2011-12 issue19

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Washburn University


Check out video coverage of the Underground Railroad online at www.washburnreview.org!

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volume 138, Issue 19 • wednesday, February 22, 2012

WU creating fraud database

“This database would also be used by the dean of students to identify pat-

Tanner Ballengee


Photo by Amanda Narverud, Washburn Review

Assistant Turns Preparator: Michael Allen took the job of exhibition preparator when Michael Hager decided to teach full time. Allen is a graduate of Washburn University.

Mulvane welcomes ‘new’ exhibit preparator Tanner Ballengee


Finding a job after graduation and finding a job that you love are two challenging and sometimes difficult tasks to achieve after college. Luckily for Michael Allen, he has killed two birds with one stone. Born in Wichita and raised in Plainville, Kan., Allen graduated from Washburn University this past fall with bachelor of fine arts degree, and was appointed the position of exhibition preparator for the Mulvane Art Museum on Jan. 2. “It takes a variety of different types of talents and skills in order to do this job,” said Cindi Morrison, director of the Mulvane Art Museum. “[Allen] was the one that suited our needs as the permanent preparator.” Allen was selected to be a student assistant to the previous preparator, Michael Hager. After working as Mulvane’s preparator for about eight years, Hager decided that he wanted to teach full time as a printmaking professor in the Washburn Art Department. Allen served as an intern for about two years before Hager made the switch to teacher, and Allen was offered a full time staff position. “He’s willing to do whatever it takes, and we need that kind of person around here,” said Morrison.

1700 S.W. College • topeka, kan. 66621

A preparator in a museum is someone who prepares and handles artwork, displays, and/or furniture for an exhibition. This includes matting and framing, carpentry work, helping keep the location database and inventory on stored artwork, and other various needs for the museum and exhibitions. “He is also helpful with the photography of the collection,” said Morrison, “as we bring the pieces out when we are having an appraisal done for the insurance value of the works.” Being an artist himself, Allen knows the value of art and tends to it with great care. Morrison states that Allen has all of the talents and expertise that the museum requires, and is very organized. “He’s very orderly and boy, do we like that around here,” said Morrison. “When you’re working with 4,000 pieces in a collection, orderliness is a good talent to have.” Allen explained that the past two years have been a great and necessary learning experience, because the real challenge started when he stepped up to full time preparator. Allen’s first order of business was the installation of the four exhibits that showed on the

Continued on page 8

If a Washburn student is scheming to cheat on a test or plagiarize a term paper, he or she better think twice. While academic dishonesty has always been frowned upon and sanctioned at Washburn University, it is now being taken a step further. The university is now in the process of creating an academic impropriety database that will permanently keep record of all infractions of students currently enrolled in classes. This database will include any and all reported improprieties that violate the universities policies. “An academic impropriety occurs when a student engages in activities which give him/her an unfair advantage by producing work for a course which does not accurately reflect his/her academic abilities, potentially resulting in higher course grades t h a n should h a v e b e e n awarded,” said Nancy Tate, associate vice president for academic affairs at Washburn University. According to the Washburn student handbook, there are two kinds of academic impropriety: academic irregularities and academic dishonesty. Academic irregularities are infractions that include failure to follow a professor’s rules regarding test taking, such as seating arrangement, looking in the direction of another student’s test, using unauthorized equipment during a test and more. Academic dishonesty consists of infractions such as cheating, unauthorized collaboration, plagiarism, etc. Tate said the implementation of this database comes from years of suggestions to increase knowledge of academic integrity and reduce instances of impropriety. “This database would also be used by the dean of students to identify patterns of academic impropriety by individual students,” said Tate. “We have

terns of academic impropriety by individual students. We have now reached a point where we are ready to implement this suggestion.

- Nancy Tate

associate dean of academic affairs

now reached a point where we are ready to implement this suggestion.” If a student is caught committing an impropriety by a faculty member, a form will then be filled out containing the students name and Washburn Identification Number, along with the date and details of the infraction and any sanctions imposed. The form will then be en-

Graphic by Katie Child, Washburn Review

tered into the database, with the dean of students being the only one with access to it.” Tate also said any continued offenders of the impropriety policy may face consequences of harsher sanctions. The data will be reported annually to faculty senate and to the Washburn Student Government Association, Tate said, and emails were sent out to all faculty at the beginning of February encouraging the use of the new database forms. “It would be good to keep track of those who repeat offend,” said Matt Kloos, sophomore majoring in business management. “Teachers can keep an eye out on those students.” Kloos also said that he felt that the idea could go both ways and that he

thinks that most students would learn their lesson the first time they were caught. Gwen Larson, assistant director of marketing and media relations at Emporia State University, said that ESU also compiles records of students caught committing impropriety but that the record keeping is not a database. Like Washburn, ESU sends an annual report of their records, but their records do not reveal the identity of the student, only the infract i o n and the action taken against it. If an ESU student is caught cheating, it is ultimately up to the professor as to what kind of sanctions are to be imposed, such as failing the test, failing the whole course, being expelled from the department or major, or ultimately being expelled from the university, depending on the severity. The University of Kansas also handles their academic misconduct similarly to Washburn, but there are some differences in policy. “Academic misconduct is handled at the school level, rather than through a central database,” said Jack Martin, director of strategic communication at the University of Kansas.

Tanner Ballengee is a senior English major. Reach him at tanner.ballengee@ washburn.edu.

Sports No. 12 Lady Blues tame Lady Lions, prepare for Turnpike Tussle Rob Burkett


Photo by Jordan Loomis, Washburn Review

Going Hard: Senior guard Stevi Schultz drives past a Pittsburg State University defender Saturday. Schultz and Co. beat PSU to stay in position for a regular season MIAA title.

With spring in the offing, another season is drawing closer to an end. For the Washburn Lady Blues basketball team, another season is nearing its end with a steady drumbeat. Having won 12 of its last 13 games, the Lady Blues came into the week working to complete season sweeps of two teams on opposite ends of the competitive spectrums. Wednesday’s game featured a trip to Joplin, Mo., to match up against the Missouri Southern State University Lady Lions. Washburn had played the

Lady Lions, decimating the MIAA’s 10th place team 76-53. The Lady Blues started the game cold, allowing MSSU to run out to an early lead. Exhibiting three point deadliness, the Lady Lions shot ahead leading by as much as 12 points early in the half. Washburn responded with a 7-0 run to close the gap. With the starting unit struggling, freshmen guard Casyn Buchman and forward Brittney Lynch gave the team a shot of adrenaline, scoring five of the seven points. The more unpleasant surprise for the Lady Lions was the play of junior forward Dana Elliot. Elliot came in

and exploded immediately. Playing just nine minutes in the first period, the Wamego, Kan., product scored 12 of her career high 15 points to lead her team at the half, 23-16. “I’m not really a scorer,” said Elliot. “I’m there to get down underneath and grind out plays.” Despite Elliot stepping out and giving WU a boost, the team would turn to its one-two punch of senior guards Ebonie Williams and Stevi Schultz. In particular, Schultz had been in a bit of a slump as of late shooting the ball. This game gave her the chance to get

Continued on page 5

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Wednesday, February 22, 2012

alendar Speaker shares stories of heroism in African-American history Wednesday, Feb. 22

Barbara Waterman-Peters painting for the theatre: 8 a.m.-5 p.m., Garvey HallTheatre Lobby Ash Wednesday Mass: Noon- 1 p.m., Catholic Campus Center Lunch and learn: Juvenile offender-parent’s role, custody and detention: Noon Law School, Room 100 OPEN meeting: 3 p.m. Memorial Union- Cottonwood Room Author Joseph Harrington: Book Reading and Signing: 3 p.m.- 4 p.m. Mabee Library SJL club: 4 p.m. Memorial Union- Cottonwood Room WU-bowl for kids sake: 8:30 p.m., Gage Bowl Thursday, Feb. 23

Barbara Waterman-Peters painting for the theatre: 8 a.m.-5 p.m., Garvey HallTheatre Lobby D.I.V.E.R.S.I.T.Y with Stan Pearson II: 7 p.m.- 9 p.m., Washburn Room A “Ruined”: 7:30 p.m., Andrew J. and Georgia Neese Gray Theatre Chris Foglio & Daina D: 7:30 p.m., The Office Too 3251 SW Topeka Blvd Friday, FEB. 24

“Ruined”: 7:30 p.m., Andrew J. and Georgia Neese Gray Theatre Kansas Silent Film Festival: 7p.m., White Concert Hall Arab Shrine Circus: 7p.m., Kansas ExpocentreLandon Arena Saturday, Feb. 25

Women’s Basketball vs. Lincoln (Mo.) University: 1:30 p.m. Petro Allied Health CenterLee Arena Men’s Basketball vs. Lincoln (Mo.) University: 3:30 p.m. Petro Allied Health CenterLee Arena Sunday Feb. 26

“Ruined”: 2 p.m., Andrew J. and Georgia Neese Gray Theatre Monday, Feb. 27

“Not My Life”: 7 p.m., Henderson Learning Center, Room 100 Tuesday, Feb. 28

Panel discussion - “Slavery in Kansas”: 7 p.m. Henderson Learning Center, Room 100 Don’t see your event in the calendar? Call the Review newsroom at 670-2506 to have your event included in an upcoming edition. It’s FREE.

Cindy Rose


Washburn students received a history lesson on the Kansas underground railroad from a guest spaker last Thursday. Richard Pitts is the executive director of the Wonder Workshop in Manhattan and the author of the book “A Self-Guided Tour of the Underground Railroad in Kansas.” On Feb. 16, Pitts gave an impassioned lecture on the Underground Railroad and Black History. Pitts started off playing a drum before launching into his lecture. He said that “talking drums” were one of the things that were taken away from slaves when they arrived in the Americas “because it was a way for them to communicate over long distances.” “[This was part of the history] which was very significant to me,” said Pitts. “That’s why I picked up drums. I wanted to be like my ancestors.” Pitts dramatically brought to life stories of unthinkable slave conditions with visual aids, including a whip. He gave vivid examples of the many and varied rebellions and wars throughout the years along the Underground Railroad. Asking questions to involve the audience, he related the fighting between the Jayhawkers of Kansas and the Bushwhackers of Missouri. “People in Lawrence today probably don’t know about the history they walk by every day,” said Pitts. There are still bullet holes

and scars left on buildings from the raids and burnings of the town. Topeka was the free state capitol in Kansas, while Lecompton was the pro-slavery capitol. The original building that housed the free state movement in Topeka from 18851869 is still standing on Topeka Boulevard, two blocks north of the capitol. It’s the one that now sports a large mural. Another historic building still standing is The Owens House in North Topeka, famous for its status as an Underground Railway station. Pitts said that the Underground Railroad, as well as the Civil Rights Movement show “where different races of people worked together—of both genders. Those are the examples we want to hold up to kids. They struggled, but at the same time, they helped each other, and they made things happen.” He believes people need to know that there are also many more powerful African and African-American leaders to learn about alongside Martin Luther King, adding, “Our kids need to know that there are so many examples of heroes and heroines from all walks of life working together, of different races.” “What made these people, black, white and Native American” come together to do these extraordinary things?” said Pitts. “Because they believed in God, and they were educated. A lot of people who came here were educated. They knew what was right and what was wrong. That’s the power of education.” Pitts said he’s often asked “What did Africans do?” He

‘Sex shapes U.S.’

