reebok gold proposal
3 research 13 branding 19 product proposal contents 39 collateral 43 retail & advertising 51 acknowledgements
L i fe Spo
or m
Pe r f
Fan Gear
X Reebok Gold
reebok today covering the athlete’s life When approached with this project, the first
and its sponsored athletes. This was an effective exercise to help determine where our brand would
Reebok Gold
fit in and how we could offer product that was neither lifestyle, sideline, nor performance, but was
RBK Custom
still a brand that was viable to Reebok as a whole. Fur thermore, this template (seen at right) allowed us to investigate Reebok’s competition in the same
Mitchell & Ness
way to determine a larger mar ket niche that our brand would exploit. Our research discovered that within the
spectrum of the Spor ts Licensed Division and more specifically the NFL, Reebok has become the standard in top-flight performance and training
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were Reebok’s current offerings to both consumer s
reebok gold brand proposal
points of research we felt we needed to touch upon
apparel for its athletes. With its exclusive license,
coverage of its athlete’s lives – specifically their
hannah may
There is, however, a glaring gap in Reebok’s
Fan Gear
time off of the field.
willem van lancker
Reebok has become synonymous with NFL apparel.
ion izat
Reebok Gold
Nike 6.0, iPod
sailing, motorsport
Puma Patagonia
tastes and approaches to niche marketing. Our findings greatly aided in brand building and helped us better understand what companies ser ved as good models for success and which did not. Fur thermore, understanding the marketplace
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reebok gold brand proposal
B ra n
d Br ead
r ies
ship Spo
L i fe
anc or m Pe r f
brands that accurately represented a number of
We did not limit ourselves to the typical athletic companies but instead created a broad list of
within our brand.
practices that we would like to highlight or realize
embodied the unique characteristics and business
we dissected a list of companies that we felt
r Pa r tne r shi ps
Moving forward in our examination of the market,
reebok and competitors
allowed us to create a unique offering and not
have the oppor tunity to become as intergral to the Reebok licensed brand as sideline or fan gear.
Sean John
Burger King
RLX, RL Home
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offering an innovative and unique brand that will
hannah may
simply mimic a rival. We strongly feel that we are
a day in the life the nfl lifest yle Once we understood where Reebok could expand in the marketplace, we realized that we needed to examine the daily life of Reebok athletes. This study appeal to the athletes and what they were looking
At right is our graphic examination of a
reebok gold brand proposal
Leisure / Outdoors
for in their off-field fashion.
generalized but typical day in the life of an NFL superstar. We did not mean for this graphic to be any single player’s actual day but rather a vehicle to map out where to take the product and brand as a whole through the eyes of the player, all the time
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helped us to learn what kind of product would most
weighing his needs and wants.
The Player’s Day
The Game
Gameday Arrival
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hannah may
Press / Postgame
the player models deangelo hall – the tastemaker Deangelo Hall, Cornerback for the Oakland Raiders, was named the NFL’s best dressed player in 2007 by Spor ts Illustrated. Never afraid to have his
reebok gold brand proposal
in a single drive and challenged Terrell Owens on national television. Ever y year at the ESPYs, Hall makes ever y effor t to set the standard for red carpet fashion by crsiply dressing in the highest fashions while adding his own flamboyant flair. Hall represents the Tastemaker attitude of the
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presence felt, Hall was once given 67 penalty yards
NFL. The gold standard permeates his existence through and through, from Rembrandts and personal piano players in his home, to his own private night club and flashy playing style
exactly what he is looking for– the oppor tunity to make a statement through apparel created specifically for his needs and desires while promoting the lifestyle he leads, not one that is meant for the Princes of Europe. The Tastemaker is America’s playboy prince, and he wants ever yone to know it. Deangelo, welcome to the Club.
CB #23 Loves Jewelry watches, sunglasses, bling, earrings, accent pieces. Setting the Bar bringing fashion to the NFL on and off the field Fast Cars Expensive Taste
willem van lancker
Reebok Gold is geared to give the Tastemaker
Oakland Raiders
hannah may
on the field.
the player models tony romo – the all-american guy Tony Romo, one of the NFL’s biggest stars as the Quaterback of “America’s Team,” The Dallas Cowboys, is about as American as you can get. Even
reebok gold brand proposal
and jetsetting to Mexico for a holiday (during the playoffs), Romo’s personality is still just that of your goofy buddy with a laid back smile. Romo is clearly having a great time being a celebrity but still hasn’t lost touch with his humble roots. Countless inter views reveal him to be the kind of guy you could sit down at the local bar with for a drink, a regular American guy.
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though he is dating a new star let ever y other day
Though Romo is ver y much “down-home,” he still knows how to (and wants to) look good, simply in a bit more conser vative manner. Given his paparazzi-
catching a flight in the airpor t or walking the red carpet. To Reebok Gold the Average Guy is the player who has been thrust into the limelight and still doesn’t know what to think of it. He finds himself in situations where he needs to look good and be a stylemaker but doesn’t want to tr y and set the trends. Reebok Gold’s product brings the Average Guy a way to be an individual on the national arena and separate himself from the pack while still playing by the tenets of traditional fashion and style. Tony, welcome to the Club.
