Washburn Review - Nov. 30, 2016 - Issue 13

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Washburn University Volume 143, Issue 13



November 30, 2016



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Community wellness program exceeds expectations

Photo by Kenzie McCoy

Pumpin’ Iron: Tanna Terry, junior nursing major and wellness program assistant, working out in WU-Moves’ facility. The program is located in PC 252.

Jackson Hermann


WU-Moves Community Wellness Program program can be found in Petro Allied Health Center, room 252. After an internal grant last spring, Washburn has started a wellness program dedicated to overall wellness, both physical

and mental. “It’s all-inclusive wellness, not just fitness, but also nutrition, stress management, psychology, things like that,” said Park Lockwood, associate professor of kinesiology. Not only is the kinesiology department involved, but so are many other departments and organizations across campus, with

more planning to join the program. “We’re trying to expand it and talk to different people across campus,” Lockwood said. “We’ve started the program and we’ve hired student workers, interns and volunteers that take clients through an individualized wellness program. We find what they need, whether it be a health issue or they just want to change their fitness level or nutrition or whatever it is and we try to tailor it to their needs and create a program for them.” Geared towards low-income Topeka residents, it provides services completely free of charge to those who wouldn’t have access to them otherwise. While the wellness program is already staffed by kinesiology and nursing students, there are plans to expand the program’s volunteers to physical therapy students, psychology students and even the law school. “We’re eventually going to contact law because we have clients come in that have some legal issues and this is really geared for low-income people who don’t have access to this,”

Lockwood said. “So we give testing, cholesterol, weight, them access to it. [We’ll] bring BMI, body fat percentage,” in law for things that they have Monzon said. “And then we do questions about.” different physical assessments While the program has been in like VO2 max estimate, differits infancy, only having been op- ent things like how many pusherating for a couple of months, ups they can do. Then we can the program is already garnering reassess them in a month and attention far above initial expec- then 3 months to see if they’re tations. improving.” “They somehow hear about The program has access to us, [often] through Chris Omni cardio equipment, resistance from Makin’ Moves,” said equipment and free weights, in Courtney Monzon, senior exer- addition to much more. cise physiology major and intern For any students who want for WU-Moves. “She does a lot to volunteer for the program or of different things with the com- want to join the program and munity, with low-income people take advantage of its services, and does it for free. She does they should visit PC 252 or walk a lot of cool things. So we’re into the kinesiology department talking about it, getting more in PC 201. people in here, but so far we “It’s really just trying to inhave had a ton of people. We’re corporate different departments already past our maximum.” to try and make a really wholeStudents in the program are some approach at wellness, beput through a variety of physi- cause there’s not one specific cal tests to help personalize their part of wellness that’s more imprograms and identify what they portant,” Monzon said. might need to work on. “Their first session is sort of like an assessment. We bring Jackson Hermann, jackson. them in and we do all kinds of paperwork and do different as- hermann@washburn.edu, is a sessments like blood glucose sophomore mass media major.

Professor hosts discussion on gender, election Ali Dade


The final gender brown bag discussion of this semester took place Nov. 29 in the Shawnee room of the Memorial Union. James Schnoebelen, associate professor of communication studies, led the event, that was called “Re-evaluating the Glass Ceiling: Clinton’s Gender and the 2016 Presidential Campaign”. As well as being a professor of communication, Schnoebelen’s specialty is in political communication. The main focus of the dis-

cussion was an overall look at how gender permeates politics more than most people realize. Schnoebelen started by giving the audience some facts about gender stereotypes that had been gathered, where many people were asked what qualities they would want to see in a candidate of each gender. The results concluded that most people wanted the men in politics to be aggressive, tough, rationally-thinking and direct, whereas women in politics were expected to be sensitive, emotional, helping, warm and passive towards their male

counterparts. Both genders were expected to have former political success. Schnoebelen then used these stereotypes and compared our former Presidential candidates to them to see how they measured up. He noted that Trump held many of these aforementioned qualities: aggressiveness, toughness and being direct with his actions. Schnoebelen believes that this is part of the reason he won the election. GENDER: continued on page 4

Photo by Ali Dade

Gender Roles: Jim Schnoebelen leads a discussion on how gender played a role in this election. He spoke on both nominees likability to the public.

2 News


November 30, 2016

Briefs Topeka Metro to honor Rosa Parks Topeka Metro is holding their annual Remember Rosa Ride Free Day in recognition of civil rights activist Rosa Parks Dec. 1. Topeka Metro implemented this promotion in 2015 to commemorate the 60th anniversary of Rosa Parks’ monumental civil rights’ stance. The promotion is only offered for fixed routes. For more information regarding route and scheduling, visit www.topekametro.org or call 785-783-7000.

Fall Commencement around the corner Washburn’s fall Commencement ceremony will begin at 6:30 p.m. Dec. 16, in Lee Arena. No tickets are required. Doors will open to the public at 5:30 p.m. Family and guests must enter through the south or southeast doors and then proceed to Lee Arena. Students must enter through the south or southeast doors and report to Petro 125 to pick up

name cards. The Commencement ceremony is expected to last approximately two hours. Family and guests of students are asked to make their plans accordingly. The Washburn Review will be selling the 2015-2016 yearbook and live-tweeting the event. Follow the Washburn Review at @wureview for updates throughout the ceremony.

