University proves financial security
51 W. College St. Waynesburg, PA 15370
Thursday, April 12, 2012
Vol. 89 No. 21
‘We just wanted to recognize them’ Extra steps taken to recruit 2016 class
Admissions staff travels to recruit upcoming class
By Nick Farrell Editorial Assistant At a recent news conference, Waynesburg University President Timothy R. Thyreen noted that Waynesburg University has been audited and is recognized for being a positive example of fiscal responsibility. Other higher education institutions now want to copy Waynesburg’s quality formula, a formula that the president suggests is achieved by simply doing things right. “We monitor our spending and also make investments in people,” said Thyreen. “We continue to give raises and we continue to give excellent health care to our employees, but we also know that we have to be cautious in terms of each year. Most people at Waynesburg University work very hard, and to continue that we have to work intelligently.” According to Thyreen, Waynesburg University has established itself as a very efficient and well run institution over the past few years. This success is attributed to the hard working staff of the University as well as its finan-
By Rob Longo Editorial Assistant
Nine senior nursing students were recognized for their heroic actions in late February during Monday’s Waynesburg Borough Council meeting. On Feb. 20, the students stopped on Interstate 79 to help 21-year-old Derek Hartzog after his jeep rolled. Senior nursing majors Alissa Boyle and Cami Abernethy were injured after jumping off an overpass on I79 to avoid being hit by a tractor-trailer. Since that time, the two seniors have been recovering from their various injuries. Because of their heroic actions, Waynesburg Bor-
By the time spring rolls around, many high school seniors already know where they will be attending college in the fall. However, the incoming class of 2016 is a rare exception. “There are a large amount of students that are still making up their mind on where they want to attend college,” said Jessica Sumpter, senior admissions counselor at Waynesburg. “The high school class of 2012 is a later deciding class, which seems to be the norm according to all the other universities we have talked to.” Last year, Waynesburg brought in 433 freshmen, give or take students who transferred to and from the University. “Our goal is to get around 400 students,” Sumpter said. “Four hundred is a good number because it’s large enough for the University, but still small enough to keep enroll-
See NURSES on A3
Photos by Sarah Bell
During the Waynesburg Borough Council meeting held Monday, the nine senior nursing majors who were involved in a Feb. 20 incident on I-79 involving a crashed vehicle were recognized for their actions.
Senior nursing majors recognized during a recent Borough meeting By Sarah Bell Arts & Life Editor
See WU on A2
Successful ‘tails’ from Bark for Life By Anastasia Barr Staff Writer The day before Easter is always a busy day for everyone. In Pittsburgh for example you can find people doing some last minute shopping, traveling or even attending one of the Pirates’ opening weekend games. While tailgates were down and people were throwing baseballs and cooking out in the early morning hours, a group of dog lovers banned together in a walk to help raise money to find a cure See EVENT on A4
GNP concert set to return Saturday By Elias Lyons Staff Writer
Photo by Renee Bamford
The Bark for Life event was held this past Saturday in Pittsburgh. The event was organized by senior public relations majors Renee Bamford and Jamie Rempel.
At Waynesburg College in 1970 the student organization The Creative Idea was presented with the opportunity to host a rock band known as Gross National Project. On April 14 Waynesburg University will host its 42nd anniversary show of the GNP concert in the Goodwin Performing Arts Center.
Bill Molzon, assistant professor of communications and director of TV operations, was part of the freshman class of 1969. During his first spring semester at the college, Molzon brought his acid rock band, Gross National Project, to perform at Waynesburg. GNP was formed during Molzon’s high school years in the rich musical See CONCERT on A3
The softball team was swept by Westminster in a PAC doubleheader. See Page C1
The Waynesburg Borough Council met on Monday night to discuss plans for upcoming construction projects and the sewer treatment plant in Waynesburg.
Curtis Peoples performed during Noon Tunes on April 10 in the Bee Hive.
INSIDE Copyright © 2012 by Waynesburg University
Campus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .A1-A4 Region . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .B1, B4 Editorial/Op-Ed . . . . . . . . . . . . .B2, B3
Sports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .C1-C4 Arts & Life . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .D1-D2 Entertainment . . . . . . . . . . . . .D3-D4
See Page B1
See Page D1
Page A2
Thursday, April 12, 2012
‘When God speaks, things change’ Volunteer service awards presented during Chapel By Anthony MacIntyre Staff Writer
Seasonal allergies cause health issues for WU students By Sarah Bell
The main focus of Tuesday’s Chapel was service. University President Timothy Thyreen began the service by giving a brief history of service in the school and the steps it has taken to become what it is today. Thyreen made clear the importance of service at Waynesburg University and how proud he is to see how Waynesburg has impacted our state, our country and the world.” During the service the Gardner Awards for service were presented to one student and one group from Waynesburg. Jay Gardner the Grandson of Harry E. Gardner, the awards namesake, presented to a student and club that excels in service and school. The Waynesburg faculty selected students and clubs that fit these restrictions and sent them applications in their mailbox. For the application the students were to write an essay about why they should receive the award. This year five students were nominated and during the service Leeann Danley, a senior
WU utilizes resources Continued from A1 cial treatment of its students. “One thing we work very hard at Waynesburg is that we have one of the lowest tuitions for a private college in this state. We think it’s important to give them a high quality education – challenge them to make a difference in their life – but we also know we have to be responsible in terms of what we are charging them,” said Thyreen. “That’s why we only use tuition increases that are necessary, we’re very cautious with them and we want to continue to be one of the least expensive private colleges in the state and in the country.” Senior Vice President for Finance and Administration Roy Barnhart believes that Waynesburg University has been a model of fiscal responsibility for quite some time because of the consistently low tuition rate. “Waynesburg has a long history of trying to get the most value for the dollar spent in regards to the opportunities we provide to our students in comparison to the tuition rate that we charge,” Barnhart said. Barnhart reiterated
Arts & Life Editor
Photo by Lisa Jaeger
During the Chapel service, the winners of the Gardner Awards were announced. Senior education major Leeann Danley received the individual award. elementary and special education major, was selected for the award. Before announcing the winners, Dave Calvario, dean of students and director of the Center for Service Leadership quoted a part of each candidates’ essay. In Danley’s essay she said “I try to see Jesus through his most clever disguise.” For the Group Award there were three nominees. The winning club was Colleges Against Cancer. Kaitlyn Karan a sen-
ior nursing major and Kellie Hardie the director of housing accepted the award. The service ended after Ruston Seaman, executive director of New Vision Renewable Energy gave a message calling to “light it up.” Not only did Seaman present what New Vision has done, but he told how God changed the course of his life with a twisted ankle, which took his dreams of becoming a NBA basketball player. “When God speaks,
things change-Amen?” said Seaman. Before he started preaching he had told the congregation that in West Virginia when the preacher said something the congregation liked, they responded with an “Amen.” The “Amens” were scarce at first, but by the end of the message, they were loud and strong. The service ended with the song, ”This Little Light of Mine” a tune that lifted the spirits of the congregation.
Thyreen’s comments that the University is still able to provide quality faculty and facilities while being one of the lowest-costing schools in Pennsylvania. “We strive to be very efficient in the use of tuition dollars. Everything from being careful about buying our natural gas and electricity to handle the buildings – we’re even careful with that,” said Barnhart. In fact, Barnhart said that the Purchasing Department has managed to lower the cost of natural gas purchases for the last three years due to the Marcellus Shale and a competent understanding of the trends of the natural gas market. These savings have been used to fund faculty members and educational programs. Barnhart said that Waynesburg’s fiscal stability should be a calling card to prospective students and should be reassuring to current students even in this consistently downtrodden economy. He highlighted Waynesburg’s Stover Scholars program and the Service-Learning program as examples of fiscal responsibility. “By in large, if we were an institution that was not fiscally responsible, we couldn’t afford to provide the ‘extras,’ so to speak,” said Barnhart. Barnhart also pointed out that during the eco-
nomic recession in America, Waynesburg’s enrollment did not decline at the same rate that the competitor’s enrollment did. He believes that Waynesburg’s low tuition was attractive to many seekers of higher education during that time period. “The recession caused folks to look for the values,” Barnhart said.
“We’re a value leader. We offer very good educational opportunities for the prices that we charge. I think that made us more evident to folks because the recession caused them to look at us harder and as a result we didn’t suffer enrollment declines like other schools did. Since we didn’t suffer enrollment declines, our rev-
Sitting outside of Eberly Library, freshman psychology major Katlin Denny notices people coughing or sneezing or blowing their noses. She recognizes the symptoms that seem to show up around the same time each year: allergies. For Denny, the weather changes are more of a problem than for most students. At 16, Denny was diagnosed with asthma. In addition, she has chronic cryptic tonsillitis – meaning she has crevices in her tonsils that can build up of food and mucus, causing tonsil stones. “I notice a severe increase in sore throats and tonsil stones, and some mornings I wake up literally speechless from the constantly changing hot and cold weather,” she said. The weather changes affect students without asthma as well to a certain extent, even though not as severely, said Nurse Director Carol Young. “The major shift in temperatures this season is bringing on the allergy season much earlier than usual; the budding of the trees and flowers increases the amount of pollen in the air,” Young said. According to Web MD, an online medical information source, the majority of people attribute their allergy symptoms to pollen when it is more likely that weather changes in general cause the symptoms. According to the website, treatment will vary if the cause is weather or pollen. “Is it due to viruses, humidity, cold temperatures? [We need to] evaluate the condition as a whole,” Jonathan Bernstein, MD, a professor of clinical medicine at the University of Cincinnati said on the site. Although Denny enjoys the weather heating up, she is constantly concerned about how the weather will affect her health as well as the health of the people around her. “I enjoyed driving around with my windows down and being able to wear my sunglasses, but after a while I just wanted to have the usual spring weather back,” she said. “The heat started to get almost too extreme and made classrooms muggy and uncomfortable to sit in. See ALLERGIES on A3
enues remained relatively stable.” Because of Waynesburg’s ability to keep its tuition cost as low as possible, Thyreen suggests that students at the University don’t need to worry about the upcoming state budget that could affect higher education in Pennsylvania. “I think Waynesburg
students, because we work so hard on keeping our price down, probably have less to worry about than other schools,” Thyreen said. “I think that Waynesburg, because we are very cost effective and because we want to be good stewards of the resources that are given to us, we are being seen as models.”
Thursday, April 12, 2012
Page A3
Journalism major places second in writing competition By Nick Farrell Editorial Assistant On April 3, Yellow Jacket Region Editor Kyle Edwards was recognized by the Women’s Press Club as a runner up in the club’s annual Gertrude Gordon Writing Contest. According to a flyer about the contest, $2,000 in prize money will be awarded to the three contest winners for writing a deadline feature story about Artistic Director Karla Boos of Quantum Theatre. As a co-runner up, Edwards is unaware of how much money he will receive at the upcoming annual dinner held at the Rivers
Nurses recognized Continued from A1 ough Mayor Blair Zimmerman and the Waynesburg Borough Council honored the students before conducting their regularly scheduled meeting. “As a parent you question what the world’s going to be like in a century,” Zimmerman said. “These kind of people and students show that we’re gonna be in good hands down the road. This next generation is a good generation. We’re in positive and caring hands down the road.” Although Boyle and Abernethy were not in attendance, several other senior nursing students attended the meeting: Clayton Reiber, Noah Pust, Joshua Brewer, Chelsea Knepp, Zach Sargent, Christina Hecker and Rebekah Reyes. Dr. Sara Clutter, associate professor of nursing, was recognized during the meeting as well as the students. “We’ve recently recognized police officers for doing stuff in their line of duty and firemen, and we thought these young people were no less heroes,” Zimmerman said. “We just wanted to
Allergies cause grief Continued from A2 It became harder for me to breathe comfortably.” Young encourages students who have previous allergy problems or are experiencing major problems this year, to see a specialist that deals specifically with allergies every day. “We’ve been seeing a lot of students with coughs and runny noses and itchy, watery eyes. It’s difficult to determine the specific cause in our office,” Young said.