Photo by Peter Seredkin, Washburn Review

History of Heroism: Richard Pitts, historian and executive director of the Wonder Workshop in Manhattan, Kan., retells the history of Kansas African-american history. The Washburn group Sistahood brought Pitts in to celebrate February as Black History Month. has countless tales of the rich part that’s sad, because the sto- Arceneaux. “Schools are not culture of Africans that go back ries aren’t being shared. And educating our children, and it’s thousands of years, that he says when the stories aren’t being important for us to know our most of today’s children are un- shared, the history gets lost and culture.” aware of. often it gets whitewashed.” Sistahood noticed a need to “When you don’t know and “What happened 5 min- organize events on campus for you think the only thing you’ve utes ago, 500 years ago or Black History Month. ever done is to be descended 5,000 years ago affects us “I asked the university if from slaves and you can’t even right now. History is a current they had set anything up for have the proper perspective on event. Black history is not just Black History month,” said that, how can you be inspired?” for Black -Americans but all Arceneaux. “There was nothsaid Pitts, who is attempting Americans.” ing.” to educate others and change Pitts’ lecture was sponJena Hawthorn, vice presithose issues. sored by the on-campus orga- dent of Sistahood, said they noPitts spoke candidly on his nization Sistahood, the office ticed there was a need for the disappointment that very little of multicultural affairs, the de- small group of African-Ameriis being done these days to cel- partment of education and the can women on campus to meet ebrate Black History Month department of history. and get to know one another. and African-American culture Sylvian Arceneaux, presi“Our main goal was creatlike it was back in the 1960’s dent of Sistahood, contacted ing this group, and we just took and 1970’s. Pitts about coming to speak at it and ran with it,” said Haw“I think it’s important that Washburn. thorn. once you know something, you “It was really eye opening, Cindy Rose is a junior mass media share it, particularly about Black not only for African-Americans, major. Reach her at cynthia. History,” said Pitts. “That’s the but for other cultures, too,” said rose@washburn.edu.

WSGA gains new sign, big cost

Michael Vander Linden

Summer Workman

Some individuals show a large knack for learning. Born in Peoria, Ill., Kerry Wynn, Washburn assistant professor, was one of these people. “The one thing I remember about my childhood is that I just loved to read,” said Wynn. “Any time I had the chance, I would pick up a book and start reading.” Following high school, Wynn attended Bradley University located in Peoria. Although she loved her education, she was still confused about what she wanted to be. As a freshman, she completed the year undecided. As a sophomore, she got an idea as to what might be best for her. “I finally started studying English literature and history because I couldn’t choose,” said Wynn. “I also became very interested in women’s studies, so I minored in that.” When it came time to finish her undergraduate program, Wynn moved on to the University of Illinois where she decided she wanted to write/make history: particularly in women’s studies. “Teaching was the main track at the university there,” said Wynn. “The first time I taught as a teacher’s assistant, I absolutely loved it.” As interesting as Wynn’s personal story is, her road to teaching is one of a typical professor. However, one factor that others might not expect is the subject in which she teaches. The oldest of three girls and a graduate of a catholic high school, Wynn is currently teaching the “Sex in America” class at Washburn. “Sex has had a historical

Last Wednesday, Washburn Student Government Association senators passed a $19,000 bill that includes the purchasing and installation of a new electronic sign outside of Memorial Union. Within the next 60 days, students will see the construction of the new sign begin. Funding for the sign will be through WSGA’s reserve fund. The bill includes the cost of the sign, which is $15,000, as well as installation, refurbishing, software costs and the cost of running a new cable to the new sign. All of these expenses combine to create a total that is slightly less than $19,000. This means any additional costs have been built into the bill. The old sign was originally purchased for $30,000 and only functioned properly for four years. “Ever since I have been a part of WSGA, we have been dealing with trying to replace the light bulbs, and they cost a lot of money because it’s an older sign, and we were just constantly putting money into it,” said Taylor McGown, president of WSGA. WSGA looked into fixing up the current sign but then decided it wasn’t practical. “We were thinking ‘we’re going to put money into something that’s already outdated, so why don’t we just look into getting a new sign?’” said McGown. Aside from expensive light bulbs burning out, the sign, which is only seven years old, started malfunctioning, and once Washburn updated their computer system to Windows 7, the sign quit working all together. “It’s a great service for



Photo by Rob Burkett, Washburn Review

Sex Ed: Kerry Wynn, assistant professor at Washburn, gives a lecture on the historical impact of sex on the contemporary world. Wynn teaches the “Sex In America” class at Washburn. impact of the contemporary world,” said Wynn. “It’s fascinating how wide of a range it includes: religion, politics, ethics, economics, etc.” There are several other important aspects Wynn finds fascinating, as well. Wynn remembers articles she was given at her graduate program vividly and tries to find those articles and bring them back. These articles were insightful into unlocking the reasoning behind some of the biggest choices made over the last 20 to 30 years. “It reveals a mystery that nobody really even knows about,” said Wynn. “It’s very eye opening.” Another reason she appreciates the study is that it has had such a major impact on the development of the United States. The class blows away any allusions of the business side of life and explores the sexual natures behind life. “Sex has shaped America into what it is now and continues to shape each and every one of us today,” said Wynn.

Michael Vander Linden is a freshman biology major. He can be reached at michael. vanderlinden@washburn.edu.

Photo by Tianzhe Qi, Washburn Review

New Sign, New Cost: Washburn Student Government Association’s old sign stands shut down and unused. WSGA just passed a bill allowing the purchase of a new sign for $19,000. students, so we want to make sure it was used properly,” said McGown. “It was clear to WSGA that a new sign was needed.” McGown said that Michael Kitowski, vice president of WSGA, was the most instrumental in researching electronic signs and getting the bill passed for the sign, a process that has taken six months. “I looked at digital sign companies and digital sign products,” said Kitowski. “I looked at Dectronics, and I looked at Watchfire, and I compared the two. [I] learned about digital signs and the difference between 16-millimeter and 20-millimeter signs.” Since the 16-millimeter sign has a higher resolution than the 20-millimeter, WSGA is going with the 16-millimeter. “This is so when students walk by, they can still read it, versus if it were a 20 or 36-millimeter sign, it would have to be built way up in the air,” said Kitowski. He also looked up various warranties and met with individuals from sign companies. WSGA put the plan up for bidding from companies and

saw that the cost benefits were best from Watchfire through the All Signs Company. The new electronic sign brings more options for advertising not only for Washburn’s organizations, but also for school functions and events and community organizations and events, as well. “Instead of just seeing texts, students can see a colorful logo that will really catch eyes,” said Kitowski. “Another thing is that I really want to use it with the iSave program so that maybe we can have businesses do a deal of the week and announce it on the sign.” He also stated that the sign can’t even begin to be measured in terms of its usefulness once installed. “I think the benefits are almost endless,” said Kitowski. “It offers full color capability, so that can really make an announcement pop.” In addition to the new sign, WSGA will also be updating the Washburn University crest above the sign and cleaning up the exterior structure. Summer Workman is a senior English major. Reach her at summer. workman@washburn.edu.


News • Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Q&A sessions with WSGA’s presumptive leaders: Benedict, Kissell Summer Workman

Michael Vander Linden

Wa s h b u r n   R e v i e w : “Where are you from?” Eric Benedict: “I’m from Andover, Kansas, just east of Wichita.”

Wa s h b u r n   R e v i e w : “Where were you born and raised?” Amber Kissell: “I was born in Southwest Kansas in a little town called Ulysses. That’s where I lived all of my life.”



WR: “What are you studying?” EB: “I’m studying political science right now, and I will be adding an economics minor.” WR: “What are your plans after school?” EB: “To attend law school.” WR: “What kind of law do you want to study?” EB: “I don’t know yet. I’m going to wait and take my first year and kind of feel it out.” WR: “What was your breakfast food of choice this morning?” EB: “This morning I did not eat breakfast. I had a 9 a.m test this morning, so I was cramming, but yesterday I had Hanover’s [Pancake House] and biscuits and gravy.” WR: “What’s your favorite aspect of Washburn?” EB: “I think more than anything it’s student life. I think that they do a really good job of getting people involved in the right ways.” WR: “If you could change one thing about Washburn, what would it be?” EB: “I would probably have a larger community of students that lived on campus. I lived in the Village and in the dorms, and I think that it really helped me to make friends and get connected.” WR: “If elected, what are some of your goals?” EB: “We have three platform goals right now. The first of which is that I’ve heard a lot of complaints about the Internet here in the dorms and in the library. Really it’s an issue all over campus, so we want to talk to ISS and figure out what’s going on and see if we can improve that in some way. Another complaint I have heard a majority of the time I’ve been here is about food service [and] we’ve never really had an administration, president, vice president and an entire staff focus on the issue of food services. Are we really doing what’s best for students and what can be done to figure that out? And finally, the college experience as Amber and I see it in terms of getting students, what they really had in mind about college before they came here. I think looking forward we’ll be giving some of that responsibility over to CAB. To us, it doesn’t really make a lot of sense that WSGA is doing so much programming when we already have a group, who is paid by the university, to be a campus activities board, and once we do that, we focus more on advocating for students.” WR: “Can you describe your most recent accomplishment?” EB: “In WSGA, we’ve been working on a couple of different things. Probably my favorite recent accomplishment is the homecoming ball. It was something we had to pull a lot of strings for. Personally, I set a goal for myself last semester to do well academically, and I was able to achieve that. So I’m very proud of that, as well.” WR: “What other activities are you involved in on campus?” EB: “When I first came to Washburn, I kind of looked for any outlet that I could. I joined Kappa Sigma fraternity my first semester here. I currently serve as the president of that organi-

