Women's Voice Magazine - Vol 16 US

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onAging & Metabolism COGNITIVE COCKTAILS

forBrainPeak health BY KAREN JENSEN, ND






Women s ’ Health Essentials WomenSense: The Trusted Choice of Health Professionals®

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These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.



Rubino, ND 16 SIMPLICITY the foundation of health

Photo: Amer Nabulsi



Women Who Inspire Us

Aches, Pains, and Inflammation

Meet Zen Honeycutt

– by Kate Rhéaume, ND


Forget Fad Diets – by Karlene Karst, Bsc Nutrition


Natural Immunity Is Powerful & Effective – by Karen Jensen, ND


Mitochondria & Chronic Fatigue – by Kate Rhéaume, ND


Saffron & Stress Relief – by Marita Schauch, ND


The All-or-nothing Spiral – by Marita Schauch, ND


Kidney Disease Know the Basics


New Insights on Quercetin – by Michael T. Murray, ND


Cognitive Cocktails for Peak Brain Health – by Karen Jensen, ND

– by Stephanie Rubino, ND


Hysterectomy & Cardiovascular Disease – by Karen Jensen, ND


Slow Aging With Glutathione – by Marita Schauch, ND


MEDICAL & SCIENCE EDITORIAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE At Women’s Voice®, we are committed to providing our readers with real health solutions from real physicians. To ensure editorial content excellence and accuracy, we have assembled a team of medical professionals who are experts in holistic, natural health to serve on the Women’s Voice Medical & Scientific Editorial Advisory committee.



Dr. Kate Rhéaume graduated from McMaster University and completed her professional training at the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine in Toronto, class of 2002. She followed with a two-year residency during which she taught classes and supervised at various teaching clinics.

Dr. Stephanie Rubino is a licensed naturopathic doctor who completed her professional training at the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine. In addition to her clinical practice, she educates the public and other health professionals about a range of health and wellness topics, and the safe use of natural health products.



Dr. Karen Jensen was in clinical practice for 25 years and although she is retired, she continues to write books and educate on the naturopathic approach to wellness. She is author or co-author of seven books, her most recent is Women’s Health Matters: The Influence of Gender on Disease.

Dr. Jennifer Brix is a licensed naturopathic doctor. She earned a Bachelor of Science in Biology with distinction from the University of Victoria and completed her professional training at the Boucher Institute of Naturopathic Medicine in New Westminster, BC.



Karlene Karst holds a BSc in Nutrition and is the founder of the Sea-licious® line of products. She is a mom of three active kids, an avid food and recipe creator, and an author. In her latest cookbook, This Kitchen Is for Dancing, Karlene shares 100 delectable, health-conscious recipes. Follow Karlene on Instagram @karlenekarst

Dr. Gaetano Morello is a published author and licensed naturopathic physician. Recently he has been appointed as a Clinician at the newly created Complex Chronic Disease Program located at BC Women’s Hospital in Vancouver. He is the first naturopathic doctor to hold such a position at a major North American hospital.



Dr. Julie Reil is an internationally recognized physician, health and nutrition advocate, speaker and Women’s Voice author. She developed the Genityte® urinary incontinence procedure and the Triple Tone Treatment®. Dr. Reil founded Shiloh Medical Clinic in Billings, Montana.

Dr. Michael Lyon is a UBC faculty member and is a published researcher in the fields of nutrition, appetite regulation, dietary fiber, and blood sugar regulation. He is Board Certified in Obesity Medicine through the American Board of Obesity Medicine and he completed a three-year family practice residency in 1988.



Dr. Marita Schauch is the author of two books Making Sense of Women’s Health and Collagen Myths & Misconceptions. She also co-authored The Adrenal Stress Connection. In addition to her clinical practice, she lectures across North America educating people on positive lifestyle choices.

Dr. Arya Sharma, MD/PhD, FRCPC, is Professor of Medicine and holds the Alberta Health Services Chair in Obesity Research and Management at the University of Alberta. He founded and is currently Scientific Director of the Canadian Obesity Network and Past-President of the Canadian Association of Bariatric Physicians and Surgeons.

Editor: Nancy Frances Cheeseman Deputy Editor: Brinda Navjee Editorial Assistant: Joy Yagi Art Direction: Stephen Rank, Beata Stolarska Graphic Designers: Rut Shapira, Jasper Van Meurs, Felicia Yee, and Mark Cawker PUBLISHED BY Women’s Voice Magazine 104–3686 Bonneville Place Burnaby, BC V3N 4T6

ADVERTISING POLICY Only products exclusively distributed to natural health stores will be advertised in this magazine.

EDITORIAL NOTE The information in this magazine is for educational purposes only. It should not be used as a substitute for the advice of a qualified and licensed health professional. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, copied, sold, or distributed without prior authorization. All article references can be found atwomensvoicemagazine.com Women’s Voice® is a registered magazine in Canada and the United States.

For general inquiries, please email us at info@womensvoice.com

Canada: 1811559 / USA: 87249676 Real Solutions by Real Physicians for Real Women’s Needs®

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Cover Photo: Amer Nabulsi



TO OUR READERS, Special thanks to naturopathic doctor, Stephanie Rubino, who believes health is a balance between our body, mind, and spirit. During the pandemic, she focused on the absolute basics, commonly referred to as the “foundational elements of health,” and discovered that these simple, essential factors continue to be vital to keeping our health moving in a positive direction. Additional thanks to naturopathic doctor, Michael T. Murray for his guest editorial on quercetin and sharing recent research on immune health. And there is so much more. We break down an old stereotype about aging and metabolism, share why meal replacements are the best solution for lasting weight loss, and discuss how, believe it or not, flossing our teeth helps us stay sharp. We fill every volume of WV magazine with research-rich articles on dietary supplements, lifestyle tips, and insights that, if implemented, will transform your life.


Printed on FSC® Mix paper using recycled inks.

In Health – WV magazine About WV

Natural Health Retailers

We are building a global community of women of all ages, shapes, sizes, and backgrounds who care deeply about each other, natural health, and our planet’s delicate ecosystem. Our team comprises doctors, nutritionists, holistic professionals, and a village of passionate health advocates to be a source of inspiration and positive change in your life and for the health of our planet.

WV magazine is distributed exclusively in natural health stores and online. At WV, we are firm supporters of our retail partners across North America who have worked tirelessly over the past 80 years to support small, humane farms that promote food security, elevate the benefits of organic products, and strengthen local economies. These stores work hard to bring health and wellness to every city, large or small, and make daily decisions to help reduce the planet’s carbon footprint.

At WV magazine, our commitment to Planet Earth is strong and getting stronger! The print you’re reading today consists of recycled inks, and every page is now being made from FSC® Mix paper. FSC® Mix paper is a combination of FSC® virgin fiber, and recycled materials. The Forest Stewardship Council® (FSC®) employs independent third-party auditors to monitor the supply chain, ensuring that FSC® Mix paper maintains forest health and protects fish and wildlife habitats. Women’s Voice sees the move to FSC® paper as a step toward long-term, environmentally conscious sustainability.


Aches, Pains, and

Inflammation BY KATE RHÉAUME, ND

Early in life, inflammation typically arises only when needed, such as when we are healing from an injury, and then it obediently resolves. However, as we age, it can linger like an unwanted guest, even becoming a permanent state. This is called “senoinflammation,” a chronic, low-grade, and uncontrolled process that is a hallmark of aging. This change means that, while we used to bounce back from a day of chasing the kids around, or even a late night out, now we feel it. Here are three steps to reign in inflammation.


Oil change

Most of our body’s inflammatory compounds are derived from fat, so the type of dietary fat you consume can fan the flames of inflammation or help extinguish them. Specifically, omega-6 essential fatty acids promote inflammation. Unfortunately, these fats are omnipresent in the western diet in the form of highly processed vegetable oils. One of the most potent foundational changes you can make to combat inflammation is tweaking or overhauling the type of fats you eat by avoiding oil from corn, canola, sunflower, and safflower.

The excellent news is omega-3 essential fatty acids help put the brakes on inflammation. You can find omega-3s in flax, chia, and hemp seeds, grass-fed animal foods, and cold-water fish such as salmon, anchovies, and sardines. A goodquality fish oil supplement can be invaluable in achieving an optimal daily intake of omega-3s. As a bonus, many fish oil supplements are free of the environmental contaminants typically found in fish. When purchasing fish oil, look for the ISURA® label on the bottle for quality and purity. Aim for 1,000 mg of combined EPA and DHA per daily dose.



Natural firefighters

As we move through our third and fourth decades of life and beyond, an immune system protein called NF-kappa-B slowly becomes more active. This master switch of inflammation stays in the “on” position more often, signaling a continuous flow of inflammatory compounds whether we need them or not. Incorporating natural inflammation fighters can help outmaneuver this immune system glitch. Curcumin, the active ingredient in the spice turmeric, is a well-known antiinflammatory. What’s less well known is that it works by reigning in NF-kappa-B, the pesky protein that underlies uncontrolled inflammation. Regular intake of curcumin has the potential to tip the scales in your favor to balance a wayward inflammatory response. While curry and turmeric lattés may be popular and tasty, you won’t absorb much curcumin in that form. Check your local health store for curcumin in a form optimized for enhanced absorption.



Muscle maintenance

Without some effort, we gradually lose muscle over time, which is replaced by fat. Body fat can act as a reservoir for inflammatory compounds, meaning this shift in body composition is a major contributing factor to age-related inflammation. Strength training to preserve muscle mass will help minimize one aspect of the proinflammatory parade. Beyond pumping iron, staying physically active in any way is critical to preventing inflammation from overstaying its welcome. Being mindful of adequate protein intake is also central to preserving lean body mass. We don’t have to be at the mercy of the vagaries of a changing immune system. A few simple steps can help keep inflammation working for us instead of against us.



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Sleep is absolutely essential for both body and mind Tossing and turning all night can impact your immune system. Immune support cells and antibodies are reduced during periods when you don’t get enough sleep. Tranquil Sleep® combines L-theanine with melatonin and 5-HTP. These ingredients exert a gentle, yet powerfully synergistic effect to calm nervousness and promote restful, deeper sleep. Tranquil Sleep helps you fall asleep more quickly, and wake up refreshed to support whole body health.

your racing mind to quickly promote relaxation and support for occasional nervousness without causing drowsiness. For the ultimate sleep, take Pharma GABA together with Tranquil Sleep.