Christian Challenge hosts Thanksgiving

Toys for Tots comes to Washburn campus Washburn is currently in the process of running its annual Toys for Tots Drive and will end Dec. 15. The basketball games on Dec. 3 will be a donation event where donation tables will be located at the entrances to Lee Arena. The donations, toys and monetary gifts will be given to the Marine Reserves where they will be distributed in Topeka and the surrounding community. The donation boxes are placed in the following locations: Psychology Department, Allied Health Department, Chemistry Department, Sociology and Anthropology Department, iCard Center in the Memorial Union, Bradbury Thompson, University Relations, main lobby of Morgan Hall, Education Department, Main Level of Union by Dining Center, Union Underground, Ichabod Shop, main lobby of Lincoln Hall, Living Learning Center Residence Office, main office of the Village, Mabee Library and the main entrance of the Student Recreation and Wellness Center.

Photo by Brian Cervantez

Buffet Line: Christian Challenge provided a Thanksgiving meal to Washburn students Nov. 17. The meal served as a time for friends to gather before celebrating the Thanksgiving holiday with their families over the break. “Every year Christian Challenge has a Thanksgiving dinner as a means for fellowship for students involved with the organization and also to invite intentional students to what could be their first Thanksgiving dinner… We felt that it was a great success this year and look forward to next [year]!” said Chloe Langworthy, Christian Challenge staff member.

Concert to showcase Washburn talent Washburn University’s Diversity Initiative teams up with English professor, Dennis Etzel to host a DiversiTEA event at 3 p.m., Dec. 8, in Henderson 100. DiversiTEA is a strong presence on campus, that is a leading force behind Washburn’s discussions on race, sexuality and gender. DiversiTEA’s mission is to provide an open, accepting space for any and all students who may feel unwelcomed or threatened at this time.

Students and faculty are invited to join in an open and safe conversation about diversity and inclusiveness.

Professor to hold diversity discussion

in attendance to enjoy. This concert will be televised by Washburn’s local station, KTWU. Admission is free and donations will be accepted to continue supporting Washburn’s Music Department.

The Washburn University’s Holiday Vespers program begins at 4 p.m. Dec. 11 at White Concert Hall. Each of the large music ensembles, including Washburn Choir, Orchestra, Wind Ensemble and Washburn Singers will be showcased along with small ensembles. They will perform holiday music for all

Washburn Campus Police Report November 16 12:40 - Information report: verbal harassment. On campus location. Report taken: investigation report. November 17 19:26 - Possession of marijuana, possession of paraphernalia, suspended DL/Stop sign violation. On campus location. Report taken: case referred to Municipal Court, 1 notice to leave served.

November 21 13:50 - Distribution of marijuana, distribution of paraphernalia. Washburn Institute of Tech. Report taken: individual taken to DOC, referred to District Court. November 22 21:21 - Expired license tag, driving under the influence. Off campus location. Report taken: individual take to DOC, referred to the Municipal Court.

The Washburn Review’s crime report follows crime trends on a yearto-year basis. This chart accounts for crime from Jan. 7 to Nov. 29. Alcohol Violations - 8% Assault - 3% Burglary (Building) - 1% Burglary (Vehicle) - 8% Criminal Damage - 15% Domestic Violence - 1% Drug Arrests - 14% Harassment - 6% Sex Offense - 1% Theft (Auto) - 3% Traffic Accidents - 16% Theft - 24%


News 3

November 30, 2016

President-elect Trump selects Cabinet Brenden Williams


President-elect Donald Trump has selected 11 of his 23 memeber cabinet as of Nov. 29, 2016. Businessmen and former presidential candidates make up much of the proposed cabinet, which will not be official until the senate approves his nominations. Trump has been criticized for many of his selections and praised for others and has been turned down by the nominee on a few occasions. Brenden Williams, brenden.williams@ washburn.edu, is a sophomore mass media major.

White House Chief of Staff: Reince Priebus

Photo (above) courtesy of deadline.com; photos (below) courtesy of Wikipedia; photo (bottom right) courtesy of The New York Times

Cabinet Controversy: President-elect Trump made controversial selections with right-wing media executive Stephen Bannon and former Michigan GOP Chair Besty DeVos.

A succesful lawyer until 2007 when he succesfully ran for Wisconsin’s Republican Party Chairman, Priebus looks to help Trump’s Presidential agenda progress with his experience and connections in Washington, D.C.

U.N. Ambassador: Nikki Haley

As first woman governor of South Carolina, she has been a supporter of LGBT rights as well as Muslim immigration rights, defending President Obama’s decisions. Haley would be Trump’s most liberal nominee if appointed.

Commerce Secretary: Wilbur Ross

Education Secretary: Betsy DeVos

Health and Human Services Secretary: Tom Price

C.I.A. Director: Mike Pompeo

Transportation Secretary: Elaine L. Chao

Attorney General: Jeff Sessions

Secretary of Urban Housing and Development: Ben Carson

Chief Strategist: Stephen Bannon

National Security Advisor: Michael Flynn

Treasury Secretary: Steven Mnuchin

Former Labor Secretary under George W. Bush, Chao looks to improve infrastructure, a flawed aspect of American society according to Trump. With her vast experience in Washington, Chao is a solid nominee with potential and a safe pick for Trump.

A senator from Alabama who in 1986 was rejected as a nominee for federal judgeship for racial comments that caused a stir, may also affect his appointment especially considering he will be in charge of law enforcement.

A succesful banker and investor who has experience in resources like steel and coal as well as foriegn investments. He has taken a hard stance on China and trade agreements and threatened steep tariffs against the economic giant.

A neorosurgeon who said himself he has little political experience, which makes him a controversial nominee. His intelligence will prove useful and hopefully help him learn the ropes quickly. Risky nominee with a possible upside.

