2010-11 issue21

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the review rom F oth washburn university

Washburn student “T.R.E.A.L.” has developed his own clothing line in Topeka A8

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Rizki Aljupri


Photo by Josh Rouse, Washburn Review


Rizki Aljupri is running for student body president this week along side his running mate Nic Campbell. Fully prepared for what this week has in store, Rizki remembers leaving his home of Jakarta, Indonesia to become an exchange student in America. “When I was in high school I was the student council president,” said Aljupri. “I had a great family, I had a great girlfriend, but I applied to be an exchange student, and I got a scholarship to be an exchange student, to finish my senior year in the United States. I was excited even though I had to leave every great thing that I had in my home town.” As difficult as this transition was, Aljupri was happy to be living in America, especially because of its educational system. Aljupri has enjoyed the great number of student activities within the U.S. school system, and has been involved in many student organizations. Aljupri reflected on his decision to get involved in the Washburn Student Government Association, and said that part of his reason for getting involved was because he felt there were things at Washburn that needed improvement. “First I saw the poster, at the time that they had open senate seat, and at the same time I thought that there were things that needed to be improved here on our campus,” said Aljupri. “After I saw that poster, I came to student government by myself, I met the chief of staff at the time, which was Lucas Mullin, I asked him a lot of questions. He convinced me to get involved in student government.” Aljupri served as a senator of WSGA in the communications committee, internal finance, and internal affairs. He is the current talks and topics director for Campus Activities Board, the president of Delta-Chi fraternity, a member of the Muslim Student Association, and is holding treasurer positions on the Greek Council, Inter-Fraternity Council, Alpha-Lambda-Delta honors society, and the International Club. Within these organizations, Aljupri has been extremely active. He has helped to host a week long competition to raise money for Jimmy V cancer research (the philanthropy of Delta-Chi), participated in hosting concerts for Washburn students in CAB, assisted

in hosting Casino Night for CAB, and has helped to bring in at least two speakers every year on behalf of CAB. These a just a few of the many events that Aljupri has participated in. Although it may sound as though Aljupri is overbooked, he feels that his high levels of involvement are a necessary response to a lack of involvement from the students at Washburn. “I do love this university, and I do think that I know what the problem is, why we do have a lack of involvement on this campus. Many people have told me ‘hey dude, you are too busy in terms of involvement,’ and I told them ‘yes that is probably true, but I do love what I’m doing right now,’ because I believe that what I’m doing right now is going to have a huge impact at Washburn.” Aljupri expressed an idea that, since he has been serving in so many organizations, perhaps it’s time that he serves the entire university once and for all. He feels that the best way to accomplish this is in becoming the student body president. Aljupri and his running mate have come up with a five-part platform for their campaign: start a campus radio station, provide an application for smartphone users to keep students informed of campus activities, begin a student government newsletter to keep students up to date on what WSGA is doing, host a public forum every month so that students can give their feedback to the student government and require that professors post grades online. Aljupri’s opponent, Taylor McGown and her running mate and Michael Kitowski also have a detailed platform. However, Aljupri disagrees with a few of their ideas. Their platform is widely focused on switching the online class software form Angel to a software called Blackboard. Aljupri feels that the switch will have little effect since both have been owned by the same company, ever since Blackboard bought out Angel in 2009. “Angel is a company that is under Blackboard right now. They do have the same concept. The other candidate’s argument is that Blackboard is faster, and it’s easier to be used by the students and the faculty, who can update the course materials from iPhone, Blackberry, or Android for smartphone users.” Aljupri stated that he has talked to the faculty, and has come to the conclusion that not many of them will be using Blackboard to update course materials, or for online class discussion. For this reason, he feels that switching the course software will have little affect on students and faculty. Above all, Aljupri encourages students to go to the Memorial Union, and vote for the next president and vice president of WSGA on March 9, 10, or 11. Aljupri stresses the importance of voting. “I hope that I will have vote from Washburn students next week during the election, but remember, that is not my main point, that’s not my main goal running for the office. My main goal is to encourage that Washburn students vote.”

Matthew Kelly is a junior mass media major. Reach him at matthew.kelly@washburn.edu


Candidate, Taylor McGown is eagerly anticipating this week’s WSGA presidential election. Alongside her running mate, Michael Kitowski, McGown is confident that her experiences in various executive positions at Washburn have provided her with the skills necessary to fill the role of student body president. “I’ve been extremely involved on campus, so I think that I know a lot of different people,” said McGown. “I believe that through my leadership experience in WSGA, as well as my other organizations, that I would be well suited for this position, to represent the students as a whole in all of the areas that the president has to represent the students in.” McGown has been interested in WSGA since she first stepped foot on the Washburn campus, as she has followed the in the footsteps of her older brother. “My brother was on student government when he attended Washburn, and he told me it was a great way to get involved, a great way to voice your opinion, and help out the students, so I thought, I can try it out and see what happens,” said McGown. During her freshman year, McGown was a senator in WSGA, spirit committee chair for WSGA, a member of Bod Squad and the Student Recreational and Wellness Club, and was initiated into the Alpha Lambda Delta freshman honor society. Since then she has held the role of WSGA public relations director, and is currently the president of Bod Squad, and WSGA budget director. These are some of the positions she has held at Washburn. As part of her platform, McGown has a long-term goal of extending the hours of the Mabee library to 24-hours-a-day. She also plans to change Washburn’s online course system from Angel to an alternative system called Blackboard. “We want to bring a 24-hour access library, which would be huge at this campus. We want to change our online system from Angel to Blackboard, which again is a huge decision that the university has to make. We just want to be at the highest level that we possibly can, we want to be that university that everybody looks at as: ‘they have the best technology, they have the best facility, they have the best resources that a university could offer’.” McGown said it could take a couple of years to make the 24-hour access library a reality due to the financial challenges, and logistical planning. However, she feels it is important that WSGA plan for the future, as well as focusing on short-term goals. Through her and her running mate’s interactions with the dean of libraries, Dr. Bearman, the three of them have agreed that extended library hours would help Washburn to compete with neighboring universities. “Obviously as soon as we get into office, we can’t snap our fingers and have a building built, but Michael and I have met with [Bearman] and he basically has been looking for students to push this for a very long time, because a lot of area schools have 24-hour access libraries. All of our neighboring schools do. I think that’s a major con-

Taylor McGown

B ides

volume 137, Issue 21 • wednesday, March 9, 2011

Photo by Josh Rouse, Washburn Review

cern, in that, we are behind a little bit.” At Washburn, many of the students who hold leadership positions tend to serve in multiple leadership positions on campus. Although McGown supports students who are so highly involved, she feels that this could be the symptom of a problem with student involvement in general; that students who are uninvolved on campus may not be fully enjoying their college experience. “It’s the same students over and over again in the same leadership positions. You see it all over campus. I was the president of Bod Squad and I’m trying for president of WSGA. I’m not saying it’s a bad thing that the students who like to be involved are involve, but there are so many positions out there that the students could have a part in.” McGown added: “Some students don’t realize they need that in their lives, to have that extracurricular activity. I would be so bored and so burnt out from school if I didn’t have Bod Squad and WSGA to actually do something fun rather than just study every night.” McGown’s opponents, Rizki Aljupri and running-mate Nic Campbell, have a detailed platform which, among other goals, involves starting a newsletter to keep students informed about want goes on at the WSGA senate meetings. Although McGown respects their goals to enhance communication between the students and their government, she did share a few criticisms. “That is a focus the WSGA needs to work on is to make sure that those lines of communication are open; that are minutes are always available for those students; that students know what we do inside and outside of senate. Our WSGA website already provides the minutes; already provides what we’re up to, and the events that we’re planning.” McGown went on to stress that the students are the central focus of her campaign, and that the students should feel free to approach her or her running-mate on any issue in order to better their college experience. “Our slogan is ‘for students, for change’. That means we are for you, and we are here to help you; here to give you the college experience that you want.”

