Phosphenes dream

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PHOSPHENES DREAM Alessandro Pastore

PHOSPHENEs DREAM Alessandro Pastore


Sing deadly passions

1. In the middle of a cold night, 2. snowflakes fall down, to muffle the sounds 3. to recreate new realities.

1. Who are you? 2. I don’t know!

1. Dipped into the indifferent silence,

1. Phosphenes fall down on me.

1. It’s coming to the track three the train to ...

1. The time passes / quickly, / the vehicle of the nights advances towards us ...

1. The time passes quickly,

1. Backwards.

1. Seeing a father depart, 2. it’s like discovering that wound.

1. Every traces of me is gone, the roads that guide me to the reality they aren’t the reality. 2. I can just pick up and fill a map without geographies.

1. Ehi! You are again lost in your own world! / Mmm... Goodmorning Mister M. 2. Now I’ll go to get the train. This evening you’ll tell me everything.

1. See you. 2. I put the paper in the pocket with everything and everyone returned on his way. Aware that our path are crossed.

1. I run away without a reason, floating on the moving masses. 2. Finding in a unsensible and cold desert.

1. [...] In time 2. [...] Motionless

1. [...] They crawl towards the rhythm the possesed 2. Crushed by the timeless space.

1. Travel the wayfarers Travel the losers 3. Travel the losers

1. more suitable to the mutation / I observe and I think. While all around me passes quickly. 2. Travel his holiness. / too fast.

1. If is it true that we are in travel, so it’s time to live it 2. and leave.

1. They fall of vertigo 2. they fall of vertigo

1. They fall of vertigo

1. They fall of vertigo

1. And yet it’s not been a case, 2. I discoverd later that we lived in the same building.

1. So, what have you found today for your map?

1. I haven’t yet looked it. 2. It will mean that we’ll do together! 3. I don’t think it’s interesting! / Do you say? You haven’t seen it, how can you know it? / You stretch to close the doors around you!

1.You don’t try, even in the most simple action, to down deep. Why? 2. Why? It’s a word that I use so little. / I don’t know, it seems me all difficult. Everythimg it’s so dusty and stuffy when I touch something.

1. Why should it interest to me to know myself? I find more interesting these books instead a show of illusion! 2. The illusion of knowing the form.

1. Because it’s what you are looking for and unconscionsly you’re already doing. 2. Only that you are scared and you close yourself remaining aloof. / You observe but you don’t dive!

1. It could be! 2. I prepare the movie! 3. Meanwhile looked this book.

2. If the doors of the perception were cleansed, everything appear to man as it is, infinite.

1. I am the man whose life and soul are torture. / From the colours and aromas of this world

1. my childood made a poet’s lyre and offered it to me.

1. We were searching for ourselves in each other. / We were searching for a place of refuge for our love, but instead, the road led us to the land of the deadly.

1. Go then, selfless heart and find your place refuge. / The world is like an open window.

1.Now, I have to go. / Don’t forget the poster! 2. Riflect on what we sad!

1. Space is not absolutely distinguishable by time; these are the events of interaction between energy and matter that determine variable dimensions of space/ time universe.

1. Already my mind was looking for new ways. / Something pure in the impure. / I have opened the eyes upon the ruffled edge.

1. I’ve seen a blue sunrise.

2. The illusion of knowing the form / Panic Cirkus

1. I am a form whose acquaintance is illusion.

1. We live together, / we act and react to, one another;

1. but always and in all circuistance, / we are by ourselves.

1. The mist, like a white wadding blanket, it pushes us towards the amniotic liquid, that keeps us safe from the external world but that it teaches us to be sharp and ready to continue the journey to the defined.

1. At the same time we breath phosphens that brightness around us for a trip towards over border, face to face with your inwardness.

1. A very simple secret: it’s only with the heart that one can see rightly. What is essential is invisible to the eyes.

1. Child, if you find the kite of your imagination / tie it with intelligence of the heart.

1. [...] but before learning to write / looking into the water of the feeling.

1. I am what I seed.

1. A twisted body dance. Consumed by the jolts dances in the prairie of the wild neurons.

1. The subversive world of souls without skin. => 2.1. One by one we are connected, we cross path as they were Arianna’s wires. They furrow our destiny interlacing with one another. So I began to realize than the world is an endless labyrinth, leave us the choice to find a new entry way, a new course.

2.2. I sailed! / Also in Raissa, city of sadness, there runs an invisible thread that binds one living being to another for a moment, then is stretched again between moving points as it draws new and rapid patterns so that at every second the unhappy city contains a happy city unware of its own existence.

