the review washburn university
The Ichabod sluggers won its series against Truman State. Page A6
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LLC arson still under investigation Ben Fitch WASHBURN REVIEW
The cause of the fire in the Living Learning Center last fall is still being investigated. The case was turned over to the Shawnee County district attorney earlier this semester. “From what I understand, it was a case of arson,” said Ed White, university police captain. White’s investigation was conducted through interviews of LLC residents and others on campus. White said he could not comment on whether any offenders had been identified or why the incident was suspected to be arson. The fire originated in one of the elevators and caused damages to the other. Repairs have been completed and both elevators are back in operation. The estimated cost of repair was between $200,000 and $300,000. Mindy Rendon, director of residential living, said both elevators are now in good condition. “The LLC does have a sprinkler system, and that day it worked exactly as it was supposed to,” said Rendon. “The sprinkler system prevented the fire from spreading to the lobby. The reward for information remains uncollected, but White said Crime Stoppers and Washburn are still offering rewards that total $7,000. Rendon said Meredith Kidd, dean of students, is also offering a $500 reward to anyone with information. White said he wanted to “stress the fact that people need to contact the police” with information about vandalism. Calls can be made anonymously. Rendon said the staff at the LLC is keeping an eye on suspicious activity, and she encourages anyone with information to step forward. “It’s just unfortunate,” she said. “It negatively impacts the community. The cost of damages gets distributed among everybody, and that’s really unfair.” According to the police department’s incidents log, several acts of vandalism have occurred since March: a chair was thrown from the upper floors of the LLC, walls were drawn on with marker and someone broke into one of the vending machines. “The problem is not unique to Washburn,” said White, “but by law it is vandalism, and we will pursue that.” Ben Fitch is a junior mass media major. Reach him at benjamin.fitch@washburn. edu.
Have information? Get a reward! Washburn Police (785) 670-1153 Crime Stoppers (785) 324-0007
VOLUME 135, ISSUE 25 • MONDAY, APRIL 27, 2009
ΑΔ ΣΦΕ ΦΔΘ Going ΔΧ Jane Elliot ΚΑΘ ΖΤΑ to speak at Washburn ΔΓ ΑΦ
WU students share why they went Greek and how it has impacted their lives
A pioneer of social experimentation will speak at 6 p.m. Thursday, April 30, in the Washburn Memorial Union. Jane Elliot will be speaking about her experiences as a teacher from a small community in Iowa that in 1968, inspired by the events RACIAL surrounding the PREJUDICE assassination of Martin Luther King Jr., helped to spur the creation of an exercise in racial relations. The experiment, called Blue Eyes/ Brown Eyes, segregates an audience based solely on the color of their eyes in order to subject them to a small experience of discrimination. “This will be an opportunity to really examine the flaws, fallacies and feelings that we as an emerging minority-majority society are going
Joining a Greek social organization at Washburn is one of an array of options a student has to get involved. And while it is more than just a club, and actually a very big commitment, some of the Greek community’s most established members agree that joining is one of the best decisions they ever made. Lacey Bryant is a junior biology major who has been in Alpha Phi sorority for three years, and is currently serving as president. And while she said she loves all the organizations she’s a part of, being in a Greek organization is different. “It sets itself apart from other organizations in that you’re Greek for life. It’s just a much more intricate process to be a part of,” said Bryant, who wants to go to medical school to become an oncologist. “And you have to understand what it means going in to be Greek. It definitely is something not to be taken lightly. It’s definitely something you want to go into wholeheartedly.” “One of the things we always say is, ‘from the outside looking in you can’t understand it, but from the inside looking out, you can’t explain it.’ You have to try the process before you can understand if it’s right for you or not.” While there are many misconceptions and prejudices about fraternities and sororities, Bryant said it’s not the same at Washburn. “It was something that, once I got into it, I realized it wasn’t like the stereotypes. It wasn’t what everybody thought it was,” she said. “Being on a smaller campus, it’s on a completely different scale.” Richard Budden, a senior accounting and management major in Sigma Phi Epsilon, attended Washburn for two years without getting involved in anything or meeting anyone. But he said after he joined the Greek community, there were many benefits that he wouldn’t have gotten otherwise including making new personal connections and becoming a leader. “Leadership is huge,” said Budden, who plans to go to law school after graduating. “I didn’t get to show that off in the first two years and now I’ve really been able to step up in that house and be the change that I want to see happen.” “And also, I’m in a house with
Please see Elliot page A3 Photos by Mike Goehring, Washburn Review
Greek Games: (Above) Will Falk and Brady Rothrock carry Richard Budden in the Sheet Race during the Greek Olympics last week. (right) Kristen Wold does her best impression of a paintbrush in the body mural competition. The Greek Olympics are part of the larger celebration of Greek Week, which serves as a time for the entire Greek community to come together. like six guys that have the same major as me,” he said. “So it’s nice to have homework help and know what professors to take and all sorts of help like that.” While Budden admits he was already a good student before joining a fraternity, by going Greek he found individuals he could look up to, such as his older brother, who is an elder member in the Greek community. “I was given a great example,” said Budden. “Somebody that thinks the way I do; someone that has the same kind of professional goals. Not to be cocky, but I came in as my own example and he really gave me something to shoot for. Like it can be done, it’s not just me on my own out there.” Lauren Greer, a junior and a member of Kappa Alpha Theta sorority, plans to enter the School of Nursing. While she’s been Greek for three years and has had a little different experience because her sorority doesn’t live in a chapter house, she has found that being a part of a Greek organization is beneficial.
“It’s really taught me about responsibility,” said Greer. “Like responsibility to the organization as well as to the other members of the
On May 8, Chris Hamilton, professor of political science at Washburn said he will finally bring light to a story that has been hidden for 40 years This date marks the opening sales of his first historical novel, “The House Rules.” Four years after the death of Terry Householter, the main character of this non-fiction novel, no one knew his story. Hamilton had run track with this remarkable young man at Concordia High Chris Hamilton School, and years later, Householter’s friends wanted someone to finally tell his story. Hamilton agreed to take on the task because Householter was everybody’s friend, and despite his difficult beginnings, living with his grandparents, he still managed to be a loved and positive figure to all.
Please see GREEK page A3
Please see NOVEL page A3
The Argo presents the Jayhawk Theatre Revival.
Argo 6&7
Professor writes nonfiction novel Jennie Loucks WASHBURN REVIEW
The Lady Blues softball team has seen its fair share of highs and lows over the last few weeks.
Some Kansas Republican leaders convened at the College Republican Conference April 18 at Washburn.
Graphic by K.J. Th ies, Washburn Review
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