MESSAGE FROM CKI International President: Kyle Lank Hello Wisconsin-Upper Michigan District, Greetings from the beautiful New Jersey district! My name is Kyle Lank, I’m a senior at Rutgers University majoring in Finance and Real Estate, and I’m serving as your 2021-2022 Circle K International President. This year has been an interesting one for our organization. I refer to the 2021-2022 service year as the “halfand-half” year. Half COVID and half “normal.” Clubs have had to adapt monthly to changing conditions and restrictions as we navigate (hopefully) the back half of the pandemic. Despite the adversity, it’s been a joy to follow your clubs on social media and watch them demonstrate innovation in their service leadership experience. As we move forward into the spring semester, I challenge you all to continue serving - not only your communities - but each other. CKI’s tenets are service, leadership, and fellowship. While service and leadership tend to be at the front of our minds, we can’t forget about fellowship. It’s what sets CKI apart from other service organizations. Check-in with a club member you haven’t seen in a while. Ask your club president how you can improve the club. These small actions will significantly impact your club, your members, and yourself. I wish I could join you to celebrate your service year at District Convention but know I’m cheering you all on from afar. As we head into next year, remember why you joined CKI and why you continue to serve. I’m always here to help if you ever want to talk.