Equality policies 2009

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Church of England

Wetheringsett VCP School EQUALITY POLICIES


Date of Policy: Date for Review:

Autumn 2009 Summer 2010

To be reviewed annually

Contact Person: Simington) Headteacher Simington Chair Goodrich Governors Committee:

Head Teacher (Mr Mr David Ms Siobhan Full Governing Body

Notes: This is an attempt to bring all equality policies together under one document. The previous separate documents were thought to be reasonable and fulfilled their purpose but lacked a cohesive approach to the overall aims of promoting equality. This new document aims to promote the school ethos of equality of opportunities for all who are a part of our school organisation Spring 2010 We will be conducting our audit and producing the results from our Action Plan beginning September 2010

EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES POLICY GENERAL AIMS OF THE SCHOOL Wetheringsett VCP Primary School aims to instil a sense of pride in everyone who learns here. As a Church of England School, we take a particular pride in establishing the best of practice in honouring these policies. We aim to provide an excellent education in a safe, supportive learning environment, where people are valued and make positive contributions to the school community, and where children go on to become responsible, independent members of society. The “Every Child Matters” agenda is at the heart of our beliefs. PRINCIPLES All members of the school community have a responsibility to seek to ensure that the school is free from discrimination of any kind. Issues of equal opportunity should be part of the education of all learners. In this way we can work towards mutual respect and understanding in an increasingly interdependent world. Our Equal Opportunity Policy is designed to help us positively promote each other’s individual rights and our responsibilities towards others. PURPOSES ·

To promote actively equal opportunities in all areas of school life.

· To ensure that all students are given the best education regardless of ability, gender, race, culture and disability, religion or sexual orientation. · To ensure that members of the school community know their rights, and respect the rights of others. · To aim to ensure that prejudice or discrimination in all its forms is actively rejected. · To raise awareness of equal opportunities issues for all members of the school community, and through our links with the local community. · To establish strategies to enable each individual to fulfil his/her potential to ensure equality of access to the curriculum. · To ensure that all aspects of running the school are based on the principles of equality of opportunity. · To aim to make sure that this policy is used consistently by all members of the school community. PRACTICES Responsibilities for Equal Opportunities. · The School Leadership Team (SLT) will co-ordinate the policy. · Each member of staff should be aware of their responsibilities within the policy. · A named member of the Governing Body should undertake a monitoring role with respect to the policy. (Currently Mr M Allen Spring 2010) Communication. · The policy will be communicated via the website and through the following mechanisms: pupil reward system Staff briefings Newsletters Assemblies PSHCE lessons

· act · ·

All staff, students and governors must be familiar with the policy and in accordance with it. Success in all areas of school life should be celebrated. Parents will be made aware of the policy and its implications.

Ethos of the School. · Visitors and those who telephone or write to the school will be made to feel welcome. · Positive links with the community are encouraged. · Displays around the school will reflect positive images and the diversity of the community. · Rules, rewards and sanctions are applied equally to all students (Expectations for Learning). · Appropriate attitudes, language and behaviour are actively promoted. · Procedures for dealing promptly with incidents of bullying, sexual, racial and disability discrimination are in place. · School publications will be produced with regard to the policy. · Planned opportunities for students to develop a practical understanding of appropriate social relationships and the rights and responsibilities of individuals will be included in the curriculum. Access With due reference to the resources available:· The learning environment should not prejudice any individual or group · The learning environment has been designed to ensure that all students and groups can access the range of classroom activities. · Curriculum grouping will be decided by Curriculum Team Leaders with reference to the school’s Curriculum Policy and the needs of the students. · Teachers will teach and promote equal opportunities. · Access for those covered under the Disability Discrimination Act is secured via the school development (SDP improvement) plan. Spiritual, Moral and Cultural Needs. · The school ensures that all students have the opportunity to participate in collective worship and provision is made for those whose parent wish them to be withdrawn. · Collective worship is well planned and encourages students to explore questions about meaning and purpose, values and beliefs and the multifaith nature of the school within a broadly Christian framework.

