2010-11 issue13

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the review washburn university

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Washburn student Bridget Walter balances BMX and school A5

Serving Washburn University since 1873

volume 137, Issue 13 • wednesday, December 1, 2010

Topeka continues to go gaga over Google Robert Burkett WASHBURN REVIEW

Photo by Robert Burkett, Washburn Review

A Sign From Above: Think Big Topeka, in collaboration with other organizations, hung this banner on the Cumulus Broadcasting building at 9th and Kansas Ave. in Downtown Topeka. On Tuesday, Topekans again showed their interest in the Google Fiber Project.

up on this idea,” said Alissa Sheley, founding member of Think Big Topeka. “We knew we wanted to do someYesterday, the past and the future thing to wrap up the year so we got collided in a fun, if somewhat chilly, this awesome banner made with help afternoon that helped to put the final from community supporters and came punctuation on an effort that has seen down here to show we love our comTopeka launched into the forefront of munity.” national attention. Among the other members of the As many remember, earlier this community, Mayor Bill Bunten spoke year Topeka became Google, Kan. for about his feelings on the process and a short time as the drive to bring a new expressed his thanks to “the young technology to the capital city courtesy people of Topeka.” of the Internet search engine giant, “I just feel like I’m 75 again,” said Google. Bunten. “I am so happy that everyone From standing on the Topeka came out even in this weather to help Roadrunners ice rink forming a human support our community. I love Topeka “Google” to appearing on national and I know that everyone here feels television on the day that Google tem- the same way.” porarily turned their website to “ToAfter Bunten’s address to the gathpeka,” there has been an effort on the ered crowd, the Topeka High drumline part of organizations like Think Big took center stage as they put on an enTopeka and Go Topeka to continue the ergetic performance that had people spirit in their bid to win the rocking back and forth in THINK BIG the crowd. The group played high-speed Internet contest. “It’s just great to see the TOPEKA and danced back and forth community rallying around in a style reminiscent of the something like this,” said Ryan Bish- movie, “Drumline” and even featured op, Gizmo Video productions employ- a drum cadence from the movie. ee and Washburn alumnus. Prior to the speakers and after All of the effort culminated in a Topeka High was done, a local music small gathering downtown near the group, Chris Aytes & The Good Ambicorner of 9th Street and Kansas Av- tion, performed classic rock and even enue, as free food and live music pro- some rock inspired Christmas music vided a backdrop for a History Chan- to help keep the crowd entertained in nel special that was being taped. weather that dipped into the low 30 The special entitled, “How States degree range. Got Their Shapes” brought further “We appreciate everyone bravattention to the city and state as the ing the weather to come out and show deadline for the announcement of everyone how much our community which city will be awarded Google’s wants positive things to happen,” said technology closes in. Sheley. “We just wanted to do some- Robert Burkett is a senior mass media thing that would show we still care major. Reach him at robert.burkett@ to Google and that we haven’t given washburn.edu.

Success week looks to Rev. Run to speak at Washburn relieve student stress Jaimie Luse WASHBURN REVIEW

Washburn students have been watching him on MTV for years, and now they’ll get the chance to interact with him live because the Washburn Student Government Association is bringing Rev. Run to Washburn as their final lecture series speaker for the semester. This Thursday at 7 p.m. in the Washburn Room of the Memorial Union, Rev. Run will be available in a question-and-answer session, with no admission fee, until 8:30. Rev. Run, whose real name is Joseph Simmons, is a rapper-turnedreverend who was one-third of the rap group Run-DMC. More recently, he is known for his reality show on MTV, “Run’s House,” where viewers see the dynamics of the Simmons family. “[The show] is really neat for Rev. Run because he is able to portray how reality shows don’t have to be negative and crazy,” said Caley Onek, president of WSGA. “You can have a successful show that portrays how you should live your life and how you should treat your family and respect them.” Onek said that the committee in charge of finding lecturers chose Simmons for a variety of reasons. They had to compare the quality and name recognition of the speaker with the price that was asked, but Simmons had the originality that the committee was looking for. “We were trying to get some name recognition that the community as well as the students could get excited for,” said Onek, “He brings a different dynamic than past speakers that we’ve had, and we’re always looking for something new, something different,

Photo courtesy of http://www.revrun.com/.

The Reverend Is In: Joseph Simmons, more commonly known as Rev. Run, will bring his interactive Q & A and lecture session to Washburn this Thursday. Audience members will have the opportunity to meet him before and after his presentation. something exciting.” Simmons’ commitment to Zoë ministries and his family cover an aspect of life that Onek says many college students don’t consider much. “When we’re in college we kind of get away from our families, and it’ll bring back the importance of family,” she said. WSGA has been promoting this as the part of Washburn Lecture Series, but Onek said that it’s actually a pretty big departure from the usual format of the series. Generally there’s about a half hour to an hour of lecture, and then a 15-minute opportunity for the audience to ask questions. After, the speaker may take a bit to sign books or take photos, but speaker-student interaction is limited.

See how everyday objects can be used in other ways



“With Rev. Run, it’s going to be set up like a Q&A, there’s going to be a lot of audience interaction,” said Onek. “He wants to stay after, he wants to take pictures with the students, he wants to meet them, he wants to sign autographs.” Onek said WSGA is excited about the potential for an entertaining yet educational event, but she personally is looking forward to learning Simmons’ life story. “I’m excited to hear about what he’s learned throughout his life, and about his personal journey from rapper to reverend.” Regina Budden is a senior mass media major. Reach her at regina.budden@ washburn.edu.

Discover more about Washburn’s seventh man


Find out more about the Catholic Campus Center’s current Giving Tree Project


news & opinion

eral students that there was a need for it. “That was the concern that we This year students have another heard several times from students was advantage in the fight to stay sane dur- that the week before finals was actually ing the last few days leading to finals worse the week of finals itself because week. of all the tests and everything that was Success week, the week before coming through the week,” said Caley finals, was proposed with the purpose Onek, president of WSGA. of encouraging The profaculty to use the “ posal for suctime to review cess week then course material That was the concern worked its way and not give out through the apthat we heard several proval process. any new projects, tests or fiFirst approved times from students nals. by faculty senwas that the week Success ate earlier this week is exyear on April before finals was plained in the 12 and then by actually worse than faculty handthe general facbook as, “No ulty on May 11. finals week itself final examinaIt received final tions, except go ahead by the - Caley Onek ‘take–home final Washburn Board President, WSGA examinations’ of Regents at a may be given by meeting on Sept. ” 24. an instructor during the five days Throughout prior to the first day of final examina- the whole process, WSGA and the factions without approval of the dean of ulty worked together to get the policy their major academic unit. passed. The faculty shall not administer “The success week policy could any test, examination or quiz worth not have gone through if it had not more than 10 percent of the final been for all the support that we did course grade during the last three days receive from the faculty and how they prior to the first day of scheduled final worked with us,” said Onek. examinations each fall and spring semester to allow for proper preparation for the finals.” The roots of success week started with Washburn Student Government Jaimie Luse is a freshman business major. Association after they heard from sev- Reach her at jaimie.luse@washburn.edu.




