2009-10 issue18

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the review washburn university

Follow Ben Fitch on his journey through Nicaragua. Page 3 Serving Washburn University since 1897

WWW.WASHBURNREVIEW.ORG • (785) 670-2506 • 1700 S.W. College • topeka, kan. 66621

volume 136, Issue 18 • wednesday, February 24, 2010

ISS director Mike Gunter resigns Ben Fitch WASHBURN REVIEW Tom Prasch, president of Faculty Senate, said he thought ISS Director Mike Gunter’s resignation was way over due. Gunter announced his resignation effective Feb. 9, citing personal reasons. “The atmosphere with faculty had become a problem,” said Prasch. “The faculty didn’t believe Gunter when he said anything.” Gunter filled the position of ISS director four years ago, and has since

faced ridicule from faculty and students. Last year, during a faculty senate meeting on April 13, a motion of no confidence was passed by a majority against Gunter. Faculty cited examples of poor communication and restrictions on academic freedom. “My personal take on it is that there are two issues,” said Prasch, “a personal issue, and the structural issue.” So this semester, when students and faculty experienced problems with my.washburn, fingers were pointed at Gunter. “You can’t blame everything on Gunter,” said Prasch.

He said that the problem was attributable to Sungard, the IT service company that supplies Washburn with its software and processing solutions, rather than Gunter, but that there was a problem with communication. “It’s not that there were problems, but how the problems were handled,” Prasch said. Garret Love, student body president, said the tech situation was not good for Washburn students, but that it is difficult to identify whether the blame placed on Gunter was justified. “I never could fully grasp what exactly the situation was,” he said.

Chris Hamm, a senior business management/marketing major, works for PremierOne Data Systems, a company that manages the IT for small businesses. “I’ve worked in IT for the past seven years,” Hamm said, “so in a way I can empathize with the stress that comes with managing IT. I also understand from the perspective of an actual user, like faculty and students. “But I think it was probably time with the events that have unfolded. Key events set up the perfect storm for his resignation. I think a lot of times what it comes down to

is scrutiny versus flexibility. In this regard I think there wasn’t enough flexibility, and we need to have that flexibility to pursue academic goals.” Last semester, Hamm created a mock survey about the general approval of ISS, which can be reached at www.wufeedback.com. “It’s a satirical survey,” said Hamm. Two weeks after the survey went up on Aug. 26, it had drawn 350 visits. In addition, Hamm created parodies of my.washburn and posted them on Facebook. During

Please see RESIGNATION page A2

New professor comes to WU Law School

Spring break on a budget


tips to achieving the perfect vacation

New faces in new places is a recurring theme across Washburn this year and the law school is no exception. The law school is bringing in a new professor to help start up a new program at Washburn. Washburn’s law school features several areas of focus that are split down into Centers for Excellence. Joining the lineup of these centers is the Center for Law and Government. The establishment of the program is a step in the work to refocus the school’s ability to provide students the ability to better understand the functioning relationship between the practice of law and the machinations of government. “The Center will provide legal education to prepare highly qualified public servants for a broad range of careers associated with local, state and federal government,” said Thomas Romig, dean of the law school. The law school has recruited Reginald Robinson to be the new director of the Center for Law and Government. Robinson, prior to his new post, has been the president of the Kansas Board of Regents since 2002. Robinson has also held positions as chief of staff to University of Kansas chancellor Robert Hemenway and visiting associate professor at KU’s law school as well. Robinson has also spent time serving both in the Department of Justice as a Deputy Associate Attorney General as well as on the President’s Commission on White House Fellowships. Robinson is looking forward to joining the Washburn law school faculty and getting back in front of students. “I look forward to returning to a law school classroom and working with students after so many years away from work that I love very much,” said Robinson. Robinson also has ideas for the new center and envisions what he would like to see as part of the center’s focus. “I am especially grateful that through my leadership of the law school’s Center for Law and Government, I will have the opportunity to create a positive connection with issues related to government and policy in Kansas and beyond,” said Robinson.

Photo courtesy of sxc.hu

Fun in the sun: When spring break fever hits, many students find themselves migrating to warmer places and sandy beaches to escape winter weather woes, relax and take a break from the routine of their lives. The most popular spring break destinations for students are Fort Lauderdale, Miami, South Padre Island, Cancun, Las Vegas and Los Angeles.



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spring break early so the hit to the budget is a little less of a blow. “It’ll only cost us about $350 a person to stay for a whole week, but that doesn’t include gas and spending money once we get down there,” Hageman said. Like Hageman, Washburn senior Mollie Starks has been planning her trip to Pensacola, Fla. with her boyfriend and two other friends for a few months now. And though the trip is low-key and slight in cost, Starks recognizes the importance of advanced planning. “We probably started booking things about two months ago,” Starks said. “We wanted to make sure that we had rooms and a rental car booked far enough in advance.” While not all students are migrating to the beach for spring break, several are making plans to head to warmer climate. “I just want to relax for a while and work on my tan,” Starks said. Lauren Eckert is a junior mass media major. Reach her at lauren.eckert@ washburn.edu.

Read about “The Last Great Silent Picture Show” exhibit taking place at Mulvane Art Museum.




Robert Burkett is a junior mass media major. Reach him at robert.burkett@ washburn.edu.

The Lady Blues will take on Emporia State tonight at 5:30 p.m.


Drunk driving costs lives and money. See how others have been effected by this dangerous act.

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news & opinion


utilizing the service of travel agencies. “You will get better rates through a travel agency than if you were on your own,” Henry said. “We’ve got contacts with hotels, wiggle room with airlines and access to unpublished rates that other people simply don’t have access to. It is especially beneficial to use a travel agency when thinking about traveling abroad. It’s important for people to have an agent, someone in their corner just in case.” However, students planning smaller spring break adventures may decide that they can handle the booking and trip planning on their own. Matthew Hageman, a junior at Washburn University, is planning a trip to Padre with five other friends. “We just want to get away for a little while,” Hageman said. “It’s nice to get a break.” Hageman and his companions make a habit of saving for


Despite the groundhog’s appreciation of his own shadow, spring will come again, as it always does. And with spring comes the week of hanging out and having too much fun that college students always seem ready to take advantage of…spring break. Spring break week finds college students around the country flocking to popular locations for social gatherings and the opportunity to get some relief from the monotony of school. And while the typical budget of a college student is rather tight, many students find ways to stretch their dollar and enjoy the spring break experience. Jade Travel, a travel agency with branches in both Manhattan and Topeka, has aided the community and surrounding area with its travel planning for 25 years. Each year, the company sees many college students looking for the perfect way to spend spring break. Kimbra Henry, vice president of sales management at Jade, said that

the popularity of spring break travel has become so nationally recognized, that tighter restrictions are placed on some of the most popular travel locations to help keep things under control. “Age requirements can be a big challenge,” Henry said. “Most 18-yearolds cannot stay by themselves in many hotels in popular spring break areas without an adult.” Henry also said that age restrictions are often imposed on cruise ship travel or residence rentals, when some places require that students be at least 21 or 25 years of age to board or sign a lease agreement. Some of the most popular locations that typically impose some kind of age restriction include Fort Lauderdale, Los Angeles, Miami, Cancun, Las Vegas and South Padre Island. But for all those students who meet the age restrictions, travel for spring break and other major trips can be easy and inexpensive, especially for students




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News • Wednesday, February 24, 2010


The Bod Beat


Resignation: mixed reactions evoked from faculty, staff, students Continued from page A1

Wednesday, February 24 WU Symphony White Concert Hall 7:30 p.m.

Thursday, February 25 WU Book Club Thomas Room, Memorial Union 1 p.m. World Slavery Awareness Film Festival Mabee Library 4 p.m. to 9 p.m. Heartland Visioning Community Meeting Regency Ballroom, Topeka Ramada 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. Presentation: “Exploding Stars and the End of the World!” Room 138, Stoffer Science Hall 6 p.m. Who’s Who Among American Students Reception Washburn Room, Memorial Union 6:30 p.m.