1. The only one that does not exist is the oblivion and all the rest exist, everything else is rapresented. The life flees, you cross it and it flees, it snatches and it flees. The cities flees, you cross them and there flee. And also you run away, you can’t tell yourself, you flee. Instead the hand runs on the paper, driving the pen or the brush, the life is fleed, but its image remains in you.

The music is played, the notes are vanished in the air. But the score remains. It’s here in front of you. (…) played it. Each one with his tools. (…) Performe it with your music, returning home, even if you are out of tune, do it, for the frighten that I don’t list, for the music, misterious form of time. The day goes into the night. It’s not gone.

1. (‌) it’s time to be quiet, to recognize my being blundering.

1. A man is moving to achieve, step by step, the wisdom. He has not yet arrived.

BIBLIOGRAFIA • N. Hikmet, La conga con Fidel, Fahrenheit 451, 2015 • P. Roth, L’ animale morente, Einaudi, 2005 • W. Blake, Visioni, Paradiso - Inferno, Mondadori, 1994 • A. Einstein, La teoria della relatività • P.P. Pasolini, Petrolio, Mondadori, 2005 • L.Mattotti, Fuochi, Einaudi, 2009 • A. Pazienza, Pompeo, Fandango Libri, 2011 • A. Huxley, Le porte della percezione, Mondadori, 2002 • U. Eco, Perchè amo la nebbia che ci protegge dal mondo, “La Repubblica” 25-11-2009 • A. De Saint-Exupery, Il piccolo principe, Bompiani, 2006 • A. Merini, Bambino • A. Tabucchi, Racconti con figure, Sellerio 2011 • I. Calvino, Le città invisibili, Oscar Mondadori, 2004 • I. Calvino, Palomar, Oscar Mondadori • H. Murakami, Kafka sulla spiaggia, Einaudi Tascabili, 2008 • Voltaire, Candido, Bur • Z. Bauman, Vita liquida, Editori Laterza, 2005 • E. Flaiano, Una e una notte, Adelphi, 2010 • M. Auge, Nonluoghi, Eleuthera, 2009 • A.Artaud, Van Gogh, il suicidato della società, Adelphi, 1988 • M. Foucault, Spazi altri. I luoghi delle eterotipie, Mimesis Edizioni, 2001 FILMOGRAFIA

• • • • • • • • • • •

1982 Alan Parker, Pink Floyd The Wall, Regno Unito 1967 Pier Paolo Pasolini, Edipo Re, Italia / Marocco 1960 Michelangelo Antonioni, L’avventura, Italia / Francia 1961 Michelangelo Antonioni, La notte, Italia / Francia 1962 Michelangelo Antonioni, L’eclisse, Italia / Francia 1964 Michelangelo Antonioni, Il deserto rosso, Francia / Italia 1958 Francois Truffaut, I quattrocento colpi, Francia 1962 Jean-Luc Godard, Vivre sa vie, Francia 1963 Federico Fellini, 8 ½, Italia 1965 Jean-Luc Godard, Agente Lemmy Caution: missione Alphaville, Francia/Italia 1969 Sergei Parajanov, Il colore del melograno


• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

CSI, Unità di produzione, Tabula rasa elettrificata, 1997 CSI, In viaggio, Ko de mondo, 1994 Boards of Canada, Dayvan Cowboy, The campfire headphase, 2005 CSI, Blu, Linea Gotica, 1996 Bauhaus, Antonin Artaud, Burnind from the inside, 1983 Massive Attack, Mezzanine, 1998 Radiohead, Ok computer, 1997 Radiohead, The bends, 1995 Verdena, Il gulliver, Requiem, 2007 Talking Heads, This must be the place, Speaking in tongues, 1982 Joy Division, Isolation, Closer, 1980 Joy Division, Unknown pleasure, 1979 Marlene Kuntz, Solstizio, Nella tua luce, 2013 Marlene Kuntz, Il solitario, Bianco sporco, 2005 PJ Harvey, A place called home, Stories from the City, Stories from the Sea, 2000 Afterhours, Bye Bye Bye Bombay, Quello che non c’è, 2002 Afterhours, Hai paura del buio?, 1997 Kraftwerk, The man-machine, 1978 Pink Floyd, The Wall, 1979


R. Castellucci, Uso umano di esseri umani, 2014


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M. Abramovich F. Woodman R. Frank M. Parr D. Arbus C. Killip

• • • • • •

P. Strand P. Blake M. Bottarelli A. Zamboni E. Schiele G. Penone

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