2013-14 Issue 12

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Washburn Review Washburn University

Volume 140, Issue 12

November 13, 2013


Capitol renovations should finish in time for new year Scott Stormann


It’s been three years since the renovations on the Kansas Capitol building’s dome located at 300 SW 10th Ave. started and it’s nearly completed. The construction on the Capitol building is estimated to be completed by the end of this year. The Capitol was originally built March 24, 1903 and took 37 years to complete. Currently, the building has undergone renovations for a new copper dome and roof on the exterior wall while about 95 percent of the interior is being renovated. The building now has a brand new Visitor Center and Capitol Store on the ground level. “We’re at the very tail end here,” said Barry Greis, state house architect and project manager. “We will finish by Dec. 31 with the interior. Everything you see around you has been touched and renovated.” The renovation project was funded with $332 million and is estimated to end up costing several million dollars less. “Final numbers on cost will not be available until spring or maybe even June of next year,” said Greis. While the copper roof that is remaining will be completed approximately the first week of December, the grounds will take until Dec. 31, except for the northwest quadrant where the crane is.

Continued on page 2 Photo by Scott Stormann, Washburn Review

2 November 13, 2013 News


WU celebrates international education week Emily Juhnke


Washburn’s annual International Education Week is being held Nov. 11 through Nov. 16. The week, organized by staff members at the International House, consists of various oncampus events that celebrate cultural diversity, express the importance of international education and promote awareness of the many programs and opportunities available through the International House. “We realize that it is important to celebrate this on campus and to help the campus be aware of not just the different things we do but the importance of international education in its different forms,” said Heidi Staerkel, International Student Services coordinator. Three of the events will take place in the Memorial Union; “Cookies & Tea from Paraguay” was held Tuesday, “Chinese Tea Sampling” will be held on Thursday 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. and “Coffee & Dates from Saudi Arabia” on Friday 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Paraguay, China and Saudi Arabia are the three largest international student groups at Washburn. There will be information tables set up at each of the events and the international students will talk with faculty and staff and other students about their home countries. “There will be cultural displays, pictures, activities and lots of information,” said

Tina Williams, Study Abroad coordinator. “I know the Chinese students are going to show how to use chopsticks.” Saud Alfaour, Washburn international student from Saudi Arabia, is coordinating the “Coffee & Dates from Saudi Arabia” event along with his wife. Alfaour is pursuing a political science degree. He came to Washburn with his wife in 2011. Alfaour said he believes that international education is very important. “It helps us to understand each other and accept each other more,” said Alfaour. Five other events are also being held throughout the week. Tuesday, a documentary titled “The Dialogue” was shown in Henderson 112. The film educated viewers on the importance of understanding cultural and communication differences by following the experiences of American and Chinese students as they traveled together. Wednesday, the Brown Bag Lecture “Golf and South Korea” will take place in the International House from 12 – 1 p.m. Also at the International House that day, a French Film titled “Farewell to the Queen” will be shown from 2:30 – 4:30 p.m. Courtney Sullivan, associate professor of modern languages, is leading this event. A video about negative stereotypes many Americans have against Arabs and Muslims,

Photo courtesy of Tina Williams

Shining Bright: Washburn’s Presidential Ambassadors for International Students (PAIS) members are selected by the International Office based on their exemplary standing as a student, leadership skills and potential in international education. “Reel Bad Arabs,” will be shown collaboration between the U.S. Sally Bender, the Thursday at both 12 p.m. in Department of State and the International House Mabee Library and 7 p.m. in U.S. Department of Education. administrative assistant, said that the Blair Room of the Living It is now celebrated in over 100 next year their goal is to open Learning Center. countries around the world. the week to all departments on The final event will be “One great thing about Washburn’s campus with the “Celebration of Cultures” at 7 International Education Week is hopes of achieving a more wellp.m. Nov. 16 in White Concert that this is not just a Washburn rounded and all-encompassing Hall. Washburn students will celebration, or even just a U.S. representation of cultural showcase many aspects of celebration,” said Staerkel. “It diversity. cultural diversity through is an international celebration of A full schedule of events for performances in areas such as international education.” this week can be found on the music, dance, art and fashion. The International House International House’s Facebook “This world is so big. People is not only highly involved page. For more information you meet might have other roots with both international students regarding programs that are elsewhere,” said Teresa Chui, that come to Washburn and offered, visit the International senior double majoring in biology Washburn students that choose to House on the Washburn Campus. and chemistry. “Take advantage. study abroad, but they also offer “We just want to take One thing that I think is always many other programs in areas advantage of this week growing is thoughts and ideas. such as community outreach. For and celebrate international You can share thoughts and example, English for the Foreign education,” said Williams. ideas and make connections with Born is a class that takes place on people from around the world.” Tuesdays and Thursdays where The first International volunteers teach the English Emily Juhnke, emily.juhnke@ Education Week was held in language to members of the washburn.edu, is a junior mass 2000 after being created as a Topeka community. media major.

Capitol renovations should finish in time for new year ...Continued from page 1 “

“The crane will come down in December, but will not likely move until March of 2014 when the ground will be more stable,” said Greis. During the construction, there were a few minor hiccups along the way. “We had plaster that was falling off the walls and ceiling of the west wing several years

ago because the plaster method that they used was inferior to the rest of the building,” said Greis. “That set us back several months because we had to remove all the bad plaster and redo it, but it was an unforeseen condition and that is why we had our project contingency and were able to carry on.” At this moment there are no future plans for modifications to the interior of the building. “Considering that the design

and the construction means and methods, the quality of the work and the funding that had been provided, I don’t see that we will have any interior remodeling for anywhere from 50 to 100 years,”said Greis. “We provided visitors with enlarged committee rooms, conference rooms and private offices for the legislative and executive branch. I don’t see changes like that taking place at all.” Senator Steve Abrams of

District 32 said the construction has been really easy to deal with and hasn’t affected his work at all. There have only been minor inconveniences. “One thing is the aesthetics of it, but you obviously have to deal with that when you are dealing with any remodeling. The second thing is when you’re walking down hallways, some may be blocked so you have to make a detour. The inconvenience has been minor as

far the renovations are concerned and as far as policy is concerned,” said Abrams. With the state house construction on the interior and exterior almost finished, the upper dome will soon again be open to the public. “My goal is to have the tours back up to the observation deck starting in the first week of January,” said Greis. Scott Stormann, scott.stormann@ washburn.edu, is a junior business and art major.