DeVos had been a controversial nominee because of her lack of education experience. Trump is in support of shrinking education, and dishing out responsiblities to local and state governments.

A right-wing media executive from the white-supremisist media outlet Breitbart. His appointment fueled the arguement that the President-elect is racist. A very interesting pick that has only caused backlash for Trump.

Let us take your photo!

Pompeo is a memeber of the House Intelligence Comittee and was a critic of Hillary Clinton during the Benghazi attack in 2012. One of the most qualified nominees, especially for C.I.A. Director.

A Georgia Representative since 2004 and former doctor, Price will lead Trump’s campaign to abolish or improve The Affordable Care Act and will be charged with food and drug regulation as well as Medicare and Medicaid.

As a former banker, film producer and political fundraiser, Mnuchin has been part of the Trump campaign from the start, serving as its finance chair. His 17 years working for Goldman Sachs balances out the inexperience of many other nominees.

Flynn is the former Defense Intelligence Agency Director. He was an avid Trump supporter through his campaign, and will be his main advisor on policies regarding the Pentagon, and other agencies.

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4 News


November 30, 2016

PTKAW founders event celebrates Washburn chapter

president, Thaina Jensen, as well as several presentations by current members and alumni. James Barraclough, director of undergraduate initiatives, also shared words of welcome and provided a guest acknowledgement. Barraclough serves as an advisor for PTKAW. Founded in Missouri in 1918, Phi Theta Kappa originally catered only to women at two-year colleges in the state. Amy Reinhardt, Washburn alumnus and PTKAW found-

ing member, served as the event’s key note speaker. “I took this time to talk about my membership in Phi Theta Kappa and how it’s helped me grow professionally and personally,” Reinhardt said. “I’m ecstatic that we finally have an alumni chapter at Washburn.” Students who are interested in joining PTKAW must have first been a member of the Phi Theta Kappa society at a two-year school. At junior colleges, membership eligibility is based on a 3.5 GPA with a particular number of credit hours. Members who decide to transfer to Washburn fill out an application and pay a nominal fee to their chapter each semester. Member involvement in PTKAW on campus may be minimal, but is highly encouraged. Flumen says the number one goal of the chapter is to promote campus involvement and encourage Phi Theta Kappa members to attend Washburn. The organization volunteered at Transfer Day, Washburn’s Transfer Student Orientation, strengthening the relationship between the university and junior colleges. “Volunteer opportunities around the community build

a name for ourselves campus-wide,” Flumen said. Past volunteerism includes a shoe drive that benefited Haitian people who were in a disaster area. PTKAW hopes to organize similar volunteer opportunities each semester. The oraganization is currently considering a five kilometer run on campus. “PTKAW is an exceptional bridge from a community college to a university level setting,” said Kristen Kogl, vice president of public relations for PTKAW. “It equips you with what you need to succeed in academics and to have a network of people that you can grow with.” PTKAW assists two-year students in completing the Phi Theta Kappa scholarship application and works with students to make them more competitive for admission to four-year schools. The organization’s biggest reward is to see its alumni working at a university level and representing the society.

appearance. Voters had an issue with trust in the election.” He discussed the use of the Trump-coined term, “Nasty woman” which stemmed from the third presidential debate, saying that many of those who did not support Clinton felt the same way Trump did, mainly because she was breaking the stereotypes that women in power are supposed to possess. He then summed up the “rigged system” issue with a quote. “If you want to talk about a rigged system, try running for President as a woman. There was a lot of mansplaining in this election.”

Mansplaining is the act of a man explaining something to a woman in a manner that could be regarded as condescending or patronizing. Schnoebelen then noted that he believed the main culprit for the results of the election was the media itself. “Many articles posted by various news sites have said that the Media made Trump, which they did, because they constantly had him as the center of attention.” The discussion ended with an open discussion on gender and the election in which Schnoebelen made strong closing remarks, proclaiming that Clinton’s efforts were not complete-

ly wasted. “Clinton had a lot of historic firsts: first woman to become a candidate of a major party, first woman to win electoral votes, first woman to win popular vote,” Schnoebelen said. “Much of what Clinton has done will encourage others to follow in her footsteps This is encouraging other women and young girls to run for offices.”

Photo by Ryan Thompson

Honoring the Honors: Phi Theta Kappa Alumni of Washburn University recognizing the founding members of the organization. PTKAW assists transfer students from two-year colleges in their transition into the four-year university setting.

Brittany Williams


Washburn University introduced its newest academic organization, Phi Theta Kappa Alumni of Washburn University with a celebratory Founders event Nov. 20. The organization’s Washburn chapter was officially registered this past spring and began accepting new members in March. PTKAW is a student organization that supports members of the Phi Theta

Kappa honor society in transferring to Washburn from twoyear schools, such as technical schools and community colleges. “This event commemorates our registration with Washburn as student organization,” said Paul Flumen, secretary and founder of PTKAW. “Our primary purpose today is to earn as much recognition for the efforts of our founding members as possible.” The celebration included an introduction by the society’s

Brittany Williams, brittany. williams2@washburn.edu, is a senior English major.

GENDER continued: Ali Dade


“Even though [Trump] does not have any past political experience, he has personal success that proves he has had some masculine-stereotyped success. Trump has rewritten the book on communication for politics,” Schnoebelen said. Schnoebelen also noted that the election may have gone to Trump because Clinton did not possess nearly any of the aforementioned gender stereotypes while campaigning, thus causing her to be highly unlikable to many Americans. “Female politicians are often

seen as talkative and uneducated. Women are faced with the issue of wanting to be taken seriously in politics, but also still [expected to] uphold this feminine standard,” Schnoebelen said. Schnoebelen then discussed different specific aspects of the election that made it unique. He noted that many have said this was one of the most negative elections and believes that much of this has to do with the likability of the candidates, “Clinton was already an unlikable figure as a female politician, so when the email and Benghazi scandals came along, they did not help her overall

Ali Dade, alexis.dade@washburn.edu, is a sophomore English major.