Matthew Kelly is a junior mass media major. Reach him at matthew.kelly@washburn.edu

News • Wednesday, March 9, 2011



The Bod Beat King Lecture brings Jewett to Washburn Whitney Jones WASHBURN REVIEW

Wednesday, March 9

Ash Wednesday Mass at the Catholic Campus Center 1633 S.W. Jewell Ave. 12:05 to 1 p.m. OPEN meeting Henderson 107, Henderson Learning Resources Center 3 p.m. Sociology/Anthropology Club Henderson 107, Henderson Learning Resources Center 4 p.m. HiPACE speaker: John Herbert Stoffer 138, Stoffer Science Hall 7:30 p.m. Catholic Campus Center’s Theology of the Body Blair Room, Living Learning Center 6 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Farewell banquet for Fukuoka students Bradbury Thompson Alumni Center 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Presentation: Jim Keady, “Behind The Swoosh: Sweatshops and Social Justice” Washburn Room, Memorial Union 7 p.m. Thursday, March 10

Alpha Delta Taco Bar Alpha Delta House, 1919 S.W. Macvicar Ave. 5 to 9 p.m Play, “The Vagina Monologues” Andrew J. and Georgia Neese Gray Theatre, Garvey Fine Arts Center 7:30 p.m. King Lecture in Religious Studies by Robert Jewett Washburn Room, Memorial Union 7:30 p.m. Jazz ensemble concert White Concert Hall, Garvey Fine Arts Center 7:30 p.m. Friday, March 11 Technology Day Fair Washburn Room, Memorial Union 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. WU Board of Regents Mulvane Art Museum, north gallery 2 p.m. Baseball Falley Field, Washburn University 3 p.m. Root beer pong tournament Alpha Delta House, 919 S.W. Macvicar Ave. 5:30 to 9 p.m. Play, “The Vagina Monologues” Andrew J. and Georgia Neese Gray Theatre, Garvey Fine Arts Center 7:30 p.m.

Don’t see your event in the calendar? Call the Review newsroom at 6702506 to have your event included in an upcoming edition. It’s FREE. For upcoming Washburn athletic events, go to www.wusports.com.

Photos by Candice Morris, Washburn Review

Promises: Washburn students read selections from the play “Dead Man Walking” prior to Sister Helen Prejean’s presentation. The play has been performed in high schools and on college campuses across the country.

Play discusses death penalty Nicholas Birdsong WASHBURN REVIEW Bestselling author and anti-death penalty advocate Sister Helen Prejean visited Washburn on Thursday for a reading of “Dead Man Walking,” a play based on her book of the same name. Theatre students read excerpts from the play to the audience. A discussion on capitol punishment followed the reading. Prejean served as spiritual advisor to inmates condemned to death for their crimes. “Dead Man Walking” follows her journey with those men and describes the complex emotional Photos by Candice Morris, Washburn Review conflict surrounding capital Not in our name: Sister Helen Prejean gives an impassioned speech punishment. against the death penalty. Prejean is the author of “Dead Man Walking.” “What the play is about, is to take you deeply into your own read the character dialogue to from people who heard that heart and face the ambivalence the audience of students, fac- story and were touched by it,” said Kansas Coalition Against that we have to work through ulty and community members. After the reading, audience the Death Penalty board chair on this issue,” said Prejean. “It’s usually not a slam dunk members were invited to ask Donna Schneweis. “There are q u e s t i o n s people who will potentially thing with and give be discussing the question of most of thoughts on alternatives, the question of us; that we “ aspects of the deterrence and the question of There may be s h o u l d n ’t death pen- innocence. have the discussions that alty process. Kansas is one of 35 states death penhappen in subsequent A t t e n d e e s that currently allow the death alty or I’m asked how penalty although it has not been against the days from people it could be used since 1965. Ten inmates death penwho heard that story seen as cruel in the state are currently on alty. We to sentence death row, the costs of which have to go and were touched by someone to are 70 percent higher than the through and it. the death cost of non-death row inmates. look at it at -Donna Schneweis when they This provides a strong ecothe pain Chair, Kansas Coalition have com- nomic motivation for changing on both Against the Death Penalty mitted ter- Kansas law, according to the sides.” rible acts, KSCADP. “Dead The state legislature is curMan Walk” and if it was more eco- rently considering a bill that ing” is perhaps best known by the 1995 nomical to execute a criminal would eliminate the death penfilm adaptation of the same who would otherwise be taking alty in Kansas. HB 2323 would name starring Sean Penn and up space in prison. Other audi- replace the punishment related ence members shared personal to crimes currently warrantSusan Sarandon. Students from the Wash- stories of being a juror on a ing the death penalty to life in burn Theatre department partic- murder trial and being the fam- prison without the possibility of parole. ipated in the reading of excerpts ily of a murder victim. Event organizers were exfrom “Dead Man Walking.” Samantha Heath, Brandon Blick, cited by the discussions generNicholas Birdsong is a senior poAmanda Royer, Colby Cox, ated from the event. “There may be discussions litical science major. Reach him at Daniel Gilchrist and Janet Barr that happen in subsequent days nicholas.birdsong@washburn.edu

Topeka in memory of Thomas L. King, people from a variety of backgrounds can enjoy the Once a year the philosophy lectures. They are designed to department hosts the Thomas L. enhance the understanding of King Lecture for Washburn stu- religion within the context of dents, faculty and community. the humanities. This year it will be held at 7:30 “The topics cross over into p.m. Thursday, March 10 in the history, sociology, and other Washburn Room of the Memo- important subjects. It is not rial Union. Admission is free. just religion. He isn’t trying to Robert Jewett will present push his views on anyone,” said and will speak about “Jesus, Dena Anson, director of UniCaptain America and Barack versity Relations. Obama: The Superhero Myth Each year the turnout for in Contemporary America.” these lectures has been wide The presentation ranging. As the explores the danevent becomes gers of zealous ROBERT JEWETT more widely recLECTURE religious nationognized, many alism. community “We as Americans feel members choose to attend. The we are placed here to save the audience size is dependent on world and get involved all over. the speaker, and can range from He asks how is that working out 200 to 1,000 members. for us,” said Barry Crawford, a “Last year Mr. Jewett conphilosophy instructor at Wash- tacted us knowing he would be burn University. near at the time of the lecture Jewett has extensively re- and wanted to speak. He had searched the issue and looks at heard of it and wanted to be a it from many perspectives. He part,” said Crawford. asks what roles America plays This year marks the 30th on a global scale and the trou- anniversary for the lectures, ble that it causes into. whose focus changes from year He also published numer- to year. The philosophy departous books involving the New ment hopes that they will conTestament and is a professor tinue being able to host them of New Testament at Garrett- for at least another 30 years. Evangelical Theology Seminary. While the King Lectures Whitney Jones is a member of Reare funded by a donation from gina Cassell’s advanced newswritFirst Congregational Church of ing class.

