Washburn Review - October 18, 2017 - Issue 9

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October 18, 2017

Volume 144, Issue 9 News Pages 1-3

Opinion Page 4

Take Back the Night

washburnreview.org Sports Pages 9-12

Features Pages 5-8

Boy Scouts open to girls

Jazz Ensembles’ fall concert

Ichabod golf invational

Homecoming throughout the years 2002: HollyWU Stars of Washburn

2016: Magical World Of Washburn Witches, Witchcraft, Bods

2003: Under the Big Top: WU Circus

2004: Haunted Homecoming Spooky Bods

2005: Hats off to WU Celebrating 140 Years

2017 Homecoming Theme: Bods At Sea Charles Rankin Washburn Review charles.rankin@washburn.edu

Homecoming is alive and well at Washburn University. Royalty has been nominated, top hats 2015: have been decorated and Grand Yell Like Hell has been Homecoming: choreographed. Celebrating 150 Some organizations have years at WU been preparing all semester for this event, whether it be in planning or decorating, or in a few cases, both. The week is hosted by the homecoming com2014: mittee, which is chaired Ichabods by Scott Weinkauf, vice Unleashed Ichabod president of WSGA. Powerhouses “We started working on it right after WSGA elections,” said Weinkauf. “We came up with the theme right before school got out [in the spring semester] so 2013: Super Bod The Hero WU deserves

we could get as much feedback as possible.” Weinkauf said that the committee has been working hard for the past few months, especially in the last few weeks as they selected independent judges for the various competitions . These events and competitions include Homecoming Ball, Yell Like Hell and the Ichabod Race. Even though it is heavily involved with the planning of homecoming festivities, WSGA still has fun competing with the rest of the student

2012: Washburn Odyssey Bods in Space

2006: Let the Games Begin: Competition is on

2007: Bod...Ichabod 007 Sneaky Spies

2008: Give my Regards to Bodway: Stars of WU

organizations. However, its intention is not to win. “We’re not in it for the competition of it,” said Caleb Soliday, WSGA chief of staff. “We’re really in it for

2011: Fear the Bod: Homecoming Horrors

the spirit of it all.” For more information and for times for each homecoming event, visit washburn.edu/homecoming.

2010: Wonderful World of Washburn: Worldwide WU

2009: Ichabod Island Tropical Ichabods

WU participates in national week without violence Julia Eilert Washburn Review julia.eilert@washburn.edu

October marks the beginning of Domestic Violence Awareness Month. From Oct. 17 to Oct. 20, the YWCA, the Interfraternal Council, WSGA, STAND and Washburn University will be hosting the Week Without Violence. The event is annually held during the third week of October. “We want every week to be without violence, but it’s really about efforts to end domestic violence specifically,” said Tessa Graf, graduate research assistant and director for the psychological services clinic. “College-aged individuals

experience very high rates of domestic violence.” Domestic violence affects men and women, and while the numbers are higher for women, Graf explained that men are less likely to report, allowing the statistics to not be wholly accurate. “There’s a huge stigma against seeking help or being abused, especially for men,” Graf said. “One of the barriers is that people don’t know how to recognize [abuse.]” A Week Without Violence was established in the U.S. in 1999. Shelley Bearman, project coordinator and sexual assault educator/preventer, said that the event is meant to bring awareness and ensure people know how and where they can

seek help when they experience domestic violence. “If we could just encourage everyone to stand up and look out for each other, that’s what makes our world a better place,” said Bearman. This year, there will be at least one event everyday throughout A Week Without Violence. “The faculty and staff care about what’s happening with our students,” said Bearman. “This is a big, important issue. They see it, and they know the repercussions of it and want to help everyone have a safe learning experience.” The Week Without Violence will wrap up on Friday, with a march and rally starting at the capitol

building. After the march, hotdogs will be cooked and provided by the Topeka Police Department. “Everyone is welcome to come march,” said Graf. “There’s so much community support for it. We would love to see lots of Washburn people there.” There are many resources available for students on campus, including a victim advocate and counseling services, and resources in the community such as the YWCA. “We want to make sure that people know how to get help,” said Bearman. “That no one feels trapped, no one has to live through an abusive relationship.”

Calendar of Events Week without Violence Wednesday, Oct. 18 8 a.m. - 10 a.m. Domestic Violence in the Workplace Training Thursday, Oct. 19 40th Anniversary Breakfast for teh Center for Safety & Empowerment Friday, Oct. 20 11:45 a.m. Week Without Violence March & Rally 1st floor Rotunda, Kansas State Capitol

Please visit washburnreview.org for more news, stories and everything else that matters to WU. Contact us at review@washburn.edu

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