2008-09 issue16

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the review washburn university

The Lady Blues basketball team marked their ninth straight win over Ft. Hays State. Page B4 SERVING WASHBURN UNIVERSITY SINCE 1897

WWW.WASHBURNREVIEW.ORG • (785) 670-2506 • 1700 S.W. COLLEGE • TOPEKA, KAN. 66621

• Establish tuition projection program

• Increase WSGA communication with students

key issues

• Create on-campus childcare for students with children

• Build school spirit • Lobby for “dead week” before finals

• Keep WSGA accountable

Check out www.washburnreview.org for exclusive video interviews with the candidates

Resolution Solution - staying on track when times get tough Nicole Stejskal WASHBURN REVIEW

Climbing the challenge: Johnathon Blake tackles the climbing wall at the Student Recreation and Wellness Center, which is running the Resolution Solution program to help students and faculty reach their goals for the new year. Photo by Matt Wilper, The Washburn Review.

Stay motivated in the new year • Working out with a buddy is a good way to stay accountable • Variety is the spice of life, so don’t be afraid to mix up the routine • Proper nutrition is the key to any weight-loss program • Don’t push too hard – set aside time to rest

Please see RESOLUTION page A5

Kansas rocked campus Saturday with the Washburn Symphony Orchestra.

The Ichabods mens basketball team fell to the Ft. Hays State Tigers.




Washburn celebrated its 144th anniversary Thursday.

a habit, so we’ve targeted Resolution Solution to a 12-week program,” said Wilber. Elisa Gayle, sophomore actuarial science major, decided to make Resolution Solution part of her new year goal. She believes New Year’s resolutions are positive goals to set for oneself. “I think they’re a really great opportunity to just get yourself pumping into the new year and change all those bad habits you have,” said Gayle. She advises people to work on resolutions with friends to keep each other motivated. Although many people struggle to keep resolutions, some students have set goals and maintained them for long periods of time. “About three-and-a-half years ago, I really wanted to get into shape,” said Eric Fournier, law student. “I’ve maintained that goal ever since then, and it’s been my New Year’s resolution every year.” No matter what a person’s New


news & opinion

up for the program in teams of five, and participate competitively through components such as weight loss, activity and wellness events. It’s that time of year again: the While losing weight and point when many people have given increasing physical activity are both up or forgotten important parts about their New of the program, “ Year’s resolutions. Resolution Numerous Solution is targeted people struggle at more than just It’s about with maintaining achieving these educating a New Year’s goals. resolutions, “It’s about person about the especially students educating a person different health and faculty who are about the different busy with the start health aspects aspects than of the semester. [more] than just The popular stepping on a scale just stepping diet, exercise and measuring on a scale and and weight loss weight alone,” resolutions are said Becky Wilber, measuring weight among the most assistant director alone. difficult for people of the SRWC. to keep. However, “Just because a - Becky Wilber the Student person has optimal assistant director, SRWC Recreation and body weight Wellness Center doesn’t necessarily offers resources mean that they’re for those striving ” healthy.” to maintain their Throughout the 12 goals. weeks of the program, Wilber stresses Resolution Solution, a 12-week the importance of sticking to the program offered by the SRWC, is program’s regimen and helping team designed to help people looking to members stay in check. change their lifestyle through diet and “It takes a person eight to 12 weeks exercise. Students and faculty sign to actually develop a new lifestyle into


Visit The Book Store GREAT GIFT IDEAS: Valentine’s Day Booth Balloons free on campus delivery Cards Thursday Feb 12th, Friday Feb 13th 11am- 1pm in Memorial Union

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Washburn V-Day T-Shirts

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