2012-13 Issue 25

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Washburn Review

Washburn University

Volume 140, Issue 25

April 10, 2013


Annual magazine debuts in May Madison Powers


The definition of inscape is an essence, or an inner quality of something, especially something in nature. Inscape is also the literary journal of Washburn University and features works of art, poetry and fictional and non-fiction short stories from all over the country. Its purpose is to feature writers and artists both on the local and national levels and raise awareness of others’ talents. “Inscape is a way for first-time writers to get published and even long-time writers to share their new ideas,” said Codi Spiker, editor, design director, fiction editor and proofreader of the magazine.

continued on page 3

Roll It Out: The printers’ wheel is the trademark of Inscape, it can be found within Inscape 2013 as well as online at inscapemagazine.org.

Graphics courtesy of Katie Child, Washburn Review

2 The Review April 10, 2013



April 10, 2013 Washburn Review 3

Greek week kicks off this weekend Greek Week starts this Saturday with The Big Event and lasts until next Friday, April 19. 4/13 - The Big Event (9 a.m. - 5 p.m.) Students participate in various activites, volunteering around Topeka. 4/16 - Sundaes with the Greeks (4:30 p.m. - 6 p.m.) Come to Memorial Lawn for some ice cream and fun with the Greeks. All students are welcome to come. 4/17 - Tommy and the High Pilots & Carnival Games A national band from California will perform at 7 p.m. in the Washburn Room. Carnival games will be held in the same room. 4/18 Lip Sync (7:30 p.m.) Come to the Washburn Room to see the Greeks lip sync and dance to a specific list of songs, chosen by themselves. 4/19 Greek Olympics (3 p.m. - 5 p.m.) This event, in Yager Stadium, is for Greek students only.

Photo courtesy of Anthony Ho

Olympics at WU: Last year’s Greeks participate in the Greek Olympics. This year the event will be held at 3 p.m. at Yager Stadium.

Washburn police reports April 1 13:09—Motor Vehicle Accident; Parking Lot 18

April 2 13:37—Theft, books; Memorial Union 14:00—Theft, books; Memorial Union 15:32—Aggravated Burglary/Felony Theft/Criminal Tresspass; Memorial Union

April 5 01:36—Information report/ dist. alcohol violation; Living Learning Center 01:36—Alcohol arrests/Notice to leave; Living Learning Center 13:13—Criminal damage to property, vehicle; Parking Lot 9 23:26—Information Report, Alcohol Violation; Living Learning Center

Inscape has long history continued from page 1

“It’s just really exciting to see Inscape come out of Washburn, and there are a lot of Washburn contributors, like alums or students, and it’s nice to see the English department do something so beautiful like this,” said Spiker. This is the first year that students have had a part in the process of proofreading, editing and designing the magazine on their own. The collaboration between students and faculty present a literary magazine on the national level. “It teaches a lot, and we learn a lot… it’s a part of our educational mission at Washburn; putting out something as ambitious as a 120-page literary magazine,” said Tom Averill, the new faculty advisor at Inscape. The editors, who work on this magazine, work year-round on each issue. As soon as this

year’s issue debuts, they will begin work on the next magazine. Inscape has a long history as a literary magazine at Washburn. Washburn’s English Journal Club, founded in 1917, was the first to publish a magazine on campus. It was called Washburn Magazine. The next magazine, Hemlock, emerged in the fifties as Washburn’s first literary magazine. In 1972, the name was changed to Inscape. Last year, the magazine celebrated its 40th year. Anyone interested in submitting an original work can do so online at inscapemagazine.org. Works of fiction or art can be submitted between May 15 and Oct. 24. If anyone wishes to purchase Inscape, copies are only $10 and can be bought at the Ichabod Shop. This year’s issue debuts May 1 at Southwinds Gallery at 7 p.m. There will be snacks, drinks and a chance for the public to mingle with the contributors and staff of

Inscape and ask questions. The debut is a mixer open for the public. Selected stories from the magazine will be read, and the art in this issue will be on display by those who submitted to Inscape. Several of the out-of-state contributors, coming even as far away as New York, will be in attendance to discuss their success with the staff of Inscape. During the debut, there will be an Editor’s Choice Award, in which the best poetry, artwork, fiction and non-fiction short stories will be given a $100 prize. All who submit to the magazine, and are chosen, will receive a free copy of Inscape. This issue is dedicated to Sarah Smarsh, who was the first faculty advisor for the Inscape. Averill has replaced her as the new faculty advisor. Madison Powers, madison. powers@washburn.edu, is a sophomore history major.

SALT program helps students manage finances

Lynda Zook


Washburn is partnering with American Student Assistance, a non-profit organization, to deliver SALT to students and recent graduates. SALT is an interactive nonprofit financial program that offers advice, resources and tools for students to better manage their money and student loan services. Washburn is giving student’s free membership in the program. A student membership provides online access to resources in banking, credit, paying for college, internships and job searches. There are financial calculators to determine interest on loans, savings and budget creation. SALT also provides an array of forms for student loans management including applications, deferrals and payback options. Every student’s

loan information is individually tracked in one place, making it easy to access and manage. Jacob Bailey, senior business management major, has paid his way through school but believes this is a great idea for other Washburn students. “Students don’t fully understand how loans work or the best way to go about paying them off,” said Bailey. “Anything to help them understand or address it is good.” Some students said they’d use the program if it wasn’t too consuming. “I’d probably use it if it is simple and doesn’t take a lot of time or effort,” said Dallas Hathaway, sophomore communications. “It’s hard to keep track of finances with all the other stuff you have to do. It’s hard just to find time.” Rebecca Armentrout, freshman fine arts major,

agrees that most students don’t have enough time in a day or experience budgeting their spending. “Someone right out of high school doesn’t realize things are totally different here. You have to actually put down money here for meals and things outside school,” said Armentrout. “It’s not like you have a card to swipe or track it for you.” Both Hathaway and Armentrout see this program benefitting graduates. “It’s hard to find a job,” said Armentrout. “You come here to get a degree. You owe all this money. When it comes time to graduate, then you have to go out and compete with all these other people. So this is good especially for someone who’s getting ready to graduate.”

