001-2008 certified President George Kokalis, has over 40 years of experience, a pioneer in developing hydraulic products and repair services before establishing SKI. Experienced technicians, extensive testing and quality repairs differentiate us from our competitors. Some technicians have thirty years of service with SKI. Expert evaluation of failure and recommended corrective actions optimize your application. Saving you time and money, while increasing production and minimizing down time. Our mission is to provide the highest quality products and services, in the shortest time, at the lowest possible cost. PRODUCTS AND SERVICES We provide repairs and refurbishment of; pumps, motors, servo, proportional, and cartridge valves, gearboxes, vacuum pumps, actuators and other hydraulic devices. We support hundreds of sophisticated and traditional manufacturing facilities around the world.

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AEROSPACE: Commercial airlines and military refurbishment of flight training simulators ENERGY: Nuclear, fossil and gas turbine power generating plants using SKI Classic 2000 pumps on GE EHC circuits. MANUFACTURING: Automotive, plastic injection, stamping, blow molding, die-casting, paper mills, amusement.

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BENEFITS OF SKI SERVICES Superior test equipment, computer OEM spec library, trained fluid power techn cians, computer tracking support, ISO 9001:2008 Certified, excellent delivery, 2 hour service available, free evaluations and inspections, free test documentation, immediate feedback on critical issues, factory OEM parts, rebuilt to OEM performance, expert reverse engineering. SIGNIFICANT CONTRIBUTION AND COST SAVINGS Servo Kinetics features the Classic 2000 Series piston pumps and fluid motors Formerly owned by Vickers Corporation the line was discontinued. Now owned and manufactured by Servo Kinetics, Classic 2000 Series are precision machined to aircraft aerospace standards, ensuring superior quality. Hence these devices last for decades without service. Acquisition of this product offered tremendous cost savings to customers who were faced with obsolescence and major cost for retrofits. The nuclear, stamping, steel and marine industries are just a few who faced millions in cost to retrofit. SKI als reversed engineered and created OEM replacement parts for Beach Russ vacuum pumps after closing many years ago. Possibly the only source for repair of these devices, once again SKI provided huge cost savings. RECOMMENDATION For the best in quality and service contact Servo Kinetics today.

January 2016



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Servometer® Servometer® is the leading developer and manufacturer of electrodeposited miniature metal bellows. Since 1957, Servometer has been supporting customers with premier quality products like its miniature bellows as well as bellows assemblies, contact springs, flexible shaft couplings and structurall rigid electroforms. Each is designed and manufactured to the highest performance standards in terms of flexibility strength, reliability and sensitivity to meet stringent customer specifications Today, Servometer precision products are used in hundreds of applications in a diverse variety of industries including, semiconductor, aerospace, defense, medical, solar and oil and gas. Servometer is an ISO 9001:2008 registered manufacturer.

Servometer’s custom designed products are typically made of electrodeposited nickel, copper, gold or combinations of all three. The resulting electroforms are thin walled, hollow metal parts as small as 0.20 inches (.5 mm) in diameter; 0.24 inches (.6 mm) in length and .0003 inches (.008 mm) in thickness.

In addition, the company offers complete bellows subassembly services to customers who want to help reduce parts counts and costs, improve process control and simplify assembly, purchasing and scheduling. Medical Electroforms

Miniature bellows are often used as a sensing element in pressure responsive devices such as transducers, actuators and volume compensators. The flexible shaft coupling are ideal for use in resolvers, encoders, servos, motion control devices and computers.

Phone: (973) 785-4630 Email:

Servometer electroforms can be made into unusual shapes with close tolerances, and are extremely lightweight as well as rigid to meet almost any design challenge.

In 2007 Servometer acquired Bellows Tech, the leading supplier of edge welded bellows. BellowsTech and Servometer have a synergistic relationship to offer customers more design solutions for their applications. The two companies complement each other in compatible technologies and design capability. The cross-over of engineering talent adds value and experience to ensure customers employ the right technology for their applications.

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Soldered Brass Bellows Assembly

Servometer is dedicated to “Making the Impossible...Possible!”

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SETCOTM For over 90 years — since 1912 — Setco™ has designed and built precision spindles and is recognized worldwide as a technical leader in design and manufacturer of precision spindles and spindle/slide combinations. Setco™ is a major spindle manufacturer with well over 250,000 spindles in the field — new an rebuilt — which include belt-driven, geared, motorized, high speed and high frequency models. In addition, Setco™ offers a complete line of precision linear slides; which include dovetail, hardened way and linear rail slides in 21 standard sizes and hundreds of standard catalog models. Setco™ products are used worldwide in a large variety of industries; including automotive, aerospace, construction, die/mold, cabling and winding, plastics, woodworking, stone cutting and general metalworking industries. Through acquisitions, Setco™ is the home of MASTER, POPE and WHITNON brand spindles, slides and modules. 5880 Hillside Avenue Cincinnati, OH 45233 Toll Free: 1-800-543-0470 Phone: (513) 941-5110 Fax: (513) 941-6913

WORLD LEADER IN HIGH PERFORMANCE PRECISION SPINDLES AND SLIDES Setco™ is a world leader in the design, manufacture & service of high performance precision spindles and slides; which includes belt-driven, CNC, gear-driven, motorized models, high speed, high frequency spindles, and complete lines of dovetail, hardened way, linear bearing, tooling, utility slides, and single and multi-axis machine modules. Setco™ products are recognized worldwide for accuracy, durability and quality. Setco™ is the largest independent rebuilder of precision machine tool spindles in the United States offering complete repair, rebuild and spindle retrofit services. Spindle service i

supported by six spindle service centers with US locations in California, Michigan, Ohio, Georgia as well as Taiwan and India providing technical support for the following market segments: • Machine Tool Manufacturers • Special Machine Tool Builders and Integrators • Powertrain Machinery Manufacturers and End Users • Industrial End Users in General. Setco™ geographical markets include the United States, Canada, Mexico, Latin America, Europe and Asia.

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1/20/16 10:01 AM

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SEW-Eurodrive About SEW-EURODRIVE Engineering excellence and customer responsiveness distinguish SEW-EURODRIVE, a leading manufacturer of integrated power transmission and motion control systems. SEW-EURODRIVE solutions set the global standard for high performance and rugged reliability in the toughest operating conditions. With its global headquarters in Germany, the privately held company currently employs over 15,000 employees with a presence in 45 countries worldwide. U.S. operations include a state-of-the-art manufacturing center, five regional assembly plants, more tha 63 technical sales offices and hundred of distributors and support specialists. This enables SEW-EURODRIVE to provide local manufacturing, service and support, coast-to-coast and around the world. SEW-EURODRIVE . . . Driving the world. SEW-EURODRIVE, Inc. 1295 Old Spartanburg Hwy Lyman, SC 29365 Phone: (864) 439-7537 Fax: (864) 439-7830 Email:

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The MOVIGEAR® Mechatronic Drive System for horizontal materials handling from SEW-EURODRIVE sets new standards in terms of efficiency and functionality. MO IGEAR® not only combines the gear unit, motor and drive electronics within one highly reliable, efficient, and hygienically designed unit, but independent research proves that it also reduces total start-up cost and annual operating costs in your material handling system by 20-30%! In addition, MOVIGEAR® substantially reduces your inventory with its unique ability to cover a broad range of gear ratios with a single unit.

PT Pilot® Drive Selection Tool



January 2016

Stop wasting valuable time fumbling through catalogs, price books, and emails to specify a gearmotor or gear reducer. Just go online to PT Pilot® – the exclusive selection program from SEW-EURODRIVE. PT Pilot® quickly provides pricing, parts lists, 3D CAD drawings, motor options, gear options, VFDs, and all technical documentation with just a few keystrokes. This powerful tool even includes an application calculator that determines the perfect drive based upon your load weight, speed, friction, etc. The entire process is very intuitive and compatible with smartphones and tablets.

Visit for more information.

1/20/16 10:05 AM

2016 A












Leadership in Engineering


SIKO SIKO - Measurement technology since 1963 Today SIKO sums up fiv decades of experience in length, angle and speed measurement technology. Building upon this core competence, SIKO develops and manufactures groundbreaking products for automation and drive engineering. The highest demands of our industrial and machine engineering customers lead to quality, precision and functionality of our products and services. SIKO is certified according to DI EN ISO 9001 : 2008. Sustainable resource management is a matter of course for us. SIKO Products Inc. 2155 Bishop Circle E Dexter, MI 48130 (734) 426-3476

6 product lines - A broad range of products for most diverse measurement jobs The SIKO product portfolio includes a total of 6 product lines: These cover high-quality measuring technology (measuring devices and sensors for length measurement, angle measurement, speed measurement and rotational speed measurement) as well as positioning systems for industry and mechanical engineering. We offer solutions for a wide range of different measuring tasks and applications – with a constant focus on the requisite accuracy in recording measurement values. Working on your behalf or together with you, we develop sensor systems for recording measurement values. The primary focus here is often on reducing setup times and optimizing manufacturing and production. OEM customers, projects and special solutions or the delivery of spare parts directly to the end user: all of our customers are important to us! • Digital position indicators (position indicators / position displays) adjustment knobs and hand wheels (PositionLine) • Rotary encoders / encoders / incremental encoders, geared potentiometers and electronic displays (RotoLine) • Wire-actuated encoders / wire-actuated sensors (LinearLine) • Actuator drives / actuators (DriveLine) • Magnetic measuring systems – magnetic band and sensors, absolute or incremental (MagLine)

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• High-precision optical sensors (OptoLine)

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January 2016



1/20/16 10:06 AM

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Leadership in Engineering


SMAC SMAC Moving Coil Actuators manufactures a wide range of precision programmable electric actuators based on its patented moving coil technology. These proprietary and patented moving coil linear motor based designs are technically far ahead of old generation pneumatic and electric actuators, including moving magnet linear motors. SMAC’s technological edge, combined with continuous costdown/ quality-up process and its worldwide sales basis makes SMAC the most dynamic electric actuator manufacturer in automation today. SMAC electric actuators are unique in that force, position, and speed are totally programmable. They are designed to perform at exceptionally high rates >2000 cpm, repeatable within 1 millisecond. They are capable of submicron positioning and have the patented capability to “Soft-Land” on surfaces and then perform work. They also provide feedback on the work being done. This makes them ideal for a wide range of positioning, measuring, inspection, thread check and pick and place applications, particularly where 100% verification i required. For more information, Phone (760) 929-7575 Email: or visit

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• Lower moving mass with the voice coil actuator means extremely high acceleration and velocity, as opposed to the heavier “moving magnet” technology used in most linear motors. • Safe and energy efficient: operates at low current, typically at 1.5 amps at 24 volt DC. • Quiet (< 55dB), airless operation: no expensive compressed air generation required. No air consumption or air leaks to attend to. No compressed air generating environmental particulate contamination. • Long Cycle Life: >100 Million Cycles. 10x that of air cylinders or ball screw actuators. • Linear Rotary: SMAC invented linear rotary technology in 1998 and since have become the preferred solution for small parts assembly in the electronics industry, thread check in the automotive industry and capping in the packaging industry. Soft-Land SMAC’s “Soft-Land” is a patented unique routine which allows the actuator rod or gripper jaw to sense the surface of a component then applies a specific force It gives extremely accurate sensing of product location or dimensions. This is particularly useful for handling delicate or high value components. Soft-Land also elongates the life of the actuator. Used in:

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Benefits of Moving Coil Technology

January 2016

• • • • •

Programmable Features SMAC actuators are totally programmable in force, acceleration and velocity. They give you flexibility to run variou products with a quick change over at the touch of a button. Multiple motion profiles (programs) can be stored/ preset i the SMAC controller. The actuator can operate in three different modes: • Force Mode: Force Mode is open loop, using no feedback from the encoder. The actual position is still monitored but has no effect upon the output. • Velocity Mode: Velocity Mode allows the actuating rod to be moved with a given velocity, acceleration, force and direction. Typically used for a “Soft-Land” routine. • Position Mode: Position Mode will allow the actuating rod to be moved to various positions along the stroke using acceleration, velocity and force. It is possible to perform absolute, relative and “learned position” moves.

