2009-10 issue25

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the review washburn university

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volume 136, Issue 25 • wednesday, April 28, 2010

Dick Vitale: final WSGA guest lecturer Lauren Eckert WASHBURN REVIEW

Hundreds of students, faculty and members of the community had the opportunity this year to participate in the Washburn Student Government Association’s lecture series. “Super Size Me” documentary film writer and star Morgan Spurlock and Fortune 500 company executive turned whistle blower Mark Whitacre drew large crowds when they guest lectured as part of the series during the fall semester. But there’s nothing like going out with a bang as Washburn University prepares for the arrival of the final lecture series speaker, sports analyst Dick Vitale, who will be speaking in Lee Arena tonight. “The Washburn lecture series is something that began through WSGA that was for Washburn students, as well as faculty and staff. But the students were our primary focus,” said Caley Onek, newly elected president for WSGA. Onek said the organization had high expectations and goals to bring in high-profile speakers as part of the lecture series. Former WSGA president Garrett Love agreed, saying the expectation of the program was to give unique opportunities to see big names here on campus.

But the biggest name in the lecture series is scheduled to wrap up this year’s program. A collaborative effort between WSGA and several other organizations and groups across campus and the community have made it possible to bring Vitale to campus. “The coolest thing about Dick Vitale is that he is a fun personality. He’s enthusiastic, motivational and gets people excited about what he’s talking about,” Onek said, adding that even those unfamiliar with Vitale will find him a captivating speaker. Bringing a high-profile speaker such as Vitale to campus is no easy feat. Big names mean big prices, and Onek said the opportunity to bring in Vitale would be impossible without additional sponsors and partnerships. “We had to have sponsors to make this happen,” Onek said. “But the neat thing is that something like this really brings everybody together, from student organizations to the Washburn Endowment Association and all our partners to the Topeka community. It will put Washburn on the map.” While there may be some concern regarding the expense involved with bringing Vitale to campus, the fundraising and sponsorship involved has helped significantly, allowing WSGA to pay only spend a small percentage of the total.

WSGA is only paying between Women’s Venture Partners and the $5,000 and $7,000 from its lecture Leadership Institute to name a few. series fund and student activity fee Jessica Bremer, student director of money, which the Program Love said was Committee in the smallest the Leaderamount the ship Institute organizahelped make tion has put the decision toward any to become lecture. Love a partial also said this sponsor of was the first the event. time a WSGA “I think administrait has been a tion went out great opporto fundraise tunity for the and seriLeadership ously raise Institute to be the value of able to help its dollar. sponsor and “ W e get involved have raised with bringing more than Dick Vitale to what our Washburn,” salaries are Bremer said. as WSGA,” “Mr. Vitale Love said. has shown exSponcellent leaderPhoto provided by Washington Speakers Bureau sors for this ship throughevent include organizations like the out his career and I’m excited to have Washburn Endowment Association, this experience to hear him speak.” Campus Activities Board, Student But Vitale isn’t the only draw to Activities and Greek Life, Vice Presi- the event. In addition to the ESPN dent of Academic Affairs, Washburn sports analyst, Kansas State Univer-

The wheels on the bus... Go round and round, now with concerns of Topekans in mind

Photo by Heather Ramsdell, Washburn Review

Keep on Turning: Topekans in Support of Public Transportation hosted a public meeting April 13 to discuss the future of the Topeka Transit. Citizens were invited to share concerns about the Transit so that it can more adequately meet the needs of Topekans.

Jeff Dailey WASHBURN REVIEW Public transportation in the city of Topeka is being motivated by a coalition of members of the community that are voicing their opinions. The grassroots coalition, Topekans In Support of Public Transportation, formed about a year ago in response to the looming threat of job cuts within Topeka Transit. The motivation came from community members realizing job cuts meant there would be less drivers, which would lead to less bus routes. This would leave many people without the means to go to or from work or school. The coalition is made up of a variety of members, including small business owners, private citizens, social service agencies, students and professionals throughout the community. With the help of the coalition members, the job cuts were less

severe than what were threatened. April 13, the coalition held an open meeting to discuss future plans and to discuss the transportation needs of Topekans. “We wanted to get community input on what type of public transportation and how it fits in with other forms and modes of transportation including the ever growing cycling community in Topeka,” said Kevin Siek, a volunteer and member of the coalition. At the meeting, there were a number of speakers that represented different facets of the community including members from different school districts, the Sierra Club, cyclists from around town, seniors and people with disabilities. People from these groups talked about what they would like to see happen with Topeka Transit and how the changes would benefit the city as a whole. Once the speakers were finished, audience members were allowed to ask questions and express their views

Jeff Dailey is a member of the advanced news writing class. Reach him at jeffrey. dailey@washburn.edu.


through the roof during finals week. Another establishment that sees more visitors during finals is Mabee Library, which keeps its doors open for five Energy drink and liquor sales days of 24-hour operation. Availability are skyrocketing, parties are being of library hours and WSGA-supported planned and late nights are becom- activities ensure students all have oping the norm. This can only mean portunities for success during finals. one thing in the academic year: finals. For senior Brian Clark, finals are Finals is that last marathon of spread out enough to allow for some fun. studying, drinking, then more study“You can drink more during the ing and drinking before friends move week if there is no final the next day,” home for the summer. Some students said Clark whose finals strategy is simstudy less than normal, some study ple and last-minute. “Cram the night more, depending before, wake up on their outlook. early and cram “Some study “ some more.” more to ensure The increase Finals drives they know evin alcohol conerything they sumption versus students to drink. need to for each campus activiclass,” said Juties makes one - Jeff Grace nior Ross Wilke wonder how stuOwner, Grace’s Liquor of the Art Instidents are prepartutes Internationfor the most ” ing al Kansas City. important tests “Some study less of their semester. because they don’t believe they are go“It seems to be a theme across the ing to become any smarter than they Midwest that partying is the best prep already are in a couple days.” Wilke for finals,” said Junior Molly Doughsaid he doesn’t drink during finals erty of William Woods University. and his nights are extended from doWashburn senior Katie Duning projects and studying for exams. can said the increase in alcohol conBut this isn’t the case for sumption helps students relax and all students. For some there is unwind between studying, all while no reason to eliminate all fun. celebrating the end of the semester. “Get everything done in one night, While drinking may not be the and the next night I go out and have best way to prepare for finals, it seems fun,” said Washburn senior Dustin Yea- to be the best solution for a majorger. He said his philosophy keeps him ity of college students around the from getting too stressed out. He thinks area. So whatever the philosophy, the best plan is to study for awhile, take every student must come up with the a break and later come back to it. The best solution to fit their study habits. end goal is retaining the information. “Finals drives students to drink,” Bryan Schmutz is a member of the adsaid Jeff Grace, owner of Grace’s Li- vanced news writing class. Reach him at quor. Grace said he sees his sales shoot bryan.schmutz@washburn.edu.



We dn e sday, May 5th • 11:0 0am - 1:30pm • On the No rth Law n

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$5.0 0 Meal Deal Live Ente rtainm ent

Find out why Dick Vitale will be at Washburn tonight.




Lauren Eckert is a junior mass media major. Reach her at lauren.eckert@ washburn.edu.

Finals week increases alcohol consumption among students

Chicago band Model Strangers performed at the Boobie Trap.