teaching Calendar Student teaches students

News • Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Wednesday, Dec. 1

Holiday ceramics sale Main Lobby, Washburn Union 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Brown Bag international lecture International House Noon

Free HIV testing (World AIDS Day) Boswell Room and Rice Room, upper level, Memorial Union 1 to 4 p.m. Women’s basketball Lee Arena, Petro Allied Health Center 5:30 p.m. Men’s basketball Lee Arena, Petro Allied Health Center 7:30 p.m. WU wind ensemble concert White Concert Hall, Garvey Fine Arts Center 7:30 p.m. Thursday, Dec. 2 Welcome reception for Rick Anderson Washburn Room lounge, Memorial Union 10 to 11:30 a.m. WU opera, “Amahl and the Night Visitors” White Concert Hall, Garvey Fine Arts Center 2:30 p.m. Presentation, Joseph “Rev. Run” Simmons Washburn Room, Memorial Union 7 p.m. A Night of Media Merriment fundraiser Ramada Inn, 420 S.E. 6th Ave 7 p.m. Friday, Dec. 3 WU Board of Regents Room 220, Petro Allied Health Center 4 p.m. WU jazz ensemble concert White Concert Hall, Garvey Fine Arts Center 7:30 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 4 Mulvane Merriment Mulvane Art Museum 10 a.m. Football: Kanza Bowl Hummer Sports Park, Topeka 1 p.m. Women’s Basketball Lee Arena, Petro Allied Health Center 5:30 p.m. Men’s Basketball Lee Arena, Petro Allied Health Center 7:30 p.m. Sunday, Dec. 5 WU percussion holiday concert White Concert Hall, Garvey Fine Arts Center 3 p.m. Ugly sweaters on skates Sk8away, 815 S.W. Fairlawn Rd. 7 to 9 p.m. Sunday Mass, Catholic Campus Center Catholic Campus Center, 1633 S.W. Jewell Ave. 6 to 7 p.m.

Don’t see your event in the calendar? Call the Review newsroom at 670-2506 to have your event included in an upcoming edition. It’s FREE. For upcoming Washburn athletic events, go to www.wusports.com.


15, and that is how much each student pays in tuition in order to student teach. Now consider She reaches for a tissue that each student is committing for the fifth time in the last five to working approximately 40 minutes. Her nose is red from hours a week on site, and an adconstant blowing, her eyelids ditional seven to eight hours a are swollen and heavy and week grading and planning for eyes are glassy. Despite the the upcoming week. This makes working an nasty cold that ravages her sinuses and leaves her in a fog, outside job nearly impossible, she grabs another spelling test and something that is strongly and starts going through the discouraged by Washburn’s dewords, red pen in hand. She partment of education. In addition to this expense puts a small check mark next to the word correctly, which was and the time commitment, student teachers are also required ironically spelled incorrectly. Megan Kirkhart, a student to attend nine seminar sessions teacher at Farley Elementary in on campus to discuss class reTopeka, knows she can’t let a quirements, teaching and manrunny nose stop her from grad- agement strategies and to meet ing, planning and keeping up with university supervisors to with her own class assignments. discuss individual questions She battles her nine-hour work and assess how the semester is day with coffee in the morn- progressing. T h e y ing and a also attend soda in the two behavafternoon. “ ior manageWith all the I admire the ment classgerms she is satisfaction es, and turn exposed to in several in the classteachers must feel lengthy asroom every every single day signments, day, it is including no surprise when they teach a 25-page that some of their students and Wa s h b u r n those germs University wandered change their lives Performance her direc- Megan Peraita Assessment, tion. But as Washburn, senior assemble always, she a detailed, just keeps wo-week on. ” tunit plan, Student turn in a teaching is a burden that many people take 10-minute DVD presentation for granted when they consider showing classroom instruction, the teaching profession. While a diversity research paper, comit may seem that it is a simple pose daily journal entries and semester of assisting a teacher, more. “It takes a lot of patience many fail to understand that student teaching is an opportu- and organization and time nity that education majors use management to be a successful to gain experience in the class- student teacher,” said Kirkhart. room and teach and plan their “Luckily, a lot of these skills own units and lessons without I gained through my previous guidance for the first time. But education classes at Washburn, and I felt as prepared as I think I there’s a catch. While this opportunity is could be going in to this semesundoubtedly beneficial for new ter of student teaching.” Mary Cottrell, a current teachers, it is also an expensive experience that comes with a student teacher at Langston Hughes Elementary in Lawlot of extra baggage. Education students must rence also believes that the edufile a student teaching applica- cation curriculum at Washburn tion during the semester prior has been beneficial to her stuto when they wish to start stu- dent teaching experience. “Student teaching so far dent teaching. The Washburn department has been such a wonderful exof education requires that all perience and I know that comstudents applying have a cu- pared to some of the other unimulative grade point average versities, Washburn has done of 2.5 or above and a teaching a great job of preparing us for specialty grade point average taking over a classroom,” said of 2.75 or higher. Students must Cottrell. But prepared or not, there also be approved by the Department of Education before they is no doubt that the transition may begin the student teaching to student teaching is trying for these future teachers. Student experience. The cost of tuition is $207 teachers go from working partper credit hour at Washburn time jobs and taking regular University for the 2010-2011 courses to working full time school year. Take this cost times and managing more assign-

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Graphic by Richard Kelly, Washburn Review

ments and responsibility than they have had to face before. And many students agree that it is this adjustment that is the most difficult to manage when transitioning from student to student teacher. “My least favorite part of student teaching was the physical adjusting at the beginning,” said Cottrell. “They never tell you how you will spend every moment planning and how exhausted you are at the end of the day. I wish I was less stressed but this is a small price to pay and I know it will not always be like this, especially once I get past my first few years of teaching.” Even students who have not yet embarked on their student teaching adventures are nervous about what the future brings. Student Megan Peraita will begin student teaching during the spring semester and is excited, yet anxious to get the experience under her belt. “Do I feel like I’m 100 percent prepared to student teach? Yes and no. I have had some amazing professors at Washburn that have guided me and been a huge help in preparing me, but no one can fully prepare you to student teach,” said Peraita. “Throughout the education program you take a few classes where you observe in a classroom for 20 to 30 hours, but I know that experience will be completely different from actually teaching.” While it is a lot of time and even more work, most student teachers are quick to admit that it is a useful and overall enjoyable experience. “I love being with the kids,” said Kirkhart. “They make the experience what it is and make it fun, so even though it’s a lot of work, this is my passion. This is what I love. I wouldn’t change it.” Cottrell shares similar sentiments. “The students are precious, even if they drive me nuts sometimes,” said Cottrell. “They are so intelligent and full of life. It’s so fun to be around them.” It is this love and passion for children and learning that prevail at the end of the day, making all the stress and extra work worthwhile. “I admire the satisfaction teachers must feel every single day when they teach their students and change their lives,” said Peraita. “Student teaching will be a learning experience for sure and I am thrilled.”

Lauren Eckert is a member of Regina Cassell’s feature writing class.