Friday, February 26 Ichabod Junior Day 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. ACTV8 Your Career Workshop: Conduct a Winning Job Search Kansas Room 12 p.m. Presentation for Slavery Awareness Week Mabee Library 2 p.m. to 3 p.m. Baseball Falley Field 2 p.m. Jam for Justice Live Music International 7 p.m. to 12 a.m. Kansas Silent Film Festival White Concert Hall 7 p.m. Play, “The Secret Policeman” Andrew J. and Georgia Neese Gray Theatre 8 p.m. Delta Gamma Pancake Feed Delta Gamma House 10 p.m. to 2 a.m.

Error: One of the mock my.washburn errors that student Chris Hamm created to put on Facebook.

the first week of November, Hamm received a letter calling him to appear before Meredith Kidd, dean of students. “When I went to his office I found out that Gunter had written a complaint letter. It was full of ludicrous claims— pretty retaliatory,” said Hamm. Hamm said the letter was vague in the reasons it cited for his misconduct. “It looked as though they had just thrown darts at the conduct code,” he said. Hamm said it seemed like Kidd was obligated to punish him in some way. He was told he would have

Play, “Body and Sold” Andrew J. and Georgia Neese Gray Theatre 4 p.m. Play, “The Secret Policeman” Andrew J. and Georgia Neese Gray Theatre 8 p.m.

Sunday, February 21

Don’t see your event in the calendar? Call the Review newsroom at 670-2506 to have your event included in an upcoming edition. It’s FREE. For upcoming Washburn athletic events, go to www.wusports.com.

Ben Fitch is a senior mass media major. Reach him at benjamin.fitch@washburn. edu.

Stoffer Science Hall Brian Dulle WASHBURN REVIEW

scientific fields from across the nation. In 2005, renovation designs were approved since Stoffer Science Hall had not been extensively renovated Since 1960 it has stood on the since damage after the 1966 tornado. North East corner of the Wash- Rooms used for storage closets became burn campus and has been home to make-shift labs. Construction began in the science department, crane ob- summer of 2006 and lasted until April servatory and Washburn students. of 2008. The original plan when beStoffer Science hall provides ing renovated was to be completed in a modern teaching facilities for the de- year but classroom conflict and schedpartments of Physics, Astronomy, ule coordination proved to be more Chemistry, Biology and Home Eco- complicated than a normal university nomics. Work began on the structure building renovation. If construction Feb. 16, 1959 and the original plan was had only lasted a year, the science defor it to hold 900 students. partment would have had Washburn’s superto locate and rent facilities intendent of physical WASHBURN off campus suitable for lab HISTORY plants at the time, Lloyd environments equipped Durow said that “archiwith safety features, too. tecturally it is a very inGordon McQuere, the teresting building, and should be a dean of College Arts and Sciences handsome addition to the Washburn at the time stated that “the number campus as well as a most useful ad- one request from the teachers was dition for the science department.” that the teaching labs be excellent.” Some of the new features it held The $14.95 million project feaand still holds today is a planetarium tured new academic facilities and proand a penthouse that accommodates grams in hope to solidify science inthe University’s telescope, which was struction. The renovation added 19,000 housed in the Crane Observatory prior square feet to the building. Different to the building of Stoffer Science Hall. companies from around Topeka donatWhen Stoffer Science Hall was ed $700,000 to help with this project. first built it was regarded as one of the On April 5, 2008, right before the most outstanding in the Midwest. It official open house of the building, a was named in honor of Bryan S. Stof- Topeka Police Helicopter crashed in fer who died March 19, 1961. He was the parking lot of the Science Hall. No president of Washburn University for one was injured in the accident but the nearly 20 years and was among those scene for the next day in front of the scilargely responsible for conceiving plans ence hall was of Topeka workers cleanfor the science building. He watched ing up the mess that was left behind. it grow from a dream of long standApril 19, 2008 Stoffer Science ing to reality in 1960. Growth of the Hall held an open house ceremony university during Stoffer’s presidency to celebrate the new renovations and includes the Memorial Union and the many wonders of natural sciMorgan Hall administration building. ence. Today, it stands as just one It opened for student use in Sep- of the many unique buildings on tember of 1960 and in October of 1960 the Washburn University campus. a dedication ceremony was held Brian Dulle is a sophomore that drew some of mass media major. Reach the top him at brian.dulle@ figures washburn.edu. of the time in

Kansas Silent Film Festival White Concert Hall 10 a.m.

Baseball Falley Field 3 p.m.

ed examples of tech improvement that were made during his time at Washburn. “We are appreciative of Mike’s commitment to the University and for the many improvements made in the information systems and services department while here,” said Wanda Hill, vice president for administration and treasurer. “We wish him well in his future endeavors.”

A brief history of

Saturday, February 27

Panel Discussion: “Human Trafficking” Mabee Library 12 p.m. to 3 p.m.

to pay a $10 to $15 fine and write an apology letter. The fine and letter were later dropped and no punishment was imposed on Hamm. “The scrutiny definitely played a part—I imagine [Gunter] was a little on edge,” said Hamm. “It wasn’t long after the vote of no confidence; it looked really bad for him. But in a way I think that a lot of people jumped on the bandwagon of ‘Mike Gunter is not qualified to do his job.’” In the press release announcing Gunter’s resignation, the University cit-

Vice President’s Press -paid for by WSGA-

Hello Washburn! First, I would like to remind you that TONIGHT is the Turnpike Tussle basketball games against Emporia State! For a month, we have been collecting canned food and donations that go toward our annual Can Emporia event, and the announcement of the winner will be made during halftime of the women’s basketball game this evening. The losing school’s student body president will get a pie to the face! So make sure and go show your support! There are still seats open for the bus going to Emporia tonight! The bus ride, tickets to the game and pizza are all FREE and included on your trip. If you want to go, meet in the LLC Lobby at 3:45pm—see you there! It is campaign season and we are looking for students to run for spots on WSGA! For Presidential teams, you must obtain 100 signatures from fellow students. Then, complete the online registration form at https:// secure.washburn.edu/wsga/index. php?id=President and finally go to ISS to have your picture taken for

the ballot. For students running for Senate seats, obtain 50 signatures OR simply have a student organization nominate you, fill out the form at https://secure.washburn.edu/wsga/ index.php?id=Senator then go to ISS and have them take your picture. Easy enough! The deadline is THIS Friday, February 26th by 5:00pm, so make sure and get everything done before then! Bring petitions and nomination forms to the WSGA Office in the lower level of Memorial Union. The table outside the office has the forms if you haven’t picked one up yet! Elections will be March 3rd, 4th and 5th. Have a great rest of your week and as always, GO BODS!!!

Photo by Mike Goehring, Washburn Review

Not just fun and games: Firefighters work to extract a victim from the wreckage of a drunk driving accident. Driving while intoxicated is one of the most commonly committed crimes in the United States.

Driving drunk affects everyone Dangerous act causes loss of lives, money

ment and may have their driver’s license suspended for up to a year. Mikki Burcher On a larger scale, drunk driving WASHBURN REVIEW costs lives and substantial amounts of It wasn’t just another night for money. One in five car accidents inBeth Strong. After hours of trying volve drinking, and two of every five to reach her roommate to no avail, drivers in the United States will be a sense of panic settled over the 23 involved in an alcohol-related crash year old. Something was wrong. sometime during their lifetime. AcIt wasn’t until the next day cording to the Kansas Family Partnerthat Strong learned what had hap- ship, an average of six young people pened to her friend the night before. die in alcohol-related crashes every “My roommate was driving. He day. The Kansas Department of Transwas drunk,” said Strong. “The other portation estimates that nearly $469 two guys in the truck were drunk also. million is lost in the state of Kansas anThe fourth person was a girl, and she nually due to alcohol-related crashes. was hanging out of the sunroof and flew Even though many people are out going down a dirt road. She was aware of the effects of drinking and in a coma for a month. It’s been two driving, some simply ignore the warnyears and she’s still trying to recover.” ings. They get away with it in large part The anxiety Strong felt as a result because “a lot of people can drive realof the communily well under the cation-less eve- “ influence,” said ning was nothSheri Jackson, ing compared Washburn police It’s hard to believe to how she felt officer. It also after she learned helps if a drunk that I almost went of the accident. driver is close with them that night. to their destina“It is hard to believe that I altion to begin most went with with, she said. them that night,” “Really said Strong. they’re just Drunk drivlucky,” said - Beth Strong ing isn’t a new Jackson. “There topic of converare more people sation. But with the street ” on all of the inforthan cops.” mation available Jaimie Cartoday, especially ey, a freshman, to those who are well-connected knows the difficulties that result from and receiving a higher education, it ignoring warnings about drunk drivseems there is a blatant attitude of ing. One of her high school classmates disregard for personal and public was killed in an alcohol-related crash well-being being adopted by some after leaving a party in the country. who choose not to drink responsibly. Carey said she is sad to see so many The legal blood alcohol concen- people neglect responsibility for themtration for an adult over the age of 21 selves and the damage they could is .08 percent in Kansas. This is rough- cause to others. She said she didn’t unly the equivalent of two 12-ounce derstand why, even after a classmate beers in an hour. If a person does drink died as a result of drunk driving, her two beers in an hour, it can take any- peers continued to drink and drive. where from two to four hours for his “I guess they just like to party,” said or her BAC to go back down to zero. Carey. “I feel like they never thought If someone is caught driving ‘Oh hey, that might be me next time.’” drunk, consequences can be severe. He or she may serve up to six months Mikki Burcher is a senior mass media/ in jail, perform community service, English major. Reach her at mikale. go through substance abuse treat- burcher@washburn.edu.