Speaker to present on Nike sweatshops PRESS RELEASE The Washburn University Campus Activities Board is sponsoring an event, “Behind the Swoosh: Sweatshops and Social Justice,” at 7 p.m. March 9, in the Washburn Room, Memorial Union. This interactive multi-media presentation includes slides, role-playing and powerful video footage. You will learn about the month Jim Keady spent in an Indonesian factory workers’ slum living on $1.25 a day,

a typical wage paid to Nike’s subcontracted workers. Along with personal accounts, the presentation includes the latest information on Nike’s horrible labor and environmental practices and challenges their audience to deal in human terms with the women, men and sometimes children. Keady is a theologian, activist, educator and the founding director of Educating for Justice, Inc. The event is free and open to the public.

President’s Press -paid for byWSGA-

Hello Everyone! There are a lot of events going on this week (if you don’t believe us, check the calendar), but most importantly, voting for WSGA president, vice president and senators is going on this Wednesday through Friday. These positions represent the student body, which means their decisions affect YOU! So please, get interested and



March 9,10,11 Caley Onek, President Lucas Mullin, Vice President WSGA

News • Wednesday, March 9, 2011

The Other Guys

(Vice Presidential Candidates)

residential living, the smaller Robert Burkett school size and the ease with WASHBURN REVIEW which to become involved in Sometimes the familiar is campus life. All of those things what draws you to the next stop added up to Washburn ending along the road of life. up being the place that KitowsFor Michael Kitowski the ki felt was the place for him. journey begins in Flandreau, Now that he is a part of S.D. where he was born. Ki- the Washburn community, Kitowski spent the first four years towski spends as much time as of his life there before the fam- he can devote to his many purily relocated to Marysville, suits. Among those are his love Kan. of music and piano as he spends “It’s a smaller agricultural what time he can spare playing. community of about 3,000 peo- Beyond that, Kitowski finds he ple,” said Kitowski, “a small is most invigorated when intown where everybody knows volved in student organizations everybody baand concentratsically.” ing on his aca“ So when demic major. I like to walk he looked at, “Right around and Washburn not now I’m startonly was on the ing to really get socialize with list but became into my [hispeople. a measuring tory major],” stick of sorts. said Kitowski. “I want to - Michael Kitowski “I’m starting to say I was like Prospective WSGA get into major 10 when I came vice president requirements [to Washburn] which is fun.” for Sunflower With all ” that drives Music Festihim, val,” said Kitowski. “I played Kitowski still does manage to piano when I came here and it find time for relaxation and wasn’t a competition but was kicking back socially. a way to show you skills. So I “Probably my number one came here and I was over in the priority is Facebook,” said KiGarvey building and I just for towski jokingly. “But really it’s whatever reason just fell in love just anything socializing. I like with Washburn.” to walk around and socialize After that experience, Ki- with people. I try to go to the towski would measure every cafeteria and see if I see any of other school he visited against my friends there and talk.” what Washburn had to offer. Looking towards the fuSome of the things that stuck ture, Kitowski sees himself finout during his hunt for a school ishing up school with a degree that fit him were the better in history and then moving on Collection Bureau of Kansas is

Photo by Josh Rouse, Washburn Review

to post-graduate work via law school. However, Kitowski does acknowledge that as with some college students, plans can change. No matter what direction he chooses he still feels that academics are the most important thing at Washburn. That is what has inspired some of the ideas which he and his running mate, presidential candidate Taylor McGown are proposing. In particular the idea of a 24-hour access Mabee Library is one that springs from Kitowski’s beliefs in the role the library can play at Washburn. “The library is a fantastic resource that any university has,” said Kitowski. “It’s a central hub, because we are a community of learning at universities and that library can be a central hub of [the learning process].” As he continues to look into the future of Washburn, Kitowski envisions a campus that has evolved over time and hopefully with his help, will continue to do so. “We’ve had the Living Learning Center, the Art building and even the addition to the library is something that even improves Washburn further which helps bring it into a more modern era, which is nice.”

Robert Burkett is a senior mass media major. Reach him at robert. burkett@washburn.edu.

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Robert Burkett WASHBURN REVIEW Those that seek office, be it president of the United States or president of the homeowners association, all have one thing in common. They have a story to tell. For Nic Campbell, life has at times been all about the journey, literally. Born in Memphis, Tenn., Campbell grew up in a family that saw a lot of stops along the way. “I was born in Memphis, moved to Sarasota, Fla., for like three or four months and then back to Nashville for a couple of years, moved to Memphis for about six years,” said Campbell. “Then back to Nashville where we moved three or four different places in Nashville. Then moved to Pratt, Kan., for two and half years going to high school there and moved to Newton, [Kan.] and went to Halstead High School.” By the time high school ended, Campbell developed his self-professed love of politics and had a desire to study political science somewhere. That’s when Washburn entered the picture for him as he started investigating schools that might interest him. “At first I was really into political science,” said Campbell. “I’m a huge political nut, I guess you could say and also they have a pretty good pre-law program. I met with [professor Steve Cann], with all the prelaw advisors and I just really like it.”


Photo by Josh Rouse, Washburn Review

Beyond the academics, spoiled,” otherwise known as Campbell also immediately the sport of golf. found comfort in the atmoBeyond all the other things sphere at Washburn. According that make him who he is toto Campbell, that atmosphere day, Campbell still has goals to consisted of a culture of ev- achieve. Part of that is running eryone getting along and being for office as vice-president of friendly. The opportunity to be WSGA. Among the issues that able to know a large portion of he would like to tackle, Campthe campus was also very at- bell points to what he terms, tractive to him as well. “the big issues.” “You get to know every“I want to start working one personally instead of on a tuition, food services and start big campus like where there are having discussions on those 40,000 students,” said Camp- issues,” said Campbell. “Maybell. be some of those Beyond that, things are long Campbell also felt VP HOPEFUL processes that you an attraction to the can’t get accomPROFILE unique situation of plished in a year Washburn as a camand I’m okay with pus funded by the community that but I think we to at least that surrounds it. According to start the conversations and start Campbell, the ability of stu- trying to find solutions so that dents to go out into the commu- either we of the next adminisnity that supports them is one of trations have the resources that the things he finds most inspir- can get that done.” ing about Washburn. Pointing to WSGA this Aside from all the activi- year as more of a programmingties, he invests time on campus, focused administration, CampCampbell also finds time to both bell expressed a desire to see a learn and serve at the same time focus on the issues that really as an intern for former Wash- matter and engage the faculty burn Student Government As- and administration on issues sociation president and current that could have a major impact state Senator Garrett Love. on students. In what little free time that “We’ve been meeting with he has, Campbell likes to spend the faculty and administration, it with friends, going to movies asking ‘what do you think of and fulfilling a pre-test ritual these issues?’ and how can of going out with friends the we get it accomplished,” said night before to IHOP or Steak Campbell. “So far we’ve had N’ Shake and enjoying the some positive responses.” company of friends. Another of Campbell’s interests falls into Robert Burkett is a senior mass what Mark Twain so famously media major. Reach him at robert. referred to as, “a good walk, burkett@washburn.edu.


is the deadline to submit ideas for Student Media’s new logo in pdf format to wureview@gmail.com and win prizes from Blackbird Espresso Bar & Bistro, Coldstone Creamery, The Topeka RoadRunners, Qdoba Mexican Grill and Quinton’s Bar & Deli.


News • Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Washburn University prospective senators:

McGown learns from experience Jarrod Cullan Junior, Hutchinson

Brooke Rollison, Katie Lawless, Sophomore, Wichita Sophomore, Independence

Shelbie Konkel, Sophomore, Haysville

Wesley Lawrence, Sophomore, Independence

Katie Porter, Sophomore, Independence

Caprice Cortez, Junior, Topeka

Ryan Masilionis, Junior, Topeka

Shea Kirsop, Sophomore, Lyndon

cally associate that [MK] with our campaign.” The colors, blue and yellow, were an attempt to use a new color scheme. Taylor mentioned that Washburn’s colors used to include yellow. Since designing their posters, sticking with their slogan, McGown, Kitowski and their campaign team attempted to connect with students. With different members of the campaign approaching different student populations’ attention, they atPhoto courtesy of Taylor McGown tempted to tarLearned experience: Taylor McGown is vying WSGA president. get the athletic McGown hopes volunteering with past campaigns will help. teams, Greek life, and oncampus living populations. Richard Kelly However, they are also looking WASHBURN REVIEW Campaigning is more than going to attract attention in the Memodoor-to-door and handing out fliers. rial Union and classrooms this week. It involves, among other things, a Furthermore, attributing that Facebook “spamming” an entire month grand marketing plan. Taylor McGown, who is run- may begin to agitate students, they ning with vice presidential candi- attempted to hold off until it became date Michael Kitowski, has worked crunch time. “Our main goal was these last with the last two Washburn Student Government Association president’s two weeks to definitely hit it hard and campaigns and knew coming in how make sure it’s all out this last week,” said Taylor. “We don’t want people much work it would take. “I knew what to expect,” said to hide our updates because we’re McGown. “Even as just a volunteer, always talking about the campaign. I know I had a lot of outside respon- I think that’s one thing we do with sibility and a lot of questions coming WSGA is wait until the week of and at me being a volunteer and not actu- then cram it on people.” The group also plans to put mesally being a candidate.” As campaigning began, McGown sages for their campaign on their vefound that having an eye-catching hicles, which they hope will be a new poster would be a strong first step. tactic to attract students at the uniJessie McGown, Washburn freshman versity. One idea the group had was and her sister, was able to develop an for t-shirts, but according to WSGA idea with her campaign’s assistance. rules, that is not an allowed way to Their final trademark “MK” was a campaign, so the group could not continue with this idea. result of these brainstorms. With presidential candidate “We wanted to make something Tengku Rizki Aljupri and vice presieasy enough that we could put it on dential candidate Nic Campell also every single poster, every button, and just everything we put all over cam- currently running their campaign, pus,” said Taylor. “And we hoped there could be distractions on marketthat would bring people to automati- ing and whether Taylor’s campaign

tactics are working. However, Taylor has mentioned to her campaign to stay focused on their own projects. “Even though Rizki and Nic are probably running a great campaign, it’s not our focus,” said McGown. “Even though they might have great things, we picked three things on our platform because we believed they were the most important things on Washburn. We don’t need to put negative energy on them. That’s not what this is about.” As they actively campaign and market, candidates still live the lives of average students, partaking in classes and extracurricular activities. It all becomes a balancing act. “I still have tests and I still have homework and all that, but I can’t just get it done ahead of time so I don’t have to do it later,” said McGown. “It’s kind of a barrier. But, for the most part, we’ve adjusted our schedules to the best of our ability so that we can talk last minute to all those different organizations, groups, classrooms and students we haven’t already reached.” McGown, though, has found that there are certain tactics that keep campaigning from becoming overly stressful in the midst of other obligations. “We just remind each other to enjoy it,” said McGown. “Because if you aren’t enjoying it, then why are you doing it? Of course, it gets a little bit ‘we’ve got to do this again,’ but it’s what we’re passionate about and it’s what we want to do. So it’s exciting and we’re still happy to be doing it.” As the voting begins, the change in lifestyle over the last month will slowly begin to fade its way back to life prior to campaigning. “It’ll be nice to not be constantly asking ‘hey, have these people voted?’ and getting to return my Facebook to my own instead of Michael’s and mine,” said McGown. “But after announcements, whatever happens, I’m just going to try to take a couple of days to myself. You kind of need that time to regroup.”

Richard Kelly is a junior mass media/social work major. Reach him at richard. kelly@washburn.edu

Aljupri sees new side of Washburn Betsy Wooden, Sophomore, Council Grove

Bianca Ramirez, Sophomore, Ciudad de Este, Py.

Ty Concannon, Sophomore, Hugoton

Brett Johnson, Junior, Bonner Springs

Amber Kissell, Keenan Hogan, Sophomore, Ulysses Junior, Lyons

Josh Rosebaugh, Sophomore, Silver Lake

Dlany Conny, Junior, Denver, Co.

Cameron McCormack Eric Benedict,

Sophomore, Wichita Sophomore, Andover


newsletter and website. From Feb. 9 until recently, Aljupri stayed with his early ideas and has put focus on Campaigning isn’t just an activ- constant campaigning. ity on Washburn’s campus. It’s cur“This whole process of running rently a way of life for those running for student body president has been for Washburn Student Government always on my mind these past three Association president. weeks,” said Aljupri. “I constantly Tengku Rizki Aljupri, or “Riz- speak to classes and organizations. I ki,” as he is known by most, began would say my fingers are not enough his campaigning ideas by attempting to count how many classes I have to come up with a slogan with vice come to speak to.” presidential candidate Nic Campbell But he says he enjoyed the camthat would solidify their direction in paigning and it helped him realize efforts over the last few weeks. small concerns that would have oth“Our slogan is ‘students for so- erwise gone unnoticed by Washburn, lution,’” said Aljupri. “We came up such as implementing lights on the with that instead of creating events, tennis courts. talking about how to make WSGA It has also been an eye-opening better and talking about how to im- experience as he sees more of the prove Washburn. We wanted to find populations that exist on Washburn’s solution to those problems. We’ve campus. He met an individual in the stuck with our slogan by talking to as theater department who is “over sevmany students as we can over the last en feet tall.” three weeks, because we cannot find One tactic he attempted to use the solution, but we can find it from is waking up early enough to visit the students.” with students before their morning Their campaign, features his classes. creative team of three Washburn stu“Before 8 a.m classes, I walked dents and one alumnus. They helped to buildings like Morgan [Hall], Hendesign Aljupri’s poster, handbill, derson [Learning Resources Center] and Stoffer [Science Hall,]” said Aljupri. “I talked to students just in the hallway for a minute or 30 seconds, just before classes. Those people who take those early classes, most of them just take classes at Washburn and leave. They do not go to eat in the [Memorial Union.]” A sense of professionalism has also been a part of Aljupri’s campaign. He attempted to wear a suit and tie as much as posPhoto courtesy of Rizki Aljupri Seeing all of WU: Rizki Aljupri looks for populations at Washburn sible on a daily not getting attention. He wants to help those affected students. basis.