Photo by Alex Voskoboyeu, Washburn Review

Uncontested: Eric Benedict is running for the WSGA presidency for the 2012-2013 school year. Currently, Benedict and his running mate, Amber Kissell are the only candidates for the positions. zation. I’m pretty involved in Bod Squad. I’m one of the ones who paints up and is at all of the games. I just applied for Mortar Board, and WSGA has been a big focus of mine. It takes 30 hours a week sometimes. That and school really keep me busy. I am also in political science club, and I debated for Washburn for two years.” WR: “Who is your biggest role model?” EB: “I think there was one student, in terms of WSGA, last year who kind of acted as a mentor to me. His name is Lucas Mullin. He was vice president last year, and as soon as I got to Washburn, he was ready to help me, ready to get me involved, and I think that in terms of student life, he’s my biggest mentor just because he was always willing to give someone a chance and always willing to make sure they had the best experience possible, and

t h a t ’s really where this campaign came from; Making sure that students have the opportunities to get involved.” WR: “What’s your favorite TV show right now?” EB: “I’ve been on a “How I Met Your Mother” kick, and I know everyone’s going to call me a fair weather fan for that just because it’s kind of an older show, but I’ve been watching that on Netflix, and before that, I was watching “Greek.’” WR: “What’s your guilty pleasure?” EB: “My friend’s will tell you that when I’m stressed out, I like to cook Italian food and do P90X.” WR: “What do you like to do for fun?” EB: “A lot of people think that the WSGA people don’t have lives outside of school, but I absolutely love going out and hanging out with people on the weekends. Besides that, watch Youtube videos and do homework.” WR: “Do you volunteer anywhere?” EB: “Yeah, we’re doing ‘Can Emporia’ now so once that’s over, we’ll volunteer and take all of the cans and distribute them. Kappa Sigma has kept me really grounded in terms of community service. They just finished doing Habitat For Humanity. Back home, my church is really involved in something called The Lord’s Dinner, which is essentially a soup kitchen.” WR: “What’s your philosophy for being a successful person?” EB: “I think that you just have to be open to things. That

means your political beliefs, economic beliefs, your personal beliefs, your social beliefs, you can’t carry baggage with you about your past life. You have to be open to new friends, new opportunities, taking risks. So I think just being open to things and being willing to make mistakes I think is the biggest thing to make sure that you don’t miss out on things in life.” WR: “Spiderman or Superman?” EB: “I think Spiderman. I have a little brother. Growing up, Spiderman was his thing and we bought one, two, and three and watched them all together. He would jump around the house and stick out his hands. So I really like Spiderman, and I think the story of Peter Parker is more interesting than Clark Kent’s.”

WR: “What’s your favorite hangout in Topeka?” EB: “I like to go to the Burger Stand on Fridays. They have karaoke, so it’s always fun to watch people demonstrate how they can’t sing. Flying Monkey in College Hill. There is Blackbird on Gage. I really like too.” WR: “How do you find time for everything and live a balanced life?” EB: “It’s been a struggle. It’s not been easy. I was joking with my roommates that this semester I would probably be going to bed at 9:00, and waking up at 7:30 every morning. Obviously, I still find time to go out. So it’s all just about time management and prioritizing things and making sacrifices for things you really want. If you really want to serve Washburn’s students, that sometimes means you have to give other things up. For instance this weekend was a really tough choice for me. My parent’s 25th anniversary was on Valentine’s Day, but also this weekend there is an awesome game that I’m sad I wont get to go to, and there is All Night at the Rec which I really enjoyed last year, but I’m going to go home and cook for my parents because I think it’s important that we don’t lose track of that. As much as I want to spend forever here, and in college, I’ll graduate, and after that there’s another life, and you have to make sure you didn’t loose track of that.”

Summer Workman is a senior English major. Reach her at summer. workman@washburn.edu.

WR: “What were your hobbies growing up?” AK: “I loved playing all types of sports. Whatever season it was, that’s what I played. Basketball was my favorite, by far. I read quite often, as well. I would read mostly mysteries.” WR: “What leadership positions have you had over the past years?” AK: “In high school, I was president of student body and captain of the volleyball and basketball teams. In college, I’ve been special events director for WSGA. I was the basketball and football events coordinator and a social chair for AMSA [American Medical Student Association.]” WR: “What do you think are your strengths?” AK: “I feel I’m very personable. I like to reach out to other students because they are the most important part of this university. Also, I see myself

as goal oriented. When I set my mind to it, it’s going to get done.” WR: “What do you feel are your weaknesses?” AK: “The job I’m looking to do is definitely a hit and miss success rate. We can have so many ideas, but it takes a true team effort to make everything

Photo by Alex Voskoboyeu, Washburn Review

Voice for Students: Amber Kissell hopes to increase student involvement on campus in her term as vice president for WSGA. Kissell and her running mate, Eric Benedict are running for the positions uncontested. a success. I think the first part of the job might show some signs of weakness, but once I get used to it, I think we’ll be very successful.”

about many different subjects. When I’ve worked with him in the past, it’s obvious we have the same passion to change Washburn.”

WR: “What is the most important characteristics for this position?” AK: “I would say listening skills. To give the students a voice, we have to be open to hearing their ideas. Also, taking those ideas and forming them with words to speak with administration about changes.”

WR: “What would be your main goals as vice president?” AK: “I want to increase the Washburn experience. I want to walk down the sidewalk and see students excited about being at WU. I really want to see involvement increase and everyone being proud to be an Ichabod.”

WR: “What have you learned from already being involved in WSGA?” AK: “I’ve learned that everything has to be planned out perfectly. When you’re trying to hit all of the students and get them to come to an event, it is such a wide range of tasks to complete. Definitely the organization skills from this job will help continue into a position like that.”

WR: “What are the most immediate challenges facing WSGA?” AK: “I think the changes we’re about to start implementing will really shake things up. Student government has changed severely since its original purpose back when it was instituted. We plan on returning it back to its original constitutional place.”

WR: “What did you learn from the last vice president of WSGA?” AK: “Michael Kitowski was great to work with. He helped me tremendously with a variety of things. He taught me how to communicate with administration and when and where I should approach things. However, he also showed me how to be bold and confident when speaking about ideas and changes.” WR: “Why did you decide to join with Eric Benedict to run for vice president of WSGA?” AK: “We’ve both expressed the same concerns

WR: “Describe WSGA’s place of power at Washburn.” AK: “WSGA is pretty powerful in the university. It really depends on the type of subject though. WSGA has the power to help funding with every organization at Washburn. Other areas become a lot more complicated.”

WR: “If you became vicepresident, what would you see Washburn being like at the end of your year in position?” AK: “I see the students having a much stronger voice. When students start to speak, with us in position, they will be heard by everyone.” Michael Vander Linden is a freshman biology major. He can be reached at michael. vanderlinden@washburn.edu.

Student excellence recognized Fatima Oubaid


On Thursday, Feb. 16, Washburn held its annual Who’s Who Among Students award ceremony. The awards help recognize students who have not only kept a respectible GPA, but also students who have been active around campus and throughout the community. Over time, the award has become one of the most highly regarded and long-standing honors program in the nation. The Who’s Who Among Students award was created in 1934 by a student at the University of Alabama. The student was so involved with campus organizations and academically successful that they were nominated for many different honors awards. Due to their financial situation, they couldn’t pay entry fees for all of their nominations, so they decided to create a program that would recognize students for their success, and that wouldn’t require an entry fee. Each year, nominations for the award are made by a Washburn University faculty or staff member. A student must have a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 and have completed 88 credit hours to be nominated for the award. The nominated student must then fill out an ap-

Photo by Alex Voskoboyeu, Washburn Review

Who’s on first: Students attend the annual Who’s Who Among students award ceremony. More than 70 students were nominated for the award. plication and resume. “I think the most important part about being academically successful is just making time to get your work done,” said Raul Guevara, a senior graduate and a Who‘s Who recipient. “If you don’t find time to do your own work, you’ll never get it done because no one’s going to find it for you.” This year, there were more than 70 nominations that were submitted and reviewed by the Who’s Who selection committee. Only 44 of those student nominations were selected to receive the award this year. “We’re not just looking for students who have excelled academically, but also students who truly have given back to the community,” said Jessica Neumann, the director for student activities and greek life and a member of the Who’s Who selection committee. “Stu-

dents who not only participate on campus, but throughout the community as well, are most likely going to be chosen.” The committee looks for students who they believe will apply what they have learned in their experiences at Washburn toward their everyday life. Getting involved in some of the many activities and student organizations here at Washburn helps in building those connections and life skills for the future. “Learning is for a lifetime,” said Billie Jean Graham, the speaker at the Who’s Who ceremony and a former Washburn graduate. “What a person chooses to learn from their mistakes and how they let a failure affect them depends on whether or not they will be successful.” Fatima Oubaid is a freshman mass media major. Reach her at fatima. oubaid@washburn.edu

Opinion Opinion



Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Recently the mayor of Topeka proposed banning hats and hoodies in public businesses. We wanted to know what Washburn thought about this...


Immigration dangerous territory for GOP

“What do you think of the proposal to ban hats and hoodies?”

“I don’t like it.”

“We should keep it how it is. Let people have their freedom of expression!” Adam Fritz, freshman undecided

“It is likely to not be an effective or enforceable policy, so an alternative would be better.”

Elizabeth Burgett, sophomore business

Calvin Coker, senior English and history

Trey Massengale, senior math

“Indifferent, however, if employees would feel safer, then ban the hats!”

Graphic by Maggie Pilcher, Washburn Review

“This is America, people should be able to wear a hat if they so desire. I love hats and wear one almost every day.”

“I Don’t Like it.”