Curriculum · All students will have full access to the full range of the curriculum wherever possible. · Equal opportunity issues will be addressed directly and consistently in the taught curriculum and indirectly in the hidden curriculum. · Equal opportunities will be taken into account in all curriculum planning and regularly reviewed at least annually. · Ethnic minorities of the school are taken into account in all aspects of curriculum planning and whole school activities. Resources · Resources should be free from bias wherever possible and regularly reviewed to ensure that they are appropriate and effective. Staffing · The Staff Recruitment Policy embodies the principles of equal opportunities. · All staff are included in the staff development policy. (Performance management) · The performance management process reflects the principles of equal opportunities. Monitoring and Review · A log of all reported breaches of the Equal Opportunities Policy is kept. · The policy will be reviewed every two years. Changes should be reflected in the school development plan and reported to the Governing Body. · The School Leadership Team (SLT/SMT) will monitor the operation of this policy. Incidents · Strategies are in place and communicated to all staff for dealing with breaches of Equal Opportunities Policy, and racist incidents will be recorded on the Racist Incident Record Sheets. · Breaches of the Equal Opportunities Policy should be reported using the Incidents Log and these may be treated as disciplinary issues. · The Headteacher will monitor the incident log. Other Policies · All school policies should be constructed with regard to the issues and principles of equal opportunities.

Specific Policies/Statements to support the overall aims of equal opportunities at Wetheringsett School: Appendix 1 Statement.

Gender Equality

Appendix 2

Race Equality Policy

Appendix 3 School Disability accessibility scheme. Appendix 4 Appendix 5 legislation.

Action Plan Schools and Equality

Appendix 1 Gender Equality Policy

What are the requirements of the Gender Equality Duty? Schools are required to: · eliminate unlawful sex discrimination and harassment · promote equality of opportunity between men and women (boys and girls) There are a number of specific duties that the school then needs to fulfil: · write a gender equality scheme · consider the need to address any gender pay gap · investigate the effect of school policies on gender equality issues · consult stakeholders

· ·

write an action plan and review it at least every three years report annually on the scheme

How does this school intend to meet the requirements of the Gender Equality Duty? 1. We will establish a gender equality group involving a cross-section of stakeholders. (Initially this will be through the Governors’ Curriculum Committee, reflecting the impact on pupil experiences, but also seeking support from the Governors’ personnel Committee with regard to aspects of staff employment) 2. We will write an interim gender equality scheme (this document) that the gender equality group may then revise. 3. The gender equality group will determine whether there is a need for an action plan to tackle any key issues that arise and this will be reviewed annually. 4. We will report annually to parents through a headteacher’s item in the school newsletter, which is also published on the school website. What are the issues that the gender equality group needs to consider? · Attainment. · Curriculum and resources. · Behaviour and discipline, including bullying and harassment · Sport and PE. · Employment covering recruitment and retention, promotion and responsibility, pay. · Issues pertaining to gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender people. · How the group will monitor, evaluate and report its work. Appendix 2 RACE EQUALITY POLICY Introduction: Wetheringsett is a relatively small primary school serving the local community. It has a very small number of children from ethnic minorities. (<5%).

Aims: In accordance with the Race Relations Amendments Act 2000 we aim to: · promote racial equality · promote good race relations · eliminate unlawful racial discrimination Our aim at Wetheringsett is to: · respect and value differences between people. · prepare students for life in a diverse society. · acknowledge the existence of racism and take steps to prevent it. · make Wetheringsett an environment where everyone, irrespective of their race, colour, ethnic or national origin, feels welcomed and valued. · promote good relations between different racial groups within Wetheringsett and the wider community. · ensure that an inclusive ethos is established and maintained. · oppose all forms of racism, racial prejudice and racial harassment. · be pro-active in tackling and eliminating unlawful racial discrimination. Roles and Responsibilities: · the Headteacher, the Leadership Team and the Governing Body will have the responsibility to ensure the implementation of the Race Equality Policy. · Subject Leaders will ensure that teaching and learning in their Departments has a globally inclusive nature. · Year Team Leaders will ensure that the various cultural needs of our students are understood, communicated and met through the pastoral curriculum. · all teachers and staff have a duty to ensure that all of their students’ academic and pastoral needs in school are met. · all parents will have the right to be consulted, informed and asked to participate in the life of the school. · all students will have the right to be consulted, informed and have the opportunity to participate in all school activities. Leadership and Management: · the Governing Body and the Leadership Team will set a clear ethos, which reflects Wetheringsett’s commitment to equality for all members of the school community.