Club in One Oxford Center in Pittsburgh, but he said that the prize money isn’t really an issue. “The money does not matter,” said Edwards. “It’s going to be a huge honor to receive the award. I never expected to receive it, that’s for sure.” Edwards said this is the second consecutive year he participated in the Gertrude Gordon Writing Contest. Last year, he did not place, but he credits his success this year to an extra year’s worth of experience. “With a little bit more experience from the magazine and feature writing class, I applied what I learned to write the type of arti-
recognize them for their heroic efforts.” Zimmerman said that students at Waynesburg University are also members of Waynesburg community. Reiber, one of the nursing majors in attendance, felt privileged to be recognized. “It was really nice to see that the mayor and the Borough cared about that day and all of the students that were involved. I think that if Cami and Alissa would have been here they would have felt really honored to know that the town of Waynesburg is grateful for what they have done,” Reiber said. “In the meeting it was nice how the mayor acknowledged us students as members of the town regardless of where our hometown is.” Zimmerman decided to recognize the students before the regularly scheduled meeting began because he did not want them to have to stay for the entire meeting. “He said that it was nice to know that in a hundred years there will still be good people such as us that will be representing the future of Waynesburg – I appreciated that,” Reiber said. The students and Dr. Clutter were each given certificates of appreciation for their actions.
“Although the temperatures are nice, we are still seeing flu-like symptoms, and these can also mimic allergies, with the cough, runny nose and sore throat.” With the weather constantly changing this year, allergies have been acting up more than they have in the past, Denny said. “Suddenly, the weather changed back to the normal temperatures for the month of March and I was thankful, but I wasn’t thankful for the abrupt attack of my allergies,” Denny said. “I woke up two nights in a row with asthma attacks and I couldn’t breathe.”
“It’s going to be a huge honor to receive the award. I never expected to receive it, that’s for sure.” Kyle Edwards Junior journalism major
cle I thought they were looking for,” said Edwards. “Last year I didn’t have that experience.” That prize winning article focused on the uniqueness of Boo’s career and the Quantum Theatre as a whole. The Quantum Theatre performs at venues that make audience
members connect with the players by taking the audience out of its comfort zone. This is achieved by the company’s uncharacteristic set designs in unusual environments, like in a wide open terrain on a scorching hot or rainy day. “The goal of holding these plays in out-ofthe-ordinary places is to
try to overcome what the troupe calls the ‘obstacles’ of a theatre experience,” Edwards said. With this journalistic achievement under his belt, Edwards is continuing to pursue a career as a professional journalist. “I’d love to get a job working with the layout of a professional newspaper,” said Edwards. “It’s definitely my favorite part of the newspaper publication process.” As an editor for the Yellow Jacket, Edwards aspires to improve his writing style in order to obtain the position he seeks after graduating next spring. “My number one
goal has always been to better myself as a writer and journalist,” said Edwards. “As for the Yellow Jacket as a whole, I definitely want to strengthen the Region section. I feel that next year I will be in a better, more experienced position to achieve both of those goals.” Even with all of these future plans, Edwards wants to embrace his recent laud and enjoy the celebration that will take place April 21 in Pittsburgh. “I’m honored that the Women’s Press Club chose my article as the co-runner up,” he said. “I am looking forward to the dinner with great anticipation.”
File Photos
The Gross National Product featured a variety of performers last year. This year, the event will be held on Saturday, April 14 beginning at 7:30 p.m. in the Goodwin Performing Arts Center.
Concert set to return Continued from A1 culture of the New Jersey shore. The band was originally an acid rock band. However, they followed the genre without the chemical influence other bands were using during the sixties. At its beginning GNP was a unique band due to its female lead singer and light show. These characteristics set GNP apart from the majority of bands during the time and helped the band find a home in Waynesburg. “The light show got us the gig,” said Molzon. The Creative Idea took to GNP because of the light show. Much like the movie The Blues Brothers, the band assembles its members from around the country. The tag line, “We’re getting the band back together,” emulates the idea of the band’s yearly gathering. GNP doesn’t assemble unless the band has a show to play. Since GNP’s first performance at Waynesburg students have taken part in the concert, a portion of which return each year to GNP as alumni. Through
these students and new participants, GNP has grown into a renowned show with loyal attendees from the town and surrounding area. “I would love to return. There’s a strong sense of community that the town gets involved in. I don’t know of anywhere else doing something like that,” said Derek Cummins, senior arts administration major who has attended the concert since he was a freshman. Alumni can return to a part of their time at college that most graduates don’t experience.
“They have the chance to do what they did as students. Rather than getting together for a class reunion to talk about back-in-the-day stories,” said Molzon. The members of GNP reunite to make new stories with their friends. Out-of-towners will arrive the week of the show and rehearse in the days before the concert. A myriad of musical performances including bluegrass, country, rock and jazz, now constitute the GNP concert, “GNP,” Molzon said, “is like a
Ponderosa buffet: you can pick and choose what you want.” Cummins said, “It’s like a cumulative time capsule from 1970 until now. Every year we put more stuff in there and every year we put more stuff back.” GNP is a growing legacy with over forty years of history behind it and maintains loyal fans and performers. GNP’s eclectic mix of music and community are sure to interest and reward anyone who attends with the experience of a 42 year tradition.
Page A4
Thursday, April 12, 2012
raises Week to feature Event money public relations field professionals
Continued from A1
By Kyle Oland Editorial Assistant Next week, students both interested in and unfamiliar with public relations will have numerous opportunities to learn more about the growing profession. From April 16 to April 19, the Waynesburg University Public Relations Student Society of America will hold PR Week. “PR Week started out a few years ago as a class project†to allow students to gain some event planning and coordination experience,” said Jamie Rempel, a senior public relations major and planner of this year’s PR Week. “The first PR Day included an alumni discussion panel and reception. It quickly expanded to include more programming to become what it is today.” With Rempel’s help, this year’s PR Week provides a wide variety of speakers and events for students to attend. On Monday, April 16, from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. an Alumni Panel and Reception will be held in the Stover Conference center. Later that day from 3 p.m. to 4 p.m., Steve Dishart, president of Dishart Communications & Crisis Management Consultants, will speak in the Stover Conference Center. According to his website, Dishart began his career as a broadcast journalist, where he won a number of journalism awards. In addition, he was the past chairman of the Insurance Information Institute Communications Committee and is currently a trustee of the Institute for Public Relations. On Tuesday, two other speakers will be part of PR Week. From 9 a.m. to 10 a.m., Melissa Monk, executive vice president of Financial Services, Axicom, will speak in the Stover Conference Center. In the afternoon, Cliff Frick, vice president of administration for Center for Parent/Youth, will speak. Frick has spoken at Waynesburg in the past and is looking forward to the chance to speak again. “I will be talking about things to say and not to say to the media,” Frick said. “I’ll also talk about the do’s and don’ts when addressing the media.” Frick will speak in the Stover Conference Center from 3 p.m. to 4 p.m. Tuesday. In the evening, a webinar will be hosted in the Center for Research and Economic Development in 102 from 6 p.m. to 7 p.m. The topic will be “How PR Can Use Research to Trigger Mass Media Coverage.” For those who enjoy a hearty breakfast, there will be a PR Breakfast in the Glass Room of the Benedum Dining Hall at 8 a.m. Wednesday morning. Later that evening, Tom Hoffman, the Western Pa. director of Clean Water Action will speak in Buhl Hall room 416 from 6:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. PR Week will conclude on Thursday, April 19. From 9:30 p.m. to 11 a.m. in Buhl 408, Sports Information Career Day will take place. The final speaker, Bryson Thornton, manager of corporate communications and public relations with FedEx Ground, will speak from 4 p.m. to 5 p.m. in the Stover Conference Center. To wrap up the week, an entertaining yet educational video, “Thank You for Smoking” will be played at 5 p.m. in Buhl 416. Rempel said any questions regarding PR Week should be directed to either her or Richard Krause, department of communication chair.
for cancer on the North Shore Trail. Bark for Life was planned by Waynesburg University Department of Communication students Renee Bamford and Jaime Rempel. This event was a mile-long dog walk on the North Shore Trail. All dogs participating sported a purple bandana on the walk while everyone enjoyed the sunny April day. Rempel and Bamford said they integrated their passion and love for dogs with the dream of coming one step closer to a world without cancer. “Canine companions offer a vital role in the treatment of cancer patient,” said Bamford, “Man’s best friend has been offering unconditional love to people battling cancer and Bark for Life honored their support.” Bamford planned this event in honor of her best friend Melissa Monk, one year anniversary of being cancer free, and also for all loved ones fighting every day. “Planning an event of this magnitude is never easy,” said Bamford. “Although it is a walk in the park compared to what people diagnosed with cancer have to endure.” The day started at 9 a.m. with registration during that time participants enjoyed browsing local vendors and listened to music from WCYJ-FM. Around 10 a.m. participants and their dogs gathered along the trail and
Counselors recruit Continued from A1 ment low.” To reach this goal, the admissions office has been hard at work making phone calls and
Photos by Renee Bamford
The Bark for Life event was held along the North Shore Trail last Saturday. The event raised money for the Waynesburg University Mini Relay for Life. released rose petals in the water in remembrance of the loved ones who lost their battle with cancer. Following the ceremony the walk began. The Western PA Humane Society was there with dogs that could be adopted. The Humane Society did demonstrations including agility courses and Frisbee toss. The City of Pittsburgh police K-9 unit also did demonstrations with the trained dogs. One part that amazed Bamford and Rempel was the community of Waynesburg willing to sponsor the event. Rempel said without their support, this event would not have been possible. Local businesses offered sponsorship and provided the necessary funds to plan such a large event. The sponsors included First Federal of Greene County, McCracken’s Pharmacy, Fox Ford Motors and
Giant Eagle. A local vendor out of Waynesburg, ‘Our Glass Creations,’ set up a booth with canine-inspired glass pieces they hoped to sell during event.
All money raised at this event goes towards the Waynesburg University Mini Relay for Life, which is taking place this Sunday in the Johnson Commons.
scheduling visits. One advantage the class of 2016 will have if they do choose Waynesburg is the increase in financial aid. In the near future, automatic scholarships will increase for the incoming class of 2016. These automatic scholarships are for
incoming freshman only, and no current students are eligible. Also, incoming freshman will earn more scholarship money compared to transfer students. The admissions office has a busy month ahead of them. Today, members of
the admissions office will travel to the Southpointe branch campus for a local high school guidance counselor convention. On Saturday, Waynesburg will be holding an open house for all perspective students. There will be another open house on April 28.