Caley Onek WSGA Vice President

Photo by Mike Goehring, Washburn Review

Drink Responsibly: Police on the scene of a wreck on Washburn Avenue confirmed that one of the drivers was under the influence. The wreck serves as a reminder that drunk driving affects everyone and can happen anywhere, even at Washburn’s back door.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010 • News Washburn Review writer Ben Fitch travels to Nicaragua over winter break and returns with....

Fitch’s Findings

Ben Fitch WASHBURN REVIEW We landed in Managua around nine o’clock. Having left Kansas the second day of January, during its frigid best, we were glad to be greeted with the balmy mid-70 degree weather. The weather in Nicaragua ranged from comfortable to slightly cold at night and sometimes blistering during the day. Our next stop, after the capital, was Estelí. Since Nicaragua features a

mountain range, which cuts the country down the middle, average temperatures vary noticeably from one region to the next. Estelí was cool and dry, and like many places in Nicaragua, enjoys mild temperatures throughout the year. It is surrounded by forested mountain plateaus that reach 5,000 feet above sea level. The view from some of the places in Estelí was simply breathtaking. The same goes for El Limón, another mountain town. El Limón consists of a community of a few thousand people. Because of the location and relative inaccessibility, El Limón does

not enjoy the comforts of running water or houses wired for extensive electricity. The town had a solar-powered water pump installed to deliver running water throughout, but it was destroyed by lightening several months ago. So water is drug from wells and put through filtration devices funded by ProNica, the organization that hosted our stay in Nicaragua. The houses there are not insolated, which is generally not a problem since the region rarely sees a freeze. And there is no light pollution, road lights, flood lamps or outdoor lighting of any kind for that matter, save a few florescent lamps at the local tienda and town center. At night, it seems as though there are more stars than sky, and it is pitch dark. When the sun goes down around 6:30, in the early part of January, everyone simply goes to bed as it is difficult to do much by candle-light. During the day, when everything is visible, one can see mountains and valleys, sitting ancient and still among trails of fog. The group split up in El Limón, and we stayed in pairs with various families. Everyone welcomed us with kindness and hospitality. They told us they did not have much to offer, but the accommodations were impeccable as family members gave up beds, cooked for us and made grand efforts to keep us entertained. Myself and two others stayed at the house of Don Filípe, a musician who made prominent music about Nicaraguan history and politics during the revolution. Don Filípe was in the hospital with heart complications for the majority of our stay, but his daughter, Maura, took care of us. Maura cooked for us three times a day and cut my hair when it became unruly. Maura lives there with her brother, sonin-law and grandson, Davy, a 12-yearold who befriended us during our stay.

The people of El Limón eat some combination of rice, beans, cheese and tortilla for at least two of three meals every day. Suffice to say we were sick of rice and beans when we left our five-day tour of El Limón. But in actuality, rice and beans are the Nicaraguan standard. The typical breakfast consists of this duo and an egg, if you are lucky. It is good that we were well fed because we had arrived to work. The dirt roads in El Limón require maintenance after being beaten by seasonal rain. Schools visit the town often, usually through ProNica, and work on the roads. Equipment is scarce, so the labor was manual in every sense. We had two wheelbarrows and a handful of shovels at our disposal. We used them to move large mounds of dirt into holes in the road. After working up a sweat in the morning, we would walk to the river to take a bath. We finished the work in two days, and afterward made an hour and a half trek to a nearby waterfall to swim. The water was colder than any I had experienced before, but I took the opportunity to swim out to the fall and float on my back as I watched droplets descend around me from the cliff face. Our last night, the town had us gather in the town center to share music and conversation. We listened to the


entertainment and sat as a group huddled under blankets for warmth. Conversation was not easy since my Spanish is conducive to creating puzzled expressions. Luckily we had fellow travelers with us from Mexico and Nicaragua. After the large group went to bed, the rest of us broke out the spirits. We drank and laughed under the moon. My idea of purpose for the Nicaragua trip was, in pretense, to help the people of El Limón build roads in a gesture of sincerity and acknowledgement. I felt like a U.S. liaison interested in being proactive and helping where help is needed. Having returned, however, I have been asked several times about my feelings about the project, and I feel less like our help was needed in Nicaragua, specifically in El Limón. The purpose, in retrospect, was to be exposed to their culture. When asked, “So do you feel like you made a difference?” I don’t know how to answer, because the impact we had on Nicaragua is nothing compared to the impact Nicaragua had on us.

Look for more of Fitch’s Findings in issue 19. Ben Fitch is a senior mass media major. Reach him at benjamin.fitch@ washburn.edu.

Chartwells’ prices comparable to local restaurants Kate Fechter WASHBURN REVIEW

lunch special from Golden Dynasty off 29th and Fairlawn runs from $4.59 to $5.30, and includes entrée, rice, egg roll or crab Rangoon and egg drop Eating the food sold in the or hot and sour soup. It does not inUnion Market on campus is a con- clude a drink, so after you add a drink venient way to refuel in between the price evens out. Golden Dynasty classes, but there is mixed opin- is take out or drive thru only, so you ions about the price of the food. also will have to take it somewhere “They (Union Market) have a or eat it in your car. Jade Garden, lolot of options,” said Rachel Beard, a cated on 21st street, has lunch specials junior. “But it is pretty overpriced.” ranging from $4.20 to $4.99, and inShedding some light on the rea- cludes the same things as Golden Dysons for the cost, Matt Beadleston, nasty. You can sit and eat lunch there, director of dining services, said two pick it up to go, or have it delivered. factors determine the price at the The main event station serves Union Market, the consumer price meals like meatloaf or chicken breast index for food away from home and with two sides, usually a vegetable a price comparison of area food re- and a potato or starch of some sort. tailers. Each year prices are set by a A meal from there with the entrée, price comparison in the spring. Prices two sides and a drink comes to $7.55 are proposed and remain at the ac- after tax. At Boston Market on Wacepted levels for the academic year. namaker, a meatloaf individual meal, This article will compare the cost which comes with two sides and corn of combo meals at the bread, is $6.29. A drink six different stations CHARTWELLS is $1.39, so a meal with a served in the Union drink is $7.68. A meal with Market with the cost of eating food an entrée and two sides at Denny’s at restaurants off campus, fast food is $7.99 to $8.99. So after a drink is and otherwise. This is at current re- added, it would run about $10 to $12. tail prices, not what the prices were The deli station, which serves sub when the Union Market’s prices were sandwiches and wraps, has a combo set last spring. Also prices listed are which comes to $7.54 to $7.97 after before tax unless otherwise specified. tax. A six-inch sub sandwich combo A cheeseburger combo from the from Subway runs from $5.68 to grill, which includes fries and a 24 ounce $6.18. At Planet Sub a six-inch sub drink, is $5.39 after tax. A cheeseburg- combo ranges from $5.78 to $8.88. er combo from Sonic with fries and a One of the most popular staregular drink is only a penny cheaper, tions at the Union Market is the Ital$5.38 after tax. A cheeseburger from ian station. Pasta is served with bread Applebee’s is $7.99 and includes fries, but no drink and is $5.39 after tax. but you have to pay extra if you want Pepperoni flat bread pizza is $4.89 anything to drink other than water. and a drink is $1.49; together, with At the Chinese station, a meal tax, they are $6.89. Cici’s Pizza has with an entrée, rice, egg roll and drink a buffet that is $4.49 and includes comes to $6.75 with tax included. A pizza, pasta and salad. A drink is ex-

Cheeseburger Station: Cheeseburger, fries, 24 oz drink, $5.39

Chinese Station: Entree, rice, eggroll, drink, $6.75

Main Event Station: Entree, two sides, drink, $7.55

Sonic: Cheeseburger, fries, regular drink, $5.38

Golden Dynasty: Entree, rice, eggroll or crab Rangoon, eggdrop or hot and sour soup, no drink, $5.30

Boston Market: Meatloaf individual meal, two sides, cornbread, drink $7.68

Jade Garden: Prices range from $4.20 to $4.99. Same menu as Dynasty.