Campus project brings gifts to local children Timothy Lake WASHBURN REVIEW

continue to do the Giving Tree Project every year because of the tradition that has been set, As the winter holiday sea- as well as they chose this idea son arrives, the Catholic Cam- specifically because the angel pus Center has started its Giv- tree was recognizable. “Five organizations work ing Tree Project to help provide gifts for underprivileged chil- with the Center on the project, including WSGA, multiculturdren. The Giving Tree Project al affairs, Residential Living, concept involves a participant Campus Ministries and Zeta choosing an angel from one of Tau Alpha,” said Leiker Many of the gifts include the trees, buying the gift that is on it, and returning it so that it clothes, with a few educational may be distributed to children toys, puzzles and occasionally throughout Topeka. There are sports toys. Organizers were wormany trees around campus, in the offices of various organiza- ried about the success of the tions that help with the project. program in 2008 when the reThe three charities that the cession initially hit, but they were still able to get center distributes the toys to are, To- GIVING TREE around 200 gifts in project, accordpeka Rescue MisPROJECT the ing to Leiker. sion, Let’s Help, and They expect that Doorstep. This year’s edition of the this year they should be able to project began Nov. 5, and gifts get at least that much success, will be accepted through Dec. though they hope for more. “I personally think its a 2. People who want to help in another way can help to distrib- wonderful opportunity even ute the toys to the charities that before I came to Washburn I will give the toys to the kids, on participated in the angel tree project back at home,” said Dec. 3. The idea of the project Leiker. “Every year whenever I started in 2002, when the Cath- was late-night shopping at Walolic Campus Center wanted to mart grab an angel and buy a put a few trees on campus, but gift, and just kind of goes into, was not allowed to. The only its more of a blessing to be on tree they had that year was in the muscle part of it, for lack of their own room, said Jeffrey a better term, the actual inside Leiker, president of the Catho- part, with an even better chance of helping these kids out.” lic Campus Center. The roots of the concept of the Giving Tree Project origi- Timothy Lake is a freshman mass nate in another project called media major. Reach him at timothe angel tree project. They thy.lake@washburn.edu

Scientists discuss election PRESS RELEASE A post-election roundtable to analyze 2010 election results in Kansas and the United States will begin at 4:30 p.m. today at the International House. The roundtable will feature noted political scientists and scholars from across the state. It is free and open to the public.

Participants will be: Joe Aistrup, Kansas State University; Burdett Loomis, University of Kansas; Ed Flentje, Wichita State University; Mark Peterson, Washburn University; Chapman Rackaway, Fort Hays State University. Bob Beatty, Washburn professor, will moderate.

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Wednesday, December 1, 2010 • Opinion

Contact Us Phone: (785) 670-2506 Fax: (785) 670-1131 ww.washburnreview.org Print Editor-in-Chief Regina Budden Online Editor-in-Chief Josh Rouse Advertising Manager Ashley Shepard News Editor Richard Kelly Sports Editor Kate Hampson A&E Editor Linnzi Fusco Assistant Online Editor Jordan Shefte Photo Editor Tesa DeForest Copy Editors Robert Burkett • ReAnne Wentz

Journalism refuses to lay down and die Success Editorial Board WASHBURN REVIEW

In a Nov. 14 Washington Post editorial entitled, “Olbermann, O‘Reilly and the death of real news,” journalism aficionado and former “Nightline” anchor Ted Koppel expressed that unbiased journalism is a thing of the past. For proof, he offers such talking heads as Keith Olbermann, Bill O’Reilly, Glenn Beck, Rachel Maddow and Chris Matthews, who infuse real world events with a heavy dose of their partisan views to deliver news in a manner that is heavily profitable and sometimes (often) inaccurate. Koppel says the beginning of the end came in 1968 with the unveiling of CBS News’ news magazine “60 Minutes,” which was the first news program to turn a profit. While we certainly agree

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The Washburn Review is a member newspaper of the Associated Press (AP), the Kansas Associated Press (KPA) and the Kansas Associated Collegiate Press (KACP). The Review was the 2009 winner of the All-State award, given to the best four-year public university newspaper in the state of Kansas. The Washburn Review accepts letters to the editor pertaining to articles appearing in the Washburn Review or on issues of importance to the Washburn or Topeka community. We do not accept mass letters to the editor. Please limit letters to less than 400 words. Letters must be submitted via Word document if possible, and there must be a phone number where the person can be reached for verification. Please e-mail letters to review@washburn.edu. The Review reserves the right to edit all submissions to the paper for length, libel, language and clarity. Because of volume on the opinion page, we are unable to print all letters and are unable to return submissions.

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Senior Videographer Brian Dulle

The Washburn Review is published every Wednesday throughout the academic year, excluding holidays and some other dates. Copies are free for students, faculty and staff, and can be found at numerous locations around the campus of Washburn University. Subscriptions to the Washburn Review are available at the following rates: 13 issues for $20 or 26 issues for $35. For more information, please visit our Web site at www.washburnreview.org or call (785) 670-2506.


of Mad Money, was one of the hardest hitting interviews ever broadcast on cable television. The future of journalistic integrity relies heavily on the education that journalists receive and how much emphasis is put on credibility and the importance of an unbiased presentation. For this reason, it’s imperative that funding for journalism programs in high school should not be cut, because the only way to fix the current situation is to prepare the next generation of journalists and show them that there is more to journalism than who can scream louder or bash their interviewee the most.

The views expressed in the Review’s View are those of the Washburn Review editorial board and are not necessarily the views of Washburn University.

With the end of the semester fast approaching, the Review was curious to find out if people will actually utilize the Success Week policy.

Do you think Success Week Lucas Whippo Senior

Lindsay Sollars Junior

“I think it can be good, assuming it is used for the right reasons.”

“I don’t think (the teachers) are honoring it. I don’t think it’s even relevant to nursing school.”

Megan Buckley Freshman

Ryan Masilionis Junior

“I think it’s nice I think the finals are going to be hard and I want good grades.”

Photographers Molly Adams • April Ewing •Candice Morris• Zachary Lambert • Brittany Pugh • Mallory Shehi

Adviser Regina Cassell

that such figures as Olbermann, generation of journalists, who O’Reilly and Beck have done will eventually take over for quite a bit to tarnish journalis- the big names, have been raised tic credibility, and we definitely with prime examples of what agree with the Daniel Patrick NOT to do, and hopefully will Moynihan quote Koppel uses have learned from the mis“everyone is entitled to his own takes of their predecessors. In a opinion, but not his own facts” world where accurate informawe don’t believe journalism is tion is key, younger generations beyond repair. have fled from such shows in a The obvious biases of such wild attempt to find some truth figures has been used by the in the world. Thus explains the media corporations for popularity of Comedy years as a way of turn- REVIEW’S Central’s Jon Stewing news into entertainart, who despite quite VIEW ment to make money. clearly being an enterIn a way, however, it tainer was named the is the clarity of the connections fourth most-trusted journalist between political parties and in a 2007 poll by Pew Research the networks that will eventu- Center for the People and the ally be the downfall of such Press. Part of the reason for stations. this is that he was one of the Most of the talking heads few people on television who currently employed grew up presented things the way they with prime examples of how were before tearing them apart, journalism should be done, rather than intertwining opinion such as Edward R. Murrow and and news. For example, his inWalter Cronkite. The newer terview with Jim Cramer, host


The Washburn Review

“I haven’t really had any issues with it, but it’s nice to have a week where the teachers don’t assign anything.”

is going to be very successful? Peter Ruby Freshman

“Professors assign work before (success week) and say we have the week to get it done so it really won’t make a difference.”