Jacket columnist Kyle Edwards talks about how banning books is illogical. Read more on B2
Thursday, April 12, 2012
Borough Council focuses on construction, sewer plant By Sarah Bell
Arts & Life Editor Waynesburg Borough Mayor Blair Zimmerman decided to change the regularly scheduled order of events at the Waynesburg Borough Council meeting on Monday at 6 p.m. Before conducting the scheduled meeting, the mayor and the rest of the Council recognized senior nursing students at Waynesburg University for their heroic actions in late February. Zimmerman decided to recognize the students before the meet-
ing officially started because he did not want the students to have to sit through the hourlong meeting. “I know finals are coming up soon,” he said. After giving each of the students and Dr. Sara Clutter, associate professor of nursing at the university, certificates for their heroic actions, the students and professors left, and the regularly scheduled Waynesburg Borough Council meeting began. After approving the minutes, bills and Mayor’s report from
March, Bruce Wermlinger, borough manager, gave project updates to the Council. According to Wermlinger, workers have started construction on Huffman Street. The construction was originally planned to enhance both sides of the street, but now work will only be done on the west side of the street to save $8,000, he said. Huffman Street demolition starts today, if weather permits. Wermlinger said the project should take four to five weeks to com-
Photo by Sarah Bell
The Waynesburg Borough Council met on Monday night to discuss plans for upcoming construction projects and the local sewer treatment plant. plete. In addition, the Margaret Bell Miller School Trail Grant is currently in the design phase.
Saying farewell
The grant will provide a safe route to school for students, Wermlinger said. According to
PennDOT, borough construction ahead of schedule for Spring By Kyle Edwards Region Editor
PennDOT crews were assigned to “prep forms for bridge repair on Routes 221 [Dunn Station Road] and 4021 [Deerlick Station Road], flush bridge decks of debris on various county roads, take care of major patch work and concrete repair on Route 21 [East Roy Furman Highway], conduct shoulder cutting and grading and slide repair on Route 2011 [Garards Fort Road] and major slide repair on Route 3001 [Aleppo Road],” according to the release. Peterson explained that most of these procedures are just simple repairs. PennDOT isn’t the only organization that was able to get a head start on construction.
Early spring has PennDot, Borough crews on the move With the arrival of an early spring, Pennsylvania Department of Transportation spring maintenance is in full swing. PennDOT crews will be conducting and overseeing multiple projects on several of the county’s roads. Valerie Peterson, PennDOT spokeswoman, said that the weather’s cooperation has really helped to get the ball rolling as far as construction goes. According to a press release by the Greene County PennDOT office, that maintenance began with roads in the Uniontown area See CONSTRUCTION on B4 last week.
DeWeese gives farewell speech, thanks supporters By Stephanie Laing Assignments Editor Amidst controversy surrounding Pennsylvania’s former Democratic state House leader, Bill DeWeese said he is hopeful that the appeals courts of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania will rule in his favor, once again giving him the opportunity to serve the people. “As the great world keeps spinning forward, I will continue to do all I can to project a positive, resilient and yet humble perspective to my daily chores,” said DeWeese. “To the best of my ability at the appropriate opportunity, I shall continue to be as active as possible in the civic life of my home area.” DeWeese continues to run unopposed in the primary elections for the Democratic nomination to serve another term, and if elected, he will have an opportunity to run in the November elections. However, DeWeese said he plans to resign the seat he has held since 1976 if sentenced. And in his farewell
Wermlinger, the number one priority for the borough is to identify
Photos courtesy of
Rep. Bill DeWeese offers some farewell remarks to his colleagues in the House of Representatives on April 4. DeWeese is scheduled to be sentenced April 24. speech on the chamber floor last Tuesday, April 3, DeWeese avoided political discussion. Instead he discussed gratitude, humility and friendship. DeWeese thanked his mom, dad, sister, brother-in-law, nephew, niece and girlfriend for having a strong, durable and ultimately positive attitude through the past months. He did not stop with his immediate friends and family, but thanked all those he represented in the 50th Legislative District. “We are all endeavoring to do our best. Mistakes are made, and that is where humility
comes in,” DeWeese said in his farewell address. “I am not as humble as I want to be, but I am a lot more humble than I used to be.” DeWeese finished his speech thanking other representatives of the house – staff and members alike. “His speech was about him. It wasn’t about the constituents. I never heard an apology,” said Mark Fischer, who is seeking the GOP nomination in the primary. “I think that is bad – there should have been an apology. Whether he wants to admit guilt or not, he
should have apologized for the situation.” Fischer, who thinks the situation surrounding DeWeese is deplorable, believes DeWeese’s interests will overshadow the needs of the people he is representing. “If you look past the political theater, the bottom line is that we have no representation, and that is the responsibility of DeWeese for playing that scenario out this way,” said Fischer. If DeWeese runs through the primary, he could step down and
Bowlby Library prepares for first carnival and fair
The Eva K. Bowlby is celebrating National Library Week by offering fine free week to all Greene County residents with overdue materials. Whether you are a job seeker looking for resources to land a new job, a parent looking for free activities for children or a student searching for your next favorite book, you belong at your library. In conjunction with NLW, the Family Literacy Program at the library is hosting its first Carnival and Vendor Fair Saturday, See DEWEESE on B4 April 14, from 11 a.m.
to 3 p.m. Registration at the event is $1 for children and $5 for adults or a group rate of $10 per family. The public is invited to attend. Adults are invited to visit a variety of vendors within the library. Representatives from Back Alley Shop, Our Glass, Sabika Jewelry, Thirty-One products, Longaberger Baskets, Greene County Soap Company, Mary Kay Cosmetics, Pampered Chef, Initials Inc., Scentsy, Nanette’s See LIBRARY on B4
Page B2
Thursday, April 12, 2012
Radio raises funds Broadcast earns money for Mini Relay for Life University radio station staff members Brandon Reed and Steve Hullings are hosting the third annual 24-hour radio broadcast from 6 p.m. Thursday, April 12 until 6 p.m. Friday, April 13. The event is a unique way to raise funds for 99.5 The Hive’s Mini Relay for Life team. Reed and Hullings will have to stay awake for the entire 24 hours and have their friends bring them food. The two students are not the only ones to devote time and energy to the cause. Other students and communication alumni will also take air shifts throughout the 24 hours, providing non-stop music and entertainment for those who tune in to the station. It’s great to see students, alumni and faculty come together to plan and volunteer so they can make events such as this broadcast possible. Last year, the station raised more than $2,000 for the 24-hour broadcast. The goal this year is $1,200 for the broadcast and $1,400 total for the station’s Mini Relay team. The radio station is just one of the many teams participating in this year’s Mini Relay. Mini Relay for Life is the shorter version of the regular event, where teams of Waynesburg University departments and organizations will raise money and walk to fight cancer. The money that participants raise is donated to cancer patients and cancer research. The event allows students to spread awareness, celebrate the lives of cancer survivors and remember those who lost their lives to the disease. Waynesburg University holds Mini Relay for Life every April on campus so members of the community and students can join together to fight cancer, and the 24-hour broadcast will surely be a great help.
Focus on being fiscal
University stresses financial responsibility Waynesburg University President Timothy Thyreen has noted that the University is recognized for being a positive example of fiscal responsibility. Schools emulate the university and try to follow its example. Amidst financial strife as the state and the Pennsylvania Higher Education Assistance Agency cut funding to higher education, Waynesburg University should, in fact, be emulated. But looking past the university’s fiscal esteem on such a large scale, students can apply this integrity to their own lives. The university claims to have a reputation of getting the most they possibly can for their dollar. Many graduates within the upcoming years will be racked with student loans. They will be racked with debt. Applying this fiscal responsibility will help cut down some of the burden that immediately bogs students down after they graduate. Just as the university uses their assets to bring in money or protects their property to save money, students should figure out every possible way to save money. But not just save money, keep that money and pay off racking debt. This is a challenge for the university too. If they truly want a reputation for fiscal responsibility and integrity, they should provide more opportunities for students to learn about how to be financially responsible. There should be more seminars and orientations. Financial responsibility should be stressed in the classroom. For Waynesburg students to be an accurate depiction of their Alma mater, they must be just as responsible with their money. Along with a highquality education, this is the greatest gift the University can give its students: financial freedom.
College bomb threats hit close to home The message read, “Bomb - Room 213” and everyone took it seriously. As the fire alarm blared in the hallway, all the students of the Freedom Area High School filed out into the courtyard only to quickly be led down into the nearby middle school building. None of the students knew what was happening, but in a small school word spreads pretty fast. Everyone immediately began to guess who was responsible, but no one could say
for sure. An entire day of school was lost. And no one was ever accused, ever charged or ever caught. In the 13 years I was a part of the Freedom Area School District, this was the only threat we ever endured. Although this day became one that I would never forget, not everyone shares this
Banning library books is illogical I am sick and tired of hearing about books that are being placed on these “banned book lists.” We’ve all heard about the “controversial” titles that are constantly being challenged and/or placed on banned book lists in schools and communities across the country. Titles like “Catcher in the Rye” and “Brave New World” have been the target of constant outrage and discontent since they were first published.
experience. What should be an event that is taken seriously, bomb threats have suddenly begun to lose their former sting. Since mid-February, more than 50 bombs threats have been made against the University of Pittsburgh. Some days, more than three or four threats were made against the University. I don’t know about you, but that is absolutely incredible to me. Point Park University received a similar threat on Monday that
Now the proponents of these atrocious “do not shelve” lists are setting their sights on “The Hunger Games.” Each year the American Library Association releases its annual report on the state of the nation's libraries, and a highlight includes the books that are challenged and/or banned in communities all across the country. The list is based on the number of challenges filed in the libraries and school districts of these communities – 326 of them last year – and compiled annually by the ALA. The general objections tend
forced the university to shut down the buildings on campus. But Pitt and Point Park are no longer alone in these threats. The California University of Pennsylvania is the most recent university to be threatened. Last Tuesday, Cal U. was forced to evacuate three buildings on campus after a bomb threat was found. The University evacuated the Convocation Center, Gallagher Hall and Morgan Hall in the See THREATS on B3
to fall under the large categories of racism, sex and religion. For 2011, “The Hunger Games” came in third on the list, just beating out “My Mom’s Having A Baby! A Kid’s Month-byMonth Guide to Pregnancy,” by Dori Hillestad Butler. Coming in first and second were the “ttyl” series by Lauren Myracle and “The Color of Earth” series by Kim Dong Hwa. “The Color of the Earth” is about a single mom and her young daughter discovering her own sexuality, and “ttyl” is a novel written entirely in the form of instant message conversations. Tell me, what else besides a raging fear of something that you can’t understand could be the cause for banSee BOOK on B3
Google technology may have gone too far It’s official: Google is taking over the world. First, of course, there is the search engine. I guarantee nine out of 10 people reading this column Google something every day. I use Google several times a day. In fact, it was a Google search that lead me to this column topic. Then there is the extremely wide net of research projects that Google is currently conducting. They are a little more cutting edge than search engines and
SARAH BELL Columnist
emails, if you ask me. There are the selfdriving cars that have already hit the streets for testing in California. There’s the Google Goggles app that lets users search for anything just by snapping a photo. In addition, Google is reportedly working on a space elevator. Yep, a space elevator –
how cool would that be? If it actually worked, I mean. That being said, the future is here. Google just reveled a new sci-fi innovated research project that is bound to shake up the world of technology: Project Glass. I like the ring of it. It makes me think of a covert mission and XMen a little bit. Is that random? Anyway, Project Glass is just a cool name saying that Google invented glasses that could make
cell phones extinct. I don’t see that happening, but the idea is there, and the technology that Google implemented through this project will undoubtedly change the future. The glasses themselves can give you directions, tell you how far away your friends are, accept chats, send text messages, take pictures, reserve concert tickets and much, much more – and I got all of this from a preview. See GOOGLE on B3
Thursday, April 12, 2012
Page B3
Threats hit close to home Continued from B2
Reality television shows shoveling for ratings Hunting for buried treasure - whether it's in the ground, in an abandoned storage locker or at the bottom of the ocean - seems to be a primal urge. But when does digging up your backyard cross the line into sullying the study of history and culture? According to some archaeologists, two cable TV reality shows have done just that. National Geographic's "Diggers" and Spike TV's "American Digger" follow the exploits of the archaeological equivalent of bounty hunters who, with property owners' permission, dig and occasionally blast their way to underground artifacts, which they hope to sell to collectors for profit. The issue here isn't so much the legality of
what the diggers are doing, but the ethics. In the U.S., numerous federal and state laws protect Native American and other historic burial grounds, as well as archaeological sites designated as landmarks. But, there is no cultural patrimony law in this country that gives authorities the right to take possession of any finds on private property because they are historically significant. Archaeologists who have criticized the shows aren't particularly worried that Ric Savage, the former professional wrestler turned star of Spike TV's "American Digger," is going to unearth another La Brea Tar Pits or vestiges of Pocahontas' 17th-century wedding attire. Most
significant historic sites in the U.S. are already under federal or state control. In fact, some say that the bullets and belt buckles and shards of pottery that the diggers find are of meager value to collectors and almost no value to museums. Nevertheless, there is a real danger, they contend, in damaging the sites and essentially destroying the historic record of where and how the items are found. Savage says he is a lover of history, but he is also a lover of entrepreneurship and making money, as are the Spike TV executives. That's fine. We believe that people have a right to do whatever lawful excavating of their own flower beds that they want. But we do wish
the producers of shows that glorify it would seek out schooled archaeologists to cast a watchful eye and make records of the finds. National Geographic TV is already heading in this direction, having at least temporarily stopped airing its show until it has further meetings with archaeologists. Spike TV has vowed to continue without changes. The science of archaeology, with continually evolving techniques, is about research and discovery and is often about leaving things in the ground. As such, it's at direct odds with artifact diggers. ___
This editorial originally appeared in the Los Angeles Times.