Pick and place of delicate objects Gauging of fragile or pliant materials Bottle ejecting/diverting/sorting Switch / material testing Many, many other applications

1/20/16 10:08 AM

2016 A












Leadership in Engineering


Smalley Innovation, quality and engineering excellence has driven Smalley to be the leading manufacturer of Spirolox® Retaining Rings, Constant Section Rings and Wave Springs. We believe that engineers should work with engineers. So our customers work directly with our experienced team. This access to technical expertise and problem solving, prototyping and collaboration is rare in the industry. But it allows you to take your designs further than you thought possible. Every Smalley ring and spring is backed by our legendary customer support. Our commitment to service combined with our reputation for on-time delivery has earned us an approved supplier status with leading OEM manufacturers around the world. Our commitment is to quality, customer service, and finding the mos cost-effective solution. Smalley Steel Ring Company 555 Oakwood Road Lake Zurich, IL 60047 Phone: +1 847 719 5900 Fax: +1 847 719 5999 Email:

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Constant Section Rings: Constant Section Rings are often specified fo heavy duty or impact loading applications. Smalley offers eight series of rings from stock in over 1,000 sizes.

About Smalley:

For over 50 years, Smalley has manufactured retaining rings and wave springs using our unique coiling technology. Smalley has become established as the top manufacturer of spiral retaining rings and flat wire wave springs. Smalley is IS 9001, ISO/TS 16949, AS9100 and ISO 14001 certified


Wave/Compression Springs: Smalley Wave Springs offer the unique advantage of space savings when used to replace coil springs. By reducing spring operating height, wave springs also produce a decrease in the spring cavity. With a smaller assembly size and less material used in the manufacturing process, a cost savings is realized. Wave springs operate as load bearing devices. They take up play and compensate for dimensional variations within assemblies. A virtually unlimited range of forces can be produced whereby loads build either gradually or abruptly to reach a predetermined working height. This establishes a precise spring rate in which load is proportional to deflection Spirolox® Retaining Rings: Spirolox Retaining Rings, available exclusively from Smalley, have No Ears To Interfere® with the mating components in the assembly. Spiral rings offer a 360° retaining surface, require no special tooling for removal and are interchangeable with ordinary snap ring grooves.

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Laminar Sealing Rings: A Smalley Laminar Sealing Ring is a metallic labyrinth seal consisting of multiple rings in a groove. This arrangement of the rings and the specific orientation of the rings are dictated by the application and the severity of the environment. Hoopster Rings: New from Smalley, Hoopster Rings fit into muc shallower grooves than regular snap rings or retaining rings. Hoopster Retaining Rings are suitable for light to heavy loads and are ideal for thin wall tubes. Manufacturing Process: Smalley offers an exclusive Circular-Grain® Process. This process is not a stamping, but rather a continuous coil that is made from edge-wound, pre-hardened, spring-tempered flat wire. The flat wire has grain structure that is linear, providing exceptional strength and dimensional stability. Smalley’s unique manufacturing process reduces scrap allowing for the economical production of special alloy products including a large selection of stainless steel retaining rings and wave springs. No-Tooling-Cost™ Process: Smalley’s CircularGrain® Process offers unusual flexibility i production. There is no special tooling needed, even for prototype or custom configurations. Thi results in low prototype cost and quick deliveries.

Free Samples: Smalley will send samples of catalog items for your evaluation, free of charge. Simply go to to request free samples, catalogs, download CAD models, design assistance or design your own application specific ring or spring

January 2016



1/20/16 10:10 AM

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Leadership in Engineering


solidThinking, Inc. solidThinking creates, develops,

and markets technology that helps our user community gain deeper

insights and make faster decisions to maximize business and product performance. solidThinking was started in 1991 to meet the needs of Italian

industrial designers, and acquired by Altair in 2008. Our offering has now been expanded to assist product


neers and architects.

solidThinking Inspire isn’t simulation for Design Engineers, it’s inspiration for better products. Inspire can help every Design Engineer, Product Designer, and Architect quickly create dramatically lighter structures and better understand the effect of material placement in whatever they’re developing.

development for all designers, engi-

solidThinking software is sold and

supported by a global network of dis-

tribution partners and is also available as part of the Altair HyperWorks suite. solidThinking, Inc. (An Altair Company) 1820 East Big Beaver Rd Troy, MI 48083 Phone: (248) 526-1920 Fax: (248) 526-1921 Email:

We believe you should design lightweight in, not engineer mass out. A traditional structural simulation allows an engineer to check if a design will support the required loads. Inspire generates a material layout within a defined package space usin the loads as an input. This efficient design proposal can then be evolved into a finished p duct with easy export to major CAD tools. Inspire uses Topology Optimization, a technology well established in the design of airliners, racecars and other highly engineered products. This technology has previously required simulation experts to run it. With a new user experience Inspire brings topology optimization to the CAD workstation. The ability to use this proven technology earlier in program development eliminates redesign cycles later on. The software is easy to learn, with new users needing, at most, just a few hours of training and many require none at all. solidThinking Inspire can quickly assist your team to create parts that are right the first time, to reduce costs, develo ment time, material consumption, and product weight.

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January 2016

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Leadership in Engineering


Sorbothane Inc. Innovating Shock & Vibration Solutions Sorbothane, Inc. serves widely varied market segments with Standard and Custom Engineered components. MARKETS SERVED TRANSPORTATION SHIPPING & LOGISTICS • Sorbothane® Safeguards Precious Cargo PRECISION LABORATORY EQUIPMENT • Sorbothane® Isolates Disruptive Vibration MOBILE ELECTRONIC DEVICES • Sorbothane® Attenuates Impact Shock & Isolates Vibration CONSUMER & COMMERCIAL PRODUCTS • Sorbothane® Damps Unwanted Vibration & Noise INDUSTRIAL & MANUFACTURING EQUIPMENT • Sorbothane® Extends Equipment Life AEROSPACE & AERONAUTICAL • Sorbothane® Protects Critical Components MEDICAL EQUIPMENT • Sorbothane® Protects Performance SPORTING GOODS & FITNESS • Sorbothane® Protects, Cushions & Comforts Sorbothane, Inc. is located in Kent, Ohio and operates 10 specialized pouring machines. With 64,000 square feet of manufacturing space and supply support systems in place, the Sorbothane team stands ready to meet any production need. Sorbothane, Inc. has an engineering design staff that specializes in shock and vibration solutions plus an in-house testing and quality assurance lab. 2144 State Route 59 Kent, Ohio 44240 Phone: 800.838.3906

Sorbothane® is a proprietary visco-elastic material that has been specified by eng neers worldwide for over three decades. Sorbothane® is a highly damped polymeric solid that “flows” like a liquid under load Its superior damping and isolation properties have been scientifically and real-worl proven. Sorbothane® is ideal for engineering design applications requiring shock absorption, vibration isolation and acoustic damping. Produced in a durometer range from 25 to 85 - Shore 00 scale Sorbothane® is considered a super soft polyurethane. Unique applications call for innovative solutions. Standard Sorbothane® parts and custom engineered solutions are available to meet individual product objectives. STANDARD Sorbothane® PRODUCTS Sorbothane, Inc. offers an extensive line of standard Sorbothane parts.

CUSTOM Sorbothane® SOLUTIONS Unique applications call for very innovative solutions. Our engineering team will help design the custom Sorbothane® component perfect for your individual product specifications. Since 1982, Sorbothane Inc. has engineered individualized shock and vibration solutions for numerous and diverse markets. Our goal is to protect the performance and integrity of your product. Sorbothane, Inc. - Innovating Shock & Vibration Solutions For over 32 years Sorbothane, Inc. has been - and will continue to be - the innovative and trusted choice of engineers worldwide for developing materials and components that isolate vibration, attenuate shock and damp unwanted noise.

These standard products have been developed over 30 years and are selected for their specific shock absorbing and vibration isola ing applications. The Sorbothane® Standard Products Guide is available at or by contacting Sorbothane, Inc. directly.

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January 2016



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Leadership in Engineering


SOLIDWORKS SOLIDWORKS, a Dassault Systèmes brand, is a world leader in 3D solutions that help millions of engineers and designers succeed through innovation. Our products deliver an intuitive experience in product design, simulation, publishing, data management, and environmental impact assessment. For the latest news, information, or an online demonstration, visit our Web site: or call 1-800-693-9000 (outside of North America, call +1-781-810-5011).

WHAT’S NEW IN SOLIDWORKS 2016 Whether you’re designing single components, incredibly complex equipment, or even entire facilities, SOLIDWORKS 2016 delivers easy-to-use tools to help designers and engineers turn their ideas into higher-quality products. Highlights include: • NEW PRODUCT: SOLIDWORKS Visualize helps bring designs to life with more realistic photo-quality renderings in less time. • More productive part modeling with expanded modeling capabilities improve accuracy and ease of use. • Streamlined assembly development to help users reduce the time it takes to create assemblies.

• Extended capabilities in manufacturing with new features for 3D Printing, Inspection and Costing. • Improved data management and collaboration with the new SOLIDWORKS PDM Standard for smaller user groups to manage SOLIDWORKS files • A new user interface (UI) designed which makes users more productive with a consistent look and feel across all SOLIDWORKS products so you can easily switch tools.

• “Drawingless” manufacturing with faster creation of the 3D dimensions and tolerances, as well as streamlined downstream CMM and CAM functionality. • Improved electrical design and communication for improved productivity for electrical design including a streamlined user interface with contextual information display and Printed circuit board (PCB) integration. • New features such as breadcrumbs, to make design easier by reducing “picks and clicks” for commonly used functionality. • Simplified design validation to make analysis more efficient to help solve comple problems, visualize and verify functionality, and find potential errors before they occur

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Learn more about the hundreds of customerdriven enhancements developed to help users focus on their design work and not on the software at

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Leadership in Engineering


SPIROL Providing innovative solutions for fastening and joining since 1948! SPIROL is a technical resource that provides high quality components that improve the quality of your assembly, extend the life of your products and reduce your manufacturing costs. SPIROL’s Application Engineers have over 68 years of experience in design, production techniques, and installation methods of components used in the joining and assembly processes. Starting with your objective, our Application Engineers will determine the best component for your assembly that meets your specific requirements. If installation equipmen is involved, SPIROL will build, test, install and certify the machine – including educating your operators and maintenance personnel. We are an active participant of your team starting in the design stage – through the qualification stage – until the product is launched successfully to ensure that your quality, performance and assembly objectives are completely satisfied Involve SPIROL Engineering early in the design stage of your next project! SPIROL 30 Rock Avenue Danielson, CT 06239 Phone: (860) 774-8571

Local Design, Global Supply

SPIROL has Application Engineers throughout the world to assist you in your designs, supported by state-of-the-art manufacturing centers and worldwide stocking facilities to simplify the logistics of delivering your product.

Diversified Product Offering

SPIROL is the only manufacturer of engineered fasteners that offers a total integrated solution. Since the invention of the Coiled Spring Pin in 1948, SPIROL continues to introduce new products and improve existing ones — passing substantial savings on to you. Their diverse product line includes Coiled and Slotted Spring Pins, Solid Pins, Disc Springs, Alignment Dowels and Bushings, Spacers, Compression Limiters, Machined Nuts, Inserts for Plastics, Shims, and Installation Equipment. Most heat-treating and finishing processes are performed in-house to ensure consis ent quality. You benefi from a choice of over 30,000 standard products, no tooling or development costs, less variability between production lots, and responsive delivery.

Visit Email:

Application Engineering Support Through partnering with companies in the design stage, SPIROL not only helps design the engineered component used for fastening and joining, but we also make the critical recommendations for the interface between our product and your assembly.

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January 2016



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Leadership in Engineering


STEGO STEGO has decades of experience in the field of climatization of enclosures telecommunication or traffic systems ATMs and parking control systems. With our range of products we manufacture user-friendly solutions and provide a high degree of safety for the operation of your facilities without interferences.

In the beginning of 2015, we promoted our Thermal Management experts to “Electronics Protectors”. This term exactly describes what we have been offering with our range of leading edge products for a long time: worldwide protection for “endangered” electronics from heat, cold and humidity.

Innovation and design are central to our product development philosophy. The company’s own product development department and design office develo and construct our products. Production sites are in Germany, as well as Brazil, France and the US.