News November 13, 2013



Wednesday, November 13

WU Mock Interview Day: All day, Washburn Room B (Memorial Union) James Cook: The Painted Image: 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., Mulvane Museum Gallery (runs until Sunday, Dec. 29) Washburn Art Department Faculty Exhibit: 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., Mulvane Museum Gallery (runs until Sunday, Dec. 22)

W a s h b u r n November 4

07:45— Information report, fire alarm; Kuehne Hall; Report Taken: probable cause wax in a space heater, alarm cleared and reset 09:13— Rape; Living Learning Center; Report Taken: suspect identified, investigation continues

p o l i c e

November 6

09:17—Information Report, code of conduct violation; Washburn Institute of Technology; Report Taken: Individual referred to associate Dean of student services

November 7


r e p o r t s

09:43—Theft, Ipad; Washburn Institute of Technology; Report Taken: No suspect(s) at this time: investigation continues 11:19—Burglary/theft from building textbooks; Petro Allied Health Center. Report taken: No suspect(s) at this time, investigation continues

November 11

11:00— Battery; Yager Stadium; Report Taken: No suspect(s) at this time: investigation continues

SHS offers free HPV vaccination

Kara Protasio

Volleyball at Lindenwood University: 7 p.m., St. Charles, Mo.

die from the disease in the U.S. every year. Up to 80 percent of cancers of the head and neck are associated with HPV. Genital warts is one of the bigger symptoms of HPV. Genital warts are not life threatening but can cause emotional stress. Treatment is also painful. Women can get HPV on their cervix unknowingly. However, most people do not have symptoms of HPV. If left untreated, HPV can cause serious health problems like cervix, vulva, vagina, penis or anus cancer. Gardasil does not treat established HPV infections. Gardasil is the only HPV vaccine that helps protect against four types of HPV. In girls and young women ages 9 to 26, Gardasil helps protect against two types of HPV that cause about 75 percent of cervical cancer cases, and two more types that cause about 90 percent of genital warts cases. In boys and young men ages 9 to 26, Gardasil helps protect against approximately 90 percent of genital warts cases. All Washburn students are eligible to visit SHS in Morgan Hall room 170 free-of-charge with a valid WU ID. No appointment is necessary for the vaccination. “Currently, vaccinations are available to eligible students, faculty and staff at WU and WUTech for the 2013-2014 academic year,” said Dinkel. “If additional supplies become available through KDHE, we will continue to offer vaccinations.”

Our Country’s Good by Timberlake Wertenbaker: 7:30 p.m., Andrew J. and Georgia Neese Gray Theatre

Kara Protasio, kara.protasio@ washburn.edu, is a junior mass media major.

The Painted Medium, a Conversation with Ed Navone: 12 p.m. to 1 p.m., Mulvane Art Gallery French Film: “Farewell to the Queen” (English subtitles): 2:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m., International Center Building Thursday, November 14

Open registration for Spring 2014 semester begins: All day Reel Bad Arabs (movie): 12 p.m. to 1 p.m. at Mabee Library and 7 p.m. to 8 p.m. in the Blair Room (Memorial Union) Friday, November 15

Autorama: 8 a.m., Washburn Institute of Technology Coffee & Dates from Saudi Arabia: 11 a.m. to 1 p.m., Memorial Union Honors Student Council Meeting: 1:30 p.m., Henderson 103


Student Health Services is working with the Kansas Department of Health and Environment to give students and faculty free Gardasil vaccinations for human papilloma virus. Recipients must be between ages 19 and 26 and have no insurance to receive this vaccination. “We were approached by KDHE to submit a proposal to offer HPV vaccinations to select students,” said Shirley Dinkel,

director of SHS. We were excited about this collaboration because vaccination is a very effective way to prevent complications of HPV but are expensive.” HPV is one of the most common sexually transmitted infections, transmitted through skin-to-skin contact. HPV can infect the genitals, mouth and throat of anyone who comes into contact with it. Condoms help protect against HPV if used appropriately. However, HPV can infect areas of the skin not covered by a condom. “I think it’s great that they

are offering these vaccinations to Washburn students and faculty,” said Jessica Cooper, junior nursing major. “It’s a good opportunity for Washburn and for nursing students.” According to the CDC and John Hopkins Medical Center, it is estimated that 20 million people currently have HPV; up to 90 percent of these cases resolve on their own when a person has a healthy immune system. Among women, there are approximately 12,000 women diagnosed with cervical cancer and 4,000 women

