the review washburn university
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Where to go for some Halloween fun. Page A5 Serving Washburn University since 1897
volume 136, Issue 10 • wednesday, October 28, 2009
Photo by Matt Wilper, Washburn Review
Work it: Garrett Love and Caley Onek work on a Success Week proposal. The policy was proposed to Academic Affairs on the 26th.
There is little doubt that finals week can be a stressful and trying time for college students. Late night study sessions, last-minute cramming and lack of sleep do little to reduce the anxiety most students feel as the semester wraps up. But the Washburn Student Government Association is working on a plan to give students a little relief. WSGA President Garrett Love and Vice President Caley Onek are working with WSGA to implement a policy that eliminates examinations, major course assignments and projects during the week prior to Finals Week. The main purpose of this policy is to reduce the stress that many students face when they have to prepare for a regular course exam, and then turn around the next week and take a comprehensive final. Currently, there is no policy in place at Washburn that restricts faculty from giving examinations, major assignments and class projects or presentations the last week of classes for the semester. “Professors have to realize that students have other finals and classes to focus on,” Love said. “We’re trying to help improve students’ success by giving them more time to prepare for finals.” The policy will be coined Success Week, and was constructed after research and comparison to other institutions with similar policies already in place. The research reflected that out of the six Board of Regents schools, five of them have either a Dead Week, where students are not required to take exams or turn in major assignments, or Dead Days, where students are not required to attend classes at all in order to allow students time to study and
prepare for finals. Numerous other and tests, take-home exams and labouniversities and colleges have simi- ratory examinations. The restrictions lar policies, including the University of the week also do not apply to classes of Florida, Georgia Tech, Iowa State, meeting only one day a week for more Oklahoma, Oklahoma State and Texas than one hour. A&M to name a few. While this policy is intended to As part of the policy, the last help students be successful, it is not at week of fall and spring undergradu- all intended to make things more diffiate classes will be designated Success cult for faculty. If at any time instrucWeek. The restrictions for this week tors believe the policy jeopardizes or require that no student organizations impairs their ability to teach, they may registered with the Student Activities petition the Dean or chair of their deand Greek Life Office may hold meet- partment, who will monitor and evaluings or sponsor events without the ex- ate this policy each semester. pressed permission of designated staff Though the policy has been thorof SAGL. oughly researched and debated, it is For academic purposes, faculty are still subject to change as it makes its encouraged to utilize Success Week as way through the approval process. a time for review of course material in First, the policy must be approved by preparation for final exams. If an exam Academic Affairs. The draft will then is to be given during Success Week, it be presented to the Faculty Senate in must not be given during the last three November, followed by the General days. Assignments worth no more than Faculty (which only meets twice a 10 percent of the year) in Janufinal class grade “ ary. If the draft is and cover more approved by all than one-fourth three areas and We’re trying to help of assigned mateWSGA itself, the improve students’ rial in the course program will be can be required implemented. success by giving of students dur“I think them m ore time to ing this time pethis is a really riod. important issue prepare for finals. Also, major that needs to be course assignaddressed,” said ments, including Love. “We’re - Garrett Love extensive reexcited about WSGA President search papers and faculty having projects, should interest and ” an be due the Friday seeing the imprior to Success portance of passWeek and should ing this policy. I be assigned at the beginning of the se- think this could be really good for the mester. Any modifications to these as- students of Washburn.” signments should be made in a timely WSGA is very supportive of this fashion to give students adequate time proposal, hoping that it will create a to complete the assignment. friendlier policy for stressed students Finally, if major course assign- cramming for finals. ments must be given during Success The policy passed the initial apWeek, they should be due no later than proval process through Academic Afthat Wednesday. This includes class fairs on Monday, Oct. 26 and is schedpresentations and semester-long proj- uled to be reviewed in front of the ects that may take the place of a final Faculty Senate in November. examination. Participation and attendance Lauren Eckert is a junior mass media grades are still acceptable during Suc- major. Reach her at lauren.eckert@ cess Week, as is make-up assignments
Check out the secret life of a soccer player and other stories online this week.
“There are problems and there are opportunities,” he said, “I think what we are trying to do is focus on the opResponse was scarce for some of portunities.” the Strategic Planning sub-committees Even technology support, menlast week. tioned under the support category of The committees’ white papers— the academic programs white paper, drafts of suggestions from various calls for technology to support the sub-committees—were presented on- academic mission of Washburn. The line until Oct. 23, open for suggestion. recent problems with technology supAnd the committees for academic pro- port are not directly mentioned, but it grams, asset development and stew- is expressed that there is a need to meet ardship, and enrollment management the demand for technology literacy. received the most comments. “We are gathering information “It looks like there were some that’s really important for the next 10 good suggestions for academic pro- years,” Angel said, “and the [strategic grams,” said Steve Angel, sub-com- planning] process is responding to mittee chair and associate professor of current initiatives.” chemistry. Learning environment deals exThe academic programs sub- tensively with the physical charactercommittee will meet Friday to go over istics of campus. The sub-committee’s the responses. Their white white paper suggests new paper is organized into STRATEGIC buildings for the Law three main categories— and health sciences, PLANNING School programs, organization and and renovation of a list of support. Under programs, structures including Mabee the committee expressed the need for Library, Morgan Hall, Carnegie and the localization of health services. Be- Henderson. cause of the various sub-disciplines in Much of what is featured in the the Washburn health arena, there needs various strategic planning white pato be a centralized location of the mul- pers is general suggestions. There are tiple educational programs that are of- suggestions to achieve goals, but not fered, according to the white paper. many specifics. Gordon McQuere, Under organization, the sub-com- learning environment sub-committee mittee also expressed the need to “pro- chair and Dean of the College of Arts mote the primacy of academics.” and Sciences, said the broad presentaAngel said some of the sugges- tion of suggestions was necessary. tions in the white papers are born of “When a plan is adopted it will problems that already exist on cam- look a little general,” he said. pus, but some, like making academics But the drafts will be changed a primary concern, are simply issues Please see WHITE PAPERS page A3 of foresight.
Survival workshops are barely surviving Meghan Ryan WASHBURN REVIEW During the week of Oct. 19 -23, Student Survivor Workshops have been offering helpful tips for Washburn students on campus. Friendly advisors and counselors have been discussing topics that affect all college students such as sleep habits, academic advising and time management strategies. Unfortunately, no one is taking advantage of these workshops. The decline in attendance for helpful miniseminars is not only a trend at Washburn University, but the University of Kansas, Kansas State University and Creighton have all seen similar declines in attendance. Don Vest of the Center for Undergraduate Studies and Programs and counselor, held multiple workshops last week and understands that students already have plenty on their plate without attending sessions discussing “Brain Food” and learning college lifestyle tips. The college student of today is
The RoadRunners continue their winning streak.
Visit Gary’s Pumpkin Patch for some Halloween fun.
Success Week proposal: a dead week policy that gives students more time to study for finals
Future foreseen on white paper
constantly faced with information and an over stimulation of the senses without the addition of workshops. Vest believes that “students are overwhelmed by the novelty and variety” that the fast paced world of Internet and our in-your-face culture offers. While full time students may be physically in the classroom for only 12 hours a week, it often takes 20-25 hours outside of the classroom to keep up with homework and studying. “There is an information overload situation occurring [with the students]” Vest said. While workshops may offer helpful information, none of it will be on any test or assignment and thus is deemed unnecessary. Students may choose to relax or work on assignments that will instantly have an effect on the immediate future in terms of grades and well-being. The scheduling of the workshops
Please see WORKSHOPS page A3