Stacia Gericke Senior

“I just looked at my agenda and I have 3 projects due next week, so no.”

Interviews and photos by Adam Stephenson

C A M E R O N’ S


Cameron Hughes is a sophomore art and graphic design major who is tired of the disappointments that Christmas brings. Reach him at cameron. hughes@washburn.edu.

week is good policy


As success week nears, students realize just how little their professors care about the policy that is supposed to ensure maximum study time. They’ve heard multiple times about how success week (or dead week or whatever you want to call it) can contribute to the academic excellence of their students. It’s also been part of the faculty handbook long before the Love-Onek administration made it a prominent issue on their campaign platform. Yet the faculty isn’t buying it. Students run themselves ragged this time of year trying to finish final projects and semester compilations. Stress levels jump to the danger point, along with coffee, snack, cigarette and liquor sales. It’s not that I think that college professors are bad people. I understand that the song and dance routine performed by students every day (the it-musthave-been-accidentally-deleted and oops-I-didn’t-hear-yousay-that routine) FROM THE must get EDITOR pretty old, but that often leads to a callousness toward the individuals who do exert themselves in class. That is the unfortunate part. Of course, there will be students who abuse the week of academic relaxation. Many of my counterparts whose professors have agreed to success week have already made their plans: for one week, they’ll party hard, play beer pong and drink whatever’s left of those Four Loko cans in the fridge. Then, Sunday night, they’ll hit the books again to salvage their brain puddles and grades. Some students will not be partying and will use the lack of pressure to get in some extra studying, and maybe a tad of relaxation as the week is intended. However, I would like to point out that not all of the “party kids” are bad students, just as not all of the students who will be studying are models of excellence. Some of them are students who have worked hard all semester, and are now reaping the fruits with a bit of worry free relief before once again plunging into caffeinated power-study sessions. That’s what is so appealing about success week. Not everyone studies the same way. I personally work well under pressure, so success week will be spent cleaning my apartment and doing final projects for all the classes where my professors have conveniently ignored the administrative dictates. Finals week will still be a rush of madness and strain, because that is just the way I roll. But not everyone is like me. A lot of people will actually use success week to study and prepare and do the “responsible thing.” Professors just need to realize that while students such as myself will abuse the leeway given to us, measures like success week allow everyone, both the pressure workers and the people who shut down, to be able to practice their best methods of preparation. Regina Budden is a senior mass media major. Reach her at regina. budden@washburn.edu.


Wednesday, December 1, 2010

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wednesday, Decemeber 1, 2010

Washburn student hits BMX track Jennie Loucks WASHBURN REVIEW

small, so for most competitions, Walter and her brother travel out of state. To date, they have Full-time student. Fifteen competed throughout the Midcredit hours, mostly upper divi- west, as well as in New Mexico, sion Spanish and Mass Media Florida, South Carolina, Texas, classes. Part-time job at a day Wisconsin and Minnesota. care. Graduation, a quick year Since local races are and a half away. sparsely attended, Walter finds This sounds like the typi- herself competing against her cal profile of a college student, twin, but when asked about working toward a degree, and sibling rivalry, she jokingly exworking even more to pay for plained. said degree. Now, add in the “My brother usually wins, full-time hobby: amateur Bi- but that’s better than racing cycle Motocross (BMX) biker, someone slower because I’m This is the life of Washburn stu- constantly trying to keep up,” dent Bridget Walter. said Walter. Born and raised in Topeka, Margaret Walter, Bridget’s Walter was introduced to BMX mother, agreed that sibling ri12 years ago when her twin valry is not a real issue, attribbrother, Devin, began partici- uting this geniality to the fact pating in the sport. that they are two siblings not of “My brother started racing the same sex. a year before me, and I went “When it comes to the nato all of his races. I decided I tionals and big races, where it wanted to try it out, too,” said really counts, they aren’t in the Bridget Walter. “I didn’t like same class, so it isn’t so much it that much at first because of a problem,” said Margaret I didn’t really care about it. I Walker. was just doing it because my “I think just being able to brother was doing it.” watch the kids race and do well Her enthusiasm grew is my favorite part of the sport. gradually. Today, Walter’s en- I really enjoy most the aspects tire family is involved in the of it. I like meeting new famisport. Her parents took over— lies and hanging out with them and now run whenever we the local BMX “ see them at a track, Heartland national. Just They get this fire BMX, where the whole expeshe and Devin in their eyes and rience.” help out. they start to really Both Wal“[Running ter children want to compete. the track] is are sponsored gratifying be- It makes it all by Redline cause you get to worth it. Bicycles, a go out there and manufacturing do all the work - Bridget Walter company, and and you get to BMX racer and Adventure Bisee these little Washburn student cycles, a shop kids come out based out of and race,” said ” Minnesota. The Michael Walsponsorships ter, Bridget’s father. “Some of them are slower and some are include bikes, parts and unifaster, and then all of a sudden, forms. Each racer competes on one kid will get it. They get two bikes, the Class or 20-inch this fire in their eyes and they wheel bike, and the Cruiser, or start to really want to compete. 24-inch wheel. It makes it all worth it.” “A national competition On top of school and work, takes all weekend, said Bridget Walter practices once a week, Walter. There will be practice for two hours, and races once Friday afternoon, and a prea week. BMX bikers stay in race on Friday evening. Then shape by training in the areas of practice Saturday morning. weight lifting, plyometrics, and National No. 1 is Saturday sprints. afternoon, and National No. 2 The BMX season runs is on Sunday. There are two from March to November, giv- qualifying rounds, and then the ing bikers a break through the main event. There are usually winter months. 1,000 racers, give or take, Locally, BMX interest is

Smarter than average band Bad religion releases album for 30th b-day Ryan Hodges WASHBURN REVIEW

Photo courtesy of Bridget Walter

Over The Hills and Far Away: Bridget Walter, a Washburn junior, competes in a BMX competition. Balancing a heavy class load and a parttime job, Walter has followed in her twin brother’s footsteps in motocross competition. at each national race,” said Bridget Walter. Walter is currently ranked first in the nation on her Cruiser, and fifth in the nation on her Class bike. For each race a biker participates in, he or she accumulates points, which are how rankings are decided. Points earned in local races accumulate to create a district ranking, and national competitions do the same for nation ranking. Along with points, all races give trophies to the winners. Devin Walter explained that BMX has its definite advantages over other more-common sports.