For those who rely on the trouble-free operation of their electronics, our specialists not only offer Thermal Management solutions, they are indeed electronics protectors who make sure that electronics in your installations worldwide are safe from extreme climatic conditions. Not only in enclosures, but in any installation with electromechanical and electronic “inner life”.

With locations in 11 countries and longtime business partners, we are represented world-wide. STEGO products are exported internationally and fin use in a variety of different areas and climate conditions. STEGO, Inc. 1395 South Marietta Pkwy., Bldg. 800 Marietta, GA 30067

You think we’re exaggerating, and this sounds more like a campaign for the “World Wide Fund For Electronics”? Absolutely! That is exactly the idea. This is what we intend to convey with this years’ advertising campaign, introducing to the stage some unexpected wildlife characters, bringing “to life” our cherished electronic components and presenting technology as something worthwhile to protect... just like natures’ endangered species.

T: 770-984-0858, Ext. 307 F: 770-984-0615

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Leadership in Engineering


Suco Technologies Founded in 1938, Suco Technologies has become a well-established, proven leader setting benchmarks in the development and production of pressure monitoring devices. Our products include: mechanical pressure and vacuum switches, electronic pressure switches, pressure transducers and transmitters. Our state-of-the-art production facilities with end-of-line test benches and a Research and Development center with an in house test laboratory guarantees a high level of product quality and offers permanent improvements as well as continuing innovations. Suco utilizes a sales network with factory trained application engineers who are available to offer local support in over 40 countries. We have relocated our offices quadrupling our office and warehouse space.

Your Specialist in Pressure Monitoring Electronic Pressure Switches, Pressure Transducers and Transmitters Pressure Transducers and Transmitters based on Silicon-on-Sapphire (SOS) technology have outstanding performance features that include excellent overpressure safety and burst pressure, ability to operate at extreme temperatures, outstanding long term stability, and high rise rate, accuracy and repeatability. SOS Pressure Transducers are now being used in the offhighway industry. The Suco Technologies line of Transducers and Transmitters is available with 4-20mA (2-wire), 0-10V (3-wire) and 0.5-4.5V (radiometrically) output. Wetted parts are all made of stainless steel. The stainless steel diaphragm is welded with the casing that results in a low leakage rate even with difficult gasses

Mechanical Pressure Switches

Suco Technologies, Inc. 6560 W. Rogers Circle #22 Boca Raton, FL 33487 Phone: 800-473-7313 Fax: 561-989-8816 Email:

Suco pressure switches and pressure transducers are produced to operate in harsh operational conditions in mobile equipment, off-highway, material handling and industrial applications. They are designed to withstand pressure spikes, prolonged exposure to continual pulsation, shocks and vibrations.

Mechanical pressure switches are available in zinc plated steel body, stainless steel, brass, and aluminum body. Set points range from 1 to 5,800psi with an overpressure safety up to 8,700psi.

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January 2016



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Leadership in Engineering


Super Swivels® Established in 1986, Super Swivels® provides superior products for a large variety of hydraulic uses. We design and manufacture heavy-duty, leak free, live swivels at a competitive price and outstanding performance.

Hydraulics is the cornerstone of modern automation and power. Without hydraulics heavy lifting, moving repetitive motions would be at the mercy of huge motors limiting the ability to get the job done.

A heat treating process and patented design enables higher working pressure ratings. Our large inventory provides exceptional service and delivery times. Custom design, engineering and adaptation fulfill demanding hydraulic needs

Super Swivels® are heavy-duty, leak free, live swivels for many applications, a few of which include; hose reels, sprayers, heavy machinery, automatic car washes, trucks, drilling, wheel motors, robotics, railroads, and mining. These swivels are engineered for simplified conne tions, allowing direct connections to hose lines doing away with adapters.

Super Swivels® are available in wide range of materials, plating, and seal options for many applications including; hose reels, sprayers, heavy machinery, automatic car washes, trucks, drilling, wheel motors, robotics, railroads, and mining, to mention a few. For more information, visit Super Swivels 7917 Beech Street NE Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA 55432-1762 Phone: 763-784-5531 Fax: 763-784-7423 Email:

Super Swivels live swivel action reduces risk of hose twisting and kinking even in 90 angel connections. This simplification reduces the complication of hose line connections so less hose is required, reducing space needs. The increased hose movement allowed by Super Swivels’ superior design reduces system rigidity and helps to absorb system impulses. Less hydraulic line congestion, reduced hose kinking, lower risk of shock damage and twisting which means lower maintenance costs and less downtime. By engineering the best heavy-duty and compact live swivel designs Super Swivels allows manufactures to create the most efficient and smallest p oducts possible. The same design and reliability features allow for the most efficient aftermarket modifications and repairs Super Swivels has been an engineering leader in the hydraulics industry for nearly 30 years and looks to maintaining that leadership role in designing and producing superior patented live hydraulic swivels.

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January 2016

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Leadership in Engineering


Tadiran A worldwide leader in lithium battery technology, Tadiran manufactures a complete line of lithium thionyl chloride batteries, including the iXtra Series, XOL Series, PulsesPlus™ Series for high pulse applications (Amps), TRR Series for medium pulse applications (hundreds of Milliamps), TLM Series lithium batteries for very high rate (tens of Amps) mil/aero and medical applications, and TLI Series rechargeable lithium-ion batteries. Validated by millions of batteries that were still operational after 25+ years, Tadiran offers unrivaled manufacturing and quality systems that deliver unmatched product reliability and incredible long-life performance. The longevity of Tadiran batteries is directly related to the battery’s extremely low self-discharge (less than 1% per year), which results from the unique combination of lithium thionyl chloride chemistry, bobbin-type construction, and proprietary manufacturing techniques that enhance product quality and reliability: processes that are continuously refine to deliver industry-leading battery performance. To learn more about the wide spectrum of Tadiran lithium batteries, visit our website:

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use of an HLC but still deliver high capacity and high energy density without experiencing voltage drop or power delay.

POWERING REMOTE WIRELESS DEVICES Remote wireless devices are being designed with increased functionality, which increases power consumption. To ensure long-life, these remote wireless devices are typically designed to operate mainly in a “sleep” mode to conserve energy, with daily power consumption ranging from nil to a few microamps, briefly alternating with an “active” mode that require high pulses of up to several amps to energize the device for data acquisition and communication before returning to “sleep” mode. Wireless sensors that remain dormant at elevated temperatures then periodically require high current pulses may experience lower transient voltage readings during the initial phases of battery discharge. This phenomenon, known as transient minimum voltage (TMV), is strongly correlated to the chemical make-up of the electrolyte and/or the design of the cathode. Tadiran offers two effective solutions to combat TMV: PulsesPlus™ batteries for high pulse applications; and TRR Series batteries for moderate pulse applications. PulsesPlus™ lithium thionyl chloride batteries combine a long-life bobbin-type LiSOCL2 cell with a patented hybrid layer capacitor (HLC) that stores and generates high pulses. PulsesPlus batteries feature high voltage, high capacity, low self-discharge (less than 1% per year), low ESR (Equivalent Serial Resistance), a wide operating temperature (-55°C to 85°C). PulsesPlus batteries also offer the potential for an end-of-life indication, including a 3.6v system with a 5% end-of-life indication; and a 3.9v system with a 10% end-of-life indication. For applications requiring moderate pulses, Tadiran Rapid Response TRR Series batteries offer a costeffective solution, as these batteries do not require the

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When a standard LiSOCl2 battery is first subjecte to load, voltage can drop temporarily, and then return to its nominal value. TRR Series batteries virtually eliminate this voltage drop under pulse (or transient minimum voltage), resulting in zero delay during the voltage response. TRR Series batteries also utilize available capacity more efficiently, an thus can potentially extend the operating life of the battery by up to 15% under certain conditions, especially in extremely hot or cold temperatures. INTRODUCING A NEW RECHARGEABLE LITHIUM BATTERY While bobbin-type lithium thionyl chloride (LiSOCL2) batteries remain the preferred choice for remote wireless sensors designed for long-term use in extreme environmental conditions, new applications are emerging that are well suited to energy harvesting devices in conjunction with rechargeable lithium batteries that store the harvested energy. Standard rechargeable lithium-ion cells have inherent drawbacks that limit overall performance in certain applications, including short operating life (maximum 5 years), low maximum cycle life (500 cycles), a high annual self-discharge rate (up to 60% per year), and a limited temperature range (0°C to 60°C) with no possibility of charging at low and high temperatures. To address these problems, Tadiran recently introduced TLI Series lithium-ion batteries, which utilize a modified version of the patented hybrid layer c pacitor (HLC) to deliver improved performance, including 20 year service life, 5,000 recharge cycles, extremely low annual self-discharge (less than 5% per year), the ability to deliver high pulses (up to 5A for AA cell), plus a much wider operating temperature range (-40°C to 85°C, with storage up to 90°C, able to be recharged at extreme temperatures). TLI Series rechargeable batteries come in standard AA and AAA sizes, and custom battery packs. January 2016



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Leadership in Engineering


Taylor Devices Inc. Products


Shock absorbers, fluid dampers, shock isolators, liquid springs hydropneumatic springs, crane buffers, crane bumpers, earthquake protection technology, seismic dampers, seismic isolation components, load suspension systems, vibration isolators, vibration actuators, acoustic mountings, gun recoil absorbers, shock and vibration technology, shock and vibration system design, and active control systems.

Incorporated in 1955, Taylor Devices, Inc. is the leading manufacturer of Shock Absorbers, Liquid Springs, Shock Isolation Systems, Seismic Isolators, Vibration Dampers, Powerplant Snubbers, and other types of HydroMechanical Energy Management Products. Our products form the cutting edge of technology in our marketplace, and are backed by our 50+ years of successful experience in the shock and vibration control field. Our product offer a turn-key solution to shock and vibration problems, with Taylor Devices providing full analysis, development, manufacturing and testing capabilities to satisfy the most exacting customer requirements.


Industrial, steel mills, buildings, bridges, aerospace, defense, automotive.


In general, all of our products are used to absorb, control, or mitigate the motion of masses. This motion may be transient, such as caused by earthquakes or explosions, or steady state, such as caused by vibration or controlled power excitation.

Taylor Devices, Inc. 90 Taylor Drive North Tonawanda, NY 14120-0748 USA Phone: 716-694-0800 Fax: 716-695-6015 Drop test stand

Electro-Hydraulic Shaker

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Leadership in Engineering


Tech-Etch Founded in 1964, Tech-Etch is a leader in the manufacture of precision engineered parts, EMI/RFI shielding products, and fle ible printed circuits. Major markets include medical device, electronic, telecommunications, measurement and control, military and aerospace, automotive, instrumentation, fuel cell, and computer industries. Corporate headquarters in Plymouth, Massachusetts, plus additional facilities located in Fall River, MA and Litchfield, Minnesota, total ove 250,000 sq. ft. The Tech-Etch Quality Management System is registered to both ISO 9001:2008 and AS9100. A wide variety of services enables the company to assume total responsibility for the quality and delivery of its precision products. In-plant services include photo etching, stamping from coil stock and forming of etched blanks, tool and die making, production heat treating, flexible circuit desig and production, welding and soldering, metal finishing, plating, and laser cutting Tech-Etch offers one-stop shopping with the resources to handle everything from development stage prototypes to highvolume production runs. Tech-Etch, Inc. 45 Aldrin Road Plymouth, MA 02360 Phone: 508-747-0300 Fax: 508-746-9639

Precision Engineered Parts and Components for over 50 Years

Tech-Etch precision parts and components can be found in the mechanical and electronic products and devices produced by virtually every industry. Our engineering technology has enabled the development of cataract lens replacement surgery, artificial hear valves, and medical diagnostic ultrasound imaging. PDF brochures describing the manufacturing capabilities outlined below can be downloaded from the website. Photo Etched Parts Tech-Etch specializes in the manufacture of light gauge parts from a wide range of materials, including elgiloy, titanium, nitinol, tungsten, stainless steels, niobium, molybdenum, copper alloys, and polyimide. Parts include encoders, masks, filters, lead frames, flat springs, stra gauges, laminations, chip carriers, surgical blades, battery grids, surgical reconstruction plates, haptics, step covers, heat sinks, shields, shutter blades electron grids fluidic circui plates, reticles, drive bands, shims, and more. Photo etching produces intricate, burr-free components with close tolerances in materials as thin as .0005”, while eliminating the high costs of hard tooling. Additional in-plant, value-added operations include heat treating, laminating, forming, and laser cutting. Medical applications include heart pacemakers, implants, and artificial limbs

