2008-09 issue14

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the review washburn university

Marshall Arts voices its opinion for the next big collegiate sport. Page. B6 SERVING WASHBURN UNIVERSITY SINCE 1897

WWW.WASHBURNREVIEW.ORG • (785) 670-2506 • 1700 S.W. COLLEGE • TOPEKA, KAN. 66621

VOLUME 135, ISSUE 14 • MONDAY, JAN. 26, 2009


Landing the job

Writing the right resume

Photo by Arissa Utemark, Washburn Review

Workin’ for a livin’: Jessica Pingleton, senior music major, is one of many students employed at Washburn. Campus jobs, while in short supply and strong demand, are a great way to mix work around classes.

Please see JOB page A6

Students and faculty gathered last Tuesday to watch history in our nations capital.

Mario Scott was removed from the men’s basketball team for academic reasons.




news & opinion

With unemployment rates for the state of Kansas at 4.8 percent and no turnaround in sight, finding a job and retaining it is becoming increasingly difficult, but there are several ways to avoid unemployment. Knowing where to look for a job is a big first step. The Topeka Workforce Center and the Kansas State of Unemployment office are two tools that can be used to find an occupation. Of course, some fields pay less than others, but they can give people a bit more stability while they search for a more ideal job. “One of the biggest needs in Kansas is actually a job as a hostess or a waiter or waitress,” said Megan Ingmire, director of communications at the Kansas State of Unemployment office. “The healthcare field has an amazingly high demand as well and should see that continuing to increase over the next five to 10 years.” For most part-time working students, finding a job isn’t specifically about finding something within their field of study. It’s often about advancing their skills and developing good ethics. Not every employer is the same, but most share a few universal sets of work ethics.

“We’re looking for people who give 100 percent,” said Heather Johanning, a Human Resources Recruiter at The Topeka CapitalJournal. “If you’re loyal and are going to show up on time with the right attitude and are willing to learn, we’re very open to giving people opportunities. “ If experience isn’t the strong point of a resume being sent in to an employer, there are still some ways to sell the interview. Many employers will give applicants a chance at being hired even if their expertise is lacking in the position to which they’re applying. Many employers will agree that the key to being a good employee is an open-mind and willingness to learn. It doesn’t hurt to do a little research about the company prior to the interview, either. “When I get someone who comes in and wants a job, the first thing I ask them is what they know about our company,” said Ruth Marstall, a recruiter at Westar Energy in Topeka. “If someone comes in a for a job interview, they should always read about the company online first, so they have a little more understanding.” While businesses deal with the current

Richard Kelly WASHBURN REVIEW Resumes can make the difference between snagging a job or not. Unfortunately, many people haven’t been properly introduced to the correct ways of writing one. Strong resumes for undergraduate and graduate students usually include the student’s major of study, a cumulative GPA, work experience and internships. The list doesn’t end there, but there are some attributes about the applicant which are optional, whereas some are required by employers. “It’s definitely important to be experienced and have understanding within the field that you want to get employed in and have that show on your resume,” said Ruth Marstall, a recruiter at Westar Energy in Topeka. Being experienced doesn’t always mean working in the field in which the job is located. Many employers will also look at any time spent volunteering by the applicant whether and he or she has worked in a field that is at least correlative to the position being applied for. “Volunteering is definitely important,” said Megan DiGiovanni, a recruiter in Human Services at CoreFirst Bank and Trust. “I don’t

usually hire someone who only has volunteer experience, but having a combination of both that and work experience can help prove very beneficial. There is so much that can be learned through the value of volunteering.” Although the size of the paper, font and margins are all important factors to consider when writing a resume, many applicants put too much emphasis on these things. It can enhance the appearance of the resume, but it is not the key to getting hired. Still, always be sure to use proper grammar and margins when creating a resume. “Many people have this misconception on what makes a resume stand out,” said Kent McAnally, director of Career Services. “You could have the prettiest resume in the world, but if it’s without content, then you’re not going to get the job.” Using relevant information can also make a difference in creating a strong resume. If there is information that is not relevant or timely, it shouldn’t be mentioned on the resume. “If you won a spelling bee in 7th grade, regardless of the fact that’s a feat, you shouldn’t

Please see RESUME page A6

A&E wandered to downtown KC to spend New Year’s Eve in an unlikely fashion: Sober.




Graphic my K.J. Th ies, Washburn Review

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