Denny’s: Entree and two sides, drink, $10.00 to $12.00.

Deli Station: Sandwich or wrap combo, $7.54 to $7.68

Italian Station: Pepperoni flatbread pizza, drink, $5.39

Salad Station: Wild Caesar tossed salad combo, $7.55

Sonic: Six-inch sub combo, $5.68 to $6.18

Cici’s Pizza: Buffet of pizza, pasta, and salad, $4.49

Wendy’s: Chicken caesar salad, drink, $7.32

Planet Sub: Six-inch sub combos, $7.78 to $8.88

Pizza Hut: Personal pan pizza, $4.31

Chili’s: Chicken caesar salad, no drink, $8.29

Applebee’s: Cheeseburger, fries, no drink, $7.99

tra. A personal pan pizza from Pizza Hut is $4.31 after tax. The lunch entrée three cheese chicken penne and caesar salad at Applebee’s is $5.99. For those who want to eat healthier, the Union Market offers many different types of salads. A wild caesar tossed salad combo is $7.55 after tax. A chicken caesar salad from Chili’s is $8.29, with a drink being extra. A chicken caesar salad and a drink from Wendy’s is $7.32 after tax. The price of a salad from Wendy’s is comparable to the price of a salad from the Union Market. One interesting thing about the food in the Memorial Union is the quality. Beadleston explained that

www.washburnreview.org Do you have the flu? A clinical trial is recruiting people who have new onset influenza (within 48 hours). Call immediately 234-5777.

the meat served is from antibioticfree, growth-hormone-free animals. The eggs used are from cage-free chickens and the fish is part of the Sustainable Seafood Program. This means that only seafood not in danger of being over-fished is used. Also all oils used contain zero trans fat. The prices are comparable between the restaurants and the price of food at the union, but something else to keep in mind is the cost of gasoline to drive and pick up food between classes. Feb. 7, gasoline in Kansas averaged $2.51 per gallon for regular gas. At 20 miles per gallon, a two-mile round tip adds 26 cents to an off-campus meal. One aspect to pricing that may

Graphic by Mikki Burcher, Washburn Review

not be considered by students is the costs that go into producing the food we eat. Beadleston explained that those costs include wages and benefits for employees, cost of the food, maintaining equipment, utilities and a commission paid to Washburn. This commission goes to cover the $120,000 bond that the student union pays annually for the construction of the Living Learning Center. “The money spent on food here goes back to the university,” said Beadleston. Kate Fechter is a junior psychology/mass media major. Reach her at kate.fechterstamper@washburn.edu.


Nicole Stejskal WASHBURN REVIEW I have always been a very independent person, and I typically choose to be the leader of the pack. However, I have decided to be a follower this week and become the 7,465th person to write an opinion piece about Tiger Woods. My sentiments reflect anything but the popular response to the golfer’s predicament though. For starters, I am absolutely exhausted with all of the news surrounding Woods’ sex scandal. It’s really tiring to listen to national news sources report the same thing time and time again. He cheated on his wife with a lot of women. End of story. No one really cares about the mistresses and their personal business. We hardly care about Woods at this point, and he’s actually a celebrity. Then there’s his pathetic attempt at an apology speech. It disgusts me to hear rumors that Woods’ conference potentially beat the Super Bowl in the number of viewers it had. It just goes to show how infatuated we are with negative news. However, what is even more sickening was the speech itself. I know he wanted to sound professional, but a prepared speech? Really? If nothing else, his preparation made him sound like a heartless robot. No facial expressions, no voice inflections, nothing. At one point, it looked like he was attempting to cry, but even that seemed rehearsed. It’s too bad he didn’t allow questions. Maybe putting him in the line of fire would’ve sparked some emotion. Woods made several apologies to people throughout the speech, all of which seemed meaningless, considering the above circumstances. However, what really gets me was his acknowledgement of his foundation and the young people it serves. Although of the FROM THE many people he EDITOR apologized to will need more than just a statement to forgive him, how can he possibly make up for being a terrible role model for kids? Woods has possessed the potential to influence young people’s lives for years, something very difficult to achieve as an athlete. Now that he’s thrown that down the drain, who are those kids supposed to look to for encouragement and inspiration? Nevertheless, by the time Woods started talking about returning to Buddhism and getting sex therapy, I stopped paying attention. Once you spend more than 10 minutes sounding like an unemotional fool with a lack of priorities, you’re not worth listening to anymore. I’m pretty sure my feelings are summed up well by this week’s cartoon. Refer to it as necessary. Finally, I probably wouldn’t be as fired up about the subject had the majority of people agreed with me. However, multiple news reporters are commending Woods for doing a great job in giving his apology. Did they actually watch it? Sure, Woods covered his bases in his apology attempts, but he did so in a manner that can hardly be taken seriously. It’s extremely frustrating as a future media mogul to watch reporters look past something like this and take it for face value. No wonder no one trusts the media. At this point, I’m not sure I care if Woods goes back to golf. While he did a lot for the sport in terms of publicity (before the sex scandal, that is), golf will always be surrounded by negative media if he returns. Despite its lack of popularity, the world of golf deserves another shot at success, even without its greatest player. Nicole Stejskal is a junior mass media major. Reach her at nicole.stejskal@ washburn.edu.

Bipartisanship seeks to divide, not unite voting choices as “the lesser of two evils.” Granted, even if America were theoretically able to shift away from The Democratic party is full of the two party system, it would be rare Communist hippies. The Republican for anyone to find a candidate that they party is full of fascist squares. For totally agreed with. But with the two anyone who is not a communist party system, you don’t even have the hippy or fascist square, where do option. Often, people complain that they sign up when it’s time to vote? voters (especially younger voters) Well, there are the independents, don’t bother to learn the issues or the who then have no representation when candidates’ stances before hitting the it comes to picking candidates. Or you polls. However, there is no incentive can vote for the Green party, and just to learn anything about candidates be a regular hippy, not a who are running on a communist one. Or you that, in a general REVIEW’S platform could be a Libertarian, sense, was established VIEW although no one is quite before they were born. sure what that is. So, This issue, of the realistically, the majority of us (more warring parties, has apparently been than 50 percent) will cash in our chips an issue since the very beginning of with one of the leading parties and the U.S. George Washington, in his rationalize our stance based on family farewell address said, “A fire not to tradition, religion, and all the rest. But be quenched, it demands a uniform can anyone truly say that their political vigilance to prevent its bursting into party of choice completely represents a flame, lest, instead of warming, it their interests? Can anyone say that should consume.” He was referring to they are well represented by the the rivalry of the political parties, and political candidates that their parties how although political competition choose in the primary elections? can be good, dividing the country Often, people describe their into warring factions is never a plus.


Bod on

Allison King Sophomore

“I have an obsession with Diet Coke, but I might not be able to make it.”

“I gave up cereal.”

The views expressed in the Review’s View are those of the Washburn Review editorial board and are not necessarily the views of Washburn University.

Porchia Brown Freshman

“Buying shoes.”

Broc Plattner Senior

“Probably ESPN. It would be a hard thing to do.”

Angelique Flinn Sophomore

“I don’t watch much TV, so it would be an easy thing to give up.”

Christina Bowden Sophomore “It would be sweets or chocolate.”

to give up for lent?

The Washburn Review Contact Us

Phone: (785) 670-2506 Fax: (785) 670-1131 www.washburnreview.org Print Editor-in-Chief Nicole Stejskal Online Editor-in-Chief Kevin Mitchell Managing Editor Ben Fitch News Editor Mikki Burcher Sports Editor Josh Rouse A&E Editor Regina Budden

After a week into the lenten season, the Review decided to ask students what they’re giving up this year, even if they’re not Catholic.