“One of my ways of campaigning, almost every day except for mornings I had trouble waking up, in the last few weeks, is to dress up in my suit and tie and attempt to look nice as I visit with students,” said Aljupri. But as with every campaign, there have been problems. Creating student interest has been one of them. “The biggest problem I would say is meeting with people who do not care or meeting the same people,” said Aljupri. “I hate that. During the campaign time, my goal is meeting different people, but if I meet the same people over and over, I’m just going to hear the same concerns, so that is kind of frustrating.” Regardless, he used the same techniques at the end of his campaign as he did in the beginning: trying to make sure his tactics were consistent. “Because I’m running for student body president, I would say talking and listening to students are the best way,” said Aljupri. “I am not going to change that.” He has no regrets, looking back, on how he ran his campaign, stating that he received good feedback from those he spoke with. He knew going in it was a lot of work and even more work if he is elected as WSGA president. Regardless of the outcome, one aspect Aljupri is looking forward to following the campaign is a less hectic schedule and a return to more casual clothing. “I enjoy wearing jeans, sneakers, hoodies and Washburn shirts,” said Aljupri. “I feel closer with the students but it’s probably because more of American culture when you are trying to be a politician, you have to wear a suit, tie and dress shirt. But being honest, I like wearing sneakers and jeans.”

Richard Kelly is a junior mass media/ social work major. Reach him at richard. kelly@washburn.edu

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The Washburn Review

review sports washburn university

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Ichabods ready to dance Washburn falters, receives at-large bid to NCAAs for first time in five seasons Robert Burkett WASHBURN REVIEW

lane allowed them to draw fouls early and often from Washburn as the Ichabods also went 9-14 Washburn went into the from the free throw line. EmpoMIAA conference tournament ria State’s ability to take advanlooking to play well and ad- tage of the Ichabods was also a vance itself into the national result of key players like Stutz tournament. That plan took a having to deal with injuries backseat when Washburn lost coming into the tournament. to Emporia State University “Yah it was frustrating,” Thursday night, 67-61. said Stutz. “No excuses, I The game featured a com- hadn’t been on the floor much bined 43 personal fouls between this last week and it showed.” the two teams. With no chance Washburn responded for either team to get any kind throughout the first half with of rhythm the attacks going, the outside. Degame quickly spite early I hadn’t been on the degenerated foul trouble into a physito some of floor much this last cal game that its front court week and it showed. took its toll on players, the the Ichabods. Ichabods an“[Logan swered with - Logan Stutz a Stutz] got two barrage free throws outSenior basketball player from and four touch side, shootfouls so it ing 5-10 in wasn’t a great the first half night, so I felt sorry for him,” from three-point range, includsaid Bob Chipman, Washburn ing 2-3 shooting from outside head basketball coach. “I spent by De’Andre Washington, formost of my time officiating ward. than coaching, which I know Going into the locker room better.” at halftime trailing by just one The game’s physical na- point, Washburn came into the ture showed in the first half second half hoping to get some especially as ESU shot 12-23 momentum going. Washburn from the floor, getting a much came out early shooting well of their points from the lane. and getting to the loose balls. ESU’s ability to get into the Taking an early second

half lead, Washburn continued to struggle through a tightly whistled game by the officials. Halfway through the second period, Ichabods seemed disoriented by the Hornet defense. “We had some weird groups out there and just looked out of sync,” said Chipman. “[Emporia State] did a great job down in the low post and that seemed to disrupt us.” As the clock ticked down, Washburn slowly fell behind as Emporia State closed out the game at the free throw line hitting key foul shots to finish up the game 67-61 Washburn was led in scoring by Jeff Reid with 11 points and four other players who tied for 10 points a piece. Washburn finished the regular season with a record of 18-9. On selection Sunday, the Ichabods were selected as the No. 7 seed in the South Central Region Tournament. The Ichabods will face No. 2 Missouri Southern State University on Saturday at 2:30 p.m. in Edmond, Okla. The two teams met twice this season and each team won on their home court. This is the Ichabods first NCAA tournament appearance since the 2004-2005 season. Robert Burkett is a senior mass media major. Reach him at robert. burkett@washburn.edu

Photo by Robert Burkett, Washburn Review

Puttin’ it home: Washburn’s Jeff Reid, freshman guard, goes up for a layup against Emporia State University in the first round of the MIAA tournament. Despite the 67-61 lose, the Ichabods made the NCAA tournament for the first time in five years and will face Missouri Southern State University on Saturday.

Blues stumble into postseason, land No. 4 seed

Washburn struggles in MIAA tourney Robert Burkett WASHBURN REVIEW

and 14 rebounds, compiling a double-double. “We didn’t have a lot going As March arrived, so did on with Cassie [Lombardino] the end of the season and the and she was getting frustrated beginning of a new one. so we had to figure out some The postseason can be dif- other way to score,” said Mulferent things to different teams. lin. “I just had to go out there Some look for a way to extend and play hard for my team, this their year and some are just is my last year and I only have a looking to not fall flat on their limited amount of games left.” face. With the Lady Blues, finThe Lady Blues would conishing second in the MIAA reg- tinue to struggle in the second ular season, half, facing a ranking was scoring drought somewhat of of nearly five I just had to go out a surprise as minutes, and the team had there and play hard for holding on to replaced quite the victory my team, this is my last get a few play58-55. ers from the year and I only have In the previous seasemifinals of a limited amount of son’s team. the tournament, The relatively games left. Wa s h b u r n untested team would go up looked to get - Alyssa Mullin against a familoff to a good iar foe. Emporia Senior basketball player State University start in the MIAA conferhad taken down ence tournathe Lady Blues ment. Going into its first round in Lee Arena less than two game against Missouri Western weeks before on Washburn’s State University, nervousness senior night. The chance to get at not having had much expe- some revenge was on the mind rience in the postseason was of the Lady Blues as they presomething not lost on Wash- pared for the playoff edition of burn’s leader. the “Turnpike Tussle.” “Sometimes that can have “Yeah I wanted this game an effect because you got a a lot not only to go on, but for group out there that hasn’t our seniors to,” said Laura Mcbeen around that long,” said Mullin, forward. “I tried to give Ron McHenry, Washburn head it my all and I just wanted to coach. take it to [Allie Volkens, EmThroughout the game in poria State center] and win this the first half Washburn’s stand- game.” out center Cassie Lombardino McMullin would provide could not seem to connect and the spark in the first half for the get into the flow of the game. Lady Blues as once again, LomThe Lady Blues then turned to bardino would disappear as the Alyssa Mullin, forward who fin- Lady Hornets concentrated on ished the game with 13 points stopping her. Despite a tough

Photo by Robert Burkett, Washburn Review

Getting pushed around: Washburn’s Laura McMullin, sophomore forward, drives around Emporia State’s Allie Volkens in the quarterfinals of the MIAA tournament. Washburn lost the game 61-52.

shooting night in the first half from Washburn, the team went into the locker room only down one point at the half 34-33. In the second half, Washburn would find them unable to score points. Stevi Schultz, forward had been one of the top scorers during the regular season but would be unable to hit a shot after scoring the first points of the game for Washburn, finishing the night shooting 1-14 from the floor. Lombardino would also prove ineffective, finishing the night 2-11 from the floor. With the inside presence of Volkens for Emporia State and some timely shooting outside, Washburn slowly fell behind and never recovered as they shot a dismal 19 percent from the field in the second half, losing the game 61-52. “The second half we just couldn’t get shots going, we were forcin’ shots that just didn’t really need to be forced,” said McHenry. “We couldn’t get anything going inside the second half like we got from Laura. We never got Cassie going at all.” The Lady Blues now move forward to the first round of the South Central regional of the NCAA Division-II tournament where fourth seeded Washburn will take on fifth seed University of Central Oklahoma Friday March 11 in Tahlequah, Okla.