4 November 13, 2013



Student organization focuses on homelessness and hunger Shannon Kennedy


For many, having the newest electronic device or gaming console is a need, not a want. Or not getting their daily $5 latte or cappuccino is grounds for having a bad day. But for over 2,000 people in Topeka, having a place to call home or finding their next meal is a need. Nationally, hunger and homelessness is spotlighted Nov. 16 – 24 by the National Coalition for the Homeless. Closer to home, the local Washburn chapter of Oxfam is hosting a week-long awareness campaign. Oxfam is an international organization that rallies around poverty, homelessness and injustice. This week-long awareness campaign will run from Nov. 18 to Nov. 22 and will range from trainings on how to talk to local senators and representatives, panel discussions with the local Rescue Mission and some of their current and past resident film screenings, a hunger banquet and ending with cooking and serving a meal for victims of homelessness. The Oxfam chapter at Washburn has also partnered with the Mulvane Art Museum and Kansas Association of Community Action Programs to host an art exhibit called Poverty A:Z during the campaign. It will highlight the art within the community and be geared towards homelessness. This multi-media exhibit will be in the Andrew J. and Georgia Neese Gray Theatre Theater from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. each day of this week and incorporated photography, music and the spoken word. More information can be found at www.kacap.org/Resources/ PovertyAZ/. Angelique Flinn, president, who started the Washburn chapter two years ago, runs the Oxfam chapter. Flinn has been involved in Oxfam for a while and was a change leader two years ago and that taught her how to run an organization and help enrich her

leadership abilities. “This is an opportunity to show Washburn students how the hungry and homeless really live and how they survive," said Flinn. "I urge them to attend some of these functions and really learn how they can give back to the people in their community. This is a just one week in the year where we try to bring awareness to the forefront, but many of these people are living this reality 52 weeks of the year." Some key points of the week are as follows: Nov. 18 – Let Your Voice Be Heard Partnering with RESULTS, (a non-profit geared towards ending hunger) who will have one of their staff present to do advocacy training to help people learn how to talk to their Senators and Representatives. Nov. 19 – Faces of the Homelessness Panel Partnering with the Topeka Rescue Mission to host a panel of current and past homeless who will be telling their stories. Nov. 20 – Inequality for All film screening Partnering with the Topeka Center for Peace and Justice, will be viewing the "Inequality for All" film in Henderson room 100, a documentary by Robert Reich. Nov. 21 – Oxfam America Hunger Banquet This unique experience allows you to attend a grand banquet and be assigned a random ticket. This ticket dictates where you sit and how much food you will actually be given. Just like in life, we do not get to choose whether we are born into prosperity or born into poverty. Kansas Oxfam America’s chapter will be organizing this event. This event will require some donations from faculty, staff and students in order to provide all these events to Washburn students and the homeless in Topeka. Nov. 22 – No More Victims, Hope for the Homeless Meal Prep: 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. – Asubry

Mt. Olive United Methodist. Food will be cooked at this location and volunteers are needed to make sure all meals are prepared. Serving Food: 3:30 p.m. – 5 p.m. at 620 SE Madison in the Holliday Room on Level 1. There is still a need for volunteers for Friday’s event. If anyone is interested in volunteering or wanting more information on the Oxfam chapter at Washburn, please contact Angelique Flinn at: angelique.flinn@washburn. edu. Shannon Kennedy, shannon. kennedy@washburn.edu, is a senior mass media major.

Some of the items needed are: qStuffing


qMashed Potatoes
 qWater Bottles qGravy

qPaper Plates

qCranberry Sauce qTake Home Boxes
 qGreen Beans

qPlastic Silverware




qCrock Pots (We will return these to you)


**Items can be taken to Benton 405 (LinC office)**

Graphic by Kiara Williams, Washburn Review



Budget cuts series comes to a close Shannon Kennedy


The last in a series about the budget cuts caused by a decrease in enrollment focuses on Washburn’s Campus Activities Board. CAB is responsible for bringing some of the biggest entertainment events to campus. They have brought in acts such as The S.A.L.S.A. Life with Stan Pearson, Casino Night which is held the weekend before fall semester begins and the Lecture Series each semester. Their page on the Washburn website states that “CAB provides wellrounded social, educational, cultural and recreational activities for all students, faculty, administration, alumni of Washburn University and the Topeka community.” The total budget cut for CAB is roughly $12,000 for the school year and that will greatly impact the overall budget for CAB. CAB’s overall budget does flex with each year as it depends solely on the amount of money received from student activity fees. These cuts were not known prior to the creation of the 2013-2014 year budget. The cut of $12,000 is going to be coming out of the overall $50,000 budget for the school year, which is equivalent to four events according to Jessica Barraclough, director of Student Activities & Greek Life. The SAGL office is the advising office for CAB and all budgeting and management comes from that office. The percentage allocated to CAB from the student activities fee is determined by Washburn Student Government Association and was recently increased from 10 percent to 14 percent. “Many of our acts are local to the state so we save some money there cutting down travel costs,” said Barraclough. “We also partner with other schools in the area. If we can do block booking with an act for three schools in five days, then we realize a cost savings, more if we can do five schools in seven days but typically we are not able to do that.

We will continue to partner with groups such as the multi-cultural department, FYE or the Business School to bring in events at a more cost effective amount.” In order to ensure student engagement, CAB organizes an event for students each week and schedules smaller events throughout the semester, such as Tunes at Noon or Just Dance. These events have the potential of being cancelled due to the budget cuts. As the semester is winding down, the events that are already booked for the next spring semester are still a go, but there will be less small events offered. “In order to book the bigger entertainment events, the smaller events such as Tunes at Noon or even giveaways at events would be less,” said Margeaux Seymour, the varieties and entertainment director for CAB. Barraclough, however, does question if CAB is effectively using the money allotted to them and thinks that a strategic plan needs to be done to find out what students want to see and how they engaged at CAB events. For more information on CAB or to find out what their next event is, like their facebook page CABATWU or visit their website for a calendar of events at www.washburn.edu/campus-life/ student-activities/student-organizations/ cab/index.html.

November 13, 2013 5

senior Airman

dAvid Anderson

94% time spent in the Air GuArd eAch month:

free time spent with Girlfriend:

GrAde on lAst bioloGy exAm



Shannon Kennedy, shannon.kennedy@ washburn.edu, is a senior mass media major.