QB #9 Aw-Shucks Star The All-American Loving his life dating superstars, exotic vacations, worshipped by fans
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the scrutiny of the general public, whether he is
Dallas Cowboys
hannah may
plagued dating life, Romo often finds himself under
the player models alex ovechkin – the young gun At 22 years old, Alex Ovechkin, left wing for the Washington Capitals, has catapulted to stardom in a shockingly shor t amount of time.
reebok gold brand proposal
a broader model of the young professional star that is ready for the big time. He is still a kid in many ways but has moved onto the professional stage and wants his lifestyle to reflect it. With this new money and stardom the Young Gun feels pressured to be a stylemaker. Often we have seens stars like this tr y too hard to make a
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Ovechkin, though an NHL star, is an asset to us as
statement and thus miss the mark entirely. The Young Gun is a perfect match for Reebok Gold because he is ready to shake the bonds of his
Alex, welcome to the Club.
LW #8 Loves Fashion european brands Ready to break the mold New to the scene Not afraid to be loud bright colors, big prints
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school, and he is ready to reflect his star status.
Washington Capitals
hannah may
previous life’s style, whether it was college or high
key takeaways determining our position Following the research and analysis of Reebok, our competitors and our player models, we began to
All about being their own person once off the field.
The key takeaways became clear ; customization, individualization, innovation, fine tailoring and
Have the income to look the best– want to look sharp.
fabrics. Most impor tantly, we discovered that all this must tie back to a line that is specific to the athletes’ demands off the field, a product that is absent from the market at present.
Really into fabrics, want to push the conventions of traditional usage.
The theme of customization, all the way down
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could best realize our ideas.
reebok gold brand proposal
determine the direction of our brand and how we
to the consumer level, has become a per vasive presence in the high-end apparel marketplace. We believe that the ability to customize, on the player level, will allow them take owner ship of their collection so that it accurately reflects their personal tastes.
what we learned
Not all about team identity when off the field. Want to leave their mark on ever ything they do– need customization.
these athletes are hungr y to step away from the pack. In a team spor t like football, where all eighty players are uniformed identically with faces hidden by helmets, Reebok Gold will present them the oppor tunity make a statement on their own terms. Finally, in order to best cater to Reebok’s athletes, we must be sure that we approach our product with the same care and attention to detail as the finest tailors in the world. It is paramount that we understand the realm of tailoring as best we can.
Hungr y to always be ahead of the cur ve. Want their lifestyle to be reflected in their apparel. Tailoring and traditional menswear are still predominant, but why?
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that grew from our research. We determined that
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This individualization follows the same thinking
bespoke tailoring savile row Taking the key theme of customization fur ther, we began researching the histor y of men’s tailored fashions. This search led us to London’s esteemed
“bespoke tailoring.” The concept of bespoke tailoring (the term is culled from the idea that each individual pattern and cut is bespoken for a cer tain individual) is a timeless tradition of royal fashion that dates back to the early 1700s. It only seems fit that a style of tailoring where the client is given the most personal
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be the epicenter of tailoring and is regarded for its
reebok gold brand proposal
Savile Row. Savile Row is considered by many to
treament on ear th would mesh perfectly with our brand mission. Bringing the traditions, materials, and practices of bespoke tailoring into the Reebok brand would
be a revolutionar y concept and ultimately would
symbiotic relationship. We hope to create the look and feel of bespoke collateral in all of our brand marks, packaging, and retail environments.
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authentic licensed equipment into a truly unique
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tie together the worlds of high-end fashion and
market solutions brand and product we were forced to tackle the question of how this will go to market. At this point it was helpful to reflect upon past ventures that Reebok has launched and assess the probability and likelihood of success for our brand. Looking back on Reebok’s histor y alone (not to mention other competitors) two initiatives stood out as great wayfinders for our brand– Prestige Sport and NFL Shine. Analyzing these sub-brand’s products and the approach they took to market, we were able to better understand where we stood with Reebok Gold and how to best maneuver in an extremely competitive national marketplace. At right, we outline our mar ket solutions for both player and consumer product. More specific details
Individual Focus player number, name, personal details Fully Tailored Garments one-on-one attention from famous tailors Personal Choice fabrics, styles, colors Exclusive Products travel bag
consumer Team Focus team logo, name, details Semi-Custom Sizing sizing (38R, 42L etc.) Select Teams custom team fabrics, styles, colors Limited Availibility only availible in retail space on certain occasions
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Once we began to formulate the concepts for our
reebok gold brand proposal
how to make an impact
on retail space, adver tising, and placement will be
willem van lancker
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discussed later in the proposal.
the brand story reebok gold’s mission Taking inspiration from fine clothiers along with a careful study of the athlete’s life, we have created a brand that pushes what is the norm for Reebok
Utilizing the personalities of Reebok’s top NFL
Reebok created this garment within the
athletes our brand puts Reebok in a league of its
tradition and execution of the world’s most
own amongst our industr y rivals and creates a niche
renowned tailors. We would accept no less.