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Flexible Printed Circuits For over 25 years Tech-Etch has specialized in the manufacture of high-reliability, fine-lin flexible circuits for demanding applications including medical implant, diagnostic, and therapeutic electronics. By using an additive process, copper features and spaces as small as .001” can be produced at production levels. A laser processing capability supports precision drilling and ablating of polyimide laminates, providing hole sizes down to .001” dia. for micro via and blind via multilayer construction. Additional in-plant, value-added operations include precision hand assembly and automated SMT assembly supporting package sizes down to 0201 and .4mm leaded devices. CO2 or UV-YAG lasers are used to outline flex circuits Advantages include minimal tooling, short leadtime and intricate outlining. EMI/RFI Shielding Products Tech-Etch is a global supplier of standard and custom EMI/RFI shielding products for commercial and military markets. These products include finger stock gaskets, board level shiel ing, knitted wire mesh gaskets, conductive elastomers, metalized fabric, conductive foam, and shielded honeycomb vents and filters Shielding solutions are offered to address EMI/ RFI interference at the component level, board level, or the assembly/enclosure level. January 2016



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Leadership in Engineering


The Lee Company For over 65 years, The Lee Company has pioneered the development of miniature fluid control components for aerospac hydraulic and fuel systems, automated liquid handling in medical and scientifi instrumentation, medical disposable applications, down-hole oil tools,machine tools, inkjet printing, and other industries worldwide. Products include miniature solenoid valves, high-speed micro-dispense valves, nozzles, dispense pumps, custom manifold systems, inert tubing, Lee Plugs, check valves, shuttle valves, pressure relief valves, directional flow controls, safet screens, flow restrictors and associate fluid handling components Lee’s unique capabilities in miniaturization and engineering expertise (one of every eight employees is a graduate engineer) keep the company at the forefront of flui flow technology, and enable it to wor effectively with customers to solve difficul fluid control problems. The Lee Compan employs over 850 people at its Technical Centers in Westbrook and Essex, Connecticut where all engineering and manufacturing is performed. Lee Company sales offices, staffed by degreed sales engineers are located throughout the United States and Europe, and the Company’s distribution network spans the entire globe. 2 Pettipaug Road, P.O. Box 424 Westbrook, CT 06498 Phone: 860-399-6281 Toll Free: 800-533-7584 Fax: 860-399-2270 E-mail:

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Miniature Stepper Dispense Pump Designed for Flexibility and Cost Savings After 20 years of experience designing and manufacturing dispense pumps for in vitro diagnostics and scientific instrument applications, The Lee Company is pleased to offer its most cost effective design yet. The new LPD Series variable displacement pump meets the demands of modern day applications: consistent performance and significant cos savings in a compact lightweight package. Designed to be completely maintenance free, this miniature, chemically inert pump is readily available in 50 and 250 microliter full dispense volumes. Standard performance models meet the demands of most applications, while high performance models are available for the most demanding applications. The LPD Series Pump can be customized for a variety of performance characteristics, feedback options and port head materials. Contact your local Lee Sales Engineer today for additional information. Miniature Solenoid Valve Sets New Standards The Lee Company’s new 250 Series Solenoid Valve sets a new standard in reducing space, weight and power consumption. Designed for 28 volt systems, this 2 position, 3-way miniature piloting solenoid valve features Lee’s field proven Pilotin Solenoid coil, as well as Lee’s unique and patented MultiSeal technology. The one-piece MultiSeal provides reliable sealing both axially and radially, minimizing the size of the hydraulic interface. It’s omni-directional design allows porting flexibi ity without the need for O-Rings or anti-Extrusion Rings.



Ultra Miniature 2-Port HDI Solenoid Valve The Lee Company continues to redefine miniature flu ics with the introduction of an even more compact High Density Interface (HDI) solenoid valve. Now available in magnetically latched and non-latched designs, this 2-port normally closed valve is exceptionally small in size, light weight, and offers consistent performance throughout its life. Both designs are offered in plug-in and face mount styles. In today’s culture, the persistent demand for reliable and innovative products compels companies to integrate new and more advanced technology into smaller packages. Our ultra miniature 2-port normally closed solenoid valve offers similar performance characteristics to our traditional 3-port HDI design, but in a smaller package.

January 2016

This new 250 Series Solenoid Valve is available in both single and dual coil, as well as normally open and normally closed models. The single coil valve weighs only 0.14 pounds and consumes just 7.8 watts at 28 Vdc.

1/20/16 11:03 AM

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Leadership in Engineering


Model SRG ENGINEERING MAKES THE DIFFERENCE. As the pioneer of the linear motion system and the patent innovator of Caged Technology, THK continues to be the preferred world leader in re-circulating, ball linear motion guide technology. When engineers select THK as their motion control partner, they get the benefit of THK’s industry leading Globa Engineering Team of Linear Motion Experts. THK has developed a line of products that incorporateTHK’s latest innovation - Caged Technology that separates rolling elements with a synthetic resin cage that retains grease, and reduces maintenance costs. Caged Technology offers these specific benefits: • Higher load capacities allow space-saving alternatives for design in smaller guides. • Increased operating speeds for higher production quantities. • Long-term, maintenance-free – 3x longer than others providing more than 30,000 kM of continuous operation. • No vibration “noise” from ball-to-ball contact allows for high precision applications to run with smoother motion. • Heat from friction is drastically reduced because the rolling elements never touch. • Ultra-low particulate generation assures greater reliability in “clean” environments. THK’s experienced Global Engineering Team can provide customized linear motion solutions with our standard linear motion products as well as our mechatronics products for your most demanding applications. 200 E. Commerce Drive, Schaumburg, IL 60173 Phone: 800-763-5459, 847-310-1111 e-mail: website:

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Model SRG is an ultra-high rigidity Roller Guide that uses roller cages to prevent rollers from skewing, thus allowing low-friction, smooth motion and achieve long-term maintenance-free operation. Features: • Ultra-high Rigidity - A higher rigidity is achieved by using highly rigid rollers as the rolling elements and having the overall roller length (L) more than 1.5 times greater than the roller diameter (Dw). • Smooth Motion through Skewing Prevention - The roller cage allows rollers to form an evenly spaced line while recirculating, thus preventing the rollers from skewing (tilt of rollers) as the block enters a loaded area. As a result, fluctuation of the rolling resistance is minimize and smooth stable motion is achieved. • 4-way Equal Load - Since each row of rollers is arranged at a contact angle of 45º so that the LM block receives an equal load rating in all four directions (radial, reverse radial and lateral directions), high rigidity is ensured in all directions. • Long term Maintenance-free Operation - Use of the roller cage eliminates friction between rollers and enables the lubricant to be retained in grease pockets formed between adjacent rollers. As the rollers recirculate, the grease pocket serves to provide the adequate amount of lubricant to achieve long-term maintenance-free operation.

Micro Cross-Roller Ring Model RAU

The all-new micro-size CrossRoller Ring RAU achieves rotary motion in a compact package. • Micro Cross-Roller Ring with inner diameter of 10 mm and outer diameter of 21 mm • More compact than a conventional angular contact ball bearing • Spacer retainer enables smooth movement and high rotation accuracy Structure In the RAU, the rollers travel on the V-shaped raceways ground into the inner and outer rings. • Alternating rollers are arrayed orthogonally so that one bearing can support loads and moments in any direction. Also, because of the integrated structure, the RAU can be used for

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Model BTK-V

This Rolled Ball Screw feed achieves a DN value of 100,000 by using a new circulation structure. Since the nut outer diameter and the mounting holes of this model are dimensionally interchangeable with the previous model BTK, model BTK can be replaced with this model.

Caged Ball LM Guide Actuator model SKR

Caged Ball LM Guide Actuator model SKR is a compact actuator that has a inner block consisting of LM blocks and a ball screw nut integrated inside a U-shaped outer rail. In addition, this model achieves high speed operation, lower noise and longer-term maintenance-free operation by using ball cages in the LM Guide units and the Ball Screw unit. (A ball cage is used only for the LM guide section of models SKR20 and SKR26 and the ball screws are fitted with QZ lubricators. 4-way Equal Load Each row of balls is arranged at a contact angle of 45o so that the rated load on the inner block is uniform under loads applied to the inner block in the four directions (radial, reverse radial and lateral directions). As a result, model SKR can be used in any mounting orientation.

either inner ring or outer ring rotation. • The RAU is more compact and lighter weight than a double row angular contact ball bearing. It is also more rigid, even though it is made as compact as possible. • The cross-sectional area of the model RAU is 57% smaller than the Cross-Roller Ring model RA, which was previously the thinnest ever. This enables further weight reduction. The line-up also includes other models whose inner diameters are the smallest to date: 10, 15, 20, 30, and 40mm. Light Weight The cross-sectional area of the model RAU is 57% smaller than the Cross-Roller Ring model RA, which was previously the thinnest ever. This enables further weight reduction. The line-up also includes other models whose inner diameters are the smallest to date: 10, 15, 20, 30, and 40mm

January 2016



1/20/16 11:07 AM

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Leadership in Engineering



Linear motion solutions that simplify machine design

Tolomatic: Excellence in Motion® for over 60 years

Tolomatic’s broad line of electric linear actuators and motion control systems help you build your next machine exactly as you envision it. You’ll find the speed, force and accuracy that precisely fit your machine goals, plus expert specification help through our online tools and customer support.

When you need a motion solution that is innovative, cost-effective and durable, Tolomatic is dedicated to helping you find the right answer. We hel solve your linear motion challenges with a full line of electric linear actuators, pneumatic actuators and power transmission products—all backed by our legendary customer service.

Electric rod actuators: Power and economy Tolomatic’s broad line of electric rod actuator/cylinder solutions—from low cost to high performance—meet your specific need for speed, force and accuracy. Choose the low-cost ERD electric rod cylinder to replace pneumatic cylinders and automate manual processes; the high-force RSA for mounting flexibility and high-thrust to 12,900 lbf (5 kN); or the heavy duty IMA linear servo actuator for a compact package and forces up to 6,875 lbf (30 kN).

Fast delivery Tolomatic continues to offer the fastest delivery of standard catalog products. Modified and custom products shi weeks ahead of the competition. For more information, call Tolomatic at 800-328-2174 or visit

Tolomatic Rodless Electric Actuators Rodless actuators: Versatile and built to last To support and carry loads, Tolomatic rodless electro-mechanical actuators feature small-footprint designs, either screw or beltdriven, and a variety of bearing styles and options. Choose the MXE screw-drive actuator for moderate load-carrying and guidance; the MXB belt-drive actuator for heavy loads and high speed; or the B3S/B3W ball screw or linear belt drive actuator for 100% duty cycle and high bending moments. ACS single-axis drive controller: Lowcost, easy-to-use electric actuator control The ACS servo or stepper drive makes linear motion simple, with pre-configured a tuators that have all necessary parameters setup automatically. Infinite positioning an flexibility is provided with EtherNet/IP™ an Modbus TCP. ODVA conformant.