100% Experience the pride of serving your country while getting money for college – serving part-time in the Air National Guard. Talk to a recruiter today.

pride in servinG his country

6 November 13, 2013


Question: desperately want to break up w/my girlfriend but don’t know how. Help? Answer: Stop being a giant coward and do it if that’s what you want to do. Yeah, really. Relationships are never easy. Ending relationships/break ups are never easy. Getting together is rarely easy. There is nothing “easy” about two humans interacting with each other. Here’s the thing: you hate being lied to, she hates being lied to. How would you feel if she sugar coated things with you for


however long until she found just the right way to break up with you? Not great, I’d assume. Facts about breakups: 1) Most people avoid initiating breakups so that they don’t have to look like “the bad guy” and generally can make excuses for their doing so. 2) Lots of people press the issue until the OTHER person does it for them, thereby maintaining a false illusion that they weren’t to blame. 3) Generally (in bad breakups), someone is always




the victim/villain. 4) Unless you’re socially awkward or a sociopath, no one likes to do it. 5) People put off what they see to do, and the result is the misery of not only them, but the other person. 6) People are not as oblivious as we think (in some cases). 7) YOU are 100 percent responsible for the relationship you’re in, regardless of what people tell you. (The 50/50 thing leaves room for expectation, which leads to upset. I’m not saying that both people aren’t responsible, they are: 100 percent). If you’re being distant right now, your girlfriend knows something is up. If you’re being a jerk (and that’s not normal for you), your girlfriend knows something is up. If she has been snooping through your phone lately reading your text messages

Since the colder weather is setting in, we want to know...

“How do you feel about snow?”

“I think it’s beautiful for Christmas but I don’t think it should be here for fall.”

“I think that if it’s going to be really cold it should snow. Otherwise the cold is pointless.”

Sarah Minneman, sophomore, communications

(and she’s generally not a creepy stalker), your girlfriend knows something is up. Moral of the story: when people go from being lovey-dovey to weird and awkward, people see breakups coming. The question is: who is going to win this game of relationship chicken? If you want out, get out. If you don’t, then communicate and take responsibility. If mentally well, no one wants to be with someone who doesn’t want to be with them. Do you both a favor and end it now as amicably as you possibly can. Don’t blame her, don’t make her wrong. Just end it. THEN STAND WITH YOUR CONVICTIONS! I cannot tell you how many times guys break up with girls (or vice versa) and give the other one false hope by wanting to not feel bad, or avoid getting upset. Seriously, if it’s over, let it be over. If it’s not, don’t end it. Simple.

Ashley Bryant, junior, English

“I hate it.”

“I love it.”

Sean Miller, sophomore, accounting

Marisol Rios, senior, legal studies

“I enjoy it especially when we don’t have school.”

Jay Wessel, senior, criminal justice

Sophie O’Neil, senior, mass media

“I like it. I don’t like the fact that it’s cold but I like making snowmen and it’s a good excuse for a snowball fight.”

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Editor encourages healthy habits for Thanksgiving

Kara Protasio


Now that Halloween has passed, Thanksgiving is coming up. This holiday is just another holiday that revolves around eating. However, this might not be a bad problem if you prepare for it. There are always several healthy foods that serve at Thanksgiving. If you need healthy recipes, you can always Google it. I did, and found tons of results for healthy choices to have for this important meal with family. 1) My first tip is to use real fruits and vegetables instead of the canned stuff. Real fruits and veggies are healthier than the canned items. 2) Try to use small amounts of butter. For less oil and butter, try to use fat-free sour cream, chicken broth and sugar substitutes. 3) Eat a small breakfast. Eating a small meal in the morning can give you more control over your

appetite. 4) Get some exercise. My family and I have a tradition to go on a family walk together a couple hours after our meal. I think it is a great way to get some exercise for the day and still be with family. 5) Portion control. It is important to think about how big of servings you are putting on your plate. Survey the buffet and think about reasonable portion sizes. Don’t waste your calories on foods that you can have all year long. Fill your plate with small portions of holiday favorites that only come around once a year so you can enjoy desirable, traditional foods. 6) Try to avoid the temptation of going back for seconds. My family usually has a lot of leftovers that I can enjoy for days after the holiday. If you would rather not have the option of leftovers, you could take them to a homeless shelter and bless someone with the delicious food you made. 7) Choose some of the healthiest choices. White turkey meat, plain vegetables, roasted sweet potatoes, mashed potatoes, defatted gravy and pumpkin pie tend to be the best bets because they are lower in fat and calories.

Kara Protasio, kara.protasio@ washburn.edu, is a junior mass media major.

November 13, 2013 7

Staff reflects on the new World Trade Center Washburn Review


A building, whose future was determined 12 years prior by the foreign policies of the United States, serves as a symbolic gesture to how our country has changed as well. The Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat affirms that the new World Trade Center will be the tallest building in the United States upon its completion next year. Potentially reaching the symbolic height of 1,776 feet, the new tower will replace Chicago’s Willis Tower for the title of the tallest building in the United States. Even without the antenna the new tower will reach 1,368 feet, the height of the original World Trade Center. The World Trade Center serves as a focal point of discussion to how our nation

should address international actors. Through the trials of Iraq and Afghanistan the United States experienced the outcomes both good and bad, of military intervention. The nation went on to use those lessons learned to address the idea of military intervention through the civil wars of Libya and Syria. Through two presidencies the United States orchestrated the necessary balancing act of praising a globalized market economy while remaining ever protective of how other enemies can place a target on their back. The past decade emerged the discussions of true energy independence from countries with strained ties to the United States. Issues of security changed our domestic policies as well. The nearly unanimous approval of the Patriot Act sparked the first debates to what the extent of domestic

security should be. Wire-tapping and warrantless arrests become central themes in the presidential debates of 2004, 2008 and 2012. This discussion was revisited again this year with the Edward Snowden leaks. A post 9/11 world gave us a deeper insight to the mind of the millions of America and the attitude to our shifting demographics. The unfortunate realities are that this nation has not fully embraced cultural acclimation yet. Under the rock, prejudices and reluctance to engage others was found. Nineteen individual terrorists tainted the representation of an entire group of people. The manifestation of extremist fear and the misinterpretation of beliefs and culture of different people set back the clock in our country’s ability to progress in how we all treat each other. When the World Trade Center opens up next year it will be the newest addition to the New York City skyline. Perhaps it will be more than a symbol of what has happened. It can be a symbol of where this nation wants to be. It can be a nation that has reflected on the past decisions of the last decade and moves forward.

