WUPR Issue 21.2: Justice

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political review | National

washington university

political review 21.2 | October 2014 | wupr.org

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November 18, 2:00-3:30 p.m. Emerson Auditorium, Knight Hall Al Cardenas, Chairman of the American Conservative Union &

Conservative Political Action Conference Mack McLarty, Former Chief of Staff to President Bill Clinton

Co-sponsored by the Office of the Chancellor and D

EDITOR’S NOTE Editors-in-Chief: Gabriel Rubin Sonya Schoenberger

Executive Director: Nahuel Fefer

Staff Editors: Henry Kopesky Billie Mandelbaum Aryeh Mellman

Features Editor: Grace Portelance

Director of Design: Alex Chiu

Assistant Directors of Design: Simin Lim Andrew Kay

Director of New Media: Ari Moses

Programming Director: Hannah Waldman

Finance Director: Alex Beaulieu

Front Cover: Andrew Kay

Theme Page: Andrew Kay and Alex Chiu

Back Cover: Andrew Kay

Dear Reader, This October, thousands gathered in downtown St. Louis to demand justice. Protesters flocked from across the United States to assemble and march, past the historic Dred Scott Courthouse and towards the Gateway Arch, as they spoke out against racial oppression, police brutality, and the degradation and devaluation of black lives. Too often, justice is assumed to be a static concept written down in dusty law books or etched on the walls of neoclassical buildings. While ancient systems of morality may guide our understanding of right and wrong, our modern interpretation of justice should be grounded in—and responsive to—the times in which we live. Individuals mobilizing in Ferguson and St. Louis are demanding reform of the status quo. This activism should serve as a reminder that established systems of “justice” do not always support an inclusive, benevolent, or egalitarian society. Sometimes, the pursuit of justice necessitates a reevaluation of the very foundations of our social, political, and economic institutions. In this issue, students have written about justice from many angles. In our Campus Leader column, Patrick Easley, Vice President of the Association of Black Students, shares how the killing of Mike Brown and the community’s response have resonated with him as an African American student at Washington University. In a piece about the much less-publicized police killing of Kajieme Powell, an African American man with mental disabilities, CJ Harrington argues that police who use lethal force violate the right to due process. Other authors have explored a range of national and international topics, from the NFL’s role in galvanizing public recognition of domestic violence to an exclusive interview with Singapore’s Ambassador to the United States. We are excited to showcase the diverse range of work in this issue, and we invite all of our readers to respond to these articles or to submit original work to editor@ wupr.org. With best regards, Gabriel Rubin and Sonya Schoenberger Editors-in-Chief



Michael Brown and the Lasting Effecs of Summer of 2014


Mayor Slay Chooses Love Over Law Lindsey Wanberg

Patrick Easley

22 8

When Killing Became Just

Slaves for the World Cup Min Heo

CJ Harrington


23 10

An International Look at Ferguson

No Justice For Comfort Women Samuel Leiter

Ruby Arora

24 12


How Much Reality Can You People Ignore?

The Progression (and Regression) of the Status of Women in India Katherine Surko

Henry Kopesky

26 13

When Our Adversarial Justice System Fails

A Chat with Ambassador Mirpuri of Singapore Aaron Christensen

Chloe Naguib

28 14

The NFL’s Long Game: Do We Thank Injustice for the Change it Creates?


The Victims Behind Bars


Kids in Jail


ISIL: Explained Joe Lenoff



Rick Perry and UT Lock Horns Divya Walia

Benjamin Szanton


A Mile in Her Shoes Katelyn Taira

Wallis Linker


Ice-Bucket Politicking Xiaochang Song

Rachel Butler


A Game of Lives Reuben Siegman


Who’s Gaining From Capital Gains? Benjamin Compall

Cruel and Usual

Missouri’s Apathetic Approach to Gun Violence

Samuel Klein

Brady Schaer


campus leader column

political review | Justice

Michael Brown and the Lasting Effects of Summer 2014 Patrick Easley Vice President, Association of Black Students


hen I first heard about the death of

greater St. Louis—and here at Wash U—in the

Chicago and at Wash U, I have never seen black

Michael Brown at the hands of a

wake of Michael Brown’s murder. The Ferguson

people come together in such a peaceful and

Ferguson, Missouri police officer,

community has shown that we, as African

united way. In Ferguson, I saw people making

I was outraged, but I wasn’t too surprised.

Americans, and more broadly, as members of

their discontent known while still trying to figure

Unfortunately, neither were many others familiar

the Wash U community, can work and protest

out how they would build change. Young and

with the struggles of minorities in America.

together for the common good of our brothers

old, rich and poor, locals and those from outside

Minorities, and African Americans in particular,

and sisters. Those on the ground in Ferguson

the St. Louis community all came together and

are more likely to be harassed and discriminated

have been working day and night for the sake

united to demand justice for a young man slain in

against by the police, more likely to receive

of not only demanding justice for the murder

the streets.

longer sentences when convicted by the courts,

of Michael Brown, but also demanding justice

and more likely to be perceived as criminal

for those who have been the victims of the

by the average American. These unfortunate

systematic structures that continue to persecute

truths have a powerful effect on the way African

young black men and women. By continually

Americans perceive their relationships with

protesting the treatment

law enforcement and shape intra-community

of young black youth, and

discourse, notably at Wash U.

black men in particular, the

The reason many of us, as African Americans, weren’t too taken aback by the events in Ferguson is because the understanding that we will not be treated equally by the law enforcement community is at the forefront of the African American psyche. We know that we are in no way different than Michael Brown. We know that what has befallen him and his community could have easily have happened to any one of us. Police mistreatment is not something that African Americans

Ferguson protesters act as an international reminder that “we ain’t equal yet,” and as much as African Americans continue to attain a larger piece of

Here at Wash U, we have also been taking on the mantle of social justice with many students joining the protests in Ferguson and using their

“The Ferguson protesters act as an international reminder that “we ain’t equal yet,” and as much as African Americans continue to attain a larger piece of the American Dream, we must not forget that we still live under a state of inequality.”

the American Dream, we must not forget that we still live under a state of inequality. This situation will not be resolved until we achieve systemic and structural changes that alter the way African Americans are perceived by non-black

talents to facilitate change throughout the St. Louis community. The Association of Black students has led a series of talks and meetings about the events in Ferguson and the state of

counterparts and a discriminatory legal system.

African Americans at Wash U. Students have

and “questioned” as we make our way through

When I was in Ferguson two weeks after Mike

discuss the future of race relations in America,

the community. While it is unfortunate that

Brown’s murder, the mood on the protest site

and those outside the black community have

some crimes in the area are committed by young

among the protesters wasn’t one of hostility—

become active in working towards equality.

black males, is it appropriate to stop every black

which came from the militarily-armed police

male who fits the description? By constantly

officers—but rather one of hope. It was hope

being aware of our position in society and on this

that we could somehow come together and bring

campus, African American students have no

about justice for yet another young black male

choice but to view ourselves through the lens of

killed by a system that perpetuates the belief that

subordination by law enforcement officials.

black lives aren’t important. People believed that

are unfamiliar with–even on Wash U’s campus many African American students are stopped

Beyond these negatives, many in the black community have been surprised by the swift and direct action of those in Ferguson and

organized walkouts and panel discussions to

I can’t predict the exact long-term ramifications of Ferguson, but I do know that the events of the past summer opened up national dialogue on race and privilege. In terms of creating lasting change, this is a great start.

we would get justice, and they weren’t deterred by tanks in the street or policemen with assault riffles. In all my years of social justice work in

Patrick is a senior in the College of Arts & Sciences. He can be reached at peasley@wustl.edu.


political review | NATIONAL

“Human progress is neither automatic nor inevitable... Every step toward the goal of justice requires sacrifice, suffering, and struggle; the tireless exertions and passionate concern of dedicated individuals.” — Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.


political review | Justice


political review | Justice



ne of the greatest tragedies this

the video (which he was not obligated to

I completely believe that police should have

summer in St. Louis may not have

do), showing the whole encounter. Dotson

the right to defend themselves and I am

been what happened in Ferguson.

also released an initial public statement

grateful for all of the work they do to keep

Only four miles away, on August 19, Kajieme

saying that Powell charged the officers

our communities safe. However, I disagree

Powell was killed by the police. The police

with his knife (something that clearly never

with Dotson when he said in his public

were called about Powell shoplifting

happened). However, riots in response

statement that, “Police safety is the number

two soda cans and a honey bun from a

to Powell’s killing did not stir like those in

one issue.” I believe that when police

convenience store. Powell, 25 years old, was

Ferguson. CNN Anchor Don Lemon asked

academies preach “protect and serve,”

known within the community to have mental

Dotson, in an interview, why this was.

officers are taking a serious, sacrificial oath

disabilities. When the police arrived on

Dotson said, “As soon as it was over, I talked

to perform those acts in the best interest

the scene, they came out with guns raised.

to the community…now they knew what

of everyone whom they are policing as

Powell, holding a knife, walked towards one

happened and didn’t have to wait for it to go

opposed to letting those words only apply

officer yelling, “Shoot me! Shoot me! Shoot

viral.” Dotson completely ignored the fact

to themselves. Thus, if an officer can save

me now!” He backpedalled and then walked

that he gave a version of the truth that didn’t

someone’s life, even if that suspect is trying

towards the other officer with his arms

align with video evidence. Even if Dotson’s

to cause harm, they should.

lowered the entire time. Fifteen seconds

talking to the community did ease tension,

after their arrival, the police shot Powell 12

that shouldn’t explain a lack of outrage. Our

times, killing him instantly.

society has continued to stretch the concept

St. Louis Police Chief Sam Dotson released


of a “justified killing” and refuses to fight against this growing injustice.

Unfortunately, that sentiment goes against the way police are trained. The Tueller Rule says that when dealing with a wielded edged object, the police should take

political review | Justice

action once the suspect is within 21 feet

potentially very useful tool, why ask for such

Department understands this. They are the

(some academies believe that this isn’t

equipment and make taxpayers pay for it?

only major metropolitan police force to go

sufficient and suggest being allowed to pull one’s gun and shoot is merited even farther away). The Police Firearms Officer Association, a group which advocates for officers who must use guns in the line of duty, has reported research suggesting that shooting to wound is not a smart strategy due to its impracticality and it not being a legal or tactical necessity. According to the research performed on the topic, it is nearly impossible for an officer to shoot a suspect’s forearm or hand, which are the fastest moving body parts. The legs are a much more plausible option, but certain areas are rich in vascularity and, if hit, could lead to the suspect bleeding out in seconds. They also argue that if the legs are non-fatally hit, the suspect can still cause harm with

Another obstacle to getting the police to have a greater appreciation for the lives they are protecting is the Supreme Court’s strict interpretation of Graham v. Connor. This case held that “an objective reasonableness” should be applied if a citizen wants to claim that excessive force occurred. The New York Times recently reported that there haven’t been any Supreme Court cases where police officers have been held responsible for their use of force. The most recent case demonstrating this phenomenon is Plumhoff v. Rickard. In this case, the police attempted to pullover a suspect for a

beyond stating that it aims to protect lives in its mission statement. They include “A Statement on the Value of Human Life,” which states that “the use of deadly force will never be condoned as a routine response and police officers will exercise the highest degree of care in the application of such force.” This statement was featured in their annual report to the community in 2009 and continues to be highlighted on their website and subsequent annual reports. They also mention how it is the force’s duty to “honor the established principles of democracy,”

“When police do not do everything in their capacity to try to save a suspect’s life, they violate that individual’s right to due process.”

whatever is in his hands.

busted taillight.