Find out what the future holds for College Hill.

news & opinion

and concerns about the Topeka Transit. Cyclists and students who attended the meeting voiced concerns about conflicting bus route schedules. One solution proposed by cyclists is to have bike racks attached to them to allow cyclists to board the bus and have a safe place to haul their bike. These concerns, along with others, have been heard and met with the designing of the newer buses. The new buses that the city of Topeka proposes to replace the old ones will include some newer features to appeal to the concerned public. Some of the new features will include bike racks that will be mounted on the new buses to insure that everyone can ride. Another feature will include interior LED lighting that will save on the overall cost and expenditure of energy, in the Topeka Transit’s move to go green.

sity basketball coaches Frank Martin and Deb Patterson and athletic director John Currie, Kansas University basketball coaches Bill Self and Bonnie Henrickson, Washburn basketball coaches Bob Chipman and Ron McHenry and “Survivor: Guatemala” winner Danni Boatwright will also be in attendance to show their support and help raise money for the Coaches vs. Cancer charity. A banquet will take place before the program, and all proceeds from ticket sales to both events will go directly to the Coaches vs. Cancer fund. Tickets will be available at the door, but are available for pre-sale in the Student Activities and Greek Life office in the Memorial Union, or in the athletic department. Tickets are $1 for students, $5 for faculty and staff, and $10 for community members. Those interested in purchasing VIP seating and a seat at the banquet will pay $100. Onek and the rest of WSGA are eager to see the event succeed and to be able to help raise money for a charitable cause. “I think it’s really cool that we can do this, and give this to Washburn students and the community,” said Onek.


Gra duat io n is May 15th Are Yo u Rea dy ?

Make WU Bo oksto re Yo u r On e Sto p Sho p Fo r All Yo u r Gra duat io n Nee ds


News • Wednesday, April 28, 2010

The Bod Beat

Calendar Exploring Islam

Wednesday, April 28 Shoes4Souls Collection Memorial Union 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. United Way Ice Cream Float Fundraiser Memorial Union 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. AIDS Awareness Week: Free Condom Day Memorial Union 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Stand Against Racism Film, “Flowers from Another World” Henderson Learning Resource Center, Room 100 7 p.m. Washburn Lecture Series: Dick Vitale Lee Arena, Petro Allied Health Center 7 p.m.

Thursday, April 29 AIDS Awareness Week: Free Testing Sunflower Room, Memorial Union 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Retirement Reception for George Bradley Kansas Room, Memorial Union 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. WU Book Club Crane Room, Memorial Union 1 p.m. Stand Against Racism Film, “Born in the East L.A.” Henderson Learning Resource Center, Room 100 7 p.m. WU Chamber Concert White Concert Hall 7:30 p.m. Play, “Rent” Andrew S. and Georgia Neese Gray Theatre 8 p.m.

Friday, April 30 Speed Friending Shawnee Room, Memorial Union 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. Young Alumni After Hours and 2010 Graduate Party Bradbury Thompson Alumni Center 5 p.m. Play, “Rent” Andrew S. and Georgia Neese Gray Theatre 8 p.m.

A look inside the world’s second-largest religion


Islam is the second-largest religion in the world. According to religioustolerance.org, Islam is practiced by 21 percent of the world’s population. It is second only to Christianity at 33 percent of the population. Islam may also be one of the most misunderstood religions in the United States. Post Sept. 11, 2001, many ideas have been floating around about what Islam is about. An all-too-common thought is the idea that Muslims believe in the idea of “convert or die.” Barry Crawford, Washburn religion professor, said that this isn’t so and explained some of the basics of Islam. “A lot of what people hear on television is not fully accurate,” said Crawford. “Most people hear about Islam from the news, Glenn Beck or Bill O’Reilly. Islam is just as diverse as any religion; and extremists are as rare as the Ku Klux Klan is in Christianity.” Crawford went on to explain that Islam has no centralized agency to act as a spokesperson for the followers. An example of this would be the pope in Vatican City for the Roman Catholics. Religioustolerance.org has a twopart introduction to Islam as part of its extensive information about Islam and other religions. The name Islam is derived from the Arabic word “salam,” which is often interpreted as meaning “peace.” Crawford and the Web site agree that it really means “submission.” “Islam is fiercely monotheistic,” said Crawford. “God is the boss and you are not, is the belief. So you submit to Allah.” Allah is the name for the Islamic god, which means “the One True God.” Followers of Islam are called Muslims. Most religious historians believe that Islam was founded around 622 CE by the Prophet Muhammad. It began in Mecca after the angel Jibril, who is the Angel Gabriel from the Christian tradition, told Muhammad about the first revelation. Because of the time of its founding, Islam is considered the youngest of the major world religions. The Quran or Koran, as is the common English spelling, is the holy book of Islam. It is believed that the angel Jibril dictated the Quran to Muhammad over a period of 23 years. Crawford said the Quran is regarded as the voice of Allah. Islam has six major beliefs. First is the belief in the one god Allah. Second, Islam strongly believes in angels.

Next, it reveres the scriptures. These include the Torah, the psalms, other parts of the Bible and the Quran. Another important belief is the belief in the Messengers of God. These are prophets and include Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, David, Jesus and Muhammad. Next is the belief in a Judgment Day. Finally, Muslims believe that Allah’s will reigns supreme. Muslims have duties described in the Five Pillars of Islam. At least once in their lifetime, Muslims recite the Shahadah, though most do it daily. The creed reads “there is no God but Allah and Muhammad is his prophet.” Next is to perform the salat. This is to pray five times during the day. “There used to be a man who’d climb and announce the hours of prayer,” said Crawford. “Now it’s recorded and can be heard all over Middle Eastern cities five times per day. No matter where you are at the hour of prayer, your day temporarily stops.” Islam has morning prayer, noon prayer, afternoon prayer, prayer at sunset and a night-time prayer. Another practice is to give through zakat. This is a 2.5 percent tax given to charity by upperand middle-class Muslims. Finally, if physically able, all Muslims are required to make at least one trip to Mecca in their lifetime. This is called a hajj. Mecca is located in Saudi Arabia. One very misunderstood Islamic term is jihad. Jihad is thought to mean “holy war.” In reality, jihad is seen as a personal, internal struggle with oneself. Another important Islam idea is that the Quran speaks against suicide. In the Quran (4:29) it says, “Do not kill yourselves as God has been very merciful to you.” Only Allah is allowed to decide whether life is taken. There are three major types of Islam: Sunni Muslims, Shiite Muslims and Sufism. “Ninety percent of Muslims are Sunni,” said Crawford. “Shiites are 9 percent and Sufis are like 1 percent of Muslims. Sufis are looked on with puzzlement because they believe in mysticism. Sunnis are very conservative. Under Sunni and Shiite there are a lot of different subdivisions. Some Muslims observe the rules strictly and some not so strictly.” For more information on Islam, Crawford recommends books written by John Esposito and Karen Armstrong.

World Beliefs

Kate Fechter is a junior mass media/psychology major. Reach her at kate.fechterstamper@washburn.edu.

AIDS Awareness Week: Fundraiser at The Jet The Jet Ultra Lounge 10 p.m. to 2 a.m.

Saturday, May 1 Strawberry Breakfast Washburn Room, Memorial Union 8:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. NAMI Washburn Walk Moore Bowl at Yager Stadium 10 a.m. Play, “Rent” Andrew S. and Georgia Neese Gray Theatre 8 p.m.

Sunday, MAY 2 Into the Streets for Haiti Ag Hall, Kansas Expocentre 10 a.m. Play, “Rent” Andrew S. and Georgia Neese Gray Theatre 8 p.m.

Don’t see your event in the calendar? Call the Review newsroom at 670-2506 to have your event included in an upcoming edition. It’s FREE. For upcoming Washburn athletic events, go to www.wusports.com.

