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Quantum Design Microscopy

High Throughput Sequencer


The EUV N&K and Phase Measurement

Tool is an angle-resolved spectroscopic refl ectometer for the precise measurement of optical properties of thin fi lms using an actinic laser-produced plasma light source. Before the development of this tool, such measurements were only possible at a handful of arena-sized accelerator-based light sources (synchrotrons) at massive, expensive government research facilities. This constraint made producing EUV phaseshift masks in high-volume amounts nearly impossible. However, this new EUV N&K and Phase Measurement Tool creates a cost-effective pathway for the high-volume production of phase-shift masks with the added benefi t of allowing the continued scaling of EUV Lithography tools.

FusionScope is the fi rst true correlative microscopy platform designed from the ground up to seamlessly add the benefi ts of SEM imaging to a wide range of AFM measurement techniques inside one vacuum chamber. An innovative shared coordinate system automatically aligns AFM and SEM operations for measurement and sample positioning within a single software interface. Users can easily identify the area of interest, measure the sample, and combine the data in real-time, which was partly impossible in the past. In addition, the FusionScope Cantilever Technology is based on self-sensing cantilevers that allow for high-quality, low-noise detection of different surface properties without optical alignment.

Intelligent Radio Frequency Ablation is a Highly Effective and Precise Radiofrequency Ablation Technology


The advantages of radiofrequency ablation (RFA) over remission are fewer wounds and reduced risk of postoperative bleeding. However, various phenotypes and locations of liver tumors are challenging to the surgeon performing this minimally invasive procedure. ITRI’s iRFA considers both effective and precise ablation needs and is the fi rst RFA system integrating radiofrequency ablation with ultrasound imaging. Its adjustable electrode needle treats tumors of various sizes and locations and increases the effectiveness of tumor therapy with a closed-loop ablation control mode. It also has real-time imaging navigation and monitoring during the entire ablation procedure to achieve the precision tumor target and postoperative evaluation.

MGI and Complete Genomics

DNBSEQ-T20×2 was developed to make affordable whole genome sequencing (WGS) available, enabling individuals to sequence their inherited genomes for genetic mutations. At less than $100 per genome, scientists and medical doctors will be able to switch from partial genome analysis, such as WE7S, to whole genome analysis. Additionally, it will enable broader use on a larger number of samples and deeper sequencing per sample to get more informative results in genome sequencing, deep cell-free DNA sequencing, or yearly gene expression monitoring in thousands of single cells per person. Now many more samples can be sequenced, or deeper, more informative, and accurate sequencing can be afforded per sample.

MAVEN, New Glucose and Lactate On-Line Device for Bioprocess Monitoring and Control

908 Devices

The online MAVEN device precisely measures glucose and lactate while preserving sample integrity. It eliminates manual sampling from a bioreactor with its novel aseptic sampling approach, which saves operator time, reduces contamination risk, and preserves expensive media and product.

MAVEN is GMP-compliant, has a small footprint in any lab, and is incredibly easy to use. In addition, its ability to precisely monitor nutrient and metabolite concentrations even at very low levels makes it particularly benefi cial to cell therapy applications where tight control of cell culture conditions is vital. As more advanced therapies enter the pipeline, there is an increasing need for simple, automated online devices like MAVEN for measuring and monitoring critical process parameters and product quality attributes.

MockV RVLP Kit

Maravai LifeSciences

Viral contamination is an inherent risk during the manufacture of biopharmaceutical products. Demonstrating retroviral clearance is a regulatory requirement, but the process is expensive, timeconsuming, and requires specialized CRO facilities. Because of these constraints, viral clearance analysis is often delayed until the later stages of process development, resulting in an increased potential for validation failure and redevelopment expenses. The Cygnus MockV RVLP Kit circumvents this paradigm by using a non-infectious retrovirus-like particle (RVLP) spiking agent, enabling companies to perform these viral clearance tests at their own laboratory benches for a fraction of the cost of a live study.