Harry Briggs Freshman

But that’s what we are. Divided. How many things are split along party lines? The war. Economy. Health care. And just because we have a president who is willing to be “bipartisan,” we hail our country as progressive. Yet, do we need more “bipartisanship”? Because it’s very unlikely that any Republican senator represents a state whose voters are all registered Republican. The two-party system has led to more pork barrel spending and “old boys” kind of thinking than many would care to believe. If our government representatives would stop bantering about party affiliations and “your side vs. ours,” perhaps it would be less difficult to accomplish their goals. Instead of priding themselves for being bipartisan, maybe someday our leaders can pride themselves on being NON-partisan.

street What have you chosen


Apology won’t get Tiger out of Woods

Opinion • Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Garret Bendure Senior

“Pop and ice cream.”

Matt Rush Junior

“I’m not Catholic, but I did give something up: pizza. I’m on a health kick.”

Interviews and photos by Tesa DeForest and Ben Fitch


Chris Marshall is terrified of jungle cats, especially when they’re in the bathroom. Reach him at christopher.marshall@ washburn.edu...that is, if he’s come out of hiding yet.

Photo Editor Matt Wilper Copy Editor Josh King Senior Writer Lauren Eckert Writers Michelle Boltz Robert Burkett Kate Fechter Bryce Grammer Richard Kelly Ashley Nadeau David Wiens Photographers Tesa DeForest Mallory Shehi Videographers Brian Dulle Kate Hampson Jordan Shefte Graphic Designers K.J. Thies Cameron Wrightsman Advertising Manager Ashley Shepard Advertising Staff Anna Henry Lauren Journot Business Manager Chuck Stephens Adviser Regina Cassell The Washburn Review is published every Wednesday throughout the academic year, excluding holidays and some other dates. Copies are free for students, faculty and staff, and can be found at numerous locations around the campus of Washburn University. Subscriptions to the Washburn Review are available at the following rates: 13 issues for $20 or 26 issues for $35. For more information, please visit our Web site at www.washburnreview.org or call (785) 670-2506. The Washburn Review is a member newspaper of the Associated Press (AP), the Kansas Associated Press (KPA) and the Kansas Associated Collegiate Press (KACP). The Review was the 2009 winner of the All-State award, given to the best four-year public university newspaper in the state of Kansas. The Washburn Review accepts letters to the editor pertaining to articles appearing in the Washburn Review or on issues of importance to the Washburn or Topeka community. We do not accept mass letters to the editor. Please limit letters to less than 400 words. Letters must be submitted via Word document if possible, and there must be a phone number where the person can be reached for verification. Please e-mail letters to review@washburn.edu. The Review reserves the right to edit all submissions to the paper for length, libel, language and clarity. Because of volume on the opinion page, we are unable to print all letters and are unable to return submissions.

© The Washburn Review Copyright 2010

Your source for all things about WU, Wednesday afternoons.

The Washburn Review

review a&e washburn university

wednesday, February 24, 2010

Last Great Silent Picture Show Mulvane Art Museum features silent film memorabilia from Kansas City artist Michelle Boltz WASHBURN REVIEW

Photo by Matt Wilper, Washburn Review

Mulvane’s newest exhibit, The Last Great Silent Picture Show, opened on Feb.6 and features artist Orval Hixon, who was an Official Orpheum and Shubert Vaudeville photographer from 1914-1930s. Orval Hixon owned a studio in the Biltmore Hotel in Kansas City, Mo. where early silent film stars of that era would travel by train from California to request Hixon’s services for their Hollywood portfolios. James Finley, Hixon’s great-nephew, had this to say about his great-uncle. “He liked to work as his own boss instead of moving to Hollywood.” After Hixon’s death in 1982, Finley discovered Hixon’s photographs, along with other memorabilia, in a studio that was built on Hixon’s farm, and decided to carry out his legacy by displaying them in his studio, the Sundance Photo Gallery in Weston, Mo. This special exhibit is also in conjunction to Washburn’s Silent Film Festival, which takes place on Feb. 26 and 27 at White Concert Hall. Hixon was also known to use an early “photoshop” technique in some of his photographs by dissolving part of

Kansas Silent Film Festival back at White Concert Hall


The 14th annual Kansas Silent Film Festival is coming to White Concert Hall at Washburn and is free to anyone interested in attending. KSFF starts on Feb. 26 and runs through Feb. 27. A total of 10 silent films will be shown over the course of the two days. The event has been hosted at Washburn every year and is aimed at acquainting audiences with silent films in their original splendor. “The goal of KSFF is to introduce new audiences to the wonder of silent films with live

music, the way they were meant to be seen, and to reacquaint older audiences with a lost art form from the past,” said Bill Shaffer, director for KSFF. The special guest speaker at the event this year will be Melissa Talmadge Cox, who comes from a famous Hollywood family that includes actors and actresses being shown in the films. Shaffer said there were a couple of reasons for picking Cox as the guest speaker. “She is a friend of mine and a delightful person. She is also the spokesperson for the Keaton family and has lots of great memories about the family. She is not only related to Buster Keaton, but also to the Talmadge sisters, Norma and Constance, who were both very famous during the silent era,” said Shaffer. Cox is from southern California and is familiar with Hollywood. Her father worked at 20th Century Fox, working with many famous people. Cox is the granddaughter of Buster Keaton and Natalie Talmadge, two superstars of the silent film era. She now lives in northern Calif. with her three children and travels around the country promoting silent films and talking about her family’s legacy at silent

film festivals. Selecting the films is a process in itself. Shaffer meets with the master of ceremonies, Denise Morrison, a film historian, and a film restoration expert, David Shepard, to choose films from many different sources. These sources include private collections, big and small film archives. The films are being shown with live music, the way they were shown in the heyday of silent films. The musicians performing include Marvin Faulwell, Mont Alto Motion Picture Orchestra, Greg Foreman, Jeff Rapis and Bob Keckeisen. Many of the films feature members of Cox’s family including “Our Hospitality,” which is Cox’s favorite film with Buster Keaton. Among the other films being shown are “The Vagabond,” with Charlie Chaplin, “Rescued by Rover,” “The Magic Clock,” “Smilin’ Through” and “The Yankee Clipper.” Films are being shown starting at 7 p.m. Feb. 26. Feb. 27 films will be shown at 10 a.m., 1 p.m. and 7 p.m., with a dinner buffet starting after the 1 p.m. showing for $25.

Kate Hampson is a senior mass media major. Reach her at katelyn. hampson@washburn.edu.

the images on his 11x14 glass negatives camera, and able to put his camera on using potassium ferricynanide (an display,” said Finley. oxidizing agent used to remove silver The display is called Shooting from negatives), then covered parts of Stars: The Celebrity Photography of the negative with lampblack and etched Orval Hixon, and is first of a rotating and painted the rest for a unique effect. series that will appear in the permanent Hixon mixed his own glass, developed gallery until July 31. Admission is them, fixed them with a valium spray, free, and is located at 14 W. 10th St. in and treated the glass like a canvas for Kansas City, Mo. his photographs. The Last Great Silent Picture Show Some of the silent movie film features both Hixon’s photographs, and stars photographed by Hixon were one of the cameras that were used in his Joan Crawford, Al Jolson, Will Rogers, studio. Hixon continued his love affair Buddy Rogers, and (Baby) with photography Rose Marie. Over 30 until he passed away ART EXHIBIT actors photographed by at the age of 97 after Hixon are on stars in the almost eighty years Hollywood Walk of Fame. Seventeen in photography. The display will be at of Hixon’s prints were also on display in Mulvane Art Museum until March 21. the 1976 Bicentennial Show at the John Hours for the museum are Tues. 10 a.m. F. Kennedy Center For The Performing to 7 p.m., Wed. – Fri 10 a.m. – 5 p.m., Arts. and weekends 1-4 p.m. Admission is Washburn University Alumna free. Mulvane Art Museum is located at Marsha Anderson and photography 17th and Jewell in Topeka, Kan. professor Mary Wayne Dorsey recently bought one of Hixon’s original studio cameras and donated it to Washburn where it was displayed in the photography department before it was put on permanent display at the Kansas City Public Library. “I appreciate Marsha Anderson and Michelle Boltz is a freshman mass Mary Wayne Dorsey from Washburn for media major. Reach her at michelle. having again getting access to Hixon’s boltz@washburn.edu