Still, it seems plausible that someone has


a better chance of living if hit in the legs as

decided to drive away and went as fast as

opposed to the torso or head. If a suspect

100 mph. The police fired shots into the car

happened to die from a shot to the leg, it

(even though the suspect was not shooting)

could at least be understood that there was

and the driver and passenger were struck

not an intention to kill. Although the result

and killed. The Supreme Court reversed

may be the same, the distinction between

the decision made in the Appellate Court

It is tough to comment authoritatively

the two is crucial to having a community

and determined that the speeding car was

on what took place in Ferguson, as more

truly believing that its law enforcement has

a threat to the community, thus warranting

evidence is still being collected. However,

everyone’s best interest at heart. About the

the police to shoot at the vehicle. Given that

the video of how Kajieme Powell was killed

suspect still being a threat if hit in the legs,

the officers could have requested backup to

is a clear indication that the current training

this clearly does not apply if the suspect has

set up a blockade at a future point, catch the

for police officers does not coincide with

no weapons; it would drastically diminish

license plate number and put a warrant out

principles of justice. Dotson should not

the chances of an officer being fatally

for the suspect’s arrest, or shoot at the tires

have a false sense of confidence because

wounded by any knife; and it would even

of the car as opposed to shooting through

there were no riots after Powell’s shooting.

increase the chances to strike the suspect in

the windshield, clearly shows how the Court

The lack of riots were not due to Dotson’s

the arm or hand to remove a gun (although

supported an officer’s right to use lethal

response. There was no uproar because

this is something that is still probably too

force even when not a tactical necessity.

those outraged would simply be bringing a

dangerous to attempt). Moreover, the use of other weapons like a Taser serve as another substitute considering the suspect is not carrying a gun. Dotson has said on record saying that he is content with his officers not using Tasers and choosing to use guns instead because “Tasers are not 100 percent.” However, guns are not 100% effective, either. Also, if you are going to encourage your officers not to use this

The suspect

When police do not do everything in their

which should include due process rights. However, it appears that the St. Louis Police Department is preaching something it does not entirely believe or enforce.

knife to a gun fight.

capacity to try to save a suspect’s life, they violate that individual’s right to due process. Our legal system is based on the notion of being innocent until proven guilty. Every suspect of a crime is entitled to a trial and it is not up to the police to issue death sentences or any punishment for that matter. It appears that the St. Louis Police

CJ Harrington is a sophomore in the College of Arts & Sciences. He can be reached at charrington@wustl.edu.



political review | Justice

Ruby Arora | Infographic by Gretchen Oldem


he armored vehicles roll in, and tear gas

(as London experienced a similar series

force against civilians,” use of military-grade

fills the air. The officers stand still as

of racial riots fueled by the death of Mark

weaponry, and detention of media reporters

stone, impassable, with their bulletproof

Duggan) but rather in the “dehumanizing

to parallel occurrences in Ferguson.

vests, gas masks, and riot gear. The crowd

treatment of citizens” exhibited by police

is weary of the fight yet passionate for the

toward protesters in Ferguson. The United

cause. The smoke bombs and flash grenades

Kingdom’s Metro argued that the events

and rubber bullets only temporarily deter

in Ferguson didn’t just affect Americans:

the protesters. The tumult shows no sign of

“when the police dehumanize a community,

subsiding. This is Ferguson.

it shames all of us.” The French Le Figaro

The shooting of Michael Brown rocked the small city of Ferguson, Missouri and precipitated an explosion of anger, criticism, and protest that consumed the community and country as a whole. The effects of the events in Ferguson were also felt far beyond our national borders.

agreed, saying, “more than the issue of race

“The events in Ferguson have affected how we Americans perceive our communities, our government, and ourselves, and they have also shaped how the rest of the world sees us.”

racial discrimination in the United States. Germany’s Zeit Online boldly declared that “the situation of African-Americans has hardly improved since Martin Luther King.” Iran’s PressTV also highlighted the “long history of police brutality against AfricanAmericans.” Many of the United States’ long-term adversaries gleefully used the events in Ferguson to support claims of “American hypocrisy” and to emphasize the faults in the American social system. The official Xinhua news of China advised the United States “to concentrate on solving its own problems rather than pointing the finger at others” and went on to describe the racial divide in the U.S. as a “deeply-rooted

is ‘excessive militarization’ of policing that commands attention.” The Russian Foreign Ministry alleged that “serious violations of basic human rights and barbaric practices thrive” in the United States. Many articles brought up President Barack Obama’s impact, or lack thereof, on the Ferguson protests and racial discrimination in the United States more generally. Patrick Bahners’ harsh article in the German newspaper Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung declared, “the first black man in the office of the president has done nothing for blacks after his election. It seems like a joke that he

Ironically, many of same nations that reacted loudly to the Ferguson incident face

enemies but its allies as well. Much of the disapproval from the United Kingdom was rooted not in the death of Michael Brown

urban development and later morphed into a vast series of protests involving “police brutality,” including the use of tear gas and water cannons, and “the participation of young people,” both qualities mirrored in Ferguson. The international backlash from the Ferguson protests reveals that this issue is no longer simply an American one. The events in Ferguson have our communities, our government, and ourselves, and they have also shaped how the rest of the world sees us. Racial discrimination is not exclusive to United States, but the world will now look to our approach to addressing racial tensions and discrimination, and either condemn or commend it. As the chaos in Ferguson dwindles down, we have a choice: change our social system for the better or to let these tensions continue to simmer. No matter what we choose, we must keep in mind that spotlight is now on us, and the entire world is watching.

in the world.”

society apart.”

Ferguson came not only from America’s

Gezi Park incident began as a protest against

is still referred to as the most powerful man

chronic disease that keeps tearing U.S.

However, criticism for the events in

Park protests in Turkey to Ferguson. The

affected how we Americans perceive

From France to China, the world and international media fixated on the issue of

Other reporters have begun to liken the Gezi

similar issues back home. In the Xinjiang region of China, ethnic conflict between the Muslim Uighurs and Han Chinese police resembles the turmoil in Ferguson. Josh Chin of the Wall Street Journal compared the “Chinese security forces using deadly

Ruby Arora is a freshman in the College of Arts & Sciences. She can be reached at ruby.arora@wustl.edu.


political review | Justice

How Much Reality Can You People Ignore? Henry Kopesky


f you’re reading this, you’re probably a racist.

punched repeatedly in the head by a California

How much reality can we ignore? That

No, don’t argue with me. You are. Maybe a

Highway Patrol officer. She was hospitalized

question was posed to me by Professor Bob

more apt way to phrase that would be “You

for a month afterward, but only after being

Hansman, with whom I sat down recently

confined to a psychiatric facility for two weeks.

to discuss the institutional racism that

are an integral part of a culture that represses people based on the color of their skin.” Is that more palatable? Sure. To be fair, though, I’m a

In August 2014, an unarmed 18-year-old

racist, too. Why? Because I’m white.

student named Michael Brown was shot to

Your blood pressure is probably going up.

assaulted an officer and that he was leaving

“I don’t judge people based on their race!

the scene of a convenience store he had just

I’m a modern person, a progressive!” you say,


death, also in Ferguson. The police alleged he

defensive. You’re missing the point, though: if you are white, you are a willing participant in a culture that systematically breeds inequality. Too often, we overlook the fact that systemic equality makes life fundamentally different for people from different backgrounds. It doesn’t take much effort to see that that’s the

characterizes St. Louis. The full account of that interview is available on our website, but I was more struck by what happened after we went our separate ways: that evening, October 8, a young black man was shot by an off-duty police officer in Shaw, 10 minutes southeast of Washington University. The media was

“America’s black communities are indisputably on the receiving end of a long, long train of abuses that dates to the transatlantic slave trade.”

case, though. In March 2001, for instance, a ten-year-old boy named Rodney McAllister

Our Declaration of Independence declares that

was playing in Ivory Perry Park, only five

“when a long train of abuses…evinces a design

minutes northeast of Washington University’s

to reduce them under absolute Despotism,”

campus yet also on the edge of one of the

a people is entitled to redress. Indeed,

most impoverished urban neighborhoods in

America’s black communities are indisputably

the St. Louis area. As he played in the park,

on the receiving end of a long, long train of

McAllister was set upon by a pack of wild

abuses that dates to the transatlantic slave

dogs that roamed his neighborhood and eaten

trade. But whenever a predominantly black

alive. McAllister’s mother was arrested for

community comes together to try to change

child endangerment shortly thereafter.

their circumstances, the popular reaction

On September 20, 2009, Henry Davis, a 52-year-old welder, was mistakenly arrested by the Ferguson Police. Davis had taken a wrong turn and was trying to find his way home, but was taken into custody in the stead of another man with a similar name. Even after officers knew they’d arrested the wrong man,

is always the same: the white-dominated media tries to downplay the element of race, accuses agitators of playing “the race card,” marginalizes the victim with accusations

most revealing moment of the tragedy. As the officer’s car began to follow the man and his friends, their immediate reaction was to flee, not because they had committed a crime, but because fear of white power structures has been beaten, figuratively and literally, into the black community for hundreds of years. And every time you deny that truth or pretend it doesn’t matter, you become the oppressor, whether or not you wear the white hood.

blacks into the mold of criminality. Is the culpability of white America in the plight of black America obvious, then? Each time

him to sleep on the concrete floor of a small

you or I blame a mother for her child’s death

holding cell that was filled past capacity.

in the park across the street, each time we

When he complained, he was held down

blame a defenseless man or woman for acting

and beaten bloody, before being taken to an

aggressively toward the police, each time we

emergency room with a concussion. Davis

dismiss a shooting or a beating as deserved

was charged with destruction of property for

because of a young black man or woman’s

bleeding on police officers’ uniforms.

petty criminal history, we enable a culture of


fired on the officer, but overlooked the single

anywhere but on the culture that pidgeonholes

him with a mattress for the night, instructing

homeless great-grandmother, was tackled and

man was carrying a gun, of whether he had

of criminality, and generally lays the blame

they refused to release him or even provide

In July 2014, Marlene Pinnock, a 51-year-old

quick to seize on the question of whether the

oppression that shocks us from time to time, but that oppresses millions every moment of every day.

Henry Kopesky is a sophomore in the College of Arts & Sciences. He can be reached at hrkopesky@ wustl.edu

political review | Justice

When Our Adversarial Justice System Fails Chloe Naguib


n January 2014, Criminal Court Judge Paul

inquisitorial system places a larger emphasis

harder for him or her to ensure desert. Take,

S. Biebel of Illinois granted Nicole Harris,

on finding truth and has fewer regulations

for example, a case in which there isn’t enough

convicted for the murder of her son Jaquari,

on evidence in comparison to the adversarial

evidence to prove one party guilty. If that party

a Certificate of Innocence. In 2005, Jaquari

system. In the adversarial system, both parties

did commit the crime, the party would get off

accidentally strangled himself to death with an

present their cases with evidence, with the

on a technicality since the judge wouldn’t have

elastic band while playing in his bedroom. His

judge acting as a passive decision maker who

enough information to adjudicate the trial. In

six-year-old brother witnessed the accident,

just evaluates the arguments presented.

the inquisitorial system, the judge plays a more

but was deemed unfit to testify on behalf of his mother’s innocence due to his belief in Santa Clause and the Tooth Fairy. This assessment about his inability to testify was later deemed arbitrary by the Seventh Circuit court, which reversed the decision and released Jaquari’s mother, but only after she had already served

Some aspects of the inquisitorial system make it specifically more prone to accuracy than the United States’ adversarial system. An innate characteristic of the adversarial system is competition—both the prosecutor and defendant hope to come out victorious at the

active role in the investigation and analysis of evidence. This makes judges more prone to accurate assessments of culpability since they can look for evidence necessary to fill in gaps in the story in order to gain a more coherent picture of what occurred. This means that judges will also stop dismissing cases based on

eight years in prison.

end of the trial. Many assume this is a positive

Harris’ wrongful conviction demonstrates a

out due to the attorneys’ incentive to reveal

widespread problem within our justice system—

facts about the opponent that will push the trial

the high number of wrongful convictions.

in their favor. However, the focus on winning

A study by Marvin Zalman, professor at

makes lawyers more prone to twisting the law

Wayne State University, tallied the wrongful

in their clients favor, instead of attempting to

convictions in the United States and found that

accurately describe the events of the crime.

approximately 2,000 innocent people go to

This results in a more clouded depiction of

These aspects make the inquisitorial system

prison and 3,000 more receive felony sentences

the case for the judge to evaluate, increasing

more prone to accurate adjudication of

each year. Furthermore, many other individuals

the likelihood of inaccurate punishment. The

punishment. However, it’s unlikely that the

can be over-punished in our current system due

inquisitorial system would solve this problem

United States will enact a complete overhaul of

to errors in accounting for environmental factors

since the attorneys play a smaller role in the

the judicial system in favor of the inquisitorial.

when assessing culpability.

courtroom and function simply as individuals

As society starts to develop a greater awareness

characteristic, as the truth will eventually come

“Such flaws in our courts give rise to the question of whether inaccurate sentencing is an immutable part of any justice system, or if reforms are necessary to diminish the number of wrongful convictions.” Such flaws in our courts give rise to the question of whether inaccurate sentencing is an immutable part of any justice system, or if reforms are necessary to diminish the number of wrongful convictions. The United States

the guilty are held responsible for their crimes. Furthermore, this ability creates an opportunity for more objective decision-making, since judges get to interpret and analyze evidence themselves instead of just deciding amongst the arguments made by lawyers.

of wrongful convictions like that of Nicole Harris, the most feasible solution for it to advocate for would be reform. Perhaps reform will entail completely new methods of justice, but more than likely will look to aspects of other justice systems, such as the inquisitorial, that have proven to help judges more accurately adjudicate trials.

who guide the judge’s questions to witnesses. The system is focused less on winning the trial, therefore lessening an attorney’s incentive to spin the story in favor of his or her client.

currently utilizes an adversarial system of

Another key manner in which the two systems

justice, but perhaps it should consider adopting

differ is in the judge’s level of involvement.

a new system more similar to the inquisitorial,

In the adversarial system, the judge sits as a

which is commonly utilized in Europe and many

passive bystander that sees the trial play out

other countries around the world.

and then adjudicates the case at the end. His

While the systems differ in many ways, the

a lack of evidence as frequently, ensuring that

or her knowledge of the case is limited to the information presented in the trial, making it

Chloe Naguib is a freshman in the Olin Business School. She can be reached at chloe.naguib@wustl.edu


political review | Justice

The NFL’s Long Game: Do We Thank Injustice for the Change it Creates? Rachel Butler


f this is a seminal moment for domestic violence

don’t get to Rosa Parks without Rosa Parks’ bus

relatively ignored by the mainstream media, to

and the way we handle it as a society, then that’s

driver, and that is me. You should be thanking

the forefront of public consciousness. In fact,

not a burden for us to be that poster boy— it’s

me.” Will the failures of Bisciotti and the rest of

following the release of the Ray Rice video to the

not. Now, I’m embarrassed about it, but five years

the NFL administration lead to positive change

public on TMZ on September 8, the National

from now if things have changed significantly for

five years from now? If so, should we be thanking

Domestic Violence Hotline received 84% more

the better, I’ll be proud of it,” Baltimore Ravens


calls than usual. Call volume rose every time a

owner Steve Bisciotti said in a recent interview.