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November 30, 2016

Faculty Letter to Students Teachers respond to students’ concerns for safety, learning environment We, the undersigned, join with our fellow faculDear Ichabods, ty and staff members to commit ourselves to ensuring Washburn continues to become a more inclusive living and learning environment. We will not abide acts of bigotry, violence or intimidation on our campus. There has never been a time when prejudice was not present in America, but there is no doubt that racial and ethnic tensions and intolerance in this country have recently increased in ways both ugly and heartbreaking. There is no doubt that the national statistics on sexual assault—especially on college campuses—are staggering, or that discrimination based on gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, physical or mental disability, religion and nation of origin is very much alive. There is no doubt that the climbing costs of a college education make it more difficult than ever for students to

Signatures: Marin Abell, art; Deborah Altus, human services; Stephen Angel, chemistry; Tom Averill, English; Jennifer Ball, School of Business; Rick Barker, computer information sciences; Jessica Newman Barraclough, Student Activities and Greek Life; Janice Bacon, Allied Health; Karen Barron, English; Gerald Bayens, School of Applied Studies; Shelley Bearman, Center for Student Success; Joel Bluml, Student Life; Melanie Burdick, English and C-TEL; Karen Camarda, physics and astronomy; Steve Cann, political science; Kayla Carter, strategic analysis and peporting; Carolyn Carlson, education; Craig Carter, education; Regina Cassell, mass media; Marcia Cebulska, Center for Kansas Studies; Erin Chamberlain, English; Cheryl Childers, sociology and anthropology; Gloria Christian, WU Tech Testing; Chris Conner, sociology and anthropology; Sarah Cook, mathematics and statistics; Mary Menninger-Corder, School of Nursing; Iris Craver, human services; Patricia Dahl, criminal justice and legal studies; Ande Davis, English; Danielle Dempsey-Swopes, Office of University Diversity and Inclusion; Liz Derrington, English; Lauren Edelman, Leadership Institute; Lori Edwards, School of Nursing; Rick Ellis, Learning in the Community; Kelly Erby, history; Dennis Etzel, Jr., English; Tim Fry, education;

Andrea Garritano, music; Michael Gleason, Leadership Institute; Miguel GonzalezAbellas, modern languages; Rachel Goossen, history; Erin Grant, criminal justice and legal studies; Tara Gregg, Office of Sponsored Projects; Eric Grospitch, Student Life; Steve Hageman, Center for Student Success; Michael Hager, art; Mckinlaye Harkavy, New Student Orientation; Kimberly Harrison, social work; Kristine Hart, Learning in the Community; Phillip Hauptman, computer information sciences; Grace Hildenbrand, College of Arts and Sciences; Carol Hill, Washburn Tech; Rik Hine, philosophy; Duane Hinton, biology; Bob Hoard, sociology and anthropology; Jericho Hockett, psychology; Corinne Hoffhines, Residential Living; Robin Hoover, Ichabod Shop; Kelly Huff, music; Catherine Hunt, music; Jo Hunt, School of Law; Martha Imparato, Mabee Library; Russ Jacobs, philosophy; Cherisa Dulin Jones, Human Resources; Patricia Joyce, School of Nursing; Karen Kapusta-Pofahl, sociology and anthropology; Pam Kaufman, School of Law; Vickie Kelly, Allied Health; Kara Kendall-Morwick, English; Alexandra Klales, sociology and anthropology; Ali Khan, School of Law; Sally Konzem, Counseling Services; Louise Krug, English; Crystal Leming, Counseling Services; Toni Lewis, College of Arts and Sciences; Heather Lindsey, Washburn Tech; Park

complete their degrees. As your teachers, your advisors, your mentors, your supervisors and your friends, we know that these realities impact your Washburn experience. Yet, we see so many of you continue to practice hope and resiliency. We see you struggle to use your experiences and education to improve your communities. We are so proud of your efforts—and encouraged by them. We support you. We want to help. Find us. We will listen to you. We will empathize. We will strategize. We will help connect you to campus resources like the Office of University Diversity and Inclusion, Counseling Services, International Programs, the Center for Student Success, the Office of Student Life and the many student organizations that welcome members of all backgrounds and identities. You are not alone. Lockwood, kinesiology; Bruce Mactavish, College of Arts and Sciences; Monette Mark, art; Kandace Mars, Financial Aid; Craig Martin, School of Law; Paul Mallory, Washburn Tech; Jean Marshall, Mabee Library; Kent McAnally, Career Services; Eric McHenry, English; Diane McMillen, human services; Beth McNamee, mathematics and statistics; Gordon McQuere, emeritus; Kathy Menzie, mass media and communication studies; Linsey Moddelmog, political science; Kim Morse, history; Mike Mosier, mathematics and statistics; John Mullican, biology; Laura Murphy, sociology and anthropology; Jordan Noller, Center for Student Success; Michael O’Brien, modern languages; Brian Ogawa, human services; Irene Olivares, Center for Student Success; Jamie Olsen, Counseling Services; Jennifer Pacioianu, English; Catherine Peppers, mathematics and statistics; David Peralta, Washburn Tech; Dan Petersen, social work department; Mark Peterson, political science; Tim Peterson, emeritus; Marguerite Perret, art; Tara Porter, education; Tom Prasch, history; Dave Provorse, psychology; Mindy Rendon, Residential Living; Lara Rivera, School of Nursing; Bill Roach, emeritus; Monique Robins, modern languages; Tracy Routsong, communication studies; Mike Russell, psychology; Jean Sanchez, Allied Health; Bassima Schbley, social work; Monica Scheibmeir,