YouTube Pick of the Week: Hitler, Canada and siiiiiick

Matt Wilper WASHBURN REVIEW This week I found a funny parody that takes the USA win over Canada in hockey and sets it to part of the movie from Der Untergang (Downfall). Hitler’s advisors are breaking the news to Hitler that Canada lost to the USA. First off if you didn’t see the win over Canada you did miss out. Don’t worry it was just a qualification game; there is a good chance that they will play again. However, they take the part of the movie and add their own subtitles. If you have enough time you should watch other videos like this one. There is one where they break the news about the iPad that is very funny. The best part of the video is when they say, “Ryan Kesler pulled a siiiiiiick

move for an empty-netter. Canada has been defeated 5 to 3.” It was a sick move, but this is not the sport section so I won’t go into detail. You should look it up on YouTube. Then the video goes into giving Canada a little bit of crap. Like how they can’t win a sport that they invented or half of Canada will kill themselves. It also does gives the USA some crap, about how the team is made up of second liners from second-rate teams. It pokes fun at both countries. Watch this video, it’s worth your time even if you are Canadian. Til’ next week, stay classy Washburn. Matt Wilper is a junior sociology major. Reach him at matthew.wilper@ washburn.edu.

‘Shutter Island’: good, but unimpressive David Wiens WASHBURN REVIEW

“Shutter Island” was unimpressive, not bad, just unimpressive. Scorsese’s latest movie is an old school mystery/ thriller set in the mid ‘50s and with much of the same style as many movies of the time. Teddy Daniels, played by Leonardo DiCaprio, is a U.S. Marshal sent to Shutter Island to investigate the escape of a woman who disappeared from a hospital for the criminally insane while trying to cope with the death of his wife. The more Daniels investigates the case with his partner Chuck Adule, Mark Ruffalo, the more he starts to focus on the Hospital’s administration instead of the missing woman. Suspecting conspiracy, Daniels pushes his investigation well beyond the legal limits, making increasingly desperate and short-sighted decisions

that are believable only because of his increasing emotional stakes in the case. As his personal life begins to interweave with it Daniels starts to buckle under the weight of its enormity. His dreams, played out on screen, are thick with images of his dead wife as well as the murdered children of the escapee. The story catapults to an unexpected ending that invites an immediate re-watching of the entire movie, if you have the time and money to spare. DiCaprio’s performance felt a little shaky, although much of that is actually a reflection of the character and the near-impossibility for someone to do a subtle Boston accent. The supporting performances by Ben Kingsley and Mark Ruffalo, as well as an incredibly mesmerizing cameo by Jackie Earle Haley (Rorschach from Watchmen) are what really hold this movie up. But the final reveal at the climax of the story is what really drags it back

down to a less remarkable level. The urge to rewatch it is more a result of needing to put things into their new context rather than genuine enjoyment of the film. With endings like “Shutter Island” the general point is to give the audience something totally unexpected that still allows everything else that’s happened to make complete sense, but the big surprise here just feels like too much of a stretch for me. Yes, it puts several errant comments into better context, but the core of the story feels a little too off. As a whole, “Shutter Island” makes for a compelling movie with a distinct feel not only of the 1950’s, but of movies made at the time with an unfortunately unsound conclusion. David Wiens is a sophomore English major. Reach him at david.wiens@ washburn.edu.

Photo courtesy of www.shutterisland.com


Arts & Entertainment • Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Human trafficking highlighted Magician to enchant during Slavery Awareness Week WU Memorial Union This week is the sixth annual Slavery Awareness Week. Washburn’s Social Justice League plans and facilitates the various events. The events started on Monday and will continue through the end of the week. Monday at 8 a.m. was the installation of the “Reflections on Modern Slavery” art show. The art work is in the Mabee Library and will be up through the end of the month. At 11 a.m. was a reception for the art show, and during that time, Vicky Luttrell gave a presentation on domestic child trafficking in the U.S. Tomorrow is the World Slavery Awareness Film Festival. The films that will be featured are: “Trade,” an anime; “Intersection,” a documentary and a Radiohead music video. This event is from 4 p.m. to 9 p.m. in Mabee Library. Friday at the Washburn School of Law Library there will be a lunch with Laura Leaderer, a Georgetown University law professor. Leaderer is a former presidential advisor and the vice president of policy and planning for Global Centurion, an organization that fights child sex trafficking. The lunch is

at 11 a.m. At 1 p.m. Leaderer will give and Social Justice League member. a lecture at the Mabee Library. “This isn’t just for Washburn students; Friday night at 7 is “Jam for this is for the whole community. You Justice.” This concert is at the Live can participate as much or as little as Music Institute on SW 17th Street you want.” and will benefit Veronica’s Voice, The Social Justice League works an organization from Kansas City to keep things interesting every year. that helps girls who are being held as There are some new things included in prostitutes escape and start a new life. Slavery Awareness Week. They were one of the main “The play “Body speakers last year. and Sold” is different SJL On Saturday at from last year,” said PROJECT Mabee Library there will Boydston. “We be a discussion- “Human tweaked the film Trafficking: Prevention, Protection, festival. We also did a thing Prosecution and Partnership.” This where people could write songs discussion will be led by Senator Sam and submit them. There were 10 Brownback and Attorney General Steve or 11 submissions. We are going Six. Refreshments will be served. to put them on a CD and sell them This is from noon to 3. At 4 p.m., for $10.” Highland Park students will perform Boydston feels that art and music a play, “Body and Sold: Stories from are powerful ways to reach people and Victims of Domestic Sex Trafficking” that this is an issue that is relevant to at the Georgia and Andrew Neese Gray everyone because it is a human rights Theatre. issue, and anyone could be a potential There has been a lot of opportunities target. for community participation this year. Come check out the events this The art shown at Mabee Library was week and learn about this global issue. submitted by students and community members. Anyone could submit up to three pieces of art as long as it was related to some form of slavery. Kate Fechter is a junior psychology “Anyone from the community can and mass media major. Reach her at participate,” said Resa Boydston, student kate.fechter-stamper@washburn.edu.


An upcoming event at Washburn University on March 2 features James David, a magician and illusionist from Wisconsin, and will perform in the Washburn Room in the Union from 7p.m. to 9p.m. The event is free, and open to the public, for people of all ages. David’s most recent production, “Mind Games,” will keep everyone laughing and mesmerized at the same time. David has performed in Los Angeles and New York, and throughout the Midwest. His versatility in both street and stage magic makes him one of the hottest rising acts in the industry. David will also be in the Union doing some of his magic tricks from 11a.m. to 1p.m. the day of his performance. For more information about this great event, feel free to contact wuevents.com, or check James David’s Website at www. mindgamesjames.com.

Michelle Boltz is a freshman mass media major. Reach her at michelle. boltz@washburn.edu

Check out answers online @ washburnreview.org


CAB brings illusionist David James to entertain WU

review sports washburn university

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Baseball returns 7 starters

Olympic Medal Update

Country G S B Total United States 7 9 10 26 Germany 7 9 7 23 Norway 6 5 6 17 Russia 3 4 6 13 Canada 6 4 1 11 S. Korea 5 4 1 10 Austria 4 3 3 10 France 2 3 5 10 Switzerland 6 0 2 8 Sweden 3 2 2 7 Netherlands 3 1 2 6 China 3 1 1 5 Poland 0 3 1 4 Italy 0 1 3 4 Slovakia 1 1 1 3 Czech Rep. 1 0 2 3 Japan 0 1 2 3 Australia 1 1 0 2 Latvia 0 2 0 2 Belarus 0 1 1 2 As of 8:30 Tuesday night

Blues in pink


Photo by Mallory Shehi, Washburn Review

Bug spray: Washburn (14-12, 8-11) faces Emporia State (12-13, 8-10) tonight at 7:30 at William L. White Auditorium in Emporia. The Bods beat the Hornets 73-42 Jan. 16 to tie the all-time series record at 96-96.

