6 minute read



7:30 AM – 8:30 AM | SOUTH 40, CLOCKTOWER

Upper-division students will lead morning runs from the Clocktower into Forest Park. No preregistration required. Hosted by Recreation.


10:00 AM – 5:00 PM

Learn more about the Arts & Sciences degree requirements and the college offerings and opportunities. Please note an asterisk* indicates it is a required session.

10:00 AM – 11:30 AM

Paper Planes and Plans: Starting Orientation with Your Four-Year Advisor*

Various locations, refer to your personalized schedule emailed by the College of Arts & Sciences

In this session you will engage in a hands-on activity as part of a small group to think through how to plan for your time in Arts & Sciences with flexibility in mind. You will also learn more about how advisors and students work together over your next four years.

11:30 AM – 1:00 PM

1:00 PM – 3:00 PM

Lunch on Your Own

Starting Your Academic Journey: Deans’ Welcome with Dean Hu and Vice Dean McGlothlin*

Graham Chapel

Join the Dean of Arts & Sciences Feng Sheng Hu and Vice Dean of Undergraduate Education Erin McGlothlin to kick off your academic journey in Arts & Sciences. Students will be split into two groups, with 45-minute presentations beginning at 1:00 PM and 2:00 PM. For your specific session time, please refer to the email with your personalized schedule from the College of Arts & Sciences.

3:00 PM – 5:00 PM

Dance Placement Class

For location and additional details, visit https://artsci. wustl.edu/registration-101

All new students with an interest in dance are strongly encouraged to attend the Dance Placement Class. No preregistration or preparation are required.

3:00 PM – 5:00 PM

Russian Language Placement Exam

Cupples II, room L015

All new students who have studied Russian and wish to continue their studies must take the placement exam.

Mckelvey School Of Engineering Sessions

10:00 AM – 5:00 PM

Learn more about the McKelvey School of Engineering degree requirements and the school offerings and opportunities. Please note an asterisk* indicates it is a required session.

10:00 AM – 11:30 AM

Associate Dean’s Meeting*

Brown Hall, room 100

Dean Aaron Bobick and Associate Dean Chris Kroeger will welcome new students, review academic policies, as well as curriculum information, and discuss the services and resources provided by McKelvey School of Engineering.

11:30 AM – 1:00 PM

1:00 PM – 2:00 PM

Lunch on Your Own

Career Panel

Whitaker Hall, room 100

Internships are an important part of your engineering experience and there are many career paths for engineering students. Hear from current students in various engineering majors about their internship experiences, including how they found their internships and how their internship may have solidified or changed their career goals. Also learn more about the support services that McKelvey Engineering and Center for Career Engagement offer students for internships, cooperative experiences, and job search. This will be a great opportunity to hear about real-life applications of engineering.

2:00 PM – 3:00 PM

Research in Engineering

Whitaker Hall, room 100

Research and the discovery of new knowledge is integral to the mission of WashU and McKelvey Engineering. But how do students get involved in these groundbreaking discoveries? Hear from faculty and undergraduate students about the research they’ve been involved in, the experience of conducting undergraduate research, and how you can get started. If you’ve ever thought about research being a part of your college career, you don’t want to miss this session.

3:00 PM – 5:00 PM Group Advising Meetings* Various locations

Meet your four-year advisor in a short group meeting. You will also meet other new students as you ask your questions about classes, scheduling, and all things McKelvey Engineering. You will receive an e-mail providing you with your specific time and location for this Monday meeting.

3:00 PM – 5:00 PM Tour the Makerspace

Jubel Hall, room 138

The Spartan Light Metal Products Makerspace is where students learn to bring ideas to life. As a McKelvey Engineering student, the Makerspace gives you access to a wide variety of tools and equipment for prototyping. Drop in for a quick tour before or after your group advising meeting and learn how you can begin creating.

Olin Business School Sessions

10:00 AM – 5:00PM

Learn more about the Olin Business School degree requirements and the school offerings and opportunities. Please note an asterisk* indicates it is a required session.

10:00 AM – 11:00 AM

First Academic Lecture*

Knight Hall, Emerson Auditorium

Interim Dean Anjan Thakor will welcome the BSBA and BUCS Class of 2027 by delivering their first formal academic lecture.

11:00 AM – Noon Faculty TED Talks*

Knight Hall, Emerson Auditorium

Olin faculty members will present on exciting and groundbreaking research in their fields of business in short and engaging TED Talk-style presentations.