Trey Atchison, sophomore pre-med

Kelsey Schweer, freshman communications

Rob Burkett


Both literally and figuratively, the great divide is on the horizon. As the process continues on the republican side of the presidential candidate selection process, the field finds itself within the epicenter geographically of a single issue. The Grand Canyon state of Arizona is next up on the primary slate for the GOP. Without doubt the one issue taking center stage will be immigration. The ironic part of this particular issue is that once upon a time, the Republican Party was the more moderate one on this issue. Ronald Reagan, presidents George and George W. Bush and Congressional Republicans — like Mel Martinez, Sam Brownback, Lindsey Graham and John McCain, all were voices of a coalition of republicans who believed in a sensible, compassionate approach to the issue of both what to do about illegal immigrants and how to treat them once they were caught. Many of these lions of republican leadership are either no longer in politics or have left national politics. Those who are left, have checked their old stances at the door for more extreme and populist (read Tea Party) views. If Arizona, which is supposed to be home to roughly 450,000 illegal immigrants, wants to do something sensible then it should continue to pursue the lawsuit it has filed against the U.S. federal government, alleging that Washington has failed to fulfill its obligation to securing the southern

border of the country. While I don’t disagree that we should be securing the border and more closely monitoring who exactly lives within the confines of our society, I can’t help but be struck by how patently wrong it is to essentially commit racial profiling. Anyone who looks Hispanic is subject to having to carry documentation proving they are allowed to be here. In Kansas, the coming issue of immigration has ties to the state of Arizona. Current Kansas state Secretary of State Kris Kobach was one of the architects of the law that Arizona state legislators passed in 2010. The law mandated Arizona law enforcement to conduct checks to determine if someone was in the country illegally during the course of what it referred to as a, “lawful stop, detention or arrest.” Since then an injunction has been put on the law. The U.S. Supreme Court announced it would hear arguments on the issue this year. In the meantime Kobach has used his authority in his position to engineer policies here that are in line with what has been going on in Arizona. By using the purview of his office, Kobach is making it more difficult for people to participate in the process of voting. In doing so, he is alienating a growing demographic in the state in Hispanic voters. If there is a way for republicans to lose their grip on the levers of power at both the state and national level, pushing more people out through a divisive issue such as immigration is a sure way to do it. One can only hope that as the erosion of civil liberties in this country continue, we will think poorly of this trend before the next issue that comes down the pike is something that seeks to further exclude residents based on heritage and what they may look like. Rob Burkett is a senior mass media major. He can be reached at robert.burkett@ washburn.edu.

The 2012 Kaw Yearbook What is your opinion on Mayor Bill Bunten wanting to ban hooded sweatshirts and baseball caps? I think it is the right thing to do and will make crime in the city go down.: 4%

I think it stupid and will not have any effect on the crime in the city.: 91%

I don’t care either way.: 4%

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from an unscientific poll on washburnreview.org

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© The Washburn Review Copyright 2012

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Sports Sports


Wednesday, February 22, 2012

5 6

Ichabods WU preps for 198th meeting with ESU Blues lose 2 of 3 in open with Oklahoma Panthers Luke Warnken


Starting off the season on the right foot is important for any team. The Washburn baseball team is looking to start this season off stronger against Drury University, after being swept by the Panthers last season. Due to poor weather conditions, the Bods went into their opening series last season with little practice. “We stepped out of a gym and essentially went and played. We didn’t hit well the whole weekend,” said Steve Anson, Washburn head baseball coach. Senior third baseman/ pitcher Tyler Bean also noticed a lapse in last year’s opener. “We were dead. We were cold and came out flat,” said Bean. This season, inadequate practice time can not be an excuse. A warm winter allowed Washburn to practice outside for a majority of the spring semester. Despite a recent muddy outfield, the Ichabods have been able to prepare for Drury on the diamond instead of in a gym. Last year, the Bods struggled to score runs, only posting six total runs in the three-game series. Lack of WASHBURN s e e i n g BASEBALL l i v e pitching was a major factor, but Bean said the Panthers pitching staff deserved some credit. “They had a pretty good pitching staff,” said Bean. “But this year, our lineup is deeper. As far as it goes, we don’t have a hole in the lineup anywhere.” The Ichabods lost 3-1, 9-3, and 10-2 last year against the Panthers, striking out a total of 27 times. Although two of the starters Washburn faced last year are gone, and only sophomore right-hander Will Landsheft is left, Anson said his team better be prepared to face some talented pitchers. “We didn’t have a good approach to the plate as a team last year,” said Anson. “I don’t know who they have returning this year, but I expect to see some good arms” The Bods return their ace, junior Brett Ash, who threw a solid game in the season-opener against Drury last year. Ash pitched six innings and allowed three earned runs on five hits. Ash will be on the mound for game one against the Panthers, who went 35-19 last season and are projected to finish second in the West in the Great Lakes Valley Conference. Bean will also see time on the mound, when he is not playing third base. “We’ve looked good and I think we’re ready to play,” said Anson. “We’re more prepared to go play this year than last year.” The Ichabods will travel to Springfield, Mo., to face off with Drury Feb. 24 at Meador Park. The series will consist of four games, with a Saturday doubleheader. Luke Warnken is a sophomore mass media major. Reach him at luke.warnken@washburn. edu.

Continued from page 1

her legs back under her as she shot 6-for-13 from the floor, including 4-for-8 from beyond the arc, finishing the game with 17 points and 8 rebounds. Williams also got going as well, pacing the team with 20 points, including a 3-for-7 shooting night from downtown. As Washburn turned up the heat, the Lady Lions wilted and fell further behind before the Lady Blues finally finished them off 75-69. “It was a tough game,” said Ron McHenry, Washburn head coach. “We were just happy to get out of there with a win.” The final hurdle overcome, the table was finally set for a made for television special the following Saturday. The MIAA game-of-the-week featured a conference leading Pittsburg State University team that Washburn previously beat Jan. 11 on the road, 65-51. The Lady Blues attacked early and often in the game opening up a 16-0 lead to start the game. Once again the duo of Williams and Schultz unleashed a barrage of long-range artistry, combining to score 15 of the first 16 points of the game. The Lady Gorillas weren’t going away that easily however. With tough-minded defense and Washburn cooling off from outside, the visitors managed to claw its way back into the contest, finishing the half on a 4-0 run to bring the lead down to just 11 points at the break. “We had a great start,” said Mchenry. “We stumbled a little but found a way to keep it going.” In the second half, the Lady Blues turned their game outside-in by getting senior center Cassie Lombardino involved in the mix. Having scored only three points in the first half, the Bonner Springs, Kan., product went to work in the final frame,

Luke Warnken


Photo by Jordan Loomis, Washburn Review

Fast Forward: Junior forward Sierra Moeller had eight points and nine rebounds against Pittsburg State Feb. 18. The Blues are preparing to take on Emporia State this Saturday in the 198th edition of the Turnpike Tussle. finishing the game with 13 points and eight rebounds. While both teams played tenaciously, the second half didn’t change much from the first for Washburn. PSU however was able to close the distance to four points at several points midway through the half. Combining a disciplined second half plan in which the team shot just five three point shots, the Lady Blues made their way to the free throw line at key points in the game, hitting 9-for-12 in the final frame while finishing the game 14-

On the eve of the 198th meeting of Emporia State University and Washburn University basketball teams. The Review wondered, “What was going on in sports when these two rivals first clashed in 1905?” Here you go:

for-20 from the charity stripe. When the game was over, Washburn had pulled away late putting an exclamation on a series sweep, 59-45. Looking forward now, the Lady Blues are traveling down the highway to take on “Turnpike Tussle” opponent Emporia State University for the 198th time. The Lady Hornets have won four of the last five games, with the sole loss coming to Pittsburg State University.

Washburn last played ESU on Jan. 14 at home when the Lady Blues took down the Lady Hornets 73-66. With possession of third place in the conference on the line for ESU, the team will be looking to avoid the sweep and put itself in position for a strong seed in the MIAA conference tournament. Tipoff is set for tonight at 5:30 p.m. at White Auditorium in Emporia, Kan. Rob Burkett is a senior mass media major. Reach him at robert.burkett@washburn.edu


The New York “not football” Giants won the World Series

The Chicago Maroons and the Yale Bulldogs each won a share of the College Football National Title

The Ottawa Hockey Club, later known as the Ottawa Senators of the NHL, won the Stanley Cup

Graphic by Rob Burkett, Washburn Review

The Vanessa Becerra era is now underway as the Washburn Lady Blues softball team visited Durant, Okla., for the Southeastern Oklahoma State Tournament. First game jitters were apparent as the Blues struggled to score in their first game against Texas Permian Basin. “I think the girls were really nervous,” said Vanessa Becerra, head softball coach. “There was some jitters.” The Lady Blues were only able to score one run against the Falcons of Texas Permian Basin, falling 5-1. Senior Lindsey Moore started in the circle for Washburn, going all six innings for the Blues. Moore allowed five earned runs on 13 hits. “I think she did okay, but she did make a lot of mistakes,” said Becerra. “I think she did good overall but we didn’t get enough run support. I’m okay with giving up five runs by our pitchers because we should be able to score more than that.” Moore struggled to hit her spots and the Falcons made her pay. But the lack of hitting by the Lady WASHBURN Blues SOFTBALL ultimately was the difference. The Blues only scored one run off Texas Permian Basin pitcher Desiree Valero. Valero went the distance for the Falcons, only allowing three hits and striking out five. Texas Permian Basin came into the game with nine games under their belt. “What hurt us was the fact that most of the teams already played some games,” said Becerra. “It was our first game and we were nervous.” Junior first baseman Alex Zordel led the team with hits, finishing 2-for-3 against Valero and the Falcon defense. Washburn got its only run in the top of the fifth on a sacrifice fly by sophomore Paige Hightower that drove in senior Britny Cushing. The Blues overcame the loss and their first game jitters, pounding out 10 runs in their second game against Northeastern State. Washburn won 10-4 behind 12 hits. “We told the girls we need to get better after every game. It was nice to them break through their shell. Our hitters hit they were suppose to,” said Becerra. In the second inning, freshman Kristen Bell belted a two run home run, giving Washburn a 2-0 lead. The next inning Moore, who moved to right field against the Riverhawks, smacked in three more runs on her first homer of the season. The Blues added three more runs in the sixth inning and another run in the seventh. Freshman Kayla Oldham replaced Moore in the circle, picking up her first win of the season. Oldham pitched a solid seven innings, only giving up two earned runs on eight hits. She posted six Riverhawks strikeouts.

