Church of England
Wetheringsett VCP School
Accessibility Plan
Date of Policy: Last Review: Next review: Contact Person: Governors Committee:
September 2009 September 2006 Summer 2010 Head teacher David Simington Full Governing Body
Notes: This policy consists of the general advice and plan from Suffolk LEA: Appendix 1 is the basic plan for Wetheringsett and how the policy will be applied Appendix 2 is the Action Plan Appendix 3 is the record of application and construction of the policy
SUFFOLK COUNTY COUNCIL ACCESSIBILITY PLAN 2006/2011 Suffolk CC – School Organisation Plan 2006 – 2011 Section 3 - 1 –
Section 3 - Policies and Principles Accessibility Access for People with Disabilities
12.1 New schools and extensions to existing schools are designed to facilitate access for people with disabilities, and comply with the relevant building regulations. 12.2 The SEN and Disability Act 2001 requires education providers not to discriminate against a child with a disability by: · treating a child with a disability less favourably than a nondisabled child, without justification, in the arrangements made for the provision of education; · failing to take reasonable steps to change policies, practices or procedures that place a child with a disability at a substantial disadvantage compared to a non-disabled child; · failing to take reasonable steps to provide reasonable alternative education where a physical feature places a child with a disability at a substantial disadvantage compared to a non-disabled child. 12.3 The Disability Discrimination Act 2005 Disability Equality Duty It is now unlawful for public authorities (including local authorities and schools), to discriminate against disabled people both in the services they provide and when exercising their functions. From December 2006 under the new general duty to promote equality of opportunity for disabled people they must have due regard to the need to: ·
eliminate unlawful discrimination against disabled people;
· eliminate harassment related to a disability; · promote equality of opportunity for disabled people; · promote positive attitudes towards disabled people; · encourage disabled people to participate fully in public life; · take steps to take account of disabilities even where that involves treating disabled people more favourably. In practice this means they must take account of disability equality in the day-to-day work of policy-making, service delivery, employment practice and other functions. In addition to the general duty, public bodies including schools will have a specific duty to produce a Disability Equality Scheme by December 2006 (December 2007 for Primary and Special Schools. 12.4 All schools and local authorities have a duty to increase over time the accessibility of schools to children with disabilities. Local Authorities have to prepare accessibility strategies for the maintained schools in their area and individual schools are required to prepare accessibility plans. The County Council’s existing policies and principles already embrace the requirements of the SEN and Disability Act. For existing mainstream schools the County Council aims to make improvements over time to allow pupils with disabilities to access the buildings and the curriculum, and to participate in the social life of the school. 12.5. A rolling programme of adaptations to permanent buildings is under way with funding support through the DfES’s Schools Access Initiative (SAI). This provides 75% of the funding for a project in a school, with the school contributing the remaining 25% from its Devolved Formula Capital (DFC). In 2005/06 the DfES made a sum of £1.3m available to Suffolk schools. A further £1.3m has been allocated for 2006/07. Priority within the programme is given to schools where the imminent admission of a pupil with disabilities raises concerns about curricular and/or physical access. These issues can normally be addressed well in advance of the actual admission, for example where a known child is transferring from a local playgroup or nursery to a primary school, or from a primary school to a secondary school. 12.6. There is no specific requirement within the Disability Discrimination Act, the SEN and Disability Act 2001, current building regulations, or DfES guidelines concerning access to temporary
accommodation. Most schools will be able to organise the use of their facilities so that pupils with disabilities can be taught in accessible permanent accommodation. Whilst each case will be assessed on its merits, ramps for disabled access to temporary buildings will not normally be provided, unless for accommodation intended for specialist curricular use such as science. APPENDIX 1
School Accessibility Plan
Wetheringsett Voluntary Controlled Primary School Introduction This plan is drawn up in accordance with the planning duty in the Disability Discrimination Act 1995, as amended by the SEN and Disability Act 2001 (SENDA). It draws on the guidance set out in “Accessible Schools: Planning to increase access to schools for disabled pupils”, issued by DfES in July 2002.
Definition of Disability Disability is defined by the Disability Discrimination Act 1995 (DDA): “A person has a disability if he or she has a physical or mental impairment that has a substantial and long-term adverse effect on his or her ability to carry out normal day to day activities.”
Key Objective To reduce and eliminate barriers to access to the curriculum and to full participation in the school community for pupils, and prospective pupils, with a disability.