Delicious magnesium drink powder Magnesium is vital to hundreds of enzyme reactions. In fact, more health benefits are attributed to magnesium than to any other mineral, including calcium. This relaxing mineral is a shock absorber, helping to protect the nervous system from experiencing excessive stress. Renowned for its ability to relax muscles and relieve tension headaches, magnesium is the original chill pill.

Melatonin benefits the immune system Melatonin, one of the key ingredients in Tranquil Sleep, is the link between your body’s circadian rhythm and the immune system. Immune cells have melatonin receptors on them, which points to the important relationship between getting a good night’s sleep and optimum health. Declining melatonin levels that occur with age coincide with immunosenescence – a decline in healthy immunity that takes place in later decades of life. Supplemental melatonin restores the all-important day-night and seasonal rhythms for optimal health.

Tame nervous tension quickly with 100% natural GABA Pharma GABA® is a naturally sourced form of the important brain compound gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA). Our GABA calms

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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As a dietitian/nutritionist since 1990, I have seen, read, and heard more fads and myths related to weight loss than any other topic in nutrition. Carbs are the enemy, fat makes you fat, and eating cabbage soup with lemon and cayenne pepper will help you reach your goal weight. Thankfully, those myths and diets have long been debunked. Losing weight and keeping it off is difficult. Obesity rates continue to rise in children and adults, and people are searching for the right plan to help them shed those unwanted pounds and keep them OFF.

Let’s look at strategies to lose weight and keep it off PROTEIN POWER Protein is one of the essential nutrients for weight loss; it builds muscle, curbs appetite, keeps you feeling full, and repairs tissue. Protein also helps support metabolism when consumed in the morning. I recommend 20 g of protein at breakfast to help wake the body, and get the energy-conversion process started and your metabolism moving. Overall, the recommended daily allowance of protein is 0.8 g/kg of body weight, so consider your minimum requirements. Eggs are a complete protein source, along with all animal-based foods. However, consuming too much animal food is not the best for our health, so incorporating more plant-rich foods into the diet has tremendous benefits for our health and the environment.

FIBER Fiber helps the body absorb nutrients. Increasing fiber intake also plays an important role in weight management. Here are some of its benefits: • Reduces appetite and promotes satiety • Reduces between-meal food cravings • Contributes to healthy blood sugar levels already within the normal range

• Helps lower the glycemic index • Helps maintain healthy total cholesterol levels already within the normal range

MEAL REPLACEMENT SHAKES I witnessed the benefits of using meal replacement shakes as part of a healthy weight-loss strategy, but the proof is in the science. Research shows that people who replaced one or two meals per day with a healthy meal replacement shake lost weight and improved their health. In one eight-week study, 50 obese men and women replaced two meals per day with a balanced nutritional meal replacement shake equal to 240 calories and consumed one regular meal. Researchers found significant reductions in body weight and waist circumference, and participants also reported improved health, reduced hunger, and better mental health. There is also evidence that participants following meal replacement shake programs maintained their weight loss.

Shakes are convenient and easy

Consuming a “shake” is a convenient, delicious way to meet your protein, fiber, and macronutrient requirements. For weight loss, I recommend 1–2 meal replacement shakes per day. The balance of the macronutrients must be ideal to provide the nutrition your body needs to be healthy. Weight loss is not the only goal: good energy levels, and strong immune and digestive health are vital. Complete meal replacement shakes that contain a balance of protein and complex carbohydrates (fiber) will help you lose weight and keep it off. The ideal meal replacement shake contains: • 20 g of protein (preferably plant protein, but you can switch it up) • Less than 10 g of sugar • No artificial colors

• No artificial flavors • A perfect ratio of vitamins and macronutrients


Let’s get started Setting yourself up for success is essential when starting a program with meal replacement shakes. I would start with the schedule outlined below as a typical day. (Please note that drinking plenty of fresh, purified water throughout the day will keep you hydrated, energized, and clear-headed, and will help control cravings. Thirst can be mistaken for hunger.)

Upon rising 4−8 oz of water, preferably with lemon

Breakfast RealEasy® shake (within one hour of rising) RealEasy shakes give you the ideal ratio of macronutrients to keep you feeling healthy, full, and satisfied. Mix with water or plant milk for a complete meal. Optional: you can mix up the flavor profile by adding an additional ingredient, but keep in mind that the ratio of RealEasy is complete, so nothing else is needed. INGREDIENTS • 1 cup water or unsweetened plant milk • 1 scoop RealEasy Meal Replacement shake • Ice cubes

Dinner A sensible meal containing a balance of protein, fiber, and healthy fats will provide you with the nourishment you need to finish the day feeling vital, satisfied, and energized. Try this tasty plant-based spinach coconut lentil dahl. This curry dish is satisfying and comforting to the body.

Spinach coconut lentil dahl PREP TIME: 15 mins COOK TIME: 40 mins SERVINGS: 5 entrées INGREDIENTS • 2 Tbsp coconut oil • 1 sweet onion – diced • 2 cloves garlic – minced • 2 tsp garam masala curry powder – can be substituted with mild curry • 1 tsp turmeric powder • A pinch of cinnamon • 1 tsp salt • 3 cups dried red lentils – rinsed under cold water and drained • 4 cups water

OPTIONAL • ½ small banana, ½ avocado, 1 tsp nut butter, or ½ cup fresh berries • 1 tsp hemp or chia seeds

• 2 14-oz cans full-fat coconut milk

DIRECTIONS Mix all ingredients in a blender until smooth. Enjoy!

2. Add the onion and garlic, and sauté until translucent for about 5 minutes. 3. Add the curry powder, turmeric, cinnamon, and salt, and stir. 4. Add the lentils, water, and coconut milk, then stir to combine and bring to a boil, covered. 5. On low heat, let simmer for 35 minutes, mixing every 5 minutes to avoid sticking in the bottom of the pot. 6. Turn off the heat and stir in the spinach. Since the curry is hot, the spinach will start to cook after a couple of minutes.

Mid-morning snack Choose one of these low-calorie protein- or fiber-rich snacks: • 1 apple with nut butter • ¼ cup blueberries, 100-calorie serving of yogurt, and 2 tsp sliced almonds or pumpkin seeds • ¼ cup hummus and 2 cups vegetables (carrots, broccoli, celery, cauliflower, or peppers) • ½ whole wheat pita with 3 Tbsp hummus and sliced cucumbers • ¾ cup non-GMO edamame • 1 small fruit with 1 boiled egg • 24 cashews or almonds, or 14 walnut halves

Lunch Refer to the breakfast RealEasy shake recipe above.

Afternoon snack If you get hungry in the afternoon, refer to the mid-morning snack options and choose one.



• 4 cups fresh spinach DIRECTIONS 1. In a heavy bottom pot, melt the coconut oil over medium heat.

7. Adjust the seasoning and serve hot with a side of sourdough bread or jasmine rice.

Herbal tea Feel free to drink a cup of hot or iced herbal tea anytime throughout the day. A hot cup of tea with lemon a few hours after dinner is a wonderful treat and something you can look forward to. In closing, choose products wisely. Unfortunately, many meal replacements contain unhealthy ingredients, like artificial sugars, colors, and preservatives. Always look for the ISURA® seal for purity, and speak to your health care practitioner before beginning any weight-loss program. Remember, don’t be hard on yourself or fall into the all-or-nothing spiral. Start adding healthy whole foods, veggies, organic proteins, lots of fresh, purified water, and herbal tea to your daily routine. Soon you will feel so energized that you won’t want to go back to unhealthy eating habits.

Delicious Throat Soothing Zinc Lozenges

Zinc Lozenges provide quick absorption

Combines essential nutrients zinc and vitamin C with echinacea and black elderberry extracts to provide immune support Two delicious and natural flavors to choose from, cherry or honey blossom





These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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WHOLE EARTH & SEA AVAILABLE AT YOUR LOCAL NATURAL HEALTH STORE These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

simplicity the foundation of health BY STEPHANIE RUBINO, ND

Keep it simple – I clearly remember connecting with these words when I was a teenager. Given these unprecedented times, this principle continues to be a priority for me. Following a path of simplicity is valuable, but is not always easy.

As we are often met with varying roles and responsibilities, the constant activity sometimes makes it hard to catch a breath. It is the busyness of life, the hustle and bustle that we can love and loathe at the same time. Like many of you, I wear many hats and strive to balance them all. I am a naturopathic doctor, but also a mother, wife, daughter, sister, friend, and nature lover. Sometimes it all feels incredible, and other times it feels overwhelming. Can you relate? My commitment to following the “simple” has been certainly tested over the last few years, especially as I experience a changing world through the eyes of my two sons, who, as many of us can appreciate, have seen much change and desire for things to go back to the way they were. Photo: Amer Nabulsi



In the midst of our amazingly routine and predicably busy days, life can throw us a curveball. And this is what happened over the last two years. Very quickly, the news of COVID-19 brought a very different reality, and we were asked to pause life’s everyday routines. Suddenly the world presented us with unique challenges, triggering a myriad of emotions. My biggest question and concern for all of us was: how will we support ourselves and our families when asked to transition to this completely new reality? As a naturopathic doctor for close to 20 years, I truly believe that making our health a priority during such times is crucial. Health is a balance between our body, mind, and spirit, and not respecting these vital connections disrupts our well-being. Helping others understand this relationship and achieve longlasting health for themselves and their families is one reason why I became a health professional. Throughout this unpredictable period, continuing to help others (even myself), meant supporting health in the best way I know – by going back to the absolute basics, or what is commonly referred to as the “foundational elements of health.” These are the simple and essential factors that keep our health moving in a positive direction. Consider, for example, what a plant needs to

grow: space, light, water, nutrients, air, and time. These elements work together to help create the perfect conditions for plants to flourish and be an essential part of our planet. The same is true for all of us! When we foster the strength of each foundational element of health, our well-being will be in balance, and we will thrive physically, mentally, and emotionally. More importantly, we will find happiness, contentment, and a genuine sense of purpose. Everyone’s health needs are different, but I think it is vital that we all consider the following foundational elements when we are looking to stay well and energized: personal hygiene, healthy eating, nutrient support, restorative sleep, physical movement, stress management, social support, and mind-body awareness. Understanding the importance of these simple basics that many of our parents and grandparents taught us has more meaning now than ever. Growing up in an Italian culture with many cherished traditions, I have always valued the importance of fresh food, community, and a connection with nature for a purposeful life. Let’s take a closer look at these eight substantial health and well-being habits.


health and well-being habits PERSONAL HYGIENE is one of the most fundamental ways to deal with the many germs we encounter daily. Although diseasecausing germs can enter the human body through the skin, mouth, nose, and eyes, they are less likely to get inside when good personal hygiene habits are in place. Practice hand washing, daily and nightly teeth brushing, and regular bathing, along with routine house cleaning, nose and mouth covering when coughing or sneezing, and continuing regular health care visits.