-paid for by WSGA-

Photo by Mallory Shehi, Washburn Review

Greek Olympics: Kyle Volle, Blake Bryant and Briton Alexander dash for the finish line during an event in the Greek Olympics. The Olympics were a part of Greek Week, which began on Monday and will continue through the end of the week. Greek Week is an annual event.

Campus groups support efforts to assist Haiti earthquake victims Josh Cauthon WASHBURN REVIEW Into the Streets for Washburn University has a new look this year from the past. This year for the 15th annual Into the Streets will be towards the Haiti relief fund on May 2 at 10 a.m. at Agriculture Hall at the Expocentre. Washburn students and members of the community will be boxing up 285,120 meals to send to Haiti. The meals will consist of rice, soy, freeze dried vegetables, chicken flavoring and 21 vitamins to assist the immune system. The cost of each package is 30 cents, or a total of $85,000, to reach the entire goal. Once packaged, the Salvation Army World Services will deliver the meals to Kansas City. Then they be flown to Miami, then transported to Haiti. The food will take about seven to 10 days to arrive. “In the past years, we have done a lot of activities in Topeka and in the community, but this year, we shifted gears since there are so many work day events going on, so we fo-

cused on Haiti because it was such a logical thing,” said Rick Ellis, director of Learning in the Community (LinC) Washburn Scholar/Bonner Leaders Americorps program. Numana Inc., an international hunger relief organization located in El Dorado, also plays a huge role in making this event happen. LinC and Christian Challenge are also sponsoring the event. “Christian Challenge actually brought the idea to our attention, and they needed partners to get this going and it just worked out. But we are going to need volunteers, that’s the big thing, they don’t have to work all day, maybe an hour then they can cycle through, but we can get it done,” said Ellis. Donations can be made to LinC. Checks can be made out to Attention Numana Topeka, and sent to 405 Benton Hall, Washburn University, Topeka Kan. For more information call 785-670-2117. Josh Cauthon is a member of the advanced news writing class. Reach him at josh.cauthon@washburn.edu.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010 • News

AIDS awareness comes to WU Events hosted by Black Student Union, Topeka Aids Project

and get tested. The campus group with the most participants will win a prize. Friday night the group will end its week of activities with a night April 26 through May 1 marks the out at the Jet Ultra Lounge located first AIDS Awareness week on Wash- at Huntoon and Gage. Adults age burn campus. The week is sponsored by 18 and above are invited and donathe Black Student Union and the Topeka tions will be accepted at the door. AIDS Project, and will feature several The Topeka AIDS Project is coevents throughout the week to bring sponsoring the event with the BSU. awareness of the disease to Washburn. TAP was founded in 1985 and provides The week will start off with Ama- support to people infected with the teur Night, which will take over Wash- HIV in 14 surrounding counties. The burn Room A on April 26. The event group has caseworkers who provide will begin and end with feature per- assistance and help with independent formances by the Bods for Christ gos- living, referrals and nutritional guidpel choir. Jerry Finney, women’s pre- ance. Yvette Garcia, a case worker for vention program TAP, said that coordinator for “ they would be the Topeka AIDS doing the testProject, will be Black Student Union ing on Thursday the guest speaker in the Union. with Topeka AIDS and will present The testing ininformation about volves a simple Project is using this the disease and finger prick and event to bring life to ways for it to be the individual prevented. There will find out BSU. will be many pertheir results in formances at the approximately event such as sing15 minutes. - Nakia Scott ing, rapping and N a k i a VP, Black Student Union poetry readings. Scott, a junior The event will vice presi” and have the theme dent of the BSU, of “Night at the said that they Apollo,” and have want this event announcers to represent the char- to be the first event of the new BSU as acters from the iconic TV show. it hopes to become a more recognizTuesday, the BSU and TAP host- able force on campus. She said that the ed a table in the Memorial Union group wants to intermingle with other for students to stop by and pick up groups and start doing more events. information about the disease and “Black Student Union with Toways to prevent it. The BSU will peka AIDS Project is using this event also have a table set up in the Union to bring life to BSU,” said Scott. today. BSU will be handing out free condoms donated by Lifestyle. Thursday, there will be free HIV Tim Hrabe is a member of the advanced testing in the Union from 10 a.m. to 2 news writing class. Reach him at timothy. p.m. Everyone is encouraged to come hrabe@washburn.edu.


Mabee Library Hours, Finals Week May 3 and May 4 7:30 AM - 2:00 AM

May 9 to May 12 Open 24 hours

May 5 to May 7 Open 24 hours

May 13 7:30 AM - 11:00 PM

May 8 10:00 AM - 10:00 PM

May 14 7:30 AM - 6:00 PM

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A modern day ghost town Empty retail and residential spaces plague College Hill



Photo by Heather Ramsdell, Washburn Review

Ghosts of Nothing: Submarina, the only restaurant to open at College Hill, only lasted one year in the complex. A majority of the retail spaces and all of the town homes are currently vacant, causing the City of Topeka to absorb the budget shortfalls for the project.

Julie Jacobsen WASHBURN REVIEW The 24,000 feet of retail space hidden under the College Hill Apartments continues to remain vacant. In 2006, the College Hill Business District was demolished to make way for 183 apartments, 33 townhomes and 24,000 feet of retail space. Three years later the apartments are about 75 percent occupied but the retail space and the townhomes sit empty. On April 1, the partners of Washburn-Lane Parkway Renovation LLC entered into a contract with a retail brokerage firm out of Kansas City with hopes of pumping some life into the area. So far, one restaurant has given the College Hill development a shot. Submarina California Subs opened in January 2009 but closed December 31. With Subway so close to campus, the higher prices of Submarina made it hard to compete. Currently, the Graphic Arts Gallery calls the space at the corner of 17th and Washburn home. Owner Lance Johnson would like to turn the space into a hangout for students.

“We have tables and Wi-Fi. two and a half years. She is torn Students can come over, hangout about the retail spaces filling up. and enjoy the art,” Johnson said. “I have mixed reactions. It Washburn-Lane Parkway Reno- would be nice to see the space vation LLC is required to repay the filled but they probably won’t let TIF bonds it received to break ground us park in front anymore. I like to on the development. The property and park in the front,” Menzie said. sales tax revenues have fallen short of Menzie agreed a coffee shop would the scheduled debt service be a nice addition to the payments. The city has had area. She also expressed a COLLEGE to absorb the shortfalls, so desire to see a CVS move in. HILL the pressure is on to bring in “They tend to new business. The partners take advantage of urremain optimistic and feel their new ban areas,” Menzie said. “It would partnership with the brokerage firm, be nice to have one downstairs.” Block & Co. Inc, will help them lease Johnson also mentioned the out the spaces. The retail area leases idea of bringing in some kind of coffor $14.50 per square foot monthly. fee house as well as places to shop. With all of the open spots, peo“Destinations would be nice; ple have formed their own opin- boutiques, specialty shops and ions as to what they would like to entertainment,” Johnson said. see settle in. Heather Payne, who Despite the empty retail spacworks in the College Hill Apart- es, the partners see the developments Leasing Office, would like ment as a positive improvement to to see something like a coffee shop. the area. They hope that filling those “Anything to attract people to locations will only make it better. the area would be good,” Payne said. Kathy Menzie, interim chair Julie Jacobsen is a member of the adof the Mass Media Department, vanced news writing class. Reach her at has lived in the complex for about julie.jacobsen@washburn.edu.


