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volume 136, Issue 11 • wednesday, november 11, 2009
Remembering our soldiers Past and present, at home and abroad Brian Allen WASHBURN REVIEW
Between Washburn’s Vietnam Memorial and Moore Bowl is a flagpole dedicated to Shawnee County soldiers who fell in the War to Preserve the Union. It was erected by surviving veterans and dedicated by President Taft in 1911. Soldiers, past and present, tend to be humble and ask little in return for their service and the sacrifices they have made. Though the military is as diverse as the country it serves, veterans and active duty servicemen seem to have one desire in common: they want to be remembered. “When you are far from home, lonely, stuck out on the front lines, the simplest things make all the difference,” said Stuart Allen, a Gulf War combat veteran and survivor of an IED attack. “A note from the world (home), a pair of dry socks, the smallest pleasures mean everything.” With that in mind, Washburn University faculty, staff and students, are participating in several projects, both official and personal, to let soldiers know that they are remembered and cared about. “The Student Services office has 200 registered veterans,” said Jeanne Kessler, director of Student Services. “[Our office] assists veterans with their education benefits as well as veterans with disabilities and their dependants.” The Student Services/Veteran Affairs office also organizes a Veterans Day Observance Nov. 11, 11:40 a.m. at the Vietnam Memorial site. The names of forty seven Washburn students who made the ultimate sacrifice are engraved on the Vietnam Memorial. Kessler said the public is invited to come by to honor veterans throughout the day. The office has not forgotten the soldiers still in the field. It is collecting used cell phones to be distributed to armed forces on deployment. The phones start their journey toward a meaningful second life in Morgan Hall Room room 135.
The members of the Phi Kappa Phi honor society are working with the Soldier’s Angels group. They are hand writing holiday cards to the troops as their community service project. “The cards will be sent to soldiers in remote areas, areas of low morale, where Christmas cards will have the most impact,” said Kylie Gilstrap, PKP president. For students that want to send Christmas gifts to soldiers through Washburn’s Early Childhood Education Student Organization, there are donation boxes available in Morgan Hall, Carnegie Hall, the Living Learning Center, Washburn Village and the lower level of the Memorial Union. “I have had members of my family in all the major wars and currently have eight members of my family serving now,” said Mary Cottrell, a senior in elementary education. She has asked soldiers what items they might like, and said that socks, canned food, dark T-shirts, deodorant, hard candy, gum, ziploc bags, coffee, playing cards, toothbrushes, toothpaste, cereal bars, newspapers, magazines, AA batteries, razors, pens, hand/ face wipes and puzzle books are popular requests. “Small creature comforts, things that help pass the time, snacks and things to flavor drinks and spice up bland food are appreciated,” said Allen. “Also Game Boy batteries.” The gift box collection drive will continue until Nov. 20 when they will be shipped in time for Christmas to a Marine Unit and two Army Units in Iraq and Afghanistan. Students can also get involved in many different ways through the Web site, a site trying to make reaching out to soldiers easier for everyone. “Remember the soldier when he is on duty and in danger,” said former tank gunner Brian Fontaine, a Iraq veteran and double combat amputee. “And remember the veteran when he comes home.” Brian Allen is a returning alumni. Reach him at
Photo by Brian Allen, Washburn Review
May no soldier go unloved: Washburn is supporting the troops in multiple ways this semester, including writing letters to troops and assembling care packages. Washburn hosted a Veterans Day ceremony at the Vietnam Memorial site near Morgan Hall today.
Young journalists affected by budget cuts ‘New’ honors program Many high school newspapers have already made the transition to creating an online version of their print edition. High school journalism teachers and advisers, along with business teachers will meet to discuss how to incorporate basic journalism skills into business classes. Broadcasting, electronic media and video production courses will not be effected because of their focus on technology and the trends toward the future are going in that direction. If a way is found to make the journalism classes at the high school level dedicated to teaching students more computer-based programs, these programs may not lose that money. If the money is cut for these programs, it Please see HIGH SCHOOL page
Mabee Library is remodeling to meet the needs of the campus community.
Harptallica wows audiences with its harp-played renditions of classic Metallica rock songs.
Argo 4
news & opinion
Scott, the journalism advisor at Washburn Rural High School. “Journalists aren’t in high demand right now and in predicting the future, they probably The world continues to advance won’t be in high demand with adin technology, and it is no different for vancements in technology.” high school journalism programs. However, don’t expect high school With reduced funding, the state newspapers or journalism classes to had to make cuts because just disappear. Since the of budget restraints. Print trend in media is going away LOCAL journalism seemed to be from print and becoming NEWS one targeted area because more advanced with the Inof the Carl D. Perkins Act ternet and social networking, Career and Technical Education Im- these classes need to do the same. provement Act of 2006. The Perkins “In our journalism classes we alAct is geared toward preparing stu- ready include Photoshop, Illustrator dents for high wage, high skill and high and Web design. My understanding demand jobs. Print journalism doesn’t is that in order to keep the vocational fall into any of these categories. money we need to adjust the empha“A big part of the decision to cut sis on what we teach,” said Barbara back on journalism funds is because of Padget, the journalism adviser at Tothe demand for the job,” said Brenna peka High School.
to benefit WU and you Mikki Burcher WASHBURN REVIEW
Please see HONORS page B3
The Lady Blues will face Emporia State during Senior Night, Friday, Nov. 13.
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riched educational experience for academically superior students,” said McGuire explaining the importance of a successful honors program. McGuire hopes to alter the program from its current state. “I’m hoping that this will be a selling point for the university,” said McGuire. A fully developed honors program can be used to recruit strong students, who in turn go out to the workforce, represent the university well and give back to Washburn. “One of the problems I am faced with is what areas of this program need to be revitalized,” said McGuire.
The newest construction on Washburn University’s campus won’t involve hard hats, bulldozers or neon orange signs. Rather, the university’s latest work will involve a revamp of the honors program. Michael McGuire, dean of the University Honors Program, accepted his new position in August. McGuire, an associate professor in the psychology department, hopes to give the program a better focus so students develop a better understanding of what the honors program entails. “An honors program is an en-
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