Continued on page 7


Sports • Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Howard’s mistakes prevent him from securing top fantasy spot at center Part five of a five-part series

As it happens, he didn’t go anywhere. So naturally, Howard’s fantasy value has dropped a litSo far in the abbreviated tle from where the analysts pre2011-12 NBA season, some dicted it’d be. Despite that, he’s players have stepped up in their still put up fantastic numbers in respective positions as the top 33 games, averaging 20.3 PPG, fantasy players. This five-week 15.3 RPG, 2.1 BPG, 1.4 SPG series will investigate the top and 2.0 assists per game (APG) five players at each position, in 38.4 minutes of play. He’s what they were ranked prior been an all-around force in the to the season and how their fantasy world... so why isn’t his production will change in the value higher? For starters, his future. free throw percentage is a caFor the final piece of the reer-low 50.1 percent. He accuseries, the focus is on the center mulates 3.3 turnovers per game position. and a fairly low field goal per5. Serge Ibaka, Oklaho- centage of 54.7 percent. Even ma City Thunder (No. 15 Pre- though he’s putting up career season Position Rank) – The highs in minutes per game, reNo. 5 center this bounds and assists, season from a fanpercentages play a FANTASY tasy standpoint is huge part in fantasy CENTERS not a big time scorbasketball scoring, er or rebounder. In fact, he only and turnovers are killers. If his averages 8.3 points per game percentages were where they (PPG) and 7.6 rebounds per were last year, he may very game (RPG) in 27.6 minutes well be the top-ranked center per game for the red-hot Thun- again this season. der. It’s his defensive numbers 3. Marcin Gortat, Phoethat make him a top five fantasy nix Suns (No. 13 Preseason pick. Serge “I Block Ya” Ibaka Position Rank) – Gortat’s averages a league-leading 3.3 numbers may not be as impresblocks per game (BPG) and 0.5 sive as Howard’s, but his persteals per game (SPG). On Sun- centages and turnover numbers day, he posted his first career are much better. While Gortat double-double with 14 points, only averages 15.7 PPG, 10.3 15 rebounds and an astonishing RPG and 1.6 BPG, he makes 11 blocked shots. As of Mon- 66.4 percent of his free throws day, Ibaka had registered 105 (72.2 percent in his last five blocks in 32 games this sea- games) and 55.7 percent of his son. If he can start contributing field goals, with only half the more on the boards, look for turnovers of Howard (1.5). DeIbaka to become a triple-double spite being drafted, on average, machine. 50 spots behind Howard, he’s 4. Dwight Howard, Or- had a better fantasy value this lando Magic (No. 1 Preseason season, making him a steal for Position Rank) – All the talk his fantasy owners. He is also this off-season was on where much less likely to foul out than Dwight Howard would land. Howard, with only 2.1 personal

Josh Rouse


fouls per game compared to Howard’s 3.2. 2. Tyson Chandler, New York Knicks (No. 23 Preseason Position Rank) – Again, a situation where percentages and turnovers are more important than points, rebounds and blocks. Chandler averages a comparatively-meager 11.9 PPG, 9.6 RPG, 1.4 BPG and 1.0 SPG. However, his percentages are off the charts. Chandler averages 70.7 percent from the field and 72.9 percent from the charity stripe, while averaging the same turnover numbers as Gortat at 1.5. On average, Chandler was drafted 62 spots behind Howard, yet his fantasy value is much better thanks to his high percentages and ability to handle to ball. 1. Marc Gasol, Memphis Grizzlies (No. 16 Preseason Position Rank) – Gasol’s field goal percentage is actually worse than Howard’s (45.3), but he makes up for it in other areas. Gasol averages 15.0 PPG and 9.9 RPG, with block numbers identical to Howard at 2.1 BPG. He also averages 2.9 APG, which is better than Howard’s assist numbers (2.0). Add 1.0 SPG and Gasol is one of the most well-rounded center’s in the NBA. Despite his low field goal percentage, he has made 75.7 percent of his free throws and is good for the occasional three-pointer, which Howard is not. He also averages 2.1 turnovers per game, compared to Howard’s 3.3, and 37.9 minutes per game. Josh Rouse is a senior mass media major. Reach him at joshua.rouse@washburn.edu.

WU student trains for MMA “I volunteered to do that with him with no formal training in Jiu-Jitsu whatsoever. That’s Most people are perfectly when I started to develop funcontent going through life with- damentals in martial arts.” out the risk of being kicked in Having moved back to the face. Nevertheless, Drew Topeka and attending WashWilliams has different ideas burn University, Williams been about living his life. training in MMA since NovemThe English-born junior ber. Several gyms expressed business major first became interest in having Williams interested in mixed martial arts train or fight with them, but while attendinjuries post“ ing Washburn poned WilOnce he gets his Rural High liams pursuground game down, ing MMA. School. “I worked Yet, he now he’ll be a complete with a guy who says he is fighter. was training completely in muay thai,” healthy and - Darion Terry said Williams. faces his first Williams’ training partner “At the time, formal bout ” in April at I didn’t know what it was at the Kansas all. He got myself and my co- Expocentre. workers involved in watching a “I’m really calm about it,” pay-per-view UFC event.” said Williams. “I’ve surroundStudying at Kansas State ed myself with people I know University a few years ago, are the best in the areas of what Williams nurtured a greater they do. I’m eager to get the passion for MMA with the help date here because I’m ready of his roommate who was train- to go whenever, but it’s killing ing in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. me.” “Whenever he had off days, The man responsible for he would always want someone Williams cultivating his fightto grapple with,” said Williams. ing ability is his training partWASHBURN REVIEW


ner Darion Terry after meeting in 2008 through shared friends. “I just saw him out a mutual gathering, and basically, we just hit it off,” said Terry. “He was just really into fighting, like I was. I had a really long conversation with about anything that was going on inside MMA.” After Terry’s insistence, Williams joined his partner training at United Martial Sciences. Terry firmly believes that his protégé will succeed when he confronts his first formal opponent. “Drew is a quick learner,” said Terry. “Basically, he’s been around the sport long enough to know all the mechanics of it. He has real heavy hands. Once he gets his ground game down, he’ll be a complete fighter.” Williams and Terry recently returned from an UFC event in Omaha, Neb., where they rubbed elbows and gained interest from business professionals such as Dana White and Joe Silva. Sam Sayler is a sophomore English major. Reach him at samuel.sayler@washburn.edu.


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Sports • Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Le Nguyen returns to Washburn as assistant tennis coach Jordan Loomis


Photo by Alex Voskoboyeb, Washburn Review

With the Assist: Former Washburn tennis player Trang Le Nyugen is now enjoying a career as the assistant tennis coach for both the men’s and women’s teams. Le Nyugen was the MIAA MVP in 2009 and 2010.

An athlete whose passion for their game, whether it be basketball, softball, soccer, baseball, football or tennis, has to be strong. Vigorous practices and long seasons can be difficult. To those whose dedication goes beyond that strength though, passion becomes life. To Trang Le Nguyen, Washburn University’s assistant coach of the men’s and women’s tennis teams, strength became life. Le Nguyen first came to Washburn University in August, during the 2008-09 school year, to finish her BBA in marketing and management. This is where she first began and played on the Washburn women’s tennis team as the No. 1 singles and No. 1 doubles player. Then,

after graduating in 2011 she experience for me,” said Le joined the MBA program, Nguyen. “By being a previous and will graduate again this player for Head Coach Dave upcoming May. Alden, I’ve learned so much As a student at Washburn now as a coach.” University, Le Nguyen was According to Le Nguyen, very involved on campus. Coach Alden is amazing to “I had the chance to be to be work with. involved in many organizations “He has changed my tennis on campus,” said Le Nguyen. game so much since I first “I was involved as a came to Washburn University senator on WSGA, as a player,” said Le the director of Nguyen. TENNIS the Leadership Le Nguyen FEATURE Institute, the describes Alden’s president of the International work ethic as incredibly Club, an Resident Assistant of dedicated and fatherly towards the Living Learning Center and his players. a member of other organizations “I always wish that all throughout my years.” players will understand that its Le Nguyen first became not easy to be a coach,” said the assistant coach for the Le Nguyen. “I am extremely Washburn men’s tennis team thankful to have had the chance early in 2010 and has been to work alongside Coach Alden, assistant coach since. because I can improve myself, “It has been an amazing not just as a coach, but as better

person in the real work place.“ Le Nguyen’s love for tennis didn’t begin when she first arrived at WU. Her father is a national coach in Vietnam and has been for 23 years. “I played tennis for most of my life,” said Le Nguyen. “From the junior level to professional and then to USA college.” Le Nguyen also has many titles under her belt, some including Washburn and MIAA MVP in 2009 and 2010. “I was a tennis player, a teammate and now a coach,” said Le Nguyen. “I hope that my part can be a little bit helpful for those on the tennis team this season.” Jordan Loomis is a freshman mass media major. Reach her at jordan.loomis@washburn. edu.

McNeill scores 1,000th point in win Tournament goes Washburn Ichabods prepare for historic 198th meeting with Emporia State Hornets south in Oklahoma Rob Burkett


After having held the line at home for the last three games Washburn took to the road for the first time in two weeks before returning home with mixed results. Heading to Joplin, Mo., to face Missouri Southern State University, the Ichabods looked to make up ground on conference leader Northwest Missouri State University. In senior center Keane Thomann, current conference leading scorer, the Lions would prove a hard team to overcome. Between Thomann’s play and a lack of scoring from the Bods’ top scorer, junior guard Will McNeill, Wednesday turned out to be a long evening for the Ichabods. “I got outcoached in that game,” said Washburn Head Coach Bob Chipman. “I’ve got to make better calls for the guys.” McNeill, who averages 19.8 points per contest, had shot more than 50 percent during the previous three-game home stand. The speedy guard had an atypical night, shooting just 3-for-20 on the night. Despite the rough evening from the floor, McNeill was able to get to the free throw line, shooting 7-for-8 from the charity stripe. He finished with 13 points on the game. With McNeill struggling, other players took up the offensive mantle. Sophomore guard Jeff Reid paced WU scorers with 20 points. Just more than half of Reid’s points came from downtown, hitting 4-for-6 from three-point range. “They were helping off of [junior guard Martin] Mitchell,” said Reid. “I knew I needed to hit some of those shots they were giving me.” With a dominant perfor-

Photo by Jordan Loomis, Washburn Review

Team on his Back: Junior guard Will McNeill became one of only 21 players in Washburn history to score 1,000 points in a career Saturday against Pittsburg State. He scored 14 as Washburn beat PSU, 81-63.

mance on the boards by junior the border, the team returned forward Bobby Chipman, who for a battle against Pittsburg finished the game with a dou- State University. The Gorillas ble-double of 11 points and 11 came into Lee Arena with a rebounds, Washburn opened middle-of-the-pack placement up a lead midway through the in the MIAA standings. second half. With WU leading McNeill, coming off a by as much as 13 points, the Li- rough shooting night the preons turned to their man in the vious game, continued to fire middle. with little effect in the opening Held to just four points stanza. He went 1-for-4 from and three rebounds in the first the field in the first half, but finhalf, Thomann exploded in the ished 5-for-12 for 14 points. second half, and finWith their ished the game with catalyst seemingly MEN’S 22 points and six re- BASKETBALL out of sorts, Washbounds. The 6-footburn’s ensemble 11 center played the entire 40 performance from the previous minutes. night continued. Mitchell start“We did get a little tired in ed off the game quietly with the game,” said Bob Chipman. just two points in the first half “They played a physical game before erupting in the second and we were just a little weak half for a team-high 16 points at the end.” overall. While shooting 7-for-8 Despite dominating on the from the floor for the game, the glass 38-28, Washburn’s rough steady hand at the point providshooting night was capped with ed the spark the team needed. a missed jumper at the end of “It was probably the best regulation. The overtime period game Martin has played for would be no picnic, either, as us,” said Coach Chipman. the Ichabods finished the extra After performing well the frame 3-for-9 from the floor as previous game, Bobby ChipMSSU won 85-79. man stepped back into the fray After the brief run across with strong play under the goal.