· the Leadership Team will work in partnership with others to promote equality of opportunity and oppose all forms of oppressive behaviour, prejudice and discrimination. · the Leadership Team will ensure that all staff have the opportunity contribute to the development and review of the Race Equality Policy. The school will ensure the involvement of governors and parents in the development of the Race Equality Policy. · the Leadership Team and Governing Body will ensure that the Race Equality Policy is reviewed annually and amended when necessary. · Subject Leaders will ensure that Teaching and Curriculum development are monitored to ensure high expectations of all students and appropriate breadth of content in relation to the school and the wider community. · A copy of the school’s Race Equality Policy will be communicated to parents and students via the website and when appropriate information will be shared through newsletters, parents evening, displays around school, etc.

BREACH OF THE RACE EQUALITY POLICY The following action will be taken if the Race Equality Policy is not followed: For a student, a meeting can be arranged with parents and suitable sanctions implemented as outlined in the school’s Behaviour Policy e.g. written apology in racial harassment cases, withdrawing of privileges or other sanctions, as agreed in Behaviour Policy. For a member of staff, a discussion with Head/Chair of Governors followed by a verbal warning and then a written one. For governors, a discussion with Head/chair of Governors followed by a verbal and written warning. For Heads, discussion with LA officer and verbal warning, followed by a written one. All staff and students will have the right of appeal. Curriculum, Teaching and Assessment: Wetheringsett is committed to delivering a global, anti-racist curriculum across all subjects which challenges damaging stereotypes and racism and proactively celebrates cultural diversity.

This will include: · curriculum content which provides a global perspective. Displays and signs around the school which celebrate diversity. · EAL Teaching to overcome barriers of language. · use of positive role models (parents, governors and local contacts) from the community in the classroom; special talks and assemblies whenever possible. Admission, Attendance, Discipline and Exclusions: Wetheringsett will ethnically monitor the above to ensure that all processes are fairly applied to all ethnic groups. This will be undertaken by the Assistant Headteacher. (This involves very small numbers of pupils and is a natural extension of routine monitoring processes.) Students – Personal Development, Attainment and Progress. · any underachievement by ethnic minority students will trigger specific and targeted action to improve attainment. · the school will celebrate students' personal development in class and in daily assemblies as well as displays around the school. · the school will be culturally sensitive to the needs of ethnic minority students to ensure full participation in extra-curricular activities. Attitudes and Environment (Inclusive ethos): The school will build an inclusive ethos by: · opposing all forms of racism, harassment, prejudice and discrimination through providing a safe learning environment and by tackling racial harassment in line with the LA and the school’s Behaviour Policy. Victims will be supported through the pastoral system and perpetrators helped to understand why their behaviour is unacceptable. · developing links with the local ethnic minority communities if possible, through welcoming contributions to the life of the school, attendance at Parents’ Evenings and membership of the Governing Body. · training governors and staff about race equality and anti-racism · demonstrating through displays, assemblies, the pastoral and academic curriculum and the school newsletter that the school values diversity.

