October 10 , 2018
Volume 145, Issue 8
washburnreview.org Established 1885
Trump MAGA rally comes to capital city
Samuel Cox Washburn Review samuel.cox@washburn.edu
Thousands from The Sunflower State attended the president’s “Make America Great Again” rally at the Kansas Expocentre. More than 45,000 people made a request for tickets to the MAGA tour rally in Topeka. About half of the crowd who joined the line were turned away at the door because the venue was filled to its capacity. A large projector was set up in the parking lot that allowed Kansans to show their support, even in the cold and rain. President Trump flew from Washington, D.C. to Topeka on Saturday morning, the same day of the Senate confirmation vote. Air Force One landed at Forbes Field Airport around 5 p.m., an hour before the rally. Doors opened to the public at 2 p.m. as Trump supporters surrounded the Expocentre. Rep. Kevin Yoder, Rep. Lynn Jenkins and Lt. Gov. Tracy Mann were scheduled to appear, but they had previous engagements. This specific MAGA rally occured on the tail of one of the largest political victories for the GOP. Judge Brett Kavanaugh’s Supreme Court appointment was officially confirmed by the Senate. As of Saturday, Oct. 6, there have been seven investigations conducted by the FBI into Kavanaugh and no evidence of sexual misconduct was found. At the rally, Trump spoke about Kavanaugh. “I am thrilled to be with you on this historic day,” he said. “I stand before you on the heels of an enormous victory for our nation, for our people and our beloved constitution.” In addition to Judge Kavanaugh’s confirmation, Trump held the rally in Kansas in hopes
of bolstering the campaigns of Secretary of State Kris Kobach, who is running for governor, and the GOP candidate for Kansas’s 2nd congressional district, Steve Watkins. Kobach was endorsed by Trump and given a chance to speak to the large crowd of potential GOP voters. Kobach spoke about the importance of stopping illegal immigration, removing sanctuary cities in Kansas, protection against voter fraud and lowering state and property taxes. Kobach has experience as the Chair of the Kansas Republican Party and 31st Secretary of State. Watkins is seeking to replace current 2nd district of congress incumbent, Lynn Jenkins. Jenkins is retiring and the endorsement of Trump could be what was needed to boost Watkins to victory this November. Watkins spoke soon after Kobach. He spoke on similar topics as Kobach: Increasing the number of jobs, border security and “appointing pro-constitutional judges to the bench”. Brad Parscale, President Trump’s 2020 campaign manager, is a Shawnee Heights alumni and downtown Topeka native. He said it was great to be back in his hometown where he played SCABA baseball and has maintained lasting friendships throughout Kansas. President Trump thanked his supporters and the people who have helped him during his presidency. Trump spoke about the economic success the US has experienced. “The GDP Rate (4.2 percent) is higher than the Unemployment Rate (3.9 percent) for the first time in over 100 years,” said Trump. It has been over a decade since a president has made an appearance in Topeka. President George W. Bush came to the capitol city the day before the fall midterm election to support Rep. Jim Ryun in his failed re-election
Washburn Tech plans to open second campus in 2019
Matt Self
Washburn Review matt.self@washburn.edu
Washburn Tech is proud to announce that it is planning to open a new location here in Topeka that will offer training in construction trades, health care, ESL courses (English as a Second Language), General Education Diplomas (GED) and Commercial Driver’s Licenses (CDL). This new building will greatly benefit those who live primarily in East Topeka, as its main focus is to bring higher education closer to those living farther away from Washburn Tech’s main building and attract more potential students to Washburn from the often neglected eastern portion of Topeka. This new building is set to officially open in January 2019. The new building was announced this year on March 15 at an official ground-breaking event that was attended by President Farley, the dean of Washburn Tech Clark Coco
and hundreds of local leaders and community members. The new building is located at 2014 SE Washington St., a great location that will bring educational possibilities to the community in East Topeka. The combined forces of Washburn Tech, the Joint Economic Development Organization (JEDO) and GO Topeka are all contributing to this project; GO Topeka and JEDO have funded the project with almost $5.5 million while Washburn provides the staff for the facility. JEDO also purchased the site for the cost of $240,000 and is providing up to $4 million for the partial demolition and remodeling of the existing facility. Also, JEDO is willing to provide up to $500,000 in partnership funds per year for three years for start-up and operational expenses. President Farley was especially pleased to announce the construction of this new facility earlier this year. STORY CONTINUED ON PAGE 3