Opinion • Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Arizona steps Online journalism raises ethical concerns Editorial Board WASHBURN REVIEW over legal borders with immigration legislation

Nicole Stejskal WASHBURN REVIEW The sensitive issue of illegal immigration has plagued various aspects of our country throughout the last decade, in everything from government funding to human rights. Following the recent passage of immigration law in Arizona, our nation appears to be threatened by a volatile siege of controversy as we continue to battle growing legal issues. In case you are unaware of the law’s specifications, I’ll give you a brief summary. Essentially, the law requires police officers to detain anyone who appears to be reasonably suspicious of being an illegal alien. Additionally, officers must arrest any individual who fails to provide legitimate U.S. identification, and anyone who knowingly hires or transports a worker without documentation will be arrested as well. As an avid supporter of minimizing illegal immigration, I applaudArizona’s government for boldly stepping out of the shadows of our federal government and creating immigration legislation itself. Sending a message to our nation’s leaders regarding the growing concerns of this illegal action is something to be admired. However, my praise of the effort stops there. If Arizona was trying to convey a point to the federal government, this law was the wrong message to send. While the law may decrease the number of illegal immigrants residing in Arizona, it will only increase problems concerning racial profiling and government funding. Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer believes police officers can determine the status of a migrant without racial profiling. However, what other factors are officers supposed to look for? Do they need to make FROM THE j u d g m e n t s based on EDITOR what kind of car an individual drives or what clothes they wear? Are they supposed to look at where a person works or lives? If so, shouldn’t these reasons be considered acts of socioeconomic profiling? The truth of the matter is that no set of factors can determine whether or not a person resides in the country legally. Individuals may have a darker skin tone, may not speak English well or may have less money than many others, but that doesn’t mean we can assume they didn’t follow procedures to become a legal resident. In fact, the law developed by the state of Arizona does not outline things for officers to look for when determining a person’s status. In essence, officers are asked by state government to enforce a law lacking serious specifications. Additionally, our nation’s economic crisis has put state budgets in a bind, which in turn limits the amount of training Arizona can provide for its officers to give them direction in tracking down illegal immigrants. Police in Arizona have even admitted that there’s no way they could properly identify legitimate documentation of residency or determine a person’s status without some form of profiling. Nevertheless, they are required to enforce the law, despite an inadequate ability to do so. At this point, we can only hope that Arizona’s law does not spark an epidemic among other states to pass legislation without legitimacy. Although the law may ultimately have a negative effect on the illegal immigration issue, maybe it will draw enough attention to the problem for our federal government to see that crossing the border, both in the nation and the law, has gone too far. Nicole Stejskal is a junior mass media major. Reach her at nicole.stejskal@ washburn.edu.

Many say that the journalism of tomorrow is happening on the Internet today. If that’s the case, I’m afraid I’m a bit conflicted. As a writer I think this is perhaps the most exciting time to be in the business. Never before has a worldwide audience been available to anyone with an Internet connection and a computer. Never before has print journalism been able to present stories in such an interactive medium as we see today on the Web. And never before has the technology been in place to allow a person to research and cover a story happening miles away. As a geek I think this is absolutely the most exciting time to be around. Technology is doing some amazing things. It makes seemingly limitless information available with just a few clicks of a mouse. It makes music, videos and software accessible through phone lines, cable lines and even through the air, and it can put all of that in a pocket-sized device. In the world of journalism, technology is just as exciting. The Internet takes the newspaper out of that locked, coin-triggered cage and

throws it onto our screens and into our pockets. For news creators, the days of actual cutting and pasting have been replaced with digital counterparts, and even as a copy editor, I’m thankful for my Mac’s system-wide spell checker. In short, it’s an exciting time, but it’s also a bit scary. As a consumer of news, I can’t help but wonder whether one day we’ll look back on the path journalism has taken to the Web and wish it hadn’t worked itself into the cut-throat, bottom-dollar frenzy taking over newsrooms today. When the dollar rules the newsroom, I get worried. Such was the case last week when the online gadget blog Gizmodo decided to drop some serious cash for a used iPhone, reportedly a cool $5,000. “Yes, we’re proud practitioners of checkbook journalism,” tweeted Nick Denton, founder of Gawker Media, the parent company of Gizmodo. “Anything for the story!” Instead he should have said, anything for the page hits, which in the Internet world really means, anything for the millions of dollars in advertising revenue. And that’s fine, profit is fun, and exclusive photos and videos of the iPhone Steve Jobs is likely to announce later this summer is even more fun.

What’s not fun is the ethical mess that this type of “journalism” creates. What’s not fun is the fact that legitimate journalists are left to compete against the sometimes unethical, often sensationalist world of Internet journalism. It’s a competition that nobody really wins. Sure, Gizmodo is flying high right now in page hits. They could have an office party to roll around in the money this story will bring in, but there’s also a criminal investigation going on. Doors are getting busted in, computers getting jacked by police with search warrants and attorney fees will quickly grow. Maybe news shouldn’t be so much about being the first to the story at all costs and maybe it shouldn’t be about cutting budgets to a shoestring and throwing everything online for free. Maybe it should be more about producing exceptional, truthful and ethical news and less about the dollars attached to it. Or maybe it’s time to replace the ethics lessons with business classes. The views expressed in the Review’s View are those of the Washburn Review editorial board and are not necessarily the views of Washburn University.

Bod on the Street

If you could have any superpower,

James Kirkwood Junior

Luke Brin Junior

“I want to fly so I can get places faster.”

Samantha Heath Freshman

“Super speed, so I can get everything done and travel quickly.”

“Flight, so I can go anywhere.”

Lauren Journot Freshman “I want to be invisible. It would be fun to spy on people.”

What would it be and why? Kiara Williams Sophomore

“I would be a super genius.”

Amanda Henley Senior

“I want to be telekinetic so I can evoke thoughts of peace onto people.”

Keith Wagers Senior

“I would want telekinesis, because you can control the elements and have strength.”

Jake Syler Freshman

“Invisibility, so I could go everywhere without being seen.”

Interviews and photos by Tesa DeForest


Chris Marshall doesn’t like to pay for his own Chartwells food, so he finds diaper dandy freshmen with extra money on their meal plan to buy it for him. If you want to spend your money, reach him at christopher.marshall@washburn.edu.

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The Washburn Review

review a&e washburn university

wednesday, April 28, 2010

Kennedy Center hosts Washburn music concert

Chicago indie band headlines gig



Washburn’s Wind Ensemble and Jazz Band left for Washington D.C. April 27 for a special performance at the Kennedy Center on April 28 “We will be having our world premiere of a song written for Senator Bob Dole titled ‘Ichabod Fanfare,’ which will be dedicated to him at the Kennedy Center performance,” said Mark Norman, Washburn’s director of bands. “Ichabod Fanfare” was written and conducted by Brian Balmages a Baltimore area resident. “Ichabod Fanfare” features 300 elements, and proudly includes Washburn’s alma mater statement. Senator Bob Dole is a veteran of the United States Armed Forces and an alumnus of Washburn University. Dole may attend the performance. “This is the Ensemble’s first performance at the Kennedy Center,” said Norman. “Ichabod Fanfare” was first performed April 23, during the second half of the Wind Ensemble concert at White Concert Hall. Joining the Wind Ensemble on the D.C. trip is the Washburn Jazz Band, directed by Craig Treinen. “We share so many members,” said Norman. The highlight of the trip is playing at the Kennedy Center, inside the Terrace Theatre. The Jazz Band performance will feature a special guest artist, trumpet player Grant Breedlove, who is a member of the Army Blues, a premier jazz ensemble for the United States Army. Breedlove will get the opportunity to work with the jazz ensemble and will also be conducting during its performance. Another special guest conducting for Kansas, will be Capt. Sharon L. Toulouse, who plays for the United States Army Field Band. Ann Marie Snook will be singing with the Wind Ensemble as well. The Wind Ensemble and Jazz Band will also perform at Towson University outside of Baltimore, Md., and various places around the Washington D.C. area at local high schools. There will also be master classes with the United States Navy Band and Army Field Band for Washburn students. This is the wind ensemble’s first trip to Washington D.C., and all of the participants will return May 1. Michelle Boltz is a freshman mass media major. Reach her at michelle. boltz@washburn.edu.