Lynda Zook, lynda.zook@washburn.edu, is a Journalism 2 student.

4 The Review April 10, 2013


Professor speaks for endangered turtle

Class supports auction to end human trafficking

Caroline Hau

Students from Washburn’s Human Trafficking class focused on spreading awareness about human trafficking in the first week of April. During the lunch hour classmates passed out brochures, answered questions and showed a poster about the issue. They also showed movies such as “Not My Life” and “Slumdog Millionaire.” Twenty-seven million people around the world are slaves and 1-2 kids enter slavery for every minute that passes. Victims are forced to work in poor conditions where they are paid little if any, deal with physical and sexual abuse. It is difficult to escape due to threats, physical and sexual restraint. “Human trafficking is defined as the recruitment, harboring or transportation of others, through force, fraud or coercion in which control is factor” read a Stepping Stones brochure. “To take and force a person to do things against their will is immoral,” said Christy Cheray, a non-traditional student. Cheray believes that a person should be paid for their work. Human trafficking occurs not just in Cambodia and India, but the United States as well. Even in Kansas. Victims are forced into an estimated $34 billion dollar industry where they are raped, work in poor conditions and get little or no pay. People targeted for human trafficking are men, women and children. People that are most vulnerable are runaways and those who have mental disabilities. Some people are picked up at casinos and hotels. “The average age of entry into prostitution is between 12 and 14 years old,” wrote Stepping Stones. On the poster were pictures of slaves and products that were made by slaves. A few of the products displayed were


The Kemp’s Ridley sea turtles, lepidochelys kempii, are currently listed as critically endangered. Judy Scherff, an adjunct biology professor at Washburn, gave a seminar about these turtles March 25, 2013. She talked about the Kemp’s Ridley’s and their future as a critically endangered species. She illustrated the efforts of a conservation organization called Sea Turtle Inc., which manages a rescue and research facility in South Padre Island, Texas. She showed the direct threats on the turtles, such as disturbing of nests by poachers or predators, and most of all the accidental by-catch of the turtles in fishing nets, and how indirect stressors like loss of nesting habitat due to local development, pollution and global warming contribute to the rapid decline of these animals. She demonstrated the involvement of the South Padre Rescue facilities and introduced the students to some of the rescued residents currently held at that facility. She explained the program at the station from scheduled releases, to the adoption program of nests, and pointed out that there are internship possibilities and volunteer work that Washburn students can participate in at Sea Turtle Inc.

“It will tell our students the world is larger than Kansas,” said Ursula Jander, Emerita in the Washburn biology department. “They will learn research methods, nature observation, the appreciation of nature and life and learn social experience as a group.” It was discussed at the seminar that there is the opportunity for Washburn Students to become involved by adopting a nest and by helping as volunteers during the nesting season. “Adopting a nest is awesome, and it helps save the turtles,” said Chelsea Sevigny, senior biology major. “It was awesome that we raised the money so fast.” Within one week the $100 needed to adopt a nest was raised

by the biology club at Washburn University. “I would love to go during spring break cleaning up the beaches, because the turtles are not born yet,” said Sevigny. A trip during the summer would allow the students to learn how to work with these animals hands on, give them medical care and teach them how to do nest conservation. “I love the idea of getting involved with the little turtles,” said Sevigny. “I can get the biology club involved, if I become president of the biology club. I want to get students and faculty excited about it.” Even a mid-western university like Washburn can make an association with the ocean. “We are landlocked here in Kansas, and we have no connection with the sea,” said Scherff. “We have so much going on in the ocean and it is a very critical part of our ecosystem. It is easy to forget the ocean when you are far from it, but nevertheless it is very critically.” Caroline Hau, caroline.hau@ washburn.edu, is a Journalism 2 student.

Lauren Doherty


Butterfingers, Pringles and a Rockstar drink. “Some line of slavery made these products,” said Meaghan McEachern, senior. McEachern helped out at the booth. She wants people to not only know about Human Trafficking, but to help end it. “I feel that it is very important to have a voice for those who don’t have a voice and be active in this cause instead of allowing our society to view a human life as a commodity” said McEachern. McEachern acknowledged that one way to help end slavery is to choose products wisely. The book “The Better World” is a shopping guide that has done in depth research on where companies buy some of their ingredients and materials. The book grades each company based on the amount of labor used by slaves. The products in the U.S. may not have been made by slaves, but take candy bars for instance. The bar was put together with peanut butter and chocolate by paid employees in the U.S., but the company bought the coco from a farm. Where the coco was raised is where a group of slaves worked to make the coco bean. Another way to help end slavery is to participate in an upcoming auction. The event will take place at The Burger Stand on April 14 on 1601 SW Lane St. Admission is free. Listen to some music then check out the auctions. There will be a silent auction at 4 p.m. and live auction at 4:30 p.m. If anyone suspects that someone is a victim of human trafficking they should call the Human Trafficking National Hotline at 1-888-373-7888.

Lauren Doherty, lauren. doherty@washburn.edu, is a Journalism 2 student.



April 10, 2013 The Review 5

alendar Group gives support to depressed

Wednesday, April 10

Men’s Tennis vs. Northwest Missouri State University: 2 p.m., Washburn Tennis Complex Women’s Tennis vs. Northwest Missouri State University: 2 p.m., Washburn Tennis Complex Jessica Hogbert Gallery Talk: 6 p.m., Art Building Thursday, April 11

Open Registration Begins— Summer/Fall 2013: All Day Wake Up with Washburn—Steven Martin SOAR Awards Reception: 6 to 9:30 p.m., Memorial Union, Washburn Room B Observatory Open House: 9 to 10 p.m., Stoffer Science Hall Friday, April 12

Men’s Tennis vs. Truman State University: 2 p.m., Washburn Tennis Complex Softball at Northeastern State University: 2 p.m. Women’s Tennis vs. Truman State University: 2 p.m., Washburn Tennis Complex Softball at Northeastern State University: 4 p.m. Saturday, April 13

Women’s Tennis vs. Missouri Western State University: noon, Washburn Tennis Complex Baseball vs. Southwest Baptist University: 2 p.m., Falley Field Men’s Tennis vs. McPherson College: 3 p.m., Washburn Tennis Complex

Photo by Richard Kelly, The Washburn Review

Love is All You Need: To Write Love on Her Arms offers those who suffer from depression, self-injury, addiction and other mental health issues a secure place to express their needs. The Washburn chapter of TWLOHA meets weekly on Thursdays in the Shawnee Room of the Memorial Union.