One win to rule them all WU-ESU all-time series tied at 96-96, tie to be broken tonight at 7:30

Ben Fitch is a senior mass media major. Reach him at benjamin.fitch@ washburn.edu.

loser of tonight’s Turnpike Tussle runs the risk of falling into the dreaded ninthplace slot, behind Northwest Missouri State (12-13, 7-11). After losing 77-54 last Wednesday Chris Marshall at Missouri Southern, the Bods bounced back in a must-win game against WASHBURN REVIEW Pittsburg State, topping the Gorillas 77After 192 meetings, Washburn’s 61 on Saturday to keep their postseason record against Emporia State stands hopes alive. at 96-96. The tie in the all-time series “We had to have that game,” said will be broken at 7:30 tonight, but there junior guard William McNeill. “After is much more at losing at Missouri stake when the inSouthern, we state rivals square “ knew it was a off in Emporia. game we had to It helps that every M o r e win if we wanted game for us has importantly, the to keep our season Hornets and going.” been ‘season-onIchabods are With their the-line’ mode. playing for a spot backs against the in the postseason, wall, the Bods and there’s a built an early lead - Bob Chipman chance only against the Gorillas Head coach the winner will (8-17, 2-17) and ” cruised to a win make the MIAA tournament. with 17 points ESU (12-13, from DeAndre 8-10 MIAA) holds a half-game lead Washington and 15 from McNeill. In over WU (14-12, 8-11) for seventh a bounce back game against one of the place in the conference standings. MIAA’s lower-tier teams, WU showed Only the top eight teams qualify for a a sense of urgency. However, coach postseason trip to Kansas City, and the Bob Chipman said that’s nothing new

Softball set for Border Battle

Blues hope to swat Hornets


The Lady Blues wore pink during the Women’s Basketball Coaches Association’s Pink Zone initiative from Feb. 12-22. St. Francis sponsors the event, which features a T-shirt giveaway, and donations were welcomed. Pink Zone, formerly known as “Think Pink,” is a campaign to raise breast cancer awareness. In 2006 when Kay Yow, former North Carolina State University head women’s basketball coach, suffered her third reoccurrence of breast cancer, she began Pink Zone. In 2007, more than 120 schools participated. In 2008, more than 1,200 schools participated. Last year, the campaign raised more than $1.3 million for breast cancer awareness and research. “It really progressed to a major event,” said coach Ron McHenry, “and it’s been special to the girls.” McHenry wore a pink tie and shirt during the game against SW Baptist.


Lady Blues softball went cold this weekend as the Fort Hays State Invitational was cancelled due to snow. The team was scheduled to play Eastern New Mexico University, Oklahoma Panhandle State University, University of Missouri and Eastern New Mexico University. Play will resume for the Missouri Southern/Pittsburg State Border Battle on Friday when the Blues face Southeastern Oklahoma State University in Pittsburg, 3 p.m. The season had a weak launch at the Angelo State Tournament in Texas. Washburn won one of five games, from Feb. 13-15. Winning against the University of Texas of the Permian Basin, the Blues walked away from a 7-0 tally. “The first few games we just didn’t hit,” said coach Lisa Carey. “We just needed to put it together—pick up our pitching and not leave runners on base.” Carey said she thought the outcome was not a good representation of the team’s skill. “We played two ranked teams,” she said. “They threw their ace pitcher at us. We should have been 3-2 without a doubt. If we can hold leads and have runs we can win.” Ben Fitch is a senior mass media major. Reach him at benjamin.fitch@ washburn.edu.

for this year’s Bods. “We’ve been there for a while now,” said Chipman. “We buried ourselves with a 1-7 conference record when we had Logan (Stutz) and Mo (Colter) out and now that everyone’s back we’ve played pretty well to get back in it. But since that point we’ve always had a sense of urgency knowing we had to win a lot of games to have a chance.” With wins in seven of their last 11 games, including a 31-point win against ESU in January, the Bods have given themselves more than just a chance and still control their own postseason destiny. Winning tonight extends WU’s season into March. With a loss, Chipman’s squad has to hope NWMSU drops its last two games and stays in ninth place. For his team to even be in the running for eighth place with teams like ESU, which finished fourth in the conference last year and returned most of its players, Chipman said it shows how deep the MIAA is and how well his young team has played to remain competitive.

Please see WIN page A8

Ben Fitch WASHBURN REVIEW The Lady Blues will begin to get it in for the end of the season in 2010. They face Emporia State tonight at 5:30 to determine the top seed of the MIAA tournament. The raucous rivalry perpetually ensues with more fervor than ever after the loss the Lady Blues suffered against the Hornets, Jan. 16. That game tallied to 54-47—one of only three season losses. “We defend them pretty well,” said head coach Ron McHenry, “but it was tough without Rose. She gives us the opportunity to use a different guarding RIVALRY position.” GAME R o s e Hammond, the senior guard from Depew, Okla., was out with injury for 10 days, so she was unable to play. “I don’t have any excuses this time,” said Hammond. She expects to win this time around. “Head to head we are a better team,” she said. “They do have some talented players, but we will try to be aggressive and defend them. I’m pretty confident for the win. There should be no problems winning this game.” McHenry said the pressure for vengeance would have no effect on the game play tonight. “We are worried about the conference picture. There are things we

Photo by Mallory Shehi, Washburn Review

In the Hornet’s nest: The starting five exit the court during Saturday’s Senior Night, four of whom are seniors. The Blues face their last game of the regular season tonight against rival Emporia State, which beat WU 54-47 earlier in the season. have to do to concern ourselves. [The girls] know what’s coming against them,” he said. The Hornets drive their play with a great percentage from outside the arc. In the last game against Washburn, the team shot 39.6 percent in three-point field goals. They pull out the floor and the Hornet guards will rebound the ball. McHenry said there hasn’t been any special attention given to Emporia State in terms of preparation. He said

the team will try to do what it has done all year, and attempts to match Emporia State’s screens could lead to confusion. “It’s just the next game in line,” said McHenry. “The last three games are huge for us,” said Hammond. “We will put in work and hopefully get the one seed.” Ben Fitch is a senior mass media major. Reach him at benjamin.fitch@ washburn.edu.

Walking around campus slipping on patches of ice, one begins to hope for the first signs of spring. One of those first signals of warmer times to come is appearing in the form of Washburn baseball. The 2010 team has some familiar faces coming back as well as a few new players joining the squad. Among those returning are starting shortstop Dane Simoneau, who led the team with five home runs last season. Joining Simoneau in the infield are second baseman Travis Ice and utility man Brian Clark. Spending time behind the plate will be returning catcher Cameron Kasel, who threw out a team high 26 base runners last season. With as much experience as the team is bringing back Washburn is hoping to put up some big offensive numbers this year. “We’d like to score some more runs this year,” said coach Steve Anson. Outfielder Thomas Holliday, who was second in batting average with a .318, is the lone returning starter in the outfield that will possibly feature Brian Clark as well as returning backup Vicente Vieyra. The group of newcomers featuring Blake Boling, Kyle Porter and Travis Cruz will also push for playing time this year as well. The pitching staff will also see six returning starters as well this season. The starting rotation will be led by Danny Cook who started 10 games last year and won five games tying for the team lead in wins. Also coming back is team earned run average leader Dustin Holthaus, who ended the season with a 2.84 ERA as well as tying for the lead in wins at five. In the bullpen Jeremy Heeke, Xavier Lewis, Kalan Norton and Daren Parker also return and give the Ichabods good depth. The staff will also have nine newcomers who will all be vying for time in the rotation as well as out of the bullpen in relief. “Last year was tough in conference,” said Anson. “The MIAA is a tough conference this year and we will have to work hard to get wins.” Robert Burkett is a junior mass media major. Reach him at robert.burkett@ washburn.edu.

Bods bound for Oklahoma Sam Sayler WASHBURN REVIEW

After finishing 14th out of 18 at the Golf Week Invitational in an Orlando, Fla., from Feb. 7-9, the Washburn golf team didn’t start the new semester in the ideal manner. Individually, no Washburn golfer placed in the top 20. This devastating loss combined with the team’s poor performance in the fall has caused concern for what remains of the team’s season. However, the golf team remains optimistic with high spirits. “We’re looking forward to practicing outdoors,” said senior Matt Lazzo. “We’re hitting balls inside at SportZone because of the weather. I know some of the guys and I took trips to hitting balls over winter break.” Along with himself, Lazzo pointed out the other golfers on the team who are the Bods’ best shot at success as two freshmen Brian Walker, who shot 20-over par in Orlando, Dustin Yeager, who performed the best out of the Ichabods by shooting 12-over par, and senior Nate Sargent, the second best at Orlando, shooting 14-over par. Heading into the Ichabods’ next tournament March 8-9 in Thackerville, Okla., Lazzo remains positive about the future of the season. “We would all like to make it to nationals,” said Lazzo. “We have made it to nationals four out of the last five years, and I would really like to end my college golf career on a high note.” Sam Sayler is an undeclared freshman. Reach him at samuel. sayler@washburn.edu.