Robert Burkett is a senior mass media major. Reach him at robert. burkett@washburn.edu


Sports • Wednesday, March 9, 2011

‘Gleek Riders’ produces sweat, laughs from students Sam Sayler WASHBURN REVIEW

To some, the term “Gleek Riders” may spring to mind images of the Wonder Twins using their blue pet space monkey as a transport vehicle. In reality, it is a new spin class offered Tuesday nights at 6:50 p.m. in the Student Recreation and Wellness Center’s multipurpose room where participants exercise while watching the latest episode of the hit musical show “Glee.” The program began when Ben Saathoff, new assistant director of fitness and wellness, had the idea to let people watch television as the exercised for the spring semester. Televisions are set up around the SRWC, but the class allows a group atmosphere as opposed to independent. “He asked me, ‘What’s a TV show that you like that’s really popular,” said Megan Kirkhart, leader of the class. “I said I really like ‘Glee.’” It’s a good time. We’re really just trying it out this semester to see how it goes.” Kirkhart says that having taught group exercises the longest among the staff was a key factor in Saathoff choosing her to head the Gleek Riders. “He thought this would kind of be a really cool class for me to try out just because I had experience with cycling,” said Kirkhart. Kirkhart thinks the class is accessible to both people looking for exercise as well as fans of the show.

“It’s actually a pretty easy class because the only time we do the ‘hard work out,’ if you will is during the commercial breaks,” said Kirkhart. “During the actual show, we just cycle. We just ride and keep your heart rate up and keep the cardio going throughout the whole show.” In the event of a skip week, there are contingency plans in place to ensure cycling and musical merriment. “I actually own season one,” said Kirkhart. “So I’ll just bring the seasons with me, and we’ll just pick an episode to watch.” If the program proves successful, similar classes may arise for people who have differing tastes in television programs, but the exercise seems to be a bigger draw than what plays on screen. “I actually have a friend who really likes ‘Glee,’ so I started coming for her,” said Kristen Beall, who has been in the class since it started in January without ever seeing the show. “More so, I like working out, and the spin class is nice because you get to entertain yourself while working out.” Beall prefers the ambience of the class as opposed to using one of the two bikes in the fitness loft overlooking the football field and recommends the class to others seeking exercise and music. Sam Sayler is a sophomore English major. Reach him at samuel. sayler@washburn.edu

Photo by Tesa DeForest, Washburn Review

An entertaining workout: Students at the Student Recreation and Wellness Center participate in ‘Gleek Riders.’ This fitness class allows students to workout and watch their favorite show simultaneously.

‘Runners roll to impressive record Richard Kelly WASHBURN REVIEW

It wasn’t quite the cakewalk the night before was for the Topeka RoadRunners’ on Friday night, but at this point in the season, they’ll take the victory any way it comes A night after knocking off the Wichita Falls Wildcats 5-0, Topeka (39-9-3) held on for a come from behind 4-3 victory on Friday. With a subpar effort to open the contest, Topeka head coach Scott Langer was glad to see his team respond strong the rest of the game. “It was a very uninterested effort in that first period,” said Langer. “But our guys regrouped after that first 20 minutes and you look at the shot and chance chart, and we were all

over them in the second period, of the season. Nate Milam then poked which gave us the opportunity home a rebound during a scrum to win the hockey game.” Looking to make up for a in front of the net at 10:14 to tie shutout the night before, Wich- the game. On the powerplay, ita Falls struck first halfway Cory Ramsey redirected a Nate through the first period. On the Milam shot at 15:07 to put the powerplay, Mikhail Sentyu- RoadRunners on top going into the third period. rin knocked an Z a c h opportune reNAHL Schrotenboer bound past Eric HOCKEY took advantage Rohrkemper of an opporas the Wildcats were able to take a 1-0 lead at tunity off a pass from Trevor 10:18. Jason McAloon then put Campbell at 3:45 of the third the puck into an open net on period to put Topeka up 4-2. “Campbell joined the rush a rebound at 18:40 to give the — he was doing that all game Wildcats a 2-0 advantage. Topeka made sure to make and it really helped us spring up for the first period goals in some offense,” said Schrotenthe second period. An early boer. “I kind of went to the cengoal just 40 seconds into the pe- ter of the ice and he drove wide riod from Justin Hussar made it right and fed one right through 2-1. It was Hussar’s 30th goal the defenseman’s stick. I had a

wide open shot and it went right through the goalie’s legs.” Before it had even scored a goal, Schrotenboer knew Topeka wouldn’t just give in after giving up two first period goals. “We’ve played so many games against tough teams and we’ve kind of built that confidence up,” said Schrotenboer. “We know we’re never really out of a game. We just know that we have to stick to our gameplan and that we can always come back and put it on teams. It’s nice to have confidence in the locker room.” Wichita Falls (22-24-4) was able to cut the lead to 4-3 on a one-timer by Ryan Frost at 13:55, but Rohrkemper was able to hold off the Wildcats over the final few minutes for the victory. Topeka forward Ryan White was injured in the second period on a slash to the knee. He did not return in the contest but his injury is not expected to be serious. With the victory, Topeka is now 20-1-1 since the New Year began. They will travel on the road to face the Wildcats again on Friday night before travelling to Amarillo, Tex. to face the Bulls on Saturday and Sunday. Amarillo sits in second place in the North American Hockey League South Division and is 10 points behind Topeka, with the Bulls currently holding two games in hand.

Photo by Richard Kelly, Washburn Review

Keep your stick on the ice: Justin Hussar carries the puck through the offensive zone Friday night. Hussar had a goal in Thursday and Friday night’s contests versus the Wichita Falls Wildcats. Topeka swept the weekend series against the Wildcats and remains first in the NAHL South Division.


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Richard Kelly is a junior mass media/social work major. Reach him at richard.kelly@washburn.edu

Help Wanted:

Blues stay undefeated


Both of Washburn’s tennis teams triumphed two days in a row last week at Topeka’s Wood Valley Tennis Center with the Ichabods besting the University of Nebraska at Kearney Lopers 5-3 while the Lady Blues won 7-2. In the teams next match, the Ichabods beat the Newman University Jets 5-1 and the Lady Blues win 5-3. “I think for Kearney, our strongest point was doubles,” said Morgan Rainey, Lady Blues team captain. “I think [against Newman], we were good in singles because we lost those two doubles matches. I think everybody stepped up and played really well.” Australian freshman Elektra Hunter started her first season on American soil. She said the feelings about playing a tennis match were normal, nervous and excited. “This is really the first of the season, really,” said Hunter. “I think everyone was a little bit nervous. I was nervous, personally, and excited as well. It was really good that it was at our home court.” While Hunter lost both her doubles matches but she did win in singles. Rainey won both doubles matches and singles against Kearney, but fell to the Jets in singles, possibly due to a strained bicep, for which the captain has sought help. “I thought I was struggling a little bit [Friday] in my sin-

gles match because I’ve been having some problems with my arm,” said Rainey. “Overall, I think we did good. [Laryssa Ferrira] was a really good player. [Thursday] I was doing good the first set, but I had to figure out what to change because [Victoria Gunawan] was coming back on me on the second set, but I did pull it out.” On the Ichabods’ side of the court, Bobby Florence, one of the many freshmen to join the team, attained victory in singles and doubles against both schools. “Overall, it was a very good solid team win,” said Florence. “We’ve been playing better in doubles. Overall, we’ve been playing better.” Florence discussed what many of the freshmen are doing to adjust to playing tennis at the college level. “We’ve been trying to be more of a team and spirit,” said Florence. “We’ve been trying to help each other out. Just trying to learn new things and how to deal with the college game and adapt and learn to be mentally tough.” The Ichabods next play at home against Southeastern Oklahoma State University on March 11 before they head on the road with the Lady Blues to face the University of Nebraska at Omaha on March 12. Sam Sayler is a sophomore English major. Reach him at samuel. sayler@washburn.edu