As a society, we don’t usually thank someone

Bisciotti was referring to his own handling of the domestic violence charges leveled against Ravens running back Ray Rice, as well as to the responses of the the larger National Football League

who causes an injustice. However, it is true that high-profile injustice, such as one involving the NFL, can lead to greater public awareness of the issues at hand and in turn lead to social change. A specific incident of injustice that gains

(NFL) administration. Bisciotti and other league administrators have been the focus of a great deal of media attention over an apparent attempt to cover up a video, which shows Rice punching his fiancée (now wife) in a hotel elevator . The league

a high profile often serves as the catalyst for social change, demonstrated in shifts in societal attitudes or in legislation. One needs a specific incident in order to create a resolution that can

new domestic violence accusation against an NFL player hit the news. The hotline was unable to answer almost 50% of the chats, calls, and texts sent during these surges. These surges indicate a corresponding surge in awareness of domestic violence in the wake of the allegations against NFL players, at least on the part of those actually involved in domestic disputes who had a need for the hotline. If the allegations against NFL players led to so many people reaching out for help

also faced criticism for its inconsistency in punishing Rice—his initial two-week suspension was changed to an indefinite ban after the NFL faced media backlash for its laxity. Four other NFL players are also currently facing domestic violence charges, and public criticism has surrounded the

“If the allegations against NFL players led to so many people reaching out for help, could this scandal actually be a step towards a more just and open societal attitude towards domestic violence?”

scandal actually be a step towards a more just and open societal attitude towards domestic violence? The NFL has been taking some steps to rework their policies. In response to the stress on the hotline and its probable link to the NFL

punishments the NFL doled out (or didn’t dole out) in response to those cases.

against domestic abuse, could this

players involved in domestic violence, be applied to that general type of conflict. This

the league publicly committed to supporting the

In his interview, Bisciotti tried to put a positive

is how Supreme Court cases work—using a

hotline, pledging to provide the resources for the

spin on the NFL’s and his own poor handling of

specific case of injustice, the court rules on how

hotline to handle as many callers as possible.

the situation, saying that it may lead to significant

all cases relating to that type of injustice should

Furthermore, the league hired four women

change “for the better.” On his show Last Week

be handled. The domestic violence cases leveled

to create new policies on sexual assault and

Tonight, John Oliver aptly paraphrased Bisciotti’s

against current NFL players won’t go to the

domestic violence for the organization, which

statement: “Really, you should all be thanking me.

Supreme Court and create any actual change in

is significant not just for policy change but also

I’ve handled this situation so badly, I may have

legislation. However, the cases are high profile

because it increases gender diversity in the

actually instigated social progress.” If someone

enough that they may be able to create change in

league’s management. The driving force behind

accidentally instigates progress through some

our society’s attitude towards domestic violence

these actions is probably damage control for

wrongful or unjust action, does that mean we

simply by publicizing the issue.

the NFL’s image rather than a genuine desire to

should thank that person for what he or she did? John Oliver presented a pertinent analogy to Bisciotti’s sentiment: “Think of it this way: you


The current issues with the NFL are certainly bringing domestic violence, a crime that is usually

combat domestic violence, but the efforts may still lead to positive results in practice. Since the NFL’s mistakes—coupled with its actions

political review | Justice

in the wake of those mistakes and the publicity

spark social change does not mean we should be

other domestic violence support systems,

of both—may be helping to combat domestic

thanking them.

and has to meaningfully alter its own policies.

violence, should we be thanking Steve Bisciotti?

However, though it seems evident that the

We typically don’t thank people who cause

scandal has caused some shifts within both the

an injustice, even those who try to correct it,

NFL and society at large as of now, whether or

because of their motives. We don’t thank Rosa

not it will create lasting social change “5 years

Parks’ bus driver, because he did not have what

from now,” as Bisciotti postulated, has yet to be

we now think of as justice in mind when he called

seen. Domestic violence has been thrust into the

the police to have her arrested. Similarly, Steve

national consciousness over the past few weeks

Bisciotti probably didn’t have the social change

due to its exposure in the media, which tends

that his actions might cause in mind when he

to sensationalize the crimes and the ensuing

tried to cover up the severity of Ray Rice’s assault

scandal rather than discuss the issue of domestic

on his then fiancée . The motives behind the

violence in general. The increased volume of calls

league’s efforts at damage control are similarly

to the hotline may be linked only to the current

questionable—Roger Goodell’s visits to and

media exposure, and could likely fall after the

support of the hotline seem more like a media

scandal stops getting so much news coverage.

ploy than a genuine gesture, as he was also

The NFL’s partnership with the hotline may also

supposedly complicit in the cover up of Rice’s and

break apart as soon as the backlash against the

other players’ actions. If it were only the results

league dies down. The league’s employment of

that mattered and motives were irrelevant, then

four women to create new policies is slightly more

we might be thanking the players who committed

encouraging for the prospect of lasting change,

crimes of domestic violence for sparking the

but the new policies have yet to be created or

whole scandal in the first place. The ends do


not justify the means, especially if one doesn’t have the ends in mind. Just because the unjust actions of NFL players and administrators may

In order for real change to be made, the NFL has to continue supporting the hotline and

Furthermore, consumers of the media need to remain aware of domestic violence even after it fades from headlines, requiring a shift from sensationalizing the current scandal to using it as an educational jumping-off point for the issue of domestic violence at large. If the NFL does succeed in creating change within itself in terms of its attitude toward domestic violence, it could catalyze much broader change, as the high publicity of the NFL affords the organization great influence on the public consciousness, as we have seen during the scandal. If this scandal leads to improvements in how we address domestic violence as a society, the NFL still won’t be deserving of gratitude, but it may be a few steps closer to earning forgiveness.

Rachel Butler is a freshman in the College of Arts & Sciences. She can be reached at rachelkbutler@wustl.edu.


political review | Justice

The Victims Behind Bars L Wallis Linker | Illustration by Savannah Bustillo aw and Order, Orange is the New Black, and

and thus can be especially

The Wire are rife with depictions of the

challenging for the mentally

incarcerated criminals and the government

ill. For example, mentally ill

agencies that deal with this sector. But, as is

prisoners can be sent to super-

often the case with TV, these shows misrepresent

maximum security prisons

life behind bars in state and federal prisons. The

like Colorado’s USP Florence

quality of life in these institutions is by no means

Admax (ADX), due to poor

frilly or relaxed; inmates are burdened physically

management and clerical

and mentally by the conditions in which they are

loopholes. A complaint was

held. This burden is significantly worse for those

filed in 2012 alleging that “the

who enter the institution with pre-existing mental

disciplinary model at ADX is

disabilities. There has been a rise in the number of

often an instrument of terror

incarcerated mentally ill inmates in recent years,

and abuse, deployed by staff

which has heightened the injustice of

members… mentally ill prisoners,

prison conditions.

including those in the throes of

In 2003, Director of the U.S. Program of Human Rights Watch Jamie Fellner said, “Prisons have become the nation’s primary mental health facilities.” In 2006, the Bureau of Justice Statistics reported that over half of all incarcerated individuals had mental health issues — a figure of

a psychotic episode frequently are subjected to barbaric treatment…mentally ill prisoners are routinely ‘four pointed’— chained by the arms and legs to a concrete block…”

1.25 million. Other studies reported that by 2010,

Exacerbating the problem,

40% of the total mentally ill population in the U.S.

mental health professionals

had been in jail or prison at some point in their life.

ignore requests for treatment,

This trend between mental illness and incarceration can be traced back to the 1950s when a policy of deinstitutionalization—the emptying of state mental hospitals—took hold. Between 2010 and 2013, mental health service funding across the nation was cut by $3.5 billion. As a result, the mentally ill, especially among the homeless, addicts, and poor, are denied access to medical help and end up facing mandatory sentencing for even low-level, nonviolent crimes. In the process, they suffer an unsuitable punishment. Employees

creating a cycle: inmates become sicker, they are not given treatment, and then they behave worse, justifying, in the minds of

care. Finally, Human Rights Watch reiterated that

the prison officials, a harsher treatment that then

mentally ill prisoners should not be sent to isolated

stimulates psychotic episodes. This treatment

confinement or super-max facilities.

within such facilities is unwarranted. The inmates do not have the same control over their actions, and even their crimes, that the mentally stable do. This handling is not within the realm of due process.

When an individual is convicted of a crime in the United States, he or she must pay for it in a manner deemed fit under the law. When an individual violates the laws, he or she breaks an unspoken contract with the nation and loses his or her ability

at the Department of Corrections are not taught

Something needs to be done to remedy this

to claim certain rights; for example, a convicted sex

how to recognize and handle mental illness. Joe

treatment of the mentally ill. In 2003, Human

offender may not be able to live within a certain

Baumann, a corrections officer at the California

Rights Watch took a stance on the issue, outlining

distance of a school. But locking the mentally

Rehabilitation Center argues that “there’s a lack

possible ways to start a positive change. It urged

handicapped away in regular or supermax prisons

of any real training to identify specific issues and

Congress to enact legislation that would provide

strips the inmates of their basic rights. How can

how to deal with them.” However, this is not

federal grants to enroll the mentally ill in treatment

this treatment possibly lead to rehabilitation? How

only a question of training; existing programs

programs as well as improve the overall quality of

can it dissuade criminal actions? Harsh treatment

are not utilized. According to a report from the

the mental health services prisons provide. Human

of mentally ill patients doesn’t deliver justice; it

Department of Justice, more than half of inmates

Rights Watch also advised that independent

violates basic human rights.

with mental health problems never receive

mental health experts be used to evaluate the

treatment prior to incarceration.

current available mental health services and to

Prison life is trying for mentally competent inmates,


bring them up to the community standards of

Wallis Linker is a junior in the College of Arts & Sciences and can be reached at w.linker@wustl.edu.

political review | Justice

Kids in jail T Benjamin Szanton

here are many milestones in the lives of

judge, minorities end up overrepresented in

society believe that leaving a nine-year-old

kids growing up in Missouri. They learn

the cases.

child in a park unsupervised is potentially a

to ride a bike, head off to kindergarten

and graduate elementary school. Then, with

But the main reason that this justice system is unjust is simple: if somebody is legally

their twelfth birthday, they reach a big one:

considered a child in every other context, if

the ability to be charged as adults by their state’s criminal justice system.

they are not allowed to consume alcohol or

States have different standards for when kids

legal documents or vote, they should not be

may be considered adults in the eyes of the

allowed to go to jail as an adult. Eighteen

law. Several have no minimum at all. Almost

may seem like an arbitrary age to be an adult,

everywhere in the country, however, one thing

and it is. A 12-year-old has been scientifically

is consistent. Individuals under eighteen may

shown to have a substantially reduced

be charged and convicted as adults. Two

capacity to plot a crime or understand the

states, North Carolina and New York, actually

justice system. I will readily believe that the

mandate it for all 16-year-olds.

differences between a 16-year-old and an

tobacco, serve in the army, get a tattoo, sign

The law as it stands subjects hundreds of thousands of children to the brutal life of an adult prison, an environment where they are the easiest targets for sexual abuse. Largely as a result of their vulnerability, they are 36% more likely to kill themselves in adult jail than in a juvenile detention center. Never mind that many teenagers in trouble with the law have already experienced a pattern of abuse. A study in the early 2000s found that while people who were abused growing up tend to get into legal trouble later, they

crime. Such was the case for Debra Harrell, a North Augusta, South Carolina, woman who was arrested for allowing her daughter to spend her mother’s work shift at a local playground while carrying both a cell phone and a house key. For better or for worse, a decent portion of society believes that no nine year old is mature enough to be allowed to ever be unsupervised in public by their parents. And yet, if the girl had committed murder while at the playground, she could have been charged as an adult under South Carolina law.