· enabling students and staff to celebrate religious festivals and actively encouraging all students to understand these through form time, assemblies, and PSHE programmes. Parents, Governors and Community Partnership: The school will encourage ethnic minority parents to become involved with the life of the school, formally as governors, at parents’ evenings and on school trips by: · informing all parents on the progress of their child.. · proactively encouraging ethnic minority parents to attend Parents’ Evenings - by letter and, if necessary, by phone or by visit. · informing the community, about how to become a governor. · encouraging all communities to use the school’s facilities for their leisure activities by advertising in the appropriate media. Staffing – Recruitment Training and Professional Development: The school will take active steps to employ an ethnically diverse workforce on the basis of merit and thereby provide positive role models for students by: · advertising new posts widely in all relevant media. · ethnically monitoring the recruitment process for all vacancies (applications, short listings, appointments) to ensure that there is no ethnic bias. · providing professional development opportunities to all staff, and encouraging ethnic minority staff to consider promotion on merit in line with statutory duties and LA guidelines. · assessing each member of staff’s competence in the area of race equality through appraisal and ensuring that staff and governors are provided with sufficient training on race equality to allow them to carry out their statutory duties. Monitoring and Evaluation: The Governing Body, the Leadership Team and all staff will review the Race Equality Policy to take account of any legal or demographic changes. Any changes and developments in race equality will be regularly communicated to students, staff, governors, parents and visitors by: · monitoring progress on race equality and, where necessary communicating it to governors, parents and. students through meetings and through the school newsletter.

· communicating what will happen if the Race Equality Policy is contravened (see under “Leadership and Management” in the Race Equality Policy). Responsibilities: · The Governing Body and the Headteacher will ensure that the school complies with all relevant legislation. · The Governing Body and Headteacher will ensure that the Race Equality Policy and related procedures and strategies are implemented. · The Headteacher will ensure that all staff are aware of their responsibilities under the Race Equality Policy.

Appendix 3 SCHOOL DISABILITY EQUALITY SCHEME Disability Discrimination Act 2005 The general duty of the Disability Discrimination Act 2005 states that we should in carrying out our functions have due regard to the need to: · eliminate unlawful disability discrimination ·

eliminate disability related harassment

· promote equality of opportunity between disabled people and others ·

promote positive attitudes towards disabled people


encourage participation by disabled people in public life

· take steps to take account of disabled people’s disabilities even where that involves treating disabled people more favourably than others This scheme outlines how we will fulfil this duty, including a set of specific measurable targets.

School’s Aims and Values This scheme sets out our commitment to tackling disability discrimination and promoting equality of opportunity. At Wetheringsett School we will continuously strive to ensure that everyone is treated with respect and dignity. Each person in our school will be given fair and equal opportunities to develop their full potential regardless of their gender, ethnicity, cultural and religious background, sexuality, disability or special educational needs and ability. The school will work actively to promote equality and foster positive attitudes and commitment to an education for equality. We will do this by: · treating all those within the school community (eg pupils, staff, governors, parents and the community) as individuals with their own particular abilities, beliefs, challenges, attitudes, background and experience); · creating and maintaining a school ethos which promotes equality, develops understanding and challenges myths stereotypes misconceptions and prejudices; · encouraging everyone in our school community to gain a positive self image and high self esteem; · having high expectations of everyone involved with the whole school community; · promoting mutual respect and valuing each other’s similarities and differences and facing equality issues openly and honestly; · identifying, challenging and removing all practices, procedures and customs which are discriminatory and replacing them with practices that are fair to all; · monitoring evaluating and reviewing all the above to secure continuous improvement in all that we do. Roles and responsibilities This disability equality scheme links to other specific policies and action plans that the school produces including the School Development (Improvement) Plan.