This week in history... April 12, 1961
By Nick Farrell Editorial Assistant April 12, 1861 On this day in 1861, the bloodiest four years in American history began when Confederate soldiers opened fire on Fort Sumter in South Carolina’s Charleston Bay. The following day, U.S. Major Robert Anderson surrendered the fort, an action that was promptly followed by a proclamation from President Abraham Lincoln calling for 75,000 volunteer soldiers to fight back against Southern aggression. The Confederate attack on Fort Sumter launched the American Civil War, the bloodiest conflict in U.S. history. After four years of fighting, the Confederacy surrendered after a total of 620,000 soldiers were killed.
Google advances Continued from B2 The idea behind these glasses is great, futuristic and impressive – it’s very “Iron Man.” You know? Because Iron Man’s mask has remarkable, technologically advanced features. Okay. I’m done making comic book references for now. The glasses themselves might be more of a problem than a trend. Just watching the commercial, I felt like I
On this day 51 years ago, Yuri Alekseyevich Gagarin of the Soviet Union became the first human to venture into space. He was transported into orbit aboard the “Vostok 1” and spent 108 minutes in space. This feat made Gagarin a worldwide celebrity, much to the dismay of the United States as the two nations were pitted in the midst of the “space race.” In August 1961, the Soviets launched “Vostok 2” and its pilot, Gherman Titov, into space. “Vostok 2” orbited Earth 17 times in just over a day. April 8, 1974 Thirty-eight years ago, Henry “Hank” Aaron of the Atlanta Braves smashed his monumental 715th home run, surpassing Babe Ruth’s career home run record of
would get a headache from wearing the glasses. The concept of being able to take a picture of what you see or automatically get directions to the nearest bookstore is great, but is it realistic? Is it dangerous? People would probably wear them when they are driving and cause accidents. Texting and driving is enough of an issue – do we really need all of this technology right in front of our eyes? People might just be walking with the glasses on and not notice some-
714. Aaron’s record-setting swing came in the fourth inning of a contest against the Los Angeles Dodgers in front of 53,000 fans at Atlanta’s 1974 home opener. In the months leading up to this imminent at-bat, Aaron, an African-American baseball player, received vicious hate mail and death threats, but after sending Al Downing’s pitch over the left-center fence, Aaron was swarmed by teammates and celebrated the moment with his mother and father. Aaron retired from baseball in 1976 after 24 years playing professional baseball that included a two-year stint in the Negro League. In 1982, Aaron was inducted into the Baseball Hall of Fame and also assumed a role as an executive of the Atlanta Braves. --Courtesy of
thing right in front of them: another person, a gaping hole in the ground…who knows? And Google is smart, so very smart. They know that we’re lazy. They know that the more that we can do without lifting a finger, the better. (Ever try to use magic to turn off the lights in your room? Been there, done that.) They are marketing right at our laziness – don’t be fooled. So, while Google is in the testing stage with this product, I hope they take the serious issues that the glasses could cause into account.
And while you are considering buying the product, you should too. Remember, with great power comes great responsibility. Although the technology is far from ready at the moment, the glasses are very much real. So, in the very near future every task that we perform could be integrated right into our visual field, but hey, we could also be taking an elevator to space any day now. Before we know it “Star Trek” technology will be a reality, and I bet Spock will work at Google.
afternoon and brought in bomb-sniffing dogs and other police units to ensure the buildings were clear. Christine Kindl, Cal U. spokesperson, said the threat was discovered at 2:30 p.m. and that the note was handwritten. By 9 p.m. on Tuesday, all the buildings were declared clear. Although the Universities of Pittsburgh and Point Park are located somewhat close-by, this recent threat on the Cal U. begins to ring a little too close to home. No one is certain whether these threats were related, but with the recent string of threats against other universities this cannot be ruled out either. Whether the other person who created the original threat against Pitt inspired these recent threats, the situation has begun to quickly spiral out of control. What used to be con-
Book bans ban freedom Continued from B2 ning these books? And “The Hunger Games?” The straw that broke the camel’s back there was a mother in New Hampshire, who complained that the books gave her seventh grade daughter constant nightmares and called for its instant removal from the middle school’s library shelves. She also accused the book of having a lack of morality and claimed that it could insight school violence. Are you kidding me? Really? Sure, it’s a book about teenagers being forced to go out and kill each other for the pure satisfaction that it brings to others. In the future. Oh and, in case you missed the key word in that brief plot summary, it was “FORCED.” They were FORCED to fight each other by the sick and twisted residents of the Capitol, to which they were, by all intents and purposes, enslaved. They were FORCED to do this every year in order to keep them from rebelling against those
tained to a single campus has begun to spread out to other campuses across western Pennsylvania. What started out as a problem only at a very large University, is slowly seeping into other smaller area campuses. What started out as a problem, far away is suddenly much closer to home. Whatever the motivation is for the person sending these threats, I hope they realize the extent of problems they are causing. Students from Pitt are being forced to stay in hotels and extra police are being brought in to help with security. Regardless of motivations and consequences, I know these threats are completely unnecessary and are causing a lot of harm. Pitt, Point Park and Cal U. are all part of a problem that needs to quickly come to a conclusion. In my four years at Waynesburg University, no problems like this have ever been encountered. Let’s just hope it stays that way.
sick and twisted Capitol residents, thereby ensuring that they remained in their, for all intents and purposes, enslaved state. So unless schools across America have begun some sort of demented detention or after-school sport program that I haven’t heard about, the idea that these books would “insight school violence” is absolutely ridiculous. Other books are placed on the “banned books list” for reasons like “religious viewpoint,” “sex” or “racism.” “The Hunger Games” was placed on the list at that New Hampshire middle school because it caused a little girl to have nightmares. I fail to see the logic there. I fail to see the logic in placing any books on that awful list. Books are meant to expand our minds, broaden our horizons and give us a way to escape the harsh reality of everyday life. Explain to me how someone feels they have the right to take away someone else’s right to read a certain book, just because they don’t believe it promotes a “good message?” Let the reader decide if the message is right for them. That’s the way it should be.
Page B4
Thursday, April 12, 2012
Girl scratched by stray cat in Waynesburg, undergoes treatment for rabies By Kyle Edwards Region Editor Last week, the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture confirmed a case of rabies in Greene County. According to the Department of Agriculture, a stray cat scratched a 4-year-old girl on March 23 in Waynesburg. This is the first reported case of rabies in Greene County for 2012. Last year, the county had two reported cases of rabid raccoons. According to Dr. Erin Moore, veterinarian for the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture the girl’s mother had noticed a stray cat wandering around their home for about a month. On March 23, as the girl and her mother were walking down the steps of their front porch, the cat came out from under the stairs and scratched the girl. “I believe animal control
Borough council meets Continued from B1 the storm drains that lead into the sanitary system. This project will make the sewer plant more efficient. “There’s a huge volume of water that comes down through there,” he said. “Back in the day they wanted the rain to clean out the sanitary system – now it is not that way.” Fayette Engineering will be very active in the county until the project is completed, he said. They will be running numerous tests to determine which storm drains lead to the sanitary systems in Greene County. According to Wermlinger, the program will be costly for the county. “We just got a $90,000 bill that we didn’t know about,” Wermlinger said. The state plans to reimburse 50 percent of the cost of the program, but the county is expected to pay the other half of the funds. “We’re talking about some major bucks here – they’re telling me the most we can collect is 50 percent. We’re going to take a hit on that,” he
was called and they killed the cat shortly after,” Moore said. “Later, it tested positive for rabies..” Moore explained that rabies is a virus that affects warm-blooded mammals, including domestic and wild animals and humans. “If a mammal gets exposed to rabies – which means they come in contact either through a bite or scratch or splash of saliva into a cut, eye or mouth – the virus will begin to spread,” Moore said. “From there, the virus has to spread through the body and make its way up to the brain. This process is called the incubation period, and it can take anywhere from two weeks to a year.” Once the virus reaches the brain, the disease is 99 percent fatal, Moore said. Animals will start to exhibit behavior change, start vocalizing - screeching, yowling, etc. - and staggering around.
said. “Then three years down the road we’re going to have another huge bill.” The Council then discussed changing S. East St. to a one way between Greene Street and High Street. Residents on the street have expressed concern relating to lack of parking. Currently, the street has no parking on the west side and is a twoway street. The Council agreed to keep the street a twoway street, but designate a couple spaces on the west side of the street to see if that helps the issue. No action will be taken until the safety and accessibility are considered more thoroughly. Finally, during the Mayor’s report, Zimmerman addressed an issue that the borough is having with Marcellus Shale truck drivers. “The majority of us are paying for what they’re doing to our town – we’ve got to do something,” he said. According to Zimmerman, the truck drivers are ruining sidewalks and driving recklessly. Numerous complaints have been filed, he said. “It’s only going to get ten times worse before it gets better,” Zimmerman said.
Since there is no known cure for Rabies – and no way to test for it in living animals – it is almost always fatal in animals. Humans exposed to rabies must be treated as quickly as possible. Once a person begins to exhibit signs of the disease, survival is also rare, according to the Center for Disease Control. Symptoms of rabies include general weakness or discomfort, fever or headache – all very similar to symptoms of the flu. There may also be discomfort or a prickling sensation at the site of the bite, progressing within days to symptoms of cerebral dysfunction, anxiety, confusion and agitation. As the disease progresses, the person may experience delirium, abnormal behavior, hallucinations and insomnia, according to the CDC.