Richard Kelly


To Write Love on Her Arms, often abbreviated TWLOHA, is a national organization which seeks to provide a place for those struggling with depression, self-injury, addiction and more. A group of Washburn students have taken the organization’s vision and extended it to the Washburn campus. They now have a dedicated group of roughly 20 students who attend a weekly Thursday meeting, usually held in the Shawnee Room of the Memorial Union. Molly Walter, sophomore psychology major at Washburn, helped found the WU chapter of TWLOHA last March. It didn’t really take off at first, but the organization had a breakthrough this past August. “We didn’t promote it much last year,” said Walter. “This year, we did WU Fest and met a lot of the people who are here tonight. Then just by word of mouth and having events, we were able to start to get people to come.” Walter, who has been impassioned by the organization since eighth grade, said it’s been a great experience seeing the organization impact students positively. “Even recently, we were sitting here, and I was talking to our advisor and I said ‘a year ago, we only had four people coming

and now we have all these people organization. who say they love Thursdays Another piece of the orgaand coming to meetings,’” said nization’s meetings is “positive Walter. “For me, even just small bombardment,” which is where discussions and being able to say a box is passed around to each ‘you’re not alone in what you’re individual in the room during the going through’ meeting. They means a lot.” are to write A normal messages in “ meeting often the box, which begins with are anonyFor me, even just a short dismous, and small discussions cussion of a they are then current event read aloud by and being able pertaining to other memto say ‘you’re not depression, bers of the alone in what self-injury, and group. They other related often share you’re going topics. They kind words for through’ means a also invite other memguest speakers. bers of the lot. At the March 7 organization, - Molly Walter meeting, an inexplain how sophomore, psychology dividual from TWLOHA has major the Kansas helped them, Youth Empow” and more. erment Acad“Thursemy came to days are often speak to the group about learning really stressful for me at the behow to advocate for youth with ginning of the day, because it’s disabilities. completely booked” said ElizaBeing a new organization beth Evans, junior English major has come with fiscal needs, so and TWLOHA member. “But I the organization recently com- come to TWLOHA and everypleted a fundraiser for its benefit, thing is planned out, and I just holding a 5K event at Washburn. get to relax and be with a family. The event raised $640.81, which Even though we talk about rethe Washburn chapter will keep ally heavy topics, just being with roughly 25 percent of, or $160. those people, I always feel more The remaining funds will be do- hopeful about the things going on nated to the national TWLOHA in my life and life in general.”

And as Walter explained, many students feel stress in some way or another, and this is a place for them to come and express it. “College is hard for most people,” said Walter. “I think we’ve all been to the point where we’re stressed out and we don’t want to do anything. So I think it’s really awesome to be able to say ‘we know you’re stressed right now, but you’re not alone in this.’” The organization hopes to hold a few more social events for the end of the semester, including a social at The Burger Stand in College Hill, as well as a potluck. Kari Wold, senior psychology major, said the future of the organization is in making sure others know it exists. “It would be really nice if we had at least 25 people who were here regularly,” said Wold. “The way we want to do that is to get different organizations on campus partnered with us, because that’s the only way we’re going to get everyone involved, is to align all of us.” If interested in attending a meeting or learning more about the organization, please visit the TWLOHA Facebook page at facebook.com/twlohawu. Richard Kelly, richard.kelly@ washburn.edu, is a senior mass media and social work major.

6 April 10, 2013 The Review

Question: I’m dating a really great guy but I’m a Christian and he isn’t and that bothers me. He’s nice about it but he doesn’t believe in God and I think that’s important because I really like him and he wants to get serious but I don’t know if I can marry an atheist. God is #1 for me. Help! Answer: Well, religious beliefs are one of those core values that one tends not to compromise on. That said, all relation-


ships require lots of compromise. The real question is this: what do you value more? Is it enough to have a “really great guy” who has no issue with you having your views as long as you let him have his? The bigger question is: how long are you going to wait before you try to convert him if you haven’t already? Biblically (if you are following the “letter of the law”), in Corinthians 6:14, the verse that is popularly quoted is, “Do not be yoked together with unbelievers. For what do righteousness and wickedness have in common? Or what fellowship

Opinion BOD “Intro to Art. I love the class because it has so much variety, you learn art history, appreciation and creation”


can light have with darkness?” I do you see yourselves in five do not inherently think that this years? If his degree requires him is a deal-breaker. However, sta- to travel or yours does, is the othtistically, relationships that have er willing to follow? How do you conflicting world views rarely feel about sex? How do you feel work out. The bigger issue here about infidelity or any number of is whether you both have enough other things? When looking at commonality in your values (not marriage, all of that matters. Uljust religion) to have a long-term timately, the details of the name relationship be successful. At the of God may not matter, but at end of the day, honor, respect some point if you don’t get this and love win out when you put reconciled, you’re guaranteed each other first. If you’re willing to have it rear its ugly dogmatic to allow each other to be free in head. his religious beliefs and not pressure him to adopt yours then you might have a prayer. Freedom to be self-expressed is paramount in all relationships regardless of the details. If he respects your views If you would like Raz’s adand supports you in your self-ex- vice, email your question to realpression (and you him) things worldraz@gmail.com. Look for might turn out fine. That said, this column every week on this you should look at what you RE- opinion page for your answer. ALLY WANT in a partner (and probIf you have an issue you would ably ask him to do the same) and see like The Review to write about, if your core values please email wureview@gmail. really match up. com. We want to hear from you. Do you both want children? Where

With the semester approaching its end, we wanted to know:

“What is your favorite class at WU and why?”

“I like bearded ladies.”

Tirzah Richards, sophomore, Spanish Major

Jasmine Calloway, senior, criminal justice

“ Yoga. It was a low stress low impact class that was a nice mental release” Jean-Luc Chinal, senior, psychology major

Steven Schultz, 2L, international intellectual property

“ Dr. Bayens Intro to Corrections class. I loved the class because of his teaching technique. I remember everything I learned.”

