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International Trustee & President


International President: Kyle Lank


Hello Wisconsin-Upper Michigan District,

Greetings from the beautiful New Jersey district! My name is Kyle Lank, I’ m a senior at Rutgers University majoring in Finance and Real Estate, and I’ m serving as your 2021-2022 Circle K International President. This year has been an interesting one for our organization. I refer to the 2021-2022 service year as the “halfand-half” year. Half COVID and half “ normal. ” Clubs have had to adapt monthly to changing conditions and restrictions as we navigate (hopefully) the back half of the pandemic. Despite the adversity, it’ s been a joy to follow your clubs on social media and watch them demonstrate innovation in their service leadership experience.

As we move forward into the spring semester, I challenge you all to continue serving - not only your communities - but each other. CKI’ s tenets are service, leadership, and fellowship. While service and leadership tend to be at the front of our minds, we can ’t forget about fellowship. It’ s what sets CKI apart from other service organizations. Check-in with a club member you haven ’t seen in a while. Ask your club president how you can improve the club. These small actions will significantly impact your club, your members, and yourself.

I wish I could join you to celebrate your service year at District Convention but know I’ m cheering you all on from afar. As we head into next year, remember why you joined CKI and why you continue to serve. I’ m always here to help if you ever want to talk.

W U M C K I D I S T R I C T B O A R D 2 0 2 1 - 2 0 2 2

Annika Hentz - District Governor

Thank you all for allowing me to serve as your District Governor. I have found incredible growth both personally and professionally. I would also like to thank all of our District Board and District Administrators for your uplifting attitude, support, and passion for CKI. I can ’t wait to take on the next step of my life with Kiwanis by my side.

Brooke Steeno - District Secretary

I am so grateful to have served WUM as the District Secretary for two terms. Like last term, this past year I had the pleasure of working with a group of dedicated CKI club secretaries, who turned in completed and detailed MRFs on time. On a personal note, CKI has shaped my career goals, introduced me to wonderfully kind people, and reminded me why I continue to donate my time to helping others. In fact, I value my time with CKI so much that I am happy to announce my continuation with the organization in graduate school–most likely in the Indiana District. Thank you all for putting the “family ” in Kiwanis and making CKI the best club to join on every campus.

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