School of Nursing; RaLynn Schmalzried, psychology; Jim Schnoebelen, communication studies; Shaun Schmidt, chemistry; Jason Shaw, mathematics and statistics; Mary Sheldon, English; Tony Silvestri, history; Bradley Siebert, English; Ian Smith, philosophy; Jim Smith, social work; Peggy Snook, Washburn Tech; Vanessa Steinroetter, English; Margy Stewart, emeritus; Laura Stephenson, College of Arts and Sciences; Maria Stover, mass media; Courtney Sullivan, modern languages; Sharon Sullivan, theater and women’s and gender studies; Nan Sun, computer information sciences; Mary Sundal, sociology and anthropology; Sue Taylor-Owens, Information Technology Services; Lisa Tessendorf, University Registrar; Andrea Thimesch, Mabee Library; Brian Thomas, physics and astronomy; Brad Turnbull, Residential Living; Sandy Tutwiler, education; Tom Underwood, Academic Outreach; Danny Wade, English; Jennifer Wagner, mathematics and statistics; Israel Wasserstein, English; Kayla Waters, human services; Kelly Watt, art history; Geoffrey Way, English; Kelley Weber, Mabee Library; Penny Weiner, theater; Brenda White, Information Technology Services; Gwen Wilson, Mabee Library; Stephen Woody, Mabee Library; Kerry Wynn, history; Corey Zwikstra, English

Opinion 5

Student Media Staff Executive Staff Advertising Manager Ariele Dutton Editorial Copy Editor Lisa Herdman Director of Special Publications Kenzie McCoy Office Staff Kraig Dafoe Charlotte Tchamlesso Advertising Isran Rahman Erica Faulkinbury Carney Ziegler Copy Editor / Freelance Russel Budden Kraig Dafoe Jordan Carley Taylor Thompson Natalie Engler Esme Harrison Antony Furse Yearbook & Bod Magazine Shayn Jones Alice Ouary Kelsey Yunos Web Team Leaders Eric Gorton Shannon Hoffman News Team Leader / Ryan Thompson Katie Wade Alex Hounchell Jackson Hermann Chelsey Jenkins Brittany Wright Features Team Leader / Colleen Kelly Andrew Shermoen Joshua Setchel Multimedia Team Leader / Mark Feuerborn Annalee Lubeski William Hartner Vincent Neff Jesse Allen Promotions Team Leader / Ali Dade Benjamin Anderson Ethan Lagahid Sarah Miller Graphics, Photos and Production Team Leader / Cody Dannar Sheldon Malicke Devin Morrison Brian Cervantez Ian Johnson Derek Richardson Samantha Stanley Jamie Schwartz Sports Team Leader / Dylan Tyler Dylan McManis Daxton Ross Bryan Grabauskas Justin Sanders Adviser Regina Cassell Please visit washburnreview.org for more news, stories and everything else that matters to WU.

Contact us at wureview@gmail.com

8 Features


November 30, 2016

Hailee Steinfeld’s “The Edge of Professor presents at Seventeen” hits close to home English conference Colleen Kelly

Andrew Shermoen


There’s something undeniably fun about an awkward comingof-age story, and the spin on the genre “The Edge of Seventeen” produduces makes it a modern classic. Nadine (Hailee Steinfeld) has always been a black sheep, what with her snarky attitude, social awkwardness and perfect older brother Darian her mother always compares her to. Her childhood best friend Krista makes high school bearable, though, until one day Nadine catches her and Darian hooking up. In the wake of the fallout, Nadine tries to step out of her social comfort zone and navigate new romances, leaning heavily upon Mr. Bruner (Woody Harrelson), her sarcastic history teacher, for guidance. Films such as these don’t come around often. Sure, television and film alike love to push the relatably awkward teenage coming-of-age story on a regular basis, however, none have felt more raw, honest, sweet and belly laugh worthy since the 2012 film adaptation of “The Perks of Being a Wallflower.” A large part of what makes this film work as well as it does is the dynamic direction and clear vision of writer, coproducer and first time director Kelly Fremon Craig. A self-proclaimed John Hughes fan, Craig takes obvious inspiration from Hughes’ classics “Sixteen Candles” and “Pretty In Pink,” and adapts them for modern day. While “The Edge of Sixteen” follows familiar tropes from the comingof-age genre and is predictable at times, that doesn’t mean it isn’t one of the smartest, most snappily written and executed projects of the decade. Film buffs will catch a lot of references throughout the film and appreciate the quirky editing choices, while the general audience will surely fall in love


Image courtesy of STX Entertainment

On the Rise: Lead actress Hailee Steinfeld is currently juggling a successful pop star career on top of her acting, her latest hits being “Starving” and “Rock Bottom.” Steinfeld initially garnered acclaim as an actress in 2010 when she costarred in the remake of “True Grit.”

with the solid dramatic scenes, swoon-worthy romances and sarcastic comedic stylizing of Steinfeld and Harrelson. So much of the film’s success hindered on the main cast’s stellar performances. Steinfeld had the hardest task of the bunch: balancing snarky sarcasm with likable vulnerability. She knocked it out of the park with her dynamic performance, maturing before our eyes and perfectly capturing what it’s like to be an awkward teen today. Her character is crass, cranky, selfish and pessimistic, but she has just enough sympathy and understandable pain to her to make you fall in love with her. Harrelson, too, brought a lot more to the table than just wise-cracking humor. His character acts as Nadine’s reluctant mentor, and he brings an unexpected amount of heart and compassion to the third act of the film despite his small amount of screen time.