“International Intellectual Property because Judd is a really enthusiastic professor.” ”

Contact Us

Phone: (785) 670-2506 Fax: (785) 670-1131 www.washburnreview.org Editor-in-Chief Tricia Peterson Advertising Manager Mike Kerls Promotions Director Austin Abernathy A&E Editor Kelly Hurla Sports Editor Luke Warnken Online Editor Mike Goehring Graphic Design Editor Katie Child Copy Editors Richard Kelly • Fatima Oubaid Production Assistant Linnzi Fusco • Ryan Hodges Writers Kelly Hurla • Tricia Peterson • Farai Harreld • Raz Potter • AJ Dome • Colton Goeffert • Lynda Zook • Luke Warnken • Elise Barnett • Xuelu Pan • Shaun Collins • Fatima Oubaid Photographers Andrew Escandon • Mike Goehring • Sarah Rush • Alex Voskoboyev • Linnzi Fusco • Ivan Moya • Graphic Designers Katie Child • Ashley Russel • Kelsey Wagers • Chen Yuan • Chelsea Howe Videographers Rodolfo Parisi • Drew Egnoske • Bradley Parrales • Holly Werndorff Advertising Staff Linnzi Fusco • Kara Protasio • Austin Abernathy • Tricia Peterson Kaw Editor-in-Chief Kayla Norton Adviser Regina Cassell

April 10, 2013 The Review 7


Mother neglects child, gets 4 months

Washburn Review


A recent story out of St. Joseph, Mo. is currently bringing

some disturbing news to light. The story, which originally surfaced in early November 2012, alleges 21-year-old Alexandra Shurr of St. Joseph did not check on her 4-year-old daughter Amber Elizabeth Mosier for anywhere between 17 to 20 hours. Her daughter, who had Celebral Palsy and was on a feeding tube, was found unresponsive after this time had passed, and by the time of police arrival, was pronounced dead. It was determined she choked on her own vomit and was not being given her prescribed medicine. It was also determined Shurr heard her

child choking, but she did not intervene. One of the most disturbing pieces of the report came last Tuesday, April 2. As Shurr appeared in court, pleading guilty to involuntary manslaughter, the judge ordered she would be given 120 days of ‘shock time’ in a corrections rehabilitation center. Past this four-month period, the judge will decide whether to grant or deny probation. If she is denied probation, she will receive six additional years in jail. If she is granted probation, she will receive no additional jail time.

Does anyone see the problem here? There’s a potential that an individual who severely neglected her child will be in jail for less than a year. Even at a maximum sentence, which is actually seven years in Missouri, it’s still uncertain whether this sentence fits the crime. In a somewhat similar case in Massachusetts, a 13-monthold boy was found dead in May of 2010. The charges were filed on Feb. 28 after the mother pleaded guilty to involuntary manslaughter. In this case, the mother, Christina Hancock, was sentenced to eight to 10 years

in prison. In Massachusetts, the maximum sentence for involuntary manslaughter is 20 years. First off, why is there such a large discrepancy between two states maximum sentencing for involuntary manslaughter? But furthermore, does the punishment fit the crime? Even if involuntary, the accidental death of a defenseless child is a crime not often prosecuted harshly enough. With all of this in mind, how would you have responded if you were a judge or a member of the jury? Does the punishment fit the crime in your eyes? We want to know your opinion.

Good old Kansas ceases to surprise, passes abortion bill

Tricia Peterson


I am getting so sick of writing about reasons why Kansas disappoints me week after week,

but here I go again. I don’t understand a lot of things that happen in this state and the recent abortion laws can definitely be put in that category. I am definitely pro-choice, so this law really bothers me. I know it isn’t completely banning abortions, yet, but it’s a step in that direction. The problem is that I don’t think any government should tell a woman what she can or cannot do with her body or when they believe life begins. I feel like this is a religious/worldview decision that can only be made by the people affected by it – not some person you’ve never met. This law also wants to block tax breaks for abortion providers and providing sex education ma-

terials or even instructors for sex education classes. Although it’s still legal for women to have abortions as long as they are under 22-weeks along in their pregnancy, according to a CJonline story, Talcott Camp, deputy director of the ACLU’s Reproductive Freedom Project, said the language could eventually “open the door to extreme interpretation of other laws. It provides something that future bill sponsors would point to, and say, ‘This is already Kansas law.’” I think religion and state should be separate for this exact reason. Religion, I feel, is driving many people, including our very own Gov. Sam Brownback, to want these laws to be

in effect. They have no personal interest in the women who want the abortions, this is purely religion being brought into politics. Why should there be laws telling women when they can have an abortion or why they can have one? After all, this country is supposed to be “free” and not dictated by religion. Isn’t that why the pilgrims came over here anyway, to escape the church? We all know Brownback is going to sign the bill and when he does, we will be the 14th state with this sort of language in our laws. When it passes, it will take away some things that I think are needed – such as public school sex education classes. This is something that needs to

be in place in our public school system. If we don’t educate our children about how to prevent unwanted pregnancies, they are more likely to have unsafe sex and get pregnant, therefore, wanting an abortion. This seems like a bassakwards approach to abortion. Sex ed class is what kept me from having an early pregnancy and STD’s – why wouldn’t we want for that our own children? I don’t really want Brownback deciding what is best for me or my children. Do you?

Tricia Peterson, patricia.peterson@washburn.edu, is a senior mass media major.

Apathetic Wannabe By: Chelsea Howe I love the winds of the midwest.



Ahhhh! I hate the winds of the midwest!