HEALTHY EATING is about making valuable dietary choices based on the quality of food that we eat, as well as following healthpromoting eating habits, to maintain and maximize vibrant health today and for the future. Healthy eating supports normal growth and development for individuals of all ages and provides physical and mental health benefits. Better mood and energy levels, improved gut health, chronic disease prevention, and improved memory and brain health are a few

benefits of eating well. Choosing natural whole foods that supply nutrients such as protein, complex carbohydrates, healthy fats, fiber, vitamins and minerals, and phytonutrients is vital. Whenever possible, grow your food and buy organic and local. This way, you minimize the intake of harmful chemicals and support the health of your family and the planet.

NUTRIENT SUPPORT by definition, is necessary at all stages of life. Since we do not always get the nutrients we need from our daily diets, and the body cannot always make the nutrients it needs for growth, maintenance, and repair, we might require supplementation. Supporting this foundational dietary element can prevent nutrient depletion and ensure that specific microand macro-nutrients are adequate at different stages of life, helping to support the biological shifts that happen with age. Essential nutrients such as vitamins C and D, omega-3 fatty acids, zinc, and probiotics continue to provide numerous health benefits, especially in those with insufficient nutrition. Nutrient support plays a vital role in supporting our mood, along with our immune and digestive health.

RESTORATIVE SLEEP is the foundation for an active and productive day. Even a single night of disrupted sleep can adversely affect our physical and mental health. Therefore, quality sleep gives the mind and body time to rest and recuperate. Restorative sleep helps improve concentration, productivity, and cognition; support mood balance; decrease the risk of chronic disease; and enhance immune system function. If you have difficulty falling and staying asleep, establish a bedtime routine, eliminate sleep inhibitors such as caffeine, and create a relaxed sleep environment.

STRESS MANAGEMENT strategies are fundamental to coping with the physical, mental, or emotional factors that create tension in our lives. Medical research suggests that up to 90% of all illness and disease is stress related. Diet, exercise, and sleep can support decreased stress levels, as can connecting with nature, and practice laughter, gratitude, and relaxation. And when you are feeling strained, stop and take care of yourself – plowing through isn’t the answer. Your body is asking you to slow down, so heed its wise advice.


3-5 Physical activity every day throughout the day.

involves any activity that gets your body moving to promote physical and mental health. A combination of flexibility, muscle strength and endurance, and cardiovascular fitness help with joint and bone protection, stress relief, cardiometabolic improvements, and improved body composition. Being as active as possible and avoiding inactivity is essential. Below are some recommendations offered by the CDC.

6-17 60 minutes or more per day of moderate-tovigorous intensity physical activity that strengthens muscles and bones.

18-64 At least 150 minutes per week of moderateintensity activity such as brisk walking, and at least two days per week of activities that strengthen muscles.

With busy lifestyles, these essential elements may seem challenging to incorporate all at once. To get started, try choosing one or two foundational elements to implement daily. For example, you may want to start with making smarter eating choices and improving your sleep quality, or you might feel that supporting your social connections and managing your stress is what you need the most right now. Focusing on a few aspects of health and noticing the positive improvements they bring will have you craving for more! These foundational elements of health, the true pillars of our well-being, may seem basic and familiar, but isn’t that the essence of keeping it simple? I believe this pandemic has taught us important lessons. For me, it’s going back to the basics, not only to support my health and vitality, but to be present for all those I care for. We are often so busy in the hustle and 18



A sense of connection to others and knowing that there is a support circle we can depend on is crucial for our health and survival. Chronic social isolation and loneliness can negatively affect our physical, mental, and emotional health, increasing our risk for conditions such as heart disease, diabetes, depression, and anxiety. Positive social interactions promote health, allowing us to cope better with life’s obstacles, regulate our emotions, and have higher selfesteem and empathy. Take the time to reach out to those who understand and support you.

Adults with chronic conditions and disabilities

65+ At least 150 minutes per week of moderateintensity activity such as brisk walking, and at least two days per week of activities that strengthen muscles. Activities to improve balance, such as standing on one foot.

At least 150 minutes per week of moderateintensity aerobic physical activity, and at least two days per week of musclestrengthening activities that include all major muscle groups.


recognizes that our thoughts, attitudes, and emotions can impact the health of our physical body and its systems. Digestion, movements, pain, thoughts, and feelings occur when signals transmit between the body and brain with the help of neural pathways made up of neurotransmitters, hormones, and chemicals. We can support the mind-body connection with various therapies, such as being present, practicing breathing exercises, and participating in creative arts. Still, one of the most potent tools is positive thinking. It’s not easy, but if you succeed, you’ll feel lighter and calmer.


“… it is always the simple that produces the marvelous.” — Amelia E. Barr

bustle of life, filled with so many must-haves and wants, that we forget about the simple things; we forget about the basic principles of health. As we move forward in our lives, let’s keep these simple approaches close to us. The beauty of life rests in being present and aware of the tiny wonders happening around us every day, captured in each simple moment. As the novelist Amelia E. Barr once wrote, “it is always the simple that produces the marvelous.”

Photo: Amer Nabulsi


It’s just RealEasy ! ®

GAETANO MORELLO, ND Gaetano Morello, ND, recommends “using a meal replacement every morning for breakfast to trim down. My patients had more energy and clarity and reported an overall feeling of well-being. Replacing meals is truly a game changer!” RealEasy Meal Replacements are clinically shown to be a completely safe, natural, and highly effective way to achieve and maintain your weightloss goals. RealEasy Meal Replacement shakes will greatly diminish appetite, so you will eat less, making weight loss almost effortless.

• Average weight loss of 15.6 lb over a 2–3 month period • Average decrease in waist circumference by 3–4 inches • Reduces cravings and curbs appetite • Balances and helps support healthy blood sugar levels already within the normal range

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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It’s simple to trim down One of the simplest and most powerful ways to support your heart health is to trim down, even if just a little! Losing a mere 5% of body weight – 10 lb from a 200 lb person – can make a major difference in metabolic health. This kind of change strikes at the core of the “pre-existing conditions” we’ve heard so much about. Studies show that even such a relatively small reduction in weight can provoke a positive change in lipid profiles such as HDL and triglycerides, as well as blood pressure. These factors support metabolic health to keep us out of the hospital. Quality and longer sleep are other benefits linked to modest weight loss, with bonus mood benefits accompanying better slumber. Trimming down is also a boon to blood sugar, as it is associated with better glycemic control. The key is weight loss that is easy and sustainable. Diets come and go, and the weight may return. Balancing blood sugar helps reduce the insulin imbalance that drives belly fat, cravings, and hanger… the weight loss simply follows!

“The best way to prevent a heart attack is to live like you’ve already had one.” – Dr. Julian Whitaker

Losing weight isn’t hard Here is the real easy way to trim down! MICHAEL LYON, MD is a UBC faculty member with over 30 years of practice, and a published researcher in the fields of nutrition, appetite regulation, dietary fiber, and blood sugar regulation. He is Board Certified in Obesity Medicine through the American Board of Obesity Medicine and he completed a three-year family practice residency in 1988.

Q What was the spark that inspired you to become a doctor? ML: I was quite heavy and unhealthy as a kid. I eventually got pneumonia, nearly died, and lost a lot of weight. That sparked in me an interest in health. I started reading books that I got from health food stores and turned my life around. It was the health food store that set me on the right path. That inspired me to become a medical doctor.

Q And what have you learned from those who need help the most? ML: It’s been a quest of mine to look at the science behind weight problems – not to stereotype people and say, “Oh, they’re lazy,” or, “they’re silly or foolish,” or whatever. I know that it’s much more complicated than that. People can grow up in environments that are very harsh. Maybe they have medical issues that have led to weight problems, or they’re on drugs that lead to weight gain. When you really listen to someone’s story with compassion, you understand that it isn’t a simple matter. You can’t just pick the magic diet and you’re fixed. That’s why I love what we do at the clinic.

Q There are all kinds of weightloss programs out there. What are your thoughts about that? ML: You cannot outrun your fork. When you exercise, you burn a few calories, but if you’re not careful, you’re going to eat more than what you burn. And as you get older, your body resists weight loss through exercise. All my life, I’ve had struggles with my weight. I’ve tried so many different methods – some pretty extreme.

Q So what do you recommend? ML: The simplest and healthiest way to lose weight is to follow a partial meal replacement diet. There are hundreds of research projects looking at this approach. Very simple, very healthy. I use meal replacements myself, and I’ve discovered that’s the only way to lose weight realistically for me now. I’ll never try any other way. I keep my weight off by making careful choices every day, practicing portion control, and not snacking into the evening – all these things are important for me. But I lose weight by going on meal replacements. It’s actually super easy.

Q How does the weight loss happen? ML: About a week into using meal replacements consistently, your hunger really minimizes. You feel quite satisfied, and that’s partly because when you consume a meal replacement, it’s food that’s processed to get rid of all the extra calories. All of it is nutrition. So it has all the protein you need, all the vitamins, minerals, and fatty acids, as well as fiber. These meal replacements give pure nutrition in a meal that only has 225–250 calories.

Thousands have been using RealEasy Meal Replacements since last spring. ®

Here are their testimonials. “I thought it would be hard, but it was real easy. I’ve been doing the shakes for about 10 weeks, during which time I had a vacation, a family event, and even enjoyed a few wines on the patio in the summer. I have just increased my step count and added some hikes a couple times a week. I stopped craving snacks and felt like I had more energy. My blood sugar is now normal. After 10 weeks I am down 24 lb with 2 weeks left on the 12-week program.” – C. G.

“If it worked for me, I am certain it will work for you! My blood sugar is now normal, my blood pressure is excellent, and I feel great! I simply mixed a meal replacement in a glass of water with my fork. It was so quick and easy! I dropped 25 lb.” – B. G.

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These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

“Easy 17 lb lost in 3 months! With

and RealEasy shakes I feel minimal exercise, ergized lighter and more en gone. I am and my belly fat is y Meal now using RealEas part of my Replacements as .” – R. R. daily meal regimen

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I am glad I purchas ed this product. It really fill s you up. I didn’t have any desire to snack between meals and the cravin gs for sweets went away after us ing this product for 1 week. I can add fru it or not, and it still tastes deliciou s. By following the directions and drink ing a full glass of water after 1 hour, you are satisfied until the next meal about 4 hours later. I would purch ase again.” – B. N.