Tolomatic Rod Actuators

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Tompkins Industries, Inc. Since 1967, Tompkins Industries has been your single source for hydraulic adapters and fluid powe products. Beyond the quality of our products, we believe our commitment to superior customer service has been key to the leadership position we maintain today. With 12 warehouses in the U.S. and Canada, we offer the broadest range of hydraulic adapters and fluid power products in the industry including: flange quick-disconnect couplings, test points, gauges, ball-valves (full-sized and mini), and drain & needle valves. Hydraulic fittings are available in steel, brass and stainless steel, in SAE and metric sizes, and meet or exceed all SAE standards. We have a range of hose protection products, including Protec hose sleeve, fir sleeve, ProWrap hose wrap, and Burst Guard nylon hose sleeve, an ultra-dense, two-layer sleeve that is three times the density of standard sleeve. Our Same-Day Shipping Guarantee for U.S. addresses means we hustle to make sure it happens every time to keep your production line up and running. We are continually adapting to our customers‘ needs with new resources and technologies such as real-time inventory lookup, customer-specific pricing industry service training videos, printable bin labels, and downloadable resource guides. Accessible with all major CAD applications, we have free, downloadable 2D and 3D CAD models for over 4,000 of our hydraulic adapters and hydraulic tube fittings Tompkins sincerely believes that we enjoy our leadership status today because of our enduring pledge of superior customer service. Visit us at Tompkins Industries, Inc. 1912 East 123rd Olathe, KS 66061 Phone: 913-764-8088 Toll Free: 800-255-1008 Fax: 913-764-8340

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Since 1967, Tompkins Industries has thrived in an industry that demands quality. And while providing quality products has been essential to our success, we believe our commitment to superior customer service has been key to the leadership position we maintain today. No claim of inventory selection is worth the cyberspace it‘s written in unless your order is complete and in your hands when you need it. At Tompkins, we‘re proud of our Same-Day Shipping Guarantee for U.S. addresses, and we hustle to make sure it happens every time. Tompkins is your single source for hydraulic adapters and fluid power products. We offer the broadest range of adapters in the industry - more than 8,000 different configurations! We carry Brass, Steel Stai less Steel, Metric, Flange, O-ring Face Seal adapters and Flanges, from 1/16“ to 3“, that meet or exceed all SAE standards. Tompkins also offers Protec nylon abrasion-resistant hose sleeve, fire sleeve, ProWrap extreme-du y hose, cable wrap, as well as test points and test point kits. Tompkins Industries understands that the success of your business or project may be hindered by machinery in need of parts or repair. You can depend on Tompkins‘ Same-day Shipping Guarantee and 98% fill ra e from stock on standard catalog items to keep your production line moving along smoothly. When you need to replace a hydraulic adapter or fitting, reduci g down time is essential. You can‘t afford the luxury of conducting price comparisons. Tompkins ensures that the prices on all of our products remain competitive. Tompkins sincerely believes that we enjoy our leadership status today because of our enduring pledge of superior customer service. We are continually adapting to our customers‘ needs with new technologies to make finding and ordering t e right products easier than ever before. Tompkins is your single source for hydraulic adapters and fluid power products. Our custo er service is second to none. As a manufacturer and master distributor, we offer the broadest range of adapters in the industry as well as flanges, test points, gauges, and ball-valve (full-sized and mini). Tompkins also supplies a wide selection of hose protection products, and patented-design hydraulic tank covers. We have 2D and 3D CAD models available for download for over 4,000 of our fittings. We offer special services avail ble for MROs and OEMs. Sameday shipping guaranteed on in-stock items. Tompkins Industries is ISO 9001 certified

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Leadership in Engineering


Tormach Tormach represents a new era in making things with the line of PCNC Mills, the 15L Slant-PRO Lathe, and the PSG 612 Grinder. By providing quality machine tools that are approachable and cost-effective, Tormach looks to enable the ideas of everybody from machinists and inventors to makers and educators. For more information about personal CNC mills and accessories, please visit or contact Tormach directly at

Affordable Personal CNC Mills Help Engineers Become Entrepreneurs. PCNC stands for Personal CNC because Tormach products are designed to make machining easier, while still providing real manufacturing capabilities. With second-to-none support and a full line of tooling and accessories, it’s easy to get started and grow into your machine or start producing high-end parts right away. Tormach Mill Helps Kids Make Rovers Robotics is hard, especially when you want to build something new and have to rely on outside shops or vendors for components. Robert Beatty and his two daughters, Camille and Genevieve, decided to take on the challenge of building robots on a whim of inspiration. Being new to CNC machining, Beatty liked the availability of Tormach’s components and resources. “I liked the fact that it was a turnkey solution – tools, software, mill, controller – showed me that the company had a full breadth of capability and understanding of what was required,” he says.

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When building their robots, the girls use a combination of parts that they buy, parts that they hack out of other things, and parts that they design and fabricate on the Tormach, so customization is a big element of their design process.

More than Just Milling for NASA’s PCNC 1100 The Tormach PCNC 1100 that NASA’s Goddard Spaceflight Center has in their lab i used for all the milling projects you might expect from an aeronautics organization. Alan Kogut, an astrophysicist at the center, explains, “We’re using it for making parts for flight projects, high-altitude balloons, an prototyping things for an eventual satellite mission.” The Goddard Spaceflight Center has a smal machine shop attached to the lab, which contains a number of older, large, manual mills. Before purchasing the PCNC 1100, the team often had to send components to outside shops for prototyping and production that required higher precision, with a great cost and loss of time. Though they don’t use many exotic materials – mostly aluminum, stainless steel, copper, and the occasional block of titanium – NASA has to keep their tolerances tight and their budgets even tighter. They use a Tormach because it can do everything they need, without breaking the budget nor taking up valuable space in the machine shop.

1/20/16 11:16 AM

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Leadership in Engineering


Trelleborg Sealing Solutions Founded in the early 1950s, Trelleborg Sealing Solutions is one of the world’s leading developers, manufacturers and suppliers of precision seals and bearings. A one-stopshop, we provide the best in elastomer, thermoplastic, PTFE and composite technologies. Within our portfolio are some of the longest established sealing brands, including Busak+Shamban, Chase Walton, Dowty, Forsheda, GNL, Palmer Chenard, Shamban, Skega and Stefa along with a large number of proprietary products and materials such as Turcon®, Zurcon®, Orkot®, Isolast®, Stepseal® and Wills Rings®. Our Americas headquarters is located in Fort Wayne, Indiana, and includes our industryleading Research and Development Center and Materials Test Lab, as well as Supply Chain Management Americas, a 90,000 square-foot facility using the latest warehouse management technology. Our certifications include: ISO 9001:2008, IS 17025, AS 9100, FAA-TSO C150, ISO 14001, AS 9000, QS 9000 and TS 16949.

Trelleborg Sealing Solutions has a pedigree based on decades of support for engineers in a wide range of industries around the world. Whenever designers are creating new products where motion and fluids come together, seals and bearings become vital compo ents of their work. While most suppliers will offer a limited range of seals from which the designer can choose, Trelleborg Sealing Solutions provides a total line of reciprocating, rotary and static seals and provides Applications Engineering support to assist the designer in making the best selection.

For those customers with the most demanding applications, Trelleborg Sealing Solutions provides:

• • • • •

On-site support from our Application Engineers, Product Engineers or Development Engineers to conduct a true joint development, evolving the sealing system while the customer’s own system is being developed. Nonlinear Finite Element Analysis of the system, including the modeling of pressure, motion, viscoelastic effects, friction and heat transfer. Alternate proposals allowing the user to evaluate different options. For example, one proposal may be developed to provide the lowest possible friction while another might focus on the lowest possible leakage. Testing of products in our state-of-the-art Product Test Laboratory, either in our advanced test equipment or in the customer’s own hardware. Testing of materials in our ISO17025 accredited Material Test Laboratory offering a wide range of mechanical, thermal, analytical and tribological tests. Trelleborg’s knowledge base is deep and wide and that’s why we regularly conduct training for customers at their locations, at our Fort Wayne, IN headquarters or via Web and videoconferencing. In addition to seal technology, training topics include the understanding of surface finish, the effects of alternate s rface treatments and how to effectively design a test program.

After the appropriate sealing solution has been identified, Tre leborg Sealing Solutions will support their customers in specifying robust seal assembly techniques, whether manual or automatic, and should a seal fail to perform in the field, ou disciplined approach to failure analysis will consider all the system parameters to identify a root cause and propose corrective actions.

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In addition to the engineering support offered directly to the customer, our R&D engineers and chemists are continually seeking to advance seal and bearing technology to provide the innovative products that will be required as our customers continue to innovate and expand the capabilities of their products. In summary, Trelleborg Sealing Solutions understands the risk:reward scenario faced by our customers who specify seals; a relatively low cost item can be a make-or-break component in system of much higher value. We are not satisfied until our customer and the end user can be certain that the system is a robust as it can be.

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Leadership in Engineering


Trim-Lok, Inc. Trim-Lok is well recognized and respected as a leader in the manufacture of top quality trims and seals. Trim-Lok provides high quality, superior service and competitively priced trim & seal products. Trim-lok produces UL component recognized Rubber Seals. Trim-Lok brings the most experienced team in the industry toward the development of custom fabricatedsolutions across all of the industries it serves. Trim-Lok, Inc. manufactures custom rubber and plastic extrusion parts for over 20 different industries (RV, automotive aftermarket, marine, heavy equipment, machinery, etc.) The company has a 40 year track record of producing high quality products, on-time delivery, TRIMS AND SEALS fair pricing, and highly skilled employees. TrimLok is ISO TS 16949 certified fo automotive supply which assure its customers that parts will be made to specification on-time, with 100% traceability.

Trim-lok’s product development assistance unifies industrial design engineering rigid prototyping and manufacturing to serve their customers. Trim-lok’s product development team brings high caliber mechanical design, excellent materials knowledge, and strong manufacturing expertise.


All of our processes involve continuous improvement and our employees are recognized for their contributions. All aspects of Trim-Lok from custom design and engineered solutions to on-time deliveries are centered around our highest priority keeping the customer satisfied 1-888-Trim-Lok (874-6565)

Trim-Lok works with all kinds of rubber and plastic materials including dense and closed cellular sponge EPDM, Silicone, Nitrile PVC, dense Neoprene, rigid and flexibl PVC, ABS, PP, PE, TPO, TPE, TPV and TPR. Our extrusion lines provide the flexibility t run single material extrusion as well as multimaterial extrusion (co-extrusion).

Trim-Lok was founded in the late 1960’s starting with an innovative coextruded trim piece used on motorcycle helmets. Using a proprietary process to slit, stamp and coin steel and/or aluminum, these strips get coextruded with flexible PVC and rol formed. Recently, we have taken that same inventive approach to solving problems in the RV industry. Our mission states, “To be the leader and trusted supplier of choice for innovative Trim and Seal solutions”. Trim-Lok goes above and beyond the normal supplier service requests. We like to deliver a full service “solution” to our customers. That means performing the following: onsite customer reviews of the problem, engineering design & development using the latest in 3D CAD software and FEA, reverse engineering as required, utilizing state of the art rapid prototyping techniques, internal lab testing of the desired specifications, specific selection of mate als to match the customers’ requirements, onsite fit trials of first articles, and mor Trim-Lok provides a personal hands-on approach to every customer. That is why our custom business growth has been in the double digits over the last few years.

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Leadership in Engineering


Turck Turck is a pioneer in industrial automation technology, providing customers with a comprehensive line of quality and advanced technology products in a fast, flexible and accurate manner With more than 4,000 people working in 28 countries, Turck has built global partnerships with customers based on engineering expertise, flexibility and ou willingness to take on engineering challenges that others won’t. For more information, visit

Turck is a leader in listening to customers’ application challenges and engineering custom solutions. Its specialties are sensors, connectivity solutions and fieldbus technology, wit additional strengths in human-machine interfaces and RFID. Engineering has been at the heart of Turck’s business since it opened in 1960 as an engineering office. Turck is now a leading global solutions supplier for factory and process automation applications. Sensors have been the backbone of Turck’s engineering solutions since the 1960s. Turck channels this historical expertise into solutions that meet unique challenges of today’s manufacturers and OEMs. Its recent Uprox3 sensors respond to the needs for smaller solutions, offering advanced Factor 1 sensing capabilities in compact housing. Plant floors need smart communication to operate efficient and minimize downtime, and high-quality connectivity solutions solve these needs. Turck’s focus on improving connectivity for manufacturers led to its M8 Ethernet solutions, which can transfer up to 100 Mbps per second of data in compact housing. Turck’s attention to fieldbus technology has turned in recen years to the demands for smaller solutions with big networking capabilities. The TBEN-S multiprotocol I/O module now delivers advanced I/O in a device the size of an average candy bar.

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To build its suite of products, Turck engineers are experts in the field, gaining industry-specific knowledge by engagi customers about their automation challenges. These conversations lead to custom-built solutions for industries including automotive, food and packaging, mobile equipment and oil and gas. This ingenuity in engineering puts Turck at the forefront of automation technology.