8 The Review April 10, 2013


April 10, 2013 The Review 9

Gallery displays works of two artists Mulvane exhibits student artwork Kelly Hurla


With upbringings in a small town in upstate New York, Topeka wasn’t that big of a transition for Jessica Hogberg. Hogberg has been interested in art for as long as she can remember, filling sketchbooks of various works of people, nature and anything that may have inspired her. “Self-Expression” is the title of Hogberg’s senior exhibition, located on the second level of the Art Building. The exhibit was, in part, inspired by Hogberg’s interest in fashion photography that she stumbled upon in a class through the art department. In a course that covered studio lighting, Hogberg and other students discovered several photography themes and she connected strongly with fashion. While taking her photos, Hogberg began to wonder what exactly the model felt and enjoyed the interaction. “I like interacting with the model and that’s kind of where ‘Self Expression’ comes from,” said Hogberg, senior fine arts major. “In graphic design, it’s about the product really and the models with the product, but what I’m exploring is the communication of not so much the product but the actual person, the model.” While at Washburn, Hogberg has enjoyed a number of other classes in the art department. Darkroom photography and digital photography both taught Hogberg

lessons she can apply outside of created in.” the classroom. Graphic design “Transcension” is Tim and sculpture are also focuses of Hutton’s senior art exhibition. Hogberg’s work. Hutton’s exhibition is located on Although this is the first the first floor of the Art Building. time Hogberg has had her work “Each piece I create serves displayed, she actually has work as a building block of my skill, up at two locations on campus a creative stepping-stone for the this week. The student show at the foundation of my future as an Mulvane Art Museum also features artist,” according to Hutton’s artist two of her digital photography statement. works. Hutton enjoys creating After graduation, Hogberg abstract expressionism, sculpture, aspires to p h o t o g r a p h y, attend a digital painting, graduate graphic design, program or I like interacting r e a l i s m , with the model and find work in surrealism and that’s kind of where graphic design Chinese ink ‘Self Expression’ either around painting. comes from. Kansas City, “I love or to work his [Hutton’s] from home. exhibit, it’s - Jessica Hogberg She’s already really cool,” Senior, fine arts major been accepted said Osterhaus. into the “The vibrant graphic design colors that department at he uses in Kansas University. his digital paintings are very “I just like that interaction engaging.” with the people to create art,” said Both exhibits will be displayed Hogberg. at the Art Building through April “Self Expression” is located 19. upstairs in the Art Building. The Art Building is located Hogberg’s gallery talk will take at 1746 SW Durow Drive. Both place at 4 p.m. today, also in the exhibits are available for viewing Art Building. 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday through “I think it’s great that there’s Friday. student shows,” said Danielle Osterhaus, senior art education major. “It allows you to see what fellow students produce and what they’re capable of. At the same Kelly Hurla, kelly.hurla@washtime, it promotes the different burn.edu, is a senior mass media classes in which the artwork was major.

Kelly Hurla


Photo by Bradley Parrales, Washburn Review

A Work of Fire: Senior artist Tim Hutton proudly displays his digital painting “Fire Element.” Hutton created the digital painting in 2012.

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Printmaking, painting, ceramics, drawing, photography, sculpture, mixed media and porcelain demonstrate only some of the variety of media featured in the 2013 Washburn Art Department Student Exhibit. These 47 works by 30 different Washburn student artists are currently featured at the Mulvane Art Museum. This is the 20th year that the student exhibits have been held the way they are today - jurored. Although more than the 47 works in the exhibit were submitted, up to four works from each student, it’s a prestigious thing to be selected for even one work. It is extremely rare for all four to be selected. Despite the rarity, there are three students that have had three out of four works accepted into the exhibit. Submitting work and being accepted into the exhibit isn’t where the process ends, however. Those accepted in the exhibit then

attend a workshop and eventually install their own work. Not only is it an honor to be accepted into the work, but also a learning opportunity. “The juror doesn’t know the student or professor’s names, just the title, medium, size and year created,” said Michael Allen, Mulvane Art Museum preparator. “He selects the work, based on the work.” This year’s juror is Dylan J. Beck, assistant professor and ceramics area chairman at Kansas State University. “This exhibition represents what is hopefully one of the first of many exhibition opportunities in Washburn art students’ burgeoning careers in the arts,” according to Beck’s juror’s statement. “And I cannot think of a finer exhibition space to highlight the exceptional talents of such fine promising artists.” Allen explains that a show like this one, with a large variety in media, shows the skills of students.

Allen goes on to say that students seem well knowledged about multiple media, instead of one focus in particular, such as more photography or sculpture than other works. The balance speaks volumes and shows the overall strength of the exhibit. The student show will remain displayed at the museum until June 9. Other exhibits displayed at the Mulvane include “Small Deaths, Hand-Colored Photographs by Kate Breakey” and “William L. Haney Rediscovered.” The Mulvane Art Museum is open 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. Tuesday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Wednesday through Friday, as well as 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday and Sunday For more information visit www.washburn/edu/mulvane or email mulvane.info@washburn. edu.

Photo by Abby Mies, Washburn Review

Two Shows, One Week: “Creative Portrait: Cupcake,” a digital photography piece by Jessica Hogberg, is one of the 47 works in the Mulvane student show. Hogberg also has work displayed in her senior BFA exhibition at the Art Building.

Kelly Hurla, kelly.hurla@washburn.edu, is a senior mass media major.

Photo by Bradley Parrales, Washburn Review

Drop Dead Gorgeous: Advertisement: Earrings, ZBI Apparel (Fictional). Hogberg’s work was created with Digital Photography, Photoshop and Illustrator media.

Photo by Abby Mies, Washburn Review

A Collaborative Burn: “Cigarette” was a collective work by Michaela Lazzo, Brielle Underhill and Ashley Russell. The work was created with PVC pipe, spray paint and kitty litter.

Photo by Abby Mies, Washburn Review

Greatness Worthy: “Contact” is an oil on canvas work by Maria Haag. Haag’s work won the Topeka Branch of National League of American Pen Women award.

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10 The Review April 10, 2013


Topeka officially bringing in the spring

Photos by Linnzi Fusco, Washburn Review

A Splash of Color: Topeka’s Tulip Time has officially begun and is expected to run until April 21. The tulips and daffodils are slowly spreading their colorful blooms and should be popping up throughout Topeka in the upcoming weeks. This is the fifth year of this special event. There are reportedly over 100,000 individual plants during this time. Locations are as follows; Ted Ensley Gardens at Lake Shawnee, SE 37th and West Edge Road; Doran Rock Garden at Gage Park, 601 SW Gage Blvd; Botanical Garden at Old Prairie Town, 124 NW Fillmore.