Drawing charges during key phases of the game, the 6-foot8 forward battled under the goal, putting in 13 points while ripping down six rebounds. “We just knew we had to get ready for them,” said Bobby Chipman. “They pushed us around a little last time we played, so we were looking for that.” Despite a less than extraordinary shooting night, McNeill still managed to get a strong ovation from the crowd. Midway through the second half, with PSU on a 7-0 run, the usually potent guard pulled up for a big shot, halting the turning tide. With the shot came an honor only earned by 20 other players in the history of Washburn University, as McNeill scored his 1,000th point as Washburn defeated Pittsburg State 81-63. The next target of Ichabod wrath will be historic-rival Emporia State University. This will be the 198th meeting between the two teams—a series that dates back to the 1905-06 season, the first recorded in Washburn history. The 197th edition of the “Turnpike Tussle” was played Jan. 14 in Lee Arena. The Ichabods took down the Hornets in a 67-48 win. The Hornets own a 5-13 record in the MIAA and are 9-15 overall. Led by senior guard Tola Lawal, who averages 13.1 points per game, ESU has lost nine of its last 10 games and currently hold the eighth and final spot in the conference playoff tournament field, meaning the Hornets will play for their postseason future. Tipoff is tonight at 7:30 p.m. at White Auditorium in Emporia, Kan.

Rob Burkett is a senior mass media major. Reach him at robert.burkett@washburn.edu.

Around the MIAA

Oldham who came in for Munoz in the sixth inning suffered her first loss of the season as “Kayla had an amazing games. the Savage Storm scored an unShe found the umpires zone. earned one off of a Washburn She was so consistent and our error. Washburn dropped to 1-2 defense did a great job backing on the season. The remaining her up,” said Becerra. two days of tournament play The Blues went into their were cancelled due to heavy third game of the day with rain. some momentum after defeat“From the first game to the ing Northeasern State. The second and third it was night Lady Blues squared off with and day. It was a completely the tournadifferent ment host team,” said SoutheastIt’s refreshing to have Becerra. ern OklaZordel a list of things to homa State lead the University. Lady Blues work on. Southin bateastern ting avergot on the age hitting board first - Vanessa Becerra .500 over scoring one the weekHead softball coach end on five run off of freshman hits. Cori Mu“Alex noz. Washis a great burn would get on the score- hitter. I expect that from her,” board by taking advantage of said Becerra. two Savage Storm errors in the Despite coming away unthird inning. Sophomore sec- der .500 Becerra saw a lot of ond baseman Katie Schroeder good things from her team. hit an RBI double scoring se“We were upset the rest of nior Kacy Covert. Schroeder the games got cancelled. We crossed the plate herself on an wanted to get some games in. illegal pitch and Moore added But it’s refreshing to have a list the third run of the inning af- of things to work on,” said Becter being walked. Southeastern erra. scored one run in the fourth and Becerra wants to improve fifth innings to tie up the game. on defensive fundamentals and The Blues regained the lead base running. The Lady Blues in the sixth inning as Cushing have little time to reflect on the drew a base loaded walk. past weekend’s games as they The Savage Storm went return to action Feb. 24 in Denthrough three pitchers in the ton, Texas, for the Texas Womgame surrendering five walks an’s University Tournament. while striking out the Lady Blues five times. Washburn gave up a run in the sixth inning bringing the game back into a tie. Josh Rouse is a senior mass After both teams failed to media major. Reach him at score in the seventh inning, the joshua.rouse@washburn.edu game went into extra innings.

Continued from pg. 5



Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Local band bursts into national scene Ryan Ogle


With his guitar slung over his shoulder, Josh Vowell walks casually up to the microphone and utters seven simple words that set the tone for an entire night, “We’re gonna play some blues for you.” And that’s exactly what he, harmonica player Justin “J” Shelton, bassist M. Boyd Brown and drummer Dave Spritzer – along with a slew of other musicians who joined in on the fun – did for the next several hours. Tucked away in a tiny corner of Topeka’s Pigskin’s Sports Bar, Josh Vowell & The Rumble wowed the crowd with their skilled brand of the blues and immediately recognizable, yet customized cover tunes. One of Topeka’s most celebrated blues acts, Josh Vowell & The Rumble, who has shared stages with blues greats like Johnny Lang, Tab Benoit and Robert Randolph, was formed in late 2007 when Josh, who had just parted ways with another local band, crossed paths with Brown during a jam session on his uncle’s property outside of Carbondale, Kan. Starting out as a trio, the band honed their skills by gigging around town and taking part in more Carbondale jams; which soon led to Spritzer and Shelton joining the fold. While Spritzer and Brown had already established them-

selves in various local bands throughout the years, Shelton’s involvement came through a sort of trial by fire after jumping in on a few open jams and bar gigs. Picking up his first harmonica at age 18, Shelton was taken under the wing of a few Kansas City-based harp-blowers and cut his teeth by showing up in bars with a harmonica in hand and ready to jam. Since hooking up with Josh Vowell & The Rumble, Shelton’s passion has turned into a way of life. “These guys push me to the limit,” said Shelton. “They really test me. I’ve been driving real hard for the last three years and feel like I’ve come pretty far with it. I want to go further. It’s been a blessing. This band has changed my life in a lot of ways. I used to build cabinets for a living, now I play blues. I’m truly blessed.” Vowell’s ascension as the front man of one t-town’s most popular bands was a natural one. Born into a musical family, Vowell has been carrying around a guitar as long as he can remember. He was influenced early in life by his guitar playing uncle and grandmother who sang and played keyboards. Aside from a few years of lessons, Josh is primarily a selftaught player who developed his style via instructional books and online videos. Though the young axe-man soaked up a wealth of knowledge, it was the influence and inspiration

Tricia Peterson


Photo by Rodolfo Parisi, Washburn Review

Professor combines art and language WASHBURN REVIEW

The Mulvane Art Museum opened up several new exhibits last week as it prepared for spring visitors. On Feb. 3, Mulvane announced the opening of these exhibits in an opening reception where Cindi Morrison, museum director, as well as guest artists Fernando Pezzino, who is also a Washburn professor, and Miguel Angel Ginvanetti spoke about their contribution. “We could not have done the exhibition catalogues or fly Miguel down from Argentina without the tremendous support we were offered,” said Morrison. Ginvanetti has been a lifelong mentor of Pezzino and taught him while in Argentina. Now, these two get to display their artwork side-by-side in the exhibit “Parallel Views.” Pezzino is an instructor in the department of modern languages at Washburn and has been teaching Spanish since 2008. Originally, he received his bachelors degree in theatre from the Universidad Nacional de Tucuman and then later his masters in arts in Spanish literature from Arizona State University. He has a hobby that extends well beyond the classroom though: acrylic painting. “[As a student,] he was always interested in things around him,” said Ginvanetti. In the exhibit of “Cultural

Photo by Ryan Ogle, Washburn Review

Jammin’ Out: Josh Vowell and the Rumble are local to Topeka, and play regularly at Uncle Bo’s and Abigail’s. Their blues style is greatly influenced by Stevie Ray Vaughn. They play regularly at Abigail’s Grill and Bar. Kansas City or Chicago. In that sense, Topeka is pretty hip to the blues. On the other side of that coin, Topeka is a huge classic rock cover band, karaoke and sports bar town, so it’s not an easy road at all.” More music and time on the road is exactly what band has in mind for 2012. With a third album planned for this summer and sights set on national touring, it’s only a matter of time before the name Josh Vowell & The Rumble extends their grasp beyond the Midwest and bursts into the national blues scene. In the meantime, it’s not difficult to catch Josh Vowell & The

Rumble at any one of the area’s music hotspots. This highly indemand quartet can be found wailing away on any given Friday or Saturday night, as well as their twice-a-month open jam sessions at Pigskin’s. Those who want to end their weekend with a solid dose of the blues are encouraged to head out to Abigail’s Grill & Bar at 3701 SW Plaza Dr. on Sunday nights between 9 p.m. and 1 a.m. for what is quickly becoming one the hottest open jams in the area. Vowell encourages musicians of all ages to come out and take part. “Don’t be afraid to come

out at jam. Our open jams are acoustic and electric,” said Vowell. “We’ve let young bands come in and play their stuff. That’s a big deal to them because they’re up there in front of people instead of stuck in the garage. If you’re sitting on your couch or you’re a drummer who’s stuck at home practicing, come out and play a couple of tunes with us.” For more on Josh Vowell & The Rumble, visit www. f a c e b o o k . c o m / J o s h Vo w ellandTheRumble. Ryan Ogle is a sophomore mass media major. Reach him at ryan.ogle@washburn.edu

Bradley’s keeps ‘em comin back Parallel Views: Washburn Professor, Fernando Pezzino (right) with the help of his mentor, Miguel Angel Ginvanetti (left) debuted his artwork.

Shelby Atadgi

of blues legend Stevie Ray Vaughn who saw Vowell blossom into the skilled lead player he is today. The unmistakable fingerprints of Vaughn’s distinct Texas blues can be heard throughout Josh’s playing. Vowell’s sphere of influence doesn’t revolve completely around the late, great SRV, as The Rumble encompass sounds from the entire spectrum of the blues, as well as a bit of the genre’s younger cousin, rock n’ roll; as evidenced by their second release, “Brickhouse Sessions.” Recorded at Brickhouse Studios in Wichita, the album showcases the natural ability of the musicians involved and has also helped them climb to the top of the local music scene. The humble and amicable band leader is quick to point out that they’ve had plenty of help along the way, crediting friends and family, along with the Wichita Blues Society and The Blues Foundation for helping them along the way. It doesn’t hurt that they’ve found a sort of second home in the popular nightclub Uncle Bo’s as well. “We are very fortunate for Suki at Uncle Bo’s and the Topeka Blues Society. Since Topeka is on Highway 75, a lot of these bigger name, pro blues acts that pass through, come to Uncle Bo’s,” said Vowell. “People here know a little more about things than other towns; aside from the bigger cities like

Fragments,” one portion of “Parallel Views,” Pezzino offers his viewers a unique perspective to culture as each of his paintings offer clues to interpret and understand the culture in which they are seeing represented on canvas. “Language and art are what I do,” said Pezzino. “I think being able to take the cultures and languages of other countries and put them into my art gives a different approach to what I teach; being a teacher here and art have balanced each other.” One of the many things a viewer notices about Pezzino’s painting is the bold and eyecatching color and use of geometric shapes. Even more, the viewer is asked to play a game as they uncover clues scattered throughout the works and match them up with their numbered puzzled parts. “I give them an invitation to play with the crosswords,” said Pezzino. “I hope this allows them to personally discover the cultural differences among countries that speak the same language.” Pezzino has also exhibited his work in the Miami International Art Fair that took place in late 2011. The exhibit in Mulvane Art Museum will be open to students, as well as the public, until March 18.