8 November 13, 2013


Arts and Entertainment


Arts and Entertainment November 13, 2013

Washburn celebrates Veteran’ s Day Topeka pays tribute

Jennifer Lauber


Despite the incoming cold weather, students, faculty and members of the public gathered around the Vietnam memorial Monday for a Veterans Day ceremony held at Washburn University to honor those who have sacrificed and those who continue to serve. This is the 26th year Washburn has held this event. The Vietnam Memorial, which was first dedicated Nov. 11, 1988, is located at the southeast corner of Morgan Hall and lists the names of Washburn students who died during the Vietnam War. A pre-ceremony included a cleansing and blessing of the memorial site by the Standing Bear Intertribal Brotherhood as well as the release of an orange balloon in memory of Agent Orange victims of the Vietnam War. Members of the JROTC

Marines from Topeka High School posted the colors and gave a drill performance. The Navy JROTC Shawnee Heights High School laid wreath-honoring members of each military branch. The Washburn Rural High School band performed the national anthem and the Armed Forces Medley. Topeka High JROTC members also passed out orange carnations to members of the audience to be laid upon the memorial. Besides the band, the sounds of the ceremony included tolling of the bells, Taps with Echo by Jay Stevenson and Shirley Jacobson, bagpipes by Pipe Sergeant Steve Denny, and a prayer song by the Standing Bear Intertribal Brotherhood. The invocation and benediction was given by Kansas Army National Guard Chaplain (Major) John Potter. Jeanne Kessler, director of Student Services presented the initial greeting as well as a Veteran

Tribute where she read the name of Washburn students who have or are still serving, as well as others from the community. She attempted to hold back emotions as she read her last tribute. “Currently serving in the navy on the George Washington ship based in Japan is our son Austin Everheart,” said Kessler. “It’s been two years since we last saw you. Love mom, Linda Everheart.” Meredith Kidd, Washburn dean of students, provided the welcome. He smiled as he proudly put on an army cap. “It may look funny for the cameras. It may not match and it may clash, but I’m a veteran,” said Kidd. Kidd also introduced the keynote speaker, Brigadier General Eric Peck of the Kansas Army National Guard. Peck related the story of his father-in-law, a World War veteran he has known for over 30 years. He said he moved in with his father-

in-law about a year and a half ago and has learned more in that time about his experiences then all the years before. After the ceremony everyone was invited to a reception held in the Memorial Union which included an exhibit by the Combat Air Museum. A POW/MIA table set up in memory of prisoners of war and those missing in action was also available to view. General Peck attended the reception and took the time to listen to veterans speak about their experiences and sacrifices. He explained how important it is to say thank you to veterans and to get the rest of their story. “Because you don’t get it unless you stand and talk to them a little bit. They gave a lot of time to our nation,” said Peck said. “We could give a little time to them and find out what their story is.” And that’s just what they did. Several veterans attending the reception visited with fellow

veterans and students alike, sharing experiences that helped shape who they are today. “The key is that as we get them back into our communities. We welcome them back, find out what their perspectives are, and then not only support what they are doing but have them contribute to the community,” said Peck.

Jennifer Lauber, jennifer.lauber@ washburn.edu, is a senior mass media major.

Photos by Brian Cervantez, Washburn Review

Paying Their Respects: After the ceremony, visitors pay tribute at the Vietnam memorial. (Right) Marine corps JROTC of Topeka High School performs a drill. (Top Left) Meredith Kidd, dean of students and veteran, gives a welcome.

to veterans Terry Richardson


their own vehicles or walked the track. Miss Kansas, Theresa Vail; Slugger, the Kansas City Royals Mascot; and K.C. Wolf, the Kansas City Chiefs Mascot made appearances as passengers in Jeeps. Kenny McCartney, a United States Navy veteran, planned on riding his motorcycle in the parade. Mechanical problems kept him from riding his bike, but he didn’t let that stop him from joining in the parade. “Hey, it’s Veterans Day,” said McCartney. “You can’t let an inconvenience stop you.” Ve t e r a n s Day is celebrated on the anniversary of the day that World War I came to an end in 1918. In 1954 Veteran’s Day became a national holiday honoring not only those that have fought in foreign wars, but all soldiers serving in the military in order to protect our freedom. After struggles such as World War II and the Korean War the national holiday became widely recognized and more and more Americans throughout the United States now take time out to show appreciation and recognize the soldiers that served during times of war and are currently in active duty.

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Residents lined the streets of downtown Topeka to witness the Capitol City’s first Veteran’s Day Parade. Despite cool weather, hundreds of people gathered and paid tribute to our nation’s veterans. For close to an hour, the audience gave a standing ovation to the participants as they proceeded south on Kansas Avenue before turning west onto Southwest 12th and moving on to Southwest Jackson Street where the parade marched back toward the north. Red, white and blue cascaded through the crowd as people showed their appreciation by waving tiny American flags. “A friend asked me if I wanted to come. I feel that we should all pay tribute to the men and women that serve our country,” said April Lund. “It feels good to be free.” There were several entries taking part in the parade. Marching bands from various schools played, filling the streets with sounds of drums and horns playing in harmony. Junior ROTC members from various chapters marched. Vintage tractors and Jeeps made their way around the course as Terry Richardson, terry.richardson@ well as floats that were sponsored by washburn.edu, is a freshman journaldifferent groups. Some veterans drove ism major.