for a new market segment, the high-end discerning football fan and player. Those who have the oppor tunity to own a piece of this collection will in turn be regarded as the elite of the NFL fandom; they will be the fans that are lucky enough to gain entr y into the club,
The brand motto “Enjoy The View” represents the brand as the apex of sport-culture clothing. We wanted to
It is this demand for perfection that makes
establish the feeling that owning this garment or even
this piece as unique as the individual wearing it.
setting foot into the retail environment grants you VIP
Ownership is a statement that you are amongst
access that is akin to membership to the most exclusive
a select group of gentlemen that still believe
and prestigious club, in this case the NFL.
in personal expression and distinction in your clothing. We are the ones who do not fit the
those who are brushing shoulders with the Reebok
mold; we are the ones who create the mold.
athlete, America’s Royalty.
Welcome to the Club. Enjoy the view.
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enjoy the view.
to apply this prowess in a new market venue.
14 willem van lancker
world’s best athletes and feel that Reebok is poised
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for its products’ capabilities under the rigors of the
reebok gold brand proposal
and the NFL. We know that Reebok is renowned
naming get ting to reebok gold We approached the naming of this concept with great care. Given the several names associated with Reebok’s NFL License, (Reebok, RBK, NFL
reebok gold brand proposal
impor tant to identify this brand as “Reebok.” The sole purpose of this brand is to equate Reebok with the player’s lives off the field as well as on. We are in an extremely advantageous postion, holding the exclusive license for the NFL and Reebok needs to take full advantage of this while we can.
Reebok Gold Wordmark
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Equipment and the Vector mark) we felt it was ver y
Building off of the brand’s high-end appeal while fur ther building the Reebok “brand” we propose
On all product the wordmark must be printed metallic gold on white leather. On all other executions the mark must be Pantone 872C on white or vice versa.
that this new venture be given the name, “Reebok Gold.”
Gold epitomizes what these athletes and what our brand represents; the best fabrics, the best tailoring,
On all branded ephemera the NFL sheild will be depicted as metallic gold or single color Pantone 872C. On all product it must be team/individual color on white or vice versa.
identity for the line. The brand’s wordmark would be depicited utilizing Reebok ’s newly launched mark to promote consistency and visibility of the brand. “Reebok Gold” would only be referred to in press releases and web content, all product would be simply depicted as “Reebok.” Reebok Gold NFL Shield
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focus on the Reebok brand while building a new
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and the best performers. This strategy continues the
the vaal mark
identity the vaal mark In approaching the identity project, we hoped to and spor t, in a simple yet elegant mark, we arrived at the Vaal.
The lines of the mark were meant to suggest the lines of the animal as a whole, graceful and elegant but also extremely fast and agile – paralleling our athletes’ characteristics on the f ield. reebok gold brand proposal
Though it is common knowledge within the walls of Reebok that our brand name is derived from the Afrikaan’s name of a small african gazelle, that message is less clear to the general public. We wanted to build on Reebok’s rich heritage with the identity design as we did with our brand name. Playing on the forms of the reebok gazelle, the mark is a stylization of the animal’s horns creating a
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capture the essence of our brand – luxur y, class,
crown-like form fur ther emphasizing our message of royalty and success.
The word vaal is rooted directly in the reeboks’ many other naming options and identity styles but believe that continuing to build upon Reebok’s
The ver ticality of the mark represents a stylization of the animal’s dark facial markings hannah may
current public image and rediscovering its past are paramount to the success of the branding. Just as adidas successfully uses both the performance mark and the trefoil, it is our hope that the vaal mark would fit harmoniously into Reebok’s identity system.
On all product the vaal mark must be printed metallic gold on white or white on team/player color. On all other executions the mark must be Pantone 872C on white or vice versa.
willem van lancker
full english name, Vaal Rhebok. We examined
branding system Whenever launching a new brand, it is impor tant that the identity be clearly visible and apparent to
The Reebok Gold wordmark and vaal mark lockup must always be represented in this ratio.
are used in a perfectly uniform and therefore more effective fashion. On this page we also introduce our warrant patches and houndstooth print: In Great Britain and Europe Royal Warrants of Appointment have been issued for centuries to those who supply goods to the royal family, thus lending prestige to the supplier. Given the nature of
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ensure that the marks are not compromised and
reebok gold brand proposal
the consumer. Within the system there are rules to
the brand, we have created a warrant of our own, establishing the authority under which Reebok is licensed to produce the product. The warrant
patch will appear on all product and contain the signature of either the player or the current
of the classic Scot tish hunting pat tern utilizing the simplif ied form of the vaal mark . This print
Standard Warrant Patch
Houndstooth Print
appears on several products in var ying colors and tonalities and ser ves as an ex tension and fur ther representation of the Reebok Gold brand.
Detail of Houndstooth Print Limited Edition Warrant Patch
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Reebok Gold houndstooth print is an update
hannah may
league commissioner.
trend ideation investigating high fashion On our trip to Boston we looked into brands such
shopping, we explored an indepth study of where
techniques and minute details have become
as : *****L (Cinq Etoiles Luxe), BBB, BodyMetrics,
men’s fashion stands at present and where it is
necessar y for high-end garments.
