the review washburn university
The Washburn baseball team split its last series of the season against the University of Nebraska-Omaha. Page B3 WE BRING YOU THE NEWS SO YOU DON’T HAVE TO GO AND GET IT YOURSELF
WWW.WASHBURNREVIEW.ORG • (785) 670-2506 • 1700 S.W. COLLEGE • TOPEKA, KAN. 66621
VOLUME 135, ISSUE 26 • MONDAY, MAY 4, 2009
Faculty vote no confidence in University ISS director Ben Fitch WASHBURN REVIEW
The faculty senate passed a “vote of no confidence” in Information Systems and Services director Michael Gunter during a meeting on April 13. The senate voted 27-3, with three abstentions. “It was a pretty clear expression of faculty discontent,” said Tom Prasch, faculty senate president. Prasch said the main problem
was a “fundamental lack of trust” in Gunter. “Faculty didn’t feel that they could depend on him to do what he said he would do,” said Prasch. The issue began at the Jan. 18 faculty senate meeting, and was described as a result of Gunter repeatedly initiating policies and procedures “that interfere with faculty research and scholarship, academic computing, classroom teaching, library access, faculty privacy, academic freedom, and faculty and student rights
to intellectual property.” The agenda also said that faculty members had “repeatedly been met with stonewalling, dishonesty and a failure to amend such behaviors and policies” when they had approached Gunter for redress. The action item was forwarded to Wanda Hill, vice president of administration and treasury; Robin Bowen, vice president of academic affairs; and Jerry Farley, WU president.. The agenda was removed from the
Washburn Web site because of possible legal concerns related to slanderous statements that were documented. Specifically, some faculty members addressed complaints to Prasch that Gunter seemed agreeable in person when confronted with issues, but then did nothing to resolve them. And as the agenda states, “some were more direct: ‘he lied to my face.’” Other comments about Gunter were that he was “unstable,” that he “could not be trusted,” and that he appeared to be “dodging” questions.
Kappa Comeback Eric Smith WASHBURN REVIEW It’s been more than a year since the Washburn chapter of the Kappa Sigma fraternity lost its charter. While the fraternity has struggled to recolonize, a group of freshmen have their minds set on bringing back the oldest fraternity on campus. The newest wave of support for the fraternity, currently called the petitioning charter for Kappa Sigma, came last summer when two freshmen, David Render and Dlany Conny, were sparked with an interest to bring Kappa Sigma back. Conny said the interest came after being approached by Kappa Sigma alumni Greg Gaul as well as having known Kappa Sigmas at the University of Kansas and having a good experience with them. From there, Conny and Render spent the fall keeping the organization small and quiet while just trying to gain the information necessary to accomplish such a large feat. In their gathering process, they learned that 25 members are required to start the process towards colonization and rechartering. “It’s a lot of work,” said Conny, president of the organization. “But in the end, with the amount of effort you put into it, the rewards are definitely worth it. I just think it would be definitely worth it to get [Kappa Sigma] back.” This spring was really the coming out party for the group, and with around 10 realistic members and about another 10 on paper, their time and energy is paying off.
Photo by Travis Perry, Washburn Review
Growing new roots: Several freshman at Washburn have managed to help the Kappa Sigma fraternity, the University’s oldest Greek organization, reform on campus. They are now petitioning to have the fraternity’s charter reinstated. “As an advisor, I’m actually pretty proud of the students that have taken the time to bring this organization to campus because they’ve done it the right way,” said Jessica Neumann, assistant director of student activities and greek life. “They’re not going out and doing things that are inappropriate as a student organization or as a Greek chapter. They’re taking the time to
learn the history of the organization and understand what they’re becoming a part of.” Joining an existing fraternity on campus would have been much easier than starting something from scratch, but Conny said the learning experience has been fun and worthwhile. “I’ve always been a fan of taking on challenges and stuff, and I definitely
thought it would be an awesome thing to do,” he said. “Just like contributing even more to Greek life. Basically adding on like that base, that basic foundation that they have going right now. “What I’ve always said is ‘only Please see KAPPA SIGMA page A3
assistant professor in the physics and astronomy department for a study that will take place over the course of three years. Thomas will be the lead researcher on the project and will collaborate with colleagues at both the University of Kansas and the Smithsonian Environmental Research Center. The project will study the effects of astrological events on the life and survival of phytoplankton in earth’s oceans. Phytoplankton is one
of the building blocks of food chains in most marine habitats on earth and is responsible for production of almost 50 percent of the world’s oxygen production. “We want to see what effects things like exploding stars and solar flares have on the production of phytoplankton in our oceans,” said Thomas. The grant also provides opportunities for prospective science major students to get involved and
Softballer Tish Williams was named MIAA player of the year.
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learn more. “We’re going to be recruiting some students to help with the research soon,” said Thomas. Included in the opportunities were the possibility of paid research positions, according to Thomas. Research for the grant program will begin sometime in July of this year and run through 2012.
Nursing dean to step down
The reception for Cynthia Hornberger on May 15 is definitely not a retirement party. However, it is an appreciation reception, meant to honor the nine years she spent as dean of the Washburn School of Nursing. After stepping down as dean, Hornberger will continue to do what she has done for her 20 years as a member of the faculty at Washburn: teach. “I enjoy teaching, I always have,” said Hornberger. “It’s a very special gift to help someone meet their goals. It’s a privilege to be a teacher.” She has also enjoyed being a part of the team that has seen the School of Nursing grow exponentially during her time as dean. “We have a very strong team within the School of Nursing and the greater Washburn community,” said Hornberger. During her time as dean, the School of Nursing has more than doubled in size. A new Master of Science in Nursing program was implemented, and international programs were developed and expanded. The mobile health clinic began reaching out to the community through health screenings, and there was substantial capital improvement, to include the learning center and new space in Whiting Field House. Hornberger said the school has also strengthened its connections with donors and community partners. “We have a strong alumni and donor support base, and wonderful community partners who share the vision for nursing education,” said Hornberger. Mary Kay Thornburg, the dean’s administrative secretary, thinks Hornberger’s ability to connect Washburn with the greater community is one of her strengths. “She’s been a great leader, the program is growing and she has been a wonderful representative in the city and region,” said Thornburg. “She’s been
Robert Burkett is a freshman mass media major. Reach him at robert.burkett@
Please see NURSING page A5
The Jayhawk Theatre was brought back to life Saturday evening.
Beginning this summer, faculty and students will be exploring space to find answers for simple life on earth. The National Aeronautics and Space Administration recently approved a grant proposal from the Department of Physics and Astronomy at Washburn. The grant gives a halfmillion dollars to Brian Thomas,
Please see GUNTER page A3
Faculty awarded $500,000 grant from NASA Robert Burkett WASHBURN REVIEW
Furthermore, there were documented complaints that ISS had altered faculty members’ computers and “commandeered” access to technology that was purchased by faculty. Gunter said he did not want to comment on the allegations because it would not change the outcome of the situation. However, ISS sent a memo to