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10 November 13, 2013

Arts and Entertainment


Fragrant autumn pie pastry with apples Students prepare for Thanksgiving Break with and pumpkin for Thanksgiving feast Anzhelika Tolstikhina traditions

Jena Dean


With less than two weeks left before Thanksgiving break, many students are beginning to plan their holiday and reminisce on some of the common traditions that take place during this time of year, including: food, shopping, football and travel. For many students, the excitement that surrounds Thanksgiving is all about the food. “Food is the most important part of Thanksgiving,” said Jennifer Hector, senior English major. “The turkey, the mashed potatoes, the rolls… It’s what makes Thanksgiving.” Traditional foods seem to be a part of most students’ holiday meal, along with the ever-popular potluck style dinners. “In my family, we all get together and everyone brings a dish. I help prepare the food every year with some other members of my family,” said Betsy Brogren, a senior English Literature major. Another major part of students’ holiday traditions is watching football. This tradition can consist of many levels of the game: professional, college, or even high school. “I watch a lot of football on Thanksgiving. It’s my favorite part of it all. I usually don’t do any of the cooking,” said John Carpenter, freshman social work major. Some students, however, prefer the many televised parades like the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade or even just puzzles and games with family members. “I usually never watch the football games,” said Hector. “It’s on in the background, of course. I usually work on a puzzle with someone in my family.” Like Hector, Brogren avoids most Thanksgiving Day football interaction.


Something that does appeal to Brogren, however, is Black Friday shopping. This growing tradition for a lot of students Thanksgiving plans is a day when major retailers and corporations open their doors usually late Thanksgiving night or early on the next morning, offering large price cuts on products, especially those that will be in demand during the holiday season. “After we eat, everyone usually sits around and looks at all the Black Friday sale ads,” said Brogren. “I usually have to work on Black Friday, but it’s still fun to look at all the big sales.” Black Friday shopping drives many customers away with long lines and dangerous crowds. Hector experienced this last year when she attempted to start this tradition of going shopping. “It was so hectic,” said Hector. “The lines were around the building and once I was in the store, most of the sale items were either taken or weren’t on sale like I thought they would be. I think I’ll go again in the future, but I will stay away from the big chain stores.” Traveling is another part of Thanksgiving, whether it is down the road to a relative’s home or across the country. Students are already planning their trips, like Hector who says she will be traveling to Springfield, Mo. and the Lake of the Ozarks. “I’m driving down there to see my family and just to hangout for Thanksgiving. It’s a drive, but it’s worth it,” said Hector.

Jena Dean, jena.dean@washburn.edu, is a sophomore mass media major.

On the fourth Thursday of November the United States celebrates the harvest of the year with meals that include traditional pumpkin, pecan and apple pies. This recipe contains both pumpkin and apples. This autumn pie will be a delicious alternative for students who are wanting to experiment with their Thanksgiving menu, but still keep the cultural meaning of the holiday.

Ingredients : For the dough:

½ cup-butter 1 egg yolk 1 egg white for crust ½ cup-sugar 1 tsp-baking powder 1 ½ cups-flour (sifted) 1 tsp vanilla

For the filling:

1 ¾ cups-pumpkin flesh 2-3 pieces apple ½ cup-butter 5 tbsp-sugar 1/2 tsp-cinnamon

Photo courtesy of allrecipes.com

Instructions: For the dough:

For the filling:

Cut softened butter with a knife, then combine it with the sifted flour and sugar. Stir until crumbs form. Add the baking powder to the resulted mixture and blend. Next, add the egg yolk, vanilla, sugar and knead the dough. Put the dough in a plastic bag and chill in the fridge for 3040 minutes. The finished dough should be divided into two unequal parts. The bigger portion will serve as a crust. Then lay it on the baking sheet. Next, fill the crust with apple filling. Roll out the smaller portion of the dough, cut into strips, and then fold the strips in a spiral form, and lattice the pie with it. Coat the pie with an egg white (beaten) and whipped with sugar. Bake the pie at 180 degrees for 20-30 minutes.

Peel the pumpkin from the seeds and grate. Next, cut into thin slices. Repeat the same process with apples. Take the butter and put it on a frying pan. Add the sugar and stir occasionally to warm over low heat for 3-5 minutes. Add the pumpkin, simmer for 10-15 minutes, occasionally stirring the product. Then add apples to the pumpkin and stew for another 5 minutes. Then turn off the heat, add the cinnamon and mix the filling gently. Chill. In the end, may be decorated with a few cherries.

Anzhelika Tolstikhina, anzhelika. tolstikhina@washburn.edu is a freshman nursing major.

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Arts and Entertainment


November 13, 2013 11

Get your home in the holiday spirit Farai Harreld


With the holiday season in full swing, houses and other living spaces are decked out in celebration inside and out. For college students who are into holiday decor, time and money may be obstacles that they face. That’s why the review is here with some budget friendly ideas on how to decorate your living space for the holidays. Ever heard of decorations that people make out of popcorn on string for their Christmas trees? Instead of popcorn, take a walk outside and get some fallen colorful leaves, make sure they are dry and string them together to make streamers that you can put in your home. If you have more time and money, you can add your favorite fall candies (candy corn, caramels, etc.) to the string. Get creative.