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review a&e washburn university

Wednesday, MARCH 9, 2011

Soundtrack is aural biography of death penalty activist Ryan Hodges WASHBURN REVIEW

Images courtesy of activemusic.org

Face of love: The soundtrack to the movie “Dead Man Walking” is more than just a collection of songs related to the movie. It stands as a tribute to Sister Helen Prejean. Prejean recently visited the Washburn campus.

of a man confessing his sins and dealing with his own guilt and remorse at the horrors he has If a picture is worth a thou- committed. Cash follows that sand words, one can only won- with “In Your Mind” and offers der how much a song would be us redemption—a subject Cash worth knew all too well. In honor of Sister Helen The album’s first curveball Prejean’s recent appearance comes with Suzanne Vega’s at Washburn University, I’ve “Woman on the Tier (I’ll See decided to review You Through).”Rather MUSIC the soundtrack to than taking the point the movie “Dead of view of the killer, REVIEW Man Walking.” this time we see the The movie, which starred Sean same story from the eyes of the Penn and Susan Sarandon, and condemned man’s spiritual adthe music which it inspired con- viser. There’s something oddly tain something more powerful compelling and ethereal about than words. They have a soul of a song whose main percussive their own. force comes from what sounds Director Tim Robbins gave like a trash can lid. a rough cut of the film to a variAn odd pairing, Pakistani ety of artists and asked for their spiritual singer Nusrat Fateh musical reactions. The artists Ali Khan and Pearl Jam singer that responded, and their songs, Eddie Vedder, offer up a pair of tell tales of life, death, redemp- songs filled with otherworldly tion and love. With artists like sadness and sorrow, and they’re Bruce Springsteen, Johnny beautiful. The pair trade verses Cash and punk artist Patti Smith on “Face of Love” while Khan all contributing new pieces, the adds background singing in his songs represent a musical place traditional Qawwali to the Vethat is neither country, nor rock, dder-penned “The Long Road,” but exists somewhere in the which was also used recently space between. in the movie “Eat, Pray, Love.” Springsteen’s “Dead Man In its original rock form from Walkin’” opens up with an Pearl Jam’s “Merkinball” EP, apocalyptic and soulful portrait “Long Road” mourned the loss

Cielito Lindo offers economical alternative Tricia Peterson WASHBURN REVIEW If you are looking for a change from Chartwells food and don’t want to go far for something great, Cielito Lindo is within walking distance of campus, the prices are low and the food is very good. The walls are painted orange with patches of fauxexposed brick, with sombreros and crescent moon and sun décor. A separate bar area with a couple of televisions, tables and booths and hanging terracotta flower pots that serve as hanging lamps above the tables, with vines for cords complete the look. The lunch buffet is only $6.99 and includes a plethora of choices, including white cheese sauce and guacamole. When other restaurants more than $2 for a side of guacamole at other restaurants, this is a deal in itself. Not only are the dips good, they have fajitas, hard tacos, soft tacos, tostadas, quesadillas and taquitos with various topping and sides, all for your personalization on the buffet. Not only is the lunch buffet pretty awesome, their regular menu offers some extra special items as well. They offer fajitas as do other Mexican restaurants, but they add a little break from

Photo by Zach Lambert, Washburn Review

Spicing it up: Cielito Lindo features a variety of menu choices in a comfortable atmosphere. Close to campus, Cielito Lindo offers convenience, reasonable prices and a break from the cafeteria. the normal with Hawaiian fa- Of Everything” which comes jitas which include beef strips, with one taco, one enchilada, chicken, shrimp and one chalupa, one pineapple. The res- RESTAURANT chile relleno, one taurant also offers tamale, and rice REVIEW strips of beef, chickand beans. This is en and shrimp with chorizo in a huge dish which comes with their Mexicanas Fajitas. None two heaping plates of food, and of the fajitas are priced more with the complimentary chips than $15. and salsa will definitely leave The entrees are anywhere you stuffed with left-overs. from $5.99 to $20. You can The complimentary chips order a dish called “A Little and salsa is average of what you

get at most Mexican restaurants. As soon as we were seated the waiter brought some over for me to enjoy while scanning the menu. The salsa isn’t too thin like some, and the cilantro was noticeable but not overpowering. The spice was extremely mild, and I didn’t detect really any hotness at all. I ordered the Yolandas on the specialty entrees section. It comes with 3 chicken enchiladas smothered in guacamole and brown sauce. It also comes with a side of rice. The brown sauce had a hint of nutmeg which was surprising and welcome with the meatiness of the chicken. They top the whole thing with shredded white cheese which is stringy and gooey when hot and the perfect touch. The guacamole was my favorite part, because it was chunky and had tomatoes in it. The combination of ingredients were balanced and no one flavor overcame the other. If you would like to check out Cielito Lindo, it’s open seven days a week and is very close to campus, so even if you live on campus and don’t have a car, it is easily accessible. The address is 2222 S.W. Washburn Ave. Tricia Peterson is a sophomore Mass Media major. Reach her at patricia.peterson@washburn.edu.

C A M E R O N‘ S

C O R N E R Cameron Hughes is a sophomore art and graphic design major. Reach him at cameron.hughes@washburn.edu.

of a beloved friend and mentor. But the reworked version that appears here strips away the grungy electric guitars and replaces them with Khan’s plaintive spiritual search for h a r m o n y. This wouldn’t be Vedder’s last collaboration with the cast of “Dead Man Walking,” either. He sang a duet with Sarandon for the movie “Cradle Will Rock” and later composed the soundtrack for the Penn-directed “Into the Wild.” Then there is Tom Waits. A man whose voice sounds like 30 years of whiskey and unfiltered cigarettes with a set of vocal cords massaged by a cheese grater, Waits is a story teller of the highest order. Recently selected for induction into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, Waits is in a category by himself. “The Fall of Troy” and “Walk Away” highlight Waits’s impassioned songwriting. The Legacy Edition of the soundtrack offers a bonus track

by Vedder, “Dead Man.” On the concert DVD that accompanies the CD, Vedder describes how the song was passed over for the album in favor of Springsteen’s song because of “seniority” issues and how it was eventually lost as a b-side. “ D e a d Man Walking” is one of the most depressing albums I’ve ever listened to. It’s also one of the best. More than just a movie soundtrack, it is an aural biography of Prejean’s life and compassion. It represents the heart, soul and mind of the complicated issue of the death penalty and still stands strong almost 15 years after its release. The two-disc set can be ordered from activemusic.org.

Ryan Hodges is a junior Social Work major. Reach him at ryan. hodges@washburn.edu.

The Material

Photo by Mike Goehring, Washburn Review

The Material, a band from San Diego, Calif., performed at Knickerbockers in Lincoln, Neb., on March 5, 2011. They are currently on tour promoting their new, fulllength album “What We Are” and are scheduled to play at Jerrys Bait Shop in Lenexa, Kan., on March 13. The show is expected to start at 9 p.m. and The Material merchandise will be available. Follow The Material at www.facebook.com/thematerialmusic.