Library holds fair Continued from B1 Toys, and the Auxiliary of Center Township Volunteer Fire Department will be on site with a vari-
Construction kick-started Continued from B1 Waynesburg Borough Council Manager Bruce Wermlinger said that, while the Borough doesn’t operate on set schedules for maintenance, they are still ahead of schedule when it comes
Graphic by MCT Campus
The early signs of rabies typically include behavioral changes. As the disease progresses, animals develop hypersensitivity to light and sound. They may also have seizures and/or become extremely vicious.
ety of refreshments for purchase. Children will be able to enjoy a variety of carnival-style games such as Angry Birds, frog flinging, ring toss, rocket launch and many more. There will be crafts and other activities for the children to partici-
pate in also. A local resident of Greene County, Becky the Snake Lady, will also be at the library with a variety of reptiles. Dedicated to providing free literacy services to the community, the Family Literacy Program is holding the
event to generate money that can be used for continued sustainability, additional programming and new supplies. For more information or to pre-register and receive a special discount, contact Moninger at 724-6279776.
to working on the roads. “We are a little bit different [than PennDOT]. We don’t really have a set schedule where we do maintenance at a certain time; we do it all the time – whenever we can. We usually use the months of November, December, January, February, March and April to keep up with the snow,
keep the trucks maintenanced, keep the roads clear [of snow]; things like that,” Wermlinger said. “This winter we were patching potholes, we were sweeping streets early, we didn’t have to worry about having to keep the streets clear – all the things we don’t normally do so early because of the snow.” The warmer weather
has allowed the Borough to get ahead with its construction projects as well, Wermlinger said. “We are usually always behind, always have a to-do list, this year we are a few months ahead of time,” he said. “We only have a few projects left before we get additional ones, so we’re way ahead of the game.”
could also sit it out for a special election to be held, costing the taxpayers. “If he is sentenced on Continued from B1 the primary day, when you look at the timeallow the party chairs frames and the cost, it is from the district to almost not realistic in appoint someone to run the midst of a campaign in his place for the to have a special election. We will be withNovember elections. But according to Fis- out representation from cher, that is only one the time he is sentence and convicted until possible scenario. “His intent is to win after the November the appeal and win five election,” said Fischer. felony convictions, and “We desperately need if he does win the elec- representation. We need tion, [the district] these things pushed— would be without repre- that needs to be the sentation until May of focus. He has been in court since the begin2013,” said Fischer. If DeWeese chooses ning of the year and is to continue running not focusing on the conuntil the fall of the stituents. The longer it upcoming election, he goes, the more damage
DeWeese says farewell
Photo courtesy of
A group of constituents from the 50th legislative district traveled to listen to Rep. DeWeese speak. is done, and it is just bad.” In February, DeWeese was convicted of three counts of theft and one count each of conspiracy and conflict of inter-
est. The House will not return to session until after the April 24 primary – the same day DeWeese’s sentence is schedule.
Thursday, April 12, 2012 FINALE SERIES: PART 1
Top five athletes in recent years
G A M E O N E : W E S T M I N S T E R 12-1, G A M E T W O : W E S T M I N S T E R 10-3
Youthful Jackets sputter to 0-6 conference start Softball handled by Westminster in PAC doubleheader By Aaron Thompson Assistant Sports Editor
Coming off of six victories in their last seven nonconference games, it appeared the youthful Photo by Andrew Buda Waynesburg softball team was on track to be one of Junior Rachael Moon dives for a ball in Thursday’s home doubleheader against the surprise stories of the Westminster. The Titans swept the twinbill in dominant fashion. 2012 Presidents’ Athletic Senior Sports Editor Conference season. After heavy team would be in Jackets are currently win- dence just a few weeks a fourth-place finish in the running for a playoff less in the PAC and 11-13 ago is now facing adversithe conference a season spot once again. overall. The majority of a ty at the Division III level In my three years as the ago, it appeared the freshFlash forward six team playing with a great for the first time. Yellow Jacket’s sports man and sophomore games, though, and the deal of moxie and confi“I think it’s been pretty columnist, I’ve always been a list guy. Whether it was another edition of what to watch for or a GAME ONE: JACKETS 1-0, GAME TWO: KENYON 13-3 simple notes column, that’s always been my favorite style: cover a variety of subjects with a few quick paragraphs on each. So for the first two installments of my finale series, I’ve got a couple of gle to shallow left field top five lists for you to By Jon Ledyard Staff Writer before senior Nick mull over. Berdine’s bunt advanced And if you disagree the junior cleanup man to with one of them or want An up-and-down seasecond. Another wellto offer up your own, feel son continued for the placed bunt, this one by free. Post something on Waynesburg baseball third baseman Tim the Yellow Jacket Sports team Tuesday when the Chilcote, loaded up the section Facebook page or Yellow Jackets split a nonbases for Waynesburg tweet me @yjfloyd. conference doubleheader with Horning coming to Here’s my list of the against visiting Kenyon. the plate. The team’s The Jackets broke open five athletes I feel have home run leader got hold been most successful (not a scoreless game one in of a fastball and drove it to necessarily my favorites) walk-off fashion, as junior left field to bring Hartman during my time covering slugger Adam Horning’s in easily for the 1-0 victoWaynesburg University single to left plated the ry. athletics… only run of the game to “I’m not really sure give the Jackets the win. why we broke through 5. Darryl Moore, Jr.; Senior Rob Baumgartel there in the seventh,” said football; 2008-2011 was sharp on the mound Humiston. “Typically, As a defensive tackle for for Waynesburg, picking once you see a pitcher a Waynesburg, Moore up the win in his first few times, you figure out wreaked havoc for oppos- complete game of the seawhat he’s going to give ing offenses and at times son to improve to 3-0. The you and can have a little seemed un-blockable. Jacket hurler allowed only Photo by Andrew Buda more success. This guy A native of Boardman, four hits and no walks in was throwing a lot of fastOhio, Moore played 40 seven innings of work to First-year player Adam Horning breaks up a double balls early on in the count games for the Yellow Jack- earn his first shutout of play in a recent home game. and throwing a lot of ets. He racked up 176 the season. tackles (99 solo), 37.5 tack“Rob did well today, we always thought he their time feeling out strikes, so going up to the les for loss and 19 sacks, to and I think all of our guys could do and was on point Lords pitcher Tyler Dierke plate knowing that was a go along with two forced like pitching at home,” from start to finish.” until they finally got on benefit. “ fumbles and two fumble said head coach Mike Berdine led the way for While Baumgartel track in the bottom of the recoveries. the Jackets at the plate, Humiston. “He seemed to handcuffed the Kenyon seventh. Moore was a second- be focused today and did batters, a unit that bats First baseman Bobby going 2-for-3 to account team All-Presidents’ Ath- what we knew he was .337 as a team on average, Hartman led off the letic Conference selection capable of doing and what the Jackets offense took inning by smacking a sinSee JACKETS on C4 in 2009 before going off during his junior season. In 2010, Moore tallied 17 tackles for loss and seven BETHANY - 6, JACKETS - 3 sacks in just 10 games. He was an All-PAC firstteamer for his performance. “Juice,” as he’s more commonly known, again garnered All-PAC first- By Rob Longo duo of Isaiah Cochran and team status this past fall. Editorial Assistant Phillips fell by a score of 8-4. He also received both preWaynesburg was able to tie season and postseason AllComing off two straight wins, the match back up after an 8-5 American applause in a the Waynesburg men’s tennis victory at second doubles by senseason in which the Jack- team looked to extend its win- ior Peter Mally and junior Jon ets knocked off sixth- ning streak to three games on Anderson. ranked Thomas More and Tuesday. However, the Yellow Bethany then regained the earned a bid to the ECAC Jackets were unable to claim a lead after Dustin Maiolo and South Atlantic Bowl. victory, losing 6-3 against a Richard Strassguetl, a duo of Bethany team that was previous- international players, defeated 4. Courtney Ebersole; ly winless in conference play. freshman Phillip Littlejohn and women’s soccer; 2008“We all played terrible,” said senior Jason Logan by a score of 2011 freshman Colin Phillips. “I per- 8-5. Maiolo hails from the CanaEbersole was the go-to sonally didn’t play well, and we dian providence of Ontario, Photo by Kimber Blair player for Waynesburg as all could have played much bet- while Strassguetl grew up in Junior Jon Anderson won in both doubles ter as a whole.” See MEN’S on C2 and singles play Tuesday at Bethany. In first doubles, the freshmen See TOP on C3
Dave Floyd
One up, one down
Baseball team splits nonconference doubleheader with Kenyon
Men’s tennis falls on road at Bethany Bison snap Jackets’ two-match winning streak
tough on the younger kids,” said head coach Lou Giachetti. “They are getting a taste that it’s a pretty good conference. Hopefully we will use [the losing streak] as a learning tool.” Those six games were a mixed bag of sorts. The Yellow Jackets dropped three of those contests, including both contests against Thomas More, by one run. Meanwhile, the other three conference defeats were by at least seven runs. The latest doubleheader sweep came Thursday See SOFTBALL on C4
Teams place third at Marietta By Cam Posney Staff Writer With Easter on the horizon, the holiday had to wait for the Waynesburg Yellow Jacket tracksters as they traveled to Marietta, Ohio, to participate in the Don Frail Invitational this past Saturday. This was the fourth consecutive week that the Jackets were in action. With that much activity, one would think that they would become fatigued. Think again. The Yellow Jackets had arguably their best performance from both their men and women in this scored event. The men scored 96 points, which was good enough for third place out of 10 teams. The women scored 118.5 points in the eight-team event, which also earned them a third-place finish. Head coach Jason Falvo was very excited to see his squads perform the way they did. “We were awesome [on Saturday],” said Falvo. “We are fatigued but still were able to perform at such a high level. “It has been great to see how well we start running,” he added. “Consecutive weeks of track meets does not affect us. Our kids are so excited to run whenever they get a chance.” Freshman Byrum Louco created the story of the day. Louco, who has been getting a lot of attention these past few weeks, qualified for the Eastern See TRACK on C3
Page C2
Thursday, April 12, 2012
Offensive lineman joins tennis team Colin Phillips picks up racket midseason to help out Jackets By Nick Farrell
“It just depends on the time of year. If it’s spring, I definitely love tennis. If it was fall, I definitely love football.”
Editorial Assistant When freshman Colin Phillips came to Waynesburg in the fall, he wanted to play football, a game he loves, for the Yellow Jackets. However, as Phillips is quick to admit, he has a strange relationship with the sport because when springtime rolls around, Phillips would rather have a tennis racket in his hand. “It just depends on the time of year,” Phillips said. “If it’s spring, I definitely love tennis. If it was fall, I definitely love football.” At his high school in his hometown of Bexley, Ohio, Phillips played both football and tennis. His brother, now a Division III tennis player at Calvin College in Grand Rapids, Mich., was an inspiration to him during high school and again in college as Phillips made his transition from football to tennis. “We played a lot together growing up and played doubles together,” said Phillips. “He was the reason I started playing tennis, and these past two weeks I’ve looked to him for some advice.” When Phillips came to Waynesburg, he had the intention of focusing his athletic talents on football
Colin Phillips Freshman men’s tennis player
alone, but now he is a member of the Jacket men’s tennis team and expects to play through his senior year. Less than a month ago, Phillips and some friends were playing on the tennis courts when one of Phillips’ present tennis teammates recognized his ability and invited him to a practice. Since then, Phillips has been a proud member of the Waynesburg men’s tennis team. “I didn’t think when I went down there [to the tennis courts] that I was going to play tennis,” Phillips said. “I just asked a guy on the team if I could go hit with some friends when they were done with practice. He invited me to practice, and [after] two shots at practice, I was on the team.” Phillips admitted that though he had no intention of playing tennis at Waynesburg, he has enjoyed his brief stint as a tennis player. “I love it,” said Phillips. “The guys are really nice, the coach is great, we have a fun time at practice and I already feel like a part of the team.”