18-year-old, however, are minimal. But that

No other country in the world sends underage

argument could apply to granting any right to

defendants to prison on life sentences

those under eighteen. Why should going to

without the chance of parole—despite a 2012

jail be a more important right to our society

Supreme Court ruling that made the practice

“If somebody is legally considered a child in every other context, they should not be allowed to go to jail as an adult.”

are far more likely to get arrested in the years soon after the abuse — 59% more likely as a juvenile compared to 28% as an adult. Of kids who go to adult prison, 66% have at least one psychiatric disorder. Going to jail as a child also leaves a person with a permanent criminal record for a crime he or she committed before becoming fully mature. Under the laws of many states, if a child is ever convicted as an adult, regardless of the crime, and, in some states, even if he is not convicted, he must always be considered an adult from then on. In many cases, the typical privacy rights given to minors in court are also waived when they are tried as adults, meaning that even if not convicted, their identities may be public. And in a system that generally leaves the decision to charge a child as an adult in the hands of a prosecutor or a

than any other? Eighteen is where we as a

illegal, the United States currently has more

society have drawn the line, and wherever the

than 2,500 people convicted as juveniles now

line is drawn, we must stick to it.

spending the rest of their lives behind bars.

Seventeen-year-olds can be sent to the juvenile system, where people are often held until they are 21 anyway. In the cases of the most serious crimes, perhaps they could delay their adult sentences until they actually become adults. At the very least, it would allow them the chance to avoid spending

It is a system which would not be morally justifiable even if it made society safer. Studies, however, have not shown any effect on reducing crime, with the former child inmates potentially ending up more likely to commit repeat offenses. Kids should not be in jail. Our system must be changed.

any of their childhood in probably the worst possible place for children. Regardless of whom you consider an adult, you will run into the problem of underage people committing crimes that seem too severe to have been committed by children. Think about this for a moment: we as a

Benjamin Szanton is a freshman in the College of Arts & Sciences. He can be reached at benjamin.szanton@wustl.edu.


political review | international

isil: explained Joe Lenoff | Illustration by Margaret Flatley

I’ve heard them referred to as ISIL and ISIS. Which is it?

to be Muhammad’s one true successor on Earth.

reestablishment of the caliphate on June 30,

A caliph is the recognized leader of all Muslims,

2014, and President Obama announced the

regardless of sect. He is the embodiment of the

commencement of US operations against ISIL

ISIL is short for the Islamic State of Iraq and

institution of Islam. The caliphate represents the

on August 7, 2014.

the Levant. ISIS is short for the Islamic State of

extent of his influence.

Iraq and Syria. The difference, of course, is in

What are ISIL’s goals?

the words “the Levant” and “Syria”. Both come from different translations of the Arabic word

Where does ISIL come from?

al-Shams. Traditionally al-Shams has referred to

According to translations of speeches by the

“Greater Syria”, or the land that was politically

Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi was not always ISIL’s

Middle East Research Institute and analysis

dependent on Damascus. Nowadays, we call

leader. Abu Musab al-Zarqawi originally led the

by Foreign Affairs’ Robin Simcox, ISIL’s goals

this territory the Levant, a region that includes

Arab branch of Ansar al-Islam, a radical militant

consist of four-steps of progressive domination:

Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Israel, and the Palestinian

Kurdish separatist group. He then moved this

(1) Declare a caliphate. (2) Consolidate

territories. When Middle Eastern states were

organization to Al Qaeda in Iraq (AQI) and

authority in regions under ISIL control to create

created after World War I, Damascus’ land was

became its leader. He was able to turn AQI into

a solid base and state-like foundations (ISIL is

limited to the state of Syria, so the contemporary

a ferociously effective terrorist organization in

currently in this phase). (3) Take all Muslim

term al-Shams refers only to Syria. Use of ISIL

the Iraqi civil war, but was killed by a US airstrike

lands, Sunni and Shia. (4) Conquer “Rome,” or

or ISIS depends if one prefers the traditional or

in 2006.

the Christian world.

contemporary translation.

AQI’s efficacy was the result of gruesome tactics

The energy that ISIL once put forth into gaining

I prefer ISIL for two reasons. One is that the

and brutality. Public executions and crucifixions

territory is now being used to enforce strict

group’s overarching ideological objective is to

of those who did not pay AQI allegiance were

laws on piety and religious affairs and to spread

recreate a perceived political situation from

among the more heinous of these tactics. Public

propaganda in the lands they control. In these

more than a millennium in the past, when al-

backlash against these brutal tactics prompted

lands, ISIL is beginning to establish state-like

Shams would have meant the Levant, and not

AQI’s new leader, Abu Ayyud al-Masri, to rebrand

institutions—they are regulating transportation

just Syria. The other reason is that the group is

the organization as the Islamic State of Iraq (ISI).

and energy, educating children, and offering

expansionary, seeking to eventually control the

Continued public unrest, along with American

pensions to ISIL bureaucrats and soldiers. Simply

entire Levant (and beyond), and does not limit

airstrikes on ISI leadership, weakened the militants

put, ISIL is establishing these institutions to

its objectives to the two contemporary states

until 2011, when the Syrian crisis escalated and

create a base of operations for the third and

that the name ISIS implies.

ISI, now under al-Baghdadi, rebranded themselves

fourth phases of its expansionary plan.

again as ISIL.

Why not just IS? As much as ISIL would prefer for the ISIL/ISIS debate to be null and for the rest of the world to respect their request to be referred to simply as the Islamic State, or IS, ISIL is not a state. Many conditions must be met before they can be considered a state. One of the most important of these conditions is international recognition. No state, Islamic-majority or otherwise, has recognized ISIL’s legitimate sovereignty over the lands it occupies.

is not seeking to strike Europe or the United

with the Al Qaeda brand, Al Qaeda sought to

States any time soon. However, this is not to

combine ISIL’s political and military efforts with

say that ISIL does not seek to eventually strike

another Al Qaeda affiliate, Jabhat al-Nusra.

Europe or the United States. In an interview

This effort failed, and resulted in the outright

with NBC’s Chuck Todd, President Obama said

disavowal of ISIL from Al Qaeda early in 2014.

“we’ve not seen any immediate intelligence

There are reports that Al Qaeda disavowed

about threats to the homeland from ISIL.”

ISIL because they were “too horrid even for

The President went on to state: “In the more

Al Qaeda”. The source of that supposition is a

immediate term, it’s an imm-- it’s a threat to

letter written from Al Qaeda leadership to ISIL

friends, partners in the region and is causing all

leader al-Baghdadi, but this source has not been

kinds of hardship.” Note his hesitation to use the

confirmed as legitimate.

term “immediate” to describe ISIL’s threat to the

In summer 2014, ISIL determined the time was appropriate for a military pivot back

What is a caliphate? On June 30, 2014, ISIL declared that it had reinstated the caliphate with ISIL’s leader, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, as caliph. To be caliph means


Understanding this process shows us that ISIL

Since ISIL was, at this point, still affiliated

to Iraq and a seizure of Sunni lands. After minimal resistance from Iraqi forces, ISIL took many towns, fortifications, and highways linking Sunni lands in Iraq. ISIL announced the

United States’ friends and partners. It is “more” immediate than it is to “the homeland,” but it is not immediate in and of itself. Immediately— currently— ISIL is consolidating. ISIL will then move to strike friends and partners, and then to Europe and the USA.

political review | international

Where does ISIL get their money and military equipment?

with local communities, will be necessary in addition to the air power the United States is

Joe Lenoff is a senior in the College of Arts & Sciences. He can be reached at joseph.lenoff@wustl.edu.

providing. The United States is quick to point Initially, ISIL received most of their funding from

out that this ground aspect of counterterrorism

wealthy hardliners in Qatar, Bahrain, and Saudi

will be provided by Iraqi and Arab allies, and not

Arabia. Eventually, these governments were

by US troops.

pressured to cut off this flow of funds, and ISIL was forced to find other means to support itself. When ISIL forces re-invaded Iraq, their reputation preceded them and they were largely unopposed. Since the US invasion of Iraq and the purging of Saddam Hussein’s Ba’ath party, the Iraqi military has been largely Shia and has been uninterested in defending Sunni lands. The Iraqi military simply turned and ran from many forts and communities, leaving behind USprovided military equipment and, in some cases, large amounts of US cash. ISIL has also captured many oil wells, and they smuggle this oil through the porous TurkishSyrian border. The oil is then sold on the Turkish black market. Before US airstrikes, ISIL was averaging around $2 or $3 million per day from oil sales. The US has singled out these oil wells in its airstrikes, and has significantly hampered production, from an estimated 80,000 barrels a day to about 20,000 barrels. This is still a significant amount of income, and the US is currently working with Turkey to crack down on their black market.

How strong is ISIL really? The CIA estimates that ISIL has anywhere from 20,000 to 31,000 rank and file troops. This does not include supporters or bureaucrats. One of the things that makes ISIL dangerous is the international character of its armed forces. Radical Islamists from around the world, mainly Tunisia and Saudi Arabia, have come to Syria and Iraq to fight under the ISIL flag. Some are also coming from Europe, and a few from the United States. There is a fear that the international mobility of ISIL recruits from abroad will be a major avenue for ISIL’s global terrorism campaign. Also, ISIL is not a standard military. There are no ISIL uniforms, and ISIL fighters cannot be deterred by traditional military tactics. Counterterrorism tactics, requiring extended commitments on the ground and intensive work


political review | Justice

cruel and usual Samuel Klein | Illustration by Ezekiel Saucedo


n a harshly lit room, a physician, an employee

row. His death by bullets was

of the state, twists open three valves in

seamless, his pain minimized

sequence. Lethal chemicals, often from an

and his likely mental anguish

undisclosed source, rush down narrow plastic tubing into the veins of a condemned inmate. Within a few minutes, the inmate’s heart stops beating, leaving the body of the vicious criminal motionless, and perhaps creating a sense of closure for those close to the victim. This is the process used in the United States to execute

fleeting. The death penalty exists as a relic of the Hammurabian “eye for an eye” mentality that has been abandoned by most developed nations. However,

death row inmates. Usually it works.

these countries hold critical

For many in the United States, lethal injection

global trade network, and for

can absolve the possible feelings of guilt

a while provided the drugs

surrounding the use of capital punishment; it

used in lethal injections. In

is much easier on the conscience to conduct

2011, pharmaceutical giants

executions silently through a sterile needle than

Hospira and Lundbeck ceased

via hanging, electric chair, or firing squad. In

exporting sodium thiopental

theory, it’s an ideal process—one or multiple

and pentobarbital, two standard

drugs will, in order, knock out the inmate,

elements in the U.S. prison

tranquilize his muscular system, and ultimately

euthanasia cocktail. The former

induce cardiac arrest. But in practice, lethal

corporation is American but

injection often doesn’t work as intended—and

produced sodium thiopental in

the consequences can be disastrous.

Italy, while the latter is Danish.