An unexpectedly outstanding performance to round these two out goes to newcomer actor Hayden Szeto as Nadine’s classmate Erwin. To avoid spoilers, just take it on good faith he’s more than you think he is. He holds his own with Steinfeld in a way that can only be described as adorkable. “The Edge of Seventeen” brings a lot to the table. It subtly references cult classic teen films, polishes tried and true tropes in a way that makes them feel fresh and gives an honest, endearing look into a modern teen’s life. Between its fresh talent, smart directorial vision and snappy writing, there’s nothing not to love about the film.

Danny Wade, an associate professor of English at Washburn University, attend the National Council of Teachers of English Annual Convention in Atlanta, Georgia. The sponsors, also known as NCTE, welcomed Wade and the professor took part in multiple speaking sessions and took in the sights of Georgia’s unique landscape. The theme of the convention was “Faces of Advocacy” and teachers from all levels of education gathered to learn how to teach their students more about exploring English with an active mind. Wade started out by participating and presenting in a public speaking session titled “Poet Advocates: Using Poetry to Advocate for Teaching and Learning in the 21st Century.” According to Wade, the idea behind the seminar was that participants would leave inspired to use poetry as a vehicle for healing, peace, validation, power and advocacy. He specifically used his time to speak during the session to highlight the poem “For My Son Johnny,” by Anne Porter. The poem focuses on Porter’s son, who has Autism, and his strength instead

of lamenting his weaknesses. Wade also took part in an annual meeting, The Conference on English Education Commission on the Teaching of Poetry. The meeting discussed the goals for next year and created projects promoting the reading, writing and teaching of poetry. “We are currently working on a manuscript and presentation proposal that demonstrates how to use poetry in Secondary English Methods courses,” Wade said. In addition to attending seminars and his annual meeting, Wade also coordinates a writing workshop. Participants brought copies to be proofread by their peers. Afterward, an open mic was held for those wanting to read their writing. Since the NCTE has a different destination every year, Wade likes to visit as many local landmarks and monuments as possible. Atlanta is a large city filled with budding culture and was once a major hub for the civil rights movement. As such, Wade visited the Martin Luther King Jr. National Historic Site. It consisted of King’s boyhood home and the church he and his ENGLISH: continued on page 9

Photo courtesy of Danny Wade

Colleen Kelly, colleen.kelly@ washburn.edu, is a senior English education major.

Educators: A notable presentation held at NCTE was “Poet Advocates: Using Poetry to Advocate for Teaching and Learning in the 21st Century.” The four pictured from left to right: Dr. Bonner Slayton, Jocelyn Chadwick, Dr. Danny Wade and Dr. Michael Moore were each presenters.

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November 30, 2016

Features 9

Wind Ensemble holds end of year concert ENGLISH Andrew Shermoen


“Con Spirito” was the name of the concert that echoed through White Concert Hall Monday, Nov 21. Michael Mapp, conductor of the Washburn University Wind Ensemble, touted the musical performance as a cavalcade of songs based on uplifting the spirit. The concert mixed religious music from varying world faiths to songs simply based around feelings of love, kindness and elation. Each piece was accompanied by echoing applause and “bravo” by the audience. “Con Spirito” itself was sponsored by the Phi Mu Alpha fraternity, which had a reception after the concert concluded. Phi Mu Alpha opened the concert by performing “The Star Spangled Banner” for an audience that stood at attention. After the applause settled, the men left and Mapp took the stage. “Euphoria” was the ensemble’s first piece. Composed by John Frantzen, it is meant to convey a feeling of vibrancy and elation toward life. The music highlighted a carefree nature and an embrace of joy; it’s an excited and uplifting piece that resonated well with the audience. The ensemble then performed a piece called “Net Luck Soaring,” by Joni Greene. It tells the story of Noppanut Lucksanawichien, called Net Luck by his friends, who was a tal-

Photo by Andrew Shermoen

Well Orchestrated: The Washburn Wind Ensemble is currently directed by Dr. Michael Mapp. Officially called the Director of Bands, Mapp also leads the Washburn marching band and pep band. He earned his doctorate of musical arts at the University of Kansas.

ented musician in his hometown of Leander, Texas. Luck was diagnosed with a terminal disease but embraced life with an unparalleled voracity. He was described as loving and compassionate and before his death, Greene wrote a piece honoring Net and his family. “Net Luck Soaring” was the result, and according to Greene, “Net Luck is behind every sound in this piece.” The first piece rooted in religion appeared in the form of “Yiddish Dances,” by Adam Gorb. The piece is five move-

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ments, each representing a different style of dance or music in the canon of Yiddish folk music known as Klezmer. “Khosidl” is a fast-paced party song that is explained by Gorb as “moving freely between satire, sentimentality and pathos.” The piece moved to a full party song with the tango movement “Terkische.” The most interesting movement was “Doina,” a contemplative piece using several different solos of varying instruments and tempos making for a unique recitative.