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eptical ab trying this product... out I tried a lot of produc ts in the past. I’m 45 ye ars old now, and boy, I sw ear by this prod uct… Tha nk you!” – C . K.

COVID-19and Vitamin D VACCINE OR NO VACCINE, have suggested a link – the lower COVID-19 REMAINS A THREAT. the vitamin D levels, the more at However, one strategy that is risk you are for battling a severe looking more and more effective case of COVID-19. in fighting the virus and its effects You may ask why vitamin D is so on the body is getting enough vital? Vitamin D is an absolute vitamin D, either through diet powerhouse that has specific or supplementation. In a study efficacy with COVID-19. First off, published a few months ago in vitamin D is an immunity booster, The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology helping you fight off illness should & Metabolism, Spanish you encounter the virus. It researchers showed that does this by reducing the The lower the 82% of patients treated ability to survive VITAMIN D virus’s for COVID-19 had and replicate itself in the LEVELS, deficient vitamin D body. But vitamin D also the more at risk levels in their blood. takes action to mitigate you are for battling That’s a significant the effects of COVID-19 a severe case percentage of those when an infection occurs. It of COVID-19. treated. While the Spanish moderates the inflammatory research didn’t look at how response, which is sometimes vitamin D levels relate to the so strong that it causes damaging severity of the disease, other studies effects on the body. By helping to

FLOSS tO Stay Sharp

THERE ARE MANY REASONS TO FLOSS YOUR TEETH REGULARLY – led by preventing dental decay, maintaining heart health, and reducing the risk of diabetes. But let’s add another important reason to the list, which is, reducing the likelihood of cognitive decline.



produce surfactants that clear the lungs of fluid, vitamin D also reduces respiratory distress and improves overall lung function. Adequate vitamin D levels also maintain healthy cell membranes, preventing or reducing two factors in severe COVID-19: vascular inflammation and blood clots.

SUMMING UP: just like wearing a mask, washing our hands, and maintaining social distance, a growing body of evidence shows that vitamin D can keep us healthy.

Researchers at New York University’s Rory Meyers College of Nursing say their analysis of 14 studies on tooth loss and cognitive impairment suggests that good oral habits, especially flossing, may prevent dementia. After combing through research that involved over 34,000 people and 4,689 cases of diminished cognitive function, the results indicated that adults with tooth loss had a 1.48 times higher risk of cognitive impairment and 1.28 times higher risk of dementia. This was concluded after controlling other factors that could have influenced the data.

The explanations were several. Researchers said that missing teeth can affect chewing and, hence, may lead to diets short on key nutrients for brain health. Oral inflammation can also suggest the presence of inflammation in the brain, possibly leading to impairment. Tooth loss may also result from “lifelong socioeconomic disadvantages,” including poor nutrition and lack of medical/dental care, setting the stage for future cognitive decline. The conclusion? Researchers confirm that oral health is key to overall good health.

NaturalImmunity Is Powerful & Effective! BY KAREN JENSEN, ND

WHY AREN’T PUBLIC HEALTH OFFICIALS IN NORTH AMERICA TALKING ABOUT NATURAL IMMUNITY? First, I want to be clear, I’m not against vaccinations, but as a retired naturopathic doctor involved in health care for over 30 years, I am saddened that very few of our public health officials are acknowledging the power of natural immunity. To my knowledge, our immune systems have not suddenly shut down, and natural immunity is still the most vigorous and important response to various pathogens. In addition, doctors and health professionals across North America seemed to have been silenced from speaking about dietary supplements, improving the immune response and possibly reducing the risk of contracting or the severity of COVID-19. I never thought I would see the day when health professionals could not openly communicate with their patients. Healthy lifestyle information should be shared, but these days, this no longer seems possible unless it fits a particular narrative.


When it comes to the immune system, things can get complicated. There are three types of natural immunity in the human body: innate, adaptive, and passive; and there’s also immunity from immunizations.

INNATE IMMUNITY is what we are born with, and it includes external barriers such as the skin and mucous membranes of the throat and gut. It is the first line of defense against pathogens. If this first line fails at holding back the pathogenic invader, then the adaptive immunity army is sent in.

ADAPTIVE IMMUNITY is what we develop as we are exposed to various pathogens or receive vaccinations throughout our lives. If the same virus or pathogen were to re-invade our bodies in the future, the adaptive response will remember these previous enemies and protect us from a serious illness. PASSIVE IMMUNITY is acquired

from another source, but does not last indefinitely. For example, a baby receives antibodies from the mother through the placenta before birth and in breast milk after, protecting the baby early in life.

IMMUNIZATION introduces antigens

or weakened pathogens to a person in the form of vaccine injections so that the individual produces antibodies and, in many cases, does not get sick.

The CDC estimates that more than 100 million Americans have been infected with the SARS-CoV2 virus. Evidence is mounting all over the world that natural immunity is at least as protective as a vaccination. And yet, this information is not shared with the public, nor is it taken into account in vaccine mandates in the U.S. and Canada. The following evidence is an example of some of the research that supports the inclusion of natural immunity for vaccine passports: • A study funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) found “durable immune responses” in 95% of the 200 participants who previously had COVID-19 up to eight months after infection. • One of the largest studies to date, published in Science in February 2021, found that although antibodies declined over eight months, memory B cells increased over time, suggesting long-term protection.

• Cleveland Clinic surveyed more than 50,000 employees to compare groups based on COVID-19 infection and vaccination status history. Not one of over 1,300 unvaccinated employees with a history of infection tested positive during the five months of the study. Researchers concluded that this cohort “are unlikely to benefit from COVID-19 vaccination.” • In Israel, researchers accessed a database of the entire population to compare the efficacy of vaccination with previous infections and found nearly identical numbers. “Our results question the need to vaccinate previously infected individuals,” they concluded. With the Delta variant and rising “case” counts in the U.S. and Canada, implementing vaccination mandates that do not include natural immunity from previous infection is contrary to what the data is saying. The hypothesis that natural immunity is unreliable is incorrect, and our public health officials and politicians should be willing to acknowledge this. Anthony S. Fauci has recently hinted that the government may rethink its stance on natural immunity. Some large medical centers in the U.S. have already announced that they will recognize natural immunity for their vaccine requirements for their employees. As the data accumulates and strengthens, it is essential to share these facts with the public and be more transparent with the information collected worldwide, primarily when the rules for vaccine mandates affect all of our lives.




Imagine going to bed feeling tired and waking up just as tired every day.


Sleep isn’t refreshing for you, and a blanket of fog and fatigue clouds your concentration and focus. Nothing seems to rejuvenate you, including coffee, so-called energy drinks, or a nice long vacation. It feels like your body’s low battery icon is constantly blinking. Welcome to life with chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), also called myalgic encephalitis or, more recently,


systemic exertional intolerance disease. CFS affects about two million North Americans. The condition leaves people continually exhausted in a way that is unrelieved by rest and is immune to stimulants. Trying to understand the causes behind this complete lack of stamina may have you wondering, just what gives us energy, anyway?

BIOLOGICAL BATTERIES Humans are energetic beings by nature. A healthy person produces the equivalent of 1,200 watts of energy per day. Power is generated in almost every cell by tiny powerhouses called mitochondria. You can think of mitochondria as minuscule digestive systems within each cell. These generators transform energy from the food we eat into the cellular energy that drives us, called adenosine triphosphate (ATP). A typical human cell contains roughly 2,500 mitochondria. An active cell, such as in the ever-beating heart or never-resting brain, can have upwards of 100,000 mitochondria, which can take up one-quarter of precious cellular real estate. The average person contains a mind-boggling 10 quadrillion of these microscopic energy-producing units. To help you relate, a quadrillion is 1,000 billion; yes, that’s 15 zeros! Since we cannot store ATP energy, the body must constantly produce it. If the quality, quantity, or efficiency of mitochondria is not optimal, energy production will suffer. While researchers do not understand the causes of CFS, problems with the body’s energy production mechanisms must contribute to the condition. Indeed, studies have shown an important relationship between inadequate mitochondrial structure and function, and chronic fatigue.

reported encouraging results for CFS sufferers who stick with exercise. Poor nutrition or a nutrient shortage can affect energy levels. However, specific nutrients work directly within the mitochondria and are integral to energy production. For example, coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) plays a key role in moving electrons along the mitochondrial conveyer belt towards ATP formation.

Low levels of CoQ10 are consistently associated with fatigue in CFS sufferers, and studies show that those with the lowest levels suffer the most. Acetyl L-carnitine, an amino acid that drives fatty acids into the mitochondria for fat burning, can be lower in CFS patients.

THE DOUBLE-EDGED SWORD Cellular energy production creates rogue electrons, also known as free radicals. Picture a car with black smoke coming out of the tailpipe; having inefficient mitochondria is like driving a car with

Two factors for Two factors mitochondrial for mitochondrial health within health within our control our control are are exercise exercise and and nutrition. nutrition. Admittedly, regular exercise can be a challenge for people with “exertional intolerance disease,” but it stimulates the production of new mitochondria. In the right amounts, exercise should help charge your batteries. Clinical trials have

an untuned engine – you get a lot of fumes, but less horsepower. People with CFS have significantly higher levels of free radicals. Key cellular antioxidants that fight free radicals, such as glutathione and superoxide dismutase, are low in people with CFS, engendering a vicious cycle as free radicals can further damage mitochondria. Another essential antioxidant for mitochondrial support is CoQ10. The body produces it naturally, but levels decrease as we age. Ensuring optimal intake of antioxidants is wise for anyone looking to protect their biological batteries. This can be accomplished by enjoying colorful veggies and fruits, and various herbs and spices; committing to daily exercise; and supplementing with crucial cellular nutrients that offer built-in protection mechanisms to buffer oxidative stress and support energy levels. Minimizing excess sugar intake also helps reduce mitochondrial workload.

Managing chronic fatigue and revving up your energy levels as you get older is an ongoing journey that often requires an individualized approach. However, you won’t regret supporting the body’s energy production systems and laying a firm foundation for optimizing your well-being.