In the past six months there have been two high-profile lethal injection executions in the United States that have been botched. Joseph Rudolph Wood III, an Arizona double-murderer, struggled for air for the last two hours of his life in July. Just a few months earlier, Oklahoma inmate Clayton Lockett’s execution was stopped after he began to physically struggle on the gurney. Lockett eventually died within an hour of being injected with the drugs. The details of his struggle are gruesome and horrifying. Last moments lasting hours? Gasping on the gurney? Such unintended but disturbingly frequent side effects of lethal injection violate the most fundamental human rights. A nearly instantaneous death by firing squad would be preferable to the unreliable and convoluted mechanism of lethal injection currently employed; perhaps that’s why infamous killer Ronnie Lee Gardner elected to die by firing squad in Utah in 2010. Despite the firing squad no longer being an option for newly convicted felons, Gardner was grandfathered into the option thanks to his 25-year tenure on death


positions in the United States’

Later that year, the European Union prohibited all exports of lethal injection drugs, including some that have other medical benefits. Pennsylvania, Texas, Oklahoma, and other states have been under fire for replacing these international sources of sodium thiopental and pentobarbital with undisclosed providers whose standards and reputations are unknown to the public. In

the upcoming decades, they will need to ensure that their methods place the human rights of the inmate over bureaucracy and politics.

the case of Lockett’s execution, the latter drug

We live in a country where we kill our worst

was replaced with midazolam. The new drug

criminals, and we do it in a manner that makes

failed catastrophically as a sedative. Inmates like

bullets to the heart seem humane. If states are

Lockett are being executed with chemicals of

to continue their policies of execution, they

unknown origins and untested effects.

must establish high standards for transparency

Ironically, the extensive efforts of acquiring complex drug cocktails have caused more undue suffering than many conventional poisons would. It is an attempt to ease the consciences of the living that is causing executions to go

and oversight in the process, from the source of the drugs to ensuring their efficacy to the injection itself. Or perhaps the US should do what it should have done long ago—ban the practice of capital punishment once and for all.

wrong, and the system is simply unsustainable. If the 38 states that still impose capital punishment plan on continuing such policies in

Samuel Klein is a freshman the College of Arts & Sciences. He can be reached at klein.s@wustl.edu.

political review | Justice

Mayor Slay chooses love over law Lindsey Wanberg


n late June, despite clear laws banning

Koster demonstrates legalistic sentiment

itself is a convincing argument that Slay’s

same-sex marriage in Missouri, the mayor

when he explains that his “duty… is to defend

actions were just. St. Louis Public Radio posted

of St. Louis, Francis Slay, married four

the laws of the state of Missouri.” According

a video of one of the couples, John Durnell and

same-sex couples in his office. When Attorney

to the philosophy of legalism, when Slay

Richard Eaton. In the video, the song “Stay”

General of Missouri Chris Koster heard of

broke the law he endangered civil order. The

by Rihanna swelled as the couple (looking

the marriages he was not pleased. Koster is

United States government was established to

stylish in checkered and striped bowties) sat

a public supporter of same-sex marriages,

make ethical rules based on a representative

on a couch together to discuss their thoughts

but firmly opposes Mayor Slay’s violation of

opinion. As soon as executives start ignoring

before the ceremony.

state law. In a statement issued on June 26,

the law and therefore representative opinion,

2014, Koster declared, “While I personally

the government changes from serving

support the goal of marriage equality, my duty

the good of the people to the good of the

as Attorney General is to defend the laws

executive. Cue the Hobbesian chaos.

to experience would happen ever. You know,

The drawback of legalism, however, is that

his voice broke. He chuckled and gestured to

the rules one must uphold can be “static” and

his face, which was slowly losing composure.

dated. In other words, they are unaffected by

“Damn, I had that under control.”

of the state of Missouri… Missourians have yet to change their constitution [to legalize same-sex marriage]... such vital questions cannot be decided by local county officials acting in contravention of state law.” Koster sued the City of St. Louis the day after the weddings and asked for the cancellation of the

special circumstances and changing public opinion, and therefore may no longer be effective when exercised. The only way to

newlyweds’ licenses.

change laws requires venturing through the

Surprisingly, this conflict is not about two

Slay’s plan to illegally marry the couples was

politicians butting heads over the definition

meant to speed up the process, thrusting a

of marriage—both Slay and Koster agree

same-sex marriage case into the state courts.

that same-sex couples should be allowed

In a press conference Slay stated, “We have

convoluted processes of democracy. Mayor

“We have created a clear, direct legal challenge to Missouri’s unconstitutional ban on marriage equality. We hope to get this before the courts to settle this issue on behalf of all gay and lesbian people in our state.” ­­— Mayor Francis Slay of St. Louis

Durnell spoke thoughtfully. “I would have never thought in my life that what we’re going just that we’d ever get married.” At this point,

The video then cut to Durnell and Eaton’s wedding ceremony. The pastor mentioned the marriage was confirmed on behalf of Mayor Slay and the City of St. Louis. The couple kissed, and it was made official. At least for now. The newlyweds’ licenses have not yet been

created a clear,

revoked, but it is possible they will be when

direct legal challenge

Koster’s case against the City of St. Louis

to Missouri’s

reaches the courts. This though, is unlikely.


Public opinion has changed drastically since

ban on marriage

the 2004 Missouri amendment was passed

equality. We hope to

to keep marriage between a man and a

get this before the

woman. It is possible that when the case does

courts to settle this

come up, the justices, reacting to growing

issue on behalf of

public support and recent court rulings, will

all gay and lesbian

strike down the marriage amendment in the

people in our state.”

Missouri constitution. Then finally, Slay and

Sharon Carpenter,

Koster will both get their way.

to marry. Instead, they disagree over what

the Recorder of Deeds for St. Louis, explained

constitutes justice in government. Koster

that because many states have recently

believes one must follow the law or go through

declared their own same-sex marriage bans

the established processes to change the law.

unconstitutional (Utah and Indiana happened

In contrast, Slay, as evidenced by his actions,

to do this the same day of St. Louis’s same-

believes it is legitimate to bypass laws if

sex weddings) it was an ideal time to test if

those laws are unjust. So is Koster’s legalistic

Missouri would follow suit. “It is time to show

thinking or Slay’s moralistic thinking preferable

that the people of St. Louis support equality

in a government?

and will fight for it,” she said.

Western legalism pushes the idea that

The four same-sex couples’ happiness after

following the law is the most ethical option.

their weddings was undeniable, and this in

Lindsey Wanberg is a freshman in the College of Arts & Sciences. She can be reached at lindsey.wanberg@ wustl.edu.


political review | Justice

Slaves for the World Cup Min Heo


osting the World Cup is the envy of many nations,

and countries around the world vie to be the next host for one of the largest global sporting events. But what is left out of the public eye when such large events occur is the challenge of preparing event infrastructure. Specifically, the majority of observers and fans ignore the workers who bear the burden of erecting the structures that allow millions of people worldwide to enjoy the game. For example, eight workers were killed during construction of the stadiums for the 2014 World Cup in Brazil, six more than were killed in preparation for the 2010 World Cup in South Africa. It is an outrage that workers are sacrificed in the construction of athletic facilities, and their deaths should make us wonder why there was so little objection from the public. The human rights problems in South Africa and Brazil are small, however, compared to the tragedy of workers’ rights in the construction of stadiums for the 2022 World Cup in Qatar. The Guardian has predicted a death toll of 600 construction workers each year in Qatar, which translates to a total of almost 4,000 fatalities by 2022. The Guardian also reported that a 1.2-million person workforce consisting mostly of Nepalese and Indian migrant workers currently toil in 122-degree heat in Qatar. An additional million workers will be brought in as preparations for the World Cup continue. In addition to harsh conditions, workers earn as little as £4.9 ($7.90) a day. Many have their passports confiscated to prevent them from leaving Qatar.


How can the world turn a blind eye to the

Certain measures need to be taken to ensure

fact that, in an age of acute awareness of

that while people get to enjoy the pleasure

human rights issues, the abhorrent working

of the game, no one gets left behind in the

conditions for workers in certain parts of the

process. FIFA has clearly been derelict in this

world are almost completely ignored? This

duty. FIFA has failed to take any measures

brings us to a much larger question about

as of yet to either relocate the 2022 World

modern day sports. Sports in all parts of the

Cup or to ensure the safety of workers in

world have become massive markets, and

Qatar. The number of violations in Qatar

soccer has had a particularly powerful reach.

are unprecedented and FIFA need to take

Walk around every major city in the world

a firmer stance on this outrage, not only

and you will see people wearing national team

for the sake of the workers, but also for the

jerseys, club jerseys, or other forms of soccer

integrity of international sportsmanship. The

clothing in support of their favorite team.

2016 Summer Olympics in Rio de Janeiro are

Today, we hire experts just to analyze the

coming up, and they present another threat

statistics of players and their transfer value.

to worker rights. FIFA should take a stand to

The soccer economy is huge, and certain

show that sports games should not involve

clubs have more money than small nations.

the sacrifice of human lives.

While we shouldn’t necessarily condemn the large revenues that sports clubs receive, we must realize that the thrill of sports games has perhaps blinded us to what goes on behind the scenes. Sports are a great form of entertainment, but when audience enjoyment is supported by the degradation of human rights, sports lose their value.

Min Heo is a freshman in the College of Arts & Sciences. He can be reached at minheo51@gmail.com.

political review | Justice

No Justice for “Comfort Women” Samuel Leiter


uring the Second World War, the

awaiting justice as politicians wrangle

War II. Compensating a group of people

Imperial Japanese Army adopted

over issues of culpability.” Women now in

is not unprecedented, and the distinction

a policy that forced somewhere

their eighties and nineties have demanded

between a group of people that does not

between 200,000 and 300,000 women into

reparations from both South Korea—which

constitute a nation and a group of people

prostitution. These women came from both

collaborated with the Japanese during the

that does (i.e. Israel) is fairly arbitrary. The

Japan and the nations conquered by Japan

Japanese occupation and the Americans

decision against the Filipino women in 1998

during World War II, including Korea and

during the American occupation—and Japan,

followed a decision earlier in the year that

China. In 2007, the current prime minister of

which used its army to force women into

granted three comfort women the right to

Japan, Shinzo Abe, denied that Japan coerced

prostitution. However, these women have

an apology and reparations—the closest any

women into prostitution, contradicting the

so far been unsuccessful, despite serious

comfort women have come to receiving just

Kono Statement of 1993, which admitted

concerted efforts. For example, in 2008

compensation. But these women did not

that the Imperial Japanese Army had been

several NGOs worked together to create a

receive compensation, as a Hiroshima high

involved in forcing huge numbers of women

case for 122 South Korean women who filed

court struck down their case in 2001.

into prostitution during the war. There has

a lawsuit for 100 million dollars against the

been a recent shift in Japan towards a more

South Korean government because of their

abrasive and nationalistic tone as tensions

mistreatment in the decades following the

with China grow. This tone not only harms

Korean War. This case has not yet been

Japan’s position internationally, but is

decided, but is expected to go to trial soon.

completely dismissive of international law

If past attempts by comfort women to get

Thousands upon thousands were killed, tortured, and punished by their own governments because they were forced to be comfort women by an occupying power. Despite numerous attempts at justice, they

and human rights. By refusing to acknowledge comfort women, Japan is ignoring the fact that these were real women who lost their lives or suffered immensely due to forced prostitution. The treatment of these women varied, but

“The treatment of these women varied, but was often barbaric—survivors reported that those who got sick, pregnant, or exhausted were killed.”

was often barbaric—survivors reported that those who got sick, pregnant, or exhausted were killed. The murder of

some sort of justice are any measure by which to predict the outcome the lawsuit,

have yet to receive any compensation for their suffering. The Abe administration

though, its success appears unlikely.

has added insult to injury by refusing to

girl being buried alive, and another being

A similar case was struck down in 1998 by

Even if the 122 women suing the South

sexually tortured until she died. Those

a Japanese judge, and 46 Filipino women

Korean government today are successful in

who did survive were often traumatized,

forced into sexual slavery during World War

their lawsuit, little justice will be served to

infertile, or afflicted by sexually transmitted

II were denied justice. One Filipino woman

the thousands of women whose lives were

diseases. After the war, former comfort

broke down in tears as she recounted her

destroyed by violence and the stigma of

women were treated terribly by their own

story of being forced into sexual slavery at

forced prostitution.

countries. One Chinese comfort woman was

the age of 13 to a room full of reporters. The

sentenced to 17 years of hard labor for being

case was dismissed because, according to

a collaborator, and this type of treatment

the judge, international law does not provide

was not uncommon.

for individual claims of compensation

these women was often brutal beyond belief. Survivor accounts include one teenage

Although World War II may seem like a bygone era, the experience of comfort women is still a contentious issue today. As the Wall Street Journal reported, a “dwindling group of surviving comfort women in South Korea, China and other countries are still

acknowledge such atrocities ever occurred.

against a former occupying country. While this is technically true, it does not change the injustice of the situation. Additionally, though individuals have not received compensation by occupying powers, nations have. Most famously, Israel received reparations from Germany after World

Samuel Leiter is a freshman in the College of Arts & Sciences he can be reached at sjleiter@wustl.edu.


political review | international

The Progression (and Regression) of the Status of Women in India E Katherine Surko | Illustration by Alex Chiu ver since the brutal gang rape that occurred

against women. Some individual regions of

desperately needed is a shift in India’s (and the

two years ago in Delhi, the status of women

India have taken their own stance against the

world’s) attitude towards women.