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Ultra Motion Ultra Motion is a New York based company that designs and manufactures precision electromechanical actuators, and related products, for multiple industries including aerospace, medical, industrial automation, defense, research, and more. Our areas of expertise include extreme power density, fully integrated closed loop servo actuators, multi-turn absolute position sensors, and challenging environments like space, deep sea, vacuum, etc. Our products are made in the USA. At our core, we are a group of engineers and technology enthusiasts that love to innovate and conquer challenging products.

Servo Cylinder The Servo Cylinder is a compact, high performance brushless DC linear actuator with advanced control electronics and Phase Index™ absolute position feedback. The integrated Phase Index™ sensor is digital, high-resolution, and non-contacting with a wide operating temperature range and is resistant to a range of harsh environmental conditions. The combination of Phase Index™ with the Servo Cylinder eliminates the need for homing, limit switches, potentiometers, LVDT’s, optical encoders, Hall Effect sensors, and more. All that is required after a simple USB configuration is power and command. The Servo Cylinder’s ease of use provides customers with an effective motion control platform that greatly reduces development time and cost. I-Series Compact, all-in-one (controller, wiring, feedback, and actuator) package that offers cost efficient, high performanc motion control solutions. Allows for easy access to the greatly enhanced performance characteristics of brushless motors, the augmentation of stepper motor capabilities, and the benefit of sophisticated current control and trajectory generation.

Ultra Motion 22355 County Road 48 Cutchogue, NY 11935 631-298-9179 888-321-9178

B-Series Multiple motor, ball screw, and acme screw options with configurable drive rati allowing for wide range of force, speed, and resolution. Brushed, BLDC, and stepper motor options are available. Very high power density options are available; ideal for aerospace and robotics applications.

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D-Series Compact, lightweight design has the smallest overall footprint in our product line. Multiple BLDC and stepper motors options along with screw types available including ball screw, acme screw and roller screws. Simple and reliable electric cylinders with NEMA 17 and 23 frame sizes available providing forces up to 450lbf. U-Series Ultra Motion’s series of underwater linear actuators have been a trusted solution for subsea linear motion for over twenty years. Our underwater actuators have been relied upon by industry leaders for applications ranging from ROV control surface manipulation to accessory deployment. Pressure rated to 10,000 PSI (20,000 foot depth)

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Universal Robots USA, Inc. Universal Robots has pioneered collaborative robotics and remains a market leader and first mover within this emer ing technology. Since the first UR robot entered th market in December 2008, the company has seen substantial growth with the user-friendly cobots now being sold in more than 50 countries worldwide. Average payback period for UR robots is the fastest in the industry with only 195 days. The company is headquartered in Odense, Denmark, where all development and production is carried out. U.S. offices are located in New York, An Arbor, Los Angeles and Dallas.

Robotics within Reach Universal Robots represents one of the most significant technological achievements co ing out of the motion control community in decades. Fast Setup “The out-of-box experience” with a collaborative UR robot is typically less than an hour. That’s the time it takes an untrained operator to unpack the robot, mount it, and program the first simple tasks Easy Programming Programming is intuitive; grab the robot arm to show it the desired movement, or use the arrow keys on the 3D touch screen. The Polyscope GUI runs on a Linux OS platform enabling easy customization for specific task and tools.

Flexible Deployment Universal Robots are lightweight, space-saving, and easy to redeploy to multiple applications without changing your production layout. Moving the robot to new processes is fast and simple, giving you the agility to automate high mix-low volume production runs. Collaborative and safe Innovative force-sensing technology enables the robot to stop operating if it comes into contact with an employee. Eighty percent of the thousands of UR robots worldwide operate with no safety guarding (after risk assessment), right beside human operators. Fastest payback in the industry Get all the advantages of advanced robotic automation with none of the traditional added costs associated with robot programming, set-up, and dedicated, shielded work cells. Average payback period is 195 days, the fastest in the industry. Product portfolio includes the UR3, UR5 and UR10 robot arms named after their payloads in kilos, they all feature 0.1 mm repeatability and span in reach from 19.7” in to 51.2”.

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U.S. Tsubaki Power Transmission, LLC Tsubakimoto Chain Company was founded in 1917 in Japan and began manufacturing roller chain in 1923. Today, Tsubaki chain is marketed in over 70 countries and sales exceed $700 million globally. U. S. Tsubaki, a subsidiary of Tsubakimoto Chain Company, was founded in 1971. U.S. Tsubaki’s corporate headquarters and main distribution warehouse are just outside of Chicago in Wheeling, IL and it has full manufacturing facilities in Holyoke, MA and Sandusky, OH. In addition to this it has service centers strategically located in Los Angeles, CA; Dallas, TX; Atlanta, GA; Philadelphia, PA; and Anoka, MN. The TSUBAKI name is synonymous with excellence in quality, dependability and customer service. An intense focus on research and development, along with continuously modernized production facilities, has resulted in Tsubaki meeting the ever changing needs of the marketplace. As a part of this vast, international network of corporate and industrial resources, Tsubaki offers its customers the finest state-of-the-art powe transmission products available in the world. And Tsubaki is well positioned to meet the challenges of the 21st century as we strive to be the “Best Value” supplier in the industry. Our global presence affords us unprecedented opportunities to market advanced new products and technologies, and to utilize the intellectual assets we have from some of the brightest minds in business and engineering from around the world. This combined with our continuous improvement of quality and processes, has Tsubaki poised for lasting growth. Not only now, but well into the future.

Tsubaki offers some of the most versatile power transmission products on the market. Tsubaki Roller Chain innovations have yielded popular problem solvers such as self-lube Lambda® series chain, the new Titan™ Series chain for extended wear life, corrosion resistant Neptune® chain, fatigue resistant Super Chains, and rugged Energy Series™ oilfield chains. Attachment chains used for conveying variety of products are also available in a range of configurat ons. Tsubaki’s Engineering Class Chains are manufactured with high-performance base materials to ensure increased wear life and are designed specifically to meet the deman ­ing needs of a vast array of industries. Specialty engineering class chains include, Iron Hawk™ Series shuttle car chains, WORKHORSE™ elevator chains, and Sealed Joint chain options, all designed to prolong wear life under rigorous operating conditions. Tsubaki Sprockets are built from top-grade, heat-treated carbon steel and precision manufactured to offer long wear life and meet the highest quality standards. Alloy and stainless steel sprockets are also available for extra corrosion resistance and food-grade applications. Tsubaki sprockets can also be fitted with the SMART TOOTH™ opti n which includes their patented wear indicator technology, which notifies the user when the sprockets need to be replaced Tsubaki’s Power Transmission Component Products consist of belts, cam clutches, actuators, dampers, overload protection options and reducers. These Tsubaki products are focused on protecting your application and getting the most out of it. Specialized engineers can assist you by creating solutions for your specific application needs Tsubaki Cable & Hose Carrier Products come in a wide variety of options including high-grade stainless steel, solid plastic cable carriers and hybrid cable carriers with aluminum stays and plastic sidebands. They are available in standard sizes or can be tailor-made to an individual customer’s exact size and application requirements. They offer complete assembly with continuous flex cables and connectors so your application can be up an running right away. An ISO 9001:2000 and ISO 14000 registered company.


U.S. Tsubaki Power Transmission, LLC 301 E. Marquardt Dr. Wheeling, IL 60090 USA Phone: (847) 459-9500 Toll free: (800) 323-7790 Fax: (847) 459-9515

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1/20/16 11:31 AM

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Veljan Veljan is a pioneer Hydraulics and Pneumatics company in India and a leader in its own right. Veljan has a wealth of experience in developing and manufacturing a wide range of Hydraulic and Pneumatic Products and systems for over 45 years now at it’s three manufacturing plants near Hyderabad. These plants are equipped with state-of-the-art production and test facilities and supported by a 500 – strong skilled workforce. Veljan’s joint – venture company manufactures Hydraulic Pumps, Motors, Valves and Custom-built Power systems.

The Vane Pumps in four basic frame sizes are available in Single, Double, Triple and Drive Train configurations with rated pre sures upto 4650 psi (320 bar) and flow ranging from 2 to 105 gpm (7.5 to 397 lpm) in Single Pump. Vane Motors in four basic frame sizes feature reversible shaft rotation with a wide choice of torque ratings and port locations. These are rated for pressures upto 3340 psi (230 bar) and speeds up to 4000 rpm.

Veljan has the products – Hydraulics: Cylinders, Piston Pumps, Vane Pumps & Motors, Pressure controls, Flow controls, Directional controls, Check Valves, Seat Valves, Stack Valves, Custom-built Manifolds and Systems, Pneumatics: Air Cylinders, FRL’s, Directional Controls & Systems and expertise to provide complete solutions in all applications such as marine, energy, mobile and industrial segments. With its own in-house product development & enhancement, expansion of product range is an ongoing process at Veljan to meet the market demands. Veljan also offers complete turnkey systems for project orders that include erection and commissioning.

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Visumatic Industrial Products

Hand Held screw feeding and driving systems are used in assembly production when volume is not sufficient to fully automate. They ar designed to automatically deliver screws, nuts or pins to the tooling tip, keeping the operator from having to reach for screws and manually place them onto the bit. The operator physically locates the driving position and initiates the drive cycle.

The experts in automated fastening & joining technology. Visumatic Industrial Products designs and builds automatic feeding and driving assembly equipment to install screws, nuts, bolts, push pins, rivets, and specialty fasteners. From robot end of arm tooling to vision guided robots, engineered fastening is their only business and they’ve been at it for over 55 years. Their passion for innovative technology has allowed corporations with similar missions to become some of the most productive on the planet. Visumatic’s breadth of expertise means you can rely on them to handle every fastening challenge your company faces – today and forever. Visumatic 856 Porter Place Lexington, KY 40508 USA Call: 859-255-7907 Click:

VIN-700 Pin Insertion

VNR-800 Nut Driving

Machine Builder Components are modular plug and work screw installers for machine builders to quickly integrate into an automatic assembly process. Visumatic’s expertise in fastener automation provides machine integrators out of the box functionality to meet demanding build schedules. Systems are designed to interface with your equipment incorporating your bolt hole pattern. They include integral I/O contacts, cabling and a suggested PLC code, all carefully planned and written for you. Single or multi-spindle drivers for stationary or six-axis robot integration – their design seamlessly fits your process

VPM Screw Driving Spindle

VIM-700 Pin Insertion Module

Visumatic components are custom engineered for your parts and your business. All designed, built, and extensively tested in house. Each machine delivers longer life cycles, extreme durability, and pinpoint accuracy. Every system is backed by the strongest guarantee in the business and supported by a dedicated on-call customer service group working to ensure your line stays up and running.

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Engineering Change:

WAGO Corporation WAGO Corporation provides North America with innovative Interconnect, Electronic Interface, Terminal Block and Automation solutions. Headquartered in Germantown, Wis., WAGO features state-of-the-art manufacturing and 75,000 square feet. of storage capacity for 36,000 product locations. Extensive engineering resources, a 25,000+ product portfolio, custom manufacturing, and a global network of dedicated professionals ensure WAGO has the resources and expertise to help you get the job done. WAGO Corporation N120 W19129 Freistadt Road Germantown, WI 53022 1-800-DIN-Rail

WAGO has dedicated itself to engineering electrical and electronic components that provide the utmost in safety, reliability and ease of use. Screw-less, Spring Pressure Connections 1951 marks the beginning of WAGO’s success story. In this year, the first terminal block with sprin pressure termination technology was born. This innovation led to the first push-wire connection i 1968, and then in 1977 to the industry changing termination technology known as CAGE CLAMP®. In contrast to traditional screw-type terminations, WAGO’s screw-less, spring pressure termination technologies reduce wiring time by up to 75%. Even more important is the fact that, because the clamping force automatically adjusts to the size of the conductor, it provides a highly reliable, maintenance-free contact that is independent of operator skill. The end result is a secure, vibration proof, corrosion-resistant, temperature cycling resistant and cost saving connection – every time.


In 1995, the world’s first fieldbus independent, modular I/O sy em was introduced by WAGO. In contrast to other solutions available at the time, the WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM® supported multiple fieldbus networks and offered granular (as little as 1 channel) slice style I/O modules. Today the system has grown to support more than 16 fieldbus networks, granularity up to 16 channels of I/O in just a 12mm housing, and has proven to be an industry standard. The spirit behind CAGE CLAMP® and the WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM® continues to fuel our drive to provide engineering solutions.