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Quercetin LipoMicel Matrix — A novel delivery system to enhance bioavailability of quercetin Based on study results, published in a peerreviewed Canadian journal*, the LipoMicel formulation achieves significantly higher blood concentrations of quercetin and provides up to 10 times higher absorption than regular quercetin. Quercetin LipoMicel represents an efficient delivery system for enhancing the absorption of quercetin in humans and thus, promotes its wide-ranging health benefits. To date, the low-absorption rate of quercetin in the body has been one of the greatest challenges to overcome. For this reason, Quercetin LipoMicel, has been designed to improve the uptake of quercetin and boost its beneficial potential.

The system of blood vessels in the human body measures over 60,000 miles! They are responsible for delivering oxygen and nutrients to every cell and can be found in every square inch of the body.

naturalfactors.com These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.



It’s no secret that stress is one of the most significant issues in today’s society. One-third of Americans and 21% of Canadians are living with extreme stress. Most people are aware of this, but choose to ignore the symptoms of their stress anyway. The thing about stress is that it doesn’t get better when ignored. The effects of stress on the body are compounded with time, eventually leading to significant health issues. Let’s look at some symptoms and complications of stress and learn the tips on how to reduce it.

Symptoms of stress Stress manifests itself differently for each of us, but some of the common signs that you’re overstressed include

• Anxiety • Irritability • Depression or sadness • Low libido • Feeling like your heart is racing • Digestive issues, such as nausea, diarrhea, or constipation

• Muscle tension or jaw clenching • Headaches • Trouble sleeping • Exhaustion

High-stress levels can lead to complications such as high blood pressure, increased risk of strokes and heart disease, gastrointestinal problems, accelerated aging, and premature death in the long term. If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, consult with your health professional to ensure that there isn’t a more prominent factor at play.

How to manage stress While some stress is a normal part of life, constant stress is a painful factor for many of us in our modern lifestyles. We don’t get an opportunity to “recover” from stress because it’s a part of our daily life. For stress management, I recommend prioritizing these things:

Creating a stress-friendly schedule: Accept that you aren’t

Superman or Wonder Woman. Learn to say no, and create a schedule that balances work and productivity with rest and play. You’ll be happier and more productive in the long run. In addition to these lifestyle changes, there are certain stress-busting supplements that can support you in reducing and managing the symptoms of stress. One of my favorites is saffron.

Saffron for stress relief

Physical well-being: Make sure

You may have heard about or even experienced the exquisiteness of saffron in the culinary arts, but did you know that saffron has equally impressive uses in reducing the symptoms of stress? Multiple clinical studies have shown saffron’s effectiveness in improving mood, tension, sadness, nervousness, and fatigue in adults and adolescents.

Emotional well-being:

Saffron works because of the 100+ bioactive compounds found in this spice, which help reduce stress hormone levels and increase the concentration of “feel-good” neurotransmitters, such as dopamine, norepinephrine, and serotonin.

you eat a balanced diet. Move your body by choosing physical activities that help promote relaxation. Stay well hydrated, and prioritize getting enough sleep. Setting a healthy foundation with your physical body goes a long way. Reach out to support systems such as friends, family, or professionals (a therapist or a counselor) to talk about your feelings. Make space for your emotions, start a journal, create art, or find other self-expression outlets.

Consult with your health professional to see if saffron can support you in your journey to low-stress living.

Multiple clinical studies have shown saffron’s effectiveness in improving mood, tension, sadness, nervousness, and fatigue. 28




Clinically proven to work. ECHINAMIDE is a unique patented, super-extracted echinacea concentrate developed by Natural Factors. It is CLINICALLY PROVEN to provide powerful support for fast immune system responses. Over 20 years ago, Natural Factors undertook extensive research to discover the key compounds in echinacea that seemed to strengthen the human immune system. This research isolated the key active immune-promoting compounds in echinacea, which we call ECHINAMIDE. We then studied the effects of ECHINAMIDE in two randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trials, the gold standard for testing. These trials concluded that ECHINAMIDE works to: (1) deliver profound support for the immune

system and its responses and (2) provide powerful upper respiratory support. Grown on our organic farms, tested, and manufactured by Natural Factors in British Columbia, Canada, ECHINAMIDE is a full-spectrum fresh herb extract. It contains standardized effective extracts of echinacea and is combined with precise amounts of lomatium, astragalus, reishi, and licorice to provide optimum immune support.

ECHINAMIDE with other immune herbs create the incredible Anti-V Formula

Available only in natural food and supplement stores • naturalfactors.com These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

The All-or-Nothing BY MARITA SCHAUCH, ND

Okay, you’re ready to make a change. You’re excited and prepared to commit. You created a game plan, bought a bike, filled your cupboards with healthy food, and bought workout clothes. On day three, you had your first slip, threw in the towel, and gave up. I see this all too often in patients who are embarking on significant changes in their lives. I call this the all-or-nothing spiral. The foundation around “all or nothing” is an unrealistic and unattainable goal combined with toxic perfectionism. We slip into the belief that if we miss one day at the gym or eat a cookie, all of our progress goes out the window, and we might as well give up and go back to our old habits. Then once we slip back into the old routine, we feel awful, have difficulty enjoying life, and quickly remember why we wanted to change those habits in the first place. So we get hyped once more and start over. The spiral gets us nowhere, defeats us mentally and physically, and causes a lot of stress.

The foundation around “ALL OR NOTHING” is an unrealistic and unattainable goal combined with toxic perfectionism.


TIPS ON HOW TO AVOID THE ALL-OR-NOTHING SPIRAL be realistic When we desire a change, especially a huge one, we often set immediate goals, such as working out every day, eating better, and beelining toward our desired result, without thinking about the long game. Winning the long game takes patience, fortitude, and most of all, kindness to ourselves, with the intent to always strive for a better outcome one day at a time. Setting goals is easy, but it is more important to set small milestones we can achieve than to set ourselves up for failure. When we set realistic goals that help us thrive


on reward and “win” more often, we are more likely to stay the course! The joy is in life’s journey, so why not give ourselves grace, celebrate small wins, and be happy. Plus, healthy living is about balance. Let me repeat: healthy living is about balance. Being healthy doesn’t mean you’re never going to eat an ice cream cone or french fries, or that you can never skip a workout. Healthy living is about constantly moving toward a goal every day without beating yourself up when you indulge or need a break. The key to winning is getting started again. You will arrive at your end game content and happy. Happiness is an essential part of being healthy.


The most metabolically active form of


Have as much compassion for yourself as you do for others Compassion is a big one that many of us struggle with. An excellent way to look at any setback is to check how you would react if a good friend did the same thing you did. Would you tell them they’re a failure, they’ll never be healthy, or advise them to give up? No, you’re going to say to them that setbacks are okay, to stay positive, and try again the next day. You would also tell them that they did a great job, and acknowledge the hard work they’ve done so far.

Every day is a new day Don’t wait for Monday or the first day of a new month or year to start again. You have the power to choose something new each and every moment. Every day is a new day to begin again. Try to stay in touch with your deepest desire. You don’t need to attach your “starting time” to anything other than your power to choose each moment.

Focus on your health, not perfection Create doable markers that allow you to track your progress, so you can see how far you’ve come. If you find yourself entering a spiral because you didn’t do everything “perfectly,” keep looking forward to your goals and don’t lose sight of why you started. Give yourself something

special at month one, three, or five, or at the end of a year. Each reward can be a treat: maybe a massage, a night out with a friend, a visit or drive to see relatives, or a picnic. Make it something you don’t usually indulge in because you’re too busy.

Seek professional support Cycles of selfsabotage, like the all-or-nothing spiral, can indicate more profound issues. Sometimes we resist change and the things we deeply desire because, on some level, we feel unworthy of them. We then punish ourselves by deliberately “failing” at reaching our goals so that part of us feels validated. It’s like saying an “I told you so” to our wounded inner child. If you often find yourself hitting up against cycles like this, a trusted professional such as a coach, counsellor, or therapist can support you in breaking the pattern and reaching your goals. I sincerely hope that, whatever your goals are, this article helps you identify issues that will help you be gentler with yourself. The world is hard enough. Feel each moment, breathe in life, see yourself moving toward your dreams, embrace your inner strength, and celebrate your wins no matter how small, and I will see you on the upward spiral!


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These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.



Aging &


New research published in the journal Science tells us we shouldn’t blame our middle-age weight gain and sluggishness on a slowing metabolism. Quoting findings from a study that included 6,500 participants across the age spectrum, all of whom had their resting metabolic rates tested, the journal says researchers found no real change in our metabolism between ages 20 and 60. Yes, there was some slowing after the age of 60 – but just by 1% per year. To further defy the conventional wisdom of a slowing metabolism as a factor in energy and weight gain, the study found no differences in resting metabolic rates between men and women. In particular, there was no evidence that menopause slows resting metabolism in women.

WELL, THERE GOES THAT EXCUSE! But there’s a but: The research focuses on the rate at which our bodies burn calories while at rest. Scientists say one takeaway from the study is that the real reason we gain weight or feel lethargic as we age may have to do with what’s happening or not happening when we are, or should be, active.

Here are issues that contribute to slow metabolism and weight gain: When exercising, we slow down and switch to less-challenging activities. Over the years, we have become more sedentary and lost muscle mass, reducing our ability to burn calories efficiently while at rest. We may have developed sleep problems that keep us from getting the rest our metabolism needs to function correctly.

To increase or restore a healthy resting metabolism, Professor Edward Coyle of the University of Texas at Austin

recommends: Taking a minimum of 8,500 steps per day – that is, throughout the day, not all at once. 32


Adding strength training and high-intensity interval training (HIIT) to our activity mix. Strength training increases muscle mass, which by itself can increase our calorie burn. By alternating periods of high activity and rest, interval training effectively reduces fat mass. To add HIIT to your walk, begin walking until you have warmed up. After that, walk as fast as you can for 3–4 minutes, then slow down for a few minutes and resume walking as fast as you can. Repeat for 20 minutes. Guard against “exercise resistance.” Coyle’s research has shown that people who are primarily sedentary or inactive throughout their day enjoy less health benefits from their workouts. To maintain or increase your body’s ability to metabolize fat while at rest, don’t give up on longer workouts. Instead, add shorter, more frequent bursts of activity to the hours around a longer workout. Clearly, we can no longer blame our old, lagging metabolism on age or menopause alone. That’s terrible news for many of us; but the good news is, the latest research shows that having abundant energy and maintaining a healthy weight is within our control.