Ensembles prep for final performance Kate Hampson WASHBURN REVIEW

As Washburn Jazz prepared to go to Washington, D.C., they also prepared for their last concert of the season, the WU Jazz Concert. Many groups from the Washburn Jazz Program will be performing on May 6 at 7:30 p.m. in White Concert Hall. The groups performing are Washburn’s Jazz Ensemble I, Jazz Ensemble II, the Payless Shoe Source Jazz Combo and the WU Jazz Combo. There will be various Washburn students featured throughout the concert, which is expected to feature upbeat music. The music being performed will be from Frank Mantooth, Frank Comstock, Claire Fisher and others. Audience members should expect a mix of new songs and old songs that come from a wide variety of jazz literature. All of the groups performing have been preparing for this concert since the WU Coleman Hawkins Jazz Festival. This concert is open to the public free of charge. Kate Hampson is a senior mass media major. Reach her at katelyn. hampson@wahsburn.edu.

Terrifically thrilling trio tours Topeka together

Self described as “psychedelic, indie grunge,” Model Stranger is working to set the world on fire with its music, a fire that came to the Boobie Trap Bar last Tuesday as Model Stranger shared the stage with The Atlantic and Calamity Cubes. After touring nightly since early April, the band released its debut album, “Dreams and Bones,” April 24. Avid record collectors, the band also has released 500 copies of a seven-inch vinyl called “What You Are Looking For.” “If you like the band the Beatles, Pink Floyd or Radiohead, then you’ll like us,” said Kevin James, bassist. James and Stephen Francis, the band’s singer and guitarist, have known each other since the eighth grade. Model Stranger has been a band since November of 2009. Up until that time, the group was known as Reverie. “We’ve been in a band for five years before, but we changed our name and got a new drummer,” said Francis. While the band has a new drummer in Vincent Joseph, none of the musicians are new to music or rock. Joseph has been playing drums for 16 years, Francis has been playing guitar for 15 years and James has been playing bass for 11. Together with its manager Andrew Coate, Model Stranger has been preparing artwork and merchandise, organizing a tour, touring and recording an album. Coate explained that they have been recording the old fashioned way, live to tape.

“They wanted to get back to the roots of rock and roll,” said Coate. “Just like their heroes. Model Stranger’s headline is basically ‘analog band in a digital age world.’” Very people-oriented, Model Stranger is currently focused on touring and building a fan base. “We like to meet the fans,” said Francis. “We welcome interaction and messages and ideas. We find oneon-one contact very important.” The band further explained that it welcomes reviews and comments on its music as well. Armed with Twitter, Facebook and a Web site, www. modelstranger.com, the musicians are

highly accessible to fans. They have also posted YouTube videos of their music and misadventures, and write a blog on their site. “It’s stories,” said James. “We randomly write things about what comes and goes. The YouTube videos are of some pretty funny stuff.” One of the more recent postings on the blog is James’s review of different beers he has tried while on tour. The writing and videos display a humorous, fun-loving side to the band. They compare their personalities to their band name. “The name Model Stranger is two far extremes,” said Joseph. “We

Photo courtesy of Andrew Coate

can be extremely subdued or over the top. We have dynamic personalities. The music is serious, but we are not always serious people.” Model Stranger is indie rock with psychedelic tones, a danceable beat and a unique quality of mixing the past and present. Check out the group’s Web site, www.modelstranger.com and give them a listen.

Kate Fechter is a junior mass media/ psychology major. Reach her at kate. fechter-stamper@washburn.edu

Topeka musician: acoustic alchemist Joshua Lehman WASHBURN REVIEW

Feb. 18 when she shared with all of her followers that she’d just downloaded one of her favorite songs, “Rylynn” by Andy McKee. Andy McKee is no stranger to For McKee, the path from Topeka, accolades or recognition. He’s taken to Internet sensation and guitar phenom third place at Winfield’s Walnut Valley has been a long trip. He started playing Festival. He’s had three of the most guitar at 13 and immersed himself in watched videos of all time on YouTube the music of Eric Johnson, Metallica, with more than 78 million combined Dream Theater and others, absorbing views. He’s performed on the Carson what he could from his cousin Richard Daly Show and has met, toured with, or Kimzey and taking lessons from local recorded with some of his idols. Still, guitar teacher Ron Fields. It was Kimzey it was unexpected that Lindsay Lohan who introduced him to his passion and mentioned him in one of her tweets on what would help to shape and define his musical identity at 16, by taking him to a performance by solo acoustic fingerstyle guitar player Preston Reed at the Classic Bean. McKee was so enraptured by Reed’s performance that he bought one of Reed’s instructional videos and began teaching himself the techniques of that style of playing. This opened a door Photo courtesy of andymckee.com for him that led

to similar artists like Michael Hedges, what he was able to do on an acoustic Don Ross, Tommy Emmanuel and guitar. The videos for “Rylynn” and a Doyle Dykes. cover of Toto’s 1983 chart-topping song Around the same time, he earned “Africa” followed suit and, based on the his GED and dropped out of Washburn success of these videos, he was asked to Rural High School to focus full time perform on the Carson Daly show. on the guitar. Soon he was teaching McKee’s time on the road increased guitar at Steam Music & Pro Sound with his popularity and success, adding and writing his own songs. He began stamps from countries all over Europe playing and bonded with many of the and Asia to his passport. In 2007 he local musicians, leading to his recording made a guest appearance on Josh debut in 1998 as a special guest on the Groban’s multiplatinum, Grammysong “The Haybailer” on the band nominated Christmas album “Noel.” Soundescape’s eponymous album. He started out 2008 by releasing his In 2001, he released his first album, second solo album for Candyrat, “Nocturne,” independently and “Gates of Gnomeria,” along followed it up by competing MUSICAL with the collaborative album in the world-famous Walnut “The Thing That Came From Valley Music Festival in MAYHEM Somewhere” with one of his Winfield, Kan., taking third in early influences, Don Ross. the national fingerstyle championship The two toured together and became category. The recognition he received good friends. for that earned him a spot on his first In 2009, he toured for part of the international tour through Taiwan. year and took time off to relax and also He continued writing, recording write and record his first album for the and touring, releasing his second label Razor & Tie, “Joyland,” released independent release, “Dreamcatcher,” March 30, 2010. He is currently on in 2004. This album caught the ear of tour in Europe through the first part of independent label Candyrat Records, May and will begin a tour in the United who signed him to their label in 2005 States upon his return. and put him in the studio to make “The For more information on Andy Art of Motion.” In an attempt to promote McKee, “Joyland,” or upcoming tour their new artist as he was recording, dates visit www.andymckee.com. the label released a series of videos on YouTube featuring just McKee and his guitar, performing many of the songs from his first two albums. The video for Joshua Lehman is a member of the his song “Drifting” became an instant advanced news writing class. Reach hit as people watched in amazement at him at joshua.lehman@washburn.edu


to get hammered drunk you should choose to wear shoes. Til’ next week, stay classy, Washburn.