XTR The 750 XTR offers a modular, compact solution for automation architecture operating in extreme environments. It is capable of withstanding temperatures ranging from -40 °C to 70 °C, 5g vibration resistance, 25g shock resistance, and EMC isolation of up to 5 kV impulse voltages. The 750 XTR product line includes PLC’s for stand-alone applications, couplers for distributed I/O, plus digital, analog and specialty I/O modules. For more information visit:

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PFC200 The PFC200 offers advanced compact, computing power in an easy to use environment for PLC programming and process visualization. The PFC200 acts as a fie dbus gateway to communicate between MODBUS TCP/UD/RTU, CAN, PROFIBUS, Smart Grid and RS-232/RS-485, eliminating the need for third-party converters. A 600 MHz ARM Cortex A8 processor offers the high speed processing and support of 64 bit variables, required to power applications involving complex algorithms. For more information visit:

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Wago_DWLP16_v1.indd 485

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1/20/16 11:43 AM

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Weiss North America Weiss North America provides Four Steps to perfect automation. An unparalleled product portfolio in terms of scope: from basic machines, through handling units, right up to frames, plates and special mechanical solutions. And all freely programmable components can be controlled using the WEISS Application Software (WAS)

Experts in Mechanics, Software and Electronics

Our integrative approach – from electromechanics, through the software/ control system, all the way to engineering support – enables us to develop pre-installed, intelligent and highly convenient solutions. We think one step ahead and always take the total cost of ownership into account. Our units offer a high level of cost efficiency coupled with low engineering costs, both during commissioning and operation.

Weiss North America, Inc. 3860 Ben Hur Avenue Willoughby, OH 44094 (440) 269-8031

Intuitive, Highly Convenient Solutions

We do not just build products, we supply our customers with solutions. Highly convenient solutions that cover all bases in terms of handling and speed of integration.

From Germany to the Entire World

We are represented where our customers need us: in Germany, in Europe, North America and around the world. We view the ongoing globalisation not only as a challenge, but also as a catalyst to innovation.

We Manufacture Ourselves

Our 100% vertical range of manufacture and our strict quality control system guarantee the quality of our products and ensure long service life.

Inspiring Technology for over 40 years

For over 40 years, staff at Weiss have been driving progress in the automation sector. Reliability and an end-to-end system philosophy have always been the top priorities here.

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1/20/16 11:41 AM

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Whittet-Higgins Whittet-Higgins Company is a leader in the design, engineering and manufacture of standard and custom retaining devices and installation tools for mechanical power transmission applications. Whittet-Higgins Company products can be found major capital goods markets throughout the world including agriculture, off-road equipment, industrial machinery, military equipment, forestry, mining, power generation, steel production and medical equipment. Standard and custom products include threaded and nonthreaded devices, locknuts, lockwashers, mechanical retaining devices, locking collars, shrink discs, rethreading dies, and assembly sockets. For more information about product offerings, CAD models, and company please visit us at www.whittet-higgins. com or for technical support please contact our staff of mechanical engineers at (401) 728-0700. Whittet-Higgins Company 33 Higginson Avenue Central Falls, Rhode Island 02863 Tel: 401-728-0700 Fax: 401-728-0703 Email:

whittet-higgins company Why make Whittet-Higgins your power transmission retaining component provider of choice? • Greatest variety of products to meet users particular needs • Over 3600 products in stock • Staff of mechanical engineers to help with your application problem • 40 years of producing the fines retaining components in our USA facility • Lot traceability • 3D CAD models available at • Custom products and prototyping available • RoHS & DFARS Compliant • US Department of Defense Qualifie Supplier (QSLM) • Product identificatio service and reverse engineering

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1/20/16 11:45 AM

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Yaskawa Be Capable of More As a machine builder or equipment user you have limited time, limited resources, and tight deadlines. You need a supplier that can not only deliver the right products, services and solutions, but can also deliver consistently and reliably. For nearly 100 years, Yaskawa has been providing cutting-edge automation technology, operational excellence and a breadth of engineering expertise to help customers solve their specific motion challenge Products that Perform: With motion control systems from Yaskawa, you have access to solutions that provide real impact on your equipment effectiveness. You have the confidence that your machines wil work as expected every time, and give you a competitive advantage in the market.

Drives and Motion Products Our broad product range of rotary, linear, and direct drive motors matched with digital SERVOPACKS (3W – 55kW) can be matched with our single or multi-axis machine controllers for a system with the best quality and reliability in the industry. Our Industrial AC drives cover every application need in the industrial plant, offering the greatest selection of size and performance available, with power ranges from fractional HP to 2250 HP.

Operational Excellence: Yaskawa empowers you to consistently deliver reliable equipment to your customers, and have that equipment continue to operate without unscheduled downtime. Engineering Expertise: Yaskawa works as an extension of your engineering staff to provide you with the time, resources, and confidence to create elegant, reliabl automation. Yaskawa America, Inc. 800.YASKAWA (800.927.5292) 2121 Norman Dr. South Waukegan, IL 60085

Yaskawa Motoman Robotics With nearly 300,000 robot arms installed worldwide, Yaskawa Motoman Robotics is committed to a comprehensive, customer-centered approach. Our line of industrial robots increases efficiency, provides consistent quality, and b osts productivity to deliver outstanding ROI. The Yaskawa Robotic product portfolio ranges from 4-15 axis industrial robots with load capacities of 2 to 800 kg to special machines, devices, and turnkey systems.

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Yates Industries In the spring of 1972, in a small Detroit location, Yates industries Incorporated was founded by William H. Yates II. Yates Industries began as a distributor of flui power products and repair facility for the fluid power industry. Today, with expande facilities in St. Clair Shores, MI, Decatur and new location Austell, Georgia proves that Yates continues to grow to meet the ever changing needs of our customers. Yates Cylinders Headquarters 23050 Industrial Dr. E. St. Clair Shores, MI 48080 586.778.7680 ph 586.778.6565 fax

Keeping American Industry moving one cylinder at a time. Yates Industries recently announced we have expanded our operation into Georgia. We have recently acquired certain assets of Georgia Hydraulics International and set up new operations in a 75,000 sq ft facility in Austell, Georgia. With over265,000 sq ft of manufacturing and repair space Yates Industries is ready, now more than ever, to meet your cylinder needs.

Yates Cylinders Alabama 55 Refreshment Place Decatur, AL 35601 256.351.8081 ph 256.351.8571 fax Yates Cylinders Georgia 7750 The Bluffs Austell, GA 30168 678.355.2240 ph 678.355.2241 fax

Our mission is to offer our customers the utmost in quality, service and reliability. Operating with the highest degree of workmanship and pride, we strive to be the standard by which our competitors are judged. You’ll find Yates’ cylinders on the jo in industries such as waste-water treatment plants, steel mills, automotive, plastic, stamping, foundry, food processing, marine, oil exploration, automation, construction, etc.

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1/20/16 11:52 AM

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Servo Motor Couplings & Motion Control Products. With many years of application experience Zero-Max excels in these areas: • • • • • • •

Redefining Innovation & Leadership For over 60 years, Zero-Max, Inc. has created innovative solutions to motion control problems worldwide. With strategic distribution points located throughout the world, ZeroMax can deliver your motion control solution.

Experienced Practical Application Advice Responsive to our Customers needs Predictable high quality Fast Delivery Integrity High Value ISO 9001: 2008 certifie

The Zero-Max team of application specialists can engineer a solution to meet your motion control requirements. The Zero-Max brand is known throughout the world as a mark of quality and performance. It is not uncommon for us to receive a call from a customer who has had one of our products in service for decades. Configurable 3D CAD download at

Zero-Max Primary Product lines are:

Zero-Max® 13200 Sixth Avenue North Plymouth, Minnesota 55441-5509 Phone: 763-546-4300

Shaft Couplings and Torque Limiters for Servomotors, Linear Actuators, Wind Turbines, Printing Presses, Label Printing, Converting Machines, Machine Tools, Test Equipment, Feedback devices, Packaging Machines, Process Equipment, Dynamometers, and other high performance applications. Variable Speed Mechanical Drives for Agricultural, Printing, Peristaltic Pumps, Food Processing, Pharmaceutical, Packaging, and many other applications.

Overhung Load Adaptors for Timber processing, Brush Clearing, Road Construction, Marine, and other rugged applications that need overhung load protection for hydraulic pumps and motors. Keyless Locking Bushings for Packaging, Processing, Tooling, Automated Assembly, and applications that would benefit from the unique qualities bushings Contact us for more information regarding quality motion control components that can solve your motion control problems.

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1/20/16 11:54 AM

Ad In dex 3d Systems . ....................................183 AAH Fluid Power . .............................264 Accu-Mold LLC . ................................187 ACE Controls . ...................................250 Aerotech, Inc. ...................................210 Aggressive Hydraulics . ..................103 All Motion . ........................................4 Allied Electronics, Inc. . ...................Cov,3 Altra Industrial Motion Corp. ....................31,32,33,34 Ametek PMC .....................................21 Ametek Windjammer ......................25 Anchor Fluid Power . ........................199 Anderson Metals .............................240 Apple Rubber Products ...................17 Applied Motion Products, Inc. ........53 Aurora Bearing Co. . .........................263 AutomationDirect ............................13 Baldor Electric Co. ...........................124 Balluff ...............................................215 Beckhoff utomation ......................119 BEI Sensors ......................................204 Belden . .............................................58 BellowsTech......................................178 Bergquist . ........................................75 Beswick Engineering .....................98 Bimba Mfg Co . .................................9 Bird Precision . .................................222 Bishop Wisecarver ..........................163 Bison Gear & Engineering Corp. . ...IBC Bodine Electric Company ...............149 BOKER’S, Inc. ...................................20 Bosch Rexroth .................................71 Boyd Coatings Research Co., Inc. .. 52 Braxton Manufacturing ..................234 Brennan Industries .........................225 Brogan & Patrick Mfg. ....................43 C-Flex Bearing Co, Inc. ....................248 C.matic . ............................................256 Canfield Connector ..........................226 Carlo Gavazzi ...................................24 Carlyle Johnson . .............................97 CC Link ..............................................216 CEJN Industrial Corp. ......................40 CGI, Inc. .............................................59 Chieftek Precision Co., LTD ......................... 253,255,257 Cicoil .................................................213 Clippard Instrument Laboratory, Inc. ...........................214 CMT ...................................................148 Coilcraft ............................................83 COMSOL ............................................65 CPC - Colder Products Company ....152 Cross Mfg. . ......................................254 Crouzet Motors ............................. 50,51 CS Hyde ............................................16 DEL Hydraulics ................................68 Del-Tron Precision, Inc. . ..................95 Deublin .............................................226 DIEQUA Corporation .........................78 Digi-Key Electronics . ......................19 Donwell Company ...........................140 Dorner ...............................................66 DSM Somos ......................................185 Dunkermotoren, part of AMETEK ..23 Dynatect . .........................................169 Eagle Stainless Tube & Design ... 46,47 Elesa U.S.A Corp. .............................130 Ellison Sensors . ..............................172 Encoder Products Company ..........61 EPLAN ...............................................62 Equipto .............................................140 EXAIR Corp. ......................................5 ...........................1