Cicchini’s, Diesel, Ermenegildo Zegna, Limoland
fused into formalwear as an idiosyncratic idea. Using
and unexpected fabrics provides inspiration and
spor ts finishes and technical coatings on couture
offers a unique way to approach classic pieces.
fabrications is also becoming more common.
Building on that, close tonal color combinations emphasize this new level of subtle sophistication.
Embracing these new developmennts made in technology, we see the benefits of self-healing,
Soft structured fine tailoring continues to inspire.
breathable, wicking and anti-stain proper ties and
Clothes should be relaxed and luxurious. Comfor t is
realize that these have far-reaching appeal that is
cr ucial in today’s world.
not limited to athletic wear.
The fusion of fabrics and cuts, plus ideas breaking
Spor ts has been a playground for designer s
out of what is generally expected has recently been
frustrated by the status quo of the formal men’s
celebrated. The combination of active/casualwear
wardrobe suit and tie. Looking good does not
cuts combined with luxur y fabrics such as silk jersey,
always mean dressing up and new spor ts brands are
calfskin, astrakhan, cashmere and lambswool will be
merging technical exper tise with luxur y and style to
hitting runways this fall.
put casual apparel on par with high fashion.
Militar y dress coats, gold braids and buttons as wells as technical finishes are adding shine and luster to garments across the marketplace. Brave Fabrication - updated regular knits with innovative finishing processes are at the forefront. This includes: felting, needle punching, laminating, foiling and rubberizing with nearly no touch. There has been an influx of formal casualwear. Not ever yone wants to wear a spor t coat to attend a black tie dinner. Today, those wearing spor ts coats want to be comfor table. America is increasingly trending toward a dressed up casual society for both business and leisure.
(known for streamlined Deluxe) Louis Vuitton, Maharishi, Patagonia, Puma, Nor th Face Purple Label (a hybrid fashion/outdoor label), and adidas’ Y-3. Trends emerged such as: leather detailing, over sized stitching; contrasting fabrics; inside vs. outside; leather tags; solar paneling; stitching that created textures; combinations of unusual materials: sweater, mesh, and nylon all appearing on the outside of the garmet; unfinished seams, large
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Print and pattern - mixing of ever yday materials
Mesh and performance panelling are becoming
graphics; bold statements (good or bad); fine guage tailoring; hidden pockets; layered cloths; militar y style and textures.
20 willem van lancker
headed in the near future.
reebok gold brand proposal
Bonded seams, bound seams, lacing, laser
hannah may
Before setting out in Boston for some trend
the tunnel tr anscendence in apparel The tunnel, the inspiration for the inaugural season’s product, is a symbol for the in-between place, the transition between on-field and off-field.
hand. It represents innumerable oppor tunities. The player exits the tunnel and enter s the greatest stage on Ear th: the bright lights, the hope of millions of judgemental fans, and the chance to be great. This is Reebok Gold. This season we wanted to take what Reebok has perfected and connect it to the challenge the
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where they reflect and mentally register the task at
reebok gold brand proposal
The tunnel prepares the player s for greatness, it is
athletes face off the field. These clothes transcend lifestyle and are made for America’s royalty. The tunnel, the transformative element of the NFL, where players enter men and exit heroes, led
us to the unexpected combinations, unor thodox
tunnel, much as they desire the experience of Reebok Gold. The NFL is in a league of its own even in the realm of professional spor ts; NFL star s dwarf all other professional athletes. Reebok Gold is committed to continuing the celebration of the league and of the individual through luxur y and style by creating a collection that is too in a league of its own. This is our oppor tunity to create wor ld-class products that transcend the ordinar y, entering a world of inspired extensions of character and personality. Enjoy the view.
willem van lancker
Fans long to experience the adrenaline r ush of the
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dualities, and innovations of this season’s collection.
inaugural season product the intersection of fine tailoring and real world exposure The three quar ter view silhouettes were created to represent the convergence of lifestyle and performance. Drawing inspiration from the Vaal
reebok gold brand proposal
lines began to take on a consistent relative shape throughout the entire line. The goal was to stay simple yet transcendent, allowing the individual personalities of the players and teams to shine through. After analyzing the typical day of an NFL athlete, we chose to focus the line on the athlete’s time off the field, where Reebok currently does not offer
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mark and innovative modern fashion, tailored cut
much in the way of product beyond the sidelines. We strongly believe that the following eight garments best encapsulate our market and
create a consistent wardrobe tailored to
The Game
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the NFL star.
the tastemaker deangelo hall In creating Hall’s concept line, we had to tr y to simulate what the tastemaker would want in fabrics and colors. We chose a flashy but elegant color way
Joining a new team this upcoming season with the sparsest color pallatte in the NFL, we did not see Hall feeling too attached to the Oakland Raider’s silver and black. Hall clearly loves being an individual and with this collection he can let his Bright White Bonded Fleece Lightweight Microfiber Wool Stretchy Mesh Organic Bamboo Cotton Lightweight Fleece Canvas
Metallic Gold Stretch Silk Coated Nylon Woven Wool Velour
Dark Purple Bonded Fleece Stretch Silk Brushed Stretch Mesh Velour Per formance Wool Organic Bamboo Cotton
Metallic Gold & Bright White Woven Houndstooth Wool
Metallic Gold & Bright White Seersucker
Dark Purple & Light Purple Coated Nylon Herringbone
23 hannah may
own colors shine.