YouTube Pick of the Week: Drunk fights flip-flops Most everyone has been this guy at some point in their college career. We all might not want to admit it, but its true. The video that I picked is called Funny Drunk Guy Vs Sandals Coachella. This guy is a mess, something so simple and he is failing so much. This guy spends about two minutes trying to put his flip-flops on. Flip-flops are meant to be an easy shoe to put on. He just can’t do it. At one point within the video he has

to sit down or maybe he fell. Anyway, from where he is sitting he can’t reach. Struggling so much and reaching so far, finally someone comes by and knocks the flip-flop closer to him. Sad part is when he gets up he knocks off his flip-flop and he has to do it all over again. After struggling for a while longer. He does finally get both flip-flops on and his feet. Then the crowd watching his struggle busts into a round of applause for his accomplishments. He throws them a quick double thumbs up and stumbles off. I feel there is a life lesson to be learned here. That is, if you’re going

Matt Wilper is a junior sociology major. Reach him at matthew. wilper@washburn.edu

Photo courtesy of youtube.com

Arts & Entertainment • Wednesday, April 28, 2010


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review sports washburn university

Wednesday, april 28, 2010

Grandpa’s legacy lives on Josh Rouse WASHBURN REVIEW

Photo courtesy of Gene Cassell, Washburn SID

Injury prone: Redshirt senior-to-be Ashley Shepard tore her ACL during a spring exhibition game, her second tear.

Shepard tears ACL in spring play Josh Rouse WASHBURN REVIEW

Washburn volleyball took a tough hit this spring. Redshirt senior-to-be Ashley Shepard, an outside hitter, is once again rehabbing an ACL tear—this time her left knee. The 5'10 Rossville product will undergo surgery May 12.
 “We're going to go in there and fix my ACL and figure out whether or not they're going to be able to completely sew up my meniscus or just clip off the end,” said Shepard. “It depends on how severe the tear is.”
 Shepard was sidelined in 2007 as a sophomore with her first ACL tear after playing in only six matches. She was awarded a medical redshirt and went on to a full recovery the next season, starting 24 matches out of the 36 she played in and earning honorable mention all-region honors by the American Volleyball Coaches Association. She was also a third team all-MIAA selection. 
 Josh Rouse is a junior mass media major. Reach him at joshua.rouse@ washburn.edu.

Golf finishes second at MIAA Champ. Sam Sayler WASHBURN REVIEW The Washburn University golf team’s season was met with disappointment this year. After finishing in the eighth position in the MSSU Spring Invitational April 12 in Joplin, Mo., the team finished second at the MIAA Championships April 19 in Kansas City, Mo. Though the team finished in a higher position at the second tournament, it still fell far behind the lead with Central Missouri’s 29-overpar, as opposed to Washburn’s 43-overpar. “This season was disappointing from the standpoint that we didn’t have the amount of success that we hoped for or were capable of,” said coach Doug Hamilton. “I know that we, the team, had more talent in our game than what we showed on the courses and tournaments over the season.” One major change for the Ichabods golf team going into its next season is the departure of senior players Matt Lazzo, Dustin Yeager and Nate Sargent, but as with all college sports, there will be new blood as well. “Going forward, I think we will all miss our three seniors,” said Hamilton, “but I think we have also assembled a strong nucleus of new players.” Hamilton knows that lack of work ethic was not a reason for the team’s unsatisfactory performance this season, and even at its best, the team can always have room for improvement. “I know that over the summer, the guys on the team will be playing tournaments, practicing, and working on their game.” Sam Sayler is an undecided freshman. Reach him at samuel.sayler@ washburn.edu.

To the audience attending tonight’s lecture in Lee Arena, the name Dick Vitale may mean an array of different things. To WSGA president Caley Onek, the name reminds her of one of the biggest inspirations in her life: Don Oliver. Oliver and his wife Mary loved basketball. In fact, they loved basketball so much they attended 23 consecutive Final Fours together. Their daughter, Cammy, played basketball in high school and college—eventually becoming a coach—before marrying a man named Chad Onek. Naturally, her three children—Caley, Chayne and Coby Onek—also went on to play ball at Flinthills High School, becoming the third generation of basketball players within the Lyon County League in eastern Kansas. “My family’s been a basketball family for years and years and years and my grandpa was the biggest basketball fan in the world,” said Onek. “He loved his basketball. They used to go to basketball games all over the place and he was always a really big Dick Vitale fan. He didn’t always agree with him, but he definitely liked hearing his feedback and what he thought about the games and who was going to win.” Essentially, basketball was life to Don. Aside from attending his family’s events, as family always came first, this one sport captivated his attention like nothing else. And while it seemed as though nothing could come between him and the game he loved, something finally did. In 2006, Don and Mary Oliver skipped their annual Final Four trip after finding out Don had developed lung cancer. That August, the 70-year-old man died from a blood clot in his heart while attending a basketball game with Mary. “He ended up passing away when I was in high school and it was really tough on my family, it was really tough on me,“ said Onek. “My grandpa was just an amazing person and just led a great life and definitely left a legacy.” The Funeral When a man’s life has been centered around basketball, it only makes sense to carry out his funeral in similar fashion. At least, that was Mary Oliver’s point-of-view on the subject. “He was such a basketball fan that, at his funeral, my grandma was really wanting to make sure it was what he would have wanted,” said Onek. “One of the big things was that grandma wanted it to be Final Fourrelated because they went to so many

Photo by Josh Rouse, Washburn Review

Bods back: Former Bods Jordan Brill (10) and Justin Wrecke (7) put on an offensive spectacle during the season opener.

Koyotes showcase Brill, Wrecke Josh Cauthon WASHBURN REVIEW Photo courtesy of Caley Onek

Inspiration: WSGA president Caley Onek’s grandparents Don and Mary Oliver shared a great love of the sport of basketball and an admiration for Dick Vitale. Final Fours.” And so it was. The room was set with two ladders full of Final Four hats collected by the couple throughout the years. Final Four mugs were set out on each table, and the bouquet was decorated with University of Kansas basketball jerseys and small basketball ornaments. However, Mary was ready to pull out all the stops for her husband. “The big deal was that he was cremated,” said Onek. “When you get cremated, a lot of people put it in like a vase or something and my grandma told them she wanted him cremated in a basketball. They were like ‘Ma’am, that’s just not done, we can’t do that,’ and she was like ‘No, Don will get cremated in a basketball.’” The basketball, which was signed by several KU players, was given to Don as a birthday present from his grandchildren. A hole was cut in it, and his ashes—safe within a plastic bag—were placed inside the ball. The ball was then sewn shut. “It’s what grandma wanted,” said Onek, with a smile. The Newspaper Article After Don’s funeral, Onek realized she wanted to do something in remembrance of him. She formulated a plot to meet up with somebody from ESPN and tell him or her about her grandfather’s story. The only question was who? “After a long time, I realized that it was Dick Vitale I wanted to get ahold of, because my grandpa was a

huge fan of his and I knew that Dick Vitale could really relate to dealing with cancer loss,” said Onek. Vitale, an advocate for cancer research and the work of the Jimmy V. Foundation and Coaches vs. Cancer, was also her grandfather’s favorite analyst. The plan was perfect. However, Onek quickly learned that getting in contact with a celebrity is not as easy as it seems. “I ended up trying all different kinds of ways to get ahold of him and I was just very unsuccessful—failed attempt after failed attempt,” said Onek. “I finally reached a newspaper writer for the Sarasota Herald-Tribune, which is where Dick Vitale is from. The man from there was a really nice guy and he ended up really liking my story about my grandpa, so when he found out I was trying to get ahold of Dick Vitale, he not only gave me his cell phone number, but also asked if he could write a story about my family.” So the writer, Doug Fernandes, wrote a story about Onek and her grandfather. He told about the roadtrips and the funeral. He told about Oliver’s admiration for Dick Vitale. Onek had yet to tell her grandmother about the story, although she had attempted to call Vitale. The reception was bad, and the conversation was cut off. However, Fernandes’ story made it to the eyes of someone important—eyes that had seen more basketball than even Don Oliver. Please see LEGACY page A8