SALES FABCO-AIR, Inc. . ...............................171 FASTER, Inc ......................................228 FESTO ................................................89 Fixtureworks . ..................................265 Flaretite Inc. . ...................................244 Flow Ezy Filters, Inc. .......................106 Fluid Metering, Inc. .........................201 FluiDyne Fluid Power ......................194 Galil ..................................................246 GAM Gear ..........................................159 GE Digital ..........................................141 Groschopp, Inc. ................................151 Harmonic Drive . ..............................114 HARTING, Inc. . ..................................74 Haskel . .............................................207 HAWE Hydraulik . .............................200 Helical Products Company .............7 HELUKABEL USA ..............................35 Helwig Carbon Products, Inc ..........244 Hitachi Cable America, Inc ..............57 HIWIN ...................................... 217,219,221 Holmbury, Inc. .................................249 Hotwatt . ...........................................254 Humphrey ........................................252 Hunger Hydraulics ..........................84 Hy-Pro Filtration ..............................118 ICOMold . ...........................................208 IDEC ...................................................85 igus, Inc. ...........................................123 IKO International, Inc. .....................107 Intech . ..............................................177 Interpower . ......................................212 ITT Enidine . ......................................73 IXYS Corp ..........................................206 J.W. Winco, Inc. ................................217 KB Electronics, Inc. .........................139 KEB America, Inc. ...........................67 Keysight Technologies . ..................145 Keystone Electronics Corp .............37 KHK USA Inc. ....................................260 Kocsis Technologies, Inc. ...............232 Koford Engineering .........................251 Kuebler Inc. ......................................259 Kuriyama of America, Inc. ..............229 KYB ...................................................125 Lauren Manufacturing ....................248 Lee Spring Company . .....................235 LEMO USA, Inc...................................136 Lenze Americas ...............................211 Lin Engineering ...............................209 LinMot . .............................................122 Maple Systems, Inc. ........................79 Master Bond . ...................................247 maxon precision motors, inc. .................... Insert, 153 Memory Protection Devices ...........77 MICO, Inc. ..........................................192 MicroMo ..............................Outsert,173 Miki Pulley US ..................................131 MOCAP ..............................................201 Moog Animatics ...............................222 Motion Systems Corp. .....................251 MP Filtri USA Inc. . ............................239 Muncie Powers Products ................190 MW Industries . ............................ 54,55 Nason . ..............................................80 NB Corporation ................................28 Newcomb Spring .............................238 Nook Industries ...............................109 Novotechnik . ...................................230 NSK Precision ..................................218 ODU-USA ...........................................96 OEM Controls, Inc ............................212 Ogura Industrial Corp ......................221 Omron Electronics . .........................137

Opto 22 .............................................69 Orion Fan ..........................................142 PBC Linear ........................................99 Peninsular Cylinder .........................197 Penn Engineering ............................108 Permco .............................................233 PHD Inc. ............................................76 Physik Instrumente ........................120 PITTMAN . ..........................................27 POSITAL-FRABA Inc. . ........................72 Prince Manufacturing Corp. . .....63,262 Pro-Face America . ...........................121 Promess Inc. ...................................227 Proto Labs, Inc. ................................15 QA1 . ..................................................154 QC Industries ...................................263 R+W America . ..................................94 Red Lion Controls, Inc. ....................144 Renco Electronics Inc. ....................143 Renishaw . ........................................160 Ringfeder Corp. ................................205 Rittal . .............................................48,49 Rogers Corp. .....................................105 Ross Controls . .................................196 Rota Engineering Ltd. .....................261 Ruland ..............................................161 RYCO Hydraulics...............................258 SAB North America ..........................117 Schmersal .......................................245 Schneider Electric ...........................29 Schneider Electric IMS ....................138 Schunk, Intec . .................................113 Seal Master ......................................224 Sensoray ..........................................256 Servo Kinetics .................................242 Servometer® BellowsTech ..............178 Setco . ...............................................170 SEW Eurodrive .................................BC SIKO Products Inc. ..........................154 SMAC Moving Actuators ..................243 Smalley Steel Ring Company .........10 SolidThinking ...................................184 Sorbothane ......................................224 Spirol International . ........................236 Stego USA .........................................247 Stock Drive Products / Sterling Instrument ....................219 Suco Technology .............................20 Sunstone ..........................................176 Super Swivels ..................................231 Tadiran Batteries .............................41 Taylor Devices Inc. . .........................93 Tech-Etch Inc. ..................................241 The Lee Company ............................189 THK America . ...................................IFC Tolomatic ..........................................220 Tompkins Industries, Inc. ...............198 Tormach . ..........................................179 Trelleborg Sealing Solutions ...........223 TRIM- LOK, Inc. .................................36 Turck ..........................................193,195 U.S. Tsubaki Power Transmission, LLC .......................164 Universal Robots USA, Inc. .............115 Veljan Hydrair Limited ....................266 Visumatic .........................................116 WAGO Corp. .......................................165 WEISS North America, Inc. .............237 Whittet-Higgins Company ..............39 Yaskawa America, Inc. ....................87 Yates Industries, Inc. ......................155 Zero-Max, Inc. . .................................2

Ad Index Jan 2016.indd 491

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January 2016



2/9/16 10:46 AM

3d Systems . ....................................268 Accu-Mold LLC . ................................274 ACE Controls . ...................................273 Aerotech, Inc. ...................................276 Aggressive Hydraulics . ..................275 Airpot Corporation ...........................278 All Motion . ........................................277 Allied Electronics, Inc. . ...................280 Altra Industrial Motion Corp. . .........279 Ametek PMC .....................................269 Anchor Fluid Power . ........................282 Anderson Metals .............................281 Apple Rubber . ..................................286 Applied Motion Products, Inc. ........283 Aurora Bearing Co. . .........................285 AutomationDirect ............................284 Baldor Electric Co. ...........................289 Balluff ...............................................288 Beckhoff utomation ......................291 BEI Kimco .........................................290 BEI Sensors ......................................292 Belden . .............................................293 BellowsTech .....................................295 Beswick Engineering .....................294 Bimba Mfg Co . .................................296 Bird Precision . .................................298 Bishop Wisecarver ..........................299 Bison Gear & Engineering Corp. . ...297 Bodine Electric Company ...............301 BOKER’S, Inc. ...................................300 Bosch Rexroth .................................303 Boyd Coatings Research Co., Inc. .. 302 Braxton Manufacturing ..................305 Brennan Industries .........................304 Brogan & Patrick Mfg. ....................306 C-Flex Bearing Co, Inc. ....................308 C.matic . ............................................307 Canfield Connector ..........................309 Carlo Gavazzi ...................................312 Carlyle Johnson . .............................311 c3controls ........................................310 CC Link ..............................................314 CEJN Industrial Corp. ......................313 CGI, Inc. .............................................316 Chiefteck Precision Co., LTD ...........315 Cicoil .................................................318 Clippard Instrument Laboratory, Inc. ...........................317 Cognex ..............................................319 CMT ...................................................320 Coilcraft ............................................322 COMSOL ............................................321 CPC - Colder Products Company ....324 Cross Mfg. . ......................................323 Crouzet Motors ................................326 CS Hyde ............................................325 Del-Tron Precision, Inc. . ..................327

Deublin .............................................328 DIEQUA Corporation .........................329 Digi-Key Electronics . ......................330 Donwell Company ...........................331 Dorner ...............................................332 DSM Somos ......................................333 Dunkermotoren, part of AMETEK ..270 Dynatect . .........................................334 Eagle Stainless Tube & Design ......335 Eaton . ...............................................336 Elesa U.S.A Corp. .............................337 Elmo Motion Control . ......................338 Ellison Sensors . ..............................342 Encoder Products Company ..........339 EPLAN ...............................................340 Equipto .............................................341 EXAIR Corp. ......................................343 ...........................287 FABCO-AIR, Inc. . ...............................344 FASTER, Inc ......................................345 FESTO ................................................346 Flaretite Inc. . ...................................347 Fluid Metering, Inc. .........................348 FluiDyne Fluid Power ......................349 Galil ..................................................350 GAM Gear ..........................................351 GE Digital ..........................................352 Groschopp, Inc. ................................353 Harmonic Drive . ..............................354 HARTING, Inc. . ..................................355 Haskel . .............................................356 Haydon Kerk ....................................271 Hawe Hydraulik ...............................357 Helical Products Company .............358 HELUKABEL USA ..............................359 Helwig Carbon Products, Inc ..........360 Henkel Loctite (Bergquist) ............361 HIWIN ................................................362 Holmbury, Inc. .................................363 Hotwatt . ...........................................364 Humphrey ........................................365 Hunger Hydraulics ..........................366 Hy-Pro Filtration ..............................367 ICOMold . ...........................................368 IDEC ...................................................369 igus, Inc. ...........................................370 IKO International, Inc. .....................371 Intech . ..............................................372 Interpower . ......................................373 ITT Enidine . ......................................374 IXYS Corp ..........................................375 J.W. Winco, Inc. ................................376 KB Electronics, Inc. .........................377 KEB America, Inc. ...........................378 Keystone Electronics Corp .............379 KHK USA Inc. ....................................380 Kocsis Technologies, Inc. ...............381

Koford Engineering .........................382 Kuebler Inc. ......................................383 Kuriyama of America, Inc. ..............384 Laird ..................................................385 Lauren Manufacturing ....................386 Lee Spring Company . .....................387 LEMO USA, Inc...................................388 Lenze Americas ...............................389 Lin Engineering ...............................390 LinMot . .............................................391 Maple Systems, Inc. ........................392 Master Bond . ...................................393 Master Pneumatic ...........................394 maxon precision motors, inc. ........395 Mean Well USA .................................396 Memory Protection Devices ...........397 MICO, Inc. ..........................................398 MicroMo ............................................399 Miki Pulley US ..................................400 Mitsubishi Electric . .........................401 MOCAP ..............................................402 Model Solution .................................403 Moog Animatics ...............................404 Motion Systems Corp. .....................405 MP Filtri USA Inc. . ............................406 MTS Sensors ....................................407 Muncie Powers Products ................408 MW Industries . ................................409 Nason . ..............................................410 NB Corporation ................................411 Newcomb Spring .............................412 Nook Industries ...............................413 Novotechnik . ...................................414 NSK Precision ..................................415 ODU-USA ...........................................416 OEM Controls, Inc ............................417 Ogura Industrial Corp ......................418 Omron Electronics . .........................419 Opto 22 .............................................420 Orion Fan ..........................................421 PBC Linear ........................................422 Peninsular Cylinder .........................423 Penn Engineering ............................424 Permco .............................................425 PHD Inc. ............................................426 Physik Instrumente ........................427 PITTMAN . ..........................................272 POSITAL-FRABA Inc. . ........................428 Prince Manufacturing Corp. . ..........429 Pro-Face America . ...........................430 Promess Inc. ...................................431 Proto Labs, Inc. ................................432 PTC ....................................................433 QA1 . ..................................................434 QC Industries ...................................435 R+W America . ..................................436 Red Lion Controls, Inc. ....................437

Renco Electronics Inc. ....................438 Renishaw . ........................................439 Ringfeder Corp. ................................440 Rittal . ................................................441 Ross Controls . .................................442 Rota Engineering Ltd. .....................443 Rotor Clip ..........................................444 Ruland ..............................................445 RYCO Hydraulics...............................446 SAB North America ..........................447 Schmersal .......................................448 Schneider Electric ...........................449 Schneider Electric IMS ....................451 Schunk, Intec . .................................450 Seal Master ......................................453 Sensoray ..........................................454 Servo Kinetics .................................455 Servometer® ....................................456 Setco . ...............................................457 SEW Eurodrive .................................458 SIKO Products Inc. ..........................459 SMAC Moving Actuators ..................460 Smalley Steel Ring Company .........461 SolidThinking ...................................462 SolidWorks .......................................464 Sorbothane ......................................463 Spirol International . ........................465 Stego USA .........................................466 Stock Drive Products / Sterling Instrument ....................452 Suco Technology .............................467 Super Swivels ..................................468 Tadiran Batteries .............................469 Taylor Devices Inc. . .........................470 Tech-Etch Inc. ..................................471 The Lee Company ............................472 THK America . ...................................473 Tolomatic ..........................................474 Tompkins Industries, Inc. ...............475 Tormach . ..........................................476 Trelleborg Sealing Solutions ...........477 TRIM- LOK, Inc. .................................478 Turck .................................................479 Ultra Motion . ....................................480 Universal Robots USA, Inc. .............481 U.S. Tsubaki Power Transmission, LLC .......................482 Veljan Hydrair Limited ....................483 Visumatic .........................................484 WAGO Corp. .......................................485 WEISS North America, Inc. .............486 Whittet-Higgins Company ..............487 Yaskawa America, Inc. ....................488 Yates Industries, Inc. ......................489 Zero-Max, Inc. . .................................490

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Ad Index Jan 2016.indd 492

January 2016

2/9/16 10:47 AM



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1/20/16 8:50 PM

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SEW Eurodrive 1-16.indd 1

1/20/16 8:51 PM

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