As of Easter, Phillips had played in three doubles matches and one singles match for the Jackets. Phillips won his lone singles match in straight sets against Benjamin Kastriba of Pitt-Greensburg. All three doubles matches have resulted in losses, but Phillips has been happy to play alongside standout freshman Isaiah Cochran. “My doubles partner [Cochran] and I play first doubles, so we play the tougher opponents,” said Phillips. “That’s fun to see when I’m just getting into tennis, and its good practice since we’re both freshman. That will be beneficial as we go through to senior year.” Though Phillips walked onto the tennis team, he was immediately placed on that doubles team with Cochran because doubles tennis fits his style of play. Phillips classifies himself as a “serve and volley player” and believes that he and Cochran will make a great tandem if they continue playing together. “Isaiah is really talented; he has a lot of talents with him in the tennis
game, and he’s really outgoing as a person,” Phillips said. “It’s fun since we both know a lot about tennis, and it’s easy for one of us to correct the other in our faults.” Phillips is thankful for the fact that the entire tennis team has welcomed its newest member into the family. “The upperclassmen like Jon Anderson, Pete Mally and Jason Logan have all been really beneficial,” Phillips said. “They’re really good at getting the freshman involved and bonding with us. We all have fun.” Though Phillips has struggled to choose one sport over another in the past, he thinks his heart is finally set on tennis. “It’s definitely something that I feel like I can stick with, and it’s something that I really enjoy,” he said. When asked about football, Phillips said that he thinks it’s time to hang up the cleats and helmet in pursuit of tennis. Now that he has shifted his attention to tennis, Phillips has high expectations for himself and for his teammates. “I want to do whatever I can do to be the best and can be the best for the team,” said Phillips. “I would love it if we can all grow as a team. We have a solid freshman group right now, and if we can get younger guys next year that are great players, we could take conference when we are seniors.”
Photo by Kimber Blair
Senior Peter Mally (above) teamed with junior Jon Anderson to win at second doubles at Bethany.
Men’s tennis loses on road Continued from C1 Germany. The Jackets were unable to recover from their 2-1 deficit after doubles play, as they only won two matches in the singles portion of the contest. These two wins came from the fourth and fifth singles players. Anderson defeated Jared Roque in straight sets at fourth singles, 6-2, 6-4. Logan also pulled out a victory in straight sets at fifth singles, 6-2, 6-0. Coming off an abdominal injury that made him miss singles play against Pitt-Greensburg, Cochran was defeated in straight sets, 6-3, 6-1. In a tough second singles match, Mally lost in three sets after winning the first set 6-2. He dropped the next two sets by scores of 6-3,
6-4. Littlejohn also fell in a tough third singles bout, losing in straight sets 7-5, 6-2. Freshman Alex Tenenbaum lost in straight sets, too, 6-1, 6-4. And as if this victory was not important enough being their first conference win of the season, the Bison also have another reason to celebrate. The 6-3 victory by Bethany on Tuesday marks the first time the Bison have defeated the Jackets in over a decade, with the last win coming by the identical 6-3 score back on April 4, 2001. “I think we were all disappointed in the way we played today,” Phillips said. “Luckily, we have two more matches left before the PAC tournament starts to pick up a few more wins.” Waynesburg will play host to a unique tri-match on Saturday, as they will take on both rival Washington and Jefferson and Thomas More.
Thursday, April 12, 2012
Page C3
Athlete of the Week Louco continues to impress for track & field By Aaron Thompson
Zacoi works at turning program around Recruiting will play key role in future of Jacket lacrosse
By Kyle Oland
Assistant Sports Editor
Editorial Assistant
Freshman Byrum Louco has been impressing ever since he joined the men’s track and field team after the conclusion of the men’s basketball season, and lately, he has done it in multiple events. For his efforts, Louco has been named the Yellow Jacket Athlete of the Week. That success continued for the freshman this past weekend at the Don Frail Invitational at Marietta College on Saturday. The first-year team member won the 400-meter hurdles and qualified for Eastern Collegiate Athletic Conference Championships with a time of 55.36 seconds. He punched his second ticket to the ECACs by teaming up with freshman Lorenzo Mikulin, sophomore David Cobb and sophomore Justin Angotti to take first in the 4x400-meter relay race. The group crossed the finish line in a school-record time of 3:22.98. Louco has been a consistent top-five finisher in both events throughout the outdoor portion of the season, and he is looking to be a contender at the upcoming PAC Championships near the end of the month. Both the men’s and women’s track and field teams are back in action this Saturday in New Wilmington, Pa., when they take part in the Westminster Invitational.
When Waynesburg lacrosse head coach Tom Zacoi was hired two years ago, he said he was hired for two reasons: to recruit and to win. In Zacoi’s first year, he directed the Yellow Jackets to a 1-8 record. This season, Waynesburg’s current record stands at 1-7. In the previous three seasons before Zacoi was hired, the Jackets went a combined 3-26. While a 2-15 record in just less than two seasons does not seem very encouraging, Zacoi said he understands that turning around a program does not just happen overnight. In order for Zacoi to turn the losing fortunes of the Jackets around, the recruiting must get better. Part of the problem
Track takes third place Continued from C1 Collegiate Athletic Conference Championships in not one, but two events. He started off the day with a huge first-place showing in the 400-meter hurdle event with a time of 55.36 seconds. After that, he teamed up with freshman Lorenzo Mikulin, sophomore Justin Angotti and sophomore David Cobb to win the 4x400-meter relay race. The group set the time to beat at 3:22.98. It was not beaten, and they
Top five WU athletes Continued from C1 soon as she stepped on campus in August of 2008. A model of consistency on offense, the East Berlin native led the Jackets in scoring in each of her four
File Photo
Second-year head coach Tom Zacoi is 2-15 in just less than two seasons at the helm of the Waynesburg lacrosse program. He is 1-7 this year. Zacoi is running into is many of the athletes he recruits end up not playing. “I had eight kids come in this year’s recruiting class, but only four kids played,” Zacoi said.
Teams featured in national rankings After a strong showing at last Saturday’s Washington & Jefferson Invitational, the Waynesburg women’s track & field team cracked the national outdoor top 25 put together by The Yellow Jackets are ranked 24th on the list of 49 schools.
The Jacket men also appear on their respective national rankings at No. 28. The Waynesburg track and field teams are back in action on Saturday when they travel to New Wilmington, Pa., to take part in the Westminster Invitational.
placed first in the event. Falvo has been very impressed by Louco’s performances early on in his collegiate career. “With Byrum, we knew he was a great runner,” Falvo said. “We just are reaching his potential in his events. The goal for him is Division III Nationals.” The field squad for the
men was not going to be overshadowed by the tracksters’ performance. Juniors Christian Jackson and Doogie Sanner, members of the Waynesburg football team, had solid days in their events. Jackson placed fifth in both the high jump and long jump with distances of 1.82 meters and 6.48 meters. Sanner, a graduate
of Uniontown High School, was the top Division-III performer in the triple jump and javelin with third and fourthplace finishes. He leaped 12.77 meters and heaved the javelin 48.24 meters. Junior Kurt Bonnet also continued to impress with a toss of 43.22 meters in the discus, which was good enough
seasons. She finished her career with 43 goals and 15 assists to eclipse the century mark in points with 101. Along with the individual success, Ebersole helped lead the resurgence of the women’s soccer program over the past two seasons. The team made it all the way to the PAC Championship this past fall.
Ebersole was tabbed as a second-team All-PAC selection after her freshman and sophomore campaigns and a first-team All-PAC pick following her junior and senior seasons. She also was named all-region twice, including a first-team nod in 2011.
sive final three seasons at Waynesburg. During that span, White never hit below .430 and reached base more than 50 percent of the time (98 walks certainly helped that). He also racked up 168 hits, scored 148 runs and stole 67 bases. White was a three-time first-team All-PAC selection, a three-time allregion pick and a preseason and postseason AllAmerican his junior year.
3. Wes White, Jr.; baseball; 2007-2010 White was an all-everything player during his time in a Waynesburg uniform. He could dazzle on defense, steal a base, hit for average and even smash the occasional long ball. The Pittsburgh native had an especially impres-
2. Nick Garber; wrestling; 2007-2011 A local kid out of Waynesburg Central High School, Garber was just two victories shy of being
“Hopefully they will come back next year.” Because of this, Zacoi has had to recruit around campus and play players who have no prior lacrosse experience. “I have to start college
freshmen who have never played, whereas other schools have kids who have played all there life,” he said. In addition, Zacoi has
for third place. In the women’s events, the team of junior Megan Donovan and freshmen Hannah Derbis, Ashley Cole and Kristen Sanders set a new school record in the 4x400 relay. The new record now stands at 4:13.52. This time was good enough to earn first place for the Jackets. The distance squad for the women also came up with impressive performances at the meet. Freshman Joy Talbot won the 5,000-meter race with a time of 20:00.81. Sophomore Annette Aho snagged second place in the same event with a time of 20:37.34. Sophomore Tiffany Onifer took
third place in the same event with a time of 20:46.36. The field team rounded out the meet for the Jacket women with some impressive performances. Junior Jaimee Post was the strongest Division III performer in the triple jump with a leap of 9.81 meters. Sophomore Megan Sowers continued her success in the javelin event. She launched the javelin 37.48 meters to take the gold in the event. The Jackets will be back in action again Saturday when they travel to Westminster College in New Wilmington, Pa., for the Westminster Invitational.
a three-time All-American. But while Garber picked up the elite honor only one time, his career was certainly still full of major accomplishments. In what was one of the worst years in the history of the wrestling program, Garber shined as a freshman in 2007-2008. He took home the PAC Most Outstanding Wrestler award at the conference championships before placing third at regionals. Over the next three seasons, the wrestling team thrived under new head coach Ron Headlee, and Garber continued to excel, too. He qualified for nationals all three of those times, garnering All-American status as a junior. Garber also won three individual regional crowns and another PAC individual title.
versity as one of the most decorated athletes in Waynesburg history. A graduate of Eisenhower High School, Jones was a significant post presence in each of her four seasons with the women’s basketball program. She averaged double digits in each of those seasons and was a fourtime All-PAC selection. That included a firstteam nod following her senior season, during which Waynesburg took home the ECAC South Tournament Championship. Jones also set two records during her senior campaign: career blocks (150) and career field goals attempted (455). As a javelin thrower for the track and field team, Jones may have been even more successful, at least on a national scale. With a sixth-place finish as a junior in 2010, she became the program’s first ever two-time All-American.
1. Elisha Jones; basketball, track & field; 20072011 There have been multiple two-sport athletes at Waynesburg in recent years, but none have been as successful as Elisha Jones. After four seasons on the hardwood and four seasons with the javelin in hand, Jones left the uni-
See ZACOI on C4
Honorable mentions: volleyball and lacrosse player Laurie Lindner (2005-2008), basketball player Hannah Hunter (2008-2012) and softball player Amanda Baughman (2008-2011).