“Hora” and “Freylachs” close Gorb’s piece transforming it into a raucous party that had the audience tapping their feet and clapping along. The ensemble also had the honor of performing the world premiere of Topeka native Robert Johnson’s “Suite for Band,” a piece of varying temporal and harmonic complexity that has a staggering ten movements. Mapp said it was an honor for the ensemble to perform Johnson’s piece for the first time. The ensemble ended the concert with a piece by David Maslanka called “Give Us This Day.” While the title conjures up feelings of The Lord’s Prayer, Maslanka insists the inspiration is Buddhist. “Give Us This Day” focuses on the way to obtain world peace, for each person to be mindful of themselves and to become truly awake. According to Maslanka, “’Give us This Day’ gives us this very moment of awakeness and aware aliveness so that we can build a future in the face of a most dangerous and difficult time.” The next Washburn Music Department performance is the Holiday Vespers Concert at 4 p.m. Dec. 11 at White Concert Hall. The concert won Regional Emmy awards and features multiple ensembles. Andrew Shermoen, andrew. shermoen@washburn.edu, is a senior English education major.


father preached at, Ebenezer Baptist. “While in the sanctuary, I sat on the front pew and observed the pulpit where King preached,” Wade said. “It was so moving to visualize him there preaching as his sermons were played over the speakers.” Wade also visited the Jimmy Carter Presidential Library and read original documents and examined items imperative to the former president’s term in office. Wade’s favorite Carter quote from the library was plastered on a large wall: “Our commitment to human rights must be absolute; the powerful must not persecute the weak.” These words perfectly match the theme of the NCTE conference. “Faces of Advocacy” highlighted what the men and women at the conference all have in common. They stand for one single cause: to help foster growth and knowledge through education of English.

Andrew Shermoen, andrew. shermoen@washburn.edu, is a senior English education major.

10 Puzzle


November 30, 2016

Puzzle Page Student Sodoku


(Student-generated and student-solved)

Each row, column and box must contain the numbers 1-9.




Winter Wonderland

Graphics by Devin Morrison


November 30, 2016

Sports Speak

Women’s basketball wins in Puerto Rico Dylan McManis


Dylan Tyler


One of the biggest controversies right now is the dollar sign vs. athletes. It’s been said that money is the root of all evil, but where is the line drawn? The question has been raised for years - should college athletes get paid or not? If yes, should they be paid bonuses for excelling? The opinions on this topic are everywhere. The first point for them getting paid has to deal with the dedication that players give. They are all under contract to behave and act certain ways. Depending on the school and level of competition, players are discouraged in taking part in outside games other than their training. Athletes are also considered representatives of their school. In that respect, they must always act appropriately, or face some pretty severe consequences. In other words, as an athlete you are a full-time representative of your school. It can also be argued that balancing multiple

hours of workouts and hours of class work can be incredibly challenging. However, there is a reasonable argument against this. Not all, but most of these athletes are on scholarship. They get paid thousands of dollars in tuition to come play for their school of choice. This is an opportunity that a lot of other students don’t get. Another argument can be made that they are getting paid in publicity. Everything they do is going to help them potentially to get to the next level in their careers and all they have to do was work hard on the field. One of the final arguments is that schoolwork may not be as hard for these athletes because of how prevalent tutoring is to them. There are definitely very reasonable objections on both sides of the argument. We do know one thing in the end; every college is going to make acquiring good athletes a priority. So, will colleges be willing to take the extra step if athletes demand it? Should athletes go on strike? Should they step up and de-

mand money? Should they be thankful for their opportunity? In the end, there is one thing for certain; college athletes probably wouldn’t mind getting paid at least minimum wage for the hours they put in, or even a weekly salary. As a student this may be your time to shine. Stand up for the athletes. Why not stand side by side with your fellow classmates? They work hard for your school to become well known and to gain pride. You will have your institutions label on your back for the rest of your life; it is your duty to make sure that your label looks good. So do what it takes to be proud of your alma mater. If that means paying athletes what they deserve, then so be it. Speak out, and make it happen. In order for a spike, there needs to be a set. Dylan Tyler, dylan.tyler@ washburn.edu, is a junior mass media public relations major.

Sports 11

The Washburn women’s basketball team won both of their games while in Puerto Rico over Thanksgiving break on Nov. 25 through 26, advancing their current non-conference record to 4-2. The first game that the Washburn women played was against Kutztown University, Washburn won with 62-50 on Nov. 25 with a .500 field goal percentage and leading the rebounds 44-16. The most notable point leaders for the team were Felisha Gibbs with 13 points and Reagan Phelan with 11 points. The second game was against the University of Puerto Rico-Bayamon women’s team, which Washburn defeated 55-49 Nov. 26. While the game against Bayamon was a bit closer for Washburn, they still managed a victory with a field goal percentage of .400 to Bayamon’s .340. The big names of the Bayamon game were Jharian Bown and Erin Dohnalek, who put up 17 and 11 points respectively alongside Dohnalek’s seven

rebounds. This finished the team’s Puerto Rico excursion with two wins, pushing them to a 4-2 record. The Washburn women’s basketball team’s 4-2 record outside of the conference bodes well, but still places them in the middle of the pack amongst their MIAA peers. Before the conference games start up for Washburn on Dec. 7 at Fort Hays State, Washburn has two more non-conference home games. The first of these final two games is against Oklahoma Panhandle State University on Dec. 3 in Lee arena at 4 p.m., followed by another home game against Benedictine college Dec. 5 at 7 p.m. These two games are a good opportunity for Wahsburn to improve, especially since Fort Hays’ team is currently undefeated and will put up a tough fight for the Ichabods.

Dylan McManis, dylan. mcmanis@washburn.edu, is a sophomore English major.