Shelby Atadgi is a sophomore psychology major. Reach her at shelby.atadgi@washburn. edu

If you are searching for the best breakfast in Topeka, you can stop looking now. In the heart of the North Topeka Arts District, Bradley’s Corner Café is the best spot for home cooked anything-and-everything. From any kind of omelets, to breakfast sandwiches, to corned beef hash, Bradley’s knows how to do it right. I have been going there for more than three years and have yet to have a bad experience or anything less than superb. The service staff is friendly, quick and also part of the family that owns the restaurant, which adds to why I love it even more – it’s local. Every time I go there, it’s packed and seating is limited, but it’s worth the wait, and usually you don’t have to wait too long. The walls are painted in bright yellow and faux brick, with various southwestern styled decorations, cactuses and cute vintage signs. The booths and tables are worn from much use, because like I said, it’s always packed - they add to that home-style café atmosphere they have going on.

The food is the best part. It’s exactly what you would expect of a small café in Topeka. I don’t come to a café to be surprised by the food, and since they do it right, it’s exactly what I want on Saturday or Sunday mornings. My first favorite was the chicken fried steak, and it was actually the first thing I ever ate at Bradley’s. It was the best chicken fried steak I had ever had, hands down – and still is today. The sausage gravy is homemade and the meat is breaded and fried fresh. It comes with hash browns, two eggs and choice of toast, pancakes or biscuits. The toast is toast, the pancakes are fluffy and the biscuits are where it’s at. The biscuits and gravy are an excellent choice because the biscuits are homemade and that can’t be beat. My new favorite is the special omelet, but minus the peppers and onions. It has sausage, bacon, tomatoes, mushrooms, green and red bell peppers, onions and American and Swiss cheese melted on top. This monster comes served with hash browns and your choice of toast, pancakes or a biscuit

Photo byTricia Peterson, Washburn Review

Homestyle Cookin’: On top is the special omelet, loaded with goodies, and below is the homemade apple pie. Can’t go wrong with either one. and you will be lucky to fit it all in your belly in one sitting. The omelet is always cooked just right, with crispy-not-burnt hash browns, and I switch it up every time with the bread choice. Bradley’s is located at 844 N. Kansas Ave, and worth

checking out. They also serve lunch every day and dinner Tuesday through Saturday, if breakfast is not your style. Tricia Peterson is a junior mass media major. Reach her at patricia.peterson@washburn.edu

Mulvane welcomes new preparator Continued from page 1 First Friday Art Walk of Feb. 3, which required him to hang paintings, display origami and industrial sculptures, show almost 1,500 matted works and build six movable walls. “That was quite a challenge,” said Allen. “I really had to jump in with both feet and hit the ground running.” As an artist, Allen has done three solo shows, numerous exhibitions and recently had his work chosen in a five state photo competition. Allen also stated that he will be the

featured artist of March at the Flying Monkey Handcrafted Brews café located at 1500 SW 17th Street in College Hill. Allen is known mostly for photography, with some mixed media works and does a lot of wet paint photography and manipulations that transcend the ordinary. Examples of Allen’s work can be found on his website, thealleneffect.com. Tanner Ballengee is a senior English major. Reach him at tanner.ballengee@washburn. edu

Photo by Amanda Narverud, Washburn Review

Hard Work: As preparator, Allen does carpentry, framing, hanging and much more to get the art displayed. He also helps keep the databases updated. Being and artist himself he knows the importance of all this.


Arts and Entertainment • Wednesday, February 22, 2012

The Break Room helps comedy scene grow in Topeka Shelby Atadgi

Washburn Review

The Break Room, 911 S. Kansas Ave., has been entertaining guests recently with a series of comedies shows entitled “So U Think U R Funny?”. The comedy show takes place the first Friday of every month and begins at 8 p.m. Vicki Trembly is titled as the “resident comic” and helped develop the idea for the show. She has now become the host and enthusiast for the future of this comedic performance. The hope is that The Break Room can inspire more college students to get out there and get involved in the show. Trembly has a history in theatre performance and also a part of Topeka Civic Theatre’s Laughing Matters crew. “It’s an addiction really,” said Trembly, “I need to feel the lights, hear the laughter and feel the energy. I need it to survive like a vampire needs blood.” Even for first time comedians, “So U Think U R Funny?” is a chance to give comedy a chance or improve a natural comedic skill while allowing others to enjoy themselves as well. The Break Room offers a variety of options for a short show including a video screen and sound system.

Photo by Mike Goehring, Washburn Review

Schneider speaks about SOPA,PIPA Photo by Tricia Peterson, Washburn Review

Local Laughter: Max Ellis brings laughter to the crowd at the Break Room last month for their monthly comedy show, So U Think U R Funny. The shows happen the first Friday of every month until Oct. “I love seeing the new people work on their act and watching them grow; I feed on their excitement,” said Trembly. “Whatever kind of show you want, we should be able to make it work; also, Chris is great about giving aspiring comics tips on how to approach a club owner about putting on a show.” Vicki has also been offered a chance at doing a murder mystery and other radio shows to compliment the comedy show. Comedians willing to

give the show a shot also are given a video of their set. This allows them to see their performance as well as the way the audience chose to react to them and hopefully gives them an insight on how they could better enhance their talent. Topeka has come a long way in comedy. At one point there were truly no places to do comedy with the closest available places in Kansas City. Comedy has opened up to the Topeka public recently and is growing in number allow-

even takes over some of the teens. It’s tag-lined as “the ultimate experience in grueling horror.” It’s definitely one of the movies you’re yelling at the screen, wondering how the characters could be so naïve and yet still trying to fix or alter their terrible decisions. I wouldn’t necessarily say that the possessed teens were scary as much as they were downright creepy. They taunted the character of Ashley, Ash, played by Bruce Campbell. Campbell himself, sometimes referred to as a “Bmovie god,” gives a great performance in the film. What I found quite comical was the way in which Campbell’s character reacts. Up until the last 20 minutes or so, he carries this attitude as if somehow

his friends and him will make it out alive. The last 15 minutes go

matinee will begin at 2 p.m. After Friday’s performance there will be a “Talk Back” where audience members can discuss issues brought forth from the performance. After Saturday night’s performance, there will be an after glow reception where viewers are welcome to

meet the cast. Admission is free for students with their Washburn I.D. and eight dollars for general admission. “We’re going to donate three dollars of every ticket to the City of Joy in democratic republic of Congo, which is an organization that helps survivors of these sexual assaults,” said Sullivan. Sullivan would like for those to put pressure on com-

ing a wider audience to come sit down for a drink and laugh through the night. “I hope any aspiring comics, anyone who has ever thought “Hey, I’m as funny as that guy!” will come out and show us they’re funny,” said Trembly.

Shelby Atadgi is a sophomore psychology major. Reach her at shelby.atadgi@washburn. edu

‘The Evil Dead’ provides genuine scare

Kelly Hurla


“The Evil Dead” has appeared in my Netflix suggestions a couple times, but it sounds like any other 80’s horror. I decided to take a chance and find out exactly what it had to offer. I was glad that I did. What I didn’t realize, was that not only was this a true 80’s classic, but it was a movie that set the bar and influenced many of the horror movies that I love today. The fact that I’ve called myself a true horror movie fan before watching this movie makes me slightly ashamed. In “The Evil Dead,“ it’s really a simple story line. Five friends travel to a cabin in the woods. They discover “The Book of Evil,“ and unknowingly release evil upon the cabin the woods and themselves. The evil then taunts and eventually

“The Evil Dead” is one movie that any true horror genre lover can’t miss. Since it’s release, It’s been referenced in dozens of movies, techniques copied, and ideas reapplied. If you don’t believe me, check out “The Evil Dead” page on imbd. com, and look for the Graphic by Linnzi Fusco, Washburn Review movie connections into an overload, metropolis of page. Movies like this one set gore. An oozing, melting, gurgling and spraying mess is only the way for many in the genre like “Cabin Fever,” where five putting it lightly. The ending is sudden and friends go to a cabin in the yet simple. It satisfies the com- woods for the weekend, unmon horror movie lover. For knowingly develop a flesh eatme, evil always triumphs or ing virus, but all hope to make it leaves room for a sequel, trilo- out okay. Notice any parallels? gy and so forth. If you can‘t get enough of this one, there‘s a sequel and a few spin-offs. Plus, Kelly Hurla is a sophomore it’s even rumored to be in pre- mass media major. Reach her production for a 2013 remake. at kelly.hurla@washburn.edu

‘Ruined’ premieres this weekend at WU

Kelly Hurla


“Ruined” premieres at the Andrew J. and Georgia Neese Gray Theatre at Washburn University on Thursday February 23 at 7:30 p.m., with encore performances Friday and Saturday evening as well. Sunday, a

panies that use coltan to find different sources and different ways of dealing with it. She also states that while there’s nothing wrong with technology itself, we need to find a way to have technology without other people suffering for it.

Kelly Hurla is a sophomore mass media major. Reach her at kelly.hurla@washburn.edu

Check out coverage of Washburn sports as postseason play approaches!