Page C4
Thursday, April 12, 2012
Presto continues to represent team Two-sport athlete places 20th at recent invitational By Lucas Diethorn Staff Writer Sophomore Madison Presto continues to represent the Waynesburg women’s golf team. This past Monday, the twosport sophomore played in the Mary Cleland Eckles Invitational at the New Castle Country Club hosted by Westminster College. The par-72 course is known for its fast greens, long fairways and steep slopes with a slope rating of 129. The course is 6,657 yards overall. Last season, Presto finished strong on this particular course, placing fifth overall. She finished this year’s tournament tied for the 20th place out of 47 golfers. Presto posted a
Photo courtesy of Waynesburg University Sports Information
Sophomore Madison Presto shot a 101 at Monday’s Mary Cleland Eckles Invitational. strong front nine score of 48 but struggled on the back nine, shooting a 53 for a final score of 101. Presto was 18 strokes off the leader, Morgan
Miller of Seton Hill. Presto is the only student listed on the women’s roster for Waynesburg. As a result, she has to practice alone and
also has the pressure of being the sole representative for the university at every golf outing. “It’s a little hard to practice and prepare when you don’t have a teammate that you can call up and ask if they want to go golfing or find a driving range close to us,” Presto said. “But whenever I find time, I usually call up [men’s golfer Colin Wilson] anyways, so it kind of works out.” Even though she is alone on the course as far as teammates go, Presto’s competitive spirit is one that cannot easily be matched. “Because of the little practice I get, it makes me that much more determined to make sure I get the most out of every round and every shot,” Presto said. Presto will be back in action Monday, as she looks to improve at the Washington and Jefferson Spring Invitational.
Zacoi works on recruiting Continued from C3 struggled to recruit athletes from the Western Pennsylvania region, citing other schools having less rigorous academic standards as one of those reasons. “I am saddened that I can’t get those kids from my school district where I still coach during the summer to come look at Waynesburg,” he said. However, the future may not seem as bleak as it sounds. Next year, Zacoi is bringing in four recruits from four different areas: Columbus, St. Louis, Erie and Philadelphia. Two of those recruits, Zacoi said, should make an immediate and significant impact. What is more, Zacoi said he is trying to get former recruits to return to the team. “I am trying to bring back girls who did not play in the past but were supposed to play,” he said.
Softball is 0-6 in PAC
Photo by Andrew Buda
(Above) Freshman third baseman Ashley Clark tries to tag out a Westminster baserunner in the teams’ doubleheader Thursday in Waynesburg. The Titans swept the Yellow Jackets with two blowout victories, 12-1 in the first game and 10-3 in the second.
Continued from C1
at the hands of Westminster, a team unbeaten in conference play. The Titans moved their winning streak to 10 by blasting Waynesburg 12-1 in game one and then used a nine-run fifth inning to drop the Jackets 10-3 in game two. “Westminster right now is really unbelievably hot,” Giachetti said. To make matters worse, Jackets ace pitcher Carrie Maier was hit in the wrist by a Titans line drive in game one and forced to leave the game early. “I think she is going to be okay,” Giachetti said. “She took a line drive in the wrist. Initially, I thought it would be worse. Hopefully she will be able to go on Wednesday.” Freshman pitcher Jenn Lingg came in to replace Maier and gave up seven runs (two earned) on 10 hits in five innings of work as the Jackets went on to drop game one 12-1. Jacket shortstop Rachael Moon led the Jackets offense in game one by going 2-for-3 with a solo home run. After taking a 3-2 lead into the bottom of the
Jackets split twinbill Continued from C1 for a quarter of the team’s eight hits, four of which came in the bottom of the seventh. The Kenyon batters shook off the shackles in game two, however, churning through six Waynesburg hurlers on their way to a 15-hit, 13-3 victory over the Jackets.
Furthermore, the Jackets have a realistic shot at setting a new program record for wins in a season in 2012. (The previous record of two was set in 2009.) “This year’s team is the best team we have fielded in the five years of this program,” Zacoi said. The Jackets play West Virginia Wesleyan (2-9), Urbana (1-10) and Thiel (4-6) to finish out the season. “Our competition the rest of the season is more on our level, so we are expecting ourselves to win,” said sophomore defender Morgan Desmond. Zacoi said he is urging his players to take advantage of the opportunity to rewrite the record books this season. “I talked to the seniors this week and asked them to remain positive and encouraging the rest of season,” he said. “If we can do that, we can run the table the rest of the year. We are going to do it one catch, one pass, one groundball and one shot at a time.”
fifth in game two, Westminster put up nine runs in the bottom half of the inning to take a commanding 10-3 lead. Freshman Haley Payne, who hadn’t pitched since the team’s spring break trip to Florida, did a solid job until that fifth inning. “I think she did outstanding until that inning,” Giachetti said. “We had some walks, and they got extra at-bats, and we paid for that.” Payne took the loss, going 5.2 innings, allowing five runs on five hits and walking six batters. The Jackets offense did
produce eight hits in game two, including two from a trio of players, sophomore second baseman Shannon Falleroni, freshman centerfielder Shelby Tabrosky and Payne. Sophomore outfielder Jasmine Blackwell, one of the Jackets top players, just returned to the lineup after missing nearly a month with an ankle injury, and she talked about how the Easter break might help the team refocus. “I think what we really needed was a break,” Blackwell said. “We just
needed time to mentally regroup. I think it is really going to help us come together as a team.” Blackwell got off to a fast start in Florida, hitting a home run in her first at-bat, but had been sidelined since late in that trip. She had been waiting anxiously through the sixgame winning streak and now the losing streak that has followed. “It was really hard for me to watch,” she said. “I was happy [during that winning streak]; we were really coming together. We started losing right before I came back, so it
was kind of bad timing.” Blackwell said she hopes that the tough start to conference play motivates them and hasn’t written off a return to the playoffs quite yet. The Jackets went 8-8 in PAC play last year to grab the last spot. It would take a remarkable turnaround to get to 8-8, but Giachetti isn’t writing that off, either. “We could easily be 3-3 right now,” he said. “We have Saint Vincent coming in at 6-0 in the PAC. They are leading the conference in ERA. We just need to get better and play
like we know we can.” Giachetti credits the fight and resiliency of his team, while he also said having Blackwell and Falleroni at full strength should bring stability to the lineup. That home doubleheader against first-place Saint Vincent was supposed to be played yesterday afternoon; however, due to the threat of inclement weather, it will be played this afternoon at 3:30 p.m. The Jackets then hit the road Saturday for a PAC doubleheader at Grove City.
The Lords exploded out of the gates, knocking in three runs in the first before the Jackets responded with two of their own to cut the deficit to one. It was as close as they would get though, as Kenyon scored three runs in both the third and fourth innings to open up a 9-2 lead. Berdine’s longball over the left field fence, his first of the season, made it 9-3 after four innings, but Kenyon poured in four more runs in the sixth
after a scoreless fifth to close out the scoring at 13-3. Berdine went 2-for-3 at the plate for the second straight game to lead the Jackets, while the team struggled to find offense from anywhere else, managing only six hits in seven innings. “We are having trouble adjusting, and it is something we work on a lot in practice and talk about a lot, but today we just flat out didn’t do it,” said Humiston. “They hit the
ball well in the second game, and they are a very good team, but we didn’t do what we wanted in the second game.” Freshman Sean Boyle earned his first career start on the mound for Waynesburg, working two innings while giving up five hits and three runs, all earned. From there, it was a turnstile at the rubber for the Jackets, with five other pitchers each getting in on the action, none of which had much success. Chilcote finally
came over from third to hurl the final 1.1 innings, giving up zero hits and zero runs. “We talked about Boyle starting and wanted to get two or three innings out of him and then go with some other guys who hadn’t gotten a lot of innings,” said Humiston. “We have some big series coming up, and we are trying to see if some guys will step up from a pitching standpoint. I think two guys in Chilcote— getting outs when he
needed to—and [freshman] Cody Scruggs did a great job.” The split brings Waynesburg’s record to 16-10 overall as the team maintains fourth place in the Presidents’ Athletic Conference. The Jackets return to action Friday for an important conference matchup at rival Washington and Jefferson, before hosting the Presidents in a doubleheader the following day at 1 p.m.
Thursday, April 12, 2012
Ending on a high note
Best dance crew to be determined By Alex Hinton Op/Ed Editor Waynesburg University students have the opportunity to show off their talents and battle to the top through dance next week. Student Senate will hold Waynesburg’s Best Dance Crew on Wednesday, April 18 at 7:30 p.m. in the Goodwin Performing Arts Center. Groups of four to 20 students will get together and choreograph a dance that they will perform in front of a team of judges and the audience. The top dance crew will win a special prize. “There are going to be judges similar to Way-
Photo courtesy of Jim DePriest
Combo and Percussion Ensemble members performed at the final jazz and percussion concert of the year. The concert was held on Monday, April 9 in the Goodwin Performing Arts Center.
Seniors reflect on final jazz and percussion concert By Ben Carpenter Staff Writer It’s the last semester on Waynesburg University’s campus for seniors Alex Goodwin and Derek Cummins. With their academic careers winding down, both are trying to take advantage of their last few months at the school. Both are heavily involved in music, and it is only fitting that their favorite concert at Waynesburg also turned out to be their last. The Waynesburg University Music Program presented its spring jazz and percussion concert on Monday, April 9 in the Goodwin Performing Arts Center. Goodwin and Cummins both performed at the concert, and they agreed that it was their most enjoyable performance to date. “It was definitely the most fun I’ve ever had playing a concert here at Waynesburg, and this was my eighth,” said
Staff Writer
Members of the Percussion Ensemble performed several songs. Some instructors from the Department of Music performed in the concert as well. Goodwin, who played piano during the performance. Cummins played the drums at the show and agreed with his counterpart wholeheartedly. “I’ve played seven concerts here, and I can’t remember having that good of a time before,” Cummins said. “It was just really unique, and I
had a blast.” Monday’s concert deviated slightly from those in the past, which was a surprise to most audience members, but not to those performing. “We played a lot of African music with a drummer from Ghana,” Cummins said. “It was really interesting to get to play that sort of
music. It differs from most of the jazz we usually play because African music is really rhythm based, and we hadn’t had a lot of exposure to it. But it was a great experience.” Both Cummins and Goodwin are heavily into jazz music and have See MUSICIANS on D2
See DANCE on D2
Business founder addresses finance, job opportunities By Rusty Fleming
Photo courtesy of Jim DePriest
nesburg Idol where they’ll give feedback, and the audience will be voting,” said Brittany Nimal, sophomore forensic accounting major and Student Senate secretary. According to Nimal, Student Senate decided to hold Waynesburg’s Best Dance Crew because of a suggestion made by a student. She hopes that the event will be “just a nice night of relaxation—a night to kick back and have fun before the stressful finals come up.” Those competing in WBDC had to sign up in Student Services by
On Wednesday April 11, Junior Philip Henry, will speak to Christian Ola’s 10 a.m. finance class. Henry will be coming to talk to students about opportunities for college grads that want to marry financial acumen with relationship building and sales. Henry said he feels students should know about these opportunities “for personal reasons, to help themselves manage their finances better and for potential career opportunities.” Henry hopes that his discussion with the class will encourage and educate the students in the class. Henry is the founder and president of Henry
Wealth Management LLC based in Bridgeville PA. Henry specializes in providing financial planning, investment management, insurance and estate planning services. Henry is a frequent speaker and outlet of media in and around the Pittsburgh area. KDKATV and WPXI-TV have interviewed him and he has appeared on Pittsburgh Today Live and Public Radio. In 2003, HWM was one of 25 firms that founded the Fusion Advisor Network a nationwide producer group that today has more than 125 members. In 2009, Henry was elected by his peers to a six-member Fusion Advisory Board. He has also authored See CLASS on D2
Self-proclaimed ‘Lord of Awesome’ performs at Noon Tunes By Sara Faiad Staff Writer On April 10, Waynesburg University hosted Noon Tunes, featuring Curtis Peoples. Traveling from his hometown Los Angeles to entertain Waynesburg University students and faculty, Peoples calls himself a “pop/rock singer and songwriter, or the Lord of Awesome.” I’ve wanted to be a musician since I was a kid, well, that and a baseball player,” Peoples said. “I’ve always been
obsessed with music pop, rock, folk, rap, country. I just have always loved great songs and wanted to write them myself, so I started a band in fifth grade that stayed together for almost 10 years.” Peoples credits his band for his musical growth. “I learned about writing and collaborating,” he said. Traveling and performing in Pennsylvania numerous times, Peoples was excited when his agent told him about an upcoming visit to
Waynesburg University. Peoples said, “I’m always excited to get to a new town. Bring it on, Waynesburg.” The Student Activities Board planned Peoples’ visit and Noon Tunes event. The Student Activities Board hoped that the event would provide a comfortable setting while students and faculty enjoyed their lunches. “We wanted to create a coffee house setting, but make it available for See LUNCHTIME on D2
Photo by Allyson Wernert
Curtis Peoples performed during Noon Tunes on April 10. The singer/songwriter entertained the lunchtime crowd in the Bee Hive during the event.