“Everyone gets to shred. There is no sitting on the bench here or waiting for someone to pass you the ball,” said Devin Walter. So far in the two Walters’ careers as amateur BMX bikers, they have had the opportunity to meet numerous professional BMX bikers, including two athletes who competed in the most recent Olympics. “We met Kyle Bennett and Donny Robinson, and they were really cool guys. They’re sponsored by companies like Nike and McDonalds, so they’re big names,” said Bridget Walter.

Jennie Loucks is is a member of Regina Cassell’s feature writing class.

Image courtesy of Epitaph Records Beginning in 1979, during the hazy days of the southern Most interestingly, though is California punk rock scene, the fourth track “Won’t SomeBad Religion introduced their body,” which began life as an unique brand of harmonized acoustic demo on the deluxe punk rock with their 1981 self- edition of the band’s 2007 altitled EP and later the punk bum “New Maps of Hell.” classic “How Could Hell Be The overall awesomness Any Worse?” As one can guess of “Dissent of Man” is both an by the band’s name, Bad Reli- honor and a curse. It sounds gion has, since the beginning, just like a Bad Religion album set their sights on organized should sound. All of the elereligion. Early records popped ments are there: High Octane out classics like “I Want to guitars, great vocal harmonies Conquer the World”, “(You (fans of bands like Green Day Are) The Government”, “Flat and the Offspring should pay Earth Society” and “Damned attention here—they got it to Be Free.” from Bad Religion) and lyrics Earning a doctorate from profound enough that a dicCornell University in zoology tionary is required for transla—based on research focused tion. on evolutionary biology—and The downside of that awewith regular teaching com- somness is that, when commitments to the University of pared to the band’s 30 years of California-Los Angeles, lead music, “Dissent of Man” actusinger Gregory Walter Graffin, ally comes across as boring is possibly the smartest man to and forgettable. It’s nothing rock a microphone stand. to be ashamed of, a lot of the The rest of the band bands people grew up loving though, haven’t been slouch- have fallen into the same hole: es, either. Lead guitarist and U2, Metallica, R.E.M. Even co-songwriter Brett my beloved Pearl Gurewitz founded the have fallen into MUSIC Jam indie-darling recording this same trap. It’s REVIEW hard to keep the fire label, Epitaph Records to originally release the and passion of a band first Bad Religion albums. That just breaking through sustainlabel eventually flourished to able. It’s hard to be in the include bands like the Off- same headspace as 30 years spring. Geurwitz was in turn ago when you now have the forced to temporarily leave the title “doctor” added to your band in the mid-1990s to con- credentials, you’re noticeably centrate on his label’s success. balder than you used to be and To celebrate their 30th you now have young children anniversary, the band began to care for. by releasing a free live album Which finally brings the over the internet and then by story back to Neil Young’s introducing their 15th studio classic line, “Is it better to album “The Dissent of Man,” burn out than to fade away?” A quick listen to the first Kurt Cobain tried one answer. three tracks “The Day That The Bad Religion is looking to Earth Stalled,” “Only Rain” find another. and “The Resistance” should Ryan Hodges is a junior social give you a pretty good idea work major. He can be reached at about what this band is about. ryan.hodges@washburn.edu

Bring the rain... and spitballs Book teaches art of cubicle warfare

Photo by Ryan Hodges, Washburn Review

The Maul Gun: Composed of nothing more than binder clips and rubber bands, the Maul Gun is capable of launching a pencil or other projectile with enough force to penetrate cardboard. The Maul Gun is one of several projects featured in the book ‘Mini Weapons of Mass Destruction.’ To see video of the Maul Gun in action, check online at www.washburnreview.org.

Ryan Hodges WASHBURN REVIEW John Austin’s book, “Mini Weapons of Mass Destruction: Build Implements of Spitball Warfare,” can help you unleash your inner evil genius and be your guide to (mostly) harmless revenge, which of course is a dish best served cold. Working with typical office supplies like pens, pencils, paper and rubber bands, the book takes you step-by-step through a series of build plans that range from harmless office pranks to Mythbustersapproved “do not try this at

home.” Safety is, of course, priority number one in this book, so protective eyewear is advised for all projects.As William Shakespeare wrote in ‘Julius Cesar, “Cry Havoc! And let slip the dogs of war.” For the paranoid, please note: This is not “The Anarchist’s Cookbook.” In fact, even the most explosive projects are only designed to make a loud boom, at most. “Mini Weapons” is more prank than terrorist blueprint and (probably) won’t get you listed on the Transportation Security Administration’s no-fly list. This book really is “for enter-

tainment purposes only.” The book is broken down into sections including “small launchers,” “bows and slingshots,” “darts,” “catapults” and the ever-popular “combustion shooters” and “minibombs and Claymore mines.” The projects range in complexity from 60 seconds to 60 minutes. If you are fighting an intense battle of cubicle warfare, build yourself a bb Pencil. Using a mechanical pencil, rubber bands, tape and Airsoft bb’s for ammo, you can make yourself a shooter capable on inflicting, well, zero damage to your opponent. It will, however, get

someone’s attention. And if you want to get really fancy, you can add a laser pointer for aim and a clip for holding additional ammunition. The Maul Gun is particularly impressive. Capable of piercing cardboard with ease, the gun is made of nothing more than binder clips and rubber bands. While it’s not the most accurate weapon in your cubicle arsenal, it does throw pencils with admirable velocity. Never underestimate the power of rubber bands. If you need to get the attention of someone in the next cubicle, well grab your #2 Catapult and unleash a torrent of erasers, paperclips or spitballs on all who chose to ignore you. In the wrong hands, rubber bands can, indeed, be potentially dangerous. If you have a roommate who won’t leave the thermostat alone, simply booby trap said thermostat with a mousetrap claymore mine designed to shoot Nerds candy in the general direction of anyone foolish enough to change the thermostat. For a more Holly-

Illustration courtesy of ‘Mini Weapons of Mass Destruction’

wood effect, replace the Nerds with flour for a big “poof.” This book makes for great “rainy-day” fun. It’s like Kindergarten crafts—only more entertaining. The projects are easy to build, require materials that can be easily found around the home or office and can provide hours of time-wasting


So the next time you enter the Student Publications office, watch out for the sign that says, “Death from Above!!!!!” Ryan Hodges is a junior social work major. He can be reached at ryan.hodges@washburn.edu

Arts & Entertainment • Wednesday, December 1, 2010


Lecture previews Egypt trip Egypt has a dry climate, Once arriving in Luxor, and is more arid in the south. they will fly back to Cairo for “You would not need a the remainder of the trip before jacket in May,” said Soliman. returning home May 31. Arabic is the primary lanThe cost per person is guage spoken in Egypt, but $3,995. The tour includes people also speak English and transportation, hotel accomFrench. Onemodations, third of the “ 18 meals, “Seven Wonders and tour Every inch of the World,” highlights. of Egypt has are in Luxor. The deposit “The best for the trip something to see feature about is $350 per and do. Egypt is the person, and people. They’re - Dr. Hesham Soliman is due by very friendly March 18, Egyptologist and it is very 2011. They safe, both day will have a ” maximum of and night,” said Soliman. 40 people on “They’re very helpful if you the trip, so it will be on a first get lost, and help find you find come, first serve basis. your way. They provide the best “We’ve sold out every trip Egyptologists and tour guides. we have taken,” said Hoffman. They show everything both “The benefit of travelling as a modern and ancient, and it all group is safety in numbers.” comes together beautifully.” To make reservations, or The Association will leave for more information about the from Kansas City International trip, contact Hoffmann at suAirport to John F. Kennedy Air- san.hoffmann@washburn.edu, port in New York, then non-stop or visit the Washburn Alumni to Cairo. Guests will stay at the Association office, located inGrand Hyatt Hotel in Cairo, and side of the Bradbury Thompson then will go to Abu Simbel and Alumni Center. Aswan, where they will go on a four-day cruise down the Nile. “Those who haven’t visited Michelle Boltz is a sophomore Egypt by cruise haven’t seen all mass media major. Reach her at of Egypt,” said Soliman. michelle.boltz@washburn.edu.