Go old school and make hand turkeys like young kids do in school. Pimp the hand turkey with glitter, spikes, colorful b r o k e n glass (be c a r e f u l please) and then frame it. You can get different sizes of frames from Dollar Tree and have at it. Search the internet for a great recipe and make yourself a pumpkin flavored smoothie or milkshake. A favorite recipe of ours is bananas, pumpkin puree, dates and cinnamon. Make a wreath using twigs, autumn leaves, straw and grass to

decorate your door. Get some small gourds and pumpkins and decorate them. You can use neon, gold, black and silver spray paint and use studs, glitter, spikes and anything else you can think of to

personalize the pumpkin. To add some color to your living space, pick some wildflowers (if you have allergies you can purchase fake flowers) and put them in mismatched vases and display them all over. Take it a step further and recycle empty coke bottles, cups and pasta sauce bottles by painting them and using them as vases. Studies have shown that people who engage in DIY projects are happier because finishing projects gives them a greater sense of accomplishment. So if you have some free time to kill this month and need a pickme-up, try to make one of these. Take a picture of it and share it with the Washburn Review on Facebook and Twitter so we can see what you made.

Supplies to get started: •glitter glue •scissors •hot glue gun •pumpkins/gourds •leaves/twigs/straw/grass •felt •foam letters •string •spikes Check Hobby Lobby, Dollar Tree, or Wal-Mart for inexpensive supplies. Farai Harreld, farai.harreld@ washburn.edu, is a junior mass media major.

12 November 13, 2013

Arts and Entertainment


“Rain: A tribute to The ‘Call of Duty: Ghosts’ has stepped up its game Beatles,” visits Topeka Brian Cervantez WASHBURN REVIEW

Tate Long


“Abbey Road,” the “White Album,” “Help!” and “Yellow Submarine.” These are all extremely famous albums produced by one of the most iconic bands in history, The Beatles. With many hits like “Let It Be,” “Here Comes The Sun” and “Hey Jude,” it is hard not to fall in love with their music. The music made by The Beatles had a huge influence on the youth at the time of its release. Even though the band formed in 1960, they are still influencing many people today. Their easygoing songs and easy-to-listento sound, have gathered listeners old and young. After their break up in the ‘70s, and the death of two members, John Lennon and George Harrison, the band’s amount of followers kept growing. In some ways, they never stopped b e i n g popular. Because of this, the world has seen many tours of tribute bands and groups. One that many people know is “Rain: A Tribute To The Beatles.” They look just like The Beatles, they sound just like The Beatles and they put on a show that is hard to pass up. “Rain” is coming to Topeka Nov. 21. Tickets are now on sale online at Ticketmaster or

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at the box office of the Topeka Performing Arts Center, where the event will be held. Tickets, which range from approximately $45 to $65, are a good value for this event. The event has received rave reviews from critiques around the country. The Denver Post said, “It’s the next best thing to seeing The Beatles.” The Boston Herald said, “Uncanny! ‘Rain’ are a quartet of fine musicians in their own right…as The Beatles, they triumph!” With positive ratings from top-notch critics and reviewers, the hype around the show is intense. Also, at the event there will be Beatles merchandise for sale. The entire show revolves around making it feel true to The Beatles era. The merchandise and show is supposed to help the audience feel like they have traveled back in time. So, if you want to have a great time listening to a classic band. Grab some tickets to “Rain” and relive the ‘60s and ‘70s.

Tate Long, carl.long@washburn. edu, is a freshman mass media major.

Recently, I went to the midnight release for one of the most anticipated Call of Duty games in recent years, “Call of Duty: Ghosts.” The game is all about being soldiers that are called ghosts. The reason why they are ghosts is because these are the type of soldiers that will go in to the heart of enemy territory to get the mission done with almost no back up. The game also does a great job with visual effects. Compare to previous Call of Duty Games such as “Black ops” and “Modern Warfare” The graphics for the game are solid and you cannot see any flaws in them. I could tell this Call of Duty game, how the developers paid close attention to detail and made sure everything was as accurate as it could be. I would rate the graphics 9 out 10. Multiplayer has been greatly improved to make for solid online play. The only problem is that there are still some lagging issues. The game also features some new game modes, one of which is called “Cranked.”

This is my favorite of the new modes because players can earn two times the points for each person they kill in the game, but what makes this fun is that once players have a kill there are only 30 seconds to live. This means that in order to stay alive, players have to keep getting kills. “Cranked” is a new way for players to sharpen skills and stay focused in the game. Another new feature is that players can customize soldiers the way they want them to look and for Call Of Duty it is about time that they added this to their games. Also, there is a new option to change the soldier’s sex to female. One thing players will be disappointed with is that zombies are now gone, but the game mode that takes its place is called “Extinction.” This game mode is like zombies with t h e fact

that players have to steal points to be able to buy better weapons so they can survive in the game longer. The differences are that the creatures look like aliens and they don’t attack until the player starts to attack the pods on the ground with a mining drill. This made me sit on the edge of my seat because I never knew what would happen next. The story mode is put together well and does not have any dead spots in it so far. I will not spoil anything for the readers, but most should like the story line. Also, the cool thing in the story is that you can play as a dog and have the dog attack to help your soldiers get around with ease. My overall rating of this game would have to be a 8 out of 10 because it is a solid game that has been put together. The game in my opinion should not of been rushed out so quickly. If this game interests you then check it out, but also check out other call of duty games to see which one is the best to you.

Brian Cervantez, brian. cervantez@washburn.edu, is a junior mass media major

Puzzle Page


Veterans Day Word Search AIR FORCE


















November 13, 2013 13

14 November 13, 2013



Bods win last season home match Megan Dortch


Washburn volleyball beat Central Oklahoma University in three sets Saturday night moving up to 13-1 in conference play. The Bods lost the first point of the match, but never trailed again the whole night. Washburn took the first set 25-15 with 12 kills and six errors. The Bronchos hit -.042 as a team while WU hit .128. “We wanted to come in and just focus on ourselves. We knew they were a lot better than the last time we played them…We wanted to come in to tonight and get the job done,” said Leanna Willer, freshman outside hitter.