NACHOS: NanoSatellite Atmospheric Chemistry

Hyperspectral Observation System

Los Alamos National Laboratory

The NanoSatellite Atmospheric Chemistry

Hyperspectral Observation System (NACHOS) is a novel CubeSat-based hyperspectral imaging system that detects harmful gases from space. Until now, this capability was provided exclusively by exceedingly large and expensive satellite systems. NACHOS offers revolutionary advances in size, weight, power, cost, single-pixel spatial resolution, trace-gas sensitivity, and data latency. It is the fi rst hyperspectral imager fl own on a CubeSat platform the size of a breadbox. Its unique design is over fi fty times smaller and lighter and over ten times less power-hungry than existing technologies. NACHOS’ onboard processing capability analyzes raw data on board the CubeSat using computationally effi cient hyperspectral analysis algorithms.

NanoPak-C-SPE — Electrochemically-Controlled Selective & Rapid Solid Phase Extraction

Millennial Scientific

NanoPak-C-SPE is the fi rst commercially available product that employs electrochemical modulation to alter the analyte’s retention onto electrically conductive carbon microbead substrates. The conductive stationary phase material’s interfacial properties, such as surface charge and oxidation state, are tweaked by a voltage. This capability allows the stationary phase’s composition to be tuned before or during the extraction, thus manipulating the interactions between the stationary phase and analytes. The product’s innovative features allow tunable selective extraction of aromatic or charged small or large molecules. These molecules could be bioactive or interfering nuisance compounds; thus, the NanoPak-C-SPE could be used as a trap or guard cartridge.

Noncontact Laser Ultrasound (NCLUS) for Medical Imaging

MIT Lincoln Laboratory

Co-Developers: Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) Center for Ultrasound Research Translation (CURT), and Sound & Bright

OpeN-AM: A Platform for Operando Neutron Diffraction Measurements of Additive Manufacturing

Oak Ridge National Laboratory

OpeN-AM is a platform for performing operando neutron diffraction studies during metal additive manufacturing (AM) to address challenges associated with residual stress. The platform consists of a deposition head, machining capabilities, and optical and infrared (IR) monitoring, all of which may be coordinated with neutron diffraction measurements at the VULCAN beamline at ORNL’s Spallation Neutron Source (SNS). Many motion axes offer a large degree of freedom to design experiments, which may be augmented by machine learning and automated processes using the open-source control system. This combination of capabilities provides unprecedented insight into the evolution of phase transformations and stresses during AM processing.

NCLUS is a novel laser system that acquires ultrasound images from human tissue without patient contact. It intended to mitigate operator variability; provide a fixed reference for comparing repeat scans over time; fully automate ultrasound image data acquisition; reduce the need for a sonographer; and transmit ultrasound in any array locations desired. NCLUS is designed for multiple applications: anatomical imaging, bone elastography, and disease feature tracking. NCLUS systems could compete with MRI and CT while greatly reducing system cost and complexity, providing portability, and increasing patient throughput. Such systems would greatly expand the role of accurate imaging capabilities outside the hospital center and enable numerous new medical ultrasound applications.

Physics-Informed, Active Learning–Driven Autonomous Microscopy for Science Discovery

Oak Ridge National Laboratory

There are multiple challenges to developing autonomous microscopy. It requires a balance between the workflows, development of task-specific machine-learning methods, understanding of the interplay between physics discovery and machine learning, and end-to-end definition of the discovery workflows. Researchers at Oak Ridge National Laboratory have developed a physics-informed, active learning (AL)-driven autonomous microscopy, which enables active autonomous discovery of physics during real-time experiments. This product is universal to any microscopic technique and can be adapted for application in other experiments, such as chemical syntheses and battery lifetime testing. The software suite comprises active learning algorithms and control software for microscopes and other experimental tools that expedite scientific discovery.

Pre-Symptomatic VOC Detector of Seizure Events

Sandia National Labs

Co-Developer: KNOW Biological

Sandia National Laboratories and KNOW Biological have collaborated on pre-symptomatic detection of a seizure event using Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs), which recent research has highlighted as biomarkers of specific health events or diseases. This portable and wearable detector identifies specific skin-emitted VOCs that indicate an imminent seizure. The instrument comprises several micro-electromechanical system (MEMS) devices made in Sandia’s silicon microfabrication facility. To simplify operation, researchers envision that the device will constantly sample VOCs emitting from the wearer’s skin. This pre-symptomatic VOC warning would enable the wearer to prepare and communicate with family and healthcare providers before the seizure occurs. It would dramatically improve the lives of those suffering from epileptic seizures.

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