Guest speaker Hesham Soliman spoke about the wonders of Egypt, for the Washburn Alumni Association. The Washburn Alumni Association is sponsoring a trip to Egypt from May 21 to 31, 2011, which includes a fourday cruise down the Nile River. This is the Association’s first trip to Egypt. This fall, the Washburn Alumni Association returned from a trip to Spain, Italy, Portugal and Gibraltar on an Iberian Peninsula cruise. The Association sponsors two trips a year, one in the fall, and one in the spring. “We have travelled all over the world,” said Susie Hoffmann, director of the Washburn Alumni Association. Soliman has been an Egyptologist for the past 20 years, and centered his presentation on ancient Egyptian art, history and religion. Soliman showed a 12-minute film on Egypt’s highlights, as well as various historical sites. “Every inch of Egypt has something to see and do,” said Soliman. “It will be as if you’re on a time machine, villages are the same as they were 5,000 years ago.” MEDITERRANEAN SEA


Travel Itinerary:

Cairo Taba

Sharm El Sheikh El Gouna Hurghada



Eduf Aswan

Abu Simbel

Kom Ombo Marsa Alam

Lake Nasser

Day 1 – Depart U.S. Day 2 – Cairo Day 3 – Cairo - Abu Simbel - Aswan Nile Cruise Day 4 - Nile Cruise Kom Ombo - Edfu Day 5 - Nile Cruise Edfu - Luxor Day 6 - Nile Cruise Luxor Day 7 - Luxor - Cairo Day 8 – Cairo Day 9 - Cairo Day 10 – Return to U.S.

Graphic courtesy of Patricia Peterson

Head Change hosts CD release show Trish Peterson WASHBURN REVIEW For those interested in new, local rock, Head Change is one group to check out. They played a packed house this last Friday at the Granada in Lawrence, 1020 Massachusetts Street, along with two other local Topeka and Lawrence bands, Mirror Image and Sixteen Penny. Promoting their new album “The Truth” which released on Friday, they sold 100 copies at their nearly sold-out show. Head Change has been together for a few years, and originally consisted of different members. Wyatt Decsh, lead vocalist says the band has been around for seven years, but the current members have been together for about a year and a half. Josh Sterling, guitarist, is an original member who grew up with Decsh and have been playing together since their school years. Dustin Robbins, drummer, and Nathan Sterling, bass guitar were both recruited by Decsh and Sterling after going through one or two others who didn’t perform to standards. The group has been creating songs together and Decsh describes the new songs as a collaboration of everyone writing their own parts to tell a story. They still play original

songs from the first years, but are getting enough new songs that they don’t need to play the old ones. Head Change plays all over Topeka in various bars, most popular at the Boobie Trap and Ruffnecks on weekends, as the headliners. They have also done shows in Kansas City, Lawrence and Emporia, as their fan base is getting larger with every show. Not only have they accumulated many fans in the time they have been playing, but their album producer, Paul Schneider of RunDown Studios, saw something special in them as well. When talking about studio time and actually recording their songs, Decsh described Schneider as someone who they hit off with immediately and helped them with recording. “[Schneider] has believed in us and gave us a lot more

time in the studio,” said Decsh. “He has been close and honest with us from the beginning.” Their music is a cross between Tool and Breaking Benjamin, Decsh’s voice resplendent of Benjamin and the melodies similar to Tool. Although their sound is like these bands, they still have their own emotion that tells the truth of their band. “We are original, we are not trying to be like everyone else is today,” said Sterling when describing the band’s sound. Head Change’s new album is available on iTunes. The band is also on Facebook and album requests can be e-mailed to headchangeband@yahoo. com.

Trish Peterson is a sophomore mass media major. Reach her at patricia.peterson@washburn.edu.


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review sports washburn university

Wednesday, DECEMBER 1, 2010

Blues start conference undefeated Sam Sayler WASHBURN REVIEW After losing two exhibition games against the University of Kansas and Kansas State University, the Washburn Lady Blues basketball team started the season strong on Nov. 15, beating Southwest College 9160. “The level of play is a little lower than what we play at,” said Ron McHenry, Lady Blues coach, of the victory. “So, coming in, we needed a little confidence. We needed to play well. We needed to get our heads up after taking a couple of bumps against some pretty teams.” Members of the team were quite satisfied with the outcome of the game. “Yeah, we did get off to a good start,” said Raychel Bol-

ing, senior forward. “It takes us team. a while to get used to each other “We only have two seniors playing, since we are a young this year,” said Mullen. “We and new team, but I believe we lost four or five last year and did really well. We executed our entire starting lineup, so we the plays right and I think this have to completely rebuild our season will be a great season.” team from the ground up.” Boling had one thing in Mullen also looks forward particular in mind going into to dominating the court, just as the season. her favorite dinosaur Tyranno“I’m really looking for- saurus Rex dominated the Creward to playing taceous Period. Emporia because “I’m looking LADY BLUES last year, we forward to a difdid win against BASKETBALL ferent role,” said them, but they did Mullen. “I’ve win the national always been a championship,” said Boling. defensive role and rebounding “So it’s really a goal for us to and everything like that. I’m win against them and go to trying to step up to more of a battle with them and hopefully scoring and just being a team kick their butts.” leader.” Senior forward Alyssa Coach McHenry was exMullen discussed the difficulty cited to test out the new batch of bonding with an entirely new of players on the court.

“A lot of these kids have played in our system, just not maybe starters,” said McHenry. “So we have kind of a younger, less experienced group right now that is gaining experience all the time. At some point, we got to, we’re talking about young and inexperienced, become players, and carry ourselves to win championships, which this team has the ability to do. So, I think its a little slower process, but we should, if we all buy into it, run the system, I think we can.”

Sam Sayler is an undecided sophomore. Reach him at samuel. sayler@washburn.edu.

Photo by Mike Knipper, Washburb Sports Information

Sharp shooter: Stevi Schultz, Lady Blues junior, shoots against Kansas State. The Lady Blues are ranked No. 4 in the country and play tonight.