April 10, 2013 The Review 11


Action movie packs a punch:

‘Olympus Has Fallen’ demonstrates a little more than just intense action a lot of action, the director, Antoine Fuqua, does put some light-hearted, funny moments into serious situations. These few scenes gave the movie a little more than just intense action. The story follows Mike Banning, played by Gerard Butler, who is working on the president’s security detail, but after an incident on duty, he is taken off detail. I do not Image Courtesy of Imdb.com want to say Brian Cervantez more than this, because it might WASHBURN REVIEW give the plot away. The protagonist in the movie Recently, I went to see the does not make it clear what they movie, “Olympus Has Fallen.” want, and the movie keeps you I did not know what to expect guessing. The plot line kept me when I went to see it, but if you on the edge of my seat and I was are looking for something with a not bored during this movie belot of action, then this is the mov- cause of all the suspense. It made ie to watch. my adrenaline pump a lot. This movie is intended for All the actors played well an older crowd and I wouldn’t off of each other and even the recommended it for young chil- actors that have small parts make dren. the situations believable. SpeakThere is a lot of violence and er Trumbull, played by Morgan strong language, but it is action Freeman, is put into high tension packed and will take you on a situations where he makes me wild ride. Even though there is feel like I’m right there making

the decisions with him. The lighting in this movie is made to fit the mood of the scene the characters are experiencing. For example, there is a scene with the characters Forbes, played by Dylan McDermott, and Banning, where Forbes is portrayed in shadow more than Banning. I believe that this was done to make me see the true side of these characters. The different camera angles the director used were some of the best shots I’ve ever seen in a movie. They gave me an intense feeling when I was watching it because it felt like I was actually in the situation that was happening. The music was the right type for each situation that the characters were in and is one of the reasons why my adrenaline was pumping so much. “Olympus Has Fallen” is a movie I would recommend for anyone who enjoys action movies. This is one that you will want to see more than once just to see if you missed anything or to simply just watch it again.

Brian Cervantez brian.cervantez@washburn.edu, is a junior mass media major.

- I set fires to feel joy... -That's adorable!

‘Electra’ to take stage next weekend Fatima Oubaid


Want to watch some terrifying and bloody action? Then come watch the haunting new version of the tragic play “Electra,” by Nick Payne, presented by the Washburn theatre department. “Electra” is a Greek play originally written by Sophocles around 2,500 years ago. It is a story based on Electra and her desire for revenge. When Electra was young, her father was murdered by her mother, which changed her world. Ten years later, bound by grief and the unwillingness to forgive, Electra surrenders to an all-consuming desire for revenge that takes her towards a bloody and terrifying conclusion. “This play deals with family crisis and has some of the same problems that families have had throughout the history of time,” said Tony Graphic by Chen Yuan, Washburn Review Naylor, director and an associate professor of theatre. “It’s about families and their particular beliefs.” This particular performance will not be a traditional Greek play because it was written with more of a modern language approach, while still keeping the story intact. PLAY “Students should come see the play PREVIEW because it’s a classic play,” said Naylor. “A variety of students are doing this performance and that’s what theatre is all about, bringing people together who want to participate and teaching them something new.” The performances will be at 7:30 p.m. on April 19, 20, 26 and 27. There will also be an additional performance April 28 at 2 p.m. The performances will be in the Andrew J. and Georgia Neese Gray Theatre. General admission is $8 or free for all students, faculty and staff with their Washburn ID. Tickets will be available at the box office one hour before each performance. This play is not recommended for persons under 17. For more information call 670.1639. Fatima Oubaid, fatima.oubaid@washburn.edu, is a sophomore mass media major.


12 The Review April 10, 2013

McNeill hangs up Ichabod jersey, now eyes professional career Luke Warnken


Things may not have not ended the way he wanted it to, but Washburn senior guard Will McNeill will leave Washburn with no regrets. “Still a great season,” said McNeill. “I love my teammates. I couldn’t ask for any other group of guys to play with.” The Ichabods were left out of the NCAA tournament after getting bounced out of the MIAA tournament in the second round. Even though his team stumbled, McNeill finished his collegiate career with a bang, scoring 40 points in the Bods regular season finale and then followed it up with a 34-point performance against the University of Central Oklahoma in what turned out to be his last game in an Ichabod jersey. “Although we underachieved I think we all can take something out of it moving forward,” said McNeill. The loss to UCO doesn’t mark the end of McNeill’s basketball career, it might actually just be the beginning. The NABC second-team All-American selection and MIAA Most Valuable Player has been contacted by multiple agents as he looks to play basketball professionally. Most athletes dream of

Photo by Abigail Mies ,Washburn Review

Looking to the Future: Washburn senior guard Will McNeill is not ready to hang it up. After a stellar 34-point performance in his final game as an Ichabod, McNeill is looking to carry his game to the professional level in the United States or over seas. playing college sports and only a select few are able to move on to the big leagues, something McNeill hopes to accomplish. “I’ve had a great college career and ready for the next chapter in my life,” said McNeill.

The 6-foot-one guard from Louisiana led the Bods in scoring this season, averaging 20 points per game. But this season McNeill improved his game as a facillitator, dishing out a career high 3.3 assists per game. He was also second on the team

in rebounds, pulling down 6.3 per game. McNeill’s height and lack of exposure might hinder him from getting a shot in the NBA. That’s not stopping McNeill who has no problems transferring his game overseas. For now the recipe for success is

simple, just keeping doing what got him here. “Just stay in shape,” said McNeill. “Still lifting with our weight trainer Josh and just taying mentally prepared for whatever will happen.” Whether or not McNeill’s pro career is as lu-

crative as his collegiate the shooting guard left his mark in Lee Arena, just look for his jersey hanging on the wall.

Luke Warnken, luke. warnken@washburn.edu, is a junior athletic training major.

McNeill’s 2012-13 Season Statistics Points per game: 20 Assists per game: 3.3

Field Goal Percentage: 48% Minutess per game: 34

Rebounds per game: Steals per game: 3.0 6.3 Free Throw Percentage: 82%

3-point Field Goal Percentage: 22%

washburnreview.org ew 4/10/13 Sudoku

PuzzleJunction.com The Washburn Review 4/10/13 Crossword

To solve the Sudoku puzzle, each row, column and box must contain the numbers 1 to 9.





