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Marking Policy Date of Policy:

SPRING 2010 for adoption in AUTUMN 2010

Date for Review:

Summer 2011 by Curriculum Committee

To be reviewed annually Contact Person: Headteacher Chair Governors Committee:

Head Teacher (Mr Simington) Mr David Simington Ms Siobhan Goodrich Curriculum Committee

The Spring term of 2010 will be used as a trial and an opportunity to get feedback which will then be used to change the policy in the Summer of 2010. At this point the Curriculum committee will review the policy and take it for full governor approval in the Autumn term of 2010. This policy will then be reviewed in Summer 2011.

MARKING POLICY At Wetheringsett VCP School we encourage all pupils to undertake a variety of work which matches their ability and which encourages them to realise their potential. Pupils are aware of teachers’ expectations in terms of criteria for quality, quantity and accuracy. Pupils should know what they have done well and how they can improve the standard of their work. Statement of Intent through marking: · To acknowledge pupils’ achievement; · To develop pupils’ self-esteem; · To provide feedback to pupils as an indication of the extent to which they have met the learning objective(s) of the work set;

· To facilitate the process of pupils’ self assessment; · To motivate pupils; · To correct pupils work in line with the stated learning objectives; · To inform future planning and delivery. · To allow time for pupils to respond orally or in writing to comments and targets. Assessment Policy links All staff are issued with Tracking and Target Setting information for all pupils at the beginning of each half term. This data helps to inform teachers and pupils of the sub-level and effort level at which pupils are working. Teaching staff are able to sort and work with this data to identify groups or individuals that may need special learning arrangements. This attainment and effort information is reviewed and collected on a half-termly basis and will be used to inform reporting requirements. Marking • Class work and homework is marked on most occasions with the children whilst learning is taking place. We mark as promptly as possible using a variety of methods such as peer to peer marking, group marking and feedback, teacher assistant marking, self-marking or teacher marking. Talk partners play a vital role in the assessment and target setting of all pupils. • Marking is always followed by an opportunity for pupils to respond verbally or in writing to comments made. Wherever possible, talk partners are used to share thoughts on progress and improvement. • We work smartly in our marking being mindful of well being. Marking is only useful when used by the pupil to improve and move learning on and when it does not dominate the time of the teacher. Any teacher marked work has a pupil feedback comment or immediate follow-up activity. • Every class follows the school’s assessment policy of grading pupils’ work according to National Curriculum sub-levels. Pupils will be encouraged to make progress to raise standards according to their own personalised levels of attainment. • At appropriate intervals, pupils work is marked using “sublevels” i.e. National Curriculum level sub-sectioned e.g. level 4

piece of work to be marked as 4a (high level 4), 4b (middle level 4), 4c (low level 4). These grades are recorded by the teacher and on pupils’ work. • In addition to a sub-level on a piece of work, pupils receive an indication of what is going well and what is needed to move the piece of work to the next sub-level. • Levels are collected centrally once every half term as an average grade to include speaking and listening. Once every term, we level across all subjects moving to the ROSE review recommendations for citing levels in the seven areas of learning, namely: ◦ English, Communication and Languages ◦ Mathematical Understanding ◦ Scientific and Technological Understanding ◦ Historical, Geographical and Social ◦ Understanding Physical Development, Health and WellBeing ◦ Understanding the Arts ◦ Religious Education ◦ ICT (We level ICT until it is fully integrated into the curriculum.) The head of teaching oversees this policy. Feedback will be given to staff to raise the profile of agreed marking practice. Marking is to agreed success criteria using tiered targets MUST, COULD, SHOULD, CHALLENGE. • We use WALT (We Are Learning To) and WILF (What I Look For) to aid differentiation practice in class. • We use a system of written marking that offers one positive comment and two points for improvement. • Appropriate and constructive comments are made concerning presentation but are not be used as a guide to improved learning. • Selected spelling mistakes, omissions and common grammar errors are with the child either during or upon reflection of the activity, dependent on ability. We mark pupils work in accordance with agreed symbols and methods. • Work of exceptional quality is acknowledged and rewarded in some way e.g. pupil praised in front of class, work shown to the head teacher, work mounted and displayed, letter home.

Oral Feedback will always be offered to pupils as part of the marking process • The focus of this feedback is directed at set targets and how the pupil can achieve the next steps for improvement. This verbal feedback may be recorded in written form such as post-it notes kept in a specialist notebook or repeated at others times to reinforce learning.

Evaluation of policy The Marking Policy will be monitored and evaluated by all staff and the curriculum committee and reviewed annually as part of the Learning and Teaching policy

Appendix 1 Guidance on specifics to use when marking W.I.L.F. is an acronym for What I’m Looking For. W.A.L.T. We Are Learning To – What are the expectations for any lesson we are conduction Target-setting in class Each lesson has success criteria. These can be expressed as tiered targets MUST All pupils could achieve this SHOULD Most of the pupils at all levels should do this COULD This is a stretching criteria that opens up the learning (Bloom’s Taxonomy) CHALLENGE This is a related challenge that really broadens thinking in line with Philosophy for Children work

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