the review washburn university
The monthly Outdoors section makes its triumphant return, just in time for goose hunting season. Page A8 SERVING WASHBURN UNIVERSITY SINCE 1897
WWW.WASHBURNREVIEW.ORG • (785) 670-2506 • 1700 S.W. COLLEGE • TOPEKA, KAN. 66621
VOLUME 135, ISSUE 12 • MONDAY, NOV. 17, 2008
LLC arson repair costs lowered
Trade-in plan
Initial $1 million cost estimated has been lessened
Christine Nelson WASHBURN REVIEW
The investigation continues after smoke has settled from flames that destroyed the north elevator at the Living Learning Center, leaving Washburn with $200,000 to $300,000 in damages, and a reward which totals $12,500. Capt. Ed White of the Washburn Police Department said the reward for information regarding the arson is a combination of money offered by Washburn, Crimestoppers of Topeka and the State Fire Marshall’s Office. Investigations are still trying to determine how and who started the fire that destroyed the elevator in the early morning hours of Oct. 18. White said officials from the State Fire Marshall’s office, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms of Kansas City and the Topeka Fire Department are all conducting investigations that will be
Infographic by Travis Perry, Washburn Review
Bookstore offers gear trade-in Jennifer Loucks WASHBURN REVIEW
The Washburn University Bookstore is allowing students to trade out the old for the new. Following the settlement of the copyright lawsuit between Washburn and the University of Wisconsin, Kay Farley, bookstore director, began brainstorming ways to introduce the newly branded WU merchandise to students. “The new logo came out so suddenly that we had to find a way to get it out to the students,” said Farley. Farley and a colleague created the idea of a trade-in program, where people could take Washburn merchandise branded with the old “W” and exchange it for new merchandise. The program kicked off last Monday. “Students can bring in any WU T-shirt and pay $5, plus tax, then leave with a new shirt, which has a regular retail value of $9.99,” said Farley. Old merchandise won’t simply be tossed aside and forgotten, though. “We contacted Barry at the Topeka Rescue Mission to ask him if they would like the old shirts to be donated,” said Farley. “He was honored and elated that we thought to call him. There is no limit; everything will go to them.” The Topeka Rescue Mission set up a box in the bookstore. “I’m always up for a new T-shirt, and I knew my old one was going somewhere where someone who needed would get it,” said Hilary Larson, freshman, about the trade-in program. Since the program began, though, Farley said only a few students have taken advantage of the offer. Because of the low number of exchanges, the Washburn Bookstore has decided to extend the event through this week.
Graphic by K.J. Th ies, Washburn Review
Drowsy Driving
Prevention Richard Kelly WASHBURN REVIEW There’s a natural drive about people that seems to make them want to keep going even when they’re tired. Drowsy Driving Prevention Week, which is headed by the National Sleep Foundation, argues that shouldn’t be the case when people are driving. But are accidents really a problem with tired drivers at the wheel? Recent studies show that in Kansas, more than 800 reported accidents were caused by drowsy driving in 2006, and more than 50 percent of those drivers were under the age of 25. Although people might think they can continue on the roads for extended periods of time, studies show that someone who stays awake longer than 18 hours has the
impairment equal to a blood alcohol concentration of 0.05 percent, and this impairment only increases as someone stays awake. “Many people have awareness about consumption of alcohol but few realize the effects of staying awake for long periods of time and what it does to you,” said Henry Johns, director of the Pulmonary and Sleep Associates Sleep Center. The risks of falling asleep at the wheel can be fatal. An automobile traveling at 70 mph covers about 100 yards every three seconds. That’s the length of a football field. Imagine having no control during that time, dozing in and out of consciousness. Many health professionals advise pulling off the road and resting somewhere, even for just a few hours. Drivers need to remember it’s not
worth risking their lives to get to their destinations. What else can be done to ensure safety behind the wheel? Adequate rest is vital. The Pulmonary and Sleep Associates and National Sleep Foundation recommends seven to nine hours of sleep per night. Results show that six hours of sleep or less triples the risk of an accident, and the risk increases even more as hours spent sleeping decrease. Caffeine can come in handy, but it should not be used as a sole method of staying awake. “Although caffeine has a short burst and effect, it will only really help for someone who isn’t a regular user of it, because the body becomes used
Please see DROWSY page A3
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WU hosts emergency blood drive Richard Kelly WASHBURN REVIEW
With the Topeka Community Blood Center in a shortage of Type O blood, it looked to Washburn for help. This past Monday, a blood drive was sponsored by the American Medical Student Association and Tri-Beta Biology Honor Society. The event took place from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. in the lower level of the Petro Allied Health Center. Students, faculty and community members turned out for the event. Ninety-three donors registered and gave blood when the event was through. This came to 71 units of blood, which Kathy Belanger, a Recruitment Representative for Topeka Community Blood Center, said could help up to 142 people. The reason it was important for the center to increase its blood supply was mainly because of the shortage of Type O blood. Also, with the Thanksgiving
Please see BLOOD page A3
A&E pays tribute to the activity which helps so many students get through a boring class: doodling.
Check out the preview of the upcoming Lady Blues basketball season.
The Giving Tree program is back yet again to spread holiday cheer this Christmas season.
news & opinion
Jennifer Loucks is a freshman mass media major. Reach her at
Please see ARSON page A5
Sideliner 6 & 7
Greg Mortenson author of “Three Cups of Tea”
November 20, White Concert Hall, 7 pm “College Rings Bring Good Things”
November 18, Washburn Bookstore, from 10-2