Sports • Wednesday, February 24, 2010


Tennis teams drop to Drury Richard Kelly WASHBURN REVIEW

Drury 8-1. The men’s team also lost their match against Drury, with a score of 6-3. But despite the losses, Alden Men’s and women’s tennis coach was very happy with his teams’ Dave Alden may only be in his second performances. season at Washburn, but expectations “I was thrilled. Drury will be in are high as the spring season begins. the top 15 by the end of the year and Practicing since the second week they’re very good. We were within a of classes, this past weekend was the couple points of beating them,� said first competition since fall Alden regarding the men’s for both men’s and women’s performance. tennis. The women took on WASHBURN Alden also said the North Kentucky University Drury women’s team will TENNIS on Saturday and Drury also likely be in the top 15 in University on Sunday. The the nation by the end of the men’s team travelled to take on the season. Furthermore, he didn’t dwell on Drury men’s team in a Saturday contest. the losses for either team, knowing that Both teams played in Springfield, Mo. the experience was beneficial. The women took a 6-3 victory over “This is the reason you play nonNorthern Kentucky on Saturday, then conference matches. They don’t really dropped their Sunday match to No.21 hurt you. They’re good, tough matches.

And in upside, we won’t see this good of teams again all year,� he said. Before the games of this past weekend, Alden expressed his hopes for the upcoming season as a whole. “We expect to come out strong. We’ve been practicing awfully hard,� said Alden. “And I think at this point, everyone’s tired of playing each other and wants to play someone else. My biggest expectation is that we go out and compete and play hard.� For the men’s team, all but one player is in his final season, as opposed to the women’s team that’s all sophomores except for one senior. But Alden sees both teams being very strong. He knows specifically for the men, they want to hold nothing back. “This will be the last campaign for a number of the men, so they know what to expect, so there’s no surprises.

We’re goin’ streaking! RoadRunners on eight game win streak heading into last road trip Richard Kelly WASHBURN REVIEW Three weekends and six wins down leaves the Topeka RoadRunners looking to end their eight-game road trip with perfection. Topeka, who travelled to Albert Lea, Minn. for a Friday and Saturday match-up this past weekend, got a hard fought 6-5 win in regulation on Friday versus Albert Lea. Saturday, a strong third period propelled them, after holding a 1-0 lead through two frames, to knock off the Thunder 4-0. Evan Karembelas got the start in both contests. Going into the weekend, R.J. Enga, RoadRunners assistant coach knew the series might be closer than Albert Lea’s record (11-28-5 going into the series) portrayed. “You know, Albert Lea’s record doesn’t reflect how they’re playing,� said Enga. “They’ve been losing some games, but I just started my pre-game scout on the video here and they’ve been losing a lot of one goal games. So,

they’re obviously hanging around and giving themselves an opportunity to get some points.� Enga’s comments rang true in Friday’s contest. The Thunder held a 2-0 lead after the first period after Anthony Iaquinto netted two goals. The ‘Runners (377-4) charged back in the second period with four straight goals to lead 4-2, but Albert Lea got a late goal in the second to make it a one goal game heading to the third. Justin Kovacs had two of the game’s goals and an assist on Michael Hill’s goal in the second period. The two teams swapped goals back and forth twice in the third period, as Topeka held on for eventual 6-5 victory. Saturday’s game left a little more breathing r o o m . Kovacs continued his recent success with a first period goal that would wind up being the game-winner. The last half of the third period would provide three more goals for Topeka, including another from Kovacs as well as a goal from Tony Thomas and Patrick Kirtland. Karembelas stopped 22 shots for the shutout. Topeka’s only series left in their road trip is this weekend’s Friday and Saturday night series with the Owatonna Express (27-18-4), also of Minnesota. The only injury for the ‘Runners, forward Cole Schneider, is expected to return soon. Schneider had 29 points in

21 games before being injured. Enga knows he’ll make a contribution upon returning. “We’re looking forward to getting him back here in the next few weeks. He is skating at home and has a personal trainer,� said Enga. “The kid’s an animal. He wants to come back and play. We’re certainly going to welcome that. He was a huge element before his injury.� After the road trip, Topeka will face the St. Louis Bandits in Landon Arena. The Bandits, who currently have two games in hand on Topeka, are currently trailing the RoadRunners by six points in the North American Hockey League’s South Division. And overall, despite the current best winning percentage in the league at .813 and an eight-game winning streak, Enga just tries to keep that kind of talk low with the team. “It’s just not something we focus on. We focus on each weekend and each game. You know ‘what are we going to do to win this night and that next night?’ We certainly aren’t looking ahead at all,� he said. “Whether our opponent is the Detroit Red Wings or the Albert Lea Thunder, we’re going to prepare and get ready to play our best game each night.�

Richard Kelly is a sophomore mass media major. Reach him at richard. kelly@washburn.edu.

Move it with the ‘Runners and MS March 6, 7:05 p.m. Contact Nicole Stejskal, Lauren Eckert, Morgan Schaeffer or Lisa Ille to preorder your tickets. If 500 tickets are pre-ordered, the ice will be dyed orange.

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And they know what to expect out of themselves,� he said. “With this being their last year, they want to have no regrets about how they play. With every match, this is it, leave it all out there.� For the women’s team, Alden went on to say, despite the number of sophomores, that the team has grown since last year and has been able to assess what it did wrong, which it hopes will create a stronger level of play for this season. And although his modest hopes are just of high competiveness and hard work, Alden would like to see his team make the NCAA South Central Regional Tournament that takes place at the end of the season. The men’s team made it to the second round of the NCAA tournament last season, as the women made it to the first round. The men’s team went undefeated in

conference play, while the women won all of their games except for the conference championship game. “If we have a good attitude and a good effort, usually the results will take care of themselves,“ said Alden. “The expectations are for us, that the men want to repeat and the women got to the final match in the conference tournament and it was the first match where it looked like we actually played like we were all freshmen except for a junior college transfer.�

Richard Kelly is a sophomore mass media major. Reach him at richard. kelly@washburn.edu.

WIN: WU-ESU series tied at 96 wins apiece

after beating WU by 15 the week before. However, the Bods pulled off an “It would mean a lot to beat them 88-82 upset to extend their season into twice,� he said. “It shows how good the the semifinals, where they pushed topconference is when a team as talented as seeded Central Missouri to overtime Emporia State is battling for their lives. before falling 72-69. We have guys who are playing in this Although the all-time series with conference for the first time and we’re ESU is tied, it’s games like last year’s still right there MIAAtournament battling to prolong and tonight’s our season and season-deciding win a big game. It showdown that would really be a are remembered big win for us.� most in the 105WU and ESU year rivalry. Just first met in 1905 as his team did and have played last year, Chipman at least once a is confident this year since 1945. squad, comprised In his 31 years almost entirely coaching the Bods, of newcomers, is Chipman has seen capable of coming more than enough out on top in a Turnpike Tussles must-win game. to put the rivalry Besides, in perspective, and it’s not like they he says tonight’s haven’t been in Photo by Mallory Shehi, Washburn Review meeting ranks this situation up there with the before. biggest of all time. “It helps that every game for us “Last year for us was really the has been ‘season-on-the-line’ mode,� only other time that I think it’s been as Chipman said. “I think we’ve come big as this one coming up,� Chipman of age and stuck together. Now if we said. “We met in the MIAA tournament can win down there, it would be really last year but other than that we haven’t special to continue our season in Kansas met much with the season on the line.� City.� The Bods won that matchup last March despite being swept by the Hornets in the regular season. ESU was Chris Marshall is a graduate student. favored heading into the first round of Reach him at christopher.marshall@ the conference tournament, especially washburn.edu.

Continued from page A7

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