in India has been making international

growing sexual violence problem. For example,

headlines. There have been protests scattered

many schools in Mumbai now have a curriculum

across the country demanding more laws to

that teaches students the difference between

protect women and stricter punishments for those

a “good touch” and a “bad touch.” Other parts

who break them. Women’s issues have made

of the country, however, have adopted a more

it into the political campaigns of the country’s

regressive approach. Last year, the Indian media

leaders, an unprecedented step forward. But for all

reported that the state of Uttarakhand passed

this talk of change, has any progress been made?

a law that forces working women in the public

Prime Minister Narendra Modi is one of many politicians with something to say on the status of women in India. He appears to be progressive in his views, and has made many public statements during his election campaign regarding the country’s problems with sexual assault. During his first Independence Day speech as Prime Minister, Modi asks parents to watch out for their sons, because “after all, the rapist is also

and private sectors to stop working after 6 pm. Due to an extreme public backlash, however, the state’s chief minister denied that such a law had ever been passed, according to The Guardian. The ultimate redaction of the law is a good sign, but the fact that it was even implemented in the first place indicates a disconnect between the leaders making the decisions and the women who are affected by the assaults.

someone’s son.” His willingness to talk about the

New laws have been enacted in the past couple

issue and not just blame the victim provides a

years to prevent sexual assault, such as a law

huge contrast to comments from politicians like

enacted in March 2013 that criminalizes stalking

Mulayam Singh Yadav from Uttar Pradesh, who

and sexual harassment and enforces a death

says that “Boys will be boys, they make mistakes.”

penalty for repeat offenders and for rapes that

Modi’s progressive attitude bodes well for a country with few measures in place to prevent and prosecute sexual assault. According to the Associated Press, a rape occurs every 22 minutes

lead to the victim’s death. Marital rape, however, is still not prosecutable under Indian law, so there are further strides that need to be made within the legal code. While the new laws being enacted to protect women certainly represent progress,

The prevalence of sexual assault in India reflects misogyny deeply ingrained in society. Prejudice against women starts before birth, with sexselective abortion. This has contributed to a growing uneven gender distribution in India, where there are about 918 girls for every 1000 boys under the age of six. An Indian government report states that of all the children kept out of school, 62% are female; women account for two thirds of India’s illiterate population. Modi acknowledges the issue of high female school drop-out rates, and has talked about improving the country’s education system. During his Independence Day speech, he mentioned an initiative to install bathrooms in schools and communities across the country. According to the World Bank, about 53% of households use public areas and streets as bathrooms. This is especially problematic for women, as it creates an opportunity for sexual assault. Further, a lack of privacy can create embarrassing and stressful situations, especially during a woman’s menstrual period. UNICEF reports that in countries where menstruation is a taboo topic, girls in puberty miss an average of 20% of the school year. One of the major reasons

the effectiveness of these laws is questionable.

for these absences is that young girls do not have

reported, and of those four, only one results in

In fact, in between 2006 and 2011, there has been

hygiene products. Simply installing bathrooms

a conviction.

a 25% increase in the number of reported rapes

in schools and communities across the country

in India, and the National Crime Record Bureau

could thus yield significant improvements in

reports a 7.1% increase in crimes against women

female attendance.

in India, and according to the National Crime Record Bureau, only four out of ten rapes are

Many people blame the prevalence of sexual assault on an indifferent police force. This summer, two young girls were kidnapped in Uttar Pradesh, and when family members reported the crime to the police, they allegedly refused to investigate. The two girls were later found raped and hanged. These stories are unfortunately common, and have led to public outrage. Indian politicians have spoken out, critiquing the inaction of police officers. The majority BJP party has declared a zero-tolerance policy towards violence


since 2010. While this could simply mean that more rapes are being reported, it is unlikely that a 25% uptick in reports is entirely due to a change in reporting behaviors. It is critical that India take swift action now to remedy what appears to be a growing epidemic of violence towards women. Laws to protect women don’t necessary translate directly into a decrease in sexual violence. While changing the laws is certainly important, what is

access to a private space to change their feminine

In the past year, the government has also begun to focus on workplace gender disparities. By this October, all Indian companies are required to have at least one female board member, a sign that attitudes towards women are changing. The fact that Indian businesses are having trouble finding enough qualified women is discouraging, and points back to inequalities that begin at birth. The lack of women qualified to fill such jobs

political review | international

indicates that more attention should be paid to

make up only 43% of India’s total population.

keeping girls in school, and not just those girls

These entrenched inequalities between classes

who come from wealthy families and can afford a

and ethnicities create a culture of hostility,

private education.

tension, and anger between different

If India wants to increase its power on the world stage, it is crucial that it focus on domestic gender inequalities. The International Labor Organization reports that India’s female labor participation rate is only 29%, which, according to The Atlantic, has cost India about $900 billion over the past decade. If India had brought more women into the workforce during the past decade, its economic growth could have jumped from 7.7% to 11.6%. It is thus the best interest of India’s leaders to prioritize women’s rights, if only for the benefits that increased gender equality would

parts of the population, which only exacerbates violence against women. If India were to focus further on providing a good education to all of its citizens, then the early seeds of gender inequality could be addressed. If the leaders of India intend to keep their promises about improving the status of women in the country, then it is crucial that they focus on the root of these inequalities and prioritize the education of women and girls.

bring to the economy. It will take more than changes in the law and a handful of public speeches to make a difference in India’s gender problems. Policy makers need to

Katherine is a freshman in the College of Arts & Sciences. She can be reached at surkokatherine@gmail.com.

take a look at the root causes of violence against women: deeply ingrained inequalities that begin even before birth. The best way to enact positive change would be to put more of an emphasis on the public education system, and to focus on addressing broader social mentalities. Modi’s talk of change in the school system is a good sign, but it is time for those words to be turned into action. Right now, India’s government schools are overcrowded and not particularly effective. Teachers are not always qualified, do not always show up, and are frequently overwhelmed by large class sizes. About 40% of primary schools have more than 30 kids per classroom, 60% do not have electricity, and about 21% of teachers are not professionally trained (RTE Forum). Wealthier families can send their kids to private school, but many are stuck with government sponsored schools with statistics like those stated above. Right now, according to a report conducted by the Indian government, two thirds of students not enrolled in school belong to minority populations, even though minorities


political review | NATIONAL

A CHAT WITH mirpuri of


political review | international

AMBASSADOR singapore

Aaron Christensen | Illustration by Alex Chiu


n September 11, Ashok Kumar Mirpuri,

“Being a very small island state, we had to

However, Ambassador Mirpuri supports

Singaporean Ambassador to the US

have a very strong sense of the world,” Mirpuri

American involvement in the Asia-Pacific region

since 2012, came to campus to speak

explained. “We are very much at the hub of the

and does not fear that an increased American

at the invitation of WUPR and the Singaporean

Asia Pacific region, Southeast Asia and the Asia

focus on Asia means ignorance of the rest of the

Students Association. Having previously served

Pacific region. And that’s really given us the


as the Ambassador to Indonesia and the High

ability to play a role with our neighbors.”

Commissioner to Malaysia and Australia,

“Looking ahead to the future . . . the Asia-Pacific is

Considering its size, Singapore has been

where the US future is going to be. It is not to the

surprisingly active in the international community.

detriment of your relationships with Europe and

Ambassador Mirpuri is particularly proud of

the Middle East. The US is a global superpower,

Singapore’s sponsorship of the economic and

and I think that everyone expects that there is

political regional bloc ASEAN, the Association of

sufficient attention to cover all these areas, and

America’s presence in East Asia.

South-East Asian Nations. He envisions ASEAN

that is warmly welcomed.”

Singapore, a small island city-state located

could rival India and China.

One of the most controversial aspects of the

“We intend to announce the ASEAN Economic

Asia is the proposed “Trans-Pacific Partnership”

Community at the end of next year, 2015, and

(TPP). In essence, the TPP is a massive free-

that should help to pull the ASEAN countries

trade agreement between several different

together. Again, if you look at the whole Asia-

countries around the Pacific. The treaty is

Pacific geography, you have a very large growing

controversial in the United States, but Singapore

economic power in China, a very large growing

embraces and actively sponsors the treaty.

economic power in India. Southeast Asia

Ambassador Mirpuri suggested that objections

straddles these two powers…When we’ve pulled

to specific parts of the TPP must be addressed

together the ASEAN Economic Community, we’ll

through a long process of bilateral “adjustments,”

to advance their country:

have over 600 million people, a growing middle

some of them painful but necessary for economic

class, and an interest in connecting with the


“When we became independent in 1965, we

outside world.”

Mirpuri has extensive experience working with leaders around the Asia-Pacific region and in Washington. Before his talk, WUPR had the chance to sit down with Ambassador Mirpuri to discuss Singapore, Southeast Asia, and

on the southern tip of the Malay Peninsula, is one of the world’s greatest developmental success stories—since gaining independence in 1965, it has become a major business hub and an important player in regional politics. With its singular position, Singapore has also had a unique set of development challenges to overcome. Ambassador Mirpuri credited the nation’s success to the vision of the Singaporean leadership and the will of the Singaporean people

were a country without any resources. We had to buy water from Malaysia, with long-term agreements . . . We had to import all our energy; we had to import all our food . . . You speak of these circumstances and you realize how unique it is, not having water, energy or food, there’s no other country like that . . .And it has been a dramatic transformation, very dramatic, because of the leadership’s vision and the determination of the population.” Given Singapore’s status as a small country with much larger neighbors, diplomacy has always been of critical importance in ensuring the island’s independence and prosperity.

as a potential new economic power in Asia that

Obama administration’s increased outreach to

“I think that trade agreements, generally, are

Americans have been paying more attention to

very difficult to sell. Because there are always

Southeast Asia in recent years as foreign policy

adjustments… [the TPP] is going to be beneficial

observers write of the Obama administration’s

for some, many Americans, but some Americans

so-called “Pivot to Asia,” a renewal of

will have to make an adjustment. It’s how that

engagement with the Asia-Pacific region.

adjustment can take place, and I think that that’s

Ambassador Mirpuri, however, doubted whether

the way to solve it; to say [to Americans] that

the move was novel.

there will be lots of other opportunities that will

“From Singapore’s point of view, [US involvement

emerge out of this and that is important.“

in the Asia-Pacific] actually is not something

The full interview with Ambassador Mirpuri is

new… Since the Korean War and the Vietnam

available online at wupr.org.

War, the US has always been present…Whether it’s a Democratic administration or a Republican administration, they’ve always been there, and it’s something that the region has appreciated.”

Aaron Christensen is a sophomore in the College of Arts & Sciences. He can be contacted at aaronchristensen@wustl.edu.


political review | international

A Game of Lives C Reuben Siegman

an you imagine working for hours

problem. Brahim Ould M’Bareck Ould Med

was exacerbated by drought and poor

under the hot sun of the Sahara, only

El Moctar, a government official, said, “I

environmental conditions in the 1970s and

to not be paid? This is what life is

must tell you that in Mauritania, freedom

80s that caused some of the nomadic tribes

like as a slave in the Islamic Republic of

is total: freedom of thought, equality - of

in the north to move south. Because of the

Mauritania, a West African nation south

all men and women of Mauritania. Equality

power structure the French left behind, the

of Morocco. Mauritania is a nation of

for all people.” Government refusal to

Haratin, a group of Sub-Saharan Arabized

three and a half million people, 10-20% of

acknowledge slavery has led to a lack

people, became the lowest caste and the

whom are still enslaved, according to the

prosecution against slave owners. There

slaves of the Moors. Many other black

CIA World Factbook. This is the largest

has been only one prosecuted case, when

Africans became subject to government

enslaved population by percentage of any

Oumoulmoummine Mint Bakar Vall was

pogroms. This resulted in a peak of ethnic

country in the world. Indeed, according to

sentenced to only six months in jail. She

violence in 1989, and led to a forced exodus

a UN ranking, Mauritania’s enslavement

was convicted for having two children in

of the black Africans to Mali and Sengal,

rate is almost twice that of the second

slave-like conditions, which she denied.

while the government accepted Arab-

worst offender. Slavery in Mauritania was

She claimed to have treated them like

Islamic Maur and Tuareg refugees.

only abolished in 1981, and was not made

her own children and said the most they

a crime until 2007. While slavery was

did was housecleaning. This controversy

technically abolished decades ago, it wasn’t

generated major commotion in Mauritania,

a punishable offense until 2007.

resulting in multiple anti-slavery rallies, a few of which became violent and led to

Mauritanian slaves are often employed as farm laborers, and are also usually responsible for day-to-day tasks like tending to camels, finding and retrieving

activist arrests.