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associated with Hall’s personality.
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colors embody royalty and stature, two things easily
reebok gold brand proposal
of White, Metallic Gold, and Dark Purple. These
Player name plates and team names are appear on the garments in authentic team fonts and sewing applications.
Football stitching details appear on the Four th Estate representing the eight divisions within the NFL.
Metal zipper pull with embossed Vaal mark appears on the Triple L XV Hooded Zip, the Drive Jacket, and Flash Pullover.
Player numbers appear on garments in authentic team number fonts and sewing applications. Authentic NFL team logos also appear throughout the collection.
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24 willem van lancker
Custom resin Vaal mark buttons appear on The Four th Estate and the Versus Reversible.
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Debossed Reebok gold leaf printed on white football leather appears on all products.
reebok gold brand proposal
the details
the fourth estate the pl ayer’s publicit y jacket Designed for the game after the game, the Four th
will be framed in the retail space commemorating
Field diagram displaying the player’s position by tonal print on the silk liner. Lightweight micro-f iber wool; breathable and wrinkle-free.
the athlete’s collection. Premium stretch silk gives the liner lightweight breathablility.
Brushed mesh underarms offers lightweight breathability in traditional spor tswear.
The eight leather stitches represent the eight divisions of the NFL and ties back to authentic football.
Four custom resin Vaal mark buttons on each sleeve Gold leaf Reebok printed on white football leather placed on the left breast, provides visibility to the brand in an elegant fashion. Lightweight woven player number patch on inside right cuff.
Gold leaf Vaal mark applied near back vent gives fur ther brand visibility. Lightweight woven NFL shield patch on inside left cuff.
Warrant patch stitched on the inside pocket reemphasizes the individual quality of each garment. Hidden silk pockets, inspired by per formance garments, streamline appearance.
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carpet at the ESPYs. A replica of the Four th Estate
25 willem van lancker
room, to dinner in the city, to walking the red
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statement ever ywhere from the postgame press
reebok gold brand proposal
The back collar reveals the player’s name plate patch. This customization allows the player to decide how to wear the garment.
Estate is the perfect signature piece to make a
triple lxv hooded zip a new take on a cl assic The Hook-Up is a classic in luxur y comfor t. With the Triple LXV we have introduced a versatile Ultra-premium bonded f leece with velour lining.
velour lining is ideal for comfor table travel, leisure, Gold leaf Reebok printed on white football leather placed on the left shoulder, provides visibility to the brand in an elegant fashion.
and rehabilitation.
Premium velour liner represented in dark purple.
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hundred sixty five days a year. The garment’s all
reebok gold brand proposal
three-piece suit that is made to be wearable three
Custom woven houndstooth inset in metallic gold and bright white.
Lightweight woven NFL shield patch on left cuff.
Gold leaf Vaal mark applied on bottom left by the zipper in gold leaf.
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Warrant patch stitched on the inside pocket reemphasizes the individual quality of each garment.
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Lightweight woven player number patch on right cuff.
Gold leaf Reebok printed on white football leather placed on the back pocket, provides visibility to the brand in an elegant fashion.
Custom woven houndstooth lined pockets in metallic gold and bright white.
Velour trimmed pockets.
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Premium velour liner represented in dark purple.
reebok gold brand proposal
triple lxv pant
Velour is applied on the outside of the garment revealing the inside liner.
Vaal mark applied on the bottom left pant leg in gold foil on velour.
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Ultra-Premium bonded f leece with velour lining.
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Contrast stitching refers to the original inspiration of bespoke tailoring. Metallic gold Vaal mark inset on the top of hat.
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Puff embroidered player number patch on the front of hat.
reebok gold brand proposal
triple lxv cap
Brushed white canvas.
Puff embroidered NFL shield patch on the back of hat.
Gold leaf Reebok printed on white football leather.
Custuom houndstooth promotes fur ther association with the entire hook-up.
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the drive jacket for whatever drives you
Lightweight woven name plate applied to the back of collar.
The collection’s only fully waterproof piece offers lightweight style and protection from the elements. This jacket is crafted for the athlete’s life away from
precious down-time.
Brushed mesh underarms offers lightweight breathability. Gold leaf Reebok printed on white football leather placed on the left shoulder, provides visibility to the brand in an elegant fashion.
Brushed stretch mesh internal liner offers breathability and comfor t.
Lightweight woven player number patch on right cuff.
Lightweight woven NFL shield patch on left cuff.
Coated nylon dual-tone herringbone provides waterproof protection while maintaining a woven luster.
Warrant patch stitched on the inside pocket reemphasizes the individual quality of each garment.