Washburn came out hitting .303 as a team with 14 kills in the second set. The Bods held Central Oklahoma to 12 kills and a .125 team kill average. WU won 25-16. In the last set, Washburn hit .233 with 16 kills and six errors. The Bods held the Bronchos to a negative attack percentage with -.022 and seven kills. Washburn won 25-17. “We want to use this momentum. Kearney is obviously our biggest opponent. We want to use it to go in and take care of business,” said Willer. Junior right side hitter Marissa Cox led Washburn with 11 kills on the match, Willer

added nine. Senior setter Abby Wittman had 35 assists. Senior libero, Kelsey Lewis, added 25 digs and senior libero, Courtney Churchman, added 11 digs. Redshirt freshman middle hitter, Hannah Frierdich, led WU with four blocks. “With it being senior night and all we just wanted to play for our seniors,” said Willer. “It’s the last time we know for sure that we’re going to play here. With all of our seniors playing, fun just came with it.”

Megan Dortch, megan.dortch@ washburn.edu, is a senior mass media major.

Photos by Scott Stormann, Washburn Review

Killing It: (Above) Ichabods bring it in on senior night. (Upper Left) Abby Wittman, senior setter, serves the ball in last regular home match against the University of Central Oklahoma. Wittman has 37 total aces for the season. (Lower Left) Senior outside hitter Corrinne Stringer digs the ball. Ichabods won the match 3-0.

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November 13, 2013 15

Photo by Scott Stormann, Washburn Review

Blocked: The Washburn Ichabods block a field goal as they fight hard in an attempt to win their last home game of the season Saturday at Yager Stadium. They fell to the Missouri Western State University Eagles 31-34. The Ichabods scored 21 points in the last two minutes of the game, but it wasn’t enough to hold the Eagles.

Duncan keeps the team centered Jake Wingo


Senior center Kyle Duncan is the Ichabods’ only senior starter on the offensive line, and only one of two seniors starting the entire offense. The center position in football may be the least glamorous of all. They’re surrounded by other 300-plus pound men, in front of another 300-plus pound man on the other side of the ball, and the quarterback stands behind them getting all the attention. Yet, there may be no position more important to a team than the center. T h e y make the

offensive line calls, which most people don’t even know exists. They are responsible for telling their fellow linemen who to block, making sure he snaps the ball at the right time and in the right place and then does their own job, protect their teammates. “I’m the oldest, so I think it’s important for me to give tips and help the younger players,” said Duncan. Duncan takes pride in leaving the line in as good of shape as possible and plans to come back and watch them play as much as he can next season. “Playing next to Duncan is a lot of fun and a learning experience,” said Michael Miller redshirt freshman guard. “Kyle is a veteran lineman here and helped me a lot with understanding our offense and understanding how other defenses work. He’s done a great job as a leader, and a role model. Not only is he a leader, he’s a great offensive lineman.” The Ichabod offense is averaging over 42 points per game, placing them fourth in the MIAA and just three points behind the conference leader, Northwest Missouri State Bearcats. With starting quarterback Mitch Buhler

out for the season, due to an elbow injury, even more pressure is now on Duncan. While junior signal caller Joel Piper is experienced, it is even more imperative that Duncan makes all the correct calls in pass protection and let him get comfortable in the pocket. He did just that in last weekend’s 34-31 loss to Missouri Western as Piper threw for 343 yards and four touchdowns, both career highs. Prior to that game, he had thrown just two touchdowns and four interceptions. He was able to reverse the trend with four scores to just one interception with Duncan’s help. With a lot of youth in the trenches for the Washburn offense, Duncan’s leadership and ability have been paramount to the team’s success this year. He takes the field Saturday at Emporia State University, to take on the rival Hornets, for what could be the last game of his career.

Photo by Scott Stormann, Washburn Review

Endzone: Senior wide receiver Mark Fancher heads for the endzone scoring the last touchdown of the game for the Bods against the Missouri Western State University Eagles. Fancher had 38 receiving yards and one touchdown in his final regular season home game.

Jake Wingo harold.wingo@ww, is a senior mass media major. Graphic by Chelsea Howe, Washburn Review

16 November 13, 2013



Men’s Basketball Upcoming Games 11/18 - Kansas Wesleyan University - Topeka, Kan. - 7 p.m. 11/21 - Rockhurst University - Topeka, Kan. - 7 p.m. 11/23 - Newman University - Topeka, Kan. - 3 p.m. 11/26 - Tabor College - Topeka, Kan. - 7:30 p.m. 12/5 - Southwest Baptist University - Bolivar, Mo. - 7:30 p.m. 12/7 - Missouri Southern State University - Joplin, Mo. - 3 p.m. 12/19 - Lincoln University of Missouri - Topeka, Kan. - 7:30 p.m. 12/22 - Lindenwood University - Topeka, Kan. - 3 p.m.

Women’s Basketball Upcoming Games 11/16 - Ouachita Baptist University - Jessieville, Ark. - 2 p.m. 11/21 - Drury University - Springfield, Mo. - 7 p.m. 11/23 - Southwestern College - Topeka, Kan. - 1 p.m. 11/26 - Benedictine College - Topeka, Kan. - 5:30 p.m. 12/5 - Southwest Baptist University - Bolivar, Mo. - 5:30 p.m. 12/7 - Missouri Southern State University - Joplin, Mo. - 1 p.m. 12/19 - Lincoln University of Missouri - Topeka, Kan. - 5:30 p.m. 12/22 - Lindenwood University - Topeka, Kan. - 1 p.m.


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