2008-09 issue18

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the review

WSGA Candidate Debate

washburn university

11a.m.-1 p.m. Monday, March 2nd Mabee Library


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VOLUME 135, ISSUE 18 • MONDAY, FEB. 23, 2009


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ReAnne Utemark WASHBURN REVIEW While what happens in Vegas may stay in Vegas, what happens on Facebook goes beyond just who gets added as a friend. Late last semester, several students were found in violation of the alcohol policy outlined in the student handbook. The students in question

were found in violation via photos found on Facebook by a resident assistant. In some cases, the RA was facebook “friends” with the subjects in the photos, but not with all the subjects who were “tagged.” The photos were taken in one of the rooms of the Washburn Village, and beer cans were visible in some of the pictures. One of the students involved in the case, who did not wish to be named, said that the photos had been up for


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three months before the individuals in the photos got letters requiring them to appear before the dean of students. “We were just taking pictures, having a good time visiting,” said the student. When the student went to the office of Meredith Kidd, dean of students, he held up one of the pictures and asked if she noticed anything wrong. When he pointed out the cans, the individual said they did not belong to her or any

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of the group and the cans belonged to other residents in the apartment. The student was still fined for violating the alcohol policy. She said she knew who turned the photos in. “I didn’t blame [the RA], but I didn’t know that they could use our Facebook photos against us,” she said. “Those could be photoshopped.” The student was charged $5 per container, which added up to a $15 fine.

“I’ve never heard of any other RA doing that,” said the student. “We could have been in any apartment in Topeka.” The student said she had learned of high schools in which teachers and coaches would go through and patrol Facebook. Anything with alcohol or that would suggest partying would

Please see FACEBOOK page A5

Despite renovation, Stoffer plagued by quirks


The Catholic Campus Center has a drinking challenge everyone can get in on.

services at Washburn when the Stoffer project began, left part way through the project. Yang was replaced by Keith Palmbach, who left Washburn at the completion of the project. Because of a disconnect that occurred in communication as a result of staffing changes, notes were lost or forgotten and Stoffer experienced some difficulties in construction. “It’s a lack of communication




news & opinion

Stoffer Science Hall recently received a $14 million facelift with new additions, and the construction of up-to-date teaching labs. The completed project has been greeted with enthusiasm from Washburn and the science community on campus. However, the gleam of the new

additions can’t hide some of the complications that Check us out for a video tour of arose during the construction Stoffer’s issues online process, leading to some quirks and flaws in Stoffer’s design. The construction for the additions and renovations to Stoffer Science Hall began Sept. 6, 2006, and ownership of the building was officially transferred Jeannie Robinson, who coordinated to Washburn on Dec. 21, 2007. During and planned the Stoffer project, left the construction period, however, for a job in Lawrence. Then, Thomas Washburn’s lead architect and designer Yang, the original head of facilities

Take a class in taxidermy 101 with Joseph Wayner. A8

Mabee hosts a V-Day documentary. A7


Richard Kelly and Corey Jones WASHBURN REVIEW

that caused a lot of this,” said John Mullican, associate professor of biology. “But it’s not just Washburn where this kind of thing has happened. It happens almost everywhere. But there are ways to avoid it, especially if there is a better connection between construction teams and faculty.” Steve Angel, chair of the chemistry department, said the architects would

Please see STOFFER page A3

The Turnpike Tussle is Wednesday. The Sideliner breaks down the info into bite-size pieces for you.

Sideliner 6 & 7

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