FATIGUE? BRAIN FOG? LOW MOOD? Increases mitochondrial energy

naturalfactors.com These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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KIDNEY Disease Know the basics BY STEPHANIE RUBINO, ND

MORE THAN 1 IN 7 US ADULTS OR 37 MILLION PEOPLE, ARE ESTIMATED TO HAVE CHRONIC KIDNEY DISEASE. About the size of two fists, these two bean-shaped organs filter about one-half cup of blood every minute! The kidneys remove waste products and extra fluid from the body through urine, and help maintain a healthy balance of water, salts, and minerals. But it doesn’t end there! These critical organs make hormones that control blood pressure, support strong bones, and make red blood cells, while also regulating the body’s acid-base balance. Family history of kidney disease, diabetes, high body mass index (BMI), dysbiosis, and certain autoimmune conditions, as well as exposure to specific medications, heavy metals, and drugs are risk factors for kidney disorders. Concerns related to kidney health often go

unnoticed, especially in the early stages when people typically have no symptoms. However, it’s important to pay attention to the following warning signs and speak to your health professional for further assessment: • High blood pressure • Blood and/or protein in the urine • Frequent, difficult, or painful urination • Puffiness around the eyes, and swelling of the hands and feet Fatigue, reduced appetite, weight loss, skin color changes, itching, anemia, and lower quality of life may also indicate kidney concerns. There are many ways we can support our kidney health, starting today.



A healthy diet can support the kidneys and prevent kidney disease progression. The typical western diet, often high in unhealthy fats, refined sugars and grains, and poor-quality proteins, has been shown to increase body weight and inflammation, and negatively impact cardiovascular and kidney health. Conversely, the Mediterranean diet, including a high intake of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, fish, and fiber, along with reduced consumption of red meat, sodium, and refined sugars, provides beneficial effects on blood pressure, glucose, and lipid levels, thereby supporting kidney health. One meta-analysis showed these healthy dietary patterns were associated with lower mortality rates in individuals with chronic kidney disease.(10) Furthermore, plant-based diets have led to reduced body weight, improved cardiovascular effects, improved gut microbiota, and reduced kidney injury.(7,11) Some individuals may also benefit from avoiding high-fructose foods and moderating protein consumption.



? NUTRITIONAL SUPPLEMENTS FOR KIDNEY HEALTH Although there are nutritional supplements that can support kidney function, others may aggravate kidney conditions. You may be familiar with the benefits of calcium for bones and teeth; however, too much calcium can increase the risk of kidney stones, as can high doses of vitamin C. Individuals with chronic kidney disease may require certain nutrients such as iron, B vitamins, and vitamin D. Current research is investigating the benefits of key nutrients such as vitamin K2, probiotics, and omega-3 fatty acids for kidney health.

VITAMIN K2 deficiency is common in individuals with chronic kidney disease. Deficiency of this important nutrient can lead to calcium being deposited in blood vessels. Arterial calcification is highly prevalent in individuals with chronic kidney disease, increasing cardiovascular morbidity and mortality, especially in dialysis patients. Although some concerns have been raised regarding the use of fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E, and K in those with kidney disease, vitamin K2 is a powerful inhibitor of tissue calcification, and supplementation would be helpful in preventing deficiency and reducing the development of cardiovascular disease.

an important risk factor for the progression of kidney disease. Research has also shown that long-term daily intake of 400 mg of EPA and DHA may slow kidney function decline.

OMEGA-3 FATTY ACIDS have been shown to reduce the risk of end-stage kidney disease and may lower the risk of protein in the urine. It is well known that omega-3s help manage high blood pressure,


(take the kidney health test)

Do you have impaired blood sugar levels or diabetes? Yes


Do you have high blood pressure or take blood pressure medications? Yes


Do you have a high BMI? Yes


Do you have a family history of kidney disease?

PROBIOTICS AND PREBIOTICS may offer a solution to supporting the gut-kidney connection. Chronic kidney disease can cause microbial imbalance or dysbiosis, where there are higher quantities of pathogenic microbes and lower quantities of beneficial microbes. Such changes can lead to an increased concentration of urea and ammonia in the bowel, a compromised gut barrier wall, and increased levels of inflammation, which have been noted in patients with chronic kidney disease. Prebiotics and probiotics reduce toxic substances in the kidneys, restore the gut microbiota, and reduce inflammation.




Do you have abnormal urine and/or blood tests for kidney health? Yes

WHAT ELSE CAN YOU DO? PERFORMING REGULAR PHYSICAL ACTIVITY, LIMITING ALCOHOL INTAKE, AND QUITTING SMOKING ARE OTHER IMPORTANT KIDNEY HEALTH STRATEGIES. Before using any medications and supplements for the kidneys, always speak to your health professional. Don’t forget, it’s never too early to start keeping your kidneys healthy for life.


If you answered “no” to all of these questions, you do not have common risk factors for kidney disease. Keep your health as top priority by eating healthy, doing regular physical activity, supplementing with key nutrients, and not smoking. If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, you have common risk factor(s) for kidney disease. Speak to your health professional for further assessment and determine what you can do to keep your kidneys healthy starting today.


WHAT’S MOST IMPORTANT TO YOU? Clean, safe, contaminant-free, non-GMO vitamins, minerals, supplements, and foods? 100% of the population agrees. ISURA does the hard work to make complicated science work for you. ISURA is an independent, not-for-profit organization for natural health supplement- and food-product verification and certification. ISURA tests supplements and foods for up to 800 contaminants, including pesticides, heavy metals, and solvents. It also does genetic testing to prove there are no GMOs, and more.

has the highest worldwide

ISURA is at the frontier of contaminant testing, analyzing products down to their molecular level, and tracing ingredients through their DNA. Literally. Identifying a molecule can be hard. ISURA does this a million times over to ensure your product is clean and pure.

Look for the ISURA verification

on the label




The ISURA seal is your assurance that the product is independently verified as clean and safe, and has been tested for up to 800 possible contaminants. ISURA’s rigorous testing includes hundreds of quality procedures using state-of-the-art technology. It provides you with the confidence that this product is ISURA verified clean, one of the highest testing standards in the world.

ISURA is settin g world standa rds in testing for your confiden ce, and this matt ers most to us.

standards in testing.



& Cardiovascular Disease BY KAREN JENSEN, ND

The word “hysterectomy” is derived from the Latin hystericus, meaning “of the uterus.” Historically, it was believed that there was a direct link between the uterus and the brain, which was thought to predispose women to emotional instability and insanity. The only insanity and madness here is the number of unnecessary hysterectomies performed on women each year. First things first, a hysterectomy removes the uterus, while removing the ovaries is the biological equivalent to castration in males. The term “oophorectomy” for ovarian removal has mostly replaced the use of the word castration.

HYSTERECTOMY is one of the most commonly performed surgical procedures in women. Estimates suggest 600,000 procedures are performed each year in the United States. 38

In 1945, an eminent surgeon, Dr. N. Miller, stated that the “uterus in the non-pregnant state is one of the more important revelations of our age.” The paper entitled, “Hysterectomy: Therapeutic Necessity or Surgical Racket,” was published in the American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology. Somewhere along the line, this wisdom has been lost. Overall, the only time a hysterectomy is necessary is for cancers of the uterus and genital tract.

However, only 10% of the performed hysterectomies are for a cancer diagnosis, making most of the remaining 90% unnecessary


In most cases, surgeries are done for a benign disease, dysfunctional bleeding, or pelvic pain. When there is a disease, it is most often a uterine fibroid, the most common reason for a hysterectomy. These conditions respond to less invasive procedures, which, if chosen, would preserve the uterus – procedures such as myomectomy, endometrial ablation, and embolization for fibroids. The increasing use of these alternatives partly accounts for the fall in the number of hysterectomies in the past decade in some countries. Despite the overwhelming medical evidence that removing the uterus and ovaries is incredibly damaging, these surgeries continue at alarming rates. Some of the most common consequences of hysterectomy include: Cardiovascular disease Immune compromise Depression and personality changes Loss of sexual desire and orgasm Painful intercourse Weight gain

Osteoporosis Bone, joint, and muscle pain Prolapse of the vagina, bladder, and bowel Urinary tract infections and incontinence Digestive disorders Fatigue and loss of stamina Loss of short-term memory and dementias

NUTRITIONAL SUPPORT Inflammation, xenoestrogens (estrogen imposters), and other problems with estrogen metabolism contribute to hormonal disorders that increase the risk for hysterectomy recommendation. The following are a few supplements I recommend that can offer nutritional support. EstroSense® contains herbs,

potent phytonutrients, and antioxidants that help the liver eliminate toxins and support healthy estrogen levels.

Probiotics – gut health is a vital part of hormone balance.

Chasteberry is one of the single-

most important herbs for supporting hormonal balance in women.

Omega-3 fatty acids help

prevent inflammation and reduce risks for hormone disorders and CVD.

Women who have a hysterectomy with or without ovarian removal are at a much higher risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD) and metabolic conditions. Studies show that oophorectomy increases mortality and the risk of CVD and other chronic diseases and, as a result, oophorectomy rates have decreased. However, hysterectomy rates with ovarian conservation are increasing, particularly in younger women, despite the harmful, long-term outcomes. Results of studies have shown that women undergoing hysterectomy with ovarian

conservation were more likely to develop hyperlipidemia, hypertension, obesity, cardiac arrhythmias, and coronary artery disease. Incidence of CVD is greater when the surgery is done for women who are under 35. Women should be given sufficient information about the reasons, risks, and benefits of any treatment offered to them, along with alternative options. Do not be afraid to ask questions and know your options before agreeing to hysterectomy.


1 2 3 4

Consume a Mediterranean diet, as it reduces the risk for CVD and is associated with a better quality and duration of life.

Eat liver-friendly foods, such as beets, dandelion greens, turmeric, and artichokes, to minimize xenoestrogens. Cruciferous vegetables, such as kale and broccoli, also help remove harmful estrogens.

Eat organic foods whenever possible. Hundreds of the chemicals used on our foods and in the environment are estrogen imposters that can cause estrogen-dominant conditions. To learn more about the harmful effects of xenoestrogens, please refer to my recent book, Women’s Health Matters.

Choose clean body-care products. Many chemicals used in cosmetics, such as phthalates, are estrogen imposters.


Filter your water and try to avoid plastics.

And remember, nature never makes an organ that loses its usefulness at any stage of life.