5 9 2

6 9 5 3

9 5 1 2 2 6 5 4 3 4 1 5



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Solution 5 8 3 2 7 1 6 9 4

2 1 9 6 4 8 7 5 3

4 6 7 5 3 9 2 1 8

1 5 6 4 9 2 8 3 7

8 9 2 7 5 3 4 6 1

7 3 4 8 1 6 5 2 9

3 7 5 9 2 4 1 8 6

9 2 8 1 6 7 3 4 5

6 4 1 3 8 5 9 7 2

Across 1 4 8 11 12 14 15 16 17 18 20 22 23 24 28 30 31 33 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 45 47 48 49 52 55 57 60 62 63 64 65



April 10, 2013 The Review 13 PuzzleJ








8 13




Cut off Aeneid 16 17 15 To and ___ 20 21 18 19 Roof ___ B. Toklas 22 23 24 25 26 27 Appeal 28 29 30 Dill seed Jamborees 31 32 33 34 35 Expel 37 38 36 Majestically Hateful 40 41 39 Age 42 43 44 45 46 Affirmative vote Egg holders 47 48 49 50 51 Retrieve 52 53 54 55 56 Mollusk Gazelles 60 61 62 57 58 59 Adolescent 64 65 63 Macaw Fuse together 67 68 66 Dig Copyright ©2013 PuzzleJunction.com Shade trees Goal 11 Challenge 66 Allow 37 E. state Brink 13 Compass point 67 Not daughters 38 Golfer Ernie Porters 14 Cornbreads 68 My (Fr.) 41 Meet Locomotive type 19 Caustics 43 Sweetener Saddle horses 21 Some Down 44 Ostrich relative Disease controller 25 Moth-eaten 46 Electrodes Wildebeest 26 Conditions 1 Hermit 49 Cubic meter Watering hole 2 Gr. letter 27 Sp. ladies 50 Blighters Tern (Abbr.) 3 Conservation org. 51 Queries Revolves 28 Craze 4 Young bird 53 Old records Thought 29 Wife of Hagar 5 Performed on (Abbr.) Transported, as the Horrible stage 54 Mouth parts gas 6 Cooking additive 30 Single 56 Garden man Workspace 31 Spirit 7 Swindle 57 Sick Perjurer 32 More anile 8 Grippe 58 Expire Fling 34 Fir, for example 59 Consume 9 Thing, in law Partner of crafts 36 Espouses 10 Cereal grain 61 In favor of

















Solution on next

14 The Review April 10, 2013


Ichabods split weekend series

Trevin Edelman


The 38th ranked Washburn Ichabod tennis team played twice over the weekend, facing Midwestern State University (Wichita Falls, Texas) on Friday and the University of NebraskaKearney on Sunday. The Bods lost to Midwestern State, 7-2, but rebounded with a 7-2 victory over Nebraska-Kearney. Coach Dave Alden and his team took No. 24-ranked Midwestern State head-on, but Bobby Florence (Jr., Topeka, Kan.) was the lone singles winner as he defeated Franko Siljeg, 2-6, 6-4, 6-4. Thilo Schlenker (Fr., Mannheim, Germany) and Steven Fletcher (Jr.,

Topeka, Kan.) both lost in three sets, while Chance Joost (Jr., Tecumseh, Kan.) retired during the third set. “(Midwestern State is) a tough school,” said Alden. “There is no team that we are afraid of. We can play with the best in the country.” Florence was joined by Joost in the doubles competition and the duo was the only Washburn team to win, defeating Austin Crawford and Zack Santagate, 8-5. Arek Kozaczuk (Jr., Warsaw, Poland) and Fletcher dropped their doubles match, 8-5, to Luke Joyce and Kyle Davidson of MSU. Schlenker and Pascal Laucht (Jr., Marburg, Germany) fell to Kacper Boborykin and Tomas Grejtak, 8-4.

This put the Bods at an overall record of 7-5 and University of NebraskaKearney was next on the WU schedule. The Ichabods turned around from their previous loss to Midwestern State to beat the Loopers from UNK, 7-2. Kozaczuk dropped his match to Yeswanth Nadella, 3-6, 6-2, 3-6. The next five players for Washburn then swept the remaining singles matches. Schlenker and Laucht both won in straight sets. Schlenker defeated John Steinke, 6-3, 6-3. Laucht did not lose a game in his win over Revel Yehezkia, 6-0, 6-0. “Winning in straight sets is important,” said Alden. “I believe we are in a good conference and

(UNK) is a scrappy team. The match was closer than the score showed.” Kozaczuk and Fletcher defeated Nadella and Steinke 8-6 in the doubles portion of the meet. Schlenker and Laucht also defeated their opponents, Yehezkia and Fletcher Sheridan, 8-6. Florence and Joost dropped their match in a tiebreak to Jack Nicholson and Arin Enge, 9-8 (7-5). Washburn jumped to an 8-5 overall record and 3-0 in the MIAA. The Bods still have Northwest Missouri State (Maryville, Mo.), Truman State (Kirkville, Mo.),

Southwest B a p t i s t University (Bolivar, Mo.) to face from the MIAA before the tournament on April 19th. The Bods w i l l travel to St. Joseph tonight to take on the Bearcats of Northwest Missouri State. This is a matchup of the region’s No. 2 and No. 3 seeds as of right now. “We have had similar results,” said Alden. “When we meet, you can throw

all the records out of the window. This is what we practice for. If we play our best tennis against the best teams, then we will control our own destiny.” Washburn will play another MIAA foe, Truman State, on Friday, April 13 and then turn around and play McPherson College on Saturday. Following a break on Sunday, WU will finish the regular season with a match against William Jewell College on Monday and MIAA opponent, Southwest Baptist University on Tuesday.

Trevin Edelman, trevin. edelman@washburn.edu, is a freshman mass media major.

