Internet of Things Handbook 2019

Page 34


Less bullet-proof than you think: Gauging security hazards on the IoT Engineers developing products for the IoT need to plan security measures that grow more sophisticated over time to thwart attackers who get better at wreaking havoc.


Skepticism about Internet of Things (IoT) security seems to be high. Ironically, for many industries the key to not being hacked is simply to not have the worst security. But many people are understandably concerned about hacks of the simple devices on which our everyday lives depend, and security researchers are calling IoT a catastrophe waiting to happen.

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Silicon Labs — Internet of Things HB 04-19_v2.indd 32

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Today’s IoT security resembles that of quantum cryptography. Often referred to as quantum key distribution, this elegant technology is unlike other key distribution schemes. Most key distribution schemes rely on assumptions about the computational complexity of factoring large numbers or the discrete logarithm problem. In contrast, quantum keys promise unconditional security based on the laws of physics. Quantum cryptography is theoretically unbreakable, but a few weaknesses emerged in practice. Interestingly, no loopholes were discovered until a dedicated team was established to break into them. This experience brings several lessons about security. First, the hacking of quantum cryptography showed the importance of upgradable security. When the successful penetrations, called blinding attacks, were discovered, system vendors were given a grace period to patch the vulnerabilities. It turned out that the vulnerabilities could be closed via software updates. The lesson is that systems must include a means of upgrading security over their lifetime. |

4/15/19 10:32 AM

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