Today’s world is a far cry from the world our grandparents, or even our parents, inhabited. We have made many technological and social advancements, yet the one area we seem to lack meaningful progress in is eliminating toxin exposure. We are exposed to countless pesticides, heavy metals, and toxins in our food and other products because of the unmonitored use of chemicals in agriculture, personal care products, and cleaning supplies. We can link the accumulation of heavy metals and toxins to increased rates of autoimmune diseases, chronic fatigue, reduced metabolic power, and decreased immunity. Even at lower levels, these toxins could leave the body feeling run down and sluggish.

Let’s look at the role glutathione plays in health and longevity and go over the best ways to avoid toxins and heavy metals, as well as boost the body’s detox capabilities.

The body’s natural detoxifying system The good news is that our bodies come equipped with a system to detox and remove toxins and heavy metals. This system is made up of three main organs: the liver, colon, and kidneys. • The liver works hard to filter toxins out of the foods we eat before they reach the bloodstream. • The colon works to flush these toxins out through solid waste. • The kidneys constantly work to filter the blood for any toxins and excrete them through urine.



One of the key chemical components used by the body to detoxify itself is the nutrient glutathione, produced naturally by the liver. The bad news is, large and ever-present toxic loads, as well as the high stress of modern lifestyles inhibit the body’s ability to detoxify itself effectively. It ends up being overwhelmed and eventually hindered, producing less and less glutathione or even halting production entirely.

How glutathione supports detox Glutathione is a powerful nutrient vital to the body’s natural detox process. Here’s how it works: • It flushes stored toxins out of the body, and helps transport mercury out of the brain. • It breaks down free radicals to reduce oxidative stress and prevent cell damage. • It helps increase energy production by ridding the cells of toxins that inhibit proper energy metabolism. • It boosts immune function by increasing the body’s white blood cell count.

Without adequate glutathione levels, the body cannot correctly expel toxins, which means they accumulate in the bloodstream and end up stored in fat tissue. This accumulation then manifests into health complications. Although you can find glutathione in food sources such as garlic, onions, and most cruciferous vegetables like broccoli, cauliflower, kale, and cabbage, it is difficult to get adequate amounts from food sources alone to rectify a toxic overload. Supplementing with glutathione is an effective way to support your body’s return to balance, alongside other lifestyle changes.

What else can I do to detox my body? In addition to getting adequate glutathione, it’s important to limit your exposure to heavy metals and toxins in the first place.


IMMUNE SUPPORT with just 1–2 softgels per day

Limit large-fish consumption

Larger fish, such as tuna and halibut, contain higher levels of mercury accumulation. Smaller fish, such as sardines, anchovies, and mackerel have the lowest levels of mercury.

Eat organic

I recommend eating organic foods whenever possible. Look up the Environmental Working Group’s (EWG) Dirty Dozen™ fruits and vegetables, and make sure to buy these items from organic sources. Produce in the Dirty Dozen contains the highest levels of pesticides. Here are a few items that are on the list: strawberries, spinach, kale, nectarines, apples, grapes, peaches, cherries, pears, tomatoes, celery, and potatoes. It is well worth the extra spend at the grocery store to buy organic options for these foods. Many grains are also highly sprayed with pesticides and herbicides, and you would do well to buy all organic.

Clean up your diet, buy organic, and stay away from processed foods.

Avoid processed foods

It’s best to eat as many whole foods as possible. The less processing food goes through, the fewer the chemicals and toxins that will be present. A good rule of thumb is to ask yourself, “Did my grandmother eat this?”

Assess personal care items, cosmetics, and household cleaners

What you put on your skin, clothes, and surfaces around you makes a difference. We absorb toxins through the skin and the air we breathe, as well as through digestion. Take the time to look up your cosmetics and household products, and find products that will lower your body’s toxic load. For more information, visit ewg.org Clean up your diet, buy organic, and stay away from processed foods. I guarantee that you’ll feel better, healthier, and more energetic by changing your diet and adding a glutathione supplement to help eliminate toxins and heavy metals.

Black Elderberry Fast-acting support for immune and respiratory health Powerful antioxidant support European sourced, hand harvested Certified potency, non-GMO





These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.



Meet Zen Honeycutt


Founder and Director of

Moms Across America Like millions of moms and parents, I was struggling with my children’s rashes, life-threatening allergic reactions, autoimmune issues, and asthma, and I thought they were, well, something that I just had to accept. But one day in 2012, I watched a video about genetically modified foods (GMOs), and everything changed. I started to research and later learned about the herbicide glyphosate (the primary ingredient in Roundup®) and its use in the food supply. I learned that glyphosate herbicides are not only sprayed on GMO crops to kill weeds, but they are also sprayed on nonorganic wheat, peas, beans, oats, and grains as a drying agent. I was shocked to learn that glyphosate herbicides cannot be removed through washing or cooking. I felt like someone had punched me in the gut. I had been unknowingly feeding my kids GMOs and foods with glyphosate chemical residues. So, I buckled down and took matters into my own hands to recover my children’s health. Over time, our family made the switch over to 100% non-GMO organic food, and it was apparent that GMOs and their related chemicals had contributed to our children’s health issues. Today, we experience very few health issues. However, I realized it wasn’t enough to

protect my children because their future spouses were out there somewhere. I want my children to have a family of their own (if they want to) and experience the profound love of raising a healthy child. During this time, I learned that many nations worldwide do not allow, or at least label, GMO food in their countries, and I began supporting measures to label GMOs in the States. I passed out flyers at the local farmers’ market and sadly realized that most people had no idea what GMOs were. After we lost the GMO labeling battle in the States, my nine-year-old son saw me crying in the car, and he said, “You know, Mom, even Star Wars took six episodes.” And I said, “Yeah, and they had Yoda!” I realized it was time for a new episode. I decided that I was going to be the one to transform the food supply and health in America – not by myself, but I would not wait for someone else to do it. So, I created a nationwide event called the Moms Across America March to Label GMOs, and invited people to join Independence Day parades with banners and flyers to raise awareness about GMOs. Together, 179 groups reached thousands locally and millions

GLYPHOSATE MAA initiated the first glyphosate testing in our children’s urine, tap water, and breast milk, and the result sparked testing and policy change in over 60 countries. 42


nationally, in an affordable, familyfriendly way, in a single day on July 4, 2013. It was a beautiful transforming event! Over the next five years, our MAA mom leaders hosted 1,000 local events in all 50 states, and we estimate that our reach through various media has surpassed 100 million. MAA initiated the first glyphosate testing in our children’s urine, tap water, and breast milk, and the result sparked testing and policy change in over 60 countries. I represented mothers and spoke at Monsanto, Dow, and DuPont shareholder meetings. I met with Syngenta executives and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and I was also on a congressional briefing panel for glyphosate. According to the Organic Trade Association, 87% of households now buy some organic food regularly, but there is more work to do. Today, most people know that GMOs and their related chemicals have no place in our food supply. Everyone deserves access to safe food. How you can help – Educate yourself on GMOs. Look for my book, Unstoppable: Transforming Sickness and Struggle into Triumph, Empowerment, and a Celebration of Community. Watch “Communities Rising” on YouTube. If you can volunteer in your community, start now, or donate to support our efforts to ensure a safer world. You can reach us at MomsAcrossAmerica.org


STRESS-RELAX® TRANQUIL SLEEP® is a blend of highly effective natural ingredients that support relaxation and promote sleep quality in a tasty, convenient chewable tablet.

100% PURE SAFFRON EXTRACT has been clinically shown to help maintain a positive mood, promote restful sleep, and support emotional well-being.



is vital for healthy immune function, calcium absorption, and building and maintaining strong bones and teeth.


ANTI-V FORMULA is a convenient liquid that contains ECHINAMIDE,® a unique plant compound of echinacea’s three key active components, plus lomatium, astragalus, reishi, and licorice, for optimum immune support.

100% FERMENTED PROTEIN & GREENS includes fermented grasses, fruits, vegetables, and micronized medicinal mushrooms. Fermentation can break down otherwise indigestible plant materials to help ease digestion and simultaneously improve absorption.


SCIENTIFIC GUEST EDITORIAL Michael T. Murray, ND is widely regarded as one of the world’s leading authorities on natural medicine. Dr. Murray has written over 30 books promoting health, including the best-selling Encyclopedia of Natural Medicine. For more information, go to DoctorMurray.com


Quercetin is a natural compound that has recently received much attention because of scientific studies of its effects on immune system health. Two recent human studies showed that a bioavailable form of quercetin produced outstanding results in supporting immune function in people with a potentially severe health challenge.



Experimental studies show that quercetin has the most powerful health effects of any flavonoid, especially in fighting aging and inflammation.

With all the research emerging with quercetin in boosting immunity, it is easy to be excited and focus only on this aspect. But this remarkable plant compound produces many other health benefits to highlight. First, if you are not familiar with quercetin, it is a flavonoid – one in a group of over 8,000 plant pigments primarily responsible for the colors of many fruits and flowers.

QUERCETIN ACTIVATES THE LONGEVITY GENE Quercetin exerts several anti-aging effects, but I want to highlight one of the most important and exciting ones. Quercetin can activate what is referred to as “the longevity gene.” Because this gene is part of the DNA found in every cell in the body, quercetin has an incredible potential to help every cell function better and live longer. The biochemistry is extremely complex, but I will do my best to make it understandable so you can appreciate it. The longevity gene provides the blueprint for our cells to produce an enzyme abbreviated as NQO1. This enzyme is responsible for several critical reactions in cells.

Too little NQO1 is associated with impaired detoxification, lower energy levels, and altered cellular function. One of the chief functions of NQO1 is maintaining levels of the most active forms of vitamin B3 in cells, abbreviated NAD+ and NADP+. Dietary supplements, like nicotinamide mononucleotide and nicotinamide riboside, are being promoted as NAD+ and NADP+ level boosters, but taking quercetin may be a better solution. Among its critical reactions, NQO1 works with the NADPH form of vitamin B3 to regenerate active glutathione – the cell and mitochondria’s primary antioxidant. Glutathione is one of the most important compounds in the cells of any living organism. It is critical to fighting inflammation, the aging process, and cellular dysfunction. In the process of activating glutathione, NQO1 also produces NADP+, which is one of the most active forms of vitamin B3 along with NAD+. NQO1 also works with the vitamin B3 form NADH in converting CoQ10 from its inactive form (ubiquinone) to its active form (ubiquinol), and in this reaction, it produces NAD+. Here is an essential factor to understanding the proper expression of the longevity gene. When NQO1 levels are

low, this leads to lower levels of the active forms of glutathione, CoQ10, NAD+, NADP+, and several other very important compounds in our cells. IT IS A SERIOUS SITUATION THAT CAN LEAD TO: A decline in metabolism, leading to weight gain and poor blood sugar control Fatigue Reduced blood vessel health Poor detoxification and liver health Aging-related muscle loss (sarcopenia) Aging-related memory loss and mental decline Aging-related loss of sight and hearing Research shows the benefits of taking dietary supplements to increase the active forms of glutathione, CoQ10, and NAD+. Still, for most people, the answer to declining levels of these anti-aging compounds is to boost the “longevity gene” by taking quercetin. Quercetin can provide this boost directly by increasing the expression of the NQO1 gene. It also works indirectly by helping to fight the chronic inflammation that can reduce the expression of the NQO1 gene.