Coaches rank WU volleyball No. 9 in Division II Top 25 Poll Morgan Holloway Washburn Review morgan.holloway@washburn.edu
The American Volleyball Coaches Association released its seventh edition of the Division II Top 25 Poll on Monday, Oct. 8th. The poll revealed that Washburn volleyball has maintained its No. 9 ranking from the previous week. This marks the 113th time in the volleyball program’s history that they have reached the AVCA Top 10. “Rankings are exciting and all but we’re more focused on the final ranking,” freshman Emma Palasak said. The Ichabods return from a successful weekend on the road, extending their winning streak to 21-0 overall and 9-0 in the conference. On Friday, Oct. 5, the Ichabods defeated the Missouri Southern Lions in Joplin, Missouri, 3-0 (25-17, 25-13, 25-13). At the beginning of the set, the Ichabods and Lions sparred till Washburn pulled slight-
photo by Lou Collobert
Victory in volleyball: The Ichabods remain undefeated. The team dominated this past week.
ly ahead. The Ichabods got ahead by a score of 16-11 before MSSU started to make their way up the scoreboard. That is, until Washburn pulled ahead again to a lead of 21-14. The Lions scored a few more times, STORY CONTINUED ON PAGE 11
photo by John Burns
“Hello, Kansas.”: President Trump addresses an estimated crowd of 11,000 at the MAGA rally in Topeka, Kansas, calling it an “historic night.”
bid. Samantha Ralston, a sophomore music performance major, spoke about the rally. “I was excited,” she said. “It’s not everyday the president comes to Topeka.”
President Trump has made plans to help campaign for his fellow congressman before beginning his official 2020 presidential campaign.
photo by Yash Chitrakar
Between two cups: Officer Anthony Escalante plays a trivia game with a student as she sips from her cup.
Coffee with a Cop: promoting a genial image of the police Yash Chitrakar
Washburn Review yash.chitrakar@washburn.edu
The library had some special visitors on Oct. 3, as some members of the Washburn Police, clad in uniform and gear, came to have a chat and let people ask questions about anything and everything in an event titled “Coffee with a Cop”. True to the name, there stood a coffee stand with piping hot black coffee to bring warmth to the morning chill and the conversations that took place then. As they poured coffee into white cups, quite a few people warmed up to the cheery officers in uniform who were ready to have a conversation. Most of the visits were made by students. Some were eager to share their stories about their police background, as they talked about how their relatives served in the police. Some tried to gain insight into the inner workings of the police department. Some wanted to take selfies with the officers. One of the students even sat down to draw a portrait of Sergeant Drew Liggett., who, at the student’s request, stood at a spot for over 20 minutes. This was a testimony to the genial atmosphere of the meet-and-greet event. And that
was exactly the atmosphere the police were trying to create. This event was part of an ongoing, nationwide effort to shed an empathetic light on police officers. “Usually, the only time people get to come in contact with us is when there is a crime going on,” said officer Anthony Escalante, emphasizing the distance that creates between the public and the police. “This event is a way to show that we are human too and we are trying to help people. We don’t go looking for people to arrest.” Sergeant Liggett. echoed that sentiment. “Nobody sees us doing mundane things like walking people to their cars because they feel unsafe. That doesn’t make the news,” he said. Liggett. standing still for a sketch was just one example of the mundane tasks these officers do. Their primary goal is to ensure the safety of the students, and if students feel safe when officers come to talk to them or assist them in unlocking their cars or escorting them at night, then they have gone a long way towards doing their jobs right. Instead of appearing as daunting figures to be revered, this display of their humanity helps their jobs. Events like these definitely promote that image.
Theatre Reunion
Washburn theatre department to host a reunion show Oct. 13 to raise money for scholarships.
Ichabods should participate in homecoming activities.
Catch up with fresh reviews on the latest in entertainment.
Ichabods demolish Northeastern State University at Yager Stadium.
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