‘Runners season ends after Monday loss Richard Kelly WASHBURN REVIEW

Topeka head coach Scott Langer when they get that opportunity, they’re found the game, specifically the first going to bury it.” two periods, to be incredibly difficult Although there was an obvious With the referee’s hand raised in to handle after the year the team had. inconsistency in officiating even from the air, Alec Hagaman of the Topeka “This one’s tough. There’s a lot Bandits head coach Dave Brown’s RoadRunners skated off to the penalty of money that goes into this level of standpoint, he was proud of the way box for a slashing penalty Monday hockey and there’s a long nine-month performed night. It ended up being one of five season, and to have it decided by a “You know, our powerplay first-period penalties on Topeka’s way 20-year-old official is tough,” said finally worked. We took advantage of to 15 for the contest. Langer. “We never had an opportunity all the penalties,” said Brown. “It’s On the night of the fifth and final to get into that hockey game. unfortunate there were so many, but match for the North American Hockey “I’m not gonna’ say we had a great we were on the right end of it, I guess, League South Division between the effort, but there was no way we had an so we can’t be too upset.” Topeka RoadRunners and the St. opportunity from three minutes into For now, Topeka must look to Louis Bandits, the Bandits that game, and that’s tough next season. But Langer did have a took advantage of a tough to swallow. I’ve never seen few things to say to his team in the NAHL and questionable outing by a disgrace like that ever. Not locker room following the loss. the officiating crew on their PLAYOFFS when that much is on the line “I just told them I loved them and way to a 5-0 win in front of between these two teams and that I appreciate they gave me and 2,722 at Landon Arena. I don’t even know what to say.” the city of Topeka. They’re not losers The scoring started 9:41 into the Even with the killing of many of by any means,” he said. “This team game when Craig Kitto buried the puck the penalties, Topeka found no rhythm accomplished a great deal this year behind Erik Rohrkemper to give the in a game littered with stoppages and and they added a lot to our identity Bandits the lead. The score remained frustration. moving forward.” that way into first intermission. “There was nothing left in the The second period sent the game tank. There was no flow. And you Richard Kelly is a sophomore mass out of reach for Topeka, as St. Louis know, they’re (St. Louis) a very good media major. Reach him at richard. picked up four more goals, three on team. They know how to win. And kelly@washburn.edu. the powerplay. After Brooks Bertsch made it 2-0, Colton Hargrove, C.J. Eick and Ryan Stouffer scored with Hargrove’s goal coming at 15:06, Eick’s at 16:14 and Stouffer’s at 17:19. The period saw Topeka pick up seven •1, 2, 3 & 4 Bedrooms more infractions to St. Louis’ two and including Topeka’s Patrick Kirtland •W/D, Pool, Weight Room & being ejected late in the second Movie Theater period. •Rates Starting at $425/Person The last frame went scoreless and with 28-24 shot total, the South Division Championship belonged to College Hill Apartments • 1425 S.W. Lane • 785-232-5555 the Bandits.


Brill to Wrecke, Brill to Wrecke. That is all you would have heard Saturday, April 17, at the Kansas Koyotes’ home opener. The home opener was a success for the Koyotes as they beat the Kansas City Bulldogs 78-6. The big success though was getting the offense where it needed to be, and getting quarterback Jordan Brill on a roll. “I thought we were going to struggle a bit, on offense, but we kept it simple. I really wanted to get Jordan comfortable with the offense, and he is there for sure, his performance was great,” said Jim Green, head coach for the Koyotes. Brill, a former Washburn quarterback, had a highlight reel all to himself Saturday. He completed 16 throws and threw for seven touchdowns in the first half alone. His favorite target, also a former Washburn graduate, Justin Wrecke caught four of those touchdowns. Wrecke’s highlight reel was full that night as well, including a one-handed grab in the end zone and 12 catches in the first half. “Everything worked that night with these two guys,” said Green. “Wrecke gets open, he finds space and gets the ball. Brill took control of the offense and really picked it up. I am looking forward to seeing them do this all season. We as a team just need to get better in practice, and the guys certainly do that. We just can’t look past anyone and take it one game at a time.” During the game it was all smiles for the Koyotes owners. A good sized crowd was present to watch the Koyotes start the season. Their only worry was to get this first game wrapped up. “We really needed to knock the rust off, and tonight we sure did that,” said Ralph Adams, president of the Koyotes. “We are off to a great start. We have a tough regular season ahead, but we need to keep working hard and our coaches will make sure of that. We sure love all this Ichabod talent. They have always done real well for us.” With the high powered offense lead by Brill and Wrecke, along with a dominating defense they showed in the opener, the Koyotes look tough to stop. The next game is May 1. Josh Cauthon is a member of the advanced newswriting class. Reach him at josh.cauthon@washburn.edu.

Vikings invite WU’s Watkins to mini-camp

Washburn's Zach Watkins has received a free-agent invitation to take part in the Minnesota Vikings rookie mini-camp this weekend in Minneapolis, Minn. Watkins will leave for the camp on Thursday and the camp will wrap up on Sunday. BOD IN Watkins is NFL looking to become the third Ichabod to land a roster spot joining Trey Lewis who was drafted in 2007 by the Atlanta Falcons and Cary Williams who was drafted by the Tennessee Titans in 2008 and then joined the Baltimore Ravens midway through the 2009 season. - Press release, Washburn SID