Page D2
Thursday, April 12, 2012
Arts & Life
Easter weekend provides limited activities on campus By Lucas Diethorn Staff Writer Many students headed home last Thursday for their four-day Spring Break. As a result, the University did not have many activities over the weekend for the remaining students to participate in. Because the University was closed during Easter break the amount of there were no activities planned for students that were still on cam-
pus. Not only was there no celebration for Easter, there were no activities at all on campus. On weekends throughout the school year there have been concerts, plays, cookouts and even pig roasts. Over Easter weekend however, the campus seemed more like a ghost town than a University. On Good Friday, the first day of vacation for students, the entire Uni-
versity was closed to recognize the holiday. Some students did stay for the weekend, though, because the travel distance would have been too far for only four days. For these students, the weekend was uneventful and unfestive. Alfonso Ferrari, a freshman sports broadcasting major, was one student who had to stay on campus for Easter. His hometown is in
Tuscon, Ariz., so the flight across the country was too long for four days. “I just hung out in my room and ate Ramen all weekend,” Ferrari said. For Ferrari, the weekend was lonely, and he wished that he would have been able to celebrate Easter with his family and friends, or, at the very least, with the remaining students on Waynesburg University’s campus. Without any activi-
ties going on, many of the remaining students stayed in their dorms and used the free time to catch up on work before the semester comes down the home stretch. According to Ferrari, the weekend was a great way to regenerate and take a breathe. “It was nice to recharge the batteries for the rest of the semester,” Ferrari said. With most students heading home the dorm rooms were deserted as
well. Ferrari said that it felt like there were a total of 10 people in Thayer Hall. Thayer is one of the male dorms on campus and houses up to 126 students and some staff. Though not much happened over the weekend, the jazz and percussion concert took place on Monday evening. Activities on campus look to return along with the students even with finals week not far off.
Lunchtime show held
concerts are generally held. “Noon Tunes is a good opportunity for students to experience music during the day.” Located at the Bee Hive and centered around lunchtime, students and faculty see Noon Tunes as a relaxing escape from daily stress and classes. “I think it is very relaxing and a nice stress reliever in the middle of the day,” said freshman forensic chemistry major, JoHanna Phillips. “I really enjoy music and root beer, but not ice cream.” A large audience of students and faculty attended Noon Tunes, and many members of the audience enjoyed the entertainment provided by Peoples. Phillips really enjoyed the performance and said that she would go to see People’s if he ever performed on campus again. “He is beautiful with a great voice and soothing music,” Phillips said. “Plus the root beer was very root beery.”
Continued from D1
Photo courtesy of Maddie Snyder
Lobbying for change Juniors Megan Peebles and Kyle Cogar pose with Senator Timothy Solobay at the AICUP Student Lobby Day in Harrisburg last Tuesday. Cogar and Peebles represented Waynesburg University during the event.
Dance event to take place Continued from D1 April 11. “There will be rehearsals the day of [Waynesburg’s Best Dance Crew], prior to the event,” Nimal said. The judges providing feedback for the event will be Criminal Justice and Social Sciences Chair Adam Jack, Assistant Professor of Psychology Jenny Jellison and junior Shawn Wharrey, according to Cara Petrone, freshman foren-
Musicians perform Continued from D1 played for years. “I started playing jazz in high school,” Cummins said. “I was instantly drawn to it, and really had a knack for it. I loved it so I just kept playing here at Waynesburg, and I’m really glad I did so.” Goodwin cited a new face as another reason for his penchant for jazz. “We have a new professor, James Cope, and
sic science major, who is the Burns Hall third floor Student Senate representative. A familiar face will be hosting Waynesburg’s Best Dance Crew, Petrone said. After a successful stint as Deal or No Deal host, sophomore Nick Farrell returns to host Waynesburg’s Best Dance Crew. Petrone is looking forward to “listening to the judges and seeing people come together to make a funny dance.” Petrone said she hopes that students will not be afraid to get out of their comfort zones when they dance.
“Hopefully this year will get people interested so next year it can become an annual event,” she said. Shelby Tabrosky, freshman sports broadcasting major, will be in one of the crews performing a dance on the night of the event. “It is like a hip-hoprap-freestyle dance,” she said. Tabrosky’s crew will be made up of “five people plus a possible deejay, who will not dance but stand off to the side and act as a deejay,” she said. She said she has a lot of friends encouraging her to dance for WBDC.
“I love dancing. I don’t care what I look like, if I’m bad or good, if I embarrass others, just love to dance,” Tabrosky said. “It always makes me happy too, to hear a song and be able to dance to it like it’s nothing. If it is not fun, make it fun.” Tabrosky hopes Waynesburg’s Best Dance Crew will bring audience members “a lot of laughs,” and she hopes to inspire people to learn how to dance. “With the crew, we are all fun and enjoy dancing, so as long as we had fun doing the show, that’s all that matters,” she said.
he’s really been great,” Goodwin said. “He’s taught us a lot and really makes playing a lot of fun.” Goodwin and Cummins both strongly prefer playing jazz to any other type of music, saying that they are drawn to the spontaneity. “I just really love how free jazz is,” Cummins said. “It’s definitely the most expressive musical art form in my opinion. I love playing it.” “You just have so much freedom when you’re playing jazz,” Goodwin said. “You never play the
same thing twice, and I love that.” Cummins is especially excited to see where the music department goes following this concert, saying that he really sees it as an opportunity for growth. “I was just really impressed by the quality of this concert,” Cummins said. “I’m really excited to
see where the department goes after this, because I think it can definitely be a stepping stone. I’m looking forward to coming back and seeing how it grows, and hopefully seeing this small Christian school have one of the marquee music programs in the area. Hopefully even better than some of the big schools.”
commuters to be involved,” said Diana Beam, junior business management major and SAB member. The SAB researches and listens to a variety of CDs o find musicians to play at Waynesburg. Beam says, “We liked Curtis People’s music, and that’s what made us want to bring him here.” In addition to Peoples’ entertainment, the SAB served root beer floats in special Waynesburg University cups. Denny Hall Resident Director Aimee Spicuzza said that the root beer floats and the performance work well together. “It’s just something fun and easy to incorporate with the musician,” Spicuzza said. Spicuzza feels that it is important for students and faculty to experience music throughout the day, and not just at night, which is when
Class hosts speaker Continued from D1 more than 20 articles for the Pittsburgh Business Times since the early 1980’s. To add to his accomplishments, he has a regular bi-monthly column in the South Fayette Community Magazine. Henry also has a bachelor’s degree in Science
and a master’s degree in Business Administration from Indiana University of Pennsylvania. At IUP he was also a three-year letter winner on the football team. He later served on the IUP Eberly College of Business board of advisors. Henry also has five children. Two of his sons, Philip and Alex, attend Waynesburg University and are both members of the soccer team.
Thursday, April 12, 2012
Page D3
The Los Angeles Times Daily Crossword Puzzle Across 1 Natural liniment 11 Beliefs 15 MacLeish work inspired by a treatise that was published around 18 B.C. 16 “The Grapes of Wrath” traveler 17 Decent sort 18 The turner of records 19 Rubble creator 20 World War II popular leadership monogram 21 Picks up 23 Like many poll questions 25 “Paradise Lost” figure 28 The period in a sonnet 29 Without getting excited 31 Govt. benefits provider 32 Bleep 35 Sauté 36 Golfer’s concern 37 Mexican salamander 39 The States, to Mexicans 41 Attendees of a reunion 42 Word of awe 44 Main arteries 45 Sudanese leader? 46 “Age before beau-
ty!” 48 __-Julie: Montreal suburb 49 Media workers’ org. 50 Employ against, as tear gas 54 Develop canines, say 56 Welcome site 58 Jacuzzi setting 59 Last Stuart monarch 60 Participant in an annual event since 1951 64 Year of Alexander V’s death 65 Dude ranch problem 66 Nuisance 67 They require discussions
Down 1 Toady? 2 Castle seen in “The Whirl of Life” 3 USAF E-6’s 4 Apple core, briefly 5 Keep 6 Command 7 Idle 8 First half of an indirect course? 9 Antique French coin 10 Dylan hit originally written for “Midnight Cowboy” 11 Speck 12 The type of getaway that gives you a lift 13 Where Brooklyn
Park is 14 Eel-like marine reptiles 22 Ethyl ending 24 Nobelist Bohr 26 Boxer’s cry 27 Weary 30 A basketball formation that has numerous play options 32 Office Gadget 33 Ontologist’s con-
cern 34 Unfinished business 36 Falcon-headed god 38 Longtime Mississippi senator 40 Bad sign for one seeking a shortcut 43 Am unnamed woman 46 “That feels great!” 47 Inn choice
51 These, in Tijuana 52 Bridget Riley genre 53 Nasal passages 55 Modern dialogue unit 57 One who’s with you 61 Humanities degrees 62 Plugs 63 Helmsman’s hdg.
Last Issue’s Answers:
Crossword by MCT Campus
Page D4
Thursday, April 12, 2012
The Back Page
By Sarah Bell Arts & Liffe E Editor
A century has passed by since the luxury steamship RMS Titanic met its demise. After sideswiping an iceberg during its maiden voyage, the White Star Line ship sunk to its deep-sea graave in the early hours of April 15, 1912. The history has been tracked, checked, documented and checked again and again. There was a museum built in honor of the disasterr, there were numerous JWWS[ _ZQ\\MV IVL [M^MZIT UW^QM[ ÅTUML After 100 years, the preservation of the story is unbelievable to some. A ship deemed “unsinkable” sunk. More than 1,500 people lost their lives. d people for o Though tragic, the story has inspired 100 years.
Though it has been 100 years, audiences continue to speculate about the events that took place on the night of April 15, 1912. Though specials, movies and novels, people will analyze every detail of the tragedy and remember the lives lost. Whether new facts will be released about the event is unclearr, but it is obvious that audiences will never let go of the inspiring story.
Image sources: es: www; www Fast facts source: www w..titanicstory.c . om Design by Cori Schipani