This disability equality scheme outlines the roles and responsibilities of everyone involved and connected with the school so that each person knows what is expected of them. Promoting disability equality and raising the achievement of disabled pupils is the responsibility of the whole school staff. Introduction to this disability equality scheme will be included in our induction arrangements for all staff new to the school. School induction procedures will highlight duties implied by this policy on the same way as child protection, health and safety and behaviour policies form part of the induction process. The Headteacher and Leadership team will demonstrate through their personal leadership the importance of this scheme. They will ensure that all staff are aware of the policy and understand their role and responsibilities in relation to it. The Headteacher will assess and monitor the impact of the scheme and will report outcomes to the governing body annually. Where additional funding is available for raising the achievement of disabled pupils, the Headteacher will ensure that the additional resources are used appropriately and targeted on the basis of identified need and that outcomes are monitored. Governors - the governing body has agreed this scheme and will assess and monitor its impact annually. One member of the Governing body will have responsibility for monitoring this policy, acting as the designated governor for equality. (Currently Mr Allen Spring 2010) All staff - all staff will familiarise themselves this scheme and know what their responsibilities are in ensuring that it is implemented. Teachers will need to be aware of their responsibilities to ensure that the scheme is implemented. They will know the implications of the scheme for their planning, teaching and learning strategies as well as for behavioural issues. Pupils - pupils will share in the development of the disability equality scheme and be made aware of how it applies to them. They will learn to treat each other with respect and have the confidence to report incidents of harassment to adults. Parents/Carers - parents and carers will share in the development of the disability equality scheme and be encouraged to participate fully in implementing it within the school – particularly by reinforcing its ethos at

home. They will be invited to comment on the scheme and will be regularly updated on progress Training All staff and Governors will receive training on the disability equality scheme and their responsibilities under it. All new staff and Governors will have the policy explained to them as part of induction arrangements. Following revision of the scheme, changes will be communicated to all staff and “refresher” training will be arranged as necessary. All pupils will be given on overview of the scheme following its formal adoption and their responsibilities. Breach of the policy We will ensure that all Governors, staff pupils and parents are fully aware of the content of the disability equality scheme and their responsibilities under it. All Governors, staff pupils and parents will be expected to abide by the policies and principles set out in the scheme and related policies. All persons covered by the scheme will be aware of their responsibility to report any action that constitutes or could be deemed to constitute a breach of the policy – in the first instance to the Headteacher and/or staff member with responsibility for equality matters. It will be for the Headteacher in consultation with other relevant staff to decide on appropriate response to any breach of the scheme depending on circumstances and seriousness. This may include amongst other actions: · formal or informal warnings (under the School’s Behaviour Code or similar) · involvement of Governors · fixed term or permanent exclusion Monitoring, Assessing and Reviewing the Policy The school will monitor the impact of this scheme on pupils, parents and staff. In particular, we will monitor its impact on the attainment levels of our pupils. To monitor our pupils’ attainment, we will collect information about pupils’ performance and progress, analyse it and use it to examine trends. To interpret this information we will also monitor other areas that could have an adverse impact on pupils’ attainment such as:

· exclusion · curriculum, teaching and learning (including language and cultural needs) and provision for pupils with special educational needs and gifted and talented pupils · rewards and sanctions · membership of the governing body · parental involvement · working with the community · support advice and guidance Monitoring information will help us to see what progress we are making towards meeting our disability equality targets and aims. In particular it will help us to: · highlight any difference between pupils; · ask why these differences exist and test explanations given; · review the effectiveness of current targets and objectives; · decide what further action is necessary to meet particular needs and improve the performance of disabled pupils (which might include positive action); · rethink and set targets in relevant strategic plans; · make links with Performance Management objectives which will include qualitative information as well as quantitative data; · take action to bring about improvements. Assessing the impact of policies We will continue to assess the effectiveness of our existing policies through existing arrangements for developing and reviewing other school policies. The main questions for assessing the impact of all our school’s policies – giving special attention to pupils’ attainment levels – will include the following: · Do we help all our pupils to achieve as much as they can, and get the most from what is on offer, based on their individual needs? · Which groups of pupils are not achieving as much as they can? Why not? · How do we explain any differences? Are the explanations justified?

· Does each relevant policy include aims to deal with pupil attainment differences between disabled and non-disabled pupils? Do our policy aims lead to action to deal with differences that have been identified (for example, extra coaching for pupils, or steps to prevent bullying)? · What are we doing to raise standards and promote equality of opportunity for pupils who seem to be underachieving and who may need extra support? · Can any action we take be traced back to individual policy aims and related targets and strategies? · Is the action taken appropriate and effective? Are there any unexpected results? If so how are they being handled? · Does each relevant policy include aims to promote equality and harmony, prevent or challenge discrimination? ·

Does each relevant policy’s aims lead to effective action?