The third in a three part series

Josh Rouse

Washburn Review In part two of the Washburn Review’s three-part series featuring local record producer Paul Schneider, owner of Rundown Recording Studios, he spoke about the music industry and the process of opening a small business. Schneider mentioned in the first article that he plans to change the culture of Topeka, so it gains a reputation for record producing similar to Nashville or Los Angeles. Aside from his job as a record producer, Schneider works full-time as a firefighter in Lawrence and is a solo musician. Schneider’s dual roles as both an artist and producer gave him a unique perspective when two recently-defeated pieces of legislation were introduced before the US Senate and House of Representatives, the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) and the Protect IP Act (PIPA). “You know, I kind of fall on both sides of it,” said Schneider. “Bands, record labels, producers put a lot of money into people--bands, people, performers--to build a product for sale. I mean, that really is what a performer or band is, a product for sale. They are groomed through the music, through the look, through their advertising. So when people take the music or the movies, whatever it may be, for free, then that has a business impact on the people who get paid. For instance, me as a studio. If less places have money to put into production, then that’s going to hurt me business-wise.” However, he believed the pieces of legislation were about something more than illegallydownloaded music or movies. “To me, the real struggle is not particular about giving away music, it’s about control over the Internet space, which is a huge industry that’s not regulated or taxed,” said Schneider. “So really, I don’t think it’s as much about some kid downloading Green Day for free as it a way to have some sort of legislative control over a large, massive people-controller and money producer, in order to build revenue.” Schneider also expressed his opinions on Gov. Sam Brownback’s decision to cut funding to the Kansas Arts Commission last May, a decision which cut $689,000 from the state budget and an additional $1.2 million in matching funds from the National Endowment for the Arts and the Mid-America Arts Alliance. “Here’s my opinion on

Sunflower PROMPT


that,” said Schneider. “Even though I’m in the arts, I tend to be a little more conservative. My belief is in personal responsibility, and the fact that I think if government gives arts money, then really there can be people in control of that money that can just produce what they want. It might be completely shitty and nobody likes it.” “But if they take the public funding away--when I say public, I mean government, understand that already the public without government intervention has stepped in and donated money towards the arts commission--well what that provides then is maybe a more collective group of people can say ‘You know what, who likes the shitty stuff?’ and one person raises their hand like ‘I did that because I thought it was cool,” but nobody else likes it, well no money is going to go to that, because nobody else likes it except for one dude. But the stuff that a lot more people can enjoy, a lot more people can get involved in, the money will come because then the people who like it will start to donate.” Schneider said he believes the money would be more beneficial to artists if it came straight from private citizens, rather than being funneled through the bureaucratic system. “The same thing with people that have issues that have issues with getting jobs or homeless, I know that my church and my community and firefighters, we come together and help our own, so people gather around other people,” said Schneider. “We don’t have to have government to do that for us. In my mind... I think it’s up to all of us as a whole, as a people, to take care of each other. As soon as we start giving money to politicians, only a small percent goes back to help you. If I give a politician 100 bucks to help you, he’s going to give you 5 and take the other 95. Honest to God. But if I just go ahead and instead give you the 100 bucks myself, or just even give you 85 and keep another 15 to help somebody else out, it benefited more people. In my mind, government’s just going to eff it up.” Check out more about Rundown Recording Studios on its website at www.rundownstudios.com.

Josh Rouse is a senior mass media major. Reach him at joshua.rouse@washburn.edu

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Dr. Iris Gonzalez is now taking appointments at Sunflower Primary Care. 3405 NW Hunters Ridge Terrace Suite 100 Topeka, KS 66618 Phone 785-246-3733


Arts and Entertainment • Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Lanegan: An elegy for the blues Ryan Hodges The Wasburn Review

Mark Lanegan is Seattle’s own version of Johnny Cash. While peers and collaborators like Kurt Cobain and Layne Staley succumbed to their personal demons, Lanegan fought back and while he may not have fully won his battle with drugs and alcohol, he managed to earn a hard-won truce with his inner self. Lanegan, singer for 90s grunge band Screaming Trees, as well as parttime vocalist in Queens of the Stone Age, often gave voice to his inner battles through solo recordings, which have tended to be much more stark and blues driven. Following a criticallyacclaimed trio of albums with Belle and Sebastian singer Isobell Campbell, Lanegan has finally returned to his dark roots. “Blues Funeral,” Lanegan’s 10th solo album, and the second credited to The Mark Lanegan Band, expands the sonic landscape which seductively surrounds his dark voice. At the same time, band members are smart enough to know when to hang back and let Lanegan’s darkly voice lead the choir of despair. The album opens with a hypnotic trance beat of “The Gravedigger’s Song.” The unexpected thump, which lulls you under Lanegan’s shamanistic, dark spell, taps into America’s

mesmerizing grind of daily life. The album’s standout track “Bleeding Muddy Water” leads you deeper into Lanegan’s inner despair. With biblical cues and a dark, smoky blues that is like the devil’s seductive slither of ecstasy and inner decay. “Drown in the rain, then the rain done come,” Lanegan coos in a seductive voice that recalls a dark, New Orleans bar from a time eternal. Lanegan wears a musical camouflage to disguise his inner demons, leaning into disco with “Grey Goes Black,” a pulsing trance of Sonic Youth guitar feedback. “St. Louis Elegy” puts Lanegan’s dark, seductive voice in front of a pulsing voodoo spell. M a r k Lanegan is the ultimate corrupter of souls. “Phantasmagoria Blues” finds him with a raspy, seductive whisper. Whiplash overcomes the listener with “Quiver Syndrome.” “The moon don’t smile on Saturday’s child,” croons Lanegan as he takes the listener to the edge of temptation. Throughout this maze of despair and hopelessness, Lanegan’s voice has

worked its way into your mind, burrowing into the darkest thoughts and emotions. This is a fire-and-brimstone sermon where the preacher tells you of the misdeeds of his devilish seduction. After being spiritually corrupted, “Leviathan” soothes the listener with the prospect of release from his chains of despair; But it’s only another one of the devil’s tricks. Now the angels lull you with the choir of potential salvation through corruption. “Deep Black Vanishing Train” allows Lanegan’s backing band of Alain Johannes, Greg Dulli and Jack Irons to hold back and allow the raspy, cigarette and whiskey voice to seduce the listener further. After all this emotional drain, Lanegan finally lifts the soul of the listener from the pit of darkness and background in sadism and masochism with a slow burn in “Tiny Grain of Truth.” The dirt has been turned and the grave dug. It’s time to leave behind the darkness, floating into a hazy bliss which lulls the listener to their final sleep, just floating in a guitar haze. Listening to “Blues Funeral” left

Photos courtesy of marklanegan.com.

me spiritually exhausted and feeling like I needed a nice, hot shower to burn away the darkness. Lanegan’s voice comes at you from a dark and slightly hostile open wound on your soul. And that is Lanegan’s ultimate power: his voice grabs you, leaving you in a daze of hopelessness. It speaks with the darkness of the earliest blues songs.

It’s like a baptism in the darkness of reality and “Blues Funeral” is the ultimate solution to the artificial happiness we find in the false gratification of our decadence. Ryan Hodges is a senior social work major. He can be reached at ryan. hodges@washburn.edu.

Xmen, a new breed

The Offices provide constant entertainment

Washburn Review

Washburn Review

Shelby Atadgi

Unique is what you get when you jam out to X-men. This band is not your typical rap group with their twist of rap, gospel and R&B-like genres in combination to make a sound unlike any you would have heard before. Xmen have released a CD titled “The Newbreed Generation” that features four artists, two of which are students at Washburn. “X-men was our first real coming out project as a cohesive unit, that is Soultaker, so it was a big thing putting it on iTunes and such,” said Rolondo ’Lyric’ Reddick. “We all worked hard and overcame a lot to do it.” The group came up with the name X-men not only because of the logo that depicts it, but also in order to relate to their overall feeling of being a whole new breed of artist featuring ‘mainstream sounds with underground content.’ Listening to “The Newbreed Generation” certainly fits this description. One can almost think of how it would sound to combine Kanye West, Usher and Kid Cudi. You may get close to describing how Xmen sounds, but the real sound can only be described by taking a listen. “If I continue to grow, my music will continue to grow; the more I learn about my craft and the more I hone it the better I’ll be able to convey the

knowledge that I’m receiving,” said Phillip ‘Brail’ Watson.“I’m just going to grow and as I grow so will my fan base.” Watson is also working on a personal project titled “Booty Sweat the World” which has over 20,000 views on YouTube. “I hope that listeners will hear the love of Christ in my music,” said Watson. “I hope that they will be able to enjoy intelligent and well crafted compositions, learn a little bit, and have something to vibe on for every emotion; I want them to know me.” Ultimately, the men of X-men feel they know what is important in their continuation of musical talent. “I feel as if I’m my own biggest critic so if I don’t think highly of myself, who will?” said Reddick, “Leaders lead and, of course, the listeners will come later.” Other members of X-men include Mike ‘Collossus’ Gully and RIP ‘Professor X’, Titonian Wallace. In the end, X-men doesn’t kid around about being ‘a whole new breed’ of sound. The only way to really take them in is to listen to their album “The Newbreed Generation” and discover it for yourself. Shelby Atadgi is a sophomore psychology major. Reach her at shelby. atadgi@washburn.ed

Kelly Hurla

Along with food and drinks, live entertainment is something a little extra you can get if you stop by The Office, located downtown at 124 W. 8 St. or The Office Too at 3251 S. Topeka Blvd. Open Wednesday though Sunday, The Office Too offers food, drinks, and dueling piano shows nightly. The shows have a $5 cover charge and include two piano players and a drummer. “It’s just constant action,” said Michael Cushinberry, in charge of booking and promotions for both The Office locations. “The piano players will start off the night playing some of their own favorites and then they’ll take request tickets.” The request tickets start at $5, but you can put down as much as you want, depending on how eager you are for your request to be played. The Office, downtown location, offers live and constant music every Friday and Saturday night. The entertainment is normally free of charge, but depends on the band’s discretion. “It doesn’t matter to me whether it’s hip hop, jazz, blues, rock, country, or bluegrass,” said Cushinberry. “Whatever it is, if it’s good music in Topeka and Northeast Kansas, I’m going to bring it to the downtown Office.”

Entertainment at little or no cost to you, might sound a little too good to be true. One of the only downsides might be your age. 10 p.m. is the end of the night those under 21. Although it’s not a preference for the businesses either way, Cushinberry reports that state law makes the rules that way. Luckily, there are some special events that age doesn’t cause a problem. Occasionally, coming out to either location can not only benefit you, but non-profit organizations in Topeka and northeast Kansas as well. Thursday, Feb. 23 Capitol Federal Savings is holding their annual chili feed at The Office’s downtown location to benefit Project Topeka. All you can eat chili, as well as a dessert is $5 with all the proceeds going to the cause. “Anytime that The Office or The Office Too gets a chance to give back to the community of Topeka or northeast Kansas, we’re right there,” said Cushinberry. Along with the chili feed, a trivial pursuit tournament will be ongoing, with all proceeds benefiting Project Topeka. The pursuit games will run for $20 per four person team, or $5 if you choose to play individually. Another special event The Office hosts includes their St. Patrick’s day celebration. After the annual St. Patrick’s Day parade, the fun at the downtown location will only be the beginning. The street will be closed

Photo by Ryan Burge, Washburn Review

Dueling Pianos: The Office Too has dueling pianos every week.

from 8th and Jackson Street to 8th and Kansas Avenue. The Office is set to team up with the Celtic Fox for a street show with live music from three different bands, green beer, and the promise of a good time for all ages. “If you get the chance to make it out, watch the show outside and it will be totally free,” said Cushinberry. Kelly Hurla is a sophomore mass media major. Reach her at kelly.hurla@ washburn.edu

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