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shower. This piece truly cater s to the athlete’s
29 willem van lancker
or catching a cab during a torrential summer
White Vaal mark print becomes whole once jacket is fully zipped.
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to an exotic destination, golfing in the offseason,
reebok gold brand proposal
anything close to football; driving down the coast
flash pullover Coated nylon dual-tone herringbone provides waterproof protection while maintaining a woven luster.
easy and l aid back Made as the on-the-go casual pullover, the Flash
stretch and coated nylon shoulders for performance capabilities in a fashionable and casual piece. Ideal
Gold leaf Reebok printed on white football leather placed on the left shoulder, provides visibility to the brand in an elegant fashion.
for an early morning jog or a casual night at home.
100 % per formance merino wool. Notable Characteristics include wind protection, warmth, mildew resistance, UV protection and tear resistance.
Name plate embroidered on inside f lap offering subtle personalization
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Featuring body-mapping mesh as points of greater
reebok gold brand proposal
Pullover is easy to pack, lightweight, and stylish.
White Vaal mark print centrally placed at the zipper’s terminal.
Lightweight woven NFL shield patch on left cuff.
Body mapping technology for personalized comfor t, f it, and mobility
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Lightweight woven player number patch on right cuff.
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the versus reversible home vs. away Never let your wardrobe define you; you must define your wardrobe. If the Versus has a motto,
Name plate patch applied in the same fashion as the team uniform.
Breathable Seersucker presented in an unconventional fashion.
that would be it. Flip from a fresh stretch satin to
White Vaal mark print placed at a V-inspired dip in the garment’s hood.
reebok gold brand proposal
seconds and represent yourself or your team.
Gold leaf Reebok printed on white football leather placed on silk trimmed laser cut pocket.
Ultra-premium lightweight f leece hood.
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an unconventional seersucker hooded sweatshir t in
Lightweight woven NFL shield patch on left cuff.
Warrant patch stitched on the lower seam reemphasizes the individual quality of each garment.
Lightweight woven player number patch on right cuff.
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hannah may
the vaal tee not your aver age t-shirt
Lightweight woven player number patch on back of shir t.
Ever y high-end line should have a signature piece like a spor t coat and the premium cotton tee is an equally timeless piece. Crafted of organic bamboo
Contrast silk taping on all inside seams
Organic Bamboo Cotton is soft as silk, breathable as cotton, wicks moisture, is anti-microbrial, antibacterial and prevents odor
Gold leaf Reebok printed on white football leather placed on the left sleeve, provides visibility to the brand in an elegant fashion.
Lightweight water based houndstooth screen print mimicks the cutlines of the clothing line, creating an edgy and innovative design.
Warrant patch stitched on the lower seam reemphasizes the individual quality of each garment.
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designed especially for.
32 willem van lancker
that it resembles so closely the players it was
Gold Vaal mark print on the contrast stretch silk neck taping.
hannah may
this t-shir t stands alone at the top. It is only fitting
reebok gold brand proposal
cotton, stretch silk taping and lightweight graphics,
tony romo the all-american guy Creating Romo’s concept line, we believed that it was impor tant to tr y toimitate what he might choose as a player. Judging by our research and
and though he is often in the public eye, his style is largely more conser vative than those of theTastemaker or other NFL personalities.
Metallic Cowbys Silver Stretch Silk Bonded Fleece Lightweight Fleece Canvas Brush Stretched Mesh
Dark Navy Lightweight Microf iber Wool Stretch Silk Stretch Mesh Velour Per formance Wool
Cowboys Silver & Bright White Seersucker
Dark Navy & Cowboys Silver Herringbone Coated Nylon
33 hannah may
Bright White Per formance Wool Organic Bamboo Cotton
Cowboys Silver & Dark Navy Woven Wool
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proud that he is a member of “America’s Team”
willem van lancker
Dallas Cowboys’ team colors. Romo is immensely
reebok gold brand proposal
photography, we choose a color way of modified
the tony romo collection The Flash Pullover
The Vaal Tee
The Fouth Estate
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reebok gold brand proposal
The Drive Jacket
The Game
Triple L XV Pant
The Versus Reversible
Triple L XV Hooded Zip
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Triple L XV Cap
hannah may
consumer product scarcit y and satiation Translating a brand like Reebok Gold into the consumer market is no easy task. In order for it to
miami dolhins (afc)
reward the brand’s true fans for their loyalty (or future loyalty) and treat them as VIPs just like our athletes. Product marketing will be covered fur ther on in this presentation. As for the distribution and the production of the consumer collection, scarcity is a great tool for a new brand. Scarcity creates fashion demand, people want what others have. By launching in only ten large regional mar ket NFL teams (listed below) we can control product release and by offering product only to be sold from our
Bright White Microf iber wool Per formance Wool Bamboo Cotton Bonded Fleece Canvas
retailer will allow us to build excitement and hype
Orange Stretch Silk Per formance Wool Lightweight Fleece Velour Coated Nylon Bamboo Cotton
Aqua Stretch Silk Velour Brush Stretched Mesh
Houndstooth Debossed Fleece Woven Wool
Bright White & Aqua Seersucker
Dark Navy & Aqua Herringbone Coated Nylon
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consumers are never satiated. It is also essential to
reebok gold brand proposal
retain its high-end character, it is impor tant that
around its arrival.