QUERCETIN FIGHTS “INFLAMMAGING” Chronic inflammation plays such a key role in the aging process that the term “inflammaging” is often used to express the relationship. One of the consequences of chronic inflammation is an increase in a cellular enzyme called CD38. This enzyme destroys NAD+ and other forms of B3 as well. This leads to all of the issues listed above.

To deal with reduced NAD+ associated with aging, many people look to supplements like nicotinamide mononucleotide and nicotinamide riboside. However, it may make more sense to focus on reducing this cellular enzyme called CD38 that destroys NAD+ and NADP+. How is this done? Well, quercetin has shown a strong ability to reduce the activity of CD38.

as the “guardian of lifespan,” as it protects the cells against damage, aging, and malfunction. One of the reasons Nrf2 affects these benefits is that it is a powerful activator of NQO1. Quercetin increases Nrf2 and helps it do its job in promoting cellular health, including adding another way to boost the longevity gene and NQO1 levels.


Quercetin also fights the inflammation that raises CD38 by activating a compound known as Nrf2. This compound orchestrates a complex regulatory network that influences metabolism, inflammation, mitochondrial function, and immune responses.

HERE IS THE TAKEAWAY FROM ALL THIS BIOCHEMISTRY: quercetin helps cells function better by preserving and restoring mitochondrial function. Quercetin’s beneficial effects also include restoring the cells so they can produce Nrf2 has incredible anti-aging energy and regulate effects and has been described themselves properly.

Improves mood and relieves stress


Supports relaxation

There is one big problem with regular quercetin: it is poorly absorbed. To address the issue of poor absorption, I recommend taking Quercetin LipoMicel® Matrix. It is produced through a unique process that uses natural compounds to enhance its absorption by as much as 10 times compared to regular quercetin powder.

Suitable for adults and youth ages 12+

During these times of increased need to support our immune function and fight the effects of aging, I recommend taking two softgels of Quercetin LipoMicel Matrix daily. Two softgels provide 500 mg of quercetin, which is equal to about 5,000 mg of regular quercetin powder. It is also vital to increase dietary sources of quercetin, such as onions, apples, berries, citrus, cherries, green tea, broccoli, and green leafy vegetables. These foods are not only rich in quercetin, but in other essential nutrients and plant compounds as well.







These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Omega-3 Never Tasted So Good! SeaRich® Omega-3: Delicious, Pure & Wild SeaRich Omega-3 is made using the freshest and highest quality omega-3 fish oil. To create a truly delicious family of products, we have blended our fish oils with natural, non-GMO flavors, including monk fruit (a near-zero calorie sweetener). Available in delicious Lemon Meringue and Coconut-Lime flavors – formulas that every member of the family can enjoy!







peak BRAINhealth FOR



Studies show that nutritional supplementation helps control symptoms of these mental health disorders. The general population in North America is often deficient in vitamins, minerals, and omega-3 fatty acids, and individuals suffering from mental health disorders are often exceptionally deficient.

Learning about some causes and risk factors associated with these conditions will give you a greater understanding of what you can do to help prevent and treat these life-limiting disorders.

It is also important to recognize various factors that interfere with optimal brain function. These brain busters include food allergies, environmental toxins, gut microbe imbalance, gluten sensitivity, stress and inflammation, bad fats, and refined foods.

Addressing these factors can be a very potent and effective treatment for many people with mental health disorders without the risk of side effects.

GUT MICROBIOME AND BRAIN HEALTH Ongoing research shows that gut bacteria communicate with and influence brain function. An imbalance in the good and bad gut microbes, called dysbiosis, is associated with many brain disorders and symptoms. Some of these include ADHD, autism, mood swings, memory problems, anxiety, and depression.

For optimal brain health, it is essential to take the time to learn the importance of lifestyle essentials, like diet and exercise, and the use of supplements to restore and maintain mental well-being. 48


COGNITIVE SUPPLEMENT COCKTAILS FOR MENTAL HEALTH No one formula can provide the nutrition required to have a beneficial effect on foundational brain health. A few exceptional supplement companies create kits with packets that contain five or more single ingredients. A kit provides an easy, convenient, allin-one daily packet. When making a purchase, look for kits that contain brain-supportive nutrition like phosphatidylserine, curcumin, omega-3 fatty acids, grapeseed extract, and probiotics. Many mental health disorders and chronic diseases list stress

as the leading cause. Chronic stress increases cortisol, a stress hormone, which leads to inflammation, an underlying cause of many mental health disorders and chronic diseases. As a result, most people, if not all, would benefit from supporting the adaptive stress system. Look for a stress formula that contains the extracts of ashwagandha, rhodiola, Panax ginseng, and green tea, combined with choline to help regulate stress hormones and calm the nervous system.

EATING FOR THE OPTIMAL BRAIN The building blocks and fuel for optimal brain health start with daily exercise, a diet rich in whole foods, and dietary supplements. Carbohydrates are for energy; proteins for the synthesis of the chemical messengers, the neurotransmitters in the brains; antioxidants for preventing free radical damage and inflammation; and good fats for building and protecting neurons.

The Mediterranean diet

Age-related memory problems Age-related memory problems are not the same thing as dementias. While specific brain changes are inevitable in aging, major memory problems are not one of them and are preventable in most cases. Look for a supplement with key ingredients such as phosphatidylserine, phosphatidylcholine, omega-3 fatty acids, L-alpha-glycerophosphorylcholine (Alpha-GPC), and green tea extract. These are excellent nutrients for those who are starting to experience memory issues.

Mood disorders Studies show that probiotics have proven beneficial for stress, anxiety, and depression. For those who struggle with anxiety or depression, probiotics and omega-3 fatty acids are very important as basic supplement support.

Depression Accumulating evidence shows that inflammation is a significant factor in developing chronic disease and anxiety, depression, and memory problems. Preventing inflammation is vital. Bacopa, ashwagandha, curcumin, chamomile, and boswellia are all wonderful herbs to prevent and treat inflammation. Other nutrients for promoting healthy mood balance include inositol, saffron, 5-HTP, and vitamin B6.

Anxiety disorders Some people might benefit from extra supplement support to calm the nervous system during anxious periods. Gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) and L-theanine are both safe and effective in stress-related anxiety.

is an excellent guide to maintaining healthy brain function, along with drinking at least 1.5 liters of water a day. The brain is 73% water, and a shriveled dehydrated brain does not perform well.

EXERCISE FOR PEAK BRAIN FUNCTION New studies provide even more evidence that regular aerobic exercise not only prevents issues with memory, but can help turn back the clock on aging. Daily activity also decreases inflammation and increases healthy gut bacteria – both factors that positively benefit brain health. Try incorporating moderate exercise like walking, aerobics, or swimming into your schedule 3–4 times a week for 20–30 minutes. For more in-depth information on natural approaches to optimal brain health and mental health disorders, please refer to my book, Three Brains: How the Heart, Brain, and Gut Influence Mental Health and Identity.


Mmm, Pineapple FOR THE WIN

You don’t have to live in the tropics to crave a pineapple. You just need to understand all the nutritional benefits of eating them. And when you do, you may never settle for an apple again.

JUST THE FACTS: One cup of pineapple has over 100% of your daily value of vitamin C and half your daily manganese. All this goodness protects cells, builds collagen, helps the body metabolize food, maintains proper blood clotting, and keeps your bones strong. Pineapple also contributes to your daily values of vitamin B6, copper, thiamin, folate, potassium, magnesium, niacin, riboflavin, and iron. Not ready to slice that gorgeous fruit yet? You will be when you learn more of these facts:

Pineapple is the only known food source of bromelain, a combination of protein-digesting enzymes that make it easier for your body to process and absorb the nutrients in your diet. Pineapple also helps us avoid chronic disease with its high antioxidant content. Pineapple’s anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving properties help us recover from injuries, infections, or just a tougher-than-usual workout. Now, if you’re looking for a reason not to eat pineapple, there’s probably only one: if you’re allergic enough to the fruit to suffer hives, swelling, or trouble breathing. Some people who are allergic to latex can also be allergic to pineapple. But “it makes my mouth burn” isn’t an allergy – it’s just a reaction that some people experience to the fruit’s bromelain as it breaks down proteins. If that’s your reason for steering clear, don’t. Just try eating your pineapple with some dairy to counteract bromelain’s effects.

WORRY is like 85% a rocking chair. 15% It gives you something to do, but it doesn’t get you anywhere. Are your worries making you old beyond your years – shrinking your brain, reducing your intelligence, harming your relationships, and increasing your risk of dementia? Various studies have shown that worrying is linked to poor mental and physical health, including mood disorders. It makes sense: worrying increases stress, and stress hormones damage the brain and body alike. And what does worrying accomplish? NOTHING! “Worry is like a rocking chair. It gives you something to do, but it doesn’t get you anywhere.” −Anonymous Okay, that’s a cute quip that rings true, but what have social scientists learned about worrying? One study showed that 50


of what research subjects worried about never actually happened. that came true proved easier to handle than the worriers expected.

Some even thought that seeing their worries come true taught them valuable life lessons. These results may be the best data yet for convincing ourselves that worrying is a waste of time. Yet, we continue to worry. Wouldn’t it be great to turn off all that is perseverating at the push of a button? Here’s a technique, courtesy of Don Joseph Goewey, author of The End of Stress: Four Steps to Rewire Your Brain, suggesting just that: “While imagining a button at the center of your palm, press it with your finger and breathe in, counting to three. In your mind, picture 1 as red, 2 as blue, and when you get to 3, think of it as green. Then let go of your thoughts, clear your mind, and exhale completely. The key here is a distraction – you’re giving your mind something to do in place of worrying.” Goewey says if we use this counting technique often enough, we’ll teach our brains to do something we thought was impossible: to stop worrying!




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These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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