Ichabod Tennis Team Building up a Body of Work

Arek Kozaczuk Junior

Thilo Schlenker Freshman

Pascal Laucht Junior

Steven Fletcher Junior

Bobby Florence Junior

Record: 6-11 Overall Doubles Record: 14-6 Conference Singles Record: 1-2 Conference Doubles Record: 3-0

Record: 6-6 Overall Doubles Record: 4-7 Conference Singles Record: 3-0 Conference Doubles Record: 2-1

Record: 11-8 Overall Doubles Record: 8-9 Conference Singles Record: 3-0 Conference Doubles Record: 2-1

Record: 12-7 Overall Doubles Record: 14-7 Conference Singles Record: 3-0 Conference Doubles Record: 3-0

Record: 15-6 Overall Doubles Record: 13-6 Conference Singles Record: 3-0 Conference Doubles Record: 2-1

Overall Singles

Overall Singles

Overall Singles

Overall Singles

Overall Singles

Dario Munoz-Poletti



Overall Singles Record: 4-4 Overall Doubles Record: 3-3

Overall Singles Record: 13-5

Conference Singles Record: 1-0 Conference Doubles Record: 0-0

Chance Joost

Overall Doubles Record: 11-7

Conference Singles Record: 2-0 Conference Doubles Record: 2-1

Luke Warnken, luke.warnken@ washburn.edu, is a junior athletic training major.


April 10, 2013 The Review 15

Tornado steal first two games, ‘Runners in trouble Richard Kelly


Much like Saturday night, the Topeka RoadRunners looked primed to defeat the Texas Tornado Sunday night. Also much like Saturday, however, it was Texas who took advantage of its opportunities. Topeka, playing aggressive most of the night, couldn’t tie the game at two late in the third period, as they fell 2-1 at Landon Arena. With the win, Texas now holds a 2-0 lead in the NAHL South Division semifinals series. In a best-of-five series, down 2-0 is not the place Topeka wanted to be heading into game three, but it isn’t an impossible scenario for the RoadRunners. “There’s no question we can win three in a row. We’ve done that against them,” said Scott Langer, Topeka head coach. “Our guys have to believe, and they have to put the work in.”

Photo by Richard Kelly, Washburn Review

Sticky Situation: Forward Mike Covach tries to deke and slip a shot past goaltender Hunter Leisner this past weekend. Covach did not score on the play, however, and Topeka fell 2-1 both nights. Texas can wrap up the best-of-five series with a win Friday. Topeka started the scoring at 19:23 of the first period when forward Sean Gaffney fed a pass from behind the goal to forward Kyle Sharkey, who smacked the puck past goaltender Hunter Leisner. The goal was one of three

shots on goal for the RoadRunners in the first period. In the second period, despite outshooting Texas 11-6, Topeka wasn’t able to increase its lead. Instead, at 4:59, forward CJ Reuschlein scored to knot the game at one. Then at

10:14, forward Scott Conway gave the Tornado a 2-1 lead. In the third period, Topeka looked to tie the game, but two costly penalties slowed down the offensive attack. Even then, Sharkey had a chance to

tie the game late when the puck ricocheted off of the boards onto his stick, but he narrowly missed an open net. “We had chances, we just didn’t capitalize,” said Langer. “There were a lot of pucks that bounced over

last 126 seasons have received it. Since so much attention is given to the few winners of this award, and rightfully so, many have forgotten what kind of statistics actually win games, and even more importantly, championships. Only two of those winners went on to win the World Series. Since most people would view this player to be the best in the game, you would think that their team would win the World Series more than 13 percent of the time. A stat that seems to be lost behind the flash of homeruns is on base percentage. For those who

have seen Moneyball, starring Brad Pitt and Jonah Hill, you probably remember the term being used over and over. It is obvious that in order to win a game you have to score more runs than the other team, but in order to do that, someone has to be on base. Washburn senior catcher Richard Swan knows that there are multiple ways of getting this accomplished. While he may be struggling to find his groove at the plate, batting just .222, he is still finding other ways to get on. Swan leads the team in walks with 13 and is also tied for being hit by the most pitch-

es at 3. While this won’t get much attention from most fans, he is now second on the team in OBP, getting on over 41 percent of the time. All those walks do more than just get him on base too. “Being a catcher, I know how important a pitch count is,” said Swan. “The more pitches you can get the pitcher to throw, the better. It just so happens that when I work the count full, the pitcher happens to walk me.” As one of just seven seniors on a roster of 53 players, the team counts on Swan for leadership. “Swan is always a guy

you can look up to and learn from,” said freshman outfielder John Stoothoff . “He has so much respect for the game and is always playing hard and the right way. It doesn’t matter whether it’s the ninth inning of a MIAA series or the third inning of a team intersquad, he is always picking his teammates up.” While the team may be struggling with a 6-23 record, Stoothoff says that Swan can always be counted on to perform. “Offensively he is very clutch and smart and I think that stems from his hard work ethic and heart,” said Stoothoff. “When the

our sticks right in the high slot, we just couldn’t put them away. You could tell our guys got frustrated, because we had been doing a decent job of putting pucks away. These last two games it just wasn’t there for us.” Forward Andrew Mayer was called for tripping at 19:28 to give Topeka a 6-on-4 powerplay, as they pulled goaltender Spencer Viele, but they were not able to tie the game. The series now shifts to Frisco, Texas where the two teams will play again Friday night. If necessary, game four will be held Saturday night. Game five would then be played April 19 in Topeka, if the RoadRunners win both games on the road. “We certainly dug ourselves quite a hole,” said Langer. Richard Kelly, richard. kelly@washburn.edu, is a senior mass media and social work major.

Senior Swan provides leadership from behind the plate Jake Wingo


For traditional baseball fans and analysts batting average, homeruns, and RBIs are the most important statistics. Perhaps this is because of the Triple Crown “award” that goes to any player that leads their league (National or American) in all of these categories. This award, while there isn’t actually a physical trophy or medal, may be the most prestigious achievement in all of baseball. It is so rare, in fact, that only 16 players in the

game is on the line or an opposing pitcher is dealing he is the first guy I would choose to send up to the plate because he lives for those moments.” The Ichabods were orignally schedule to square off with Fort Hays on April 9, but the game was postponed to April 11 because fo weather. Swan went 0-2 from the plate in a 5-3 loss to FHSU in their first matchup this season.

Jake Wingo, harold. wingo@washburn.edu, is a freshman mass media major.

16 The Review April 10, 2013


RoadRunners on the ropes, must win on the road

Photo by Mike Goehring, Washburn Review

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