Football Women’s Basketball Men’s Basketball





Bemidji State

Excelsior Springs, Missouri

Dec. 3rd


Oklahoma Panhandle State Universty

Topeka, Kansas

Dec. 3rd


Manhattan Christian College

Topeka, Kansas

Dec. 1st



Next Event Location


Sports 12


November 30, 2016

In Brief

M. B-Ball returns for Manhattan Christian

After coming out of their Puerto Rico tournament undefeated, the Washburn Ichabods return home with a record of 6-0. At 7 p.m. Thursday Dec. 1, Washburn will take on Manhattan Christian College on home turf at Lee Arena. The Ichabods have a favorable matchup in this one, with the MCC Thunder sitting at a 2-4 record, and they have not recorded a victory since Nov 12. Adding to that, the Thunder’s losses have not been necessarily close either, as they have been defeated by margins of 16 and 33 in their last two. As long as they play the way they have been playing, the Ichabods should be looking at a win in this one.

W. B-Ball readies to handle the Panhandlers The Washburn Ichabods are coming back from their journey to Puerto Rico with two wins, raising their record on the season to 4-2. 4 p.m. on Saturday, Dec. 3, they will play the Oklahoma Panhandle State University Aggies in Topeka, KS. The Aggies have a record of 1-4 this season, The Aggies sole win of the year came in their lone home game. They do not play well on the road, going 0-3 when away from home. Those losses are not

close, either, with their losses coming by margins of 38, 33, and 26 points, with an outlier of a 1 point loss. While this seems like a favorable matchup, it was not too long ago that the Ichabods were teetering on a losing record at 2-2. However, they should still come out of this game with a win.

Volleyball lands on honor roll On Tuesday, Nov. 29 the MIAA announced that eight members of Washburn’s volleyball team had made the conference’s Academic Honor Roll. Four women were named MIAA Scholar Athletes: Natalie Bates, Alyssa Carney, Sarah Vicory and Leanna Willer; all four are seniors. Four more women were named MIAA Academic Honor Roll: sophomore Shayla Conner, sophomore Jade Hodge, senior Callie Lowry and senior Carley Swan. This is the third straight season that Vicory and Willer have placed, and the second straight season for Carney. In order to qualify for the MIAA Academic Honor Roll, student athletes must maintain a 3.0 grade point average or higher. While those placed as the MIAA Scholar Athletes must maintain grade point average of 3.5 or better.

Undefeated season propels men’s B-Ball Dylan McManis


Football competes in Mineral Bowl Dec.3 To close out the season, the Washburn Ichabods will travel to Excelsior Springs, Missouri to challenge the Bemidji State Beavers in the Mineral Water Bowl on Saturday, Dec 3 at 12 p.m. The Ichabods will attempt to forget their last game, a 30-3 blowout at the hands of Emporia State, which ended their season with a 7-4 record. They will try to do this against the Bemidji State Beavers, who ended their season on the other end of the spectrum, dominating the Minnesota Crookston Eagles in a resounding 76-13 victory. This is a tough matchup, but the Ichabods may be able to exploit the Beaver’s defense with a potent offense of their own. However it goes, fans are in for an exciting game this weekend.

A note from SAGL: For only $5, you can ride the charter bus to and from the game, receive admission into the alumni tailgate, AND receive a ticket to the game. The bus will leave Saturday morning at 9am from the LLC Circle drive. You must sign up and pay in advance to the Student Activities and Greek Life office located in the Union Underground. Space is limited.


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Located on the Lower Level of the Memorial Union Yearbooks are $20 and then each additional Yearbook is LY O N $5! We can ship Yearbooks for $25 Any questions call (785) 670-2506

The Washburn men’s basketball team sits at a six-win streak on an undefeated record after finishing their time away in Puerto Rico over Thanksgiving break, where they played and won all three of their games. While the team had Thanksgiving itself off, they spent the rest of their break Nov. 23-26 playing in the 2016 Puerto Rico Clasico. The Washburn men’s first match on Nov. 23 was against Northwood University, whom they defeated 66-64. Some of the key players in the Northwood game were Javion Blake and Brady Skeens, who scored 14 and 12 points respectively. Overall the game was kept close, but Washburn pulled out the victory in the end. In contrast, Washburn’s stats easily dominated their second game of the Clasico against Universidad Metropolitana, where they won 86-61 with a .429 field goal percentage to UMET’s .358. Cameron Wiggins was the point leader for this game, with a total of 19 points. One of the other important players to note is Brady Skeens, who earned his second double-double of the season with 10 points and 13 rebounds during the game. The final game of the Clasico for Washburn was against Lubbock Christian University, where they won in another close game 65-63. Although the game was close, the field

goal percentages say otherwise, with Washburn holding a .45 to Lubbock’s .379. Lubbock the first half, 32-29, but Washburn managed to pull through in the end, thanks to Randall Smith, Cameron Wiggins and David Salach. Smith ended the game with 14 points, while Wiggins and Salach each had 13, over half the team’s points were generated from these three players in this game. Conference season hasn’t started yet, so we can’t read too much into the Washburn men’s undefeated status, but the confidence boost going forward should help propel the team forward once the conference does start Dec. 7 against Fort Hays State. The only other team in the MIAA who is currently undefeated in their nonconference games is Northwest Missouri, so if Washburn can keep up this pace they should rocket straight through the competition in the conference. Until then, Washburn still has two home games occurring on Dec. 1 and Dec. 3 against Manhattan Christian College and Newman University respectively. Both games are at Lee arena, and you can check them out at 7 p.m. for the MCC game and 2 p.m. for the Newman game.

Dylan McManis, dylan. mcmanis@washburn.edu, is a sophomore English major.

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