new york giants (nfc) hannah may
tailored to the discerning NFL fan that may feel left out by the current product offering. Replacing some of the individual nuances of the player’s product will be team marks and muted team colors. As for the consumer, we see him as a client with disposable income, a passionate fan that is excited to represent his team in an innovative way.
the teams Chicago Bears
New York Giants
Dallas Cowboys
Oakland Raiders
Green Bay Packers
Pittsburgh Steelers
Miami Dolphins
San Diego Chargers
New England Patriots
Washington Redskins
Grey 429 Microf iber wool Bonded Fleece Canvas
Crimson Stretch Silk Per formance Wool Lightweight Fleece Velour
Dark Royal Stretch Silk Velour Brush Stretched Mesh Bamboo Cotton
Houndstooth Debossed Fleece Woven Wool
Bright White & Grey Seersucker
Dark Grey & Light Grey Herringbone Coated Nylon
willem van lancker
Fur thermore, the consumer product will be
the miami dolphins collection The Flash Pullover
The Vaal Tee
The Fouth Estate
august 2008
reebok gold brand proposal
The Drive Jacket
The Game
Triple L XV Pant
The Versus Reversible
Triple L XV Hooded Zip
willem van lancker
Triple L XV Cap
hannah may
the new york giants collection The Flash Pullover
The Vaal Tee
The Fouth Estate
august 2008
reebok gold brand proposal
The Drive Jacket
The Game
Triple L XV Pant
The Versus Reversible
Triple L XV Hooded Zip
willem van lancker
Triple L XV Cap
hannah may
the contract duffel Gold leaf Reebok printed on brown leather.
the professional’s let terman This timeless bag will be given to a player at the beginning of his relationship with Reebok accomplishments and milestones of his career. Just
Debossed leather with houndstooth print offers texture and depth. reebok gold brand proposal
like the high school letterman jacket and collegiate game jersey that all of these athletes previously donned, the Contract Duffel is the next step in an illustrious career. The bag will be a symbol of success and commemorate the player’s career accomplishments as a sacred memento once he hangs up the cleats The commemorative pins highlight the player’s team,
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Gold and will act as a time capsule displaying the
number, awards, records, and championships (see representation at right).
The bag will never be sold in retail. It will be an honor to receive one, much like the hall of fame jacket or the Heisman trophy. It will be
ownership to the par ticular individual. A sample of the Contract Duffel will be displayed in our retail space for fan viewing.
A polished wood bottom adds stability, structure and f inish to a bag that will last a lifetime.
The Vaal mark is laser cut into leather with a thin gold plate show-through, giving the bag structure and integrity.
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travel belongings, to emphasize the impact of its
hannah may
stressed that the player use the bag, for personal
hang tags communicating the br and The most impor tant aspect of Reebok Gold’s hang tag design is the attention to histor y and detail.
Reebok Gold Client Ledger.
Taking cues from the dress forms and slopers of
reebok gold brand proposal
imager y at right). The hang tags will be utilized to extend our brand’s mission. Implementing elements seen on a tailor’s client ledger (including extensive measurements), the hang tags work to make the consumer feel more as if the product has been individually tailored for his body. This is a crucial message of our brand and reflecting it in our
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Savile Row as well as nostalgic luggage tags (see
product tags creates a more lasting impression on the consumer.
At right you can see the depictions of both the Client Ledger and the Neck Label Tag. Both will appear identical on all product with details,
Reebok Gold Neck Label Tag.
willem van lancker
on product.
hannah may
measurements, and content dependent
the client ledger All paper is a washed natural tone heavy stock, giving the tags a sense of histor y and age.
Houndstooth pattern printed on tracing style paper– used as end sheets in the Client Ledger.
Page titles printed distressed gold leaf, brushed gold grommets on all tags.
Notarized NFL shield embossed into cover.
Replacement buttons for garment hand sewn onto back cover.
Vaal mark, Reebok wordmark and title printed distressed gold leaf.
Information depicted here in the style of tailor’s ledger– large waxy writing, more indepth sizing information than you would f ind on similar garments.
the neck l abel tag Garment fabric sample displayed under grommet.
Authentic team logo printed as distressed stamp.
Basic and quickly comunnicated product information and sizing.
Reebok Gold lock up printed distressed gold leaf. Reverse of tag at left.
Houndstooth pattern printed on tracing style paper.
Notarized NFL shield embossed onto paper over team abbreviation distressed print.
Hand stitched fabric sample in silhouette of garment. Show through of stiching on reverse.
Pull-out drawer that clasps shut for easy transpor t. Custom houndstooth tissue wrapping paper.