water, and serving families and guests

eventually led to Abdel Aziz’s election as

Mauritania has a very ethnically diverse

understand the concept of freedom and

president in the semi-democratic system

population. A third of the nation identifies

many people in the population are not

of government. In the years since, there

as being either Moorish or Berber Arab,

literate. In Mauritanian society, slaves are

have been multiple assassination attempts,

another third identifies as Black, and the

given as gifts, sent away, and forced to have

including one last October in which Aziz

rest of the population is of mixed heritage.

children who instantly become slaves. In

was shot. Many people still believe that

This dynamic, along with multiple historical

the process, families are often separated.

his election was fraudulent, and as recently

flows of immigration and emigration, has

Mauritanian politics have undergone rapid changes since a 2008 coup that

in their homes. Many slaves do not


“In Mauritanian society, slaves are given as gifts, sent away, and forced to have children who instantly become slaves. In the process, families are often separated.”

tension between the different ethnic groups and has been a driver

as August there were protests at the US-

for slavery. When Mauritania was part of

Africa Summit against his election. This

French West Africa, slavery was banned

“first of its kind” summit was supposed to

and there was a halt to fighting between

help strengthen the connections between

clans, even though most of the population

the US and African nations. However, the

remained nomadic. This was largely

Mauritanian government has not allowed

because various ethnic groups were

international organizations into the country

separated geographically under French rule.

out of fear that other nations might witness

When Mauritania gained its independence

the travesty of Mauritania’s modern slavery.

in 1960, everything changed. The French

The government led by Aziz and his administration has shown it does not care about addressing the issue of slavery, as it has been essentially ignoring the


Focusing on education could change popular attitudes toward slavery. Increasing the literacy rate and access to books would provide the, Mauritanian people with exposure to ideas of freedom, and thus change the views of both masters and slaves with respect to the slave system. Mauritania should thus increase its spending on education. Economic growth is also paramount. With a quarter of the country unemployed and 40% below the poverty line, there needs to be an improvement in the economy to enable the country to enact any meaningful change to the educational system.

left the power in the hands of the ArabBerber aristocracy. With Mauritania’s sudden independence, competition for resources and government power led to the collision of many groups. This conflict

Reuben is a freshman in the College of Arts & Sciences. He can be reached at reuben.siegman@wustl.com.

political review | National

Ice-Bucket Politicking I Xiaochang Song | Illustration by Andrew Kay

n a summer news cycle dominated by the

spent on malaria prevention efforts would

escalating conflict in the Middle East, the

provide 500 DALYs, mainly due to the

frightening Ebola epidemic in West Africa,

disproportionate impact of malaria on

and issues of race and power structures in

children. Malaria and other infectious

America, the millions of videos that graced our

diseases severely burden the economic

newsfeeds showing people pouring ice-cold

productivity of the populations that they

water on themselves proved to be a heart-

affect, thereby creating a vicious cycle

warming respite from the world’s turbulent

of poor health and poverty. Instead of

madness. And unless you were so inspired by

contributing to the vogue charity of the

your freshman year Writing 1 class reading of

day, let us all be more active in looking

“Walden,” that you hid out in a cabin as part of

for effective charities, and non-for-profits

“summer research,” then you are undoubtedly

that best do what they claim to do. Let us

familiar with the efforts to raise awareness for

fund existing infrastructures operating at

the ALS Association. The Facebook campaign

economies of scale, such as the Against

has been out-of-this-world successful,

Malaria Foundation and the Deworm the

raising over $100 million to fund research for

World Campaign, which benefit millions of

amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), a paralyzing

people worldwide.

disease that brings severe pain to those who suffer from it. Given all the goodwill that has gone into and come out of this campaign, even a slight critique of these efforts may seem crass—that is until this issue is looked at with biostatistics and through the lens of effective altruism, a social movement that seeks the best ways to exploit limited resources to better the

Even without considering this kind of opportunity cost analysis, we must realize the complacency and myopia that social media activism tends to produce. Social media campaigns promulgated through Facebook allow for multitudes of people to be involved with a cause at a superficial


level. How many ice-bucket participants

Globally, ALS kills over 100,000 people

know what the acronym stands for? How

each year, while it is estimated that over

can any campaign to eradicate disease be

200 million people currently suffer from

truly successful and sustainable without its

infectious diseases such as tuberculosis

benefactors being invested in the day-to-

and malaria—77% of these cases affecting

day struggles and sufferings of the people

children under 5 years of age. Admittedly,

that it afflicts? The world of charitable

a ‘this kind of disease vs. that kind of

giving is one in which any donation leads

disease’ comparison can be convoluted

to an absolute net positive, but while every

and extremely difficult; do we make policy

human life is equal, every cause is not.

decisions simply based on the absolute

So, by all means, keep contributing to ALS

number of people affected by each disease?

research and clinical care funds. However,

Also, what kind of units could possibly

be careful of becoming myopic and

make suffering quantifiable? The DALY

sanctimonious, and instead keep looking

(Disability Adjusted Life Year), although

out for the causes that make the best use of

imperfect, is the most widely accepted

your time and goodwill.

could list a single symptom of ALS, or even

metric used by the World Bank and the World Health Organization in all major policy planning decisions, where 1 DALY is equivalent to one year of healthy life lost. According to the World Bank, Riluzole, the drug most commonly used to treat ALS, costs about $50,000 and is equal to about one DALY. This amount of money,

Xioachang Song is a junior in the College of Arts & Sciences. He can be reached at xiaochangsong@wustl.edu.


political review | NATIONAL

A Mile In Her Shoes Katelyn Taira | Illustration by Alicia Yang

detail the number of cases, alleged perpetrators,

the administration knew that police were

and disciplinary proceedings for each college

investigating a fraternity for reported gang rape,

campus; collect anonymous online surveys of

but allowed the organization to continue throwing

college students about their experience with

parties without informing the greater student

sexual assault and harassment each year; hire

population. At the University of California,

trained confidential advisors capable of assisting

Berkeley, several complaints allege that the

the victim with reporting the trauma; and fine

administration has discouraged victims from

institutions up to $150,000 for each violation

reporting and failed to inform them of their rights;

as well as up to 1% of its operating budget,

in the case of four particular women, a senior who

both penalties determined by the Secretary of

allegedly assaulted them was put on probation,

Education. This differs from the Clery Act, which

required to attend counseling, and was allowed to

outlined that schools in violation could lose all

graduate eight months after their report was filed.

federal aid, a punishment both unrealistic and impractical.

While the financial penalties may need to be

As Senator Kelly Ayotte, one of the sponsors of

right direction. Its goal to provide transparency

CASA, aptly puts it, “This bill has teeth. If schools

has garnered bipartisan support, especially in

ignore the clear guidelines, this bill lays out that

a time when universities value reputation over

there are consequences and that they will pay a

student well-being. Schools across the nation

stiff price.” The price, however, is the main point

have claimed that they are supportive of survivors

of contention with critics. The Office for Civil

through implementing Title IX offices and sexual

Rights would collect the 1% non-compliance

violence awareness events, but the dichotomy

penalty, thereby creating an incentive to find

between policy and action is palpable. While

potentially innocent universities and alleged

institutions like Columbia University have taken

he statistics are alarming. Nearly one

perpetrators guilty. Yet with nearly 80 schools

to slightly altering their sexual assault policies,

in five women on college campuses

under federal investigation for mishandling of

transparency is still vital. Emma Sulkowicz, a

nationwide will fall victim to rape or

sexual assault complaints, proactive measures

Columbia senior, said she was raped by a fellow

attempted rape over the course of their college

like those in CASA are entirely appropriate.

student and reported the crime to the school

careers; each academic year, for every 1,000

Missouri’s own Sen. Claire McCaskill, one of the

and police, but justice was never delivered. She,

women attending college, there are 35 accounts

main sponsors of CASA, recently published the

along with other survivors and supporters, have

of sexual assault. Reported cases of sexual

results of a survey about sexual violence on 236

taken to carrying her mattress around Columbia

assaults at colleges rose by 79 percent from

college campuses. According to her report, more

as a performance piece until the administration

2001 to 2012.

than 40% of schools have not conducted a single

expells and properly disciplines her rapist.


Findings like these have inspired waves of protest and indignation across the country. Students have organized rallies and Title IX campaigns, alumni

investigation in five years, 21% of schools provide no training to faculty and staff, and 31% provide no training for students.

slightly altered, CASA as a whole is a step in the

Of course one piece of legislation will not entirely erase sexual violence on college campuses, but it is one step closer to eradicating

have withheld donation checks, survivors have

These numbers are not merely statistics; they

victim-blaming and a lack of accountability.

come forward with their stories, and legislators

represent stories of people wronged by their

Universities should be focusing on the safety

have proposed new preventative and impactful

peers and administrations. Among the schools

and health of their students, not just on their

measures to curb sexual assault. Foremost

under investigation, the alleged crimes point to a

reputations. CASA forces schools to treat every

among proposed new legislation is the Campus

larger problem of administrative unaccountability.

case fairly and their students as people, not just

Accountability and Safety Act (CASA), aimed

At the University of Chicago, Olivia Ortiz was

PR problems. With measures like CASA, students

to make universities fully accountable for their

allegedly assaulted by her partner at the time.

will be empowered to fight this prevalent injustice

handlings of sexual violence cases. The bill is

The Dean of Students proposed an “informal

and to find safety for themselves, each other, and

progressive, featuring provisions that crack down

mediation” that brought together Ortiz and her

their schools.

on institutions to ensure that reports are not

assaulter to talk, which is not only damaging

ignored or mishandled. Among its key points,

emotionally and psychologically, but is in

CASA aims to increase cooperation between

direct violation of Title IX provisions. At Johns

academic institutions and local law enforcement;

Hopkins University, a complaint alleges that


Katelyn Taira is a freshman in the College of Arts& Sciences. She can be reached at ktaira@wustl.edu.

political review | National

Rick Perry and UT Lock Horns W Divya Walia | Illustration by Kat Bourek here I am from, no color has more

clear during the investigation of Regent

ended in 2011 when A&M moved from the Big

significance than burnt orange. It’s

Wallace Hall. Appointed to the UT Board of

12 to the SEC conference, but the remnants of

a distinct shade, one that could only

Regents by Perry in 2011, Hall is currently

this historical conflict will always remain. Many

represent the University of Texas at Austin,

under legislative investigation for violating

Austin insiders have playfully argued that

the educational and athletic pride and joy of

confidentiality laws in accessing unusually

Perry’s conflict with UT is a manifestation of

the Lone Star State. Besides the reputation of

large amounts of campus records and finding

the classic A&M inferiority complex, a way to

Longhorn athletics, the university boasts over

evidence that, under Powers’ leadership, “UT

finally level the playing field between his alma

52,000 students, 3,166 faculty members, and

knowingly and improperly counted over $215

mater and UT. Though it may seem ridiculous

over 10,000 professional staff members. Its

million in gifts.” Though lauded by Perry,

to claim Perry’s thoughts and actions regarding

research is among the most groundbreaking

Halls’ actions are seen by many powerful UT

UT were solely based on his memory of the

in the nation. Texas football is

Longhorn/Aggie competition, it is

one of the best-known college

important to remember that this is

programs and was valued at $805

Texas and the possibility of a sports

million in 2012. The school is also

rivalry bleeding into politics should

a cultural symbol of the state with

not be ruled out.

generations of families born and

Yet the story of the rocky relationship

bred under the Longhorn banner.

between Perry and UT raises some

Football games and tailgates create

larger issues. The prominence of

fanfare that lasts for days, drawing

central institutions such as UT is

crowds that rival, if not surpass,

part of what makes Texas great, and

major NFL teams. Its status as an

the research and innovation taking

elite school has given it prominent

place in Austin are also making the

alumni in every major Texas city.

state a better, more progressive

However, over the last several years,

place to live. Perry’s wish to provide

UT has been engaged in a vicious battle with Governor Rick Perry.

affordable education is not altogether

Perry, perhaps best known for

funding for UT does not come

his 2012 presidential run when

from the state; rather, it comes

he famously forgot the third

from outside research funding and

government agency he would

philanthropy, which provide $700

eliminate in a debate—don’t worry,

million per year and $300 million per

he has since redeemed himself

year, respectively. In fact, this year,

by wearing intelligence-affirming

only 13% of the university budget

glasses—has long believed that UT

came from state taxpayers. However,

should function as a trade school focused on providing affordable, efficient education rather than as a large research institution. In 2008, Perry hosted a higher education summit where he stated his wish to provide $10,000 four-year

misguided, but most of the research

supporters as part of a disturbing “witch hunt” against the existing university leadership and an attempt by the governor to project his vision for state education onto the Austin campus. In light of this controversy, Powers has announced

the actions of the governor and Regent Hall reflect Perry’s alarming desire to keep state education securely under his jurisdiction, which leads to the most important question: should state executives really be allowed to dictate the

his plans to resign next year.