Ichabod basketball cleans up Fantasy leagues await playoffs

Matt Lazzo WASHBURN REVIEW The Ichabod basketball team left all memories behind of their three exhibition losses, disposing of Peru State College (Neb.), 97-50 in their first regular season game of the year. Washburn held Peru State to just 31 percent shooting on the night and forced 27 turnovers. With the Ichabod defense making opportunities, it seemed to kick-start an offense that had previous struggles on the offensive end. The Ichabods shot a staggering 60 percent from the field, going 9-20 from threepoint range. The Ichabods followed their opening night win with another victory, trouncing Kansas Wesleyan University. Their shots continued to fall with regularity in the friendly confines of Lee Arena, using three pointers to jump start a 99-52 win. The Ichabods tied a school record converting 15 threepointers, 11 of which were in the opening half. Their hot start offensively was preceded once again by a stellar effort on the defensive end of the floor, forcing the Coyotes into 26 turnovers on the night. The Ichabods looked to continue their success, heading west for the Grand Canyon Thanksgiving Invitational and an opening night game against

Columnist gives fantasy playoff tips Josh Rouse WASHBURN REVIEW

Photo by Matt Wilper. KAW Yearbook

Strong Start: After losing their first three exhibition games against Division I oppnents, the Ichabods are showing a strong start toward a winning season. Washburn’s first conference game is tonight at 7pm in Lee Arena. the Antelopes of Grand Canyon University. The Ichabods victory was overshadowed by a career-high 38 point performance by senior forward, Logan Stutz. Stutz caught fire early scoring 17 points in the first half, leading the Ichabods to a 40-31 lead at the half. Washburn never relinquished the lead in an 86-81 win over the host school. The Ichabods’ second game of the Turkey Day sabbatical pitted them against Fort Lewis College. The Ichabods fell for the first time this season in a 66-77 loss to the Skyhawks.

Washburn could not continue their offensive prowess, connecting on a season-low four three-pointers and shot just 37 percent from the field. Stutz led the Ichabods with 22 points following his 38 point performance the night before. Adversity can bring a team closer together and catapult it to an expected level of performance. With the start of the MIAA season on tap, the Ichabods cannot dwell on their final game defeat in Arizona. Washburn opens the conference schedule on Dec. 1 in a matchup against the Univer-

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sity of Nebraska—Omaha; the team that brought their 20092010 MIAA tournament run and season to a close. After the exhibition slate and start of the regular season, the Ichabods have shown that they can make the necessary adjustments to become a championship caliber team. Expectations are high for this Ichabod team as the season begins with the start of conference play. Matt Lazzo is a senior communications major. Reach him at matt. lazzo@washburn.edu.

LOVE SPORTS? Apply to be a sports writer today at:

www. washburn review .org

Steve Johnson—Buffalo Bills, WR START ‘EM: After an emotional breakdown following his dropped game-winning touchdown pass in the Pittsburgh game, Johnson will be looking to rebound in a big way against the NFL’s No. 14 pass defense. He has had a swirl of controversy after apparently blaming God for the dropped pass on his Twitter account, but most great receivers tend to come with baggage. If you’re looking for a huge point total this week from a wide receiver, put Johnson in your starting line up and say a little prayer.

As the fantasy football playoff weeks draw near, a few last minute changes could mean the difference between playing in a consolation game and winning the league championship. Brian Westbrook - San Francisco 49ers, RB Randy Moss—Tennessee START ‘EM: Westbrook Titans, WR is replacing Pro Bowl running SIT ‘EM: Since rookie back Frank Gore after Gore quarterback Rusty Smith was suffered a fractured hip Mon- unable to do anything against day night. Westbrook rushed the lousy Houston Texans pass 23 times for 136 yards and a defense, don’t expect things to touchdown in the Niners’ 27-6 improve this week as they take victory against the Arizona Car- on another lackluster seconddinals, and should remain the ary from Jacksonville. Moss starter for the rest has caught only of the season. As four passes in the FANTASY far as his skill set, three games he’s FOOTBALL he is very similar played with Tento Gore but has nessee, and albeen hampered in though you could the past by injuries. With only say he’s improving, you could five games left in the season, also say he’s got nowhere to go and considering his workload but up. Fellow Tennessee rehas been minimal this season, ceiver Nate Washington should chances are good he will make also be riding the bench, if you it through the fantasy playoffs haven’t already dropped him. unscathed. Jacoby Ford—Oakland Fred Jackson—Buffalo Raiders, WR Bills, Running Back START ‘EM: Ford has SIT ‘EM: Jackson has been impressive lately, having played very strong as of late, big games against the Kanhaving big games against De- sas City Chiefs and the Miami troit, Cincinnati and last Sun- Dolphins. He not only does a day against Pittsburgh. This good job on the receiving end, week, however, may be a good but also in the return game, as time to sit him if you have other he returned the opening kickoff viable options at running back. against the Dolphins 101 yards Jackson will be facing a tough for a touchdown. The Raiders front seven from Minnesota, will look to run heavily against which last year was amongst the Chargers this weekend, but the league’s best rushing de- he has a solid chance to use his fenses and this year, despite speed for a breakaway touchbeing less dominant, are still down reception or another big quite staunch in the middle as return. Following that game the fifth best run defense in the he faces two very weak pass NFL. The Minnesota lineback- defenses in Jacksonville and ers have enough speed to keep Denver. He has yet to string Jackson from totaling another together multiple solid games, 100-yard receiving game as he but that could begin this week. did against Pittsburgh, and Buffalo quarterback Ryan Fitzpatrick will probably be looking to target Steve Johnson and his other receivers downfield quite a bit against Minnesota’s weak secondary. If you don’t have any other options, he may still Josh Rouse is a senior mass media be worth starting, but I wouldn’t major. Reach him at joshua. rouse@washburn.edu. count on it this week.

Sports • Wednesday, December 1, 2010


Moeller finds home at Washburn Rob Burkett WASHBURN REVIEW

From as far away as China to as close as Topeka every Washburn student has a journey and a story to tell. For one member of the Lady Blues basketball team, coming to Washburn is but one step on her trek. Sierra Moeller started her journey in Pierre, S.D. where she grew up. Her first recollections of her youth revolved around the sport that she came to love as a child. Starting out in third grade, Moeller figured out early on that this was a sport she could really enjoy. “I just really loved playing,” said Moeller. “It’s just one of those things that came naturally to me so I just fell in love with that.” As she continued in her playing career, her parents sought out opportunities for her daughter. Being from a smaller community with no American Amateur Union opportunities in the state, Moeller and her mother showed their dedica-

tion in making a routine eighthour drive to Minnesota so that she could join a club team and have a chance to travel around the country playing against top talent. During her time playing AAU basketball, Moeller started looking at colleges and initially had her eyes set on the University of New Mexico. It wouldn’t be until through some mutual friends that she came to the attention of Boise State University. So Moeller once again set her sights on a new school and ended up attending BSU for her freshman year where she appeared in 32 games and had success. However, her time at Boise State just wasn’t what she was looking for and she left school and came home. “It was a nice school with nice people but I just never really felt comfortable there,” said Moeller. After taking a semester off, Moeller then started working at a golf course in the Lawrence, area as she enrolled at the Uni-

versity of Kansas for her sophomore year. Eventually, Moeller had visits lined up with Brigham Young University in Utah to play basketball there. Her plans though were interrupted by Washburn head basketball coach Ron McHenry. “He just came in right there at the snack table at the golf course where I was working and recruited me right there, always saying that if I changed my mind that he would love to talk me coming to Washburn,” said Moeller. Knowing nothing about Washburn, Moeller came to Topeka and looked around the campus. Seeing the level of accomplishment in McHenry’s tenure at Washburn registered with Moeller, giving her something to think about as she planned to go out to Utah. “I mean, seeing the national title trophy and all the winning seasons really made me realize that coach Mac had a great thing going at Washburn,” said Moeller.