Wooden bar for hanging garments fastens to braided cord.
taking cues from tailoring For a brand that does not conform to industr y standards we believe that our packaging should be an integral element in the retail experience.
announce that its holder is a member of our elite community. This piece is meant to be treasured and saved, a keepsake of the experience. Constructed with fine details just like our
Hard Leather-bound construction reminiscent of Tailor’s books.
product, the package’s drawer design was inspired by the boxes lining the walls of traditional tailors,
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leather “tailor’s box” is a loud statement that will
reebok gold brand proposal
Much like Apple’s iPhone box/bag packaging, our
introduced for Reebok Gold in a refreshing bright white. Fur thermore, the construction allows for the product to be hung from the box’s “top” so that
hannah may
bottom during transit.
Metallic Gold braided cord. Gold leaf branding elements, including debossed Vaal mark, Reebok , and warrant patch.
willem van lancker
it does not become wrinkled or damaged at the
retail & advertising
how do we sell the product?
retail: the bus
retail: the bus
retail: the bus the tailor on wheels Reflecting once again on Reebok’s histor y of brands, our industr y tends to goes to market– in large chain spor tswear stores and more recently on
our own control so that we would no longer feel pressured to live and die by another company’s intentions or by the old rules. This is where the bus comes in. The bus offer s our small product line a unique retail space that accurately represents the mood of the brand from wall coverings to furniture. From the outside, the
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Gold to the consumer on our own terms and under
reebok gold brand proposal
the web. Instead we devised a way to bring Reebok
bus reflects the look of the NFL travel bus but inside, it is the ultimate tailoring and shopping experience (see details at right). The bus allows our retail space to break from the static confines of
a boutique or large chain store with its mobility
Gold a face, and will become a cult icon comparable to the Google Maps Van or the Oscar Meyer mobile. We will create buzz by pulling up in front of the ESPYs, the Super Bowl and maybe even Savile Row. The bus will become an extension of game day at the stadium, when your team is for tunate enough to be its next destination. The viral mar keting from word of mouth, fan photos and press will spread the word. Fur thermore, the bus will give Reebok Gold an oppor tunity to control the flow and sales of its product, it is within our manipulation of scarcity that we have the oppor tunity to catapult Reebok Gold to the top of ever y NFL fan’s wish list.
willem van lancker
It is our intention that the bus will provide Reebok
hannah may
and individuality
the bus: interior
web content reebok gold online Although our sole retail outlet will be the bus and we will not sell any product online, managing a website will be integral to Reebok Gold’s success.
reebok gold brand proposal
will display all of our product, our athletes, and of course, a vir tual tour of the bus. All of these features will allow the public an oppor tunity to see what Reebok Gold is, even if they have never held the product or had the oppor tunity to enter the bus. Just like the bus itself the website can be a vehicle of viral mar keting, a view of what you someday may have the chance to
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The website will be a showcase of the brand. We
experience or own. Fur thermore, rooting back to the theme of
scarcity, the website can be a por tal to seek out the true believers in our brand and reward them for their commitment to spreading the message.
hannah may
club,” but it would be much more than your typical
e-newsletter mailing list. The application will include a questionnaire tailored to finding those consumer s who can best represent the brand. Once selected, these individuals will be rewarded with a welcome package and VIP access to the bus during its visits. The consumer’s information would be kept on file in their own personal client ledger. This experience allows the fans and consumer s a chance receive a similar treatment to the athletes, as if they were heroes and VIPs.
willem van lancker
The website will feature an application to “join the
advertising Gold adver tising campaign could be comprised of a series of television and print spots of the Reebok Gold experience. Stor yboard to follow: Shot B-Roll Documentar y style, our tailor and bouncer duo (depicted at right), would be enroute to the player’s mansion, pulling into the gates. Out
tom brady has it all. 3x super bowl champion 2x super bowl mvp 4x pro bowl selection 2007 ap male athlete of the year 2007 ap nfl most valuable player dates gisele bundchen
comes Tony Romo (or any of our athletes), dressed in a pathetic casual offering (think sandals with socks, oversized gym shor ts). The spot would then proceed to depict Tony’s tailoring experience– picking fabrics, getting fitted, joking around, all of
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Utilizing the bus to the fullest degree, a Reebok
reebok gold brand proposal
completing the pack age
this happening within the bus. The spot ends with lauding praise from the paparazzi for his amazing new Reebok Gold wardrobe. This campaign would bring more credibility and mystique to the bus and ultimately the brand.
brady can’t get one.
hannah may
The consumers lucky enough to go on board are br ushing shoulders with the athletes, receiving the same retail experience (roughly), and getting bragging rights that they were invited aboard this moving museum experience. In another coinciding direction, Reebok Gold can play up its exclusivity as the chosen retailer of the NFL. Reebok is the only manufacturer licensed to use the likenesses of all thir ty-two teams from logos to number and alpha fonts. In a clean print adver tising (sample shown at right), Reebok gold
can you ?
can reaffirm the exclusivity and authenticity of its brand by calling out that not even all of the NFL’s biggest stars can get their hands on this product, but maybe you can.
visit for more information.
willem van lancker
Tony on the red carpet, Jessica Simpson in tow,
acknowledgements JJ Stetler Leon Imas Dan Bolinski Jason Weeks Mike DiNocco Ashley Sander s Marc Leonardo Katie Sapio SLD Design Group