Noon – 1:30 PM

Dean’s Welcome Luncheon*

Charles F. Knight Center, Anheuser-Busch Dining Room

Join Interim Dean Anjan Thakor and Olin Business School staff for a catered sit-down meal.

1:30 PM – 2:45 PM

Olin Opportunities Information Sessions*

Simon Hall, refer to your personalized schedule for the room number.

In rotating informational sessions, you will learn more about Olin opportunities in the Center for Experiential Learning, Global Programs, and the Global Mindset degree component.

3:00 PM – 4:00 PM Drop-In Academic Advising

Simon Hall, room 118

You can drop-in and meet with your academic advisor with brief questions. First come, first serve.

4:00 PM – 5:00 PM Class of 2027 Ice Cream Social*

Olympian Way, between Simon Hall and Francis Olympic Field

Enjoy ice cream with your BSBA Class of 2027! From a local St. Louis favorite, Clementine’s Naughty and Nice Creamery, there will be both dairy and non-dairy options. Bring your ticket to join.


9:15 AM – 4:30 PM

Learn more about the Sam Fox School of Design & Visual Arts degree requirements and the school offerings and opportunities. Please note an asterisk* indicates it is a required session.

9:15 AM – 10:00 AM Breakfast and Meet & Greet*

Steinberg Hall, Steinberg Gallery

Join us for breakfast if you wish. Please arrive no later than 9:45 AM for the 10:00 AM event. We will serve a continental breakfast before our morning meeting. You can make a creative name tag, meet fellow students, and pick up a seek and find book before the Dean’s meeting.

10:00 AM – 11:00 AM Dean’s Meeting*

Steinberg Hall, Steinberg Auditorium

The dean, directors, and chairs will welcome you to the Sam Fox School, introduce our community, and kick off your time with Sam Fox.

11:00 AM – Noon Open House and Seek & Find* Sam Fox School

Explore the Sam Fox School with your cohort by solving fun riddles to learn more about our corner of campus, our amazing making spaces, and the fun history of our school. WUSAs and current students will be around to help you and answer any questions you have. Noon – 1:30 PM Architecture: Lunch on Your Own

Eat lunch at one of the eateries on campus. Noon – 1:30 PM Art and Design: Welcome Lunch*

Weil Hall, Weil Commons and Kuehner Court

Join us for an informal lunch to connect with your cohort. There will be an introduction of the chairs and directors, and current students to connect with.

1:30 PM – 2:15 PM Shop Orientation*

Steinberg Hall, Steinberg Auditorium

Get an introduction to all four shops in the Sam Fox School.

2:15 PM – 2:30 PM Fox Fridays Presentation*

Steinberg Hall, Steinberg Auditorium

Learn about our free, open weekly workshop series.

2:30 PM – 3:30 PM Explore the shops*

Sam Fox School

Each of the shops will be open. You can meet the shop techs; see the amazing tools, machines, and materials; and see examples of the cool things you can make in class and for your projects.

3:30 PM – 4:30 PM Explore the Kemper

Kemper Art Museum

The museum will be open and you can grab a snack or coffee and see the current exhibition Adam Pendleton: To Divide By.

Dinner On Your Own

5:00 PM – 6:45 PM



Please refer to the rotation that corresponds with your residence hall.

WUSA Small Groups

• Beaumont Hall

• Dauten Hall

• Hitzeman Hall

• Hurd Hall

• Koenig House

• Lee Hall

• Lien House

• Myers Hall

• Park House

• Rutledge Hall

• Shanedling Hall

• Thomas Eliot House

See communication from your WUSA for specific locations. Join your WUSA small group once again. Throughout small group meetings, you will discuss topics of justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion. Sponsored by the Center for Diversity and Inclusion.

The Date

• Danforth House

• Dardick House

• Umrath House

Meet your RA on Mudd Field to check in. The Date consists of a student led theatrical performance and a post-performance group discussion with your community. The intent of this mandatory program is to introduce new students to campus expectations around consent, the impact of alcohol and/or other substances, how to support a friend, and more. Hosted by the Relationship and Sexual Violence Prevention Center.

Glow Bingo And Game Night


Bingo and food—oh my! Whether you want to cheer on your friends or participate in some friendly competition this night is for you. Participate in Glow Bingo and win some great prizes. Hosted by Campus Life.


9:30 PM – 11:00 PM | WRIGHTON HALL, ROOM 300

This panel style event features students from WashU’s LGBTQIA+ community sharing their experiences and insights as you prepare for your first year at WashU. Hosted by the Center for Diversity and Inclusion.

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