As she set out to see the campus at BYU, second thoughts crept through her mind. “As I was driving toward Denver, I just didn’t feel right about the decision to go down there so I turned around and called coach Mac,” said Moeller. Now that Moeller is at Washburn, she feels at peace with her decision to stay with the Lady Blues. “I feel like everything just fits right here,” said Moeller. Part of the appeal to her is the close knit group that is Lady Blues basketball giving her the sense of belonging at Washburn. “It’s kind of a family type thing,” said Moeller. “Off the court we’re close, so it’s great.”

Rob Burkett is a senior mass media major. Reach him at robert. burkett@washburn.edu.

Photo by Josh Rouse, Washburn Review

Long road?: Sierra Moeller, Lady Blues basketball plyaer, has taken the long road before finally ending up at Washburn.

RoadRunners bounce back strong

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to after losing 3-2 the night before. “We attacked with great A night after watching the energy (in the second period,)” Amarillo Bulls come from be- said Langer. “I thought everyhind with three third period one was contributing on all goals to win, the four lines. Topeka RoadOur defense Runners wanted “ picked it to answer. I thought everyone up.” Five goals After was contributing in the second a difficult on all four lines. period seemed night on the like a reasonpowerplay Our defense able answer. the previpicked it up. Three goals by ous night, Amarillo (15Topeka (145-1) in the third 6-2) scored period made it three straight - Scott Langer close for compowerplay RoadRunners head coach fort. goals by But in the Brian Chris” tie, Nate end, the RoadRunners were Milam, and able to hold on Jacob Poe at the Bulls late charge as they the 5:54, 7:19, and 7:42 marks defeated Amarillo 5-4 Saturday to propel them. They followed night at Landon Arena. with two more even strength Topeka coach Scott Langer goals from Justin Hussar and said for the first two periods, Ryan White later in the period in which his team held a 27-12 to give them a 5-0 lead. shot advantage, his team reBut after a late second pesponded how he wanted them riod goal from the Bulls made

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it a 5-1 game going into second intermission. The third period, which accounted for 77 penalty minutes overall and multiple game misconducts, saw an even strength goal from Amarillo’s Chris Cass at the 12:52 mark to make it a three goal game. With 5 on 3 powerplays on both occasions, the Bulls tacked on goals at the 17:26 and 19:00 mark and pulled their goalie in the final minute in attempt to tie the game but were unsuccessful as Topeka held on for the victory. Rasmus Tirronen got the victory for Topeka, stopping 18 of 22 shots. Amarillo pulled its starter Nikifor Szczerba after he gave up three goals on 20 shots. Steve Bolton then stopped 10 of 12 shots, getting the loss for the Bulls. Ryan White, who had the game-winning goal and two assists on the night, was overall satisfied his team was able to pull off the victory, regardless of circumstances, going into a road series next weekend with the St. Louis Bandits. St. Louis is currently leading the North

American Hockey League North Division with a 18-7-3 record. “That was the biggest thing for us (to win against Amarillo) so now we can at least go into St. Louis with our heads up,” said White. “Hopefully, we’ll put a whole 60 minutes together.” Langer also acknowledged there were struggles over the weekend for both of the game’s third periods, but that they can’t let that affect their mentality. “You can’t dwell on that third period, because I really do believe we played four solid periods of hockey this weekend,” said Langer. “Things sometimes don’t go right, but we’re not going to dwell on it, we’re just going to move ahead.”

Richard Kelly is a junior mass media and social work major. Reach him at richard.kelly@washburn. edu.

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Week Ten

the staff

w e i v e Staff Pick ‘Em R e Th

the games Washburn vs MIdwestern Oregon at Oregon State @ Auburn at South Carolina




Mike G.










Oregon State




Oregon State

South Carolina



South Carolina

South Carolina






















Denver Broncos at Kansas City Chiefs




New York Jets at New England Patriots














Cowboys Colts

Pittsburgh Steelers at Baltimore Ravens







Steelers Cowboys

Oakland Raiders at San Diego Chargers








Oklahoma at Nebraska USC at UCLA

Dallas Cowboys at Indianapolis Colts

USC Chiefs Georgia Tech

Last Week Record
















The Review Staff Pick ‘Em is a weekly feature where we pick the winners of college and pro football games around the country. Check back weekly to see our standings!

acter from the Oscar-winning motion picture. “There was a player who Ancient Taoist masters looked like he was from a movonce proclaimed, “Don’t start ie,” said Scott. “That movie none, won’t be none.” At- was ‘Avatar.’ So he would tendees of Washburn Ichabods’ come over to the sideline, and football games have no doubt I’d shout ‘Avatar!” and he noticed the Marching Blues, would just make this angry who frequently interact with face, so I knew he’d been called both the crowd and the rival that before.” contenders. Scott also clarified the ageAlong with their instru- old dispute of the difference bemental support of the team, the tween the Washburn marching band has made its mission to band and the pep band. intimidate and taunt opposing “The marching band plays teams with brass, percussion, at football games,” said Scott, and woodwind instruments. who is a member of the pep “We just want everybody band as well. “And the pep in the crowd and on the field to band plays at basketball games, get involved and get excited,” both girls and boys.” said Nick Scott, sophomore Antics similar to those of marching band member. “The the football games seem to have marching band repremade their way off sents the school. PeoSCHOOL of the gridiron and ple see the marching onto the basketball SPIRIT band, and they’re like, court. At one of last ‘Oh, they’re so cool year’s games, the and organized.’ We just get ev- pep band nearly caused a foul erybody energized.” for Washburn after making ofTo achieve their goals in fensive and obscene gestures the past, the Marching Blues with a flute. have goaded opposing teams, “I didn’t go to many basbut there are limits to what is ketball games last year, but I acceptable behavior in the line plan to make it to as many as of duty. I can this year,” said Scott. “I “We try not to swear,” said don’t that either of the WashScott. “We try not to do any- burn basketball teams get nearthing derogatory to the other ly enough support, and I think it team because they’re doing will a ton of fun to cheer them what they need to do, but it on in a different venue.” doesn’t always work that way. It’s college sports, after all.” Scott reminisced about a Sam Saylor is an undecided particular incident in which an sophomore. Reach him at samuel. adversary resembled a char- saylor@washburn.edu.


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