Principles · Compliance with the DDA is consistent with the school’s aims and equal opportunities policy, and the operation of the school’s SEN policy; · The school recognises its duty under the DDA (as amended by the SENDA): · not to discriminate against disabled pupils in their admissions and exclusions, and provision of education and associated services · not to treat disabled pupils less favourably
· to take reasonable steps to avoid putting disabled pupils at a substantial disadvantage · to publish an Accessibility Plan. · In performing their duties, governors and staff will have regard to the DRC Code of Practice (2002); · The school recognises and values parents’ knowledge of their child’s disability and its effect on his/her ability to carry out normal activities, and respects the parents’ and child’s right to confidentiality; · The school provides all pupils with a broad and balanced curriculum, differentiated and adjusted to meet the needs of individual pupils and their preferred learning styles; and endorses the key principles in the National Curriculum 2000 framework, which underpin the development of a more inclusive curriculum: · setting suitable learning challenge · responding to pupils’ diverse learning needs · overcoming potential barriers to learning and assessment for individuals and groups of pupils.
Activity [This section outlines the main activities which the school undertakes, and is planning to undertake, to achieve the key objective (above).] a) Education & related activities The school will continue to seek and follow the advice of LEA services, such as specialist teacher advisers and SEN inspectors/advisers, and of appropriate health professionals from the local NHS Trusts. Etc. [See checklist provided on page 29 DfES Guidance “Accessible Schools: Planning to increase access to schools for disabled pupils”] b) Physical environment The school will take account of the needs of pupils and visitors with physical difficulties and sensory impairments when planning and undertaking future improvements and refurbishments of the site and premises, such as improved access, lighting, acoustic treatment and colour schemes, and more accessible facilities and fittings. Etc. [See checklist on page 30 of DfES Guidance.] c) Provision of information The school will make itself aware of local services, including those provided through the LEA, for providing information in alternative formats when required or requested.
Etc. [See checklist on page 30 of DfES Guidance.]
Linked Policies This Plan e.g. · · · · · ·
will contribute to the review and revision of related school policies, school development plan staff development plan building and site development plan SEN policy Equal Opportunities policy curriculum policies.
Appendix 2 Access Plan OBJECTIVE
Short Term
1 Ensure compliance Staff and Full Staff with DDA and Code governors Meeting of Practice informed of the Governors requirements
WHEN GOAL ACHIEVED AUTUMN School complies 2009
with requirements of DDA and Code
of Practice
and obligations of DDA and of the Accessibility Plan
2 Improve availability School aware of of written material local County in alternative forms Services for including audio and converting online. written
WINTER School able to
researches 2009
information to all
pupils and
with STA
parents with
information into services and alternative
ICT adviser
Medium3 Improve working Term environment fir pupils with visual and auditory impairment
Seek advice SPRING Pupils able to
from LEA
colour schemes building
independently in
all areas
refurbishing and install blinds on
south facing windows
4 Improve provision for pupils with ADHD and related disorders
Develop staff
SPRING Staff report more
knowledge and training and SUMMERconfidence and skills in
success in working with all
children with
ADHD etc
Long Term
5 Improve Ramped access accessibility to all to all teaching ground floor areas areas particularly at the sides of the site including front access to the school 6 Improve access to Review fencing the site and safety and gates and of pupils by parking advice for areas parents visiting the school
Planned use SPRING All ground floors of delegated 2010
accessible for
capital as
part of building futures review Work with
SUMMERAll pupils have
LEA and
safe collection
and access to
through newsletters and website
7 Ensure all building Review all needs Work with SUMMERAdaptation and plans take full against present LEA on 2010 revision of account of disability building building building plans needs provision futures plan 8 To take more Audit staff Work with SUMMEREvidence in account of preferredknowledge and all staff 2010 observations of learning styles in understanding ofthrough learning styles our curriculum and learning styles training with playing prominent provision link adviser part in all lessons
Appendix 3 Date of Plan : September 2009 Date of Review : Summer 2010 Member of staff responsible: David Simington
Governor(s)/Committee(s) responsible: Siobhan Goodrich This plan was drawn up by [a working group comprising] : ……………………………….. ……………………………….. ……………………………….. The following were consulted on the draft plan: parents …………………………… date: date:
……………………………. ……………………………. date:
The plan was approved by the governing body on: The plan is also available in the following formats, on request to; [the Head teacher]: (e-mail; enlarged print version; online)