Arts & Entertainment • Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Fashion promotes empowerment Tricia Peterson WASHBURN REVIEW

Washburn business major Terry Dudley II has his own fashion line called T.R.E.A.L. Fashions (Tree-uhl) available in Topeka. Together Risin’ Equally And Lovin’ it is the slogan as well as the meaning behind the entire line. Dudley wants to spread empowerment and inspiration along with the fashion he designs. Dudley said his main purpose is to “motivate and to turn the world into the most positive place I can, one T-shirt at a time.” When Dudley was younger, he doodled on his jeans, shoes or even his coats. He was chosen out of the crowded halls at Topeka High, by the Topeka Capital-Journal to be asked what he thought of student uniforms because of his stylish apparel. He quickly said he wasn’t in favor of the idea because a student’s clothing is the only way they can express themselves while in high school. “I have been designing all my life,” said Dudley. “I would write on my pants and on my shoes, no rhyme or reason, it was just something I did.” Today, Dudley has his line available at two locations in Topeka, Center Stage at 606 Washburn Ave., and Exclusive Fashions at 420 S.E. 29 Street. T.R.E.A.L. Fashions also has a Facebook page that you can view his clothing and buy it. Dudley has a website planned that should be up and running in the next two weeks to a month, to sell his pieces. A special feature on his website will be a place for customers to upload photos of themselves in their gear, showing off that they support T.R.E.A.L. Fashions. People viewing will be able to scroll through by state and see people from all over who have bought his clothing. The website url will be www.TrealFashions.com.

“Everybody likes to see 2010. Right now Dudley is sponhow involved you are,” said Dudley. “People can click on soring the Sunflower State someone and say ‘Oh hey, I Games as well as the Spring know her or him!’” Fever Golf Scramble on April T.R.E.A.L. Fashions has 15. He has also been invited to also been involved in numer- a fashion show in Crown Cenous fashions ter on May 5, and will know shows around “ T o p e k a . I have been more informaWhen the Jet designing all my life. tion in the near future. Also, he Ultralounge was open, I would write on my plans on having Dudley had pants and on my a booth at the fashion shows shoes, no rhyme or Farmer’s Marthere, as well ket this spring. To keep up on as during reason, it was just Juneteenth: something I did. events and fashFun Day at ion shows, the - Terry Dudley up-and-coming the Park. fashion designer website, Zumiez in and his Facebook the Westridge ” page will Mall had a fashion show have and featured T.R.E.A.L. Fash- more information ions apparel. The label was as it becomes also present at the KYEA: available. Kansas Youth Empowerment Sometimes, Academy f o r Dudley sells his Yo u n g apparel out of Adults the trunk of w i t h his car. PeoPhysiple from cal and Mental Disabilities on June 12,

all over the U.S. are wearing his clothing line right now. The prices are reasonable at $20 for small to extra large, and as the sizes go up so does the price, and goes 3X and up at $25. So far apparel includes T-shirts, jackets, hats, and some jeans, hoodies, bags, and totes. Baby and toddler sizes are also available, because Dudley doesn’t want anyone left out. “I wanna give back, I know I can’t save the world but I know I can make it better.” Dudley said. “A simple smile can go a long way.” Tricia Peterson is a sophomore Mass Media major. Reach her at patricia.peterson@washburn.edu.

Graphics by Ryan Hodges, Washburn Review

Gaslight Anthem rolls a winner with new single Ryan Hodges WASHBURN REVIEW In the liner notes for their new single, Gaslight Anthem singer Brian Fallon wrote, “Say what you want, but The Rolling Stones have put out some of the most raw and real music ever to be put to tape.” The band’s faithful cover of “Tumbling Dice” is the A-side of a special 7-inch single which was recently released to independent music stores. The “Exile on Main Street” classic tells the tale of a gambler who just can’t seem to remain faithful to his woman. Gaslight Anthem’s version strips away the shine and lets “Tumbling Dice” stand stark in a punkish fashion, all while keeping the original version’s groove intact. It feels both new and classic, and Gaslight Anthem shows that their influences go beyond just Bruce Springsteen. “She Loves You,” the single’s B-side is an original

MUSIC REVIEW outtake from Gaslight Anthem’s latest album, “American Slang,” but it wouldn’t feel the least bit out of place in the Rolling Stones’s catalog. It swings along at a leisurely pace and mines the same lyrical themes as “Tumb l i n g Dice.” The song feels like a sweltering day in New Jersey with no air conditioning. “Tumbling Dice” is available on multi-colored vinyl and comes with a download card which allows the listener to put the tracks on an iPod or other device. The single can be found at independent records stores or can be ordered through Gaslight Anthem’s website at gaslightanthem.com. Ryan Hodges is a junior Social Work major. Reach him at ryan.hodges@washburn.edu.

Photos by Mike Goehring, Washburn Review

Spirit, Mind and Body Fair uplifts soul Kate Fechter WASHBURN REVIEW

Enthusiasts of new age art and treatment of the mind, body and spirit assembled at the Kansas Expocentre Center over the weekend to share, learn and sell their wares. The Mind, Body and Spirit Fair was held March 4 and 5 at the Agriculture Hall of the Expo Center in Topeka. Psychics, vendors, massage therapists, artists and many other spiritually related groups from all over gathered at this biannual event, coordinated by the Infinite Source Church of Topeka. The Infinite Source Church meets on Sundays at the Unity Church on 10th Street and is described on their website, www. infinitesourcechurch.org, as “informal and open to all who wish to explore the many facets of spiritual expression.”

Joan and Gale Barfelz are a couple that are in their 70’s and bring their booth Souk Sampler to the fair every year. “We only do vending,” said Barfelz, who moved from Michigan to Oklahoma after closing her store in 1999. “I don’t sell anything out of my house. I make all the jewelry, suncatchers and pendulums. I would make the incense, but I have to draw the line somewhere.” Souk Sampler also sells health charts, stone animals, eastern religion statuettes and a mystic eye game. Barfelz and her husband have been doing the fair for fifteen years now and plan on it every year; despite slowing down on the number of fairs they attend annually. In comparison, Zensational is a booth that is relatively new to the Mind, Body and Spirit Fair. Run by Jamie Scheck and

Miki Orr-Muths, both of Salina, Kan. Zensational first attended the fair in November 2010. The booth centers on Chakra alignment, and carries a line of Chakra alignment spritzes and other tools to aid in this process. Scheck says that chakras’ correlate with the meridians used by acupuncturists. “A chakra is an energy center in your body,” said Scheck. “It’s just a little energy center that spins inside of you and controls different aspects of your soul.” Scheck said the best part of participating in the fair is getting the opportunity to educate visitors. “We like to be able to educate people about the different aspects of their spirituality,” said Scheck. “Also, to help raise the consciousness of people so they become more aware of their own body, their own

spirit and soul.” J.D. Stottlemire local artist and founder of “Fine and Thriving” had a booth featuring his “Edge of the Dream” series paintings. Beverly Rinehart, owner of Unique Creations by Bev, was also at the booth selling chainmail jewelry. Downtown Topeka’s “3 Flowers Metaphysical Treasures” also had a booth at the Mind, Body and Spirit Fair as well. Jo Flowers, owner, said this was their fourth year in attendance. “I love the energy and the people,” said Flowers. “It’s neat to see the other people and what they are gifted at.”

Kate Fechter is a junior Art and Psychology major. Reach her at kate.fechterstamper@washburn. edu.

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