purpose of educational institutions or should

teaching and research.” However, Perry’s plans

Rick Perry’s status as a graduate of Texas A&M

of the university? Perry’s less than savory

have been disputed, most prominently by Bill

only heightens these tensions. There is an

political drama suggests not, though the future

Powers, the current president of UT. Powers

age-old rivalry between A&M and UT, with

of UT’s management and direction still remains

has held firm on his stance that the extensive

A&M acting as the smaller, rural counterpart

uncertain. For now, however, Hook ‘Em.

research the university performs is what gives

to UT’s urban powerhouse. Since 1915, the

its degrees their high caliber.

football teams have faced off annually in a

degrees and create a system “rating professors based on student assessments and separating

The friction between Powers and Perry became

major statewide event, with the University of Texas leading the series 76-37. The rivalry

this be left up to the alumni and future students

Divya Walia is a freshman in the College of Arts and Sciences. She can be reached at dwalia@wustl.edu.


political review | NATIONAL

Who’s Gaining from Capital Gains? D Benjamin Compall | Illustration by Andrew Catanese uring the 2012 presidential election,

varies depending on the amount of annual

some. The average American does not

issues revolving around capital gains

income you make. The more money you

have the economic means necessary to

tax rates suddenly entered into public

make, the higher the percentage of your

capitalize on capital gains. In a recent

discourse. One event sparked this: then-

income is taxed. The logic behind this

study, the Tax Policy Center found that

presidential nominee Mitt Romney’s release of

formula is that if you have more money,

an astonishing 47% of profits derived

his tax forms, which showed that he only paid

you can afford to pay a little bit more of

from capital gains went to the top .01%

a tax rate of 14% on his income of nearly $14

that money in taxes. Despite the fact that

of American earners. How much goes to

million. For weeks this issue became ingrained

profiting off of capital gains is one of the

the bottom 80% of American earners? A

in many Americans’ political lexicons. However,

many ways that some Americans make a

miniscule 6%. Furthermore, for the top

when Romney lost the election and faded away

living, the tax rate for capital gains is not

1%, approximately 60% of their income

from public scrutiny, the debate over capital

taxed progressively. All capital gains are

is in capital form (including capital gains,

gains went with him. While the discussion

taxed at a 15-20% rate.

dividends, etc). What does this mean? Well,

seems to have ceased about as rapidly as it started, the issues at the heart of capital gains tax rates are no less pertinent to American life today. So what are these “capital gains” and what is it about the tax code that makes them

So let’s look at this closer. Say you’re a businesswoman who worked strenuously throughout your life to earn a living. As a result, you now make over $500,000 per

it seems that, by taxing capital gains at a far lower, comparatively un-progressive rate, the US government is selectively providing some Americans (the economic elites) with an enormous economic reward. I would

so contentious?

year. Your income now falls into the highest

Forbes defines capital gains as the process

as a result, you are taxed at a 39.6% rate

in which someone purchases a stock (or

(along with anyone else who makes over

makes an investment), and then later sells

$400,000 annually). Now that may sound

that stock for a different price; the money

like a big percentage. However, keep in

they gain or lose from this is a “capital

mind that the percentage you actually

gain.” This type of transaction is one way

pay will almost certainly lower. According

that many Americans, particularly those

to the New York Times, people whose

in the financial world, generate income.

income is placed in the highest quintile

Obviously there are myriad other ways

bracket usually pay an effective rate of

that people earn a living in this country.

20%, instead of the 39.6% rate for which

Whether you’re a waiter or a business

their income qualifies them. How do they

executive, a construction worker or a real

manage this? Tax deductibles (and the fact

estate mogul, a teacher or a sales rep,

that tax brackets operate on margins) allow

chances are you’re working very hard to

everyone to pay a lower effective tax rate.

The real reason that this debate is at all

earn a living. All of these people should pay

Tax loopholes and offshore sheltering play

relevant is that there is an ever-widening

their fair share of taxes to the government,

a role here, too. Now just imagine if you

gulf separating the elite Americans from the

regardless of their career, right? That seems

made a sizeable portion of your income via

rest. According to CNN Money, studies show

to be a fairly uncontroversial statement. So

investments. In that case, your initial tax

that the top 1% of American earners control

why is it, then, that in the current US tax

rate would be 20%. And those deductibles

approximately half of the nation’s wealth,

code, capital gains are taxed significantly

and loopholes we just talked about? Well

an enormous increase from the 1950s when

less than traditional “income”? Are people

those can help you to make that rate even

the bottom 90% of Americans accounted

who profit off of capital gains paying their

lower, too.

for 68% of the wealth. Income inequality is

fair share?

tax bracket on the progressive scale, and

So who are all these suckers not making

First, we should properly establish what

money from capital gains, and why don’t

“fair share” even means- for this in and

they start doing so already? Well, as it turns

of itself is often a point of contention. As

out, those profiting from capital gains are,

it relates to the income of nearly every

almost exclusively, the economic elites.

American, we as a country have decided

This makes sense, for in order to profit off

that “fair share” means a progressive tax

of capital gains one must, by definition,

rate. This means that the rate you are taxed

possess capital, or the means of acquiring


like to make it clear that I am not indicting wealthy Americans for having wealth, nor am I claiming that it is a negative thing to be wealthy. The capitalist way should encourage people to be successful and make money. Furthermore, I am not saying that the wealthy should be required to carry the entire country by paying an unreasonably high tax rate. I am suggesting, however, that the elite class of Americans that benefits from capital gains pay the tax rate that they already would be paying if they made that money through other means.

no myth, and it is affecting the lives of the vast majority of American citizens. Lower tax rates on capital gains are a catalyst for such inequality. Allowing the already tremendously economically advantaged to pay a smaller tax percentage on their capital-gains-earned-income consolidates their control over the nation’s wealth, and in turn, obstructs social mobility. While

political review | National

many Americans see this country as “the land of opportunity,” the supposedly fluid river of social mobility is slowly drying up. Today, America is less economicallymobile than Canada and much of Western Europe, and is roughly tied with Britain. We would be wrong to assume that capital gains are the only factor at play in creating these problems. However, capital gains do selectively provide the already economically advantaged with economic rewards and are a contributing factor to inequality and decreased social mobility. That should not be the American way. In an ostensibly egalitarian society the government has a responsibility to ensure equal opportunity. Therefore, the government must tax capital gains at the same rate as federal income tax. So why have we not done anything about this yet? Many pundits argue that raising taxes on capital gains, or taxing them more progressively, would negatively impact the economy and stifle economic growth. The Wall Street Journal echoed this in a recent article, stating: “Almost all economists agree… that keeping taxes low on investment is critical to economic growth, rising wages and job creation.” This is the single most pervasive argument against raising capital gains taxes. Though the argument seems economically logical (Econ 101 will tell you that taxing an activity disincentivizes people from doing that activity); in practice, the picture is less clear. According to a study conducted by the Congressional Research Service, a nonpartisan group run by the Library of Congress, “the reduction in the top tax rates appears to be uncorrelated with saving, investment and productivity growth.” Lowering the rate of capital gains tax does not negatively affect investment, nor does it benefit the lower or even middle classes. The beneficiaries are exclusively the wealthy elite. This does not have to be a partisan issue. In fact, looking closely at the actions of

recent administrations, you will see that

share of taxes on all of their income. It is

both sides are responsible for not acting

not that radical of a proposal. It is, also,

on capital gains taxes. Oddly enough, the

only the beginning. Americans must ask the

last time that capital gains tax rates were

question of how we can make investment

raised was in the 1980s during the Reagan

markets more readily available to the

administration. This policy placed capital

American middle class. How can we get

gains tax rates at the same rate as federal

more people involved in investing? Until we

income for top earners for the first time in

get there though, making sure the wealthy

decades. Since President Reagan left office,

investors who profit from capital gains are

tax rates for capital gains and income have

paying their fair share of taxes is a crucial

diverged. Income tax rates have increased,

first step in the right direction.

and capital gains tax rates have decreased (during both the Bush and the Clinton administration). It is clear that this is not a partisan issue; both Republicans and Democrats have raised and lowered capital gains tax rates at various times. Both parties can come together to help solve this problem. We can tax capital gains more progressively so that the elites whom benefit from them are paying a fairer

Benjamin Compall is a freshman in the College of Arts & Sciences. He can be reached at bcompall@yahoo.com.


political review | NATIONAL

Missouri’s Apathetic Approach to Gun Violence T Brady Schaer | Infographic by Simin Lim, Illustration by Alex Chiu his past year, Missouri Governor Jay

root. While it is not unreasonable to make

present in Missouri. Also, new laws passed

Nixon vetoed a bill that would have

schools ready to handle these emergencies,

have given more power to California’s

subjected federal officers to state

steps should also be taken to prevent

Department of Justice in order to lower the

criminal charges if they tried to enforce federal

them altogether. Such steps are noticeably

risk of gun violence. The Department of

gun control laws. Over the past few months, a

absent in the new legislation.

Justice has received more funding in order

new bill was introduced, which also received a veto from Nixon, but the veto was overridden this past September. The new bill, which will take effect in October, deals mainly with Missouri’s laws on concealed carry and the

The rest of Missouri’s new law turns in the other direction. First, the law changes the status of all issued concealed carry permits to qualify as open carrying permits;

open carry of firearms.

if someone is allowed to carry a gun in

First, the new law provides a new set of

walk down the street, even in crowded

training guidelines in order to instruct

areas. Additionally, the new law lowers the

teachers and other school workers on

minimum age to apply for a concealed carry

becoming “school protection officers.” Each

permit from 21 to 19, giving more people

“officer” will be trained to carry concealed

the opportunity to possess guns. Also, the

firearms and defense spray in school. The

law prohibits all local governments from

system will prepare schools for shooting

banning open carry, a law that had been in

incidents while also ensuring that faculty

place in Kansas City and parts of St. Louis.

members who can carry weapons are

So now local governments have no control

his bag, he can carry it in his hand as they

on the ubiquity of guns in their cities, even

safely trained. Had this law been in

though they are ultimately the ones who

place prior to tragedies such as

have to control their gun violence.

Columbine High School and Sandy Hook

Currently, Missouri holds the


second highest gun homicide rate

School, far

per population of all states; between


2001 and 2010, more people died in Missouri as a result of gun violence than did US soldiers in both Iraq and Afghanistan. Gun homicide is a pervasive damage may have occurred. Still, the method of making schools more prepared to deal with shootings is largely similar to cutting a weed at its stem and not its


issue for Missouri, but the state has yet to implement a clear plan to combat it. Meanwhile, there have been other states that also struggle from high rates of gun homicide that have successfully combated it with stricter gun control: specifically, California struggles with the same type of gun violence as Missouri. California, since Sandy Hook alone, has passed ten laws that

to more efficiently keep track of the Armed Prohibited Person System, which tracks those who should not be allowed to possess firearms in a statewide manner. The Department of Justice can also increase the time of background checks to 30 days if the original ten-day span is not enough and extend the time someone is prohibited if they make a threat to a psychotherapist from six months to five years. These new laws are part of a widespread California effort spanning over the past 20 years to lower California’s gun homicide rate. Over 25 gun control laws have been passed in that period, including those that ban large capacity magazines, bans on assault-type weapons, and more effective ways to remove guns from felons and perpetrators of domestic violence. In the 20-year period, California gun deaths have decreased by over 50% and now California has a significantly lower gun homicide rate than Missouri. While there are other causes that could have also played a part in California’s drastic decrease in gun homicide, there is a strong correlation between the laws passed and the dropped rate. So Missouri has a fairly clear role model they could follow: California did something about their abnormally high gun homicide rate, and the gun homicide rate lowered. But it is up to Missouri’s legislators to decide if they want to try to fix it.

strengthen gun control. This includes laws that extend the requirement for firearm safety certificates to all gun purchases and not just handguns, something not

Brady is a freshman in the College of Arts & Sciences. He can be reached at bradyschaer@wustl.edu



political review | National








Requirements of


on military-style weapons

in handgun design

ARMED AND PROHIBITED PERSONS SYSTEM (APPS) In response to “high profile murder cases involving people prohibited from owning firearms”.

California has passed over

300 ordinances since the mid-1990s including...

1,001 APPS cases in 2011

1,209 firearms seized


firearms seized from

723 individuals

155,731 rounds of ammo seized

http://smartgunlaws.org/the-california-model-twenty-years-of-putting-safety-first/ https://oag.ca.gov/system/files/attachments/press_releases/n2521_apps_fact_sheet.pdf


Dept of Justice agents involved


grenades seized


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