Sports • Wednesday, April 28, 2010


LEGACY: Grandpa’s story led Vitale to WU when planning for the spring lecturer, and something about having a worldrenowned celebrity on Washburn’s Meeting Dick Vitale A few weeks later, Onek was on campus seemed like a good idea. “I’ve known [Caley] the past the beach with a few friends, when she received a phone call that would couple years and it’s obviously a really change her life. Dick Vitale was on the cool story,” said Love. “She showed other end, and he was wondering if me the article and told me about what Caley and her mother and grandmother happened.” After hearing about the story, would be interested in attending the Rock Basketball Party with him in Love thought Onek’s connection to Atlanta during the Final Four. He Vitale was too good an opportunity wanted them to be his guests of honor. to pass up for Washburn. Love and Onek contacted Vitale, and the three Caley said yes. “When I first met him, I couldn’t discussed ways to make a lecture by believe it was happening,” said Onek. Vitale possible on the WSGA’s budget. “He walked in and there were people In the end, Vitale agreed to a $30,000 taking pictures all over and they kind paycheck, plus transportation, a far of pulled us over to him and he just cry from the usual $50,000 he receives took us up in a big hug. Right away, to speak. To make matters better for he gave us attention and was just very, the student government association, very nice to us. He wanted me to meet WSGA is spending between $5,000 his wife and wanted my grandma and and $7,000 out of pocket, as it used everyone to meet his sports agent. He Vitale’s big name to raise funds and kept making it very focused on us and acquire donors, sponsors and money he was very, very kind. My grandma from other student organizations. was shaking, my mom was shaking, we “He definitely worked with us, were like ‘Is this really happening?’” because he wanted to help make this During the party, Vitale gave a event possible, and having Caley be a speech, which Onek said was very part of it was obviously essential to it inspirational. During that speech, he even being possible,” said Love. “He mentioned her grandpa and his struggle definitely gave us a deal and wanted with cancer, something Onek said was to do what he could to make this event “very cool” for her grandmother. happen and also to make it a success.” “My grandpa was a fighter, but Marsha Carrasco Cooper, director sometimes the of SAGL Lord just has and adviser “ different plans to the Dick for us,” said Vitale Comes My grandpa was Onek. “Grandpa to Washburn a fighter, but ended up going Committee, to Heaven, but agreed with sometimes the Lord definitely when he L o v e ’ s just has different was here was just a sentiments that big basketball nut Vitale went out plans for us. and Mr. Vitale did of his way to a very nice job of - Caley Onek make the event talking about him. possible. WSGA president He treated us like “ H e ” worked family when we really were with him.” well with us,” Dick Vitale Comes to WU said Carrasco Cooper. “He was pretty Flash forward three years. It’s clear at the beginning with his agents April 28, 2010, and Dick Vitale will that he wanted to make this work.” be arriving in Topeka very soon. So Carrasco Cooper, who advises what happened in-between then and WSGA as part of her job as SAGL now to where one of the most widely director, only recently heard about known basketball analysts in the world Onek’s connection to Dick Vitale, is coming to Washburn University? saying it wasn’t until they were almost Well, it’s all about who you know. ready to announce he was coming “When I was first thinking about before she heard the story from Onek. having him as a speaker, I didn’t want “First, I was surprised she hadn’t it to be a personal thing,” said Onek. shared that, but I think that’s just a “I wanted it to be something because testament to how humble Caley is it was for the good of Washburn. I’d and how she doesn’t like anything to listened to him speak, he’s a really be about her,” said Carrasco Cooper. big name, so if we could bring him “She’s really excited about the to Washburn that’d be really good opportunity that this presents to all because it’d put us on the news.” of Washburn and I think that’s just a Garrett Love, former WSGA testament to how cool she is that she president, agreed. Love said he stepped out of that. She’s already had considered Vitale near the top of the list her experience with Dick Vitale.”

Continued from page A7

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Photos courtesy of Caley Onek

Guests of honor: Cammy Onek, Dick Vitale, Caley Onek and Mary Oliver finally meet in 2007 at a party in Atlanta during the Final Four. Vitale invited the three to attend as his guests of honor after hearing about Don Oliver’s passion for the game of basketball through a newspaper article in the Sarasota Herald-Tribune. Carrasco Cooper said learning about Onek’s connection with Vitale made her even more excited about the event, because it’s “clear he values people and his fans and their families and what they go through.” “The story is incredibly touching,” said Carrasco Cooper. “I always knew Caley liked NCAA basketball, but I never knew why. Knowing she’s got such a strong connection to her nowlate grandfather and late grandmother, and how they went to Final Fours for so many years in a row, it was just a special story.” Carrasco Cooper said bringing Vitale to Washburn was a good choice, because of his name recognition amongst students and community members. She said even if you can’t pinpoint exactly who he is, you know you’re supposed to know who he is. “I think it’s good because it’s gotten students excited,” said Carrasco Cooper. “Really, everything we do should provide a good experience for students. We’ve done several surveys over the years about ‘What do you want to see Washburn bring?’ and without exception students always say ‘We want a known name.’ With our budget, that’s a really difficult thing to accomplish a lot of the time, but WSGA has done a great job of working with the Endowment Association to raise money. They’ve also committed quite a bit of their money to make that a reality.” In the end, however, it all came down to the bond that was created

Family tradition: WSGA president Caley Onek enjoyed a strong support system from her family during her high school sports career. Her grandparents Don and Mary Oliver would travel great distances to come to every event. between a small-town girl from El Dorado, Kan., and a college basketball analyst from Sarasota, Fla.,—courtesy of grandpa Don. “He called the [WSGA] office when we were first trying to set up the event and said ‘Caley, I remember you, I remember your grandmother and mother and I would definitely love to come speak at Washburn,’ so that was phenomenal,” said Onek. “A lot

of times you have to go through the agent and you never get to actually have direct communication with the person, but to have him, as big as he is, call my office phone and leave me a voice mail, that was really saying something. That was cool.” Josh Rouse is a junior mass media major. Reach him at joshua.rouse@ washburn.edu.

ESPN’s Vitale a great ambassador, person Chris Marshall WASHBURN REVIEW

the Final Four, he took a head coaching job at the University of Detroit. With Michigan and Michigan State College basketball is defined by nearby, the Titans of Detroit are barely passion and pageantry. The screaming, even a blip on the college basketball excitement and thrilling contests are radar, but Vitale led his team to wins what separate it from any other sport. against both in-state goliaths, in The game’s most famous addition to a victory against eventual announcer can be described by all the national champion Marquette. same words, and that’s why he’s such He turned Detroit into a 25-win a fitting ambassador for the sport he program, then took a job as head loves. coach of the Detroit Pistons. Despite Dick Vitale is college basketball. struggling during his brief NBA College basketball is Dick Vitale. coaching stint, Vitale never shied away Without one, the other wouldn’t be from analyzing the games and players what it is today. he coached. When ESPN televised its Since then, he’s made a SPORTS first ever NCAA game, Vitale pretty good living of calling COLUMN games the way he sees was on the microphone. More than 30 years later, his them. role as a pioneer and fan continues to You don’t have to be a basketball grow. fan to have heard Vitale’s catch phrases. In 2008, he was inducted into More people associate “Awesome, the college basketball Hall of Fame baby!” and “Diaper dandy” with the alongside Hakeem Olajuwon and bald-headed, fun loving announcer Patrick Ewing. Both players rank in the than the number of fans who know last top 25 of the NBA’s all-time scoring, year’s national champion. rebounding and blocks lists. On the Vitale loves the attention that court, the 7-footers’ accomplishments comes with his job, but his time in the tower above Vitale’s. But on the sideline spotlight is often used to benefit others. and beyond, Vitale’s contributions to He’s the most vocal supporter of the the game make him just as deserving Jimmy V. Foundation, which is named of enshrinement. after his good friend Jim Valvano, He coached East Rutherford High a former coach who died of cancer. School to two state championships, the Vitale’s cheery eyes and smile turn school he played for before an accident to tears when he brings up Valvano’s blinded him in one eye and ended his fight. During games and at fundraisers, playing career. Vitale’s passion is evident once again He entered the college coaching as he speaks about finding a cure. ranks as an assistant at Rutgers, and The 70-year-old announcer may after helping the Scarlet Knights reach draw criticism for the support he

gives Duke and North Carolina, but if answering to Blue Devil and Tar Heel haters is the biggest problem in his life, Vitale knows he’s got it pretty easy. He exclaims nearly every night on TV that he’s “the luckiest man alive” and he’s “getting paid to do the best job in the world.” I was in attendance when he gave Nick Collison a standing ovation at KU. I’ve tuned in countless times for his calls of the ACC Tournament and the Coaches vs. Cancer Classic. The fact is, when you look down at the media table and see his shiny, bald head, you know it’s a big game. He brings an unmatched level of energy to every arena he enters, whether it’s for a basketball game or a motivational speech. Inside that head, the “Vitale Bald Dome Index” as he calls it, is a wealth of information, not just about sports, but life and how it should be lived. Even if you don’t watch basketball, Vitale puts on a show that is impossible to turn off. Whether he’s talking about sports, finding a cure for cancer or literally dancing his way through life in the middle of a student section, Vitale has a genuine passion for what he does. Tonight he will speak on a basketball court, at Lee Arena on Washburn’s campus, but the advice he can give and the motivation he provides goes so far beyond a simple game. Chris Marshall is a graduate student. Reach him at christopher.marshall@ washburn.edu.

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