3 minute read
Product World Machine visualization solution
Emerson emerson.com
Machine builders in any industrial application can now use Emerson’s PACSystems RXi HMI, a next-generation machine visualization solution designed to help set their systems apart for customers. The new system easily helps users overcome the limitations of lower budgets, fewer people, and higher productivity demands. This highly intuitive human-machine interface (HMI) addresses the needs of today’s industrial workforce with easy-touse, smartphone-like graphical displays without sacrificing rugged, industrial performance.
Unlike traditional resistive displays, PACSystems RXi HMI is designed with projective capacitive touchscreen technology that allows users to interact with the visual display with 10-point multitouch capabilities like swipe, pinch, or zoom to move to the next screen or expand a chart, enabling easy operation by a wide range of personnel with varying levels of training and experience.
PACSystems RXi HMI comes pre-loaded and pre-licensed with the advanced Movicon WebHMI software, so the device is conveniently ready to operate out of the box, saving the customer time.
PACSystems RXi HMI is HTML5-ready which allows users to collaborate from anywhere, so that the operations, management, and maintenance teams can all view the same screen at the same time, no matter the distance. This immediate sharing of information and access to expertise reduces maintenance costs and improves productivity.
Rotary Latch line
Southco Southco.com
Two new options have been added to the heavy-duty R4 Rotary Latch line: an anti-vibration feature and an integrated cable mounting bracket solution. Southco’s new R4-30 Rotary Latch additions dampen noise from vibration and simplify cable mounting for applications requiring remote latching. The R4-30 Rotary Latch with Integrated Bumper — available with any of the R4-30 configurations — holds the latch striker between the cam and bumper, eliminating the potential for unwanted noise and vibration for applications in motion. The R4-30 with Cable Mounting Bracket is available for bottom lever solutions and enables cables to be easily configured and incorporated into the rotary system, without needing to buy and install a separate cable bracket.
The R4-30 Rotary Latch with Integrated Bumper and Cable Mounting Bracket is available with high-strength steel and corrosion-resistant stainless-steel construction. The R4-30 has either single-stage or two-stage engagement which supports increased operator safety by eliminating false latching conditions in heavy-duty equipment applications. The latch systems provide a robust solution to secure panels with push-to-close convenience, o ering concealed latching at one or more points of the application. When combined with Southco AC Actuators and Cables, R4 Rotary Latches create a complete Rotary Latching System, providing secure, reliable, remote latching for interior and exterior applications.
Ryan Ashdown rashdown@wtwhmedia.com 216.316.6691
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By Mark Jones