· What changes does the school need to make to relevant policies, their aims and any related targets and strategies? To answer these questions we will consider the following: · collecting and analysing relevant monitoring and other data; · talking to parents, pupils and staff to find out their needs and opinions; · carrying out surveys or special research. We will use the results of these assessments to: · ·

rethink our equality aims, targets and strategies; influence and guide their planning and decision making.

Making the Scheme Available

The school will make this disability equality scheme widely available both within the school community and in the wider community so that all Governors staff, pupils and parents are aware of it and its contents. We will do this by: · formally adopting the policy at a Governing body meeting and recording this in the minutes · distributing copies of the scheme to all members of staff · discussing the scheme with pupils and making sure they know what it means · sending copies home to parents on request Appendix 4

Equality Policies Action Plan: (2009 – 2010) Following the revision of the Equality Policies the school now needs to prepare an action plan to ensure that our policy becomes practice. Task 1 The revised policy to be circulated to all Governors and staff during Autumn term 2009 Feedback and further suggestions to be gathered from Governors and staff to inform final document and ensure that the policy fulfils its aims. Task 2 Student Council to be tasked with creating a “Pupil Vision for Equality” in Autumn 2009. This vision to be added as the starting page in the formal Equality document. The pupil vision will be produced in a format to enable it to be displayed in all classrooms. Task 3

The school will continue to analyse the achievements of pupils in all aspects of their assessments by filtering the data to identify underperforming groups of pupils. Such analysis will then be followed by a programme of planned action to attempt to address any inequalities. Task 4 The Suffolk appointed School Improvement Partner (SIP) and Governor (Mr Allen) will be tasked with formally evaluating impact of policy through interviews and research during Summer term 2010 18

Schools and equalities legislation The legislation requires public authorities, including schools, to promote equality of opportunity and eliminate discrimination. It aims to ensure that people have equality of opportunity in accessing and experiencing public services. The specific duties for schools require that they produce race, disability and gender equality schemes (which can be covered by a joint scheme). The schemes must state how the school will meet its duties under the equalities legislation, and the school must also assess the impact of its current and planned policies and practice on equality.

The Race Equality Duty

The Disability Equality Duty


The general duty is obligatory and states that public authorities must have ‘due regard Public b to the need’ to: · eliminate unlawful racial

· promote equality of opportunity between disabled

· prepa


people and other people


· promote equal opportunities

· eliminate discrimination that is unlawful under the

· invol

· promote good relations between

Disability Discrimination Act


people from different racial groups.

· eliminate harassment of disabled people that is

· gathe

related to their disability


· promote positive attitudes towards disabled people

· gend

· encourage participation by disabled people in public

in the


· consi

· take steps to meet disabled people’s needs, even if


this requires more favourable treatment.


Schools must also meet a set of specific duties. They must: · prepare and maintain a Race

· publish a disability equality scheme which includes

Equality Policy, with an action plan

an action plan

· asses


on gen

· involve appropriate and diverse

· involve disabled people in producing the scheme

· imple

stakeholders in developing the policy

and action plan


· assess the impact of all their policies

· demonstrate they have taken the actions in the


on pupils, staff and parents of

scheme and achieved

· repor

different racial groups

· appropriate outcomes

and re

· monitor, by reference to their impact

· report on progress

three y

on such pupils, staff and parents, the

· review and revise the scheme at least every three

operation of such policies


· implement the actions set out in the It is unlawful for any school to discriminate against policy within three years, unless it is disabled pupils in: admissions; education and unreasonable or impracticable to do so · take reasonable steps to report on

associated services; exclusions. These duties sit alongside the Special Educational Needs Framework.

progress annually and review and revise the scheme at least every three years Equality and Human Rights Commission guidance Education resources page

Additional Notes or Comments to aid our review

Race Equality

Disability Equality Duty documents page

Disability Equality


Gender Equality

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